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Collier’s - 5 avril 1947
Cover by Jon Whitcomb
#et pendant ce temps-là#magazine#collier's#illustration#illustrator#jon whitcomb#05/04/1947#04/1947#1947
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Bewitched: Ladies Sing Rodgers & Hart
01 - Ruth Etting - Ten Cents A Dance (1930) 02 - Helen Ward - Blue Moon (1935) 03 - Maxine Sullivan - Spring Is Here (1938) 04 - Helen Humes - Sing For Your Supper (1939) 05 - Bea Wain - I Didn't Know What Time It Was (1939) 06 - Adelaide Hall - The Lady Is A Tramp (1940) 07 - Helen Forrest - Bewitched (1941) 08 - Lena Horne - Where Or When (1941) 09 - Hazel Scott - Dancing On The Ceiling (1947) 10 - Lee Wiley - Manhattan (1950) 11 - Betty Carter - I Could Write A Book (1955) 12 - Helen Merrill - Wait Till You See Him (1955) 13 - June Christy - You Took Advantage Of Me (1956) 14 - Peggy Lee - It Never Entered My Mind (1956) 15 - Jeri Southern - He Was Too Good To Me (1956) 16 - Ella Fitzgerald - A Ship Without A Sail (1956) 17 - Sarah Vaughan - A Tree In The Park (1956) 18 - Abbey Lincoln - This Can't Be Love (1956) 19 - Carmen McRae - Isn't It Romantic? (1958) 20 - Billie Holiday - Glad To Be Unhappy (1958) 21 - Blossom Dearie - To Keep My Love Alive (1960) 22 - Anita O'Day - Johnny One Note (1960) 23 - Nancy Wilson - Little Girl Blue (1962)
Bonus Tracks:
24 - Mary Lou Williams (piano) - Lover (1954) 25 - Dorothy Ashby (harp) - Thou Swell (1956)
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0️⃣ La lettre d’infO (la quotidienne annécienne) 🤍
Sélection journalière à destination de 12 réseaux sociaux et de 3 messageries instantanées en provenance directe de la version 3 de mon infolettre 📧
1️⃣ Les Journées (j’adOre) 💛
Aujourd’hui, jeudi 24/10/24, Journée des Nations Unies (depuis 1947) 🇺🇳 Journée mondiale d'information sur le développement (depuis 1972) 🤝 Journée mondiale de la probité (depuis 2022) 👌et Journée mondiale de lutte contre la polio 💉
2️⃣ L’actu (point trop n’en faut) 🧡
Dimanche dernier, les gendarmes du peloton motorisé de Saint-Julien-en-Genevois ont verbalisé un motard roulant à très vive allure en Haute-Savoie. Circulant à 175 km/h sur une route limitée à 80 km/h, le conducteur a justifié son excès de vitesse par une envie de "se faire plaisir" 😱
56 personnes évacuées : mardi, une fuite de dioxyde de soufre a été constatée sur un des chantiers du tunnel Lyon-Turin, situé à Saint-Martin-de-la-Porte (Savoie). Six personnes ont été prises en charge par les secours ⛑️
Quatrième jour❗️Tout feu, tout femme du 21 au samedi 26/10/24 : ce festival met les femmes à l'honneur. Découvrez le parcours de Femmes et profitez d'animations, d'ateliers, de rencontres, de conférences (Les Carrés, 43 avenue des Carrés) 👩
3️⃣ L’agenda (l’agendalp pour les ancien·nes) 🩷
🧺 Deux marchés le jeudi matin à Annecy ➡️ Marché du quartier Novel-Teppes 📍 Avenue de France ⌚️ 7h-13h ➡️ Marché de la place Chorus ⌚️ 8h-12h ℹ️ Tous les deux marchés, alimentaires et produits divers 🍴
🖼️ Dernier jour❗️ExpO : Lotus Mood (peinture) ➡️ Jacqueline Couasnon Muller est originaire de la campagne vaudoise en Suisse voisine ℹ️ Jusqu’au jeu. 24/10/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ Horaires au 04 50 05 43 30 📍 Alliance Française Annecy (12 boulevard du Lycée) 👩🎨
🖼️ ExpO de l'association Artistique de Meythet ➡️ Exposition de dessins et de peintures ℹ️ Jusqu’au lun. 11/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 8h30-12h 📍 Mairie déléguée de Meythet (rue de l'Hôtel de Ville) 🎨
🖼️ Avant-dernière semaine❗️ExpO : Joël Burger ➡️ À travers son art, l’artiste invite le spectateur à plonger dans un univers onirique et poétique, où chaque toile raconte une histoire et suscite une émotion ℹ️ Jusqu’au mer. 30/10/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 8h30-12h & 13h30-17h 📍 Mairie déléguée d'Annecy-le-Vieux (place Gabriel Fauré) 👨🎨
🧒 Atelier découverte : Le Palais enchaîné ➡️ Fantômes et frissons sont au palais : les enfants découvrent la vie des détenus des vieilles prisons puis ils fabriquent une œuvre collective et éphémère ℹ️ Dès 8 ans ⏱️ 2h 🎫 7€ 🎟️ Inscr. oblig. 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 10h 📍 Palais de l’Île (3 passage de l'Île) 🏛️
🧒 Les mains vertes : atelier créatif ➡️ Venez imaginer, recycler et embellir votre intérieur en créant une décoration automnale ℹ️ Parents, enfants de 7 à 12 ans ⏱️ 1h 🎫 0€ 🎟️ Inscr. oblig. 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 10h & 15h 📍 Centre horticole municipal (40 avenue de Loverchy) 🍂
🖼️ ExpO collective : I say hi, You say low, You say why, I say I don’t know ➡️ Peintures, installations, vidéos et performances ℹ️ Jusqu’au mar. 03/12/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-12h & 14h-17h30 📍 Le Mikado Espace d'art contemporain (place des Rhododendrons) 😍
👨👩👧👦 Écomusée du Lac d'Annecy ➡️ Vacances de la Toussaint : des propositions pour tous les publics ℹ️ À vivre en famille 🎫 20€ (famille, 2 adu. & 2 enf.), 6,50€ (adu.), 4,50€ (3-17 ans), 0€ (- de 3 ans) 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-12h & 14h-17h30 📍 Grand Annecy (Route de l'Église, Sevrier) 😍
🖼️ ExpO : Rouge ➡️ Le travail de Marcel Savy oscille entre le figuratif et une abstraction guidée, lui permettant d’aller à l’essentiel tout en laissant place au rêve dans ses toiles ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 16/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 10h-18h45 📍 Artekné (Centre Bonlieu) 👨🎨
🖼️ ExpO BibliO : Carnets de voyages d'une famille annécienne à la Belle Époque ℹ️ Rédigés entre 1883 et 1912, ornés de photos et dessins, voyage panorama de l'Europe avec Annecy comme pied à terre 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 12h30-18h 📍 Médiathèque Bonlieu (Centre Bonlieu) 😍
🖼️ Dernière semaine❗️ExpO : L'effet Matilda ➡️ Dans le cadre de la FDS, une exposition proposée par le CNRS, le Quai des savoirs et l’association Femmes & Sciences ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 26/10/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 13h30-18h 📍 Médiathèque Novel (7 bis rue Louis Armand) 👩🔬
🖼️ ExpO : Les Temps changent ➡️ Lauréats de la commande nationale d'estampes initiée par le Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP) en partenariat avec l'Association de développement et de recherche sur les artothèques (ADRA) ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 30/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 14h-18h 📍 Médiathèque Louise Michel (5 rue François Vernex) 🎨
🖼️ ExpO : Portraits de Martine Richard, une artiste pour qui la peinture est une véritable évasion ➡️ Passionnée par la magie de l'aquarelle, elle explore la fusion des couleurs et de l'eau, créant des œuvres où l'émotion guide chaque coup de pinceau ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 09/11/24 🎫 Accès libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 14h-19h 📍 Le Mikado Novel (2 place de l'Annapurna) 👩🎨
🧒 Vacances d’automne ou de la Toussaint ➡️ Fabrique ta lanterne d’Halloween ℹ️ À partir de 5 ans 🎫 10€ (adu.) & 6€ (enf.) 🎟️ Sans réservation 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 10h30-12h & 14h-17h (animation et visite) 📍 Château de Montrottier (Lovagny) 🏰
🧒 ExpO : Illusions, quand notre cerveau nous joue des tours ➡️ Plus d’une trentaine de dispositifs interactifs ℹ️ L’enfant doit être accompagné d'un adulte (inscrit lui aussi) ⏱️ 2h 🎫 5€, 3€ & 0€ (- de 12 ans) 🎟️ Réservation en ligne 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 14h-16h & 16h-18h 📍 La Turbine sciences (place Chorus) 🧠
🖼️ ExpO : La nuit est encore debout c'est pour ça que je ne dors pas d'Annabelle Guetatra ➡️ Dessins aux fonds vaporeux travaillés au pastel sec ou à l’huile ℹ️ Jusqu’au sam. 23/11/24 🎫 Entrée libre 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 14h-18h 📍 Le Point Commun (12 avenue Auguste Renoir) 👩🎨
🧒 Ateliers scientifiques : menés par les médiateurs du lieu, ils font appel à la manipulation, à la démarche scientifique et à l’apprentissage par la pratique ℹ️ Spécial adolescent·es ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 5€ & 3€ 🎟️ Réservation en ligne 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 14h15 📍 La Turbine sciences (place Chorus) 🥼
🧒 Spécial adolescent·es : 14 ateliers numériques sur la programmation, les défis robotiques et la création numérique ℹ️ Des ateliers accessibles dès 5 ans sont proposés par les médiateurs numériques ⏱️ 1h 🎫 5€ & 3€ 🎟️ Réservation en ligne 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 14h30-15h30 & 16h-17h 📍 La Turbine sciences (Place Chorus) 🤖
🧒 Atelier : c'est toi l'artiste ! ➡️ Thématique vacances : même pas peur des araignées, chats noirs, chauves-souris et autres créatures d'Halloween ℹ️ Spécial famille avec enfants ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 0€ 🎟️ Sur inscr. auprès des médiathécaires 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 15h 📍 Médiathèque Bonlieu (Centre Bonlieu) 🎃
🗣 Visite guidée : découvrez la vieille ville d’Annecy, son histoire, son architecture et ses personnages marquants ℹ️ Théo vous accompagne le long de ses canaux et à travers ses arcades et passages couverts ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 12, 6 & 4€ 🎟️ Réserv. en ligne oblig. 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 16h 📍 Centre Bonlieu (Forum) 😍
📚 Rencontre littéraire ➡️ Venez échanger sur les femmes oubliées de l'Histoire, malgré leurs découvertes essentielles ℹ️ En lien avec l'exposition Matilda, le club de lecture féministe Annecy 74 se délocalise à la médiathèque Novel ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 0€ 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 18h 📍 Médiathèque Novel (7 bis rue Louis Armand) 👩
🎭 Théâtre : Folies au Manoir ➡️ Un crime a été commis au manoir de Jean-Eude et Marie-Christine… Réussirez-vous à dénicher le coupable ? ℹ️ À partir de 9 ans ⏱️ 1h20 🎫 19€ & 10€ (-18 ans et étudiant·es) 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 20h📍 Salle Pierre Lamy (12 rue de la République) 🕵️
🎶 Concert ➡️ Un vent de fraîcheur va souffler sur Annecy avec Aupinard et sa pop aux sonorités urbaines et bossa 🎫 20€, 18€ & 0€ (-10 ans) 📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 20h30 (ouverture des portes à 20h) 📍 Le Brise Glace - Grande salle (54 bis rue des Marquisats) 🎸
📽️ Soirée projection du Caméra Club d'Annecy ➡️ Découvrez et échangez autour de films et de courts métrages en présence de leurs réalisateurs ⏱️ 1h30 🎫 0€ 🎟️ Réserv. oblig.📆 Jeu. 24/10/24 ⌚️ 20h30 📍 Théâtre de l'Échange (26 rue Sommeiller) ���
4️⃣ La météO (pour celles et ceux qui veulent vivre) ❤️
Qualité de l’air à Annecy (indices ATMO) : les conditions atmosphériques évoluent avec l’arrivée d’une dépression par l’ouest 🌡 Un vent du sud s’installe et favorise la dispersion des polluants 🍃 La qualité de l’air devrait être bonne à moyenne dans la région 💨
Dans la cité lacustre et ailleurs, au niveau de vos déplacements, privilégiez vélo, trottinette, marche à pied, etc. et au niveau de vos activités physiques, privilégiez les parcs, les zones piétonnes et les rues peu circulantes pour vos activités de plein air 🌬️
L’indice de risque pollinique à Annecy est nul (niveau 0) ➡️ Ambroisies, armoise, cupressacées, graminées, saule, autre : niveaux 0 ➡️ Indice communal valable du 19 au vendredi 25/10/2024 inclus 🤧
5️⃣ Les dictons (maximes et autres proverbes) 💚
Trois dictons du jour pour le prix de deux : « À la saint Florentin, laboure avec entrain. », « Beau temps à la saint Florentin, assure belle récolte pour certain·es. » et « Pluie de la saint Florentin dure jusqu’au lendemain. » 👌
Et trois autres dictons du jour pour la route : « Au jour de la saint Florentin, si tu t’assois, le froid craint. », « Souvent à la saint Florentin, l’hiver lisse le chemin. » et « Souvent à la saint Florentin, l’hiver laisse son chemin. » 🥶
Pour celles et ceux qui aiment avoir chaud : « Quand en octobre tu as trop chaud, en février tu garderas ton manteau sur le dos. », « Quand octobre est chaud, février est froid. » et « Si octobre est chaud, février sera froid. » 🥵
6️⃣ Les fêtes (rigolO est le calendrier) 🩵
Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée annécienne et un excellent automne à Annecy, dans les 33 autres communes du Grand Annecy, en Savoie ou ailleurs 🍂
Bon quatrième jour de la semaine à tous et à toutes 🥁
Bonne fête aux Florentin·e et demain aux Crépin 😘
7️⃣ Cohérence (histoire de simplifier) 💜
J’utilise les chiffres 0, 7, 8, 9 et 10 pour rendre plus lisibles les différentes parties de cette sélection (simple utilisation n’ayant absolument aucun rapport avec les parties “officielles”).
JamesO InfO V1 : jusqu’en 2012 🅰️
8️⃣ Migrations en cours (à marche forcée) 🤎
Les parties 7, 8 et 9 ne peuvent pas encore être diffusées totalement pour des raisons techniques. J’y travaille actuellement de manière régulière.
JamesO InfO V2 : de 2013 à 2022 🅱️
9️⃣ Abonnez-vous (nouveaux tarifs en 2025) 🩶
Les parties 10, 11 et 12 sont exclusivement réservées à mes abonné·es et ne sont plus diffusées sur les réseaux sociaux et autres messageries instantanées.
JamesO InfO V3 : depuis 2023 🆎
🔟 L’ours (nette préférence pour le dahu) 🖤
Actualité - Informations - Nouvelles
Par JamesO (Presse & Édition)
JamesO InfO n° 1.167 du jeudi 24/10/24
📷 JamesO PhotO à Annecy le 15/10/24 📸
JamesO © AlPy News ® StudiO 147 ℗ 2SC ™
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Episode 192: Did the CIA invent Modern Art?*IS LIVE*!
Image 01: Jackson Pollock’s ‘Mural, 1943’ was appraised at $140,000,000.00 in 2016. Image 02: Modern Art on display clockwise from top left. Willem de Kooning, Woman I, 1952. Jackson Pollock’s black period paintings, 1951. Mark Rothko paintings- Untitled (1956), Untitled (1955), ??. Image 03: Jackson’s Pollock’s famed artistic process involved dripping paint on canvas from various heights at various levels of intensity and speed. Image 04: The New York School featured several artists who rose to fame. Jackson Pollock, Vostanik Sabatino, Willem de Kooning, Clyfford Still. Many of these artists were immigrants who rose to fame post WW2. Image 05: The New York School artists were heavily influenced by psychologist Carl Jung and his teachings. These artists claimed their paintings held secret universal truths about humanity. Image 06: Carl Jung’s 4 main archetypes. Image 07: The New York School was considered “American” art, and stood in sharp contrast to socialist realism art. Image 08: In 1947 the US State Department spent $49,000.00 to buy 79 paintings from American artists for a traveling exhibition called “Advancing American Art.” Look Magazine brought attention to the state funding art that was often painted by artists engaging in “un-American activities” and caused public outrage. The exhibition was defunded. Image 09: In 1950 the CIA created the “Congress For Cultural Freedom” which was literally just a CIA funded propaganda machine. The CCF operated for 17 years and ran magazines like “Encounter” which featured The New York School Artists and other uniquely “American Art.” The CCF also employed several key members of The Museum of Modern Art (MOMA). Image 10: The CIA also secretly funded one of the most popular pieces of anti- communist artworks, the animated version of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” novel. What do you guys think? Is Modern Art just a CIA psyop or is paint thrown at a canvas just too deep for the American public to understand?
#let's get haunted#instagram photodump#new york school#did the cia invent modern art?#jackson pollock#george orwell#animal farm#modern art#CIA#mark rothko#american art#moma#Instagram
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Pink Couldy Sky, Chapter 07 – Letter (Summarized) - Part 1
Note 1: Once again, the chapter is split into two parts. This first parts has the majority of it, but the secong part contains a long section that is actually, directly translated, and I will need more time to edit it properly. I hope to have it up before the year is over, but I can make no promises.
Note 2: This post contains pictures. I am not happy with how tumblr is sizing/cropping them on my screen. Click on them if they are not shown in full.
Chapter 00 - 01 Chapter 02 Chapter 03 Chapter 04 Part 1, Part 2 Chapter 05 Chapter 06 Part 1, Part 2
Under Professor Arakawa, REM’s days of acquiring knowledge as a dentist continued after graduation. He joined Arakawa’s study group where he gained practical experience on various cases and worked very hard on becoming an actual dentist. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to justify himself to his late mother, nor to hide and the other members of SAVER TIGER. Those feelings were his main driving force. The other members of his dentist-band AMIT also joined Arakawa’s study group and they pushed each other forward.
To REM, who was practical by nature, this study circle was very helpful. He learned about the technical aspects from a medical point of view, and also about mental self-discipline.
In this time, again thanks to Professor Arakawa, REM also met Beat Takeshi, aka Takeshi Kitano [born 1947, actor, director, comedian etc.].
He vividly remembers the first time they went drinking together. They met at Takeshi’s place and he took REM to a snack bar in Roppongi’s underground. Takeshi was in a good mood and sang a lot at karaoke. His way of singing was exactly as REM had imagined it would be. Song after song he got on the floor and fired off jokes in rapid succession.
Takeshi seems blunt, but REM thinks he actually has a direct and kind personality and is very aware of his surroundings. When REM showed him a photo from is SAVER TIGER days, Takeshi laughed and said, “You really were a dentist already. Time didn’t change you.” Then he got serious and said, “But it’s interesting. Do your best.” The timing and the delivery were exquisite. [Note: I’m guessing that there was a joke in there that I fail to make sense of.]
When they talked about hide and discussed music, Takeshi pulled out one creative idea after another.
“When Doctor REM does a live, I’ll secretly enter the stage with no announcement, sing one song, and leave again without saying anything.”
It was a very fun night of drinking. They separated with REM excitedly promising to make that song for him.
Come to think of it, this was just one week before that unfortunate accident befell Takeshi. [Note: This is likely referring to a near-fatal motor scooter accident on 2. August 1994, which may or may not have been a suicide attempt.]
After this, they met several more times, with Takeshi also coming to Yokosuka for drinks, and continued their exchange. Takeshi would probably scold REM for embarrassing him if he read this, but he truly is a generous and warm person.
Hide continued to call REM about once a month. When he called from overseas, REM had the habit of taking notes on his calls in his diary-substitute-notebook.
For example: “31. August. Call from hide in L.A. at 6:30 AM. Today, it seems Megadeath came to the studio and he listened to their rehearsal.
He chatted about various things with the former guitarist of Cacophony, who apparently speaks Japanese.
When they went to a Japanese-style iszakaya afterwards, Ron Wood was drinking there…”
Beyond that, he would always contact REM when he returned to Japan, come directly to his apartment from Narita airport, and drink until morning to combat jet lag.
In the first half of the nineties, “X” turned into “X JAPAN”. In this time, hide rapidly grew not only as a guitarist but as an artist in general.
In 1992, he showed his talent as a visualist with the publication of his solo-photobook “Mugongeki”. His stage turned from Budokan to the Tokyo Dome to the world. REM, on the other hand, having given up music, turned into a normal dentist.
However, whenever hide returned to Yokosuka, they would go drinking at Dobuita together – as drinking buddies, as best friends, as music companions who would forgive each other for every stupid thing said.
In a sense, it was a pretty strange connection.
Now, REM wonders if it wasn’t obvious that he was holding back around hide for fear of bothering him. To say nothing of the fact that the bitter feeling of not having been there for hide when he needed him most would not leave him alone.
But – and he thinks it may sound pretentious to put it like this – REM wonders if in this town of Yokosuka, where hide had been born and raised, all the cloudy hesitation and misunderstandings and strange fears weren’t blown away by the constant salty breeze from the sea.
REM couldn’t help but think that way.
When they drank at Dobuita until morning, there were no obstacles between them.
Hide always listened intently to REM’s silly music stories. Is that artist good or not, which CDs are cool – he always had an earnest discussion with REM about these things.
Looking at hide’s carefree smile, REM always heard a voice deep in his heart, saying, “Now I owe him again…”
Without his noticing, that murmur changed to, “No matter how, I want to pay him back. No matter how many years it takes, one day I will…”
One day when hide was in Yokosuka, REM went to “Parkside X” together with Professor Arakawa. He’d been thinking that he should introduce hide to Arakawa, so when they happened upon him, REM introduced him with the words, “Arakawa-sensei, this is hide.”
And Arakawa smiled and stood with, “My pleasure, I’m Arakawa.”
Hide, also standing, looked a little nervous, and said, “Likewise. Thank you for always taking care of REM. I’m hide.” He removed his trademark hat and sunglasses and gave a quick bow.
Then, he slowly put them back on and apologized for being impolite by wearing those things while drinking, and sat back down.
REM was astonished that he had taken them off at all, because at that time, he never did that in public. It seemed that hide was particularly respectful towards Arakawa because of the relationship he had to REM, and REM’s surprise soon turned into deeply moved gratitude.
After a night of drinking together and talking about all sorts of things, Arakawa also praised hide as a young man who, striking appearance aside, had firm opinions and was very polite. The way in which hide expressed his friendship that night had been typical for him.
In December 1995, REM announced that the was leaving his bachelor life behind and got married to a woman named Miwa. [Note: At least, that’s what I think her name is. REM gives the kanji for her name, but not the reading, which might differ drastically from the common (or even any sensible) reading of the characters.]
For the wedding reception, they reserved a cozy restaurant for their few dozen guests, which included family and only their closest of friends. One invitation was handed to hide, who was happy as if it were his own wedding and confirmed that he was definitely going to attend.
On the day of the wedding, REM was nervous and embarrassed like never before in his life. This was no fault of his bride’s, he simply had a raging case of wedding nerves, and it defeated him. As soon as the nerves hit him, he would drink any alcoholic beverage he could get his hands on. He honestly thought that since it worked on stage, it would work for getting married.
Hide had sent them a large bouquet of flowers in the name of “X Japan hide” but was nowhere to be seen in person.
In fact, it seemed that hide had chosen his timing well, considering the commotion that might have happened at the gathering place if word had gotten around that a member of X Japan was present.
An hour into the event, hide was there, just sitting casually in the front row in his hat and sunglasses. He grinned when he handed more alcohol to REM. At this point, REM was already blazingly drunk.
Hide for his part was fidgety and restless, talking to Jimmy and pointing out that it was time for the afterparty.
Then, during the preparations for said party, those two kept whispering to each other about something.
The wedding reception was not unlike a live show, with plenty of music buddies present. There were former members of SAVER TIGER, Hikaru, who used to be the bassist of X for a while during their indies days, and the current, much more famous X Japan-bassist heath.
SAVER TIGER served as the lead act. With hide jumping in, it was like the illusion of a SAVER TIGER revival session. The song they played was “Double Cross”.
The title of the song seemed a bit too fitting for the situation, but they chose it because it was representative of SAVER TIGER.
So REM, unsteady and hugging his guitar, started to play (“Ei!”) with the timing he was used to, only to be met with perfect silence from everyone else involved.
Thus, he declared, “It can’t be helped, you’re all doing it wrong,” regained his composure and started playing the phrase again.
Once again, hide and the others met him with grinning silence.
And REM thought, “I’m being deceived!”, finally realizing that he was falling victim to a prank, and that the prank smelled strongly of hide. Surely, hide and Jimmy had set this up when they were whispering to each other before.
In that moment, the room erupted into laughter and hide smiled earnestly at REM while looking very satisfied.
REM’s memory of the events after this point are essentially nonexistent.
Among the things that he vaguely remembers are heath getting up on stage and accepting a trophy he had won at their bingo tournament with a smile, and hide’s younger brother Hiroshi being delighted about having won a guitar.
From what REM could put together from the stories of his wife and the others, hide gave a musical performance that day, looking truly happy. This was not X Japan’s hide, this was an amateur at a free-for-all, lost in the spur of the moment, strumming his guitar with a relaxed smile on his face.
“At least, he was grinning as he played and looked like he was truly having fun.” That’s what Jimmy always murmurs when remembering that wedding reception.
[December 1995: REM's wedding reception. Photos exist for when your memory doesn't. (Click on the image for full view if tumblr cut it weirdly.)]
Due to REM’s work, the newlyweds couldn’t go on honeymoon right away. Only in the following year, in spring 1996, was he able to take the time off for it.
REM and his wife immediately agreed on the destination they wanted to visit. They both recalled at once how hide had told them to come to L.A. at least once, so that was where they wanted to go for the occasion of their once-in-a-lifetime, somewhat late honeymoon: The L.A. where hide was.
REM called hide over there at once. When he told him, “We’re thinking of travelling to L.A.,”, hide said, “Wait a second, I’ll call you back,” and hung up.
He had probably gotten a call for work, was certainly busy right now… REM and his wife speculated such while they waited, but when hide called them back after only a sort time, he gave them a list of the major hotels in Los Angeles, with information on their rating, how far they were from the airport, the price, if it was okay to smoke in there, what attractions were nearby…
After hanging up on them, hide had researched all that at the speed of light. REM and his wife were nothing but grateful. Hide, for this part, was very enthusiastic about their upcoming visit.
“What do you want to do when you’re here?”
The two of them told him they wanted to watch a Nomo Game [Note: Probably referring to Japanese baseball pitcher Hideo Nomo, who was playing for the Los Angeles Dodgers at the time.], visit the Universal Studios, and other things. And hide said brightly, “I got it! You don’t need to take care of anything, just make the reservations for the flights and the hotel…”, and then quickly hung up the phone.
The weather in L.A. was clear.
They arrived at the hotel they had picked from hide’s list, checked in, and rested in their room for about an hour before hide arrived, going “Yaa, yaa, yaa!”
Hide was in the middle of recording his solo single “Misery” at the time and hadn’t slept in three days, but you wouldn’t know it from the way he acted. He was wearing his usual hat and sunglasses, and his usual smile that lit up his whole face when he said, “So, what’s the plan?” He pulled out pen and paper and wrote down the schedule for their stay in the city, while asking REM and his wife for their wishes. Then, he asked, “How do you feel about Las Vegas?” and added his own recommendations, arranging everything from flights to hotel reservations.
He also insisted that REM’s wife, pregnant at the time, had to eat! And handed over a bundle of ten onigiri that he had brought for her.
Her due day happened to coincide with hide’s thirty-second birthday. Whenever he stroked the bulging stomach of REM’s wife, he would tell the unknown baby to better get born on schedule, so they could share their birthday.
In any case, to REM and his wife, hide was the world’s best tour conductor, taking care of every aspect of their journey. His thoughtfulness, attentiveness, kindness and warmth were extraordinary and he made sure that they got whatever they wanted. REM and his wife could only be grateful and impressed by his warmth that asked for nothing in return.
It was thanks to him that this trip became one of the best memories of the couple.
One day, after hide had left for recording, his manager at the time, Kudo-chan, took them downtown for dinner. After parking the car, they waited at a traffic light, discussing where they wanted to eat.
As they waited, REM spotted a man waiting at the opposite side of the road who looked like a musician to him, from the way he dressed to the way he wore his long, lustrous hair. Then, the signal turned to “WALK”, they did just that, and as the guy came closer, REM thought that his face looked like he had seen it somewhere before…
It couldn’t be. Here, on this giant continent of America, in the middle of this giant city of Los Angeles…But damn, if that guy did not look exactly like…
And so it came that REM and heath embraced right there in the middle of that pedestrian crossing in L.A., celebrating their unexpected reunion. Babbling along the lines of:
-“Hey, what are you doing here? No, this is where I… Where are we, anyway…”
-“N- no, I heard from hide-chan that you were in L.A., REM, but that I would meet you here…”
Since the time heath came from Osaka to Tokyo, REM had often gone drinking with him. Their meeting here was as much of a surprise as when hide had told REM that heath had joined X.
Thanks to this prank of the gods, they all went to a Japanese restaurant together, chatting happily. It was a day full of surprises and deep emotions.
Just two or three days before REM and his wife were to return home, hide invited REM to the studio and asked him to play the guitar solo of “Misery”. So REM borrowed hide’s guitar and contemplated the song’s guitar phrase there in that place.
And after he played it, hide said, “Well, REM-chan, let’s have you record it before you go home!”
Somewhat incredulously, REM agreed.
However, the next day, something urgent came up with X Japan and the recording of “Misery” had to be interrupted.
Looking regretful, hide told REM over and over that it would resume the next week. But REM’s work did not allow for the delay. And so, with painful reluctance, REM and his wife boarded the plane home.
The day before their return, hide somehow managed to take them out for dinner despite his busy schedule. Since REM’s pregnant wife couldn’t drink, REM and hide drank beer and wine for three. Afterwards, they returned to hide’s apartment building, hung out on the roof at the pool, and continued to chat while looking at the giant, illuminated HOLLYWOOD-sign.
At some point, without anyone noticing, hide had taken off his sunglasses. Hide, who had returned to bare-faced Matsumoto Hideto, and REM, who had returned to bare-faced Araki Masahiko, continued talking with a beer in hand for a long time.
It had been more than ten years since REM had first come to this city as a middle school student. Now, the L.A. night breeze was as fresh as it had been back then, and so dry they could basically hear it.
[2 May 1996: Last night in L.A.]
The next day, hide was driving the car himself when he picked up REM and his wife who were puking all over due to hangover and morning sickness respectively and took them to the airport.
Hide seemed to enjoy himself when he looked over his shoulder at their pale faces in the backseat and asked with a smile, “Honored passengers, how did you enjoy your trip?”
That kind smile of hide, that rare entertainer, was swaying before their eyes.
Hide had been serious about what he had said at the studio in L.A., as REM came to understand that the afterparty of the secret live hide and his band gave at the Yokosuka Art Theater that autumn. He had really meant for REM to play the guitar for “Misery”. REM had been baffled, and felt that now there was another major depth he was owing hide.
He murmured those words as he watched hide’s cheerful form fussing around. His wife, who had heard him, nodded in agreement. She was approaching her due date.
“He’s really supported us at every important point, hasn’t he?”
And so he had. When REM and his now-wife had been dating, it was hide who had looked at them and declared that they absolutely had to get married. He kept saying it. He even said it on New Year’s Day of the year they did get married, just like hide had predicted.
In that moment, REM and his wife likely had the same mental image: Of hide, cheerfully playing guitar at their wedding reception with a mischievous smile on his face, or his kind hospitality in L.A., happily going along with everything they wanted. REM’s thought of, “I want to repay hide for all he’s done” turned to “I must repay hide” turned to “No matter how many years it takes, one day for certain,” and finally arrived at “I must start at once.”
On the sixth of December, 1996, about one week before hide’s birthday, REM’s wife gave birth to their first child without problems. It was a boy, and they called him 柊衣. [Note: The Japanese names strike again. This is probably read either “Hii”, “Toui”, or “Hiragi”.]
Hide came to meet their beloved son the following year, in February 1997.
Hide loved children. Even now, REM remembers how hide played with their son tirelessly all day. He passionately gave this baby, only two months old, rhythm training and taught him how to hold a guitar pick.
This was another day when hide took off his sunglasses. It is their absence that REM blames for the fact that hide, holding the baby in his arms, looked so innocent and vulnerable it hurt.
Continued in part 2
#hide#pink couldy sky#REM#summary#saver tiger#takeshi kitano#might as well tag him#japanese names are a thing and they haunt me#this is the happy part of the chapter#have some photographs of happy people
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The Flat Earth PsyOp was created to hide two main things.
A. That the US Military Industrial Complex has developed state-of-the-art aircraft capable of interstellar travel, thanks to your tax dollars, here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CAMMdMNn0sER/
and B. Inner Earth, known as Agartha.
A 1. Not only has the US MIC developed state of the art aircraft capable of interstellar travel, but these aircraft and "defense" corps are now arming "space" which is why NASA photoshops so much of their content.
A 2. The Flat Earth PsyOp is also used to hide human trafficking and use of human slave labor off planet. However, most people won't believe this because they have slept most of their lives and are trapped in mental constructs like Democrat vs Republican, Black vs White, Hollywood movies, religion, and other things that they are used to holding onto the people divided and in a state of low consciousness, unaware of the amazing information that can actually set us all free. This is the main war alongside the spiritual, the battle for your consciousness, which is why natural plants and remedies like cannabis and ayahuasca are illegal in the western world.
A 3. Last but not least, the flat earth disinfo also tries to hide that other governments have developed sophisticated aircraft, like Germany for example with their "Haunebu" saucer:
Links that match the information in this film:
4:00 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmond_Halley
5:25 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonhard_Euler
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Friedrich_Gauss (where the Gauss or EMF meter came from)
14:40 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Roerich
16:35 https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/vimanas/esp_vimanas_9.htm
18:50 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woolpit
19:30 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Smoky_God
21:50 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fridtjof_Nansen
23:25 Thule Society: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CYgeFRQvw6j2/
24:35 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_C._Berann
25:45 Admiral Richard E. Byrd https://thewebmatrix.net/disclosure/1947.html
30:40 Ray Palmer Flying Saucer Magazine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Saucers_(Magazine)
31:50 operation HIGHJUMP
32:55 James Forrestal https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/antarctica/antartica11.htm
38:35 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Djwal_Khul
39:45 Dallas Thompson https://www.coasttocoastam.com/guest/thompson-dallas-5725/
43:40 Richard Feynman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Feynman
#earth#truth bombs#hidden knowledge#hidden technologies#hidden history#hidden civilisations#corruption#organised crimes against humanity#atrocities#depopulation agenda#enclavement of humanity#these people are evil#fight for justice#standup#speak up#truth#please share#wwg1wga
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Happy birthday to my favorite radio actor, Larry Dobkin (September 16, 1919 – October 28, 2002)!
Character actor Lawrence Dobkin was a frequent supporting player in radio, with hundreds of credits across dozens of different programs. He appeared in over 170 episodes of Gunsmoke, playing all kinds of characters from gunmen to gentlemen. Other shows where he was often heard include Escape; Romance; Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar; The Whistler; Let George Do It; Frontier Gentleman; Fort Laramie; Have Gun, Will Travel; NBC University Theatre; etc.
Larry Dobkin's only leading role in a radio series was the title sleuth in Ellery Queen from February 1947 to April 1948—and even there he wasn't exactly a headliner, because, in keeping with the pseudonymous source material, the show tended to be coy about identifying the actors who played Ellery. You might recognize him as Lieutenant Matthews on The Adventures of Philip Marlowe, the first of three main Archie Goodwins on The New Adventures of Nero Wolfe, Dave on The Man From Homicide, or Pat McCracken (usually) on Johnny Dollar—and if you ask me, his most memorable and lovable radio character was Louie, the Brooklyn cabbie who sometimes played sidekick to Vincent Price on The Adventures of the Saint.
A graduate of the Yale School of Drama, Dobkin also played numerous roles on stage, film and television, and later did writing and directing work for television.
Here are a few of my favorite radio episodes featuring Larry Dobkin:
Ellery Queen 1947-12-04 "Man in the Street": A swindler is murdered before Inspector Queen and Ellery can put him in jail. Whodunit? There were only about ten thousand people with a motive!
The Saint 1950-11-19 "No Hiding Place": The Saint tries to help a young man who has escaped from prison after several attempts on his life. Who framed him, who's out to get him, and why? (Louie isn't in this episode as much as in some others, but the lines he does get include some of my favorite lines ever, and anyway I think it's one of the strongest episodes of the series.)
Escape 1949-07-07 "The Fourth Man": Dobkin narrates this classic story of three "civilized" men adrift on a raft in the tropics, battling thirst and one another while their "savage" pilot calmly sits by.
Richard Diamond, Private Detective 1949-07-09: An escaped convict, bent on revenge against Richard Diamond, kidnaps Diamond's girlfriend.
Philip Marlowe 1950-01-21 "The Bid for Freedom": A woman has escaped from an asylum, and now her husband is in danger. Or maybe it's not that simple.
Philip Marlowe 1950-07-28 "The Glass Donkey": Lieutenant Matthews calls to ask about a girl Marlowe used to date—a girl who's just been murdered. It's real personal as Marlowe offers his services to find out why a nice girl had to die.
Philip Marlowe 1951-08-18 "The Young Man's Fancy": There's no murder in this somewhat atypical Philip Marlowe episode by Kathleen Hite. Marlowe goes out for Moscow Mule ingredients, and gets involved in the family troubles of the nice old man from whom he buys his limes.
The Story of Dr. Kildare 1951-02-16: A madman with a gun is holed up inside a school building. Dr. Kildare goes in after him, while Dr. Gillespie scrambles to remotely diagnose a mental illness without ever talking to the patient.
Gunsmoke 1952-06-28 "The Ride Back": This recently rediscovered Gunsmoke episode is almost entirely a radio play for only two voices, as Marshall Dillon brings a twisted killer through hostile Indian country.
Gunsmoke 1952-08-02 "Renegade White": Matt goes after a white man who's been selling guns to Indians, and winds up a prisoner of the Indians himself.
Gunsmoke 1953-02-21 "Meshougah": Matt and Chester find a whole town held hostage by a crazed killer and his gang of outlaws.
Fort Laramie 1956-05-13 "War Correspondent": A smart newspaperman from the East tags along with Captain Quince, hoping to show the folks back home a fair picture of life on the frontier. He's got a lot to learn!
Fort Laramie 1956-06-03 "Don't Kick My Horse": One of Captain Quince's soldiers is a meek little man whose only friend is his horse. He's been in the cavalry ten years, and it's time for a new horse. Dude is not ready to accept this. Tragedy ensues.
Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar 1956-01-09 – 1956-01-13 "The Todd Matter": A tip on an old burglary leads Johnny into a very fresh shooting. Dobkin plays five roles in this story, and what always strikes me is that he doesn't do five radically different voices—he doesn't even change his accent very much! He just acts each character so completely that you're not even inclined to notice the actor.
Have Gun, Will Travel 1958-12-14 "The Outlaw": Paladin makes a deal with a convicted killer who wants to see his newborn son before being hanged.
Suspense 1954-07-27 "Destruction": "And it had a kind of warmth to it, this dying…" A strange, melancholy, poetic script by radio noir greats Fine and Friedkin, about a pathetic little man at the end of his rope.
#my favorite radio actor let me show you him#larry dobkin#lawrence dobkin#ellery queen#gunsmoke#philip marlowe#old time radio
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Cozy Powell 29/12/1947 - 05/04/1998
#metalcultbrigade#metal#heavy metal#rock#classic rock#hard rock#the jeff beck group#msg#rainbow#black sabbath#gary moore#robert plant#whitesnake#tony martin#cozy powell#emerson lake and powell
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Mug Root Beer
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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Find sources: "Mug Root Beer" – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR(February 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)Mug Root BeerProduct typeRoot beerOwnerPepsiCo 1986–presentProduced byNew Century Beverage Co.CountryU.S.Introduced1940; 83 years agoPrevious ownersBelfast Beverage Co.Websitepepsico.com/mugrootbeer
Mug Root Beer is an American brand of root beer that was originally produced in 1940 under the name Belfast Root Beer. It is now made by New Century Beverage Company of San Francisco, California, which was acquired by PepsiCo in 1986.[1][2]
Mug Root Beer was originally sold under the name Belfast Root Beer in 1940 by the Belfast Beverage Company in San Francisco, California. The company had been known for making sparkling water and ginger ale since 1877.[3] Belfast Beverage Company was purchased around 1925 by New Century Beverage Company, which had successfully launched Crush Soda in 1918.
In 1936, New Century Beverage Company gained permission to franchise Pepsi-Cola products, and about four years later, it launched Belfast Root Beer. An advertisement for Belfast Root Beer appears as early as 1947.[4] According to the San Francisco Examiner, the catchphrase, 'You haven’t tasted Root Beer like this in years!' filled 1950s newspaper advertisements."[3] An advertisement for Belfast Old Fashioned Mug Root Beer appears as early as 1952.[5] In the 1950s, the soda took on the title Belfast Old Fashioned Mug Root Beer before its name was eventually shortened to Mug Root Beer.[3]
In the late 1960s, Sugar Free Mug (now Diet Mug Root Beer) was introduced.[6] Mug Cream Soda and Diet Mug Cream Soda were later introduced, but they are not as widely available. Mug was purchased by Pepsi in 1986, and replaced On-Tap Draft Style Root Beer as Pepsi's root beer brand.[6] Mug Root Beer is manufactured by independent bottlers under the authority of New Century Beverage Company.
Since Mug Root Beer's acquisition by PepsiCo in 1986, the company's mascot has been a bulldog named "Dog" holding a mug of Mug Root Beer.[3] PepsiCo stopped producing its sodas in San Francisco in the early 1990s.[3]
"Mug Root Beer | PepsiCo Partners". www.pepsicopartners.com. Archived from the original on 2021-10-30. Retrieved 2021-12-28. "THE MEDIA BUSINESS - ADVERTISING - Lois Pitts Gershon Pon Wins Mug Root Beer - NYTimes.com". The New York Times. 2015-05-25. Archived from the original on 25 May 2015. Retrieved 2022-04-06. Guerrero, Susana (October 2, 2021). "The brief story of how one of America's favorite root beer brands started in San Francisco". SFGate. Archived from the original on March 13, 2022. Retrieved March 13, 2022. At that point, Mug Root Beer became part of the Pepsi family, which later got rid of the root beer vessel completely and opted for a bulldog — quirkily named "Dog" — as its new soda mascot. September 24, 1947, Bakersfield Californian, p. 7 (available at newspaperarchive.com) March 4, 1952, Mountain Democrat, p. 5 (available at newspaperarchive.com)
Mug Root Beer Archived 2013-11-27 at the Wayback Machine Retrieved August 22, 2012.
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Official website
MUG Trademark Update 72039315
Root beer
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Root beer
PepsiCo soft drinks
PepsiCo brands
Food and drink in the San Francisco Bay Area
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This page was last edited on 5 July 2023, at 13:47 (UTC).
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↳ MissAvaGardner’s Top 100 Classic Motion Pictures These are my top 100 favorite classic films, the films I consider every classic fan should watch, its just my list and my opinion, I tried my best I love so many films and as a classic lover you always want to include more, for those who ask for movie recommendations this is for you. Please report any broken links and enjoy!
01 | 1950 - All About Eve → WATCH & WATCH 02 | 1939 - Gone With The Wind → WATCH & WATCH 03 | 1966 - Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf → WATCH & WATCH 04 | 1944 - To Have And Have Not → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 05 | 1938 - Bringing Up Baby → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 06 | 1959 - Some Like It Hot → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 07 | 1943 - Casablanca → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 08 | 1946 - Gilda → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 09 | 1934 - The Thin Man → WATCH & WATCH 10 | 1938 - Vivacious Lady → WATCH 11 | 1931 - City Lights → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 12 | 1951 - A Place In The Sun → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 13 | 1946 - Notorious → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 14 | 1940 - The Philadelphia Story → WATCH & WATCH 15 | 1965 - The Sound of Music → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 16 | 1953 - Roman Holiday → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 17 | 1947 - It’s a Wonderful Life → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 18 | 1961 - La Dolce Vita → WATCH PART 1 & PART 2 19 | 1953 - From Here To Eternity → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 20 | 1935 - Top Hat → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 21 | 1967 - The Graduate → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 22 | 1950 - Sunset Blvd → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 23 | 1965 - Doctor Zhivago → WATCH PART 1 & PART 2 24 | 1952 - Singin’ in the Rain → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 25 | 1957 - An Affair to Remember → WATCH 26 | 1940 - Waterloo Bridge → WATCH 27 | 1951 - An American in Paris → WATCH 28 | 1936 - Camille → WATCH 29 | 1955 - Rear Window → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 30 | 1950 - In A Lonely Place → WATCH 31 | 1932 - Red Dust → WATCH 32 | 1963 - 8½ → WATCH 33 | 1958 - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 34 | 1942 - Now Voyager → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 35 | 1954 - Dial M for Murder → WATCH & WATCH 36 | 1945 - Leave Her to Heaven → WATCH 37 | 1955 - To Catch a Thief → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 38 | 1959 - North by Northwest → WATCH & WATCH 39 | 1936 - Swing Time → WATCH 40 | 1957 - Pal Joey → WATCH 41 | 1951 - A Streetcar Named Desire → WATCH 42 | 1956 - Giant → WATCH & WATCH 43 | 1968 - Funny Girl → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 44 | 1939 - The Wizard of Oz → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 45 | 1959 - Pillow Talk → WATCH & WATCH 46 | 1960 - Psycho → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 47 | 1934 - It Happened One Night → WATCH & WATCH 48 | 1959 - On The Beach → WATCH PART 1 & PART 2 49 | 1954 - Phffft! → NETFLIX 50 | 1962 - Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? → WATCH & WATCH 51 | 1945 - Mildred Pierce → WATCH 52 | 1966 - Un homme et une femme → WATCH 53 | 1951 - The African Queen → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 54 | 1961 - West Side Story → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 55 | 1964 - My Fair Lady → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 56 | 1957 - 12 Angry Men → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 57 | 1936 - My Man Godfrey → WATCH & WATCH 58 | 1944 - Meet Me in St Louis → WATCH 59 | 1939 - Dark Victory → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 60 | 1945 - The Lost Weekend → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 61 | 1953 - Mogambo → DOWNLOAD 62 | 1944 - Laura → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 63 | 1954 - The Last Time I Saw Paris → WATCH 64 | 1940 - His Girl Friday → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 65 | 1937 - The Awful Truth → WATCH 66 | 1941 - Ball of Fire → WATCH 67 | 1960 - The Apartment → WATCH & WATCH 68 | 1944 - Arsenic and Old Lace → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 69 | 1942 - To Be or Not to Be → WATCH 70 | 1955 - This Property Is Condemned → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 71 | 1941 - Citizen Kane → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 72 | 1939 - The Women → WATCH 73 | 1961 - One, Two, Three → WATCH 74 | 1941 - Suspicion → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 75 | 1927 - Wings → WATCH 76 | 1949 - The Heiress → WATCH & WATCH 77 | 1941 - The Lady Eve → WATCH 78 | 1940 - Rebecca → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 79 | 1941 - Little Foxes → WATCH 80 | 1942 - Cat People → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 81 | 1944 - Double Indemnity → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 82 | 1946 - The Big Sleep → WATCH 83 | 1954 - A Star Is Born → WATCH 84 | 1967 - Belle de Jour → WATCH 85 | 1952 - The Quiet Man → WATCH 86 | 1958 - Vertigo → WATCH 87 | 1961 - Splendor in the Grass → WATCH 88 | 1955 - Rebel Without a Cause → WATCH 89 | 1954 - Sabrina → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 90 | 1962 - Lawrence of Arabia → WATCH PART 1 & PART 2 91 | 1954 - On The Waterfront → WATCH 92 | 1960 - A Bout de Souffle → WATCH 93 | 1963 - Love With The Proper Stranger → WATCH & DOWNLOAD 94 | 1942 - Woman of The Year → WATCH 95 | 1937 - Stage Door → WATCH 96 | 1967 - Cool Hand Luke → WATCH 97 | 1967 - Bonnie & Clyde → WATCH 98 | 1964 - The Night of the Iguana → WATCH 99 | 1962 - Lolita → WATCH 100 | 1961 - Breakfast At Tiffany’s → WATCH
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27 November 1942
Pz. IV (L/43) Ausf.G Nº812 of Panzer-Regiment 25/7.Panzer-Division at the harbour of Toulon in France, during 'Operation Lila'.
(In the background is the French Dunkerque-class battleship 'Strasbourg')
On November 27, the Germans commenced "Unternehmen Lila" with the goal of occupying Toulon and seizing the French fleet. Comprising of elements from the 7. Panzer-Division and SS-Panzergrenadier-Division "Das Reich", four combat teams entered the city around 04:30. Fort Lamalgue, along with Admiral André Marquis, was captured swiftly.
The attack came as a complete surprise to the Vichy officers, but Contre-Admiral Dornon transmitted the order to scuttle the fleet to Admiral de Laborde aboard the flagship 'Strasbourg'. Laborde was taken aback by the German operation, but repeated orders to prepare for scuttling, and to fire on any unauthorised personnel approaching the ships.
Advancing through Toulon, the Germans occupied heights overlooking the harbour and air-dropped mines to prevent a French escape. Reaching the gates of the naval base, the Germans were delayed by the sentries who demanded paperwork allowing admission. By 05:25, German tanks entered the base and de Laborde issued the scuttle order from his flagship 'Strasbourg'. Fighting soon broke out along the waterfront, with the Germans coming under fire from the ships. Out-gunned, the Germans attempted to negotiate, but were unable to board most vessels in time to prevent their sinking. German troops were successful in boarding the cruiser 'Dupleix' and closed its sea valves, but were driven off by explosions and fires breaking out in it's turrets. Soon the Germans were surrounded by sinking and burning ships.
By the end of the day, they had only succeeded in taking three disarmed destroyers, four damaged submarines, and three civilian vessels. In the fighting of November 27th, the French lost 12 killed and 26 wounded, while the Germans suffered one wounded.
In scuttling the fleet, the French destroyed 77 vessels, including 3 battleships, 7 cruisers, 15 destroyers, and 13 torpedo boats. Five submarines managed to get underway, with three reaching North Africa, one in Spain, and the last was forced to scuttle at the mouth of the harbour. The surface ship 'Leonor Fresnel' also escaped. While Charles de Gaulle and the Free French severely criticised the action, stating that the fleet should have tried to escape, the scuttling prevented the ships from falling into Axis hands. Salvage efforts begun but none of the larger ships saw service again during the war.
After the liberation of France, de Laborde was tried and convicted of treason for not trying to save the
fleet. Found guilty, he was sentenced to death. This was soon commuted to life imprisonment before he was granted clemency in 1947.
Photographer: Kriegsberichter Wolfgang Vennemann from PK (Propaganda-Kompanie) 649
(Colourised in 2014 by Doug)
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MILAN 1966-1967 ( 8° posto )
**14 giugno 1967.** Stadio Olimpico di Roma
*Finale coppa Italia. **Milan-Padova 1-0 **marcatore **Amarildo.***
* Bruno **BAVENI **(*centrocampista*), Bruno **MORA **(*attaccante*), Pierangelo **BELLI **(*portiere*), Gianni **RIVERA **(*centrocampista*), Karl Heinz **SCHNELLINGER **(*difensore*), Tavares da Silveira **AMARILDO **(*attaccante*)
* Giovanni **TRAPATTONI **(*centrocampista*), Giovanni **LODETTI **(*centrocampista*), Sergio **MADDE**' (*centrocampista*), Giuliano **FORTUNATO **(*attaccante*), Angelo **ANQUILLETTI **(*difensore*)
*Presidente :** ***Luigi **CARRARO**
*Allenatore : *Arturo **SILVESTRI**
*miglior marcatore : *Gianni **RIVERA **( **12 **reti )
**BARLUZZI **Dario 31a. 06/09/**1935 **Belluno - **BELLI **Pierangelo 22a. 29/07/**1944 **Limbiate (MB) - **MANTOVANI **Claudio 23a. 01/07/**1943 **Mantova
**ANQUILLETTI **Angelo 23a. 25/04/**1943 **San Donato Milanese (MI) - **NOLETTI **Gilberto 25a. 09/05/**1941 **Cusano Milanino (MI) - **ROSATO **Roberto 23a. 18/08/**1943 **Chieri (TO) - **SANTIN **Nello 20a. 03/07/**1946 **Eraclea (VE) - **SCHNELLINGER **Karl Heinz GER 27a. 31/03/**1939 **Düren (Germania)
**BAVENI** Bruno 27a. 15/12/**1939** Sestri Levante (GE) - **LODETTI **Giovanni 24a. 10/08/**1942 **Caselle Lurani (LO) - **MADDÈ **Sergio 20a. 01/08/**1946 **Dresano (MI) - **RIVERA **Gianni 23a. 18/08/**1943 **Alessandria - **TRAPATTONI **Giovanni 27a. 17/03/**1939 **Cusano Milanino (MI)
**AMARILDO **Tavares BRA 27a. 29/07/**1939 **Campos dos Goytacazes (Brasile) - **FORTUNATO **Giuliano 26a. 12/05/**1940 **Tricesimo (UD) - **INNOCENTI **Riccardo 23a. 29/07/**1943 **Ardenno (SO) - **MORA **Bruno 29a. 24/03/**1937 **Parma - **PRATI **Pierino 20a. 13/12/**1946 **Cinisello Balsamo (MI) - **SALTUTTI **Nello 19a. 18/06/**1947 **Gualdo Tadino (PG) - **SORMANI **Angelo BRA 27a. 03/07/**1939 **Jau (Brasile)
0 notes
Cronologia Ufológica: Brasil
Década de 1940
1941: Neste ano, são observados extraterrestres próximo de um OVNI pousado na região de Iporanga,SP. Os alienígenas afirmaram ser provenientes do planeta Letuvira. 1943: No dia 31 de Dezembro, a senhora Zilda Paim Vargas, de Alegrete,RS observa um disco voador luminoso sobrevoando as proximidades de Cerro Jaú. 1946: A Sra. Berta Kassow Sclier observa três objetos luminosos de coloração azulada sobrevoando a cidade de Ponta Grossa,PR. 1946: O Dr. Ronaldo Peixoto de Almeida, ex-funcionário do Departamento de Agricultura e Pecuária, na Assembleia Legislativa de Porto Alegre observa um objeto intensamente luminoso sobrevoando a Av. Venâncio Aires, em Porto Alegre. Era por volta das 16:00 horas. 1946: No dia 16 de Janeiro, ocorre o Caso Araçariguama, quando João Prestes é atingido por uma luz quando chegava em sua casa à noite. Pouco depois Prestes morre de forma horrível e misteriosa. 1946: Geraldo Baqueiro, motorista da escola de Medicina de Itajubá,MG observou um disco voador pousado e cinco tripulantes ao redor do aparelho. Em pouco tempo os tripulantes entraram no aparelho que decolou em seguida. Durante toda a observação o motor da perua que dirigia deixou de funcionar só voltando ao normal após a partida do objeto 1947: Neste ano, extraterrestres são vistos dentro de um OVNI em forma de triângulo muito luminoso, em Bomsucesso, Rio de Janeiro. 1947: Neste ano, Gabriel Lopes, morador de Cuiabá, MT observa um OVNI com cinco escotilhas. Além dele outras 30 pessoas observaram o estranho objeto que sobrevoava a região do Colégio Estadual, localizado na Rua Mariano. 1947: No dia 23 de Julho, o topógrafo José Higgins trabalhava com muitos operários em Bauru, São Paulo. De repente, eles ouviram um som extremamente agudo. Alguns momentos depois, eles viram um objeto em forma de lente pousando perto deles. Os trabalhadores fugiram, deixando Higgins sozinho. O homem relatou que três figuras humanóides emergiram do OVNI e falaram com ele em uma língua desconhecida; depois de cerca de meia hora, eles retornaram ao OVNI que os levou embora. 1947: Vários passageiros de um trem tiveram de desembarcar dos vagões e aguardar reparos da linha danificada. Nesse intervalo todos puderam observar uma esquadrilha de discos voadores sobrevoando a região de Tupanciretã, Rio Grande do Sul. 1948: Várias pessoas em uma Colônia de Férias em Itanhaném, São Paulo, observam um disco voador que sobrevoa a região. O objeto, bastante luminoso, possui coloração violeta nas extremidades e amarelada no centro. 1949: No dia 04 de Dezembro, ocorreu o Caso Mário Restier, em que tripulantes de um OVNI convidaram um lavrador de Volta Redonda (RJ) a viajar em um disco voador. 1952: No dia 05 de Maio de 1952, o jornalista João Martins e o fotógrafo Eduardo Keffel afirmaram ter visto um disco voador nas proximidades da Barra da Tijuca. Keffel tirou algumas fotografias do OVNI, que foram publicadas pela revista O Cruzeiro.
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Eclipses Lunares e Eclipses Solares: São Paulo
1900 - 1909
12 - 13/06/1900: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 03/05/1901: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 22/04/1902: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 17/10/1902: Eclipse Lunar Total 11/04/1903: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 01 - 02/03/1904: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 14 - 15/08/1905: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 09/02/1906: Eclipse Lunar Total 10/07/1907: Eclipse Solar Parcial 24 - 25/07/1907: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 13/07/1908: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 07/12/1908: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 23/12/1908: Eclipse Solar Parcial 03 - 04/06/1909: Eclipse Lunar Total 27/11/1909: Eclipse Lunar Parcial
1910 - 1919
23 - 24/05/1910: Eclipse Lunar Total 16/11/1910: Eclipse Lunar Total 13/05/1911: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 01/04/1912: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 17/04/1912: Eclipse Solar Parcial 10/10/1912: Eclipse Solar Parcial 11 - 12/03/1914: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 31/01/1915: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 24/08/1915: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 20/01/1916: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 14 - 15/07/1916: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 08/01/1917: Eclipse Lunar Total 04/07/1917: Eclipse Lunar Total 28/12/1917: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 24/06/1918: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 03/12/1918: Eclipse Solar Parcial 14 - 15/05/1919: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 29/05/1919: Eclipse Solar Parcial 07/11/1919: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 22/11/1919: Eclipse Solar Parcial
1920 - 1929
02 - 03/05/1920: Eclipse Lunar Total 22/04/1921: Eclipse Lunar Total 01/10/1921: Eclipse Solar Parcial 16/10/1921: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 28/03/1922: Eclipse Solar Parcial 11/04/1922: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 05/04/1922: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 02 - 03/03/1923: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 17/03/1923: Eclipse Solar Parcial 26/08/1923: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 14/08/1924: Eclipse Lunar Total 08/02/1925: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 04/08/1925: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 28/01/1926: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 25/06/1926: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 25/07/1926: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 19/12/1926: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 03/01/1927: Eclipse Solar Parcial 15/06/1927: Eclipse Lunar Total 03/06/1928: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 27/11/1928: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 16/11/1929: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
1930 - 1939
13/04/1930: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 07/10/1930: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 02/04/1931: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 26/09/1931: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 11/10/1931: Eclipse Solar Parcial 14/09/1932: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 24/02/1933: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 11 - 12/03/1933: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 05/08/1933: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 04/09/1933: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 15 - 16/07/1935: Eclipse Lunar Total 27 - 28/12/1936: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 25/05/1937: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 18/11/1937: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 14/05/1938: Eclipse Lunar Total 29/05/1938: Eclipse Solar Parcial 07/11/1938: Eclipse Lunar Total 28/10/1939: Eclipse Lunar Parcial
1940 - 1949
21 - 22/04/1940: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 01/10/1940: Eclipse Solar Parcial 16/10/1940: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 27/03/1941: Eclipse Solar Parcial 02 - 03/03/1942: Eclipse Lunar Total 25 - 26/08/1942: Eclipse Lunar Total 19 - 20/02/1943: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 15/08/1943: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 25/01/1944: Eclipse Solar Parcial 09/02/1944: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 06/07/1944: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 18 - 19/12/1945: Eclipse Lunar Total 14/06/1946: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 20/05/1947: Eclipse Solar Parcial 03/06/1947: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 12/11/1947: Eclipse Solar Parcial 28/11/1947: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 17 - 18/10/1948: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 12 - 13/04/1949: Eclipse Lunar Total 06 - 07/10/1949: Eclipse Lunar Total
1950 - 1959
02/04/1950: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 25 - 26/09/1950: Eclipse Lunar Total 23/03/1951: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 16 - 17/08/1951: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 10 - 11/02/1952: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 05/08/1952: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 20/08/1952: Eclipse Solar Parcial 29 - 30/01/1953: Eclipse Lunar Total 26/07/1953: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 18 - 19/01/1954: Eclipse Lunar Total 15/07/1954: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 18/11/1956: Eclipse Lunar Total 13/05/1957: Eclipse Lunar Total 04/04/1958: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 24/03/1959: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 16 - 17/09/1959: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
1960 - 1969
13/03/160: Eclipse Lunar Total 05/09/1960: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 11/08/1961: Eclipse Solar Parcial 25 - 26/08/1961: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 31/10/1961: Eclipse Solar Parcial 15/08/1962: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 09/01/1963: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 25/01/1963: Eclipse Solar Parcial 06/07/1963: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 24 - 25/06/1964: Eclipse Lunar Total 18 - 19/12/1964: Eclipse Lunar Total 13 - 14/06/1965: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 04/05/1966: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 29/10/1966: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 12/11/1966: Eclipse Solar Parcial 18/11/1967: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 12 - 13/04/1968: Eclipse Lunar Total 11/09/1969: Eclipse Solar Parcial 25/09/1969: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
1970 - 1979
21/02/1970: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 16 - 17/08/1970: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 10/02/1971: Eclipse Lunar Total 06/08/1971: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 30/01/1972: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 26/07/1972: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 04/01/1973: Eclipse Solar Parcial 18/01/1973: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 15/06/1973: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 30/06/1973: Eclipse Solar Parcial 09 - 10/12/1973: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 24/12/1973: Eclipse Solar Parcial 04/06/1974: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 25/05/1975: Eclipse Lunar Total 18/11/1975: Eclipse Lunar Total 13/05/1976: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 06/11/1976: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 03 - 04/04/1977: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 18/04/1977: Eclipse Solar Parcial 27/09/1977: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 16/09/1978: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 13/03/1979: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 06/09/1979: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
1980 - 1989
01/03/1980: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 10/08/1980: Eclipse Solar Parcial 25 - 26/08/1980: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 20/01/1981: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 16 - 17/07/1981: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 09/01/1982: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 06/07/1982: Eclipse Lunar Total 25/06/1983: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 19 - 20/12/1983: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 14 -15/05/1984: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 04/05/1985: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 17/10/1986: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 29/03/1987: Eclipse Solar Parcial 13 - 14/04/1987: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 06 - 07/10/1987: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 27/08/1988: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 16 - 17/08/1989: Eclipse Lunar Total
1990 - 1999
26/01/1990: Eclipse Solar Parcial 09/02/1990: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 30/01/1991: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 26 - 27/06/1991: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 11/07/1991: Eclipse Solar Parcial 14 - 15/06/1992: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 30/06/1992: Eclipse Solar Parcial 09 - 10/12/1992: Eclipse Lunar Total 29/11/1993: Eclipse Lunar Total 24 - 25/05/1994: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 03/11/1994: Eclipse Solar Parcial 18/11/1994: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 29/04/1995: Eclipse Solar Parcial 03 - 04/04/1996: Eclipse Lunar Total 26 - 27/09/1996: Eclipse Lunar Total 23 - 24/03/1997: Eclipse Lunar Total 16/09/1997: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 12 - 13/03/1998: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 07 - 08/08/1998: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 28/07/1999: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
2000 - 2009
21/01/2000: Eclipse Lunar Total 09/01/2001: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 21/06/2001: Eclipse Solar Parcial 24/06/2002: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 19 - 20/11/2002: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 15 - 16/05/2003: Eclipse Lunar Total 08 - 09/11/2003: Eclipse Lunar Total 04/05/2004: Eclipse Lunar Total 27 - 28/10/2004: Eclipse Lunar Total 24/04/2005: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 14/03/2006: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 22/09/2006: Eclipse Solar Parcial 03/03/2007: Eclipse Lunar Total 28/08/2007: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 11/09/2007: Eclipse Solar Parcial 20 - 21/02/2008: Eclipse Lunar Total 16/08/2008: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 07/07/2009: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 05/08/2009: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral
2010 - 2019
26/06/2010: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 21/12/2010: Eclipse Lunar Total 15/06/2011: Eclipse Lunar Total 04/06/2012: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 25/04/2013: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 25/05/2013: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 18/10/2013: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 15/04/2014: Eclipse Lunar Total 08/10/2014: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 04/04/2015: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 27 - 28/09/2015: Eclipse Lunar Total 10 - 11/02/2017: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 06/02/2017: Eclipse Solar Parcial 07/08/2017: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 27/07/2018: Eclipse Lunar Total 21/01/2019: Eclipse Lunar Total 02/07/2019: Eclipse Solar Parcial 16/07/2019: Eclipse Lunar Parcial
2020 - 2029
05/06/2020: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 05/07/2020: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 30/11/2020: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 14/12/2020: Eclipse Solar Parcial 26/05/2021: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 19/11/2021: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 15 - 16/05/2022: Eclipse Lunar Total 08/11/2022: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 14/10/2023: Eclipse Solar Parcial 28/10/2023: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 25/03/2024: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 17 - 18/09/2024: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 02/10/2024: Eclipse Solar Parcial 14/03/2025: Eclipse Lunar Total 03/03/2026: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 27 - 28/08/2026: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 06/02/2027: Eclipse Solar Parcial 20/02/2027: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 17/08/2027: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 11 - 12/01/2028: Eclipse Lunar Parcial 26/01/2028: Eclipse Solar Parcial 06/07/2028: Eclipse Lunar Penumbral 25 - 26/06/2029: Eclipse Lunar Total 20/12/2029: Eclipse Lunar Total
0 notes
🌹 26, JANUARY 2023 FRIDAY ALL MESSAGES శుక్రవారం, భృగు వాసర సందేశాలు 🌹
🍀🌹 26, JANUARY 2023 FRIDAY ALL MESSAGES శుక్రవారం, భృగు వాసర సందేశాలు 🌹🍀 1) 🌹 26, JANUARY 2023 FRIDAY శుక్రవారం, భృగు వాసరే, నిత్య పంచాంగము Daily Panchangam🌹
🌹🍀 భారత గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవం శుభాకాంక్షలు అందరికి, Bharat Republic Day Greetings to All. 🍀🌹 ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ
2) 🌹. శ్రీమద్భగవద్గీత - 492 / Bhagavad-Gita - 492 🌹 🌴. 12వ అధ్యాయము -భక్తియోగము -23 / Chapter 12 - Devotional Service - 23 🌴 🌹. శ్రీ శివ మహా పురాణము - 847 / Sri Siva Maha Purana - 847 🌹 🌻.బ్రహ్మవిష్ణువులకు శివుని ఉపదేశము - 2 / Śiva’s advice to Viṣṇu and Brahmā - 2 🌻 3) 🌹. ఓషో రోజువారీ ధ్యానాలు - 105 / Osho Daily Meditations - 105 🌹 🍀 105. ప్రపంచాన్ని మార్చడం / 105. CHANGING THE WORLD 🍀 4) 🌹. శ్రీ లలితా చైతన్య విజ్ఞానము - 524 - 528 - 8 / Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 524 - 528 - 8 🌹 🌻 521 to 528 నామ వివరణము - 8 / 521 to 528 Names Explanation - 8 🌻
🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹 🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹
🌹 26, జనవరి, JANUARY 2024 పంచాంగము - Panchangam 🌹 శుభ శుక్రవారం, భృగు వాసరే, Friday 🍀 భారత గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవం శుభాకాంక్షలు అందరికి, Bharat Republic Day Greetings to All. 🍀 మనందరికి ఈ రోజు కాలము, ప్రకృతి అనుకూలించాలి అని పరమాత్మని స్మరిస్తూ - ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ
🌻. పండుగలు మరియు పర్వదినాలు : భారత గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవం, Bharat Republic Day 🌻
🍀. శ్రీ లక్ష్మీ సహస్రనామ స్తోత్రం - 45 🍀
46. సపర్యా గుణినీ భిన్నా నిర్గుణా ఖండితాశుభా । స్వామినీ వేదినీ శక్యా శాంబరీ చక్రధారిణీ ॥
🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻
🍀. నేటి సూక్తి : యోగదర్శన వైవిధ్యం : వివిధ యోగదర్శన విశేషముల మధ్య కచ్చితమైన అనురూపతను సర్వత్రా నిరూపించడానికీ వలను పడదు. ఏలనంటే ఒక విషయాన్ని భిన్న దృక్పథాల నుండి చూచి, భిన్న రీతులుగా అనుభవాన్ని వ్యక్తీకరించడం వాటి యందు జరుగుతుంది. దేని నిర్మాణ ప్రణాళిక దానిదే. దేని సాంకేతిక విధానములు దానివే. 🍀
విక్రమ: 2080 నల, శఖ: 1945 శోభన కలియుగాబ్ది : 5124, శోభకృత్, హేమంత ఋతువు, ఉత్తరాయణం, పౌష్య మాసం తిథి: కృష్ణ పాడ్యమి 25:21:45 వరకు తదుపరి కృష్ణ విదియ నక్షత్రం: పుష్యమి 10:29:28 వరకు తదుపరి ఆశ్లేష యోగం: ప్రీతి 07:41:02 వరకు తదుపరి ఆయుష్మాన్ కరణం: బాలవ 12:20:56 వరకు వర్జ్యం: 24:38:36 - 26:24:48 దుర్ముహూర్తం: 09:04:54 - 09:50:08 మరియు 12:51:06 - 13:36:21 రాహు కాలం: 11:03:39 - 12:28:29 గుళిక కాలం: 08:14:00 - 09:38:50 యమ గండం: 15:18:08 - 16:42:58 అభిజిత్ ముహూర్తం: 12:06 - 12:50 అమృత కాలం: 03:29:48 - 05:14:36 సూర్యోదయం: 06:49:10 సూర్యాస్తమయం: 18:07:47 చంద్రోదయం: 18:43:34 చంద్రాస్తమయం: 07:18:02 సూర్య సంచార రాశి: మకరం చంద్ర సంచార రాశి: కర్కాటకం యోగాలు: ఉత్పాద యోగం - కష్టములు, ద్రవ్య నాశనం 10:29:28 వరకు తదుపరి మృత్యు యోగం - మృత్యు భయం దిశ శూల: పశ్చిమం ✍️. శ్రీ వక్కంతం చంద్రమౌళి
🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻 🌻
🍀. నిత్య ప్రార్థన 🍀 వక్రతుండ మహాకాయ సూర్యకోటి సమప్రభ నిర్విఘ్నంకురుమేదేవ సర్వకార్యేషు సర్వదా యశ్శివో నామ రూపాభ్యాం యాదేవీ సర్వ మంగళా తయో సంస్మరణాత్పుంసాం సర్వతో జయ మంగళం తదేవ లగ్నం సుదినం తదేవ తారాబలం చంద్రబలం తదేవ విద్యాబలం దైవబలం తదేవ లక్ష్మీపతే తేంఘ్రి యుగం స్మరామి. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹 🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹🍀🌹
🌹🍀 భారత గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవం శుభాకాంక్షలు అందరికి, Bharat Republic Day Greetings to All. 🍀🌹 ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ
🇮🇳. రిపబ్లిక్ డే.. జనవరి 26నే ఎందుకు? భారత చరిత్రలో ఆ రోజుకు ఎందుకంతటి విశిష్టత? 🇮🇳
దేశానికి 1947 ఆగస్టు 15న స్వాతంత్రం వచ్చింది.. అలాగే 1950 జనవరి 26 నుంచి రాజ్యాంగం అమల్లోకి వచ్చింది… కాబట్టి ఏటా అదే తేదీన రిపబ్లిక్ డే జరుపుకుంటున్నామని భావిస్తారు. ఇందులో కాస్త నిజం లేకపోలేదు. అయితే దీని వెనుక బలమైన కారణం ఉంది. వాస్తవానికి భారత రాజ్యాంగాన్ని 1949 నవంబరు 26నే ఆమోదించారు. దీనిని అమలు చేసే తేదీకి ఒక ప్రాముఖ్యత ఉండాలనే ఉద్దేశంతో రెండు నెలలు వేచి ఉన్నారు.
లాహోర్ వేదికగా 1930 జనవరి 26న కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ జాతీయ సమావేశంలో తొలిసార���గా పూర్ణ స్వరాజ్యం తీర్మానం చేశారు. నెహ్రూ సారథ్యంలో రావీ నది ఒడ్డున త్రివర్ణ పతాకం ఎగురవేసి భారతీయుల స్వాతంత్ర సంకల్పాన్ని బ్రిటిషర్లకు గట్టిగా వినిపించారు. అప్పటి దాకా కేవలం రాజకీయ, ఆధ్యాత్మిక స్వాతంత్రం వస్తే చాలు, సంపూర్ణ అధికారం భ్రిటిష్ వారి చేతుల్లోనే ఉండి, దేశం సామంత రాజ్యంగా మిగిలిపోయినా ఫర్వాలేదనుకునేలా ఉన్న రాజకీయ నేతల వైఖరిని జలియన్వాలాబాగ్ ఉదంతం ఒక్కసారిగా కళ్లు తెరిపించింది.
నాడు సుభాష్ చంద్రబోస్, జవహర్లాల్ నెహ్రూ లాంటి నేతలు కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీలో వేడి పుట్టించి పూర్ణ స్వరాజ్య తీర్మానం ప్రకటన చేయించడంలో సఫలమయ్యారు. ఆ రోజునే స్వాతంత్ర దినోత్సవంగా పరిగణించాల్సిందని కాంగ్రెస్ పార్టీ కూడా దేశ ప్రజలకు పిలుపు ఇచ్చింది. అంతటి చారిత్రక ప్రాధాన్యం ఉన్న తేదీకి చిరస్థాయి కల్పించాలన్న సదుద్దేశంతో నవభారత నిర్మాతలు రాజ్యాంగ రచన 1949లో పూర్తయినా.. మరో రెండు నెలలు ఆగి 1950 జనవరి 26 నుంచి దానిని అమల్లోకి తెచ్చారు.
జనవరి 26, 1950 నుంచి బ్రిటీష్ కాలంనాటి భారత ప్రభుత్వ చట్టం -1935 రద్దయ్యింది.. భారతదేశం సర్వసత్తాక, సామ్యవాద, లౌకిక, ప్రజాస్వామ్య, గణతంత్ర రాజ్యంగా అవతరించింది. స్వాతంత్య్రం వచ్చిన తర్వాత దేశ రాజ్యాంగ రచనకు ఎంతోమంది మేధావులు వివిధ దేశాల రాజ్యాంగాలను పరిశీలించి, అధ్యయనం చేసి ప్రజాస్వామ్య విధానంలో రూపొందించారు. అనేక సవరణల అనంతరం, 1949 నవంబర్ 26న దీనిని రాజ్యాంగ పరిషత్ ఆమోదించింది.
భారత రాజ్యాంగానికి 1935 భారత ప్రభుత్వ చట్టం మూలాధారం అయినప్పటికీ, అందులోని అనేక అంశాలను ఇతర రాజ్యాంగాల నుంచి గ్రహించారు. బ్రిటీష్ పరిపాలన నుంచి విముక్తి పొందిన తరువాత భారత పౌరులందరిని ఒక ప్రజాస్వామ్య వ్యవస్థలో నడిపించడానికి, స్వాతంత్ర్య పోరాట ఆశయాలను నెరవేర్చడానికి, రాజ్యాంగ పరిషత్తును ఏర్పాటు చేసి, ప్రపంచంలోనే అతిపెద్ద ప్రజాస్వామ్య రాజ్యాంగాన్ని రూపొందించారు. ఇది జనవరి 26, 1950 నుంచి అమలులోకి వచ్చింది. ఈ రోజున భారత ప్రజలందరూ సంపూర్ణ స్వేచ్ఛ, సమానత్వం, లౌకికతత్వం, న్యాయాన్ని పూర్తి స్థాయిలో ఒక హక్కుగా పొందడం జరిగింది.
ఈ ఏడాది గణతంత్ర దినోత్సవం వేళ గణతంత్ర పరేడ్కు పోటీగా అదేరోజున సాగు చట్టాలకు వ్యతిరేకంగా భారీఎత్తున రైతుల పరేడ్ నిర్వహించడం గమనార్హం. ప్రజలు పోరాడి సాధించిన ఈ గణతంత్రంలో రైతులు, కార్మికులు లేకుంటే కండపుష్టి వచ్చేది కాదని, ఆ రోజు స్వాతంత్య్రం తెచ్చిందీ రైతులే.. ఈ 74 ఏళ్ల స్వతంత్ర భారతం యొక్క మనుగడను కాపాడుతున్నదీ రైతులే అని ప్రజాస్వామ్యవాదులు అంటున్నారు. ఇలా 26 జనవరి నాడు, స్వతంత్ర దేశంగా పురుడు పోసుకుని ప్రపంచ దేశాల కూటమిలో సంపూర్ణ స్వతంత్ర దేశంగా భారత్ చేరింది. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
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🌹. శ్రీమద్భగవద్గీత - 492 / Bhagavad-Gita - 492 🌹 ✍️. శ్రీ ప్రభుపాద, 📚. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ
🌴. 13వ అధ్యాయము - క్షేత్ర క్షేత్రజ్ఞ విభాగ యోగం - ప్రకృతి, పురుషుడు, చైతన్యము - 03 🌴
03. క్షేత్రజ్ఞం చాపి మాం విద్ధి సర్వక్షేత్రేషు భారత | క్షేత్రక్షేత్రజ్ఞయోర్ జ్ఞానం యత్తద్ జ్ఞానం మతం మమ ||
🌷. తాత్పర్యం : ఓ భరత వంశీయుడా ! సర్వదేహములందును నేను కూడా క్షేత్రజ్ఞుడనని నీవు తెలిసికొనుము. దేహమును మరియు దాని నెరిగిన క్షేత్రజ్ఞుని అవగాహన చేసికొనుటయే జ్ఞానమని నా అభిప్రాయము.
🌷. భాష్యము : దేహము మరియు దేహము నెరిగినవాని గూర్చియు, ఆత్మ మరియు పరమాత్ముని గూర్చియు చర్చించునపుడు భగవానుడు, జీవుడు, భౌతికపదార్థమనెడి మూడు అంశములు మనకు గోచరించును. ప్రతి కర్మక్షేత్రమునందును (ప్రతిదేహమునందును) జీవాత్మ, పరమాత్మలను రెండు ఆత్మలు గలవు. అట్టి పరమాత్మ రూపము తన ప్రధాన విస్తృతాంశమైనందున శ్రీకృష్ణభగవానుడు “నేను కూడా క్షేత్రజ్ఞుడను. కాని దేహము నందలి వ్యక్తిగత క్షేత్రజ్ఞుడను కాను. పరమజ్ఞాతయైన నేను పరమాత్మరూపమున ప్రతిదేహము నందును వసించియున్నాను” అని పలికెను. భగవద్గీత దృష్ట్యాఈ కర్మక్షేత్రమును మరియు కర్మక్షేత్రము నెరిగినవానిని గూర్చిన విషయమును సూక్ష్మముగా అధ్యయనము చేయువాడు సంపూర్ణజ్ఞానమును పొందగలడు.
“ప్రతిదేహమునందును నేను కూడా క్షేత్రజ్ఞుడనై యుందును” అని శ్రీకృష్ణభగవానుడు పలికియున్నాడు. అనగా జీవుడు తన దేహమును గూర్చి మాత్రమే ఎరిగియుండును. ఇతర దేహముల జ్ఞానమతనికి ఉండదు. కాని సర్వదేహముల యందు పరమాత్మ రూపమున వసించు శ్రీకృష్ణభగవానుడు మాత్రము సర్వదేహములను గూర్చిన సమస్త విషయములను మరియు వివిధ జీవజాతుల వివిధ దేహములను సంపూర్ణముగా ఎరిగియుండును. 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
*🌹 Bhagavad-Gita as It is - 492 🌹 *✍️ Sri Prabhupada, 📚 Prasad Bharadwaj*
🌴 Chapter 13 - Kshetra Kshtrajna Vibhaga Yoga - Nature, the Enjoyer and Consciousness - 03 🌴
03. kṣetra-jñaṁ cāpi māṁ viddhi sarva-kṣetreṣu bhārata kṣetra-kṣetrajñayor jñānaṁ yat taj jñānaṁ mataṁ mama
🌷 Translation : O scion of Bharata, you should understand that I am also the knower in all bodies, and to understand this body and its knower is called knowledge. That is My opinion.
🌹 Purport : While discussing the subject of the body and the knower of the body, the soul and the Supersoul, we shall find three different topics of study: the Lord, the living entity, and matter. In every field of activities, in every body, there are two souls: the individual soul and the Supersoul. Because the Supersoul is the plenary expansion of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa says, “I am also the knower, but I am not the individual knower of the body. I am the superknower. I am present in every body as the Paramātmā, or Supersoul.”
One who studies the subject matter of the field of activity and the knower of the field very minutely, in terms of this Bhagavad-gītā, can attain to knowledge. The Lord says, “I am the knower of the field of activities in every individual body.” The individual may be the knower of his own body, but he is not in knowledge of other bodies. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present as the Supersoul in all bodies, knows everything about all bodies. He knows all the different bodies of all the various species of life. 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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🌹 . శ్రీ శివ మహా పురాణము - 847 / Sri Siva Maha Purana - 847 🌹 ✍️. స్వామి తత్త్వ విదానంద సరస్వతి 📚. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ
🌴. రుద్రసంహితా-యుద్ద ఖండః - అధ్యాయము - 31 🌴
🌻.బ్రహ్మవిష్ణువులకు శివుని ఉపదేశము - 2 🌻
వారు సిగ్గుతో కలవరపడిన మనస్సు గలవారై నా ఎదుట దైన్యముతో వృత్తాంతమునంతనూ చెప్పి 'రక్షిం��ుము, రక్షింపుము' అని పలికిరి (9). అపుడు భవుడనగు నేను సంతసిల్లి వారితో నిట్లంటిని ; ఓ కృష్ణా! మీరందరు నా ఆజ్ఞచే భయమును విడనాడుడు (10). నేను సర్వదా ప్రేమతో మిమ్ములను రక్షించెదను. మీకు మంచి మంగళము కలుగ గలదు. ఇది అంతయూ నా ఇచ్ఛచేతనే జరిగినది. సందేహము లేదు (11). నీవు రాధతో మరియు నీ అనుచరునితో గూడి నీ స్థానమునకు వెళ్లుము. ఈతడు భారతదేశములో దానవుడై జన్మించును గాక! దీనిలో సంశయము లేదు (12).
నేను సమయము వచ్చినపుడు మిమ్ములనిద్దరినీ శాపమునుండి ఉద్ధరించెదను. నా ఈ మాటను రాధాకృష్ణులిద్దరు శిరసా వహించిరి (13). బుద్ధిమంతుడగు శ్రీకృష్ణుడు చాల సంతసించి తన స్థానమునకు వెళ్లెను. వారిద్దరు భయపడుతూ నా ఆరాధనయందు నిష్ఠ గలవారై అచటనే మకాము చేసిరి (14). సర్వము నా ఆధీనములో నున్నదనియు, తమకు స్వాతంత్ర్యము లేదనియు వారు గుర్తించిరి. ఆ సుదాముడు రాధయొక్క శాపముచే దానవవీరుడై జన్మించెను (15). ధర్మవివేకము గల ఆ దానవుడు శంఖచూడుడను పేర ప్రసిద్ధిని గాంచి దేవతలకు ద్రోహమును తలపెట్టినాడు. ఆ దుష్టుడు దేవగణములనన్నింటినీ సర్వదా బలాత్కారముగా కష్టములకు గురిచేయుచున్నాడు (16). నా మాయచే మిక్కిలి మోహితుడై యున్న ఆ శంఖచూడునకు దుష్టులగు మంత్రులు తోడగుచున్నారు. మీరు వెనువెంటనే భయమును విడనాడుడు. నేను రక్షకుడను ఉన్నాను గదా! (17)
సశేషం…. 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
🌹 SRI SIVA MAHA PURANA - 847 🌹 *✍️ J.L. SHASTRI, 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj *
🌴 Rudra-saṃhitā (5): Yuddha-khaṇḍa - CHAPTER 31 🌴
🌻 Śiva’s advice to Viṣṇu and Brahmā - 2 🌻
Overwhelmed by shame they told me all the details. Dejected, they lamented before me saying the words “Save us, O save us.”
Then I, becoming delighted, told them these words, Kṛṣṇa, you forget your fear at my behest.
I am the protector, always infused with love. Good will befall you. All this has happened at my will. There is no doubt in it.
Go to your abode along with Rādhā and your comrade. He will become a Dānava here in Bhārata, certainly.
13-14. At the proper time I shall redeem you from the curse”. What I told thus Śrīkṛṣṇa and Rādhā accepted readily. Śrīkṛṣṇa the intelligent rejoiced and returned to his abode. There they engaged themselves in propitiating me and bidding their time.
Realising that everything is subject to my control and his will is not independent, Sudāmā became the lord of Dānavas as a result of the curse of Rādhā.
The virtuous demon Śaṅkhacūḍa distresses and harasses the gods always with his might. He is evil-minded to this extent.
He has been deluded by my deception and hence he seeks the help of evil ministers. But myself being the chastiser of the wicked you can get rid of his fear quickly”.
Continues…. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
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🌹. ఓషో రోజువారీ ధ్యానాలు - 105 / Osho Daily Meditations - 105 🌹 ✍️. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ
🍀 105. ప్రపంచాన్ని మార్చడం 🍀
🕉 మీరు మీ ప్రపంచం, కాబట్టి మీరు మీ వైఖరిని మార్చుకున్నప్పుడు మీరు ఉన్న ప్రపంచాన్నే మార్చుకుంటారు. మనం ప్రపంచాన్ని మార్చలేము - రాజకీయ నాయకులు యుగయుగాలుగా చేయడానికి ప్రయత్నిస్తున్నారు మరియు వారు పూర్తిగా విఫలమయ్యారు. 🕉
ప్రపంచాన్ని మార్చడానికి ఏకైక మార్గం మీ దృష్టిని మార్చడం, మరియు అకస్మాత్తుగా మీరు వేరే ప్రపంచంలో జీవిస్తారు. మనం ఒకే ప్రపంచంలో జీవించడం లేదు మరియు మనమందరం సమకాలీనులం కాదు. ఒకరు గతంలో జీవిస్తూ ఉండవచ్చు--అతను మీ సమకాలీనుడు ఎలా అవుతాడు? అతను మీ పక్కన కూర్చుని గతం గురించి ఆలోచిస్తూ ఉండవచ్చు; అప్పుడు అతను మీ సమకాలీనుడు కాదు. ఒకరు భవిష్యత్తులో ఉండవచ్చు, ఇంకా లేని దానిలో ఇప్పటికే ఉండవచ్చు. అతను మీ సమకాలీనుడు ఎలా అవుతాడు? ప్రస్తుతంలో నివసిస్తున్న ఇద్దరు వ్యక్తులు మాత్రమే సమకాలీనులు, కానీ ఇప్పుడు వారు లేరు-ఎందుకంటే మీరు మీ గతం మరియు మీ భవిష్యత్తు. వర్తమానం నీది కాదు, నీతో సంబంధం లేదు.
ఇద్దరు వ్యక్తులు ఖచ్చితంగా ఇక్కడ మరియు ఇప్పుడు ఉన్నప్పుడు, వారు కాదు ఉన్నది, దేవుడు. మనం భగవంతునిలో జీవించినప్పుడు మాత్రమే మనం అదే ప్రపంచంలో జీవిస్తాము. మీరు మరొక వ్యక్తితో సంవత్సరాలు జీవించవచ్చు మరియు మీరు మీ ప్రపంచంలో జీవిస్తారు ఆమె తన ప్రపంచంలో నివసిస్తుంది - అందుకే రెండు ప్రపంచాల నిరంతర ఘర్షణ. క్రమంగా, ఈ తాకిడిని ఎలా నివారించాలో ఒకరు నేర్చుకుంటారు. దానినే మనం కలిసి జీవించడం అని పిలుస్తాము: ఘర్షణను నివారించడానికి ప్రయత్నించడం, ఘర్షణకు రాకుండా ప్రయత్నించడం. కుటుంబం, సమాజం, మానవత్వం… అన్నీ వట్టిదే అంటున్నాం! మీరిద్దరూ దేవునిలో జీవిస్తే తప్ప మీరు నిజంగా ఒక పురుషునితో లేదా స్త్రీతో ఉండలేరు. వేరే ప్రేమ లేదు, ఇతర కుటుంబం లేదు మరియు ఇతర సమాజం లేదు.
కొనసాగుతుంది… 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
🌹 Osho Daily Meditations - 105 🌹 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj
🕉 You are your world, so when you change your attitude you change the very world in which you exist. We cannot change the world — that’s what politicians have been trying to do down through the ages, and they have utterly failed. 🕉
The only way to change the world is to change your vision, and suddenly you will live in a different world. We don't live in the same world, and we are not all contemporaries. Somebody may be living in the past--how can he be your contemporary? He may be sitting by your side and thinking of the past; then he is not your contemporary. Somebody may be in the future, already in that which is not yet. How can he be your contemporary? Only two people who live in the now are contemporaries, but in the now they are no more-because you are your past and your future. The present is not of you, it has nothing to do with you.
When two people are absolutely in the here and now, they are not-then God is. We live in the same world only when we live in God. You may live with another person for years, and you live in your world and she lives in hers--hence the continuous clash of two worlds colliding. By and by, one learns how to avoid this collision. That's what we call living together: trying to avoid the collision, trying not to come to a clash. That's what we call family, society, humanity … all bogus! You cannot really be with a man or a woman unless you both live in God. There is no other love, no other family, and no other society.
Continues… 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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🌹. శ్రీ లలితా చైతన్య విజ్ఞానము - 521 - 528 - 8 / Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 521 - 528 - 8 🌹 🌻. లలితా సహస్ర నామముల తత్వ విచారణ 🌻 ✍️. సద్గురు శ్రీ కంభంపాటి పార్వతీ కుమార్ సేకరణ : ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🍁. మూల మంత్రము : ఓం ఐం హ్రీం శ్రీం శ్రీమాత్రే నమః 🍁
*🍀 ఆజ్ఞా చక్రాబ్జనిలయా, శుక్లవర్ణా, షడాననా ॥ 107 ॥ *108. మజ్జాసంస్థా, హంసవతీ ముఖ్యశక్తి సమన్వితా ।* హరిద్రాన్నైక రసికా, హాకినీ రూపధారిణీ ॥ 108 ॥ 🍀
🌻 521 to 528 నామ వివరణము - 8 🌻
శ్రీమాత ఆరాధకులు అనుగ్రహము పొందుటకు, పసుపుతో కూడిన అన్నమును ఈమెకు నైవేద్య మొసగి తాము భుజింతురు. శ్రీమాతకు పసుపు అన్నము అనినచో యిష్టము. ఆమె హరిద్రాన్నైకరసికా'. వారమున కొకమారైననూ పసుపు అన్నము భుజించుట వలన శరీరమందలి రుగ్మతలు నశించునని ఆయుర్వేదము తెలుపుచున్నది. ఈ ఆజ్ఞా పద్మమందలి శ్రీమాతను 'హం' అను శబ్దముతో ఆరాధించుట సంప్రదాయము. 'హం' అనునది మూల ప్రకృతికి సంబంధించిన శబ్దముగను, 'సం' అను శబ్దము మూల పురుషునికి సంబంధించిన శబ్దముగను ఋషులు గుర్తించి కీర్తించిరి.
సశేషం… 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
🌹 Sri Lalitha Chaitanya Vijnanam - 521 - 528 - 8 🌹 Contemplation of 1000 Names of Sri Lalitha Devi ✍️ Prasad Bharadwaj
🌻 aagynachakrabja nilaya shuklavarna shadanana ॥ 107 ॥ 108. Majasansdha hansavati mukhyashakti samanvita haridranai karasika hakinirupa dharini ॥ 108 ॥ 🌻
🌻 521 to 528 Names Explanation - 8 🌻
Devotees of Sri Mata offer her turmeric rice and eat it to get her grace. Srimata likes yellow rice. She is Haridrannaikarasika'. Ayurveda says that by eating yellow rice atleast once a week, body diseases will be destroyed. It is a tradition to worship this Srimata at Agnya chakra with the sound of 'Hum'. The sages recognized and glorified that 'Ham' as the root of nature and 'Sam' as the root of Purusha.
Continues… 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
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1947, 05, 04: Acre Prison break
Irgun members inside Acre Prison blew a hole in the wall and freed 28 Jewish prisoners. During the escape, nine Irgun and Lehi fighters, including commander Dov Cohen, were killed. Five Irgun fighters and eight escapees were later captured.
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