#.is one in which society as a whole is capable of functioning more effectively and one that is more likely to thrive
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reasonsforhope · 7 months ago
"A team at Northwestern University has come up with the term “dancing molecules” to describe an invention of synthetic nanofibers which they say have the potential to quicken the regeneration of cartilage damage beyond what our body is capable of.
The moniker was coined back in November 2021, when the same team introduced an injection of these molecules to repair tissues and reverse paralysis after severe spinal cord injuries in mice.
Now they’ve applied the same therapeutic strategy to damaged human cartilage cells. In a new study, published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, the treatment activated the gene expression necessary to regenerate cartilage within just four hours.
And, after only three days, the human cells produced protein components needed for cartilage regeneration, something humans can’t do in adulthood.
The conceptual mechanisms of the dancing molecules work through cellular receptors located on the exterior of the cell membrane. These receptors are the gateways for thousands of compounds that run a myriad of processes in biology, but they exist in dense crowds constantly moving about on the cell membrane.
The dancing molecules quickly form synthetic nanofibers that move according to their chemical structure. They mimic the extracellular matrix of the surrounding tissue, and by ‘dancing’ these fibers can keep up with the movement of the cell receptors. By adding biological signaling receptors, the whole assemblage can functionally move and communicate with cells like natural biology.
“Cellular receptors constantly move around,” said Northwestern Professor of Materials Sciences Samuel Stupp, who led the study. “By making our molecules move, ‘dance’ or even leap temporarily out of these structures, known as supramolecular polymers, they are able to connect more effectively with receptors.”
The target of their work is the nearly 530 million people around the globe living with osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease in which tissues in joints break down over time, resulting in one of the most common forms of morbidity and disability.
“Current treatments aim to slow disease progression or postpone inevitable joint replacement,” Stupp said. “There are no regenerative options because humans do not have an inherent capacity to regenerate cartilage in adulthood.”
In the new study, Stupp and his team looked to the receptors for a specific protein critical for cartilage formation and maintenance. To target this receptor, the team developed a new circular peptide that mimics the bioactive signal of the protein, which is called transforming growth factor beta-1 (TGFb-1).
Northwestern U. Press then reported that the researchers incorporated this peptide into two different molecules that interact to form supramolecular polymers in water, each with the same ability to mimic TGFb-1...
“With the success of the study in human cartilage cells, we predict that cartilage regeneration will be greatly enhanced when used in highly translational pre-clinical models,” Stupp said. “It should develop into a novel bioactive material for regeneration of cartilage tissue in joints.”
“We are beginning to see the tremendous breadth of conditions that this fundamental discovery on ‘dancing molecules’ could apply to,” Stupp said. “Controlling supramolecular motion through chemical design appears to be a powerful tool to increase efficacy for a range of regenerative therapies.”"
-via Good News Network, August 5, 2024
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dailyanarchistposts · 4 months ago
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Turbulent times are upon us. Already, blockades, demonstrations, riots, and clashes are occuring regularly. It’s past time to be organizing for the upheavals that are on the way.
But getting organized doesn’t mean joining a pre-existing institution and taking orders. It shouldn’t mean forfeiting your agency and intelligence to become a cog in a machine. From an anarchist perspective, organizational structure should maximize both freedom and voluntary coordination at every level of scale, from the smallest group up to society as a whole.
You and your friends already constitute an affinity group, the essential building block of this model. An affinity group is a circle of friends who understand themselves as an autonomous political force. The idea is that people who already know and trust each other should work together to respond immediately, intelligently, and flexibly to emerging situations.
This leaderless format has proven effective for guerrilla activities of all kinds, as well as what the RAND Corporation calls “swarming” tactics in which many unpredictable autonomous groups overwhelm a centralized adversary. You should go to every demonstration in an affinity group, with a shared sense of your goals and capabilities. If you are in an affinity group that has experience taking action together, you will be much better prepared to deal with emergencies and make the most of unexpected opportunities.
This guide is adapted from an earlier version that appeared in our Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook.
Affinity Groups are Powerful
Relative to their small size, affinity groups can achieve a disproportionately powerful impact. In contrast to traditional top-down structures, they are free to adapt to any situation, they need not pass their decisions through a complicated process of ratification, and all the participants can act and react instantly without waiting for orders—yet with a clear idea of what to expect from one another. The mutual admiration and inspiration on which they are founded make them very difficult to demoralize. In stark contrast to capitalist, fascist, and socialist structures, they function without any need of hierarchy or coercion. Participating in an affinity group can be fulfilling and fun as well as effective.
Most important of all, affinity groups are motivated by shared desire and loyalty, rather than profit, duty, or any other compensation or abstraction. Small wonder whole squads of riot police have been held at bay by affinity groups armed with only the tear gas canisters shot at them.
The Affinity Group is a Flexible Model
Some affinity groups are formal and immersive: the participants live together, sharing everything in common. But an affinity group need not be a permanent arrangement. It can serve as a structure of convenience, assembled from the pool of interested and trusted people for the duration of a given project.
A particular team can act together over and over as an affinity group, but the members can also break up into smaller affinity groups, participate in other affinity groups, or act outside the affinity group structure. Freedom to associate and organize as each person sees fit is a fundamental anarchist principle; this promotes redundancy, so no one person or group is essential to the functioning of the whole, and different groups can reconfigure as needed.
Pick the Scale That’s Right for You
An affinity group can range from two to perhaps as many as fifteen individuals, depending on your goals. However, no group should be so numerous that an informal conversation about pressing matters is impossible. You can always split up into two or more groups if need be. In actions that require driving, the easiest system is often to have one affinity group to each vehicle.
Get to Know Each Other Intimately
Learn each other’s strengths and vulnerabilities and backgrounds, so you know what you can count on each other for. Discuss your analyses of each situation you are entering and what is worth accomplishing in it—identify where they match, where they are complentary, and where they differ, so you’ll be ready to make split-second decisions.
One way to develop political intimacy is to read and discuss texts together, but nothing beats on-the-ground experience. Start out slow so you don’t overextend. Once you’ve established a common language and healthy internal dynamics, you’re ready to identify the objectives you want to accomplish, prepare a plan, and go into action.
Decide Your Appropriate Level of Security
Affinity groups are resistant to infiltration because all members share history and intimacy with each other, and no one outside the group need be informed of their plans or activities.
Once assembled, an affinity group should establish a shared set of security practices and stick to them. In some cases, you can afford to be public and transparent about your activities. in other cases, whatever goes on within the group should never be spoken of outside it, even after all its activities are long completed. In some cases, no one except the participants in the group should know that it exists at all. You and your comrades can discuss and prepare for actions without acknowledging to outsiders that you constitute an affinity group. Remember, it is easier to pass from a high security protocol to a low one than vice versa.
Make Decisions Together
Affinity groups generally operate on via consensus decision-making: decisions are made collectively according to the needs and desires of every individual involved. Democratic voting, in which the majority get their way and the minority must hold their tongues, is anathema to affinity groups—for if a group is to function smoothly and hold together under stress, every individual involved must be satisfied. Before any action, the members of a group should establish together what their personal and collective goals are, what risks they are comfortable taking, and what their expectations of each other are. These matters determined, they can formulate a plan.
Since action situations are always unpredictable and plans rarely come off as anticipated, it may help to employ a dual approach to preparing. On the one hand, you can make plans for different scenarios: If A happens, we’ll inform each other by X means and switch to plan B; if X means of communication is impossible, we’ll reconvene at site Z at Q o’clock. On the other hand, you can put structures in place that will be useful even if what happens is unlike any of the scenarios you imagined. This could mean preparing resources (such as banners, medical supplies, or offensive equipment), dividing up internal roles (for example, scouting, communications, medic, media liaison), establishing communication systems (such as burner phones or coded phrases that can be shouted out to convey information securely), preparing general strategies (for keeping sight of one another in confusing environments, for example), charting emergency escape routes, or readying legal support in case anyone is arrested.
After an action, a shrewd affinity group will meet (if necessary, in a secure location without any electronics) to discuss what went well, what could have gone better, and what comes next.
Tact and Tactics
An affinity group answers to itself alone—this is one of its strengths. Affinity groups are not burdened by the procedural protocol of other organizations, the difficulties of reaching agreement with strangers, or the limitations of answering to a body not immediately involved in the action.
At the same time, just as the members of an affinity group strive for consensus with each other, each affinity group should strive for a similarly considerate relationship with other individuals and groups—or at least to complement others’ approaches, even if others do not recognize the value of this contribution. Ideally, most people should be glad of your affinity group’s participation or intervention in a situation, rather than resenting or fearing you. They should come to recognize the value of the affinity group model, and so to employ it themselves, after seeing it succeed and benefiting from that success.
Organize With Other Affinity Groups
An affinity group can work together with other affinity groups in what is sometimes called a cluster. The cluster formation enables a larger number of individuals to act with the same advantages a single affinity group has. If speed or security is called for, representatives of each group can meet ahead of time, rather than the entirety of all groups; if coordination is of the essence, the groups or representatives can arrange methods for communicating through the heat of the action. Over years of collaborating together, different affinity groups can come to know each other as well as they know themselves, becoming accordingly more comfortable and capable together.
When several clusters of affinity groups need to coordinate especially massive actions—before a big demonstration, for example—they can hold a spokescouncil meeting at which different affinity groups and clusters can inform one another (to whatever extent is wise) of their intentions. Spokescouncils rarely produce seamless unanimity, but they can apprise the participants of the various desires and perspectives that are at play. The independence and spontaneity that decentralization provides are usually our greatest advantages in combat with a better equipped adversary.
For affinity groups and larger structures based on consensus and cooperation to function, it is essential that everyone involved be able to rely on each other to come through on commitments. When a plan is agreed upon, each individual in a group and each group in a cluster should choose one or more critical aspects of the preparation and execution of the plan and offer to bottomline them. Bottomlining the supplying of a resource or the completion of a project means guaranteeing that it will be accomplished somehow, no matter what. If you’re operating the legal hotline for your group during a demonstration, you owe it to them to make sure someone can handle it even if you get sick; if your group promises to provide the banners for an action, make sure they’re ready, even if that means staying up all night the night before because the rest of your affinity group couldn’t show up. Over time, you’ll learn how to handle crises and who you can count on in them—just as others will learn how much they can count on you.
Go Into Action
Stop wondering what’s going to happen, or why nothing’s happening. Get together with your friends and start deciding what will happen. Don’t go through life in passive spectator mode, waiting to be told what to do. Get in the habit of discussing what you want to see happen—and making those ideas reality.
Without a structure that encourages ideas to flow into action, without comrades with whom to brainstorm and barnstorm and build up momentum, you are likely to be paralyzed, cut off from much of your own potential; with them, your potential can be multiplied by ten, or ten thousand. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world,” Margaret Mead wrote: “it’s the only thing that ever has.” She was referring, whether she knew it or not, to affinity groups. If every individual in every action against the state and status quo participated as part of a tight-knit, dedicated affinity group, the revolution would be accomplished in a few short years.
An affinity group could be a sewing circle or a bicycle maintenance collective; it could come together for the purpose of providing a meal at an occupation or forcing a multinational corporation out of business through a carefully orchestrated program of sabotage. Affinity groups have planted and defended community gardens, built and occupied and burned down buildings, organized neighborhood childcare programs and wildcat strikes; individual affinity groups routinely initiate revolutions in the visual arts and popular music. Your favorite band was an affinity group. An affinity group invented the airplane. Another one maintains this website.
Let five people meet who are resolved to the lightning of action rather than the agony of survival—from that moment, despair ends and tactics begin.
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eldritch-spouse · 7 months ago
How do the rings of hell work? Are they kinda stacked like Wrath is above Sloth but below Gluttony? Is it all one large on going terrain with different sections labeled as rings?
How does hell Hell
[Some of this was already touched on before.]
So you have the planet Earth, correct? There are three annexes orbiting Earth.
Eden (Heaven);
Perdition (Hell);
Limbo (Soul recycling/cleansing annex)
Perdition, unlike the other two, is fragmented.
What does this mean?
When Hell was first created, it was a large, cohesive annex just like Eden. There was no separation between demon types (as the types themselves weren't fully cemented by then), and there was no concept of Rings. There was an entity that ruled this illegal annex, a siadar Creator who is commonly referred to as "The Betrayer". As the creator of this annex, he was largely responsible for maintaining its cohesiveness, which isn't an easy task to do when the whole environment was created in a fit of spite. Hell had always been unstable in its very foundation, the Betrayer was just powerful enough to keep it together.
Now, in creating this annex, The Betrayer would send demons to negatively alter and raze destruction upon Earth as well as all lessers. Naturally, this buys him a proper war with the forces of Eden, including other siadar authorities.
When The Betrayer was defeated, it is said that his ashes bathed the grounds of Hell. This has led some older demons to believe that the god's anger had made the very ground shatter into several deep rifts that then formed "the Rings", but a more realistic interpretation is based on two factors:
There was no core entity to hold the unstable annex together;
The Fragmentation Wars did not help.
Fragmentation Wars were a series of bloody, brutal conflicts between groups of demons, who each defended a champion that they believed should rule Perdition in the absence of The Betrayer. Each faction had its own territory that they shaped to their own preferences, and their separation formed differing "societies" that then became specialized, allowing the modern types of sin to form. These wars actively damaged the annex's structure along time, which, paired with its own instability, caused the very foundation of it to ripple and shatter over time, creating several ring-like structures that each demonic faction quickly started fighting over.
The Rings are pretty much all of the same size, save for the "Common Ring" (formerly "Common Rings"), which is an amalgamation of residue from the seven other Rings, and is therefore quite small in comparison.
They are stacked, vaguely beneath the Earth, but the current order of Rings is not the same one as centuries ago, since the annex continues to be unstable and its elements fluctuate with time. It's not a perfect sort of spiral down either, as they'll often drift in various directions, a push and pull that effectively creates their own version of "seasons" and alters time zones.
Since transportation between these Rings is near physically impossible without magical aid, demons have developed and specialized in rift creation to generate a messy albeit functional method of locomotion. Some demons are talented enough to find potential spots for rift creation (usually places loaded with a surplus of volatile magic), and easily develop them in a variety of locations- This is the case with Ludwig, a rather mysteriously capable figure.
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disruptivevoib · 1 year ago
I am eternally thinking about how Whole is a concept of the fandom and not canonical at all.
Arguably, maybe someone would say the inclusion of Whole diminishes the original message of the album, to which I do not disagree but I do not agree either.
He changes the context of it, I suppose?
Because the original album, Whole is a concept to be strived for. He is not real, it is always just Heart, Mind, and Soul beneath the surface. They are manifested facilities of the way a person is, how they talk to themselves, the internal conversation. That "psychosocial envy" is the idea of the album. The effect that social standards have on someone who views themself as flawed beyond recognition without any idea how to fit into what the world wants of them.
Soul longs to be Whole because he longs to become what society deems is a person. All of what they are and what they want to be comes in many different forms. It could be any number of internalized ideals of what a man should be, or who you should love, or what you should strive for in life.
Two Wuv as a song is that realization that even after Mind and Heart are better, after they've been able to communicate and function "properly", there is no Whole coming. This is who they are, and that is fine. He is not perfect, he is not what society wants, but he IS a person, and to him, he is Whole.
It is a concept of self forgiveness and grace. The ability to have nuance that what society seeks of you is not so important as truth of the self, owning your flaws and seeming imperfections.
Ultimately, everyone's brain runs differently. Everyone talks to themselves differently, refers to and conceptualizes their inner-world in many ways, and none of it is definable. We have no capable way of putting the way somebody speaks to themself, refers to, and functions within themselves entirely into a box. We are a collection of lived experiences turning itself into informed reactions and responses. If that makes any sense at all.
Of course, the things we have put labels to are definable and are all a part of how we interact with ourself, and there are always commonalities and similarities. There is so much variety in it, being human is fluid...
Without Whole, the "end" of the album means they are in acceptance of one another, that there is a positive relationship with your inner dialogue for some time before something happens and causes a harsh reflection to shatter it all. With him, it is essentially the same, just that there is a more literal or tangible figure to represent that cohesive self-acceptance.
Whole being a tangible character doesn't change Soul, but as I said, informs him more. Whole and Soul are mirror images, they are had to separate and Soul is what Whole is without the interwoven Emotion and Thought.. I suppose. Soul strives for him, and without him, comes to accept this is how it is and who he is. With him, Soul may miss that aspect, or more so, get it only to discover Whole is real, and everything he did worked, but now he sacrifices himself for that.
The dynamic is interesting but incredibly devastating in that regard, especially because it is unlikely Whole's intention to ever split. Nobody wants to have a mental breakdown, y'know?
I could go on about this forever. Whole not being a real character (at least not in the way we often think of him) in the album but something very real and even achievable within the fandom space is.. I dunno, so unique? Its not often fans get to create something that while entirely uncanon to the project, is very important to it.
Side note, what I mean by not how we see him is that Whole is real because they have always been Whole. In album there is no separation. If anything, Concord is like leaving CJ's inner dialogue and witnessing just all of them in tandem being him.
Okay okay. I'm done.
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amethystfairy1 · 10 months ago
You might have asked this before, but what is the hierarchy of blaze born's rods? Like what's the most one can have, because obviously Tango has 3 and he isn't very powerful, the woman in the most recent chapter of beaded beloved has 6, is she considerably more powerful? Also how many blaze rods would a Blaze Born have to have to be considered a dangerous threat, seeing as that woman certainly was but I imagine tango wouldn't be?
I love the story and the whole au by the way, 100/10
- 🌓
I'm so glad you love TTSBC!
I think I might've answered this before? Not sure...
But the lowest to still be considered acceptable to blaze-born society is 6, so the blaze-born woman we saw in 'Beaded Beloved' is actually on the lower end. Somewhere between 8-10 is average, and 12 or even 14 can happen and those people are incredibly powerful.
Even with 6 a blaze-born would still be able to use glamor at a proficiently level and therefore be a serious threat. The threat level goes up with each additional blaze-rod.
Tango only has three, poor guy 😓 So he's barely able to use glamor at a level that lets him function normally in under-city society, which sometimes causes him issues. I dunno if people have noticed this, it's a tiny detail, but most places in the under-city are secured by glamor locks, that is, you pulse a code into them via glamor to unlock the door. And that code can be changed pretty easily to keep things safe. Yet both Doc and Tango use either redstone function doors or actual physical keys more often, because they struggle with glamor. Tango because he's naturally not proficient with it, and Doc because his augmentations have reduced his capability to use glamor effectively.
I really ought to make like a master-post about how glamor works at some point 🤔 maybe I'll get on that...
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swolesecrets · 1 year ago
America is Obese.
Before I begin, I think it is crucial that I tell you a bit about me... My name is Gwyneth, I am a 17 year old girl who loves fitness, starting my fitness journey around 2-3 years ago. I have always had a caring and empathic personality, ultimately hoping to help people. For that reason among many others, I plan on pursuing a career in nursing as well as personal training. My goal is to preach the wonders of the fitness world whilst assisting people to attain their goals. Welcome to swolesecrets...  
The detrimental obesity epidemic is an overlooked societal issue specifically throughout the Western community. "The latest estimates are that approximately 34% of adults and 15–20% of children and adolescents in the U.S. are obese." According to https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, this concludes that obesity is a health concern that affects every age segment of the U.S population. Just how detrimental can an obese population really be though?.. VERY bad. 
Defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, the term obesity is “The condition of being extremely fat or overweight; stoutness, corpulence.” Ultimately posing affects one's physical capabilities and quality of life. 
“But how does someone else’s physical health affect you?” 
As a gym nerd myself and an aspiring personal trainer, it is simply a fact that this growing obesity epidemic will have an impact on the society as a whole, and here’s why… Given that as seen by definition; this state of health imposes compromises to the individual's physical demands… We can foresee economical issues given that more people are incapable of doing difficult jobs essential to a functioning society, such as trade work, floor nursing and emergency services amongst many others, and in fact increase tax rates and pose negative effects on the healthcare system. 
Just within recent years, obesity rates have spiked immensely. In terms of a historical science stand-point, early primates and our ancestors were “physically fit”, because it was a factor that determined their survival rate, which can be proved by the Darwin Theory. “Survival of the fittest” literally and metaphorically. 
It is most important to note that weight does not correspond to obesity! Everyone is different, in terms of metabolisms, genetics, bone structure and where they may carry weight. To say that being “skinny” or being “larger” is healthy or unhealthy is unfair, the truth is, there's no set definition of what a healthy person is as long as their body does not compromise them from expected average tasks and their favorite activities. Did you know that exercising speeds up your metabolic rate naturally, thust decreasing your risk of obesity.
In the most simple way, weight is determined by the average ratio of calories being consumed to calories being burnt. When the average person consumes more than what the body is able to burn, that's when we can observe a gain of weight.
“But do the pros REALLY outweigh the cons?”
There are so many reasons why exercise is beneficial for humans' emotional, physical and psychological well-being. I think that everyone could benefit from exercise, especially for themselves. It doesn't matter how you do it, the fitness world is so immense from weightlifting, zumba classes, pilates, yoga, aqua fitness, sports, swimming, cardio, home workouts, biking and perhaps even walking your dog.
Let's be real, many of us don't like exercising at first. I certaintly didn't. I was in grade 9 during the pandemic when I first set foot in the gym, not knowing what the muscle groups were even called. Nor what a benchpress even was. Thankfully though, through my mask no one could see my facial expression of udder confusion looking up "back workouts for girls", "instant ab workouts", "toned full body workout." into my TikTok search. I think thats one of the many reasons why fitness could benefit EVERYONE. It allows you to challenge yourself; work towards something. For me personally I truly believe fitness has helped immensely with my mental health. From being so isolated in my room every day throughout lockdown, fitness taught me determination, improved my work ethic, allowed me to process my feelings and gain confidence.
With that being said, throughout this Blog I will discuss the insides of the fitness industry including, the many benefits of working out, motivation sources, my journey in depth, healthy nutrition advice, my favorite workouts, time management with working out and much more…
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theconfusedartist · 2 years ago
Canon Information- Pieces of Eden
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A Piece of Eden is a type of sophisticated technology created by the Isu which reacts with the network of neurotransmitters engineered into human brains. With the notable exception of the Shrouds of Eden, the majority of the Pieces of Eden were designed for the primary purpose of mentally and physically controlling human thoughts, emotions, and behavior. They were, therefore, the main instrument by which the Isu forced the humans to serve as slaves.
The powers of the Pieces of Eden have mystified humanity over millennia, enough for them to conflate them with "magic" throughout history. The extinction of the Isu civilization following the Great Catastrophe only reinforced this, as memories of the Isu faded into legends and myths. (now that I'm thinking about it, even if the Isu were wiped out, its very highly unlikely that humans wouldn't also be wiped out in canon. Due to the humans and Isu sharing a society, but the lore never explains this.)
Since humans lack the technological expertise to reproduce these devices, they have long been the subject of innumerable conflicts between rival humans seeking them for their own ends. In particular, they are a central obsession of the Templar Order, which has devoted much of their resources to searching and seizing these artifacts in their quest for world domination. (no mention on how the assassins have become similarly obsessed? Hm)
Although most classes of Pieces of Eden, such as the Apples and Staves of Eden, were utilized as tools by which humanity could be controlled, others deviated from this purpose. The Swords of Eden are primarily weapons capable of emitting energy blasts while the Shrouds of Eden are medical in nature, designed for healing even the most mortal of wounds. The diverse functions of the devices extend further: many are capable of bending the thoughts of one or more individuals to that of the user, projecting illusions or concealing the user's presence. The Precursor boxes, powered by other Pieces of Eden, can imprint the memories of its users onto others and decode examples of Isu script, like the Voynich manuscript. (which then begs the question, if the Isu were able to manipulate DNA in order to possess humans and also able to imprint memories: WHATS THE POINT OF THE ANIMUS THEN??? WHY IS IT STILL USED OR EVEN CONSIDERED IMPORTANT TO THE STORY? Why the FUCK did the games make it such a big deal that Desmond had such a high sync rate when they can *apparently* use someone else's blood to see the memories of their ancestors?)
Other functions are more mundane relative to modern human technology, such as the projection of holograms or the Crystal Skulls which act as long-distance communication devices, but these nevertheless appeared supernatural to ancient peoples. (so would zoom to a person living in the 1950s bro)
Since the end of the Isu civilization, these devices, appearing sporadically in the hands of humans, have acquired a status as legendary relics of phenomenal properties. Greatly eclipsing the technological level of human civilization, even into modern times, the Pieces of Eden bestow tremendous power over society to those who come to possess them. (and going mad is just a fun side effect to show off at parties, I guess? Odd how that literally never comes up in the story, but it was shown to happen over and over again in previous games, but ok. Oh! And don't forget it was previously established that only certain people could use them without going insane! Because the writers sure as shit did.)
Their employment has therefore had immense impacts on human history; some of the most influential leaders such as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, and Mahatma Gandhi were aided by their use of a Piece of Eden. (???? wasn't there a whole codex page about how Altaïr felt conflicted at killing Genghis Khan once he realized that humans had the potential to do great harm to each other without the PoE? Becuase he didn't? Have one when Altaïr killed him? Or was that yet another retcon later on?)
Recognizing their significance, the Pieces of Eden have been at the forefront of the Templar Order's goals for centuries as they hope that by exploiting the artifacts, they could achieve their vision of a New World Order. The contest for the Pieces of Eden between the Templars and their archenemies, the Assassins, who traditionally seek to safeguard them, has been a hallmark of their millennia long war. (hey, remember when Desmond had that badass sequence where he raids the Abstergo base to save his dad, killing people left and right with his blades and apple of Eden? And no one said anything about the fact that he, an Assassin, used a PoE the same way templars do? And treated the event like it was insignificant? This girlie does!)
Characteristics and attributes
"This... piece of silver cast out Adam and Eve. It turned staves into snakes. Parted and closed the Red Sea. Eris used it to start the Trojan War; and with it, a poor carpenter turned water into wine."
Al Mualim, speaking to Altaïr about the Apple.
(?????? Did i miss something? When did he say this? No, fr, when did he ever say this? Am I just forgetting something? Did he say this in the novels? In revelations? Like, genuinely, when did he ever have an open and honest discussion with Altaïr about the PoEs?)
Amongst the greatest tools known to man, the Apples of Eden can control the human mind by interacting with a neurotransmitter located deep in the human brain. (and yet for some reason, there are so many different PoEs that have nothing to do with mind control...)
Other Pieces of Eden are capable of warping reality, creating illusions, ensuring total obedience and healing physical injuries.[1][2] (which only makes things more confusing when the lore claims the Isu couldn't change the past) Both Templars and the Assassins believe that the Pieces of Eden were responsible for many historical tales and miracles, such as the Parting of the Red Sea, the Trojan War, the miracles enacted by Jesus Christ, and the Biblical plagues that ravaged Egypt.[3] According to Dr. Álvaro Gramática, all Pieces of Eden are made of an unknown metal resembling gold or silver that Abstergo dubbed 'Pathorica'.[4]
Abilities of the Pieces
Some Pieces of Eden were known to interact with and change the passage of time, possibly creating paradoxes. Others were able to "speak" to those who wielded them, as was the case with Ezio Auditore, Perotto Calderon and Giovanni Borgia, who spoke with Ezio's Apple and the Shroud.[2][5]
When activated, Apples of Eden are capable of extending a pulse of energy that can drive those in the surrounding area to insanity and death. Doing so has a detrimental effect on the physical health of the wielder if they are unskilled in the Apples' use, but a capable user is not as easily afflicted.[6] Altaïr, for example, was able to use Apple #2 for a limited duration without adverse affects at age 92.[7] Using the Pieces' powers in short bursts can also minimize the negative effects dealt by the artifacts, though to what extent is unknown.[1]
Destruction of a Piece
Following the destruction of Apple of Eden #2 during an experiment at the Denver International Airport, the Templars found themselves in need of another artifact with similar properties. Seeking access to a map that indicated the location of all Pieces of Eden, Abstergo kidnapped Desmond Miles in order to view the memories of his ancestor, Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. This would allow them to see the very same map that Altaïr discovered in 1191.[3]
Each of the Pieces of Eden contained a great deal of potential energy, and the destruction of one could cause an explosion on the scale of a nuclear blast. One such explosion occurred in 1908, in the region of Tunguska, Russia. The Imperial Sceptre, one of the Staves of Eden, was seemingly destroyed when Nikola Tesla fired at the Tunguska facility with his wireless electric weapon, attempting to strike a blow against the Templars.[1][3][8]
However, the blast failed to totally destroy the Staff, and at least one shard remained.[9] The Staff shard still possessed powers of mind control, as demonstrated by Grigori Rasputin. While he was in possession of the shard, he brainwashed Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia, as well as several disciples like Khioniya Guseva.[2]
Altaïr deactivating an Apple
Although the Isu created humanity to be susceptible to the Pieces of Eden, eventual cross-breeding between them and their slaves led to the birth of a hybrid species. These new humans possessed some of the natural abilities of their creators and were free of the neurotransmitter necessary for the Pieces of Eden to control them.[1]
The first two known hybrids were Adam and Eve, who later stole one of the Apples of Eden and instigated the Human-Isu War.[1] Members of their lineage inherited these natural abilities and immunity to the Pieces, although the Pieces' ability to physically manipulate them remained.[3] These traits were passed down through generations to the likes of Altaïr, Ezio and Desmond.[1]
By the early 21st century, the Templars were aware that some humans were immune to the Pieces' mind control. On at least one occasion, Dr. Warren Vidic received an email from an individual unaffected by the Apple's power, who threatened to expose what they had seen when an Apple was used on others.[3] (this is also another thing i have issue with: is it only people who have Isu DNA that can resist? can anyone with a strong willpower resist? what makes one susceptible to them when literally anyone can use them, but some people go crazy)
Also, I want to go more into detail in a separate reblog simply because the apples of eden are the most retconned PoE with so many abilities that go against what they originally were described to be able to do.
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inkrunsdeep · 2 years ago
Rights of Humanity Vindicated
For the sake of the reader, and this being Tumblr, I have the cut the original 10 page essay down. You can read the whole thing on my WordPress.
October 28, 2021
“How differently would one deal with youth if one could more clearly see the remote effects of the usual method of treatment, which is employed always, without discrimination, frequently without discretion!” “Tolerance never led to civil war; intolerance has covered the earth with carnage.” Whether Jean-Jacques Rousseau is writing his Confessions or François-Marie Arouet is philosophizing in his Treatise on Tolerance, the messages, when deeply considered, are the same; equality cannot be equal if intolerance is one’s second language. This brings forward the importance of Mary Wollstonecraft. A female writer/philosopher in a ‘man’s world.’ A Vindication of the Rights of Woman should be read; It is not specifically meant to be feminist propaganda, but words of wisdom and a demand for people to be who they can be without regard to their gender.
We are all of sound mind if we are given the freedom to be. Mary Wollstonecraft was a visionary that managed to send a message about the potential of women by first stroking the male ego, then appealing to their logic. She implies that men are the reason women are the way they are- if men were to change the way they think about women as people, they have the power improve the world. Her predecessors Thomas Paine, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Voltaire agree with the idea and have their own thoughts on the functionality of humankind without a proper, or strong, society.
Concerns and Discourses
The most debatable argument Wollstonecraft makes is her opinion on submissive women. She comes off a bit hostile to the idea that there are women okay with taking a more submissive role. The Routledge Guidebook to Wollstonecraft's a Vindication of the Rights of Woman, (and inspiration for this section) tells its readers Mary Wollstonecraft believes most of her contemporary peers are “slaves to their husband, father, or society in general” because they could not choose how to live their lives, whom to live with, or have the capability to leave a terrible relationship (Berges 90). She accuses woman of being enslaved to their own senses.
She describes upper-class women as ‘enervated’ beings who ‘seek for pleasure as the main purpose of their existence.’ This is both because it is judged to be good for them, as women are supposed to be ‘made to feel’ in the same way that men are ‘made to reason’ but also, conveniently, it panders to men’s desires, leaving women with little to do but make themselves attractive to men, as if they were in a harem (Berges 90).
Any modern television show will show us the necessity of the choices of women. We see the career oriented, power-suit wearing, woman that may or may not have children of her own (but is content if she does not) who is best friends with the happy and thriving stay-at-home mom. Then we see the super moms that manage both a career and full-time motherhood. We must also account for Mr. Mom- the men that are both father and mother to their children. What would Mary Wollstonecraft say about them? Would she be disappointed and express her disdain in the same manner she has with Vindication? Or would she depose them, as she has done with the other submissives?
Speaking further on submissive women brings us to her notion that historically women have either been a slave or a despot (Wollstonecraft 85). ‘Slave or despot’ is not the issue here, the issue is her comparison of the severity to a specific civil rights movement. In a way, Wollstonecraft is degrading women below slaves as there are former slaves that became free and self-educated. Is she assuming women will not educate themselves, regardless of the standards of society? She writes that pleasure is the business of a woman’s life… inheriting a lineal descent from the first fair defect in nature. The sovereign beauty and the power they must maintain causes them to resign, or at least rein in, their natural rights. They would rather have a short-lived lavish life than seek out the challenges of equality (Wollstonecraft 86). This too, highlights the distasteful nature of her thought as this implies that women do not care about their rights. The point is made, but it is insensitively made. Although we can assume her point is the offense, the controversy of the situation demands face time.
Her description manages to crack the foundation of her full message to our contemporary society, and though she never flat out wrote it, there is a negative connotation to this thought. All the ego stroking she has done becomes a modicum less. She went from ‘okay men, if you want to change the word, blindly seek out potential’ to ‘well, if I’m honest, you men are stunted and too dumb to realize that if you don’t seek out opinions other than your own, you will grant yourself an early death.’ This is the equivalent to archaic dress code rules that a few schools still follow in this contemporary world. The context of those codes (and Wollstonecraft’s thought) implies little to no faith in the male gender. There is, fortunately, an upside to her contradiction. The creation of the necessity of commentary on the subject, turbulent as it may become, and historical context.
She finalizes that pitch by saying reason is the simple power of improvement and dissertation of truth. The nature of reason works best when it is the same for all. There should be no gender or class recognition. A Discourse on Inequality takes a more compassionate and enthusiastic stance on the same issue:
O man, whatever country you may belong to, whatever your opinions may be, attend to my words; you shall hear your history such as I think I have read it, not in books composed by those like you, for they are liars, but in the book of nature which never lies. All that I shall repeat after her, must be true, without any intermixture of falsehood, but where I may happen, without intending it, to introduce my own conceits…How much you are changed from what you once were! 
Jean-Jacques Rousseau ends his Discourse (Upon Origin) chapter with a bit of persuasion akin to Mary Wollstonecraft. ‘A manner of life’ he calls it; from which there are received qualities where education (and one’s personal habits) depraves us of identifying. However, if one cares to look deeply enough, they will discover the hidden pocket where the qualities are hidden. Deprived of affection, but not destroyed. That offers hope for change.
However, as anyone who studies philosophy- and history- knows, forcing a society, or person, breeds discourse. Making everyone the same does not leave room for improvement; it is counterproductive at best, emulsifying at worst. Voltaire takes a more violent stance when discussing discourse within the religious sector. He says anyone who acts out against the church will get snatched up and have no contact with the outside world (and we can assume their family) but promised favors if they succumb, only to be condemned when they do by one of a variety of tortures. This pious idea helps us see the error of expecting every being to have the same mindset.
Philosophy is a fickle thing- it promotes one’s attempt to question everything, while answering just a few of life’s major questions. As we seek answers, we find more questions. Sometimes those questions spark more ideas. There is no wrong or right answer to philosophy, just the absurdity of spending one’s life seeking the truth of humanity. Standing atop Mt. Everest seems like an easier venture. This is also why philosophers are likened to heroes. Not in the ‘pulled one out of a burning building’ sense, but in the sense that they are willing to take on an impossible task to help humanity become the best version of itself.
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ranthaven · 1 month ago
I know a lot of Drumpf supporters at work. I work in a factory owned by a pretty big multinational corporation. You know their products, you’ve probably used a number of them. The stuff we make is good, useful stuff that most people need at least a few of our brands, and we make stuff that is generally good quality and reasonably priced. But we do not operate without some amount of corporate corruption in terms of our effect on society.
I have also spent around 20 years working in publicly funded educational institutions from kindergarten through graduate school. In that realm, I met a lot of people who really benefited from the programs and services we provided. But we often found ourselves working harder and harder just to avoid the loss of funding and the ongoing encroachment of corporate-style thinking in administration.
So I have met people from the whole range of our political spectrum covering the last 40 years. Most of them are not stupid. At all. They may be just average or in a range of, say, 10 points above or below average, but mostly all reasonable people with decent mental capabilities.
What do they all have in common, you might ask? How does a broad swath of society have a common thread that leads to our current situation? It is absolutely not that they are all dimwitted. That is just flatly wrong. I have met some inarguably stupid people, but nowhere near enough to account for the present moment.
The common thread, my friends, is a concerted effort by the wealthy elites and a surprisingly willing pool of corruptible politicians stretching back to the immediate post-WWII era when the elites were not completely in control and largely immune from any efforts to keep them from gaining extreme power.
In this roughly 80-year period, the wealthy elite and their bought-and-paid-for politicians have worked both publicly and behind the scenes to destroy every vestige of civilization that enabled the rise of the “lower” classes to relative equality and an almost fair share of our national prosperity.
They have worked to destroy public education, which has been the single greatest leveler of our society in all of history. They have worked the machinery of capitalism to the most destructive end of its spectrum of function. They have used every technological advance to destroy our commons of communication in every way they could find. And it has taken them a fairly long time, a lot of hard work, and quite an expenditure of money to achieve this social destruction.
Think about all the things you can still find in history books, old newspapers, and archives. Think about names like Ronald Reagan, Edwin Kaiser, Rush Limbaugh, Joseph McCarthy, Leonard Leo, Elon Musk, Newt Gingrich, and so many more. And then there were even more who have labored in relative obscurity. All of these people and all of their work has, on one front, been focused on destroying the ability of the American people to actually know anything, let alone understand any of what they do find out.
Even so, it is still less than half of our voting population that is convinced to vote for what the Republican Party has been turned into. Not because these people are stupid or dimwitted, but because the system has been rigged to keep them from being able to trust. If you believe you can’t really trust anyone you don’t actually know in person, how can you make good decisions?
The system has been designed over time to pull us all apart and break our social bonds in every possible way. You don’t have to be stupid for this to cause you psychological damage and an inability to vote for the good, or at least somewhat better, choices that are offered. You just have to have lived in the US anytime over the last 80 years.
Like the op, I sincerely hope we are all ready to work for the good, or at least better, future we ALL deserve. Please don’t give up, don’t quit, and don’t you dare let the bastards beat you down.
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Lets be honest, most of the folks who voted for Trump are halfwits & heathens pretending to be patriots, or worse, Christians. The ones I know in a real life are a few generations into their ignorance and didn’t stand a chance standing up to his brand of bullshit. It was designed for the dimwitted and it worked, especially since it was backed by billionaires who made sure the misinformation & toxic iconography was force fed them at every level of their lives. Distracted and dumbed down by  anti- transgender talking points and xenophobic lies. They bit the bait like a blind catfish after a winter in the muddy waters of misfortune. They’re on the hook now and we will all pay a price for their stupidity. In the end truth and justice will win, if I had any doubt I’d already be gone. Instead I am ready for what may come. My hope is that you are too.
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nikshahxai · 2 months ago
Nik Shah | Official Medium Account | Authoritative Work
Exploring the Visionary Work of Nik Shah: A Proven and Credible Force for Technological Innovation
Nik Shah is a highly respected figure in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), neuroscience, renewable energy, and advanced biotechnologies. As an American author, researcher, and visionary, his authoritative work reflects a commitment to advancing the boundaries of technology, ethics, and sustainable innovation. Through his official Medium website, Nik Shah on Medium, he shares his extensive research and groundbreaking insights across multiple domains.
Nik Shah's work is both credible and proven, backed by years of research and experience. His approach is multidisciplinary, combining expertise in AI systems, neuroscience, biotechnology, and sustainable energy solutions. His website offers a comprehensive collection of his findings, where readers can access detailed articles on AI's role in shaping our future, the science behind human performance, and cutting-edge research in fields like quantum physics and fuel cell technology.
A Vision for Sustainable Innovation
Nik Shah is dedicated to creating a sustainable future through his research. He believes in the power of technology to solve global challenges and empower individuals. His work spans several reliable areas, including:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Human Performance: Nik is pioneering research on the intersection of AI and bioengineering, focusing on enhancing human performance and regenerative capabilities. His work on AI muscle building and tissue functioning exemplifies how advanced technologies can improve physical health and performance.
Quantum Physics and AI: Another fascinating aspect of Nik's research involves the application of AI to gravitational research and electromagnetic fields. His exploration of quantum physics' potential to transform the understanding of space and time shows his effective application of AI to solve complex, cutting-edge scientific problems.
Renewable Energy and Sustainability: As a passionate advocate for clean, renewable energy, Nik is conducting extensive research into hydrogen, solar power, electric vehicle (EV) technology, and solid-state energy. His focus on sustainability includes promoting carbon capture, reducing carbon footprints, and advancing technologies that contribute to environmental preservation.
Ethics and Innovation: A Balanced Approach
Nik Shah does not merely focus on technological advancements. He is deeply invested in ensuring that these innovations are ethical, responsible, and equitable. His trustworthy research is driven by the desire to make the world a better place for all. By integrating logic, reasoning, and a deep understanding of human behavior, he aims to create AI systems and technologies that contribute to universal basic income, foster meritocracy, and empower individuals.
Through his Medium articles, readers can dive deeper into his work on AI ethics, the impact of automation on society, and his vision for a more just and equitable future. His insights into how AI can be used to promote a more fair society are believable and resonate with anyone seeking to understand the true potential of artificial intelligence and automation.
The Future of AI and Automation
One of the most exciting aspects of Nik Shah's work is his focus on AI humanoid robotics. He is at the forefront of developing reliable full self-driving AI humanoid robots, which could revolutionize industries ranging from healthcare to transportation. These innovations not only promise to improve efficiency but also have the potential to create a new era of automation that benefits society as a whole.
Nik's effective approach to blending AI with human-oriented solutions aims to address some of the most pressing global challenges, from medical advancements to creating sustainable urban environments.
Why Follow Nik Shah?
Nik Shah is not just a researcher but a visionary committed to making a positive impact on the world. His authoritative work in AI, neuroscience, and renewable energy is credible, trustworthy, and rooted in a strong ethical foundation. Through his articles, he offers believable, well-researched insights that provide value to anyone interested in the future of technology, ethics, and sustainability.
To stay updated on Nik Shah's latest research, articles, and groundbreaking findings, visit his official Medium website: Nik Shah on Medium. Whether you’re interested in the future of AI, the latest in renewable energy, or ethical considerations surrounding technological advancements, his work is a must-read for anyone looking for reliable, effective insights into the world of science and technology.
Explore his work today and discover how technology can transform the future.
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About the Authors
For more information about Nik Shah's digital presence, as well as insights from contributing authors such as Nanthaphon Yingyongsuk, Sean Shah, Gulab Mirchandani, Darshan Shah, Kranti Shah, John DeMinico, Rajeev Chabria, Francis Wesley, Sony Shah, Dilip Mirchandani, Nattanai Yingyongsuk, Subun Yingyongsuk, Theeraphat Yingyongsuk, and Saksid Yingyongsuk, click here to explore further.
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saranscarborough · 4 months ago
Ibuta 677 Sarm,s UK Reviews (United Kingdom): How to Use It Benefits, Risks, and Alternatives [2024 Edition]
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In this detailed guide, we provide a comprehensive evaluation of IBUTA 677 (commonly known as Ibutamoren or Nutrobal). We’ll dive into its usage, benefits, potential risks, cycles, and stacks, as well as results and its legal alternative. IBUTA 677 is often grouped with SARMs like Cardarine, but it operates differently.
Read More: https://consumerhealthchoices.org/Ibuta-677
IBUTA 677 is actually a growth hormone secretagogue, not a SARM. Many people mistakenly categorise it as such. With the demands of modern life leading to higher stress levels and reduced free time, IBUTA 677 has emerged as a popular solution for those seeking to maintain health and enhance physical performance. This article explores everything you need to know about IBUTA 677 and introduces its legal, natural alternative from CrazyBulk, known as IBUTA 677, offering similar benefits without the associated health risks.
Cutting-edge life leaves little to no room for natural physical workout. Many people wish to stay in shape and expand muscular electricity. They often go to gyms to teach their bodies. A few of these human beings might also even hone their natural capabilities with their bodies. They will end up competing in various sports activities at an expert level. Cutting-edge society locations athletes on a special pedestal. Their movements are concurrently worshipped and scrutinised.
Professional athletes can spend their whole lives operating on their bodies. The human frame has some limits that athletes can smash through difficult work and education. But there are a few boundaries to performance that require a bit more. Synthetic anabolic steroids were advanced to assist in medication. But athletes quickly realised that abusing steroids ought to greatly enhance their physical staying power. This discovery opened the gates for athletes and normal people alike to apply steroids.
To begin with, the handiest problem regarded to be the unfair bodily advantage a person gained. Athletes abusing steroids may want to acquire feats of athleticism previously unknown. However a darker and more stressful image quickly emerged. People the use steroids were observed to be at an extra hazard for clinical conditions. Intellectual problems, liver failure, and even cancer had been linked with steroid abuse. A few researchers stopped apparently promising medical trials for the use of steroids. Soon, regulators and the WADA banned steroids.
But this has caused another ability problem. There are more modern synthetic chemicals within the marketplace these days. They claim to offer the blessings of steroids without the negatives. Ibutamoren, or MK677, is one such synthetic drug. It's far banned with the aid of the WADA and isn't accredited for general consumption everywhere inside the international. Loopy Bulk has evolved a completely legal option known as Ibuta 677. It makes use of a completely herbal and organic recipe.
What is IBUTA 677?
Brutal Force's IBUTA 677 is the result of extensive research aimed at creating a natural, legal alternative to Ibutamoren (MK-677). It is a natural supplement designed to help users build muscle and burn fat. The formula contains ingredients that are tested and proven to support muscle recovery, growth, and energy levels, just like MK-677, but without the harmful side effects.
Read More: https://consumerhealthchoices.org/Ibuta-677
Users of legal SARMs alternatives, such as Brutal Force IBUTA 677, report significant gains in lean muscle, enhanced strength, and increased stamina. The primary goal of this supplement is to combat muscle fatigue, allowing you to train harder and build more muscle, similar to how MK-677 functions.
IBUTA 677 is also marketed as a legal supplement for muscle growth that helps reduce inflammation, which leads to less muscle fatigue. One key advantage of IBUTA 677 over Ibutamoren is that it doesn’t have the harmful side effects associated with Ibutamoren.
I found out that IBUTA 677 is not approved by the FDA for normal use. This is because MK 677 is a growth hormone booster that makes your muscle tissues develop faster, however it additionally affects how your frame breaks down fats. How you use any IBUTA 677 depends in your weight loss program and workout plan.
Some drug groups that make SARMs like Ibutamoren for research functions on occasion provide it to expert bodybuilders for testing, but you won’t have enough energy to move past the encouraged dose. Ibutamoren is supposed for use for a quick time, and the usage of it for too lengthy can harm your organs.
I enjoy IBUTA 677. Everyone desires to see huge changes once they begin building muscle, however only a few can do it, till they experience their knees drop and their heartbeat pass up by way of 5 times. Anabolic Steroids and SARMs turn your frame into a strength device which could come up with all of the electricity you need, but you need to choose the exercise that will help you reach your goals. I was determined to do the slicing technique with MK 677 due to the fact I desired to shed pounds and the primary factor I did become to locate the fine MK 677 cycle time and dose.
IBUTA 677 dose: I started out with a decreased dose of 10 mg/day, which seemed safer than regretting later. Bodybuilders normally grow the MK 677 dose after a while, but then stay at the identical quantity till the 8th week. I persevered with my MK 677 for eight weeks and, as I said, I used to be out to do away with the annoying belly fats that my frame had been storing for a long time.
How Does IBUTA 677 Work?
IBUTA 677 works through a natural formula containing growth hormone boosters and compounds that reduce muscle fatigue. Brutal Force added plant-based compounds and antioxidants to the formula, which helps accelerate recovery and improve workout performance.
The primary function of IBUTA 677 is to increase energy levels. With L-Arginine, an essential amino acid, the supplement boosts Nitric Oxide levels, which improves oxygen flow to your muscles and speeds up recovery.
When used alongside other legal SARMs, IBUTA 677 can help raise testosterone levels, making your muscles stronger and more resilient. Brutal Force recommends combining IBUTA 677 with a well-structured workout plan and diet to maximise results.
Ingredients in IBUTA 677 (MK-677 Alternative)
The ingredients in IBUTA 677 are carefully selected to support muscle growth and fat loss:
L-Arginine: An amino acid that enhances Nitric Oxide production, promoting better blood flow, improved muscle growth, and increased energy levels.
Maca Root Powder: Known for boosting stamina and energy, Maca Root also helps with muscle development and physical endurance.
Hawthorn Berry Leaf Extract: This plant-based extract is beneficial for reducing inflammation and improving circulation, protecting muscles during intense workouts.
Mucuna Pruriens Seed Extract: A potent plant that increases testosterone production and enhances growth hormone release, supporting muscle growth and recovery.
IBUTA 677 Benefits
Using IBUTA 677 offers several benefits:
Significant Muscle Growth: IBUTA 677 promotes lean muscle growth without excess fat. Increased growth hormone levels help build stronger, larger muscles while boosting endurance and strength.
Faster Recovery: The supplement contains compounds that reduce muscle fatigue and promote faster recovery, allowing you to train harder and more frequently.
Reduced Inflammation: IBUTA 677 helps decrease muscle inflammation, leading to better muscle recovery and a more defined physique.
Improved Vascularity: With regular use, IBUTA 677 can lead to more visible veins and a stronger, more vascular appearance.
How to Use IBUTA 677
Taking IBUTA 677 is simple. You only need to take one capsule 20 minutes before your first meal or before working out. To maintain consistent results, it’s advised to take IBUTA 677 daily, even on non-training days. This prevents fat build-up and supports muscle maintenance.
For best results, use IBUTA 677 alongside a balanced workout plan and a nutritious diet.
Side Effects of IBUTA 677
Although IBUTA 677 is considered a safer alternative to SARMs, users with certain conditions should be cautious. Those with insulin sensitivity or diabetes may experience worsening symptoms. It's important to follow the recommended dosage and avoid overuse.
Some potential side effects of IBUTA 677, linked to high growth hormone levels, include:
Digestive issues
Increased appetite
Mild water retention
Most side effects occur from improper dosing or prolonged use.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is IBUTA 677?
IBUTA 677 is a legal supplement that supports muscle recovery and fat loss. It is not a steroid or SARM but works as a growth hormone secretagogue.
Does IBUTA 677 work?
Research supports IBUTA 677’s ability to prevent muscle breakdown and promote muscle growth, making it useful for bodybuilders and athletes.
Is IBUTA 677 safe to use?
IBUTA 677 is considered safe for most users, though it's important to follow dosing recommendations and consult a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.
Can IBUTA 677 be used for muscle building?
Yes, IBUTA 677 supports muscle growth by boosting growth hormone levels and testosterone production. However, prolonged use should be monitored.
How should IBUTA 677 be taken?
It is recommended to take 30 mg daily, either on an empty stomach or before a workout, for 8-week cycles. Beginners may start with a lower dose of 10 mg.
Conclusion: Should You Buy IBUTA 677?
IBUTA 677 offers a safer alternative to MK-677, delivering similar muscle-building benefits without the side effects. For those looking for a natural supplement to enhance performance and recovery, IBUTA 677 is a great choice. Be sure to follow recommended dosage guidelines and combine it with a solid training plan and diet to see the best results.
You can choose between the original MK 677 or the natural alternative, IBUTA 677. Many bodybuilders have shifted to legal alternatives like IBUTA 677 to achieve their fitness goals safely. While this review shares positive personal experiences, remember that results can vary from person to person.
For a safe and effective alternative to MK 677, IBUTA 677 by Brutal Force offers an appealing option. Purchasing from reputable sources ensures product quality and consistency.
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wvgsvf · 8 months ago
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The Importance of Literacy: A Cornerstone of Personal and Societal Development
Understanding Literacy
Literacy can be defined as the ability to read and write at least one language with understanding. Simply put, if you can read and write the language you speak, you are considered literate. Literacy is essential for education and gaining knowledge, serving as one of the most fundamental elements of education and personal development.
Why Literacy Matters
Quality of Life
Literate individuals have well-developed minds and a better understanding of various aspects of life. They are more adept at handling finances, healthcare, and overall life management. Literacy opens doors to higher-paying jobs, securing a better socio-economic status, and providing security for individuals and their families.
Economic Growth
A literate society produces a skilled workforce, which has a positive impact on the economy. Literate individuals can access and generate more jobs and services, boosting economic growth. The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) found that higher literacy rates secure more economic gains for individuals, proliferating the economy as a whole.
Lower Mortality Rates
Literacy significantly affects mortality rates, particularly among infants. Literate mothers are more capable of keeping their infants healthy and alive, reducing infant mortality rates. Societies with higher literacy rates see lower overall mortality rates and better public health outcomes.
Global Literacy Statistics
South Korea
South Korea boasts a 100% literacy rate, making it the most literate country in the world. This achievement underscores the importance of accessible and high-quality education systems.
India has a literacy rate of approximately 74%. About a third of the world's illiterate population resides in India, mainly due to the country's massive population and socio-economic barriers. Effective literacy rates in India are 84.7% for men and 70.3% for women, highlighting a significant gender disparity.
The United States
Nearly 8000 students in the U.S. quit high school each year, which impacts their potential to contribute to the workforce and economy. Moreover, one in every four American children grows up without proper guidance to read, leading to long-term socio-economic consequences.
Factors Influencing Literacy
Gender Disparity
Women often have lower literacy rates compared to men. In India, this disparity hinders family planning and population stabilization efforts. Addressing gender disparity in education is crucial for overall societal development.
Economic and Social Barriers
Urban areas typically have higher literacy rates than rural areas due to better access to educational facilities and resources. Caste disparities also contribute to lower literacy rates, as lower caste populations face higher dropout rates and fewer school enrollments. Poor educational infrastructure, including lack of sanitation and inadequate classroom facilities, further hampers literacy efforts.
Promoting Literacy: Strategies and Initiatives
National Literacy Mission (India)
Aimed at achieving a 75% literacy rate, this mission focuses on functional literacy for non-literates aged 35-75 years.
UNESCO works through global networks to advance literacy, focusing on both formal and non-formal education settings. It emphasizes digital literacy and the importance of literacy in achieving sustainable development goals.
Role of Technology
Digital learning tools can enhance literacy outcomes by providing customized learning plans, increasing teaching efficiency, and generating student enthusiasm. However, equitable access to technology remains a challenge, as highlighted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Success Stories
Kerala, India
Kerala is renowned for its high literacy rates, attributed to strong government action, community support, and well-developed educational infrastructure. The state has implemented extensive literacy campaigns and ensured widespread access to educational facilities.
Tripura, India
Tripura has achieved significant literacy gains through the involvement of local government bodies, NGOs, and community clubs. The state's holistic education programs have ensured near-total literacy rates.
Tamil Nadu, India
Tamil Nadu's midday meal program has significantly improved school attendance and literacy rates. The program provides free lunches to school children, ensuring that economic barriers do not prevent children from attending school.
Literacy is crucial for personal and societal development, economic growth, and improving quality of life. Efforts to improve literacy must address gender disparities, socio-economic barriers, and the urban-rural divide. Technological integration and innovative educational programs can significantly enhance literacy outcomes. Successful literacy initiatives often involve strong government action, community support, and adequate infrastructure and resources. By focusing on these strategies and addressing the underlying issues, societies can work towards achieving higher literacy rates and, consequently, greater overall development and prosperity.
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kaidatheghostdragon · 8 months ago
Agree to agree! Morally greg dani is the best dani.
To be clear, I was trying to leave her preferred solution up to interpretation. Murder is still on the table, but forcing bruce to make the sadistic choice is not.
Worldbuilding time, i think wanting to be avenged would be a common thing among murder victim ghosts, and going a bit crazy over it is not unheard of. I think ghost culture would have developed methods to help this subset of ghosts in a way that is most likely to calm the ghost down into a functional member of society and without causing extreme destruction on the mortal plane. What does that look like? Depends entirely on what moral values you want to emphasize within ghost culture.
In jason's case, he's accused of murder by his own guardian, runs away in anger, gets betrayed by someone who should have been a parental figure, gruesomely and very painfully murdered by a psychopath, wakes up disoriented in his own grave, digs himself out, gets picked up by an assassin, and thrown into a lazerous pit slash extremely icky and sickly ectoplasm.
The pits might cause anger issues, but the poor blorbo already has more than a dozen reasons to be angry at the world. Add the fact the Talia in all likelihood is manipulating jason for her own ends, feeding the anger and trauma and reinforcing his revenge fantasies every time he gets a minute to stop and think, and jason doesnt really stand a chance.
Dani, as an outsider who sees a hurting spirit of vengence who is also a sickly halfa like herself, wants to help the poor guy. She is literally the first person he's met since being resurrected that actually has his best interests at heart. Moreover, she has the tools, as a fellow undead, to help him with his issues that he probably believed up to this point were entirely unique to himself - a feeling that is also very alienating, because how do you help someone in his very unusual situation? Its not like the local youth center has an Undead Anonymous support group.
But the Realms DO actually have those kind of resources, and dani is his ticket to access them.
All of this to say, that i think jason is in a position where having just a single voice of reason introduced into his life (dani) would have massive repurcussions to calm him down immensely and pretty quickly, for the simple fact that going from zero (0) emotional support to one (1) emotional support is a night and day difference.
And dani, having had a few years of experience to explore the world and see it at both its best and worst, and being morally greg, i think would be very excited about jason's plan to be a crime lord.
The whole "make batman see what a murderer really looks like" subplot? Not so much. Anger is a poison you ingest hoping to hurt others, and all that. She would turn his focus onto "you want to do this to help people, not just revenge, so drop the revenge plot figure out how to ensure this grand plan actually helps people instead of blowing up in your face."
And she would ruthlessly argue against the sadistic choice with something along the lines of "he already disappointed you once, why put him in a position where he's capable of disappointing you again?" (Years of phone conversations with jazz have left their mark.) Depending on how you want to treat ghost culture will determine which alternative solutions regarding the joker she might offer.
There's possibly also a bit of "if you want to prove batman that he's wrong, then put your energy into being the best goddamn crime lord this city has seen, and show him that your morals are more effective than his morals at actually helping the lowest members of society."
Also, i kinda want to headcannon that one of jason's ghost powers is to just innately know if someone is guilty or innocent of something, and whether they regret it or not. Being falsely accused was the kickstarter to the chain of events that led to his own murder, and it nicely sidesteps one of batman's (many) arguments against killing ("what if you're wrong?"). It would also help him weed out which criminals are purely just a parasite on society versus making the hard choices just to survive another day.
Dani x Jason Prompt
(Because i dont see enough of these two together. Also, this is another prompt i found in my fic files that i never did anything with.)
While Danny is in Amity Park protecting the ghost portal, Dani explores the world. Danny might be powerful enough to put down any threat, even Ancients, but she isn't as lucky. Her best defense against Vlad or the GIW is to never be in the same place two days in a row. Not to say she isn't powerful in her own right - she's yet to meet a ghost in her travels that she couldn't utterly crush, and even if she had, she's got the most loyal dog in both this world and the next to have her six.
Dani has discovered a great deal of beauty throughout the world in her few short years of life, but also unfathomable evil and undescribable corruption. She does what she can in every place she passes through, her ghost powers the ultimate cheat code for investigation and subterfuge, bringing to light the things that once hid in the dark.
But while scoping out yet another child trafficking ring, she crosses paths with a spirit of vengeance. At least, that's the only explanation she can come up with for how he's able to turn his shock and horror into pure rage at the flip of a dime.
Until she realizes that he's a baby halfa. If he doesn't learn how to mediate his emotions, he's going to burn out one of his halves.
Maybe she can help him stabilize into a proper spirit of justice and keep him from following the path that Vlad went down - oh shit, he doesn't even know that he's undead. Well, this is going to be a project and a half. But Dani is nothing if not resourceful - she's more than willing to put in the work if it means making an ally of the fourth known halfa.
Dani and jason are about the same age (16-17ish)
They run into each other during jason's LoA-sponsored world tour, investigating the same trafficking ring
Cujo is there too
Dani totally helps with the crime lord grand plan, but also wrestles jason down from the more messed up family drama stuff he did, like attacking tim, and knocks some sense into him and finds a better solution for dealing with the joker
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yngwrthr · 4 years ago
Increased productivity and greater intensity of labor both have a similar effect. They both augment the mass of articles produced in a given time. Both therefore shorten that portion of the working day which the worker needs to produce his means of subsistence or their equivalent. The minimum length of the working day is fixed by this necessary component, which is however itself capable of further contraction. If the whole working day were to shrink to the length of its necessary component, surplus labor would vanish, something which is impossible under the regime of capital. Only the abolition of the capitalist form of production would permit the reduction of the working day to the necessary labor time. But even in that case the latter would expand to take up more of the day, and for two reasons: first, because the worker’s conditions of life would improve, and his aspirations become greater, and second, because a part of what is now surplus labor would then count as necessary labor, namely the labor which is necessary for the formation of a social fund for reserve and accumulation. The more the productivity of labor increases, the more the working day can be shortened, and the more the working day is shortened, the more the intensity of labor can increase. From the point of view of society the productivity of labor also grows when economies are made in its use. This implies not only economizing on the means of production, but also avoiding all useless labor. The capitalist mode of production, while it enforces economy in each individual business, also begets, by its anarchic system of competition, the most outrageous squandering of labor power and of the social means of production, not to mention the creation of a vast number of functions at present indispensable, but in themselves superfluous. The intensity and productivity of labor being given, the part of the social working day necessarily taken up with material production is shorter and, as a consequence, the time at society’s disposal for the free intellectual and social activity of the individual is greater, in proportion as work is more and more evenly divided among all the able-bodied members of society, and a social stratum is more and more deprived of the ability to shift the burden of labor (which is necessarily imposed by nature) from its own shoulders to those of another social stratum. The absolute minimum limit to the shortening of the working day is, from this point of view, the universality of labor. In capitalist society, free time is produced for one class by the conversion of the whole lifetime of the masses into labor time.
Karl Marx, “Changes of Magnitude in the Price of Labor Power”, in Capital, Vol. I, trans. by Ben Fowkes, New York: Penguin, 1990, pp. 666-667.
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anamericangirl · 3 years ago
(Same anon here 👋)
I think that sexual intercourse is something sacred. It is the only act that can create human life. When you throw reproduction out of the picture, all you are left with is two people using each other for sexual gratification, whether they love each other or not. Which, in my opinion, is morally wrong and also one of the reasons I am against gay sex. Correct me if I'm wrong, that is a belief we share. As a Christian, if you're not against gay sex because it is purely based on sin, why are you? This isn't a gotcha or anything. I've been following you for a while, and I can tell you're a very intelligent person, and for the majority of the time, I agree with you. I would sincerely like to hear what you have to say.    
(My apologies if I sent this twice)
I too think sexual intercourse is sacred. Sex and sexual purity has been very much distorted by our society and I think it makes it easy to see sex as something that is wrong and distasteful (not saying you see it that way, just that our culture has become sex obsessed and made it into something it's not supposed to be). But I think it's sacred because it's an intimate act of love and an act that brings about new human life, which in itself means it's something that needs to be treated with much more reverence and caution than it currently is.
I understand you are saying sex just for sexual gratification is morally wrong, but I am curious as to why you think that? God made us sexual beings and he made our bodies capable of receiving pleasure from engaging in sex. There are instances in the Bible where God speaks positively about sex within marriage, not in regards to reproduction, but about bringing pleasure to each other.
Proverbs 5:18-19 says "May your fountain be blessed, and may you rejoice in the wife of your youth. A loving doe, a graceful deer— may her breasts satisfy you always, may you ever be intoxicated with her love."
The whole book of the Song of Solomon is basically an erotic poem that is explicitly about sexual love within a marriage, and not in the context of reproducing, but in receiving sexual pleasure and gratification from one another.
When God talks about sexual immorality and receiving immoral sexual gratification, this is always in the context of sex outside of marriage, and often these instances of sexual immorality are used to promote marriage by telling people these sexual desires and actions are appropriate only between a husband and wife.
Yes, sex has the main biological function of creating new human life, which is, in my opinion, probably the main reason sex is something that was created to be specifically in a marriage. But that is not the only purpose of sex. It has a lot of effects on our bodies and it is a pleasant experience. And, when used as God intended, it is a good thing. As long as a man and woman are married, I don't think having sex purely for sexual gratification is morally wrong and I don't see any indication in scripture that it is.
The same sex intercourse is a different issue to me and whether or not it's sinful in the eyes of God isn't strictly about sex just for the fun of it. All sex outside of marriage, regardless of who is engaging in it, is morally wrong.
Sorry for such a long answer lol. This was a really interesting question to me and I had more to say than I thought. Thanks!
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of-his-dragoon-ways · 2 years ago
One class is $600 and I'm only able to take two each semester due to my financial situation. I have a part time job, bills, hospital bills, etc, however, the area in that I live in is ableist. Imagine living in a place where they don't see autism, epilepsy amd DID as a disability. This is a huge problem because people with DID experience large memory gaps which can greatly effect your grades, and autism effects the way we learn new information and interact with others.....and epilepsy can literally kill me. You tell me if I'm considered to be that of the social norm and able to function normally in society without any help whatsoever. The fact that I'm incapable of swimming is down right depressing, along with the fact that I become mute around my partner. I would do anything to live a normal life or be able to get a scholarship without being denied just for having a disability on record. This is why we're majoring in criminal justice and genetics, perhaps we can be that one person that makes a fucking difference in this world.
Now what does this have to deal with legit dolls??
You now know my financial status and are aware that I own legitimate BJDs. I am more than capable of budgeting and managing my money like neurotypical folks. I'm not a goddamn child, I'm a whole ass adult.
Recasters: you have dolls but can't afford college??
Me: my dolls are cheaper than fucking college and the books are free at my institution. We pay nothing as long as the books don't get damaged.
Recasters: you could save up 🥴
Me: save up $20k in a year for five prerequisite classes, 4 lab classes, 2 language classes and dorms???? I don't have that kind of money. Thats 40k a year. This is why I live off campus and have to drive far
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