#...for reasons totally not related to kissing whatsoever
skellyjingles · 1 month
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I spend a lot of time thinking about Ragatha's flat mouth.
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sh4tt3rg1rl · 6 months
🪻 sh4tt3rg1rl Follow 2s
TAOCC Fake Tumblr Dash
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☀️ theoneandonlysun Follow 2 months
yo circusgoers if you dont rb this praising my fiance RN i will PERSONALLY go out there and FIND YOU
🔪 chillinlikeavillain Follow 1h
Your fiancé is ugly and I despise him.
☀️ theoneandonlysun Follow 1h
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⏳ edgypt Follow 2 month
Am I the only one noticing how a lot of the disappearances recently in O.C. County are originating near or from C&A????
💻 lonngitude Follow 1 month
No I totally see it too! I just recently started looking into it and its pretty crazy :T someone needs to put this place on a watchlist.
#place has problems #isaac brennen #simon mallory #alice mallory #taika dixie #so many more
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🍸 isaacs-bar Follow 20 months
Abt to bring my little butterfly to her recital <3 Will update on how great it was when we're home :)
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🃏 cardlans-cardland Follow 2m
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🗝️ simoooooon Follow 17m
mammmaaaaa oooooooo i just killed a man
🌊 the-seas-sweetest-mermaid Follow 17m
🗝️ simoooooon Follow 16m
🌊 the-seas-sweetest-mermaid Follow 16m
🌊 the-seas-sweetest-mermaid Follow 11m
i feel enlightened this is the best song ive ever heard
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💕 i-simp-4-u Follow 10 months
i need a pretty girl to kiss me rn
❌ 2E77RO37-3S6-20KHS93-deactivated-39-83388 10 months
💕 i-simp-4-u Follow 10 months
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🗝️ simoooooon Follow 17m
mammmaaaaa oooooooo i just killed a man
🚨 circus-deputy Follow 2m
#i hate this stupid place #no laws whatsoever #so uncivilized
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💫 glitchy-mage Follow 5 months
where tf am i
🩸 ruler-of-the-world Follow 5 months
hey bbg
💫 glitchy-mage Follow 5 months
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🍸 isaacs-bar Follow 19 months
hey guys taking a long hiatus for personal reasons
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🎪 our-circus-experiences reblogged
🪦 bob-the-cemetery-ghost Follow 2d
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🪻 sh4tt3rg1rl Follow 1s
@bob-the-cemetery-ghost @the-moth-from-elsewhere @tailsbot98761 @spellsunderthestars @ciagent8 @joofie404
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for no reason whatsoever my brain immediately assumed that the halloween party would happen towards the end of episode 8, or at least in the second half
the police arriving at the party and the problem with the drugs, along with all the theories about who called the cops and if anybody's gonna be arrested, feels to me like an end-of-episode moment. classic cliffhanger, right?
and maybe that's really how things are gonna happen but maybe not, because I noticed that some scenes in the preview for next ep can only make sense if we consider them happening after the party
that's way I have a little theory based on that:
1. this specific topmew scene
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we can see them in their university clothes (idk how to call them, is there a better term?), in what kinda looks like a bathroom to me but that's not really important, so maybe they meet after class? I'm focusing on this because top's sentence leads me to believe this is after we get to actually see mew's bad state at the party
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2. the nick and papang interaction
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we don't know yet if nick's scenes with papang are actually related to nick's plan to earn boston's forgiveness, that's what the preview makes me think but the only friends previews have always been pretty deciveing on purpose. what really matters to me anyway is the shirt nick is wearing in that second scene tho, and the assumption that it also takes place after the party
3. sand starts to take some distance from ray
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after the raymew dance scene, and the talk with ray outside yolo, we can see that sand is actually starting to walk away from ray– he's finally setting some boundaries, not letting ray walk all over him. those two scenes, both taking place at night, are the only sandray scenes we are shown– sand and ray are the only ones that don't have a daytime scene in the preview
now to my final theory, after considering all the above (and in case you're wondering, yes, the previous ones were points to give my main theory context and recipes) :
that sandray scene from the series' trailer
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if the halloween party happens relatively early in the episode, and if the scenes we see of the guys in university are after that, we could finally have this 0:02 seconds scene from the trailer in our hands.
it all makes sense to me: ray showing how selfish and possessive he truly is as soon as he notices sand getting away, not caring at all about how he's been hurting him all this time– and we can see that from sand's expression.
also thinking about sand being like "we cannot be friends we were never friends" / "fuck it I'm gonna kiss this guy just because he's also dressed as freddie mercury" / "i'm not one of your options ray", at which point ray could start to realize sand really means it and be like "you're not going anywhere".
now, I don't know if anyone else had the same initial thought as me or if from the start it was pretty clear to everybody that some scenes are supposed to happen post-party– that wasn't my case tho so i wanted to share it even if in the end I might be totally wrong
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martinsharmony · 1 year
OK so I've been struggling a bit with a general issue regarding the sexuality of Angels and Demons in Good Omens.
Don't get me wrong I'm ALL ABOUT seeing that brought into the story like, I'm replaying the kiss in my head on repeat and have read *all* the fics.
It's just that I'm not quite being able to resolve the idea that Angels and Demons have secondary sexual characteristics like fully formed *and functioning* sexual organs, chest hair, nipples, and even something like sweat, saliva and a belly button?
Like, Why?
It occurred to me that I remember something in the bible (I guess) about humans being created in God's image and so maybe that translates to Angels and Demons as well (did *all* Demons used to be Angels?) - but it's been stressed that they are *not* human. They don't need to eat or sleep but they *can* if they want to. But I just sort of can't wrap my mind around why they would have these things?
I've heard all the theories about them not actually having sexual organs and "manifesting" them at will and clearly they could create whichever ones they want but it seems to me that Gabriel actually did have genetalia because I think if he didn't that would have been even more shocking? He didn't have his purple eyes either though so maybe when he lost his memory he reverted to a more human form??
And what about the eating and drinking? They don't have to eat but if they do, where does it go? Do they miracle it away? Does the waste fuction as a normal human body does? Does the bookshop even have a bathroom? If they don't have genetalia then would they manifest it just to pee? Does it come out in the same form it went in? If they actually digest the food like a human do they ever get an upset stomach? Gabriel seemed to enjoy what was going on in his stomach so it's not nothing. And they *can* get drunk or drugged so something is happening with the interaction of their physical body there.
If they do have sexual organs then it stands to reason that they get sexual urges too. But, 6k years of being in love and no inkling of an urge? (please understand I'm not disregarding asexuals here) The kiss itself is sexual. What I don't understand is why? Why would Angels and Demons get sexual urges? They are not meant to reproduce. Obviously sex is not only for reproduction but I've read fics where there is cum involved. Like? What would be the purpose of that?
Again my post is not to disregard any particular groups in any spectrum whatsoever. I'm trying to userstand the in-universe logic for why the human-looking bodies don't have to eat and sleep but sometimes do and what happens when they do, and what is going on with their sexual organs and any possible related sexual urges? It's obvious that they do seek pleasure and sometimes that pull is too strong to ignore like with Azi withthe ox and Crowley with the kiss (okay I get it the kiss was not all about pleasure but it was a manifestation of his love for Azi and so in that sense I consider it sexual in a way).
I mean, the fact that they feel human feelings - even the other angels and demons do. Where does the human part stop and the celestial (or demonic) being begin?
I would just like to know if there are any metas or theories out there that I'm missing regarding how all this works - especially when it comes to reading fic that have them functioning more or less like humans would - even when manifesting different organs to get the job done.
Totally not anti-ship here. I'm very on board with them having an actual relationship (and sex). I just can't resolve these two things in my mind. It needs to make sense. Sometimes I tend to get a little too wrapped up in this kind of thing and have a hard time suspending my disbelief.
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lilithfairen · 2 years
What the f[ixing RWBY continues to be bullshit]
So, to summarize the latest two episodes of this trainwreck (which has taken four episodes to get through what the original V6 did in one episode):
Cinder pulling herself out of the lake! Like canon! Except there's a vague bit of backstory where Tyrian punches Cinder in the back of the head.
Adam shows up on the train! Like canon! Except here he's murdering people.
The bit of drama between Blake and Yang on the train. Just like canon! Again!
Yang has a random PTSD episode.
Ruby, Weiss, and Jaune get their butts kicked by Roman at cards while Neo dotes over Roman. Even in the smallest moments, Celtic Phoenix cannot stop treating Roman as better than the actual titular heroines of the show.
Cardin and Russell barge into Blake's room to talk about how they're totally better people now and Cardin gives advice to Blake on how to talk to Yang FUCK YOU FUCK YOU TAKE YOUR FUCKING MALE CHARACTERS AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS INSTEAD OF SHOVING THEM INTO EVERY SINGLE FUCKING FEMALE CHARACTER'S STORYLINE YOU TALENTLESS HACK
Oh and Cardin has a rabbit keychain and blushes about it when Blake notices it. Fuck you, Celtic Phoenix, for your pathetic obsession with giving a racist bully the girl he victimizes as his love interest.
Qrow's getting drunk.
Then Weiss runs into Adam! Because why would there be any sort of story that doesn't revolve around the male characters these losers are obsessed with?
Qrow, Cardin, and Russell immediately rush to fight Adam while pushing the women away from danger, proving that Celtic Phoenix is a misogynistic jackass who has zero credibility writing anything RWBY-related.
A Grimm Manticore barges into the train car where Roman is!
More Grimm attack the train! It's the same train battle as in canon, except Celtic Phoenix had to throw Adam in for no. Fucking. Reason!
Oh but them Adam randomly stabs his way through the top of the train car. (Weren't Qrow, Cardin, and Russell fighting him?)
Roman and Neo fend off the Manticore until JNR show up. Ren kills the Manticore, and Roman clutches his chest and proclaims that he could kiss Ren. Reminder: the previous volume of Fixing RWBY had Roman make a shitty transphobic joke towards Ren.
Russell gets knocked off the train and Cardin gets his arm crushed. Yes, this is exactly the same thing that happened with Dee and Dudley in canon. What the hell is the point of a rewrite when you are going to copy 95% of the plot anyway, you uncreative hack?
Anyway, Adam causes an avalanche that ends up causing the train/group split. So again, Celtic Phoenix is having exactly the same stuff as canon happen, but having his pet characters be entirely responsible for the plot while the actual protagonists just do nothing but react.
There is this sheer unsubtlety to Fixing RWBY about the degree to which that Celtic Phoenix is not only a completely uncreative hack, but a deeply misogynistic and queerphobic hack as well. You have to wonder if Celtic Phoenix or a single member of his team (that he doesn't pay a single cent to) aren't aware of the criticism that his previous volume received over Roman's transphobic "jokes" towards Ren and Weiss, or if Roman again making shitty comments towards Ren is done out of spite towards the people who called out his rewrite's previous queerphobia.
Celtic Phoenix forcing Adam to the forefront for no reason also highlights how he, his partners, and his defenders have no understanding of good storytelling whatsoever. The original Volume 6 established that the attack on the train was due to the Relic attracting Grimm, setting up the consequences of Ozpin not telling the protagonists the full truth about their circumstances. Having Adam be the focus of the train attack not only takes away from the story establishing that plotline (because who needs plotlines that doesn't revolve around pet characters?) but completely eradicates the tension of the original Volume 6 where the audience knew that Adam was in pursuit of the protagonists, but had no idea when and where he would strike, with his eventual appearance and attempt on Blake's life having drastic consequences for the rest of the volume's storyline.
Here? Adam shows up because Celtic Phoenix wants his precious dudebro to get more screentime.
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moonstone-vibe · 7 months
Fic writer (of doom) interview :))
Thank you @melodious-tear for tagging me! 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
How many works do you have on AO3? - 83 (whaaaat? :)) okay, but I started writing some 15 years ago)
What’s your total AO3 word count? - 1,462,003. Like I said. And to quote that meme, 'some may be good, some may be shit'
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? - 1. Age of Astaroth (Ao no Exorcist | Blue Exorcist), 2. You don't need a (fucking) quirk (僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia), 3. Are we still playing (Haikyuu!!) , 4. Compensation (Haikyuu!!), 5. Reactive (Hetalia: Axis Powers)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - ALWAYS!!! And I also put lots of hearts and bunnies and whatnot, for mysterious reasons. But seriously, I love comments, and not just positive feedback. It means my work has caused a reaction with the reader, stirred some emotion. I'm always grateful.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? - hmm, I guess the angstiest would be Resentful (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù) , but Bai Lin's lament (琉璃 | Love and Redemption (TV)) is quite sad too. But usually I avoid angsty/sad/unhappy endings and strive to give my characters at least some silver lining if not a fully happy ending. I'm a sucker for happy endings, me.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? - The Embrace of Death and the Kiss of Life (Soul Eater). This immediately comes to mind
Do you write crossovers? - I was about to say never, but in fact I recently wrote one. For smut purposes only :)))
Have you ever received hate on a fic? - I have received the abundant pleasantries of the infamous Guest reviewers back when I was active on fanfiction.net, but those people either had a problem with the sacred guidelines or were just there to troll but never related to a fic itself. On AO3 there was the very dedicated XiYao troll, but again, they had a problem with the pairing in general rather than with my fics.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? - I wrote both het and BL, but only BL was ever fully explicit (influenced by my absolute shifu sectionladvivi/Daniel May. I'm hardly on his level though). I never wrote yuri and I wouldn't either.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? - I don't think so.
Have you ever had a fic translated? - Yeah, Rise of the Emerald Princess (Soul Eater) was translated and that person also asked me if they could write a prequel one-shot/spin off. I was beyond flattered, you guys!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? - I have, but just once. I'd like to give it a try sometime, but it's a commitment. Maybe a one-shot.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? - When it comes to ships, my muse is as faithful as an incubus, I have no control over this thing, you get the picture. So, no. Why settle on a fave anyway? :))
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? - I will strive to finish all my WIPs (I have like 2 :))) Normally when a fic is hopeless, I just delete it.
What are your writing strengths? - that sometimes I can write :)))))
What are your writing weaknesses? - that I have no control over my muse whatsoever and that includes long periods 'on the dry'
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? - it's cool as long as it's a language I have at least some vague knowledge of. Walter Essner speaking French is everything :)))
What was the first fandom you wrote for? - Inglorious Basterds
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? - nothing comes to mind right now...
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? - hmmm, can't decide between Boy in gold silk (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)) and White man's coffin (陈情令 | The Untamed (TV)) 
tagging @estbela @starsmadeinheaven @doodlin-moons , @someone-you-do-not-know , @coffeewithcutcaffeine, @roseszirnheld and anyone else who might want to give it a try ;)
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timelessxmemories · 4 months
Live blogging dr2 but very poorly pt1:
hi Hajime, ur great, kisses /p
Nagito is so special to me, baby boy, I love you, you deserve the world, you deserve it all, I want to give you a hug
Just met Gundham, he's so fucking chaotic and I love that for him, also hamsters<3 I used to have a bunch of hamsters as well and I just, aundhddundndhhdhe/pos, I also am kind of relating super fucking hard to him, it's insane
Also met Kazuichi, hehe, his last name is Soda, immediately adoring him
MIKAN SPOTTED. MIKAN SPOTTED. HI BABY GIRL!!!! I MISSED YOU SO SO SO MUCH. She is so fucking augh<3 I want to give her all the hugs and kisses in the whole damn world<333 she could fix me, literally and figuratively
HI IBUKI!!!!! HI!!! HI MY GIRL!!! Aha.. I'm gay. I would totally let her play her guitar and I would sit there cheering her the fuck on because fuck I love her so much
Chicken into cow???? Usami I love you girl, but what
HIYOKO, HIYOKO, HIYOKO. that's it, that's all i had to say
Hotel future. Love it.
Okay, first person walking, alright, thats, different?
Hi Fuyuhiko, fuckin bastard but in the most affectionate way possible, ur so silly
Mahiru<3333 I want to kiss you all over the face sweet girl, ur amazing
Nekomaru, my guy, I love you, but please, have some chill, what is it with these characters and having literally no chill whatsoever, don't get me wrong, i love it, BUT HOLY SHIT
"yep." -Nagito
Teruteru, hi my guy, what's up with you, not in a bad way, but, what's up with you. Also, "hello there".
SONIA. SONIA. SONIA. wait nevermind, hah, see what I did there? Sorry, bad pun.
Wait. She didn't have friends???? Aww nooo, my girl,, :(( I'll be ur friend :D
mmm. Not liking Teruteru as much anymore. He's giving me the creeps. Not liking him. Nope. No. Nuh-uh.
Pekooooooooooo, Pekooooooooo!!!! I want to give you a hug.
Ding dong Bing bong!!!!!!!
Byakuya stop being impatient.
Hiyoko, I love you, I love your energy
Ah yes, peko, the observant.
And there goes Ibuki being ibuki<33
Kazuichi, please, don't be so laid back, my man, what are you doing
Aaaand teruteru is being weird again. Fuck that guy.
Ibuki this is why I love you
Byakuya, stop calling people names, please
"Small dogs shouldn't bark so loud" BYAKUYA PLEASE
Story time with Byakuya ig
oh music stopped
And creepy music is back
Akane being a whole fucking mood
Music stopped again???
Aaand regular music is back + Ibuki being excitable
Kazuichi you poor soul, you poor poor soul
"Cretins" I love her.
"Won't be a problem" girl. Girl. Girl girl girl.
Shut the fuck up cunt. (Teruteru)
Aaaand there goes Peko pointing out the obvious<3
"Why don't we just swim home?" GIRL. HOLY SHIT.
Aaaand in comes Mikan with the reasoning. Thank you.
Hi again Usami
Rule follower./aff
*proceeds to recite the rules*
"What if your actions place everyone in danger?" MY MAN COMING BACK FULL FORCE
Byakuya, don't call it a waste of time. Shut your mouth you cunt<3/aff
Uh oh. Motives
Oh nevermind it's fine
Or is it
Hiyoko why are you so excited about killing a hoop snake
Hajime: There's no way anyone would go swimming!
Literally everyone else: I beg to differ.
Hajime: what
"No danger, nothing tragic, is that really true?" I love you Hajime. You are the only reasonable person ever.
"If so.. am i wrong?" I had faith. Girl. Holy shit.
"The water is too salty" bitch ur too salty
"She's just wrong about so many things" no actually she's right about everything
Sleepy Chiaki<333
Fuck you Teruteru.
Ibuki, don't drink the water.
Fuck you Teruteru.
Please punch him Nekomaru.
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lemontongues · 9 months
im continuing to ponder, meandering journal entry about gender below the cut lol
like idk i know i have a bit of a weird relationship to gender, in that i feel very firmly agender, like just. really very little connection whatsoever to being a woman or a man, but i do strongly prefer feminine things and i really like stories about people relating positively to their own femininity? like, stuff about gender euphoric trans women, or lesbians really reveling in "teehee we're girls :)" or just. people coming to value the trappings of femininity and how it can make you feel, despite like. really not going very far out of my way to present femininely in my actual life. i dont shave/wear makeup/etc, i used to have a buzzcut and may very well go back to it at some point, so on and so forth. but i do really like high heels and lingerie and pretty pastel colors and things of that nature..... so i have this weird distant-but-admiring relationship with being feminine, and i present pretty feminine rn for a variety of laziness-related reasons, and i do feel (and always have felt) some of the social pressures of womanhood, and i have no real relationship to or desire for masculinity lol
but in media stuff soooo much of the time i just. prefer stories about dudes. idk what it is! i like women having positive relationships with each other, but when its just one lone woman i dont rly care, or if its like, women who are struggling against each other im only interested in it if its like. theres a chance for them to grow and come to understand/support each other. like cassierose is good imo bc i genuinely think it could go from like glorious violent attraction to like. actually Getting each other and growing as ppl. but like stephcass and cissiecassie dont rly do much for me bc i feel like usually its just presented as "theyre friends so they should kiss :)" which is totally fine OBVIOUSLY but it doesnt. fulfill any deeper longing in me. idk.
but honestly i think thats true with all of my shipping so maybe the issue rly is just the media i consume? like. i dont feel like a lot of the time the relationships between women are as deep and gut-wrenching as the ones between dudes lol, even when theres actual lesbians or whatever it just feels more. shallow a lot of the time. they get along! they dont like each other! and okay but like why yknow?? like. okay back in the haikyuu days kiyoyachi was good bc it was like. yeah i know what they feel about each other lol? yachi admires kiyoko for being a beautiful and put together slightly older girl, and kiyoko feels warm and protective towards yachi as a fellow girl in a male-dominated space and a very earnest and enthusiastic person. so i can work with that!! vs like, stephcass (sorry to pick on it its just the first example im thinking of) is like. yeah theyre friends :) bc theyre...... girls. :) so it doesnt rly feel meaningful to me in any way lol
okay honestly i feel like that might be it lol, which. makes me feel better. like when i make my ocs i know they have personal depth and complex relationships with each other so i gravitate towards girls, but in media a lot of the time the more complex and emotional narratives are for/between men, and women are just kinda. hanging out. so that makes sense. okay i think im not being sexist lmao yay
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they-loved-in-2075 · 1 year
Science Fiction and Education
Science Fiction and Modern Education 
It was a bright and sunny day, after a long spell of rainy, gloomy and less bright days. The sunshine sparkled on the dew drops, that reposed on very still leaves, blades of grass, and flower petals that had made up their mind, to finally bloom fully and gaze directly at the Sun. Only to shimmer with an organic brilliance that cannot be matched by any synthetic means available to mankind. In this moment of contemplation I was reminded of Wordsworth’s poem, The Tables Turned. 
‘One impulse from a vernal wood
May teach you more of man,
Of moral evil and of good,
Than all the sages can.’
Where he argues that nature can be a better teacher than mundane classrooms, and teachers who have no flair for the teaching profession.
And I have no reason whatsoever to challenge this belief of Wordsworth. Because I experienced a similar feeling when I witnessed the morning sunshine shimmering over the silent , and dew drop kissed leaves. I experienced something that was beyond what a child can learn at school, and that too in the confinement of the brick walled classrooms. I know you are thinking about Pink Floyd's famous song, ( another brick in the wall ) which is largely misinterpreted. 
Most of the people think that the song directly advocates for total freedom of children, and demands that teachers let every child do as he/she may please in the classroom. Whereas in reality that is not the message the song wants to convey. It actually emphasises on the fact that allowing a child to follow his/her passion is very important while evolving the schooling system to facilitate the overall development of the child. Specifically catering to his/her interests to help him/her to be the master of these organic faculties, that the child is genetically, mentally; and then via learning experiences, more inclined towards. And can perform much better whenever he/she applies these organic faculties in real life. Because for his/her body and mind, engaging with them as an intentional effort that is expected to produce a desired output is an activity of pleasure and not a task of boredom. This is what is missing in the current education system.
Please note : Now this does not mean that a child with a liking for Biology should not study mathematics. Because we all need basic mathematics in day to day life. And who knows, by exposing a child to mathematics, by using teaching techniques that he/she relates with easily, the child will be able to realise the math genius within him/her. Afterall, human mind is a very complex ecosystem capable of adapting to any situation and evolving in infinite ways.
And for complete mental growth, an undeterred physical development of the child is equally important. For this, outdoor activities play a vital role, and experiencing the voices of nature, and listening to its murmurs, just like I did this morning, grooms the human mind in ways that no teacher can.
I referred to the confinements of the classrooms. However, classrooms are important too, yet many of us refer to them as cells of confinement. But are they really so?
For parents reading this blog post, it might be a heavy dose when it comes to dealing with a subject that indirectly deals with parenting, schooling and lot of other aspects involved in the social, personal, mental, intellectual and other areas of development that aim at grooming the young mind. Whereby we first realise the child’s true inclination and then harness his/her complete potential. 
So to ease the topical redundancy of this blog post, here is the link to famous Pink Floyd song titled “Another Brick in the Wall”
That for all good reasons I do not consider to be  just a song, but given the year it was first released in, it is a revolutionary epoch as far as education system is concerned. Because the song efficiently portrays the limitations of the conventional schooling systems that still fail to help a child realise his/her true mental potential. 
Relax and listen to this melody, and think of your childhood days, and the possibilities that could have come true, had the people responsible for defining our educational systems been able to understand the actual message the song tried to convey. Nevermind, as long as we believe that the true legacy of any nation lies in the honest efforts it invests to make the lives of the forthcoming generations more prosperous, responsible and productive. Anything is possible and we can still do it!
Pink Floyd For complete blog post please visit my blog.
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makeste · 3 years
I saw this take on twitter about Hana & Kacchan having “reverse parallels” and since they both have apologised to Tenko/Deku (but one was more or less sincere and the other was absolutely sincere) and they said that, while Hana moved away from Tenko, Kacchan ran to catch Deku. There was also more to the thread abt Kacchan & Hana’s differences. They were sorta trying to argue that this is a clue that Hori intends for Bkdk to be sibling-like/brotherly. As a bkdk shipped, I’ve accepted that it makes sense.. cause it’s an established fact that Tenko & Deku parallel each other. Tenko having his own “Kacchan” makes sense. Tho yes I am a little sad since I’ve held a little bit of hope for romantic bkdk becoming canon. I just wanted to ask your opinion if Hana was really meant to foil Kacchan or was it just a reach?
okay so I have a couple responses to this.
1. while it's true that Horikoshi has woven a lot of deliberate parallels between Deku and Tenko's characters, that doesn't mean every single thing about their lives and every single person they interact with is a part of those parallels. which is to say that no, I don't really think Hana and Kacchan are meant to mirror each other in any kind of significant way. Hana's apology to Tenko was under completely different circumstances than Kacchan's apology to Deku; I really don't see any connection between the two situations. you might as well be trying to compare Hana to Endeavor, or Deku, or Hawks, or Aizawa, or any other character who's apologized to anyone over the course of the story.
2. please pardon the forthcoming rant, anon -- and I hope you know that none of this is aimed at you in particular -- but for me personally, this whole obsession with ships becoming canon is one of the most exasperating types of discourse there is. like, don't get me wrong, I totally understand people wanting to see their favorite ships validated by the author, and not to mention there's also the issue of having more LGBTQ+ representation. but speaking as someone whose own orientation (aromantic) has almost no representation in fiction whatsoever, it gets frustrating to see so many people dismiss non-romantic relationships as being an inferior type of ship, to the extent that calling a relationship "sibling-like" is now a commonly-used attack in ship wars. so many people view romance as this completely transformative element, to the point where two characters can literally tick every other box on the intimate personal relationship checklist, and none of it will matter to some people unless they actually confess their love and kiss.
and again, I'm not saying I don't understand it, especially since queerbating is a thing. it's one thing if a writer is genuinely just trying to portray a close friendship, especially in series where romance isn't really a focus. but it's another thing entirely if a writer is deliberately hinting at a romance in a blatant bid to attract a larger queer audience, while all the while having no intention whatsoever of having those hints lead anywhere. the issue, I guess, is that it's not always easy to tell which scenarios are the former, and which are the latter. and of course, you also have people who think that the former is a type of cop-out as well, because the thing is that romance is always viewed as the default. so for a lot of people, allosexual and alloromantic relationships are the only ones that get considered as far as representation goes.
but you know what, I'm just gonna say it; even knowing where people are coming from, it's still discouraging to know that so many people are so dismissive of aro and ace relationships that the thought of a favorite ship not becoming romantic in canon is considered a profound disappointment. and it's even more discouraging that the thought of a rival ship becoming canon is considered such an existential threat to some that they will literally use "oh, they're just like siblings" as an argument against the ship, rather than a point in favor of. because siblings are a downgrade. friendship is a downgrade. any kind of close relationship that isn't inherently romantic or sexual in nature is less important, and that's just how it is.
so yeah, that's kind of a pet peeve, ngl. especially since the truth is I actually do think Bakugou and Deku's relationship is very akin to siblings. and so I do sometimes get weary of not being able to just outright say that without having to first pepper the statement with all kinds of disclaimers so that people don't think I'm invalidating the ship. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells if I ever want to talk about their relationship in terms that I can personally relate to.
but I mean, here's how I look at it. they've known each other since they were small children. they call each other exclusively (or almost exclusively) by childhood nicknames. they have an openness and an unspoken, almost taken-for-granted trust in each other to the point where they'll share closely guarded secrets ("I got my quirk from someone else") and personal vulnerabilities ("why was I the one who ended All Might?") with barely a second's hesitation which they would never share with anyone else. they have a comfortable little bickering type of rapport ("I'm getting stronger"; "well I'll just have to get even stronger then"; "you'll never surpass me"; "we'll see about that") which they can fall into with ease and which looks weird af to outsiders, but is "normal" to them and something they're both grateful to have.
they're so intimately familiar with each other's personality and behaviors that they can predict them with perfect accuracy. they're so in tune with each other that they can whip up elaborate coordinated attacks right on the spot in perfect sync. their admiration for each other is so strong that they each think of the other as being the epitome of winning and saving, respectively. their mental images of each other are so vivid that they subconsciously mimic each other's speech patterns whenever they start falling into a particularly strong Win or Save mindset themselves. they take no small amount of pride in showing off for each other. they go apeshit any time the other is in danger or hurt. and each of them would literally die for the other if it ever came to that.
all of that is already canon. on just about every metric imaginable except for "now kiss", the two of them already have a canon intimacy that rivals just about every other great relationship out there. and so to say that none of it actually counts unless there's an actual love confession involved frankly just boggles me. again, maybe it's because I have no personal vested interest in romance myself, though. I'm literally just not wired that way, and so I'm really not the best person to vent to when it comes to these kinds of concerns.
but look, no matter what happens from here on out, these two care about each other on a very deep and personal level. they're going to continue to be a part of each other's lives no matter what. and each of them, no matter what, will continue to occupy a space in each other's lives that no other person can fill, regardless of how we or Horikoshi or anyone else choose to label and define that space. and so in my book, that's already a win.
anyways, apologies again for the impromptu rant. again, this wasn't particularly directed at you in any way; if anything it's mostly just a generic response to the constant shipping discourse in this and every other fandom, and a more detailed explanation for why I personally don't like to get involved in it. this is just one of the myriad reasons why I try my best to stay very far away from BnHA twitter lol.
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hi maam!! um i kind of sobbed my eyes out just now, because of a little mental illness realization i came to.
i will totally understand if this is too much but i was wondering if i could ask what you think Santi would do, if he found out that i got scared of my problems pushing him away. (hes a comfort character- i feel like i see a lot of myself in him)
love your writing!!
Hi my darling,
I’m so sorry you’re having a rough time right now.
I wish I could have responded right away when you sent this, but I wanted to write you a little blurb and so it took some time until I had a moment to sit with it.
I feel this worry -that your problems will push someone away- is one of Santi’s biggest fears as well, so he would definitely relate and want to comfort you so badly. To prove he is there for you no matter what. To make sure you know that you are worth sticking around for and that anyone worth having in your life will see that. That the stuff you’re going through does not make you any less deserving of love and comfort 🧡
Fwiw, I’m proud of you and you’re doing amazing, and I hope you are in a better place soon 🥺🧡
Now, about the blurb. I hope it does feel comforting, though there is some angst at the beginning so that Santi is then able to comfort you.
Also I assumed a romantic connection with Santi but that might not be what you wanted to see, which is totally valid. If you wanted something different, feel free to reach out and I’ll try and do something else instead 😅
If you don’t feel up to reading or don’t wanna look at any/all of it for any reason there is ofc zero obligation! 🧡 Please only dip in if you’re feeling it - I know you might be in a whole different set of feels today so no pressure whatsoever.
Sunshine (Santiago Pope Garcia x GN reader)
Summary: bit of angst/hurt then comfort. Reader is dealing with Some Stuff, and worries this will push Santi away. Santi is quick to reassure that he’s not going anywhere.
Warnings: angst - reader has been crying, for unspecified reasons. Cuddling and kissing in bed (non-sexual). Swearing.
Rating: TEEN
GIF: @winterswake
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“Cariño, you okay?” Santi cracks the door, a shard of light falling over your face.
You’ve been resting a while, after you broke down sobbing earlier. The force of your emotions had really drained you.
You grunt an unconvincing reply, meaning yes.
Santi sees through it though, and moments later you feel his weight dip the mattress behind you.
The warmth and familiar shape of him slotting in behind you, forming a big spoon around your curled-up form, causes you to screw your eyes shut tightly, and an ache to swell in your chest.
It should feel like comfort, but you are filled with something else you can’t place. That is, until he lets out a long sigh into your neck, and then you can name it. Guilt. Fear. Fear that your baggage and your problems will push him away from you. As if they already are.
“I’m sorry,” you breathe, your voice shaking, and you can feel Santi become tense up against you.
“What in the fuck for?” he says forcefully, the words falling gruff against your neck, and you can picture his stern face and drawn down brows even as he holds you so tenderly.
You swivel in the loop of his arms, coming to lay on your back as Santi sticks to your side, his head propped on his rested elbow so he can examine your tear-plumped face.
“For… this,” you admit, voice weak. “All of my problems.”
His frown only deepens, but you know -or you try to tell yourself- that it is out of concern and not anger. “You don’t have to apologise for that.”
You make another unconvincing sound and tear your eyes away from him, your eyes dull and glassy as you blink up at the ceiling.
“Hey,” Santi says, more soothingly this time. “You know I’m here for you, mi alma. Right? Got your six.”
He caresses your cheek, his broad palm on you feeling like a warm summer’s day. Santi is your sun, after all, even when it’s dark.
“Yeah, for now,” you reply in monotone, the words feeling barbed as they force their way out of the hollow in your chest. You know they will hurt him too. That he will dispute it, but, in the moment, you feel it to be true. You feel that one day, your problems will inevitably push him away.
You meet his eyes and you can see the pain there, and in your current spin, you can only read it as confirmation of all of your fears.
You think he might grow stern again in response, but instead, Santi goes in another direction. He bundles you up in his warm embrace. His broad palms smooth over you, crushing prayers and worship to your skin along with them. Dragging parts of you to him for long, slow kisses - against your lips, your chest, your arms, your fingertips, along each one of your knuckles.
It hurts. His love hurts, because you can’t trust it. Not right now.
“Honey,” he begins softly, his voice cracking with emotion. “You know I’m in this for the long haul, right? No matter what. Until my knees are even creakier and my hair’s even greyer - fuck, I’m already halfway there. You know there’s nothing that can push me away from you, keep me from you. Shit. Nothing that can make me stop loving you?”
You want to believe him, you really do.
You search his eyes, and find him entirely earnest. He’d be so easy to believe in, if you could allow yourself.
“Nothing?” you venture.
“Nothing,” he confirms adamantly, his eyebrows shooting up towards his hairline, his head shaking gently from side to side to emphasise his point.
The knot in your chest releases, just a little, as his warm hands continue to smooth over you. Enough that your lips twitch up tentatively at the corners.
“Not even if I murdered Catfish?”
The rich, surprised laugh which shucks out of Santi, bobbing his Adam’s apple in his throat, is as warm as any sun that’s ever shined on you, you think, his chest shaking with it and creases radiating around his face like sunbeams.
He reaches up to trace his thumb along your jawline. “Well. Honey, if you murdered Catfish… I can’t lie, there’d be some stern fucking words,” -his mouth tugs into a lopsided smile- “but I’m sure we’d figure it out. Bet you had a good fucking reason to finish that pendejo off.”
You can’t help but laugh then too, your eyes shining in disbelief and joy at the adoration Santi consistently heaps on you.
His smile dissipates gently from his face, lingering in his eyes, like the vestige of a warm day peeking over the horizon.
“Come here,” he intones softly then, and he lays flat on his back, tugging you onto his chest, bundling you safely up against him.
You let out a long, slow breath, releasing some of your tension, and you lie that way for a few moments, until Santi’s voice cuts through the near-dark once again, filtering into your hair. “You know,” he begins, the deep, warm rumble of his voice surrounding you, and his fingertips drawing soothing nonsense shapes on every patch of skin he can reach. “I used to believe my problems - all my fucking bullshit- would push you away too.” His voice is brittle as he talks. Stripped of his cockiness, entirely raw.
“Used to? What changed?” you ask softly, your breath bated as you feel the steady drum of his heart beneath your ear.
How did he overcome his fear?
“You loved me. And you stayed. Showed up for me, even when I thought I didn’t deserve it.” A lump grows in your throat when you hear his voice crack with emotion. “So, mi alma, I’m gonna tell you over and over - and I mean it- that nothing can push me away from you. And I don’t even fucking care if you don’t believe me, because I’m gonna keep showing up anyway until you do, okay?”
You can’t find the words to respond, but you don’t need to. Santi simply holds you more tightly, and presses a long kiss into your hair, holding you like he’s never planning on letting you go.
A few stray tears from your eyes wet his shirt, and a gentle sob - of a thousand mixed-up emotions- wracks your chest. You feel overwhelmed all over again, in an entirely new way.
Still, Santi doesn’t run. He stays. He holds you and soothes you and rocks you.
He is your sun, even in the dark, and you finally let yourself believe him. You finally let yourself trust his love, and it no longer hurts when it swells in your chest. It feels a little more like healing.
And so, he holds you, for as long as you need. He holds you until you fall asleep in his arms, safe in the knowledge that whatever you need to face you can get through it. That you’re not alone.
Santi’s got your six, now and for always.
He’s got all of you, right next to him -exactly where you belong- and he wouldn’t change a thing.
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What ensures Hayame and Issei’s relationship is going to be lasting and functional in the future is that Issei behaves like an adult in all the things that matter the most - among others, he hates keeping secrets between them, when there is a problem or an issue concerning them he doesn’t avoid it but confronts it and tries to communicate and agree with Hayame on the best way to solve it.
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Tired of the tiptoeing and uncertainty, Issei initiate an honest, serious adult conversation about the state of their relationship, following up on his love confession from the previous night. After the awkwardness at the breakfast, all credit to him for having the guts to bring it up, instead of leaving it hanging between them like an elephant in the room. He really doesn’t leave anything unsaid between them. 
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I love that it’s Hayame trying to dismiss his confession and attempts at conversation as silly games and jokes, referring to how their relationship begun, what spurs Issei to set the record and her misconceptions straight. 
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He’s basically done with all games and not merely with his real life game, that one’s been finished a long time ago, but also the pretense games they’ve been playing like the one with the firework festival being a contest. He literally says to her ‘let’s stop playing all these games and begin calling things by their real names’, plainly acknowledging that the festival has been a date for him ever since he asked Hayame out on it on that bench, making himself utterly clear so she wouldn’t misunderstand. 
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Issei pretty much spells it out to Hayame he’s been dating her and wants to be her boyfriend, inviting her on a date again in case what Koya told him was true and Hayame was truly so dense and oblivious. Turns out she hasn’t been either, but we’ve already known that. She totally knew it was a date all along but it shocks her to hear him admit it out loud nonetheless. Having her excuses stripped away from her so quickly and openly and being confronted with the real nature of their relationship makes her flustered and jumpy. It’s one of those rare moments when she turns into a shy and indecisive teen and him becoming the more mature and calm one of them because he is the one who went through the messy but, in the end, necessary process of accepting his feelings and realizing how useless it was to fight them as it made them both miserable in the end.
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When Issei calls connection between them what it really is, it shatters her delusion and denial of them being some quasi siblings/besties and that scares her shitless because there is nowhere to hide anymore from the truth. Seriously, if anyone looked at their younger brother the way Hayame looks at Issei, they would be in jail.
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Issei knows very well how they started off, with him treating Hayame like an object and a toy, a means for his entertainment, so he’s been trying hard to treat her right, being desperate to change that impression for a long time now. 
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He doesn’t want her as his older sister, he wants her as his girlfriend and a lover and he makes it all plain for her to see, wearing his heart on his sleeve as he owns up to his night’s confession and refirms it again, so beautifully genuine and heartfelt. He’s basically telling her ‘you are the girl I’ve fallen for, I like you like crazy and there is nothing I can do about it so, please, deal with it because it’s the reality and it’s not going away. I really want to know how you feel and hope you can like me back.’ 
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He doesn’t pressure her, merely states his feelings and how things are and asks Hayame to give him her answer, letting her have the time to process it. He is willing to wait for her until she is ready to tell him how she feels which is so fitting because he’s been waiting for her almost since the very beginning. 
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There is this lovely moment after Issei asks Hayame for a date when he gives her the choice to refuse so whether they become lovers or not it’s up to her and comes down to her decision, so if she decides to accept him it’s because she chooses to do so. Thus, if she were to accept that date there would be no games, no pretense or dices to roll whatsoever, it would mean she wants to be with him.
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I adore the way Issei keeps conveying and expressing his feelings for Hayame to her - there is nothing flowery about it or contrived, instead it’s raw, heartfelt, very simple and no-nonsense, making it feel so real and relatable. It’s also one of the reasons why Issei’s confessions affect Haayame so deeply and profoundly - he and his words, frank and direct - are so much like her
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On a final note, aren’t they just the shiest precious babies whenever they meet each other’s gaze or hear the mere mention of a kiss?! And when they learn they are going to be home alone, their minds just explode! LOL!
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ohnotoomanyfandoms · 4 years
Let's talk about those two chapters!!!!!
You ask, we deliver! Let’s talk about my theories from the two preview chapters of Chain of Iron, shall we? So many thoughts, I’ll have to be brief with each one. Feel free to ask questions on anything I don’t mention or clarifications on points I do touch. 
1. Belial. Who is he possessing? James would be so obvious it’s cheap. The fun plot twist would be Lucie, who complained in Chain of Gold that she’s also Belial’s granddaughter. It would go in perfect irony with Lucie’s line to Grace “I don’t want to do evil things” while she runs around being possessed by a Greater Demon killing innocent mundanes (and probably Shadowhunters too) in London. However, as marvelous as this sounds, it appears Belial is possessing a male body (unless it’s just written to mislead us). In that case, my next best guess (and something I DO NOT want happening) would be Matthew. He isn’t a descendant of Belial’s, but he is magically linked to James via the parabatai rune and bond, so that could be a loophole. What made me think that? At the Devil’s Tavern, Matthew wishes James gone for a second, and James ends up in the shadow realm, Belial’s realm, for the first time in four months.
2. There is something FISHY going on with Hypatia and the Helle Ruelle celebrating Lilith. Well, not really that. What stinks is that Cassandra would feel the need to explain Lilith’s history with the angels to us again and that Cordelia would spend another entire paragraph going over the ceremony performed when Shadowhunter babies are born. We know this already. She’s saying it for our benefit and for a reason. Are the warlocks hiding a Shadowhunter baby? Or alternatively, WHO DIDN’T GET THE CEREMONY? This could also be the answer to our previous question, because we know that “unbaptized” babies can be possessed by demons (like Jace after his rebirth in TMI) so it could solve the mystery of Belial’s possession without needing a blood relation. Or... WILL LILIHT MAKE AN APPEARANCE IN COI/COT?
3. Cordelia will go see Wayland the Smith in this book. When? Well, when Cortana starts burning her, of course. She’ll try to find answers everywhere, consulting books, Jem, even friendly warlocks perhaps, but eventually she’ll have to ask that faerie to take her to Wayland, Cortana’s legendary maker, and make a deal. NEVER PROMISE ANYTHING TO FAERIES, DAISY! That will be a mess. 
4. I think the Gracelet doesn’t work in the shadow realm, which confirms that Belial didn’t cast the spell on the bracelet, because surely his magic would work in his own kindgom? James was thinking of the wedding in the tone he would under the effect of the Gracelet, and in the shadow realm he suddenly has a rather romantic view of Cordelia, like an avenging angel or “a goddess captured in a painting: Liberty or Victory leading the people.” Something to keep an eye on.
5. As we know, Grace and Christopher are supposed to get married, according to the misleading family tree. We don’t know if that will end up happening, but I suppose this is how they could grow closer: we know Lucie has been asking Kit for ingredients for their spells. When Lucie inevitably pulls away from the agreement with Grace because she doesn’t yet want to do full-on necromancy (good call, I hope she sticks by it but I doubt she will), Grace will need to ask Christopher directly - she can’t risk being seen at the Shadow Market, given her mother’s history, so he’s her best option. 
6. Filomena di Angelo will be the name of the Italian Shadowhunter, I’m 99.9999999% sure at this point. Am I happy? No. Speaking as an Italian myself, Cassie couldn’t have picked a worse name. (Yes, it makes me smile that she and Rick Riordan exchange character names, but this name still doesn’t sound right or fitting. Happy to elaborate more in another post if you’re interested!)
7. As I’ve said before, to the delight of our Jordelia hearts, James has no intention whatsoever of cheating on Daisy or breaking his promise to her by seeing Grace. Unfortunately, he won’t be able to help it because Grace’s spell will compel him to go see her at one point. Sad angst and a loss of trust will ensue. UNLESS the magic of the MARRIAGE RUNES is stronger than the Gracelet and can counteract it. That would be dope. But that would also mean a win for us, and it’s only the second book... 
8. The Lucie/Jesse content was too on the nose. it’s only the first two chapters and it’s 1903, stop flirting, goddammit. Apart from that, Lucie is being too reckless. She’ll get in trouble soon.
9. Matthew is going to behave with Cordelia. He would and will never put her in a compromising position or one where she would have to choose between him and James. The “”””kiss”””” was accidental, Cassie said as much in a Tumblr answer. I love their friendship, it’s one of my favorites. But trust me, it’s not going to go anywhere beyond that. Matthew may wish, but he will never act. He likes pursuing loves that are “hopeless”, it’s said as much in the text. 
11. Thomas and Alastair will finally speak at the wedding. Not make up yet, but have a conversation. I just hope Charles doesn’t magically come back from Paris to make an appearance.
12. THE NEXT CHAPTER WE READ WILL BE THE JORDELIA WEDDING (!!!) and all the adults will be there so we’ll see all our TID darlings as well. I am prepared to bet anything that Brother Zachariah will officiate the wedding. I cannot wait.
13. What the fùck was up with the reverse mermaid???????????
Need more analysis or clarifications on some points? Want help believing in Mucie and keeping your faith in Jordelia? WE’VE GOT YOU. Send me all your questions. I would prefer non-anonymous ones, so I can notify you! 
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crazyfreckledginger · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire x Reader - “Residents In Modern Times”
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Requested by anon: “Hello glorious author-chan! I have a request for you. I have a fun little imagine for you. Can you make an Ikemen Vampire imagine of what their reactions would be like in modern times?”
A/N: I honestly don’t know what this is, like it ended up as the child of a drabble and a headcanon.
Warning: implied smut and nudity (come on Arthur is here)
Napoleon Bonaparte:
He’d be shocked and in awe at the same time.
Wanting to know EVERYTHING about how people live in the 21st century.
Is it a better, easier life? Is everyone treated equally and safe?
He’s astonished by the night lights as well, so bright and beautiful.
It’s absolutely unforgettable and he stays up at night a little longer to watch the busy city below, drinking the beautiful view until he falls asleep. 
Also more content with the clothing fashion.
Yes it’s very unusual to him since he’s not used to it but clothes used to be so uncomfortable, especially for women.
Though he really didn’t feel comfortable with such revealing clothes. 
He’s very cute about it around you though, hiding in your neck with flushed, embarrassed cheeks. 
Leonardo Da Vinci:
Doesn’t show his amazement as much except through his tone of voice.
Wants to know how a phone works.
Surprisingly -- or unsurprisingly --  not having to explain it regularly, he picks up on it very quickly.
He’s very impressed. 
Your days were divided into visiting shops, showing him technologies, public transport, probably every single thing about the city and cuddling in bed and showing him how the TV works because “the mattress is so comfortable”.
Even though you know how comfortable a surface is, never stopped him from falling asleep.
He really likes it in the modern day.
I think he would be one of the residents that would fit in rather quickly and easily. 
Comte De Saint Germain: 
It’s not that much of a shocker for him for obvious reasons but because you’d spent your life in modern day, he got to see your view and had a much positive outlook on it.
Not that it was negative to begin with, he just didn’t pay as much attention to it before and now that he has, it’s eye opening, in a way. 
He loved the sparkle in your eyes as you rejoiced in the things you used to know before you travelled back in time. 
It was a sight for sore eyes. 
He enjoyed visiting with you, even though he spent more time seeing the twinkle in your eyes than being happy over the smaller things. 
Comte is much more open about PDA for obvious reasons and he feels the modern day is something the both of you share as a precious memory now.
Arthur Conan Doyle:
His demeanour is one of someone who’s seen everything already but the huge smile and eyes just showed that he was a little boy excited about discovering everything.
Arthur dragged you around to tell him how things work if he couldn’t pick up on by himself. 
You went to a mall and Victoria’s Secret caught his eye so fast it was S C A R Y.
“Try this sweetheart, and this and this-” 
Yes, despite all your protests, you spent the whole day in the store trying on clothes for him. 
He enjoyed it very much.
Arthur promised he would discover something new with you that didn’t involved being naked.
How nice of him *chokes*
It was a tiring day for you since you did all the standing, changing and displaying for him.
But the night provided to be very rewarding hehe
If you know what I mean
You know what I mean, why am I saying this.
Theodorus Van Gogh: 
He has a similar behaviour to Arthur at first, indifferent behaviour but very curious eyes.
You can tell he doesn’t want to ask questions but wants the answers. 
So you just start talking and explaining things.
He’s a little flushed because he would have told you to stop talking by now but he doesn’t since you’re informing him on everything.
Theo would keep visiting until you got tired and wouldn't hesitate to carry you back to your place and cuddle up on the couch.
Showing him how the TV works but he prefers sleeping in your bed because it’s so comfy and he can hug you.
Vincent Van Gogh:
“WOW!” *sparkly eyes*
Asks you about EVERYTHING
Holds your hand the whole time.
Also he apologises for always inquiring about everything.
Reassuring him that it’s alright.
Proceeds to go back to questioning everything.
Politely asks if you guys can go to an exhibition the next day to see paintings and saying yes.
Very gladly cuddling in your neck and saying how amazing everything is.
He’s too cute T-T
Vincent was smiling in his sleep because he got to discover so many new things with you and he couldn’t express how content he was.
Your heart is constantly melting as he acts like an overjoyed puppy.
He’s forever thankful to you and this will always be engraved in his memory.
Amadeus Mozart:
The pianist can’t physically hide his amazement. 
“Can we go to an instrument store?” 
Holds your hand tightly and keeps you close like he’s protecting you.
When in fact it should be the other way around given that you have lived your entire life in the modern day.
But you already knew that 🤦‍♀️
His eyes light up more than they already did when you enter an empty store and there are three or four pianos. 
Mozart let his fingers caress the smooth surface, taking in all the details of the instruments.
He’s relieved that they didn’t change as significantly as everything else in the world. 
Lowkey wants to buy all the pianos because he wants to try them. 
A very confused boy at attire.
And blushing at how more ‘revealing’ they are. 
He could get used to this.
Jean D’Arc:
He would be in silent shock, staying close to you and looking around in amazement. 
Jean would be pretty shy about asking too many questions, not wanting to bother you.
Reassuring him that it was fine, similar to Vincent.
Jean was somehow more considerate about it, not wanting to bother you with his inquiries.
Whispering questions and trying so hard to try and make sense of things himself, sometimes it works, kind of!!
Like Napoleon, he’s relieved the world is happier and fairer. 
It was a huge shock for him at first, everything was different, but he was fortunate enough to be with you.
Now he reminisces of the experience as a magical moment that will forever be engraved in his memory.
Isaac Newton:
Absolutely astonished.
He has so many questions but he didn’t know where to start.
Similar to Jean, he was a little shy about asking questions and trying to solve things on his own.
Being surprised at how complex things turn out to be.
Isaac has mixed emotions about knowing that the foundation of physics are his three famous laws. 
Because the world seemed overwhelmingly unknown and huge, he nearly clung onto you.
You locked your arm with his, seeing his unease but also not wanting to trouble you.
He felt better instantly and silently thanked you, blushing in embarrassment. 
The first thing you taught him was what a phone was and about the kindergarden/school system.
You reminisce about how he went along into town with Napoleon to attempt to teach children.
It wasn’t a particular detail he would have inquired about but he feels strangely relieved about it.
He was touched by the small details you remember about him and he keeps it in mind.
It was an unforgettable experience for him to have with you.
But something he does not want to let go is the bed, it’s shockingly comfortable for him.
Osamu Dazai:
“Wow, are you seeing this (Not Y/N)-chan?” 
“That’s not my name-” 
“What is this?” 
No shame about asking whatsoever. 
A lot of him grinning and praising everything and anything, including you.
“You’re delightful (Y/N)-chan, such an interesting answer!” 
“D-did you just call me by my nam-”
“Are you coming (Not Y/N)-chan?” 
“Nevermind,” you grumble, pouting as you follow behind him.
He chuckled, finding you so cute before cupping your cheeks and openly kissing you in public.
Dazai finds even more amusement with how flushed you are for a while as you clung onto his arm, answering questions with a breathy tone.
Despite his second degree humour throughout everything, he’s actually thoroughly enjoyed spending time doing this with you and becoming a treasured memory.
William Shakespeare: 
He was actually rendered speechless for a long while.
Which was unusual for him obviously.
But it was a little disconcerting for him since he always had something to say. 
You couldn’t help but eye him admiring everything.
Despite his unnerving silence, the way his eyes lit up was something that you didn’t know you needed to witness. 
It looked like he found something to look forward to in life. (can’t relate lol)
That thought alone made you hopeful and sad at the same time.
He was always very polite and considerate about inquiring about things. 
As in, he always read the ‘room’ before asking, wanting to stay in your good graces, even though he is already in them.
Finding the bed in your place being painfully heaven-like.
If he wasn’t as invested in learning about the modern world, he would totally examine and savour the beauty that is a bed.
Without you knowing, however, he would spend a lot of time studying you as well.
It was fascinating to him, seeing you enjoying yourself in your natural habitat.
I mean he lived there before so there isn’t much to say.
He does reminisce a lot though, all previous memories rushing back.
Just as if the residents were a long dream. 
One thing that surprised him a little was that he enjoyed spending time with you in the modern day so much that it’s in a smal, different compartment in his brain altogether.
Basically nostalgia but also happy new memories.
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gukyi · 4 years
the wedding planners (post-script) | jjk
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summary: you and jungkook stopped keeping secrets from each other a long while ago, but when you go out to dinner to celebrate a friend’s third wedding anniversary, they may all start to bubble up. 
{married!au, pregnancy!au}
pairing: jeon jungkook x female reader genre: fluff word count: 2k warnings: alcohol mention a/n: a big thank you to @moonb0yy​ for commissioning this from me and for contributing to the#blacklivesmatter movement!!! i had so much fun revisiting the most iconic couple this blog has ever produced, and this sneak peek into their lives was the cherry on top!!
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Yoongi has never been big on fancy celebrations or over-the-top parties, even if his wedding was both of those things combined. Nor is he as hellbent as his husband, Hoseok, on commemorating each and every possible anniversary there is for them to commemorate, from first meetings, to first dates, to first kiss, and everything in between. 
Still, wedding anniversaries are special, and, if Yoongi’s being especially honest, he’s never one to turn down a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant, surrounded by his friends and his gorgeous, gorgeous husband. 
Which is exactly why you’re sat in a high-end Asian fusion restaurant in the center of the city, an old brick building renovated about a decade ago, a mix between contemporary and antique, celebrating both the success of your exhaustive wedding planning endeavor three years ago and the triumph of, above all, love. 
Hoseok and Yoongi like to keep their friend group small and their dinner bill reasonable, though, so you aren’t sitting at this gregariously long table where the people on each end have to scream to talk to each other, instead mingling at a round table with one of those Lazy Susan’s in the middle, everyone sharing dishes and laughing. 
“Our one-year is coming up soon,” Jungkook leans over and whispers in your ear, hands interlocked beneath the table. “Wanna do something like this?”
“Mmm,” you muse happily, tickled by the feeling of his breath along your skin, “maybe. Or we could just spend the whole day in.”
“I like the way you think,” Jungkook responds with a grin, giving your hand a squeeze. You don’t care what you do for your first wedding anniversary, whether it be an elaborate party (unlikely) or nothing at all (more likely), so long as it is spent with him. Not a day goes by where you don’t thank every higher power for blessing your life to be forever intertwined with his own. 
Hoseok says something outrageous and makes the rest of the table laugh, including the waiter, before ordering a healthy two bottles of rosé for the table with the promise that everybody will have a drink. 
But when it arrives, and the waiter comes to your side to reach out for your glass, you say, “Oh, none for me, thanks,” earning yourself plenty of bewildered stares from the table. 
“You alright?” Jungkook asks, brows furrowed in concern. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine,” you say, shrugging it off as the waiter moves to serve Suran. You meet Hoseok’s eyes, see his positively skeptical expression, almost as if he isn’t believing what he’s seeing. 
“Did I order the wrong thing?” Hoseok asks, an eyebrow raised. 
“No, no, I’m just not feeling it tonight,” you say, a pitiful excuse as to why you aren’t helping yourself to a harmless glass of rosé. “You know how I get with alcohol.”
“Okay…” Hoseok says, suspicious, even if the rest of the table has forgotten about your blip. Jungkook’s already gone back to chatting happily with Yoongi as you play footsie under the table, and you suppose that he’s the one you’re most worried about finding out. 
In hindsight, perhaps an Asian fusion restaurant wasn’t the best choice of dinner location after all. Hoseok and Yoongi are sushi fiends, frequently ordering takeout from the local Japanese place two blocks from their apartment complex, and while you are normally all for your California and spicy tuna rolls, tonight is most certainly not the night. Here, the dishes are meant to be shared, transported around the table courtesy of the Lazy Susan in the middle, and you find yourself unwilling to eat about half of them. 
Not that there’s any shortage of food, because there isn’t. You’re certain that Hoseok and Yoongi will instruct everyone to take home a hearty serving of leftovers—but that won’t do you very much good either. 
When Suran offers you a plate of sashimi, everyone passing it around as you help yourselves, you shake your head, immediately handing it off to Jungkook who doesn’t question it whatsoever and placing two on his plate. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Hoseok staring at you again, eyes narrowed in disbelief. Perhaps it’s just the fact that you’ve known Hoseok longer than you’ve known anybody else at this table, but he always seems to be able to read you like a children’s book. 
Eventually, you excuse yourself to the bathroom, having downed two glasses of ice water out of pure nervousness, getting up from your seat and quickly shimmying to the restrooms. 
Inside, you dampen a towel with water and press it against your forehead and the nape of your neck, hoping it will somehow cool down the blood that is racing through your veins, burning up your skin. It’s not much, but it’s a little bit of relief. 
When you leave, you nearly wet yourself when you see Hoseok standing outside the door, hands on his hips as he glares at you. 
“Are you pregnant?” He asks, never one to beat around the bush. 
“What the hell, Hoseok?” You say in return, hand on your chest as you try to catch your breath. 
“You aren’t drinking any alcohol and you aren’t eating any of the sushi. Are you pregnant?” He repeats. 
You wince. Were you that noticeable? 
On the bright side, it doesn’t seem like Jungkook’s caught on. Not yet, at least. 
“I might be?” You respond awkwardly, not wanting to get neither Hoseok’s nor your hopes up. “I’m not sure, I have a test at home that I haven’t taken yet. But I just wanted to be safe.”
Hoseok’s face lights up, mouth opening into an unrestrained smile. “Oh my God, you totally are!” He cries out, making you lean down to shush him. “Oh my God, will Yoongi and I get to be their godfathers? Have you thought of names? I think Hoseok if it’s a boy and Yoonji if it’s a girl—”
“Hoseok, calm down,” you say, reaching out to grab onto his wrist before he jumps out of his shoes. “I don’t even know for sure yet.”
“You better know by tomorrow,” Hoseok says, and that’s a threat. “I expect results tomorrow morning, no later. You better take that damn test when you get home tonight.”
“I will, I will,” you say, voice trailing off as you feel your nerves come back, sending you into a tizzy. 
“Whoa, what’s wrong?” Hoseok asks, voice laced with worry. 
“It’s just—” You begin, but you don’t know what words to say. “Are we ready for this?”
Hoseok’s expression softens, lips curving up into a fond little smile. “Are you kidding me?” He asks. “I’ve never met two people more in love than the two of you. As long as you stay by each other’s sides, you’ll be ready for anything.”
Here’s hoping Hoseok’s right. 
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Later that night when you return home, Jungkook heads straight for your kitchen to put away the plastic containers of leftovers in the fridge as you sneak into the bathroom, grabbing the pregnancy test from the undersink cupboard that Jungkook never checks and nervously opening the box, fingers shaking. 
Three minutes later, you have your answer. There’s no room for error, either, because the test you bought will either flat out say pregnant or not, no blurry lines or crosses. You nearly break down completely when you read the word. 
You are pregnant. 
“Princess?” You hear Jungkook’s voice call from outside, presumably sitting on the couch as he fishes through the late-night television, looking for something to put on in the background as he answers some emails. “You alright in there?”
“Fine!” You shout back, voice wobbly. You are clearly not fine. 
“You sure? You been in there a long time!” Jungkook checks again. 
“Yeah, coming out soon!” You say. Quickly, you clean off the test and open the door, palms so sweaty it takes you a couple of times to get a grip on the knob. 
Jungkook’s sitting on the couch, computer on his lap as he mindlessly scrolls through his email inbox, perhaps a little too hazy on rosé to feel like responding to any work-related requests. He looks golden in the warm yellow light of your apartment, at home. He belongs here, he does. He always has. And he always will. 
“Is everything alright, Princess?” He asks, eyes still trained on his laptop screen. 
“Yeah,” you say shakily, making him turn to you. Your eyes are already swimming and you haven’t even said anything yet, taking nervous steps towards him as your lip quivers. 
“Oh my God, what’s wrong?” He asks, dropping everything and standing up, wrapping his arms around you as he pulls you into a hug, letting you press your nose into his collarbone. 
“N-Nothing,” you tell him. “I just have something to,” —hiccup— “to show you.” Wordlessly, you hold out the test, watch as he furrows his brows in confusion before he realizes what exactly it is you’ve got in your hands. 
“No,” He says, letting you go so you can turn to face him. 
You sniffle, offering nothing but a weak smile. 
“Are you serious?” He asks, face lighting up like New Year’s Eve. “Like, really, really serious?”
You nod, tears beginning to stream down your cheeks. At the sight of you, Jungkook also starts to cry, pulling you in and planting a great big kiss on your lips, hands wrapped around your waist before eventually moving to hold your stomach, palms flat against your belly. 
“You’re pregnant,” he whispers into your ear, like he can’t even believe it himself, the two of you swaying in the middle of your living room. 
��“I’m pregnant,” you assure him. He presses another kiss to your cheek, your nose, and then your lips. 
“Do you know how much I love you?” He asks, filled with joy and fondness and love. It’s hard to believe that he’s yours. It’s even harder to believe that you get to spend the rest of your life with him. “I love you so, so much. You and our child. I love you both.”
Our child. You like the sound of that. You grin, smiling against his lips. “I love you, too.”
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↳ links are broken, but don’t forget to message me with any thoughts or feedback!
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ontowanderlust · 4 years
Jelaously+Shaw please?
Jealousy., n.
“What is he looking at?” He heard one of his bandmates ask, following his line of sight as Adam and the rest of his band’s attention were focused on the bottle of water currently clutched in his hand, amazed at how he could instantly crush it without any preamble.
“A leech,” he mumbled the response when no one dared to answer, sneering at how that random guy managed to seemingly slipped next to his Mary Sue without him noticing at first.
He would’ve gone straight to her if it weren’t for the fact that he was needed for their band practice- fuck that, he would’ve gone straight to her even if he was needed for the practice- no, the real reason is...
“Uh... any particular reason why you’re glaring at that girl’s boyfriend?”
Oh how tempted he is to wrap his bass’ strings around his bandmate’s neck. Here he was, already brooding over the fact that he couldn’t approach her- that fucking clueless ahjumma- since they have no ‘relations’ whatsoever, he didn’t need his bandmates to point out the obvious.
Who in their fucking right mind would even want to hide their relationship?!? What’s even worse- who in their right mind would accept that arrangement?!?
He let out a frustrated sigh. Is her idiocity rubbing off of him? “Because he’s a leech, sucking off the smarts out of that ahjumma.” He drawled in response to his bandmate’s question before downing Adam’s untouched drink, earning protests from him before he decided that enough is enough and stalked towards to her, flashing her a smile- one that looked all too predatorily to her- not giving her the chance to say anything as he swept her off her feet.
He had half a mind to turn around, flip his middle finger at the guy but decided against it.
What’s a big fuck you than a big passionate kiss with a flair to the woman he’s trying to flirt with all night?
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I’ve let this one sit for a day or so cause I’ve been thinking hard how Shaw handles his jealousy. I’d say he’s petty enough to call her the very thing she doesn’t want him to call her: ahjumma (korean word for uh.. woman in her late thirties, if i’m not mistaken) and I totes see him defying her rule of secret relationship if he’s provoked enough. Also. I totally see her watching korean drama, roping Shaw somewhere in there- hence him picking up the term ahjumma.
Forgive the formatting and the link-less links. I’m writing this as I got dragged out by my parents to some “gathering”. Gosh people, it’s still the pandemic! 🙄 The medical student in me is shaking and yes, I’m sitting in some corner as I write this. I really don’t like parties and socializing in general. Gonna thoroughly disinfect myself after this.
Send me some prompts!
MLQC Dictionary; Masterlist
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