#...okay maybe not those 2 npcs but like i said they get killed in like 5 seconds
bragganhyl · 1 year
Thinking thoughts about this line
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Many thoughts, I have
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danieyells · 4 months
@mayoigotokurousagi TIME FOR OUR FAVORITE FRANKENSTEIN'S MONSTER INSPIRED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL. I mean. Maybe there's another you're into. Idk. I like Jiro. He's so. . .blunt. I'm so curious about him, I really really cannot wait until we get the Mortkranken chapter.
also, uh, brief content warning for a mention of assisted suicide? It's under the 'Default' lines, if you feel the need to avoid that.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Oh, there you are. I was about to go give you a health check. This saves time and effort." ああ、そこにいたんですか。今からあなたの健診に行こうと思ってたんです。手間が省けました
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Are those letters piling up over there? It's interesting that doesn't bother you.  Not that my opinion is relevant." そこに溜まってるのは手紙ですか?よく気になりませんね。 まあ、俺には関係ありませんけど
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"I don't like unproductive discussions. Like this one." 非生産的な議論は嫌いですね。例えば、今のような会話です
"They said they wanted to die, so I prescribed them what they needed. I don't see the point of discussing ethics after the fact." あちらさんが死にたいと言うので、必要な薬を処方したまでです。今更倫理を持ち出されても、困りますよ
Hey. Buddy. Jiro. That's fuckin' dark dude. This is why you don't joke about wanting to kill yourself. Someone will take it seriously. Jiro will just hand you cyanide pills, a bottle of water, and direct you to a hospital bed to die in. Like jesus christ.
"I save lives that can be saved. It's part of my job to decide the order of priority though." 救える命は救いますよ。まあ、そこに優先順位をつけるのがこちらの仕事なので
"part of my job is to decide if your life is worth saving" IS ALSO A VERY DARK THING TO SAY. I love that his default lines are all very dark and callous. It kind of drives home a dichotomy between how he feels about just anybody and how he feels about you. I also like that he's just. . .kind of dark and gloomy and like ASPECTS OF HIM ARE VERY UNPALATABLE. Like I'm sure there are a lot of people who see those lines and think "that's gross why would anyone like him he's the worst" and THAT'S A GOOD KIND OF CHARACTER TO HAVE ESPECIALLY AS A LOVE INTEREST okay moving on
"One of our patients is thrashing around again? That's inconvenient. I'll administer a shot." また患者が暴れてるんですか? はあ……面倒くさいですね。1本打っておきますよ
jiro stabbing you with a sedative filled needle like 'stop moving. you are annoying.'
"You should—  Hurk... Hm, I let my guard down. I better go back to Mo— Orgh... Hurk...!" あなた、そろそろ…… うっ……まずいな、完全に油断してました。早く帰っえ、うっ……おえっ……
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Good morning. I'm going to take your pulse, so could you sit down?" おはようございます。脈拍測るんで、座ってもらえます?
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I was in a prolonged coma, so I haven't fully recovered yet. It's been a long time since I ate anything." 俺、長いこと昏睡状態だったんで、まだ本調子じゃないんですよ。飯なんて、しばらく食ってませんし
i wonder when he woke up. it must have been a few months ago at most.
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What do you want? I'm conducting an incubation experiment. Please wait till I'm finished." なんですか? 今、培養実験中なので。話なら後にしてください
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm about to receive my medication. It should take approximately one hour. Are you going to wait for me?" ああ、今から投薬の時間なんです。多分1時間くらいかかると思いますけど、待ちますか?
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"I attend classes every day since Yuri does, but sometimes they mark me as absent. I'm supposed to reply when they say my name? I didn't know that." 佑理に付き合って毎日授業に出てるんですけど、時々欠席扱いになってて。 返事が必要? 知らなかったな
"yeah you're supposed to let them know you're there." "i am one of the largest people in the room at any given time. that seems unnecessary." also it's cute that he only goes to class because Yuri does, but also he doesn't learn anything from it since he studied it all independently lol
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"The blood? I believe one of the wounds on my stomach tore. I'll have to get Yuri to suture it." ああ、この血ですか? さっきから腹の傷が開いてるみたいなんです。佑理に縫ってもらわないとな
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"What's the purpose of educational facilities like this? You can learn everything you need through self-study." こういった教育施設って、なんのためにあるんでしょうね? 勉強なら自分ですればいいだけですし
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Who is that noisy blond person? He runs away whenever he sees me. That's rude, isn't it?" 時々見かける、うるさい黄色の人は何者なんです?  俺の顔を見るといつも逃げるんです。失礼ですよね?
i love the 'isn't it?' like he doesn't know normal social convention but he's pretty sure you're not supposed to run from people like that.
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"You don't have to mind me. Go ahead and eat. Even in childhood I never really had an attachment to food, clothing, or shelter." 俺のことは気にせず、飯食ってください。元々、ガキの頃から衣食住にあまり執着がないので
hey jiro that's uh that's kinda fucking depressing you good?
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Yuri's holed up in the lab, so I'm going out. If he comes looking for me, tell him I went to bed." 佑理が研究室に籠ってるので、今のうちに出かけてきます。もし俺を探してたら、寝たと言ってください
Wouldn't Yuri just check your bed and not find you there though??? Also when will you sleep???? like i know he doesn't realize a week of allnighters isn't normal but jfc
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Your face looks terrible. Come over here and inhale this. They're mild smelling salts. They'll wake you up." あなた、ひどい顔ですね。ちょっとこっち来て、これ嗅いでください。 軽い気付け薬です。目が覚めますよ
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hello. I'm here to pick up Yuri.  Hm, that's strange. I thought he would be here." こんにちは。佑理を迎えに来ました。 ……あれ?ここにいると思ったんですけど
. . .i wonder why he thought yuri would be with you? how often does he lose track of where yuri is? and why pick him up wouldn't yuri be able to get home himself? unless he figures yuri fell asleep somewhere lmao
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"I can just manage to ingest water, so I brew herbal tea as an indulgence. Would you like some too?" 辛うじて水分なら取れるので、嗜好品としてハーブティーを淹れるんですよ。あなたも飲みます?
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"Yuri wouldn't get up, so I was about to give up on getting my morning medication. He got up after the ninth time he used the snooze button though." 佑理がなかなか起きないので、朝は投薬を諦めようかと思いましたよ。9回目のスヌーズで起きましたけど
Yuri and Jiro, like Rui and Haru, need healthy sleep schedules please.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"What's this? A rice ball? I suppose I might be able to eat some of it." なんですか? これ。 おにぎり? まあ、少しくらいなら食べれるかもしれませんが……
can't you only eat fluids. . .are you gonna throw that up later. . . .
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You already had tea at Frostheim? The tea I make tastes better though, so please drink it anyway." フロストハイムで紅茶を飲んできたんですか?  まあ、俺の方が美味く淹れられますから、飲んでください
lmao the mortkranken boys really do not appear to have a great opinion of frostheimers!!! "you had tea at--pfffff nah their tea sucks ass drink mine instead."
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I enjoy being alone. The noise doesn't really bother me when I'm reading though. Can I go now?" ひとりの時間は好きですよ。まあ、本を読んでいる時は、周囲の喧噪も気になりません。もういいですか?
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What am I doing? I'm making confections. I'm used to making precise measurements when preparing medications, and it's quite similar to that." 今ですか? 製菓をしてるんです。 計量は薬の調合で慣れてるので、まあ、似たようなものです
jiro makes cupcakes and candies and stuff. . .he can't even enjoy them though. . . . .
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"See you tomorrow. ...What? You're the one who told me I should say that while smiling." また明日。 ……なんですか?こう言って笑えばいいと、あなたが言ってたんじゃないですか
i love lines where it's like 'you told me to do this so now i'm doing it.' especially when the pc is shocked when they actually do it lolol
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"We're doing a complete check up today, so please change into these. ... Do you need me to help you undress?" 今日は精密検査なので、この検査着に着替えてください。 ………… 脱げないなら、脱がしましょうか?
strip faster bitch
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You want to know why I started studying anomalous infectious diseases? I don't know. I just became knowledgeable about them at some point and kept going." なぜ怪異伝染病の研究を始めたか?さあ、気がついたら詳しくなってたので。何となく続けてるだけです
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"My wounds often tear so I've told Yuri deep dermal suturing would be more effective than simple interrupted, but he won't listen to me." よく傷口が開くんで、結節縫合ではなく真皮縫合の方がいいと言ってるのに、佑理が聞かないんですよね
I get the feeling Yuri doesn't listen to most people. . . .
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Yuri's combat skills are poor, so I have to protect him. If he dies, there won't be anyone left who can treat me." 佑理は戦闘が下手なので、俺が守るしかないんです。あの人が死ぬと、俺を治せる人がいなくなるんですよ
"if he dies i die so i'm just kinda protecting him because i have to." kind of an oof lmao
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"It's been a long time since I had a family, so I don't know what you're supposed to do in these situations. Could you teach me?" 俺には長いこと家族がいないので、こういう時、どうすればいいかわからないんです。教えてくれません?
GET FAM-ZONED HAHA aaaaAAAAAA HE SEES YOU AS FAMILY AND HE WANTS TO TREAT YOU THE WAY HE'S SUPPOSED TO TREAT FAMILY. . . . . . ;0; just be yourself jiro we love you as you are, dark and morbid and a little distant but actually quite sweet--
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"There's a high probability that your curse is related to my field of research. It's a problem for me if you die." あなたの呪いは、俺の研究分野に関係している可能性が高い。 あなたを死なせるわけにはいかないんですよ
the bluntness and distance in this one is so perfect for Jiro haha ESPECIALLY AFTER THE "I WANT TO TREAT YOU LIKE FAMILY" ONE BEFORE IT. . .he went from being kind of sweet to being like "if you die it'll be a problem." and not even in a tsundere way just 'it matters to me if you die for academic purposes.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"I'm going to see some flowers on Yuri's orders. Do you want to come? I'll be harvesting mandrakes." 今から佑理の指示で花を見に行くんです。あなたも一緒に行きますか? マンドラゴラの採取ですが
"Yuri told me to take a break so I'm gonna go work near some flowers i guess."
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Cases of the infectious disease gastroenteritis explode at this time of year. It's boring prescribing the same thing all the time." この時期は感染症の胃腸炎が爆発的に増えるんですよ。次から次へと、同じ処方ばかりで飽きました
attention darkwick students: please catch more interesting illnesses. thank you -jiro
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Ha ha ha ha! I observed Yuri fighting the urge to fall asleep during class today. Would you like to see the photos?" はははは! 今日は授業中、ずっと眠気と戦っている佑理を観察してたんですよ。この写真、見ますか?
i really wish it were during the hours this one can play because i wanna record it lolol Jiro smiling and laughing because Yuri's trying not to fall asleep is so precious. Tiny little humanization for our monster boy.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are rumors that pollen contains ephedrine, a central nervous system stimulant. They're false, though." 桜の花粉に、興奮を誘発するエフェドリンが含まれるという噂があるそうですね。 まあ、それデマですけど
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Good, today's temperature matches the forecast. I'll be starting a new experiment this afternoon, but the temperature regulation is difficult. It should be fun." 今日の気温は……予報通りですね。 午後から新しい実験の着手をするのに、温度管理が大変で。楽しみです
temperature regulation experiments are fun! i'm glad Jiro enjoys what he does.
(between 11am and 4pm)
ああ、また手足口病の患者でした。本来子供に多い感染症なんですが、免疫がない人は可哀想ですね "It was another case of hand-foot-and-mouth disease. It's an infectious disease usually more common in children. People without immunity are unfortunate."
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"A dare? Okay, I'll do it with you. I've always wanted to try screaming in fear." へえ、肝試しですか。 いいですよ、付き合います。恐怖で叫ぶ経験を、一度くらいしてみたいので
"a dare" isn't really a good translation here--肝試し is a "test of courage", an activity usually done on summer evenings where you go someplace scary with your friends to overcome fear together! Or something like that. It's most often done in summer because that's when it's believed there are more like. . .supernatural occurrences? several other characters' summer lines mention more anomalies in Japan in the summer as a result of these beliefs. Either way it's cute that he's like 'oh. that sounds cool. i hope it'll make me experience fear.' I want him to scream in an exaggerated way, just SHRIEKING for the sake of it, not even because he's really that scared just "this feels like the appropriate situation for screaming :)" lmao
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Ha ha ha ha! Oh, sorry. I tried letting the stag beetles I caught for an experiment fight, and it was funnier than I expected." はははは! ああ、すいません。 採取の時に捕まえたカブトムシ同士を戦わせたら、想像以上に面白くて
i feel like that's something that comes up now and then as like. a thing young japanese boys do. which makes jiro kind of childish in a way which is super charming? it sounds to me like he didn't have much of a childhood. so i'm happy he can explore it now and have fun.
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"I don't understand why you would go somewhere without a purpose. Why would you go to a mountain if you didn't need to harvest something?" 行楽ですか? いえ、単純に何が目的か理解できないんです。採取もせず、山を歩くんですか?
mods, show him the beauty of nature.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I went to the botanical garden to get some ingredients and I was given these yams. Do you like candied yams?" さっき植物園に原料をもらいに行ったらサツマイモをもらったんです。スイートポテトは好きですか?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"A lot of people in Mortkranken dislike exercise.The sporting clubs in Darkwick must be made up of people from other houses." うちの寮は、体を動かすことが嫌いな人が多いですね。学内でスポーツをしてるのも、他寮の人ですよね?
i am once again asking why i was put in fuckin frostheim--
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I read books every day, not just in the fall. I like medical journals best. I don't remember what made me start reading them." ���に限らず、本は毎日読みますよ。特に医学の専門書は好きですね。 いつからなのかは……忘れました
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"Hurk...! Phew... I'm fine... The change in temperature between indoors and outdoors this time of year causes my physical condition to deteriorate more frequently." うっ……はあ……大丈夫です……この季節は室内外の寒暖差のせいで体調を崩しやすいので……
i remember someone i followed also gags when going from a cold place to a warm one lmao. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I found an anomalous plant that can only grow in extremely low temperatures and successfully created a medication with it. It was just a coincidence though." 極低温のみ自生する怪異植物を見つけたので、試しに原薬にしてみたら上手くいきました。まあ、偶然です
'i made a medical breakthrough but it was just an accident' is the medical equivalent of 'i'm not a model'. also Yuri has a line referencing this one!
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Streptococcal infections are on the rise. They're spread through droplet and contact infection. Have you been taking precautions?" 溶連菌の感染が増えてますね。飛沫感染と接触感染が経路になります。 あなた、ちゃんと予防してます?
(between 8pm and 5am)
"There are no merits to lowering your body temperature when you're not experiencing inflammation. I made some herbal tea that warms the body. Do you want some?" 炎症時以外、体を冷やすメリットはないですからね。体を温めるハーブティーを淹れたので、いかがです?
His birthday: (October 13th)
"Whose birthday? Oh, mine? I forgot. Did Yuri leak my medical records?" 誕生日? 誰のです? ああ、俺のですか、忘れてました。カルテ、佑理が漏らしたんですか?
"did yuri fuckin dox me--"
Your birthday:
"Oh, it's your birthday today, isn't it? What should I do? I suppose I'll go to your room later." ああ、あなた今日、誕生日じゃないですか。何をすればいいんですか? まあ、後でそちらの部屋に行きます
jiro no you don't have to do that you are moving so fast WHAT HAPPENED TO BEING FAMILY WAIT--
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year. Why are you looking at me like that? Even I celebrate New Years." 明けましておめでとうございます。 なんですか? その顔。正月くらい俺だって祝いますけど
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"What's this packet? I can't eat solids. You made it? Oh. I can probably eat some of it then." なんですか? この包み。俺、固形物は食べれませんけど…… なんだ。あなたの手作りなら少しはいけます
bby if you can't eat it don't make yourself sick with it. . . . Actually since the PC feeding him let him eat food, maybe if it's something the PC makes he can eat it???
White Day: (March 13th)
"Here. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, something handmade for something handmade. Eat it here and tell me what you think." どうぞ。目には目を、歯には歯を、手作りには手作りをと思いまして。ここで食べて評価を教えてください
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Yuri's kicking up a fuss and saying I deceived him? I don't remember doing it. It doesn't matter though." 佑理が、俺に騙されたって騒いでるんですか? そんなことしましたっけ。 まあ、どっちでもいいですけど
i wonder if he actually pulled a prank and he's just hiding it really well. . .or if Yuri is just paranoid lol Yuri's for the record:
"Hmph, did you honestly think you could fool me? I won't fall for your cheap tricks. I've already been fooled by Jiro seven times today!" ふんッ。貴様も僕を騙すつもりで?その手には乗りません。今日はすでに、次郎くんに7回騙されたのでね
Halloween: (October 31st)
"I don't know much about Halloween. I can't eat candy though, so I have to play a trick on you, right?" ハロウィン? よく知りませんが、俺、お菓子は食べれないので。 あなたに悪戯すればいいんですよね
Christmas: (December 25th)
"This tree? It's a fir tree. Yuri told me to get one, so I cut it down and carried it back here. My special artifact doesn't cut very well." この木ですか? 佑理に言われて、モミの木を切って持ってきました。俺の特質怪具、切れ味が悪いんです
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Are you dead? Oh, you're alive." ……死んでます? ああ、なんだ。生きてたんですね
jiro poking you with a stick like 'you dead?'
(13 affinity and above)
"Oh, Yuri's calling me. It'll be annoying if I pick up, so I'll just ignore it until you're ready to go again." ……ああ、佑理から連絡です。出ると面倒なので、あなたが動けるようになるまで、無視しておきます
'yuri is the only reason i'm alive but he's gonna yell at me so i'll just wait to pick up the phone' why??? i guess he wants to go back with you if yuri's telling him to come home lol ALSO DON'T YOU THINK IGNORING YOUR PHONE RINGING WILL WORRY YURI. . . .
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"You've skipped too many appointments. It's been a long time since your last check up...  I suppose I'll have to re-examine you." あなた、受診サボりすぎです。前回からかなり間が空いてるな…… まあ、今から再検査すればいいです
time to fill out your whole chart again! examination from top to bottom!
THERE WE GO. sorry that one took so long!! He's actually a bit of a goof but his no-affinity lines make him come off as extra cold and cruel. He just has to get used to you!! But I think it has a very charming contrast. AFTER THIS IS JIN! Tomorrow night maybe? it's almost midnight and i have to wake up early again and my insomnia kicked my ass last night. . . .
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nuttytani · 3 months
Oh no! My suicidal big tiddies man got isekai'd
fandom: honkai star rail
characters: blade and gender neutral reader
tw: none except- maybe not proof read?
a/n: a silly birthday gift for my lovely friend here @tsubaki3192
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It was currently 2 AM and you have been playing video games for hours now. Looking at the time made you instinctively yawn and stretch those stiff arms. You were interrupted by a strange gurgling sound coming from somewhere…. Actually, it was just you and your hungry tummy. Since it was super late to cook anything (and risky because it might wake up the entire house), you quickly sneaked into the kitchen and rummaged through the fridge.
There were no leftovers. Just some sauce bottles, pickles, butter and milk. The fridge was positively empty of any food. There wasn’t even bread. What were you going to do with sauce and pickles? That didn’t sound appetising at all.
“Awe… There’s nothing,” you said while closing the fridge. Then you opened it again and finally grabbed that milk. That was your only hope.
At least it’s good for my bones, calcium and shit yeah?
Your legs and particularly knees have been creaky and making weird popping noises recently. Maybe those bones might be thanking you for the milk. Chuckling to your silly thoughts, you head back to your room, with a cup of milk and proceed to turn your computer off.
A weird green horizontal line appeared on your screen and your wallpaper surrounding that line turned pixelated. The speaker connected to your computer emitted creepy static-y noises like those really old radio. Something was not right and that something would land you in shit because this wasn’t some cheap ol’ computer. You painstakingly saved up for this bad boy after hours of part time jobs here and there while also struggling with your uni life. The model wasn’t anything new but it was good enough for you and it was your baby. That very baby was dying in front of you. You needed to fix it.  You instantly scrambled back into your chair and tried to check for cables. Maybe some cables were loose. Before you could even touch a wire, the entire screen turned green and turned black. The static noises stopped as well.
“Well… Guess I’m doomed.” You slide your hands down your face and slump down like that Shinji in a chair meme. If this was some horror story though this would be the perfect timing for a hacker or weird murderer to send a message like “I see you” or something of the sort. Actually, what if some weirdo dark web hacker was onto you and wanted to kill you for whatever reason?
Okay, that’s it. This was sleep deprivation talking. You need sleep. Like right now. There’s no hacker that wanted to murder you, it’s probably the lack of sleep frying your brain cells. You were a normal college student, trying to survive in this cutthroat dog-eats-dog world. Even if something does happen, it won't happen to you. Well, your computer dying aside…. NPCs such as yourself don’t get “fun privileges”.
That’s what you thought about 5 minutes ago when you didn’t have a razor-sharp blade pointed at your eye and you laid in your bed wondering what wrongs you committed in your past life that was happening to you. Did you steal a priest's robe? Did you offend some god by swearing at them? Fuck you past life self.
The person holding the sword was still hunched over you and didn’t move their sword. Not even a single centimetre. One wrong movement and you could lose your lovely sight once and for all!
“What is this place and who are you?” asked the person. Judging by their deep voice they were probably a man. They sounded really familiar. You squinted your eyes at the person. Hmmm, bluish-black hair, red highlights… He had some… Real nice assets... Meaning nicely shaped tits…. Hmmm.
“W-what are you doing!” the person raised their voice in surprise and took a step back.
Oh, they must have noticed you ogling. Was it that obvious? You keep staring at their assets because who knows when you’ll have the chance next time? And then your attention finally falls on his sword, it was a deep black that slowly turned into red towards the end and the shaft of the sword had golden crack patterns, you assumed it’s kintsugi.
Wait hold up, that sword looked too familiar. You have seen that many times.
“Holy shit! Are you Blade? Like the Stellaron Hunter Blade?” you exclaimed at the person.
“....Yes. Don’t you dare call the IPC. Or you will face my sword.”
“Well, I’ve been facing your sword for 10 minutes now…. Oh my god, I can’t believe I’m talking to THE Blade. One and only Blade. Like actually from Honkai Star Rail? Who is basically lovers to enemies with Dan Heng? Can I touch you? Actually, I always thought your hair was pretty, can I please braid it?”
Blade was speechless and looked like a fish out of water and slowly sheathed his sword.
“Am I dreaming right now or is this what you call a sleep-deprived hallucination… I can’t tell.”
You were met with silence… He didn’t reply.
“I guess it’s a hallucination. ‘Mkay, goodnight, Mr. Dream-slash-hallucination-Blade.”
Just like that you slumped back into your bed, closed your eyes and snoozed.
Blade was left terribly confused.
Well, he was a Stellaron Hunter, you should be scared for your life. He kills people for a living. Most people would just have one glimpse of him and go running down the hill while screaming for their lives. But you didn’t? Even when you knew his identity? And his not-widely-known relationship with Dan Heng?
Clearly, you didn’t see him as a threat. He also noticed the way your eyes lingered around his chest.
Silver Wolf did say that he had “some big tiddies” for a man. Whatever that meant. And he’s currently stuck in this room. He had no idea how he ended up here. Just that he was speaking with Kafka about their latest “script” and the details given by Elio. And poof. Some strange glitch happened, and he ended up here. In this tiny room. A huge mess of a room. It was devastating to look at. The desk was covered with stacks of unorganised documents and some random trashy novels. There were also a few strange items that looked nearly identical to him… he tries to recall Silver Wolf’s terminology sessions… Merch? Clothes were all thrown over the office chair like it was some cover.  And the bookshelf was a wreck. An absolute wreck. He could even see how your closet wasn’t even fully closed! How many things were just packed in there?
Looking at the room triggered his migraine. He needed to do something about the state of this room, as soon as possible. Since he basically had nothing to do, he decided to clean stuff up. He organised your shelf– the books were in the order of the genre as well as the titles. He folded and hung your clothes and lined them up according to colour, as well as length. Cleaned up your desk, put away your documents into your drawer, hung up the merch on your cork display, vacuumed and mopped your floors and everything else that he noticed that was out of place.
By the time he was done it was already morning.
The birds were shining– no, hold up, that’s wrong, it was supposed to be the sun was shining. Yeah so, the sun was shining! The birds were singing! But why was your favourite game character in the flesh, right in front of you. Were you still dreaming? That’s impossible. You were definitely 100% awake. So you decided to simply stare at the video game character, who was acting like a total malewife cleaning your room. Your mind quickly flashed a Pikachu surprised face at the scene. You were sure that your face was looking like that too.
After what felt like an eternity of staring, you finally spoke, “So you’re real….?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” Blade replied in a deadpan voice and a straight face.
Ok so he was real. That was established. Here’s the issue though. How were you going to keep a used-to-be-a-bunch-of-pixels-but-isn’t-anymore man in your room and your house? How were you going to explain this strange man being present in your room overnight to your family? Although you loved your suicidal big tiddies, man…. He needed to go. All those isekai stories and novels you read never talked about what to do when a fictional man just poofs into your house that you share with your family. How does one handle the situation? Someone better make a novel on this now… How does anyone even expect to cope with something like this? What to do now?
You muttered under your breath while thinking and paced around the room like a manic and started, “Should I hide you under the bed? No, you’re too huge for that. My closet doesn't have enough space for you either…. Oh, maybe you can hide in the bushes? Like jump out of my window and stay in there… for some time till I call for you.”
Blade motioned to you to shut up. Fair enough. You guess you were being too loud. Suicidal man needed some quiet time, you supposed.
“No need, I can simply do this.” Blade snapped his finger and he disappeared into thin air. There was another snapping sound, and he came back.
“This is a high-tech feature made by the Stellaron hunters that helps us to appear as if we’ve become transparent,” Blade explained.
“Cool. You should have just told me that sooner.”
And that is how your daily life with the suicidal big tiddies man started. Well it started-ish. He needed to go back to his universe but he said that the Stellaron Hunting could wait. Blade decided that he was on a paid vacation. Thankfully he could still converse with his colleagues, and they were figuring out how to get him back, although they assured you and Blade both that it wouldn’t be a difficult task except it might take a few months till Blade could reunite with the Stellaron Hunters. In the meantime, however, you were tasked to take care of Blade by Kafka and Silver Wolf. 
You and Blade had lots of fun, or at least you think he did. Every day was like a sleepover. Having facials and putting on face masks on each other while watching movies. Or playing some multiplayer games. Blade sucked at gaming, so you had to teach him a bit. You also read him trashy romance novels and even some funny fanfics to him. One day you two even went out to go shopping for some clothes because your big tiddies man could not wear the same pair of clothes every day. Plus, he needed some variety and those cowboy jeans needed to go. Immediately. He looked funny with them on, and no one wore bell bottom jeans in this era.
Though Blade was very sad to part from his fanservice clothes, he fell in love with hoodies and sweatpants. He said they were soft and comfortable to wear. He also wore his hair in a high ponytail or a low bun to blend in with others. You suggested him to get his hair trimmed but he didn’t like that suggestion at all. Blade even gave you a nasty glare for that.
Meanwhile, your family thought you were getting too lonely because they kept hearing you talk to yourself or “someone”. They tried to gently poke you about it every now and then since they were concerned for your mental health, but you would always brush them off.
Recently they saw you holding hands with thin air. Your family definitely knew something was going on now. They even considered calling an exorcist because that was so weird. They even heard a man’s voice speak.
That’s a whole different story though. Maybe for another time!
Until then, Fin <3.
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a/n: yeah this was very crack and not serious lol.
here's my taglist if you ever wanna get notified about my fic/hc posts!
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becauseplot · 7 months
finished ep 12 of osnf. much sleepy. oughh.
Okay not nearly as many thoughts as last time (I blame the fact that I stayed up late then woke up early to watch this episode, am eepy) but I still got a few!
Alright first of all was Cellbit TRYING to kill them with that encounter at the beginning. SIR. WHAT WAS THAT. He really threw everything at them, the creatures just kept coming and coming. For a while I thought that he was trying to set up for some dramatic entrance where another character (a new NPC maybe) would run in to join the fray and help them out because there were just SO MANY OF THOSE FUCKERS WHAT THE HELL.
Poor Ceasar being scooby-doo chased around the field by the mist trying to shoot the creatures away from his friends while repeatedly getting punched in the back of his head. Joui fighting for his life (literally) trying to get that stupid ass murderdog off of him that wouldn’t let up—even when IT WAS CUT IN HALF, IN HALF—and nearly dying to it (thank god Calango remembered the armor stats hhhhh). And the crazy contrast between Bagi(Liz) rolling several extremes while Rakin(Thiago) rolls nothing but fails because he was trapped and to escape he needed a strength test and his strength stat is s h i t.
But MAN that 2 on strength he rolled trying to save Joui. Thiago struggled the whole fight to free himself from the snake-thing but the moment he saw Joui about to die, he was able to find it in himself to rip that monster off of Joui. Not even joking, I was so relieved. I don't know what I would have done if Joui died. Cried probably. Cried a lot. Joui spent that whole fight yelling at his friends to just run, just get out of there, because he would rather die than watch his friends die again, and so soon after the Nightmare... Hhough Jouiiiii ;-; Wrapping him up in a blanket you're so good sweetheart, you're so good, your friends care about you so much, I know you can't stand to see them hurt but they don't want to see you hurt either.
Anyway uh. The Jeniffer cow lived* but Murilo/the Collector did not, rest in peace my dude. And all evidence suggests the Gatekeeper as the culprit in the murders. And Joui (Luba!!) pointing out how the Gatekeeper told them it was okay to use fire! Man that was a GOOD catch.
But... How did the Gatekeeper know that Thiago wouldn't light up immediately? Bc if he did then the mist would've descended and he would have to figure out how to sneak away during the fight to kill the Helper. And it seems kinda awkward for the group to immediately encounter the mist before even getting to know the town. In any case I'm glad Thiago didn't try to smoke right away, for those story-reasons.
*Side note: real fucking funny how Cellbit said he and Guaxi talked off-stream to discuss how Arthur would react to certain things so that Cellbit's NPC-ing of Arthur for this episode would be accurate, and Arthur proceeded to spend the whole episode fretting over the fucking cow. Like his friends come stumbling out of the woods, two of nearly dead, the other two not much better off (well Thiago was fine bc of his op shield lol), and he's more concerned about the cow. I know that was probably just to set up for him staying with the cow for most of the episode so that he could take a background role but that's so fucking funny. Arthur is just kneeling by the cow "🥺 oh Jennifer....." And of course Joui, angel that he is, puts a hand on Arthur's shoulder and reassures him that they'll find help for Jennifer while he himself is like. Actively bleeding out. 10/10 rp I'm so happy to know that this is character-accurate for Arthur lmfao.
Or perhaps Joui/Luba's theory about what the Gatekeeper told them about fire is wrong, and this is just a coincidence. iirc, the Gatekeeper never told them that it was okay to use fire, he just said it was okay to smoke. Then again, it's apparently his job to tell the new Ignaros not to use fire, period, so the fact that he didn't bring that up is suspicious. Maybe he was trying to be subtle about it, as part of an alibi? If he told them outright that fire was okay, that would put him under suspicion, but if he skirted around the details, or just failed to mention, well...that's also suspect, but it's safer, a detail that's more malleable if he has to defend himself from accusation.
That is to say, if this really is all the Gatekeeper's doing. Someone could be setting him up. If he was really trying to get away with several murders, then why leave the front door to his tower open? Why not destroy the bloody clothes, or bury them out in the woods or something? Liz pointed out the fact that no body in Santo Berco suspects each other, as they all trust each other, but come on man, it's murder 101, you destroy the evidence. Idk he might just be a real shitty murderer. Besides, what motive could he have? I guess that'll be explained, if he really is the murderer. And where did he go? It doesn't seem like he left willingly—not being around to ring the bell would attract a lot of attention to himself, and the door was wide open—or maybe he was in a rush? Questions, questions.
Poor Blacksmith. Things aren't looking too good for you, my man.
In any case, the real Door Final Boss is coming up. Thiago and Ceasar, hope your kicking legs are ready. (Tbh I completely forgot about that little black card thing, thank god Liz/Bagi didn't lmao. Such an inconspicuous little thing to carry so much plot significance...)
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pastelprince18 · 1 year
I don't know but other things came to mind xd
For example, what kind of infection is darkmees and how is it transmitted?
Would it be like a zombie infection?
or some kind of parasite that controls minds
a kind of mind control
spreads through contact with any character or by puddles of dakmess Or also for the same coursa? Or that it is gradually taking control of the characters once it is transmitted? Or is the infection and transmission immediate?
And how do you think this would be cured by defeating the corrupted characters or would it be more complex?
Would this infection disappear if they defeated cursa?
Could I have a cure that would have to be discovered?
do you think that machines like beep O and jennie can also be infected by the darkmess
wow there are many questions and things that came to my mind xd I'm sorry if I overload you lol
Personally, I like to believe that this is gradually taking control of those affected.
and that could have a cure
Okay this took really long to reply since…I actually had no idea what to do the time I got this message, while trying to figure out how would darkmess or some of the characters get controlled by cursa. Days I was thinking till I just stop until I can actually figure something out
That is until last night I got a request from a mutual of mine with rabbid Mario :3
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So I will say, it is a mind control like thing going around when more darkmess took over the areas of each planet, some rabbids and wardens were luckily hidden while other wardens, npcs and rabbids were taken over by darkmess.
They way it works is this, darkmess is in a way a parasite as you said! The thing is, it takes control only half the body, depending on where it is, with rabbid Mario he has 2 phases, the first time we see Mario he is fine and show only darkmess on his hands, while some darkmess is on his back (I have yet to show or color in my art)
The second time we see rabbid Mario is when he looks like the image above where he is fully almost control by the darkmess . So it depends on the darkmess is located, if it spreads all over the body than the character will forever be lost for good and you could accidentally kill said person…
Machines I feel however will be okay! Well most since I do believe Barrendale Mesa maybe the safe planet but only one thing is control by darkmess which is the robot dinosaur the group the rabbids escape from with mama. So no Jeanie beep-Ö and sales bot are not infected :] they are safe
The way to cure the darkmess is to well, fight them. It is a risk but it is a way to save them, it’s like how ya do when you find a darkmess puddle where you have to fight whoever inside and save the spark or get rid of that puddle. Would say if anything they do have the right spark to heal a character or a faint character if something super serious happen, besides that it’s a risk they are willing to take!
I’m sorry again if it took long to reply and yeah it was a bit overwhelming but at least I got it out their!! <:] hope these help you and again I’m sorry for the delay
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regurgitatedskeleton · 9 months
Day 2 of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- okay so I’m on a cliff. Instead of jumping I’m gonna just teleport to one of the other places
- oops that was the place with all the turrets guess I’ll run for my life then
- grabbed a frog. Poor guys gonna get eaten alive
- ran into more mobs. Blue one one-shotted me. Rude.
- came back, threw a bomb and blew up the weaker ones
- threw another bomb and blew myself up but it’s okay I’m still alive. And I have food
- blew up a bomb and missed. Got hit again but still have a bit of health
-blew him up *again* and he’s getting kinda low
- guy is back to full health? That’s not fair only I’m allowed to do that
- shot all my ice arrows and missed
- shot all my fire arrows and hit him
- managed to kill him by running away and dropping the square bombs on him. I feel more accomplished than when I didn’t drown in mud
- loot was more fire arrows I approve
- shot another pig thing but it jumped off a cliff
- :(
- blew myself up again, still haven’t figured out the range on those bombs
- climbed a tree and stole some eggs
- found a rock golem but managed to do no damage. In a rare display of self preservation I decided to run away and not spend the next half hour trying to kill it
- found another skull cave but it’s empty feels like a trap
- nah it’s all good??
- climbed the mountain in search of the other dungeon
- it was cold tho
- the old man said he’d give me his warm doublet. Idk what a doublet is but he said warm so imma go get that. His thing says seafood near the tower so I’m gonna try fish
- fish worked, I guess doublet is a fancy name for a jumper
- climbed back up the mountain
- saw a raft, maybe I can take it across
- cut some trees in order to make my way over because the bridge was broken
- got over to the dock but fell in the water anyway
- survived and got there in one piece
- raft is gone
- waited for a while no raft
- went back across and tried to light a fire, still unsuccessful the flint didn’t work neither did the bomb
- raft is back
- got on the raft
- now I am on the raft but it is not moving
- stood around a bit and now it’s moving, hopefully it doesn’t take me off a waterfall
- apparently there was a bridge there the whole time but okay this works too
- some goblins threw some rocks at me and I threw some bombs back. We had a good time
- sweet I’m Elsa now
- shrine was pretty easy
- this guy knows my (Link’s) name he knows who I am
- tried to get the chest in the middle of the lake. Was less easy but we got there, only died twice
- he said to draw lines on the map but imma just guess it’s the place with the statue
- yay more heart
- yeah I was right
- also right about him knowing stuff, guess he’s a king now lol
- welp time to go save a princess I guess
- I mean he says that i have to hurry but I’ll probably get diverted more than a few times along the way
- wind shrine was pretty easy tbh
- smart guy guarding the thing but also silly because it would kill him easily. Not much winning there
- old guy said to go between the mountains but around looks quicker
- found another tower that’s nice
- Link climbs very slowly
- died again, if only someone (possibly like 3 separate NPCs perhaps) had warned me about the sentinels. This is what I get for trying a shortcut
- back at the tower? I guess I’ll go between the mountains then, road is hopefully safer
- found another shrine but it had spikes everywhere. I just left it
- girl is nice for giving me a pot
- Blood Moon had risen. I wonder if you can just not talk to that guy?
- horses, that’s nice I will try to get one
- I failed to get the horse
- succeeded at killing a goat tho
- everyone is giving me directions to the wrong village lol
- plant guy wants his maracas
- go to the mobs
- oh god there’s three blue ones
- some NPC showed up mid fight, poor guy looks traumatised
- my method of dropping bombs and running away has yet to fail me, we got the maracas
- Bugus gave me food for “saving him” but I’m not about (or able) to correct him
- an extra inventory slot for some maracas and that seed the flower said to give to someone (can’t remember who lol, hope it wasn’t too important)? Sure I’ll take it
- okay now I gotta go lol, fun game tho
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sadclowncentral · 1 year
I just started playing Skyrim!! On the switch so I can't mod it unfortunately :/ i wish I could adopt every child. Any tips, tricks, feelings, thoughts about Skyrim you wanna share? :)
okay let me preface this by saying that skyrim is the only game i have ever played in the last five years and the only game i need given the over 1000 hours i have logged on it its the game of all time. it is a source of endless joy. i haven't even finished the main story yet i have too much fun. so here is my skyrim advice from a person who plays it wrong but has the most fun doing just that:
yes skyrim has a main story allegedly and a civil war subplot but you know what? if that's not what's your vibe right now feel free to ignore it. there is a lot of fun missions especially by the factions like the Thieves Guild or the Companions that can also take up a lot of your time. don't feel pressured. have a look around. kill some draugr. build a house.
yes there is a lot to do in skyrim but you know what is the MOST fun? making soup. collecting books and furnishing your home. scouring for flowers and making potions. don't let the ever-present violence stop you from enjoying the fishing minigame. the world is your oyster. to me the game is always the most fun when I give my character a task that the quests don't have, like stealing every bottle of alcohol, collecting dwarves artefacts, and creating an extensive library. whatever floats your boat!!
while the game mechanics don't really enforce that point, skyrim is filled to the brim with NPCs with absolute insane requests and takes and I always do the best to honour them. somebody said something racist about elves and I am one? I am now building traps in the town square. somebody mentioned their love for books passing by? I am breaking into your house and putting them there. there might not be a quest in game but there is one in my heart. ESPECIALLY when it come to marrying someone has to take upmost priority. my loves pre-programmed wishes are my command.
there is a lot of parts of skyrim that can be frustrating but a decade old community has circumvented them. increasing carry weight, optimising potion brewing, finding the stones of berenziah, locating that one fucking lever...people have been where you have been. you stand on shoulders of giants, and those giants are on Google! it's not cheating, it increasing your fun at the game!
skyrim is a vast world and you can do whatever you want. if you want to complete the main quest or toss it aside to just maim bears for an hour, you get to do that! i play skyrim every rpg oriented and use it as a dollhouse but that doesn't have to be you. you are a free person. just don't forget to have fun!! and if you are bored or frustrated, just do something else. no try harding in MY skyrim community
do not get complacent while climbing the steps the fucker will kick your absolute ass.
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micropoe10 · 1 year
Dumb Ways to Die... BG3 edition! PART: 1
Long post EXTREMELY LONG POST...okay maybe, probably not that long?? DEFINITELY LONG and Possible spoilers?!? I'm not sure read at your own peril! IT'S TOTALLY WORTH IT THOUGH🤣
I've been playing BG3 for a collective of well over 250 hours now. I CAN'T express how much I absolutely LOVE this game! I adore my OG character she is perfect (as Astarion loves to tell me)! I will ALWAYS choose ASTARION to romance and too fall in love with repeatedly! ⬇️⬇️❤️❤️⬇️⬇️
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That has not changed in the other 2 characters I have made so far alongside my OG campaign. I have save scummed SO hard. (Listen...I want to watch THOSE scenes with my OG character over and over again whenever I want lmao😂 I also love watching the wholesome fluff scenes too) ❤️That being said this is not that kind of post.. this post is my, lets call it....DUMB WAYS TO DIE .....To the story.....
THE STORY: The Goblin Horde
I would like to stress the importance of what I'm going to say next!
So there I was playing on an ALT campaign that I made because I wanted to see what Dark Urge was all about. (I should clarify that I have NOT finished the story yet...no, not even on my OG campaign, im enjoying the game at my own pace and I have a lot of IRL responsibilities too.) So.. there I was, Astarion is madly in love with me ❤️ I just saved Halsin from the Goblins 🐻 everything is going so well, and he wants me to kill the BIG THREE leaders of the Goblin Camp. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
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I got this....or so I thought...*(rolls a NAT 1 on Confidence)*
In my party I have Astarion, Shadowheart and Wyll. I also have a summoned wolf but for the sake of this story we're gonna leave them out of it. On my OG character I have already gone through the Goblin camp so on my Dark Urge alt I was feeling pretty good about my survival chances this time around...I start by picking off small groups of Goblins, the ones that are secluded, around corners, away from the big packs so it doesnt alert all of them. I close doors to keep them hidden...you know...
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⬆️⬆️YEA THAT⬆️⬆️
I destroy EVERY SINGLE war drum cause obvious reasons⬆️ I DONT want to alert everybody! I even saved Volo because...I have a soft spot for his annoying humor, and quite litterally I'm pretty sure he is the NPC equivalent of the games damsel in distress but *spoilers* lol. When I've picked off the stragglers all that is left is the BIG THREE and their packs of mobs around them. I figure my best bet is kill off Grannie Gut first so I remember that there are some spiders in the makeshift cages below and if you're like me well...🕷️☠️
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☠️🕷️Same Ron, Same🕷️☠️
But I ➡️ UNGROUP Wyll⬅️..remember this.. I ungroup only Wyll, because he is the only one in my party who can speak too animals and I was determined to Dr. Dolittle Bullshit my way through a convo with these spiders to make them do my biding! Even if it killed me, and if the RNG/DICE gods were displeased with me it could, would and probably should have. (Also this would be a good time to mention that yes I know there are potions, and scrolls for speak to animals...but I am a complete and utter MONEY GREMLIN sooo it all gets sold). So, I sweet talk my way through that convo while also trying not to stare directly at my screen cause. 🕷️=☠️.
The spiders tell me you need to open the door for us and im like that is simple enough. I walk over, I try to unlock the doors and the guards on the other side (nice chaps, great convo) say noooo the gates must stay closed spiders are dangerous, they are not trained. (I KNOW, kinda the point here). So if I couldnt open the doors I was just going to do what I've done best so far and KILL THEM.
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As wyll is shooting at these two "innocent" guards they are trying to spam unlock the door and all I'm seeing is:
At this point I have Astarion jump down and help me kill these goblins, but not before another "innocent bystanding" goblin joins the fight. At this point Shadowheart, and my ALT are trying to kill this extra goblin. Astarion is trying to unlock the door, the spiders are saying FREE us. And Wyll is just standing there living his best life, When Grannie Gut gets involved...
Stay tuned PART: 2 will be up shortly!
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
Asdfghjkl we must’ve watched the ep at the same time, there weren’t new posts until just now but yEAHH :D I WAS BOUTTA CRY MY HEART WAS SHAKING THEY REALLY MADE IT SO SAD AND THEN THE ENDING KICKED IN 😢 c’MON right after that, AND THE ANIMATION WAS PHENOMENAL LIKE WHOOOO I liked the zoom-up they did into Hawks’s eye when Dabi yelled his name, oh the shock! And that they aided the viewers with that was going on when he was being a speedy boy, all the better to retain info for characterizations!
(2) I was holding my breath hoping they balanced the “Hawks might have to kill but he doesn’t want to” right. Good points: They kept “I don’t want to fight you!” Twice’s “that’s just convenient for you!” Helps that, it’s a different line vs his petty “sounds like a you problem” but sinks in better because WE know as the No.2 a fight isn’t inconvenient, we see him winning easy, he just doesn’t WANT to fight. Love how the scene lingers on so many important lines tbh. (3) The camera is literally WATCHING Dabi blurt out “You didn’t notice me! You were distracted by emotions! You MADE A MISTAKE HERO!” Wayyyy more than a simple “looks like sentiment tripped you up after all!” from behind him. He’s going through a full facial range of expressions here. The audience will remember, bless. And I like they altered Fatgum’s “yo Hawks is a spy” scene to take place after the Machia reveal vs out in a random field with Tokoyami going ?? My mentor, what??? out of the blue (4) Once again having NPCs go “how’d we get so much info?!” HERE instead of Fatgum asking + going unanswered in Tsukauchi’s office in a small barely noticeable panel will STICK, it’s impactful! Pity we lost Toko wanting to see Hawks again, but it’s fine. Maybe next time? Or it was there and I forgot oop. Hnnn, don’t like the “kill” vibe, but tbh I expected it :/ I mean. Okay. “Someone has to die” could be read as that. You know how Dabi wasn’t planning on Twice dying, but used the opportunity? (5) Looking past his carelessness for a moment here. Maybe the anime is trying to parallel that by saying, “Hawks was planning on killing Twice, but he took advantage of an opportunity with Dabi’s interruption knocking out Twice for him” which uh, changed quickly. “I said don’t move!” (You did not buddy.) did they keep that I forgot 😭 also the collection of Twice’s echoing “die, hero” was CHILLING, my last complaint is “I didn’t belong there.” With them transitioning that line into- (6) Hawks’ shadow face, it would’ve been SO GOOD if they made it a contrast by switching from his sad smile to that face but y’know they cut it. Instead it’s a switch from old Twice to current Hawks. And that line + that smile would be So Good, had they used the word “cage” instead of “there” because the motif appears in his backstory. Nevermind, one more thing. Rip, Hawks looking cool af descending with his sword. Hello uh, demon Hawks hidden in the fire. (7) Looking at ani react vids and ooh, you mean after Dabi said “heroes are always ready to save a life” he’s all “ironic isn’t it?” errr, was that there 😶 sounds more like he’s throwing shade on Hawks than “yeah I trusted you would save him” Hawks is SO FAST I can’t tell if we can see him hold onto the burning feather lol, slow down for my mortal eyes boi. Slight positive note? Guided flashbacks and added snippets to give a clear vision to the audience is good. Some people didn’t notice- (8) That he was destroying the cameras. Also nice they flashback connected “I want to help you, you’re a good person” to “those who help their friends aren’t that bad” is it Hawks that isn’t all that bad? Is it Twice who is nice? Read both ways! But hmm. Anyone notice the distinct lack of THE RECORDER?!?! #HoriReallyDitchedTheRecorderPlotForNagantAndToldTheAnimeToFollowConspiracyTheory. Whelp. No one can call me “in denial” if everyone is going to be this sus about it. Review concluded, thank u!
I've already shared my review of the episode on another ask so I'm not going to repeat it, I'm just going to sit here like :o at all the details you managed to pick out in the episode XD
I noticed the lack of recorder as well and I'm disappointed it's not going to have a role in the manga, it could have been utilised so well to have the league turn against one another due to Dabi's actions but I guess with AFO playing puppeteer with almost all of them it's no longer needed.
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ddarker-dreams · 3 years
I admit that i enjoyed act 3 but it feels like really rushed i have so much complain with that.
The build up until act 2 was so good it give us so much premise but the final blow si meh. Sorry that i want to share thing long rant with you
1. Why the final talk is with yae, no offense to her but we need ei to explain not to mention she witness khaenriah downfall so she can give us more information, i feel like they do it for the plot armor so they can just keep dragging this
2. So many things that quite inconsistant, the shogun is show no mercy to anyone that even did a little thing outside what she think its right, how come she can still have a talk with signora, when sara is falling like that, and also there is no clarification about sara right now.
The traveler was so done at first they refuse to help thoma and ayaka at the beginning. But they seem so happy and forget everything how come they are not RAGE ( okay maybe this is to bias and personal) when this nation provide nothing about our siblings information and also why they are not mention anything about their problem in ei stroy quest. Its nonsense! She is right in front of youu, ask about your siblings, ask about khaenriah, ask about ukmown god!!. How come they can just forget like that. Also mihoyo really waste the potential about twin things i thing ei will give us so much help bcs of the sympathy that we both rn lost our twin but noooo.
3. Kokomi seem lost some brain cell, she make a very succesfull grand intro but she become meh in act 3, how come a great strategist like her let the sus sponsorship slip just bcs they are desperate, not to mention her screen time is really small and her role seem so unsignificant and it feels lile she is a plain npc.
4. The awesome world quest that we have done doesnt get any mention at all! Inazuma owe us so much with cleansing sakura, thunder sakura, tatarigami, obarashi quest. It has so much potential that yae or ei or anyone else aknowledge what traveler has been done but nooo.
cracks knuckles... i suppose it's time for my promised dissertation. interestingly enough, you touched on a lot of the main issues i had with chapter III.
i think that if i had to pin the main issue, it's a lack of overall cohesiveness? we were jumping all over the place without the chance to ever flesh things out. inazuma is a smaller cast, but i feel like we didn't get to see any of them shine. since i'm most interested in the genshin characters, i'll break down my problems by going over everyone and their (lack) of impact on the story.
was ayaka not questioned or placed under suspicion for being close to thoma before his escape? i wanted to see her broken up over her duties as they relate to the yashiro commission, paired with having someone she genuinely cares about in danger. it would've been an interesting struggle if she was forced to choose one or the other. instead she just kinda took a back seat.
speaking of thoma, i don't even have anything to say, because he just... was there? for .0001 seconds. said "lol this sucks ig" and that's about it. i know we're going to get a story for him in the future since he's a 5* but i'm not getting my hopes up 😭 then in the raiden shogun's character story, man is peachy keen! be upset with the raiden shogun! have some inner conflict! even if it's just using loaded language because he's under surveillance for going against the raiden shogun, that'd be so cool. saying something like,
"Traveler, what's with that expression? Oh please, there's nothing to worry about. We're under the Statue of the Omnipresent God's protection. Nothing bad has ever happened here." *wink*
i also don't know what to say about gorou. he was... there....... i think. what is he fighting for? what are the stakes for him? what makes him place so much trust into kokomi? i'm out of things to say about him because i don't remember anything he did or said.
kokomi... oh kokomi... i was so hyped. so excited. i thought that maybe we could see a foil to the raiden shogun. that she'd have a moment where she's forced to realize, just like her opponent, sacrifices must be made that will hurt people who will never understand why she made them. or maybe something to show her military prowess. but instead she just accepts a mysterious patron's help (?), sees her people aging like the grateful dead from JJBA, and goes oh well. that sucks. what can ya do. oh bye traveler i guess, good luck with that. ????????????? HUH... similar case to thoma where she's gonna get a character story but like. she won't be the leader of the resistance anymore. that was her whole shtick. they took her shtick away. also she forced me to interact with more NPCs whose names i've already forgotten so i'm tilted about that still.
KUJOU SARA... AN INJUSTICE. A DISGRACE. a slap to my woman loving face. the build up was there. yae miko's comments about sara probably knowing the tenryou commission is involved in shady dealings, but is choosing not to think about it. sara being forced to confront reality and challenge her adopted father with the truth. being able to blaze a new path for herself in the process. when she started running to the raiden shogun i was ultra hyped up. sara, a devotee to the shogun for so long, was about to see her god interacting with the same people who led inazuma to this awful state. how would she react? would she stay ignorant, like yae miko so coyly said, choosing to look away in favor of following her god's footsteps? or would she be forced to recognize the raiden shogun isn't as divine as she once thought, and challenge her belief system?
we open the door to see the raiden shogun. the loading screen ensues. the camera pans to the ominous room, clouded in darkness, hinting at the ominous confrontation that is to come. the music takes a serious timbre. and then...
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well fuck that potential character arc i guess. (we still don't know what sara made of any of this since she poofed out of existence from the story at this point)
kazuha also was handed a similar treatment. we've been with him for a while longer now. he is our introduction into inazuma, the one who first gets us emotionally involved by regaling us with the bittersweet tale of friendship that led him to becoming a wanted criminal. a kind soul who loves nature yet was dealt a cruel hand by fate, forced to watch his home nation turn into a hostile place, where his dear friend ultimately perished as a result. we get the scene with his friend's vision lighting back up. he parries a block from the raiden shogun, in the same area where his friend was killed by her. the parallels. the drama. except this time, he wasn't too late. he protected the traveler where he "failed" to protect his friend in the past. did he feel redemption at this? or was it a bittersweet reminder of what could've been?
WELL i guess we'll never know because we didn't get to talk to him again 😭 idk who got a bait and switch worse, him or sara. jesus christ mihoyo.
then we have signora. why is the raiden shogun talking to her? does she know about the gnosis being taken, and if she doesn't, what was her plan to get it from the archon? what does she think about scaramouche? and oh, okay, we're fighting here now. good fight + god tier music. pog pog. okay, now we've beaten her up, and raiden shogun wyd— wait no not signora her lore is still on CUPS not YET raiden shogun and— ah she's dead. okay. non nerds who didn't read artifact lore are going to know nothing about her. signora has such an interesting story, and yet... well. ok.
then we get raiden shogun redemption (?) arc. i was hype for this as well, though at that point, idk why i bothered being hype. i knew they were gonna do a cute power of friendship something or another, and i'm good with that, so long as it's executed well. what i was envisioning was like seven different buffs to correspond with the seven different visions, the dreams of those whose ambitions were stolen serving as the spear to penetrate the raiden shogun's heart of stone. maybe a hydro vision giving us extra healing for a time, with the voice acting over it being like,
"Even if the rest of the world forgets us, let our will carry you through this one final time. Succeed where we couldn't, Traveler."
so on and so forth.
but instead we got— you get the idea at this point. why bother spelling it out anymore.
at that point i was surprised the raiden shogun didn't go "oopsie woopsie!! we made a fucky wucky!!!" because that was the vibe i was getting. i love ei, don't get me wrong, but i wanted to see her challenged with what she had done to inazuma in the past year. maybe meeting NPC #2345259 who lost her sister to the vision decree or something, reminding ei of the love she held for her sister... being forced to come to terms with the extent of what she's done in pursuit of eternity.
anyway. please for the love of god mihoyo hire better writers for the main story. that is all i ask. thank you.
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acepalindrome · 3 years
Friends, if you enjoy D&D/tabletop actual plays or fantasy or just great stories and great characters that are equal parts hilarious and heartbreaking, I am begging you on bended knee to give NADDPOD (Not Another D&D Podcast) a try. It is truly so good and never gets enough love. To compare to other well know actual plays, it’s closest in vibe to TAZ Balance, so I would especially recommend it if you love TAZ Balance.
The episodes are about 90 minutes long on average and are very listenable. I tend to get bored with combat in actual plays sometimes, but the fights in NADDPOD are so fun and fast paced while not cutting any of the zaniness of a bunch of goobers playing D&D.
And what do you like? World building? DM Murph’s worlds are so fun and fresh and play around with existing D&D concepts of alignments and gods in ways that are so very satisfying.
How about some fantastic characters? The PCs are so entertaining and can be extremely goofy but they will make you cry, that is a threat and a promise. And Murph’s NPCs range from being complex and fascinating and lovable to the biggest shithead losers that are so fun to hate.
Want some queer characters? We got you covered, both the main campaigns and Trinyvale have canon queer PCs who end up in canon relationships.
Okay, but where do you start? There are two main campaigns and a ton of side stuff! I would recommend starting either Campaign 1 (Bahumia) or Campaign 2 (Eldermourne.) I love Trinyvale but I don’t think it’s the best introduction to NADDPOD, and Hot Boy Summer is best saved for after finishing Campaign 1. If you listen to the Donkey Kong oneshots first you might die in real life. You gotta build up to that shit.
I think Campaign 1 is overall the stronger story, but it does take a bit to get really really good, about 12 episodes in. It’s fun enough before that, and you should listen to the first chunk to get to know the characters, but once you hit the Galaderon arc the show goes from about 7/10 to 12/10. The basic plot is that it’s the ‘campaign after the campaign.’ The world has already been saved by a team of legendary heroes, but it turns out maybe the world isn’t as saved as we thought and maybe those heroes actually fucked some things up in a pretty big way. ‘Kill your idols’ is a big theme and it’s fantastic.
Campaign 2 jumps right in and is good from the start, but it’s a much shorter campaign and it has some pacing issues. That said, it’s still an excellent campaign and I’ve been crying about the finale all day. This campaign takes place in a dark fairytale inspired world torn apart by a conflict between two gods, the Reaper and the Trickster. Deals a lot with religion and faith and how they can be used to manipulate (like me, Murph is an ex-Catholic and his portrayals of this stuff hit me so hard.)
One of my favorite things is how well NADDPOD balances humor and drama. It’s easily the funniest actual play I’ve ever listened to, and someday I will learn to stop listening to it on earphones when I’m out on public because I always end up laughing out loud like a weirdo. But when the drama hits? It’s so good and poignant and both campaigns have god-tier found families that constantly destroy my heart with how much they love each other and make each other better and stronger in their darkest times.
I really can’t say enough good about NADDPOD. Please give it a try if you haven’t. And then tell me all about it because I love seeing people enjoy my favorite things.
And also be warned that if you start with campaign 1, there is a long bit about dragon genitalia in the first episode. People either love it or hate it. You’ve gotta just get through it.
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snowlily95 · 3 years
Aerith in light of healthcare provider
So, I've wanted to write an analysis about Aerith in light of her medical viewpoint for quite a long time but only recently got the chance to complete it. It is well known in the game that Aerith is the healer of the story. She possesses a great MP with a limit break to heal and buff people which greatly affects your gameplay. Of course, you can equip others with Healing and Prayer materias to render them useful for healing as well. But story-wise, no one can take away Aerith's status as the healer. We know in canon that Aerith provided herbs to the Sector 5 slums doctor to create medicine. And if you finished the Corneo Stash side quest in Chapter 14, you can return to the church and see a couple of elderly sitting on the pew praying. And when you come closer to them you'll hear them talking about how they didn't see Aerith around and they're sure she's alright and probably be around healing people. You know, since the Sector 7 plate just fell. (Even though Aerith is not alright actually coz she was kidnapped by Shinra by this time) Point is, we are fed by the NPCs on how much Aerith had helped around as a healer. She had been doing this for years.
While being in denial about who she actually is, being a healer had always been implanted in her. She is used to it. When you're used to being a healer, there's a certain level when you have a different reaction compared to others. The way you think is different. Apart from that, she's also a Cetra. And we knew for a fact Cetra had a certain affinity towards souls who are returning to the Planet. Meaning, as much as she is used to healing others, she's also used to sensing death.
My whole point is that being a Cardiac Anaesthesiologist and Intensivist as I am, I can totally relate my position with Aerith, as we both have constantly helped people and encounter death on daily basis. While I'm pretty confident that the majority of these might be coincidences (because I'm pretty sure there are no doctors in the SE team), I thought the coincidences are pretty cool to ponder upon and I'm amazed at how the subtle differences between Aerith's reaction to events from other characters.
I'm gonna ignore the meta part of Aerith, mainly because I'm not discussing how much Aerith knew, and if there was anything in jeopardy of what she knew whatsoever. So we're gonna focus on the fact that she is used to healing and feeling people's death. People who are used to death on daily basis had a certain unique view on life and death. And that affects how we act upon facing them too. While this is evident throughout Remake, I'm gonna focus on the plate drop event to be more concise. I will also use Tifa as a comparison to make it easier to see the difference between the reaction of the two. Let’s start!
1) Aerith is quick in emergency situations.
When you are used to people dying, you developed a certain immunity and you are able to have a sound mind and composure at the sudden change of event. As healthcare providers, we face stable situations turning into critical real fast. And we have a switch in our minds that turns us from standby mode to rescue mode. This is exactly what happened to Aerith when Don Corneo revealed Shinra's plan to blow up Sector 7's support pillar. Tifa is part of Sector 7. It is her home. Which is why her reaction showed how she was super devastated, she slowly stood up and muttered "They wouldn't..." because she couldn't believe it. Aerith? She had that switch in her mind, and she immediately turned and say "Come on, guys! We gotta go!". She switched into that critical mode in a second. It helps that she's also not personally connected to Sector 7, and thus her judgment was not as impaired. Of course, they both switched into the critical mode in the sewer, but it was at the moment of revelation that made it different. Just like how healthcare providers switched at the moment of revelation that their patients are at the brink of death—you immediately jumped into rescue mode.
2) She plans for the worst.
Remember after they defeated Abzu and Tifa started to question Corneo's information? She didn't want to believe it, because it didn't make sense to destroy your years of efforts building the plate just to get back to a small group like AVALANCHE. Think about the money they put in to build it, they're gonna have to put them all again. In fact, along their way out of the sewer, Tifa voiced out multiple times how this had been bothering her. But I'm intrigued with Aerith's reply "If he's telling the truth, then we should go. And if it turns out he was lying, then so what?". This here is exactly what doctors do. We plan and prepare for the worst. And if the worst didn't happen, then so what? If you ever had life-saving surgery, your doctors would tell you "You need this surgery coz you might die. But if you do the surgery, there's a high chance you'll survive, but there's a small chance you'll die too". And we prepare for that small chance that our patients die. No, we don't let our preparations lacking because we hope they'll survive. We prepare for the worst outcome possible and get all the equipment ready in case they'll die. If they didn't, then so what? It doesn't mean our preparations were futile efforts. It only means we were prepared. And that line of Aerith seriously hits home to me.
3) She hopes for the best.
Before they crossed the water sewer, Tifa once again voiced out how she couldn't stop thinking about what Corneo said, and she was still hoping that he was lying. And then Aerith said, "The future isn't set in stone". (Again, I'm gonna ignore the meta part of Aerith) And then she proceeded to set up that small date with Tifa. Believe it or not, this is actually what we do during bad calls. We'd talk about what we would do after all this ends; we'd go out dining, or playing games/darts, or go drinking, or whatever it is that makes us happy. Just to keep our minds calm and to allow us to hope for the future, even if it's just a few hours away. It gives us hope and courage to go on. We plan for the worst, but we hope for the best. The more critical the situation is, the more you need to be level-headed. And needless to say, after this point onwards, Tifa is much more calmed down from her struggle to keep herself focus.
4) She follows orders.
This might sound weird to some, but the ability to cast away your worry and focus on what you can do, instead of what you should do, is important in emergency situations. You need to know what you don't know. You don't get in the way of your comrades. If you're not good at intubating, you don't insist to intubate in emergency situations just because you wanna help. Seriously, you'll just make things worse. When Cloud, Tifa, and Aerith were attacked before climbing up and out of the sewer, Cloud asked both Tifa and Aerith to keep going. Aerith immediately answers "Okay" and left—without a single but. This is significant because it shows that Aerith knew she'd be better off leaving. She doesn't need to offer help, coz her help was not needed. This is not the place where she could help. The ability to recognize this is very important for healthcare professionals. Tifa was a bit more reluctant to leave, but that's probably because she is a martial artist in-game. Also, the fact that Aerith could still joke "We're not delicious" is just so real lol! Yup, we joke sometimes when we're facing deaths—doesn't mean we lose focus in saving the dying person in front of us, don't worry. And then it happens again when they reached Sector 7 when Cloud asked them to stay with Wedge as he goes up, Aerith immediately answered "sure"—because she can "patch" Wedge up, it's where her abilities lie. This is even more accentuated when an injured Wedge argued that he can still fight when he clearly can't—making this point even more obvious. Aerith is someone with a healthcare mind, Wedge was not.
5) She supports her comrades emotionally even when she’s worried too.
When they reached the surface, they spotted a Shinra helicopter. Cloud assured them they're only on patrol. Aerith turned to Tifa and said, "Don't worry, we'll make it in time". This moment is also very iconic to me. As I mentioned, I'm an anaesthesiologist. We are the support doctors to surgeons and physicians. Those moments when we're operating on AAA surgeries and the patient is losing liters of blood and literally dying, we're pumping bloods in with our hands and get those Level 1 machines operating, and the surgeons would be panicking because it keeps bleeding? Yep, I did say it before. "We'll make it. Just concentrate on the surgery and don't worry about the bleeding", even though I'm sweating and dying here trying to keep the patient alive. But I pretended to be calm in front of my team and cheered them on. Because the whole team needs to keep calm. If one of the team loses hope, then bid your chance farewell. As an anaesthesiologist, we're almost like the anchor in the room. People look at us to know if everything's alright. I need to tell them it's alright, so they need not worry. Aerith knew Tifa is worried. And she tried to keep Tifa calm with reassurance. Even if she probably freaked out herself.
6) She doesn’t discriminate.
After they defeated the ghost at the haunted maintenance facility, Cloud tried to kill it, and Aerith didn't let him. When Cloud said that thing was dangerous, Aerith said she knows and added "but even so..." she didn't feel right about killing it. (Let's ignore the fact that the Ghoul was a lonely creature for now) It then goes to drop the train wreck which almost killed them had it not been for Cloud. Now this would have been avoided had Aerith let Cloud killed it—maybe. But here's the thing. When you're hyper-aware that people are dying left and right, you value life more. No one deserves to die, even the worst criminal in the world. You're a law-abiding citizen? You're a criminal? It doesn't make a difference to us. I know this is something super hard to comprehend. But technically only when the law subjects the criminal to the death sentence that a person should be left to die. I've been a doctor for eleven years, I was a prison doctor for two. I had the first-hand experience of dealing with criminals. It's not my job to determine whether they deserve to die or not. It's not my call whether they will turn a new leaf had they lived. I know this is something others find difficult to relate to and agree with—happens to my non-medical family and friends. The verdict to us is simple. It's a life. It's worth saving. Period. (Technically the ghosts are dead though but my point still stands)
7) She tries to her best abilities and lets go of what is out of her control.
Tifa's emotions are tampered with again when they confirmed Shinra was going to drop the plate when they overheard the Turks conversation. Her voice shook, we can literally hear it. Aerith's response was "all we can do now is keep moving". And she's right. When they reached Sector 7 and the Whispers were preventing them, she said "we have to get past whatever it takes". And later on, Tifa left to help Cloud and Barret, and Aerith agreed to get to Seventh Heaven to ensure Marlene's safety. Wedge had a short mental breakdown when he realized he was no good to anyone up or down the crime scene. And Aerith told him "We can still save a lot of lives", "That's no excuse to give up", "I need to know I did everything I could". Her encouragement helped Wedge save more people. Some argued, did she not care about the lives that already died? Now here's my point; no, we don't. Sorry if this sounds harsh, but really. What can we do for people who are already dead? Nothing. What can we do for people who are still alive? Everything. And this is the core of being a healthcare provider—we prioritize. Yes, we're also humans. We can get emotional when our own friends and relatives die. (Aerith might not be as calm had it happened at Sector 5) But when we put the healthcare provider cap on, we mean business. That is why when disasters happened, and we triage people with a black tag? That's when we know we couldn't do anything for them. We don't mourn at the black tags. We move on to the other tags instead. So that we know we already did everything in our power to help. And yes, it doesn't matter even if we lost more lives than we saved. It's worth it, even if we only saved one person out of thousands of deaths. Just like how Aerith saved Betty in Sector 7. That one life is worth it.
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endwalkr · 2 years
pspspsppspspsppsps 2. 6(mostly curious if she even has a natural hair color ajhsfsjds). 8. 10. 15(besides raha 🔫). 20. also i keep forgetting to ask but do you want the Alpine Chandelier back or can i desynth it?
okay disclaimer i dont have a lot, if any, lore written out for aeda, so this is more or less an excuse to have some concrete thoughts about her. under the cut because i dont know how long thisll get
2. Does your WoL have a recurring nightmare (or more)? What is it?
ok i answered this with a paragraph and tumblr didnt save it to the draft. attacka. anyway i said she probably dreams about 1) fully turning into a sineater (cause even though it didnt happen, emet was REALLY chastising about it) and hurting people. 2) since graha is her girlfriend, she probably dreams about him a lot too. shit like finding him fucken dead in miami (amaurot), him actually managing to sacrifice himself at mt gulg, the soul transfer to the source not working, THAT BULLSHIT HE PULLED IN ULTIMA THULE. she may be a bit worried abt him i think.
6. Is that their natural hair color?
i dont think so! she started off with brown hair (like mine lol, wonder why that is) no idea how hair dyeing works for miqote, given the tail and ears and all, but im sure it works somehow. the aesthetician is a magician! (aeda is probably his favorite customer LOL)
8. How do they feel about the fame/infamy that comes with being a Warrior of Light/Darkness?
honestly its hard to even wrap my head around this in the first place, i cant even imagine what it must feel like. i think that probably over time she kind of gets a bit desensitized to it -- or decides to try not to think about it and just focus on herself, the scions, and achieving their goals. the pressure of all those expections in both the source and the first must kind of be a lot. she cares about the people a lot (otherwise she would never have been here) so she probably understands that they need a hero to look up to. nevertheless its an insane pedestal to be put upon so i wouldnt be surprised if having to save the day for everyone gets too much LOL as for the sort of mythical reputation she has, for people who dont know her, she probably understands as well, but when people are sceptic of her or just assholes abt it (cause god some ppl are needlessly cruel to her) she thinks like "i understand your sitiation but none of you have any idea that im also just a little guy and not some sort of demigod. like im just doing my best"
10. Do they misuse any of their abilities?
i dont... think so? i think she genuinely tries to do whats best, i feel like she would think it cruel to hydaelyn to misuse her gift. (as for her more physical strengths, still i dont think she would use those for evil shes a good girl.) but then theres the issue of all the violence, which in her mind could be perceived as her "misusing her abilities", because despite the fact she and the scions are doing whats best for the world at large, she has kind of had to kill and destroy a lot. of enemies. and sometimes they were not even really enemies. it probably doesnt feel great that she knows how much blood and destruction is on her hands
15. Which NPC are they the most similar to?
(EDIT i somehow read "NPC" and my brain redirected it to scion LOL uhm whoopsie) like... physically or personality wise? im not allowed to mention raha apparently, though he without a doubt is a carbon copy of her. accidentally i swear. i like my cat to have coral pink hair and red clothes, not my fault a certain catboy dresses like that too!
anyway. as for more personality wise... im... not allowed to mention graha...... soo... maybe alisaie? cares a LOT, very passionate and determined, but can be a little bit reckless and impulsive at times?? i think in aeda's case its rather that she forgets her limits at times, shes been through worse so she can push herself through this right?? promptly collapses. lol. i think she does lose herself a bit like that. she knows she has to be responsible and careful, seeing as how many people are depending on her, but honestly i dont blame her for b. br. breaking. her limits. um what's that police siren in the background
20. When in the story was their highest point? When were they at their lowest?
well there have been lots of highs and lows in the story. a lot of moments of "ohh god its really all just terrible right now" but the first notable one is probably the end of ARR and the bloody banquet. it was such a sudden change of events, her being accused of REGICIDE, all her friends scattering to the winds, being hunted for sport in uldah, her CITYSTATE... not to mention her seeing alphinaud have a bad time with the crystal braves. thank god haurchefant was there to offer them some hot chocolate because good lord that situation was dire. also i think she had a really bad time when haurchefant died. lol. that was like the first time she really lost someone that she was close with. (you got a storm coming bby girl)
ANYWAY that was just one. the second low was, well, when she had an entire norvrandt's worth of light in her and ALSO EMET SELCH SHOT HER CATBOY GIRLFRIEND . like the section in shadowbringers from mt gulg to defeating emet was not extremely intense story wise (like stuff Happened but we were just trying to make our way thru the tempest mostly), but obviously the wol was fucking going thru something. the fear of her fully turning into a sineater and 1) destroying the scions and 2) allowing emet to use the crystal tower to commit atrocities 3) possibly also endanger the source if emet decided to unleash her there. thats not great. LIKE SHE WAS READY TO SET OFF TO THE TEMPEST ALONE WTF. thank god the scions are fucking ride or die . basically the "this is fine" meme except she was trying to stop herself from becoming a monster. um.
OOF. AS FOR HIGHEST MOMENTS. why is this one significantly harder to think of??? its just been kind of shitty things happening all the time LOL. i honestly dont know because while there were some times of respite and peace, there was always another threat looming on the horizon you know?? i guess some good moments for her were
1) defeating nidhogg and finally bringing about an end to the dragonsong war, saved estinien and all of ishgard was happy. not very long lasting though because in the next patch a poisoned alisaie falls on yr doorstep sjfjdj aeda did get to hang out with aymeric though!
2) like, after 5.3? all the scions happy and safe back in the source, new additional catboy girlfriend scion, a time of some rest after the ordeals of shadowbringers and being able to kind of come back home.
3) after endwalker maybe... like 6.1 is delightful for her because she gets to go back to her beginnings, adventuring, instead of having the world on her shoulders. but all the memories of what happened in endwalker must kind of weigh on her still... being in elpis, the world falling apart everywhere, people turning, killing zodiark, hydaelyn passing, ultima thule, ultima thule, the last area in the game, all her friends sacrificing themselves one by one (yeah they came back but STILL), ultima thule, GRAHA'S STUPID FUCKING CRYSTAL BRIDGE THAT RUINS MY LIFE EVERY TIME I SEE IT, the twins, ultima thule, meteion, zenos, and nearly dying at the edge of the universe... shit fucking sucked bby girl. so i dont think she has moved on yet. but the transition of her laying down the sword and shield for now and picking back up a role less of a protector but an adventurer (the bow), it being the first time pretty much ever, that she didnt have a conflict or threat to keep in the back of her mind, i think she has potential to flourish.
so it seems her highest moments are mostly moments of rest and peace, which for someone called the warrior of light probably makes sense, the poor thing. like i could recount the greatest victories but lets be real, saving the source and the first from destruction was not as joyful because it came at the cost of defeating one of the last ancients. pretty much everything aeda has achieved has a bittersweet tone to it, always losses on both sides, so i dont know if you can call those her greatest moments... being able to see the people she cares for be safe and happy makes her feel more powerful than all those battles she has fought.
yeah ill take it back
shoutout to all the sexy bitches of this earth who read all this, i offer you photos
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reddeadreference · 2 years
Blog Progress Update (Travel Blog Style #18)
I’m working on filling up the queue, which is why right now it posts once a day at noon my time until I can get a lot more in there then I’m thinking maybe 5 a day? (lemme know what you think is a good number. I’m gonna get at least 50 posts in the queue before starting the bigger number I’m at 15 now.)
I am up to date with the audio clips, so now I’m adding as they’re added now until they’re all up.
Working my way through the story so I can soon free roam without worry (though honestly I’ve spent days in Lemoyne where I’m wanted and have had no Pinkertons or law show up…)
My main focus will be completing mission posts and Lemoyne. (Starting Scarlett Meadows, Bayou Nwa, then Bluewater Marsh.) If there’s a place you want me to focus on after that just let me know.
Doing one of my favorite missions Goodbye, Dear Friend. I love that lil wave Arthur gives from the roof. 
“Arthur, here’s a ladder.”
Yeah thanks buddy I’ll take the stairs…
I know it’s just a fictional villain… but the satisfaction of seeing Colm realize he’s not getting out of this one… This is for Kieran you fuck… (I mean and Jake Adler, and Annabelle of coure.)
Okay going to the reservation and I’m getting all those photos out of the way
Greeted Javier
“Won’t even sit next to me no more?” (wasn’t said in a questioning way but the captions had a “?” … like BRUH I just walked over, gimme a chance. “You just worry about that cough” Javi pls…
*Arthur sits*
“Some mess this is”
*4 seconds later Javier gets up*
Ya know.. I never really cared for Trelawny when I first played this, but the guy’s grown on me and it hurts to see his goodbye with Arthur because he knows he won’t see him again (Trelawny knows he won’t see Arthur I mean). 
“I’ll be back.”
“No you won’t. Let’s not pretend no more.” Arthur pls…
Music as you escape with Charles and Monroe is very good fleeing music. (There’s a lot of soundtrack music I need to add to playlists)
“I’m afraid.”    *inhuman noises* T_T
Okay only chapter 6 missions I have left are the bridge and everything after the EF one where we knock down trees.
So APPARENTLY at some point they added a 6 gold bar treasure hunt. I’m going through the maps, got to the turtle… looked at it… and shouted “CHELONIA” while pointing at my screen but no… it’s the mysterious hill home (Hobbit home) because that drawing is on the top of it... does that mean that’s a Chelonia thing? Anyway John’s gonna have 7 gold bars.
I also never mentioned I like the addition of seeing NPCs out in the world like napping or reading by a tree with their horse nearby and the ones at camps that let you sit with them and tell you about stuff..
So I barely touched the exotics quest and I need to because I need the cutscene screenshots with ARTHUR first. Anyway Arthur been wandering the swamps of Lemoyne wary of nite folk, he met the Soothsayer that he totally forgot existed. 
These birds are a pain in the ass.. And not just because it’s terrifying whenever the screen starts shaking cause there’s a fucking gator nearby even when it’s a little one that won’t kill me. If you shoot a bird and it lands out in the water be prepared for terrifying gator munching sounds that make you think you’re about to die. (though now I’m using the save and load method. So I’m getting there…)
I had a bunch of photos for multiple places and I KNOW I didn’t delete them and I remember putting them in the folders with their labels… but now they’re all gone… *inhale* FU-
I’ll probably be able to finish chapter 6 once I finish the exotics quest… cause I’m pretty sure that’s the only non-story thing I have left to do that Arthur CAN do (though i do need to find 3 more william encounters...). So far I got a fuck ton of Heron plumes which is good cause I’ll need 20 but not enough spoonbill which is bad cause I’ll need 30 and I need 2 more of each of the other plumes… ugh
I’m also trying to get any places I KNOW will look different in the epilogue cause I want two posts for those.
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paint-lady · 3 years
hey, if you don't mind, i want your advice: i'm going to be running a chronicle set in chicago (i am using the chicago by night 5e book) for players who are new to vampire for the most part in a few days and i can't For The Life of Me to come up with an interesting chronicle hook (yeah i have read the hooks in the book). any ideas/suggestions/general advice?
Hiya! I could talk your ears off on how I write my chronicles- so hopefully I have taken all my processes and reduced it down to a lovely World of Darkness jam. 
Here are two good hooks I just came up with- feel free to use them! The third is what I got for my first chronicle, and I just think its a narrative that works very well for new players.
>Option 1: Guilty Until Proven Innocent ”Chicago is a series of paradoxes and transitions, of ever changing paradigms and whimsy,” (CbN 47). Have your coterie be newbies to the city. Ask why they have come to Chicago. Power? A new start? Perhaps this is a political arrangement between the clan of one city with another. Whatever their reason, they have arrived right when a Primogen vanishes- and guess who is first on the suspect list? The fresh faces on the streets >:) The coterie, having barely settled, has to suddenly prove their innocence. And finding evidence lets them uncover something much more sinister....
This one is ideal for new players as it sets everyone on an equal footing. Even if they create a character that has been a vampire for 50+ years and has amassed several dots of influence, herd, status- whatever, they are still new to the city. And being new means you have to start all over again. (This may be frustrating to a player that invested all those points at character creation- but it is on you as the ST to make sure they have opportunities to use those dots and on them as a player to think cleverly.)
Starting the tale off with defending their innocence is actually a very engaging questline. It effectively sets the stage for the political powerhouses. It lets new players know there are rules- and those in power are watching. It also sets the consequences for failure. Understand that the Camarilla probably isnt going to outright kill the coterie if they fail- always make the punishment just harsh and grueling enough to make final death feel like a mercy. Failure isn’t the end of the story.
For new players- I would be lenient with the time it takes for them to find evidence. But within reason. Think like your Prince and Seneschal. Do you really want this coterie running around for a full week, unsupervised, making more messes? No. You don’t. (You might wanna send an npc with them to watch and keep em out of trouble. Your npc is also able to vouch for them.)
This story lends itself to be a Camarilla Chronicle very easily. You can go Anarch, but an Anarch leader suddenly vanishing and blaming the newbies is much more quickly going to end with blood spilled. Thank your local sweeper.
> Option 2: Containment Breach Blacksite 24 (Loresheet on page 264) was temporarily occupied by Operation Firstlight. It has now been transformed into a medical research facility. While most kindred of Chicago know of Blacksite 24, they have zero clue what happens inside other than bad news for them- the less they know the safer they are. The chronicle opens with a car crash. The captured soon-to-be coterie was in transit to this feared medical facility. The crash did kill the driver and the agent in charge of transporting them. The crash did not fully break their restraints, but it did enough damage that first responders are freaking out. They are all at hunger 3. The chronicle is a hunt. The coterie should have some knowledge of what had happened to them and how lucky they are to have escaped. Operatives are already on their way to recapture them. They must hide in this city- and do their best to survive and stay out of sight.
The point of this story is to invoke dread. I highly recommend one player either being a thin-blood (or an npc) with the Daydrinker merit, or a player to have a ghoul. If they decide to not have a daywatch, they increase their chance of being found.
This story also sets up a feeling of desperation. They would be willing to take shelter from anyone- anyone. Eventually the other kindred will catch on that these guys are on the run from something. Any sane kindred would toss them out to protect themselves. A compassionate kindred who takes them in will suffer the final death as a compassionate fool- or join them in captivity. 
This story lends itself to be an Anarch Chronicle much more easily. This is the time the Camarilla will likely be a bit more paranoid and bloody. While they might not outright kill the coterie- they will send them somewhere that is a death trap. They wont dirty their hands with this. After all, you do not want any evidence to fall into the hands of the SI if you hired the hit.
This story is ideal for newbies without background merits. No allies, no influence, no herd. Let them take more mythic merits such as bloodhound and unbondable (Consider finding some from V20 too! There are some really awesome supernatural merits!). These powers would certainly be more fascinating for a medical team to study- not how many instagram followers they have. This kind of story also lets your players feel more powerful- but out of the loop. It lends itself to them forging alliances and getting caught in one-sided favors a lot more quickly. 
The challenging aspect of this story is that is starts with a masquerade breach. New players may not know how to handle such a blatant breach and thats okay. I would let the crash slide- and the Camarilla in the background handles it. Breaches after the crash need to be handled with proper consequences. 
> Option 3: New Blood This is what my storyteller did to me and my first time players (and its also very close to the plot of CoNY). We were shovelheads. Embraced to make a huge mess for the Camarilla and die quick deaths. We were all thin-bloods. The last thing the pcs remember is the sweet rush of ecstasy washing over them, before clawing out of the earth and driven mad by an insatiable hunger. The thrill of the hunt, and the sweet, warm blood on their tongue, nothing was going to be better. All three will awake next to each other, surrounded by the corpses they drank dry in their frenzy. What a way to play the name game! The players have three nights were they figure out their new condition or coverup their tracks (if they think to do it). They contend with their hunger and hatred of sunlight, wrestle with accidentally drinking their family member dry. After three nights, the Scourge comes knocking. Rather than outright killed, they are dragged to Elysium. For some reason, they are adopted by an upstanding member of the Camarilla- or the Prince orders a political rival care for them (hoping they fail). The players are the errand childer of this kindred, and slowly they figure out what they have been gathering through all these errands....
This one lets the characters all have the moments where they discover their disciplines and powers- and bestial tendencies. It naturally flows to allow players to slowly discover the rules and mechanics as well. All players must play fledglings for this tale. 
This story is much more a personal tale than a political one. Eventually politics makes its way in...but it does not have to be a focus. 
This story has less of a hook and more of a “Figure it Out” survival mode until the errands begin. The story is how the character’s react to their condition. It very quickly lends itself to a narrative of finding your own path in the night, rather than mindlessly obeying.
So here are a few questions that I ask myself when crafting a chronicle story:
1. What kind of story do you want to tell? Not asking for a plot hook, I’m asking for a general concept. Is it a tale of good triumphing over evil? (Not necessarily a wrong answer, but if you wanna play good guys...vampire is not the best game for that). Is this a chase? Is this a race against time? 
2. How do you want your story to make your players feel? Do you want to tell a story that invokes as much dread as possible in your players? Do you want them to feel ultra powerful? Vampire is both a power fantasy and a dread inducing game- it can do both. 
3. If you don’t know what kind of story you want to tell, switch gears to worldbuilding. CbN has so many NPCs with the rumors already written for you. Its your setting, perhaps switch two rumors around with prominent NPCs. Decide which ones are true in your setting- Maybe Primogen Annabell did kill her predecessor. Perhaps the Lasombra are attempting to infiltrate the Camarilla as everyone fears- but no one is able to prove it or stop it. Deciding what is true, false, and undetermined usually blossoms into hooks and stories worth investigating.
4. What is a historical event of the city that the Vampires would have endured/ scars would have remained? For example, in my chronicle set in Richmond, the tale of the Richmond Vampire is true. Depending on who you ask, it is the Camarilla’s best or sloppiest cover up. Have the chronicle coincide with the events and the coterie live through them. No one said this must take place in 2021- you can do 2015, 2008, -hell go back the 1990s. Its actually super fun if you set your chronicle in the 90s and your Malkavian is using phrases from 2020.
5. One of my things I do when writing scenes and moments is play Dread by myself. Dread is a role playing game played with jenga. There are no dice rolls, if you want to attempt something, you have to pull pieces from the tower. If the tower falls, you die. If there is a moment where I really really really dont want to pull from the tower, though the reward for succeeding is so so sweet- I keep the moment. If its really easy to shrug and go eh, I can live without performing that action- go back and rewrite it. If you have no incentive to pull from the tower, why would they?
6. Examine your player’s desires and ambitions- and do not neglect them in your chronicle. The plot wont magically allow all of them to achieve their ambitions. However, provide opportunities for them through the plot. Its on them to strive for what their character wants- its on you to make them struggle but have the path to get there. For example, if a player wants to become a Baron, provide a political opening. Perhaps then by announcing their power, they have made a bigger name for themselves and it has become harder to hide. Perhaps by doing this, the kindred they owe a favor is suddenly much more vocal about it. 
Here are some suggestions for handling new players:
> You are going to have to handhold them through some things. New players to vtm won’t be able to see the cascading political web and how the consequences of their actions will ripple into waves. I like to use Wits+Insight and call it Common Sense. Common Sense was a merit in V20- and damn is it WONDERFUL. All they need is just 1 success (they can take half) to have you explain how whatever plan they just thought of is actually a TERRIBLE idea. 
> Do your RPG consent list. Know what is safe to discuss and what is off the table. I highly recommend utilizing something my Storyteller used for my first chronicle, and subsequently I use for all my ttrpgs now: Invoking the Veil. The metaphor is that you are slowly lessening the intensity of a scene- as if raising the opacity or looking through layers of fabric. Eventually, there is too much fabric and you can no longer see the scene. If something is too intense, the ST or the player may announce they are invoking the veil. Reduce the scene by lowering music, speaking in third person, or avoiding heavy descriptors. You can reduce it further to just dice rolls. Role play stops, and the consequences of the scene are solely dictated by the dice. Or fade to black. If a player is repeatedly fading to black on something- ask to talk to them about it. Clearly something is too intense and they are not having as much fun as they can. Debriefing after a session is also a good idea. Do something silly! Share and check all the memes in the discord chat. Its important to make sure you and your players know that at the end of the night- its all just a game.
> I find the sabbat and new players don’t tend to mix well. You may absolutely still use the sabbat in your chronicle! But the dogma and philosophical ideals of the sabbat can be offputting and downright upsetting to a first time player. You may absolutely build to it- that’s what I did to my players. And in the moment of the truth, they chose to cling to humanity. 
> The taking half mechanic is your friend! V5 says players may announce how many dice they are rolling- and if the dividend is greater than the DC- they auto succeed. This streamlines play. Of course, you as the Storyteller may say this is a roll they are not allowed to take half on. Usually these are contested rolls (combat).
> The three turns and out rule keeps combat intense but not too lengthy. It actually streamlines encounters super super well. 
> My ST used a phrase, “The quickest way to kill Cthulhu is to give it a healthbar.” If Methuselahs and Elders are involved in your game- avoid giving them stat blocks. This cultivates a conflict that new players must find a way to overcome without brute force combat. It makes them think critically and defy these super old antagonists through narrative means. This also gets the notion out of your and their heads, “if they die, its over.” Its never that easy. Never. 
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1, 2, 3, 4 Since Wizard College is a running gag in this campaign, 5, 8, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20
1) A story for every scar. Do any of their wounds have interesting origins? 
He's still got the scars across his chest and abdomen from fighting his mother and nearly dying the first time around. He also may or may not have acquired a new scar across his back from getting blasted with necrotic magic by a golden dragon (long story)
2) Three songs that show their character progression. 
That show *progression,* huh?
Alright. I think gonna stick mostly to the Haverthorne arc and beyond because before that he didn't GET much development beyond being an angsty jerkass. While in the Haverthorne arc he got a lot more of the spotlight and got fleshed out a lot more.
Getting to Haverthorne and dealing with Billy Estrive and his bullshit holding a mirror to his traumatic past, and thereby turning into a very angry asshole in the process: Keys to the Kingdom - Linkin Park
Post-Haverthorne breakdown/after killing Billy Estrive and leaving the Guild: Breaking The Habit - Linkin Park
Coming back and returning to the Guild after finding his parents' notebooks, and realizing he kinda couldn't just stay out of things again: Robot Boy - Linkin Park
3) If they were a god which god would they be? 
This is a tricky one because Jace would repeatedly deny that he's anywhere close to worthy of godhood. He doesn't want it, doesn't believe he would make a good god figure at ALL. So if for some reason it were thrust upon him in the way it kinda ends up being in DND every so often...I dunno, maybe he'd want to take some sort of redemptive role. Become the god of the outcasts, perhaps.
Or, alternatively, challenge Lolth to a fistfight. And just become God Of Punching Lolth to Death.
4) What was their favourite subject at school?
His dad was an apothecary, so he learned a lot about the sort of stuff that's out there in the wild from him.
He also did like learning to swordfight from his mom, as well.
5) What does their voice sound like? 
Hmmmmm...I think I'd prolly cast Alex Zahara to voice him if I had to. He's been sounding more and more like Lockon Stratos in my head. It helps that there are character parallels. 
8) What would their favourite tv show be? 
Hmmmmmmm...okay ignoring movies I think he would find Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood to bea really good and he'd resonate so much with Riza Hawkeye and Roy Mustang collectively, given that they're trying to atone for having been involved in awful stuff.
Non-animation runner-up would prolly beeeeee The Witcher, again because of similar themes of atoning and finding family.
12) Do they have a type? 
I mean for a while it was just. Ashes.
Recent events have thrown that into a complicated mess, though.
Given that he's ace(ish), not quite, but also kinda, in that he likes anyone that's actually kind to people while also being able to have a decent sense of humor. Which in the current party is basically two people. There's maybe a third NPC I could see him getting attached to if they spent time actually, like, conversing, but that hasn't really happened since the party rescued said NPC and her friends, and said NPC has eyes elsewhere as it is (and Jace would see this and kinda just...remove himself from the equation, as he tends to do as his usual reaction to such situations).
13) Playing video games, would they be a completionist, a speed runner, how would they play? 
He'd be one of those people that does one run to experience the story properly, and a second run to get the Golden Ending if he didn't get it before.   
18) What would their ideal home be like? 
Goooood question....
Someplace with a small place to live, but with enough land to set up an herb garden and a shooting range for archery practice, plus or minus some space to set up for a pet mimic and a displacer cub or two.
19) What would they like their mark in history to be?
Honestly at this point he'd be happy if he could just manage to not be known for killing his mother. Sure, she was causing a lot of problems, and while some surface-dwellers might thing he's a hero for ending her if they found out it was him that did it, it was far and away the worst moment of his life, and is NOT something he wants to be known for, even as a war hero.
Hell, he'd love for everyone to just forget that, and to fade into obscurity.
20) If they could be a dragon, would they be a dragon? 
At one point, probably, but now that he's met a few dragons the prospect has soured on him a bit...
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