#1337 speak
I've got new followers (mutuals? (I'm old and crusty)). I have a hunch that it's only because I added the SEO hashtag in one of my posts.
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askdaisydandfriemly · 2 years
Ruse tried to write a letter to daisy and family
De4r DA15y,
H0w ReD U? I Am l3arn1ng 2 wr8 a L3tt3r,
My S1st3r 1s ta1k1ng An4 s4y1n6. Hi,
1 c4n't w41t 2 C u 4nd h0p3, i7 g03s Thr0u9h
L0v3 Ro5E x
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Splunge: (I gotta keep reminding myself that computers don't exist yet in the Daedalverse...)
Thanks for the ask, @keirastarlightdraconequus ! Daisy will send a letter back soon.
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my followers count is 1337
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sugo1stuck · 1 year
h0w d0 pe0ple c0me up w1th usernames f0r each separate webs1te
1 have t0 pace ar0und my r00m l1ke 1m dec1pher1ng the fuck1ng necr0n0m1c0n t0 th1nk up a new stup1d t1tle f0r a guest b00k
'konji857' t00k me what, a c0uple m0nths t0 c0me up w1th?
1ts 1nsan1ty 1 d0 declare
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1nf3ct3d-x3 · 5 months
YOOOO KAS IS BACK [somewhat]
how’ve you been?
the best i've ever been. woohoo.
[ He did very sarcastic jazz hands. ]
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songbirdstew · 4 months
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Just really enjoy the number of comments on this IT thread.
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catman-draws · 2 years
kankri but he secretly can’t read
When he gets actual internet access, it's pretty much like that.
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Tragic: the popular politically inclined tumblr user of the moment, who is being paraded by people in your community as being the voice of reason, speaks in a way that is deeply obnoxious to you personally
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weirdrtvscomments · 2 months
"would benry use gen alpha slang" absolutley fucking not. he uses 2008 gamer lingo. he writes in 1337 speak, talks about sick frags and pwning newbs.
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himeren · 2 years
i got recommended a terf blog and post by tumblr cause i liked a post which argued against queer being a slur. then tumblr fed me radfem rhetoric on how "ACkSHUALLY QUEER IS A SLUR. hurr durr" wtf tumblr. absolutely disgusting people appearing on my very curated dash and if it wasnt obvious enough. r4df3ms, terfs, and their shitty takes are not welcome here lol
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roughentumble · 2 years
btw there is no ideological reason i type xmas instead of christmas, it's just that it's a lot less letters
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so I was thinking about writing systems and ye olde 1337 5p34k came to mind. where, linguistically speaking, do you think 1337 falls ? can it be considered its own writing system? can you have a pidgin writing system...?
ooh that's a weird one. at its foundation 13375p34k is still the roman alphabet being applied to (mostly) english, so i don't think it can be called its own writing system, but i also wouldn't consider it a pidgin since there aren't really other systems getting involved - it's more of a code, i'd say. familiar symbols being co-opted to represent sounds in the same language but not the ones they're usually associated with.
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aurasisle · 6 months
I forgot people used to use pl0x and h4X0r and other 1337 speak unironically, seeing it in an old video hit me like a truck
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crtter · 10 months
It’s making me a bit sad people don’t know that 1337 speak is anymore and think it came from Homestuck… 1337 speak predates Homestuck by a good 20 years at least! It’s how hackers spoke to each other to evade chat and message board filters back in the 90s, which eventually got co-opted by internet users as a whole. I learned it back in the mid 00s when I was in my early teens.
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yesterdays-xkcd · 6 months
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Mrs. Roberts would have gotten up sooner, of course, but she was busy piping find ~ and find ~nomad into xargs shred, just in case.
1337: Part 4 [Explained]
[Elaine is sitting under tree on a grassy meadow typing on her laptop. Two trees are in the background where rolling hills goes to the horizon with a single cloud over the trees. Above the frame is text narrated by the Cueball from the first panel in the 2nd comic in the series:] Cueball (narrating): As time passed, Elaine intensified her hacking work, anonymously publishing exploit after exploit.
[Elaine, wearing a backpack, is walking up to a door where her mom Mrs. Roberts is greeting her in the open door at the top of two steps. Above this very low panel's frame, there is more of Cueball's narration:] Cueball (narrating): To crack open proprietary hardware, she teamed up with one of the top experts in signal processing and data transferring protocols. Elaine: Hi, mom. Mrs. Roberts: Hello, dear. Did you have fun?
[Elaine is lying on the floor with her laptop in front of her facing left with a charger on the floor further left. Mrs. Roberts is sitting to the right facing right on a chair working on her computer at a table. Cueball is still narrating above the frame:] Cueball (narrating): They were an unstoppable team. Elaine: I finished the CSS decryptor. Mrs. Roberts: Good, dear. I'll send it along to Jon.
[Pan to the right where two men in black bowler hats arrive. Both hold briefcases - the first guy's reads RIAA, and the other guy's reads MPAA. Cueball's last narration in the comic is above the frame:] Cueball (narrating): And were eventually noticed. RIAA man: Game's over. MPAA man: You're coming with us. Briefcase 1: RIAA Briefcase 2: MPAA
[Pan back left to the women. Mrs. Roberts stays in her chair sitting at her computer still typing, the screen emitting light, but Elaine has moved around to the right of the table and pulls out her folding knife and swings it open.] Elaine: Oh, are we? Mrs. Roberts: Now now, Elaine- Knife: Shink
[Pan back right to the two men who simultaneously pull katana swords out of each of their briefcase, while still holding onto the handle with the other hand. When when opened like this, it causes two pieces of paper to fly out of the RIAA man's briefcase and a notebook to fly out of the MPAA man's briefcase.] Katanas: Shing
[Pan back to the women. Mrs. Roberts continues to type on the laptop, a line going up from the keyboard indicating activity. Elaine still holds her open folding knife out, so the tip now touches the right frame of the panel.] Mrs. Roberts: Don't let them provoke you, dear. Man (off-panel): We don't want to hurt you, Ma'am. Mrs. Roberts: Don't by silly. Record company employees can't just go into houses and slice people up.
[Pan back right to the two men who hold up the katana swords having left their briefcases closed on the floor. The closest RIAA man is holding a hand up, the other MPAA man is holding his sword in two hands and pointing it threateningly forward.] RIAA Man: Ah, so you haven't read the DMCA. MPAA Man: Title IV, Section 408: Authorization of Deadly Force.
[A wide panel showing the whole scene with even Mrs. Robert now standing having just pushed her chair back, the computer inert. Elaine is bending in the knees, knife at the ready. Both bowler hat men, still holding their swords as before, but no hands up, have turned to look right back over their shoulder to see who speaks, as a voice comes from off-panel right.] Richard Stallman (off-panel): Hark!
[The scene pans further right, so the two women are no longer in the panel, but Richard Stallman can now be seen with his wild beard and long hair and holding two katana swords, one in front of him and one over his head also pointing towards the two bowler hat med. They are standing normally, looking back at Stallman. The MPAA man nearest him holds a hand to his mouth as he speaks.] Richard Stallman: Cease this affront to freedom Richard Stallman: Or stand and defend yourselves! MPAA Man: Stallman!
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tehb3stsk4t3revr · 16 days
Got inspired by a post I saw this morning so here's literally 2 entire pages of headcanons comparing Infected and Kasper. Fair warning: It dips into talk of symptoms I imagine he'd have and the whole Poptart situation.
[A lot of which assume he'd have like. Actual biological needs instead of being Video Game-y, which seems to be sort of a grey area in-game anyway...]
Kasper was already kind of stupid so honestly not much is different on that front. Average 2010s gamer dudebro sort of deal. Although Infected has a bit more 'what kind of animal is the pink panther?' in him than Kasper.
Infected has next to no impulse control, leading to him doing things he shouldn't and speaking without thinking pretty much constantly.
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Infected has balance issues that Kasper didn’t due to inner ear inflammation from the infection. He can’t really do anything on a skateboard anymore besides just stand there or go in a straight line. He can and will find a way to trip on flat ground.
He's convinced he still rules at it, though.
The inflammation has also made his hearing kind of shit. (The only person he can hear with perfect clarity is Folly, as she probably speaks directly into people’s minds or something lol.)
Infected loves soda and drinks basically only that. Boy who was born with kidney stones <3
The neurotoxin in his favorite soda was a deeply unreasonable amount of aspartame (and other chemicals. For fun! <3). Not being able to drink it anymore has somewhat improved his balance issues and memory, but he still misses how it tasted (it probably tasted like what you'd get if you boiled down an entire 2 liter of diet coke until it's barely a liquid then filled an 8 ounce soda can with that. Dude’s tastebuds and liver are Fucked).
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Kasper had a fairly similar way of talking to Infected, minus the 1337. ("Sweet parteh trickz dud!11")
Infected is in constant pain. Headaches, body aches, sore throat, can't breathe well, burning skin, heavy eyes, nausea that won't go away, sniffles, random nerve pain, probably other shit. He barely notices it anymore unless someone asks how he's feeling. He doesn't have much energy to spare. He would come across as significantly more hyper/manic than how Kasper used to be if not for this.
He doesn't put any of the energy he has left towards cleaning. Kasper could deal with a little mess, but still picked stuff up when it got ugly. Lampert was also willing to help when he visited. Now Infected is too tired and unfocused to pick anything up most of the time, and Lampert refuses to set foot in the apartment complex until Kasper is better. Infected has started throwing garbage off the balcony when it gets in the way too much. It's kinda fun!
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Infected occasionally dissociates. Finds later that he's already talked to someone about something and just repeated himself, bought something already and now he has two, spent hours on his computer without remembering a single thing he looked at, or already met someone he thought he hadn't seen before.
It has actually been explained to Infected before that Kasper is his name. This just started an argument and the topic was dropped forever from that point forward.
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Infected is deeply stressed out by seeing his own face for reasons he can't communicate, so he avoids looking at it as much as possible. He used to have a mirror in his apartment but he threw it off the balcony in a fit of rage one night, then covered the blank space where it used to be with a poster. Same thing with ripping Kasper’s face off of the picture on his desk. Any photos of him that are on his PC have either been sent to the recycle bin or cropped so that his face isn’t in them. He's completely fine looking at drawings of himself though. That's definitely him.
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When left to his own devices, Infected's diet is… Inconsistent. He will forget to eat for long periods of time then binge when the hunger pangs finally get so annoying that he can't ignore them anymore. He's at least sort of hydrated because there's usually a six pack of soda on his desk or by the couch, but unless someone on the elevator is feeling generous he doesn't remember on his own very often.
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Kasper was very comfortable being physically affectionate with people and would be happy to cuddle or lay on a friend's lap if they were cool with that. Infected is even more touchy and would be clingy if he had chances to be, but due to his extremely obvious contagious disease nobody lets him get close. He is incredibly touch-starved and would probably get emotional if someone hugged him or even just sympathetically rubbed his back now.
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 Kasper was alright at resisting the urge, but Infected has picked at every scab he's ever gotten, and he ends up with a Lot. He will pick at them until the damage is worse than the initial injury unless someone stops him/tells him to put a bandage over it.
Kasper would bite his nails to keep them short and pick his nose sometimes but Infected's nails are completely trashed. Some of them have scabbed over or still-bleeding cuticles and hangnails because he chews and picks at those too.
All of the contact with his spit has caused his fingernail textures to semi-permanently unload. You'd think they were painted if you didn't know why they looked like that.
Nosebleeds from his nasal cavity getting torn up from all the fussing are not unheard of and yet he's gonna keep doing it.
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Constantly drooling when he's not talking. Some of it is post-nasal drip. Sometimes he remembers to wipe it off on his arm, but most of the time it just ends up on the floor/running down his face and soaking into the neckline of his shirt. Or sprayed all over the walls/someone's face when he sneezes.
Kasper used to keep a bottle of hand sanitizer in his pocket to help Lampert feel more comfortable. He stopped doing that forever ago after he got sick. (You know how rabies does a bunch of shit to animals to make them better disease vectors, including to their brains? Yeah, something like that).
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On some level he knows he's sick. Would be more stressed out about it but the infection has repressed his ability to care (and the part of him that’s still aware of it is probably also heavily in denial). This has affected other aspects of his emotional range, causing it to come across as unusually flat, especially to those who knew Kasper.
Infected is scared that if he’s taken to a doctor’s office they’ll hurt him, so on top of genuinely not being able to recognize that he's sick he will deny all accusations regardless out of this fear. He’s technically not wrong, since trying to purge the disease to save Kasper would be extremely painful for him, but this thought mostly comes from his illness trying to preserve itself.
The last time someone tried to lead Infected to DrRETRO’s office for an intensive care stay he panicked upon realizing what was going on and fought back until they let him leave (fucked them up pretty badly), so now everyone keeps their distance and kinda uselessly tries to convince him to go voluntarily with their words.
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Infected is incapable of maintaining strong negative emotions if pushed into being that upset. He'll be mad or sad for maybe a minute and then something else will get his attention or he’ll get too tired to think and he'll forget whatever was bugging him.
Every so often he will lose hope about finding Poptart and then abruptly ‘reset’ a minute or two into sobbing his eyes out, completely confident that any day now the little guy will come back safe and sound.
Despite this it is still really easy to get him Gamer Raging. Way easier than it ever was with Kasper, who was a pretty good sport in most cases.
Infected's particular brand of Gamer Rage is ‘Heckling people until they shut up/go away’, or until it's out of his system. This is the most typical way he processes anger. The impulse control is Seriously out the window when he gets like this.
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Kasper knew a lot of stuff about the games he liked offhandedly (mostly competitive co-op FPS games like counterstrike, tf2, l4d2, etc) and could tell you so much esoteric bullshit about them, but if you tried to ask Infected he would get too excited trying to think of something he could share that would be really cool and then not actually be able to remember anything.
The only context in which Infected's reaction time isn't ass is video games. Something about muscle memory. In any other situations he is usually pretty slow to react. This does not mean he's slow to do things, though. When he's acting on a dumbass impulse thought he's probably halfway done doing it before anyone can stop him.
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It is possible to get Infected to acknowledge that his situation is Fucked for a moment or two if you press him on the most obvious evidence that he's sick (his headaches, the fact his allergies haven't cleared up in years, the snot on his face, etc), and if you pressed hard enough you'd start to see him get scared. He knows you're right, but there's nothing he can do about it. And then the recognition would be gone again as soon as you stopped talking.
This doesn't work when you bring up his name (Who's Kasper? Never met the guy.) or objects in his surroundings, only symptoms of illness directly observable on/in his body.
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