#000 YEARS
tarohonii · 7 months
ian patrick my king loml if plot armour wasn't a 156 inch structure surrounded solely around Jiwoo im sure you would actually far more than a fighting chance against him.
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awakenedmaiden · 2 years
Slowly making progress on asks/drafts across blogs.
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sbnkalny · 1 year
That's the Golden Rule of the Alessians by a gulf of more eco-friendly energy and focus it on its side
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ta-teufel · 2 years
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Why you blushing, girl?!
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kel-mp4 · 1 year
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step 1 post kimty
step 2 ???
step 3 profit
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abyssal808 · 1 year
S1 Soulmate Au prompt inspired by @subbaculture 's prompt wherein "Eddie learns Tengwar just to be special and so Steve's been kicking around with "What's Kickin', Sexy?" on his body
What Tommy Hagan hadn’t been blessed with in terms of intelligence. God - in his allegedly infinite wisdom - had seen fit to redistribute into shoulder width.
Tommy, in turn, swanned around Hawkin’s High shoulder-checking every freak, geek and nerd into nearby lockers; with the kind of wingspan better suited to weirdly proportioned monkeys.
Hellfire members were no stranger to it. Two weeks ago Hagan had run into Gareth hard enough to leave a bruise. A “bump” with enough force behind it that he’d bounced off the lockers and landed on the floor.
Which, fine, two could play at that game. Even if Hagan could barely get his hand off Carol’s tits to realize there were counter-moves to be made at all.
A grade A dick move, even if it was also incredibly boring and pedestrian. The kind of thing jocks who barely had two braincells to rub together saw as peak comedy. Giggling like a cross between a group of cavemen and a flock of pre-school girls whenever their ring-leader du jour started herding freaks like a neurotic border collie.
“Watch it, freak.” Hagan hissed, skirting around Eddie without bothering to shove him at all. Giving a wide berth to whatever zone of contagious freak cooties being Eddie Munson brought to the table.
Behind him, Gareth - blocked from the rest of the hall by Eddie’s leather jacket, in a way only freshies were short enough to pull off - buried a laugh in a cough, muffled into the heel of his hand. Not missing the way that even Hagan - the most infamous asshole of them all - looked ready to bolt as soon as Eddie waved him off in a jaunty salute.
Victory tasted sweet and electric. Fizzing under his skin the way Wayne’s Miller Lites would bubble in the back of his throat, whenever Eddie stole a sip from the half open cans in the back of their fridge. It made him stupid in a way those brief tastes of beer hadn’t managed to yet.
Being The Freak came with perks. An untouchable radius that left Eddie drunk with power. Riding the high of knowing that maybe Highschool didn’t have to suck all the time. That he could play at being a rabid guard dog for the lost little sheep of the world, rail against dickheads like Hagan and win.
Maybe he could use it to plead temporary insanity for what he did next. Riding the high into a really, spectacularly stupid idea.
Everyone had their words.
Eddie’s were tucked away, hidden along the curve of his rib. A curly chicken scratch that mixed print and cursive into a barely legible mess.
‘Is that like, yiddish?’
A weird-ass question, until Eddie had pulled an all nighter on a now infamous school night, falling in love with Middle earth. Head filled with nothing but the dark halls of Khazad-dûm, the sweeping boughs of Lothlórien.
Speak friend and enter.
Pedo mellon a minno.
He’d traced the words over and over. Thrilled by the lilt, the cadence, the beautiful rise and fall of consonants no one else would understand.
Setting his heart there and then on the dorkiest greeting anyone could have come up with. But hey, it was original, which was half the battle people went through when picking soulmate greetings.
He’d gone through several variations. Always in Sindarin, because why the hell not.
People usually saved them, tucked them far away from casual conversation. Bizarre phrases, always non-sequitour, brought out only for special occasions. That lightning strike of instant attraction. People you could see yourself connecting with. Hoping they would be a part of you as much as you were theirs.
He couldn’t see himself connecting with Tommy Hagan in a million years. Not even if they waited in that hallway until the heat death of the universe.
But that didn’t mean he couldn’t terrorize him with the possibility.
“What’s Kickin’ Sexy?”
He yelled after Hagan’s retreating back, with its fuck-off wide shoulders; elvish mangled, but passable. Enjoying the rictus of horror on his face, going from anger to fear and back again.
He shifted on his heel, pushing Gareth further behind him in case things got ugly. Herding him back towards Jeff with little bumps, as both of them tried to muscle down their cackling. Nerdy enough to piece together the gist of what Eddie had been hollering about. Even if Jeff was better at Quenya, because he was a weirdo and a purist about that kind of shit.
All in all, a job well done, assuming Hagan didn’t flip his shit and start throwing punches to assert dominance.
Or at least, it felt like it, until Harrington - trailing behind Hagan - sucked all the air out of the room. Hands on his hips, a furrow on his brow, blurting it out without even thinking about it.
“Is that like, Yiddish?”
You could have heard a pin drop.
Panic clamped around Eddie’s throat like a vice. The same way Gareth’s hand, tiny and tense - he had yet to hit his growth spurt - wrapped around the edge of Eddie’s leather jacket. Pushing past the waistband of his jeans to claw at skin.
The side that mattered, one they both knew had those words that wrapped around Eddie’s chest. Curving towards the sternum.
Whatever face he was making gave it away instantly.
Harrington’s face shuttered and fell. A whole host of micro expressions that passed through in a second before he scrubbed them away. A pair of shaking hands that rubbed at his eyes and dragged down his face. Peeking at Eddie through a gap in his fingers.
“Jesus Christ it’s you; isn’t it?”
Behind Eddie, Gareth tugged him half a step back, nails digging into his hip. Little half-moon crescents he barely felt now, but would find later.
“Steve?” The waver in Hagan’s voice would have been funny if it wasn’t nauseating.
Terrifying, when Steve waved him off and stepped towards Eddie. Jerky and halting, like a puppet with half it’s strings cut.
“I can’t fucking believe this Munson. You gotta tell me if it is.” Steve bit out, with a wobble that sounded too trembling and confused to be anger. Even if it would come later.
It was probably coming later.
Anger always got there in the end, with boys like Harrington. Sharp comebacks and sharper right hook always winning out, spurred on by that bone-deep, animal fear of losing your place in the social food chain.
King Steve didn’t seem worried it yet though. Adding to the bizarre hilarity of the situation as he undid his belt and untucked his shirt to the concerned shouts of everyone left in the hall, witnesses to this trainwreck.
If Eddie hadn’t been convinced he’d died and gone to purgatory a minute earlier. He would have been convinced there and then.
As Steve Harrington turned around, bunched his striped polo up high and his khaki’s down low. Stripping down to show the athletic curve of a hip. The dip of a waist that looked small next to his swimmer’s shoulders - almost wide enough to rival Hagan’s - a scattering of moles that dusted across his lower back, framing his mark.
There, on King Steve’s back, bracketed by dimples, low enough to count as a truly slutty tramp stamp sat Eddie’s words. The swooping curves of Tengwar branded into his skin.
“What’s kickin’, Sexy?”
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canisalbus · 1 year
hey! do you consider yourself a furry? if so, do you enjoy being in the community? if not, what label do you use, and why? (been wanting to ask this for a while:))
Sure, I don't mind being called a furry. My art certainly qualifies as furry art and my characters are furry characters. But I've never been that connected or active in the furry fandom in general. There's a lot of core experiences that I'm missing: I don't have a fursona, I don't own a fursuit and I've never been to a furry con. My online circles are very furry-centric but I don't think any of my irl friends consider themselves furries, despite our shared tastes and interests.
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doccywhomst · 9 months
truly nothing has been funnier than watching people call fourteen’s eps “woke” cuz like
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final-act · 10 months
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the fact that the harrow nova universe implies that gideon is now the necromancer makes me crave a true role reversal au. like, one where everyone's roles are reversed.
just imagine. ianthe and coronabeth as cavaliers. babs as a necromancer. palamedes as a cavalier. camilla as a necromancer.
fuck it. go even further;
lock john in the tomb.
idea: alecto locked him in the tomb when she realized he had too many powers for one human to have, and had become an active threat.
now, this leaves us in a universe where....alecto is the emperor. and to be completely fair, her overall personality and demeanor fit the role of god much better than john's. which leaves us with two very different versions of mercymorn and augustine. a mercymorn and augustine who are, for one, absolutely terrified of the emperor of the nine houses, and a mercymorn and augustine who know they can't threesome their way into a betrayal. and maybe, just maybe, they're not too fond of the whole "locked our friend in a tomb on pluto for 10 000 years" thing.
as for john himself, idk man. maybe some time in the tomb would do him some good. a few thousand years to, like, y'know. think about the whole "destroyed the universe" thing. also, i just like the idea of him, at the end of the nova universe's version of ntn, walking out of the tomb and saying something stupid like "what year is it?" "10008" "damn it. my alarm didn't go off."
oh, also, pyrrha in control of g1deon for the entirety of htn, only for g1deon to emerge at the end. haven't given this idea that much thought, but i'm sure there are g1deon enthusiasts who could do it justice.
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lithi · 1 year
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Eugh finally got it!! The shrines were fun. But now I can’t stop pondering about why and how Link’s past incarnation was a Zonai lmao…
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blmpff · 10 months
Playboyy episode 5 sneak peek
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butcharium · 4 months
I am looking up paleolithic Venus figurines for reasons but just came across one that looks EXACTLY like my girlfriend I wanna cry 😭😭😭
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Soooo in 2022 I was doing all these colour palette drawings with my OCs and I didn't draw them as much last year and I miss them so much so I decided to pick up the colour palette drawings again this year cause they're simple but really fun :D
Anyway here's my boy he means more to me than you could ever know.
NEARLY FORGOT I used the palette Unholy Flame (very fitting for this guy >:3) from @color-palettes! Gonna be using a lot more of them in the future, they're really good ✨
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solradguy · 3 months
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I've been flirting with the idea of reading all like 500 Vampire Hunter D books and found this image from a cancelled comic project where D was going to go to America and it's sending me. D goes to a bodega, feed him 7/11 hotdogs and take him to a ball game. I would love for D to experience Cincinnati chili
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Wow, what an interesting premise, I can't wait to see where this fic/comic/etc goes-
*Lilith character assassination*
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