#.oh i love mikah so much
sansloii · 1 year
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META + competition // for Mikah
Mikah is very competitive and takes that shit personally. a lot of their younger years were marked by them going "hmm....I don't like that this person is better than me so i think i will do something about that." and then proceeding to be just about the most frustratingly disruptive entity in existence for the person in question.
It's not always them jumping up to 10 when they wanna try to ruin someone's life or reputation. they're 100% focused on it, yes, but it makes zero sense to just throw every idea they have all at once when it's not a sure guarantee that it'll work. so if it isn't a split second decision, Mikah will think about it for days, weeks, and draw it out. they will dig so deeply to find things said person might've forgotten about or... someone they've known that's not too close to them but close enough to get what they want out of them. for them, just acting and causing someone distress or inconveniencing them temporarily is not enough because what does that get them? They get something out of it but it's fleeting. It's like... tripping them and then running away without really making sure they won't get back up, ya feel? Mikah is the type to tie the shoelaces together and ( if they're long enough ), make sure they're wrapped around the person's ankles as well. If they need glasses to see, Mikah will take them off and keep 'em and continue doing things to actively make their life harder and it gets progressively more vindictive with shit to make sure it's easier to stay down compared to trying to get back up. Then, while said person is preoccupied with undoing with whatever Mikah's done, the little shit then goes and reaps whatever rewards were on the table.
their M.O is essentially "distract and nab" in the most painfully disruptive, calculating way possible. they might not look it, especially given how carefree and careless they seem to be with just about....everything, but that's partly how they choose to be. when they wanted something and also wanted someone else out of the way, they got said person fully out of the way before they did anything else. it'd be effortlessly easy for them to kill someone that, to them, doesn't need to be there... but it's somewhat harder to work around, subvert, sabotage someone that's alive and possibly... just as good as you are--if not better. and Mikah wants that accomplishment, to know that this person was above them in some way but they still prevailed. which now makes them better.
on top of that, mikah is the type that wants that person to know deep down that this shitty little red head with a piece of shit smile are the one that fucked them over... so... yeah :) unsurprisingly, it's this type of competitiveness and selfishness that gets them killed that first time. it's what gets them killed more oft than not because mikah does not care about their life because death is not a consequence — it's just a condition that they are living by. And so, they treat it like any other condition ; by managing it while they focus their attention on fucking up your life so bad, you'll wonder what you did to them ( Answer: nothing ) Oh and lord help you if you back off and then fuck them over in turn after they've let their guard down. They'll admit you're justified in that.... but that won't stop them from turning around and picking up right where they left off.
@nezumivc103221 | send META + a word, name, or phrase for a headcanon
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ateez-himari · 3 months
[240707] A TO Z CLOSING
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[PM 11:01] I had so much fun meeting this many of our precious Tiny at once, thank you for making both days so wonderful!
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[PM 11:02] Don't worry the costume wasn't as heavy as it looked ㅋㅋ It was really hot inside though so I had to wipe my skin after we changed out of them, but it was fun being a real tiger for a while!
[PM 11:02] I knew the child I carried don't worry, she's my niece! Apparently she kept asking my brother if they could go see 'Ma-i' (me) soon and since there were free seats management gave it to them. I heard she loved our aniteez so much that she made her mom buy a plush at the exit 🥹
[PM 11:03] Hmm...I wouldn't say it was hard preparing for the fanmeet but since there were other schedules that we needed to fly to it was definitely tiring. For the first time in a while I felt nervous about forgetting choreography
[PM 11:04] Oh yeah! I definitely didn't expect I would get the Maestro challenge, especially not the footwork...so I was shaking a little. I'm glad I got to do the normal chorus too because I really like the choreography
[PM 11:05] Deja vu, Guilty and Midas Touch were really fun as well, but I liked all of them! I wish I could have done all of the girl group ones, I knew them all ㅜㅅㅜ
[PM 11:05] I bet you guys were surprised by the cover stages too! I was kind of sad that none of the members wanted to do Accendio with me so I had to sing it by myself, but Feel So Good was so fun! Yongguk Sunbaenim sent me a message about it after because he saw it on social media ㅋㅋ
[PM 11:06] Also there was a very nice Tiny who let me take home an Arimyang plush with a really cute custom outfit! I think they said their name was Mikah. It's on my shelf now
[PM 11:07] After the amount of times we've done it you guys are still surprised when Mingi oppa and I kiss? ㅋㅋ We did it on the side stage so we didn't think you'd see
[PM 11:07] I was crying yes ㅜㅅㅜ It's just that seeing so many people here just to meet us made me a little emotional. It's hard to believe every time you know, but it's all thanks to you that we're able to do this ♡
[PM 11:07] Yeah Hongjoong oppa and I got emotional together. We were the first two trainees at KQ and he's the reason I'm here, so our hug was a little nostalgic
[PM 11:08] I'm glad to hear you all enjoyed yourselves! I hope we can meet like this again another time...I didn't really want to leave either
[PM 11:08] But I do have to go now, our dorm is going out to get some street food and the place is half an hour walk away
[PM 11:08] We could but walking is so much better in this weather, especially since we might see the others around after. The two other dorms are also going out and to places pretty close to ours
[PM 11:09] We said if we met up then we'd go shopping at those little street shop thingies. I'm running out of art supplies and they usually have what I need so I hope we go. We might also drink a bit but don't tell anyone!
[PM 11:09] Anyway my lovely Tinys I'll see you soon ♡ Love you so much, kisses!
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c28hunter · 11 months
1, 30 and 24 :D <3
what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
Oh well, let's see...
One of the first things that come into my mind is being a daughter of a single, kind of old, mother. Aaand having no relationship with my father (he's a dick). It made me very distrustful towards men, messed my self esteem and general world view for a long time
I guess doing martial arts since being 7. It created my love for fighting sports and made me so eager to try new ones! But also made me not accept the fact that I have to rest and that pain during exercises is not a good thing... heh
Käärijä. THIS MAN CHANGED MY WHOLE VIEW ON MY BODY! AND MY CHAOTIC CHARACTER! Oh, he made me so much braver in expressing myself! Loving him for this forever
24. what's one thing you're proud of yourself for?
Getting out of ED, or at least being like 86% out of it!
30. what's one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
My friends. Literally my two best friends <3 When I'm feeling bad, their first strategy is to make me laugh. I remember once in primary, when I was on the edge of breaking down, one of my best friends threw a joke about getting freckles and I started laughing. And it made me feel better. They are the best
Questions I think it would be fun to be asked
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salemsimss · 2 years
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Beginning | Previous | Next
Transcript below the cut
[Leaves rustling]
[Multiple people shouting in the distance]
Man: I'm gonna ask you this one more time. Why the fuck were you looking at my girl?
Louise: Babe, stop-
Isaac: I wasn't.
Man: Then who were you looking at?!
Isaac: Definitely not you.
Man: You-
Louise: Seriously, stop!
Man: Why're you defendig him?
Louise: I'm not-
Man: But you are, though.
Mikah: Is this really necessary?
Isaac: [Yawns]
Man: Oh, I'm sorry, am I boring you?
Isaac: Yes.
Mikah: Can we just go, please?
Sorya: [Clears throat]
Man: The fuck do you want?
Louise: Shut up! That's Sorya!
Man: Who?
Louise: You can't be serious.
Mikah: [Sigh] He's the bar manager at Mooniva, and he works here. [Gestures to the tattoo shop]
Sorya: So what's all this about, then?
Louise: [Sigh] Wouldn't you like to know...
Man: Just dealing with this street scum.
Isaac: Tell him why.
Man: Shut up, cunt.
Isaac: Make me.
Man: I'm gonna fucking kill you.
Sorya: Enough.
Louise: [Hushed] Babe, seriously. He's not worth it.
Isaac: You should listen to your girlfriend.
Man: Shut. Up.
Isaac: This wet wipe over here thinks I was making a move on his girlfriend or whatever.
Sorya: Well, were you?
Isaac: [Scoff] Of course not. Not my fauly he feels threatened by me.
Louise: I don't think-
Man: I'm not threatened by him. My girl's got standards.
Isaac: Not very high standards, apparently.
Louise: Hey! Rude, much?!
Mikah: You are not a very nice person...
Isaac: Oh, really? What gives you the impression?
Sorya: [Sigh] If you're gonna fight, can you at least go somewhere else? I don't particularly want to end up distracted at work.
Louise: They're not going to fight, we have places to be. Isn't that right?
Man: [Grumbles]
Mikah: We were just leaving anyway. There's a train we really need to catch!
Louise: Great, let's go. Babe!
Man: [Mutters] I'm coming...
Sorya: Isaac. Why am I not surprised? Having fun, were you?
Isaac: Yeah, you know me. Making new friends every day.
Sorya: With that guy? You've got shit taste.
Isaac: Figured I'd broaden my horizons, you know?
Sorya: What're you doing here anyway?
Isaac: Jheez, Sorya. Am I not allowed to go for a nice, early morning run?
Sorya: Fuck off were you going for a run.
Isaac: Y'got me there. Was picking up drugs.
Sorya: [Snort] Of course you were.
Isaac: Yeah, and then that fuck stopped me, but it's fine, because Prince Charming came to the rescue.
Sorya: Oh, so I'm not Superman anymore, then?
Isaac: Nah, you've just got promoted.
Sorya: [Laughs] Good to know.
Isaac: As lovely as this was, I've got beatings to avoid so...
Sorya: [Snort] Of course you do.
Sorya: Don't get killed!
Isaac: I make no promises!
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dracwife · 2 years
WAA ok. so. theres two of them unfortunately. the older of them is harley and shes a little troublemaker. like shes literally like a smaller mickey. she def looks like him, and one of the stuff they like to do is go get their hair done together [ sobs ] they both get it dyed dark even tho mickey can do it himself at home he makes a whole day of it for them just to spend time w/ her ?? tony is lowkey biased and spoils her too smh he calls himself her uncle and takes her to see movies like constantly and tells her all kinds of dumb trivia "so shes cultured unlike her parents" LMAO. he also calls her wednesday a lot bc shes into like horror and stuff and the dark hair and all that -- abby adopts that one too tbh .. mickey calls her lee lowkey after gibbs and tim calls her harls !! dont tell anyone but tim reeeeeally pushed for harley as a name and its definitely not because of harley quinn. why would you think that, ever. shes kind of quiet but is super friendly, she just doesnt talk much unless someone else says something first, so she's usually just 👁️👄👁️ in the corner which is why tony is so "you really are just an addams family character arent you" but when she does talk shes such a charismatic sweetheart
shes three years older than her brother as well which. brings me to the other little shit
their son is named mikah! hes honest to god physically a smaller tim. like literally looks the same. hes also generally much much quieter than his sister ?? but definitely just as smart, its just a little harder for him to apply it yknow. for a while they thought he was just nonverbal but he just really doesnt like to talk at all unless its to his parents or a select few ppl (read: the team)
he loves loves loves abby! when she found out how little he talks she was like "oh no problem i got it" and honestly she was probably one of the best things to happen to him just bc of how well she was able to handle the whole situation; she teaches him sign language and it rlly helps him get more comfortable with communication in general its very very sweet all around. otherwise hes like. glued to tims leg or mickeys shoulders. one of his favorite hobbies is ofc playing video games w his dads smh (they let him win but dont tell him that)
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kjscottwrites · 2 years
Happy STS! What would be your OC's big musical song, the song that would define their character, alone on the stage, the one people would think of immediately when their name comes up? @catharticallysarcastic
Thank you @catharticallysarcastic !! This is such a good question! I'm gonna do a bunch of the Cavernous characters (all? Who knows lets see how far i get)
Joanna has a lot of runners up (her playlist is full of bops) like ummm Motorbike by Leon Bridges and This Feeling by Alabama Shakes BUT in the end, its gotta be...
More under the cut bc I know these Spotify links take up an annoying amount of space on the dash!
oh it's this one :))))
Um Irina canonically has really questionable and chaotic music taste lmao. I feel like she calls me daddy by KiNG MALIA could be the one but it needs to be... tackier so
this one is really so funny because it's a 100% DEAD HEAT TIE and its..... these two???
Hm.. maybe this one? (Putting together Mikah's playlist has been a little more puzzling than the others)
OMG never has a song been better at capturing Kairus' cockiness and also crybaby-ness. Its for sure this one.
(how much do i love a song that does a heel turn halfway thru?? do not get me started)
Oliver's playlist honestly has too many bangers I'll never be able to choose (It would probably be an AJR song tho! His playlist is almost entirely boy bands and is so so fun to listen to it's become my regular work commute playlist) and I haven't started putting together playlists for the remaining cast so here's this for now!
Gonna pop the taglist on this one :) Thank you again for the question!
Taglist: @ultimatecryptid , @kainablue , @asher-writes, @saraheadriance, @maxgraybooks, @thelaughingstag, @artbyeloquent, @ellierenae, @calico-fiction @wildswrites @galaxy-writer , @raisapathy @crazybunchwriting
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darlingsdevil · 4 years
Of The Valley (Joel x Reader)
Chapter 9: I Sense There’s Something in The Wind (Part 1)
Summary: Life in Jackson is never easy. Consoling angsty teenagers, wading through the mysterious waters of Joel’s romance language and with a child of your own on the way? Life is about to get a lot harder.
RDR2 Masterlist
Tag list (comment to be added): @sidepuff @joelsheartache @fangirl-inthe-us @scarletpines @mikah-writes @sleepylunarwolf @mr-robot-x @shybookdragon @heughan @writer-jamie @nelliecraine
A/N: *sigh* so much has happened since I last updated. School royally beat me up, I’m constantly tired and have no motivation to write, left a toxic boyfriend! Life has not been kind to me recently but I am trying my best to live it up and learn, but at least I am doing well in school. Sacrifice your sanity to do well in school I guess. I got a guitar too.. okay now I’m just rambling. Updates will be slower as time continues. Constantly fatigued and getting four hours of sleep a night doesn’t work well.
Happy spooky season
This chapter will be in two parts since I couldn’t find the motivation to write the rest of the chapter on Halloween.
Life was quiet until the festival and party, like it had been for months prior. Decorations were put up, apples were picked from the orchards just outside town, costumes were made, pumpkins carved, ghost stories told. The festival was only two days, the first day being the children’s night and day activities, the second being the Halloween party.
Maria gave everyone who’s job wasn’t totally necessary the day off. Which meant the bar closed. You were more than happy to have two days of rest. You purchased two pumpkins this year, carving a ghost into one and a goofy face into another, you were going to light them the night of the party. The first day of the festival — children’s night, where the kids threw a mini parade around town in their costumes and carved pumpkins and got a free bar of candy from the confectionar. They played games, ghost in the graveyard being a popular one when it got dark outside, of course however, Maria limited their playing field. You watched the parade during the day and then you went home. The kids made makeshift noise makers and adults lined the streets as the kids walked by, laughing, smiling, shouting, it was all good fun.
You weren’t sure whether you were going to dress up or not, no ideas came to mind. Last year you went as an angel and a devil with Mark, hence his nickname Devil Boy, his birthday was October 30th, the first day of the celebration.
Today was his birthday. You hadn’t spotted Joel or Ellie at the parade, you briefly said hi to Maria and Tommy, as well as Dina. You were sure Ellie and Cat were dreading cleanup, as well as the other teenagers. You wondered if Ellie and Dina had made up yet, or had her and Cat.
After the parade, there wasn’t much to do. You took down the flowers on your porch, you trimmed the bushes outside, cut the grass, washed the windows, dusted the house, scrubbed the floors. Your house was beginning to feel lively again, like a brand new fresh start. It took a few hours to complete all your tasks, taking short breaks in between. By the time you were finished, night had fallen. You were nervous about tomorrow, were things going to end up like the last night you had spent with Joel? Mark was gone.. you didn’t need to worry about him. Were you ready for that? Sure, you had asked for him to take you.. but were you ready to go that far? There was uneasiness between both of you, feelings wouldn’t change that. You would have to talk, have him listen, pray he would understand. Was now a good time to tell him everything?
You rested your hand over your bump as you sat on the couch, watching an old soap opera you had on DVD. The baby was definitely getting bigger. It was hard to think about it, but a small part of you was excited. There was the thought of names, baby clothes, toys. You wondered if it was a girl or boy. It was strange to think of a baby who looked like Mark.. it would be hard to look at the baby and not see him in his final moments. You already occasionally thought you saw him for a fleeting moment, down the corner of the street, in the crowd of the filled bar, a passerby holding themself the same way he did.
How would you even tell Joel? There was so much you needed to say, there was time, there was just too much that needed to be said. Joel had enough on his plate, maybe you wouldn’t tell him at all and continue on for the rest of your life blissfully ignoring him. That was too cruel though. Your relationship with Joel was.. complicated. You left things off for three months on an unfinished note, at least he was open to going on a date with you.
There were other people to tell too. If you gave birth, people would begin asking around for Mark. The truth would come out eventually. You always knew it would. Perhaps you will have thought of a lie by then. Perhaps he left to join a group of free spirited clicker killing hippies. That seemed like a good enough lie as any.
But for now, you wanted to rest. You wanted to sit back and watch the tide roll in, without a worry in your mind.
“Welcome miss..?” The man began.
“Y/N,” You replied, reaching out your hand to shake his.
“Tommy. Welcome,” He smiled warmly. You had finally found the esteemed settlement after weeks of travel.
“Mark,” Mark said, shaking Tommy’s hand, marveling at the sight of the town. Tommy had stopped you while you checked in and got acquainted with the town, already having a talk with Maria.
“Where you guys coming from? Always good to see some new faces round here.”
“I’m from Denver,” Mark told him.
Tommy’s face paled very slightly, not even you or Mark noticed.
“How are things there? Heard some stuff went down a while back.”
“Not too sure, I left right when things got messy.” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“And you?” Tommy looked towards you, waiting for your response.
“Oh, all over. Living on my own last few years, besides Mark here of course.” You beamed at Mark.
“How did you two meet?” This was starting to sound more like an interrogation, but you pushed it to the side, they were only being cautious. Maria already heard your and Mark’s story, others would want to as well.
“I found her a few months ago, passing through a town when I saw a group get overrun by a horde. I was trying to hide in an apartment building when I fell right into her camp. Almost blew my head off, but hey, gotta stay sharp,” Mark chuckled.
“He told me about a settlement up in Wyoming, I decided it was worth a shot so we ended up here, had nowhere else to go,” You finished.
“Well glad you two made it safe and sound, welcome to Jackson.”
You woke up in a coldsweat, dazed from sleep. Your hand on your bump, you realized, you must have done it in your sleep.
Mark. His baby. You glanced over at your clock. 11:34 PM. Technically still his birthday.
Last year, you managed to find vintage band posters for him for his birthday. You made him cake too, then you snuck out and went to the lake and watched the stars. They looked different than what you remembered, even though you lived under them, there was something serene about being there. Silence, waters reflecting the moonlight, and stars, the only thing you could see for miles. It was peaceful, quiet, yet it was full of life.
And so when you found yourself climbing the steps into his loft, sitting on his dusty bed with his dog tags resting on your neck, the moonlight streaming in from the curtains, just a sliver open, far enough to see a star. Perhaps they looked the same, maybe they were the same. Maybe you were the one who had changed.
“I’m pregnant,” You whispered into the silence.
“I’m pregnant and it’s yours, Mark.”
No echo, no cabinet slamming shut down stairs, no creaking footsteps. Silence.
“Happy birthday,” You said out loud as you closed the door.
The night of the party, you lit your pumpkins when it got dark and headed to Joel’s house. You hadn’t seen much of him since he had been over, you talked to him briefly one morning, but your schedules were always conflicting. You were nervous about seeing him. Being close to him again.
You found an old cat costume from years ago. A cat headband, a clip on tail, all black clothes. It was simple enough. Since you had been wearing Mark’s dogtags so much, you decided to opt with them, not wearing them felt like you were missing some part of yourself. You doubted Joel would dress up, he wouldn’t be out of place if he didn’t, and you wouldn’t be out of place in your costume either. It was 50/50.
You were surprised to see pumpkins out by Ellie’s house as you entered through the gate, your heart strumming loudly. It looked like she had carved some strange face into a pumpkin, you would have to ask her what it was supposed to be later.
You knocked on Joel’s door, starting down at your shoes, the cold air nipping at your skin. He answered almost immediately.
“How do I look?” You said smugly, turning so he could see your tail, doing a little twirl as you did. He wasn’t wearing a costume — like you expected.
“Dashing. You ready to go?” He smiled.
“Of course. Let’s go.”
It was an exceptionally short walk to the church and bonfire. Jackson was a small city, especially considering Joel lived right next to Main Street. They had decorated the streets quite nicely, pumpkins, hay bales, corn stalks, squash, a warm glow seemingly in every window. The leaves twirling around like fire.
The church came into view, the bonfire in the backyard of the church. Groups of people walked in, you could hear the music from here. Joel walked close to you, which you noticed. Close enough, but far enough to not be super suspicious.
He held the door open for you, the music becoming loud as he did. Mark told you once that he loved the rhythms of music, that he could feel the pulse in him, that’s why he liked music so much. Perhaps you could get the person in charge of music to play Bill Withers..
Shit. What if someone asked about Mark? Would they notice? What would you even say? That he was sick? How long until someone would really go looking for him?
Would Joel notice your small bump? You tried to wear baggy clothes. You didn’t have to worry about Maria spilling your secrets — she was trustworthy.
Inside of the church, the party was booming. It smelt of cinnamon and leaves, whiskey and good times. It seemed like all of Jackson was there. People in simple costumes, others dressing normally. You spotted Maria and Tommy, Tommy nodded at you two when you entered.
The song they played was very folksy and upbeat. A crowd had already started dancing, you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading on your face. No sign of Ellie, but you did spot Cat, as well as Jessie and Dina. On opposite sides of the room of course.
“So, what do you want to do? Drinks?” Joel asked as he led you to the side of the room.
“Oh no, I’m good for now, but don’t stop yourself from getting one.” .
“Sure thing,” Joel replied, setting off to the makeshift bar table that was set up.
You watched the people dance, remembering how Mark used to pull you into the circle.
“Come on Y/N! It’ll be fun!” Mark laughed, trying to pull you over to the circle.
“Nope. I’m not doing it.”
“Well you’re going to. I don’t care, you have to.” He yanked you forward, pulling you to the dancefloor.
You stood stiffly as a rock. You felt like every eye in the room was on you, even though you really knew they could care less, caring more about nursing a drink or trying to hear the latest gossip.
The music was upbeat and fast, good dancing music. He slowly began to dance, one eyebrow cocked to invite you to join him. The room was orange and bright, it seemed like it was glowing.
“Come on,” He said with a singsong tone. Grabbing your arm and shaking it to the beat.
His dancing became more loose and free, smiling the entire time, a twinkle in his eye. He took your arm and twirled you and leaned you into his arms.
“It’s pretty easy.”
“Not for me,” You grumbled as the music ended.
A slower song came on and Mark groaned, his devil horns tilted slightly on his head. “Alright, looks like we have to slow dance now.” He grabbed your arms and locked them around his neck, then placed his hands on your waist. His hands were like tiny firecrackers on you, every touch sparking as his fingertips gently rubbed against your hips. He was passion.
“You know it’s easier if you just give in.”
“Never,” You hissed playfully.
“Well then just sway with me. That’s all we gotta do, sway,” He told you softly. You rolled your eyes, but you gave in.
The music channeled through him. You liked watching it overcome him, his eyes becoming distant like the music was speaking to him.
“Do you think everyone is looking at us?” You asked, glancing around the room.
Mark gently returned to the surface, “Why would they be looking? Only you and me and the music right now.”
You fought the urge to kiss him. You didn’t want people looking. You had kissed him so many times before, but there was that nagging feeling in you. Like a shadow that trailed you. A thought pushed to the back of your mind.
As if on cue, Mark’s eyes trailed lower to your lips, he leaned in gently to you, as if he were to break under your touch. His lips met yours and a heavy feeling underneath a spark set in. An undercurrent of rapid waters that threatened to pull you under.
Who was watching you?
Joel came back with his drink, a glass of whiskey.
You glanced over at the drink, humor in your voice, “Heavy hitters so soon?”
Joel chuckled lightly, taking a sip from his drink.
“You sure you don’t want anything?” He asked you. You shook your head.
“Alright well a few more drinks and I’ll be out there on the dancefloor in no time.”
“Didn’t take you as much of a dancer, cowboy.”
“Oh, I’m not. More like a dying chicken with its head cut off,” He laughed, shaking his head. Couples bounced to the music. You couldn’t remember ever having seen Joel dance, then again at parties you were almost always preoccupied.
“Do you want to head outside to the bonfire?” You asked him, seeing the glow through the windows.
You led him to the backyard where the more mellow crowd was. It was crisp outside, and awfully cold, you wished you would had brought a better jacket.
The sky was crystal clear and the stars were brilliant. The only truly good thing you could think of that came out of the apocalypse was no more light pollution. The stars were true and had looked that way for years.
The fire was large and powerful, it crackled and hissed but the warmth was inviting. Groups of people chatted around the fire, Joel led you to a fallen log by the fire where you could sit.
The party chatter and the muffled sound of the music could still be heard from outside, the looming walls right next the church wasn’t the best view, but the stars were all you needed.
“Nice night, huh?” Joel asked, looking up to the sky.
“Yeah,” You said, your teeth chattering slightly. You rubbed your hands together and aimed them towards the fire. Joel had brought a jacket at least.
“Do you want my jacket?”
You blinked. “No, no, it’s fine, I’ll just uh..” You trailed off, you wanted his jacket.
Joel chuckled quietly, shaking his head. He shrugged off his leather jacket and placed it around you. You felt your cheeks grow warm, and it wasn’t just because of the fire, you turned your head away and looked down briefly.
You looked back up at the stars, receiving courage from those little stamps of light. You leaned your head against his shoulder. He was warm, he felt safe, like a blanket wrapped around you. It was a natural feeling. You pulled his jacket up so it covered your neck. You wanted to stay like this forever.
God, you wanted to kiss him. You wanted to tilt your head up and place a gentle kiss on his lips. You wanted to kiss him in front of the stars, you wanted to kiss him in front of the fire, you wanted to kiss him on the dancefloor. You wanted to kiss him, you wanted to feel the way he felt against you, you wanted to share that sacred feeling like you’re the only two people in the world again.
But no, you couldn’t. Three months and you ghosted him. He was rightly upset with you. There were things you had to say. But he was here now, going on a date with you, giving you his jacket. The feelings were still there it seemed. A part of you was relieved.
You let yourself fully relax, he placed an arm around your shoulder.
You stayed like that for awhile, simply watching the fire crackle and the stars twinkle. Time was no foe anymore.
In a way it felt like Mark was there too, maybe it was the fact that it was Halloween, maybe it was the strange imbalance of practically everything in your life. It felt like he was there and he was smiling at you.
Joel was smiling too.
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henriiiii-1001old · 3 years
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ayyyy another redraw from ya boiiiii
i’m rly proud of this, and god i’ve improved so much from last time again! i’ve grown to love these two so much, especially these designs!
also, i made a revised version of the old story i made for the old drawing! so here’s a new one to celebrate ^^ (click the “Keep reading for the story)
     I remember our first kiss. Sure, it was so long ago and yet it feels like it was just yesterday. You were discharged from the hospital and we held hands on our way out. Your warm skin was touching mine once again, and oh how lovely that felt back then. You took me to your favorite spot in the next town over, New Harmony. The place you grew up. You parked the car and rushed the both of us outside and stood on the middle of the bridge, the sun just about to set.      You asked me, ”So, you like the view?”      “It’s lovely,” I responded. “I could stare at it forever.”      “You wouldn’t stare at me forever?”      I was confused. I didn’t know what you meant at that moment, as I was oblivious to your love for me. Even the glimmer in your eyes going somewhat dim when you said that. While you didn’t seem upset, now when I look back I could tell you were.      “I mean, if I could live forever. Then yes,” I responded, hopefully not giving it away that I had loved you too.      “I just wanted to thank you for visiting me every day,” you began talking, facing the sunset as you did so. “I remember feeling your hand clutching mine every time you cried. I felt it while I was unconscious. But that’s because I kept dreaming about you. I kept feeling you, hearing you cry every visit. And I remember every time I saw you leave, I got sad too. I wanted you to stay with me. And well…”      You had turned back to me, the shine back in your eyes. God they’re beautiful now as they were back then, those shining emerald eyes that I could never mistake for someone else. You had even stood closer to me, which I hadn’t really noticed now that I think about it.      And then you continued, “Well, I can stay with you for however long forever will last.”      I didn’t understand what that meant, but looking at you, my face felt beet red. God, it’s always embarrassing when I turn red because I always felt it, but at that moment I was too focused on your caring, joyous smile that made you so lovable.      I came to my senses for a little bit and I had asked you, “What do you mean?”
     And that’s when it happened.
     You had grabbed my right wrist lightly and placed a hand on my left cheek. You had to stand on your tippy toes in order to reach my lips. And then you placed your lips on mine. It felt like I was in heaven. At first I didn’t know how to enter its gates, but as I gave in more and more to you, the more those gates opened. The way you had kissed me so lovingly made my heart flutter, and I never wanted that moment to end. I ended up swinging both of my arms around your waist to bring us closer. I just wanted to hold you and enter heaven with you, because I knew that at that point I never wanted to separate from you.      But that time came for us to part, as we had trouble breathing during our moment above the clouds. We simply looked at each other lovingly and smiled. I let tears run down my face as I laughed with joy. My feelings for you had been reciprocated, and that was all I ever wanted. Sure, we didn’t even know each other very well, but we could get to know each other more than ever now.      I love you so much, Jeremy. I hope you can come back soon, wherever you are… I miss you so much my love…
Your loving husband,
     Mikah Fitzgerald
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The Fallen Fireflies (Favored Ones, Part 15.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Part summary: Every year, there is a horde of infected coming through the areas near the Jackson settlement. And just like every year, Tommy Miller is about to handle the situatiion. 
A/N: If’d play the YouTube playlist, you will notice a really strong shift in the tones. We’re not in the honeymoon phase anymore, babies.
Warning: Infected, Tommy being a brother-in-law you wish for and our favorite golf player appearing for the first time. 
Word count: 4.6 K
Tagging:   @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme​​ @peakymarvels​​ @davnwillcome​ @pickleriiick​ @jodiereedus22​ @gladiosamicitias​ @tamkashi​ @eternallyvenus​ @avengerssstuff​ @fangirl-inthe-us​ @avery-miller​ @mikah-writes​ @mad-hatter-98​ @sadiaafrin99​ @flavorishy
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
Youtube playlists: JACKSON DAYS | SEATTLE DAYS
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The spring of 2038, the day of the incident:
Joel kept you awake until almost four a.m., but you were more than okay with it, especially when he moaned your name into the crook of your neck while having you tangled all over himself with you having your fingers entwined with his.
But that was why you were so grumpy when something woke you up in the morning. It was roughly six o'clock, the sky was still dark and cloudy. But it woke you up nonetheless since Joel was still in a deep coma at the time, snoring into the pillow, having his arm lazily thrown over your belly.
When you realized someone's knocking on the house's door, you lazily got up and went to answer it - after putting in Joel's briefs and the shirt he wore yesterday. The air outside was cold and it hit you as soon as you opened up. It was Tommy, looking away.
"Hey, Joel, there's this thing I want to talk to you about... Oh, shit." - Only the last sentence belonged to you. He rose his eyebrows and watched you. Your hair was a mess, your eyes were sleepy and according to your clothes, it wasn't too hard to figure out what was the last activity you and Joel were doing. - "Is he here?" - Tommy got out with serious trouble, almost choking on those words.
"He's sleeping. He went to bed God knows when after talking to Ellie. Wanna come in, have a coffee, and tell me what's going on? Or it's a private matter?" - You asked politely, stepping aside so he could come in. Tommy smiled at you, nervously stepping inside, taking his jacket off.
"Coffee always sounds good. Won't he be angry with me after you'll touch his stash?" - Joel’s brother asked with a quiet laugh, his joking persona was slowly coming back. With a smirk, you turned your head at Tommy when you lightened up the fire under the kettle. - "I know my ways with him, Tommy. He will be angry a bit, but trust me, he'll calm down rather quickly." - You said confidently, preparing a herb tea for yourself.
"You two were a hell of a surprise yesterday, I tell you that, girl. I still can't quite believe that you two can be a thing" - Tommy said quietly, shifting onto a more serious tone. You were a young girl, at least a lot younger than his brother, and Joel was his family - it was natural for Tommy to be curious about what was happening between the two of you. Not in detail, of course, but it could be expected that many people will have a lot of questions. He didn't want either of you seeing hurt when the things wouldn't work out as you anticipated.
"I'm not believing it after a few months of it happening, so, don't worry. You just need to process all of it, it comes with time." - Was you tired-sounding answer, yawning, and stretching your back in the process. That made Tommy lean his elbow into the back of his chair, smiling unbelievably.
"A few months? From that he’d told me, I thought this is a few weeks old, not even that. My brother still has it." - That comment made you turn away at the man sitting at the table. Tommy chuckled, accepting the mug from you. Oh, the coffee was smelling good. It was like a dream coming true.
"He still has what? Something I missed?" - You smiled back, sitting to the table as well to drink your morning tea without having to rush somewhere.
"The manly charm comin’ out of him. Before the outbreak, he was this thirty-something-year-old man with the hot Texas accent and he had a daughter of whom he was takin’ care of. That made chicks goin’ for him like crazy, but, he never asked one to dance with him." - Tommy sighed when reminiscing about the old times. - "I think he's takin’ it seriously with you, so have patience with that ol’ jackass, will you, girl? He won't admit it, but he’d hurt back anyone who would dare to hurt you. He's the... Protector, when he loves someone."
"Yeah, I saw that getting out of hand a lot when he tried to help Ellie. But seems they're slowly finding the way back to each other, which makes me happy." - You admitted back, having Tommy smile. He was Ellie’s uncle just as he was Joel’s younger brother. He knew that Ellie was immune too. He knew Fireflies were after her back in the day. And to see their small family far apart after they took refuge in Jackson was devastating for Tommy. Especially when that was the reason why Joel became a lonely old man... Until a few months back, as you told.
"How's he doin’? He all good?" - Tommy asked, wondering how it came that he didn't hear the door. Joel was one of the most paranoid people he knew - which came hand in hand with being a light sleeper. Your eyes shot wide for a second, but you couldn't tell him you've been fucking until not even whole two hours ago.
"He had some nightmares, so today, he's staying in bed no matter what happens." - You told Tommy in a firm voice, making him understand that not even his ass will get Joel out of the bed that day. Yet the younger Miller bit how bottom lip, making you realized that something has fucked up.
"Well, there are some infected we saw in the norths perimeter and I need someone to go there with me, Y/N. I would very much need Joel by my side if you won't mind." - Tommy told you with a serious face. He was sorry to bring that family idyll to the ground for that moment, but that was just how it was. He couldn't go there on his own.
"Well, would I be enough?" - You asked seriously. - "Listen, I don't have the best feeling about sending him off when he’d be tired and stuff. He's one tough guy and I know that, but two hours of sleep are a bitch. I'm not bad at this either, I got much better since last summer. Joel taught me how to shoot from bow and gun, remember?" - You asked, standing up. Joel wasn't going and that was the end of discussion. But you could go with Tommy, you could do just as much as Joel would. Yeah, it was probably a good idea, since you seemed pretty decent at the moment. You slept a good few hours more than your old man.
"So that's where this started? Jesus, that's... Last September. Wow." - Tommy wondered, drinking the rest of the coffee quickly so you'd have a chance to make something with yourself before you'd venture out behind the gates. The only thing he got as a response to his remark was a grin you hid into your palm. - "See you at the gates in thirty, then." - He patted your shoulder, put his jacket on, and left the house.
You were quite quick with taking some clothes on, making your hair, and preparing things for your backpack, like your knife, quiver with arrows and the hunting bow, and your polo automatic gun in the last place. As a talisman, you put on Joel’s blue shirt, but you pulled the lower hem into your trousers, buttoning it up under your chin. When you were leaving, you put your stuff next to the bed, nuzzling to his back after that.
Joel softly hummed when your palms smoothed his chest and when he got a kiss on the cheek. - "What's happenin’? How much is it?" - He asked, catching your palm to hold you in place.
"Its early, big guy, I just wanted to nuzzle you before I leave." - You whispered back, smiling at the sight of half-asleep Joel. The last comment wasn't making too much sense, so he furrowed at that.
"Where you're goin’?" - He whispered, looking at the clock on the nightstand. Jesus, he wasn't sleeping for too long and he knew he will fall asleep as soon as you leave.
"A patrol with Tommy. Some infected were reported on the north, so well be taking a look at what's that about." - That made him open up his eyes, looking at you. - "Oh no, don't you dare. You went to sleep at four, you're not fucking going anywhere, Miller. You taught me how to defend myself and that's what I'm planning on doing, are we clear?" - You told him with an unbelievable. It was beautiful to know that all he wants is to keep you safe. And that was what you were about to do.  In the end, he sighed and nodded. It wasn't making him happy at all, but you were tight. He wasn't physically ready for a patrol at the moment.
"Just be safe and come back, ’kay?" - Joel hummed, kissing your knuckles before leaning his forehead to yours for a small moment. You nodded with a gentle smile, pulling the blanket up again. - "And you should talk to Ellie when she gets back from the patrol, yeah? You’ll tell me how that went. Love you." - You whispered, kissing his forehead before you got up from the bed, preparing your stuff from the ground, and left.
He didn't tell you back, but you saw that smile creeping up to his sleepy face after hearing those words. Before exiting the house, you picked up your gloves and your beanie from the drawer next to the main door and pulled it on. Why was this March so damn cold? You had no idea, but it was snowing again and as far as it looked, it wasn't going anywhere in the nearest few hours.
Your walk through the sleepy Jackson was quite refreshing, making you fully wake up. You loved Jackson very much and especially when everyone was still asleep. As Tommy promised, he was already waiting at the gates for you, getting you some sandwiches.
"Who’s that from?" - You asked with a surprised face. When you inhaled the smell of them, your stomach churned hungrily. These were with meat from Seth, the old ballsack. And it was smelling delicious.
"It's a little sorry for yesterday from that old drunk. Joel was meant to get them, yet I think you can use Seth's apology too." - Tommy answered with a smirk, leading you to the stables so you could pick your horses. These weren't exactly anyone's, they belonged to Jackson, but you had your horse for more than three years at that point.
"How much times did Seth already apologized, Tommy? This wasn't a one-night occasion and it'll come again. We both know it, especially with Ellie being as stubborn as she is." - You smiled at Sadie, petting her neck gently. She was your beloved girl, saving your ass many times. Tommy was leading his horse next to him just like you did.
"That's some truth right ’ere, Y/N. No wonder Joel likes you when you're so smart and he's a dumbass." - He said, leading the horse to the opening gates. Your eyes rolled on their own.
"If I will have to listen to these jokes whole fucking day, you better shut up, Miller." - You grinned before swinging on Sadie’s back, petting her neck again. Tommy’s laugh was the last thing you heard when you were leaving from Jackson, seconds before putting on the hunting mode.
The journey to the location itself wasn't enjoyable at all - the snow kept on falling and there was a blizzard incoming, making you sped up to get to the location. You left the horses far away from the place where the sightings were reported. - "Another year, another horde, what can I say?" - Tommy asked you when you got off the horseback to travel to the town on your own feet. You nodded at that, being extremely aware of every single thing happening around you at the time.
For some time, when you entered the town, it seemed abandoned. There was only the wind howling through the empty houses and rampaged store buildings, the snow was covering almost everything. It took you almost half an hour to encounter the first infected. Both of you crouched, looking at the being from a rooftop.
"There's another one." - Tommy pointed to make you turn around. Without waiting for too long, you took out an arrow and held your breath, going directly for the runner’s head. Tommy, in the meanwhile, picked up a glass bottle and prepared to throw it in the opposite direction. You had to see how many of them are there to think about the tactic and about what you'll do, to even think if you'll be able to do it on your own. You nodded at Tommy, letting out a long breath while releasing the string from your finger, looking at the arrow hit the bullseye.
Not even seconds after that, Tommy threw the bottle into a wall, luring more of them out while you still crouched there so these fucks won't see you. There wasn't that many of them, yet it could be because they divided into groups to roam around the town. You sat there for a while, letting Tommy take this group with his sniping rifle before continuing your journey through the city.
"You're much more enjoyable than my brother." - Tommy said all of a sudden when you stopped in a barricaded shop to look for the last remnants of supplies. At that statement, you chuckled, shaking your head. - "Is that so?"
"Yeah, he's making fun of me all the time, you know? Gets repetitive after some time. Got somethin’ there?" - He asked when he saw you bowing down to pick up something. It was a piece of cloth, yet you could use it as a bandage once you'll laundry it and use disinfection on it.
"Would love to hear how someone can make fun of Tommy the Man." - You chuckled back, walking back to Tommy. There wasn't much in the stores anymore, it was a miracle to have some good find in there. - "Kinda tempting to see, dude."
"Hold your horses with the flirtation, girl. Joel would kill me." - Tommy grinned back, stepping outside again. When the cold air hit your face, you had to close your eyes. There were these small pieces of ice in the air, hitting you at a full cadence. The blizzard was getting closer and closer while the temper was going lower and lower. - "Fuck, this is bad. We either need to take some cover or move our asses to get this place clean."  
With that, you were going through the town, shooting on a sight. You and Tommy were quite a good team - while you could kill the fucks silently, Tommy was clever enough to divert their attention somehow. Sometimes you were quiet, sometimes you lost your nerve and just pulled the damned gun out. But you knew that Tommy has your back just as he knew you had his the whole time.
That was until you entered the old warehouse complex. All of a sudden, hordes of infected were coming to you from every direction, making the fence fall. Tommy pushed you behind his back, pulling out the rifle to search for the cause of it. And it was a woman infer the fence, trying to crawl through, certainly being fucked without you. So after you nodded at Tommy, you ran to her to help her on her feet while he started to liquidate some of the infected.
"You good?" - You asked her, looking at her pulling her gun as well. She nodded at you, looking at the horde. - "Tommy, there's too many of them, we need to get inside and get the fuck out of here. We can clear this place out later, come on!" - You yelled at your almost a brother-in-law, already running between the walls of the warehouse, trying to search for some door.
He yelled at you that you're right and turned on his heels to follow you, having that mysterious woman in his back. It was to kill or to be killed, so you took many turns before seeing some door. Both you and Tommy tried to break in while the woman was shooting into the group coming after you. It took you almost four attempts before the door flew open and you pulled the woman in as Tommy closed the door and made sure its barricaded enough.
"Here, did somethin’ happened to you?" - The man got on back his knees, looking at you. You shook your head and laid down with your eyes closed to catch a breath. He was worried that you might have hit something, but you seemed to be all right. The woman was looking at both of you with an unfriendly look. Well, it could be friendly, you didn't know her in the end.
"And who the hell are you, hm?" - Tommy walked to her, offering her a palm to pick her up. She stood up and wiped the sweat off her face.
"Thanks for all of that, by the way. My name’s Abby. And you two are...?" - The woman looked at both of you, leaning her palms to her thighs, trying to replenish at least a bit of energy. It didn't matter who she was or what was she doing there - you were in this together and it was a matter of life and death.
"I'm Tommy and this is Y/N, we’re from a city nearby." - He answered briefly, helping you stand up. - "It doesn't matter now. All that matters is that we have to get away from here. We have horses not too far from ’ere, but I'm scared that there's a lot of ’em now. They must've heard the gunshots." - With that, you nodded, getting up on your knees again. While Tommy and Abby were reloading their guns, you picked up a pipe from the ground. It looked solid enough for you.
"You sure you won't be using a gun?" - Abby asked when you played around with the piece of metal, searching for some way out of the building. You gave her an unsure look, letting Tommy talk for you. - "Trust me, this one is more usable in hand-to-hand combat with a pipe rather than with a gun. She cant aim up close for shit."
"Well, how about me kicking your ass, brother-in-law?" - "Isn't too early for callin’ me that?" - The man pointed out, having you nodding that indeed, he has a point. That was when you found the door and where it began to be painfully obvious, that infected were in there way before you. Abby caught the doors handle, looking at the two of you. Tommy took in a deep breath, shaking the nervosity off, telling her to open up.
You wouldn't be spotted as fast if the infected, some runners and a few clickers to be specific, were calm. But after hearing all there gunshots and groups of the horde moving in the city, it was obvious that there was some prey inside the building. And even the quietest creaking of the door made them turn around almost immediately.
"That crate, get it under the window, we'll cover your back." - Abby nodded at you, seeing you already pulling out the knife. There was a group of fifteen infected, which wasn't that much, yet it wasn't a little as well. While the tall woman started firing with the face of a true soldier, the first sounds of cold metal rang through the room as you swung the pipe into the first infected’s face. It made him fall to the ground, having Abby immediately pinning it to the ground while she put a bullet inside its head.
She was a survivor as much as you and Tommy were, yet you were kind of spoiled by the luxury of having a working town. If she was alone, maybe you could offer her to move in, or at least replenish your supplies before she goes on with her journey. In the middle of Tommy moving the crate, you were grateful that you picked up the pipe because you wouldn't be able to defend a single fuck without it. - "Move it! We’re kinda getting cornered here!" - A loud yell came out of your lips, looking at the next group of infected making their way to you.
"I'm doin’ my best, kiddo. Hold on for a minute!" - An answer came out of the corner of the room, Tommy nodding at you. You sent Abby a quick look - but she motioned you to stay away, lighting something up. In the next second, the woman threw something into the center of the group, making their bodies fly around in shreds. That was just fucking cool, yet you fully realized that another infected had to hear the fucking boom.
"Come on, girls, suit yourself! Take Abby to the horses!" - The man shouted, firing the first bullet from his snipe rifle. You pulled the woman by her arm, taking her to the crate. She, without waiting, boosted you and you helped her up and she then helped Tommy get there as well. As soon as you jumped out of the window, you realized how bad the weather got. You couldn't see a meter in front of you. The air was so cold it made your nose numb and your lips completely dry. But you couldn't wait, so you as soon as you saw Abby follow you around, you ran in the direction where you thought your horses were.
You ran for your life. That evening, you haven't stopped for a single second. As soon as you saw Sadie, you jumped on her back, helping Abby there as well. - "We won't make it Jackson in this, Tommy!"
"There's this house where I and my friends reside, for now, I'll point out the way, yeah?" - Abby asked. Well, it wasn't the greatest idea since it was just a group of strangers, but what could you do in the middle of that fucking blizzard? And you had to move since even if the infected lost your trail for a second, you knew they will find it soon enough again. That was why you listened to the stranger’s direction while you made Sadie ran like a fucking racing horse.
You never felt safer than when you have seen the gates of the house and people with guns standing behind it. As soon as you both rode in, the strange people have closed the gate, setting the infected on fire. You finally had some time to rest, so you took a deep breath before you jumped off of the horseback.
There was a revelation for a second, undeniably, but soon, you noticed something. These people were soldiers, a survivor group, maybe someone religious or something like that. They were looking dangerous, without a doubt. And groups of soldiers don't travel around the country just for the sights, no, they were most likely looking for someone. You tried to send Tommy some kind of signal when you gave Sadie to some short-haired woman, yet he was already chatting with some Hispanic man. And when Abby took her jacket off, your eyes widened. She was fucking buffed. She would strangle someone like you in a matter of seconds.
"Hey, how you're feeling? Any kind of shock?" - The short-haired woman caught up with you. She was almost too gentle to travel with the rest, so, she had some specialization. Drugs, maybe?
"Yea, I'm fine. It was just a close call. Your friend should be glad we found her." - You answered the woman, having her nodding in answer. That was when you arrived in the houses living room - the fire was burning and the french door were half-covered in the snow. The weather was terrible out there.
At that moment, you noticed everyone looking at the both of you while Abby argued with another man from the group. - "What the fuck were you thinking? Did you see the weather?" - The man gritted through his teeth. Something was going off in the room. The atmosphere was shifting somehow and you couldn't tell what was making you more nervous - the atmosphere or the stares of all the people?
"I tried to look for that fucker, Owen. I wanted to find him, but the infected had surprised me before I even got to the power plant." - She sighed back, massaging the back of her neck. - "But these two told me they're from the nearby town, right?"
"Yea, I'm Tommy and this is Y/N. Were from Jackson down there. When the weather settles down, you should come with us and replenish your supplies before takin’ off." - Your brother-in-law leaned his elbow into the counter, smiling at Abby. But she stood in front of you. With your breath held in, you sent a quick look to Tommy to finally tell him that you're not feeling comfortable in there. You'd rather get lost on Sadie in the woods, having to find your way back to Jackson on your own.
"Do you know a man named Joel Miller by any chance?" - Abby looked you deep in your eyes. Tommy’s jaws were more appering as obvious when he stood up and tried not to clench them too much. You didn't even tremble, your eyes weren't looking all around the place, you weren't heavy breathing. Her stare was meant to scare you, but two could play this little psychology game.
"No, never heard of that man." - And that answer would be almost believable if your breath wouldn't hitch in the end. At that, Abby smiled and a smile slowly turned into loud laughter. Jesus, you saved a fucking psychopath, didn't you? Without shadowing a thing, her elbow hugged your throat tightly, starting to choke you when she picked you off the ground. Your palms were trying to make her hand go away, you were kicking all around, trying to free yourself. But it didn't make Abby do shit.
The man tried to free you, yet as soon as he stepped forward, two other soldiers caught his arms, making him kneel on the wooden floor. If he’d move an inch, he'd most likely get both his shoulders luxated. You could barely breathe, yet you couldn't be afraid about passing out just yet. Abby wouldn't let you get outta that so easily.
"I don't know if do you know him, but your little friend does." - Abby told Tommy and pointed her head at a chair nearby. The woman practically threw you on it, then kneeled in front of your brother-in-law to look him in the eyes. - "And you'll watch her scream until you'll tell me where he is. Or until he comes for you. And if he doesn't and if you won't tell me... Hey, we don't wanna kill you. But we will."
You two were in deep fucking shit. 
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Breaking the 4th wall
Anon:   Okay so I have a rather weird and very meta headcanon ask: How do you think each GMS character would react if they found out that they are characters in an otome game? It's something I've personally thought about a few times before, meta 'what-if' headcanons are always fun to think about imo.
I’ve thought about this way too much.  Mostly about what I would do if I go be inserted into the stories (which mostly boiled down to stealing coats and running like hell).  There are a lot of ways this could come about but I believe they’d think:
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 “Hey Guys!  You’re characters in otome games!”
Sherlock Holmes
He is surprised, but not by much.  He is known for having said that ‘Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.’  Even if it’s so far fetched.  If there was a character to have inklings of other routes existing, Sherlock would be that character.  It is also the possible cause of he feels so much jealousy whenever he sees you next to another character.  He also judges the writers for their stories and hopes that future ones written about him aren’t so predictable.
He also cannot deny the heartache he feels at the thought of how you two cannot exist in the same world.  Though if he’s a construct of someone’s imagination, then he’ll have to accept that he’ll be close to you in your mind.  Which isn’t all that bad.  
John Watson
He thinks you’re messing with him.  It seems cruel to think that his history is included in some romance game.  And once it’s made clear that you two are definitely on two different sides of reality he gets depressed.  He aches to hold you in his arms and seek comfort in that.  However, he has to acknowledge that the way you feel next to him and the way you smell is all in his head.  He wonders what the real you is like.  How the real you is so much better than any pale imitation.  
James Moriarty
For now.
He is not surprised that he is a creation in a romance game.  Who wouldn’t want to love the Professor James Moriarty?  It has given him even more lofty goals.  If there is a way for him to become aware that he is an otome game character than there is a way to communicate.  If there is a way to communicate there are open lines between you two.  If there are open lines there must be ways to make it so he could be there.  The world is his, and now he as set his sights on the one you exist in.  Because his Little Robin will always be his. 
Mycroft Holmes
Unlikely.  That would mean that everything that he has done is fake.  Fictional.  That the pictures he has of Sherlock growing up are all fake.  With further convincing, he wonders what kind of world you live in that doesn’t have him or his brother.  Who does the Queen turn to in her hour of need, are they even the same Queen?  Are the sweets in our world just as sweet, sweeter?  The writers most likely based them on the same item, but does the fact one is imagined and one is real change their qualities?  He wonders and would love to get your opinions.  Talking with you was his favorite part of your relationship, so as long as he has that, he can be satisfied.
Jack Stillman
Bullshit.  He refuses to acknowledge that.  His history, the things he’s done, the things he continues to do both for work and for private reasons, all of it being fake?  Being someone’s idea of a fun story? Okay, he could agree on the fun part, but the fact that someone is making it up and deciding for him?  No.  He needs proof.  He doesn’t handle this news well and will take a long time for him to, begrudgingly, accept it.  Though the notion that someone wrote him into a romantic story?  He grimaces, “some love story.”
Sebastian Moran
Oh.  That’s alright.  As long as he’s with James and you, that’s alright.  He would like to see kitties from our world though.  Are they ignored and mistreated there too?  Are you okay?  If you tell him that you’re in any dangerous situation he will get angry and frustrated.  Protecting you is important to him, and that power is not there, not really.  That is the worst part of being a fictional character in his opinion.
Jeremy Cassel
Was his story good?  Did you instantly fall in love with him as he fell in love with you?  Do you crave to hold him as he wishes to gaze upon your real face?  He talks as if he isn’t bothered by it, and that it doesn’t surprise him that you are in a different world than he is.  But it does get to him, there’s another world to explore outside his reach.  Full of treasures and people to cherish.  He isn’t surprised that his story is one of romance though.  It’s fitting.
Hercule Poirot
He says he had his suspicions.  It doesn’t bother him too much.  It is the life he’s known and he will continue to live it the best he can.  Helping out people, and enjoying his time with his friends.  Of course, he wishes he could be with you and see your world, but it isn’t very likely and won’t break his heart.  Though he will struggle to keep proper sleep at night due to his thoughts about you and your wellbeing since he cannot see you all the time.  
Arthur Hastings
He’s at first surprised, thinking you’re playing tricks on him as Hercule had been when suggesting that.  It makes him curious if there is a way to use his computer skills to see behind the curtain and into the program for the game they are in.  But he’s not sure if that’s possible.  This also means that you are not the MC he knows, so he has a lot of questions about you and what you do and what you like.  Which is enough for him.
George Lestrade
Ha ha, very funny.  He also thinks you’re messing with him.  It isn’t funny to say things like that.  Of course he’s real, just as real as you.  But the more you insist the more he starts to believe you.  This man wants to be held has he contemplates this.  His life is stuck with these guys who tease and mock and ridicule him all the time for as long as the game lasts.  And only with you for brief moments.  Any moment without you now sticks out for him, wondering if anything he does really matters.
Mikah Hudson
There are worse things to be.  But he smiles knowing that this means he gets to spend time with you.  He becomes more clingy with this knowledge because now he wants to get to know more of who you are and what makes you different than MC.  What are your likes?  Dislikes?  Are the same things you like in your world the same in theirs?  Hard to tell but he’d like to talk about it more.
Henry Jekyll
Much like James, he takes this as a challenge, of a different sort.  What could be the science that allows him to be conscious of this?  What allowed communication between you two?  Is there something that he could do to make work so he could be in contact with you or be with you?  He’s only a chemist, but he thinks he might be able to find others willing to work on this experiment.  Even if you aren’t the MC he knows he’s enamored with you and wants to know your life.
Edward Hyde
That works.  He doesn’t see the romantic aspect, but at least this means that you are safe as he continues his search for who the truth behind his parent’s death.  Though it makes him wonder if there’s someone in your world that could tell him the answer, he would never put you in harm’s way if he could help it.  
‘Irene’ (based off of the conwoman headcanon)
Don’t tell the others.  Let this be a secret between the two of you.  She doesn’t know what to make of this fact, it could mean the struggle she has with Moriarty might all be for nothing.  That her history and the struggles she and her mother faced were all for nothing.  But there’s still you.  With this between the two of you at least she has one thing that’s real.  Which is more than she could say for James Moriarty.
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uwumessenger · 4 years
Could you do the RFA and ofc V and Saeran in an ATLA universe? I love your stuff!
omg yes ofcofc ! sorry some are kinda short lol ;-; but i hope u enjoy B) i’m rewatching atla for the fourth time this quarantine wHEW
btw i feel like mc would be the avatar here...like imagine taking down rika and saving yoosung and shit lmao omg. if you reply/reblog with ur own headcanons for yourself or an oc that would be awesome sauce id love to see it although i highly doubt anyone would do that LOLOLOL IDK BUT IT’S AN OPTION
also SPOILERS for rika’s back story. if the name mika doesnt ring a bell, it’ll be a major spoiler!!!
btw i added rika as well. i was scratching my head @ how to make the plot similar while also staying as cannon as possible but i dont think that’d really work here? so sorry if the relationships are kinda confusing LMAO so saeran is not seven’s brother in this universe. mostly bc the sibling relationship between azula and zuko seemed more fitting for rika and saeran, not saeyoung and saeran, so saeran is rika’s broski here. rika and v had no romantic relationship here, too. lastly, mika is rika’s dad in this au, so she’s genderbent. will be referred to as mikah !
i cant imagine him living anywhere other than ba sing se
hes a pretty good earthbender but he doesnt participate in any underground fight clubs or anything
and he would definitely work in a tea shop
but he eventually joins the dai li UH OH
MC plz save this kid
but he cant bend </3
he definitely performs at a water tribe theater and carries every single show
helps MC find a waterbending teacher
hes kinda like sokka and is one of the reasons why MC’s team avatar can function well
honestly zen kinda reminds me of the cabbage guy too so when hes older he’d probably have a business but it’d constantly get destroyed HAHAHA
airbender type beat
jaehee is a MASTER and she trains avatar MC
kinda like avatar yangchen tbh
she is apart of the white lotus !! and an absolute boss at pai sho and teaches MC how to play as well
peaceful queen
would secretly watch zen’s plays on ember island before he joined team avatar and is super excited when he joins them
jumin is a firebender
he’d be like piandao except he can bend as well. he’s the person that trains MC in firebending
invented wine in this timeline
and dont worry, elizabeth the third still exists here!! he enjoys tea with only her
part of the white lotus gang gang gang
secret fun fact: when MC was on a rest day, jumin asked zen if he wanted to train as a swordsman. zen agrees and jumin became zen’s master B)
hes like toph; the most powerful and skilled earthbender out there
likes to make inventions in his downtime as well
and helps zen with strategizing for attack plans and whatnot
he joins team avatar and trains MC
was never really into tea and preferred inventing weird sugary drinks throughout team avatar’s journey
pop up note: the spoilers for rika’s backstory will be in rika’s hc (but is first mentioned in saeran’s) which is coming up!! scroll past or click off now if u dont want to read da spoilerz
v is lit rally just uncle iroh but younger
he does his best to get saeran back on the right path no matter what
he’d be a grand lotus in the white lotus
plays pai sho w/ jaehee every now and then
gives MC a lot of advice when they need it most. over a cup of tea ofc
yoosung’s therapist after ys leaves the dai li
also saeran’s full time therapist
and he always cares for saeran...but thinks rika is beyond repair and not worth trying to help
literally zuko
BUT he cant firebend....considered weak and is easily manipulated by rika
eventually gets banished from the fire kingdom for embarrassing his family once so
also went into a coma after doing one (1) good thing
cant make good tea even if his life depended on it
is good by the end of the story and works with zen at his business as well as trains with jumin
wont admit it but he sees v as a father figure especially since mikah was such a shitty one lol
ok look i LOVE female villains but i do not like rika for some reason
rika is azula on crack
whoever her mom was, is long gone lol like ursa
fire lord mikah convinces rika that the fire nation is so organized and well structured that they deserve to take over the entire world but dies before their first attack
this is a nod to mika being the real brains behind mint eye and passing away before she could see it get carried out
rika believes that mikah died bc she is much more powerful than him and the universe would rather have her be the one to take over all the nations
by the end of everything no one knows what happens to rika. there’s an intense battle between her and the avatar but rika’s end is all dependent on what the MC decides.
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sageblogsthings · 4 years
🖋 matthias!
ish is the og matthias stan let it be known 🙌😂
but ty for asking about my grumpy old man i love him so much! i’m just gonna chuck some fun facts here and make it seem like i’ve thought about this more than i actually have whoops
idk if this needs a tw but just to be safe very very brief mentions of trauma
when we meet Mathias he’s in his 60′s (i’m thinking 65 probably?)
Matthias used to be a soldier in the Aemornian Army (when he was in his 20′s) and he traveled a lot bc of this
oddly enough, he traveled to Dorian’s homeland of Cornus. He didn’t really like it there, tho he was a fan of the spicy food! there’s even some food that makes u breathe fire for a short time (completely harmless) and he had a lot of fun with that
i’ll get more into this when i do the pen ask for Dorian, but Dorian lived in a very high crime area and had a super messed up childhood. while Matthias doesn’t blame himself for this, he does feel a bit guilty/bittersweet about it because he was stationed in Cornus while Dorian was still pretty young (about 5 or 6)
he would never tell Dorian this, but part of the reason he is so overprotective of him is because he feels like if their paths had crossed sooner he could have saved Dorian from an entire childhood of pain and trauma
he also comes from a traumatic background and he would never wish that on anyone, especially Dorian
another thing he would never tell Dorian, but which Dorian kinda knows deep down is that Matthias sees him as his son. Matthias was married for a time but never had any children. he wasn’t upset about that, he didn’t really want kids anyways but he’s got a soft spot for Dorian <3
Matthias opened The Culterus’ Cup shortly after he was discharged from the Army. he’s always had a dream of making a beverage so good that people would come from all corners of Arnora to try it. he makes Dorian taste-test his experiments and uh they have not exactly gone well yet lol. Dorian doesn’t mind too much tho cuz free alcohol
Matthias spends most of his time taking care of his tavern, but in his free time he loves to go to these large communal dining areas in the middle of town. there’s always a bonfire, music, and lots of stories!
he also loves puzzles, board games, and any sort of strategy games! he actually meets a very sweet man at the communal dining area one day and they often play puzzles and games together. matthias lets him win a lot
i won’t say too much on this but uh he will meet Mikah at some point and i’m really excited to write about that ;P
his favorite color is green! most people think it’s something more intense like red or maybe “basic” like blue, but he fell in love with green when he had to travel through countless forests as a soldier. he loves the color of moss after rainfall the most ^^
he is very short but surprisingly strong. like don’t mess with matthias he will fuck u up lol esp if u comin after dorian
oh lawd this got long but i think that’s most of what i’ve got for him so far! if anyone ever has any questions about him (or any other character) tho feel free to ask! ☺️
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lynneshobbydomain · 4 years
A Season of Love Chapter 3
Prompt: Seasonal/Fluff
Rated: T
Summary: They had plans to meet at the river, but when Mikan discovers where Mondo just got back from well...she wasn’t about to let it slide. 
You can read under the cut or go to my AO3 <3
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Mondo and Mikan both grabbed the edges of the blanket and swung it up and out, unfolding it and putting it down near the riverside. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom, decorating the river and the ground like pastel pink snow. Their classmates had once more wanted to do some sort of big gathering, but Mondo and Mikan both preferred to be alone this time. The Halloween party had been a success, and the Christmas gathering that they had after break had been awesome too. There was no doubt in their minds that the springtime gathering would be a hit too, but...it was nice to be alone with each other. They rarely had a chance with either of their talents.
Mikan outstretched her legs. She was happy to be wearing casual wear, it was rare for her to get out of uniform. She felt like she practically lived in it. She also was happy to tie her hair in a different way than what uniform required. She normally left it down, since it rarely had a chance to breathe. She also got to wear jeans and a blouse. 
Mondo’s uniform was all white with gold lining around the hems. She recognized it instantly as a uniform that his brother had worn back when he had been the leader of the Crazy Diamonds, before he died. She hesitated to press for information, and instead rummaged through the basket for food. Mondo was taking cooking lessons from Teruteru, and she was excited to see how much he progressed. He never really told her explicitly why he was taking the lessons, but Mikan would hazard a guess. He was graduating this year after all. 
“Ain’t this nice?” Mondo grinned as she passed a bottle of ramune to him and held one for herself. She also started to pass out the food. “No one yammerin’ and yellin’. Just us.”
“Yes.” Mikan grinned. “I-it is nice to be a-alone. U-um...are you n-nervous ab-about graduation?” 
“Nah. I don’t need to worry about that shit anymore. I got myself all figured out, don’t you fuckin’ worry.” Mondo assured, giving her a thumbs up. “I already got myself all set up.”
The mentor that he had for carpentry had extended a reach out and offered him a place when he graduated which was wonderful. Mikan already had offers from several hospitals all lined up for her when she was ready to graduate as well. They just had to wait another year, which neither party minded. “Y-you look ni-nice in wh-white.” Mikan offered. 
“Yeah this? This was my big bro’s.” Mondo gently pulled at the fabric. “I was comin’ back from saying yo.”
Oh. That explained why he asked her to meet her here then. Mikan had wondered about it. They were far from any sort of viewing ceremony, and no one was taking the hike to come up here. It wasn’t one of the more well known spots. She didn’t know what was nearby, it wasn’t a place she grew up in, or knew much about. Yet, she was eager for a new spot and she was happy to see a place that wasn’t so crowded with people. 
No wonder it was isolated though. Being near a grave like this would be considered bad luck to some people. Mikan thought about it for a moment before she stood up. “L-let’s do something.” She told him.
“Babe what?”
“W-we’re not far from where he is are we?” She asked, gathering her courage. She knew she could be breaking a thousand of different rules here, but she wanted to do something. It felt wrong to be so close to his family, and not be there. “J-just..trust me?”
“Always.” Mondo agreed as he folded up the blanket and they repacked their things. They hadn’t dug into eat or opened any of the bottles which was nice. Mondo looked a little confused, but Mikan kept walking. Maybe it was his impulsiveness that was getting ahead of her. Maybe it was his single-handed determination that was blinding her. Whatever it was, Mikan held on to that courage for as long as she possibly could.
The graves were clustered together, tightly packed. There was enough room for people to sit and pray, but not enough for what they were about to do. They were going to disturb someone, they were going to cause a scene. It made a cold sweat break out on Mikan’s neck, but…
It was going to be one of the few times she got to meet him properly, and...Mondo wasn’t ever the type to push for a meeting. Just…”someday babe”. Someday was today and she was determined.
Mondo guided her to the grave that had a bunch of flowers and an incense stick burning at the end of it. “Hey bro I’m… back with my girl.” He said hesitantly. “Don’t ask me what the fuck we’re doin’.”
“W-we are going to c-celebrate ha-hanami here.” Mikah held her hands out for the blanket and once more they opened it up and spread it out as well as they could in the graveyard.
“This feels like a scene out of a fuckin’ shoujo manga. Has Tsumugi gotten a hold of you or somethin’?” Mondo asked as they once more spread out the food and this time started to properly eat.
“N-no.” Mikan shook her head. “I j-just thought this would be best for you bo-both.”
Mondo stared at her for a long moment. Long enough that she thought he was going to get upset with her before he grinned, wide with teeth and he sat down. “Hell yeah! My girl’s awesome. Now I can tell you all the stories that I’ve been savin’.” 
Mikan’s heart fluttered in her chest, a pleased blush tainting her cheeks. She was happy that she was able to make him just as happy. 
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sansloii-a · 5 years
“Mikah Noland-Roux. The very first day I met you, I knew that you would be someone that I would never forget. A cocky little spitfire with sticky fingers, that just so happened to steal my very soul before we’d even spoken to each other. Back then, I thought I’d managed to take it back from you, but…now I know better. Now I know that my heart, and my soul probably never left you at all.“ 
From the little velvet bag he’d brought up with him, he pulled a tiny bell on a chain– the very one that he’d made Mikah all that time ago from the gem that held a piece of his soul– and fastened it carefully around the thief’s neck.
"The next time I met you, I believe was the time that you were about two seconds away from breaking my fingers.” Their hand is taken, held ever so gently in his as he flashed them that For Mikah Only smile. “You asking me when you became my dear, and me asking you when I became your darling, and sweetheart.”
“After that was when you kissed me the first time. Just some little thing, because you were in one of those troublemaker moods of yours, and wanted to get under my skin. I remember making some comment about how that was hardly a kiss…and then I also remember you shutting me up soon after with another one.”
The reaper lowers their joined hands, and takes a step forward, leaning in to close the gap between them for not one kiss, but two, filled to the bursting with love.
“You started working for me shortly after all of that, and gods, was it rough going, at first. You were by far my best employee, but there were days that I wanted nothing more than to wring that pretty neck of yours. Not that I didn’t make you want to do the same to me, I’m sure.”
“Even when we were butting heads though, we still made the perfect team. Our arguing lessened bit by bit each time we saw each other, and then eventually, one day, I just looked at you, and…and I didn’t want to admit it– was too scared to admit that I had fallen for you. That you had become someone that I never wanted to let go of, again.”
This time, pictures were taken from the velvet bag. The first one was of one of the first times Jas had invited Mikah to dinner at the house. The two could be seen arguing in the background, while JJ was in the front with a cheeky grin, flashing a peace sign as he took the picture. The second was another taken by JJ, though the younger reaper wasn’t in the picture this time. It was of Mikah and Jas sitting at their usual spot outside of Jas’ work with coffee in hand, both of them laughing over something that one of them had said.
“By the time that I found I was ready to tell you how I felt, I had thought that it was too late. I thought I had lost you. But of course, I turn my eyes away for a second, and there you were, right by my side again. Telling me that you were okay. That we were okay. And I knew after that, that I would never waste another moment with you, again. I wanted to make sure that you knew, from that moment on, that I love you.”
Another picture, of Jas and Mikah on the couch together. The two having dozed off together after patching each other up from a fight. The last one of them kissing to say goodbye to each other at the door into Red Inc.– Penny, Wynn, Evan, and JJ (who again, was taking the picture) making exasperated expressions from their places. Some obviously more playful than others.
He let Mikah look them over (If they could at this point. Jas was already tearing up so much that he could hardly tell if his beloved was doing the same)
“Since then, we’ve made so many memories together. You’ve become more a part of my life than I ever could have hoped.” A dried, pressed alstromeria flower that Jas had once braided into their hair, that the reaper now pinned to the sash of their dress with the utmost care. “More a part of me than I ever could have hoped.” Their ring, he now slipped onto their finger as he was finally unable to keep the tears from spilling down his cheeks as he waited for them to put his on him.
“And I hope that in the coming days that I can finally…finally call you my mate…that we’ll continue to not only become even more a part of each other, but that we’ll continue to grow together. For as long as I am lucky enough to be able to call you mine." 
The next thing that he pulls from the bag, is an ornate knife, that he carefully unsheathes, and drags against the palm of Mikah’s hand. Only enough to get some blood, before he hands the blade to Mikah, and turns his palm upwards to allow them to do the same to him.
"May our hearts beat as one. Our blood run as one. Our emotions, and our minds work as one. And may our souls twine together, so that we may exist as one.”
Jas’ eyes glow, and when they do, the reaper won’t be the only one able to see the strands of their souls extending through the fast healing cut in each of their hands. It will be slow at first, but Mikah will soon see it, too. Be able to watch them twist and intertwine, and tie together.
And when that amber gaze returns to theirs, tears spilling freely down his cheeks this time, his smile only serves to widen even further. Able to feel every last ounce of love they have for him– as he’s certain that they’re able to feel from him, as well. This time, when he leans forward, it’s to whisper in their ear before he dips them into an eager, and lasting kiss.
“Al lielim, Mikah. Thief of my heart, and keeper of my soul. I will always be yours. Al aso.”
          How they managed to get through their own vows was beyond them. They were certain that, at some point, their vision would cloud and they’d feel hot tears rolling down their cheeks before they got their last words out. Their voice faltered a bit here and there ( and they had heard each instance of it very clearly ) but they managed not to trip or stumble over their words — not the English, or the French, or the bits and pieces of Demonic they threw in there for good measure. They laced their fingers with his ( when, they don’t know ) but they’re positive that if not for the gentle squeezes the reaper offered, they would’ve been stuttering ( or worse, stopping ) in the middle of sentences. Blue stayed locked to amber despite the flush that rose to their cheeks at times, despite the way it spread across the bride of their noise and burned the tips of their ears. Where they were somewhat anxious, he was completely calm and reassuring — effortlessly easing their nerves with small smiles and subtle nods of his head.
          When they’ve said their piece and finally let out the breath they didn’t know they were holding, Jas begins his own vows. The sound of their first and last name brings a small smile to their lips, a dark brow then arching up at the apt description of them that soon follows. The corners of their lips immediately tug further up as they listen to him speak, a faint flush rising to the surface their skin once again the more they hear. Their eyes flick down to the velvet bag he brought up with him, with their expression simmering down some as they watch his hand disappear into it.
          Lips part and a soft “Oh.” escapes them as the small, red bell Jas made for them is pulled out. When he moves to secure it around their neck, they let him — sweeping their hair to the side and lifting it out of the way. Once the necklace rests comfortably against their skin ( as it always has ), they let their hair fall right back into place. Naturally, their hand then lifts and brushes fingertips against the charm, feeling out some of the intricate runes carved into the bell’s surface. They remembered the day he gave it to them, something for them to keep close just in case they ever needed him and he wasn’t there.
         They also remember crying a little when it dawned them how important the necklace was.
          A soft snort bubbles out of them when he mentions that they had tried to break his fingers — a memory they remember very vividly. Their hand promptly slips into his, palm pressed against palm, and they can’t help but mirror the oh so endearing smile that Jas gives them, wrinkling their nose a bit as he continues bringing up shared memories. Oh, if only either of them had known how fitting those terms of endearment would be a couple months down the line — how much they’d come to cherish in the future. As Jas moves onto their first kiss, a knowing look flashes across their features and yet another noise escapes them — some breathy semblance of a laugh that didn’t quite have enough behind it. Joined hands lower and Mikah gives him a squeeze as steps closer to them, chin tipping up almost immediately as the space between them shrinks. Each token of affection is rather brief, much to their dismay, but the love layered carefully into each one is more than enough to make up for how short they were.
          The more their beloved speaks, the more they smile ( if possible ) as their thoughts ambled along through each and every moment he brings up. Their gaze drifts down to the photos he then pulls out of his bag one by one and their hand leaves his to take them. They flip through the two one, twice, three times — countless more times, as if they wanted to recommit them to memory. If he’s trying to make them cry where they did not before, he’s doing a damn good job at it — as they could already feel the telltale pressure of tears lying in wait. By the time he pulls out the third and fourth for them to take and look over, a few had slipped past and left wet streaks in their wake. Though they can still make out the pictures ( especially the third one ), they’re far more focused on fighting back tears — on keeping their breath from hitching or their shoulders from shaking. Photos are returned to the velvet bag but oh, they’ve already done their damage.
          A low whisper of “Jassie…” slips past their lips at the dried flower, brows upturned as he clips it to their outfit. His hand finds their once again and they relax their hand as he slips their ring onto their finger. They’re quick to do the same for him, turning the reaper’s hand over and carefully slipping the wedding band into its rightful place. They can barely contain themself at this point ( much less so after the word “mate” leaves him ), and they’re half tempted to tell Jas to bring his wings up around them both again — just like he did before they walked out together. They did so well before — so, so very well — and yet, now they can’t even blink without their vision blurring.
          The sheathed, ceremonial knife is pulled from the bag last and Mikah swears their heart stops ( for good reasons, they’re certain ). Their hand relaxes again, even as Jas unsheathes the knife and drags the blade across an upturned palm. Hilt is then turned over to them and they take it, repeating the action with Jas’ own before returning the weapon to its sheath.
          They listen silently to Jas’ words, blinking back tears long enough for them to see his eyes glow — to see softly glowing strands rise from quickly healing wounds and twist tightly around each other. A cool gaze then lifts to meet amber, taking in equally glassy, reddened eyes, tear-streaked cheeks, and a smile that’s long since been burned into them. They can feel it now — his love — and every last ounce of it spreads through them like a warm, comforting flame. They’re not sure how their’s feels for him ( and they’ll make a point to ask later ) but god, do they hope it feels just as good for him as it does them.
          The reaper leans forward one last time, now to whisper into their ear and warm their very soul with his sentiments. Both arms loop around his shoulders the moment he goes to dip them, curling into the fabric of his clothes as he leans in to seal their lips together. Cool eyes soon flutter shut and, for a moment, all else falls away to just them and their mate — their husband. If they had it in them to start crying again, they would’ve in that instant — if not for the fact that ceremony was so nearly done, then for the fact that they’d leave here not as two… but as one.
         When that lasting kiss comes to it end, they press their forehead against his, pulling themself closer to him — if possible.
        “Tu viens de me donner un très grand bonheur…” Their eyes open to meet Jas’ own and very little stops their voice from trembling as they speak. “Al lielim, mon cœur. Je suis à toi totalement et à jamais.”
        “Al aso.”
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soulsxng--a · 5 years
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“Old as dirt, huh? Let me guess, you heard that through Ber? He said the two of you were friends, or something. I’m perfectly fine just staying acquaintances too, thanks.”
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“Aww, what’s wrong, Joseph? You’re still not used to me, yet? What a shame, and here I was hoping that I’d gained some of your favor by allowing you to work with your beloved soulmate for me...”
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“Yeah, I don’t see anything wrong with being friends! I’m Cyrus, it’s nice to meet you!” He’s excited to meet another shifter, even if they’re different types. Wynn finding out about Sivel, though...yeah, that probably wouldn’t go over too well.
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“Mhm, I’m all yours. Just like you’re all mine, Eva.” Ber hums happily, leaning into the kiss happily. Evan spoiled him, really. Smaller hands take hold of one of his fiance’s, pressing a kiss to the dark colored ring on his finger. “I love you so much...~”
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“Oh, come on now, Mikah. You know my heart beats only for you, my dearest.” Py teased, because of course he gets on Mikah’s last nerve. He does that with all of his friends. At least he has the sense not to touch them, anymore. “I’d like to think we’re at least friends, though, you wound me!”
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deojoon · 7 years
scarlet milkweeds
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crossposted on ao3
A confession which ended up getting you killed ?
How meeting up with that cute person fucked with your life forever
a how to guide of being a hormonal girl
hello my audience ! while in bed i was just thinking about how much of a pervert I am and i thought about hyoudou issei from high school dxd. I then thought about a bts au. i also remembered that i haven't really written for any other group yet so I'm gonna need yall help ! give me boy group and girl groups for this ! while it has the idea from high school dxd things can go better or worse. I want a mixed harem ! the reader i'm portraying is myself kinda so i want this to be as versatile as possible ! im gonna wite and rewatch at the same time ! so this will take a while for me to do ! In this book, i'm gonna switch from 3rd person and second person a lot ! the title might change but for now, it makes sense. there will be both girl and boy love interests but bc i need ideas comment and help me out ! i promise il do my research before i write about them fair warning this is cringy ! im trying my best to prevent that but hehe its not working. btw i hate watching dubbed normally i promise but bc of some issues i cant watch subbed sorry 1
update: i also dont know if ill contine this idea but if people actually want it then ill do it.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Chapter 1
: I Got a Boyfriend
i'll actually edit this and finish writing this later. if you guys like this then give me a kudos and ill continue to write this ! i think im gonna to 25 days of giving in December a special event. ill release a total of 25 new pieces of writing every day till Christmas.
the same color as his hair
darker then any red hair ive ever seen
just like the color running down my hand
long beautiful crimson hair just like this..
“not today, I will not let you die”
the same color as his hair
darker then any red hair ive ever seen
just like the color running down my hand
long beautiful crimson hair just like this..
“not today, I will not let you die”
It was a warm spring day, a group of friends was lying down y/n is one of the biggest perverts along with her friends, a short but feisty girl named Mikiah, and a perverted nerd named Akane.
All three attending Kuoh academy which originally was an all-boys school. The reason being why they decided to attend. While y/n is an attractive busty one too, the girls realized that they had no absolute chance and she’s no better than them. y/n being both attracted to females and males  , was double the dirty thoughts.
She constantly talked about sucking dick and eating girls out. While the girls preferred boobs (which y/n had)  y/n likes ass. All are very much bisexual.
As they were laying down talking about a new brazzers video, Akane sighed.
“Why do we even attend this school” Akane whined
As she said that, the track team ran by glistening in sweat.
“that’s why” y/n giggled cutely, while groping Mikah’s thighs
“oh I have an idea !” Mikiah screamed and jumped up, used to y/n sexual harassment.
“what ?” y/n said sluggish
“We should go check out this new hole I discovered outside the boy’s locker room” Mikiah suggested
y/n jumped up “yay!!”
as y/n started walking a strand of red hair was at the corner of her eye.
It was like time stopped as the boy walked away with his red hair flowing in the wind
The constant calls of her name got her attention
“y/n lets go ! I wanna see kendo boys” Akane complained
“sorry I’m coming” y/n ran up to them.
“ah~ taemin has such a nice slender body’
“ugg~ minho v-line can cut ice”
“key’s abs is the best”
While the other girls were looking
y/n was poutig
“how come you guys can look but not me “ y/n whined
“because someone need to look out !”
y/n pushed them over so she can see
“ohh~ jeongguk’s thighs make me cream” y/n panted
As if he heard jeongguk got up and rushed to the hole.
y/n saw and screamed “RUN BITCHES”
the three of yall ran while jeongguk looked at the hole confused
“what the matter kookie’ a guy asked
Jeongguk shook his head and left.
The three of you now out breathe
“guys I think I’m going to head home” you got up.
“okay walk safe”
Walking across a bridge a boy stops you
“umm excuse me”
you turn around and see an innocent looking boy with big brown eyes scratching his head nervously.
"i've been watching you and I really want you to be my girlfriend"
bitch this was the fucking warning sign but of fucking course not,you decide to be a dumb block built bitch and go catch some fucking creepy dick. what a whore.
"sure! lets go on a date later 'kay?" you said calmly
but inside you were fliping
"wait really? okay ! my name is Alex Grey ! the boy screamed in joy
from that you walked home like a dumb bitch.
I'll have a posting schedule for this when everything get all sorted out for now i'm just gonna write shit. I'm actually storyboarding a Tokyo ghoul au cause thats my favorite anime <3 and it goes with the Halloween theme now that youve read the first chappy now you need to help me out by commenting ! :)
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