#156 CE
a-typical · 9 months
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La Mojarra Stela 1 is a Mesoamerican carved monument (stela) dating from 156 CE[1] (2nd century CE). It was discovered in 1986, pulled from the Acula River near La Mojarra, Veracruz, Mexico, not far from the Tres Zapotes archaeological site. The 4+1⁄2-foot-wide (1.4 m) by 6+1⁄2-foot-high (2.0 m), four-ton limestone slab contains about 535 glyphs of the Isthmian script. One of Mesoamerica's earliest known written records, this Epi-Olmec culture monument not only recorded this ruler's achievements, but placed them within a cosmological framework of calendars and astronomical events.[2]
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artthatgivesmefeelings · 11 months
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156 - Torse du type de l'Aphrodite de Cnide d'après un original de Praxitèle Marbre de Thasos IIème siècle après Jésus-Christ Musée du Louvre
Ce torse est du type de l'Aphrodite attribuée au sculpteur athénien Praxitèle, créée autour de 350 avant notre ère, et qui fut placée au sanctuaire de la déesse à Cnide.
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Britannicus (41-55 CE) was the second child and only son born to the Roman emperor Claudius (r. 41-54 CE) and Valeria Messalina (c. 20-48 CE). Seen as a threat by Claudius' fourth wife, Agrippina the Younger (15-59 CE), and her son, the future Nero (r. 54-68 CE), Britannicus was poisoned the night before his 14th birthday.
Early Childhood
Born on 12 February 41 CE, he was originally named Tiberius Claudius Caesar Germanicus; the name Britannicus was added after his father's invasion of Britain. In his The Twelve Caesars, the ancient historian Suetonius (69 to 130/140 CE) wrote, "Claudius would often pick little Britannicus up and show him to the troops or to the audience at the games either seated on his lap or held at arm's length" (197) Claudius had a son by his first wife Urgulanilla, but the boy died accidentally before coming of age, and Britannicus became the obvious choice to assume the purple upon the emperor's death. However, this would soon change when Claudius married his niece Agrippina the Younger (15-59 CE). The emperor's new wife brought with her a hidden agenda; she had high aspirations for her son, the future emperor Nero (r. 54-68 CE).
Agrippina the Younger was the daughter of Emperor Tiberius' (r. 14-37 CE) nephew Germanicus (15 BCE to 19 CE) and Agrippina the Elder (14 BCE to 33 CE), making her the great-granddaughter of Augustus (r. 27 BCE to 14 CE). Her marriage to Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus produced one son Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, the future Nero (b. 37 CE). Gnaeus, who died when Nero was three, was extremely violent and was described by his contemporaries as "a despicable character." Two years after Domitius' birth, Agrippina was exiled by her brother Caligula (r. 37-41 CE). After Caligula's assassination in 41 CE, one of Claudius' first acts was to recall her. Her strong ties to the Julio-Claudians would pose a serious challenge to young Britannicus' position as the emperor's heir and, unfortunately for Britannicus, the highly aggressive Agrippina would stop at nothing until little Domitius upended his position. According to Matthew Dennison in his The Twelve Caesars, Agrippina "was not distracted by bodily appetites; arrogance and an undistracting focus steadied her performance." (156)
In 40 CE Domitius' father died of dropsy. Upon her return to Rome from exile, the widowed Agrippina married Gaius Passienus Crispus, who had recently divorced Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus' sister Domitia. The marriage ended before 47 CE, possibly due to poisoning. Agrippina inherited his vast wealth, making her extremely rich. Widowed twice, she set her sights on husband number three: her uncle Claudius. Claudius showed little interest in obtaining another wife; there was still strong competition for the old emperor: Aelia Paetina (his second wife) and Lollia Paulina (Caligula's third wife). Lollia would later be exiled on the orders of Agrippina where a suicide would soon follow. However, Claudius' financial secretary Marcus Pallas favored Agrippina, and on 1 January 49 CE, she became Claudius' fourth wife.
Having married the emperor, her next objective was to secure the adoption of her son, and on 28 February 50 CE, Lucius Domitius became Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus Caesar. Suetonius wrote, "In his last years, Claudius made it pretty plain that he repented of having married Agrippina and adopted Nero" (204). Realizing, the possible danger posed by Nero and his mother, Claudius told his son repeatedly "to grow up quickly." With the adoption of Nero secured, Agrippina turned her attention to the one serious obstacle to her son becoming the emperor: Britannicus.
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thinkingimages · 3 months
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Marble statuette of Kybele
Roman 1st–2nd century CE
On view at The Met Fifth Avenue in Gallery 156
Based on a gold and ivory statue by the Greek sculptor Pheidias or Agorakritos of the late 5th century B.C. The cult of Kybele, the mother goddess of Anatolia, had been brought to Athens by the fifth century B.C. A statue of the enthroned goddess accompanied by lions and holding a cymbal stood in the Metroon, a prominent building in the Agora–the marketplace–of Athens. Over one hundred small marble copies such as this have been found in the Agora.
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paganimagevault · 10 months
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Shoroon Bumbagar, tomb of a Turkic (Gokturk) nobleman, 650-700 CE
"Like Chinese historians, Muslim writers in general depict the ‘Turks’ as possessing East Asian physiognomy. For instance, Sharaf al-Zamān Tāhir Marvazī describes them as being ‘short, with small eyes, nostrils, and mouths’ (1942: 53–4, 156). Similarly, Tabarī (d. 923) depicts the ‘Turks’ as being ‘full-faced with small eyes’ (1987: 21). In his Qābūs-nāma, the eleventh-century Ziyarid ruler Kai Kā'ūs also describes the ‘Turks’ as possessing ‘a large head (sar-i buzurg), a broad face (rūy-i pahn), narrow eyes (chashmhā-i tang), and a flat nose (bīnī-i pakhch), and unpleasing lips and teeth (lab va dandān na nīkū)’ (Kai Kā'ūs ibn Iskandar 1951a: 103; 1951b: 64). The Arab historian and geographer al-Mas'ūdī (896–956) writes that the Oghuz Turks residing in Yengi-kent, a town near the mouth of the Syr Darya, ‘are distinguished from other Turks by their valour, their slanted eyes, and the smallness of their stature’ (wa hum ashadd al-Turk ba’san wa aqsaruhum wa asgharuhum a‘yunan wa fī al-Turk man huwa aqsar min hā’ulā’) (al-Mas'ūdī 1962–: Vol. 1, 212). However, Muslim writers later differentiated the Oghuz Turks from other Turks in terms of physiognomy. Rashīd al-Dīn writes that ‘because of the climate their features gradually changed into those of Tajiks. Since they were not Tajiks, the Tajik peoples called them turkmān, i.e. Turk-like (Turk-mānand)’ (Rashīd al-Dīn Fażlallāh Hamadānī 1988: Vol. 1, 35–6; Rashiduddin Fazlullah 1998–99:  Vol. 1, 31). Hāfiz Tanīsh Mīr Muhammad Bukhārī (d. c. 1549) also relates that after the Oghuz came to Transoxiana and Iran, their ‘Turkic face did not re-main as it was’ (1983: fol. 17a (text), Vol. 1, 61 (trans.)). Abū al-Ghāzī Bahadur Khan similarly writes that ‘their chin started to become narrow, their eyes started to become large, their faces started to become small, and their noses started to become big’ after five or six generations (Abu-l-Gazi 1958: 42 (text), 57 (trans.); Ebülgazî Bahadir Han 1975: 57–8). As a matter of fact, the mixed nature of the Ottomans, belonging to the Oghuz Turkic group, is noted by the Ottoman historian Mustafā Ālī (1541–1600). In his Künhü'l-ahbār, he remarks that the Ottoman elites of the sixteenth century were of mostly of non-Turkic origin: ‘Most of the inhabitants of  Rum are of confused ethnic origin. Among its notables there are few whose lineage does not go back to a convert to Islam …’ (Ekser-i sükkān-i vilāyet-i Rūm meclis-i muhtelit ul-mefhūm olub ā‘yānında az kimsene bulunur ki nesebi bir müslüm-i cedīde muntehī olmaya) (Fleischer 1986: 254; Mustafā Ālī, Künhü'l-ahbār 1860–68: Vol. 1, 16)."
-Joo-Yup Lee & Shuntu Kuang, A Comparative Analysis of Chinese Historical Sources and Y-DNA Studies with Regard to the Early and Medieval Turkic Peoples
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factoidfactory · 1 year
Random Fact #6,493
"The god of Christians, Jews, and Muslims made only two genders" is not a sound claim even if we were to assume for the sake of argument that God exists and created genders.
Israelite society had several genders, not just two.
Ay’lonit [איילונית]
A person who is identified as “woman” at birth but develops “man” characteristics at puberty and is infertile. 
There are 80 references to this gender in the Mishna and Talmud and 40 in the classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
Androgynos [אנדרוגינוס] (Ancient Israel, from at least 1st century CE to 16th century CE)
A person who has both “male” and “female” sexual characteristics. 
There are 149 references to the gender in the Mishna and Talmud and a whopping 350 mentions in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
Saris [סריס:] (Ancient Israel)
A person who is identified as a “man” at birth but develops “woman” characteristics at puberty and/or is lacking a penis. 
A saris can be “naturally” a saris (saris hamah), or become one through human intervention (saris adam). 
There are 156 references to this gender in mishna and the Talmud and 379 in classical midrash and Jewish law codes.
Tumtum [טומטום] (Ancient Israel)
A person whose sexual characteristics are indeterminate or obscured.
According to Maimonides’ Mishneh Torah, Mada, Avoda Zara, 12, 4 Tumtum is not a separate gender exactly, but rather a state of doubt about what gender a person is (kind of like a Schrödinger’s gender?).
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years
Lucien, the Mithril Prince
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“White One” © ArtStation user “mucuzi”, accessed at their gallery here
[I had initially hoped that this wave of big bad blocks would have more demigods. But demigods take a long time, and I’m very tired. So I’m going to showcase a few unique NPCs, similar to Kojark or Warduke.This is a character I’ve never used, but have had rattling around in my head for a while. The genesis was “Mithril Prince would be a good title for an eldritch knight”, but I decided to make the actual stat block a magus, because magus is a cool class I haven’t used much.]
Lucien, the Mithril Prince CR 15 CE Monstrous Humanoid This handsome human man has red hair and pale skin. He wears a white tunic and red cloak over his gleaming silvery armor.
A doppelganger named Chut had a propensity for violence, so joined up with an army to indulge it. His ruthlessness got him promoted to the rank of sergeant, but his callous disregard for life got his squad overwhelmed and nearly wiped out. One of the few survivors on the battlefield, he had a vision of a beautiful winged woman with empty, bleeding eyes, exulting over the slaughter. And so Chut saw Szuriel, the Horseman of War, for the first time. And fell in love.
Chut has devoted the rest of his life to waging war. His current alter ego in that capacity is Lucien, the Mithril Prince. The Mithril Prince is the leader of a mercenary army, willing to fight for any country, cause or creed for very reasonable prices. The highest ranking members of his army are just as depraved as he is, but many of the rank and file do not know that their general’s ultimate goal is to kill for the sake of killing. Lucien is skilled in finding and exacerbating tensions between rival powers. If he cannot do so subtly, he does so through false flag operations, committing assassinations and atrocities in one country while disguised as a member of the other’s forces.
Although Lucien is a commander of battalions, he does not hesitate to get his own hands and blade dirty. Continuing the doppelganger tradition of flexibility in tactics, he has trained as a magus, blending sword and spell with deadly efficacy. He usually prefers to open combat with an area of effect spell, like cloudkill, cone of cold or fireball, both as a show of force and to exult in any collateral damage. When fighting as Lucien, he keeps his mithril armor gleaming and pristine, but he can change its appearance and design at will, the better for posing as a terrorist.
Lucien, the Mithril Prince             CR 15 XP 38,400 Doppelganger magus 14 CE Medium monstrous humanoid (shapechanger) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, Perception +15 Defense AC 25, touch 11, flat-footed 24 (+1 Dex, +4 natural, +10 armor) hp 156 (18d8+72) Fort +15, Ref +11, Will +18 Immune charm, sleep Offense Speed 20 ft. Melee +1 bastard sword +23/+18/+13 (1d10+9/17-20) or 2 claws +22 (1d8+8) Ranged longbow +15/+10/+5 (1d8/x3) Special Attacks greater spell combat, magus arcana (13 points, accurate strike, arcane edge, devoted blade, pool strike +5d6, spell shield), spellstrike Spell-like Abilities CL 18th, concentration +20 (+24 casting defensively) At will—detect thoughts (DC 14) Spells CL 14th, concentration +18 (+22 casting defensively) 5th—acidic spray (DC 19), cloudkill (DC 19), cone of cold (DC 19) 4th—dimension door, fire shield, greater invisibility, illusion of treachery (DC 18), wall of fire 3rd—displacement, fireball (x2, DC 17), fly, vampiric touch 2nd—bear’s endurance, cat’s grace, frigid touch (x2), mirror image, scorching ray 1st—expeditious retreat, magic missile, ray of enfeeblement (DC 15, x2), shocking grasp (x2) 0th—dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound (DC 14), ray of frost, read magic Statistics Str 26, Dex 12, Con 16, Int 19, Wis 12, Cha 14 Base Atk +14; CMB +22; CMD 32 Feats Combat Casting, Deceitful, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (bastard sword), Extra Arcana, Extra Arcane Pool, Improved Critical (bastard sword), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Persuasive, Power Attack, Toughness Skills Bluff +24, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +24 (+44 using change shape), Intimidate +23, Knowledge (arcana) +14, Knowledge (religion) +22, Linguistics +11, Perception +15, Sense Motive +12, Spellcraft +14; Racial Modifiers +4 Bluff, +4 Disguise Languages Abyssal, Common, Daemonic, Elven, Orc, 7 others SQ change shape (humanoid, alter self), fighter training, improved spell recall, knowledge pool, mimicry, perfect copy Gear belt of giant strength +2, headband of intellect +2 (Knowledge [religion]), ring of mind shielding, +1 glamered mithril full plate, +1 bastard sword, cloak of resistance +2, pearl of power (1st level), wand of cure light wounds (50 charges), potion of lesser restoration (x2), longbow with 40 arrows, 438 gp Special Abilities Mimicry (Ex) A doppelganger is proficient in all weapons, armor, and shields. In addition, a doppelganger can use any spell trigger or spell completion item as if the spells were on its spell list. Its caster level is equal to its racial Hit Dice. Perfect Copy (Su) When a doppelganger uses change shape, it can assume the appearance of specific individuals.
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shakeskp · 9 months
Bilan d'écriture...
... parce que cette année je peux en faire un <3
Je m'étais inscrite au challenge @gywo, découvert grâce à @vriddy, avec le défi d'écrire 150 000 mots sur toute l'année. J'ai réussi ✨
Mon total aura été de 163 037 mots, et ça fait carrément plaisir d'avoir été aussi créative, et créative productive, après cette longue période de repos qui a suivi la publication des deux tomes de L'Autre côté des ombres.
J'ai appris après toutes ces années que ces phases de repos sont nécessaires, et qu'il ne faut pas paniquer, ça reviendra. Et c'est tellement plus facile d'en profiter quand on ne panique pas parce qu'on ne produit pas (je sais, qui l'aurait cru ?)
Cette année, j'ai réussi à cocher les cases sex pollen, hanahaki et omégaverse qui manquaient cruellement à ma carrière de fangirl :D
Et parce que les stats, c'est bien, et que @gywo fournit une feuille de calcul juste jouissive, ces 163 037 mots, c'est quoi, concrètement ?
66 156 mots effectifs publiés sur AO3, en huit fics, dans le fandom Genshin. Ces 66 156 mots effectifs, c'est 119 101 mots de premier, deuxième ou troisième jet. J'ai remarqué que globalement, le nombre total de mots à la fin était à peu près la moitié de tout ce que j'ai écrit. La fic qui m'a demandé le plus de retravail est Et au matin se fâne, celle du trope hanahaki. Environ 42 000 mots pour un peu plus de 20 000 mots publiés, écrite sur 47 jours (sans compter la toute dernière relecture avant publication). L'Omégaverse Officielle fera pire (mais on verra ça l'année prochaine :D)
44 000 mots éparpillés entre des tout petits bouts de fics qui ne seront jamais finies, des bouts de fics que j'aimerais finir, l'Omégaverse Officielle qui en prend presque 30 000 à elle seule, et une originale que j'ai commencée début décembre :D J'ai hâte de pouvoir m'y consacrer, mais il faut d'abord que je finisse ce que j'ai commencé. En ce moment, il y a tellement de trucs que j'ai envie d'écrire, il me faudrait trois ou quatre doubles.
Mon mois le plus productif a été février avec plus de 27 000 mots d'écrits sur 17 jours, mais c'est en mars que j'ai passé le plus de jours à écrire : 19. Mon mois le moins productif a été novembre avec moins de 2 500 mots. C'est aussi le mois où j'ai écrit le moins de jours : 5.
Je me suis réinscrite à @gywo pour cette année, avec le même objectif de 150 000 mots ! Bonne année 2024 tout le monde, qu'elle soit celle qui nous portera vers un monde plus doux.
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Bien qu'elle entraîne tant de souffrances et de pertes, la guerre est une activité rentable pour certains, comme les fabricants d'armes, leurs actionnaires et les banques qui prêtent de l'argent pour ces achats.
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Le classement des plus grandes entreprises de l'industrie de la guerre, en fonction de leur chiffre d'affaires 2022. L'Amérique possède les plus grandes (tous les podiums) et les plus nombreuses (12 des 25 premières), rivalisant seulement avec la Chine (4), et loin derrière en volume, la France (4).
1. Lockheed Martin $63bn (fabricant du F35, des avions Hercules. Emploie 115 000 personnes, engloutit parfois 10 % du budget d'achat du Pentagone).
2. RTX (Raytheon) 39 milliards de dollars (missiles guidés Patriot, drones, systèmes d'interception de missiles, 182 000 employés). Au moins 20 membres du Congrès américain possèdent des actions dans ces deux entreprises, ce qui leur confère des intérêts directs lorsqu'ils votent sur les dépenses budgétaires.
3. Northrop Grumman 32 milliards de dollars (bombardiers, missiles intercontinentaux, 95 000 employés)
4. China Aviation Industry Company 31 milliards de dollars (500 000 employés dans de nombreuses sociétés subordonnées. 63 % des revenus proviennent de la production civile)
5. Boeing 30 milliards de dollars (156 000 employés, 44 % des recettes proviennent des ventes civiles, en plus de la production de bombardiers, de missiles, d'avions de chasse et d'avions de ravitaillement. A reçu de nombreuses aides de l'État, directement ou par le biais d'achats d'obligations par la banque centrale).
6. General Dynamics 30 milliards de dollars (106 000 employés, avions de chasse F16, missiles Tomahawk, chars Abrams et Leopard en collaboration avec l'Allemagne).
7. BAE Systems 25 milliards de dollars (Royaume-Uni, 93 000 employés, 10% détenus par Blackrock, chars Bradley, Challengers, chasseurs et sous-marins, collaboration avec de nombreuses entreprises précédemment citées et Airbus, coproduction de l'avion Concorde).
8. Norinco - North China Industrial Group 18 milliards de dollars (78 % de la production civile, 276 000 employés, armes, missiles, canons, drones, radars).
9. L3Harris Technologies (États-Unis) 14 milliards de dollars (46 000 employés, missiles hypersoniques, simulateurs de vol, systèmes de communication)
10. South China Industrial Group 13,5 milliards de dollars (78 % de production civile, 172 000 employés, munitions, fusils, artillerie)
11. Leonardo (Italie) 13 milliards de dollars (50 000 employés, avions de combat Typhoon en collaboration avec BAE et Airbus, satellites, hélicoptères, systèmes de ciblage)
12. Airbus EADS 12 milliards de dollars (France et autres pays de l'UE tels que les Pays-Bas et l'Allemagne. 80 % des revenus de l'aviation civile, 126 000 employés, participation dans Eurocopter, Eurofighter, gros porteurs A310)
13. HII Huntington Ingalls Industries (États-Unis) 10 milliards de dollars, construction navale, porte-avions, sous-marins d'attaque, frégates, 43 000 employés)
14. Thales (France) 9,6 milliards de dollars (48 % des recettes civiles, 76 000 employés, missiles, drones)
15. China Aerospace Technology Company 9,6 milliards de dollars (79 % des recettes civiles)
16. Leidos (États-Unis) 9,5 milliards de dollars (45 000 employés, 24 % de la production civile, aviation, informatique et équipement médical)
17. Amentum (États-Unis) 6 milliards de dollars
18. Booz Allen Hamilton (USA) 5,9 milliards de dollars
19. Rheinmetall (Allemagne) 5,1 milliards de dollars (25 000 employés, véhicules militaires)
20. Dassault Aviation (France) 5 milliards de dollars
21. Elbit Systems (Israël) 5 milliards de dollars (18 000 employés, drones, équipements de guerre électronique, contrat de modernisation des MiG et des IAR 300 pour la Roumanie, participation à la guerre de Gaza)
22. Rolls Royce (Royaume-Uni) 4,9 milliards de dollars (69 % de sources civiles, moteurs d'avion)
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aurevoirmonty · 1 year
Quelques phrases intéressantes du livre saint des Juifs, le Talmud :
Sanhédrin 59a : « Tuer un goy (un goy est toute personne qui n'est pas juive) est comme tuer un animal sauvage. »
Baba necia 114, 6 : « Les Juifs sont des êtres humains, et les autres nations du monde ne sont pas des hommes, mais des bêtes. »
Aboda zara 26b : « même le meilleur des goyim devrait être tué. »
Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-1 : "Jéhovah a créé les non-Juifs sous forme humaine afin que les Juifs n'aient pas à utiliser les services d'animaux. c’est pourquoi les Gentils sont des animaux à forme humaine qui sont condamnés à servir les Juifs jour et nuit."
Yebhamoth 11b : « les rapports sexuels avec une fille sont autorisés si la fille a 3 ans. »
Schabouth hag 6d : « Les Juifs peuvent faire de fausses promesses comme excuses. »
Hikkoth akum x1 : "Ne sauvez pas les goyim en cas de danger ou de mort. ne montrez aucune pitié aux goyim."
Choschen hamm 266, 1 : "Un Juif peut avoir tout ce qu'il trouve si cela appartient à Akum (goyim). Celui qui restitue la propriété (goyim) pèche contre la loi, augmentant ainsi le pouvoir des contrevenants."
Szaaloth-utszabot, le livre de jore dia 17 : « un Juif peut et doit jurer de mentir lorsque les goyim demandent s'il y a quelque chose contre eux dans nos livres. »
Siméon Haddarsen, fol. 56-d : « Quand le Messie viendra, chaque Juif aura 2800 esclaves. »
Tosefta aboda zara b5 : « si un goy tue un goy ou un juif, il doit en répondre, mais si un juif tue un goy, il n'a aucune responsabilité. »
Schulchan aruch, choszen hamiszpat 388 : « Tous les biens des autres nations appartiennent à la nation juive, qui a donc le droit de jouir de tout ».
Seph. jp., 92, 1 : « Dieu a donné aux Juifs le pouvoir sur les biens et le sang de toutes les nations. »
Schulchan aruch, choszen hamiszpat 156 : "Si un goy doit de l'argent à un juif, un autre juif peut aller voir le goy, lui promettre de l'argent et le tromper. De cette façon, le goy fera faillite et le premier juif prendra possession de ses biens conformément à la loi."
Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122 : « Il est interdit à un Juif de boire du vin dans un verre touché par un goy, car son contact pourrait rendre le vin impur. »
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Hyper ! Hyper ! Juste à côté du cœur - Olivier Amiel
Un homme prend en otage des enfants dans l’école huppée de sa ville… L’acte désespéré d’un homme désespéré. Ce désespoir est-il excusable ? C’est l’histoire du déclassement social d’une génération des années 90, avec comme bande-son le genre musical méprisé de l’Eurodance, très apprécié par la France dite « Périphérique ». Les quatre personnages de l’histoire, amis depuis le collège, vont enchaîner les désillusions et parfois se perdre dans la drogue, l’alcool, la haine raciale et la violence. Une génération perdue, incapable de « passer la nuit », mais qu’on peine encore à considérer comme victime. C’était hier. Et hier est le seul à nous permettre de décrypter aujourd’hui. 
Olivier Amiel est Docteur en droit et Avocat. Il est l’auteur de l’essai « Voir le pire. L’altérité dans l’œuvre de Bret Easton Ellis » et du roman « Les petites souris » publiés aux éditions Les Presses Littéraires. ISBN : 979-10-310-1386-2 14,5 X 22, 156 pages, 14,00 €
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whencyclopedia · 4 months
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Britannicus (41-55 CE) was the second child and only son born to the Roman emperor Claudius (r. 41-54 CE) and Valeria Messalina (c. 20-48 CE). Seen as a threat by Claudius' fourth wife, Agrippina the Younger (15-59 CE), and her son, the future Nero (r. 54-68 CE), Britannicus was poisoned the night before his 14th birthday.
Early Childhood
Born on 12 February 41 CE, he was originally named Tiberius Claudius Caesar Germanicus; the name Britannicus was added after his father's invasion of Britain. In his The Twelve Caesars, the ancient historian Suetonius (69 to 130/140 CE) wrote, "Claudius would often pick little Britannicus up and show him to the troops or to the audience at the games either seated on his lap or held at arm's length" (197) Claudius had a son by his first wife Urgulanilla, but the boy died accidentally before coming of age, and Britannicus became the obvious choice to assume the purple upon the emperor's death. However, this would soon change when Claudius married his niece Agrippina the Younger (15-59 CE). The emperor's new wife brought with her a hidden agenda; she had high aspirations for her son, the future emperor Nero (r. 54-68 CE).
Agrippina the Younger was the daughter of Emperor Tiberius' (r. 14-37 CE) nephew Germanicus (15 BCE to 19 CE) and Agrippina the Elder (14 BCE to 33 CE), making her the great-granddaughter of Augustus (r. 27 BCE to 14 CE). Her marriage to Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus produced one son Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus, the future Nero (b. 37 CE). Gnaeus, who died when Nero was three, was extremely violent and was described by his contemporaries as "a despicable character." Two years after Domitius' birth, Agrippina was exiled by her brother Caligula (r. 37-41 CE). After Caligula's assassination in 41 CE, one of Claudius' first acts was to recall her. Her strong ties to the Julio-Claudians would pose a serious challenge to young Britannicus' position as the emperor's heir and, unfortunately for Britannicus, the highly aggressive Agrippina would stop at nothing until little Domitius upended his position. According to Matthew Dennison in his The Twelve Caesars, Agrippina "was not distracted by bodily appetites; arrogance and an undistracting focus steadied her performance." (156)
In 40 CE Domitius' father died of dropsy. Upon her return to Rome from exile, the widowed Agrippina married Gaius Passienus Crispus, who had recently divorced Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus' sister Domitia. The marriage ended before 47 CE, possibly due to poisoning. Agrippina inherited his vast wealth, making her extremely rich. Widowed twice, she set her sights on husband number three: her uncle Claudius. Claudius showed little interest in obtaining another wife; there was still strong competition for the old emperor: Aelia Paetina (his second wife) and Lollia Paulina (Caligula's third wife). Lollia would later be exiled on the orders of Agrippina where a suicide would soon follow. However, Claudius' financial secretary Marcus Pallas favored Agrippina, and on 1 January 49 CE, she became Claudius' fourth wife.
Having married the emperor, her next objective was to secure the adoption of her son, and on 28 February 50 CE, Lucius Domitius became Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus Caesar. Suetonius wrote, "In his last years, Claudius made it pretty plain that he repented of having married Agrippina and adopted Nero" (204). Realizing, the possible danger posed by Nero and his mother, Claudius told his son repeatedly "to grow up quickly." With the adoption of Nero secured, Agrippina turned her attention to the one serious obstacle to her son becoming the emperor: Britannicus.
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yvesofficiel · 1 year
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Il y a 79 ans, 156 000 hommes Britaniques, Américains, Canadiens et Français débarquèrent en #Normandie. Souvenons-nous du courage de ces hommes qui n'avaient qu'un mot en tête : #Liberté. #Angers #CultureAngers #Histoire #Overlord #Landing. #DDay
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Jean-Picart-Le-Doux (1902 - 1982) Le méridien étoilé, 1948 Tapisserie en laine, 156 x118 cm Atelier Berthaut à Aubusson. Collection privée
Que voit-on ? Sous ce tire de Méridfien Etoilé, c'est bien une nature morte que l'on voit. Nature morte aà la mappemonde bardée d'étoiles, à la mandoline, au livre au compas et à l'équerre. Seule élément vivant de la composition, un oiseau de paradis qui prends son envole hors de la mappemonde qui apparait alors soudainement comme une cage.
Rappel biographique : Jean Picart Le Doux est un grand maître de la tapisserie d'Aubusson, qui a produit plus de 400 tapisseries originales. Plusieurs de ses œuvres furent sélectionnées pour la décoration du paquebot France, dont la célèbre tapisserie monumentale Les Phases du Temps placée dans le fumoir des "première classe". Sans formation professionnelle spécialisée, Jean Picart-Le-Doux fait ses débuts dans la reliure et l'édition, puis il s'oriente vers la publicité et les arts graphiques et publie ses premières œuvres en 1935. Ses premiers cartons de tapisserie datent de 1943 après avoir remporté le Grand prix de l’affiche de théâtre au Salon de l'imagerie. En 1947, il rencontra Jean Lurçat et, avec Marc Saint-Saëns, ils fondent l’Association des peintres-cartonniers de tapisserie. En 1950, Picart-Le-Doux rencontre deux graphistes français, Jean Colin et Jacques Nathan, et deux graphistes suisses, Fritz Bühler et Donald Brun, à l'occasion d'une exposition de leurs travaux à Bâle. Il projette alors l'idée d'une Alliance graphique internationale (AGI). Celle-ci est fondée officiellement le 22 novembre 1952 et Picart-Le-Doux en sera le premier président. Il est membre du conseil d'administration de la Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts dans la section Art Décoratif de 1975 à 1980. ____________________________________________ 2022 - A Still Life Collection Un blog de Francis Rousseau
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morporkian-cryptid · 2 years
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I posted 11,307 times in 2022
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#our flag means death - 144 posts
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Longest Tag: 139 characters
#honnêtement connaissant henri je pense que renard s'attend à ce que henri fasse des tests sur un échantillon de sa peau ou un bail du genre
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The writing of Hanafuda is going well 👍
97 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
Multilingual Lupin III Gang shenanigans!
We know that everyone in the LoopGang is multilingual, and there is no way their conversations wouldn't be chaos half of the time.
For the purpose of these headcanons, here's what each of them speaks:
Lupin: French and Japanese (both native), English (fluent), can get by in a bunch of other languages and quickly get to a respectable level of fluency with a few weeks' study
Jigen: English (native), Japanese (fluent, spoke it as a kid in his family), Italian (picked up a lot of it in NYC), French (learned while in Nice with Joe of Spades, later perfected it with Lupin)
Goemon: Japanese (native), a couple of Japanese dialects (fluent), English (fluent or nearly), a bit of French (currently trying to learn it)
Fujiko: Japanese (native), English (fluent), pretty much fluent in a bunch of languages and can easily learn a new one, like Lupin
Zenigata: Japanese (native), English (not fluent but can get by, pretty bad pronounciation because he mostly learned in textbooks), can get by with the basics in a lot of languages
(You're all warmly invited to add your own headcanons!)
The Gang is having a conversation in Japanese, a few English words are being thrown around, and Goemon can't remember a word in Japanese.
Cue Goemon having a small identity crisis.
They can never remember which idiom comes from which language, and often get bewildered reactions from others when they get it wrong.
(After Lupin told them a story about his father)
Goemon, solemnly: The son of a toad is a toad.
Jigen and Fujiko are keeled over with laughter, Lupin looks deathly offended.
Goemon texts in kanji, Fujiko mixes kanji with the occasional English word, Lupin writes in Japanese with roman letters, Jigen doesn't give a damn and writes in a lawless mix of Japanese and English. Their group chat is a nightmare.
Zenigata can't make a proper sentence in anything other than Japanese or English to save his life, but he can say "You're under arrest" and "Have you seen this man?" perfectly in 34 languages.
Lupin is usually well-spoken and polite, but in French he swears like a trucker. One day he stubs his toe against a table, and starts yelling "PUTAIN DE BORDEL DE MERDE D'ENCULE, FOUTUE TABLE DE MES DEUX!" (Fucking brothel of shit of ass-fucked, damned table of my two (implied: my two balls))
The next week, Jigen stubs his toe against the same table, and lets out one, loud, heartfelt, deeply american "FUCK!"
Fujiko forces them both to eat soap.
Fujiko and Lupin sometimes forget that the other two aren't fluent in a dozen languages, which can lead to conversations like this:
Fujiko (in German) : Hey, how would you say "Treppenwitz" in English?
Lupin (in German) : I dunno... (switching to English) Hey Goemon, how would you say "Treppenwitz" in English?
Goemon: ???????
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108 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
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YOOOOOOO guess who's going to her local anime convention today! THIS GAL!!!
129 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
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This is basically the equivalent of Jigen kissing him to shut him up
146 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
PSA to my followers: today is the annual "Discworld Feels Day" where all the Discworld fans crawl out of the woodwork like sleeper agents.
Expect a lot of lilac.
704 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Dar cei ce se încred în Domnul îşi înnoiesc puterea; ei zboară ca vulturii; aleargă şi nu obosesc, umblă şi nu ostenesc. (Isaia 40:31) Pentru a lupta cu succes, soldatul trebuie să aibă curaj şi putere. Singuri, noi suntem slabi şi plăpânzi. Dar avem făgăduinţa că „cei ce se încred în Domnul îşi înnoiesc puterea”. (Letter 156, 1903) Vor apărea obstacole în calea înaintării lucrării lui…
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