#10gif per word
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skuggspel17 · 5 years ago
First ten gifs - Rin Okumura edition
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Oh, we’re starting off strong. This loks like Rin at his most adorable - he looks kinda scared though. WHO HURT MY CAT-BOY?
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Well. This looks like high-octane manga spoilers. Thanks for adding a tag :)
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Another, slightly more chibi one. Love the lines though. The way that they’re thicker at some parts and thinner at some gives the whole thing depth even though there’s not a lot of shading. The eyes are also top-notch :)
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Am I a sucker for stories about siblings? How did you know? Got something to do with me devouring Code Geass, loving Supernatural, drooling over ASL in One Piece and feeling crushed by any arguments these two have? ... NOOOO not at all.
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This is a mood. Look at Kuro trying to get the good stuff while Rin is stuck in somber-thought-mode
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AH! Always take care of your siblings, folks! It warms the heart :)
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*drools at the water*
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Mood. Another huge mood. Also, looks wonderful when your head feels kinda stuffed (as mine does as I have my period right now).
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SPOILERS (I think)
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Now who is this cool, awesome, flaming cat-boy?
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skuggspel17 · 5 years ago
First 10 gif - Amazon trio edition
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Is that my favorite Fisheye I see dancing in the shoes of a ballerina?
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Oh. Fisheye is not dumb, not dumb at all. Is this all it takes to see through magical disguise that not even family member have managed? Hearing the same line said?
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Now who could be arriving?
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Sometimes I imagine what it would be like to watch a Sailor Moon musical, and I smile
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I could write a novel about how fun it is to realise that every single Amazon trio dude (except Fisheye) is bi/pan/demi (whichever you think fits best, I’m leaning toward demi)
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To continue from my other musical text - it just. It seems so nice - such energy and such color on stage. Love it.
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Crush my heart why don’t you
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Do I have to make a spoiler tag for this, or is some 20 years enough time for most people to know this is what happens? Also, a beautiful moment.
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Yeah, show me those moves Tiger’s Eye.
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And we finish off with a gaze of pure smooth manipulation from Hawk’s Eye.
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Kingdom Hearts first ten gif-go !
A combo this strange has wielded great results-let's see how the gif compare !
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I did not expect to start off with a char from a handheld game, but here's the Dreameater
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Once again there is some beautiful spritework, that I wish Sora could see for himself
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Teamwork in a nutshell
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I'm not the only one noticing that selfies appear in more and more games, right ? In this case I get it, our sky boy has just gotten his first phone/camera- he's gonna capture everything in every world in that viewfinder, but in some games it feels tacked on.
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Subtle movements- I barely noticed. A wonderful representation of our main trios, A+
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I love the internet😁
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I think we all wanted this to take place in KH2. It feels like Roxas bottled a lot of emotions up, seeing him letting them loose would have been a relief honestly
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Three choices, three paths- choose wisely and hope you chose right.
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A KH3 menu illustration for new adventures- let's go everyone !
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
First ten gif - Ghirahim edition
woops. I meant Demon Lord Ghirahim, of course. I might have done this already - but I can’t find it and can’t seem to care, soooooo... :)
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Classic Ghira - Demon Lord Ghirahim, if I may say so myself. Our lord will not do something as common as putting away his sword, instead choosing to let it disperse into beautiful diamonds, as fitting for a lord.
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No Idea why this is here.
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The cape flaring in the non-existent wind, just to show the dramaticness of the moment. As one would expect of a lord. Look at the hero cowering in fear :P
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*erecting a barrier around thoughts* I wonder if Ghirahim is the only one with such a long tongue or if Fi would also have one if she opened her mouth...
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Another glorious appearance! A true mark of the impact he made on his own world and ours - he appeared in another game! To slaughter in style :)
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A very cute rendition of Demon Lord Ghirahim.
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I like this a lot! The shading is on point and there is a dramatic flare that truly fits it. Also, this composition is awesome - a point of view that shows how mighty Demon Lord Ghirahim is.
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Welcome, Pixel lord Ghirahim
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... *Is he trying to play the piano?*
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100% certified drama queen Demon Lord Ghirahim
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Jakotsu first 10 gif-go !
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Iconic ! He goes from looking bored to being engaged in life again, just by seeing someone he considers cute and wants to kill (and more...)
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This would be an excellent reaction gif to a lot of things ! Thanks Jakotsu !
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This as well ! Kawaii ! Is it possible ? Is Jakotsu the uncrowned king of reaction gifs ?
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Still going strong! Also, I've never noticed how scrawny his legs are before. He's muscular on top but not as much on the bottom.
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Woops. I think he heard me. There are many ways to be strong, Jakotsu and legs don't have to look muscular to bw strong. Also. Great reaction gif for when someone's getting uppity
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It kinda cracks me up that these two behaves as such goofs when they're not slaughtering people.
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Ah ! You can't search for Jakotsu without getting Bankotsu, I guess. I wonder how they met in manga canon ?
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They are so incredibly-GAH ! If you take away their murderous nature they would be the goofballs in a shoujo darn it !
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... Jakotsu is flexible
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Kenshin first 10 gif-go !
Let's see what we have of my favorite rurouni
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Is there anything that signifies that something takes place in old Japan stronger than tabi and koi ponds ?
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... I'll be completely honest. I've never been fond of the aesthetics that the OVA chose. I was introduced to Kenshin through the first anime, and now only like the anime, the manga and the Live action version of him.
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See above.
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... Sigh
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Yes ! Sad scene that breaks my heart- but there he is ! My favorite rurouni and his kick-ass kendo warrior !
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Lots of blood. I didn't watch the OVA taking place after the end of Rurouni Kenshin and I REALLY hope that's not who I think it is. Damnit! Where is my adorable, cool, amazing Himura Kenshin ? (*`へ´*)
I just checked further down the gif-list and NOPE. I'm breaking my own rule and changing the search until I find more Kenshin and less slaughter. For eff's sake there is more to Kenshin than gore !
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Melancholic good boy
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I love these movies!
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When I first fell in love with this multi-faceted character, through the blur of three-part youtube 360p anime... 懐かしい
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
First 10-gif - Syaoran edition
It’s April 1:st which means... SYAORAN’S birthday (and Sakura’s, but Syaoran was a role model when I was young, soooo...) I will be restricting my gif choices to ones depicting Syaoran in TRC (both of them) not CCS, since he (as far as I know) is not celebrating his birthday.
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YES! This is what I like to see - you give Spinzaku a run for his money!
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Best trio
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Well, rip out my heart why don’t you? I still think this is a really good OVA even though it wasn’t the most action-packed one (and made no sense if you went from the anime, to Tokyo Revelations, to this. The manga is essential if you want to have even the slightest chance to get TRC, and xxxholic is just a bonus if you want to make sure that you leave slightly confused and not completely befuddled).
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It’s a japanese word I will forever connect to Syaoran in the anime. “Kanarazu hime no hane wo torimodosu!” He made “kanarazu” into the strongest word in japanese that I knew, and it still makes me feel filled with purpose and strength.
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Raitei Shourai!
Fire and magic vs lightning - I wonder who will win? This is such a good fight! I wanted it to be longer in the anime, dammit!
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Friend or foe? We had no idea. A mysterious doppelganger stuck in the villain’s nest, unmoving through time. And then - he moved! And my heart stopped - things was starting to come together. This was no longer the light-hearted journey it started as - something sinister was going on, and now it would truly show itself.
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Some people don’t like the art direction of the anime, but I think it fits the part they actually adapted. The light-hearted (before everything became blood, despair, trauma and convoluted time-loops) beginning where five companions explored different worlds while searching for one girl’s lost memories. The darkest part of it was that she would never remember Syaoran - the one who helped her get them back. Truly a terrible price to pay.
Well, this seems to be it. So I will try searching for “Syaoran Tsubasa” as well.
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I’ve always been fond of shots where you can see what a character is looking at. This is a good one.
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Truly heartwarming! Lovely and I do hope this is true in some world.
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:) They’re so cute :D
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Keroro 10 gif- go operation ! De arimasu.
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Ah ! Unison chant- I'll join ! Hire-hire-hire-hire !
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Is he doing a crossword puzzle ? I feel it would be a Gunpla-themed one in that case
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We all do stupid poses that results in injury - don't we ?
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Chibi keroro ! So cute ! But it always makes me wonder how young Tamama is supposed to be, since he still has his tail and facial coloration... 16?
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This is me when I finally finds something to eat after having been hungry as eff
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Callback to episode one ?
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I want those dolls. They look soft and squshy, unlike the ones available in RL.
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Indiana Fuyuki ?
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Shnacking ish gud!
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Dororo FTW now and forever. If he wasn't shy I would love to hug that little shinobi-frog
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Rin Okumura first 10 gif-go !
Let's see what we have for my fav sweet demon guy
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Yes ! Rin and Kuro ! So cute ! Rin's tired after an exhausting day of studying-I can relate.
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Yes. Smiley demon best boy win!
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Uncomfortable hug ? Not sure which part this is from TBH.
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Shiemi ! Ah you nice flower girl, you ! I want a FFVII x-over where you and Aerith talk gardening all day, and that's all
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Dear everything, running into someone HURTS ! This also makes me remember when I was "skallad" (you bang you forehead against someone else's as hard as you can ON PURPOSE) by a peer for no reason once. Hurt. A. Lot.
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Who doesn't love a good cut of watermelon on hot days ? It was heaven last summer when everything else was boiling. Rin is cute and always a plus !
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Rin is pissed and upset-flames are out to play
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Mischiveous Rin FTW ! He also looks like he could use glasses like his twin in this gif TBH 😂
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Rin in his esse - Kuro on top and Shura in the back. The book is a bonus
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
10 Astrid Lindgren gif - Go!
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I remember this from when I was a child ! Fun show 😁
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The one and only live-action Pippi Longstocking as far as I'm concerned
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An idol to me as a writer and a human being believing in equal rights.
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Lovely feeling, being invited to another world...
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Ah ! I wanted to clean like this when I was little... Until I discovered that ice skating is REALLY HARD and falling on your bottom hurts.
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"free as a bird
Free as a bird
And now it's like something's calling "come" in my loony vagabond life"
Ah... Such a good movie
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Oh, the taste of sugardrink (sw: sockerdricka) will forever be connected to this mischiveous little lad from southern Sweden.
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Interesting edit...
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I seem to detect a slight bias toward a certain red-haired, strong girl who tries before she believes she will fail. A good choice
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Smile in summertime
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Cloud Strife first 10 gif-go !
Let's see what's here of my favorite chocobo-head
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I remember reblogging this once-still stellar sprite-work ! I wouldn't mind having the remake in this style (still cinematic) if it came out sooner to be honest. Also, Cloud is NOT skipping leg-day standing like that, believe me.
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I don't know the context of this, unfortunately. I interpret it as a way of representing how Cloud could have ended up with a lot of different persons' personalities if any other character had taken Zack's place.
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Hi angel face ! How's the wedding planning with Tifa goin'?
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This could be screenshot and made into a classic painting masterpiece. I kniw a lot of people have problems with FFVII:AC but as I never played the original game and was introduced to the world and characters through thousands of pages of fanfiction, I don't get squicked. Also, I can watch it for the art-style alone *drools*
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To infinity and beyond !
... Sephiroth wanted to travel in space, right ? I wonder if it was possible to accomplish by making all the Sephiroth clones throw him in turn, higher and higher until he was in space and gravitation stopped working ? Might have been a better solution than the Back materia.
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Will you ever arrive ? Thou art as ellusive as time itself, dear remake Cloud.
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Is it? Noctis and Cloud aren't as similar as Cloud and Lightning, at least. But now I want an AU where we have Sephiroth as Prompto, Genesis as Ignis, Angeal as Gladiolus and Cloud as Noctis. Interesting mix, and Zack would definitely join sooner or later. I don't mean I want the to have the Chocobros' personalities, but that they take their place in the world...
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I love me some sweet First Tsurugi
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Everything damn it ! I always cringe at this part, because it looks like it hurts SO MUCH! And Sephiroth is sadistic AF in AC.
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We end with a classic scene from the original game. Seriously, consider this but in excellent sprite-art *drools*
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Haku from Naruto first ten gif-go !
Or, the sole reason I own part of the Naruto anime on DVD
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That dexterity impresses me to this day. And here I am barely able to make the klingon greeting.
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Gentle, sweet Haku. You were ripped from the world too soon and I love fanfic where you survive and join Konoha
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Awesome climax to awesome buildup. I think this arc is my fav in both Naruto and Naruto Shippuden, honestly.
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Slightly mistier version showing the hand signs of Haku's signature jutsu
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I want to protecc child
And bunbun
None survive
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Sinister and A+ presentation!
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I love every single part of this fight ! Sasuke adapting and taking one of Haku's needles to defend himself is 👌
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Break my heart and kokoro why don't you !
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He's a cutie pie !
Tall drink of sake such a sweet surprise
Is so good makes a grown man cry
Sweet cutie pie !
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Hitsugaya first 10 gif
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I’ve gotta be honest - while the action is cool I can only think of one thing. Hitsugaya really needs a haircut in this one.
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Which omake is this from? It looks hilarious! 
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Now THIS is prime time Toushiro Hitsugaya for you! Looking cool and ready to kick ass (with the right length of hair). Yes, yes, yes.
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I think I’m saying what he is thinking. WTF filler writers? WTF?
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Everyone looked spiffy in this opening, I really liked the style :)
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... Alright. Why are you here then?
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Relaxed Hitsugaya in cool-mode. Likey me likey.
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Well. Who doesn’t like being reminded of THIS little gem the day after christmas. Good god I felt so sorry for Hitsugaya and Momo here.
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Game-shiro is still Hitsugaya enough for me :D
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When you’re the only straight man in a collection of fools
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Snoopy 10 gif
I've loved this beagle since I was four years old-time for a 10 first gif of the Flash Beagle
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Oh. Oh I didn't think my heart could melt so fast. But come on-it's pupper Snoops ! He's so cute and cuddly and smoll and perfect !
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Yes ! Magic Snoopy ! That day Charlie Brown went around being invicible and Peppermint Patty levitated. Good times.
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Sometimes we need a kick in the back from our loved ones to dare IT.
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This appears in my mind every february the 14:th. Classic and never grows old.
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How many can hear the music in their heads? *raises hand and start humming*
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Quality winter activity. And yes, some days you need comfort food to get through the news- keep being a good example Snoopy !
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I don't remember seeing this one, but Snoopy in a chef's hat is always a win in my book😍
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Thanksgiving ? Is it cannibalism if Woodstock eats bird ? Or is a turkey and a yellow... Twitter? Far enough apart for it not to matter?
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Blep first 10 gif
Let's see...
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Befuddled blep
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Oh my ! What a blep
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That is a fine blep, that is, dear sir. Perfectly marvellous !
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I think it's stuck
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My first horse blep ! Such an excellent blep !
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A fine effort, snakey one with hissing tongue
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I think I'm getting cavities, and it's just as well that this is the last blep. Now I can go and brush my teeth.
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skuggspel17 · 6 years ago
Death the Kid first 10 gif
Death the Kid in all his glory
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Oh ! Dramatic entrance with perfectly symmetrical throws
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The disintegration of the 90's in one gif
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Oh ! Iconic ! Yes ! Blast 'em !
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Me in the library with a friend
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... How long did he practice this at home before daring to do it on a mission ? It had to be perfectly even after all...
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Flowy, flowy, flowy hair
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Oh boy. Oh Kid.
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The ghost ship episode if I'm not wrong
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That looks like it was a close shave for Kid jr. to be honest.
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Ah ! Perfect ! Two of my faves in one gif! But I don't know who to cheer for now...
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