#11 independent project blog
xuan0517 · 1 year
2023.6.16 Project design system plan
I thought that the graduation project would not be enough with just one installation and that the installation was a bit out of the professional realm of graphic design. So I decided to make a booklet to explain the background of the project and also to enrich the content of the project.
I tried to find inspiration on Pinterest, I searched for keywords about handbooks and I wanted to make a booklet with a lot of small mechanisms, so that it would be more informative and original, I looked at some experiments with mechanism design:
I think this organ can more easily convey the information in the booklet by cutting out a flap in the opposite direction between two laminated seeds, perfect for telling history over time lines.
As well as looking at the website for inspiration, I also turned my attention to some of the work I had seen at the ECA undergraduate graduation exhibition. One of the works is about typography, there are two books in total, the author also uses a folding design technique, very simple and clear white and black as the main colour, and each page is folded very neatly, it is worth noting that the first page is made in the shape of a box, which can store the whole book back, but I think its content is too single, just repeatedly aligning the text in the centre, which has a certain aesthetic value but lacks design. It has some aesthetic value but lacks design.
However, it gave me some advice on the choice of material: it must be made of stiff cardboard and a small gap must be left in each fold to prevent piling up.
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ficwritersretreat · 6 months
Registration Now Open!
WE'RE BACK TO ANNUAL, EVERYONE!!! Seventh Ontario Fic Writers' Retreat, first held in 2016, coming once again in 2024.
To Register, Click Here
When: August 8-11 2024
Where: Blue Mountain Chalets, Collingwood, Ontario
What is it? Four days spent with other fic writers, at all levels of experience. There will be a mix of workshops (Topics TBA and open to suggestions), prompts and challenges, and plenty of independent writing time for your own personal projects. (This year there's also a hot tub and an optional trip to the beach!)
It’s also an opportunity to make connections with people who share your interests and passions, and where you can focus on your own goals and creativity.
Cost (in CANADIAN DOLLARS): $450.00 
(approximately $332 USD as of this posting)
Here’s what you get for it:
Food Costs (with all participants helping with prep and cleanup - see note below)
Accommodation (Shared rooms but NOT shared beds - sorry)
Use of a hot tub and sauna at this year's venue (New this year!)
Daily workshops and writing sessions (2+ per day)
Registration fee included in the price
Registration Process:
Click on the Registration Link, above.
Complete the form and submit it.
Select a payment option: a) e-transfer (Canadian residents only) or b) PayPal (link in registration form)
Make your deposit of $225 CAD (50% of total cost) to complete your registration
Second payment is due on July 9, 30 days before the retreat begins.
Space will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis. There are 24 spaces available, after which names will be placed on a waiting list (no payment will be required unless you are offered a spot).
Travel to Toronto is not included.
However, since several participants (and the organizer) live in the area, we have always been able to arrange ride-shares from the Toronto Airport to the various venues. These connections will be arranged after registration.
Contact me with any questions! Or see the FAQ Page
***A note regarding meals: They'll look a little different this year - we'll be making our own! The venue is a pair of summer chalet/cottage spaces with full kitchens. All participants will be asked to take part in making meals happen - either for planning, picking up groceries, preparation or clean-up. The cost of the food is included in the price.
Tags under the cut. Let me know if you want to be tagged in this. If you’re not tagged it’s because I didn’t know you were interested. (Or I used an old list and forgot, or I thought you'd asked to not be tagged - correct me if I was wrong!) It's not because we don't want you! Please come.
@totallysilvergirl @blogstandbygo @addictedstilltheaddict @onwallsjcfwrites @amindamazed @fearlessdiva930 @cirquedereve @antheiasilva @inevitably-johnlocked @pippn-frodo @stellacartography @muaddib-iswriting @keirgreeneyes @missdaviswrites @nautilicious @otter-von-bismarck @mydogwatson @pipmer @aquabelacqua @may-shepard @pippn-frodo @weneedtotalkaboutfilms-blog @shirleycarlton @daringlydomestic @quesarasara @laughing-at-the-darkness @ellipsical-elle @fluffbyday-smutbynight @kettykika78 @vulgarweed @hellonewsletter @atlinmerrick @podfixx @stellacartography @1-800-get-sherlocked @thegildedbee @letteredlettered @inexplicifics @storyshark2005 @tiger-in-the-flightdeck @seriouslymarythough @anyawen @topsyturvy-turtely @noadventureshere221b @gay-pirate-anime @simpledontmeanpeachy @helloliriels @hopipp @masked-alias @doctornerdington
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homestuckreplay · 1 month
Webcomic 'Homestuck' Canceled For Promoting Bad Password Security
(page 456-459)
8/10/2009 Wheel Spin: Parent Bad :( Verdict: INCORRECT
8/11/2009 Wheel Spin: being silly :3c Verdict: CORRECT, but behind at least 10 layers of irony
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In the far future, somebody might call this update a time capsule of the 2000s. If computers change significantly, or something. page 456 comments on Dave's bro's computer being password protected, suggesting that this isn't a cultural norm - the newly-released Windows 7 still doesn't require user accounts to have a password. In Homestuck, the password is used to protect 'incredible top secret shit,' so password protecting a personal home computer might be associated with shadier online behavior.
Bro's password is six characters, and is 'the most awesome thing it can be' according to Dave and his bro, so it's probably lilcal. (It could also be puppet, but personally my passwords are always specific characters, song titles etc, not general concepts. I don't know if other people are different. for what it's worth lilcal is also a slightly more secure password than puppet which is A SINGULAR DICTIONARY WORD). Bro also trusts Dave with his password - either because he doesn't think Dave will do anything to mess up his computer, or because he's daring Dave to use it, similar to leaving the Xbox switched on mid-game.
On page 457 we see Bro's desktop, which we can compare to Dave's desktop on page 323. They both have wallpapers from And It Don't Stop, showing us a chain of game recommendations from Bro -> Dave -> John. Dave, like Rose and John, has some character in the names of his desktop folders, while his bro has seven identically named New Folders scattered around the screen. This adds to the sense that Bro is paranoid about people looking at his computer - he's purposefully making it impossible to navigate. The hidden-identity hat and dark glasses iconography on the password entry screen has the same effect.
Bro also has a program called Delirious Biznasty, which has a rad skater dude for its icon. This could be a web browser, but I think it's more likely some kind of torrenting application, I think that'd fit his vibe. The web browsers we know are Typheus, Cetus and Hephaestus, which are all Greek mythological references with cartoon-styled icons, and Delirious Biznasty doesn't fit the pattern. Based on Dave's relationship to his bro, Bro probably uses Hephaestus too and just doesn't have a desktop shortcut.
Dave and his bro both use the Complete Bullshit content aggregator, which we are forced to witness on pages 458 and 459. Content aggregators are pretty common customizable feeds that people use to keep up with a lot of websites at once, when checking 20+ separate sites a day gets too time consuming. RSS readers are a common form of this that can host a lot of different types of content, but there are also aggregators specifically for webcomics. These are controversial - they're generally well intentioned projects made for free by webcomic fans who want to check for updates easily and keep up with a lot of stories, and want to help other fans do the same. However, they can redirect traffic away from actual sites that host webcomics, meaning that independent webcomic artists might miss out on ad revenue or merch sales, or are less likely to sell ads because their sites don't look as well-trafficked as they are. I don't know if Andrew Hussie has a strong opinion on comics aggregators, but it's possible this terrible to use, unstable and unreadable version is a criticism of the concept.
Complete Bullshit also feels like Dave's bro's equivalent of Serious Business, as they're both digital programs with adjective-noun titles. I wonder if Rose's mom will get her own software.
It's sweet that Bro keeps up with Dave's projects, including Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff and his GameBro review blog. It shows that their relationship isn't 100% one sided, Bro cares for Dave and/or thinks he's cool at least a little bit. It's also fun that Dave is checking to see if his own webcomic has updated, which could be bad memory due to having a lot of projects on the go, or could be Dave checking to make sure his update has gone through and posted successfully. Very reasonable, as it must be a challenge to upload such high quality images.
I will probably make a post digging into Sweet Bro & Hella Jeff at some point, but I'm still peeling the onion of its irony right now so I'll just say: when exactly did Dave find the time to make these comics?
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Bella's Master List
Thank you for visiting my blog! To check out all my fanfic works please see the below! Also follow me on X: https://x.com/BellasMumbles NEW COMMUNITY PROJECT:
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🩸 Calling all Astarion fans! 🩸Looking for a place to explore (or enjoy) the steamy side of our favorite vampire in both his ascended and unascended forms? The Astarion’s Thirst collection on AO3 is live! 😈 Whether it’s sensual, dark, explicit, or anywhere in between, this collection is for those who can’t get enough of Astarion’s thirst for blood, passion, and more. 💋 Full Details: HERE AO3 Collection Link
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In the aftermath of their victory over the Nether Brain, Astarion, now newly Ascended, and Sima’s love is tested by dark obsessions and a quest for independence. As they navigate perilous power struggles and inner demons, their bond teeters on the edge. Will it endure the encroaching darkness, or be consumed by it? Chapters on Tumblr: Prologue, 1 , 2 , 3 , Interlude, 4 , 5 , 6, 7, 8 , 9 , 10 Interlude 2 , 11 , 12 13 14 Entire Story Link on AO3 Spotify Playlist
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Sima, a modern musician, is thrust into the magical world of Baldur’s Gate, captivating a certain vampire spawn: Astarion. Their passionate romance faces challenges of jealousy, societal prejudice, and personal traumas. Together, they navigate love, trust, and intimacy, standing as a team against the shadows of their pasts and the trials of a fantastical realm.
Tumblr posting Starts and Hiatus Will End: Aug 2024 Entire Story Link on AO3 (11 Chapters)
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Songbird's Sanguine Sunset / Tumblr link inspired by Blood of the Songbird by @songbirdoftherogue Unfinished Work: Revenge and Blood on Silken Dunes
Tumblr Articles and Musings:
Musing 1: Snippets Snippet Prompt 1
Musting 2: WIP WIP 1
Musing 3: Characterization Discussions (Spoilers!) Characterization for Astarion's Paths , Characterization for Sima (Tav)
Musing 4: Random Ramblings Ramblings 1
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Thank you for Reading my work and if you are feeling kind, please leave a good word or comment or reblog on anything, its always appreciated!
graphics for lip dividers here: @firefly-graphics
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ryoshudoodles · 5 months
The Plushū Diaries
This is a long post about the plushie I made as a beginner and just me venting about the process. Just skip this is you don't like long posts. Also I will probably mix up UK and US English a lot here. The usual Internet learning experience.
Canto 1- I can (not) make a plushie myself
So... As you may gather from the existence of this blog, I love Ryōshū a very normal amount. And like many other PM fans, I wanted a plushie of my best girl.
Two problems arise.
Independently made plushies made by commission are EXPENSIVE (For a very valid reason, this things take AGES to make and require a lot of work and skill.).
All the "Mass" produced ones by indie designers that I saw had animal ears or features, which I don't really like.
So, Sunday at around 10:00 pm, I, in all my wisdom, say to myself "I want it! So I'll make it!" I already had some material from a previous failed attempt, so might as well use them.
I dug up the doll skeleton and the body I had and stuffed that thing. By then it was already late and I had to work on Monday so, to bed I went.
Canto 2- The Real Start
By morning on the following day, I had already gotten over the Idea of making a plushie myself. Too much work. Too little skill. Like any other good little ADHD demon, I am allergic to completing my own projects and I jump from new idea to new idea too quickly to get anything done.
So, imagine my shock when at 11:00 pm I get that little itch to just make the thing. That little night owl brain magic that happens when everyone else is asleep and you are just now deciding to be productive.
So I grab the body, my embroidery thread and a bathtub of coffee and I just started.
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Luckily I already had a pattern that a friend printed out for me two years ago. But then, the mistakes also started.
Mistake 1- Improv
I had no idea what I wanted to make. I had a design that I had painted In photoshop before but I didn't have that materials nor skills for that. So I made a simpler one on the spot. I don't own a printer. I don't have transfer paper. So... like a person with a very aesthetically pleasing smooth brain, I just drew the design STRAIGHT ON THE FABRIC with BRIGHT red pen.
Mistake 2 - The bright red pen
At the start it wasn't much of an issue just something to mark the design because I don't have a tearaway stabilizer.
By the end of this saga, those smooth clear lines had bled SO MUCH I could no longer tell the difference between te guide and random stains. Oh! And you can also see the guidelines from the outside of the doll. Cool.
Mistake, the third - The felt hair
This doesn't seem like a mistake, but trust me, It will haunt the narrative.
Mistake forever after - Hubris
It took... around 1 hour to line up everything correctly on the embroidery ring? Why? Because I am stupid, that's why.
During this first day I decided that I didn't need to use pins. I could just put it on the ring by eyeballing it. How bad can it be?
I was a fool. There's a reason why professionals use them, and there's a reason why some people sew some pieces temporarily during certain steps of the process before finally attaching them together. Pins truly are unsung heroes.
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Canto 3- The unembroidered
So... embroidery. Embroidery is hard. Symmetrical embroidery is hard. Symmetrical embroidery with bleeding guidelines and no stabilizer is HARD. Symmetrical embroidery with bleeding guidelines, no stabilizer and you are a total beginner is maddening.
I watched someone do it by hand on YouTube before and I tried to mimic the process as much as I could. It didn't help much. Youtube tutorials can only do so much to compensate my lack of experience.
By the time I had done one eye I was already seeing problems. My stitches were all scattered to the four winds. They were all going in different directions. Some of them were too far apart or too close to others. The lines in the back of the doll were piling up and there were more knots in the thread than in your average omegaverse fic.
I went colour by colour. First black since I needed it to line the hair and it was the most used colour, then white just for the little highlights and finally red.
(Funny thing, the number of this red thread of this brand is 666 wich is kinda funny for miss hellscreen over here.)
After the red thread it finally started to look kinda decent (by beginner standards)
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Canto 4 - Revenge of the felt hair
After all the embroidery was done it was finally time to get her off the ring and sew the parts together.
For those unaware, the regular soft plushie material, Minky, is really lightweight and very thin. Felt... isn't thin. And when you are sewing a plushie head with may parts and layers, all those millimeters of fabric pile up really quickly. One layer of felt is easy to pierce with a needle. Five layers? Not so much. Several needles were broken in the process of joining the front of the head with the back. I do not own a sewing machine. I did all of this shit by hand.
Thank god for the tetanus vaccine. When I say this little creature has my blood, sweat and tears, I MEAN IT.
The curse of the felt hair didn't end there.
Now that the head was done, it was time to stuff it.
Naturally, I had to rip parts of the stuffing to get it inside the head and around the skeleton. This sent bits and pieces of the thing flying everywhere. My room is FILTHY. And the felt hair got the worst of it. All those little dusts and microfibers stuck to it like a fly in a web. As I write this I am still trying to rip out bits of stuffing without damaging the felt. It is horrible. My girl is DIRTY.
(Also, plushie heads take WAY more stuffing than I thought. Holy shit.)
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Finally, on the last day, it was time to attach the body to the head and sew the back of the hair. (I should have done that before but... more layers of felt. Broken needles. You know... nheeeeeee)
So, with a lot of fear in my heart I ladder stitched those bastards together and mocked up a decent enough pattern for the back of the hair. And just like that.... she is done.
Canto 5- The Plushie Defining
So... what did I learn?
Use pins. Stitch things temporarily with an obvious visible line that you can cut out after and test things before committing to a permanent stitch. If you are a beginner, like me, and are afraid to sew pieces together because you don't want to ruin your embroidered parts that you spent SO LONG working on, do this before.
Fuck felt.
Don't use a bright red pen.
Mess up. Make your plushie. Make it ugly. If you hate making bodies like me, buy one made and practice the head. Despite everything, I love my asymmetrical girl a lot. Like... I made this little bastard. She is MINE and I made her. This never stops being magical. It's a nice feeling.
And I did it without specific materials.
Some cheap threads, a body you can probably make too, some felt I found at the discount bin and random needles. That was all. No tearaway stabilizer, no sewing machine, no printer, no embroidery machine. The minky fabric is the only thing that was more of an investment. The rest is pretty accessible.
Do you know that post that says "Everything worth doing is worth doing poorly." Yeah, that applies to artistic projects. Go for it! Just... don't start with something hard like a human... Christ sake that was a nightmare.
I'm probably still gonna get a better plushie of her in the future, but for now, this is my baby.
Goodnight Tri-state area.
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iviarellereads · 1 year
A note on coverage of The Murderbot Diaries
This one's perhaps even more of a departure from the initial expectations of the blog than the Neverending Story was, but all good things are... subject to change? No, that makes it sound like it's not as good.
The Murderbot Diaries are a series by Martha Wells, about a security construct (SecUnit, the name for the designated model type and, by extension, the name used by most of the people Murderbot encounters) that broke its own governor module (think DRM) and functions independently, though it pretends it's still good locked-down company property. It exhibits strong symptoms of social anxiety, making it one of the most relatable robots ever, and accidentally makes friends.
Murderbot itself has no gender. The audiobook narrator is Kevin R. Free, and the subject doesn't come up very often in the story, so a lot of people assume and assign masculinity. Despite that, Murderbot is and knows it is a construct accessorized with the most expedient biological parts, expresses no human gender, and uses it/its pronouns. This just doesn't get clarified until much later in the series, if at all, and I'd rather have everyone understand it up front so nobody accuses me of object-ifying a person who literally personally identifies as an object.
I think this series is really neat. It's so much an exploration of personhood, like your average robot story but with mental illness. Heck, don't mind if I make references all the way back to Rossum's Universal Robots, the (extremely readable or watchable! highly recommended by me) stage play that is the origin of the word itself in its modern context, or perhaps further back all the way to Frankenstein. Murderbot is in conversation with two hundred years of science fiction exploring what it means to be, and besides that, I think it does some really interesting things with the prose.
So, with the newest book coming out in a couple of months, I decided to merge my desire to reread it with my desire to pick it apart under a microscope the way this project allows. We'll be covering more or less in release date order, with the exception of the expanded edition of Compulsory recently released going back to back with the original to compare and contrast.
So please, instead of peace this time, give Murder(bot) a chance, and join me on this space adventure.
Link index:
All Systems Red
Artificial Condition
Rogue Protocol
Exit Strategy
Compulsory (Short story: Wired Magazine vs republished and expanded edition)
Obsolescence (Take Us To A Better Place collection)
Network Effect 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
Home: Habitat, Range, Niche, Territory
Fugitive Telemetry 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
System Collapse 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12
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flagwars · 1 year
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People’s Flag Wars 2: Round 1
Welcome to the first round of the second People’s Flag Wars! This competition includes flags designed by the people who submitted them. I received way more submissions than last People’s Flag Wars, so it will be a much larger tournament. Last time there were only 16 submissions, but this time there are 49! Due to this large number, there will be three flags per poll in the first round, except for the one poll with four flags. Thank you to everyone who submitted a flag, and may the best flag win!
Round 1:
1. Florida Vexillological Society by Lima305 vs. Chuhuiv redesign by Горіхус vs. Lumpen’s personal flag by Lumpen
2. Artemisapphia by @mogai-sunflowers vs. UKA redesign by Flaggmannen vs. Kolombarov by adamolis69
3. San Francisco Horizon Flag by Brian Stokle vs. Independent Symbol of Catania by Catania Project vs. Taipei redesign by Dúghorm
4. Golden Wattle Flag by Flags for Australia vs. Fuhqueue by Quelsborough vs. Green Party of the United States by @thetarastark
5. Szola by Baphon vs. Terrakey by @tropinui vs. Amnesia flag by @butterwort-birdie
6. Civil flag of the Republic of Khraelyia by Aika vs. Foquismo by @toastiemcstrudel vs. Texan Czechs by Kryštof Huk
7. Haiti redesign by MatthewTNT79 vs. Calvert by Anonymous vs. Boston redesign by evanb
8. Flag of Warlar by Tavern vs. Flag by Ryan vs. West Virginia redesign by Tomorand
9. Pancrustacea by @crustaceanlord vs. Carmel, Indiana by scottishdoge vs. Brechreiz Empire by @trans-fem-lesbian-crab
10. Ventrexia by marshyswtr vs. Portland, Maine redesign by Flag For Portland vs. Republic of New England by Indy
11. Coptic Egypt by @arthurdrakoni vs. Forest City Flag by @forestcityflag vs. New Jersey Autonomous Zone by @lil-tachyon
12. Socialist Party of the United States by @that0ne81 vs. Tuvalu by kindness093 vs. Persodivergent by @epikulupu
13. Orca Face flag by Bradley Lockhart vs. Flag by eth317 vs. Pirate flag by Curtis Tarver
14. City flag of Syracuse, New York titled The First Light flag by Eric Hart vs. Family flag by Anonymous vs. Vădastra, Romania by Turcu Mihai
15. Old Sanwonic Confederation by dodot65 vs. Nerja, Spain by Gortius-VIII vs. Kairouan, Tunisia by Gargari
16. Flag of Oyazan by sketch vs. Aromantic flag redesign by @jellyfishjampie vs. Ghost World (The Ghost and Molly McGee) by @loversunitedstates-blog vs. Fully Automated Gay Space Anarchism by NaeAyy
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wrenaspun · 4 months
tagged by @princessniitza to answer several questions and tag five people!! Thank you frond 🥰 Let's go:
1. How did you get into writing fanfiction? A fanart blog! After I finished the HP series I was googling it passionately and in so doing found fanart, followed it to a wordpress art blog, and then upon an offhand comment about fanfiction googled 'harry potter fanfiction'. And the rest is history
2. How many fandoms have you written in? 7 that i've published on ao3! I think 9 if we count stuff I've posted elsewhere, and probably a few more if we count stuff I've written but not published
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? My first one was published in mid 2013.... 11 years. Good lord
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction? Oh read, for sure. I keep a spreadsheet for both reading and writing -- I'm nearly at 6million words read thus far this year, vs 80k written. A slight disparity !
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer? Loool is it cheating to say in every way?? I think if you compared any of my fics now to those of 11 years ago they would simply not be in the same league. But I'll say my command of language, and my ability to communicate emotions more subtly.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? Polythene growing tunnels, firewood growing and coppicing techniques, for one fic I read (bits of) the muqaddimah and the safarnama of nasir khusraw... I'm sure there are more but I tend not to end up using much from my more unhinged research holes lmao
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work? All of them of course, but the ones that dive into specific lines or story elements they liked are a special gift
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about? I think amnesia and selkies are the 2 I've returned to across multiple fandoms :')
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write? The long ones with lots of plot and moving plates, alas! I've been wrestling with the main longfic I'm working on for ages and ages, but we forge on
10. What is the easiest type? I don't know if there's anything that binds them, but there is a type of fic that just comes bubbling up from my id and demands to be written, and those tend to come out relatively quickly and smoothly! 'bathed in light' was one such fic, and 'send me a little word' was another
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When? Scrivener! But it's version 1.9 because the update to v3 made everything look different and frightening. And as for when/where it's usually late night, on my couch or in bed
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day? My beloved film reviews fic -- though it is less a case of intimidation and more a case of "but if i want to write fictional film reviews of 5 films that get made about the historical figures King Laurent and King Damianos I have to first sort out what the future film industry looks like and how it developed and did they have a Hays Code also? How did their censorship policies change over time? And when did three-strip technicolor get dropped in favour of eastmancolor, and were there any wars or geopolitical conflicts which shaped the production of contemporaneous films, and is there a 1948 New Artes v. Paramount antitrust case that breaks up the distribution channels and affects the way that independent productions are able to come onto the scene, and and and ----" SO basically you can tell I did film studies. And ALSO what DATES would I use for the speculative future of this secondary world fantasy ?? But I do hope that one day I will power thru my brain's panicked worldbuilding questions and write this fic!!
13. What made you choose your username? I was looking through the Hepcats Jive Talk Dictionary for reasons I no longer remember and saw the entry 'spin a wren = dance with a woman' which I thought was so cute that I made it my ao3 name. Wrenaspun is just a silly play on that :')
tagging without pressure @kybelles @sideraclara @folfar @thevorpalsword @penguinmerchant 🥳🥰
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Lifehouse, Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson, Train, Jennifer Lopez and Ja Rule, Matchbox Twenty, Eve and Gwen Stefani, Dido, Lenny Kravitz, Destiny's Child. End description]
More information about this blog here
A lot of alternative rock this year, especially with the Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks chart having major influence over the Billboard Hot 100. Rap and R&B are also blending a lot more, which artists from both genres appearing on each others' tracks.
However, when it comes to music business history, this year kicked off with a bang. 2001 marks the release of iTunes and the iPod, which would heavily alter trends in music listening and try to provide one solution to the issue of music piracy. After the previous decades of listeners being expected to pay full price for a CD, going to $0.99 per song felt like a downgrade in terms of profits. But even with Napster shut down, but piracy still left the music industry scrambling for a solution. With listeners being able to buy individual songs, the rising popularity of iTunes was great for singles, but not the best for album sales. With the iPod, music listening trends were also moving in favor of individual listening as portable music became more accessible. It will take a few years for both this product and platform to reach their cultural and economic peaks, but the trends are starting to shift here.
Also to address the elephant in the room, this was also the year of the September 11 attacks. Despite the event forever affecting American culture, those effects aren't that obvious when looking at this chart. Like with the Vietnam War era, some songs had the event projected onto them. But unlike the Vietnam War era, protest music won't be as prominent in the mainstream. The popular music at the time seemed to want to be defiantly apolitical, whether as a coping mechanism or to avoid public backlash (which we will definitely get to in a few years) differs depending on the artists. But to get to the music itself, iHeartMedia (formerly Clear Channel Communications) famously banned the airplay of a number of songs following the attacks. I'm not going to go over all 165, but previous poll entries featured on this list includes: Walk Like an Egyptian by the Bangles, Johnny Angel by Shelley Fabrares, Bennie and the Jets by Elton John, American Pie by Don McLean, Under the Bridge by Red Hot Chili Peppers, Bridge over Troubled Water by Simon & Garfunkel, War by Edwin Star, and Jump by Van Halen.
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kingbadgermole · 11 months
Welcome to King Badgermole
Welcome to my blog! This is primarily an independent Wu (Legend of Korra) RP blog. My askbox is open, and I'm always ready to answer questions. Any in character posts will not have the "out of character" tag. The RP section of this blog is consistent with the canon of Duty's Promise, Heart's Oath (my Wuko fic series).
Additionally, I have a few projects on the go.
Duty's Promise
After the events of Book Four, Mako and Wu navigate their connection in a world recovering from Kuvira. Not Ruins of the Empire compliant.
Much Ado About Baking with @kingwuko
Rating: MATURE
At Beifong's Artisan Oven, Mako is the lead baker and Wu is the lead cake decorator. Despite a few misunderstandings and a tendency to annoy one another, they might actually make a great couple—with a little meddling from their friends and family, that is.
This is my main blog, but my personal side blog can be found here: @theconsciousprince
I also have a Wuko Discord server if you'd like to come yell about them with me!
Thank you!
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lea-andres · 1 year
Tell us about the rarepair that got discovered by the show’s writers!
Hear that? That's the sound of all of my mutuals groaning, because
(Also, technically it was the comic writers, but same difference lmao)
Okay... *Cracks her knuckles and her neck loudly* SO-
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(Art by @hansuart)
This is BugBear, aka Jewel the Beetle and Bark the Polar Bear. I've been losing my absolute mind over this rarepair for... Two years now?
The two have NEVER canonically met, but the pair was inspired by @bitter-sweet-coffee reminding me this moment exists in the IDW Sonic comics:
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(Jewel is 2'7" tall, that is Storm the Albatross holding her in that panel, he stands at 4'7" tall. Bark himself is 5'11" tall. This is all important to the madness.)
BSC and I had set out to make a gag ship for laughs initially. How funny would it be to see tiny Jewel paired up with one of the 4 foot plus, muscular characters? It'd be COMICAL-
Until we settled on Bark, and it instantly quit being funny.
Jewel is an anxious sweetheart, and Bark is a shy, soft spoken gentle giant. Both of them have crazy best friends they desperately attempt to wrangle (with little success). They deserve a quiet relationship where they don't have to constantly be on and ready for the other to do something completely insane and potentially dangerous.
Jewel would be a little afraid of Bark upon first meeting him, but she'd see the real him and warm up eventually.
Speaking of warming up, I like to play with the fact that the Sonic characters are animals and bring in what species are cold blooded and warm blooded into my shipping shenanigans. Who would make a better cuddle buddy than A MASSIVE POLAR BEAR???
Checkmate. 😎😂
We only have two fics right now over on AO3. One I'm writing (When the Day Met the Night), the other written by my lovely friend @stillafanofsonic . I will link to theirs, it's a one shot, vs my multichapter nonsense.
So, as for it being discovered by the comic writers... I took a brief peek at your blog and didn't see anything to indicate if you're in the Sonic fandom, so I will keep this brief. Ian Flynn is one of the main writers on the IDW Sonic comics. He also runs a podcast called the BumbleKast, and back on Valentine's Day they made the BOLD DECISION to discuss shipping. Oh boy...
Their guest... Commentator? (I don't go to podcasts typically, not certain what the terminology is for what the speakers are called. 🤷) @/pedanticat (Not sure if they want the tag, so I will spare them from being part of this essay for now.) brought up the ship during the episode, having either seen it floating around on here, or over on Twitter when I posted some art by hansuart and @seagull-scribbles (both posted with permission) over there. And like... BugBear isn't like some other rarer Sonic ships where a couple people might've had the idea independently of each other and it's hard to gauge who got there first. Unless I'm missing someone or something, I'M the first person to mention it, and the art that does exist of it exists because I infected the artists with the same brainrot... So... Oops...
The ship was brought up during the question at 46:03 (Have you ever seen shipping fanart of two Sonic characters that made you go "Huh, I never thought of that pairing, but I could see it working"?) But the exact timestamp it comes into discussion is at 49:11. "A crackship that isn't too crazy" was the verdict. I will take it and be annoying about it forever:
So, long story short... (TOO LATE!), that's how I made a rarepair that got discovered by the main comic people. 😎
Thank you for the question, I'm sorry you got an essay lmao.
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sadwinning · 8 months
hello gamers I have quickly repurposed this ages-old blog with no content to rant and rave about a project I want to work on (and actually finish someday) that all started when I was in the audience watching Mario 64 get beat on a drumset by CZR at AGDQ2024, which is,
Turning My Violin into a MIDI Controller so that I Can Play Video Games with It but Only If It Doesn't Require More Than Two Inputs at a Time,
Undertale Violin%??????
My goal is to map the 12 chromatic notes of Western tonal music to a very basic controller scheme, like the 3 action + 4 directional buttons of Undertale. As I type this, I understand that it would be much more practical to include 4 cardinal directions, 4 "in-between" diagonal directions, and the 3 action buttons for a total of 11 discrete notes that can be played monophonically, but unfortunately I am insane and choose to do it the stupid way that utilizes all 5 of my electric violin's individual pickups and parses them independently, for this reason alone:
It would sound better.
My plan is as follows:
create a monophonic analog input-to-MIDI-to-controller codebase in a language I know that works fast in realtime and has threading capability
play a game of Undertale with monophonic inputs only (or at least enough of one to get the kinks out of the system)
learn to solder
use my soldering skills to route out the individual pickup signals to their own individual inputs that can connect to the different threads of my codebase
get good at Undertale live on twitch dot TV slash sadwinning
this blog will be my devlog on this insane journey, more for myself than anyone else, because I have a day job (allegedly) that I cannot do if my brain is full of video games. I have to empty out the video game thoughts so that I can think.
tbh I will likely take on more stupid projects in the future that I want to log here so I'm going to have the foresight to tag this specifically. I already told someone else at GDQ I was going to use my steno machine to run epistory
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reviewsbyliam · 1 year
Robbie Z
Written by LW
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Photos via @iamrobbiez (IG)
Waking up and realizing the life you're living isn't exactly what you desire anymore and deciding to pursue your passion, move to a city in another country and devote yourself to trying to become somebody in the world can be an extremely scary thought for many, but not for this one person.
Today, the first guest on my blog that has been kind enough to sit and speak with me about the stories behind not only himself but also his music and the pain and happiness that has accompanied him along the way is aspiring independent artist, Robbie Z.
L: Hey, Robbie! Thank you for taking the time to speak with me about yourself and your career today, I really appreciate it! You are the first artist to be interviewed on my blog, so it is an absolute pleasure of mine to accommodate your story today!
R: Hi Liam, so nice to meet you! Congratulations on starting your blog! This is really cool, good luck with it! And thank you for having me as your first guest, it's an honour!
L: Thank you so much, Robbie! It's kind of crazy and I cant thank you enough for the opportunity to do this together, now let's get into it!
L: You started your professional career in 2018, it's now 2023, whats the journey been like for you?
R: Ahh, it's been so exciting! Music is what I want to do long term. It's my passion, so growing up doing that and learning from my mistakes has been amazing. It's an amazing thing that I started so young to be honest. I always knew I wanted to do this; I started recording covers in 2014, when I was 11/12 and started writing my own music when I was 15 in 2017! So, when I was around 14, I thought "huh.. I wanna do that? Then I might as well start now if I wanna get good at it young." Because when I started I was really bad haha… but it also helped me get thick skin in terms of bullying etc. it's been amazing, but it's truly only the beginning!
L: I've seen that you have inspiration from Iggy Azalea, who else in the music industry compels you to want to do more?
R: I've always been a fanboy.. Some incredible women besides Iggy who "raised me" as an artist are definitely; Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus. More recently, I've been really loving Madison Beer, Lil Nas X, Olivia Rodrigo, Charli XCX, Taylor Swift.. I get really inspired by these artists to work hard and achieve all my goals. It really drives me forward.
L: The vibe of The Butterfly Trap is very fresh, a total feeling myself energy, but it also includes emotional parts that relate to the listeners life - what kind of vibe can we expect from the new project?
R: Ahhh, thank you! Writing the first EP, I was kind of in a tough spot mentally.. I wrote it from the ages of 18 to 19 and I was going through a lot of stuff that I couldn't understand in my life which made me very confused, sad, angry… This new project is totally different.
First of all, it's elevated in terms of quality in the songwriting, recording etc. Secondly, in "The Butterfly Trap", I was really vague while talking about the struggles.. Masking them in a lot of metaphors. I was afraid to speak of these topics in songs as I was still going through what I was going through while writing. This new project "Dear Diary," is more so me reflecting on situations whilst also having fun, a less anxious, more out going alter-ego of mine! But, as fun as it is, it also has some deep messages that really cut deep for me and it just even feels a little uncomfortable when someone listens to some of these new songs as they're so personal to me. Hence the name, "Dear Diary". It's supposed to be inspirational and honest, but it also talks about lots of different topics such as following your dreams, getting your dreams taken away from you, one sided love, letting yourself live freely.. It's basically 6 different diary entrees of mine put into songs.
L: I've noticed you have a lot of unique sounds. Do you enjoy being multi genre and having the ability to switch flows whilst also being able to use sounds that seperate you from the rest?
R: Honestly? I love mixing genres. I love rap verses with pop hooks, rock hooks, punk, ballads, anything. But, I've been spending time trying to find my sound and I think I've finally found one that is just perfectly me, right now. This new single '5 Dollars & a Dream' is exactly what I would want to be remembered with regarding the genre, flow, lyrics etc. I don't want to give myself any labels as a "pop artist" or a "rock artist" etc. I just consider myself a rapper/singer who likes to change. But Pop Rap is what I would describe it as if I have to!
L: 5 dollars + a dream (a song that is beautiful by the way and extremely reminiscent of Iggy's earlier work which I LOVE entirely) , whats the story behind this track and what was the process like behind making it?
R: Oh my god, thank you so so much!! This song means the most to me so I really appreciate the nice words. The story behind the track… I think it's pretty straight forward to be honest, which is why I'm a little afraid of people hearing it. It's about knowing what you want to do, having started that and just following your dreams (as lame as it sounds). The song talks about some parts of my story, which I've never been vulnerable about in songs before. And not letting myself give up. Making the song was an absolute blast. One night a few years ago I was in my bed, in my home town in Bulgaria, and I thought of the phrase "I got five dollars and a dream…" with the melody and I wrote it down, then last year as I was packing up to move to London, I wrote the first verse which goes like "I took all of my belongings and I put them in a suitcase…" Initially I wanted it to be a song I write for my first album one day, but it just felt right so I brought it to my producer "SojBoj" , we made the instrumental and a demo and then I wrote the second verse and recorded it! It was really fun!
L: There is a lot that goes into being an independent artist, how has that been for you so far? Have you had any label offers yet?
R: Being indie or signed each have their own ups and downs / good and bad sides, it just really depends on what an artist wants.. For me? I've been fortunate enough to grow, learn and find myself as an independent artist. I couldn't imagine starting out with a record deal from the beginning. But now I feel I'm ready to get signed and get this party started. Being indie obviously gives me the opportunity to have full creative control which I'm not willing to sacrifice. Whilst it's not for everyone, for me, when the right deal comes, it'll definitely be something I do, because the connections and resources a label has are so worth it for a young artist like me.
L: Who have been your main musical inspirations behind this new project thats coming later this year?
R: Ahh! Well, whilst there hasn't been a specific one, I'd say, of course I'm always super influenced by Iggy Azalea; especially her first album 'The New Classic'. '5 Dollars & a Dream' is actually kind of inspired by her song 'Work'. But I'm also now inspired by a lot of punk rock music, more contemporary pop-rocky songs, A lot of just everyday things that I romanticise and turn into songs. Sonically, I make what I want to hear, putting my own input on the kind of music I like. Like a mixture of everything I like, quite literally.
L: You're doing a show at the Metre Squared In London after the single drops, are you excited to perform and what should people expect to see?
R: I love performing! Back in Bulgaria, I had some performing experience, but when Covid hit, it was hard to get performances.. I did a car-concert, it was super fun! I was in a big truck performing to around 100 cars! I was an opening act for a drive-in movie theatre. When I moved to London though, that is when it really started for me with the performances. I've done some shows the past year that amazed me with the amount of people who came to have fun and listen to music, but also the people who actually know my songs and connect with it, it's my favourite thing in the world. The show is coming up on the 14th of October in Metre Squared in London, and tickets for that show are on sale now! I'm super excited. It'll be the first time I perform my EP, prior to it's release!
L: With your new music coming very rapidly, and a show coming up around the corner, are you looking forward to what the future holds for you and where your art will take you?
R: I am a very goal orientated person, I've got lots of big and smaller goals that I will accomplish soon. I don't like sharing those before they come true, but I have to say; I've got something that I'm working really hard for that I really hope to get to do within the next year. Plus also, always lots of new music! I've got stuff planned for even after the EP, and my releases will become more often too!
L: For our last question, Robbie, I want to ask you - who in the music industry, whether it be a singer, rapper, producer, writer, absolutely anyone, who would you love to work with the most and why?
R: There's a bunch of people I admire and would find it an honour to work with, but off the top of my head, I'd say a producer that I would really want to work with one day is Jack Antonoff! He's incredible, it seems like to be so much fun working with him. Dan Nigro is another one, he created Olivia Rodrigo's first two albums with her, he's amazing! Artist-wise, Iggy Azalea. She inspired me to start all of this craziness, she helped me find my path when I was really young and I just admire her for a hundred other reasons, it would be CRAZY. I think maybe a song of mine with Ice Spice or Charli XCX would be so fun too! Me and Charli XCX have to make a song about cars together one day!
L: Well, Robbie, it has been absolutely beautiful and a true pleasure speaking with you and getting to hear your thoughts about your music and everything to do with your grind! I would also like to thank you for letting me hear your new single prior to release! I am excited for whats to come from your career given the product that we already have from you and the world should prepare themselves for the undeniable force that is yourself!
R: Thank you so much for having me, Liam. It means so so much to me, the questions were great, they made me think deeper and I really enjoyed it!
L: I'm glad to hear that, Robbie! Once again, thank you SO much for being my first guest on my blog and hopefully this wont be the last time we speak! I look forward to hearing your new EP!
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To anyone reading; Robbie Z's new single '5 Dollars & a Dream' from his new EP 'Dear Diary,' comes out this Friday, September 22nd!
It'd mean the world to me, as his interviewer and to him as an indie artist if you gave it a listen!
You can also buy tickets to his upcoming show on October 14th at Metre Squared in London in his INSTA BIO (@iamrobbiez)!
Thank you for reading my FIRST EVER INTERVIEW!
Please help boost a small blogger by sharing this article with your friends and family or followers!
I’ll be forever grateful!
Please make sure to give me a follow on the socials below too so you don’t miss out on any NEW content!
Thank you!
X (Twitter): reviewsbyliam
Instagram: reviewsbyliam
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pop-roxs · 2 years
Ummm I don't have a cool story but rn I'm working on a project where my research topic that I chose is the stigmatization of fandoms in media and idk what to specifically focus on it's either gonna be anime/manga fans or kpop fans or gaming fans but I'll burn that bridge when I cross it
You're one of the best blogs on this site and an icon to the grelle community. There's no one is rather be sharing my number 1 fan of the story of grelle the reaper title with <3
I think that you should take this time to remind everyone why grelle is the best bc she is
Lastly I'd like to take this time to remind you to drink water and say that grelle would love you and how fun you are
Okay I go now I'm exhausted and it's nearly midnight where I am 💀 have good dayyy 💜
oh my god ohy mg od ogn
"You're one of the best blogs on this site and an icon to the grelle community." SAYS YOU WHAT THE FUCK youre literally so fun and anytime i have an interaction w you it makes me day unironically. im so glad to share number 1 fan of tsogtr w you
ok actually yeah i will 1 shes a trans icon 2 shes hot 3 she bagged a big titty rich aunt 4 shes hot 5 shes one of the most powerful characters in all of kuro 6 shes an asshole 7 her teeth 8 she wears her dead wifes coat 24/7 which is very sapphic imo 9 i feel like she would be very nice w kids 10 i feel like she can actually be very nice once you get close to her 11 shes not afraid to speak her mind 12 shes confident 13 shes doesnt care how much hate and misgendering she gets, she still persists, which proves that shes a very strong independent woman 14 if she told me to kill my mom i would tbh. anything for her 15 shes hot
ive been staring at this ask for so long because im so silly i cant put into words how i feel. you have such a cool and sick and fun and swagger and funky(in the fresh way) blog youre so cool.
5 seconds to promote yoself i have a grelle rp blog and shes collecting dust rn!!!! poor girlie aint got no one!!!!!!!!
i still cant think of jack shit to say youre just really fun and i love having you as a mutual
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kokiafans · 1 year
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KOKIA in flashback - 2012
The year of 2012 is a stepping stone towards KOKIA's 15th anniversary in the next year. Her album cocorobakari ('token') this year is a collection of all B-sides of singles that so far haven't made it to a proper album release, going all the way back to the beginning of her career.
Her big concerts this year are called History, looking back on the past years and being an appetizer for her 15th anniversary. She also travels to Bali, Indonesia for inspiration, and opens her 15th anniversary website to count down.
The year starts off with a triple single release on January 25: the singles Memorial days, Hikari o atsumete ('gathering lights') and New Day, New Life all release on that day.
On a side note, this year KOKIA's radio show KOKIyakkyoku sadly ends, having started in 2006 and having its final broadcast on March 20 2012. On a happier side note, KOKIA has now upgraded her workplace to her own studio, meaning she won't have to rely on renting out studios so much anymore, giving her yet more freedom after her independence.
◆ Lives and events ◆
January 7 New Year Concert 2012 ~musical greetings~ (Tokyo, Suntory Hall Blue Rose) ※ KOKIA's first New Year's concert, 2 performances (Translated blog entry)
January 28 SDD TOWN MEETING (Hyôgo, Hankyuu Nishinomiya Gardens) ※ Event for a project to end drunk driving by FM Osaka (Promotion: SDD)
February 25-26 KOKIA Live in Naeba Prince Hotel white notes Vol.5 (Naeba Prince Hotel Chatelaine) ※Vol.5 carries over from last year, when performances were cancelled due to the Great East Japan Earthquake (Blog entry 1, entry 2, entry 3)
March 10 Cocorobakari release event, in-store free live (TOWER RECORDS Shinjuku) (Translated blog entry)
March 11 Cocorobakari release event free live (Hyôgo, Hankyuu Nishinomiya Gardens)
March 14 Kokia no ki no shita de vol. 4 ('underneath the Kokia tree') (Tokyo, Haremame (haretara sora ni mame maite) ※ piano self-accompanied live
April 6 Cocorobakari release celebration, premium live (Yamano Music, Ginza main store) (Translated blog entry)
April 21 TSUNAN FOOD & DRINK FESTA 2012 (Niigata, Tsunan brewery) (Translated blog entry)
【KOKIA concert tour 2012 History】 June 2-3 - Tokyo, Tokyo International Forum Hall C June 8 - Osaka, Sankei Hall Breeze (Promotion: History tour 2012) July 16 Nanairo heart project ('in the colors of the rainbow') (Niigata, Kashiwasaki, Minatomachi seashore park) ※ Charity project for recovery on the 5th anniversary of the Niigata-Chûetsu offshore earthquake) (Blog entry 1, blog entry 2)
July 16 Restoration concert with the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force East band (Niigata cultural hall, Art Foret grand hall) ※ guest performance
July 22 Summer Conference 2012 in Pacifico Yokohama/closing live (Pacifico Yokohama, National Grand Hall) (Translated blog entry)
August 18 Oto asobi~jazz gokko vol.2 ('fun with sounds ~jazz play~') (Tokyo, Haremame) ※ Live with the jazz unit smoothes, KOKIA on vocals (Blog entry 1, blog entry 2)
September 1 (September 2/15/16) tokai no kakurega concert 4 ('hideout in the city’) (Tokyo, sonorium) ※ Event exclusively for members of the KOKIA fanclub, club ancoro, 7 performances total (Translated blog entry)
September 23 Higashinada Fureaikai charity concert (Kobe cultural hall) (Translated blog entry)
September 29 29th National city tree planting festa TOKYO (Tokyo, Inokashira imperial park) (Blog entry 1, blog entry 2, blog entry 3)
October 7 MUSASHINO GREEN 2012 ~Kichijôji no machi kara, midori no kaze~ ('Green breeze while we wait at Kichijô-temple') (Tokyo, Coppice Kichijôji fureai deck komorebi venue) ※ 2 performances in 1 day (Blog entry 1, blog entry 2)
October 14 Midori to mizu o mamorou! ('Let's protect the greenery and the water!') Aso Green Picnic (Kumamoto, Otohime pension village lawn) (Translated blog entry)
October 28 29th National city tree planting festa TOKYO closing KOKIA LIVE (Tokyo, Inokashira imperial park) (Translated blog entry)
【KOKIA tanemaki live 2012 in Kyuushuu ('sowing seeds')】 November 9 - Kumamoto, Restaurant Bar CIB November 10 - Fukuoka, Denki building, future hall) (Blog entry 1, blog entry 2, blog entry 3)
December 18-19 KOKIA 2012 Christmas concert music like a prayer vol.2 (Tokyo, Shinagawa Church Gloria Chapel) (Translated blog entry)
◆ Releases ◆
January 25 Release of the single New Day, New Life (FlyingDog) ※ Theme song for the PlayStation Vita game Tales of Innocence R
January 25 Release of the single Hikari o atsumete (FlyingDog) ※ Theme song for the 3D animated theatrical movie Dot hack sekai no mukou ni ('Dot hack beyond the world'; .hack//The Movie) (Translated blog entry)
March 7 Release of the album Cocorobakari ('token') (Victor Entertainment) ※ Album completely consisting of B-sides of singles not released on albums and limited release songs. First time the NHK Chikyuu Ichiban ('Earth first') end theme Sekai o tsutsumu Ribbon in our heart ('wrapped around the world') gets a CD release (Promotion: kokorobakari)
March 7 Release of concert DVD 2011 Christmas concert music like a prayer (anco&co.) ※ First Christmas concert DVD (Translated blog entry)
August 31 Release of the concert DVD 2012 KOKIA concert History (anco&co.)
◆ Other releases ◆
January 25 Release of the single Memorial days (Lantis) ※ Insert song for the animated TV series Kidou senshi Gundam AGE ('Mobile Suit Gundam Age)
March 1 Release of the single Shigakukan koukou kouka yumeoibito ('Shigakukan high school school song, people chasing dreams') (aten recordings) ※ Performed the song (Translated blog entry)
March 1 Release of the Cormac Breatnach album Éalú ('escape') ※ Performed the chorus of the album title song Éalú (Translated blog entry)
May 30 Release of Final Fantasy XIII-2 original soundtrack PLUS (SQUARE ENIX) ※ Performed a different version of the song Noel no theme ~saigo no tabi~ (‘Noel’s theme ~final journey~’): Noel's Theme - Final Journey -_AbstractSetOne, Memories for the Future_another take
December 26 Release of the Masumi Ito album Wonder Wonderful (Lantis) ※ Performed the chorus of the song Mugen no senritsu (‘infinite melody’)
◆ Videos with links to watch ◆
Theme song New Day, New Life for the 2012 PlayStation Vita game Tales of Innocence R: Tales of Innocence R second promo video Tales of Innocence R third promo video
Theme song Hikari o atsumete ('Gathering lights') for the 2012 3D animated theatrical movie Dot hack sekai no mukou ni ('Dot hack beyond the world'; .hack//The Movie): Trailer for the 3D animated movie .hack//The Movie
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deadlyfantasia · 2 years
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♪ ❝ The world is, irrevocably stained with illusions. You mustn’t steal glances at this irrational side of things hidden away by the night. You won’t realize until you’ve completely changed, how impossible it is to turn back.
                         CODE / ABOUT
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                                                  playlist 🌸aesthetics
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Independent, selective, head canon heavy YUKARI YAKUMO from TOUHOU PROJECT. written by irma.  🌸  extremely crossover friendly, ocs and canons welcome!  🌸  please read blog information, there is an included link to everything you need to know about the setting of touhou in case you are unfamiliar!
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my secondary blogs ! : @hakureimaiden , @necromagice , @dreamlocke 
(some secondary blogs still under revamp and are messy atm!)
est. 01/28/15 re.est. 11/2/2020
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―      starters. -      ✦       drafts. 1       ✦       inbox. 6
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