#10thousand steps
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CAS Activity September 1st- 15th
As the school year began I returned home where I continued my 3 regular trainings a week with my trainer. My trainer was very pleased with my efforts over the summer and noticed the differences with my physical fitness before the summer and after. I still continued to walk everyday with an aim t get above 10thousand steps a day.
With all the activity I have done it gave me more motivation to start the school year. My mental well being also got much better and I finally gained confidence in my physical appearance.
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Wellness: Through & Through | Part Four: 10k Steps a Day
I'm sure you've seen the benefits and articles etc pop up over your social feeds or in the news going through all the health benefits of doing ten thousand steps daily. In this blog post I'll be covering only what I specifically have found to be beneficial for me. If you haven't already, watch this video on my YouTube channel where I go through all my thoughts on how doing ten thousand steps a day has helped me, or just keep reading if you prefer the written word! So without further ado, let's get into the nitty gritty of how I feel about the ten thousand steps a day trend.
I'll be honest, this is another trend I wasn't sold on when I first started doing it. I thought: how could doing ten thousand steps in a day possibly change my life or benefit my health that much? I was already doing up to five thousand a day, and I had noticed very little difference in my body and health.
I will say, I've whole heartedly converted now. I love doing my daily steps and there are so many reasons why.
I want to start by saying the physical health benefits of walking or running ten thousand steps a day are outweighed by the mental health benefits for me. Of course I'm sure there are specific benefits to our bodies for being active, but in my case I've found the difference truly to be mental rather than physical.
The first benefit I have felt through getting in my steps is purely just feeling good and being outside. I always tend to get outside into a park or the streets surrounding my house to do my steps and I can't recommend this enough. There truly is something magical about feeling fresh air on your cheeks and the earth existing around us, it's like meditation in movement. I normally will listen to a podcast when I'm walking, or a playlist when I'm running, but sometimes I just like to free walk and listen to nature around me. One of the things I spoke a lot about in the video was that when you're doing a walk consistently, you get to see the world slowly change around you - this is something I absolutely love. I see the same birds and their babies once a year, and watch them grow; and the same trees that were so small when I first moved to the area are now growing and maturing around me. Being a part of nature reminds me that even though I often can't see it, I too am growing and changing daily too.
The second thing I really love about getting in my ten thousand steps a day is the way it slows my mind down. I often have so many thoughts running through my mind on a day to day basis that I often get overwhelmed. I've found that actively doing ten thousand steps a day and taking the time out to go for a walk has helped to slow that constant flow of thoughts. This is different from when I run, as my brain is only able to process one thought at a time, but walking slows it down significantly too.
The third thing I love about getting in ten thousand steps a day is the habitual nature of it.
I know I have to make time for myself and the steps, therefore figuring out where I can do that in my day is like a fun daily tradition I have with myself.
I am by nature quite habitual, so this is a huge thing for me. This sort of relates to being able to tick something easy off my to-do list, and therefore motivating me to get everything else done too. I function best when I'm busy and achieving things simultaneously, so being able to tick stuff off is really helpful to my motivation levels.
The final thing I love about getting in ten thousand steps a day is that it forces me to move my body at least once in a mindful way. I get so caught up in my day-to-day life with working and socialising and all the other things that happen in our busy lives, that I often forget to give my body the opportunity to move around. Doing the ten thousand steps is a way that I can make sure that I am being active in myself and making sure I move my body and muscles to keep my body as healthy as possible for the future, and for my day to day life. It gives me a break away from my phone and laptop, and from the noise of responsibilities.
With that, I’m concluding week four of my experiment! Let me know if you’ve gotten onto 10k steps a day and how it’s made you feel down in the comments or over on my other socials. Can’t wait to check back in with you all next week with my sleep analysis!
If you are joining me on this group science experiment, where I investigating what wellness truly means and how I am achieving it, both physically and mentally, welcome! Comment below any suggestions or trends you are seeing to do with wellness that you’re too afraid to try yourself - I will try them. Also let me know if you tried adding ten thousand steps a day into your routine because of this post or my video! I’d love to hear your feedback :)
If you want to follow along with this experiment with me on a daily basis, please follow my Instagram and TikTok accounts, I am much more active on there and will have little updates throughout the weeks that I am posting the videos.
Leave any comments down below or in my questions box, and we can chat!
As always thank you for being hear and reading my musings, all my love,
G xx
#10ksteps#10thousand steps#health#health blog#health blogger#lifestyle#lifestyle blog#mindset#health and wellness#Wellness: through and through#healthyhabits#healthy habits#meditation#manifestation#vision boards#active life#active lifestyle#habit tracker#level up journey#level up#levelling up#feminine energy#writer#it girl#that girl#that girl aesthetic#clean girl#clean girl aesthetic#dream#dream life
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OKAY the practise months are over. Jan and Feb are there as a taste test but when March hits shit gets real. I've been super easy on myself so far but starting March I gotta buckle down.
I've worked on my sleep and tried to smoke less weed and they've been going alright. I only smoke at the very end of the day but if I have a day off I'm smoking throughout which I would like to at least wait until noon. but I am getting very tired naturally around 9:30-10 and I'm waking up around 7:30-8:30.
next I need to work on my fitness and eating habits. these r really big for me aha fuck adhd. I find cooking really hard. so I'm gonna try and meal plan which I tired earlier in the year once lmao but I can do better.
and I want to start jogging. i'm kinda getting my 10thousand steps a day but I gotta try and dedicate time specifically to exercise. the only thing is st Kilda is busy constantly and it's so awkward jogging with million people around ugh
also gotta finally go on a day hike. I've had some planned for ages but I haven't had two days off in a while and I need the xtra day after to recover 😩
oooo I also figure it would be smart to try and learn some languages before I go. I know extremely simple Japanese and Cantonese but I wanna learn some Indonesian, Thai and I would personally love to learn Spanish, although there's maybe 3 countries where that will help me aha. I just wanna learn Spanish tbh
I also really need to set up an arts business for commissions and shit. just. try and at least start that part of my life. I'm just so paralyzed by it all. hence ahem uhhhhh running away into the world lmfao
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under umbras of bundles of stars,
canopies of leaves & branches that shatter-scatter sky image held indirect
as a gleam in eyes
as conscious lay in fabricated gardens watching memories, & desires in dream form
from across highway covered by
& orange lights
sound of tires, mufflers, sirens,
amidst a higher sense
attuned to
muffled far cries muffled while crossing empty lands
filled with chilling wind howls, stealing hope,
kickstarts the power on survival mode..
ups& downs
drown the cries further,
war, warn, or cheer..
or just sing..
a hymn made by souls for souls under same umbra to set free to lead to wonder & beauty beyond the surface of senses directly to free to seek love loss between me and me
buried beneath road of longest journey to reach
turn feet all around
all about a world I have no idea about
just mad ideas about Kept in journals i turn over
to all but from in front of views not yet exploited by value of which is, views are power, & are the will in word- to-page transaction
self diminished to substantiate
entries from entrails, not shown to be conquered
win or lose is how I never saw things.
win or win, only optionss, only progress..
yet..,always over complicating;
marathon sprints from start to finish
as I choose, If i choose, to continue to choose to overlook slopes in existence, where hides I, in ruins, digging for recognition
contribute to a mind overloading with what I know I owe society, &me,
burden of see-through beast, I see illusions of future thru,mistaken as truth, play victim, get stressed or believe I'm down on luck ,in dumps of depression and slum of beliefs,
in a slump with headphones on temple and music up, reminisce about the golden olden, me and broseph, SSB, PSO, kanto, johto, cartoon cartoons, many one saturday morning’s, plenty cinnamon toast, fruity pebbles, so many card games at Books-a-million
but when I open eyes from trance
I'm forever face to face with today is today
not then not later...
changes who changed how I changed regret and anger to compensate for blaming everybody but me
now I stare afraid at dilemmas mass effect decisions
daily in-and-out-terventions
to keep from falling back into resentment.. spite blinding shelves of subconscious-self- disappointed perpetuating judgment of others binding progression, tying tongue, boiling blood because old habits die hard and I continue fucking up, up raging rapids w/o a paddle, almost 3 decades of failing infinite (according to projections) feel I missed and am missing out on so much, so much world, so many words coiled inside, waiting to explode,
all the time, just like everybody.. everything mind sets sights on turns to target issue how unfortunate for aforementioned coordinates, for anyone close enough for me to put in poems' , important enough to torment conscious over, used to be everybody, used to be nobody, used to be just some people, now its just me and i dont know him
attempts to speak, to learn again, to teach me about me to learn to teach myself, to set example for ambition directed toward a better version, better verses, better reimbursement of time given tryna be an extrovert, free from bitter, free from bitch asses, set internal standards to never get fucked with again, fuck you, fuck him, fuck her, i only fucks with a journal & question everyone, everything, every word, every whisper, shit ima tell my children every day, breakfast lunch dinner, do your best and fuck the rest, get it, get lit off enlightenment, fuck rest, save roosting for death, dont look at me, looknat the sky, seize the day in everyway brain permits, dont reach for others' and if anyone tries to take yours, that means they dont fundamentally respect life, so always permeate passion, ignore distractions keeping you from creating, test limits, test intentions, challenge imperfections with wisdom, know that perfect is just cosmetics, but i remain quiet.. remain tied up being alone, wondering.. whether I'm right to do any god damn thing 'cause if I don't do it right.. was I right to think I could, wrong to think I understood
am i wrong not to try?
what of what's sacrificed ?
how do i keep count
how did I end up here in standby...
standing squeamish & deer eyed in light of opportunities rising in horizon of night skies, to step in to obtain warmth, maintain from days before, to do something, do the one thing, but when will I be ready will eyes be ready to comprehend right or wrong
only me, here. only us, on planet.
only who's responsible? how is who is affected by, afflicted by? when is too late? when is just right, always too soon to tell and.. if I don't do it now, then why expect change..
why, why, why
'cause I expect anything at all
anger toward unmanned vehicles imminent to collide with mine
driven mad up eighty-five degree angled walls during rush hour, sun beaming heat into ride, where i travel on path, thru battlefield of past where fallen intentions decompose to ignorance and wisdom sprouts in the mean time.. I'm in between times, feelin down, down down down down by the way
a trail thru fears past dead ends, rotting trees, looks like fallout hit
a past I try an' forget..
but remember out of reluctance
to accidentally revisit regret,
stand next to biggest fears, see if facing them uproots soul
rolls ideas in head, non-stop
like trolls troll under bridges
to which billy goat gruff temper charges like crono's katana on zenan crossing,
lodes of odes to oaths, lightning loaded, aimed at negative minded sapiens bioshocks via rhythm and syntax, cryo cascades of ideas, locked away in moleskine or computer files to put to rest the rest of an inside in arrest to judgment, in side quest of public playthrough, i feel im on public display, static complaining in front of pretty much strangers modes of awareness to mental problems i exploit to people who might not think im crazy, who might like what i write, might like to write about the same thing, might see giants in those same nodes i stand near, i hear crisp crackles filling an awkward air as i stare at words on sheets that i might tear, might let collect dust, or share prolly might be quiet, only sound is poetic drafts that fill in under open windows, I open slowly, cool rush, goosebumps, awake aware always, even when mind is a crinkled, crumbled candy wrapper still just construct wrinkles in time via hairs stand, ovation, and encores to
helping to cross over doubts, screams of slander, stop it all, right now, shed truth in another light, fed through veins like pen's ink to go over and correct vision of pinheads vane turnin art, free thought to cash and competition, trade purpose blow for blow with obstacles in the name of the next step, over opponents, trade nervous for nerves robust to withstand standing up to stretch and spread chest to stand up for work where time invested is braided circulation goin in circles, time wasted pet peeve number 1
a nowhere never felt before but something seems familiar.. overlooked, under yards, under pressure of bone leverage, give life a lift thru cracks of a collapsing effort stretched behind chest and ribs
a heart glows in
hot coal hues hearth warmth under carbon sheets
till blood boils till steam coils from pores to kill the cold along roads
sun or none
no light above, isn't lack of..
(look inside)
harsh heat of reality hot enough to feel cold
make me go ghost in dark times..
friction strong enough to spark moist..
continue until i sear nerves disembody fromm pain till im felt by meta-form of others
heartfelt arcs between soul and soul-mind 2 mind
light releases thru iris folds spectacle in spectacles----
spectrum wheel of emotions spins &spins to understand self an urge that intensifies the more i live life as well as I can Improve every day, no excuse, don't ignore the corners, get behind my ears,every nook and cranny in creative muse-um, uhm, duh, raised on books, nintendo, animation,& wishbone, outside, only myself as playdate, use every square inch as play-scape under every hair in head, a mind uses face and body as way to create 4 fourever& vice versa to escape who ever & know I can do whenever, wherever
wherever i go, a voice in mind goes
that keeps on talkin , keeps me talkin tellin me I've talk--, wrote enough hoped enough to last a lifetime, but that's not enough
and I still got a lifetime
to either solidify or fuck it up
gradually let go of
to concentrate on life's finest moments i build to build form in appreciation, saying get up, enjoy the sun rays breaching clouds just before dawn; gett off yo butt and do what you know what you taught you to do when you were at multiple low points and you promised you, you'd never fall to end, even if you fall again, again, and again, never stall in the middle of takeoff stop in middle of road, cant press play if you lost remote, might as well get up and do it, crawl, run or walk away when the times calls to brawl dark-inner energy only honorable mentions defend health during dishonorable discharge of nega, into rivers, into blue sky.. bordered by white clouds and linear silver
a safe place, work space, desk clerk sifting day to day thru file cabinets memories in memos in notebook; written relativity explaining how I see, what I think say what i want like im eight, glad i spent so much time with words and space-bars, to escape judgment, hatred,
anxious surrounded by bad vibes
above an Earth, below expectations; over a self under surveillance by approval from inside, crazy dimensions, On the fence between people and myself I close eyes, ride waves of nostalgia once more..
see plenty light to traverse pathways, walk fer hours, walk like back in younger days, playin, runnin, completely captivated immersed in games played, tv, roller blades, monopoly, scary stories, trampolines
&10thousand songs later, 10million thoughts later, here I am doing what I made me to.
can't wait for the next chance
supplied energy through lines to hidden gracelands.
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Climbed 10thousand + Steps on incline on when inner calling.....!😋 Girnar Pilgrimage....! Neminath Jain Derasar, Ambika Devi & Dattatrey Temple All on Giriraj...! Pious land of Girnar is a wonder land(કમઁ ભૂમિ) for Aghrois, Bawas & Sadhus...!😎 #jatra #tirath #Climbing #bhakti #pooja #Girnar #pilgrims #temples https://www.instagram.com/p/BtTkBjvniGr/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1txfmkxrf0piw
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