#daisy daedal
ask-healthy-light · 7 days
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Simple doodle of Daisy Daedal ^^
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asktheartpone · 6 months
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Welcome back to Some Pony Sunday! Today, I've drawn up Daisy Daedal from @askdaisydandfriemly "playing" soccer. Inspiration taken from one of her earlier posts where her and Heartistry make daisy chains. XD
Hope you like it! ^^
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askdaisydandfriemly · 7 months
Daisy, what would your dream life look like?
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Daisy: Maybe I've met that pony already? Oh, I hope so, but there's still so much I don't know about him- and I don't want to scare him with marriage talks when we haven't had a real date yet!
I'm a crazy pony, aren't I?
Splunge: Thanks for the ask @foodielovethealicorn ! Sorry about the delayed response. ^^;
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splungecoyote · 7 months
Idk if you're still doing the artist ask meme, but Imma yeet 16 and 19 here anyway :>
Sure! :D
16. What’s the most daunting part of your process? Ex, planning, sketching, lineart, rendering etc
Probably "inking" and backgrounds. I have more ideas than I have time to make, but making the drawings look more polished are always the most time-consuming. While traditionally I would have a roughs -> Lineart -> inks stages, I mostly draw digitally now so lineart/inks sometimes get meshed together.
As for backgrounds... I'll often search for what I need and trace/heavily reference to create something I need. But my imagination doesn't go far for backgrounds.
19. Favourite character(s) to draw?
Hmmm.... that's hard to say. I really like making exaggerated expressions, but my characters that tend to make them are also on the complicated side to draw?
Perhaps these two:
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(sorry about the old art) ^^;
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manechesters-finest · 2 years
Topaz, where would you suggest a tourist visit in Manechester?
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Oh, Foalford Quays, Hoofton Park and the historic Celestia Baths are also pretty interesting visits!
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Daisy Daedal: Happy Birthday Ruse!
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Ruse: YAY!! My Party day!!! Happy Burthday Auntie Daisy Keira off screen: Soon Ruse
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threeuniverses · 2 years
Daisy Daedal: Are you and Ella gonna coordinate outfits for Nightmare Night?
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Ella: that is if I can convince Justin to come. He can be a bit stubborn when it comes to holidays.
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ask-shutter-ghost · 2 years
Daisy Daedal: Every wonder if Anons are just ghosts?
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Shutter Ghost: That would explain why I don't always recognize who's talking.
Mod Mittens: That's a clever idea, @splungecoyote! I might have to try incorporating some ghosts into anon asks :D
I used this picture here as a reference for Daisy and Shutter! Someone explain to me why horses always look like they're on the verge of breaking their legs XD
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daedalverselore · 2 years
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MOD @splungecoyote here!
I created my My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ask blog @askdaisydandfriemly originally to take place in alongside the events in the show. But as the show continued, I started to feel like some things were handled differently then what I would've liked.
I decided that rather than saying that everything is the same in Daisy's Equestria, that she would exist in a parallel dimension- similar, but different. Thus the Daedalverse was made!
Since Daisy lives on the Western side of Equestria, we rarely see what happens to the Mane Characters of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in my Ask Blog. So this is a good place to learn more about them if you're curious.
I'll post some of the Lore I've been thinking about here, and will reblog some of the relevant posts from askdaisydandfriemly- but if you're curious- feel free to ask about:
-World building Questions
-Relationships between Canon characters
-Species Headcanons
-How show events differed
-History behind my OCs
Also, keep in mind that I- Splunge-will be answering these questions, so you will likely get text responses- with Illustrations if I'm inspired. ^^;
Welcome to the Daedalverse!
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ask-the-prototypes · 4 years
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And BAM, the first set of five is complete! Backgrounds are transparent, so be aware of that! (These are done in the order I see them, btw)
@jakhuen​ @askdaisydandfriemly​ @purplemageddom​ @thedarkartistcreates @asking-rainbowblitz
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my-little-toy-box · 2 years
Sheriff the Western Warlock: Miss Clone 407- I apologize if I’m bothering you. But would you mind sharing where you were on the night of July (insert date of Banana Pie and Daisy Daedal’s date here)?
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Daisy Daedal: Happy Chocolate Chip Cookie day! *gives River a cookie*
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asktheartpone · 4 years
Daisy Daedal: I wish for two chocolate chip cookies.
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Close, but no cigar. Getting better though. Maybe??? I mean, they are chocolate chip cookies, yes?
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Happy (belated) Pony Prom 2023!
Background by BonesWollbach on deviantArt with lanterns, dance floor, and nighttime edit by me.
Better late than never, right?
Tried to include everyone I could find with outfit references- sorry if I missed you!
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splungecoyote · 1 year
Why a sheep?
Well, I’ve always loved unicorns- so I created Daisy Daedal to be my sona first.
But when I decided I didn’t want Daisy to be a sona anymore, it felt like there were too many unicorn mods. Being contrary that I am, I wanted to be another race.
I did consider being a Draconequus- it would make sense for the mod to have world-changing magic. But as I considered that, I realized that giving myself that kind of power was changing my own personality a lot. That Draconequus became another OC - who is currently hiding in disguise in San Franciscolt
I wanted something a little more down-to-earth- as I tend to have a more grounded personality.
I remembered that Lauren Faust envisioned all hooved animals to have sentience in MLP:FIM. As I am already a fan of sheep due to being an Aries, I looked to see if any breeds of female sheep also had horns. When I found some do, I knew I had my new mlpsona.
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ask-twizilla · 4 years
Daisy Daedal returns
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More like Daisy Daedal’s first encounter with the giant monster Twizilla. @splungecoyote
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