#...loosely inspired
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witchering10123 · 1 year ago
nah but can you imagine if sokka had joined katara and zuko in southern raiders, yon rha would have shit his pants seeing an identical copy of the woman he killed
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sonykatzen · 4 months ago
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pretty boy
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pomidaea · 21 days ago
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"I should have known not to give in"
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velvetwyrme · 3 months ago
*very long pause as i slowly lean into the mic*
doorwings as elytra.
*tries to drop mic, fumbles it, and leaves*
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thirstywaffles · 4 months ago
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Please don't take him away
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sorren-sews · 2 months ago
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silly little fish i made from scraps
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artist-rat · 8 months ago
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when the earth is in blossom and the ryebird sings / when the trees are full of leaves and the winter sleeps / when it's Midyear and its endless golden fields
skyrim ocs Reino (mine) & Ruis (@artharakka)
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serpentface · 2 months ago
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The pylidaigh, a type of vampiric snow ghost, as imagined in folklore in and around the Highlands.
This is a ghost believed to come into being when a person dies in the snow and their body is not found before their soul (still trapped without its funeral rites) 'freezes' inside of it. The body then reanimates into a pylidaigh's twisted form. It looks like someone who slowly died of starvation, just a thin layer of flesh over bones. Its skin is as white as the snow itself, so pale it can blend seamlessly into a blizzard. Most of its body appears subtly stretched and lanky, save for its exceptionally unsubtle long, skinny arms, which drag on the ground behind it when it walks. After a big meal of blood, its belly swells like the abdomen of a tick.
A pylidaigh can only tread across snow and ice, and so doorways and windows are best kept clear of snowfall during the winter in order to prevent it from reaching inside. It mostly comes out to hunt during blizzards when there is little that can prevent it from catching its victims.
In spite of its fragile appearance, a pylidaigh is supernaturally strong, and can run at great speeds when it wants to. No mortal weapons can pierce its body, nor can any bonds known to craftsmen hold it in place. It is usually said that chains forged like iron but made out of ice can bind a pylidaigh and render it immobile, but this smithing technique remains tragically elusive to the average joe.
This ghost is either cast as a wildly dangerous but tragic figure, or one that is more simply malicious. In either case, it is described as experiencing nothing but bitter cold. It shivers endlessly. It retains distant memories of what it was to be alive, and it is motivated by a futile desperation to experience the feeling of warmth again.
In more sympathetic framings, it is described as using its freaky gibbon arms to capture its victims and pull them into an embrace, rather innocently trying to warm itself against their body. This inevitably fails, and the embrace becomes a bone crushing squeeze. When that too fails to warm the ghost, it rips out the person's throat and drinks their blood until the victim is as cold and drained as the pylidaigh itself.
In other cases, this more pitiable narrative of a ghost seeking warmth with no comprehension of its actions is discarded in favor of making it purely monstrous. Here it is a type of vampire with an insatiable thirst, practically a physical manifestation of the worst of winter itself. Some tales acknowledge both variants, suggesting a pylidaigh's violent attempts to warm itself may be initially devoid of malice, but turns into an act of furious jealousy of the warmth of the living after years of suffering.
The only (more or less) surefire method to permanently kill a roaming pylidaigh involves trapping it with fire. They are attracted to any source of heat, and will attempt to warm themselves with the flames (if not tempted away by a juicy living human body). The fire itself cannot kill them (as the sheer cold of their body is more powerful even than flame) but they can be trapped if kept near the fire long enough for the snow it depends upon to melt. This does not kill the pylidaigh either. The monster will remain in stuck in place (and potentially become a threat again if it snows more) for the duration of the winter. Only when the spring comes and all the snow melts does it revert into a normal human carcass (though mysteriously invulnerable to decay), at which point it can be cremated.
Pylidaigh in the wilds also revert to a human corpse during the snowless seasons, but will roam again each following winter unless it is burnt in the interim. It is of critical importance that any human corpse found in high mountain pasture is cremated- not only out of respect for the poor soul trapped as an earthbound ghost, but to prevent the threat of the possible dormant pylidaigh emerging next winter.
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sleepnoises · 7 months ago
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i had a restful and restorative saturday where i slipped all social obligations and assembled a wonky future wall hanging. i want to have a hand quilting project (see second image for quilting ideas) and this is a nice portable 2'x3' size. i think it will end up being ugly but that's okay.
this was my first time piecing blocks with curves! i was very brave! also all the dark blue is slightly stretchy corduroy and it is nigh unironable and this sucker needs to be steamed
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jaderavenarts · 8 months ago
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@yeehawgust: Week 3: Bucking Bronco
(the aftermath)
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empiireans · 10 days ago
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sketchbook thingssssss
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matchingbatbites · 2 months ago
The woman is fucking stunning. A goddess amongst mortals, a vision sent from the heavens to bless any who may see her. Eddie could honestly go on, but she has to return her focus to the man currently standing at the counter and not the beauty that just walked through the door.
"Here's your change," she says as she passes over the few coins and receipt. "Pickup is at the end of the counter, and they'll call your name when it's ready.
The man gives Eddie his thanks before walking away, and then Aphrodite incarnate is stepping up to the counter. God, she's even more beautiful up close. The slant of her nose, the artful swoop of her chestnut hair - the twin moles on her cheek that are eerily familiar for a reason Eddie can't quite place.
"Welcome to Black Roast Café, can I have a name for your order?"
"Hi there," the woman says with a soft smile, and god, Eddie feels bad for ever making fun of Jerry Maguire. You had me at hello, indeed. "Uh, Stevie is fine."
Eddie nods and types the name into the system. "Okay, Stevie, what can I get you?"
The woman - Stevie - doesn't even look at the board before she rattles off her order. "Can I please get a large, iced caramel latte, with three shots of espresso, a pump of white chocolate, and extra whip? Oh, and a butterscotch blondie."
Eddie's brain shudders to a halt. The order is specific, unique, and it's one she's heard before, from- well if she's being honest, from the only man that's ever made Eddie question her lesbianism.
Steve had been so beautiful and so kind. He was her absolute favorite customer before he'd moved away two years ago, following his best friend when she transferred to a different university to complete her master's. Eddie had mourned just a little, had grieved the loss of sunshine he brought to her days.
Eddie's eyes snap to the two moles on the woman's cheek and everything clicks into place. "Oh shit! You're back!" she says, her filter absolutely failing her. Stevie's smile fades a bit, replaced with a tinge of nervousness as she shifts in place.
"Oh, uh, I didn't- I wasn't expecting you to-"
"Remember you?" Eddie cuts in as she finally punches the order into the register. "Honestly, your order is a hard one to forget. Clearly I was right about all that sugar going to your hips."
It's a gentle tease, one she used to make back when- before, because the order really is just so sweet. It works the way Eddie hoped it would, because Stevie just laughs softly and smooths her hands over her full, curvaceous - fuck, Eddie, head out of the gutter - her hips.
"Yeah, I could probably stand to cut back a little, huh?"
"Don't you dare," Eddie retorts, offended at just the suggestion. "If anything I encourage more, because you're- you look amazing, actually."
The woman blushes, so pink and pretty, and bites into her lower lip the way Eddie wants to. "You think so?" she asks as she hands her card over to Eddie.
"Uh, totally. Like, you were attractive before - and that's coming from a lesbian - but now you-" Eddie pauses, taking a second to run the card as she shrugs. "You're like, glowing. And it only makes you more beautiful."
There's no response from Stevie as the receipt prints, and it's not until Eddie is handing back the card that she sees the stunned look on Stevie's face, her flush even darker. Fuck, that might have been too much.
Before Eddie can apologize though, Stevie takes her receipt and blurts out "I think you're hot."
"You do?" Eddie asks, and Stevie nods.
"I've always thought you were hot. But you have the little-" She points to where Eddie's nametag is, to the little lesbian flag sticker that she stuck on it. "The sticker, and like- My best friend, Robin? She's also a lesbian, and she's talked about how annoying it is when guys hit on her and I didn't want to be like that, so I never said anything."
God, Stevie's just as sweet as she used to be, and much more considerate than Eddie even knew. She probably wouldn't have minded getting hit on by Steve at the time, and now that Stevie is standing before her, more beautiful than she's ever been and claiming that she finds Eddie attractive? Well, there's no way Eddie can't make a move.
"How long are you in town?" Eddie asks.
"Oh, uh, we just moved back, actually. Robin finished her master's program and got a job at a local museum translating documents and artifacts."
"Okay, that's cool as hell and I definitely want to hear more about that, but first- Do you want to go out with me? Like, on a date?"
The question seems to surprise Stevie, and it takes her a second to process it. "Are you sure? Even though I'm-"
"The most beautiful woman I've ever seen and way out of my league? Yeah, I'm pretty sure, sweetheart. And I'm not above begging if I have to."
Stevie blushes again and oh, Eddie is already addicted to the way it floods her cheeks, is in love with how alive, how happy she looks. "Then yeah, I'd really, really like that." She grabs a pen from the nearby cup and scribbles her number on the back of her receipt before passing it to Eddie. "Call me when you're off?" she asks, and Eddie nods, beaming.
"The moment I clock out," Eddie promises, and Stevie giggles - giggles! Stevie's name is called and Eddie is thankful that the store is practically empty, because for a second there she genuinely forgot where she was.
Stevie gives her a wink and a "Talk to you later, Eddie," and Eddie barely waits for her to leave the store before she's adding Stevie's number into her phone.
"Okay," Chrissy says as she slides up beside Eddie. "Who is she and how did you get her number so easily?"
Eddie grins as she saves the new contact under Stevie 🩷🌹😍 "That, darling Christine, is my future wife."
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kyuhu · 1 month ago
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this could have used more details but limited timeframe to draw etc etc
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tractim · 8 months ago
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dionysus and two satyrs
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zaahvi · 4 months ago
he's blighted. he's evil. he's 8 feet tall and made from magical blue goo. he's a manifestation of tyranny. he has big droopy elf ears and pretty golden eyes. he thinks his dragon shrunk in the wash. he has killed, by my count, 66 titans. he doesn't feel stress. he doesn't ask questions. he's the first elf guy ever made. he breaks out from the cringe jail he slept in for several thousands of years and immediately becomes obsessed with and down bad for the idiot loser that accidentally freed him. he puts his scribe in a blight cyst in italy. he has erased entire emotions from existence. he uses a glamour to look pretty. he transed his archdemon's gender. he loves and supports his tentacle monster sister and her horrors. he attempts to cheer her up by suggesting she give his dragon extra mouths. he goes batshit insane after she dies and rains fire on an island so hard it turns to glass. he is, canonically, packing. he may or may not be wearing a wig. creative director john epler can't stop talking about how vain he is. his gaze softened when he looked at rook. he wants them so bad even ghilan'nain calls him out on it. he forgot how to speak in the hallelujah cadence. he cucked solas. he sucks.
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the man of all time. to me
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like-the-rest-of-la · 5 months ago
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[Quick 1 1/2-hour Eddie study]
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