#...i'm kind of curious now. I wonder if I can find any in the states
kotaerukoto · 2 months
So I just learned that mayonnaise ice cream exists in Japan. Just a little bit of information for everyone who writes Japanese muses
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 month
the witch's diner [w.i.p] - a. azul
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summary; in which a new witch comes to nrc, ready to take over the restaurant business
genre; rivals to lovers (probably), witch is used as a gender neutral word, reader is a piranha mer-person (i think at least), magicless! reader, reader is not yuu (i hope that much is obvious), written at least a year ago, and now impulse posted bc i want to, possible series if im feeling silly, READER'S PERSONALITY IS [slightly] INSPIRED BY KDRAMA WITCH'S DINER
[gender neutral reader] [TEST RUN PREVIEW]
a/n; this has been sitting in my google docs for a while and never posted bc i just do that and also i never post even half of my drafts so that's just a given really. if i find it in myself to continue this maybe i will. but i wanted to post this as like a test run or a wip.
you dont need to watch witch's diner to understand reader's story but i like the show so if you have time, watch it. i love song ji hyo sm. anyways i dont know what kind of fish i made reader, this was written in like sept of last year KSHSKDJEK it was probably between a shark or a piranha but im like 60% sure it's a piranha.
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imagine azul's surprise when he found out about the latest witch of the sea.
how they made the most delicious of dishes and granted a wish with them. were they free of charge? no, that would put far too much weight on the balance of the world, they would explain.
then what about it being a signature spell?
they would simply laugh in their face, claiming that, "not anyone can simply be born with magic so powerful. why, i'm magicless."
no one really believed those claims… right?
it was such a big title to steal, and yet.. some random magicless person just happened to have such a power? azul didn't believe it when he heard about it at first, but then they arrived.
clearly they were of mer-person descent, their skin shiny, their teeth almost as sharp as a piranha, the side locks of their hair were a metallic-like blue gray and their height almost as tall as the twins that stand beside him. he can't quite figure out what kind of mer-person they were, but it was obvious enough that they were from his homeland. and then he heard the whispers from the other first years.
"wait! that's the person all the rumors were talking about!"
"what? the sea witch rumor!?"
"no way! they wouldn't be here, they're magicless, aren't they?"
"is it really them?"
"shh! we don't know yet!"
with a calm smile, they stand in front of the mirror.
"state thy name."
"y/n l/n."
"y/n, the nature of thy soul is sharp and intelligent and yet.. they possess no magic." quiet gasps and whispers erupt again but their smile stays calm, there's a smug glint in their eyes that only a few can see. "the shape of thy soul is octavinelle." the section of the octavinelle students freezes cold as they take their spot in their respective section.
they ignore the curious stares with ease. azul can't help but wonder what kind of talent they truly possess. he almost feels envious if he were to find out that they were just handed this with ease. and he was jealous of their lack of care for the gossip and whispers of their name after that announcement of their magicless self.
but a pair of twins watch them with sharp and amused eyes, one more mischievous than the other.
"hm, what an interesting fishy! don't you think so, jade?" one speaks.
the other hums in agreement, "yes, floyd. i wonder if those rumors were of any truth. how amusing that would be."
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krispycreamcake · 2 months
yeeees! Please go for the headcanon!!
From author: Was secretly wishing you'd send this 🙏🏼
If you killed someone in the Sakamaki household
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Shu Sakamaki
🎻- Honestly just like every other brother, it heavily depends on who was killed
🎻- If it was Reiji, he'd be ecstatic, kind of
🎻- His relationship with Reiji is extremely strained and that's without him even knowing about him "killing" Edgar
🎻- He'd be impressed that you managed to kill someone like Reiji which initially makes him extremely wary of you
🎻- His immediate reaction to finding out would be disbelief but then escalate into one of satisfaction
🎻- He'd probably say something along the lines of "What would that woman think if she knew you died by the hands of a mere mortal, I wonder?" And cue insane laughter please
🎻- If it was someone less relevant to him, then I'd say he's the type of guy to not care until he actually sees the body dressed up and ready to be buried
🎻- Now I'm not saying he'll go into grieving or anything, but it'll actually hit him that his brother is in fact dead
🎻- Now for his reaction towards YOU
🎻- That's a completely different story
🎻- Like I said before, his reaction would differ and if you really did manage to kill Reiji, he'd be ever so grateful but he'd never say it. Ever.
🎻- He'd probably be curious though as to what drove you to killing him, or any of his brothers for that matter
🎻- He'd analyze the situation in his mind and pick out the flaws that led to their demise
🎻- Realistically he'd care but not for too long. Give him about less than a week to get accustomed and he'll be fine
🎻- He'd never underestimate you again though, he'll make sure of that
🎻- If it was Yui however, then that's a lot more complicated
🎻- If his relationship was well developed with her, you'd be dead, without a doubt
🎻- If he was still in his almostgivingafuckbutnotreally stage, he wouldn't care a lot
🎻- He'd be kinda irritated that you killed his prey though and then Karl would just send another troublesome woman to bother him
🎻- But like I said, if he really did start to warm up to Yui or was already warmed up, you'd be dead in an instant
Reiji Sakamaki
☕- Surprised and concerned
☕- This may honestly seem like a shock to some people but Reiji actually does care for his brothers and has stated that he enjoys living with them
☕- Going off of this information, we can assume he'd be at least a tiny bit distraught even if he doesn't convey it outwardly
☕- Like Shu, he'd want to know your motives and additionally, how you even managed to do such a thing
☕- He'd honestly miss their presence and picking up after them. He would probably cope in some weird ass way
☕- Maybe he'd start writing letters to them and keep them sealed away somewhere extremely safe
☕- Initially, his face would go 😨 and then you'd have to deal with him mourning
☕- He'd probably avoid you realistically until he has thoughts in an order
☕- This process can take either a day or a month depending
☕- God forbid it was Shu that was killed however
☕- Once again, cue insane laughter
☕- Seeing your lifelong rival die is something I'm sure is hard to process
☕- I'm not saying he wouldn't be relieved that his good for nothing brother died, especially since it meant he was now the oldest and had more opportunities opened up to him
☕- But as much as he does hate Shu, it's still his brother and at some point in their lives, they weren't rivals
☕- Now I'm not saying he'll be even slightly upset with his death but
☕- Actually let me backtrack a bit
☕- Imagine hating someone so much because all they do is show you up without having to do anything and in a second, they're gone
☕- Reiji would almost throw a tantrum
☕- Their relationship can be comparable to Joker and Batman in a sense
☕- Let me elaborate on that for a second
☕- Building your life around a certain person and making sure you come out on top no matter what
☕- Having the very reason that you're the person you are today, be ripped away from you is something that's always hard to process whether your relationship with them is negative or positive
☕- Reiji needs to feel the satisfaction of killing Shu so he can translate onto him the years of pent up rage and resentment and pain and hurt and jealousy
☕- Killing Shu would mean to Reiji that you took away the one thing he could've owned for himself without being overshadowed
☕- If you take away the very thing that makes Reiji, Reiji, then he'll lose the foundation for all his successes in life
☕- If you killed Yui however, obviously death
☕- I feel like I shouldn't have to say it each time, but expect to die in some twisted malevolent way
☕- Let's say he didn't have that bond with Yui, he'd still be pissed
☕- Probably lock you in the dungeon without food so you could "understand" the extent of your crimes
Ayato Sakamaki
🏆- Ok so I'm not sure how many people know this, but Ayato is the most sympathetic of his brothers, I'd go as far to say even empathetic
🏆- Now I'm not saying this makes him a morally good person and whatnot, or that he'll cry everyday and bring flowers to his brother's grave, no
🏆- We learn that Ayato is actually quite understanding and sympathetic when he states that he understands why Cordelia did certain things and even pitied her
🏆- With that in mind, it'd hurt him, a lot
🏆- We all know Ayato is one to wear his heart on his sleeve no matter wherever or whoever
🏆- He'll be outwardly upset but that doesn't mean he'll be seen mourning
🏆- To break it down, he's the type of person to stare at the empty seat in the dining room and can't help but realize that chair will always be empty
🏆- Or he'll realize that he'll live long enough to forget his brother's voice, sometimes stand in front their bedroom door, not saying anything and then walking off
🏆- He'll notice how the living room feels slightly bigger when there's family meetings and how he'll never get to shout at that person again
🏆- Due to him being conditioned to being number one, he'll have extremely mixed feelings
🏆- As a competitor, the game isn't fun without other opponents, even if it's a game you know you'll win because then you coming first means nothing
🏆- Dying or in this case, 'dropping out the race' would make Ayato stop running for once and look back at the other players
🏆- That's if it was someone he wasn't as close with
🏆- Now let's say you killed Laito for instance, he'd have quite a different reaction
🏆- He would actually mourn his brother but never let anyone see him
🏆- His relationship with Laito is complicated but not an enigma
🏆- He feels as if he owes Laito something from not being able to help him in his past
🏆- Knowing that he died meant that he failed as a brother
🏆- If you killed Laito out of self defence, he'd be upset that his brother was dead but not because you defended yourself
🏆- Like I said earlier, he's the most understanding and sympathetic
🏆- If he could go into the shoes of the woman who abused and made his life hell
🏆- He could understand why you did what you did
🏆- If however it wasn't out of self defence, like Reiji he'd need to take a while to compose himself
🏆- He'd wanna know why and how and then just sit on his bed not knowing what to feel
🏆- He'd be upset at you if that was the case and you'd probably have to work to regain his trust again(if you want it)
🏆- But like I said, still the most understanding, so he had a feeling you might pull something like this if you started getting pestered too often or showed signs that you weren't doing okay
🏆- And oh God if it was Yui, yeah you're not coming out alive and I know I've said this like 2 times already, but let me be clear
🏆- You will wish he killed you
🏆- Prey or not, taking something that belongs to Ayato is never ever a good idea
From author: Guys it's 2am, I'll upload the other brothers tomorrow I promise, just please don't kill my family. (Ps, I love you guys❤)
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funnier-as-a-system · 10 months
sorry for the possibly dumb question
what the fuck is a system
Don't worry, anon, this isn't a dumb question at all! Systems aren't very well-known, so I'm happy to explain them to you. I'll start by explaining what a system is, then go more in-depth about systems in general.
So, you know how most people are one person? Or, rather, you know how when you meet someone, you assume they're the only person in their body? You don't really think "I wonder if this person shares their body and life with other beings." or "I wonder if this person I know is actually multiple people all sharing the same body.", but that's how it is for systems!
In simple terms, a system is any collective group of self-aware entities that share the same body (which is, I fully acknowledge, a complicated definition, but basically we have multiple selves whereas most people would have just one, and each self has their own identity). We may not specifically consider ourselves individual people (some systems see themselves as separated parts of one whole person, for instance), but it'll probably help you understand if you think of us as people that happen to share the same body. We each have our own sense of self, ideas, feelings, personalities, and on and on, just like anyone else.
Although this probably sounds very strange and surprising, it's likely that you've heard of systems before – just not with that language. Many people have heard of "multiple personalities" or "Multiple Personality Disorder", which is how systems used to be known. This sort of understanding of systems is especially common in horror movies, which tend to depict systems as serial killers or monsters. Of course, systems are no more likely to hurt others than anyone else is, but the stereotype and stigma persists, and can lead to harassment or even violence against systems.
However, you may have also come across more positive depictions. Body sharing is a common trope, for instance. People with Dissociative Identity Disorder, who often describe themselves as systems, are being more often portrayed as regular or kind people rather than serial killers, such as Uendo Toneido from Ace Attorney. I've often seen systems point to characters and series like Venom, Sense8, and Moon Knight – which depict systems or situations and characters that resonate with systems – to describe what their lives are like. We often find characters that are rather like systems that may not have been intended to be read as such and have a laugh about it; you might be able to spot the same, now that you know what you're looking for.
So, systems can be understood as when a single body is inhabited by more than one person, or being, or entity (whichever term you prefer). We may share the same body, but we each have our own selves, and often, our own names and identities, too.
That's the essence of it! I'll put more under the cut about systems in case you're curious.
For starters, if you're looking into systems, you'll probably run across the term "plurality", which is an overarching term that refers to all instances of someone sharing a body/brain; it is the state of being more-than-one, not just an individual collection of beings in a single body (the latter is what the word "system" specifically refers to). There's also the word "plural", which can be used either as a noun to mean the same thing as "system", or as an adjective to describe things that involve or exhibit plurality. For instance, I am plural. I very much enjoy talking about plurality and plural characters in fiction.
(As a comparison, you may think of video chats/group calls. Plurality, here, would be video chats in general. Meanwhile, a specific video chat – called a webinar – would be a system. And the people in a webinar would be the members of a system. Or, for another example, plurality would be education, a system would be a class, and the members of that system would be the students.)
Speaking of, beings who share a body – who are part of a system – are called many different terms. Two of the most common are "headmate" and "alter", although I also see "system member" a lot. I could say that my headmate was rather helpful today, or that my alter was fronting yesterday. Alter is more medical of a term, but it's more standard, especially in some other languages outside English.
But, wait, you might be wondering what fronting is! Well, since we all live in the same body, we've got to share control of it too, don't we? Fronting is what we call controlling the body, and switching is when we change who is in control. Some systems switch often, while others switch rarely, or only under certain circumstances, and some systems never switch at all. Switching may be involuntary, or it may be a voluntary skill a system has picked up. There's a lot of variety across systems.
Plurality is most often known in the context of DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder, which often involves a lot of involuntary switches. P-DID, or Partial Dissociative Identity Disorder, meanwhile, involves very few switches, but these are likely to be involuntary, as well. There are other disorders that plurality may be a part or symptom of, but plurality can also exist as its own non-disordered state, so long as there's no attached or related issues causing problems for the system (ex. memory issues are another frequent problem in DID, and these memory issues come from the members of a system not remembering what the others did when those alters were fronting).
You may be wondering, how does this happen? How does someone become a system? There are many different ways. Sometimes, it's a part of someone's culture, religion, or spirituality. Sometimes, it's the brain's response to trauma, trying to protect itself. Sometimes, someone is simply born this way. Sometimes, someone may become a system out of the blue, or cause their own plurality somehow. Some systems have a multitude or mix of origins. Most studies on systems currently focus on systems that originate from trauma, as these systems most often have issues – including the trauma in question – that need to be looked into and addressed, but there are some budding studies into systems with other origins, such as the few current and ongoing studies on created systems (the aforementioned systems that cause their own plurality).
I'm simplifying some things here; identity such as this gets increasingly nuanced and personal as you learn more and more (for example, as said before, not all system members identify as individual persons, even if it can help understand them to think of them like individual persons that just happen to share a body). But I hope this helped you learn at least the basics about systems!
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squiddy-god · 2 months
Crashing Winds
venti x reader soulmate AU
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Fjekekekeke more re-uploads (I'm going crazy) thankfully the 6 page nuvi smut is a light at the end of the tunnel (I know many of you where very excited for it lol) no beta, no prof 🎻🤏
♥︎REQUEST ARE OPEN♥︎ don't be shy, send request for any of the fandoms on my fandom list, you can even recommend shows/games if they aren't there. Or even if you just want to chat! Anon is also always open!
CW : bit of angst if you squint, fluff, soulmate timer AU
Venti had long covered up his soulmate timer, thousands of years counting down yet he never cared. The anemo archon had never liked the concept of soulmates, sure someone destined to love you was sweet to most "but what is love if demanded by fate?" He thought to himself, words echoing in his head. 
It was a warm day, birds sang their songs of joy as the wind caught their wings; the sun filtered rays through the large tree that the Bard stood under. It was the first time in so long that he looked at the timer on his wrist- 00:00:00 written on his skin. His lips quirked upwards as his eyes shone brightly even in the shade, perhaps his joy made him cruel, but he had denied fate, escaping the chains that once bound him to another. "Ehe, finally~" He sang as he spun around "freedom" It came out like a whisper, a hopeful plee for this feeling to stay, to not drift off like dandelion seeds. 
The snap of a branch caught his attention as he peered over to the God statue sitting in front of the tree. And there you were, sat on your knees with your head hung low as if ashamed of something. "Lord Barbatos is there something wrong with me? " You muttered, venti's eyes widened as he listened in, curious about what was the matter. "Why don't I love them? No matter how long I stay I can't find the love I should feel" You gripped at the fabric on your legs, knuckles growing lighter as your grip persisted.  "Why can't I love my soulmate? " Eyes downcast and shoulders tense you sat there. 
"Now what's a bright traveler like you mopping here? " The Bard sang. You jolted back, landing on your butt as your arm flew up in front of you to grip your chest. "Ah! You startled me! " He only laughed, his airy voice ringing out. "Why don't you come drinking with me? Maybe the sweet taste of wine will help to lift your spirits~" He said wistfully as you stood up. 
Your hands fumbled with each other as your gaze shifted out to the vast fields of windrise. "I'm sorry but I've met my soulmate-" The way your beautiful eyes darkened in a veil of sadness when 'soulmate' left your lips made the bards heart sign in sadness. "No no! This is just a friendly drink between friends!" He said, whisking you away as flashing his soulmate timer. 
The drink was fun, jokes cracked by an enthusiastic bard as he plucked the strings of his lyre. It was the most fun you'd had in ages, all your worries drifting off as his music seemed to carry them. "Hey, Bard? What's your name? " A cheeky smile etched onto his face "venti! And you dear traveler?" You chuckled "y/n!" You stated, taking another sip from your glass. 
The heart works in mysterious ways, yet still you wondered if you could even love. "Am I broken?" You asked yourself looking into the mirror, eyes stained red from your tears and worry. They were kind, a gentle person who seemed to love you fully, yet every touch from your soulmate sent no sparks through your heart. 
Three years of love not returned, you wondered if your heart could feel- "how can my heart work if it can't love the one person it's destined to? " You wondered. 
You saw others walk through the mondstat streets hand in hand with love and fate. Yet it left no bitter feeling in your mouth, only a sad longing. Can one really learn to love if their heart dines them so? 00:00:00 scrawled on your wrist in neat writing was a constant reminder of how cruel fate could be. 
For how can fate lead if the heart does not follow? 
Yet the bard's words caused you worry, "what is love if demanded by fate?" He had sung, the tune of his lyre clearing your mind as his words echoed through it. 
Why did your heart love another? The silly Bard and his damned lyre! The calm when your shoulders slumped and your brow relaxed! Damn the feeling of your racing heart and pounding veins! 
So enticing was the feeling he gave, the bubbly sensation in your chest and the feeling of wind against your face. You felt free! Like a bird soaring through wind and snow, or the soft petals of Cecilias swayed by cool breezes. It was an addicting feeling that he gave, but one you said you couldn't have 
Oh how he loved your voice, the way you laughed so freely as his teasing, or the look of wonder while he played his lyre. How angelic could a mortal really look? More angelic then he, he thought as you stood on top ruins with the wind blowing against you. 
And the warm feeling you gave him, as if you snatched his worries like stars from the sky and tossed them into the rivers below. 
He grappled with these feelings for only a few days before they took hold of him. His eyes went soft when they gazed at you, his songs always drifting to love when he sang to you, and the feeling of freedom that you gave him made it feel as if the wind was under his wings. 
It was conflicting, to gaze into the eyes of your promised one and only be able to think that it doesn't feel right. But as they stood in the home of your parents, a ring in their hand- you felt the constricting pressure of eyes burning your skin. The light seemed hazy as if the world had been shrouded in grey. Walls closing in and the floor seeming so much closer than before. You said yes. Could you really say no? With the peering eyes and excited chatter the words acted on their own, flowing like water from your mouth. 
Avoiding the jovial Bard was hard but you knew that you would have to. Yet his music always drifted in the winds, Harmony's of his lyre caught like dandelion seeds in the breeze. You knew you couldn't handle it if you saw him now, so as much as hit hurt you avoided him. 
Barbatos rang in his head, he had always heard when his name was said, but this was different. The sound of your voice echoed in his mind, his teal eyes going wide when you said wedding, how you didn't want to get married but- he knew what he had to do. 
The gentle tunes of the lyre outside were familiar, yet in the hazy state of your head you couldn't recognize it. You began to walk out and down the aisle, the music was too loud in your head- almost loud enough to drown out your beating heart. 
A flash of bright teals and greens caught your eye as you walked, sparkling pleading eyes that begged you to run as nimble fingers strumbed the astral iron strings of his lyre. Your thoughts raced as you almost frantically glanced between the Bard and altar. You didn't hear anything until your name was called, "do you take them to be lawfully wedded?" You snapped out of your haze and glanced at the Bard, the realization hit you like a brick, your throat felt dry as you took a deep breath before speaking. "N-no" Your voice was barely above a whisper but the winds carried it far, the winds also decided to carry the table cloths. Billowing and blowing sheets of white around the venue as a joyous laugh rang in the air, while all were distracted by gusts of winds and sheets wreaking havoc the Bard grabbed your hands. 
You ran, legs carrying you as you weaved through the crowd, venti takeing in your smile he found so radiant- no longer overshadowed by melancholy in your eyes. "Y/n, I don't care much for fate, I want to be free with you" He said, turning back as he slowed to a stop. Gazing down at the 00:00:00 on your wrist and smiled. "I want to be free with you to venti- besides, who needs a soulmate anyways? " You laughed as the Bard tackled you in a hug. "Thank you venti" You kissed him on the cheek and he flashed you a cheeky smile. "Awww~ just a kiss on the cheek? Is that any reward for your Savior?" Shaking your head you rolled your eyes- how you loved this annoying Bard was the archons best guess, but you relented. Lips pressing against his, a kiss all too short for his liking as his cheeky grin widened. "Ehe~ much better" 
The Bard, once ancient archon of wind was right, what is freedom if asked of you by a god, and what is love if demanded by fate? Nothing but silver shackles doomed to break. 
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zombieluver · 10 months
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Helping hand
Steve Raglan/William Afton x reader
about: you're new to town, and looking for a job, you end up with help from a man named Steve Raglan, who ends up being more charming than you thought.
tw: nothing for this chapter
authors note: i plan on making about 9 parts for this, i hope people enjoy this! part 2 should be up soon. also there's no use of y/n in this
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You find yourself before a very disinterested older man.
Steve Raglan was the name written on the name placard on his desk.
He hummed softly, sifting through papers. "So, why here?"
"What do you mean?" You ask.
He lays the papers down neat on his desk, and claspes his hands together, resting his chin atop them. "Why this town? Why Minnesota?" He asks, looking curious.
"Oh, um. My mother passed when we lived out of state, so I moved here to get away from the area. Fresh start. I don't know anything about Minnesota, and figured somewhere close but not too close to the cities would be nice."
He hums again, seemingly satisfied. "Well, lucky for you, I know just the job. Given your track record of jobs and a very open and pleasant attitude, there's a store close to here that needs a front secretary."
"Oh! Perfect." You smile.
He matches your smile, and you notice his eyes crinkle at the corners, it making his duller eyes shine a little.
"Perfect? Yeah, that's how I'd describe this, too. Want coffee?"
"What kind?"
He stands and walks behind you, "Well, I got black coffee, but I have sugar and cream."
You pause, then decide what the hell, "Sure, I'll have a cup."
"Fantastic." Steve says.
A minute later, you have a warm cup in your hands, "So, what do I need to do to apply for the job?"
Steve shuffles through some papers, "Well, I'll fill out the paperwork, and you tell me your answers, alright? Then we can send you on your way."
You nod, taking a sip of coffee.
Steve asks you typical questions for an application, and you answer each with ease. Only pausing to struggle to remember phone numbers for reference.
He asks about an emergency contact, and you frown, "Why would I need that for an application?"
"Some places want one. In case anything happens during an interview, they're able to get a hold of someone."
You lean back, sighing and nervously push your hair back, "Well, I don't have anyone. Only people I know are states away."
Steve pauses, then jots something down on the paper, "For now, we can list myself as your emergency contact."
"Do you do this for everyone?"
"Not usually, normally I'd put down the secretary, but I can make an exception for someone like you."
"Someone like me?"
"Y'know, new to town and a very positively polite person. I can't not want to help out if I'm able."
You blush a little and try to cover it with your coffee.
All too soon, your application is finished, and your coffee has been long gone.
Steve smiles and slips the papers into a folder with your name on it. "Well, it was very pleasant to chat with you today."
"Likewise." You say, smiling back.
"Is there a number I'm able to reach you at? In case this place has any questions?"
You nod, jot down the number for your tiny brick of a mobile, and pass the sticky note to him. "Here, it's my personal cellphone."
Steve's smile widens, and you wonder if he was totally honest about his intentions with wanting your number.
"It was pleasant to meet you.." He pauses before going to look at your file.
You laugh softly and repeat your name to him as you stand up.
He repeats your name softly to himself, almost as if he were committing it to memory, then smiles softly, "Right, well have a good day, I'll contact you in the future with any updates."
You smile back, "Thank you, Mr. Raglan."
"Steve," He corrects, "Just call me Steve."
"Alright then, Steve. I'll look forward to your call."
He waves a little, and you exit his office, door clicking softly behind him. You stand there for a moment, feeling slightly ridiculous by how charming he was.
Then, you walk away, realizing there's still other people here waiting to meet with him, and you still need to get home.
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donutz · 8 months
Poppy Playtime with a twist!!
SUMMARY||So younger you meets you in the present at poopy playhouse, but like it's super cool
“Find the flower?” Is it a pretty flowerrr? Not really..
Playtime Co? Oh. Playtime Co. Uhm. Well everybody who worked there isn't working there, not anymore. I'm not saying they disappeared. I read the letter!!
Hey they spelt disappeared wrong.
I drive over to Playtime Co in my [any type of car] and end up seeing blocked off doors.
I mean this place is abandoned so what do you expect?
Another warning to not go in. But like, I'm wayyy too bored in life so I'm goin in.
Somebody's at the door?
I wonder who.
After 10 minutes, surprisingly not taking long, I managed to open the doors.
Getting a view of the colorful place that I once worked at, I also see a person.
“Hello! I was waiting for you! Somebody told me you got sent an envelope so I stood here, waiting.”
I stood there, looking at them with a bit of surprise. And being a little bit suspicious.
Are they not gonna talk?
They kind of look like me, as if they were my identical twin. Just born at different times.
I somehow muster the courage to speak up after a moment of awkward silence.
“... Why do you look like me, but older..” I asked with sweat slowly collecting on my face.
I take note of what they said and say, “Hm, come here for a sec”.
I walk over to them and stand there looking at them, looking away from time to time.
“Hm.” I examine the person. “Oh! Because I am you but older”!
“WH— What.” I lowered my volume, just in case something would spawn out of nowhere.
“It looks like you went to the future.” I tell the past me.
“You're me? But older? Coooll.” I drag my words with imaginary stars in my eyes.
“Follow me m'kay?” I command. Sounds kinda fancy, command.
I was so gullible.
We both go to a colorful room with a few trains that have different colors per train.
“You see those trains right?” I question my younger self.
“Those colors on each train are for a color code.” I stated.
“Green, pink—”
“Yellow and red”.
“Good. Now we're gonna go to that color pad thing and put in the colors”.
“Can IIIII do that..?” I ask with a smile on my face.
I put in the colors and the door unlocked. I softly grabbed the handle as I slowly opened the door, observing what's inside the room.
“There's nothing spooky in the room”.
.. Stupidly, I flinched from older me talking because of how focused I was.
“Did you just flinch”?
“I don't know what you're talking about”.
“... Sure”.
After finishing the grabpack tutorial, we go up to the big door and I[past me] scan[scans] with my[their] blue hand.
“This might take a bit so just wait”.
The door is fully open.
I see, huggy? But he's.. Oh. “Hey young me”.
“Yeeeess?” I ask with curious eyes.
“I think, I went back to the past”.
“You did”?
“I'm gonna nerd out for a sec”.
“It's okay, I do that too”.
“I think that once you started coming here, maybe the factory was— restarting to the past. Like a process of it. Maybe that's why they were moving around so much. While I was at the front desk it was still happening. But when you entered it finished. Oh and y'know what? Maybe me walking around here was also me going through that time traveling process.” I explained.
I was wide-eyed. Mouth open a little bit even.
Ooo. That's.. Okay..? I mean I hate what's gonna happen but. Whatevs. “Yo, tiny baby”.
“.. Me? Are you seriously talking to me”?
“Mhm. Follow me”.
“Is that Huggy Wuggy”.
“No, it's Gojo— who do you think that is”?
“I—!” I make a click sound with my tongue and look away.
“You suck.” I claim, furrowing my eyebrows.
“Thanks. Anyways, this is my baby, Huggy. Who is going to kill us in the future. Or try to”.
“Hey, I bet you twenty bucks that once we go into a room, after like 30 seconds he'll be gone. But you gotta look away. Anddd, I bet you another 5 bucks that he can hear us, or me, talking right now”!
“That's not fair. You're in the future so you know it's going to happen”.
“Mhm, bet or no bet”?
“No bet”.
I go to the door with a bunch of stuff inside and try to open it.
But I end up hearing a jingle of keys..?
“Thanks Huggy.” I smiled when saying that and walked towards the electronic room. At least that's what I call it.
Unlocking it I go in—
“Don't leave me pretty please”!!!
…I expected younger me to follow but I don't need to worry right now.
Once we were in the room, the door locked. I mean that's what I heard. I'm basically going through my life, again. This is something that would be studied. Old people would kill for something like this.
“Did the door lock”?
“I don't know, try opening it”.
I wandered over to the poles and solved a puzzle while younger me was freaking out over the locked door.
“Uhmmmmm, I think Huggy's gone”!!!
“Wait weally????” I mocked, a small smile creeping up on my face.
“I've been through this already, you baby”.
I finished the puzzle and then walked towards the kid.
“Move out the way please!!” I said, making my eyes big and sad looking, like a cartoon character.
The door opened, and we both walked out.
“Alright, time to move to the next area”.
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misslycoris · 7 months
A little snippet of the latest chapter, if you plan to read a bit more, consider giving us a visit sweetie ♡~
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Can of soup, can of soup, more cans of questionable soup, it was an aisle filled with nothing but canned soup. You sometimes question what that says about the current state of humanity, what with the abundance of premade soups. It helps though, and saves time and money. You took two cans and placed them in your basket, tucking your wings in as you moved to another aisle, George preferred home-cooked meals anyway so you wouldn't need to bother about it so much. You always wondered how the ones who made these cans of soup last so long inside metal cans, aren't they supposed to rust or something? You were mostly sure that the reason why most of these canned goods tasted shit wasn't because of rusting, just that the people who made it didn't put the taste into account more than profit. From one aisle to the next, you trudged on to check everything off your list.
"Well look who it is! A familiar set of wings, and an even more familiar face!" Then there came the jovial tune of a jazz band playing on the radio, you didn't even need to turn around to see who it was. "About time I got bothered again." You mumbled, focused on finding the right kind of seasoning. "Busy with the groceries?" He asked, you hummed in response, grabbing a random box of spices. "Ah ah, not that." He said, taking the bundle out and instead grabbing a bundle of different spices. "These taste better and for a much cheaper price no less!" You took a moment to stare at him questioningly, that makes for another surprise. "You seem, experienced. Been here before?" You asked, unsure but made no move to remove whatever he just placed inside your basket. "Nope! But it's a sure choice of mine! You can never trust a box to deliver something with value after all!"
You grabbed a random brand of pasta noodles only to have it snatched and replaced by Alastor. "This one is an insult to the Italians, my friend, I suggest you keep yourself far away from it unless you prefer your pasta soggy and falling apart at the seams." He said, pointing towards the now returned box of pasta. You nodded your head, checking the pasta off your list.
"You seem to know a lot about these." You pointed towards the shelf, Alastor twirled his staff and raised his chin proudly. "I happen to be quite familiar with the art of groceries! Reminds me of the good old simple days with my mother!" You nodded, looking for the next item on your list. "Your mother? That seems, oddly nice of you. I'm guessing you had good memories with her?" You took two brands of parmesan and showed it to Alastor. "Only but the best! If you think I'm any good with these, you haven't seen her in her element! She knows a good ingredient when she sees one!" He pointed towards the parmesan you were holding to your right, you returned the other back to the shelf and chucked his cheese of choice in your basket. "She seems like a great person." You meant it, with how he seemed so fond of the woman you can't even imagine just how kind she was. "That she was my friend, tough but with a gentle touch to her." Alastor hummed as he stalked along, finding a sense of nostalgia as he saw you searching for whatever it was you were asked to buy. Really, he could almost see a younger him dragging his mother around, eager and curious. Stars behind his eyes as he hoped to get things his family at the time couldn't afford, yet his dear old mother never said anything. The woman only smiled and asked Alastor to be patient and that she'd get it for him later, she sometimes did and Alastor never knew how she managed to.
He remembered all those times that she had enough to cook something special for the both of them, him eating his mother's jambalaya while listening to the radio with her. He never could quite replicate her recipe, he always got close but never could get that spark that it had when she made it. Did he miss something? But he was always there when she made it, he had the recipe memorized by heart, the measurements to a tee, and all the small tricks his mother taught him he kept under his sleeves. So what was it? Was there something his mother hadn't told him before she died? Or did it taste special because she was the one who made it?
You glanced at Alastor who was now rendered silent, the music following him now muted. You didn't want to interrupt his thoughts so you let him be, giving a moment to think about whatever it was he was thinking. His mother seemed to be a good person uninvolved with what he did to get to Hell, so that would mean that his mother may have been kept in the dark, his mother found out, or his mother died early on before he started going awry. You were certain about one thing, however, a mother like that would've never wanted her son to turn out the way he did. "I wonder which," you paused, staring at the two similarly looking products. It was then that Alastor snapped out of his trance and chose for you. "This company has a habit of copying others, so my best bet would be on the other one." His voice held no ulterior motives or malice, just him providing his thoughts and bits of advice with the intention of helping you. You went through the list with ease, Alastor on your side as he gave you a lecture on what spice to use on what type of dish.
"Don't be afraid to use spices, don't skimp on it either! It gives a needed zing to your dish! If the recipe calls for something to give it a spicy kick don't sprinkle in a few and call it a day!" He exclaimed as you got in line to pay. "What if you can't handle spice well?" You asked, you didn't want to be the first person to kill someone with capsaicin. "Then you add as much as you can without scaring them off, they'll eventually learn to handle it with enough dishes!" You didn't notice it and neither did he, but the people in front went out of their way to move, letting you and Alastor go in front of the cashier first despite being at the back of the line. One of them even eyed you intently.
"Does that work?" You asked, setting down your basket with Alastor helping you take the contents out. "You'd be surprised with how fast it happens so long as you slowly increase the spice with each meal!" You nodded attentively, making a mental note of his advice. "Have, have a nice day!" The cashier stammered, practically shoving the paper bag on you. "But I haven't paid yet," Alastor tilted his head at the quivering state of the poor bloke as you tried to balance yourself at the sudden weight shoved at you. "You have, yes you have. Please have a good day." You raised a brow at what he said, but as you looked at him he stared at you with the most terrified expression. "Please get out." He mouthed silently, eyes spasming as he put up a desperate smile. Right, you were with Alastor. Overlord and certified nightmare.
Before you knew it you were out the door, the bell ringing as you held the bag between your arms. "Well, I didn't expect to get these all for free." You laughed almost unbelieving of what had just happened. "Do you always get free service when you're that terrifying?" Alastor almost seemed pleased with himself, a small smile adorned his face. "Well, who am I to refuse such an act of kindness in Hell? People can be quite decent on some days!" He joked, and you laughed along with him. "In any case, I suppose I should thank you for it. Count my blessings right?" The crowd cheers, Alastor grinning wide. "Exactly! You're getting the hang of it!" You shook your head, it was about time you left so you bid your goodbyes and stretched your wings out.
"Should I expect you to come and bother me again next week?" He guffawed, a swing beat loud in the distance.
"You know me well already my friend!"
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EDITED: Edited out a part that lacked context and added additional tags
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
If you want to add anything else, feel free /(^♡^)/🌻. I don't know if this is where I should ask for one but... Forgive me if it's not, it's the first time I ask 🙂😊, so forgive me. But anyway... Hello, first of all I really like your writing and works very much, because they are completely wonderful 😔🙌🏽. Well, I'm going to request a poly!volturi kings x fem!reader (I absolutely love it 😭🤗), the reader is Bella's adopted sister who went to visit her right after the fight against the volturi, she knew about her sister and the Cullens being vampires and decided to play a prank on them. A few weeks after their arrival, the volturi kings and the guard went to visit them to find out how Reneesme was living, when they arrived the reader was playing in the back of the Cullens' house with the little hybrid, who was laughing for her aunt playing tag with her. As soon as the volturi saw the reader, some Cullens were afraid and were kind of protecting her, but the reader's only reaction was to laugh and go towards the kings, more specifically Caius, and give him a quick kiss on the mouth . While the Cullens' only reaction was to be shocked. The reader is a witch who has a strong connection with nature, and is also a plus size woman. 🙃🌌🍃☀️🦋🌻.
❝the hybrids aunt❞
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✭ pairing : poly volturi kings x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is the newest student at University of Oxford . She’s got the looks and brains to back her up and it doesn’t hurt that her body draws attention too, so as a bet the men of the infamous riot club see who can bed her first
✭ authors note : this was requested by @beatrizdostoddy :3 enjoy
✭ twilight masterlist 2
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The moon hung low in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the quiet town of Forks. The aftermath of the confrontation with the Volturi had left the Cullen family and their allies in a state of relief and exhaustion. Bella Cullen, now a vampire, had finally found the peace she had longed for, but there was one more surprise waiting for her.
As Bella and Edward stood on the porch of their secluded home, their daughter Renesmee played in the yard with her supernatural grace. They exchanged a loving glance, grateful for the tranquility that had settled over their lives.
Suddenly, a rustling in the trees caught their attention, and they both turned to see a figure emerging from the shadows. Bella's sharp vampire senses immediately recognized the scent, and her eyes widened with astonishment.
"(Y/N)?" Bella whispered, her voice filled with disbelief.
Stepping into the moonlight, (Y/N) smiled mischievously, her eyes twinkling with a secret. She was Bella's adopted sister, and they had shared a bond that transcended the supernatural secrets that surrounded them.
"You're back from the States?" Bella exclaimed, rushing forward to embrace her sister.
(Y/N) chuckled, returning the hug warmly. "Surprise! I couldn't stay away any longer. I had to see how my big sister was doing, especially after all that drama with the Volturi."
Bella's eyes glistened with tears of joy as she held her sister at arm's length, taking in the sight of her. "I've missed you so much, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) grinned, her mischief evident. "I've missed you too, sis. But I couldn't resist coming back and causing a little chaos."
Bella raised an eyebrow, curious. "Chaos?"
Before Bella could react, (Y/N) pulled out a small remote control and pressed a button. Suddenly, the lights in the Cullen home began to flicker wildly, and eerie music filled the air. The front door swung open and closed on its own, and Renesmee stared in amazement at the spectacle.
"What in the world?" Bella exclaimed, both amused and bewildered.
(Y/N) couldn't contain her laughter as she turned off the prank. "Just a little welcome-home surprise for you, Bella."
Edward joined them, his golden eyes gleaming with amusement. "You always did have a flair for the dramatic, (Y/N)."
Bella couldn't help but laugh, feeling lighter and happier than she had in a long time. "(Y/N), this is Edward, my husband."
Edward extended a hand, and (Y/N) shook it warmly. "Nice to finally meet you, Edward. Bella has told me so much about you."
Edward smiled, genuinely pleased. "Likewise."
As the three of them chatted and caught up on each other's lives, Renesmee approached shyly, curiosity sparking in her eyes.
Bella knelt down and gently introduced her daughter, "Renesmee, sweetheart, this is your aunt, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) and Renesmee locked eyes, and there was an instant connection, a recognition of family bonds that transcended words. In that moment, a deep and unspoken understanding passed between them, a silent promise of love and protection.
"(Y/N)," Renesmee said with a shy smile, "I'm so happy to meet you."
Tears welled up in (Y/N)'s eyes as she embraced her niece, feeling the warmth of family and the promise of a new chapter in their lives. The Cullen family had faced countless challenges, but with (Y/N)'s return, they were reminded that love and laughter could always light their way in the darkness.
And so, under the silvery moonlight, the Cullen family welcomed (Y/N) back into their supernatural world, ready to embrace the adventures and joys that awaited them together.
It had been a month since (Y/N) had returned to the Cullen family, and the days had been filled with laughter and bonding. She had settled into the Cullen household comfortably, grateful for the warmth and love that surrounded her. While her new house was being built in town, she cherished this time with Bella, Renesmee, and the rest of the vampire clan.
On a crisp, sunny day, the Cullen family gathered in their spacious backyard. Bella and (Y/N) had organized a game of tag for Renesmee, who darted through the trees with unnatural speed, her laughter ringing through the air. It was a perfect day filled with the joy of family.
Unbeknownst to (Y/N) and Renesmee, Alice suddenly froze, her golden eyes distant as she received a vision. The others noticed her abrupt change in demeanor, and her words came out in a hurried whisper, "The Volturi. They're coming."
Edward's eyes widened in alarm, and he swiftly relayed the message to the rest of the family telepathically. Panic spread like wildfire among the Cullens, their thoughts racing with the implications of the Volturi's arrival.
Except for (Y/N) and Renesmee, who continued their playful game of tag.
Carlisle, always the calm and collected leader of the family, stepped forward, attempting to reassure the others. "Stay calm, everyone. Remember, they may be coming to check on Renesmee's growth. Let's not jump to conclusions."
Esme nodded in agreement, though her eyes betrayed her concern. "You're right, Carlisle. We should be prepared, but not aggressive."
The Cullens tried to carry on with their activities as normally as possible, casting occasional worried glances in the direction of the approaching danger. Their protective instincts were on high alert, ready to shield Renesmee and (Y/N) from any potential harm.
Alice, who had been watching the Volturi's movements carefully, suddenly spoke up. "They seem to be approaching slowly, Carlisle, like they're not in a hurry to confront us."
Carlisle nodded, his brow furrowed. "That's unusual. Let's continue to monitor the situation closely, but we won't escalate things unless necessary."
As the Volturi drew nearer, Alice continued to provide updates, and tension hung in the air like an oppressive cloud. The Cullens' protective instincts were impossible to ignore, and they subtly positioned themselves between Renesmee and the approaching danger.
(Y/N) and Renesmee, unaware of the impending threat, continued their game, giggling as they tagged each other beneath the dappled sunlight. The innocence of their laughter stood in stark contrast to the uncertainty that loomed.
The Cullens watched, ready to defend their family, their gazes never wavering from the approaching Volturi. They couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and the overwhelming need to protect the precious bonds they had formed with (Y/N) and Renesmee.
As the Volturi came into view, the atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation, and the Cullens braced themselves for whatever awaited them, determined to safeguard their loved ones at all costs.
The Cullens stood in their backyard, tension hanging in the air as the Volturi kings and their guards approached. Aro, Caius, and Marcus, the ancient leaders of the vampire world, wore their customary regal attire. The Volturi guards, a formidable force of vampires with unique abilities, fanned out behind them.
Aro's crimson eyes scanned the scene, and his polite smile remained firmly in place. "Isabella, dear, I take it you are in good health?”
Bella's eyes met Aro's, her expression calm. "Certainly, Alice told me you came to check on my daughter. She’s currently playing with my sister. Follow me."
With Aro and the other Volturi kings in tow, Bella led them to the back of the house, where the laughter of her daughter and sister filled the air. (Y/N) and Renesmee were engrossed in their game of tag, their supernatural speed allowing them to dart gracefully among the trees.
"I didn't know you had a sibling, Isabella," Aro commented, his curiosity piqued.
Bella gave Aro a small, mysterious smile as they approached the playing pair. "I've had many surprises, Aro."
As (Y/N) suddenly sensed the multiple eyes upon her, she abruptly halted, her senses tingling. She turned, meeting the gazes of the Volturi, who stood a few feet away. Her sister's protective stance did not go unnoticed.
(Y/N) and Renesmee slowly made their way toward the Cullen family, and Bella stepped in front of them protectively. Aro observed the child with interest, his eyes appraising Renesmee.
"She appears to be in good health," Aro remarked.
Then, Aro's gaze shifted to (Y/N), his eyes narrowing with curiosity. Bella couldn't suppress a low growl, warning the Volturi leader to keep his distance.
However, (Y/N) bypassed Bella's protective stance with a mischievous smile. She reached up and planted a kiss on Caius's lips, surprising everyone, especially Aro.
"When did this come about, brother?" Aro asked Caius, his eyebrow raised in amusement.
Caius had his arms wrapped securely around (Y/N), a rare smile gracing his lips. "It's been going on for a few months now. While I was overseas on a mission, I met (Y/N), and we hit it off. I've been meaning to introduce her to you for a while."
(Y/N) turned to Bella, her eyes expressing gratitude for her protective instincts, but she also exuded a quiet confidence. Her eyes flashed a deep, mesmerizing purple, and Bella gasped in surprise.
"What are you?" Bella asked, her voice barely a whisper.
(Y/N) chuckled softly, her aura radiating power. "I'm a witch."
The revelation sent shockwaves through the Cullen family. Witches, with their own unique supernatural abilities, were an enigmatic addition to their world.
Aro's interest was piqued, and he regarded (Y/N) with renewed fascination. "A witch, you say? How intriguing. It seems our visit has brought forth quite the surprises."
(Y/N) remained at Caius's side, her presence an enigmatic blend of magic and the supernatural. As the Cullens and the Volturi watched with wary eyes, they couldn't help but wonder what other secrets this unexpected alliance might reveal in the days to come.
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brineoffire · 1 month
Uuuuuuh hi, hi howdy! I've been super possessed by the need to see more male centered fics with the poly!141 soooo here's a bit. I honestly haven't played the games, but I've been looking into the lore because I'm so hyper fixed on the 141 rn. Bare with me, I haven't posted fics here before and definitely never written army anything. Please please please lemme know if you like it even a lil and I'll type up some more.
Fic notes!
So I saw someone talking about a reader who's in it for the money and I liked that idea- tweaked it a little but the basic jist? Mc loves vidio games so much they went to school for it, can't pay, joins the military to pay it all off. I'm writing this chapter ambiguous on gender so far, but I'm writing with a trans!masc reader here because fuck. I can't find much so better make it myself.
-Edit I forgot to put the title here rip
The Right Price
You can't help but stop to think about how you needed to stop biting off more then you can chew. It's been a few months since your recruiter told you all about the joys, wonder, and honor that comes with serving. You where in the second she told you about the pay. Too many student loans, too much microwave ramen, the list went on, but fuck it yeah? You where the one that said that in the first place when you signed up for your courses. The basics, programming, coding, digital design a bit of physiology because of personal interest. You where over the top when it came to studies. Didn't bother you none when you couldn't have a social life. If you weren't busy studying you where quite literally inhaling any game you could get your hands on. But now when you had to fork over the bill money? You started singing another tune.
So here you are. On the training grounds with the rest of the folks recruited at the same time as you.Your sargent was barking out orders for you all to start your runs one by one, but some smart ass was holding up the line. You actually agreed with half the shit he barked back at the your troop leader, but damn it, you didn't want the consequences.
"That's it! You wanna run your mouth? You can all run double to catch up with Marco's mouth! Now!" He yelled white fisted. The remaining lot of your groan and grumble, starting the run together now at double time to hopefully finish before lunch call. Seven miles was what you had all gotten used to. Seven miles of uneven terrain, hurdles and dives, inclines and ramps now lengthened to fourteen.
"Oh fuck off Marco!" One of the recruit remarks, smacking said recuit behind the head before taking off on a spint. Several others join in on mocking the guy before bolting trying to get it over with. You shake your head as you catch up to him and clap him on the shoulder.
"They'll chill out later man just gotta grit and bare it more y'know?" Marco yanks was shoulder away from you, giving you a nasty glare before taking off too. You raise your brow at that, curious to what set him off before shrugging, taking the course at your normal pace with a hand full of the others. Better late then fatiged. The little spat dosn't bother you anyway. You'll all be split into your first teams in less then a week. You doubt he'd even be grouped with you anyways.
Oh how wrong you where. How very. Very. Wrong. It was actually laughable at this point, because you where either grouped together because your Sargent knew you got under Marco's skin for some reason or because fate wanted to see the drama unfold. You took that as a personal challenge either way. Snapping back snarky retorts anytime Marco decided to fuck around, until one day he had you cornered with a handful of others, in your face yelling about how "your kind" didn't belong in the military let alone the states. You let him finish his rant. Something, something, something, God damned, something, something, blight all the good christians, something, something, belong in the kitchen like a proper bitch.
Oh. Okay. There it was. You laugh in your head. No. Outloud. You flip the positions, getting uncomfortably close to the fuckers so they back off some and spout of some tibits you learned in your phycology classes about the brain being easy to manipulate. Quiet anger radiating from your low tone, keeping it quiet to force them to listen harder. You throw in some extra bs about how you could probably "turn" the lot of them given enough time. That them speaking more shit would be an agreement for him to test his theory. They back off after that, but report you all at once for "harassment". There being no evidence for anything you're transfered to one of the other split groups. Half made up of people you didn't enlist with. Mabey this crop would yeild better results yeah?
Nah. You jinxed it. You know you did. Oh well. This time it's just one guy though. And all it takes is a bit of reverse phycology to have the guy questioning his own damn identity so bad he's sent to the on duty therapist. You're transfered out this time by a different woman. Laswell. She heard out your full story of your transfers and unlike your last transfer she gave you a garentee that she'd make sure to find a good fit for you. You shrug and thank her. No matter what you had to tough it out anyways, you needed that pay check after all. Had no where else to go.
It goes sour when you head with her to a base near Wales. You where supposed to go talk to her about setting up here overseas for a while. Something about spreading out more newbies anyways. You really don't understand half of it so you just agree and you're off to training on this base. As long as you're here you're expected to keep up with basics and the routine set by the Sargents and that's fine by you, whatever to pass the time at this point. They run a drill with half the team ment to run a faux attack on half the base and the rest made to counter. You're getting prepared to counter the fake attack when alarm bells are ringing. That's definitely a little over the top. Usually they just yell over the loudspeakers and... You kinda blink a few times before you realize your group of rookies is being pressed to the armory. It's not a fucking drill at this point. This is NOT what you came here for but, oh fuck here you go! You've played too many games for sure. Mabey it's time to cut back. Because you're immediately focused. Immediately setting up the scene in your head to get you in a headspace where it's all a game. It helps you focus and damn you really need help with that right now.
There's active rounds being fired a ways away from the base as you all are suited with gear and munitions. You've trained for this but damn if you ever thought you'd ACTUALLY use any of that shit. You always imagined it was for show, like how you never use any of the fucking math they taught you anywhere.
You're moving on a sort of autopilot, moving out to a defensive manuver outside, staying under cover like you're told until your unit arrives halfway out, between the fighting and the base. It's impossible to see much past a thick smoke blanketing half the scene but you all move out, groups of three fanning out for any injuries and more importantly, any hostiles. You and your group are about to get to your second vantage point when you catch something they don't, you call out a group of several hostiles over what looks like a member of the base before realizing there's radio static.
Fuck it. Risking your life might score you some bonus merit, some extra cash somewhere along the line, you don't know. You're just trying to rationalize why the hell you bolt for the man, keeping low, keeping quiet until your almost upon them all. You get close enough to make out the British insignia on the man's arm. You've definitely seen him on the base before, and now here he is, no weapon in sight, surrounded by four hostiles. You slow your approach and aim carefully, making sure to get the kill shot on one of them, the spray of bullets catching another in the arm gives you enough time to aim for one of the other ones. You've definitely played too many vidio games but you're damn sure that's what kept you from being shot on your first unofficial day of active duty. You roll. Fucking barrel roll on the ground, with enough force to get you away from the spray of bullets from the last uninjured hostile as you stop yourself and make the shot on him. Dumb luck is what you chalk it up to as the fourth guy falls, letting you finish off the second man as he scrambles to retrieve his weapon.
"Up! Up! UP!" You yell to the man on the ground. You don't notice the look of utter confusion from the guy as you rush to help him to his feet. You've gotta get him back to base or at least the rest of the team and out of harms way. So you sprint as fast as you can as soon as the man's up, keeping to your side as you keep an eye out for anyone else hostile or otherwise. You try your radio again, but nothing you backtrack enough to find the spot you last saw your little team and find them under fire, one covering a wound on the others arm, panicking. You're quick to take over, playing out the scene in the same mind set you started out with. Mission in mind. Quest line to follow. You snap the other guy out of it enough to instruct him on how to stop the bleeding properly and grab the injured mans weapon from him, shoving it into the man's hands and directing him to cover you. Again, your oblivious to the look of pure confusion from the man and your uninjured teammate as you work to bandage up your fellow recruit.
You all make it out in one peice, the base being cleared of the small force that attempted to overtake the base. What you don't learn, and no one bothers to tell you. Is that the man you "saved", Captain John Price, has been talking with Laswell. Not so much talking with her as TO her. Your in it for money? Perfect you'd definitely agree to join the 141 with the pay difference.
"John you can't fucking do that. This kid is green. Way too fucking green! They weren't even supposed to be pulled into active duty! They should have been benched with the newer recuits, not out with their seniors!"
Price laughs and shakes his head. "No. This one's got potential and I wana see how far it'll take em." He was impressed by how some rookie was able to show enough guts to help him when the odds looked bad. He had everything under control, but damn if your actions weren't something interesting. Rolling out of line of fire and still keeping a steady aim? That's quite the task, he boasts for you. Hell, you didn't even think twice about Price's rank or authority, your focused was on recovery and living while taking out the hostiles. As much as Laswell regrets to say there's not much reason to deny Price. His eye for talent really was spot on. What could go wrong in all actuality? She trusted Price, and hasn't let her down yet.
"Fine. But I'm keeping a close eye on this set up."
Price grins as he looks down at your small folder, thanking her and flipping through the pages again. Tomorrow you'd be flying out with him to your new base. Joining the 141 as a tech specialist.
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temtamtom · 5 days
I'm curious about the Papal States/Vatican!! 😮 What are his relationships like with the Ita Bros and Rome? Love your content and art btw!! <333
Tagging the pookie @starsmadeinheaven bc they're a fellow Pietro enjoyer
hehe thanks! I'm glad you enjoy my cringe (/lh) <3
I think for this answer I'll just focus on Pietro's relationship with Rome and Romano, since they're not dynamics I focus on too much. Reminder that I'm not a historian, so if I get things wrong please be kind and respectful <3 I've also, of course, had to oversimplify some stuff haha
I think Pietro likes Romano quite a bit. He’s a religious fellow who respects Pietro and the church’s authority. Romano, on the other hand, gets annoyed by his pompous, ‘holier-than-thou’ attitude, and really dislikes the way he talks about and treats Feliciano. But he won’t say anything to his face because he’s such a Good Catholic™ and he doesn’t want to risk getting on the church’s bad side. It certainly doesn't help that Pietro can be so charismatic, either. His resolve and attitude quickly turn into jelly, and he becomes quite the goodie two-shoes when around Pietro.
This does frustrate Feli, though. Romano is generally protective over him and will defend him if necessary, yet he struggles to speak up against Pietro.
I’m still working on my headcanons about Pietro’s childhood, so stuff is bound to change! I’m still debating what his identity as a personification is tied to, especially at such a young age. For now, his roots are tied to the very early beginnings of the Holy See (/Apostolic See). And, like I do with a lot of nation headcanons, he was likely kicking around for a bit before he started forming an ‘identity’ as a personification. So I think he’s been around for approx. 2000 years. 
(A small aside, but I think it’d be interesting if Pietro had some personal dilemmas on what exactly he represents. Is he the church? Or is he just the people living within the Vatican? When he was The Papal States he never thought much of it, seeing as he was free to be more than just a religious institution. But now he can’t help but wonder and it’s… confusing.)
Pietro wasn’t raised by Romulus, nor does he have any blood relation to him. They largely ignored each other for a while- Romulus had other, more pressing matters to occupy his time and Pietro steered clear from Romulus, keeping to himself and his practices (though he’d still face some ire/scrutiny from the Romans from time to time). But things took a drastic turn after the Great Fire of Rome, with Nero's persecution of Christians. Romulus, also greatly hurt and angered from the fire, was pulled into the frenzy, and his opinion on Pietro seemingly changed overnight. In his state of mind, Pietro was no longer just some strange kid trying to find his way in the world, but a possible threat that needed to be caught and extinguished. Pietro was eventually caught, and this is when he likely experienced his first death. 
I think Pietro’s opinion now towards Rome is quite mixed. Despite not being related to Rome, and ultimately being persecuted by the man, his city wound up in Pietro’s hands (along with other large swathes of his former territories). Through this he was exposed to Rome’s cultural legacy, and grew to (begrudgingly) respect it. Rome was a great man who achieved many great things, but he also traumatized Pietro and hurt his people (and other peoples, too). He’s not entirely sure what to think.
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snobgoblin · 6 days
re: this ask
god not to find an excuse to write the courtiers more (MY BELOVEDS) but it's fun to think about what Reise's future dynamic with the court might be. like they're demons they've been alive for a long time they'll still be around when Reise is an adult obviously so it's like huh. I wonder if they would try to strike any deals with him? hard to say because Valerius STATED in Muriel's route that he would never make a deal with Lucio- and their frame of reference for this kid is mostly gonna be like. tiny Lucio. they might see him as gullible
anyway Valerius says he would never make a deal with Lucio but it's also like... we know from Nadia's route he doesn't actually know he's a demon? or at least he's unaware of the physical transformation that took place. and, before this interaction he mentions "I'm a busy man you'll have to be more specific" so I'm sure Valerius is talking like business deals and not like Demon Deals TM- anyway anyway the point still stands, Valerius is smart enough to not deal with Lucio. and after Lucio's first deal with Vlastomil... it probably should have been obvious to other demons that they shouldn't deal with him? he doesn't pay up! much to their frustration. but the other three did continue to deal with him despite him being in debt with Vlastomil already
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so, with that in mind. would they target Reise. I'm not sure right now. but I do think at least Vulgora would be really really interested in seeing how his fighting skills develop- I didn't screenshot every Vulgora line so don't quote me on this but Vulgora seemed excited to fight Morga. they had heard about her at least and refers to her as "Eirsdottir" without her even revealing that information
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it will also be interesting seeing how Reise's fire powers work because it seems like that's kind of a lost art at this point, or something that's not common in Vesuvia, anyway. Asra is so bad at it that they burn off Julian's eyebrows when they try and they have a pet salamander specifically to make fires for him, not to mention the Apprentice, who's really only familiar with Vesuvia, actually doesn't realize magic can involve blood and fire (both Lucio and Morga use it this way and it will be interesting if Reise does as well I think)
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>Morga using blood and fire see: I think it's her fight with Lucio in Muriel's route, she slices open her palm and her spear catches on fire
>Lucio using blood and fire see: Dawn of the Grub, where Lucio slits open his feet and sets a fire to summon Vlastomil
*and I don't think the blood part was entirely unheard of on the Apprentice's part considering how Lucio's route starts, but, they are notably hesitant to use it. the fire part does seem particularly uncommon
I'm getting unexpectedly invested in this kid LMFAO
OH ALSO I FORGOT TO ELABORATE ON WHY VALDEMAR GIVES A SHIT okay Valdemar is eager to dissect Julian, Lucio, and the player because they have come back from the dead so I think they'd be very curious about someone that was literally born from two of those people AND... if Reise doesn't pay up... there's a chance the plague could come back... and wouldn't that just be terrible (they're lying)
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dixonsgirl93 · 1 year
Opposites and Opportunities (Sfw)
Merle x ace fem!reader
:Request from anon:
A/N: I've stated before that I personally am not ace, nor do I know anyone who is. I hope I did this enough justice. Feedback would be appreciated so I can improve. Thank you and enjoy!
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"Listen, Merle. You're wasting your efforts on me. I'm not interested." You turn to fully face him now. "And it's not because of your charmingly brash personality or your wickedly handsome face. That sort of thing just doesn't interest me." You turn away again.
"Doesn't interest you, huh? What? Having a good time is not something you like?" Merle called after you from the stairs.
You sigh and face him again. "Sex. I mean sex. I've never cared for it. All right?" You feel yourself go red in the face and then silently berate yourself. So what if you didn't like the idea of sex? It's nothing to be ashamed about, you remind yourself.
"Maybe you just haven't met the right guy yet!" He continued and you resigned yourself to the fact he was really not gonna let this go.
"People always say that. As if sex is so important to be having in your adult life. Maybe I don't want to find the right man. Maybe for the last few years I've tried to like the idea because everyone around me and the media has told me I should? I've only recently come to terms with who I am and no one...no one...is going to change me."
Merle held up his hands (metal and normal) in surrender and smirked. "I didn't mean any harm, babygirl. I can't say I understand though." He rested his arms on the pole in front of him again and looked down at you.
"You don't have to understand it, just respect it." You walk away, back to your cell.
Later that day Merle finds you outside and approaches you.
"Hey. Mind if I join yer?" He asks. You motion for him to sit and does and looks out at the darkness. "Do you think it's more or less scary when you can't see 'em out there?" He nods towards the fences.
You follow his gaze and think about it. "Depends which side of the fence you're on." You reply.
Merle chuckles. "Good answer." He pauses. "So anyway, about our conversation earlier, about you not liking sex...uh, why not? I mean, have you always felt that way?" You see genuine curiosity in his eyes and it surprises you. He actually wants to learn.
You look down at the table and frown, thinking about how to phrase your answer. "I can't really explain it, it just...doesn't appeal to me. It seems kinda gross, honestly. Sharing so many bodily fluids." You make a face at the thought.
Merle watches your reaction. "So...you're a germaphobe? Is that it? God help you in this mess. Walker fluids are worse, honey." He laughs to himself, again looking out at the fence. It was too dark to see anything and you wondered how many walkers were standing just out of reach.
You can’t help but smile at his answer. “Well, that is true. It’s not just the germs though, the whole act of…” You gesture wildly with your hands. “…of sex, that I don’t like.”
Merle watched you try to explain and looked away again. “I still don’t get it. Maybe I’m just too horny to.” He chuckles and shrugs. “But hey, you do you, I guess.”
“Thanks.” You say and place a hand on his metal arm. “I underestimated you. I didn’t think you’d…be so understanding. I especially didn’t think you’d be so curious about it.” You say, looking in the distance.
There’s a short pause. “Gotta be honest, I thought you were lying at first to get me off ya back. I’d get it. I can be a lot for some folk.”
You look at him for a moment but say nothing. What could you say to that? It was true and it felt like he was opening up to you. You knew it must be a rare thing too, knowing the kind of person he was, or at least, who he showed the world he was.
“I still…” You begin to say and then pause, wondering if it was a good idea to divulge this information. “I still feel romantic attraction.” You admit.
“Oh yeah? That’s where I fail. Don’t think I can do that mushy crap.”
“To quote you earlier 'maybe you just haven't met the right person'." You look at him knowingly, with a smirk. Merle turns to you laughs.
"Hell, maybe you're right." He admits. "Even less of a chance to find her now though, don't ya think?" His expression turned sombre for just a moment.
"True." There's a long moment of silence again, just sitting in each other's company, letting the weight of the moment sink in. "Maybe there's still a chance. I mean, we're not dead yet." You smiled encouragingly at him but you couldn't quite feel the hope for a future like that in your heart.
Merle just chuckled and stood up. "Anyway, thanks for the chat, Y/N. Have a good night." He winked and walked back inside.
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darkravens-blogs · 7 months
Mitsuri kanroji x fem!reader smut
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This is part two part one is already posted hope y’all like this ain’t proof read sorry for any flaws or grammar mistakes
two months later and your on a mission but without mitsuri but your on the mission with on of the new recruits who is a girl and it's obvious that she likes you. You try to stay focused on the task at hand and ignore the lingering feeling that is pulling you back toward home with your girlfriend. The girl who is working alongside you continues to flirt with you, obviously interested in you.She smiles brightly at you and laughs at any joke you make.At one point, she lightly touches your arm and her fingers linger there for a moment longer than you expected.She chuckles and glances over at you. The girl is clearly flirting with you and it's obvious that she's been looking at you since you started working on the mission. She leans over close to you and speaks softly, her voice quiet and seductive. "I wish we didn't have to work. I could just stay by your side and listen to you tell jokes or make funny jokes the whole day. Do you have a girlfriend?" “Yes I do why do you ask”She smiles and leans even closer to you, giving you another mischievous look.”Just curious. Do you love her? And does she love you back?" “Why do you wanna know”She chuckles and gives you a cheeky smile. "Just wondering. It'd be a shame if you were taken already. I really enjoy being around you and we've been getting along so well”.”Yea I guess” you finished the task at hand now we can head back come on let's go(you already fought and killed the demon).The girl giggles and follows you as you both return to the base. You see her looking at you the whole time, her eyes shining with a flirtatious sparkle. “What is it” you turn as I see the look in her eyes She laughs nervously and tries to hide her blush. "Oh, just thinking about how much fun l had working with you today. You're really funny and fun to talk to. I really appreciate how nice you were to me all day. I would say this was the best day l've had in a in a while!"
“That's nice”
She smiles and walks beside you, her eyes still shining with a bit of excitement She blushes and looks away, her eyes shining with a bit of amusement now. "Would you believe me if I said that I could see how much potential you have? You're really kind and polite, and I think it's cute that you get so nervous around me." “But I don't get nervous around you” She laughs and leans closer to you, her arms brushing against you while you walk. As she gazes into your eyes, she whispers to you. "You're doing it right now. Trust me, I can tell you're blushing. It's really cute." “Yea sure whatever you say”. She chuckles and leans even closer to you, her voice becoming quieter as she speaks. "Would you like to hear the truth?" “Sure” She bites her lips together for a moment, then leans over slightly so that she's almost whispering in your ear. "The truth is...I'm starting to fall for you. That's why I'm asking about your personal life and whether or not you have a girlfriend” “Ok that's nicel notice that we're back oh we're back”. She smiles as the two of you make it back to the base and she begins to gather her equipment. "We've got some free time now that we're back. Care to continue our conversation here or somewhere a little more private?" You were about to say something when you see mitsuri walking towards us but then she looks at us and her smile drops and she runs away. Mitsuri stops suddenly and stares at you and the girl standing together. She looks slightly shocked and angry, then suddenly turns away as if she can't bear to watch anymore. She walks off in a different direction without even looking at either of you.
“Wait! Babe!”yell after her I shove the girl away and run after mitsuri You catch up to Mitsuri pretty quickly and find her standing in the middle of the forest away from everyone else.She's staring at you in a furious state. She can't hold back any longer and snaps at you the moment you approach her. "Was that her? Was that the one you were flirting with?” “What are you talking about
She glares at you, her eyes filled with rage and hurt. Her words are laced with malice as she speaks. "Don't try playing dumb with me, y/n-chan. I saw you with her, laughing and flirting around. Can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that you have no feelings for her?” “don't she was asking me all these questions and asking if I had a girlfriend I told her ya the best and then she kept insisting that she was better and kept getting closer to me she's been doing that the whole mission but I turned her down and I kept doing it cuz I love you but she couldn't take a hint then you saw us when she was clinging to my arm I was about to shove her off but then that when I saw you” She keeps glaring at you as you explain yourself, her eyes narrowing even further and her grip tightening around her blade. "So you mean to tell me that she was the one who was flirting with you first? You really expect me to believe that? Is that why you were talking to her and laughing so much?"
“It was I nervous laugh hun I promised you I would always love you and be the best girlfriend I could to you and have I ever broke that promise”
Her grip starts to loosen around her blade as she tries to make sense of what you're saying. "But I saw the way she was looking at you. She kept leaning in and touching your arm. How am I supposed to believe that this wasn't mutual?” “ I promise I don't if u did would I have ran after you and explained myself”. She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. "Okay, I believe you.But I need more than just words. You have to prove to me that you only have eyes for me." “How can I prove it to you” She steps closer, her body trembling slightly with anticipation. "Show me. Kiss me like you mean it” Mmmm ok I pull her by her waist and smash my lips in to hers my boobs against her boobs as out lips colied together perfectly Her heart races as she feels her lips against hers, her body pressing against hers. She wraps her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.
Mmmm she groan into the kiss feeling her warmth and softness against you “I've been gon a while how about we go home smh get the good old strap out and have some fun” you whisper teasingly in her ear and my hand reaches down to grip her ass hard.Her cheeks flush at the mention of the strap, but she can't help the excited shiver that runs her spine. She nods eagerly, unable to hide her desire. “Okay, let's go home.” You pick her up and carry her you y’all’s shared house Her legs wrap tightly around my waist, her body pressed against mine. She nuzzles her face into my neck, breathing in my scent as we walk. 1 continue to walk holding her close feeling her warmth and soft against me. I can feel her heart racing and her breathing getting heavier My heart races in anticipation as well, my breathing matching hers. The thought of using the strap on her makes me even harder against her. *| reach our house and walk up the stairs carrying her to our bedroom.
I drop her in the bed and walk over to the bed side table as pull out a long veiny strap “do you want the strap first my mouth or do ya wanna rub our clots together it's up to you” Her eyes widen with anticipation as she watches me retrieve the strap. She bites her bottom lip, trying to contain her excitement. “I... l want the strap start with the strap please” As y/n positions the strap, she can't help but admire Mitsuri's reactions.Her body trembles with anticipation, and her moans are music to your ears. With a slow, deliberate motion, you guides the strap into Mitsuri's pussy, filling her up completely.
“You like that baby you like how mommy fucks you” you say as I thrust the strap hard and fast into her Her eyes widen as your lips press against her own and her arms wrap around your neck.
She pulls you closer and holds you tightly against her as she deepens the kiss, taking in the sensation of your skin against her own. She lets out a moan of pleasure and pulls away slightly, her lips still pressed against yours.
Your kisses are like fire against her skin, setting her whole body ablaze with a rush of pleasure. Her breath quickens as she pulls you even closer, her fingers entwining themselves in your hair as your lips collide with hers. Her body trembles in pleasure and she lets out a low moan, her lips still locked tightly to yours.
As you pull away from the kiss, you look into her eyes and smiles. She runs her fingers along your jawline and down your chest, teasingly tracing the lines of your arms. Your touch sends shivers down her spine, and you leans in to whisper in her ear "You're such a good girl, Mitsuri. I know you're excited to feel the strap inside you, aren't you?" You asks, your voice low and seductive.” Huh? You like it when I thrust this strap deep inside of you just.like.that when you say those last last three words you thrust into her hard three times
She nod her head, your eyes still locked on hers. She can't help but feel a little nervous, but I'm excited to feel the strap inside me. She take a deep breath and let out a moan as you push the strap deeper into her. “Oh fuck mmmm fuck baby you ready baby ready to cum all in this strap like s good little whore you say and pick up your speed
You grip the headboard tightly, her breath coming in short gasps. The sensation of the strap inside her is unlike anything she’s ever felt in a while(since you when in your mission). She can feel every inch of it as it hits her sweet spot over and over again. She moan loudly, her hips bucking against the strap, begging for more. “Fuck ah ahyou look so good baby mmmmmmm fuck yes moan just like that”say and with a few more thrust she cums all over the strap As the strap hits her sweet spot one last time, she can't hold back any longer. Her body shudders violently and I scream out in pleasure her juices spurting onto the strap and coating it with her cum. You collapse onto the bed on top of her she’s panting heavily feeling utterly satisfied and yet still craving more. Mmm did that feel good hun you moan into mitsuri’s ear. She shivers at sound of your voice in het ear, her body still pulsing with pleasure. She turned her head slightly to look at you, y’all’s eyes locking. A slow, wicked smile spreads across het face.
"It felt amazing, y/n.bThank you." She whisper seductively, reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind you ear.”well I’m glad you enjoyed it but we’re not done yet it’s gonna be a long night for you” you say and smirk down at her.
Hope y’all liked it should I make a part three let me know if I should
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I thought you didn't believe in magic? Pt2
Part 1 here :)
Supervillian was never the type to help others. Not outside their employees, at least, not that any of their employees ask for help anyway. They're all too afraid, so when Villian walks into their office, they are definitely surprised, but more so curious when they spot a small wing figure following closely behind Villian. Hand holding Villians wrist.
"What the hell is that." Supervillian says it for as a statement rather than a question. Villians eyebrows furrow a little before resting again.
"Can we fucking sit down first?" Villian hisses before pulling out a chair for Creature. They pull one out for themself and when both of them are seated, Supervillian urges Villian to speak with a small hand gesture to Creature.
"This is Creature. They might look familiar if you've seen the news, which I know you have. Anyway, I need your help." Villian states bluntly, getting straight to the point to not test Supervillians patients.
"With what exactly?"
"I need a safer place to hide them, or something to draw the medias attention away from them for long enough to find a safer spot. They've been staying with me but now that they've been spotted, I already know they're gonna be on high demand to give to the heros." Villian explains. Creature makes a small high-pitched sound at the mention of the heros.
Villian gives a small glance, Creature has their knees up to their chest and their face hidden in their arms, eyes barely noticeable, long hair covering most of them, and ears turned down. Villian can't help but feel bad, just a little. They know what it's like to stand out. Maybe not as much as Creature though.
Supervillian leans back in their chair and fiddles with a pen in their hand. Villians attention turns back to them.
"A distraction from the media... hm, we both know I'm great at getting on the news. What's in it for me?" Supervillian questions, already thinking about what plans they could play out to take the medias attention.
"Well, what do you want in return?" Villian questions back, raising a brow and leaning back in their chair.
"Hm.." Supervillian tape the pen against their lips, rolling in their chair a little bit, thinking of what they could ask for in return.
They don't really wanna do their paperwork for the month, maybe they could ask villian to do that for them. Or maybe Villian could buy them lunch for a week.
Sulervillian glances at Creature, who is looking at floor near Villians feet, and squints their eyes. Creature is a lot to take in, something so new to Supervillians eye.
Mass media attention or a safe place to stay. Supervillian let's this thought wonder through their head. As much as they'd love to finally let one of their schemes go into action, they're more curious about Creature.
"You're not doing anything to them." Villian states bluntly again, snapping Supervillian out of their thoughts.
"Who said I wanted to?"
"I can see your face. You are not turning them into some test subject."
Creature looks at villian in a panic.
"They've gotta have some kind of magic, no? I mean, look at them, nothing like I've ever seen before. I dont wanna... experiment per say." Supervillian says, tone unreadable.
Creature shrinks back in the chair, eyes wide and full of panick. They quickly glance at villian for some kind of support, only to see them staring at Supervillian, right in the eyes.
"If I help you, in return I want a favor. Of any kind, at any point in time" Supervillian leans forward, elbows resting on the long dark brown desk.
"Not if it involves Creature." Villian says, leaning forward as well, except resting their elbows on their knees. Creature visibly relaxes, but can feel the tension in the room slowly building.
Oh, how badly they just wanted to go back to Villians' house.
"Fine, it won't have anything to do with that magical being of yours." Supervillian states, straightening their posture, villian mimics the act.
"They're not a possession. Or 'magical'." The tone in Villians voice slowly becomes agitated.
"Even with them using magic right in front of you, you still don't believe in it." Supervillian says, a sly smile growing on their face. Villian looks at Creature confused.
Creatures head is fully hidden in their lap, they're slightly shaking and digging their nails into their skin. Around Creature is a faint white colored orb, fully enclosing Creature. It makes them look like they're in a hamster ball a little. The pens and paper that were resting on the desk near Creature were now raised and floating in the air. There was no string, nothing to make those items float the way that they are.
Villians posture straightens. They stare at Creature for a moment longer before turning their attention back to Supervillian.
Supervillian can't keep the annoying grin off their face.
"I thought you didn't believe in magic, Villian?"
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gingersforeverbox · 1 year
May I ask for silco and Viktor with a lover who has a glass eye? And maybe it's a bit magical so in tense moments or just for the creep of it, the glass eye will sometimes suddenly move towards something/someone if that makes sense? Thanks!
Howdy my dear, thank you so much for the request and I am so sorry for such a ridiculously late reply! I hope you find this somewhere!
A/N: None that I am aware of! Just some good ol' fluff!
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Viktor and Silco (Separately) if they had a partner with a magic glass eye:
Viktor is a curious person at heart, so naturally when y’all first meet, he would wonder why you have such a fascinating eye. However, he would not ask you outright about it until much later into knowing you in fear of being rude. 
After wading the waters of close friendship, he finally yet politely asked what happened to warrant you needing such a beautiful eye (after specifying that both eyes are gorgeous to him, but he already knew about the origins of your organic one).
Regardless of your story, he will listen attentively, offering his hand if you ever feel like you need him throughout the ordeal. He will be nothing but reassuring and insist that if it is too painful a story to tell, don’t worry about telling it. He would much rather live in curiosity than cause you pain from said curiosity.
I'm not gonna lie to you, he will spend hours looking at your eyes if you let him. Yes, even when he should be working, which is saying a lot, and Jayce thanks you for managing to pull Vik away from work for a minute when you come to the lab.
He may not be an artist by trade, but he will always compare your eyes to the most beautiful of things in the world around him. Your eye is blue? The boundless skies that share the same color make him think about how free he feels around you. Brown? He lives on coffee and he is reminded who he lives for with every sip. Gold? He pictures golden halos that would hang from your head to match your spirit and body. Grey? Thunder storms have no might like you when you are passionate about something. No matter what color, he will always find something that reminds him of you when he sees the color around him.
As someone with a disability, he would be understanding that it can be frustrating sometimes and would do what he can to make it easier for you, whether thats having cleaner on hand or at his apartment for you or an ice/ heating pack for when your socket gets irritated. 
When it comes to your eye moving, he would get a little freaked out the first time it happened because he thought something was wrong and you were hurting. As you explained to him the situation, he is more relaxed about it, but he tries to learn situationally when it happens that way he knows what’s going on. For example: If you’re anxious when it happens, he will try to help you relax if he can. 
Now if you do it for humor, he will be a little cautious because he doesnt want you to cause yourself any unnecessary discomfort, however, if someone is being rude to you he is 100% on board with you using it to freak them out.
The bottom line is that he loves you for you, and this includes your beautiful eyes.
As a man with an unordinary eye himself, I feel that it goes without saying that he would be the most empathetic of the two due to personal experience. He would also find your prosthetic to be fascinating, magic or not. He would enjoy seeing the details in the iris and would insist on eye contact so he can find these details while talking (but lets face it, its kind of intimidating to have that much eye-contact with the Eye of Zaun).
He has a business to run and a city-state to liberate, so he would not hesitate or beat around the bush to ask about the origins of this magic eye and how it came to be in your possession. He would also determine if your eye’s magic could be used to his advantage. Could it be used for espionage? Was it just a simple prosthetic? How could this play into his favor?
If it were a sadder story, he would quietly sympathize with you, but would not let that be known until he knew he could trust you. If it were a simpler story, he would nod and change the subject likely back to business at hand.
As time crawled on and as you proved your loyalty not only to him but to Zaun, he would open up more to you. After a while of seeing you as a “very close individual” (aka he caught feelings), he would tell you the story behind his own eye. Depending on your reaction, he may tell you about other aspects of his past if it means that he can get closer to you.
He would absolutely pamper you with the best medicine money could buy. If it were an emergency, he would even see Singed for you about getting you help. Nothing is too high a cost for his lovely. I’m not saying he would use this as a way of showing his love and affection for you and as a way to win you over, but yes I am. This man has very few morals left and subtle manipulation is basic affection to him. I do genuinely think he would love you though, he just has an odd way of showing it.
If your eye moved after him thinking it was stationary the entire time would definitely throw him off. Since he happens to wear some emotions on his face rather openly, he would furrow his brow in confusion before continuing the conversation. Towards the end he would question you about it. If its a situation where it only happens when you’re feeling a certine way, he would file that away for later uses, whether thats just looking out for your wellness or as an indicator of mood. If you do it for fun, he would kinda just go “ah,” and leave you to it. If it made you happy then so be it.
This man will absolutely adore your eyes, even if he isn't as romantic about it. He secretly loves that he found someone with something in common with him. He would do anything for Zaun, but most importantly, he would do anything for you.
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