#1 page profits review
insertdisc5 · 6 months
I finished ISAT yesterday and I can't get it out of my head. I will spread it to as many friends as possible. Thank you so much for making it. How else can we support In Stars and Time after buying the game?
that is a lovely question to ask!!! um um um this applies to all indie games and all cool stuff you like btw <3
✨✨✨ How To Support Something Cool After Having Bought The Something Cool ✨✨✨
-if you bought the game on steam, leave a review on steam! Reviews tell the Steam Algorithm(tm) that the game is worthwhile and cool, and so the algorithm will be more likely to show off the game!!!
-if you bought it elsewhere uuuuh leave a review on metacritic i guess????
-word of mouth!!! tell your friends!
here's a tangent.
Word Of Mouth For Dummies (written by me, a professional Word Of Mouther) ok so if you wanna make your friends play the game. here is my advice. or at least thats how i do it. i made all my friends play disco elysium and. ive even made one. play. umineko (everyone gasps in amazement) 1. dont be too insistent about it. so, GO CRAZY AAAH GO STUPID AAAH only ONCE. and explain the game in thirty pages there if you want. ONCE. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE. 2. if you know them well and what they like, personalize the paragraph. you like timeloops? thats for you. you like old ladies? thats for you? you keep beating me at rock paper scissors? Do I Have The Game For You. 3. now that you've gone crazy aah stupid aah Once, you have successfully PLANTED THE SEED. like in inception. no need to go crazy stupid again for a while. i know it's hard. but you don't wanna go crazy stupid too much. control yourself. for the Thing. 4. from that point on though, when the game is on sale, just go "hey btw the cool game i told you about is on sale! smiles smiles smiles". 5. every six months go "i was just thinking about a cool game again." "what cool game?" "IN STARS AND TIME" and you can go crazy aaah go stupid aah again. 6. after Some Time (from 2 weeks to 5 years) they will play the game. yes i said 5 years. word of mouthing is a WAITING GAME. little sprouts grow into trees. 7. they play the game 8. ???? 9. profit <3
-word of mouth, 2!!!! SOCIAL MEDIA!!!! tweet about the game! reblog other people's posts! make fanart! make fanfic! write a long essay about which parts made you cry! cosplay as the characters! make a video essay! just yell!!!!! you know how you only got into That One Thing because someone made a post about it? you could be The Post.
-(this one is if you want more merch specifically) buy the merch if it's available! the only reason we have a second Loop wave with the Yetee is because the first wave sold so well ;w;
-ummm that's it really????? that's already a bunch!!! but yeah!!!!!!!!!! ty!!!!!!!!!!
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study-diaries · 6 months
Math Tips
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(Pictures are not mine)
Well, let me tell you, we all have this love-hate relationship with this subject, right? The worst part is that when you don't know what the heck is going on, so, as a girl who studied maths (2 Volumes/textbooks) on her own during the year she was homeschooled, here are some tips and tricks that I did to get an A+ in my math finals!
Get your syllabus together
In the beginning I had no damn idea what was going on and it was just confusing. I had to do the first thing I did was taken my index/table of contents and mark the chapters which i knew very well and the ones I had no clue about. And then i arranged them with the marking scheme, like which one carries the most marks etc etc and study accordingly.
Complete lessons/chapters that you already know
When you finish off the things you already know then that's gonna give you the confidence you need even if you know only 1-2 chapters, learn it throughout and make sure that you'll get the answer no matter how twisted the sum is. If you're doubtful about the whole textbook like any normal person.... Start with the easy ones. (I know there are literally really no "easy" chapters, spare me)
Harder chapters need hard work
Most chapters like Trigonometry proofs, Geometry proofs, Algebra, Graphs, Mensuration and Calculus etc need more than minimum effort but here's a trick, what is the common thing in this? Yes, they're all formulae and theorem based which goes to my next point. These chapters are completely based on how much you've understood your basics.
Formulae and theorem cheatsheets
Make a list of all formulae and the theorem used in the book, write them chapter wise and no printouts or digital notes. Take a paper and write it down, no excuses. It helps you while you're practicing, revising and in the last minute review, it helped me damn much. Remember, maths is a sport. The basic formulae must come to you like reflexes.
YouTube is your best friend.
For every single chapter, go and watch the basics and how a sum is done step by step. A recommendation for this is Organic Chemistry Tutor who literally is one of the reasons i passed. He has videos from basic geometry, trigonometry, statistics to calculus. Search for your own YouTubers and be clear with concepts.
Math is fully memorization
Memorize formulae and theorems with the back of your hand, you should be able to recall them within seconds. Be thorough.
Memorize basic math values (if calculator isn't allowed)
Do this if you have a majority of chapters like Statistics, Mensuration, Profit/loss calculation etc, where large numbers are concerned. Memorize the first 10 square, cube, decimal and multiplication values. It may be dry but there are literally songs available for these things, I'm serious, i learnt the first 10 cube roots by listening to Senorita xD Search for rhymes and they'll definitely be many!!
Work it out!!!!!!
Can't stress this enough, atleast 30-40 mins is the minimum for maths. I'm serious, work out each sum, don't ever think it's a waste, you'll see the results. Practice makes perfect. Work out every single sum, from examples to exercise ones cause let's be honest, our examiners love to take problems from every nook and cranny of the book.
Whiteboard method
So, I made this up and it actually works, if you have a whiteboard or anything else, once you completed a chapter, take a random page and whatever sums you have on those two pages, you need to complete within a given time limit. It helps you to identify your weak points and where the hell you're losing both time and effort and not to mention that it gives you confidence boost up.
Hope this helps :))
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lazerv4 · 4 months
Thoughts on Game Changer (Seasons 1 to 5)
Just my raw thoughts not a review or anything
A.K.A. a small love letter to dropout.
One day you are a simple person scrolling through shorts/reels/tiktoks, just mindlessly looking for something entertaining to watch for like a minute at a time, suddenly you stumble upon a weird game show with ridiculous stipulations and incredibly funny rants in the middle of it, you think to yourself wow I really wanna watch the full show but then you find out it’s exclusive to a streaming network called Dropout and you don’t really want to spend money on it, but you keep stumbling upon the shorts and suddenly you start getting other shows like Um, Actually, Dirty Laundry and Dimension20, your curiosity gets the better of you and you subscribe on either the main page or become a member on their youtube channel and boom, your world has been turned completely upside down by a new hyperfixation that might be some of the best and highest quality streaming every made, a community of people that truly care for each other and feel like they are creating things they really love, this is about one of those, the darling of CEO and host Sam Reich, the always entertaining Game Changer the only game show where the game changes every show, my favorite show on Dropout and just one of my favorite shows of all time. But as we know the only way to learn is by playing, the only way to win is by learning and the only way to begin is by beginning.
Season 1 is short but a swat and beautiful little beginning, it starts with the iconic Lie Detector episode where a lot of the popular clips come from, a brilliant idea by Sam to bamboozle his players with the twist that the robot indicating if they are lying is really their partners in the next room just pressing a button, a very ingenious and funny concept that would be fully perfected in season 6 but for now it starts the show with the right leg with both concept and contestants as this is also the debut of all time favorite Brenan Lee Mulligan, one of the most fun to watch comedians in general be it improv or not. The episode is followed by a 3 time game samer that would eventually turn into its own show making some noise which I will probably explain further if I cover the full show. Being two for two is fantastic but the show still hit us with some other great episodes such as a Game of Prizes which sees the contestants guessing what prizes are real and which are just made up words put together to sound appealing, Whodunnit which is a who would have thought a whodunnit and finally Nom Nom Nom a flavor guessing game with a big disembodied mouth approving or disapproving their choices. The selection of Season 1 was small but a strong start for the show and setting what we would come to know as the game changer formula plus it gave us a lot of the shorts that we still see promoting it to this day even 4 years and 6 seasons later.
Season 2 begins with a game samer that being the previously mentioned second part of the segment that would turn into Make Some Noise which is a little strange of a start but the waters where still being tested and Dropout was still CollegeHumor which was owned and operated by IAC, a company that expected ridiculous profits from the young streamer that even with its high quality programming was nearly impossible. Episode 2 in a way is revenge against IAC as Sam very clearly is just giving away money for making the contestants do ridiculous challenges testing the good old phrase, how much money would you do that for to it’s full extend, this is follow by Sleeper Agents, one of my favorite underrated episodes where the contestants must go outside and talk to random people trying to trigger a response from a set of questions to see if they are hired actors playing the titular sleeper agents or just normal people walking down the street. Another banger and progenitor of some of the other popular clips is A Sponsored Episode were in a fun twist the contestants must become infomercial hosts and sell Sam on some ridiculous and stupid products like the iconic only p keyboard or flavored toilet paper for eating ass it’s just hit after hit and even with all that it’s not the best episode this season. Next we get another underrated episode with The Everything Factory where contestant most essentially become workers with an assembly line and construct different contraptions all to the glee of Sam and his wicked imagination but as fun as it is being sandwiched between the sponsor and the finale is a tough spot as the grand ending to season 2 brings us possibly the most iconic Brendan moment and by extension the greatest rant in the history of game changer with the episode Yes or No which I implore you to watch before I spoil the twist. The episode is simple, Sam will keep asking continuously yes or no and awarding points with seemingly no rhyme or reason with the objective of figuring out the rules of the game and why he awards points, at first it seems completely random until something weird starts to come to our attention, Brenan isn’t scoring points, which in game about 50/50 you would think would be impossible and you would be right as it is slowly figured out by everyone and finally by Brenan himself that the rule is simply that he cannot win anything which trigger the mother of all monologues as he compares himself to Icarus flying too close to the sun as a competitor and a statistical wonder before delivering the punchline at the end and wrapping this season with one of the greatest moments in the show’s history as the ending theme kicks in and Sam says goodbye until season 3 arrives.
Season 3 was heavily affected by the covid19 pandemic as episodes had to be filmed remotely via zoom or an equivalent, a lot of is a little forgettable as the struggle to make the show work was front and center but still a few gems came out of it like the premier Tell Us About Yourself in which they have to figure out the identity of a secret masked individual (who turns out to be Tony Hawk), the game samer Sell Outs which is a repeat of the sponsored episode, the always fun Secret Samta duology in which well they do a secret santa spin on a competitive game to a really hilarious extend, a personal favorite in Make It Fashion which is about well making outfits out of nothing, Tome of Terror follows as a horror story maker and the finale Next Slide Please which weaponizes random ted talk slides to create funny presentations in a very Jackbox way that is still very entertaining regardless. Overall Season 3 struggled but it did the best it could with the hand that it was dealt and Sam should be commended for his handling of the situation and the way he still made the show work and be fun while people needed it most, it hits a little different now that it’s all over but it is by no means a skip and has the same classic laughs even if they are from different points in the map.
Season 4, one of my favorite preview graphics of all time that I really really want as poster Sam please I need this. S4 gives us many many iconic episodes, possibly the highest number of them to date and some really special episodes so this section might be a little long as I want to talk extensively about this season. First off it starts with Sam Says that while pretty tame this time around grows into possibly the single best series of game samers in the entire show with the ways it twists such a simple game as simon says into pure chaos and fun which is then followed up by another progenitor for a game samer with Like My Coffee which birthed some incredibly iconic clips like the green virginal one from Grant and was just incredibly funny the first time around and also when it came back again, now we just need a third one to wrap up the samer. Noise Boys follows which at this point I’ve explained enough and you should know what it is and then another game samer (are you getting tired of reading game samer yet) with the last and possibly greatest Secret Samta which just ups the ante by making it happen in the actual studio this time and works wonders on giving this samer a proper closure. Filmed Before A Live Studio Audience is one of the most interesting and experimental episodes yet with essentially a clap and boo track slowly leading the contestants into a sort of sketch action by action and thrive on their bewilderment at the situation they are in. Then comes one of my favorite episodes with The Official Cast Recording and this one is special, the sheer amount of talent being shown by improvising an entire musical even with it’s wonky story is fantastical, the numbers are all so incredibly good and the ongoing jokes make me laugh every time, it is truly a wonder that it was even possible to create this entire game which also spun off into it’s own series with Play It By Ear. The episode is just a marvel to behold and while not a recommendation to introduce people to Game Changer it is an incredible showcase on what makes this show unique and interesting so enjoy your temporary stay on Mounport. We then reach one of the most beautiful displays of love you can ever see with Don’t Cry, the episode starts of as a seemingly normal challenge about not crying with some games but as it goes on it starts to get really emotional and lovely till it reveals itself to be a tribute to Jess Ross their friend who had a really rough pandemic that canceled her wedding. This episode is so special, it never fails to make me cry and just makes me feel like so incredibly happy. I won’t spoil much more because it really is an experience you should have but I do wanna say that if there is anything I can ever ask for in life it is to be loved by the people around me at least a little like how everyone at dropout loves Jessica Ross.
Resuming the normalcy in this random collection of words I’ve been rambling on for a while now we have Race to the Bottom which also turned into a game samer, can you tell this season is good? it’s basically a reverse bidding war with the twist that the contestants have to unionize to win the game, which is kind of a really cool and interesting message  that was somehow given through a game show. It’s a great episode and will hopefully turn into a great trilogy when the third one drops. Then we have the final two parter, another progenitor of game samer and of technically it’s own mini season during season 5 Survivor which puts the contestants in a game of well Survivor, a simple but really fun idea since Survivor the actual show is an incredibly entertaining reality but with the unhinged cast of dropout anything can go so further beyond, particularly because Brenan is in this episode and it turns out he really loves Survivor so he will do anything to win and the twists and turns this creates are so mesmerizing and shocking you won’t know what to expect until the season ends and you are watching the extra episode on the things this season Cut For Time which is a new addition that has Sam talking you through everything that happened during the episodes and what they couldn’t show, think of it as extra features on a DVD/Bluray. It is quite short but it wraps an incredible season just reminding you of how great of a run it was as you see small parts of all previous episodes and at this point you can just smile as Game Changer has been fully realized and shown that it is one of the greatest pieces of TV to ever exist.
Now it’s a little awkward to go into Season 5 after how I ended the last segment but rest assured the momentum didn’t stop and it will never stop as we kick off the new season with Sam Says 2 a game samer from last season that is as funny as it was previously with new running jokes and some incredibly smart and weird prompts from Sam to keep the contestants on their toes even in a game as simple as simon says. If you are watching this in a playlist you’ll immediately see this season’s new feature in the BTS videos which are short 6 to 10 minute episodes about well the making of the episode with Sam explaining the origin of the game and the why of the selected contestants which in general is just very interesting ad a cool extra feature that we got along the Cut For Time at the end so it’s a general gain plus it’s pretty good. A game samer into a game changer it’s Karaoke Night a kind of spiritual successor to my beloved The Official Cast Recording but with pop music instead of musicals and there is no structure it’s more about impersonating styles of several musician correctly and well this is another incredible display of raw talent and a very fun episode that while it starts a little slow it wraps up magnificently into a crescendo of it’s own making which drops us off into the next episode, another game samer with Like My Coffee 2 a funnier and stupider evolution to a very simple concept that somehow keeps finding ways to entertain and just bring me joy whenever I click on the video on dropout. So far we’ve had two samers and one changer which means that we need a changer and what a game changer we got with an absolute top 5 Name A Number which comes with an all time cast rivaled by few in Becca Scott, Izzy Roland and Erika Ishii bringing in pure chaos to a game that at first seemed simple with just prompts that they had to name how many times they could perform until midway through the game the prompts become unknown until the number has been named, the absolute diabolical connivingless of Sam has been fully realized and deliver some of the absolute funniest of laughs and some incredibly hard to watch cringe. I hope Becca got her money for the feet stuff. A Game Most Changed seems to be a somewhat divisive episode that people either really like or don’t seem to care for at all, it’s an improvised shakespearian play with random prompts throw in about the topic and things that need to be mentioned which just in the raw concept you should know if that appeals to you or not so moving on to the next episode which is another instantly iconic one As A Cucumber which in case you can’t tell it’s an episode about remaining calm but with Katie, Brennan and Carolyn onboard you know shit is about to go down. The way this episode works is by attaching heart rate monitors to the players and by maintaining their resting heart rate below 20 above they can score points and hence win the game. The approach taken by each one of them was varied with Katie’s not so good attempt at just remaining cheerful and normal, Brenan’s competitive enlightenment and Carolyn’s laid bad chill switch we see all kinds of reactions and ways people can be driven to madness, particularly in what might be the peak of all Game Changer clips is the name that bird segment in which Brennan completely loses his temporarily acquired enlightenment in a sort of calm rage as he gets more and more upset as the segment continues before it’s revealed to be roose to upset Brennan and break his streak. This episode is just great, I hope it become as samer with season 7 later this year and so we move to the next episode which happens to be a double parter, the first non finale one which is The Bi Bachelor a show that does well The Bachelor with Grant O’Brien being the contestant and having to choose from a pool of candidates to go on a trip to Cabo San Lucas.
The game has so many twists and turns that covering it would just be a retelling of the entire thing and you don’t need that, you need to sit down and watch this great parody of trashy tv with an ending you are just not ready for. The finale not finale is Escape The Green Room, why finale not finale well because the true end of Season 5 is an extended semi season that will get it’s own spot after this but now Escape the Green Room, Game Changer’s take on the escape room. The episode begins with the contestants on a room that is not the normal show floor awaiting the order to go proceed downstairs and begin the episode, Sam is there with them until he is called downstairs mid magic trick and then the door locks and the screen turns on, the game begins. Secretly the entire room has been customized and modified around the classic escape room concept that if you’ve ever been to one you know how the episode will go with the exception that Siobhan, Brenna and Lou just really don’t give a shit and will tear through everything to get out in another banger of an episode that had my laughing the whole way through, this one also has one of the most interesting BTS videos as it goes into the making and design of what was basically making a escape room from scratch. I would love for this to be made into an actual place I can visit but at least I got to see it happen and it was wonderful. This sort of ends the season as the next few episodes are kind of it’s own thing but the Cut For Time episode is after them in the playlist but it also has its own playlist so I’ll just handle it like a limited series sort of event that will be talked about as a single episode instead of the 5 episodes it is.
Game Changer Battle Royale a 3 hour plus spectacular semi samer to the original survivor episode that takes all that made that episode great and dials it up to 11, as the show is longer, the totems are harder to find, the challenges are harder and there is more on the line than ever before. Everything about this mini series is gold with it being incredibly funny and sometimes even impressive in what it’s capable of doing and a very funny surprise guest that showed up out of nowhere, the one and only fault I can think of that is not even a fault is that Ana Garcia who was making her debut in Game Changer got injured on episode one and we missed out on her antics since she has proven to be an incredibly funny comedian in every other show she has show up on dropout. Battle Royale was just so much fun and reached the apex of the reality idea for Game Changer which I’m not sure if it can be topped but it can for sure be iterated upon and I do hope we come back to see it again every few years.
Now to wrap up this massive massive post I just wanna say that I love dropout, they are a wonderful set of people that truly do care and deserve all the support they get, a lot of entertainers and comedians have been recently trying to leave youtube and copy the dropout system without getting what made dropout great to begin with, it is the charm, the effort and pure love they put into everything they make that makes it so great, not the production values or how much money they spend on it, it’s about the people it gives a home to and what they are able to accomplish when you give a genius free reign to make whatever they think is best, dropout is a special place and Game Changer is a great signature show to lead the brand, I will always love it and be here to support it, it is as Brennan once said to Sam “You’ve made a home where my favorite people get to show the world how brilliant and amazing they are.”
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mbta-unofficial · 9 months
So you want to fix ya City, do ya?
Local activism works better and faster than any other kind, because you don’t need to go as far to get results.
If you want to understand how to make change, here are some steps.
1. Pick a Lane
Your energy is finite. One issue that gets the lions share of it will make way more difference than a lot of blogging and not a lot else about everything. Whatever your lane is, try to pick it thoughtfully and stick with it. A local issue will be way more moveable than a remote one, but the internet can be used to raise money for anything so it doesn’t need to be next door.
You’re gonna worry about other stuff. That’s ok. Let someone else handle it.
2. Lay of the Land
You are not the first person to look at this problem. Organizations exist to take this on, and the knowledge they have is indispensable to your goals. Your first step should be to be to find them: you don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. If you have a local newspaper, read it. If you don’t, go to your city’s reddit page and see where they get their info.
All Cities have an MPO or Metropolitan Planning organization. These are non-profits (usually) who advise the government on a variety of issues. Sign up for their newsletter. Find out when their next meeting is. Go.
Your issue will probably have an activist council, such as the MBTA ROC for transit advocates. Sign up for their newsletter. Find out when their next meeting is. Go.
Your city will likely have public meetings on the subject you are interested in. Find out when they are. Go.
If these aren’t relevant to your issue, you can go find other sources of information but you should try to find
a) a place where you can be in a real room with real people, or at least a zoom room. Watching videos and posting doesn’t count. Twitch streams are borderline, more than 200 or so viewers is just noise.
b) A place with a variety of ages. Old folks know things. they’ve been around the block. Young people have fresh perspectives and lots of energy. A room with just one is unlikely to produce a good plan of action
c) A place with racial and gender diversity. Boys’ clubs are common in politics, as are white only conversations about politics. The city is for everyone, and if you don’t have a diverse movement you will inevitably cater to the interests of your most powerful ally instead of helping everyone.
If you can’t find a meeting that meets these criteria, see if you can change the meeting that exists before starting your own. Institutional weight is invaluable and starting from scratch is possible but a challenge.
When you are at these meetings, do not worry about not understanding technical language. Take notes (or don’t) and google later. You are there to see, and also to be seen, because if you consistently attend public meetings you will recognize the same people there, and they will recognize you. Ask questions if you are given the opportunity but remember that you don’t need to understand everything right away and you will learn more by listening than by guessing.
You are there to make friends and learn, because you can’t do it alone.
3. Planning an action
If you have an idea for something that would help your cause, write it down. Then find out if someone else has already done it. (They almost certainly have.)
Make a list of steps. Ask your new friends about the steps. Revise your list of steps based on that feedback. You should do this at least once, no first draft is perfect. Assess how feasible the steps are. Replace any step that is impossible with an possible alternative. Give yourself twice as much time, money, and help as you think you’ll need. Review your steps.
Start stepping.
Be prepared to throw the steps out, but know that if you do because you had to, you will still have the time, money, and support that you budgeted. If you have to throw the steps out, make new ones. Keep going.
4. Post-op
You did it! You made it to the end of your steps. Get your friends to assess your work for you, and weigh their answers seriously. The problem is probably not gone, but it should be better. More importantly, you have built a system of people capable of carrying out an action. You know more, you are better connected. Go back to step 2. There is always more to learn, and that’s beautiful.
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potpzine · 7 months
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Let's be in business together... FOREVER!
Apply to be a contributor to a 50th anniversary zine celebrating PHANTOM OF THE PARADISE (application closes March 31st):
Also, some applicants had some very good questions about the zine! Here are the answers:
1) We don't currently have a word count in mind for editorial essay/written submissions for the zine but will likely be keeping those at four pages max. 2) If accepted, we ask that you hold off on selling whatever you create for the zine at art fairs, online, etc., until the zine has been up for sale for a decent time (exact timeline TBD, probably a few months) as we'll be donating profits to a TBD charity. 3) The deadline for artwork completion will be October 1st. We will have three check-in dates (May 15th, July 15th and September 1st) to make sure things are on track/review WIPs.
Feel free to reach out on any of our social medias (@potpzine) or at [email protected] for any other questions!
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ribbingtonsoup · 23 days
I think YouTube's approach to AdBlock has been counterintuitive.
What exactly I mean by this, is that it's counterintuitive to their goals. Whatever your thoughts on ads and AdBlock are, it's clear what YouTube's thoughts are, and the actions they're taking to force people to watch ads is to essentially declare war against ad blockers.
I don't believe this is working the way they want it to, and for comparison, I think about Steam. Steam is a game distributor, and a business. Their inherent goal is to sell games to people, this is how they make money. Less people buying games on steam means less money for them.
This makes piracy, a free and widely available option to obtain video games, a direct competitor to Steam. More people pirating games = less money for steam.
Piracy as an option is completely pro-consumer, and it's not going anywhere. The only reason more people don't just pirate games, is because of Steam. I believe Steam is the number one affront to piracy there is, and in a way YouTube could learn from.
Steam is undoubtedly the top game distributor out there, with many other companies trying and failing to compete. Plenty of these competitors try to compete by taking a smaller cut from developers, and in paper this makes plenty of sense.
Take Epic Games for example, they take a measly 12% cut from developers' sales, compared to Steam's much higher 30%. In theory this entices more developers to choose Epic. But steam understands where their money comes from: when people BUY games. That 30% they take goes back to the developers, through marketing and pushing of games, done completely by steam. As well as countless other features steam has for developers, producers, and importantly, consumers.
Steam has incredible features for consumers to utilize that can enhance a game's experience greatly. Between a built-in community page, massively convenient multiplayer support, Steam Workshop, library sharing, and an extremely consumer friendly review system. Much of this would be lost for a would-be pirate.
All of this is to drive home the point that steam knows it's #1 priority isn't to eliminate the competition, but be better than it, because piracy is going nowhere. Steam is not an enemy of piracy, but rather an alternative, one that is often more convenient and effective.
This is good for consumers. We're able to access the vast scape of video games produced by all kinds of development teams, from some singular person's indie game to the next high budget triple A five hundred hour gaming experience.
And this is good for developers, as they're able to be paid for their work, whereas the alternative, piracy, doesn't provide them with anything for their work. This post is not condemning piracy, but just acknowledging that if consumers pirate less, it's a good thing for developers, which means we get to have more games from developers that are well paid for their works.
Now to bring this back to my initial point, while this comparison isn't totally parallel, I think it's worth considering. YouTube continues to wage war on ad blocker services, which makes sense. They make money from people watching ads, and AdBlock is a direct opponent to this, with AdBlock users on the rise, this course of action is nothing surprising.
But the problem is, they're waging a war they can't win, expending resources on hindering a service that will always be available. This would be like if Steam spent it's resources on preventing piracy, it would be an entirely fruitless effort that would destroy all the goodwill that the platform has. It would be a waste of their resources that they could instead spend on improving their service.
I see YouTube's war on ad blockers as very similar, instead of creating a platform for media that's friendly for both creator and user, they choose to spend their money trying to take down ad blockers.
The whole approach seems silly, but I'm sure they're still making unbelievable profits, so they'll probably keep doing whatever they want. It's just nice to see a business model actually work for everyone involved, Steam is one of the very few cases of this, and it would be so refreshing to see more like it.
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dtfans-for-palestine · 7 months
How to donate to Gaza and which legit fundraisers to choose :
Remember show proof of donations and you can commissions the artists , writers , translators (Spanish, French) and editors of your liking in the threads/posts below ⚠️❗️❗️❗️
Additional post with where to donate ( family fundraisers, esims , org , ressources etc..)
Place and methods for donations (can be one made in the last three weeks/months) :
@CareForGaza is a non profit organization that uses the donations to give coats, baby items, food packages, flour, and even cash to palestinian families in need or palestinian refugees.
To donate, go to their paypal
Log in, enter the amount and currency, pick how you want to pay, review your information and click send payment
PIOUS PROJECT (For hygiene kits)
Founded by Fahim Aref, Pious Project's has the mission to empower everyone to make a difference--one good deed at a time. They have created a way to take part in global humanitarian, charitable projects, including donating and volunteering.
Their official website:
Currently, they are raising funds to donate hygiene kits to menstruating people in Gaza. The value of each one is $20, which contains sanitary pads, tissues, wipes, a hairbrush, toothpaste, toothbrush and other items.
How can I donate?
The following is the link that will take you directly to the page, once there you will click on the button that says "Donate."
Link: https://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712
If you are not logged in, it will ask you to create an account. You should receive an email welcoming you, as well as a direct link to the website.
The next thing that will appear are three options:
You can enter the amount you want to donate (USD), or instead, donate a specific amount to pay for from 1 to 50 entire kits. If you choose the second option, don't worry, each option tells you how many kits you are donating for!
The most important thing is to keep in mind that you will have the option to only donate once or monthly.
Finally, you will only have to fill out the details of your card or bank and that's it! You will have donated to the cause
In addition to the donation of hygiene kits, Pious Projects have many more causes, here we leave you the following:
Food Baskets for Gaza
Point Of Care Ultrasound for Gaza piousprojects.org/campaign/2172
Gaza Family Support piousprojects.org/campaign/608
You can also go on your own to the official website and check out the different causes they are donating to.
Salam Animal Care is Abdallah's Twitter account. He is a man who rescues injured animals in Gaza and provides them with medical assistance. His @ is @RescueCare. To donate, you need to click on this link to go to his PayPal
Log in, enter the amount and currency, choose your preferred payment method, review your information, and click send payment.
Then just send us a screenshot that you actually made the donation!
Direct aid for gaza
Account : https://x.com/GazaDirectAid?t=sWfYhS-uKaxETizI4Avpkw&s=09
Paypal : https://twitter.com/GazaDirectAid/status/1757813936940876185?t=2KqHPkJHcLGPYi9jOPoWZQ&s=19
Trust wallet : https://twitter.com/GazaDirectAid/status/1760456373173620981?t=68DI1E0Ko3HNxIJULn8wDA&s=19
Medical Aid for Palestine is a nonprofit organization that is located in the uk. their aid goes toward west bank, gaza, and lebanon. they help both palestinians living under occupation and those that have refuge status. they give medical, mental, and disability support
their twitter account also gives updates on attacks and deaths as a result of said attacks. @MedicalAidPal
To donate, you go to map.org.uk , select your currency and amount, and who you are giving your money as. then, select a title, fill out the contact and address information, and finally after doing that, you can fill out your card information and hit pay now.
eSims for Gaza is an initiative led by @Mirna_elhelbawi, a writer who demonstrates solidarity with the cause and ensures that aid reaches those in need. Mirna's efforts keep doctors, journalists, and the entire population of Gaza connected with the world, preventing their silence
By donating to eSims for Gaza, you can comission our collaborators.
Visit their website: [gazaesims.com]
★ How to Donate? | Below 👇
To donate, you can use two apps: Simly and Airalo. Download either app.
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Follow these tutorials for both:
1. Search for "Palestine."
2. Choose one of the available plans.
3. Click on "Buy Now."
4. Proceed to payment.
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After purchasing your eSIM, DO NOT ACTIVATE IT. Once you complete the payment, you will receive a QR code in your email. We strongly urge you not to activate it, as the QR code received is the SIM card. Instead, take a screenshot of the QR code and send it to [email protected].
That's all it takes to donate. Then just send us a screenshot confirming that you've sent the QR to their email to commission us.
They have links for several Gazan families in need of help, and even if you can’t donate, helping spread the word can go a long way 🍉
Any donations to the ressources and fundraisers and charity reunited by @operationolivebranch on Instagram and tiktok will count as well as payments for the commissions Just go through the ones in the doc below 👇 :
choose and donate to one and send us the proof to commission someone !
Yasmeen Ouda is a Palestinian woman living in Canada who is seeking assistance to rescue her family from the genocide in Palestine and bring them safely to her residence in Canada.
Their twitter account is: @hosam_ouda
To donate, please visit their GoFundMe page:
Choose the amount you would like to donate, select the portion you will leave as a commission for the GoFundMe platform, pick your payment method,
fill in the necessary information, and finally, make your donation!
Afterward, please provide us with a screenshot confirming that you have indeed made your donation to be able to commission!
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Continuing my review and summarizing of Project 2025, the GOP 2024 platform, and Trump’s Agenda 47.
1) Trump denies knowledge of Project 2025, a radical conservative Christian manifesto, yet many of his present and former advisors wrote the 900 page document which is a blueprint for the new GOP president starting from day one with massive, sweeping actions that will not only paralyze the government but will ensure chaos for years to come. It is the most detailed look at a future Trump presidency. Trump’s name is mentioned 268 times in the document, so it was certainly written with him in mind. Trump instituted 64% of the policy recommendations that were put out in the 2016 conservative mandate, a blueprint for the Trump administration and which was as right-wing and conservative as the current Project 2025.
2) Agenda 47 collects formal policies Trump plans to put into effect, many of which rely on executive orders and significant expansion of his executive powers. In 2023, Trump campaign officials stated that Project 2025 aligns well with Agenda 47.
These policies include:
A) restriction of Chinese ownership of US infrastructure
B) End the “Biden war” on US energy by eliminating every regulation that hampers domestic production, getting out of the Paris Agreement, and giving fast approval to every oil infrastructure project that comes before his administration 
C) Baseline tariffs on most foreign goods, revoking Chinese Most Favored Nation trade status
D) Decrease trade deficits
E) Not bailing out failing banks, slashing regulations, and repealing Biden’s tax hikes to reduce inflation
F) The Trump Reciprocal Trade Act will tariff other countries’ imports at the same rate they tariff our exports. NB: The costs of these tariffs will be passed on to consumers and will cause more harm than good
G) Gut Biden’s Green New Deal policies and electric cars initiative, and terminate all emission regulations on cars, fossil fuels, etc
H) Dept of Education
1—Cut federal funding for any school or program teaching critical race theory or gender ideology by removing the radicals who have infiltrated the Dept of Education. 
2—Keep men out of women’s sports. 
3—Create a new way to certify teachers based on their patriotism and give preferential treatment to schools that abolish teacher tenure, abolish DEI, and adopt direct election of school principals by parents. 
4—Pursue federal civil rights cases against schools that engage in “equity” by taxing up to the entire amount of their endowment
5—Restore parental rights to control their child’s education; allow parents to hire and fire principals and teachers.
6—Bring back school prayer NB: This includes reading the Bible but doesn’t include any teachings of other religions
7—Allow teachers to carry concealed weapons at school 
8—Immediate expulsion and sentencing to reform school of any student who harms another student or a teacher or use or possession of drugs at school
9—The US government will issue bachelor’s degrees to those who did not finish their degrees by creating a new educational institution aimed at competing with schools already in existence. NB: This is from the man who owes fines from the failure of his own for-profit college.
I) Reinterpret presidential powers so that he has greater control of the government in the White House
(the unitary executive theory).
1—Dismantle the “deep state” and revamp every aspect of the US government. NB: These policies could upset the balance of power between the three branches of the federal government and provoke a constitutional showdown by usurping congressional authority and cutting out any program he doesn’t like or whose proponents have angered him. This is a fascist plan
2—Prevent World War III and end the Russian invasion of Ukraine. NB: The fact that he has buddied up to Putin makes this highly unlikely.
3—Overhaul the entire US defense and intelligence bureaucracies
4—Ask Europe to refund the money we spend to rebuild the stockpiles we sent to Ukraine. NB: Good luck with that
J) Keep Medicare and Social Security intact. NB: Every single congressional Republican—and 43 Senate Republicans—sided with Big Pharma over the American people and blocked an amendment that would cap out-of-pocket insulin costs at $35 for millions of Americans on private insurance. Thus, Big Pharma and the rich get richer at the cost of the health and lives of the poor. In March 2024, the Republican Study committee which represents 100% of House Republican leadership and 80% of their members proposed yet another budget that would cut the following by $4.5 trillion over 1-0 years: Medicare (transition Medicare to a premium support system that would raise premiums for many seniors), Social Security ($1.5 trillion in cuts) , the Affordable Care Act, the Children’s Health Insurance Initiative and increase prescription drugs (removing $35 insulin), energy and housing costs while raising the retirements age plus forcing $5.5. trillion in tax cuts for the very rich.
K) Immigration policy
1—Ban birthright citizenship 
2—End welfare for illegal immigants
3—Massive deportation of immigrants
L) Inflation
1—Build “Freedom Cities” on undeveloped federal land to lower cost of buying a home
2—Build vertical takeoff and landing vehicles
M) Shatter the left-wing censorship regime
L) Law enforcement
1—Increase investment in police personnel, stop illegal drugs
2—Death penalty for drug dealers and human traffickers
3—Overhaul federal standards on disciplining minors
4—Concealed carry reciprocity
1—Abandon DEI, terminate any offices, staff, and initiatives connected to DEI
2—Focus on anti-white racism rather than discrimination against people of color
N) Transgender and LBGQI+ rights: Terminate all gender affirming care at any age and terminating federal funding for any hospital or healthcare provider that participates in it
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The Daily Don
* * * *
President Biden to name national monument for Emmet Till and his mother.
          The brutal torture and murder of Emmett Till followed by his mother’s decision to hold an “open casket” funeral changed America. In 1955, a young Black teenager, Emmett Till, was abducted and killed because a white woman accused Till of “whistling” at her and grabbing her wrist. (The woman later recanted the accusations during an interview for a book.) Till’s nearly unrecognizable body was pulled from a river, where it was weighted with a 75-pound cotton gin fan secured to his neck by barbed wire. Nearly 250,000 people walked past his casket, and hundreds of thousands more saw photos of Till’s mutilated body in his casket.
          Two white men were charged with the murder and acquitted by an all-white jury. The defendants confessed to the crime a few months later in an interview given to Look Magazine—for which they were paid $4,000, a hefty sum in 1956. Having been previously acquitted, they could not be tried again for murder because of the Constitution’s double jeopardy prohibition.
          Emmett Till’s murder and his mother’s bravery in holding an open-casket funeral galvanized the nascent civil rights movement and helped to inspire a generation of civil rights leaders, including Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. On Monday, President Biden announced that he is declaring three sites as a national monument to Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley. See NYTimes, Biden to Name National Monument for Emmett Till and His Mother. (This article is accessible to all.)
          President Biden’s actions come at a moment of renewed overt racism in America. Florida’s new history curriculum includes prompts asking students to consider ways in which slavery “benefitted” enslaved persons by giving them skills they could use after emancipation. See Florida’s State Academic Standards—Social Studies, 2023. The linked document includes the following “benchmark” standard (on page 6):
Benchmark Clarifications: Clarification 1: Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.
          The proposed “benchmark clarification” is a stunning revision to an institution where white owners profited from forced labor by enslaved persons. To suggest that any part of that forced labor was “beneficial” is a cruel and dishonest whitewashing of a vile institution. But Ron DeSantis nonetheless defended a “pro-slavery” curriculum that his culture war unleashed in Florida. See The Independent, DeSantis defends Florida curriculum that suggests slaves benefited from forced labor.
          But the Academic Standards linked above are far worse than the media portrays. The issue is not a single snippet—the language quoted above—it is the entire approach to teaching the history of slavery in the United States. I invite you to review pages 5 through 10 of the Academic Standards, and you will discover that much of the curriculum is devoted to describing slavery in Africa, Europe, and Asia—apparently to make the disgusting point that “everyone else was doing it.” For example, the “benchmark clarifications” on page 9 include the following:
Benchmark Clarifications: Clarification 1: Instruction includes how trading in slaves developed in African lands (e.g., Benin, Dahomey). Clarification 2: Instruction includes the practice of the Barbary Pirates in kidnapping Europeans and selling them into slavery in Muslim countries (i.e., Muslim slave markets in North Africa, West Africa, Swahili Coast, Horn of Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Indian Ocean slave trade). Clarification 3: Instruction includes how slavery was utilized in Asian cultures (e.g., Sumerian law code, Indian caste system). Clarification 4: Instruction includes the similarities between serfdom and slavery and emergence of the term “slave” in the experience of Slavs. Clarification 5: Instruction includes how slavery among indigenous peoples of the Americas was utilized prior to and after European colonization.
          All of the above smacks of a white-racist defense of slavery in the US. Thankfully, Joe Biden is resisting the effort by the right to erase America’s shameful history of slavery and Jim Crow laws that enforced a system of apartheid for nearly a century after the Civil War.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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rachellaurengray · 2 months
How to Protect Yourself in Influential Brand Marketing
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Entering the world of affiliate marketing can be both exciting and overwhelming. As a new affiliate, the allure of brand collaborations and the potential to earn while promoting products you love is hard to resist. However, navigating this space requires more than just enthusiasm; it demands caution, discernment, and a strategic approach.
When I first started, I was eager to jump into every opportunity that came my way. But after a few disappointing experiences—like working with a brand that promised payment but ghosted me after the content was delivered—I quickly realized that not all collaborations are created equal. Some brands may not have your best interests at heart, and without the right knowledge, it’s easy to get taken advantage of.
To help you avoid the pitfalls I encountered and protect your hard-earned efforts, I’ve put together a list of 20 lesser-known tips on how not to get ripped off by brand collaborations. These insights come from my personal experiences and those of other affiliates who’ve learned the hard way. By following these guidelines, you’ll be better equipped to build strong, profitable, and fair partnerships.
20 Best Practices
1. Research the Brand’s Reputation: Before agreeing to any collaboration, dig deep into the brand’s reputation. A quick Google search isn’t enough. I once worked with a brand that seemed legitimate on the surface, but a deeper search revealed numerous complaints about delayed payments and poor communication. Check forums, read reviews, and even reach out to other influencers who’ve worked with the brand to get the full picture.
2. Request Payment Upfront: If the brand is small or relatively unknown, don’t be afraid to ask for partial or full payment upfront. Early in my career, I delivered content for a new brand, only to be told they were "still working out payment details" after I’d posted. Had I insisted on an upfront payment, I could have avoided the months-long chase for compensation.
3. Use a Contract: Always insist on a formal contract. It doesn’t matter how friendly the brand seems—protect yourself. I once relied on a verbal agreement that ended in a payment dispute. A simple contract outlining deliverables, deadlines, and payment terms would have saved me a lot of headaches.
4. Be Wary of “Free Products” Offers: Some brands may try to lure you in with free products instead of paying you. Remember, your time and effort are valuable. While it might seem tempting to accept a product you like, make sure the value of the product is worth the work you’re putting in. Early on, I accepted a free skincare product in exchange for a review, only to realize the product cost far less than the effort I put into creating content.
5. Verify Payment Terms: Always clarify payment terms before starting the work. How will you be paid? When? What happens if the payment is late? I once worked with a brand that took 90 days to pay me—something I would have known if I had asked about their payment cycle upfront.
6. Check the Brand’s Social Media Presence: A strong, consistent social media presence can be a good indicator of how invested a brand is in their affiliates. If the brand’s social media pages are outdated or poorly managed, it could be a red flag for how they handle collaborations.
7. Look for Previous Collaborations: Ask the brand for references or examples of past collaborations. This not only gives you a sense of the brand’s professionalism but also how they treat their affiliates. I’ve found that brands with a history of successful collaborations are usually more reliable.
8. Negotiate the Terms: Never accept the first offer without negotiating. Brands often expect some back-and-forth, and negotiating shows that you know your worth. I’ve successfully negotiated higher rates and better terms simply by asking.
9. Beware of Exclusivity Clauses: Some brands may want to lock you into an exclusivity clause, preventing you from working with other similar brands. Make sure this clause is limited in time and scope. I once turned down a collaboration because the brand wanted a year-long exclusivity clause—a huge ask that would have limited my earning potential.
10. Understand Usage Rights: Clarify how the brand intends to use your content. Will they use it for social media? Advertising? Make sure you retain ownership or that the usage rights are time-limited. I once discovered a brand was using my content in paid ads without my permission, long after our collaboration ended.
11. Keep Records of Communication: Document everything—emails, messages, calls. This can be a lifesaver if any disputes arise. I once had to refer back to an email thread to prove a brand agreed to specific terms, which helped me win the dispute.
12. Ask About Affiliate Tracking: Ensure the brand uses a reliable tracking system for affiliate links. Faulty tracking can lead to lost commissions. I’ve had experiences where sales didn’t track correctly, and without a reliable system in place, there was no way to recover those earnings.
13. Monitor Your Affiliate Dashboard: Regularly check your affiliate dashboard for any discrepancies in sales or commissions. Early detection is key to resolving issues quickly. Once, I noticed a significant drop in reported sales and discovered that a tracking link had been set up incorrectly.
14. Don’t Overcommit: Avoid agreeing to too many deliverables or tight deadlines, especially if the compensation isn’t worth it. I once took on a project that required multiple posts and videos within a short timeframe for minimal pay—it led to burnout and subpar content.
15. Inquire About Chargebacks: Understand the brand’s policy on chargebacks or returns and how these will affect your commissions. I’ve had commissions reduced due to customer returns, something I wasn’t informed about upfront.
16. Ask for Milestone Payments: For long-term collaborations, request milestone payments instead of a lump sum at the end. This ensures you’re compensated throughout the project and reduces the risk of non-payment.
17. Evaluate Product Quality: Test the product before promoting it. Poor quality products can damage your reputation. I once promoted a product that received negative feedback from my audience due to its poor quality—something I could have avoided by testing it first.
18. Beware of Brands Offering Unrealistic Promises: Be cautious of brands that promise high earnings with minimal effort. If it sounds too good to be true, it likely is. I’ve seen many affiliates get burned by such offers.
19. Understand the Brand’s Target Audience: Ensure the brand’s target audience aligns with your own. Misalignment can lead to poor engagement and damage your credibility. I once collaborated with a brand whose audience was vastly different from mine, resulting in poor engagement and an unhappy brand.
20. Consult with Peers: Don’t hesitate to reach out to other affiliates or influencers about a brand you’re considering working with. Their insights could be invaluable. I’ve avoided several problematic collaborations thanks to advice from fellow influencers.
By keeping these tips in mind, you can protect yourself from potential pitfalls and build meaningful, profitable collaborations. Remember, your time, effort, and audience are valuable—never settle for less than you deserve!
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queersatanic · 2 years
"Requiring financial 'transparency' by The Satanic Temple is a terrible idea"
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The Satanic Temple's supporters: "We're skeptical freethinkers who aren't beholden to dogma or superstition!!"
Also The Satanic Temple's supporters: "A public audit is probably just a waste of money and might make us look bad"
We say often, "Today is a good day for The Satanic Temple to release its finances."
Because, well, the Temple's owners Doug Misicko and Cevin Soling do shady shit with their finances.
But sometimes TSTers say the Temple shouldn't release their finances for review if the Christian orgs aren't going to.
Of course, many churches do it for their members or even post it online
The incorporated entity that is "Child Evangelism Fellowship" also does this, and apparently even pays for an audit:
[Note: The Satanic Temple, Inc., is also a section 170(b)(1)(A)(i), the same as CEF Inc.]
No such page or financials are provided for The Satanic Temple or its "constellation of affiliate entities" anywhere.
This is especially concerning given the supposed lack of knowledge Doug Misicko, TST Inc's treasurer and sole governing officer, shows when asked on the stand about nonprofit and for-profit.
Moreover, we’re still being sued by The Satanic Temple in federal court.
TST is now *also* suing Newsweek for writing about us. In addition, the Temple is now suing a TikToker in Texas for talking about our case. Check the pinned post for more.
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ashen-crest · 2 years
A Rival Most Vial comes out in 10 days!!
In case you’ve missed the boat on my last few updates about this here book...
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[ID: a purple and gold book cover with the text A Rival Most Vial: Potioneering for Love and Profit by R.K. Ashwick. The cover artwork shows the gold silhouettes of two men, each with little hearts above their heads, and gold filigree and icons around the border. The icons include a cauldron, wand, dragon wings, sword, potion bottles, and crystals. end ID]
Two potion shops, one heated rivalry…until hate bubbles over into something else.
If you want to read about queer potion shop owners falling in love, then have I got two sweet, sweet options for you!
#1: ARCs are still open until March 20th!
If you want to read the book for free and leave an honest, voluntary review, please sign up on my website. Please note that you will not get the pre-order goodies mentioned below- but you do get the book for free, so that’s a thing. ARCs will close on release date, 3/20 (PST).
#2: Pre-order gifts are still available!
If you want to pre-order the book and get some physical & digital goodies from me, check out this page for details! The pre-order gifts include:
a sticker
a double-sided bookmark
a cool, slightly unhinged note from yours truly
a digitally-sent watercolor piece based off a scene from the book
(PS- I designed all of these things!)
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[ID: an image showing the two physical pre-order gifts you’ll receive. One is a purple potion bottle sticker, with a dragon wing tag and glittery dots in the potion. The other is a double-sided bookmark, which shows the silhouette of Ambrose on one side and Eli on the other (titled Rival #1 and Rival #2). end ID]
Thank you to everyone who’s ARC-read and pre-ordered so far!
Your feedback and enthusiasm has been more than I could’ve hoped for. 💖
That’s all I’ve got for now- but be prepared for some incoherent potion-y screaming come March 20th!
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megas190 · 1 month
The Shocking Truth About Affiliate Marketing: What They Don’t Tell You
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Affiliate marketing has become one of the most popular ways to make money online, promising a stream of passive income that can grow with little effort. But is it really that simple? If you’re new to affiliate marketing or even a seasoned pro, you may not know the full story. In this article, we’ll uncover the hidden truths of affiliate marketing, show you how it works, and reveal the strategies that successful marketers use to generate substantial income.
Ready to Unlock the Secrets of Affiliate Marketing? Download Our Secret formula and Start Earning Today!
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is an online business model where you earn a commission by promoting other people's products or services. It’s a performance-based strategy: when someone clicks your unique affiliate link and makes a purchase, you get paid. Sounds simple, right? Well, there’s more to it than just placing links on your website or social media.
How Affiliate Marketing Really Works
1.Choosing the Right Niche: Not all niches are created equal. Some are highly competitive, while others may not generate enough interest to be profitable. The key is to find a niche that has a passionate audience and high-ticket products that can offer substantial commissions.
2.Finding High-Ticket Offers: One of the secrets to making serious money in affiliate marketing is promoting high-ticket items—products or services that offer large commissions per sale. These could be premium courses, software, or exclusive memberships. The higher the price, the bigger your commission.
3.Creating Valuable Content: Successful affiliate marketers don’t just slap links on a page. They create high-quality content that provides value to their audience. This could be in the form of blog posts, product reviews, tutorials, or even videos. The goal is to build trust with your audience, so when they see your affiliate link, they’re more likely to click and purchase.
4.Driving Traffic to Your Content: Without traffic, your affiliate links won’t generate any sales. There are several ways to drive traffic to your content: SEO (Search Engine Optimization), social media marketing, email marketing, and paid advertising. Each has its pros and cons, but SEO and social media offer excellent opportunities for free, organic traffic.
5.Converting Clicks into Sales: It’s not enough to get people to click on your affiliate links; you need them to convert into sales. This is where persuasive copywriting and strategic placement of links come into play. Additionally, understanding your audience’s pain points and presenting your affiliate product as the solution can significantly increase conversion rates.
Don’t Miss Out on the Insider Tips! Get Your Affiliate Marketing Secret formula and Start Profiting Today!
The Challenges No One Talks About
While affiliate marketing can be lucrative, it’s not without its challenges. Here are some of the things most people won’t tell you:
It Takes Time: Building a successful affiliate marketing business doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent effort in creating content, driving traffic, and optimizing your strategies. Patience is key.
High Competition: Popular niches often have fierce competition. Standing out from the crowd requires creativity, niche expertise, and a deep understanding of your audience.
Constant Learning: The digital landscape is always evolving. What worked last year might not work today. Staying updated on the latest trends, tools, and strategies is crucial for long-term success.
Dependence on Third Parties: Your income depends on the companies you promote. Changes in their policies, commission structures, or even the viability of their products can impact your earnings.
Proven Strategies for Affiliate Marketing Success
To succeed in affiliate marketing, you need more than just knowledge; you need a strategy. Here are some tips to help you thrive:
Build an Email List: Your email list is one of your most valuable assets. It allows you to promote products directly to your audience and build a relationship with them over time. Offer a freebie in exchange for their email to start building your list.
Leverage Social Proof: People are more likely to purchase something if they see others doing it. Use testimonials, reviews, and case studies to build credibility and trust with your audience.
Experiment with Different Traffic Sources: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Explore multiple traffic sources—like Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, and SEO—so that your business isn’t reliant on just one.
Focus on Long-Term Relationships: Successful affiliate marketers don’t chase quick sales. They focus on building long-term relationships with their audience and the companies they promote. This creates sustainable income and opens up opportunities for exclusive deals or partnerships.
Monitor and Optimize: Regularly review your analytics to see which content, traffic sources, and offers are performing the best. Use this data to refine your strategy, optimize your content, and increase your conversion rates.
Unlock the Door to Passive Income! Get Your Affiliate Marketing Secret formula Now and Start Building Your Online Empire!
Affiliate marketing is a powerful way to generate income online, but it’s not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It requires strategic planning, consistent effort, and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing digital landscape. By understanding the full scope of affiliate marketing—beyond the surface-level promises—you can set yourself up for long-term success.
Whether you’re just getting started or looking to take your affiliate marketing to the next level, keep these truths and strategies in mind. With the right approach, you can unlock the full potential of affiliate marketing and turn it into a lucrative online business.
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lepertamar · 8 months
[ed. note: A1 Reviews was hospitalised in the course of writing this review due to terrific brain lesions. What follows are his unedited and hysterical notes.]
1. Meaningless vermin experiences have potential to exist outside of the economy of sensation by which time is strategically invested in things so as to optimise profit in either enjoyment or knowledge; a process which transforms the raw matter of life / perception into a kind of uniform casino chip, worthwhile only as means to an end! Purposeless and scrappy things can only trade one kind of equivalently valueless experience for another and thus highlight being as an act in itself rather than a kind of empty space to be filled with other things.....
6. Note #12: I am slowly drifting through the walls of the castle due to unspecified tileset errors.
7. Author’s statement for GCYOAW: “ [….]for some reason teleports teleport you into trees and water and stuff in Gassy Choose Your Own Adventure Weirdo so you need the No Clipping in Test Mode where you hold down ctrl. Also you need to set Switch 1003 to ON or you can’t explore the town.” What is Test Mode??????
8. Most ethics of vidcon design based on humanistic principles eg not wasting a person’s time or money, not being coercive. A hypothetical offshoot or degeneration would consist of not even daring to take up any of the player’s time, of tactfully assuming he or she has better things to be doing, building games presumed upon the natural disinterest or contempt of every possible audience - things not meant to be played, but if they should be, that would consist of trivial meaningless activity spaces for people to tinker with if they should so graciously deign while occupied with their own infinitely more important thoughts and emotions, like a philosophical conference hall which is also a jungle jim[sic?]. Nonlinear and nongoal oriented due to excessive modesty but also no real aesthetics as that would imply the submission of viewer -would just consist of vague presence moment-to-moment. Recall the quietists who thought that to make any change to the world was in some way to defy god.
Possible that such sect already exists, in abandoned angelfire.com ratnests and untagged tumblr pages, or working on Advanced Dumptruck Simulator 2013 in hyperspecialised german forums. How would we know?
I’m stuck in a dead-end game loop with excellent music.
9. found it very sensuel[sic] moving around as the saucer note don’t put this in review
10. Aiiiieee!!!! My brain!!!!
Gassy Choose Your Own Adventure Weirdo: 400 Stars
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trialbymagicks · 2 months
Revisiting Hidden Expedition: Everest (2007) [PC, Steam]
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In honor of the 70 years since Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary became the first known people to reach Mt. Everest's summit, let's embark on another Hidden Expedition with the second game in the series. Hidden Expedition: Everest, here we come! 🏔️
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The Hidden Expedition Club sends you, their best thrill-seeking explorer fresh from the depths of the Titanic wreckage, to race to the top of Mount Everest. Armed with a keen eye and the advice of “expert Everest climber” Ed Viesturs, you have all the information you need to beat the competition – two spry old ladies and their bereaved ferret, a couple of bookworms, and a group of Big Fish Games fans – never mind the fact that you presumably have no prior training for such a feat. But first, you must track an eccentric mountain climber across three continents to discover what he knows about a secret passageway through Mount Everest before you challenge the mountain yourself.
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For the second game in the series, Big Fish Games partnered with National Geographic Ventures and Ed Viesturs to create Hidden Expedition: Everest, which took the casual game market by storm upon its release on June 1, 2007. In fact, it was so successful that it was the first game in the series to get the iOS treatment, subsequently proving to the company that the mobile market was also a profitable one.
While Titanic’s set dressing tapped into the world’s curiosity and fascination regarding the famous sunken wreck, Everest’s mission was to inspire in its players a sense of adventure and love for the world we live in. Boasting more than 30 scenes from around the world and exclusive footage from Ed Viesturs’ travels, this game certainly makes an effort to shove as much as it can into a small package. Unfortunately, some scenes may not be as sensitively or accurately depicted as they could have been. Some of this can be blamed on the lack of theme in the randomized hidden object lists, but certain aspects do fall victim to the tendency to generalize entire cultures.
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Everest At A Glance
The start menu is a fantastic display of this game’s improved quality. Epic music immediately puts you in the mood for a high stakes international expedition, which the soundtrack continues to deliver on throughout the game, and the scenery already lets you know that you’re going to be treated to some beautiful sites.
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The most interesting new feature, a black book, sits in the bottom left corner and there is now a high score section for cataloguing your completion time. Upon pressing play at the start of a new game, the National Geographic documentary footage rolls and we are treated to an early example of how cutscenes would eventually become a selling point of the genre.
Unfortunately, it becomes evident right away that the clarity of the Steam port’s hidden object scenes is lacking compared to its predecessor. The images appear fuzzier and objects blend in almost seamlessly with the scenery. This appears to have been an intentional part of the gameplay designed to raise the difficulty level and encourage players to use some of the new features – such as a more effective pause option and the hourglass – to help them on their quest. Objects can take a lot longer to find as a result, though thankfully some scenes cause less eye strain than others and the game isn’t unplayable by any means.
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Once again, Steam reviews on the store page reported concerns about the game not opening to full screen or being too clunky on a higher end PC. So, I was pleasantly surprised to see that I did not have either problem – even running it on a Windows 10 system!
Fair warning: Just like with Hidden Expedition: Titanic, you are required to grant the program permission to make changes to your computer upon first startup. This appears to be what allows the game to automatically change its resolution and open to full screen in order to accommodate for its original smaller size… which I suspect may be a contributing factor to the fuzzy image quality, but I’m no expert. If this makes you feel uncomfortable, you may want to pass on picking it up because the game will not run if you don’t give it permission. You can, of course, choose to play the game in windowed mode later on if that is a more comfortable fit for you.
But fear not, the screen resolution is immediately restored to your previous setting once the game is closed! During my multiple replays, there was only one instance where I had to manually reset the resolution for my screen after closing the game. Admittedly, the main difference between Titanic and Everest is that the former is way less clunky about the resolution difference and doesn’t hinder me from using the Windows Start button to return to my default resolution desktop without quitting.
Regardless, I am happy to finally be able to experience the game in full after so many years of burning curiosity!
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How To Play
Although Hidden Expedition: Everest kicks the difficulty level up a notch, the gameplay remains just as intuitive as its predecessor and the rules are also simple to grasp:
Complete all scenes (plus bonus round) in each level to move on to the next level.
Each level is timed, allotting a certain number of minutes to complete.
Find all hidden objects in each scene before the timer runs out.
Clicking on the wrong object too quickly or too often negatively impacts your position in the race.
A short amount of time can be gained by finding the hidden hourglass in each scene.
Finding all 5 gems in each scene grants you an extra hint for the level.
There are 4 zones you must navigate throughout this game, but don’t let the small number fool you! Somewhat like a nesting doll, each zone consists of multiple levels inside which are two or three locations you must visit and complete the hidden object scenes within before you can move on to the next stretch of this grand adventure.
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If you thought the time limit for each Titanic dive was stressful, Everest raises the bar even higher. This time, instead of racing against your dwindling oxygen supply, you’re racing against three competing AI teams who move at randomized speeds to keep you on your toes. Your goal is to gain and maintain the lead by completing each level before the AI teams do.
For every item you find, your marker – a white arrow located along the bottom of the item list in every hidden object scene – is moved forward in the race. Unfortunately, if you misclick too many times on the screen, you will be penalized and the AI teams’ markers will be moved forward, which can potentially cost you your lead. But because fortune favors those with good eyesight, if you find the hourglass hidden in the scene, time will stop and the AI teams will be frozen in place just long enough for you to catch up and scoot ahead. (We don’t need to address the fact that this implies some type of time-bending magic in the Hidden Expedition universe, but do keep that tidbit of knowledge in your back pocket for later.)
At the end of each level, the game will show you the current times and ranking for each team. It should be fairly easy to finish in first place, but just in case you somehow didn’t, this screen is your chance to return to the level and replay it for another shot at the lead! This is something you probably will want to do if you happen to be a completionist.
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Collecting all 5 gems in a scene grants you one extra hint, which is difficult to do because the gems are blurry and hard to pinpoint in some scenes due to the game’s odd resolution. Take note that each level grants you 3 hints and you have the opportunity to earn 2 or 3 extra hints if you find all of the gems in the level. While your stash of 3 to 6 hints do carry over between scenes in the level you find them in, they do not carry over between levels or zones. So, strategize your use of them wisely before you lose them!
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After all hidden object scenes in a level have been cleared, you will be presented with a minigame. This will either be an extra hidden object scene or a puzzle where you must piece together some type of map or artifact that is vaguely connected to the plot. Complete the challenge before time runs out and the mission will reward you with the next clue to the whereabouts of the mysterious expert adventurer that you’ve been tailing, propelling you forward in your brazen attempt to discover his secrets.
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On the plus side, due to the added length of the game, you can now return to the start menu or quit the game in the middle of a level without fear of the level resetting on you like the dives in the Titanic game would. You can even return to the map during your exploration of a hidden object scene and jump around to the other available scenes without losing your progress. The number on the red location markers will remind you of how many items you have left to find in each scene.
As usual, you will be asked to complete one final (rather intuitive) puzzle upon reaching the summit to claim your victory! Despite its intimidating appearance, this one is very forgiving and does not appear to be timed, so don’t sweat the small stuff here.
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How very “aliens built the secret tunnel” of you, Big Fish Games.
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First Time Features
In keeping with the Hidden Expedition series’ educational format, “world-famous mountaineer and Mount Everest climber” Ed Viesturs keeps butting in to narrate fun facts or “helpful advice” about his knowledge and every time he does I feel like I’m back in a lecture hall politely waiting for the teacher to stop talking so I can leave. His line delivery is so stiff it’s clear that he’s reading from a script, but given that this is the first time voiceovers were introduced to the Hidden Expedition series I can’t help but find it charming.
This is also the first Hidden Expedition to include a journal feature for storing educational trivia gathered throughout the adventure.
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Here, it takes the form of Ed Viesturs’ photo album where you can view photographs and videos from his travels (which he dutifully narrates over, making him seem even more like a world history professor flexing on his students with his vacation photos) alongside his personal biography. Click on his face and he’ll even recite one of a handful of prerecorded lines from his motivational speeches! New photos and voiceovers unlock as you clear zones in first place, and he’ll certainly make sure to inform you that new content is available as you proceed. You can return to the start menu to check out his travel logs anytime.
Similarly, this game introduces the next new feature – a collection of secret items (like a pumpkin) that you can find in hidden object scenes!
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This seems to be the predecessor of the admittedly more straightforward “morphing items” feature in later games. The “secret” in the name is the key word here because the game will not tell you about their existence until you happen to click on one either by accident or out of curiosity to see if that object will match a description on your item list.
This feels a little backwards, considering the game makes a point of punishing players for misclicking and doesn’t exactly encourage exploration. But since Ed Viesturs keeps reminding us that climbing Everest is a challenge, I suppose it only makes sense that this game should be filled with unforeseen challenges too!
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The Story So Far...
When we last saw our intrepid adventurer, Eris was hanging out in the remains of a deep-sea death trap, aka: the wreckage of the RMS Titanic. But diving – yes, diving – 12,600 feet below sea level was the equivalent of a nice vacation for this adrenaline junkie because they are fresh off the dive and raring to ascend more than 29,000 feet above sea level to the summit of Mt. Everest!
For some undisclosed reason – most likely related to the suspicious disappearance of a mysterious mountain climber in Kathmandu who was rambling about a secret tunnel through the mountain – the Hidden Expedition Team has chosen Eris (who quickly teams up with professional mountaineer Ed Viesturs) to represent them in a race against the public to reach the summit.
But of course not all is what it seems and who – or what exactly – should they discover along the way? Well…
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Catch the full story as soon as I finish wrapping my head around the conspiracy board I've accidentally created.
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For more information on the series, check out the Hidden Expedition Wikipedia page, the Big Fish Games Hidden Expedition Website, and the Hidden Expedition TV Tropes page.
If you’re curious to read more about the National Geographic partnership with Big Fish Games, you can check out this Information Week article.
In a shocking twist that surprised absolutely no one, National Geographic christened Ed Viesturs with the title of Adventurer of the Year in 2005 upon the completion of his 18-year mission to reach the summits of all fourteen of the world’s 8000-meter peaks without supplemental oxygen. After all these years, you can still keep up with what he’s doing at his website, many passages from which are used verbatim in the game.
Note: This article was originally posted on WordPress on May 29, 2023.
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fanemag · 1 year
[Status December 1st 2023. Issue 1 now available in digital and print-on-demand formats! www.FANEmag.com | Currently accepting submissions of all kinds for Issue 2.]
{Contributors/contributions per category for next issue: Art (0), Photography (0), Interviews (0), Music Reviews (0), Print (0), Articles (0), Random (0), Letters (0)}
FANE is a digital & print zine with the intent to lift up artists of all kinds and expose them to new audiences. In every issue I hope to feature Musicians, Photographers, Illustrators, Poets, Painters, etc., along with life testimonials from marginalized peoples (are you a gender non conforming POC in the Crust Punk scene? I wanna know what that’s like. Are you transitioning in a rural area and want to share your experience? I want to help you do that. Do you love transgressive writing and like picking it apart? I wanna read those book reviews.). I am actively seeking out creatives in the LGBTQIA+ community who make the kinds of works that don’t get the attention or respect of mainstream queer culture. That said, FANE is all encompassing and we welcome submissions from peoples of all different walks of life (from CisHet to TransQueer, and everything before, in between, and after).
FANE is 100% volunteer. Everyone involved is donating their time and content. The digital version of the zine is available completely free. The print version will full color A4 Print-on-Demand by Lulu.com Any kind of profits made or donations received will go towards building an online presence, securing future hosting/domain related fees, etc.
Examples of what we’re looking for:
Music Reviews, Live Show Reports, Photography, Painting, interviews (both interviewers and those willing to be interviewed), indie film makers, queer activists/artists, anything that defies convention, short stories, poetry, anyone willing to share honestly their struggles with mental health or other health issues, anyone into body modification, anyone with an unconventional body structure comfortable showing their body and discussing it, anyone willing to share terrifying personal experiences they’ve overcome, comedic works as prose or illustration, sex workers willing to share what their lives are like. Anything & anyone who deserves their “15 minutes” currently denied by surface culture. Contributions don’t have to be small, and you don’t have to do any page layout/framing (we can set up the pages from your content/files). ‪Aesthetic: glitchy, dark, dusty, ash, noise, industrial, goth, experimental electronics, metal, punk, esoterica…‬
Examples of what we’re NOT looking for:
Pornography, edgelord shit for the sake of edgelord shit, right wing/conservative bullshit, Racists, animal cruelty, white nationalist propaganda, Nazi sympathizers, homophobes, transphobes, sexists, and other generally shitty human garbage. This doesn’t mean journalistic articles about such things can’t find inclusion, just that I don’t want to print the actual things themselves. ‪For legal reasons, we’re also not accepting fandom art, fan fiction, etc. We respect those of you who create such things, it’s just they’re not a good fit for us.‬
All submissions to FANE must be your original work or works you have the legal right to use. When submitting, you give FANE the right to reproduce your material in perpetuity within the context of magazine print runs, website/blog postings, publishing collected editions of the zine, etc. (we’re not going to sell your works as prints or shirts or mugs or any kind of similar shenanigans). You are NOT giving us exclusive rights to anything, and your works will always be yours to do with as you wish outside of the zine.
No matter what you’re submitting, we ask everyone for a photo of themselves in the portrait orientation. If you are uncomfortable sharing a photo of yourself, we can go with an artistic interpretation or simply a “No Photo Available” generic pic. There’s also a short questionnaire. Any question you don’t want to answer, you can put “No Comment” or something sassy, etc. The Bio bit should only be about a paragraph (2-5 sentences).
Primary Medium:
Other Mediums:
For each visual artist that has contributed so far, I’ve created a Bio page for the issue. I don’t know how that will translate to written works (would make sense for poetry submissions, or long journalistic works, but probably not for short reviews, know what I mean?), but better to have the info/pic and not need it than the other way around.
Please make sure to include a direct link, or links, to your work. You can also send files via email, but keep in mind we’re not touching anything that looks shady (Archives, Executables, etc). Also be sure to tell us what it is we should be looking at, and what your contribution idea is (Example: Photographer who provides links to their photos and states they want to share new works for the zine.)
Questions? Suggestions? Contributions? You can contact me here on tumblr or use FANEmag at gmail. I’m working on other communication methods as well, but I’m an Elder Millennial so please be patient with me :)
Feel free to reblog/spread far & wide.
Here are some visuals from Issue 1 to give you an idea of what the overall “vibe” of the zine is. The full issue can be downloaded for free from FANEmag.com
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Asked & Answered:
* Hey! What does the name FANE mean/stand for?
It’s a noun. It means a church or temple. I’m not a religious person, but the most spiritual I feel is when I’m submersed in the arts, hence the name choice. Major world religions aren’t exactly friendly to the LGBTQIA+ community, so the zine, in my head at least, is an alternate experience where people can find community, inspiration, and acceptance.
I’m a self deprecating sarcastic asshat too, so the fact it rhymes with “feign” as in “to feign interest in this boring zine” is absolutely intentional. As is the fact that it’s a four letter “F” word :)
* Who are you?
Hi, my name’s Rob, and I’m an alcoholic (recovering). I’m a married cisgendered gay white male who uses he/him pronouns living on the East Coast USA. I’m medicated for anxiety and depression, and I believe I may have undiagnosed ADHD and/or ASD. I’m an amateur creative that’s been doing the best I can for the last 30 or so years with zero professional training. I’ve put out a good chunk of experimental music, some of which is still available online (“Vermilion Sky” is my best if you go looking). I’ve also collaborated with other musicians, labels, etc. I’m currently working on histological and minimal photography, as well as graphic design and illustration (digital).
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