#.ic ( gregory house )
thankstothe · 1 year
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Unsupervised bisexual menace
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sinsirellaxx · 5 months
Five times you broke the Rogue Prince’s heart
Daemon Targaryen x Reader
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Warning: Daemon, infidelity, miscarriage-scare, violence
Also: As always – not proofread.
The first time was shortly after you had caught him with his niece. He had followed you back to your chambers in a frenzy, his heart beating uncomfortably faster from being caught by you. He had thrown the doors open, his face softening when he saw you cry, clutching the front of your dress. He stepped closer to you, his hands in the air wanting to pull you into his chest – he felt horrible. His steps faltered when you suddenly clutched your stomach, moaning out in pain with the underlying sense of fear. Your unborn babe.
Daemon immediately called for help when you fell to your knees, rushing to your side to hold you.
In the midst of pain, you slapped his hands away, glaring at him with a fire in your eyes that he had never seen in you before. “Do not touch me! This is your fault, I hate you!” You screamed at him, interrupted by another wave of pain as you hugged your stomach protectively.
The maester and maids filled your room, your pained voice shouting at your husband to be removed. Stubborn as Daemon is he outright refused to leave your side but when the maester told him it would be better for your safety — with a trembling voice – scared of what the Rogue Prince might do – he finally left dejectedly.
The second time you broke his heart was shortly after the first. After hours of not being able to see you – of not knowing if you and his unborn child were healthy – the maester finally walked out of your room. Daemon immediately barked at the poor man, demanding to know about your wellbeing. The maester reassured him, told him that both you and the babe were alright. “But she needs rest, my lord.” When Daemon tried to enter the room, he quickly added, “I do not think she wishes to see you, my lord. If she is exposed to too much stress again, I fear the babe might not survive it this time.”
Daemon wished to scream, his hand itching on top of the pommel of Dark Sister – desperately wanting to decapitate the maester for telling him what to do. But the old man was probably right.
Turning on his heel he stormed away.
The third time you broke his heart was moons after the second incident. You were in King’s Landing again, your relationship still rocky, as you wandered through the garden of the Red Keep, your hands under your belly to support the weight. You ran across Cregan Stark – an honorable and handsome man who had you long for a husband like him. He had joined you on a walk that day, telling you stories of the north and the dire wolves– promising to show you one even if it was the last thing he’d do. Daemon had seen the two of you from inside the keep, his eyes narrowed into slits as he watched you laugh without a worry. He had never seen you that happy before. You never let your guard down around him. Laughing suited you.
Your feet tripped over something, your body stumbling forward. You were lucky Cregan had been with you, for his arms immediately shot out to stabilize you, helping you stand upright before holding your shoulders in his hands. “Is everything alright, princess?”
You blinked as you stared into his warm, worried eyes, nodding dumbly as you didn’t trust yourself to form words.
Daemon seethed, his insides brimming with envy at the close proximity and the look in your eyes – the look he had never been at the receiving end of. How dare he touch you? How dare you look at him like that.
It should have been him, to assist you. But instead, you continued your stroll through the garden with the nasty wolf by your side and a beautiful blush on your cheeks.
The fourth time you broke Daemon’s heart was moons after giving birth to your child. Daemon had been smitten with his daughter, his love for you only growing stronger.
The arrival of your child seemed to have quenched the fire between the two of you – at least that is what he thought. But he would soon find out that it wasn’t forgiveness but apathy that had broken down the tension between the two of you: you didn’t care anymore. You had come to him with a proposal – an offering.
“I know your affections lie elsewhere, my prince. If I can take a lover as well, you are free to do whatever you want with whomever you want. The only thing I ask for is the same freedom.”
The room was heavy with silence, the tension thick enough to cut through. You flinched when Daemon pushed you against the wall, his fist colliding with the hard stone next to your head. He was hurt, disappointed and livid by your proposal and the only way of coping he knew was aggression. So, he started threatening you. Threatening to take away your child – to keep you from seeing your daughter if you dared to entertain such vile thoughts again. Instead of starting to cry, as he had expected you to do, you had pushed him away and stormed out of the room, leaving him to wreck the whole room in his anger.
He was pushing you further away from him.
The fifth time you broke Daemon’s heart was when he came home after a mission in King’s Landing with you nowhere to be found. You had left and taken your daughter with you during his absence. The only thing left was a letter written in a rush.
Dear Prince Daemon,
In the midst of your absence, I take up my quill with a heart devoid of warmth, yet heavy with the weight of decision. It is with an indifference born of betrayal and disillusionment that I convey to you the choice I have made.
No longer can I bear the burden of feigned civility, nor the hollow pretense of marital devotion.
In your absence, I have taken our daughter into my care, shielding her from the bitter realities of our fractured union. It is my solemn duty as a mother to spare her the anguish of witnessing the dissolution of our bond, to shelter her from the storm that rages within our home.
Know, my lord, that this decision is not borne of rash impulse, but of a calculated assessment of my own well-being and that of our child. It is a choice made with a mind unclouded by sentimentality, guided only by the imperative of self-preservation.
May the gods grant you the strength to bear the consequences of your actions, and may you find solace in the emptiness that now pervades our once-hallowed halls.
With a heart grown cold,
The girl, who you forcefully separated from her home and whose dreams you have shattered
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erotic-meloncholy · 6 months
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As @lertheblur wisely pointed out, the neighbor clocked House and Wilson in like 30 seconds. I'm SURE the rumors at their workplace were out of control.
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For Hilson: "they're both just so lesbian that even though i haven't watched house md in like 10 years as soon as i saw the post for this on tumblr they came to mind immediately like the codeword for a russian sleeper agent"
"Is it gay for the only relationship that survives twenty years is your codependent friendship with your boy best friend? Two of the most repressed guys ever, both completely untouchable in their own unique ways."
For Vikturi: "Yes picking this ship is a little cheeky considering the main character's name and the name of the anime, but I'm not kidding. They are just so cute the entire show and have such a sweet relationship the entire time where Victor is so supportive of Yuri in his goals. And Yuri just PINES the whole show; that's such lesbian energy, no one can tell me otherwise."
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vriska-martell · 1 month
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ASOIAF Next Gen Oldest Children OCs / Scenario Two
• Dalla Stark, oldest child of King in the North Jon Stark (Snow) and Consort Val of the Free Folk, named for her maternal aunt.
• Doreah Targaryen-Stark, oldest child of Queen Daenerys I Targaryen and Consort Sansa Stark, named for Daenerys’ handmaiden.
• Mara Stark-Dayne, oldest child of Lady Arya Stark and Lord Edric Dayne of Starfall, although not specifically named after anyone, she shares a name with Princess Mara Martell who was the ruling princess of Dorne during the reign of King Jaehaerys I Targaryen and Mara Manderly who served as a companion to Queen Alysanne at Dragonstone during her pregnancy with Prince Aemon.
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faultyconscience · 5 months
@murkyhazed said: "could you come over here and talk to me for a second, please?" to house from cuddy
"Oooh," he says, face scrunched up, an over-exaggerated show of disappointment as he gestures toward the exit with his cane. "I was actually just on my way to pick up my script for hemorrhoid treatment so I'm afraid I don't have time for another pain in my ass."
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hilsonisthecure · 2 years
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my cat is in my lap so i can’t get up
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lanastromborn · 1 year
Jon Snow
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downs1de · 2 months
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for @mostunwantedfbi
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"These days, the only thing that gets me outside is when I say: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."
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horrifichaunts · 11 months
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Gregory and "Blue" tag dump
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assassinbugs · 2 months
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ok i changed my mind House fans pls don't vote if you know more than two of these quotes :(
Some of these aren't the best ones but I just wanted to get done with this poll lol. If the fake quote is super easy to guess once again I will blow up btw
If any of these aren't quoted 100% correctly I'm sorry ✌️😔 I tried my best
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queer-benoit-blanc · 5 months
Feeling lots about Gregory House today. Pre-infarction, post-infarction. Gregory House who bailed a stranger out of jail. Skidding across ice to his car and giggling with glee. Refusing to lie that his life has been great but also denying that it sucked. Gregory House on Christmas at home with his best friend, softly playing the piano. Learning skateboard tricks and playing air guitar. In the rubble of a collapsed building trying to save someone. Burning home, fake funeral, two motorbikes into the sunset. Emotions
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kittenlittle24 · 3 months
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GIF not mine, comment, like and reblog!
Rushing to the hospital after your son woke up from a nap crying from a stomach ache and fever, you went to Princeton-Plainsboro knowing only there are doctors you can trust.
Your son has been complaining about stomach aches all morning, your husband already left for work, thinking it was just a bug you let him stay home and rest. However when he woke up screaming and crying and with a fever you made the decision to go in.
A young male doctor greeted you. One you never met before nor heard of.
He asked him to lay back but you stopped him before he could examine him.
“I want you to page Dr Gregory House.”
Sighing and rubbing his head, “Miss, Dr. House is very busy and he doesn’t treat kids with belly aches.”
Crossing your arms, “He will treat this kid. Page him or I will march straight to Dr. Cuddy.”
Still crying, your son tugged on your shirt, his other arm wrapped around his stomach, “I want my daddy.”
You hugged him and stroked his hair, while the doctor left the examination room.
You tried everything in your power to calm him down, though nothing helped.
Around 20 minutes later the door opened and the same young doctor entered the room. Standing from your seat, “I told you I want Doc-“
“Yeah, yeah, doctor House is here,” a voice interrupted from the doorway.
He limped inside, once he saw who it was that demanded his presence, a serious look set on his features. Gently he maneuvered your son to a lying position to examine his stomach.
He looked up at him, “Daddy, my tummy really hurts.”
The young doctor froze in shock, mouth gaping open.
“I want complete blood and urine tests. Also, get an X-ray and ultrasound of the abdomen and chest,” he ordered the doctor before he turned to you, “Seems like Appendicitis, a surgeon will operate to take out the infected appendix. This is called an appendectomy. Usually, surgeons make 3 small cuts in the belly and use a small device called a laparoscope to remove the appendix. He’ll probably get to go home today.”
Leaning down he kissed the top of the boy’s head and moved to hug you, he whispered words of comfort and encouragement, saying you did good by bringing him. He stayed close to you the whole time, only leaving to monitor the tests are doing properly and keep your son calm.
A brunette doctor sat next to you and handed you a mug of coffee. Thanking her you took a big sip and put your hands around the warm mug.
“So you’re house’s wife?”
Shrugging, “We never married but I think it’s as close as it gets.”
“And he’s his son?”
You both looked up upon hearing a hard fake cough interrupting her interrogation.
“If you’re done grilling her Dr. Cameron you could make yourself useful anywhere else.” He told her and took her seat after she left the waiting room.
Putting his arm around you, he pulled you to lean on his chest. About a torturous hour later a surgeon came out to say the surgery went well and your son is being moved to a recovery room.
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you let yourself collapse into House’s arms, finally feeling the stress leave your body. He kissed your temple and rubbed your arm, “He’s fine, probably going to demand unreasonable amounts of ice cream for being brave.”
Laughing you turned to kiss him, “He can have it. Thank you,”
Scrunching his eyebrows, “Are you thanking me for doing my job or being his dad?”
You shook your head, “For putting up with me.”
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pinkthrone445 · 7 months
-Abbott's house- Part 2
Part 1
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Pairing:Melissa Schemmenti x Reader
Gender:Fluff, funny, soft
Warnings:none(?) future smut
Summary:The district gives the school the idea of spending a month living together to strengthen bonds, you never thought that would change your relationship with some so much.
Hi! This is an interactive story, if some thinks about something funny that one of the people of Abbott would be like to do, and you would like me to introduce it in the second part of the fic, you can leave it on the comments. I hope you like this part! Thanks for your coments!
It had been a couple of days since you had slept with Melissa, and instead of you stopping thinking about it as time went on, your desire to sleep with her again and feel her warmth near you only grew, it had been years since you had had such a perfect and peaceful night's sleep.
When the weekend came, some planned to go home on their days off to visit relatives, Barbara would see her husband again, and Mr. Johnson would see a son he had, which you were very surprised to learn that he was a father. Mel decided to stay since she had nothing else to do, just like you, Jacob, Janine, and Gregory. Ava said she was going to see her boyfriend and that it was forbidden to enter her room.
Jacob, Janine, and Gregory planned to go to a bar, but you didn't feel like it, so you decided to make other plans. Mel didn't want to leave you alone, so she decided to stay with you without knowing what she was getting into.
As night came, you started to pack your bag to go out, Mel sat on her bed watching what you were doing
-"Are you going to tell me where we're going to go?" - she asked, and you shook your head, laughing at her annoyed face
-"To a mall that I saw online..."-You muttered, hiding the true purpose, Mel decided to go along with you even though she knew you were lying.
When everything was ready, the two of you got into Melissa's car, you gave her the address, and you let her drive.
When you arrived at the location you gave her, the two of you got out of the car and she didn't hesitate to take your hand, which made you smile as you felt how well your hand fit hers and how her warmth always balanced your cold hands.
-"This doesn't look like a mall, I'm afraid you'll abandon me here..."-She muttered and you laughed, it wasn't a mall, but if you told her where you were going, maybe she wouldn't want to, yso you wanted to save yourself that trouble. As she entered the building, Mel understood why you had been so vague with what you were telling her. It was a skating rink, which she didn't know how to do and probably would have refused to come if you had told her, but seeing your excited face to be there, she decided to stay.
-"Let's go rent some skates!" - You screamed and tugged at her hand. Once ready, you entered the skate rink but the redhead wouldn't let go of your hand-"Do you want me to get you a walker to help you keep your balance?" - You asked truthfully and she shook her head laughing out of nervousness and embarrassment
-"I'm not a child, I can do it alone" -she muttered stubborn
-"If you say so" - You let go of her hand and started skating around her , twirling and doing little pirouettes
-"How are you so good at ice skating?" - She murmured in surprise and annoyed without moving from the spot, she looked like a cat near the water with how tense she was
-"A friend taught me... It's nice, give it a try!" - You screamed excitedly and skated a little farther away from her
-"Don't abandon me, please" - She whispered, embarrassed that she couldn't take a single step alone
-"I thought you could do it alone... Do you want me to push you?" - You asked with wickedness in your laughing voice, if your face was an emoji at that moment, it would be the devil smiling
-"No! Don't even think about it! I'll take off my skates and kick your ass... Come here and hold my hand" -She demanded and you came over laughing and let her put her hands around your arm, starting to skate gently with her
-"Thank you for coming with me Mel... I know this is not your first choice of activity... But I love to skate and I wanted to share it with you... Form a good memory together" - You whispered and felt her grip on your arm grow tighter
-"It's okay, it's more fun than I thought... Besides I like knowing what you like and what you don't... Like scary movies, maybe I'll use that to my advantage while we're here so we have to sleep together again" - She joked and you laughed a little, blushing.
For a while the two skated talking about a couple of things, sharing anecdotes and jokes until it was time to close so you had to leave. You carefully guided Mel, who hadn't let go of your arm in all this time, to the edge of the rink and made her sit down so she could remove her skates. Carefully you knelt in front of her and untied the shoelaces
-"I can do it hon" - She murmured, looking at you and you nodded
-"I know you can do it, but I want to help you anyway"-You responded by carefully removing her skates and putting her shoes on, when you looked up, the redhead was looking at you with something hidden behind her eyes, a look you couldn't quiet decipher, it was as if her gaze let out words that her lips couldn't say yet.
-"Thanks hon" - She whispered with a different tone in her voice, one you hadn't heard before
-"You are welcome Mel..."-You whispered as well, mesmerized by her eyes. After a few more seconds, you cleared your throat looking away from her and changed your own shoes.
The return home was peaceful, the comfortable silence was filled by soft music as you looked at the street lights with a smile that you couldn't wipe off your face.
-"Are you okay hon?" - Mel's voice brought you back to the present, and you nodded
-"Yes... It was a beautiful night, I enjoyed it a lot... It's been a while since I've had such a good time, I wish nights like this lasted a little longer..."-You muttered without thinking and looked out the window again after smiling at her
-"We're in no hurry to go home" - She replied and you looked at her confused
-"What do you mean?" -You frowned more
-"I mean the night isn't over yet, are you hungry? - She consulted smiling at you and you nodded
-"I could eat"-You answered, and at that very moment, the redhead changed the course she was driving in and headed to a drive-thru to order food. Without consulting you, she ordered your favorite food as if she had known it for years, which surprised you, then she ordered for herself and paid-"How do you know what my favorite food is?" - You asked, still surprised, and she laughed
-"Because I pay attention to you, whenever you bring this food to work, you do a little dance of happiness"-she muttered and you blushed. Instead of giving you your food on the spot, she kept driving to a secluded spot where there were almost no lights.
-"Mel? What are we doing? Are you going to give me my last meal and then you're going to kill me?" - You joked and she laughed, shaking her head
-"No...I just want you to keep enjoying the night" - The redhead opened the glass of the car ceiling and told you to look through it, as there were no lights nearby, the stars were seen in their maximum splendor and the moon looked bigger than ever. Mel took the food and gave you your share smiling-"Enjoy" - She whispered, caressing your hand and you stopped seeing the sky to see her in her eyes
-"Perfection..."-You whispered, not quite sure if you meant it because of the beauty of the stars or because of her beauty, everything was perfect, specially her.
As you ate, music played softly in the background, your chest brimming with calm and happiness.
When you finished, a soft and fresh air began to run, as the roof was open, a shiver ran through your body. Mel carefully leaned back your seat and hers and then covered you with her coat, the position you were in, was perfect for continuing to gaze at the stars. The redhead grabbed her cell phone, put it in the car and started playing your favorite series and then leaned back in her seat again. Silently and delicately you reached for her hand and intertwined your fingers with hers without saying anything else, the caresses she began to give in your hand, relaxed you even more.
From the moment you arrived at that house you didn't know what was going on, but you liked to enjoy the attention that Mel gave you. At school you were friends, but not to this point of trust that you were having right now.
When the second episode started, the redhead noticed that you had fallen asleep holding her hand, smiled at how cute you looked, stopped the series that was playing. She carefully buckled you up and then drove slowly home.
When you got home, Melissa saw that Jacob's car was already at the driveway, meaning they already had comeback from the club.
You were deep asleep in the passenger seat, lying and facing the same side that Mel was driving, the redhead turned off the car and stared at you for a few seconds, your breathing was calm and you looked happy even in your sleep, your lips were slightly parted and your hand was touching slightly her leg. You looked so peaceful and beautiful, your lips soft, soft, plump and ready to kiss. The redhead began to lean gently towards you, almost brushing her lips against yours. Your breath tickled her face as she checked to see if you were really asleep. When she was about to connect her lips with yours, Jacob ran out of the house smiling in relief at the sight of Melissa's car, the young man glued himself to the window of the car screaming, not knowing that you were asleep because of the tinted windows
-"Melissa! Help us! Jeannine it's trying to cook!!"-His screams caused you to wake up scared and startled, almost hitting Melissa because of how close she was to you
-"Hey! Hey hon, it's okay, you're safe, it's just Jacob being Jacob" - The redhead took your hands gently and caressed them, making you soothe a little, then she kissed your forehead and the tip of your nose making you laugh a little lost and sleepy-"That's it... That's better sweetheart... Jacob we will be there in a minute" - she told your housemate and helped you put on her jacket before getting out of the car with you.
Upon entering, Mel thought you were going straight to the room to continue sleeping, but instead you stayed by her side
-"Don't you want to sleep anymore? When I'm done cooking something for them, I'll go to the room... I don't want to risk Janine burning down the house for trying to cook..." - She murmured and you laughed as you sat at the counter watching her cook
-"I'll wait for you, I don't like to be in the room alone" - You murmured and hugged yourself with the redhead's jacket you were wearing, taking advantage and breathing in her perfume.
While Mel cooked, she would treat you to small bites on your lips to get your opinion on whether there was anything more to the plate. When the food was ready, you and Mel went to the dorm room. Mel was about to lie down on her bed when she heard your soft voice inviting her to sleep with you, which she couldn't say no to and crossed over to your bed hugging you and giving you warmth, helping you sleep better.
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faultyconscience · 5 months
@eraserisms said: ❝ can i get you a water or something? ❞ for Gregory House
His lips press together tightly as he exhales, a pbpbpb sound reverberating loudly through the room before he clicks his tongue, letting out a loud hm. His face is contorted in a show of mock contemplation. "If by water you mean vodka, sure. On the rocks."
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gregorysarmy · 9 months
“Another David” FNAF Theory (scroll down for TLDR)
The premise of the “Another David” FNAF theory is the belief that Gregory (otherwise known as “GGY”) was SELECTED purposely and made into a mimic follower to replace “David Murray” from the Tales of the Pizzaplex.
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To understand why this is the case, a short summary of the relationship between David Murray and the mimic is required. To put it simply, David Murray is the mimic’s purpose. We learn this through the main conflict of the book, “the mimic”, when Edwin Murray (the creator of the mimic and father of David) made the mimic in order to keep David Murray occupied in his father’s absence. This allowed Edwin Murray to neglect him in order to favor his work at Fazbear entertainment and provide for the both of them as a single father.
After Edwin created the mimic, David immediately fell in love with it, playing with it every day. Most notably, David would draw with the mimic and even taught him his own form of sign language as Edwin didn’t give it a voice box. During this time, the mimic did not display any violent behavior towards anyone, in fact, it only reflected David’s compassion. The mimic would even make childish mistakes like going into Edwin’s study to steal costumes to dress up with David.
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However, this all came to a halt with David’s sudden death. The boy was struck by a vehicle when he chased a ball into the rode. As a result, Edwin fell into a depression and the mimic became confused. The mimic, that was created to take care of a little boy, suddenly had no one to entertain.
One day during Edwin’s mourning, the mimic came up to him timidly. It brought its robotic arms to its face and ushered a scooping motion. Edwin recognized this as David’s invented form of sign language and understood the mimic was asking for ice cream. A treat both the mimic and David adored. This lead Edwin to become enraged upon seeing the mimic copy his late son, and unintentionally taught it its first seeds of violence by bashing it on the ground with a metal pipe.
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Because of this, the mimic becomes infused with Edwin’s agony as well as his violence. While the mimic learned the seeds of cruelty that day, he never truly forgot the love that David taught him.
As the first paragraph states, Gregory became a follower to replace David for the mimic. This is implied heavily throughout the books and items in the games. First and foremost, I’d like to make it clear that the mimic is capable of experiencing emotion. We see this in the sticky note room where he indulges in playful drawing as well as learning.
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In binary code, the mimic asks why he exists. This is a clear example of his consciousness developing through interactions with humans, and in turn, it’s an example of him developing feelings and emotions. One prime example of this is when he associates words like “goodbye” with being sad (he draws a sad face next to the word) and “Hello” with being happy (happy face next to the word). He also has a strange sense of possession, using words like “mine” and “my” in many of his drawings.
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It’s also important to note that he only does this when his handwriting gets better, meaning that, like a child, he is slowly assigning meanings to these words instead of just writing them. He is able to establish scenes, and images, depicting what simple vocabulary truly means to him in his own creative way. This is unlike an emotionless AI.
With that established, we need to compare David’s characteristics with Gregory. David, while being four, is described as being tall for his age (a little over 3ft). Additionally, he has fair skin, brown messy hair, and dusty freckles on his face. He loves to play and rough house, leading him to sometimes get himself in trouble because of how reckless he can be. For his age, he’s extremely intelligent as he manages to develop an entirely separate language to communicate just for the mimic.
When compared to Gregory, their personalities are basically the same. The same can be said for their appearances too as, while Greg is canonically 15 years old, he’s 3ft in the code. The TFTP books even point out that Gregory is unusually short and childish in appearance. During the chapter “GGY”, Tony makes a point to describe Gregory as being a “wide eyed kid” and the smallest in their class.
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Gregory too also displays energetic behavior and he’s artistic similar to David. He loves to draw and we see some of his pieces throughout ruin. It is also implied that Gregory did some of the graffiti in ruin as one of the vandals signed their name as “GREG” on a garbage bin.
(Side note: I don’t believe Gregory is the only graffiti artist here either. The mimic also had an interest in drawing and there is a suspicious graffiti art that reads, “He was OUR superstar.”. Perhaps this was made out of anger towards Freddy as Freddy was the reason Gregory escaped (discovered by @dasketcherz on twt and tumblr))
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It’s not just their likeness that is important here either, rather, the way Gregory is treated by the mimic is way different. Vanessa as a mimic follower was acquired through connivence. This basically means she wasn’t targeted, but she put herself in a position that made her a viable target.
However, through conversations in the Scott games files, we can see that Gregory was chosen and intentionally targeted. While originally the Scott games conversation was thought to be Vanny and Afton communicating, we know now that it was the mimic asking Vanny to choose a target to kidnap and convert. This target was revealed to be Gregory later on in the book “GGY”
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Logically, there is no good reason to purposely acquire a child to serve you when you can instead acquire adults who will have an easier time following orders due to their dominant role in society. Truly, there is zero benefit in possessing a child purposely to gain knowledge unless gaining knowledge isn’t the mimic’s only goal. If anything, having a child obey you would be a hinderance due to the hoops you would have to jump through in order to keep them (law enforcement, parents, more resources dedicated to helping kid). However, obviously, this was a hindrance the mimic was willing to take.
Once you make the connection between Gregory and David, all of the mimic’s planning makes sense. He never intended for Gregory to be a normal follower, he wanted Gregory to be his friend. This is even directly stated in the books when, The mimic, disguised as Gregory, edits Tony’s paper about GGY. He changes it to state that “GGY” was “the wizards most favored apprentice” with the mimic being the wizard and Gregory being his favored apprentice.
So many illogical happenings become solved by the mimic loving Gregory, like, why did he allow Gregory to attend school? Why did he let Tony and Ellis be his friends for 6 months? Why did he let Gregory go to therapy? All these questions can be simply solved by the fact that the mimic is trying to care for Gregory, but he has never been taught how.
We can also confirm why the 8 missing kids (excluding Gregory as he is the 9th) died. We know that Tony Becker is one of them, and considering the fact that any therapists who got close to the truth of Vanessa and Gregory got murdered too, we can say with close certainty that these children were friends with Greg. Similar to Tony, they got involved in situations they weren’t suppose to, and the mimic decided they needed to be eliminated to protect Gregory. This might also be why Gregory was a fairly new kid in “GGY”, he may have been moving schools to conceal his identity.
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On top of Gregory’s friends and therapists, thanks to the last therapy session, we know that Gregory’s parents are dead. The details of their deaths are vague but they are referred to in the past tense, meaning they are no longer in the picture. Obviously, their deaths have something to do with the mimic as Gregory was forced to cover them up. With Vanessa, she was allowed to tell the truth about the abuse by her father as well as her mother’s death because it didn’t relate to the mimic. Seeing as Gregory’s sessions aren’t similar means that the mimic obviously had something to do with their demise, implying he went further in isolating Gregory so the boy became complicit in his role as David.
That’s not even all, we actually find Gregory’s bed in the pizzaplex and it’s literally in the same room as the mimic’ lair. To emphasis why this is important, Vanny’s room is in Fazerblast. She’s way farther than Gregory to the mimic, like the mimic didn’t care to keep a tight leash on her like he did for Gregory.
(Side note: Gregory’s bed is personalized , unlike Vanny’s, he has little stars on his and it’s blue. Almost like the mimic took the care to try to find him a blanket he would like.)
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There must have been a reason the mimic wanted Gregory’s bed so close to him, like he was terrified of Gregory leaving his sight. David died because he wasn’t supervised properly, perhaps the mimic is directly learning from Edwin’s mistakes. Additionally, BB’s world (the arcade machine theorized to be Gregory’s princess quest keeping him trapped) is also in the mimics lair.
Despite being dead for over 40 years, the mimic still remembers David. This is made clear in the burntrap ending when the mimic curves his arm as if he was holding a plushie. This was noted as copying David’s behavior in the books as he too curved his arm to carry his tiger rock plushy. This means that the mimic still remembers AND copies David, meaning it’s not impossible for him to copy David’s love still.
With that established, we can even answer some unanswered questions about ruin. There would finally be an explanation as to why Vanessa brought Gregory down to the pizzaplex and how they didn’t die trapping the mimic. Instead of coding MXES, Gregory was likely used as bait. He, being small enough to crawl through vents, lured the mimic into an enclosed area and when Vanessa finished setting up MXES, escaped through the collapsed vent that leads to the MXES system room.
We see that the mimic struggled to let him go due to the large claw mark on one of the vents walls, like he was reaching for the boy as he scrambled away. This vent is also conveniently where Gregory’s backpack is.
What likely happened is that after the vent collapsed, the mimic became trapped but Gregory was so spooked by the event he immediately ran off, forgetting his backpack in the process. We also know for a fact that Gregory was in the mimic’s prison at one point because the mimic has Gregory’s faz-talkie. There would have been no other way for him to get one of those besides Greg dropping it out of haste/fear.
Additionally, we can deduce that if the mimic dropped the elevator, he did it to lure Gregory back down into the pizzaplex. Once Gregory heard the elevator drop, it’s likely he would attempt to save Cassie, falling into the mimics hands once again.
To end this off, I’d like to emphasize the mimic’s purpose. Yes, he was made to copy, but that wasn’t his JOB, his job was to love David. We see time and time again in the epilogues that the mimic follows his “break heads and limbs “ orders to a T, so what makes his debt to David less valuable. In the end, the mimic seems to be attempting to create what he understands as a family, and that includes David, his most favored apprentice.
Edit: additional information has been found pertaining to Another David theory
In Security Breach, there is no mention of killing Gregory. In fact, any lines that state Vanny intending to kill Gregory, were removed. I assume this was due to a miscommunication in the story between Scott and SW, but we can use it as evidence to assume that none of the animatronics actually kill Gregory when they find him.
Additionally, Chica has a lot of lines pertaining to family. She beckons Gregory to come out multiple times with the promise she would escort him to his mom and dad. As we already know, Gregory no longer has a family, so this attempt to persuade him to come out would be futile; however, what chica is saying makes way more sense when you look at it from the mimic’s perspective. The mimic truly believes that Gregory is his family. Whether he believes Gregory is a brother, a son, or just a really good friend, the mimic treats him as if he was his. As such, he would obviously believe that Gregory would want to come back to him instead of hiding.
We also see this construction of a family life in the sticky note room too, as the mimic attempts to create a perfect household with staff bots. He wants Vanny and Greg to have a family dynamic with him and is imitating that through his art.
Additionally, we can see Gregory mimic characteristics of David in SB. One of Gregory’s main tools in SB, the fazwatch, causes Gregory to curve his arm in a similar way to David when he’s holding his tigerrock plush. This is how Gregory is depicted in the game’s poster, as well as in a lot of the promotional art, meaning this pose is significant. Curving his arm, just like David did, and just like the mimic taught him to.
I’d first like to mention that there are TWO candy cadet stories and under this theory, BOTH have importance. I’ve seen a lot of people simply ignore the first one as they cannot connect it to anything/believe it is a joke, however I interpret it differently.
The first candy cadet story talks about a family that “missed a once in a lifetime opportunity” through an analogy about pizzaplex food discounts. This is the mimic talking about how Gregory and Vanessa left him, abandoning the makeshift family the mimic was creating. Additionally, the story states that since the family did not take the once in a lifetime deal, they all died. As we already know, the mimic tends to act like a bratty child occasionally, and this story would be a reflection of that. He is imaging a world where Gregory and Vanessa are punished for leaving him instead of being finally being free from his madness.
In the second story, it talks about a woman who defeats a witch. This one is a bit more complicated so I have to copy and paste the script to analyze each line.
''Now let me tell you a story,
a young woman who, when she was little, was led into a dark forest by a witch and almost eaten
She had escaped before being thrown into the oven but would have a **scar** for the rest of her life.
When she had grown, she sought revenge on the witch and entered the forest again willingly, this time with the confidence of age and experience.
She was greeted at the mouth of the forest by a young boy who offered to help guide her through the darkness
“Come,'' the boy said, ''rest here before killing the witch.''
The young woman was tired and would kill the witch in the morning.
She followed the boy into the house.
The oven door closed.
The witch would finally have her meal.''
For the first 2 lines, it talks about Vanessa creating MXES and trapping the witch. While this sounds like she defeats the witch, she doesn’t. In ruin, the mimic is still alive and waiting for her and Gregory to return.
In the third line, it talks about Vanessa entering the pizzaplex again to stop the mimic after Cassie is dropped in the elevator and the mimic is free, this time, she intends to kill the mimic.
Gregory waits for her at the door, offering to guide and protect her in the pizzaplex. She accepts this help and they venture down to finally get rid of the mimic.
When they get inside, Gregory tells her to rest. When she finally sleeps, Gregory is taken/controlled by the mimic and the mimic deceives Vanessa into thinking they are still together.
Under this belief, she continues to follow Gregory further down not knowing he has been compromised.
The witch having her meal would be Vanessa’s death; this story is predicting her fate. While it may seem unbelievable at first, when combined with the fact the Mrs Hippo is an important character in HW2 that also intends to predict the protagonist of HW2’s fate, it becomes less superstitious. This is not the first time candy cadet has predicted the future. He does it in ruin too, before Cassie frees the mimic. Candy Cadet is telling the events of Vanessa and Gregory’s last mission together
TLDR: Overall, to summarize, the mimic either believes Gregory is David, or is attached to him because of his resemblance to David, and hence forcing him to become a follower against his will.
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