#1320 meet
scotianostra · 7 months
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February 23rd 1310 saw the Declaration of the Clergy and People in favour of King Robert I issued from the Church of the Friary Minor in Dundee.
This was a significant step in giving legitimacy to Bruce's campaign against the English and also his claim to the Scottish crown.
Again the dates are all over the place with this, from what I can gather the declaration was on the 23rd, or 24th of February but the
politics and the meetings beforehand to draw this up may have started two years previous, I have to chose a date for it so here it is today!
The Declaration of the Clergy could be said to be a prelude to the far more famous Declaration of Arbroath, which contains the immortal lines: “…for, as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom – for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself.” Like the Arbroath statement of 1320, the one made by the Clergy, ten years previously, contained rhetoric in support of Robert the Bruce, King Robert I as then was, King of Scots.
Read the wording on the declaration here https://www.rps.ac.uk/search.php?a=fcf&fn=roberti_trans...
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sabo-has-my-heart · 1 year
Hello!! I really loved your Soulmate AU Ace x reader where reader and ace meet in their dreams but forget about each other when they woke up. I I would like to request a part 2, (If you can no rush) You can write any scenario you want. (I’m not too sure if I should add suggestions if I make a part 2 request but just in case) Maybe the next scenario could be meeting Whitebeard and the Whitebeard pirates, maybe also with Luffy and sabo, or maybe a scenario where in the 3 years he was looking for reader he was also looking for blackbeard in the middle of it and the scenario leads up to Marineford but this time he lives. Sorry for my long request. (All of your works are so great!! Ive read most of the ace x reader stories u have🧡)
Warnings: injuries, soulmates
Word Count: 1320
     Sitting in his prison cell, Ace sighed. This wasn’t exactly what he’d wanted when he introduced you to his family aboard the Moby Dick. He’d been looking forward to a party, everyone laughing and congratulating him on finding his soulmate. Good natured teasing and getting to show you off. Hell, even Thatch getting that devil fruit hadn’t been that bad. Sure, it had taken some attention off of the party, but that didn’t matter… not until Teach had tried to attack Thatch. You hadn’t even thought, just reacted, getting in the way of Teach’s blade. He’d still made off with the devil fruit when Thatch had whirled around in surprise, but no one had really cared about that. They’d all been too concerned with the fact that you’d been wounded and the fact that you’d saved Thatch. Thatch had immediately taken you to Marco and gotten you patched up, but Ace had been furious. He’d attacked Thatch, injured you, and taken off with the devil fruit. Ace was supposed to be in charge of him! He’d gone after the man before anybody could stop him. When you’d called him on a den den mushi, furious with him, he’d felt kind of bad. You were angry with him. He didn’t want you to ever be angry with him; but he couldn’t let Teach get away with this! So he’d gone against your pleas, gone against your begging, and continued after Teach. He wouldn’t let Teach get away with everything he’d done. 
     Standing on an island, you waited. They should have been here by now. They’d said that if you or your island ever needed their help, they’d be there. So where were they? You’d even asked for him specifically by name. 
     “Hey, Y/n?” A voice called, making you whip around. A small smile graced your lips as your eyes landed on a blond haired boy with a top hat.
     “Sabo! Thank you for coming! Listen, I know it’s probably weird that I called you, especially when it’s not my island in danger, but when you saved the island you said ‘if we ever need you’. Well I need you desperately.” you said, your eyes already pleading with him. Sabo looked at you seriously, nodding his head.
     “I can’t promise anything, but we’ll do what we can.” he said with a smile, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder. Taking a deep breath you looked up at him.
     “My soulmate was sent to Impel Down. They’re going to execute him. Please, I know pirates aren’t exactly on the top of the Revolutionary Army’s ‘people to save’ list, but I’m begging you. Ace needs you.” you pleaded, tears already running down your cheeks. The boy’s brow furrowed. Ace? Why did that name sound so… familiar? Hesitantly, he nodded in agreement, trying to figure out why it felt like something in his mind was trying to break free. 
     “Alright. I’ll help if necessary, but only if necessary. I’m one person, Y/n. I can’t storm Impel Down by myself and I won’t get the RA in on that. Do you know where they’re taking him for the execution?” he asked, a serious look on his face.
     “Marineford. They’re going to try to execute him at Marineford in a week.” you said, trying to wipe the tears away as best you could. Sabo had agreed to help, it wasn’t much but it was something. Of course, you’d asked for Sabo for a reason. After so many dreams with Ace, you were able to connect the young blond boy in the dreams with the blond young man who’d helped save your island some years prior. Sabo would have the strength needed to add to Whitebeard’s already formidable forces and, with luck, would help him remember his brothers. 
     For better or worse, Sabo seemed to slowly regain his memories on your trip there. Things were still hazy, but it was enough for him to know how important Ace and Luffy were to him and why he needed to save Ace. Of course, while not weak by any means, you weren’t the fighter that the rest were, you might keep up with some of the weaker Whitebeard recruits, but definitely not enough to try to fight. Thankfully, the blond you were with wasn’t an idiot, giving you a marine disguise so you could sneak behind everyone. You both hoped it wouldn’t be needed, that the others would be able to get to Ace without your help. But you were there if need be. 
     Running through the battlefield, Ace yelled at his brothers, holding you in his arms.
     “I can’t believe you! Honestly! She told you I was her soulmate and you still brought her?! What if something had happened to her?! I’d have killed you, that’s what! And you! Don’t you ever listen to your older brother? I told you to get out of here! And Impel Down? You tried to rescue me from Impel Down? Do you have any idea how worried I was! I’m going to kill you both!” he shouted, the three of them finally stumbling back to one of the ships that still stayed afloat. 
     “Ace! I’m the one who asked Sabo to bring me along! Don’t be mad at him.” you pleaded, caressing his cheek. He looked down at you in concern, he’d been so worried about you, “I couldn’t just sit by and do nothing.” Ace sighed, pulling you close as the ships started to pull back, the remaining pirates climbing aboard while fending off marines. Watching the surrounding chaos, you sighed with some measure of relief. Things weren’t over yet, but with how Whitebeard’s power rocked the entirety of Marineford, you weren’t too worried.
     It wasn’t until everyone was well and truly away that Ace set you down, giving you both a confused and aggravated look.
     “How did you even know Sabo? How’d you find him? This isn’t something you ever shared in our dreams.” Ace asked, checking you for injuries.
     “The Revolutionary Army saved my island a couple years ago. Sabo was one of the revolutionaries there. He said if we ever needed their help, to contact them. It wasn’t too hard to connect the Sabo of your memories with the Sabo of the RA. I was planning on telling you before you took off on your own.” you said, letting him check you over, the young man huffing and nodding in acceptance when he found the only injury to be the one from Teach. 
     “Don’t be too mad at her, Ace. She was worried about you.” Sabo said, putting a hand on Ace’s shoulder, giving a small smile.
     “I still can’t believe you’re actually alive. I don’t know whether to be pissed that you didn’t remember us or our bond or be thankful that we’re all back together again.” Ace said, hesitating before pulling Sabo into a hug, “It’s good to see you again. I’m glad you’re not dead.” Ace said, a little softly. Luffy joining in as he tried not to sob. For once, Ace wouldn’t call him a cry baby. Their brother was alive, he was alive, you were alive. He wouldn’t say shit this time.
     “Well, I suppose you already know Y/n, but Luffy, this is my soulmate.” Ace said once they’d separated, pulling you close. Almost immediately Luffy had his arms wrapped around you, screaming something you couldn’t quite make out while the two older brothers chuckled. Though to be honest, Ace was really happy about his little brother’s excitement. His family aboard the Moby Dick liked you, his brothers liked you, you saved Thatch, and you’d reunited them with Sabo. He was pretty sure nobody could be as amazing as you and there was nothing he’d ever be able to do to repay you for everything you did. Hopefully his eternal and unwavering love would be a good start though.
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triforce-of-mischief · 5 months
The Doctor Will See You Now
Summary: Chief offers to let Legend meet his Zelda's doctor, to prove that they're not all bad. He realizes too late that the vet is more scared than he lets on.
Words: 1320
Another crossover collab with @batrogers!
Please reblog to show your support! Likes do nothing.
Legend’s legs were shaking as Chief led him through the castle to a secluded corridor. Weeks ago, Chief had offered to take Legend to meet his Zelda’s doctor, the one who had trained him. It was better than nothing, so Legend had agreed… but they hadn’t talked about it much after, and the uncertainty nearly made Legend back out. Chief’s era was more advanced than Legend’s or even Wild’s… what could the doctor do to him?
Legend really didn’t want to find out, but all he could do was grab Chief’s hand and squeeze it as they approached the royal physician’s office.
“Still okay?” Chief asked quietly, pausing before the door.
Legend nodded, not trusting his voice.
“He’s really nice,” Chief reminded him. “If you need a break, just let me know. He’ll understand.”
Legend couldn’t imagine a doctor being nice, but Chief was proof enough that Legend let him knock on the door.
Everything after that was a blur, like Legend was moving and speaking automatically but he was nothing more than a witness to it. When they entered the examination room, Legend moved to sit on the table but the doctor pointed him to a chair instead. Legend’s face burned with embarrassment, but the relief bought him a few more minutes of sanity. The doctor introduced himself and asked Legend simple questions, gently encouraging him to speak for himself instead of hiding behind Chief.
Legend looked around the room, away from staring eyes. There were posters and diagrams on the walls that Legend kept his gaze on, pictures of ribcages and skulls and stretching muscles. Things that he was used to seeing when fighting stalfos or the like.
How he wished this was as easy as fighting a stalfos.
The doctor asked another question, and Legend forced himself to look that way again. His gaze slid away from the doctor, landing on a small box on the table beside him. A statement (or warning) was printed in simple letters, with a stylized image of a syringe underneath.
Legend’s breath caught. He didn’t know if he was going to pass out or throw up or cry or some humiliating combination of the above but he wanted to leave, now.
“I- I need- Can I-” Legend made a weak gesture to the door, and the doctor made an understanding sound.
“Of course. If you need to relieve yourself, that’ll be the first door on the right.”
Legend nodded and slipped out, refusing to look at Chief as he passed him.
The first door he found was on the left, and he went inside and closed himself into darkness. He crouched in a corner, huddled under a shelf, breaths turning to gasping almost-sobs as he tried not to think about what was on the shelves, what was going to happen when he didn’t go back.
Would it be the doctor or Chief who would come and drag him out, take him back to that room? How angry would they be? What was going to happen to him-
A knock on the door rang through the tiny closet, almost making him scream. It was Chief’s voice that spoke, carefully calm and even.
“Lege, are you in here?”
He didn’t want to be found but Chief would open the door anyway, he was acting like a child-
“…Can I come in?”
Why had he bothered asking?
Legend swallowed and breathed, “Yeah.”
He shielded his eyes against the sudden light, peeking past his fingers to keep an eye on Chief. His friend glanced around the closet, sighing when he saw Legend curled up in the corner.
“C’mon, we can sit somewhere more comfortable than this,” Chief said gently, offering his hand.
Like that table, Legend thought, but he took Chief’s hand and let him walk them away from the closet.
Legend imagined digging in his heels, giving into the urge to sob and tell Chief he didn’t wanna go back, please don’t make him go back.
They turned a corner and Legend realized that Chief was taking them back the way they came, away from the doctor.
“W-where are we going?” Legend asked, shying away from a patrolling guard.
“Outside,” Chief said, but he slowed and looked over at Legend. He frowned, unmistakably worried. “Why?”
“I- thought we were going back,” Legend admitted, scared like Chief would suddenly remember that he had gone the wrong way.
“Why would we do that?” Chief asked, and Legend wished for a way to hide from his concerned stare. “You wanted to meet him, that’s all. Did you have more questions?”
More questions. Legend couldn’t remember asking any questions. Why had he even agreed to this? Still, he couldn’t help but dig the hole deeper. "No, but I… I left early, isn’t there more he- he needs to do?"
Chief looked more sad than anything, now. “…No, Legend. The visit was for you to meet him. If you wanted to do something, sure we could've tried but that's not exactly the best way to do it. We should have a few days, if there was something else you can always ask tomorrow."
There was no way that escape was so easy. "Really, thats it? You'll just... let me leave?"
He couldn’t help but flinch when Chief covered his face with a soft groan. His friend’s voice was strained as he said, “I'm not here as a doctor, Lege. I'm here as your friend. Who doesn't want to see you terrified."
“It wasn’t only doctors who hurt me,”Legend mumbled.
"I'm trying to help you and what I'm helping you with right now is being so scared you think I'd hurt you," Chief said, his tone making Legend scared for a different reason.
Rationally, he knew that he couldn’t assume that Chief was in that position. If he couldn’t stop thinking like this, he was going to push Chief away and then he wouldn’t have anybody he could trust.
“So c’mon,” Chief said gently, and Legend’s attention snapped back to him. “Do you want to go see, uh… my train? Or my rooms? I have some music boxes there.”
Legend took a deep breath, staring at his feet. “Um… I’d like to see the train. Please.”
“Great! Have I explained how a steam engine works to you before?” Chief perked up immediately, tugging on Legend’s hand as he led him to the train yard.
Legend did his best to pay attention, but Chief was talking so fast and the train wasn’t like anything he’d seen before and half his mind was still afraid that this was a trick. It was obvious that Chief was genuinely passionate about his train, though, and Legend slowly let his guard down as his friend showed him everything.
A few hours later, they sat on a bench in one of the passenger cars, and Chief carefully pressed his shoulder against Legend’s. “So, are you feeling better now?” Chief asked quietly, a drastic change from his excited rambling.
“Some, yeah. Since we're not… there, anymore,” Legend admitted with a shudder.
“Good,” Chief sighed. “You don't have to go back. He understands- he's the man who taught me how to cope.”
“Okay.” Legend picked at the engraving on a ring and wished that he could just get it together and learn how to cope, too.
“So what now?” Chief asked, looking around the train. “I can’t take you out in it, sadly. I’d introduce you to everyone but it would take us too far from the others.”
Legend hummed, trying to remember what Chief had offered before. “You mentioned music boxes?”
“In my room, yeah. C’mon, it’s not that far.” Chief held out his hand with a bright smile, and Legend quietly took it.
Chief was just as happy to talk about music boxes on the way to his home, and Legend finally let himself feel safer with his friend by his side.
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chireikiden · 11 months
Feeling that the plot of The Magician Who Loved a Fake got a bit tangled with all the different story threads mixing together, Ashiyama has made a pretty interesting Fanbox post with a full timeline of the story's events - including some details that they themselves realize didn't really come across. Ashiyama's also expressed some disappointment that due to the strict length limits of a tankoubon release (going over a certain page number makes printing a lot more expensive), they were unable to extend the ending even though they wanted to.
Very extensive spoilers for Magician, obviously.
~1275: In France, the young "Forest Witch" and "Inquisitor" say their farewells.
Early 1300s: The Inquisitor writes the book that makes the reader release all their magical power (henceforth "the magician book"). Those who read the book eventually run out of magic and turn into regular humans. As a side-effect, however, they regress in years mentally, and a regular human temporarily awakens as a magician.
The Inquisitor's plan is to have the Forest Witch read the book and turn back into a regular human, but this ends up never coming to fruition.
1320s: The Inquisitor writes the "witch-killing books". These two books are a set of magic items designed to lock the reader in a loop and have them exhaust their Abandon Worms spell.
1331: The Inquisitor dies.
1486: Heinrich Kramer writes Malleus Maleficarum.
1500s: The Forest Witch obtains a copy of Malleus Maleficarum. At some point after, as the witch hunts grow more intense, she flees Europe and ends up in Gensokyo.
Decades ago: Rinnosuke meets the Forest Witch, and hears her stories.
Also decades ago: The Forest Witch reads the witch-killing books. This kills the witch.
June last year: A villager enters the Forest Witch's house, finding Malleus Maleficarum as well as "the magician book". Despite reading the book, he remains unable to use magic or fly or anything else, but gets the idea to print copies of the book to give to others instead.
August: The printing blocks for the magician book are completed. The printing blocks become magic items in themselves, with the will to self-replicate the information written on them. The magician books start to proliferate, creating magicians in the Human Village.
September: The Magician Incident begins. Marisa reads the book.
As he touches the printed books, Rinnosuke's ability only tells him that their purpose is "to be read by many people". From this, he draws the conclusion that they were created as an inquisitor's tool to lure out witches (he is wrong).
November: The printing blocks are destroyed. The copies of the book are all in Reimu's possession. A witch hunt breaks out in the Village. Marisa uses up the last of her energy and collapses. She returns home, and starts making medicine.
December: Rinnosuke closes up Kourindou. Reimu holes up in the Forest Witch's house and reads one of the magician books, starting to release her magic energy.
January: Marisa starts her training. The "final magician" starts showing up in the Village.
February: Byakuren teaches Marisa the technique to close her pressure points, giving her a way to use just a little energy.
3 March: Marisa fights the final magician in the Village.
(Translator's note: This day was a Koushin day in 2023.)
4 March: Marisa and Reimu are reunited in the Forest Witch's house. With the technique taught to her by Byakuren, Marisa closes Reimu's pressure points.
The following days: The Forest Witch is buried, the magician book rendered unreadable somehow and left as an offering in front of her grave. The other copies of the book are destroyed.
The "curse" of the Forest Witch and the Inquisitor is broken. The incident is resolved.
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herald-of-aurene · 3 months
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Ashhe Kenna Baszar - AU Commander & Future Goddess of War, Fire, and Valor. She was born to two remaining Sunspears in 1305 in a nearby sunspear outpost. She was trained and raised with the hidden group of Sunspears, until she was 15. In 1320, Joko killed and awakened her parents and some other sunspears. With this, he sent a raid to find and kill the outpost. Ashhe and her 13 year old sister, Deborah were able to flee. They survived for months on their own, Ashhe taking the lead and doing everything to protect her.
Eventually, they made it to Ebonhawk where Logan, Seraph, and the charr were fighting. Despite Logan and the others telling them to go and hide, Ashhe and Deborah stood their ground and helped them fight.
Afterwards, Logan took them into his care, and they became his wards.
In the five years between then and the start of the personal story, Logan became their father figure and trained them. Deborah joined the Seraph but Ashhe refused. She wasnt happy with the way Logan and the Seraph acted sometimes, but she still loved Logan and wanted to show her thanks for taking them in.
Logan would eventually learn of this through her two friends, Lady Kasmeer and Lord Faren, and her desire to join the vigil.
This would send her on the route to the level 30 personally story, where she would meet her girlfriend, and becoming commander
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lilabella12 · 4 months
1320 - Day 2
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Eve and Ian are still excited about their brothers news. They hope to help out as much as they can so that they can move to their home as at the end of the year.
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Their cousins are happy for them, but Ida is a little sad.... She has a very string bond with Ian and doesn't want to lose that.
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Ida: "Will you come and visit often?"
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Ian: "I will try as much as possible. But you can come over, too. You could try and ride Domino, you're big enough now."
Ida: "I suppose... I'm a little frightened of him. He's SO big."
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Daniel meanwhile has his hands full with preparing for the next season and for his siblings to move in. Annabeth comes by often to help him out of cook a meal for him... he still has no clue how to work the stove. He would not know what to do without her.
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He tells her about his talk with his uncle one day after their work for the day is done.
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Daniel: "I promised him to have everything ready by the beginning of the next season. I think I can do it if the winter harvest turns out good."
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Annabeth: "Well, the crops look fine for now. It's so nice that you want them to move in with you... that's not something everyone would think about."
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Daniel: "They're my family. The only ones I have left. Apart from my uncle, of course. But I could not do this without your help... so thank you Annabeth."
Annabeth: "You would have found a way. But I'm happy to help out. I don't know if I will have time next season, though... My father has expressed his wish for me to meet with... well, nevermind."
It seems like she doesn't want to talk about it, so Daniel doesn't ask. He thinks about it while he goes out to collect wood that afternoon, though.... Is Annabeths father thinking about marriage for his daughter? They are the proper age for it now... He doesn't know how to feel about that. Or perhaps he doesn't want to think about what that hollow feeling in his chest is.
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With the wood he collected that day he makes some more furniture for his small house. He now has a table where he can sit down with his siblings when they come to visit.
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Annabeth: "It's starting to look like a real home, Daniel."
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Daniel: "I hope it will be for Eve and Ian, too. It's a little small, but I think we can expand once there's anough money from the crops."
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Leah meanwhile has to deal with the consequences of her actions. She's been feeling sick and unwell in the mornings and she knows what the implications are.
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It's though for her, but she needs to talk to Leonard about this. They were only together that one time and she managed to stay out of his ways for the last few weeks, but....
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Leah: "I need to talk to you... I've not been feeling well these past few weeks."
Leonard: "Are you sick? Do you need to see a doctor? The cold has been harsh these past few days."
Leah: "Leonard, this is hard for me, but... I think I'm... well, expecting."
Leonard swallows hard. His face goes pale."
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Leonard: "Are you sure?"
Leah: "Very sure."
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Leonard: "That's not good... I... I don't know what to do about that. But noone can know about this. Leah, do you understand? If my father finds out that I... sabotaged his plans for the estate...."
Leah: "I know. I just... wanted to tell you."
She tears up. A part of her wanted Leonard to be happy about this, but deep inside she knew that it would only cause problems.
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Leonard: "I wish you hadn't..."
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Leah: "I'm sorry...."
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She stands up and runs to her room. She cries a lot that night and when her brothers find her in tears, she just tells them... everything.
Leah: "I'm sorry, boys, but it could very well be that we will have to move back to the farm if I start showing... I don't know how Mr. Dayle will react to this."
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The boys are not happy, but sympathetic. They spend the night talking things through and offer their help to their sistes so she doesn't have to shoulder all of her tasks alone now that she is pregnant. Leah is happy that at least her brothers are on her side.
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adri-2022 · 2 years
Have your back
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Fandom: Chicago PD
Characters: Jay Halstead x FemReader!Sister
Warnings: mention of self harm, depression, etc/ slight swearing/ angst
Word count: 1320
Jay Halstead Materlist
A/N: Hi guys. I’m back!! Here is a request from @kuroe-san. I hope everyone likes it!
Don’t be afraid to leave your comment!
Being part of a team meant being an asset as well as an irreplaceable part of it, big brothers and sisters but having your actual brother working with you was another thing, more so on days like this.
“Alright everyone, you can go home. Great job, Halstead” Voight said from the door of his office.
“Thanks Sarge. Appreciate it” Jay answered gaining a chuckle from the team, before looking at you being met with your middle finger and a sarcastic smile.
“You wish you were getting praised, J” you said rolling your eyes, while he stuck his tongue out.
“Get her checked” Voight told Jay pointing at you with a serious look, before retreating back into his office. Getting a hold of his things Jay made his way over to your desk and helping you stand up. You had taken a suspect down on your own, safe to say it was a hard one.
“Shit. Everything hurts” you groaned and winced as you stood up
“I know. Lets get home and check you over” he said while furrowing his eyebrows in concern.
As you both stepped in your shared apartment, you went straight to the bathroom with Jay following in tow.
“Up” without a second thought Jay made you sit on top of the counter, given your height didn’t come with the Halstead gene package.
“You shouldn’t have taken that guy on your own” Jay said while shaking his head and reaching for the first aid kit.
He was always overprotective, not only because you were his sister, but you were the only person apart from Will who kept him together when Hailey took the FBI job years ago. No one felt any resentment towards her, it was a great opportunity, and it gave you the chance to join the unit after she left. But that meant Jay worried ten times more now that you were in the unit, both Halstead’s as partners was either a recipe for disaster or it would work out perfectly.
“Why? Cause I’m a woman?” his head snapped towards you, while you jokingly squinted your eyes at him.
“No. Cause he was twice your size. That’s why we have Kevin” he said in a matter-of-fact way. You both laughed -well you winced- at the mention of your friend. Kevin was a big teddy bear -don’t tell him that though-.
“Shirt” you obeyed carefully taking your long sleeve shirt -forgetting a big detail in the process-. Blame it on the pain, the exhaustion or on plain stupidity. When you registered what you were doing it was far to late, he had seen them. Both frozen on spot.
When you tried to hide your arms, Jay gently reached for both of them looking at them with wide concerned eyes -well shit- you thought. You had never shared this secret with anyone other than Dr. Charles who had taken the role as your therapist on a weird night on a coffee shop. You wanted to share this with him, but not like this, now he knew, and you had no idea you could hate yourself even more, the look on his face made you want to hide and cry.
“I’m sorry…” you cried, breathing quickening. At the sound of your voice, he looked towards you. His scared eyes trying to meet yours, immediately he started shaking his head,
“No, no, no. Hey. Look at me…” one of Jay’s hands went to your face in an attempt to make you look at him, but you were avoiding his gaze like the plague, you didn’t want to see the disappointment in them.
“I didn’t know what else to do” you kept on repeating in between sobs. You felt pressure on your chest, and you knew you were struggling to breath, but you couldn’t control it.
Without you noticing Jay pulled one of his hoddie’s over your head trying to give you a sense if security and privacy -since you were wearing a sports bra-. Before he pulled you into his chest in an attempt to calm you down.
“Hey. Y/N. Deep breaths, that’s it match my breathing- you’re doing great babe” you followed his instructions.
“I’m so sorry” you said pulling back when you built the courage to look at your big brother. When your eyes locked, Jay gave you a sad smile, rubbing your shoulders and shaking his head.
“Can we talk… you know- do you?” he stuttered, -God, he’s awkward. But at least he tries- you thought to yourself as you chuckled quietly.
“It’s stupid…”
“Hey. None of that, what’s going on? Please, please talk to me” Jay whispered tucking one of your hands to his chest while he desperately tried to understand.
“I- it’s weird. I was fine…and all it takes is a bad case and I’m back there. You know?” your voice broke with every word. You wanted to say so much, but nothing wanted to come out, it made you feel stupid. Why could Jay be strong and move on and you couldn’t?
“Yeah…I know” he sighed, closing his eyes briefly
“Why can you take it, and I can’t? We were deployed together; we saw the same things. Why am I stuck. It’s bullshit Jay…” you exclaimed, you didn’t understand, why it felt like you were drowning when Jay was swimming perfectly. Unknown, to both you were the only thing keeping the other from drowning.
“I can’t either?” Jay said with a sad smile moving to sit beside you, your hand still on a death grip in his.
“What you mean?” you asked confused
“I’m not okay either. I’ve just learned to hide it. I guess you got that from me” he said the last part bitterly.
“I’m sorry for making it seem like I was okay, and making you feel broken. You are not, alright. I’m a shitty brother, sue me” you both shared a chuckle at the last part.
“I struggle too, in silence. But hey- hey- I don’t want you to struggle on your own alright. Please just- can you talk to someone?” he pleaded as you brushed your tears.
“I am. Dr. Charles is helping me. We’re…making progress I guess…” you said shrugging your shoulders dismissively.
“That’s- hey that’s great” Jay said nodding optimistically.
After a moment Jay pulled up the sleeve of the hand he was holding, looking intently at the scars, the silence was broken by Jay’s voice pulling you out of your thoughts.
“They look old. How long…” he trailed at the end. You pulled your eyes from the wall and followed his gaze to your arm.
“3 years. I stopped once a started going to Dr. Charles” you nodded pulling your arm from his grasp to trace them with your fingers.
“I take, it’s going good” he asked almost in doubt. He didn’t want to lose his baby sister, and he’ll be damned if he let you go through this alone. Not anymore.
“Yep. It’s relieving. But still after tough cases I usually have a session. So- you know…it doesn’t… yeah” you sighed finally looking at your brother.
“Are you hurt?” he asked -that’s a dumb question- you thought
“I mean-” you shrugged your shoulders
“Don’t. You know what I mean” you both laughed before you shook your head.
“Just my ego and my badass act”
“You seriously didn’t expect to take that 6ft tall guy with your 5’3 stature…” he couldn’t finish his sentence before you smacked his shoulder,
“Don’t even finish that sentence, Jay Halstead” as Jay made a move to stand up and leave, you grabbed his hand.
“Thank you. For everything, you have no idea how it feels- to not lie to you about this anymore” you sniffed, he looked at you for a moment, before sniffing.
“C’mere” pulling you back into his arms in the protection you always knew you would have.
“I’ll always. Always. Have your back no matter what!”
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501st-rexster · 2 years
I'll Never Leave You
Cody X GN Reader
Fluff, severe injury, angst/comfort, sweet
WC: 1320
Word is the 212th finally returned! Only problem is, the other word is that Commander Cody was severely wounded. You can't bear to lose the man you owe your life.
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As you run down the hall of the medical facility, you think back to only a short while ago, when you had received the news that Cody had come back from the front lines.
“The Commander is back?! That’s great!” You exclaimed with joy, but it immediately melted away at the expression on Thorn’s face.
“No one told you?” He wondered quietly.
Your eyebrow rose. “Told me what?”
Thorn bit his lip, then you caught the words of a few passing clones. 
“Thank the Force the 212th got back in time.”
“Yeah. I think the Commander’s stable now, but I’m not positive.”
“I’m just glad he’s alive.”
Your gaze snapped to Thorn. “What are they talking about?! What happened to Cody?!” You demanded, but Thorn took your shoulder and squeezed it gently.
“You should go see him yourself. He’ll… he’ll need you now more than ever. I know how much my little brother adores you, and if anyone can make him feel better, it'll be you.”
So now you’re running, ignoring everyone who waves or offers a kind hello, only thinking the worst. Cody is hurt. You have no idea how bad, but if Thorn’s reaction was any clue…
You can’t handle anything happening to him. He’s the only person who understands you, who has been there for you no matter what, who cares for you in a way no one else ever has. Since you two first met, he’s been like a bright shining spot of hope, not just from his sunburst armor. When he’d found you that day in the lower levels, scrounging for food, and he’d held out his hand and offered to buy you a meal, you felt a sense of compassion you’d never known before. When you began to get to know each other when he would come and visit, you’d never been happier. The first time he ever kissed you under the flickering light of a street lamp and told you he loved you, that was euphoria. Cody was the one to help you escape the depressive hell you were living, helped you to get a job at the Guard as a records keeper, helped you to earn respect and know friendship and love.
You owed him everything.
And now, who knows how badly he was hurt. If you'd ever be able to feel like that again.
Finally you reach the patient rooms and scan each one quickly, then a shout from down the hall brings your head up to see the frantically waving arm belonging to Wooley. Sprinting down to meet him, he immediately engulfs you in a hug when you reach him. You gladly embrace him; he’s always felt as a little brother to you, and he was the first one to find out about the relationship between you and Commander Cody. He had promised to keep your secret and you thank him for it every day.
When you draw back, you shake your head. “Wooley, what’s going on? I heard Cody is-”
“Yeah. He’s hurt. It… It’s bad, burc’ya. But he is awake, and I think he’ll be glad to see you.” Wooley informs you. “He can tell you about what happened. I’ll make sure no one disturbs you two,” he winks. You shove him playfully then enter the room with a heavy heart.
The door hisses shut behind you and the sight of Cody, pale and motionless, wrapped in bandages in the hospital bed breaks something inside of you.
“Cody…” The name is barely a broken whisper as you walk to his bedside, then a small hum escapes his lips as they turn up in a smile.
“I was wondering when you were gonna visit.” His voice is gravelly, strained, but his now open eyes shine as he looks at you. “Mesh’la. You’re just as radiant as the last time I saw you-”
“What did you do?!” You cry, looking at all the bandages covering his chest, arms, presumably his legs, and neck, then your breath leaves you as Cody shrugs and holds up his right arm to reveal from his elbow down is missing, just an upper arm wrapped in bandages. “Cod’ika…”
Cody scoffs with a grin. “Eh, that’s nothing. I mean, it’s not gonna magically grown back but hey, maybe I’ll get a cool robot arm or some-”
Your hands on his cheeks drag his gaze back to you. “What. Did. You. Do.” You make sure your voice holds the tone of seriousness that Cody knows not to lie to.
Sure enough, the Commander’s face falls flat. He takes a deep breath. “The mission didn’t exactly go as planned.”
A hard sigh escapes your lips and gritted teeth. “YEP. I can see that.”
“Look, it’s not like I was trying to be thrown off that fekking cliff-”
“Not on purpose! And it wasn’t so much thrown as fell…”
“Okay, okay. Sorry. I was doing my best to distract Grievous while Kenobi tried to get the upper hand. He managed a few hits at me, his claws tore right through my armor,” his hand moves to his chest and the bloodied bandages that cover it. “And when I went to lunge, well, one of his lightsabers came down and…” Cody lifts what’s left of his right arm. “Boil found me. Told me Kenobi had seen me fall after Grievous sent me stumbling off the edge and immediately sent him after me. I didn’t even realize I’d broken my leg until I tried to stand, that’s when I felt my cracked ribs and the blood.” He sighs heavily before meeting your eyes. “I’m sorry, cyare. I should have commed you on the way back, I wanted to but Kenobi had me put under for the flight so I could remain stable.” 
Cody takes your hand and pulls you close. “Look at me.” You meet his eyes, the brown shining like Corellian Rum, and he smiles softly. “I am never going to leave you, you understand me? No matter how battered I get, no matter what baddie beats me down next, I’m always going to come right back to you. I will never let you be alone again.”
You manage to hold back the tears and rub his cheek with your thumb, leaning forward to press against his forehead in a keldabe. “You’re going to give me so much stress, cyar’ika. But I wouldn’t take you for anyone but who you are.”
Your fingers tangle in his hair as you connect in a kiss, and Cody smiles as the tenseness in your body melts away just at the touch of his hand on the small of your back. He pulls you closer, up onto the bed with him. “I’ll always be here for you, love. No matter what. Hell, if they decommission me because of this, I’m not leaving you. They can try to ship my sheb back to Kamino but I am never leaving your side.” He closes his eyes and turns on his side, holding you as if you’re the air he needs to breathe. 
A smile crosses your face. “Well, I hope you don’t mind having a roomie for the foreseeable future because I am not leaving this room until you’re healed up.”
“Not even if I ask you to get us those burritos we love from that small little food stand in Level Seven?” Cody asks in a whiny, childlike voice and you can’t help but laugh.
“Okay, I will get you whatever you want, but then I’m coming right back. For now, though,” you manage to kick off your boots and snuggle down under the covers with him. “I just want to be with you. Feel you, knowing you’re alive.”
Cody’s hand moves to rub the back of your head, slowly and tenderly. “I’m alive. I’m right here, mesh’la. Just having you here… is better than anything.”
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commanderhorncleaver · 7 months
A Basic Timeline to the Life of Gaius Horncleaver
1275 AE: Iron Legionnaire Stella Silvershot’s warband is captured by Flame Legion and taken as prisoners of war. 1277 AE: Sired by Oryen Crimsondew, a high ranking shaman, Gaius is born to Silvershot. 1279 AE: Stella escapes captivity with her cub, unaware if any of her warband remain. She eventually makes it to the Black Citadel. Stella relinquishes Gaius to the fahrar, and goes on her final patrol. 1280-1294 AE: Gaius attends the Black Citadel's Fahrar of Young Heroes, having committed himself to the idea of living up to the ideal of the perfect Iron soldier. Though he struggles to apply himself in Iron-typical fashions, with no talent for engineering or marksmanship, he does excel in strategy. His magic comes in, and he begins to have nightmares. He hides both his magic and his nightmares from his peers and primus. 1295 AE: Gaius graduates the fahrar as an Iron soldier of the Black warband, taking the name Blackhorn, second to Legionnaire Venus Blacksmoke. 1298 AE: Gaius’ warband is wiped out during a routine patrol near the Decimus Stones that interrupted a ritual by a group of Flame Legion. 1299-1300 AE: Gaius goes gladium. 1301 AE: Gaius is invited by Romeo Shanktooth to join his Blood legion warband. 1302-1305 AE: Gaius spends these years as Shanktooth’s lieutenant, acting as the brains of most missions. Gaius meets Carvecia Brightshadow of the Ash Legion. After Shanktooth is killed in a tavern brawl, Gaius transfers back to Iron Legion. Augustus and Fulvius are born to Carvecia. Raevik is also born.* 1305-1320 AE: Gaius climbs the ranks and is eventually made centurion as an administrative position. 1323 AE: Gaius meets Rytlock Brimstone 1325 AE: Gaius meets Lucasta, his half-sister. The events of Personal Story and Core take place.
*The births of Gaius' other cubs has been omitted.
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Indecent Proposal (An academic rivals to lovers fanfic) - Tim Drake x Latina!Fem!Reader.
Sinopsis: Being a scholarship student at Gotham's most expensive school is not easy, especially when your academic rival, your nemesis, who coincidentally is the owner's son, decides to make you a rather usual proposition.
Tropes: Academic rivals-to-lovers, contract/bet, he loved her all this time, everyone else sees it except them, opposites attract, etc.
Author's Note: This chapter is a little flat, in my opinion, but i guess that writing smut is waaaay easier in my mother tongue. We have many dirty words that prove their worth in these kind of scenes, lol. I guess this means i'll have to write many other scenes with this pretty boy so I can improve it... Hope you guys are enjoying reading it as much as I am enjoying writing! :)
For those of you that want to read some chapters ahead, feel free to acess my AO3 account here.
Warnings: Grinding, Unprotected oral sex (male recieving), etc..
Wordcount: 1320.
Chapter Eigth
Chapter Nine: Lucky guy
The rest of the week went super fast. Mr Lionel, the literature teacher, assigned an essay worth half of the bimester’s grade, so you and Tim didn’t really chat much. You were fine with this, but the boy was hungry. During the breaks he asked you to meet him in closets and on the third floor bathroom. It was hard resisting, but it was too dangerous. Aly already looked at every boy’s face with suspicious glances, wondering which one of them was getting inside your pants. 
On Friday, you gave up resisting and went to meet him in the bathroom. He was sitting on the ground with his legs kinda spread, a sad look on his face and his eyes closed. 
You sat beside him.
— Are you okay?
— Just tired — He answered after a sigh. He opened his eyes, but didn’t look at you.
— Wanna talk about it?
— I’m frustrated. I really love mystery games and there’s this one I simply can’t solve. I'm going crazy inside my head. I’ve been working on it non stop since Wednesday. I haven’t even started Mr Lionel’s essay yet. 
— Have you thought about taking a break?
— I can’t.
— It’s just a game, I’m sure no one will die if you take a break — He laughed a little and rested one of his hands on your thigh.
— Yes, but my mind keeps thinking about it. I can’t eat, I can’t sleep, I can’t study.
— Sounds quite obsessive for me.
— It is — He admitted, rubbing his thumb against your thigh, apparently thinking about something else — Wanna know what’s the only other thing I can think about?
— Hm?
— You — He said and your cheeks warmed a little.
— What about you letting me distract you from your mind a little?
— I would love to, but I think I don’t have the energy to do it right now, darling — He said — And I’ve got no condoms with me right now.
— Don’t worry, just stay still and enjoy, okay? — You asked while unzipping his pants and dragging them slightly down, revealing his dark grey boxers. 
He groaned when you kissed over the bulge in his boxers. You lifted your skirt up a little while you sat on his lap, starting to move on his lap. He sighed and his face contorted a little. What a glorious vision. You held his shoulders for stability as you felt him growing even harder under you. You wondered if you would ever be bored with him. You rolled your hips against him harder and he moaned.
— So you’re the vocal type, uh? — You asked, whispering in his ear.
He moaned again and his hands grabbed you by the hips, making you grind against him more ferociously. 
—  If you keep whining like that, someone might hear and climb to the window to take a peak — You said, a bit breathless. He was so hard that grinding him now seemed much more like a way to pleasure yourself — What would they think about it? One of the princes of Gotham being grinded by a commoner?
— Lucky guy — He said with a smirk — Why are you panting? I took your breath away?
— You frustrate me so much. I want you inside me so bad — You admitted, flustered. He smiled — I bet it would feel amazing with you pressing inside my walls, me clenching around your dick. 
— If you keep this dirty mouth of yours talking, I’m not going to last long.
— We don’t have much time, anyway. Aly must be looking for me — You said, feeling one of his hands come up to your shirt, cupping one of your boobs. — Wanna see them?
He nodded with such enthusiasm you couldn’t hold back a smile. You took your shirt off and threw it on the ground beside you and when you looked at his face, you saw his gaze. He looked at your lace covered boobs like they were the most precious things in the world, moving up and down in synchrony with your hips.
— Can I…? — He asked with his eyes shining.
— Praise me, boy.
He smiled and his hands squeezed your boobs, your head moved backwards as you moaned. He pulled your torso closer and kissed them.
— I want to suck them — He said, trying to open your bra clumsily.
— We don't have enough time for this — You said, holding his face. 
— You can't simply flash me like that and leave me dreaming about your tits — He said with a frustrated look.
— We only have fifteen minutes until next class, Tim — You said, getting off of his lap, what made him pout — Hey, don't be a brat, I don't like it either, but I want to make you cum before class, so we will have to spare the indulgences for another time.
Your hand grabbed his shaft inside his boxers and started to jerk him off. He covered his mouth with his hand because it made him moan even louder. 
— Oh, fuck. 
You smiled and leaned towards him. You got his dick out of his boxers and kissed it tip before putting it into your mouth. Gosh, you salivated for him. As your head went up and down on him, he grabbed your hair.
— Can I fuck your mouth? — He asked and you moaned in agreement. 
His moves were gentle and soft, you liked the way he was delicate so as not to hurt you, but in this pace he would take forever to cum. You looked up at him.
— Oh, this is perfect — He said, his eyes sparkling to the sensation of you looking at him while he took space inside your mouth — You just keep looking at me with those pretty eyes… don’t take your eyes off of me, my darling. 
You sucked him harder and for his moan you knew.
— Fuck! — He exclaimed, trying to hold himself — Dear, get off or I’m combining in your mouth.
You winked at him and that was the last straw. Tim practically filled your whole mouth as he melted under you. You swallowed his juices and sat on your heels while fixing your hair, he was still panting and admiring you. 
— So, what were you thinking about again? — You asked and he laughed.
His hand reached your neck and pulled you closer. You thought he was going to kiss you, but instead, he licked the corner of your mouth, where some of his cum spilled. This made your pussy clench. So fucking hot. Then he kissed you, pulling you even closer. One of his hands reached your pussy and started rubbing it over your panties. You moaned into his mouth and he leaned you on the ground.
— Let me return the favour — He said, kissing down your body. You sat again and a confused expression appeared on his beautiful, still flustered, face.
— We don’t have time for this, Tim — You said, feeling extremely contradicted — I have to put myself together and look for Aly before they find me. 
— I’ll be quick. I was told I’m very skilled with my mouth — He grinned and tried to go down on you, but you didn’t allow it. 
— Maybe some other day, okay? — You said, smiling kindly.
— I’m gonna dream about your tits and your pretty pussy the whole weekend. This is torture, you know?
— I rather call it discipline — You said, after laughing, putting your shirt on again. You got up and looked at yourself in the mirror, fixing your appearance. Tim, still sitting on the ground, started to fix himself too — How do I look?
— Gorgeous — He said, smiling as he got up — Would look prettier seated on my face, but okay. 
— Don’t tease me, I might change my mind.
— I bet you taste sweet, like cherries — He said, kissing your neck — I love cherries…
— Goodbye, Tim!
— Hope to kiss you later.
You rolled your eyes with a smile as you left the bathroom. This boy was addictive. 
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sabo-has-my-heart · 2 years
Okay Astra, I got another idea for a fic.
8 year old Ace just moved to a new town with his parents. Since they're new, Ace doesn't know anyone and wanted to meet new people. Apparently, the kids his age don't like him so they avoid and insult him. He was sitting on a swing by himself, watching as other kids play, unaware of another person sitting beside him on the swings. The person turned out to be a girl his age, alone like himself and wanting to have friends. So the two quickly clicked with each other, and omg! Y/n was Ace's first love like 🥰. Ace was so happy to hang out with her, always telling his mom about the friend he had, gushing about her happily. Due to this, Roger kept teasing kid Ace about his crush, resulting in a blushing freckled tsundere yelling at his laughing dad.
Warnings: Tsundere 8-year-old Ace, kids fighting, childhood crushes
Word Count: 1320
Hey, so I loved this idea, it’s so cute! I’ve been thinking about how to write it since I got it but haven’t managed to get to it until now. I hope it’s about what you wanted, I think it’s cute. Enjoy!
A little black haired boy sat on the swings, glaring at the other kids on the playground. Why didn’t they like him? Why had they already decided that he was someone to be teased and pushed around? He hadn’t been going here for even a month and already he was enemies with most of the playground. He wanted to go back to his old home, back to where he wasn’t avoided. Not that he could, he was 8, what could he realistically do? Even if he built and lived in a large tree house, his mom did all the shopping, cooking, his laundry, the most he could do was make sandwiches and even then his mother insisted on supervising him. The sound of swing chains squeaking drew him out of his thoughts, looking over to see a little girl sitting next to him on the swings, lightly pushing herself back and forth.
“I’ve seen you around recently, you’re new right?” she asked, smiling at him.
“Yeah? What of it? Come to talk more shit about me like all the rest of the kids?” Ace growled angrily, surprising her.
“Why would I do that? And you shouldn’t say that word. My mommy says it’s a bad word.” she said, her head tilted to the side. Ace could feel his cheeks heat up the tiniest bit, she looked cute like that. 
Looking at the boy, you noticed his cheeks turning a little red, it had been getting colder, was he cold because he was sitting alone? 
“Here. you’re cold, right?” you asked, taking off your scarf and offering it to him. He looked down at the red fabric before looking away, his cheeks turning redder.
“I’m not cold! I don’t need your stupid scarf, go play with the other kids already, nobody wants to hang out with a loser like me.” he said stubbornly, a mix of sadness and anger on his face. Sighing, you stood up, moving to stand in front of him as you wrapped your scarf around his neck, tucking it in before crossing your arms and smiling.
“It’s not good to be stubborn! And I bet they don’t like you because you don’t smile more. I bet you’d look super nice if you stopped scowling.” you stated, the boy looking at you in surprise.
“Now tell me your name so I can write the name of my new friend in my notebook!” you demanded, surprising him even further. Clearly you were as stubborn as he was.
“Why do you want to be friends with me? Don’t you have other friends to hang out with? And take your stupid scarf back!” he said, starting to unwrap the scarf, only for you to grab his hands, trying to stop him, the both of you struggling against the other.
“Keep it on! You’ll get cold again!” you protested, the boy falling backwards off the swing, taking you with him, a small ‘oof’ leaving him as his back hit the dirt, followed by another when you landed on him.
“See what you did? You knocked me off the swing!” he shouted, pushing you off him before sitting up.
“It wouldn’t have happened if you weren’t trying to take the scarf off! Now leave it on or I’ll pin you into the dirt!” you shouted back, your cheeks puffing out irritably, making the boy look away, his head ducking into the scarf, cheeks still a little pink.
“Don’t you have other friends to play with? Leave me alone!” he grumbled irritably, still not looking at you.
“No, at least not any real friends, so I wanted to be your friend!” you said sadly, looking at the ground, the boy looking at you in shock.
“..... Ace, my name is Ace.” he said softly, looking away once more.
“Y/n, can…. Can we be friends now?” you asked hopefully, Ace just nodding a little. The bell signaling the end of recess rang, the two of you heading inside, you insisting on holding his hand as you walked inside. You were friends now, you could hold his hand if you wanted.
Ace smiled as he leaned over the couch, his mother preparing dinner.
“And she’s super nice and has really pretty hair! I tried to give her her scarf back so she wouldn’t get in trouble with her mom but she said it was okay and that I needed it more. Then we spent all of arts and crafts together making stupid things like friendship bracelets cause she wanted to make friendship bracelets, but it’s okay, cause she looked really happy when I gave her one.” Ace babbled on, his mom smiling as she cooked, happy to see Ace happy. She knew he’d had a hard couple of weeks, so it was nice that he’d finally made a friend.
“She sounds like a good friend. You can invite her over if you’d like.” she offered, smiling at the boy.
“Awesome! I’ll tell her right away, but she might need to ask her mom first! She asks her mom for everything which is kinda stupid but that’s alright, because she’s cool so I’ll let her get away with it. Oh! She also gave me part of her lunch! She said she didn’t want her pudding so she gave it to me and I traded my carrots for her pineapple chunks!” 
“Ace! You were supposed to eat those! You need to eat your vegetables!” his mother scolded, making the boy pout.
“But I don’t want baby carrots! You always give me baby carrots! I’m not a baby! I can have regular carrots!” he protested, glaring. Though his mother just laughed, finding the boy adorable.
“How about carrot sticks? Even your father eats those.” she offered, Ace nodding hesitantly.
“Fine, but pack enough for Y/n too! She likes carrots!” Ace said, a loud laugh coming from the entryway.
“You want more carrots in your lunch so you can give them to your new girlfriend?” Roger asked, walking into the living room, plopping down on the couch next to Ace.
“She’s not a girlfriend! She’s a friend who’s a girl!” Ace shouted, his cheeks heating up, making Roger laugh harder.
“That’s why you want extra carrots to give her? Because she’s ‘just a friend’.” Roger asked, knowing what it was like to be young.
“That’s what you do for friends! You give each other food and you play together! She even gave me her scarf so I wouldn’t be cold! She’s a really good friend!” Ace shouted, starting to pound his fists against his father’s arm. Roger laughed, but shied away from his son’s blows.
“Alright, alright! I submit! She’s just a friend!” Roger laughed, watching as Ace nodded and turned away, “but from how you talk about her, she sounds like she’d be a great girlfriend.” he added, bursting with more laughter as Ace’s cheeks turned bright red.
“She is not! She’s lame! She has to ask her mom for everything! And she wouldn’t leave me alone at first! And she wanted to make stupid friendship bracelets!” Ace shouted at his father, once again beating on the man.
“I thought you said she was cool and that she was happy when you gave her a bracelet.” Rouge interjected, Ace’s attention turning back to her.
“She is! But she’s not…. I mean she… agh! You guys just don’t get it!” Ace shouted, huffing and pouting as he stomped to his room. Rouge and Roger looked at each other, similar smiles on their faces.
“I’d bet that he gets her something really special soon.” Roger said, grinning.
“Dear, I don’t think you understand him at all, he’s already asking to go shopping to get her a nice, new scarf for giving him hers.” she said, shaking her head, just making the man laugh more. It was clear how Ace felt about you, whether or not he denied it.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On March 16th 1309 King Robert the Bruce convened his first parliament, at St Andrews.
After the Declaration of the Clergy in February the King was starting to establish himself as the recognised Monarch of Scotland, this was a significant point in his reign.
By 1306, when Robert I seized the throne, there might have been some expectation that the prominent role for the community of the realm in the government of the kingdom that had arisen since 1286 would continue. Yet no king voluntarily accepts limits upon his powers, and Robert I restored royal authority, removing the ability of the community to play a significant role in the formulation of parliamentary acts. The king used the rhetoric of community and parliamentary authority that had evolved since 1286 to give his actions a façade of broad support that they often did not have. Parliament became a tool for creating documents designed to validate and augment the king’s authority by the public display of support for his kingship.
I’ve said it before, most recently with the post in February on the Declaration of the Clergy, these were tools used to send a message to England that the Scots were functioning normally, propaganda tools. The same tools are still being used nowadays, only in a modern way, you just have to look Ukraine and President Zelenskyy, with his daily updates and speaking at other countries parliaments via video links, he is sending out a message to the Russians that Ukraine is still functioning, much in the same way Scotland let other countries know that we continued to repel the English Usurpers, Edward I’s death two years before must have been encouraging for Bruce, Longshanks son was certainly not a warrior like his father. The most famous piece of propaganda we sent out was The Declaration of Arbroath in 1320, although the first of note from Scotland was The Lübeck letter in 1297.
The Bruce was still trying to unite the Scots against their common enemy, the meeting of parliament, therefore, was a useful means of engineering declarations of support for the king, or of manipulating collective decision-making. At this time, the Scottish magnates sent a letter to King Philip IV of France in response to his request for assistance in a crusade. The Scots replied expressing their support for Bruce as king, reminding Philip of Scotland’s devastation by war, and promised help when peace was achieved.
The letter reads:
“Letters: by the magnates of Scotland to Philip IV, king of France.
To the most Christian and triumphant prince and reverend lord the lord Philip [IV] by the grace of God illustrious king of the French, William, earl of Ross, Malcolm, earl of Lennox, William, [earl of Suther]land, and the communities of the earldoms of Fife, Menteith, Mar, Buchan and Caithness, the heirs of which are in ward, likewise the communities of all the other earldoms of the kingdom of Scotland [except]† [D]unbar; Edward de Bruce, lord of Galloway, James the steward of Scotland, Alexander de Argyll, Donald de Islay, John de Menteith, Hugh, the son and heir of the earl [of Ross]†, Gilbert de Hay, constable of Scotland, Robert de Keith, marischal of Scotland, Thomas Randolph, lord of Nithsdale, James, lord of Douglas, Alexander de Lindsay, Alexander de [Fraser], [William] Wiseman, David de Barclay, Robert Boyd, barons; and also all of Argyll and the Hebrides and the inhabitants of all the kingdom of Scotland recognising the fealty of the lord Robert by the grace of God king of Scotland, all [… … ….] Your credence having been revealed to us in writing, and having been fully understood [by us], in the full parliament of our lord the king solemnly held not long ago at the city of St Andrews, impressed upon our minds the joyfulness of [your] devot[ion] [… … ….] For we conclude that your majesty’s mind is devoutly disposed to take on the business of the Holy Land, to prosecute which all followers of the Christian faith justly ought to strive and with humble devotion incline their hearts [… … …,] we saw that it was contained [in your letter] that your royal grace considers and calls to mind the treaties between the kingdoms of France and Scotland, made long ago and confirmed; also the losses, harms and injuries which the inhabitants of the kingdom [… … …] have suffered in many ways hitherto. The particular and special affection which, in that credence, you say you have towards the person of our lord Robert by the grace of God king [of Scots … …] [whom] justice and truth and the grace of the King of Kings has raised up as our prince and leader, cheers our hearts above all else. We therefore noting, with heartfelt feelings, the aforesaid, as we are bound in duty to do [… … …] [?commend] your right royal devotion towards the business of the Holy Land, and for the affection which you have towards our lord the king, and we return thanks as best we can to your majesty for restoring the liberties and rights of the kingdom of Scotland, praying to God that ‘by the bowels of mercy of Jesus Christ’ that you may bring to fulfilment the devout purpose which you have conceived in your mind, trough our Lord’s inspiration in relation to the aforesaid, with holy desire, and efficacious eagerness and a safe outcome. May your royal majesty deign to take note, with pious mind, that in the exaltation of Christian princes the name of Christ is extolled and the Catholic faith strengthened. If, therefore, the standing of our lord [the king whom] we say unanimously is [… … …], is exalted and the kingdom of Scotland returns to its former free condition, the tempests of war having been quelled and secure peace having been granted, then your royal highness will be able to have as supporters to achieve the end of your desire, the service of God, and to come to your help, not only our lord the king aforesaid, but also the inhabitants of his kingdom as best they are able. And as [evidence of] the aforesaid things [… …] clearly these letters sealed by our seals were commanded to be sent patent to your highness. Written and given at the city of St Andrews in Scotland 16 March 1308 [1309] and in the third year of our lord King Robert’s [reign].
I know it’s not an easy read, but I have taken this straight from the web page of The Records of the Parliament of Scotland here https://www.rps.ac.uk/trans/1309/2 . Check the side bar for more records from 1308, when an assembly was held and William, earl of Ross, recorded his act of homage to Robert I before an assembly of prelates and nobles.
The second photo is a Letter by the magnates of Scotland regarding the right of King Robert I to the Crown of Scotland, 16 March 1309, an extract reads:
… we see it contained that royal gratitude reflects on and brings back to mind the alliances formerly existing and maintained between the kingdoms of France and Scotland and the losses, sufferings and trials which the inhabitants of the kingdom have hitherto so much endured. Our minds are cheered, above all, by the extraordinary and peculiar affection which… you say you have for the person of lord Robert, by the grace of God our lord king, who has been raised up as our leader and prince by right and truth and by the justice and grace of the King of Kings. We therefore… [?commend] your royal devotion for the affairs of the holy land… and for the regard you have towards our lord king, and we return all the thanks we can to your royal majesty for the restoration of the liberties and rights of the kingdom of Scotland.
… If therefore… the kingdom of Scotland [be] restored to its original liberty, the storms of war extinguished, the security of peace granted… your highness may have at power not only our lord the king aforesaid but also the inhabitants of his realm.
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apenitentialprayer · 10 months
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Top: Prophets Paired with Apostles in the Queen Mary Psalter (circa 1310-1320); from top left to bottom right: Zephaniah and Philip, Joel and Bartholomew, Micah and Matthew, Malachi and Simon, Daniel and Jude, Ezekiel and Matthias. (x) Bottom: The Prophet Hosea with the Delphic Sybil, found in the Borgia Apartments (circa 1490). (x)
The Development of a Motif in Artistic Depictions of the Apostles' Creed
While the Apostolic content of the Apostles' Creed is agreed upon by all Nicene Christian denominations, the exact origin of the statement of faith is unclear; one legend, first found in embryonic form in the late 4th century and given explicit form in the 6th, states that each "article" of the Creed (which the legend divides into twelve) was spontaneously spoken by an Apostle, either during the Last Supper, at Pentecost, during the Assumption of Mary, or at their last meeting before going out of Jerusalem to preach to the ends of the earth. The exact ordering of which Apostle is the author of which article varied depending on who was explaining the legend, but three influential lists can be found in medieval texts; the Gallic pseudo-Augustine, who first gives us the Article-per-Apostle schema, maps the Apostles onto the Creed in the order given by their recitation in the canon of the Mass; the other popular listings follow the ordering of Acts 1:13 or Matthew 10:2-4. This legend was not particularly influential in the first centuries after its first recorded enumeration, but by the late 8th century the legend was well-known enough that theologians were using it in arguments, and by the second millennium churches and manuscripts were decorated with Apostles holding streamers on which the article attributed to them was written. By 1300, a new addition was made to this artistic motif; the Apostles would be paired with Prophets of the Old Testament, who would have their own streamers on which was written a Scriptural verse from their book that was believed to foreshadow the article attributed to their Apostolic partner. (You can see an example of this in the first photo above.) At the same time, as the ordering found in Acts became more prominent, artists wanting to include Paul found a new way of adding his presence into the motif; highlighting his monumental role in authoring much of the New Testament, images of Paul adding a streamer containing a verse from one of the letters attributed to him to each of the Apostle's streamers proliferated; in images where Paul is handing a streamer to each Apostle and his prophetic partner, the unity of the faith handed down from the Prophets, Apostles, and Saint Paul was emphasized. A final addition to this motif can be found in the late 15th century, the earliest known example of which was created in 1481. Here, the pagan prophetesses known as the Sybils were added into the mix, in which sayings attributed to them and believed to be in concordance with the prophets were written on their streamers. Although today this legend of each Apostle spontaneously reciting an article of faith is not considered to be of historic value, and even as its composition by the Apostles is under fire while its contents are rigorously defended as being of Apostolic nature, the catechetical usefulness and symbolic richness is evident. In the words of Henri de Lubac (trans. Richard Arnandez, F.S.C.), this legend
was, and remains, the vehicle of a very important lesson, which is at all times a lesson of unity: the convergence of the Jewish world with the pagan world itself in the expectation and the foreshadowing of the one Savior; the identity of the divine revelation under two forms throughout the two dispensations or the two successive Covenants; the unanimity of the apostolic witness; and finally, and more radically, the permanence of the Christian faith from its beginning.
Source: The Christian Faith: An Essay on the Structure of the Apostles' Creed, by (soon to be Servant of God?) Henri de Lubac, pages 27-52)
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yisanged · 8 months
college board wants too much from us in too little with the IRR. you want us to meet and ideally surpass all these requirements within 800-1200 words? absolute max 1320? what is my teacher on about four subtopics with three details and evidence for each plus a possible solution paragraph and introduction paragraph. i could use 1200 words on just the intro and one subclaim probably. my long winded nature.
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buildmybaby · 1 year
Sept 26, 2023- Fanmeeting Time
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Translation of Buildfamily_Fc
✨Details of seat layout and Benedict Build 1st Fan Meeting in Hong Kong
Ticket sales date : 29/09/2023 Time : 13.00 (Hong Kong)
Card price : HKD$1880/$1480/$980/$680
Announcement of rights: 3 days before the event date
Ticket sales channel : Klook客路 /大麦
Build 1st Fan Meeting in Hongkong
📅 29 OCT 2023
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lilabella12 · 4 months
1319 - Day 4
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Winter has fully arrived in Windenburg. Even though the snow is falling heavy, the crops are doing fine!
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Daniel is glad that he managed to store a couple of fruits at least... the cold is making it hard to fish for now. If he wants Eve and Ian to move here, he really needs to stock up on some supplies.
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It's time for the christmas celebrations though... the whole family gathers together to go to church today.
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Annabeth and her family are here as well and Daniel meets her parents for the first time. He sits with them for a little while after the service and invites Annabeth to join him in the graveyard afterwards... he wants to show respect to his parents today.
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Daniel: "This is where they are now... I can't believe it's almost 3 years now. This is my father. He died in a hunting accident only a couple of weeks before they came and torched our house. My mother died that night. I hope they found each other afterwards. They loved each other very much, I remember that."
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He gathers his courage and speaks to his father. He believes that he can hear him up above with the Watcher and his mother.
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Daniel: "Father, I will carry on with your work. I will try to build up the house again... with Eve and with Ian. I will try to fill the place with life again. Please watch over me so you can assure I succeed."
Annabeth: "I'm sure he would be proud to hear that, Daniel."
She stays with him and comforts him when he can't hold back his tears anymore. Sure, it's been a long time, but the feelings are still there.
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Today is a sad day for Leah. She knew it to be unavoidable, but she still cries when Leonard and his family travel to the curch so he and Claire can say they vows. She stays back - it's not as if she was invited anyways. She doesn't want him to see his tears.
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Leonard does what is expected of him. They are wed in the afternoon. You can see on their faces that it's not what either of them want.
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