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csacskamacskamocska · 2 years ago
nem tudom, hogy szabad-e
de annyira izgatott vagyok, hogy nehezen erőltetek magamra bármiféle nyugalmat. TALÁLTUNK egy házat. Semmiben nem olyan mint amit 4 éve elképzeltem, de mégis csupa lehetőség. Egy olyan kisvárosban ami egy mese, de a ház körül van tér és mindenből van egy kicsi. picike kert is. És kibaszott olcsó. A tenger autóval kicsivel több mint egy óra. Másfél óra Pisa, Firenze kicsit több talán kettő is, mert idő amíg a szerpentíneken míg eljut az ember az autópályára. Szeretném ezt! Nagyon szeretném. És van egy magyar ügyvéd, aki éppen ezzel a területtel foglalkozik. Most a barátnőm férjének kell még rábólintani, hogy belevágjunk. Épp annyi pénz amit még nyugodtan lehet kockáztatni, beletolni egy vidéki házba. Igaz, nem marad semmi tartalékom, csak amit hónapról hónapra össze tudok guberálni, de lépni kell és haladni kéne mert fel van fűzve minden egy fonalra, ha meghúzod, minden elkezd működni és gurul utána. Lesz ebből karácsonyi ajándék? Vagy következő szülinapi? Akárhogy alakul, úgyis elmesélem. :)
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heavyheavycream · 3 months ago
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feedism kinktober 28: movie star
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lyticiaart · 6 months ago
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Extremely rushed sketch because I love funcle Barry 06 and awkward early puberty (literally) wolf girl Yifa.
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theamazingian · 10 months ago
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Reminder that the Xbox 360 Marketplace will shut down in 3 months on July 29th, 2024.
Now I know what you’re thinking-
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I gotta hop on my old Xbox 360 and download Sonic 06 for $5 along with it’s crunchy DLC
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mtonino · 9 months ago
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Ciao grandissimo
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kyouka-supremacy · 9 months ago
Placing my bets now in the next chapter Akutagawa is just going to have another one of his epic last chapter page entrances™
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annazima · 6 months ago
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Supernatural Week 2024
Day 3: Monster of the week episode(s)
Supernatural 1-4 season
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sugdensdingle · 6 months ago
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Affair era 2015 (2014)
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maxlarens · 9 months ago
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pairing(s): max verstappen x rb photographer!reader
summary: your aesthetic interest in max verstappen is purely professional, you swear.
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part I
part II
part III
part IV
part V
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professorfcknmoriarty · 5 months ago
Thinking about a universe where Whitney Jammer ends up in foster care for a while. Maybe it's because his moms died, or maybe it's just temporary while they work some things out, but whatever the reason for it, his third placement is a group home.
He's 10 years old. He's not particularly jaded yet, it hasn't been super hard, but things kinda suck and most of the kids he's met look at him like he smells as soon as they hear he's a foster kid.
The first thing he's told when he puts his stuff down on the bed is, "be careful around the freak".
"What do you mean?"
They point at the bed in the corner of the room. It's bare, just an extremely holey blanket and a pillow that looks like it fell off a garbage truck. There aren't even sheets on the mattress.
It sets an unpleasant feeling in his gut. Maybe it's the way they said it or maybe it's the way the bed looks compared to every other bed in the room, but Jammer doesn't like the way any of it sounds.
Before he even meets Evan, he's already resolved to be the guy's friend. And when Jammer does meet him - pale, greasy dark hair, a sullen look on his face, and a shadow that never seems to move the way it should - it's the most natural thing in the world to latch onto him and be his best friend.
Evan's a year older and has been through this way longer than him already. He's been to so many placements by now that they're threatening to send him to juvie if he doesn't stop getting kicked out of the places they're sending him. He's got a plan for if that actually happens, though. There's a compound nearby that nobody knows about, and he's talked to one of the guys there a couple times, enough that they've been offhandedly mentioning a bed for him when he's ready for it.
Jammer knows immediately that it's not Evan's fault, no matter how unfortunate a last name he has, no matter how gangly and weird seeming a white boy he is.
Evan stutters more than he actually talks, guards his few possessions aggressively, and gives literally everyone looks of distrust whether they're being mean to him actively or not. But it only takes a few days for Jammer to wear him down, and to get Evan to smile shyly at him instead of scowl.
"You don't think I'm weird?" Evan asks him once.
"Eh," Jammer says with a shrug. "White people are weird, mom says it's rude to point that out. I'm used to it by now."
They're homies now. Evan is one of his guys. People who think he's creepy are just dumb. There's nothing wrong with him as far as Jammer is concerned.
"Not without Evan," he tells the nice CPS lady when they try and move him somewhere nicer. "I'm not going anywhere without Evan."
They think he's crazy for it, they accuse Evan of doing something to him, but he's steadfast. Not without Evan.
It makes things a bit harder for him - it's hard enough being a black kid in foster care and they keep telling him not to make it worse for himself - but no matter what they threaten, no matter their arguments, he stays true to it.
And maybe his moms are able to get him back and he throws a fit until they agree to take Evan in or maybe he and Evan are a pair, going through homes together, always making himself a buffer to make Evan more palatable to people until they age out and are in the world on their own.
But whatever happens, it's Jammer and Evan from now on. He won't let anything happen to his best friend without it going through him first.
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csacskamacskamocska · 9 months ago
Érdekes álmom volt
Nagyon jó álom volt, nem szexi, nem úgy jó, hanem nagyon jól éreztem magam benne. De már félálomba vagyis álmodás közben is arra gondoltam, hogy én ezt nem fogom elmesélni senkinek.
Vágybeteljesítő álomnak hívják az ilyet, és hatalmas békét hoz az emberre. Az agyunk egyszerűen lejátssza, elhiteti, hogy valami megtörtét, és innentől nem kell foglalkozni a beteljesületlenséggel vagy igazságtalansággal. Ügyes megoldás, nem? :) Öntudatlan öngyógyítás.
Picit azért olyan, ahogy az AI is működik. A környező elemekből generál újabb elemet a hiányzó rész kitöltésére. A környező elemekből logikusan következő elemet teszi oda. A hiány pedig azért keletkezett, mert logikusan következő LETT VOLNA, de nem történt meg. De így már megtörtént. Problémás az lehet, amikor valaki nem tudja megkülönbözteti. Amikor a vágybeteljesítő álmok vagy gondolatok aztán bekerülnek emlékként a sztoriba. Van olyan barátnőm, akinek egy ötperces vágyakozásából végül egy több hónapos képzelt történet alakult a szemem láttára. Annyira rácsavarodott a dologra, hogy a fejében lezajló kérdések és elképzelések, hogy hogyan kellett volna történnie a dolognak, valós párbeszédek emlékévé váltak, amik tovább növelték benne az értetlenséget és újabb szituációkat teremtettek. Az ő fejében működő kirakógép elszabadult. :) :) De amúgy szeretem őt, mert ez a kis hibája csak jó sztorikat generál, nem bánt senkit.
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toyacord · 1 month ago
icons from Put Your Heart into This One Stitch
hinomori shizuku - fascinated by the embroidered flowers
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asahina mafuyu - in a quiet library
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kagamine len - an extraordinary heart for you
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akiyama mizuki - fun embroidery time
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kiritani haruka - more more house's surprise
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named-haines · 9 months ago
I’m scheduling this post for 3 years time to remind anyone who’s following this blog by then and also myself that while MCYTtwt was at war with the genshin impact fandom over fanart, MCYTblr managed to trend “Penis SMP” for like 3 days
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rottenjuice · 1 month ago
"this conversation is lovely, and y'know girls, you're both pretty, but you're going to have to leave the premise" - aimsey throwing out the immortals arguing in his front yard
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picsofgavinreed · 2 months ago
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jtl-fics · 3 months ago
11/20/24 WIP Wednesday (Closed) | TBD AU
That he’d lived that nightmarish life without Neil. Lived without passion or interest in the world around him. How he hadn’t cared about the missing years of his college life because he was sure they were worthless memories that were more of the same. The only consolation was that Andrew hadn’t actually known that he was missing something so he hadn’t been able to consciously yearn for it.
But he’d yearned for Neil subconsciously regardless.
He talked about Aaron’s ‘plan’ and Neil snorted in derision. “In what universe would I have ever made Aaron’s life so easy?” he asks.
Andrew pinched his nose and part of him still can’t help but think that he would have remembered everything if Neil had just…accepted Andrew’s confession back in Roland’s bar. He’ll never admit it to anyone outloud and won’t even fully admit it to himself but a large part of Andrew does think that … he would have remembered everything the moment he and Neil kissed.
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