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seismology550 · 7 years ago
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#EruptionsOfinstagram #VolcanoesOfinstagram #FuegoVolcano #AcatenangoVolcano #AntiguaCity #VolcanoFuego #VolcanAcetenango #Volcanoes #Eruption #Guatemala🇬🇹 #14northern #91western . regram @copernicus_eu On 3 June, Volcan de Fuego, in Southern Guatemala 🇬🇹, experienced a strong eruption, causing floods of lava and mud along with ash and ballistic (small rocks) emissions Here are the last Sentinel2 🇪🇺🛰 images from 30 May, and a Sentinel5P showing UV aerosol index on 3 June 14.482777'N,-90.882777"W . #FuegoVolcanoSeria #AcatenangoVolcanoSeria #AntiguaCitySeria #VolcanoFuegoSeria #VolcanAcetenangoSeria #VolcanoesSeria #EruptionSeria #GuatemalaSeria🇬🇹 #GuatemalaVolcanoesSeria #GuatemalaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #FuegoVolcanoEriruptionSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesEruptionSeria #03JuneEruptionSeria #JuneEruptionSeria #2018EruptionSeria #CentralAmericaVolcanoesSeria . #03June2018seria #03JuneSeria 2018JuneSeria 2018sundaySeria SundayJuneSeria SundaySeria
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mgavsar-blog · 7 years ago
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#JournalistsOfinstagram #TurkishJournalist #ErcanArıklı #ErcanArikli Türk gazeteci, yazar. Rusya'dan göç edip Ardahan'a yerleşmiş ve 6. dönem Kars milletvekilliği yapmış #KahramanArıklı'nın oğludur. Robert Kolej'i bitirdikten sonra, Lozan Üniversitesi Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi’nde okudu. Doğum tarihi: 20 Şubat 1940, Ankara Ölüm tarihi ve yeri: 3 Haziran 2003, İstanbul . Doğum #20subat1940seria #20subatSeria #20subatDogumlularSeria #1940DigumlularSeria #SubatDogumlularSeria #TurkiyeDogumlularSeria . Vefat #03Haziran2003seria #03HaziranSeria #03HaziranVefatlariSeria #2003VefatlariSeria #HaziranVefatlariSeria #istanbulVefatlariSeria #TurkiyeVefatlariSeria . #ErcanArikliSeria #JournalistsSeria #TurkishJournalistsSeria . #03June2018seria #03JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria #2018sundaySeria #SundayJuneSeria #SundaySeria (Türkiye Gazeteciler Cemiyeti - TGC)
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animalslife74-blog · 7 years ago
#TurtlesOfinstagram #LeatherbackSeaTurtle #DermochelysCoriacea #LeatherbackSeaTurtlesSeria #SeaTurtles #Turtles #LeatherbackTurtle Kingdom: #AnimaliaSeria Phylum: #ChordataSeria Class: #ReptiliaSeria Order: #TestudinesSeria Suborder: #CryptodiraSeria Family: #DermochelyidaeSeria Genus: #DermochelysSeria Blainville, 1816 Species: #DermochelysCoriaceaSeria (Vandelli, 1761) . regram @fathomlesslife Wooow! This Leatherback sea turtle is huge 😱 Leatherback are the world’s largest turtles, they can grow to around 2.3 m long and weigh up to a massive 900kg 🐢 Follow @ fathomlesslife for more 💚 Dm for credit #honu . The leatherback turtle is a species with a cosmopolitan global range. Of all the extant sea turtle species, D. coriacea has the widest distribution, reaching as far north as #ArcticOceanAnimalsSeria #AlaskaSeaAnimalsSeria and #NorwaySeaAnimalsSeria and as far south as Cape Agulhas in Africa and the southernmost tip of New Zealand. The leatherback is found in all tropical and subtropical oceans, and its range extends well into the Arctic Circle. The three major, genetically distinct populations occur in the #AtlanticOceanAnimalsSeria eastern Pacific, and western #PacificOceanAnimalsSeria. While nesting beaches have been identified in the region, leatherback populations in the #indianOceanAnimalsSeria remain generally unassessed and unevaluated. D. coriacea distribution - yellow circles represent minor nesting locations, red circles are known major nesting sites Recent estimates of global nesting populations are that 26,000 to 43,000 females nest annually, which is a dramatic decline from the 115,000 estimated in 1980. . #LeatherbackSeaTurtlesSeria #SeaTurtlesSeria #TurtlesSeria #LeatherbackTurtlesSeria #GiantTurtlesSeria #GiantAnimalsSeria . #03June2018Seria #03JuneSeria 2018JuneSeria 2018sundaySeria SundayJuneSeria SundaySeria (Leatherback Turtle Working Group)
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seismology550 · 7 years ago
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#islandsOfinstagram #NorthKurilislands #Kurilislands #Shumshuisland #Arcticislands #ArcticCircleislands #OhotskSeaislands #PacificOceanislands #Russia🇷🇺#51northern #156eastern . 50.750000"N ,156.350000"E #Shumshu #Шумшу #占守島 Shumushu #NorthKurilsBaikovo #FirstKurilskiyStrait #SecondKurilStrait #SakhalinOblast . #NorthKurilislandsSeria #KurilislandsSeria #ShumshuislandSeria #ArcticislandsSeria #ArcticCircleislandsSeria #PacificOceanislandsSeria #RussiaislandsSeri . #03June2018seria #03JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria #2018sundaySeria #SundayJuneSeria #SundaySeria (Shumshu)
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mgavsar-blog · 7 years ago
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#MissTurkey🇹🇷 #MİSSTURKEY1967 #TurkiyeGuzellikKraliceleri #GuzellikKraliceleri #NeşeYazıcıoğlu or #NeşeYazıcıgil #1967TürkiyeGüzeliNeşeYazıcıgil . Neşe Yazıcıgil* = Yarışmada Neşe Yazıcıoğlu adıyla bilinen Türkiye Güzeli'nin soyadı bazı resmî kaynaklarda Yazıcıgil olarak yazılmıştır. Türkiye Güzellik Kraliçesinin nişanlısı Ercan Mutlu TÜRKİYE Güzeli Neşe Yazıcıgil ile evlenmiştir. Neşe Yazıcıgil mavi gözlü olup, saçları kestane rengindedir. 1967 Türkiye Güzeli Neşe Yazıcıgil . #NeseYazicioglu #NeşeYazıcıgil #MissTurkeySeria🇹🇷 #MİSSTURKEY1967seria #NeseYazicigilSeria #NeseYaziciogluSeria #TurkiyeGuzellikKraliceleriSeria #GuzellikKraliceleriSeria . #03June2018Seria #03JuneSeria #2018JuneSeria #2018sundaySeria #SundayJuneSeria #SundaySeria (Miss Turkey)
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animalslife74-blog · 7 years ago
#TurtlesOfinstagram #LeatherbackSeaTurtle #DermochelysCoriacea #LeatherbackSeaTurtlesSeria #SeaTurtles #Turtles #LeatherbackTurtle Kingdom: #AnimaliaSeria Phylum: #ChordataSeria Class: #ReptiliaSeria Order: #TestudinesSeria Suborder: #CryptodiraSeria Family: #DermochelyidaeSeria Genus: #DermochelysSeria Blainville, 1816 Species: #DermochelysCoriaceaSeria (Vandelli, 1761) . regram @fathomlesslife Wooow! This Leatherback sea turtle is huge 😱 Leatherback are the world’s largest turtles, they can grow to around 2.3 m long and weigh up to a massive 900kg 🐢 Follow @ fathomlesslife for more 💚 Dm for credit #honu . The leatherback turtle is a species with a cosmopolitan global range. Of all the extant sea turtle species, D. coriacea has the widest distribution, reaching as far north as #ArcticOceanAnimalsSeria #AlaskaSeaAnimalsSeria and #NorwaySeaAnimalsSeria and as far south as Cape Agulhas in Africa and the southernmost tip of New Zealand. The leatherback is found in all tropical and subtropical oceans, and its range extends well into the Arctic Circle. The three major, genetically distinct populations occur in the #AtlanticOceanAnimalsSeria eastern Pacific, and western #PacificOceanAnimalsSeria. While nesting beaches have been identified in the region, leatherback populations in the #indianOceanAnimalsSeria remain generally unassessed and unevaluated. D. coriacea distribution - yellow circles represent minor nesting locations, red circles are known major nesting sites Recent estimates of global nesting populations are that 26,000 to 43,000 females nest annually, which is a dramatic decline from the 115,000 estimated in 1980. . #LeatherbackSeaTurtlesSeria #SeaTurtlesSeria #TurtlesSeria #LeatherbackTurtlesSeria #GiantTurtlesSeria #GiantAnimalsSeria . #03June2018Seria #03JuneSeria 2018JuneSeria 2018sundaySeria SundayJuneSeria SundaySeria (Leatherback Turtle Working Group)
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