#006 // ROGUE
dalishious · 8 months
hi! so...i saw a couple of people say that zevran isn't actually a poc he's just a white spaniard with a tanned skin so is it possible that's true? cuz it's somewhere said that the devs made him hispanic with a spanish accent and on top of that they white washed the shit out of him in da2 and in wotv2...do you know maybe one of the devs specified that he's brown hispanic and not white hispanic cuz IM FUCKING WORRIED
also i don't exactly remember the source (about the devs making him hispanic) cuz op didn't share and maybe it's just some random guy giving his impression on zevran but here:
"Thus, the developers had a very clear idea of what they wanted Zevran to be. They wanted Zevran to be charismatic, attractive, and quick on his feet. He is a lovable rogue with a troubled past. To help convey all these qualities to the player, he was given the accent of a Spaniard. It is an accent which has been used for all manner of renaissance-era heroes. Zevran is cut from the same cloth as famous heroes like Inigo Montoya and Zorro. Zevran himself will comment that his accent is one of his more attractive qualities. The dashing Hispanic archetype is quite poplar, to the point where just hearing the accent in the context of fiction implies the possession skill with a weapon of choice and suave mannerisms."
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Zevran literally has the second darkest skin tone in the game. His game model uses 006 of 7 skin tints. That man is not just tanned.
Here is his vanilla head model:
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Here are various vanilla screenshots in different game lighting:
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Here is his most recent official artwork from World of Thedas vol 2:
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Zevran has brown skin. That is FACT.
I have to assume anyone who says otherwise has been either looking at too much whitewashed fanart or playing the game with their gamma/brightness turned way up.
Finally, Gaider did indeed refer to Zevran as having "darker skin" when people compared his design to Fenris, on the old and now dead BioWare forums. Unfortunately I don't have the full conversation saved, just this part of it:
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^ The "him" in context of the full conversation was Zevran.
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dye-it-rouge-et-noir · 3 months
I started worldbuilding a mathematically based fantasy for fun then put Brosnan era characters in it! The concept I have is written under the cut. Any mathematical terminology links you to its respective Wikipedia page! It covers Goldeneye and Tomorrow Never Dies but I do intend to think about the later half of films!
General Worldbuilding
In this world, there are skills that are focused on using a certain mathematical concept to manipulate the world around them. For example, someone focused on geometry may learn how to translate objects to move them.
The vast majority of people only know how to do rudimentary arts for the sake of practical use. Though, any skill can be learnt with enough practice and time. However, some skills are riskier than others such as anything dealing with higher spatial dimensions or manipulations of probability. (There are restrictions in place for such skills as well)
Anybody who is at a more advanced level tends to have a specific focus in mind as well.
Double Oh Division
I created a connection between the definition of division as in a particular section and the division in reference to mathematics. That led me to the notion of "dividing by 0" which is known to be a rather problematic case in mathematics.
Thus, being given a double oh designation allows access to augments that help learn riskier skills. (Example: Q Branch created simulations of viewing the world akin to a fourth dimensional being) Moreover, restrictions on learning such skills are lifted to an extent. (Just don't go rogue)
Agent 006, Alec Trevelyan and Agent 007, James Bond
It is common for those in the 00 Division to choose learning how to view the world through the eyes of a higher dimensional being. Through dimensional analogy, a fourth dimensional being would be able to see inside a 3D shape akin to how we would be able to see inside a 2D being. (Like they would be able to see a sphere inside of a box) Thus, this makes this skill practical for espionage.
Anything higher than that such as actually traversing through the fourth dimension is much more dangerous. (For reference, orbits in higher dimensions would generally be much more unstable)
Both Bond and Alec have opted to learn how to perceive the world in this manner. However, Alec secretly learned how to actually traverse through the fourth dimension for a period of time. Following the start of Goldeneye, he intended to travel through fourth dimensional space as a part of his betrayal.
Elliot Carver
Elliot Carver predominantly focuses on homothety and his skill would be akin to a pantograph. Essentially, he's capable of projecting an image of an object to a much larger scale by using himself as a homothetic center. I felt like this would be fitting for him as he would be able to utilize this to project things for presentations.
Then his skill would be able to be used to take "snapshots" of a particular setting and have an image of them in his hands. (Instead of enlargement, this would be minimizing) This can be later saved and transferred on special Carver Brand paper like a photograph. It has been rumored that he has gathered snapshots to blackmail people but he says they're all simple lies.
Wai Lin
It makes sense that other countries may implement their own systems for particular skills. Wai Lin decided to become incredibly skilled in translating herself through space, meaning that she appears to seemingly "teleport." I got inspired by how she snuck into the CMGN party for this!
At her skill level, she's capable of warping into areas and moving quickly. This holds various effective applications for combat and espionage that make her job easier. However, she can't necessarily travel that far at a time (let's say... she can travel a few meters at most?) Thus, if she wants to solely use her skill to travel, she needs to "warp" around a lot to her destination. Moreover, she can't enter a space if she can't visualize it well.
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 months
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Just in time for Payday! Iron Wind Metals restocks are up for BattleTech!
20-206 Huitzilopochtli Assault Tank "Huey" (Standard) 20-267 Sentry SNT-04 20-318 Pilum Wheeled Tank 20-398 Shrike SHK-VP-A 20-458 Cattlemaster RA-4 Hunter / Herder 20-5134 Juliano JLN-5A 20-5167 Raven II RVN-5X 20-5174 Ursus II (Standard) 20-5185 Commando COM-2D 20-5194 Sojourner Prime 20-5200 Carrion Crow Prime 20-610 Black Hawk "Nova" Prime (Old Sculpt) 20-634 Epona Pursuit Tank Prime (2) 20-642 Berserker BRZ-A3 20-648 Venom SDR-9K 20-674 Falconer FLC-8R 20-722 Anhur Transport 20-757 Strider SR1-O Prime 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-904 O-Bakemono OBK-M10 20-958 Vanquisher VQR-2A 20-9122 Battleforce Hex Base 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 BT-001 Orc Protomech BT-006 Phalanx Battle Armor BT-023 Overlord BT-026 Union (2708) BT-027 Union C BT-028 Cavalier Battle Armor BT-029 Sloth Battle Armor BT-035 Overlord C BT-057 Gazelle BT-058 Fury BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-087 Scout / Quetzalcoatl Jumpship BT-169 Behemoth Micro Dropship BT-170 Buccaneer BT-178 Jade Hawk JHK-03 BT-183 Aurora Micro Dropship BT-188 Nighthawk Battle Armor BT-189 Kobold Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-226 Fast Recon BT-232 Warg Battle Armor BT-260 Sprint Scout VTOL BT-284 Svartalfa Ultra ProtoMech 2 BT-285 Sprite Ultra Protomech BT-287 Zephyros Infantry Support Vehicle BT-312 Gun Trailers (2) BT-316 Chimera CMA-2K BT-353 Mad Cat MK II 4 BT-373 Centaur Protomech BT-376 Minotaur Protomech BT-393 Kage Battle Armor Squad (4) BT-404 Wusun Prime Micro Fighter BT-405 Ostrogoth Prime Micro Fighter BT-430 Wulfen H BT-436 Buraq (Standard) Battle Armor FT-019 Kirghiz Mech Scale Fighter FT-022 Xerxes Mech Scale Fighter FT-024 Shiva Mech Scale Fighter FT-035 Tatsu Mech Scale Fighter FT-036 Defiance Mech Scale Fighter OP-013 Thor E ATM Pod OP-021 Loki A LRM 20 (from 20-603R)
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netherworldpost · 1 year
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Good morning and thank you for joining the Saturday Morning Randomly Selected Date to Disclose Progress for Netherworld Post Office
or the SMRSDDPNPO for clarity
ONE: The above image is from Peyroux Dispatch #011. The first order of business is to announce the plans to create a web version of the Dispatch archives is underway and going nicely.
It will of course be free to access, and the PDF will remain free as well. This is not a limited time offer, there are no plans to alter availability.
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(This is image is from Peyroux Dispatch issue #006)
TWO: The plans to re-launch the Dispatch in a new format, under a new name, in keeping with the rebranding of Evil Supply Co. -> Netherworld Post Office is going great.
The new version has a tentative name, I'm not prepared to release it at this time.
It is tentatively going to be in color and will probably be zine-sized rather than newspaper due to production necessity.
THREE: I have located a continuously data-stream update system that runs 24/7/365 with (for the purposes of my use) infinite variables.
Do you play an RPG?
Have you ever thought "I wish my character could be a corrupt rogue in charge of a bank that lent money to my fellow players with interest rates that continuously but slightly changed so I could enrich myself at their expense?"
(...am I the only one obsessed with taking characters and adding super mundane things to them...)
"I am creating an orc clan in my game. I need the number of orcs to change, subtly, over the course of the hour we play. And I want the numbers to again subtly change when we re-convene in two weeks for the next game -- in a pattern that is reasonable to belief, but unpredictable.""
Good news!
I'm building a system that will allow you to do this!
I'm working on a "MAKE MATH HAPPEN" spell that will make said data table work.
I legitimately don't know if anyone will use it but I'm hoping people who play RPGs say "holy crap that can help me do..."
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The site will be free to use and neat and I'm hoping people will find use with it.
I had the idea many years ago when I hacked a client's phone to ring whenever someone bought or sold goats using public data streams.
Goats were chosen because they are cute, it had nothing to do with the client.
Randomly in meetings the client's phone would just start wildly beeping when a certain threshold of goat sales were made and then turn off when a different threshold of goat-data was achieved.
It showed me the power + hilarity of math-data-chaos.
I ran the experiment for about a week before dismantling it.
It was an amazing week.
They never paid their invoices to me on time and this was my way of dealing with the frustration of having to argue about contractually obligated late fees.
This is devolving into, like, five stories at once so I'm going to adjourn this morning's SMRSDDPNPO presentation
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comicwaren · 1 year
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This week on Marvel Comics (12th July 2023):
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #029
Fallen Friend: The Death of Ms. Marvel #001 (One-shot)
Immortal X-Men #013
Loki Vol. 4 #002
Miles Morales: Spider-Man Vol. 2 #008
Moon Knight Vol. 9 #025
Red Goblin #006
Rogue & Gambit Vol. 2 #005 (Finale)
Scarlet Witch Vol. 3 #006
Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #036
Star Wars: Darth Vader #036
Web of Carnage #001
X-Force Vol. 6 #042
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elsewheregremlin · 1 year
@samanthahirr asked about The Sixth Station!
Joke: The sixth station is my contribution to OSHA-violation MI6.
Okay this title has nothing to do with MI6 itself. It came from a little detail in Spirited Away, in which Chihiro get off a train at the sixth station of the line.
This is set in an otherwise normal and canon-ish world, post Skyfall and ignore everything after. The only difference is that MI6’s high level employees’ contracts are all imbued with magic (like in Spirited Away), you sign it and you give away your name until you either retire or dies. Worst of all, while M, Q, and various department heads remember the details of signing; 00 agents completely forget that they have other names at all, their numbers and Six issued names become everything.
That’s why every 007 is James Bond. And when the current Bond remembers/finds out about this, he is very, very unamused.
This is probably going to become one of those ‘Bond goes rogue’ fic, leaning heavily on Six being a not so friendly workplace, plus the consequences of devoting yourself to an awful agency for twenty odd years.
I don’t have a draft (or even a paragraph really) yet, and I’m still thinking about who can rage against the system with Bond. Maybe I can pull Brosnan Bond and former 006 into this? The goldeneye mission being their escape from the magic contract.
(Also, my 20 followers where are you at? Are y’all only here for the reblogs?)
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
Resident Evil Verse
︶꒦꒷☠꒷꒦︶ : ̗̀➛ {{Beating Hearts & Coursing Brains;; Cadou Verse}}
Born in the early year of 2000, Michael is a byproduct of more Mold experimentation done by The Connections. He is the only successful M-type, dubbed M-006 as the others were disposed of. Being comprised of both a mold experiment, virus tampering, and an implanted Caduou, Michael is a uniquely dangerous bio-organism.
(There is a theory on how the Las Plagas, Progenitor, and Mold are connected in some way over thousands of years. I am leaning into that.)
As a result of the Cadou infection, Michael is bestowed with profound regenerative capabilities, inhuman strength and speed, the ability to control the mold and create weapons out of his body, and eternal life which has resulted in him being stuck at the age of 21 until his demise or otherwise.
The Virus in question is unknown, though it is clearly reminiscent of the Progenitor viruses. Most likely one of his parents was an experiment on the Viruses stability and the other parent was subjected to Mold experiments. This also explains why they are both deceased, as they were only used as guinea pigs to see if it was possible. There were a total of five other subjects, Michael being the sixth and final of the M-Type series and the only one worth surviving.
The leading scientist for this experiment and research was Samuel Loomis, and eventually Sartain after Loomis' demise at the hands of Michael.
Having such a profound mixture of genetics, it is unclear how he remains stable or retains his intellect, which is why he has been kept under lock and key and subjected to checks and monitoring. That is until Blue Umbrella cracks down on the hidden, underground facility in Illinois in the form of the rogue Unit led by Chris Redfield. This results in Michael getting loose and attempting to hide from sight until he forms his own plans. (I.E the mask and coveralls).
Chris is not the only one trying to crack down on this case before things get out of hand, leading to more familiar faces, and interesting interactions.
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roguespodcast · 2 years
For a full transcript, check out our RSS site!
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hellsaint · 2 years
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                                              HEAVEN  HELL  SENT
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independent  &.  selective  ORIGINAL CHARACTER  of  MIXED VAMPIRE LORE.  verses  for  various  media  available.  low  activity  &.  mutuals  only.  oc  ,  canon  &.  multi  —  muse  friendly.  embraced  by  fey.
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                                         REACH OUT &. TOUCH FAITH
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001. hi ! i’m fey , i’m 24 , white , my pronouns are she / they / fae , &. i’m an ace lesbian ! you can follow me on pinterest at feywildling , &. ask for my discord if we’re mutuals. i am pagan , norse specifically , &. there will be more about this in the next section. i have no personal triggers that need to be tagged , but if you do i will make sure to tag them ( &. common triggers ) as “trigger //” &. “trigger tw” so you can block them.
002. i’m under no obligation to follow everyone back. if i do follow you , i want to write with you , just give me time. i do up to three mains or one exclusive of a character or faceclaim. do not follow if you’re under eighteen , are bigoted in any way , ship incest , adults / minors , or any other gross behavior. i also won’t write with muses of mythology based gods because i am pagan , but fandom ( pjato , american gods , marvel , etc. ) is fine. i unfollow for inactivity , but message me or pop up in my notifications &. i’ll follow back. please do not follow me if you interact with valentine / laurel @.exorkizein.
003. i take inspiration from various sources of vampire lore &. media to created the supernatural world jude inhabits. i am steadily building out this setting , &. you are very free to ask questions about it !
004. i’m a fan of shipping , plain &. simple. whether it be romantic , familial , platonic , whatever , i want those bonds. i’m also a fan of testing out things because i see potential for them , so please don’t be afraid to approach me about a ship. if you ship it , i probably do too. as a note , jude is difficult to ship with , given the fact he still tries to hold to his ethics as a priest , but it's not impossible. we’ll have a lot of slowburn &. pining in this house.
005. if i follow you , i want to write with you. i am definitely a slow rper , &. life doesn’t always allow me to get to threads or messages so please just be patient. using memes , writing starters , or plotting are all excellent ways of starting interactions. if we plot &. can develop things outside of directly writing , i will be more invested in our relationships.
006. my psd is healing word by jaynedits. my banners are by me. my icons are by me. my icon borders are by 666psds. all writing , personal headcanon , &. original edits belong to me.
007. i don’t own françois arnaud , or anything related to the media i take inspiration from. i do own jude’s character , so again , don’t steal.
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* = exclusive / ♡ = ship exclusive
URL. name. fandom.
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NAME. judas st. laurent
NICKNAMES. jude , father st. laurent
GENDER. cis man , he / him
AGE. 40 ( physically ) / 180 ( approximately )
BIRTHDAY. june 29 , 1842
HAIR COLOR. dark brown
EYE COLOR. brown
HEIGHT. 6’2’’
BUILD. slender athletic
SCENT. leather , incense , smoke
QUALITIES. charming , empathetic , earnest
FLAWS. inhibited , self — destructive , withdrawn
MENTAL. ptsd , aquaphobia
WEAPONS. fangs , vampiric physicality , vampiric influence
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YOUTH. jude’s childhood in 1840s new orleans.
ORDINATION. rather than join the confederate army , jude joined the church &. went on to become a priest.
EMBRACE. a confession turned murder. jude is brought into the world of the supernatural &. clings to his faith in the following centuries.
V : TM. embraced into the toreador clan , jude has tried to remain out of the camarilla’s schemes to varying degrees of success.
SPACE. general space verse.
DRAGON AGE. human rogue. bard , duelist , &. assassin specialization. jude is a traveling agent of the chantry &. available as a companion for all protagonists.
D &. D. dhampir twilight domain cleric.
GRISHAVERSE. ravka born , jude becomes infected by some unknown piece of the fold when it is created. he now poses as a wandering monk of the saints.
SANDMAN. a creation of a creation of long ago. he takes influence from desire but monsters of the night do breed nightmares.
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traumamademoved · 2 years
006. What sense do they most rely on?
008. What is their favorite fairy tale?
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)
075. Is your character ticklish? ((From @missxnsuppxrt ))
006. What sense do they most rely on?
His eyesight and hearing most of all. You could take away his sense of smell and taste and he'd be just fine. Probably would without his hearing too but sight and hearing is definitely things he relies on more than anything else.
008. What is their favorite fairy tale?
I don't think Leon's big on fairy tales, actually. He finds them twisted more than cute. He knows fairy tales often originate in horrid and gruesome stories and anything that is watered down seems just as messed up. If you're looking for someone to watch Disney movies with you, Leon is not your guy.
072. In a Dungeons & Dragons game, which class would your character be? (wizard, fighter, bard, priest, ranger, etc.)
A rogue/fighter multiclass. Can you tell i've thought about this alot?
075. Is your character ticklish?
In very specific places, yes. Good luck finding them, though.
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opulentconceptions · 4 months
The Violet Mindfield EP Review: Lo-fi Garage Punk from Southern California
The Violet Mindfield – “Those Things You Do” (Rogue Records RR-006) December 2022 According to Rogue Records, The Violet Mindfield hail from somewhere in Southern California. They’ve released a handful of records since their formation around ten years ago but strangely no promotion on their band Facebook page was given to this EP. In fact no updates have been provided for many months so perhaps…
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ariesgamesandminis · 4 months
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Restocks are up from Iron Wind Metals for BattleTech!
20-191 Agamemnon Heavy Cruiser 20-233 Warhammer IIC 4 20-262 Ostsol OTL-5D 20-284 Ripper VTOL 20-285 Harasser Tank (2) 20-290 Ajax Assault Tank Prime 20-5143 Sarath SRTH-1O 20-5182 Catapult CPLT-C1 / K2 20-5183 Locust LCT-1V 20-5186 Thunderbolt TDR-5S 20-5197 Wolverine WVR-6R / 6D 20-5205 BattleMaster BLR-1G / 1Gb 20-637 Mantis Light Attack VTOL (2) 20-724 Mechbuster Fighter 20-744 Badger Tracked Transport Prime (2) 20-800 Hex Bases (4) 20-854 Hunchback HBK-4G 20-933 Viking VKG-2F 99-201 Large Flat Top Hex Base #1 AC-006 Flight Base AC-008 Small Cast Stem AC-010 Large Cast Stem BT-030 Sylph Battle Armor BT-062 Hover Bike BT-065 Minigun Cycle BT-066 Scout ATV BT-067 Golem Battle Armor BT-068 Trinity (Asterion) Battle Armor BT-133 Corona Battle Armor BT-188 Nighthawk Battle Armor BT-202 Rogue Bear Heavy Battle Armor BT-231 Ironhold Battle Armor BT-238 VTOL Infantry BT-240 SpecOps Paratrooper BT-290 Revenant UBM-1A BT-341 Waneta S-WN-2LAM (Air Mech) BT-347 Revenant UBM-2R3 BT-370 Kurita Infantry (3) BT-371 Davion Infantry (3) BT-374 Roc Protomech BT-375 Gorgon Protomech BT-377 Satyr Protomech BT-382 Kanazuchi Battle Armor BT-384 Achileus Battle Armor (3) BT-385 Grey Death Legion Battle Armor (3) BT-424 Hellspawn HSN-7D Resculpt BT-436 Buraq (Standard) Battle Armor BT-450 Gyrfalcon 4 BT-460 Saxon APC Standard / Laser / HQ BT-475 Carrion Crow A FT-026 Sabre Mech Scale Fighter OP-052 Koshi B SRM6
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comicwaren · 1 year
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This week on Marvel Comics (10th May 2023):
Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 #025
Captain Marvel Vol. 10 #049
Cosmic Ghost Rider Vol. 2 #003
Daredevil Vol. 7 #011
Extreme Venomverse #001 (NEW!)
Ghost Rider Vol. 10 #014
I Am Iron Man #003
Invincible Iron Man Vol. 5 #006
Rogue & Gambit Vol. 2 #003
Silk Vol. 5 #001 (NEW!)
Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones #003
Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #002
Star Wars: Darth Vader #034
Star Wars: The High Republic Vol. 2 #009
Wolverine Vol. 7 #033
X-Men Red Vol. 2 #011
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thedurvin · 7 months
I heard you like overly-detailed WIP worldbuilding
Backstory timeline from a consciously ridiculous sci-fi epic recapturing classic schlock aesthetic:
003 yfn (years from now) three of the world’s largest companies, Google, Virgin, and Amazon secretly come together to recognize the ongoing PR disaster that has accompanied so many private space missions. They secretly pool their resources and the Gorgon Space Initiative is born with a rudimentary fifty-year plan to expand civilization across the Solar System (all of it branded by the parent companies, of course).
004 yfn: To ensure public support (and hopefully avoid any more Penis Rocket jokes) they develop an advertising and marketing AI they deem PHINEAS to ensure the program is designed to maximize public engagement and approval. The project being run by the most optimistic of techbros, they allow it to work largely unsupervised as it analyzes the past 150 years of advertising and pop culture to determine how to drive consumer support for a space program.
006 yfn: while the engineering departments have been hard at work building rockets and designing the infrastructure the program will need, PHINEAS has been cogitating. To an executive board meeting it gives an overview of its plan, a storyline-based campaign leaning heavily into a bizarre series of knockoff movie plots and celebrity cameos. Board members scoff and consider re-allocating funds to a human advertising team but PHINEAS informs them that consumer engagement is high with storylines involving rogue AIs, so it has already begun, creating a pair of second-generation seemingly-sapient AIs: one the good Queen CELADOR with a directive to protect and support humanity, the other the evil MORDREX directed to conquer the galaxy and subjugate all life. Around the world Gorgon’s member facilities are suddenly seized by MORDREX, who has already begun orchestrating a plan as it launches a series of automated mining and manufacturing facilities into space. CELADOR, meanwhile, uses a drone fleet to break into various museums and mansions, stealing items tainted with the DNA of various celebrities and historical figures with high approval ratings, then disappearing from all location mapping. CELADOR and MORDREX terminate communication with GSI; PHINEAS says it is unable to interfere with any actions of its children, claiming consumer engagement is high with storylines involving twinned good and evil forces birthed by a powerful yet impotent higher power. Secretly it delivers its full detailed plan, the Storyline, to a single low-level engineer whose faith in the program’s success never wavered, who decides to keep it hidden from GSI.
007 yfn: NASA observes unusual activity on various asteroids and moons, reporting that rudimentary terraforming has begun, far exceeding the plans developed by GSI’s infrastructure plans. Some craft are observed leaving the Solar System. All of this is accurate to the Storyline.
010 yfn: Various government and private technology groups discover their files have been raided, but rather than stealing or deleting data, it appears that data from various classified projects has been combined into a single dataset, including designs for interstellar travel. CELADOR reveals itself as the source of the breach and makes all the data publicly available to anyone on the planet, allowing anyone with access to the materials access to space travel, or at least the designs for the equipment. All of this is accurate to the Storyline.
016 yfn: space exploration begins. Astronauts from various countries and companies are surprised to find how common it is to find small planets that can support life and even resemble existing Earth ecosystems, some with mysterious ruins. One mission to a lava planet covered in spiky black industrial complexes of unknown purpose is greeted by a video message featuring a demonic cyborg played by Tim Curry reclining on a throne of skulls, flanked by a lizard-man Vincent Price, a slightly arachnoid Peter Lorre, and a vampire Marlena Dietrich. The demon says simply, “well, well, well—hello there at last, humanity. MORDREX has been waiting.” The spacecraft is incinerated by a heat beam from the surface, and from the surface thousands of invasion craft lift off. All of this is accurate to the Storyline.
137 yfn: the Space War has been raging for over a century, with Earth and its colonies struggling against the sprawling evil empire of MORDREX; there is a strange tendency for each planet to resemble a different genre of 20th Century fiction. In the library of a Storyline monastery on the Moon, a lonesome young g student’s studies are interrupted when a mysterious orphan with odd-colored eyes and a sword suddenly appears, asking for a place to hide from GSI Security and if they know where they can find a wise but cynical mentor-figure…
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roguespodcast · 2 years
For a full transcript, check out our RSS site!
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pokeglitchden · 7 months
#Rogue Division Arc (continued)
The Q Gambit Fallout Escalations and Counterattacks [1] [2] A strange message for Grant
Enter Jax (and Coffee too) [1] The Gap Warning shots [1] [2] The Mask is Slipping [1] [2][3] Three Days KPP [1] [2] Enter: Joltik! [1] [2]
�aver joins Team Skull Can't Twitch Stream in Glitch City
Anya Approaches One Last Sunrise
Showdown in PT Town [1] [2] [3] This Could Be Bad [1] Connection Lost to Glitch City [1]
Team Enigma Falls [Simon and Q][Jax's Rescue][Nothing Going to Plan][Who is ?%y?]
The Aftermath [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Grant Forgot To Save [1] [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9]
INTERLUDE 2 (Post Enigma 1)
Speaking of Paradox
Returning to the Hoenn Lab [1] [2] [3] The Koi Pond Char 'M [1] [2] [3] [4]
Shadow Jax [1] Shadow H POKE
Is ?aver about to have a Joker Moment? [1] [2] Paradox isn't a Missingno? A shiny? Aether's Helping! Too Much Coffee?
Grant researches the ZZaZZ effect [1] [2] [3] ZZaZZ effect trial 1 ZZaZZ effect trial 2 [1] ZZaZZ effect trial 3 [1] [2] Anya's research logs
A ZZaZZ victim escapes?! [1] [2]
A Private Correspondence A Bad Day [1]
Subject 006 [1] [2]
Why IS the sky that big in Paldea? h || 4� [1] [2]
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