#...it's a boy actually!
magicalgirlagency · 9 months
There's too many edgy Winnie the Pooh works already (Blood & Honey, Winnie's Hole, Hundred Acre Wood).
Where's my Winnie the Pooh series where Christopher Robin is a witch apprentice under the guidance of a clumsy but cozy witch mentor named Winnie that takes inspirations from Ojamajo Doremi and Moomin, and with riveting topics surrounding on deflorestation and capitalism?
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Actual 9 year old Dick Grayson, strapped into his booster seat, currently throwing a fit in the Batmobile because he ate all the elephants out of his animal crackers, “Zitka nooooooo!”
Batman, 22 year old new father, on the phone with Alfred because he has no idea if this is normal or trauma, “whatdoidowhatdoidowhatdoidohewontstopcryinghelpmeplease”
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oifaaa · 25 days
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I will say despite all my issues with the new boy wonder issue this panel is so funny as Jason basically went
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lotus-pear · 2 months
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blakbonnet · 2 months
my gay ass just assumed crystal was experiencing beautiful lesbian love
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comicake · 2 months
glad to see that a lot of people were disappointed by the fact that Niko’s colourful lights were not her lesbian vibes but just some parasites
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pangur-and-grim · 8 days
one funny thing is that after committing a crime, Belphie will lie down super flat and look up with his big wet eyes. not stressed out or scared, just accepting that he’s broken the rules and might’ve earned a time out in the kitten room. it’s the “I’m waiting for you to carry me away” position
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Yall ever think about how Nightmare bb is canon in FNAF
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crabussy · 1 year
asian glossy starlings are severely under utilised Scary Birds. I see crows and ravens and vultures where is the love for these freaks
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oohhh you want to put them in your art so bad oooohh
ID: three photos of iridescent black-green birds with bright red eyes and small black pupils, with long crow-like beaks. END ID
EXTENDED ID: three photos of glossy iridescent dark green birds, feathers almost black asides from where the light makes them viridian green. They have bright red eyes with jarring black pupils set into their head like precious stones and seem to be staring directly at the viewer, and their beaks are similar to crow beaks. The first photo shows a group of six starlings clustered on a wooden pole, presumably on a wharf. The second photo is two of the birds perched on branches, and the third photo is a close up of a starling's face from profile view. END ID
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gripes-withthesun · 1 year
Appreciation post for everyone explaining a joke in comments and posts when someone doesn't get it, for people willing to explain pop culture references that fly over someone's head, for people answering genuine questions about some issue someone has trouble understanding, for people who take enquiries about "common sensical" stuff in good faith, I love you <3
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magicalgirlagency · 3 months
I'll be honest with you folks, MahoAko is slowly convincing me to get into Nu:Carnival.
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Much like that animanga, this game's said to have magically-powered lewdness, a kinky protagonist, cute and marketable mascots, revealing costumes, and fleshed-out gay characters; but at least the characters in it are ADULTS.
If you're gonna make fantasy gay porn, at least make sure your cast is legal, goddamnit.
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egophiliac · 16 days
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was this anyone else's first thought, or
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harrowedsoup · 25 days
I refuse to change my headcanon that most of the other people at Canaan House probably thought Gideon was Harrow’s pretty boy toy until she showed them she could actually fight because she acted exactly nothing like a real Cav in anyway. A teenage ruler shows up with a hot butch that clearly isn’t trained to be a ninth Cav or even a normal-ish one? Come on. They probably thought griddlehark were over compensating trying to hide by staying away from each other. 
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jiiyawns · 2 months
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it's still april, happy sonic death month
inspired by
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yooo-lets-go · 2 months
what sort of music does simon listen to- and what are the others’ opinions on it when they inevitably discover it?
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They probably wouldn’t share a playlist
Plus Roach:
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the way we've reached a point where somehow izzy's the healthiest person in this dynamic
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