#12 days of newtmas
panevanbuckley · 2 months
tagged by @magdacimy thank you so much dear!! 💙
-20 questions for fic writers-
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 292 (jesus)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 649,327 (it's not as much as you might expect from the amount of fics bc i specialise in short fics)
3. What fandoms do you write for? atm? 9-1-1 is the fandom i have most fics for i think but i haven't written one in about a year. (i should get back on that!). i also sometimes do harry potter fics (usually jegulus), and i just started dipping my toe in f1 fics 👀
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. baby, come home [buddie] - 9033 (which is WILD to me)
2. don't tell my husband (he'll kill me) [buddie] - 8117
3. don't blame me, love made me crazy [jegulus] - 7691 (recently lost it's number 2 spot which makes me sad ngl)
4. come home to my heart [buddie] - 7491
5. fake boyfriends (with real kisses) [buddie] - 6790
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? i used to all the time!! but in the past couple years it started getting overwhelming and now i rarely do but i DO read every single one and they make me smile every time 🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? oh gosh i rarely write angst but the first one that came to mind was a 1917 fic ('loving you is a losing game'), that was pretty angsty
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? umm...literally any fic i write?? happy beginning, happy middle, happy ending. that's my brand of fic writing
8. Do you get hate on fics? not that i know of (and i'm ever grateful for that! i have the BEST readers)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? not really. i dabbled here and there in the past but i'm just not very good at it 😭
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? again not really. i did do a world war z x justified fic ('don't count your chickens before they hatch') because i'm total loosier trash so it was like an alternate universe of them in a way because of the same two actors 💀
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? not that i'm aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? i think i have? actually idk people have asked if they can translate fics and i said yes but i haven't got links available to me. somebody once did a podfic ('in the silence we fall apart') translation though and i loved that!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? i once wrote a part for a 5+1 buddie fic but i don't think the full thing ever got posted?
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship? 100% gotta be buddie hasn't it? they consumed my entire soul. i have sooo many otps though
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? there was a hogwarts au 'the pacific' fic i started writing in lockdown that must be over 10k that i never finished... i think about that a lot
16. What are your writing strengths? umm.. nothing?? no but in all fairness i have no idea but people have always told me my characterization is good. or my ability to make up OCs (which i do A LOT)
17. What are your writing weaknesses? god, speech? writing anything longer than 5k 😭
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? i LOVE it! i've had to do it quite a lot because usually the characters i write are multilingual
19. First fandom you wrote for? the maze runner!! goddd back in my wattpad days i wrote SO many newtmas/dylmas fics it was unreal. they really got me into fic writing
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? funnily enough it's not any of my buddie fics. even though i love those fics dearly and they're definitely favourites. but the one that owns my heart is 'don't blame me, love made me crazy'. it was the first jegulus fic i wrote, i had only gotten into the ship a few days prior and sat down to do a short fic but in a couple hours i had over 5k written and wasn't even halfway through 💀 this was back in the days when jegulus was still a rare pair too! and the love i got on it blew me away 🥺 so a huge thank you to anybody that read that fic!!
tagging literally anybody that sees this and wants to do it because i'm not sure who writes and posts on ao3! please tag me in your posts so i can check out your work too 👀
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johnslittlespoon · 2 months
i saw that you used to write back in the day lol i was wondering what/who were those about and were they went? drop the lore pls
hahaaaaaa you could not waterboard that one out of me i'm gonna be so real LMFAO at least not the most recent one pre–saltburn/mota
i think the first pairing i ever wrote for tho was like. frerard. way back in middle school ~2013... on wattpad... dark times ik. actually found my old account a few weeks back accidentally and almost brained myself on my desk a paragraph into reading one of my first fics so
i wrote some newtmas for a little while, some murphamy, some sciles/sterek, then another fandom i will not mention, and then the one prior to sb/mota that i will also not mention, and so many other little stints here and there over the past like 11/12 years 😭 but i have never written or brainrot as much shit for a fandom as i have with mota and i'm so so thankful it dragged me back into writing after a few years of not feeling the inspiration to open a doc <33
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izcana · 4 years
we wish you a merry christmas
12 Days of Newtmas Day 1 Prompt - Canon: Christmas in the Glade
Thomas cocked his head to the left, taking in the sight of Newt dressed in a red jumpsuit like outfit and a fuzzy red hat with a pom-pom on the top. Vivid images of evergreen trees decorated with shiny, colourful ornaments; a mug filled with a brown syrup-like liquid, topped up with white, fluffy sugar; flushed cheeks belonging to a little boy whose face Thomas couldn't remember; snowballs being pelted at his window first thing in the morning, the powdery substance exploding at the impact into little flakes, spattering all over the place; and the fresh, sharp smell of ginger from the vaguely shaped-like-people biscuits.
After the quick flash of images, there came a detached video-like clip like view of an old man with a bushy beard dancing in a flashy red outfit decorated with white fur and an obnoxiously bright gold-tinted belt buckle, similar to what Newt wore.
"What?" Thomas questioned, raising his brows. He turned a blind eye (well, not really a blind eye, but you know what I mean) to his blushing cheeks; Newt looked so cute wearing a pom-pom topped hat that bounced whenever he took a step. Sure, the bulging muscles didn't usually inspire "cute" in Thomas' book, but paired with hooded blue eyes that sparkled like the rivers, Newt was beautiful.
"It's Christmas tomorrow!" Newt exclaimed as if offended he did not know. Of course, he shouldn't have known, because he was the Greenie and Greenies only got pieces of their memories back slowly. It wasn't fair for Newt to compare them, but for his favourite Second-in-Command, he could make an exception and let it go.
Well, that, and the fact that he had a Jupiter-sized crush on Newt.
How could he not, though? Newt was perfect: he had a caring personality and he was patient, allowing whomever near a sense of comfort. He could laugh, and his brand of dry humour was a brilliant contrast to the dull order of the Glade. Newt was someone you could depend on, someone loyal, someone selfless who would see himself hurt before his friends. The fact that he had the most amazing tousled blonde hair, a sharp, chiselled jaw, greek-god like muscles, and sharp, sea-blue eyes was just a bonus. A big one, according to Thomas.
Thomas was certain that at least 20 other Gladers had a crush on Newt. He couldn't possibly be the only one drawn to Newt's easygoing demeanour and his dashing looks! He was frankly, surprised that no one had acted upon it, though amongst Minho and he, they had discussed the likely hood of half the Glade being attracted to Newt.
Minho, being straight* himself, was not, but it was not that much of a stretch to figure out that Thomas, in fact, was.
If Minho was being honest, he ought to have expected this the moment Greenie came into the Glade and following Newt around like a lost puppy, but he hadn't. Good thing Thomas told him; Minho would gladly threaten Thomas to not hurt his best friend.
Thomas vowed he would not ("How could I, Minho? I would toss myself off the Cliff before I hurt Newt!") and Minho believed him, but you never know.
If Newt's opinion, which had been obliterated, been included in this, he would've told Minho that Thomas would never hurt him, and he trusted Thomas completely. Though, of course, neither boy asked as Thomas had not the slightest confidence that Newt would want to date him. If again, they had bothered to ask for Newt's opinion, he would've told Thomas that shuck, yes! Of course, Newt wanted to date him!
How could anyone not want to...?
There seemed to be a pattern of misunderstandings here...
"Come on, Tommy!" Newt whined, pulling at Thomas' sleeve childishly. As you could imagine, the image of Newt's lean but bulky frame pulling Thomas, who was slimmer and much shorter than Newt was laughter-inducing for the patrons watching (i.e. Minho). He was fed up with the whole "dancing around each other" façade. "Live a little! Dress up for Christmas!"
"I hate you, Newt," Thomas snarked back but bulged begrudgingly from his spot, which his feet were previously firmly planted on. Nonetheless, the brunet boy followed the blonde.
Newt smirked, guiding Thomas to the storage room. "Come! Everybody's dressing up!"
"I hate you, Newt!" Thomas groaned again. "Why are we friends again?"
"Because I saved your butt when you were a Greenie, and I still save your butt sometimes, remember?" Newt answered, grinning widely. Thomas rolled his eyes. Of course, he remembered. Trust Newt to bring up the times when he was a Greenie.
Newt, bearing no mind the complaints of Thomas, shoved a wreath and a red/green combination outfit unceremoniously into Thomas' arms. "Put those on ––– do it, Thomas!" Newt ordered when Thomas gave the impression of a frightened doe ready to bolt. "Put those on and come out. It's the only break we're going to get in the Glade, might as well do a fashion show."
Newt might've also neglected to inform Thomas that the reason he was forcing Thomas into the costume was mainly to see Thomas' chocolate brown hair settled nicely with the wreath and the red/green outfit making him seem like a dressed up puppy. He didn't get much chance to see Thomas like that, carefree like a kid such as himself (themselves, actually, but Thomas was younger) should've been.
"Why??" Thomas moaned, but he did as he was told. "Can you get out so I can change, at least?"
From an outsider's perspective, it may appear that Thomas was angry. However, Newt merely smirked. "Nope, I'm watching ya."
"You just wanna see me naked!" Thomas mocked, swaying his hips in a very unrhythmical motion. Newt snorted a laugh from his nose. Thomas was adorable, his butt wiggling eagerly to some imagined song that probably didn't exist, and trying so hard to prove his point.
"Real sexy, Thomas," Newt confessed, making sure to word his tone as a joke.
Thomas had his now-nude back to Newt, but he was certain he saw the brunet's ears turn red. "Y-Yep," he stuttered. "I'm s-sexy and I know it."
Newt thinks I'm sexy? A part of Thomas screamed, but logically, Thomas knew that as much as he wished for it to be real, it was all just a joke on Newt's part. A rather cruel one, too, if Newt had any idea of his feelings (which he did, but no one's telling Thomas that, is he?), he would not be so cruel.
However, Newt's thoughts went the other direction; they went like this: if I tease Thomas, maybe he'd slip up and confess.
I won't blush, Thomas commanded himself, willing the heat from his ears to back down. I won't let Newt see I like him.
He's so sexy, Newt's brain thought. And he doesn't know it. Not enough, at least. Newt had better change that quickly...
"You are sexy," Newt whispered in a husky voice, and a shudder rippled through Thomas' spine. "I want to kiss you until you see bloody stars. May I?"
Thomas grinned impishly, revealing his pearly white teeth. "You may."
With the agreement, Newt swept Thomas up and smashed his thin lips against Thomas' plumper ones, bruising them quickly. Newt's hands found their way towards Thomas' hips, whereas Thomas wound his arms tightly against the nape of Newt's neck. The fine golden hairs tickled slightly, but he had absolutely no complaints about that right then.
(In the end, Newt made Thomas wear the costume and complimented him until his cheeks were flaming like his recently bruised lips.)
Just a note to explain the star: I do not believe that Minho is straight, let me just...make that exceptionally clear (and let's not mention the number of Thominho fics I've written about that ), but I needed an excuse as to why Minho wasn't attracted to Newt, and I could not think of another person to ship Minho with who was not either Newt or Thomas. I didn't want this fic to have too much angst, though a little bit is definitely going to happen whether I want it to or not. I mean, logically , I could've shipped Minho with Gally, Ben, Alby, (Teresa, even!) a lot of other people, in fact, but I just can't see Minho with anybody else who's not Thomas or Newt. Therefore, Minho is straight, but let's just get it straight (pun intended) that I...firmly disagree with that statement).
By the way, why does my writing remind me of Jane Austen's style in Pride and Prejudice? Does anyone have that feeling (as in my writing is very...old fashioned)?
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bynewtscamander · 7 years
12 Days of Newtmas is here!
It’s the first day of Newtmas and we’re starting off with Newt and Hufflepuff!
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heliads · 3 years
Thomas Masterlist
After the Safe Haven - Based on this request: “Thomas tmr hurt comfort when the reader is sad and everyone in the group notice and try to cheer her up? Because she feel empty with everything that happened in her life from the glade to the scorch?” Imagine
Boyfriend Checkup - Based on this request: “Thomas modern au when the reader is not well, sad. Thomas come to her house to shower her «the boyfriend package» : the reader is adopt sister of Brenda, Teresa is Thomas twin sister. Newt is their best friend (who also had been matchmaker before they dated)” Modern AU
Human Nature - Based on this request: “Thomas magic tmr au when Thomas have magic power and have to show it to the reader, and she freak out so he try to reassure her ? His power is based from nature ?” Magic AU
The Aftermath - Based on this request: “thomas and reader are talking in the safe haven, there was mutual pining since the glade. She was pessimistic and he was optimistic. But they have matching energy: one day he make a stupid joke and she says « why I’m in love with you remind me «” Imagine
Heartrender - Maze Runner x Grishaverse Crossover
Who I Knew - Based on this request: “Thomas imagine? Reader had a childish spirit in the glade, always friendly toward everyone. In the scorch, she is a different person, more violent, less affectionate. Thomas discover her change of personality and decide to confront her about it.” Imagine
The Legends We Tell - Based on this request: “Thomas tmr magic/ medieval au. reader is a villager living near the woods. she heard tales told by her mother about some legendary being living in the trees. One time she ventures into the forest and comes face to face with Thomas. in the beginning she was scared of him but in time she fall in love with him” Fantasy AU
And We Will Try Again - Thomas thinks that watching Newt die will be the worst day of his life, and it is. It’s still the worst when he wakes up just to have to live through it again, and again, and again. He may not understand the time loop, but Thomas does understand this: having to lose Newt so many times is going to kill him. Newtmas Time Loop AU
After Everything - Based on this request: “The reader is sick and Thomas stays with her and watches her and he also cures her. Like he did with Brenda where he gave her his blood. It takes place in the Safe Haven.” Imagine
To Live, To Fear - Based on this request: “prompt 12. You are the only person who has ever made me smile. With Thomas tmr?” Imagine
Crossing Over - Based on this request: “tmr Thomas imagine where the reader is in our reality. she reads the tmr book and thomas appears in front of her to ask her to be in his world and he know that she will accept” Imagine
Can You Hear Me? - Based on this request: “Thomas x sister imagine but they share the gift of telepathy. And they can feel each other’s pain when one of them gets hurt the other feels it.” Oneshot
Just Talk - Based on this request: “imagine of Thomas where the reader has a crush on Thomas, but thinks he doesn’t feel the same about her because of Teresa however she has a talk with her and Teresa tells the reader he feels the same and pushes her to confess to him” Imagine
To Love Again - Based on this request: “some angst please! it starts out a newt x reader but then after Death Cure it turns into a Thomas x reader. just two grieving people learning to love again and feeling guilty!” Imagine
The Secret - Based on this request: “Thomas x Reader (tmr): thomas and the reader are secretly dating and newt and minho try to set them up together but when their plan fails they find out” Imagine
Good For Us - Based on this request: “Thomas x reader set in the death cure? Thomas is protective of her since they’re dating and Teresa has feelings for him. When she finds out Thomas moved on (never liked her back) she hurts the reader? Maybe like when Theresa is kidnapped and taking out everyone’s tag’s from wicked, she cuts (Y/N) and Thomas freaks out at her?” Imagine
Snow Falls in the Glade - Based on this request: “Thomas x reader Christmas idea where the gladers celebrate Christmas with snowball fights” Imagine
In Sickness And In Health - Based on this request: “a Thomas x reader where y/n is sick and Thomas takes care of her and worries even though it’s just like a cold or something.” Imagine
Being Thomas’ Best Friend Would Include... - Based on this request: “headcanons about Thomas (TMR) reacting to gn platonic (mb best friend?) reader who likes his hugs, but is too shy to ask for them, doesn’t want to seem weird or needy?” Headcanons
The Name of It - You’ve grown used to the monotony of the Glade, but someone has just arrived to break you from the same dull routine: the latest Greenie, Thomas. Imagine
Worrying - Based on this request: “Thomas x reader. It’s set after the Safe Haven. Thomas is a police officer y/n is his girlfriend and worries everytime he  goes on shift.” Imagine
Onlookers - Based on this request: “Thomas x Reader: (this is when Gally shot chuck) The group is almost out, but Gally can’t help himself and holds y/n hostage (he has always been jealous of her and thomas’ relationship).” Imagine
Being Thomas’ Little Sister and Not Knowing It Would Include... - Based on this request: “Y/n is Thomas’s little sister but they don’t know they are brother and sister. Y/n is scared. Sticks close to Thomas. Calls him Tommy. Scared of Gally. Friends with Newt and Minho” Headcanons
On the Other Side - Based on this request: “thomas x reader: the reader goes after her brother (minho) in the maze to save him and thomas worries about her” Imagine
Borrowed Time - Based on this request: “thomas x reader where the reader gets the flare instead of newt. they want to save her but she tells them to save the serum for someone who needs it more.” Imagine
Secrets Kept - Based on this request: “thomas x reader and one of the other people are being rude and they slap her and they get all worked up and mad? (maybe the person is making fun of her because she got attacked by a griever (she’s a runner) and minho had to help, but minho also stands up for her)” Imagine
Patch Me Up - Thomas can’t help but set his heart on the prettiest Med-Jack in the Glade, Y/N L/N. The only problem is that Thomas is fairly sure that she’s way out of his league. Imagine
Linked (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) - When you first arrive in the Maze, you can’t shake the feeling that something has gone wrong. This is proven when a voice appears in your head to apologize- and when the boy himself, Thomas, shows up to the Maze months later. Multi-Part Imagine
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12, 21, and 23 for the fanfiction end of the year asks! 💕
this took me a long while to do, but *checks date* we're still in 2021 so i'll count this one lololo. thanks for sending the asks crest! i have it somewhere on my internal to do list to answer those i asked you, but, yeah. maybe i'll do it someday.
12. favorite character to write about this year
hm. maybe minho? he's such fun to write. like even when he's in deepest angst he can't stop being wryly funny. i love that about him.
but let me say that newt is the one that surprised me most, ie that i ended up writing him. he was a total enigma for me when i came into this fandom, and while i was able to write him in ships, as in minewt and newtmas, i just couldn't *fathom* writing his pov. it all broke in chapter 5 (loves me like i'm brand new) of champagne problems with a very raw 1st person present pov.
21. most memorable comment/review
oh, i actually know that one. it's:
Tumblr media
[ID] your writing style is so so good, it's addictive.
ike. i don't even know what to say, i think it's just the best thing anyone has ever said about my writing.
(that comment was on mirrorball.)
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
hmm. good question? i mean had i really wanted to write it, i guess i would have? there's certainly fics i've had ideas for that i didnt' end up writing, but i wouldn't use this wording for that.
not all ideas end up being written, and that's okay. i mean, i've got so many thoughts in my head, and so many feelings in my heart, i couldn't possibly put all of them on paper--and i really don't want to either!
fic writing is just something that can be done with ideas, but to me, really, it's about the ideas and the feelings first, and the writing second.
thanks so much for these asks, they were really fun to answer! talking to you about fics and writing is just a blessing, always. ly <3 @crestfallercanyon
send me asks from this list and be quick about it the year's got only 2 days left alskdjlksad
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slyth-princess · 3 years
First Line - Tag Game
First Lines
Rules: List the first line of your last 20 stories (if you have less, list them all.) See if you can find any patterns and choose your favorite opening line. Tag your favorite authors.
Thanks for tagging me @bookwormforalways​
I’m going to start with published fics but I’m also going to throw a couple of upcoming WIP’s at the end!
We Meet Again | Drarry, Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy cannot believe he is being forced to go to this ridiculous wedding.
Unexpected Consequences | Drarry, Harry Potter
At this point, it was simply out of habit that Harry checked his map, searching for Malfoy.
Walking Disaster | Drarry, Harry Potter
As far as he was concerned, Draco Malfoy had no parents.
The Smokey Corner of the Bar | Drarry, Harry Potter
"Remind me again why I'm getting dragged to this bloody club?" Harry asked while fiddling with the crimson tie that Hermione and Luna had both insisted her wear.
So Close | Newtmas, The Maze Runner
You were the first friend I remember having, do you know that, Newt?
The Lion and the Snake | Drarry, Harry Potter
The first time that Harry ran into him was an accident.
The 12 Days of Drarry | Drarry, Harry Potter
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful Princess with sweeping blonde hair and emerald green eyes.
Seasons Change (and so do we) | Drarry, Harry Potter
When the war ended, the battle lines that had once seemed so clear began to fade and with them so too did old prejudices.
The Secret Language of Flowers | Bellarke, The 100
Clarke was barely seventeen, two months from graduating from high school and getting the hell away from Arkadia when she first had her heart broken.
Wanna Take a Walk? | Bellarke, The 100
It was over.
In This Town (don’t we love it now) | Bellarke, The 100
Clarke was doing her best to temper her annoyance as she made her way through town.
Number 6, Arkadia | Bellarke, The 100
“Alright,” Monty said as he and Jasper set down yet another large, brown box on Clarke’s living room floor, “that’s officially the last of them.”
Meet Me at the Mistletoe | Clurphy, The 100
The smell of cinnamon wafting from the oven was John Murphy’s first clue that his snickerdoodles were ready to be taken out of the oven and make their way onto the Santa platter that had been set out for his use.
My True Love Gave to Me | Bellarke, The 100
If Clarke was honest, even when she was a child she had never gotten particularly excited about the holidays.
I Want Your Midnights | Clurphy, The 100
To say that John Murphy was drunk by the time the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve would be an understatement.
A One Time Thing | Bellarke, The 100
Clarke Griffin fucking hated LA.
I Just Want (to be where you are) | Bellarke, The 100
Bellamy and Clarke had been best friends since his freshman year of college.
Now for some upcoming projects. You will see these posted within the next week or two!
A Whirlwind of Color | Harke, The 100
At seven-fifteen on the dot, Harper’s doorbell rang.
Mistakes We Knew We Were Making | Clurphy, The 100
Clarke couldn’t stop her leg from shaking as the timer on her phone ticked away the seconds.
Was It A Fairytale (or your worst nightmare) | Bellarke, The 100
All of the very best stories start with once upon a time.
This was a really fun exercise letting me look back at things I’ve written over the years. I’ve noticed I rarely use dialogue at the beginning favoring action, usually by or involving the narrator. Occasionally I give some background information.
As far s favorites, I think my opener from Seasons Change and Meet me at the Mistletoe are my favorites of the two fandoms posted. But the line from Mistakes We Knew We Were Making is one of my favorites because I feel it immediately lets you know what she is feeling and acts well for setup.
Imma tag a few people!
@kancjs @aedwritesfic @sparklyfairymira @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @burninghoneyatdusk @helloeurydice @klarkegriffin @stealing-jasons-job @queenemori @mobi-on-a-mission @drarryking @nakey-cats-take-bathsss
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danniscure · 4 years
The huge newtmas/dylmas recommended fics list!!!
Yes yes, it’s finally here.
Before I start, I have a few things to say.
1. Spoilers!! A lot of spoilers.
2. Read the tags and the warnings!!!
3. To find a fic, search “the name, the author, ‘ao3’”.
4. Have fun y’all. You can ask me to make other lists for other ships If you’d like, I’m bored.
5. These are all on ao3.
6. If you find this post helpful, please reblog it!
Let’s start, shall we?
Highly recommended:
The glade airport boys, by tisaniere. “The Gladers are a group of orphans, runaways and misfits who live at the abandoned Glade Airport , trying their best to survive”.
Ten, by ava_kay. “For seventeen year old Newt, the number ten is everything. Ten steps. Ten times you must snap your fingers. Ten nods of your head. Ten.” (Mental institution au)
WCKD Academy class A, by astralpenguin. “WCKD Academy is an elite private school. 13 high school seniors get to attend the school for free. The catch: 12 of them are assassins. The last is their target.”
Marked as his- newtmas, by axbee. “A soulmate au in which when you write on your skin the same mark appears on your soulmates”
Now to the other ones:
Misplaced mistakes (you’re the best kind), by draronoliver. “When Thomas slips his number into a pretty girls jacket, he doesn’t expect it to actually belong to the boy standing next to her.”
Like you were never gone, by ccecily. “Newt did not die in the Last City and now is fighting his way back home, to his loved ones. To Thomas.”
The enhanced, by writingsstrange. “Thomas wakes up in a lab with no memory of how he got there. He finds himself surrounded by boys with strange abilities and powers.”
Bruises (series), by the_peddler. “Working full-time at his coffee-shop, Thomas enjoys a basic yet carefree lifestyle. That is until a certain blonde guy starts visiting on a regular basis.”
The blood culmination, by persnickett. “So, wait... didn’t the knife have Thomas’s blood on it?”
Providence, by sulfuric. “In the middle of nowhere, there is a small, small town called Providence. Everything is fine until Thomas disappears. Newt has to find him without getting lost himself, which is a lot harder than it sounds.”
The only thing that matters, by dylsdyldo & thatlittlerebel. “Newt was a painter and his most favorite client asked him to paint someone, to Newts' surprise. Later did he know that this someone will make him feel things he had never felt before.”
Fire works & team spirits, by sesquipedalia. “Newt's parents thought he was special, but the football players thought otherwise. Actually, a majority of the school thought otherwise. He spent most of his time participating in geeky clubs and obsessing over Thomas Taylor, the star football player who had golden brown eyes and a smile that could kill millions - including Newt.”
Inflorescence, by veryintimate. “College au. Newt is quite, and he is fine with sticking to Minho and not taking chances. but when tattooed, artistic, charismatic Thomas shows up, he can't help himself and suddenly wants to do everything he never wanted to”.
Night visions, by potatojuiceplease. “TMR rewritten from a Canon!Newtmas PoV”.
Our dirty laundry, by trashqueen23. “Christmas break is here and Thomas promised his family they would meet his boyfriend. The only problem is: he doesn't really have one. Newt agrees to a fake relationship, in trade for Thomas to do two months of dirty laundry. What will happen when they have to spend the break pretending to be in love?”
Lead me to a future (series), by astralpenguin. “When Thomas was in his last year of primary school, a serial killer targeted some of his classmates. A suspect was arrested and convicted, but Thomas remains convinced that the police have the wrong person”
Call my name (series), by kathsilver. “Sort-of after tmr rewritten. Canon POV”
You were my best four years, by ourlovelybones. “Thomas and Teresa begin a new chapter in their lives when they arrive at Glade University for the first day of college. Along the way, Thomas befriends a new core group of friends: Harriet, Sonya, Minho, and most importantly - Newt.”
Talk me home & reflections of home, by comebacknow. “Canon pov of the story, one from Newts POV, on from Thomas’s”
Let me help you, by infiniteflame. “Newt is the most popular guy at Beacon Hills High. He's good looking, confident, and on top of it all, his parents are rich. Thomas is new to Beacon Hills. He has extreme social anxiety, depression, and high self conciousness.”
Carousel, by dreamitbeit. “In between glowing screens with promises about his future and cracked pavement that spilled his memories, for one summer, Thomas floats. Summer romance”
Setting paper hearts on fire, by orphan_account. “Dylan makes a joke, and it seems like no one is forgetting it”.
Flip the script, by orphan_account. The sequel to setting paper hearts on fire.
Acquainted, by coupe_de_foudre. “the story of how aspiring artist Dylan O'Brien fell (quite literally) into the arms of famous actor, Thomas Brodie-Sangster.”
In black&white, by thomaddict. “Instagram au”.
Dt a few friends of mine: @im-not-trash-but-im-a-yoyo @a5-newt-the-glue @justafangirlinglesbian @dream-in-charming @helllucifer
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songbvrd · 3 years
First Line Game!
rules: list the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). see if there are any patterns, and choose your favorite opening line! tag 10 of your favorite authors! (I can’t think of 10 people rn, so here are a few! @the-nerdnextdoor @newtcallsmetommy @imjustafangirl-nobodylovesme )
Thank you @inabottlelikelightning for the tag, ily! 
I have 18 so I’m going to do them all, but I haven’t read some of them in months, which will be interesting!
It’s Just Polyester - Thiam - posted on 3/10/20
For a smart person, it took Theo an inordinately long time to realise what was going on.
We Both Know What We Need - Thiam - posted on 5/10/20
Liam Dunbar was an idiot.
The Curse of Batman and Robin - Thiam - posted on 31/10/20
“Fuck you, Dunbar.”
Blue Teapot - Thiam (The Office AU) - posted on 13/10/20
Theo hated his job.
Don’t You Cry No More - Destiel - posted on 16/11/20
Dean stared out the window, his green eyes locked on the mountains off in the distance. 
Heaven Waits For You - Destiel - posted on 22/11/20
Dean knew the second he went flying backwards. He knew. 
Soaring Ever Higher - Destiel - posted on 24/11/20
When he woke up, Castiel immediately looked around, trying to find someone, anyone, that was familiar.
A Stormy Sea of Moving Emotions - Destiel - posted on 25/11/20
Dean actually didn’t know if he could sort out his worst days.
There Is Happiness Past The Blood and Bruise - Destiel - posted on 11/12/20
They’re going to die in here.
A Watchful Eye - Thiam - posted on 04/11/20
Liam Dunbar was a household name.
Every Road Leads To You - Destiel - posted on 22/12/20
Cas ran his fingers through his fiance’s hair, taking note of all the little details.
You Colour My Soul - Thiam - posted on 25/12/20
Mason got his when he was fifteen.
A Love That There’s No Cure For - Thiam - posted on 30/12/20
“This is stupid,” Liam snapped, staring down at Scott’s face on his phone in frustration.
Yoko - Newtmas - posted on 23/1/21
“Yoko?” Newt asked, surprised by the comment.
Couples Counselling - Newtmas - posted on 24/2/21
“Twenty percent isn’t enough, man.”
Love & War - Newtmas - posted on 03/03/21
“Thomas!” The boy yelled, sounding at once deeply relieved and excited, “My name! It’s Thomas!”
Artificial Love - Thiam - posted on 03/01/21
The Queen sat down in the leather chair, her blue eyes following her only son as he fidgeted nervously in his seat.
A Ballad of Guilt and Grief - Newtmas - posted on 27/01/21
Gally had made a lot of mistakes in his life.
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panevanbuckley · 3 years
@on-maars ooh tysm for the tag! I haven't seen this tag game before 💜
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 252
2. What's your total AO3 word count? at the moment, it's 487,043
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? man idk...too many. maybe, like, 15? I'm not gonna list them all 😂
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
baby come home - 2052 (when i tell you i cried...)
come home to my heart - 1697
fake boyfriends (with real kisses) - 1623
don't tell my husband (he'll kill me) - 1615
it's always been you - 1597
5. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? oh, I have no clue. I very rarely write angst so it'd be an old fic anyways
6. What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending? umm...all of them?! literally, I pretty much exclusively write fluff so all my fics are happy endings
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you've written? rarely. I'll sometimes do a fic of 9-1-1/lone star or combine the hbo war shows. the craziest one I did was (wow almost exactly a year ago!) 'don't count your chickens before they hatch', a world war z/justified soulmate fic that I actually really like 😂
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? not often, and usually it's from a prompt or request because I suck at smut
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? of course! every single comment I receive makes my day!! the fact that people read my work, let alone take the time to leave comments, is so insane to me
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic? not that I know of?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? again, not that I know of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I think I have? a while back...it might've been a reed900 fic? idk off the top of my head though
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not an entire fic but I've bounced plot ideas with friends before whilst writing, that's always super fun
14. What's your all time favourite ship? to write for? probably buddie at the moment. honestly, it's impossible to choose an 'all time favourite' anything with me though 😂
15. What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? I have an old reed900 strip club!au that will probably never be finished at this point, as well as a 17k hogwarts au for the pacific that I haven't touched in a year 😭 tbf it's safe to say that any WIPs I've got posted atm probably won't be finished
16. What are your writing strengths? nothing? 😂 idk, I guess I can turn small interactions into meaningful gestures? that's what people tell me anyways
17. What are your writing weaknesses? obviously multi-chapter fics. or just longfics in general. my inspiration has commitment issues and doesn't often stay around long enough for me to write much more than 5k of one idea. which sucks because I'm great at coming up with ideas that could fill 100k 😂
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I have done it often, there's a few bilingual characters I write for. I also love reading fics that have other languages, it always feels more authentic? I don't mind having to use the translator
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for? there'll be no surprise that it was the maze runner - newtmas to be more specific. I'd never considered writing fic before, until lil' fetus me was struck with an idea that I just had to write down
20. What's your favourite fic you've written? oh, I don't know. I tend to love my fics as I'm writing them but once they're finished I hate them? take my jegulus WIP atm, I adore it right now but when it's over I'll probably look back and realise how much it sucks 😂
tagging: @ace-diaz @alienoresimagines @fuzziezss @fix-the-skies @buckbuckley ✨
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candy-loverockr · 4 years
Questions taggy thing
Heyyy @mvickym I love youUUU thanks for the tag sis uwu
1: What are you wearing? Honestly I’m like just wearing oversized stuff since March
2: Ever been in love? I think so yeah ksjgdf
3: Ever had a terrible breakup? Not really
4: How tall are you? 1.61 
6: Any tattoos do you want? I’d love a diamond tattoo on my hand or a moon because my friend squad all want the same uwu
7: Any piercings that you want? not really tbh
8: OTP? Oh fuck this is hard like I love many pairings skdfjgdf right now I’d say Newtmas, Simbar, Melekseev, Buddie sdkjsgd and like, canon couples like Jake and Amy from b99 and Michael and Sara from Prison break
9: Favorite show? Prison Break most definitely
10: Favorite band? I’d say Queen and Studio Killers but I don’t stan a band like I stan Marina aka my fave singer
11: Something you miss? I miss when after school me and my friends went to the Oxxo, bought a drink, noodles or a hotdog and sat down outside of it and talked about life, I miss my friends mostly and junk food lmao
12: Favorite song? Under pressure by queen and david bowie
13: How old are you? 21 almost 22 (panic)
14: Zodiac sign? libra hell yeah
15: Hair color? brown ksjdgf 
16: Favorite quote? I have a favourite poem :D? It’s no te rindas by mario benedetti, I can’t think of many quotes because I pretty much love all songs I’ve listened to and they all have iconic quotes 
17: Favorite singer? Marina and Marina and Marina and Marina-
18: Favorite color? Putple uwu always
19: Loud music or soft? Depends on the mood but I like both
20: Where do you go when you’re sad? My own mind lmao
21: How long does it take you to shower? So *gulp* usually from 15 to 40 minutes depending on how I’m feeling lmaoo
22: How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? At least an hour
23: Ever been in a physical fight? Yeah kjsdgsdfkjdsfg 
24: Turn on? I usually really really like hair like, curly hair, long hair, light colored hair, if it’s all together it’s a plus, hands, a nice tm back sdjkfsdkjfg, now in terms of personality, funny but not too childish, usually I like it if we share some music, respecftul as in willing to learn from each other 
25: Turn off? what we call here a “buchon”, egocentric and like pretentious, obviously the biggest wrongs like h*mophobe and the full variants, not willing to punch a n*zi or tr*ansphobe or makes fun of right movements
26: The reason I joined TUMBLR? I was in my fake depressed phase and saw those gifs with quotes sdfjsdf
27: Fears? time, not being good enough at anything, atm losing someone from c*vid
28: Last thing that made you cry? I’m on my period so there’s a full list
29: Last time you cried? Like an hour ago pfff
30: Meaning behind your url? it all began when I created my email, dad said “write down things you like” and 8 year old me went “i like candy i like rock i like love” (which rn they do not even apply bc I’m more of a pop person and I can’t stand too much sweet lmaooo) but anyways I decided to keep the same email words in the rest of my social media and suddenly candy was too my online alias so yeah that’s it
31: Last book you read? the song of achiles once again because good book but also i’ve lost the ability to read more
32: Last song you listened to? i can’t help myself by the four tops (I have to rank 800 songs for a project sdkjfgd)
33: Last show you watched? I’m pretty sure it was Nailed it mexico sdkfjsgdf 
34: Last person you talked to? Just a friend lmao
35: The relationship between you and the person you last texted? We’re not that close but we’re homies
36: Favorite food? oh fuck, I like pizza I like tacos I like boneless I like baguettes I like sandwiches-
37: Place you want to visit? New York (limit does not exist), Italy, Netherlands, Europe in general tbh
38: Last place you were? Kitchen 
39: Do you have a crush? I only wished
40: Last time you kissed someone? Halloween ksdjfgsdkfjg 
41: Last time you were insulted and what was it? idk and idc
42: What color underwear are you wearing? KSDJGDKJG WHY IS THIS A QUESTION LMAO BUT LIKE LIKE LIKE BLACK?
43: What color shirt are you wearing? Green
44: What color bottoms are you wearing? Dark blue (look its quarantine fashion does not exist)
45: Wearing any bracelets? No
46: Last sport you played? Do wii sports count? 
47: Last song you sang? for a better day by avicii my babeyyy
48: Last prank call you remember doing? I don’t remember half my day sis
49: Last time you hung out with anyone? Like three weeks ago 
50: Favorite movie? The great gatsby and like kung fu panda 2 because its a nice movie ok?
I’m tagging @deliverydefresas @heylucy13 @decaffeinateddreambeliever and @mewnyan and like if you want to do it feel free to do so uwu
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answer 17 questions, tag 17 people
tagged by @haileymorelikestupid!! thank you!!
Nickname: uhh i dont rlly have a nickname?? like one person called me lia for a week last year and that was it
Zodiac sign: sagittarius
Height: 5′3″
Hogwarts house: i think it was hufflepuff last time i took a quiz? (it’s been like 6 years, alright)
Last thing i googled: bad bangs
Song stuck in my head: be alright by dean lewis! i watched a sad newtmas edit lmao
Following: 280
Followers: 327!!!!
Amount of sleep: ive been getting like 8-12 these past nights (but i did get like 14 the other day skfhf)
Lucky number: uhhh i’ll say 15
Dream job: honestly being a writer, or something with movies
Wearing: a hoodie and pajama pants bc my other outfit got hair on it 😔😔
Favorite song: it’s tied between honky cat by taron egerton and richard madden and la devotee by p!atd
Instruments: lmao i wish
Random fact: i just cut my hair a few minutes ago so now it’s about an inch above my shoulder!!
Aesthetics: i honestly rlly love all the aesthetics i see (but i really love dark academia)
tagging: @anthonycarrigan @starrystoziers @wespers @ridloffs @vipertooth @flareprince @watchemma2020 @rosenriot @superbatson @elnathh + anyone else who wants to do this!!
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bynewtscamander · 7 years
12 Days of Newtmas: Day 3
Today we’re celebrating Newt’s adorable Hufflepuff scarf!
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hartigays · 4 years
Ship History Meme
Embrace your past and get to know your friends’ fandom origins!
Rules: Post gifs of your fandoms / ships starting with your most current hyperfixation and work backwards. (Bonus points if you share any stories about how or when you got into that ship! But not necessary!!) Then tag anyone whose fandom history you’d like to learn about!
I was tagged by: @gideongrace thanks bby!! 💜
Most Recent: barisi (law and order: svu)
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How did I get into it? it’s my current hyperfixation but i’ve shipped it for a long time, basically since the first moment that barba and carisi were on the show at the same time years ago, and then i started reading fic when they finally had screentime together for the first time. i rewatch random seasons of svu every now and then and i always resume my love for these two when i do
Next: effoff (sex education)
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How did I get into it? i recently decided to finally binge sex education and it’s just another situation where the moment they had screentime together, esp adam being an asshole to eric (cause i knew they were gonna do something w that i just KNEW IT), i was totally a goner for them
Next: harringrove (stranger things)
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How did I get into it? oh god they’re my constant, my ~touchestone~, i will never not love these two idiot boys (i have other hyperfixations rn but they’ll always be my number ones) but i didn’t actually get into them until like january of 2019?? i’d been in between fandoms and decided to rewatch st and noticed their chemistry for the first time and i was like hold up.........then i tested the waters n read some fic and here we are
Next: thiam (teen wolf)
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How did I get into it? so i’d watched teen wolf from day 1 that it aired, but i stopped circa-s5 because it was just. so bad i could NOT. i loved theo but the whole premise of s5 i just couldn’t get into. so i stopped for a few years, then one day i decided to finally watch s5 and ofc s6 naturally, and i got v attached to theo and liam. started reading fic and hyperfixated on s6 quite a bit and became a hardcore thiam shipper
Next: rickyl (the walking dead)
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How did I get into it? i don’t know. i don’t even watch twd anymore, i stopped after the mid-season finale of s6, but i’ve always loved rick and daryl’s relationship. i still rewatch the first 4 seasons every now and then and get back into my rickyl hyperfixation. this is also a ride-or-die ship of mine that i’ve had for a long time and i go back to it often
Next: stucky (captain america trilogy)
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How did I get into it? this is such an old ship of mine that i really don’t even remember. i’ve been watching marvel movies since i was in middle school, and i started getting into the fandom around my freshman year of high school. the cap movies were always my favorite and bucky was (and still is) my favorite fictional character, so me shipping stucky just evolved naturally. they are my number 1 ship of all time and i’m not ashamed to admit it
Next: sterek (teen wolf)
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How did I get into it? I WAS LIKE 12 AND IT WAS MY FIRST M/M SHIP, they are the OG’s, the lights of my life, the fire of my loins. i started watching teen wolf when it first aired and around the same time had just joined tumblr about a year before, so i was already getting into the fandom side of tumblr when i started following teen wolf blogs. a lot of people were posting about sterek and it peaked my interest, and i v quickly got invested!!
Next: mulder x scully (the x-files)
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How did I get into it? i’ve been watching txf since i was literally an infant. if we wanna be technical, actually since i was in the womb (my mom is a major txf fan and she apparently watched it all the time when she was pregnant with me). i always watched it with my mom growing up, and mulder and scully were so obviously in love how could lil ol’ me not develop a serious love for them??
Honorable mentions (in no particular order): reddie (IT movies), david x patrick (schitt’s creek), malira (teen wolf), kastle (daredevil, the punisher), newtmas (tmr series), sciles (teen wolf), clexa (the 100), bellarke (the 100), bensler (law and order: svu), dorisi (law and order: svu), bucky x loki (marvel)
i’m tagging: @grabmyboner @hoegrove @biillyhargroves @wndasmaximoffs @etterklang @brokebackmountains @mustardprecum @granpappy-winchester @aspartaeme @billyscamar0 @avalonlights and anyone else who wants to do this :-)
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mathewmurdocks · 4 years
Pick your top 10 OTPs without reading the questions.
tagged by @impractical-matters
1. sterek
2. stitch
3. midia
4. newtmas
5. buddie
6. parker/eliot/hardison
7. merthur
8. stallison
9. éowyn/aragorn
10. fang/max
1. Do you remember the episode/scene/chapter that you first started shipping 6?
i shipped them before i watched the show. i saw them on tumblr and that’s why i started watching it 😂
2. Have you ever read a fanfic about 2?
Y E S.
3. Has a picture of 4 ever been your screen saver/profile picture/tumblr screen saver?
4. If 7 were to suddenly break up today, what would your reaction be?
well, technically they’re not canon and even if they were...uhm...they’re already broken up? 😅
5. Why is 1 so important?
because i lvoe my babies 💞
6. Is 9 a funny ship or a serious ship?
dead serious.
7. Out of all the ships listed, which ship has the most chemistry?
idk, they all have amazing chemistry, which is why i ship them all. lol if we’re talking canon wise, i guess either parker/eliot/hardison, buddie, or merthur.
8. Out of all your ships listed, which ship has the strongest bond?
definitely merthur
9. How many times have you read/watched the 10’s fandom?
i read every book at least once, but some of them i read multiple times. i started watching the movie but quit after like 20 minutes becuase it was T E R R I B L E and such a disappointment. i wanna read the books again though.
10. Which ship has lasted the longest?
well, none of them are canon 😅 (i just noticed that) so i’ll go with the ship i’ve shipped the longest. éowyn/aragorn.
11. How many times, if ever, has 6 broken up?
in my headcanon NEVER.
12. If the world was suddenly thrust into a zombie apocalypse, which ship would make it out alive, 2 or 8?
oh my god, both. they would live until old age because zombies ain’t got nothing on their asses.
13. Did 7 ever have to hide their relationship for any reason?
oh my god yes. for so many reasons.
14. Is 4 still together?
i’m....i... 😞 no
15. Is 10 canon?
yes, it’s literally THE ONLY canon ship on my list dncjsjxjsks
16. If all 10 ships were put into a couple’s Hunger Games, which couple would win?
stitch. stiles would have a lot of difficulty with it, but mitch wouldnt. hed thrive and get them to the end and do what stiles couldnt.
17. Has anybody ever tried to sabotage 5’s ship?
THE WRITERS. jkjkjk i love the writers of the show. they’re not canon lol so maybe themselves? cause they’re IDIOTS IN LOVE WHO ARE DENYING THEIR FEELINGINS THANK YOU.
18. Which ship would you defend to the death and beyond?
i would die for stallison
19. Do you spend hours a day going through 3’s tumblr page?
no? they’re a insanely rarepair 😔
20. If an evil witch descended from the sky and told you that you had to pick one of the ten ships to break up forever or else she’d break them all forever, which ship would you sink?
again, literally only one is canon, but i guess i would say midia. 🤷🏻‍♀️
if anybody wants to do this, consider yourself tagged!!
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captainshyguy · 5 years
tag thingamabob
 Tagged by @jedi-master-megan (ty!!)
1. Dogs or Cats? Dogs!! Still like cats tho
2. YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? Not to b pretentious but i dont rly care for either?? Like not in ‘uwu stan’ way at least
3. If you could live anywhere where would that be? Im happy w/ my hometown, but i’d love to leave in a seaside town...paignton....yes blease
4. Disney or DreamWorks? Not to b pretentious AGAIN but theyre both evil companies, but at least dreamworks isnt voreing anything hey come into contact w/ so them ig 
5. Favorite childhood TV show? Depends on the era of childhood ig!! was obessed w/ penguins of madagascar for like 5 years, so i’ll go w/ that
6. The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? wow today is rly me being pretentious abt media nd culture but none im kinda sick of the film industry jkdnhkdhd 
7. Favorite book you read in 2019? Havent read a narrative book exactly, but journal 3 from gravity falls was FANTASTIC
8. Marvel or DC? not to be pre- [gets shot] (eh marvel ig??)
9. If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member? Quicksilver fun 
10. Night or Day? Complicated question! (or..answer ig) Night has the stars and i adore stargazing w/ my whole soul, but my mood is generally better w/ more sunlight/in the summer?
11. Favorite Pokemon? East Sea Gastrodon!!! A squishy friend....
12. Top 5 bands/artists: Westlife, Owl City, Imagine Dragons, idk abt more
13. Top 10 books: Uhhh, Maze Runner, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe, all of The Raven Cycle (so 4 books), Harry Potter 5, Journal 3 (it counts babey!) Carry On, 1st Magnus Chase Book?
14. Top 4 movies. Treasure Planet, Into the Spiderverse, Mulan, any of the Kung Fu Panda films
15. America or Europe? ig europe since thats where i live
16. Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr bc anonymous hellsite
17. Favorite vacation destination? Again, paignton!! such a prettey town..
18. Favorite YouTuber? Dont know if i have a fave? Chuggaconroy is fun to watch, as is CallMeKevin but i mainly just jump from youtuber to youtuber, looking for people playing whichever game im feelin
19. Favorite author? why ask this AND top books?? not a single question abt video games smh....
20. Tea or Coffee? None
21. OTP? Out of like canon characters, im still a newtmas clown 😔 oc (or oc/ canon, depending) wise i have so many, elyon/aerendyl is my Main one, but rly been feeling solaris/jango and ellor/rex currently 
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? Nah 😔
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