#...also considering his feminine appearance his combat skills will definitely come in handy.
villain-in-love · 4 months
Taking into account that chinese and russian are considered to be the most difficult languages to learn, it would be fun to see Liang and Zero trying to learn each other's languages.
I wonder which one of them would be better at teaching the other...
No, I think they both would be awful.
Liang is impatient and, well, simply not the most understanding person. I bet he would get annoyed if Zero doesn't immediately get something that he considers to be “easy”. Meanwhile Zero just doesn't have enough fucks to give. Also she won't be able to clearly explain the rules of her language as she herself learned it purely intuitively. It is most likely that she will just confuse Liang even further. (Wait, it's obvious that Zero never went to school, but what about Liang? I got the impression that he haven't either...)
Luckily, they are not so bad at studying. If Liang would be willing to apply at least half of the diligence and determination he displays in sports to his language studies, that is. Anyways, I think that's not going to be a problem as long as he acknowledges this skill as useful. As for Zero, she has always been a quick learner and a great imitator. So they will basically learn it all by themselves, maybe sometimes just asking each other for clarifications.
But trying to decipher cursive handwriting would be a whole other challenge.
Liang, giving Zero a note handwritten in russian cursive, after staring at it for five minutes: Hey, can you tell me what is written here?
Zero, after staring at the note for ten minutes: ...I have zero fucking clue.
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