#.ic (kaeya)
inkkill · 8 months
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plushinfernalii · 2 months
froslass Kaeya
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any other Pokémon I should draw genshin characters as?
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crispyartisanzombie · 10 months
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This image just makes me headcanon that they are in love and trying to be secret about it yet absolutely fail.
The people living in the city of Mondstadt have their suspicions but these two are too stubborn to admit it, eventually Rosaria noticed them heading alone somewhere so she's listening in to their conversation to see if people were right.
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mochiwasabii · 9 days
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my fav ice man,,
I should draw kaeya more
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moonilit · 1 year
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Caption Kaeya in this moment
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blindfoldcd · 24 days
@kitxkatrp (Kaeya) | continued from here!
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From the moment he opens the window, she can smell the alcohol wafting off of him and, though rethinking her visit, she did come all this way and scale the building so... it doesn't hurt to ask. "Insomnia, mostly. As well as the lack of friends here, other than you."
She folds her arms on the sill, using it for leverage to hold herself up there more firmly than simply gripping the frame. Brilliant blue eyes shift to the side, a little sheepish for once though she tries to appear indifferent. "I was going to ask if you wanted to take a walk, but I can tell that might not be the best idea."
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luxthestrange · 2 years
G.I Incorrect Quotes#3 Babysitting
Kaeya*Watching over Diona and Paimon playing when he realized something*...Oh my archons...
-In the kitchen-
Kaeya*Coming in with a blank stare*Darling i just realized something...i had a bad childhood
Y/n*Taste tasting what their cooking and not even looking at him*Yeaaah i know
Kaeya:What you mean you know?
Y/n:Look at you!*spares him a knowing raised brow glance*
Kaeya:What you mean "Look at me?"...*looks down at self like a confused puppy*
Y/n: Look at how you stand*Motions all of him* People who had good childhoods dont stand like THAT
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cloudstuffs · 2 years
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Calvary captain always so flashy ✨❄️
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zephyraes · 7 months
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[ x x x - x 🍷 x - x x x ] - [ requested by @jayelves ] > custom requests: daggers
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hope this looks okay!! :D
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unrav3l · 4 months
theres something so captivating about motherfuckers missing an eye thats far beyond my comprehension
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kaeya never cries. people fret and ridicule and worry and placate when people cry and kaeya can't deal with that. people adore him. he keeps smiling.
he cried when his father left him a spy in mondstadt. ceptus bundled him an blanked and stroked his hair. thinking it's fright. kaeya could deal with loneliness, even as a child.
he cried when barbara stitched his skin together and returned sight to his burned eye. thinking it's the pain. kaeya has long since learned to handle pain. his vision is new and controlled but his tears freeze on his skin.
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glacialswordsman-a · 2 months
" i know exactly what i'm doing, actually " they snort , pressing a gentle kiss against his jaw, beginning to trail the kisses back and down towards his neck. " i'm worshipping my very smart, very beautiful partner who deserves to know how much i love him. " they rest their head against his shoulder for a moment, wrapping their arms around him to rest their hands against his stomach . " you're always the one taking care of me , so let me return the favour . " they press a kiss against his shoulder , over a familiar bite mark that had been left there ages ago at this point . one that they were both a little guilty yet proud of . then they turn to begin trailing kisses towards his neck , leaving little bites here and there .
" you're always taking care of everyone else , honestly . it's about time you take a break and allow someone to take care of you . though maybe you just need to be tired out so that silly brain of yours can relax for once , hm ? "
( :3c. sumeru time obvi but teehee! )
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Snorting lightheartedly, Kaeya gave a fond smile as he felt the kiss to his jaw before Ajax’s lips began to move down his neck. “Uh-huh, I’m sure you do,” he quipped, a small laugh leaving him. It was clear that the Snezhnayan was up to something, and Kaeya was ever wary, even with his beloved—actually, especially with his beloved. Their antics always varied wildly, so he wasn’t quite sure what they were up to.
Though, as they explained what they were doing, the Mondstadtian tensed up a bit as his witty remarks died in his throat. He stood in place as the other rests against him and presses their hands to his stomach, sending a jolt of butterflies straight through it as he shuddered lightly. “—Ajax,” he finally exhaled wispily, but even then, nothing else came out afterwards.
His breath hitched as he felt their lips press against that long-healed bite mark before they trailed back to his neck, leaving little nips in their path. Kaeya felt his face and the tips of his ears absolutely burning up, his brows scrunching together upwardly as they continued to speak. As they continued to praise him, assure him—love him.
A lump had formed in his throat, but he quickly swallowed it down as his own hands shifted to place themselves atop the ones that remained against his stomach, a soft huff akin to laughter leaving him when his brain was called silly.
“Of course I’d take care of you, why wouldn’t I? As for everyone else, I’m merely doing my job, that’s—that’s all. There’s nothing else to it, liebling. This…” he trails off, shivering faintly again as he wet his lips, suddenly feeling as though his mouth had gone all too dry.
“This isn’t…necessary. There’s nothing for you to worship.”
He’d only be worshipping an effigy.
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holybananaoafshoe · 11 months
✨️Team Dynamics ✨️
Tired Cryo Dads 4/8
Wrio teaches Kaeya how to box and the whole time they’re just throwing witty comebacks that makes those around them: 1) impressed they can do that in the middle of a fight and 2) laugh their asses off
Wrio wins more than Kaeya likes to admit
Between the two, Kaeya is faster and more flexible than Wrio, so it takes a lot for Wrio to knock him down
Wrio is an absolute powerhouse, he’s a heavy hitter and light on his feet
It, ah, it’s definitely a motivator for Kaeya to not get hit by Wrio because his punches hurt like a bitch (even when he’s holding back a bit)
When they first started sparring, Kaeya couldn’t tell where and when Wrio was going to strike because his moves are very fluid
One minute they’ll be squaring off and next Kaeya is on the ground, pinned down by a grinning Wrio, who asks if he gives up
“I lasted 10 minutes this time, I think you’re losing your touch, Duke.”
“Perhaps I’m going too easy on you ;)”
*Proceeds to knock Kaeya down in record time*
I like to think that Wrio has excellent balance, whereas Kaeya gets knocked down quite a bit but is quick to get back up and readjust
The two fuckers use ice puns while going at it
Once Kaeya smirks and says “don’t get frostbite” before blasting Wrio with ice
(Think of his infused attack, but instead of a sword he uses his hands. He ducks from a punch, swiftly channels some cyro into his hands, and pushes Wrio back. Wrio is sent flying backwards. He manages to get his feet under himself and skids across the ground, kicking up dust where his feet and hands hit the ground.)
Wrio just gives him a feral grin: “not bad, Captain.”
He gets him back by infusing one of his punches with cyro and goes “don’t get too cold :)”
It’s through their spars that they begin calling each other “Captain” and “Duke” in an enduring way, kind of like a nickname
They have too much fun together
They drink together, but Kaeya is the only one actually drinking, Wrio will stick to tea, thanks
Wrio winds up being Kaeya’s DD whenever Kaeya goes too overboard
He has absolutely no idea who the fuck Diluc is but damn is their sibling relationship complicated, there’s a few times where he had to drag Kaeya back home while he drunkenly talked about Diluc
“Hot-head better be taking care of himself….not that he needs me to look after him, but he’s too careless for his own good.”
Kaeya does get Wrio tipsy, who’s just a happy drunk
They find he’s more of a whiskey and coffee guy
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Impromptu Shower - Kaeya
Author Notes: Guess who has been reading Kaeya's story quest! In all seriousness though, I actually wrote the majority of this fic quite some time ago and finished up/polished it more recently. I was listening to "Break the Ice" by Britney Spears while polishing this fic and, as per usual, reader is gender-neutral. I hope you enjoy!
Type: gender-neutral reader/ fluff/ implied romantic feelings/ sfw
Word Count: 1248
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Kaeya ran his hands through his hair with a sigh. Vigorously shaking the droplets of water free from his dark blue locks and eliciting a slight shriek from you as the cold liquid splashed onto you. 
Looking up, he found you glaring at him. A single drop of water clinging to the tip of your nose as you trembled from the cool breeze that blew freely through the ruins that currently sheltered the two of you.
Despite your less than pleased expression, Kaeya couldn't help but feel like you were quite the sight, even though you were perfectly drenched from the deluge that the two of you had been caught in.
“I’ve already had one impromptu shower, Kaeya. I could do without a second one.” Your mumbled words had his lips twitching up into a grin as he chuckled in response. There was something about you that always seemed to have him either chuckling or feeling strangely lost.
And yet, Kaeya always found himself gravitating towards you, which was exactly the reason why the two of you had been together when the rain had started. 
Normally, Kaeya preferred to avoid escorts. They tended to be a bit of a hassle, and if anything went wrong, then it was usually the guard’s fault in the eyes of the merchant. But he did make exceptions. Especially if it was you. If you were the one needing an escort, then he was always first in line to guard you while you made a delivery.
He walked over to your makeshift bench, sitting down next to you as soon as you shifted to the side. Glancing up at him for the briefest of moments as you moved before turning your gaze back to the ruins around you as you rang out the edge of your soaked shirt.
Kaeya shifted on the cold stone seat you’d found, shoving his still-wet hair out of his face so that he could better scan your murky surroundings. 
The storm really had come out of nowhere. Sending both you and him scrambling for cover as lightning struck both the ground and the trees around you as the rain had pounded down, impairing both your and his vision.
Normally, running through the rain by your side was something that was usually accompanied by light-hearted giggles. But this time, with your hand in his, it had been a bit of a rush since this storm seemed like a truly nasty one.
“So I guess we’re here till the rain stops?” Your question came out of nowhere and had the cavalry captain looking your way, only to find you still glancing around at the aged, moss-covered stone.  Despite your earlier complaint, you didn’t actually seem that frustrated.
In fact, you were gazing at the carvings and crumbling statues with a distinct interest that had Kaeya leaning back so he could better watch you. Relaxing with an absent-minded smile as he watched you, because if you weren’t in a rush, then neither was he. 
He lifted a shoulder in a half shrug, smiling as you scanned the scrolling carvings on the stones all around you, “Well, until the storm stops. A little rain won’t hurt either of us.”
His words had you turning with an amused grin as you gave him your full attention once more, “Maybe you’ll be fine; I might melt.” You chuckled at your own teasing, which simply had him shaking his head even though he was smiling just as you were.
“At least we’ve already finished the delivery. I would’ve hated to deliver wet food,” You shuddered slightly, either at the thought or from the cold. Kaeya didn’t know. Both possibilities were perfectly reasonable.
But Kaeya didn’t have to ponder your motions very long when you shivered again and began to not-so-subtly huddle closer to him for warmth.
He felt a grin slip onto his face as he watched you gradually edge closer and closer to where he sat. Half-amused by your tentative motions before he slowly adjusted his arm to give you better access to his side. Practically purring out his question as he simultaneously called you out on your unsuccessfully sneaking motions, “Cold?”
You tensed briefly at the single word from him before relaxing once again and looking towards him with a smile that was only slightly apologetic, “Yeah… Sorry.”
Kaeya let out a half chuckle before raising his arm and tugging you over, earning himself a startled sound from you as he tucked you up against him, “It’s fine. Besides, how could any responsible knight let their charge freeze to death while they were in his care?”
He eyed you closely as you looked up at him with an amused smile. Snorting at his use of the word  ‘responsible’ before you shook your head at his antics that you were already far too used to, “How indeed?”
Rather than responding, Kaeya opted to instead smile at you silently. His lone visible eye narrowing slightly in amusement at your words. It seemed like the two of you usually had some form of banter going on. 
And it was true that your shared banter was one of the reasons Kaeya did line up so quickly to assist you when you needed it and why he always went out of his way to swing by your shop when out on patrol. It was no secret that he liked you, to the degree that there were whispers of how one of Mondstadt’s most sought after bachelors might not be in the market for much longer.
But if you noticed such whispers, you ignored them. And Kaeya was glad. It was nice to just be able to spend time with you without having any expectations. However, Kaeya also couldn’t say he disliked the rumors floating about. After all, whenever someone started whispering about the two of you while he was at your shop and you could hear them, your reactions were often amusing. Be they flustered or an exaggerated eye roll, depending on your mood.
"You know…." You started, dragging him out of his musing thoughts and lifting his eyebrows as you glanced at him. "I could just steal your little cape-thingy, and that way I won’t be freezing you?"
 You waved your hand at Kaeya’s half-cloak, and Kaeya’s reaction was immediate and practically kneejerk. A frown appearing on his face as he shook his head, sending more water droplets splattering you as you wrinkled your nose. “To think that you view me as so weak that you think that I, a cryo vision holder, would freeze just because of a little close contact with your chilled form.”
When he looked at you once more, he could hardly keep the smile off his face at your unimpressed expression. Because you had a special talent for seeing through his acting even when he wasn’t putting on. 
“You wound me,” And as he finished, a smile was creeping onto your face at his words.
“Suit yourself, but don’t blame me if you're frozen later,” Despite your nonchalant sounding words the smile on your face spoke clearly of your amusement.
“Don’t worry,” He jostled you. Shifting you ever so slightly closer with his motions  before he poked you with his free hand, “I’m sure you, of all people, could break the ice.”
After all, wasn’t that what you were always doing with him? Breaking his ice so that he couldn’t help but enjoy every second he was with you. Impromptu showers and all.
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pridewishes · 7 months
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250x250 || assorted ice type flags || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
MMC: Favorite Genshin Element (@magicparade) !!
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kalpalatas · 2 months
why did they give mr short stack a basketball
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