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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
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Cavernous WIP: Meet the cast!
Joanna / Irina / Carmen
Stacker / Mikah / Kairus / Pritta
Oliver / Tatiana / Luka
Taglist: @ultimatecryptid , @kainablue , @asher-writes, @saraheadriance, @maxgraybooks, @thelaughingstag, @artbyeloquent, @ellierenae, @calico-fiction @wildswrites @galaxy-writer @crazybunchwriting
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
Cavernous WIP Meet the Cast: Carmen Tau
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Carmen Tau
She/Her // 23 // Cancer // Secondary POV Character
Carmen's ready to prove that she's more than "just the intern."
A newly non-observing recent BYU Hawaii alumni, Carmen is on the cusp of finally setting herself apart. It's not that she doesn't love her big, blended, mixed-Polynesian, Mormon family - it's just time to get out into the big wide world on her own and find out who she really is, and what she really wants.
Her vintage style, pop country preferences, and crafting-the-perfect-instagram-caption sensibilities might mean she comes across as a little basic, but so what? Carmen would take simple over scrutinized any day.
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"Joanna couldn’t get over how much she envied Carmen, with her hair pulled into a sleek little top knot, her flawlessly matte almond-brown complexion, and her prim little vintage blouse tucked into high-waisted distressed jeans. Even her lipstick was perfect after thirteen hours in an airplane. Half the reason she’d agreed to come on this trip was the chance to spend some real work hours with Carmen finally. They’d all, apparently, had the same idea."
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🍄 Character Tag: #CarmenTau 🍄 Meet the Rest of the Cast Here
Taglist under the cut!
Taglist: @ultimatecryptid @kainablue @asher-writes @saraheadriance @maxgraybooks @thelaughingstag @artbyeloquent @ellierenae @calico-fiction @wildswritess @galaxy-writer @raisapathy @astridmayewrites @antique-symbolism-main @crazybunchwriting @writer-artemis​ @kittensartswriting​ @jacquesfindswritingandadvice @elijahrichardwrites @rainbowsnowflake​
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kjscottwrites · 2 years ago
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just trying to coalesce all the inspo images I have on pinterest into some digestible graphics... here's the girls <3
Joanna / Carmen / Irina
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
Into Touch Thursday
Thanks for the tag @emelkae !
Let's talk about how our OCs express their affection:
0k I'm not gonna do everyone but I will do the characters I've posted intros for so far - will maybe revist in the future w/everyone else!
Joanna's all about affection through physical touch - notorious for her reflex to always be reaching out and grabbing someones hand, or shoulder, or playfully nudging, or sitting in laps, or letting people sit in her lap, etc. The more casual touch - the more she likes you.
Carmen is too shy to make a first move or prompt someone with too many questions, but when she's with someone she likes she'll never want the conversation to end, so she'll just chatter endlessly.
Irina uses physical touch as a way to leverage control in a situation moreso then she uses it to show actual affection - you'd know she's fond of you if she picks out a singular repetitive bit to neg you about on a regular basis. This is a habit she saves only for those closest to her.
Stacker is a close listener, even if he seems a bit aloof - he shows affection by paying attention. He'll pick tiny details out of a conversation and remember them forever.
Mikah fancies himself a poet ~ if he likes you? He'll tell you. Probably with a sonnet or a ballad. A hundred times a day. Effusively. With the most dramatic flattery.
I'll tag: @stormbrightwriter @redotter @writting-in-blood @kiaraintheforest @flowerprose and open tag for anyone else!
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
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UM so i didn't write today but i DID make an official height chart for the main CavernousWIP cast
Taglist (bc I have not given y'all anything in a while so heres this 😭): @ultimatecryptid , @kainablue , @alcwrites, @saraheadriance, @maxgraybooks, @thelaughingstag, @artbyeloquent, @ellierenae, @calico-fiction @wildswrites @galaxy-writer @crazybunchwriting @rainbowsnowflake
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
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Idk what it is about this particular picrew but it really captures everyone in my ensemble more than others. It’s got so many perf options !! Anyway here’s the cast of Cavernous looking CUTE.
Taglist: @ultimatecryptid , @kainablue , @alcwrites, @saraheadriance, @maxgraybooks, @thelaughingstag, @artbyeloquent, @ellierenae, @calico-fiction @wildswrites @galaxy-writer @crazybunchwriting @elijahrichardwrites @rainbowsnowflake
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
OC Favorite Things Tag Game
Hopping on @avrablake​ ’s open tag (from like forever ago lmao oops) for this!
RULES: Share photos of your OC’s favorite breakfast food, favorite gemstone, favorite gift, favorite way to relax. Then tag four people and change up any one of the four favorite thing categories for the next round.
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Here’s Carmen’s!!
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acai bowl & iced coffee // aquamarine // anything super personal (like a photobook or handwritten letter) // surfing !
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I’ll tag: @happyorogeny @two-girls-who-read @magnus-s-writes​ & @prophetical-vivisections​ and, of course Open Tag for anyone who would like to participate! 
For y'all - replace favorite Breakfast Food with favorite Game ! 
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kjscottwrites · 2 years ago
💌 and 💐 for the hot OC ask! OC of your choice :D
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other?
I'll do this one for Carmen since she's easy! She'd plan a surf day with a sunset picnic, a romantic playlist, maybe a bottle of wine, keep it simple. She's a real "love long walks on the beach" type of girl.
💐 : What is their courting style? How would they woo someone?
Well Joanna's all about trying to look impressive. She's a hands-on flirter, really assertive, and likes to be doted after. She'll bust out party tricks that show off her climber's physique and has no problem being a little boastful about her career or lifestyle or hobbies. Getting oohs and ahs and "omg can I feel your biceps" from a potential date is typically the goal w/her.
ty for the question!!
Ask game here
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kjscottwrites · 2 years ago
Happy STS!
What is usually the last thing your OC/s does before they go to bed?
Thanks for the question!!
I've never thought about this one tbh - though I definitely know my guys' morning routines. I think Joanna is a late-night one-last-cup-of-coffee sort of person who likes to check off to-do list items or run to the corner store in her slippers before bed.
Irina would have *no* nighttime routine because she's opposed to routines generally, but I do think she's the type who would never ever fall asleep wearing clothes. Even if it's 4am after a night out and she can't even manage to wash her makeup off. Clothes are still coming off. Always. She doesn't own pjs. Can't understand why anyone would wear them.
Meanwhile Carmen's got a 6-step skincare routine and a bedtime playlist and one of those cooling neoprene eye masks and a night guard etc etc - has the nighttime routine down to a science and would feel lost without it lmao
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
Tag: Word Find
Thanks @zmlorenz for the tag!
My words are: lie, believe, jump, and throw
OPEN TAG for this so have at! (Tag me if you do!) Here are the words for anyone who wants to participate:
shell, compete, butter, & rough
When Tatiana returned, Joanna felt, somehow, that no time had passed at all. The “3:23 PM” time on her phone felt like a lie. They all thanked the owner of the hostel as they filed out to the van, but barely spoke to one another. Joanna chalked it up to the eight hour drive that lay ahead of them, and the feeling of dread it no-doubt inspired in them all.
Everyone turned to Stacker. He said nothing, only raised his eyebrows. “I believe him,” Carmen said, trying to sound firm. “Perfect, okay,” Irina said, throwing her arms up in defeat. No one said anything for a long, tense moment, each of them milling in private, aggravated consideration, trying not to make eye contact.
The gardens of Mikah’s estate lay wedged in the narrow grottos of the low, southernmost districts of the cavern. Carved into an immense face of rock, the home nestled beneath a cavern pocket, where a constellation of pointed calcite chandeliers hung down over the winding pathways, cobblestone walls, and bubbling fountains of his rooftop terrace. The pocketed, fungi-spotted ceiling was low enough here in places that one could jump to touch it.
“Yes, my lord,” Irina said, her eyes flashing with deviousness as he handed her her bell. The moment Kairus turned his attention away, Irina cast the tiniest flick of a confrontational glance towards Pritta and it took all Joanna had in her not to throw something across the table at her
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
Cavernous WIP (retroactive) Progress Update
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WIP intro / Characters
Current progress:
Prologue & Chapter 1 Editing pass ~done!
So as promised, here’s some tidbits from early chapters while I go through my current Draft 1.5 editing pass on select chapters. 
Prologue (Mikah POV)
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Chapter 1 (Joanna POV)
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Taglist: @ultimatecryptid​​ , @kainablue​ , @alcwrites​, @saraheadriance​, @maxgraybooks​, @thelaughingstag​, @artbyeloquent, @stormbrightwriter​ @galaxy-writer​ @crazybunchwriting​ @elijahrichardwrites​​​​​
He loathed this more than anything, staying at the palace in his childhood room, pretending like things were the way they once had been. This place was a vault of memories. Everything here filled him with a sour nostalgia - the pillows, the rug, the gossamer curtains framing the balcony, the spiced aroma of the candles… 
As he turned over, his black silken hair fell over his face, and he remembered what it had felt like, the first time he’d shared this bed. The weight of another warm body beside him. How many years now had it been? Six? Seven? It seemed impossible. In three months he’d turn twenty-five and everything would change again. He understood why his father wanted him home now, more than ever, but it didn’t change the bitterness he felt in his chest each time he thought about what lay in store for him in the coming months. 
Joanna couldn’t get over how much she envied Carmen, with her hair pulled into a sleek little top knot, her flawlessly matte almond-brown complexion, and her prim little vintage blouse tucked into high-waisted distressed jeans. Even her lipstick was perfect after thirteen hours in an airplane. Half the reason she’d agreed to come on this trip was the chance to spend some real work hours with Carmen finally. They’d all, apparently, had the same idea. 
Irina yanked a plastic folder out of her secondary bag, interrupting their hug, and held it aloft amidst the group - herself, Joanna, Carmen and Oliver - with some bravado. 
“The itinerary,” she declared, before opening it up to rattle off a long list of locations and times they were expected to hit in the next several days. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, the location of the cave site added complications to an otherwise run-of-the-mill geology expedition. But, these were problems for tomorrow.
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
"Ten's But" Tag Game
@elijahrichardwrites & @inkingfireplace both tagged me in this, thanks!!
Rules: List your ocs as "tens but" to give us a not at all comprehensive scope of their characters.
Joanna: She's a 10 but when she says she wants to take you on "a nature walk" she means a seven mile summit hike.
Irina: She's a 10 but she thinks it's funny to tell you your fly is down in public when it's not.
Carmen: She's a 10 but she went to BYU :/
Stacker: He's a 10 but he won't tell you his last name.
Kairus: He's a 10 but he's unironically pro-monarchy??
Mikah: He's a 10 but he'll serenade you in length on the first date.
Pritta: She's a 10. Full stop.
Oliver: He's... well, a solid 6.
Tati: She's a 10 but she's up at 5:45 and in bed by 8:00.
Luka: He's a 10 but he cries in his car to the 90's rock radio station.
Open tag y'all!
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
Cavernous WIP Progress Update
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WIP intro / Characters
Current progress:
Chapter 18 / 30(ish) ~done! Wordcount: ~65,000
Two little excerpts this time! 
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And a saucier cut from later in the chapter: 
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👀👀👀 anyway! Another bit of update is that Writing Partner™ and I have parsed through what we’ve got so far and made the decision to go back and do an editing pass on some of the previous chapters (Ch 1,5,6,10,11 & 12 to be specific) before trucking along forward with new chapters.  The gist of it is problems with Joanna as the central character and inconsistencies in her arc are making her harder and harder to write as the story continues - the hope is to fix them before we really get into the meat of her romance plot (which is impending) so that it isn’t a hassle to fix later. We remapped her arc and changed some aspects of her personality and she needs to get adjusted on the page before things start misaligning catastrophically. I’m like... not very stoked about this because I wanted to finish a full draft before doing any edits in the name of Process™ but I think this will ultimately result in less work in the long run and will mean I’m connecting better with Joanna anywayyy so here we gooo. 
Since I haven’t posted stuff from chapters 1-12 anyway I will be dropping excerpts from them periodically as I work! Thanks for following along y’all <3 Taglist: @ultimatecryptid​ , @kainablue​ , @alcwrites​, @saraheadriance​, @maxgraybooks​, @thelaughingstag​, @artbyeloquent, @stormbrightwriter​ @crazybunchwriting​ @elijahrichardwrites​​​​
text under the cut
Sevan squinted at her, mulling it over, then crossed the kitchen to crouch down at the foot of the chaise, knees popping as they did. Sevan’s fiddly grace and age-lined expression in the shadowy ambience read to Carmen as impossibly wise and forgiving. Easy to trust. A quality she had only ever known in her father.
“It is keen of you to protect your heart, but sometimes there are crossroads at which neither path offers shelter,” Sevan mused, “Like choosing between grief for things which come to an end, and grief for things which go unrealized. Both are painful in different ways, neither more nor less than the other. Both may also be inevitable sooner or later. Whichever knife you choose, know you have friends with you who will be there to help mend the wound.” 
Sevan reached out and patted Carmen’s feet under the covers before rising with a creaky yawn and making their way back upstairs.
Without thinking, Carmen shoved the cloth littered with mushrooms and swept it all off the edge of the table. The basket and the knife and everything clattered to the floor as she clambered up onto the tabletop, craning across it to kiss him. 
Her mouth met his clumsily as she fell forward, hands and knees on the stone tabletop, his fingers twisting into the fabric of her dress, tugging on her. She pulled back to let him slip the dress off over her head, and he tossed it to the floor without a second thought, as if he couldn’t wait even a second more to have his hands back on her. He pulled her, clamoring, down into his lap
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
Cavernous WIP (retroactive) Progress Update
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WIP intro / Characters
Current progress:
Chapter 11 & 12 Editing pass ~ done!
some uhh ✨royal ball ✨ chapters (which were one chapter, now they're two! which means more ballroom stuff for u <3)
Chapter 11 (Carmen POV)
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Chapter 12 (Joanna POV)
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Taglist: @ultimatecryptid @kainablue @alcwrites @saraheadriance @maxgraybooks @thelaughingstag @artbyeloquent @ellierenae @rackhamsflag @wildswrites @galaxy-writer @crazybunchwriting @elijahrichardwrites
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
Cavernous WIP (retroactive) Progress Update
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WIP intro / Characters
Current progress:
Chapter 2 Editing pass ~done!
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Taglist: @ultimatecryptid , @kainablue , @alcwrites, @saraheadriance, @maxgraybooks, @thelaughingstag, @artbyeloquent, @ellierenae​ @galaxy-writer @crazybunchwriting​ @elijahrichardwrites​​​​
Text under the cut!
Even as Carmen fastened her climbing harness across her chest, it became impossible for her to tear her eyes away from the black maw of the cave mouth. It was like the sunlight was swallowed up into nothing. Joanna had already found herself a precarious perch by the edge of the cave mouth. Her eyes were lit up with excitement as she gazed down into it, and Carmen tried to focus on her, rather than the pit in the earth beside her. She tugged on a steel anchor point installed near the mouth. “Well,” Irina cut in, “Here comes everyone’s worst nightmare, the American scientists.”
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kjscottwrites · 3 years ago
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OC Picrew Collage: Carmen Tau
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~ meet her here ~
Picrews used: [1] [2] [3] [4]
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