#.....because when i try to sit in the disc chair he gets mad at me because he wants to sit next to me
killerchickadee · 6 days
It took me over two hours to clean a very small area of my apartment. Which, it looks better and I'm very proud of myself for getting off my ass and making an effort! But now I'm hungry and I'm like ah shit, now I've stopped and it'll be hard to get going again. Adhd life.
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“What happened..?”
Summary: The prison is supposed to be the most secure and safe place to be, even for someone like Tommy. I guess Sam lied about that. (gender neutral)
Author’s note: this hurt so bad to write (´∩`。) while i was writing this mr lover man by ricky montgomery started playing and dude- i almost started crying - enjoy my first time writing angst lol
Trigger warning: Angst, swearing, Dream SMP spoilers for 1-3-21 (?)
You were always very close to Wilbur. You considered him your best friend, and his family was basically yours. That included Tommy. When Wilbur passed away it hit hard. You refused to go outside for a week and barely ate anything. You lost your reason to keep going.
But after a while you realized something.
He needed you more than ever. He lost his brother, his role model and mentor. You needed to be strong. For him.
So you did. You helped him through the process of losing Wilbur, and he helped you. You and Tommy became closer and closer by the day, and before you knew it, you were in Wilbur’s place as mentor and best friend. 
You were one of the few people who visited him while in exile, you were one of the first to help Punz with saving Tommy and Tubbo. He trusted you with his life.
Sam was also really protective over Tommy, wich you were grateful for. He was there to keep an eye on him when you weren’t around. 
There were times you and him butted heads, but other than that you and him were on good terms.
You and Tommy were walking along the prime path going to get some wood for the Big Innit Hotel. He was talking about all the things he was going to do with the hotel, about Sam Nook and about who’s going to live there.
“___, if I die, I want you to have my discs!”
“If?” You pause your walking and look at him, raising one eyebrow.
“Yeah! Just in case. You know I can’t die, but if anything happens, you get to have them”
“Well, what about Tubbo? Does he not deserve them more than me?”
He stops for a minute and thinks, holding his chin with his thumb and index finger.
“Good point.”
You and Tommy keep walking when he comes to a conclusion.
“I have an an idea! You get to have Mellohi and Tubbo gets Cat.”
“Sounds good, Tommy. Let’s just hope I never have to take it.” You say, smirking slightly.
“No need to worry, ___! I’ll keep them in my chests forever!” The blonde says with his big signature smile plastered on his face.
Sam quickly ran over to the small cottage you lived in. He had to tell you first. You deserved to know first.
He knocked on the door, trying to catch his breath in the process.
“oh, hi Sam-”
“___, this is important. Can I come in?”
“Oh, uh... Okay?”
Sam walks in and puts his helmet on the table. He sits down and leans against the back of the chair.
“So, what’s up? You look exhausted.” You look at him with furrowed eyebrows.
“Look, I’m just going straight to the point. Tommy went to the prison this evening.”
“Oh, yeah! He told me about that. How did it go?” You say, taking the seat parallel to his. 
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” He says with his eyes closed.
“What happened to him?” You mind was racing with what could’ve happened. You tend to do that when it comes to Tommy.
“An explosion happened just outside the prison while Tommy was talking to Dream. He’s stuck there for now.” Sam lets his head hang low. He hates saying that.
The silence continued for what felt like centuries. Your eyes were getting dry, but they were fixated on the crown of Sam’s hair.
“___, I’m sorry. I’m trying my best to find out what happened and-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” 
Your eyes are tearing up. You have no idea if it’s because you haven’t blinked yet or because you’re angry. It didn’t matter.
“___, please calm down. I’m trying my best to help-”
“Well, you’re not doing enough! He’s in there with the man that manipulated him and God knows who else!” You stood up and felt the tears rolling over your cheeks.
“You can’t just leave him in there! Get him out of there! You idiot!” You spat at him.
“Listen, I’m trying my best. But due to the protocol I can’t just let him out.”
“Fuck the goddamn protocol, that kid is terrified!”
“I’m trying, ___! I don’t want this either!” Sam’s voice cracked on your name. He stands up as well.
“You said that it was the safest place to be! You promised me he would be fine! Was that just a lie?” You can’t even see him through the water in your eyes.
Sam takes his helmet and walks towards the door. He knows he messed up. He's not going to stop you from being mad at this point.
“Nothing? Is that all you have to say?! You’re just going to walk away like that?!” You yell after him. He doesn’t respond.
"FUCK YOU, SAM!" You screamed. He slammed the door shut.
You sob as you fall to the floor, your hands clasping your mouth. Not your boy. Not Tommy...
But, he's okay right? He's okay. He has to be.
Sam would keep him safe.
It's been a couple days since Tommy got stuck in the prison. It was practically eating you alive.
You just came back home from a long day of farming, hunting cows & mining. You wanted to just unwind and look after your pets, but the universe had other plans.
You hear a knocking on the front door.
“Really? Right after I’m back?” You say to yourself. 
You sigh and walk towards the door.
He looks at you with red eyes and Mellohi in his hand.
“What happened..?”
Thank you for reading! I’ve never done something like this before, so feedback is very appreciated! Stay hydrated my friends ♡
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astraltrain · 4 years
hey so
we all know tommy doesn't accept pity gifts. that's why he was so willing to simply steal from techno; because he's gathering this stuff for himself, even if he's not doing it honestly. they're his items now. he doesn't owe anyone anything for them, doesn't have to thank anyone, doesn't have to endure being mocked. tommy hates pity gifts. we all know this.
techno knows this too. and tommy's not subtle with what he's doing. techno knows he's been robbed from the second he sees his broken sign, his missing stacks of food and weapons, the gaps where his potions should be. he can hear, can see traces of tommy within the house. tommy isn't subtle. never has been, with anything. techno knows this. they're brothers, after all.
but techno... techno's gave up on violence and betrayal. he's no one's weapon anymore - he's not a tool use to win wars, he's not an in between man, he's not a pawn for people to get what they want. so when dream asks him if he knows where tommy is, he lies without hesitation. and dream believes him, because techno is a monster, isn't he? wouldn't he find it amusing to see tommy broken and alone again? "fine," he says, turning to leave. "let me know if you see him, technoblade. he has to learn his lesson. learn his place. learn who he needs to obey."
and techno quietly simmers at hearing his little brother being spoken about in such a way.
tommy goes upstairs the next day to find a loaf of bread and a diamond pickaxe casually left on the table, along with a pair of netherite boots that he, in his excitement, doesn't realize would have been too small for techno. he takes the items. of course, techno doesn't comment on it. he simply sighs and turns on the ovens downstairs to generate enough heat to keep tommy warm while he smelts some iron.
he stays out longer during the day and walks loudly when he returns, banging doors and whistling so that tommy will hear him and hide again. he leaves out small items day after day for tommy to take. he watches dream furiously hunt for the child, and stays silent and out of the way, like he's supposed to.
he leaves a music disc in the jukebox. he's not surprised to hear it playing very faintly when he returns home that night, although it stops immediately, and resumes early in the morning when he supposes tommy thinks he's asleep.
it's later that techno realizes he maybe should have alerted phil to the situation, on the day where the older man walks into techno's house and finds a terrified tommy sitting at the table with a piece of bread in hand. and while techno has continuously heard tommy through the walls for weeks, while he's heard him talking to himself and ringing his bell and playing his disc when he thinks techno can't hear, he hasn't yet seen him. and fuck, if his littlest brother isn't a mess. his eyes are a dull grey, nearly the same colour as the bags under his eyes. he's bruised and pale, hastily sewn tears in clothes that have permanent stains from soot and mud in them. his hair, previously so golden and fluffy, has lost its colour, and is long and wild, hanging in front of his eyes. and he's terrified. the kid is fucking terrified. techno has never seen tommy shake so hard, has never seen his eyes so wide, has never seen him curl into himself and shrink back to make himself smaller. it's like all his fight and spark has gone out immediately at the sight of his father and his older brother standing before him. like something about them drained all the life out of the kid as soon as they saw him.
when tommy speaks, his voice is so small and broken in a way that techno's never heard from him, not even when he was younger and kids tried to push him off the slide at the playground. "please," he says, too quietly, without any of his usual fire. "don't kill me."
and suddenly he's begging, and he's thrown himself out the chair and flattened his back against the wall, grey eyes darting back and forth frantically, desperately searching for an exit even as he empties his pockets to the floor and holds up both his bandaged, burned hands in front of him. "please, please, fuck, i am so, so sorry, i'll leave you alone, i'll never come back, you can take my armour and blow it up but i don't want to die anymore, i don't want to die please just let me go don't kill me i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry -"
and phil's speechless, one hand hanging half in the air helplessly, though what he was planning to do, no one knew. his gaze lands on techno, and his eyes immediately widen when he sees the look on his son's face. techno isn't surprised. isn't upset. in fact, he simply looks exhausted, pinching the bridge of his nose and sighing as he looks upon his cowering baby brother, still babbling with his arms raised as though to protect himself. and it seems both their hearts have shattered a little, seeing the fiery, loud, tommy innit so broken in front of them.
"i'm not mad," techno says, and the words ring throughout the entire house. his tone is flat, and he closes his eyes for just a moment, trying unsuccessfully to calm the yelling voices in his head. he's getting a migraine. "i'm not mad, tommy. i'm also not an idiot. you're not subtle at all, kid, and you're very lucky that i actually don't hate you, and never have."
at this, tommy dares to peek through his fingers, though immediately flinches back when phil takes a step forward to look at the various items tommy's thrown on the ground in front of him. he picks up two things; a photo, and a compass. the photo is of tommy and tubbo, from when they were a little younger, before any of the wars, before everything had gone so wrong. the compass has the words "your tubbo" engraved on it, and shines with a soft purple glow. and phil says "tommy, my boy. what happened to you?"
and this is what makes tommy lower his arms and stand fierce, though his mouth trembles, and he doesn't look either of them directly in the eye. "what would you care?" he spits shakily. "what would you care? you didn't visit me in bloody exile. you didn't give a fuck then. and he -" the boy nods viciously in techno's direction. "he only came to see me so he could mock me. bastard. what the fuck do you care what happened to me?"
techno speaks before phil can, because he knows how angry tommy is, how confused phil is, and how tired he himself is, and he wants to end this before it begins. "you can yell at us later all you want. for now, we all need to sleep. i take it you took the apples i left for you, tommy, but if you need more, i assume you know which chest to find them in. and you can play your music to help you sleep, i don't mind. the sound is kind of nice." a small smile plays on his lips, despite the serious situation. "reminds me of when we all shared a room and you had to play your discs to get to sleep every night. i take it you still do, even now."
the room is silent, briefly. "you knew i was here the whole time," tommy murmurs, stunned, and his eyes finally meet techno's. they're not blue at all. they look more like storm clouds than their old summer days. "and you didn't kill me or kick me out."
phil makes a noise. techno places a hand on his shoulder, gentle, steering him towards the door. "get some rest, tommy," he sighs, and he wishes his head could be clear and silent for once. his temples throb with pain. "we'll talk tomorrow. just get some rest."
"you're not going to sell me out to - to d-dream, are you?"
and it's the way tommy's voice falters on dream's name, the way his sudden brief confidence immediately slips, the way his gaze falls to the floor and he looks like he might be sick that completely solidifies the decision techno had made weeks ago in his head.
"no," he says softly. "i'm not."
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Fred Weasley — Helplessly Part 2
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Summary: After the Battle Of Hogwarts, Fred was rushed to the muggle hospital for better treatment of his injuries. While on a coma, his soul stayed with you for a couple of months. He watches as you went through the stages. And he watches when you start to write a song, just for him.
Words: 2,253 words
Warnings ⚠ : Just... Pure Sadness
Disclaimer: I am still in pain.
CHAPTER 2: Weakness & Comfort
              Your eyes felt like burning.
              “Coma?” You repeated with a whisper, everyone was looking at you in concern, knowing how badly the new information could be to your health. “Y/N…” Hermione called softly; her hand reached yours with a gentle grip.
              “I-I need to see him, please. I need to see Fred.” You said, hastily ripping off the wires on your arms, slightly panicking the others. “Y/N, dear, why don’t you rest first?” Molly hold both of your shoulders, somehow making herself as a barrier between you and the ground. She was giving you a gentle, slightly alerted smile. You shook your head fast, “I need to see him. I-I need to see if he’s okay. Fred… Fred’s okay, right?”
              George came and helped Molly on keeping you on the hospital bed, “Yes, Y/N, he’s okay. You, on the other hand, need more rest.”
              You were anxious, you can’t rest. Not until you see Fred.
              “No! Let go of me!” You shrugged off George’s hands from you and jumped off the bed, only resulting your legs to fail you after remaining static for so long. So when you fell to the ground with a thud, Ron and Harry went running to you, trying to help you up.
              “Y/N, I think it’s best if you could just-“ “Ron, please, I need to see Fred.” You cut off Ron’s words, gripping his arms tightly as you looked at him in the eyes. Your eyes were watery, your throat was burning. The thought of not seeing Fred made you so scared. The image of Fred laying down the grounds of the Great Hall kept resurfacing in your mind like a broken disc player. You were scared, you were panicking, you were stressing out, all at the same time.
              As you kept trying to move forward to the door, Harry and Ron kept holding you back; holding your arms each, so you started screaming, “No! Let me go! I need to see him! I need to see Fred! Let go of me!!!”  You tried again, and they still held you back. You throat was burning, and the emotions began choking you up. Tears were running down your face as you tried to break free from Harry and Ron desperately, screaming in agony.
              Bill and Fleur hurriedly left the room to call a doctor to stop you hyperventilating, while Molly was already sobbing under the embrace of Hermione. George was trying to keep his tears all to himself, he hated to see you so distraught like this, it broke his heart so much the emotions were choking him up.
              “Fred!!!” You wailed out, your voice hoarse from shouting and screaming.
             The doctors finally arrived, and they had you pinned down to the floor when they injected you with a tranquilizer. Your crying had quieted down, but the weak whimpering you made; “Please, I need to see Freddie… He almost died in my arms, please…”, before you passed out was enough to make the whole room heartbroken.
              When you woke up again, it was night-time. The view outside the window was dark, the only light was the small fluorescent light right on top of your head, just enough to dimly light up the room. You noticed the room wasn’t as crowded as before; there was only George, Molly and Hermione left in the room. George was sleeping in an uncomfortable position on the hospital couch, Hermione was dozing off sitting on one of the chairs, and Molly was beside you, with her upper body leaning onto the bed, seemingly sleeping as well.
              “Molly…?” You whispered with a hoarse voice; your voice was small, similar to a young child asking her parents if they were mad at her. Instantly Molly woke up, the exhaustion in her face was clear, yet she was smiling widely at you, “Oh, dear, you finally woke up! Are you hungry, perhaps?”
              You shook your head, your eyes sad. You remembered how you acted a few hours ago, and you weren’t proud of it. Your guilt was terribly heavy, your eyes turned glassy the moment they stared into Molly’s kind, loving ones. “I’m sorry.” Was all you could say, watching her smile softened at your words. She took a hold of your hand; her calloused warm hand brought you comfort almost immediately, “You were scared. And I don’t blame you, dear. War certainly brings the worst out of us, especially when we’re desperate.”
              Molly had told you that you needed to stay in the hospital for a while, at least until your legs are strong enough to hold your weight again. The healers had said that you were overwhelmed with stress, and plus the injuries from the war, they’d actually be surprised if you didn’t faint.
              A week passed by like a total blur.
              While Molly and George took turns to look after between you and Fred during the day, Hermione had stayed with you the whole time, the hospital even gave her an extra mattress so she would be comfortable. She would be awake at night until the sun rises, to look after you. Because-
              “Y/N, I’m here. You’re okay, sweetheart, you’re okay.” Hermione hugged you when you suddenly woke up screaming. You were having cold sweats everywhere, and your eyes were flooding with tears. You gripped onto her tightly, sobbing uncontrollably, “I dreamt it again, Mione… I-I can’t. Every time I close my eyes, I see him on the ground-“ You couldn’t finish your words.
              She rubbed your back lovingly, giving no damn of her wet shirt, “He’s okay, Y/N. Fred’s alright.” She muttered softly, caressing your head to calm you down. After several minutes of silent crying, you pulled away, sniffing. The nightmare was reoccurring, almost every night. You were exhausted to say the least, emotionally and physically. The nightmare drained you so much you’re afraid you’re becoming a shell of who you were.
              “Can we go see him, Mione?” You asked her, you couldn’t stop the yearning in your heart. You need to see him. Hermione sighed, this wasn’t the first time you asked her this, “Y/N, it’s 2 in the morning.”
              You only nodded. You knew it’s not going to work, but you had to try anyway.
              Hermione watched you quietly with silent pity. Out of all, you were the most traumatized from the war. Sure, some of other people had nightmares too from the war, but not even Harry got it bad like you. She was grateful Ron was with her the whole entire time during the battle, she didn’t even want to think what would happen if she was in your shoes and the one laying on the ground was Ron. She knew how much you loved Fred, and she had seen how much the tall lad adored you.
              She’s 100% sure, if soulmates are a true thing, you and Fred would be the first soulmates she thought of. So she did something; even Hermione herself was calling herself crazy for it.
              “Can you walk?”
              Hermione helped you walk to Fred’s ward by holding your arm, acting as your walking support. Unlike before, your legs got more strength and you could stand, but you were still having difficulties to walk. The hospital hallway was dimly lit and barely no one was there, except for one or two sleeping nurses at the counters. Despite that, you feel no fear inside, your main goal was to see Fred.
              One whole week, you were yearning for this.
              And there he was, on the hospital bed, with his eyes closed, and an oxygen mask on his face. He looked pale, yet he looked peaceful. Almost every part of his body was wrapped with bandages, especially his head, blocking your view from his red hair that you ridiculously missed. You sat on the seat beside his bed, watching his chest rise up and down as if he’s just sleeping, not trapped with wires and machines. Your shaky hand took a hold on his unmoving one, and you took a trembling breath at how cold it was.
              The beeping machine was the only sound in the cold room.
              “Hello, Freddie.” You whispered, watching him quietly. The anxiousness that you were feeling for a whole week vanished into thin air, your heart was beating healthily again at the sight of this boy of yours. Your thumb caressed Fred’s skin, a habit you’ve been doing for years because you knew how much Fred loved it when you do it. For once since the Battle of Hogwarts, you smiled sincerely, even with tears in your eyes, “I missed you, darling. I missed you so much…”
              Your emotions were mixing with each other. You were happy that you get to see Fred again, breathing and alive, but you can’t help to feel broken that he’s not really alive. You caressed his face lovingly, in your mind, Fred was looking at you, giving you that cheeky smile you’ve seen a million times. But then your eyes woke up from your imagination, Fred was closing his eyes, pale and cold.
              Your heart clenched tighter.
              Hermione waited outside, giving you some time with Fred. She couldn’t bear to see you cry again because of him; her heart couldn’t take it. So she stood outside, letting out a shaky breath as she heard the quiet sobs of yours. Her eyes began to water, you were her best friend, you were there for her for almost every event of her life.
Watching her strong best friend become weak and fragile was enough to send Hermione to tears.
              After giving Fred a kiss on his knuckles, you left with Hermione with a calm smile. You hugged her when you realized she was crying outside; it was your turn to comfort her. “Have I told you, I love you so much, Hermione?”
              Hermione slightly laughed at that, with tears and all, “Yeah, you have, dummy.”
              The next day was better for you, you weren’t as terrible as the past days, but you weren’t great either. Nevertheless, you feel better. It’s not like you’re saying goodbye to Fred, it’s more to comforting yourself that he was indeed alive and will wake up soon.
              You just didn’t know how long it would take.
              The Weasleys had invited you to stay at the Burrow for a while so they could take care of you once you’ve been discharged. Not wanting them to see anymore of the ugly sides of yours, you declined softly, giving reasons like your shared apartment with Fred will get dusty if was unkempt for long. As worried as George was for you, he reluctantly agreed, with a condition he gets to visit you every week to check on you.
              Hermione even offered to stay at your apartment for a while, to keep you company. You once again declined, Hermione never had time for herself ever since the Battle had ended, you didn’t want to burden her any further. You were touched however, seeing so many people who weren’t even your blood caring about you immensely as if you’re one of their own. You believed at some point, you are, and you were grateful.
              When you returned home a few days later, accompanied by Harry, Ron and Hermione; they insisted, you were glad they did. Seeing the shared space of you and your lover, with him being in the hospital unconscious, you broke down as soon as you step foot into the place.
               Your three friends tried their best to be there for you, telling you jokes and making you laugh, trying to let you forget for a moment, so you could relax. After dinner, they reluctantly left, grimacing at the idea of leaving you all alone without anyone else in the house. But you convinced them you would be fine, and that you were too tired to think about other things. They gave you a goodbye hug, and Ron kissed the temple of your head comfortingly.
              But as soon as they left, the smile on your face drained. You leaned your back against the bedroom door, slowly sliding down to the cold tiled floor.  The dimly lit area seemed to darken, the darkness started to surround you. As you hugged your legs, tears once again without fail came without warning. Being left alone after surrounded by people you loved was the worst feeling ever, and despite that, you didn’t want them to see this ugly side of you. It’s enough that Hermione saw it, even with her, your best friend, you feel awful showing her your moments of weakness.
              So you sat there, sobbing alone, with your heart aching for one man.
              You remembered that morning where you visited him before going back home, you volunteered to wipe his body, the feeling of wanting to take care of your loving boyfriend was so strong. And so you did, with heavy tears in your eyes at the battle scars he had when you removed the bandages to change them to new ones. Despite the scars and cuts and burns and bruises, Fred still looked beautiful in your eyes. You kissed him goodbye on the forehead, not forgetting to squeeze his cold hand.
              Somehow, the memory comforted you like no other.
              Unbeknownst to you, a certain soul had followed you home the moment you visited him that night. Fred Weasley, now a lost soul, felt his heart physically snapping into pieces as he watched you quietly.
              “Oh, darling. What have you done to yourself?”
@paigeyisme @britishspidey @hargreevesgrace @jasminweasley @neutralgoodval @kaidenceweasley
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No one figured out the upcoming twist, which is going to make the reactions i hope to get so much sweeter. have fun all~!
Techno was the first to push to the front of the group, axe out and at the ready. Dream sat up a little straighter before moving his hand to touch NPG’s shoulder and get his attention. The robot turned to face Dream and the masked man lowered the handkerchief just far enough to reveal his mouth. He then used a hand to block his mouth, and the fact that none of them could hear what he said made it look like he was telling some sort of gossip to NPG instead of whatever he really was saying.
“Oh no! I didn’t! I’m very sorry. I could do that now if you want.” NPG started to stand, but was stopped and Dream whispered again. “Oh, okay then. Technoblade, you need to put your axe away or else.”
“I’m not going to listen to any government. Not even him.” Techno growled, tightening his grip on the handle of the weapon.
Dream stood up and then gestured to NPG. The robot then went over to Techno and tried to take his axe. The hybrid attempted to swing at NPG but Grian was on him in an instant and yanked the weapon away. “NO! I do NOT want you killing another of my kids today! I’m barely tolerating that since you didn’t know at the time, but this is different!”
Techno attempted to take the axe back, but it was held out of reach. “You don’t understand. That’s Dream. The admin of our server.”
Than shocked Grian and he looked back at the man sitting on the throne. Tommy had a problem with masks when he first joined Hermitcraft. If this was their admin, he could see why.”
“Who’s Dream?” NPG asked, making everyone’s heads snap in his direction. “And why do you think that’s him?”
“Because who else would wear that fucking mask?!” Tommy yelled, gesturing to the porcelain piece.
“Wait,” Mumbo started. “Perhaps it’s both Dream and isn’t? This could be his hels version. All worlds have them.”
“But why would he be here?” Tubbo asked, causing a small discussion to stay about the answer to that. But Tommy wasn’t paying attention to that. His blue eyes stared at the brown eye looking back at him. Then he looked down at the handkerchief. It was the same color as the one he was currently wearing. Well, maybe it was a slightly different shade, but the size as well as the rips and tears were the same.
Helscraft housed the hels versions of the hermits. And that’s what Tommy was now. A hermit. The person sitting on that throne wasn’t Dream. It was him.
“What’s your name?” Tommy spoke up, loud enough it made everyone else stop talking. Tommy could swear he saw the fabric of the handkerchief move as his hels copy smiled. He gestured to NPG, who happily gave the answer.
“His name is- well I guess I should use his title too. This is Emperor Theseus!”
“Heeeh?!” Techno asked. “That’s Tommy?!”
The man, or teen they supposed, nodded.
“Well his name is Theseus. I just said so.” NPG said, earning quiet raspy laughter from the emperor.
“Why does he look like Dream?” Tubbo asked. Theseus pointed as his mask questioningly, earning a nod from Tommy, so he pulled it off.
The skin that had been hidden under the mask was slightly paler than everything around it, but part of Tommy expected something more. “So how’d you get that? Kill your version of Dream and keep it as some sort of prize?”
Theseus gestured with a finger, calling NPG back to him, and for the first time Tommy realized that his double hadn’t once spoken. 
“He says no! He was given the mask by his admin.” NPG answered before Theseus pulled him in to say something else. “Also his admin was named Nightmare.”
“Why are you only talking to him?” Grian asked, and Theseus pulled down his handkerchief again, loosening it to reveal his neck. It reminded the group of the scar that Sense had, but much more gruesome.
Before anyone could ask what happened, the emperor was making NPG answer for him. “His admin got really mad at him one day and they fought and he sort of got his vocal cords damaged to the point that now they’re… gone.”
The group cringed and the comment. Even with how horrible their version of Dream was, this seemed like overkill. “But yeah, my mechanics let me read his lips very well as well as understand sign language so I’m able to talk for him!”
Grian smiled. He had forgotten about trying to implement the sign language. He never really got to test it out; it was more because he had learned it back in highschool and didn’t want to forget. Though it took long enough to activate NPG that he did.
“Uh, are you planning to hurt me at all?” Tubbo spoke up, making Theseus look confused. “Well, Tommy and I are friends, but I don’t know, this place sort of seems opposite, so maybe we’re enemies?”
Theseus quickly shook his head. “He wouldn’t do that. Uh, even if he was enemies with his own you, you’re a different you so he wouldn’t attack.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Wait are you and your Big T enemies?” Theseus shook his head. “Alright, because we’d have problems if you did.”
“He would probably have a good reason if he did.” Mumbo said, putting a hand on the teen’s shoulder.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Just was worried after we saw that other guy.”
“You mean Sense?” NPG asked as Theseus scowled behind him. “Well, Theseus said that exile would help make him better.” Tommy flinched at the word exile. “Besides, I visit him all the time to make sure nothing really bad happens!”
Tommy looked up as his double, ready to shout, but Grian was yelling first. “I don’t care who you are or who he is, but obviously you’ve gone through some shit. That doesn’t mean you can just make it everyone else’s problem. I’d stop sooner rather than later before you do something you’ll really regret!”
Theseus glared back at Grian before gesturing to NPG. “Um, he wants you guys to leave.”
“We’re not going to just-” Phil started, wanting to back up the others, but Theseus pulled a weapon and made another gesture.
“No you guys should really leave. He’s saying he could let you be like Sense.”
“I’d like to see him try.” Techno huffed, but Mumbo was trying to be reasonable and helped push everyone out.
“You may be able to keep yourself safe, but I doubt you can do that for all of us.”
Just as the group was almost out the door, NPG spoke again. “Wait. He wants Tommy to stay behind.” Everyone was reluctant at first, but another weapon pulled out by his double made Tommy agree and he stayed behind, NPG closing the throne room doors. 
Tommy stood facing Theseus who sat back down on the throne, regaining his bored look from the start of their meeting. NPG nervously went back to his own chair, not sure how he should be reacting to all this. Everything was eerily quiet as the counterparts stared each other down, but then Theseus took some sort of metal disc out and put it on NPG’s head, the light from his eyes suddenly fading.
“Hey! What the fuck did you just do to him bitch?!”
“Made it easier to talk with you, that is all.” NPG spoke. “Can’t use it all the time with it overheating and potentially damaging us both, but I may not need to use it much longer.”
Tommy nervously glanced at NPG before talking to Theseus again. “What the fuck do you mean by that?”
The emperor leaned forward. “We’ll get to that later. Tell me, why were you here to see me? I was told you had a question?” Tommy hesitated, but eventually answered, making his copy nod. “NPG has spoken highly of his family. Had they been here, I would have kept them safe, but they have not been here.”
Tommy cursed. All of this for nothing. “May I ask where you have looked?”
“All the worlds Grian’s lived in, all the worlds Mumbo lived in, where they were made, and here.”
“Then I believe there’s one you haven’t tried yet.” Theseus said and he held the porcelain mask out, making Tommy’s eyes widen.
“No, they can’t be there! If they’re there then they’re with Dream! And If they’re with Dream then-”
“You know, my admin was a horrible person, but he took an interest in me. Possibly because of my family lineage or just because I seemed the best to do what he wanted. He trained me, taught me to be like him. He gave me the mask I have now, a smile to his frown, when he decided I was his equal. I told him I wasn’t. I was better. And so I killed him.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because while those from this dimension can be opposites of our counterparts, we all have the same potential. If I was able to kill, or at the very least surpass Nightmare, then you can do the same with Dream.”
“Right, great pep talk.” Tommy rolled his eyes, but then sighed. “Is that all?”
Theseus shook his head. “I wasn’t the only one Nightmare did this too.” he gestured to his neck. “He attacked my brothers as well. At least the ones he could get to. I’m guessing your dad came to the world Dream controlled?”
“He never did for us. He would only come if we called for him, and so Nightmare made sure we couldn’t. I’m not sure it would work, but you are technically me and have the same voice. So I need you to repeat this phrase.”
“As long as you don’t attack everyone back there once you have what you want.”
Theseus held his hands out to make sure Tommy could see them. “I make a promise that none in the group will befall any harm from me or him.”
“NPG too.”
“Yes, NPG too.”
“Fine, what do you want me to say?”
“I call the angel of death.”
“I call the angel of death.” Tommy repeated, and the room suddenly got colder. Behind Tommy, a voice spoke, echoing in a manner that reminded him of Ghostbur, but was districtly Phil’s voice.
“Hello Theseus. It’s been a while.”
If there was one thing Grum absolutely hates, it was that even though he was a robot, he still had a lot of things humans did, like being able to feel hot and cold, getting sore from working too much, and feeling groggy when waking up. And currently two of those three things were happening. The only thing that helped Grum feel better was the fact that he was even awake to be feeling this horrid. He knew he passed out before the charger was complete, but the fact that he was awake now meant that Sam and Jrum had finished it.
Grum rolled over and saw his brother resting next to him. He put his hand on Jrum’s monitor and he shifted. So he was charged too but in sleep mode. That was fine. Grum almost went back to sleep and just cuddle with his brother when he realized the noises he thought were just from random things outside were actually arguing voices.
“I don’t care how many times Puffy gives you the benefit of the doubt, they are children, and we both know what happened to the last one you took an interest in.”
“C’mon Sam, that was his own fault. He was given a chance by his own people to not grief and steal and he did exactly that. I’m not ever the one who sent him away, I gave him company!”
“What you did is force everyone away from him and make it seem like you were his only friend.”
“Oh really? And what proof do you have?” There was silence. “That’s what I thought. He was dangerous, and now he’s gone. I’m just making sure it doesn’t happen all over again.”
The arguing stopped and Grum started to think. That was Sam and Dream. There was someone who griefed and stole and possibly other crimes who was punished. Sam seemed to care for this person, but others knew their crimes were bad and let this person get punished. Obviously, Dream was keeping things on this server safe and Sam was disagreeing with that. 
But what else had the redstoner said? Sam called Jrum and him children and referred to the… problematic individual as the ‘last one’ so they were also a child. Perhaps he didn’t agree with someone so young being punished? Grum could see both sides of the argument. He wished he knew more for a better decision, so he would have to ask around.
Jrum stirred and then stretched, his monitor turning on with a yawn. He saw Grum awake and then smiled. “Morning!”
“Good morning Jrum.” Grum replied, and he heard footsteps approaching.
“Oh good, you two are awake. Glad to see the charger worked.”
Jrum sat up to look at their host. “Thank you for helping! Um, can I call you Mister Sam instead of just Sam?”
“Yeah, I guess you can. Any reason?”
“We knew someone else named Sam.” Grum replied for Jrum. “Well, more we heard about him. We know it is a common name, but we would like some way to distinguish you from that other person.” And that was a thought, wasn’t it? The Sam their dad knew had been around Tommy’s age when he did all those bad things, and for some people, Tommy was still considered a child. Grum supposed that some punishments wouldn’t be good for the crimes the mystery person had done, but there was a chance that they were.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Jrum poked his brother, who realized he had been thinking so hard, his screen had changed his face to a loading circle.
“I am thinking about… something dad has told us. Things about Sam from the past, not this one we are calling Mister Sam.”
“Bad stuff?”
Grum nodded before looking at the Sam here. “The Sam our dad knew was not a good person at all.”
“Oh? We don’t really have the best people around here either.”
“Sam was a murderer in a known hardcore world where murder was illegal. From what I recall, he escaped prison at least once if not more. This is while he was in highschool and not yet even eighteen.”
The skin that could be seen through the visor of Sam’s mask paled. “Ah, that is pretty bad.”
Jrum swung his legs from where he was sitting before moving into the territory of children having no filters. “Yeah, he kinda tortured Dad and made him pretend to be someone else.”
“Uh… good to… know?” Sam wasn’t sure how to react. “Uh, you know maybe we should take you back to see Puffy. I’m sure she’d like to hear this. Did you know she does therapy?”
“Oh! Our daddy does that too! Do you think they would be friends?”
“Yeah, probably.”
“Yay! I’m gonna tell her all about Dad and Daddy and- Oh hey! Grum you could talk to her about Iskall!”
“I’m sorry, did you say Iskall?” Sam asked, he had heard that name somewhere before, but where?
“Yeah! They’re our auncle! They’re best friends with our dads! And then their other friends are our uncles and aunts like Uncle Scar and Aunt Stress. And then Xisuma is like our grandpa! But now we have another grandpa because our dad found his dad! And also his brothers! And now Uncle Tommy is like double Uncle Tommy. And Dad says we’ve also got Uncle Techno and Uncle Wilbur.”
By this point, Sam was frozen in place. “Wait. TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot and Technoblade?”
“Yeah! Oh! Did you live in the an-are-ick empire?”
“Jrum, it’s pronounced antarctic.”
“Yeah! That!”
“No, that’s not-”
“Hey Sam, almost forgot something.” Dream spoke up, having poked his head back into the place. Grum made sure his projected face looked normal when he stared at the admin, wanting to glare. He couldn’t tell with the mask in the way, but he could feel the admin looking back. That interruption was too convenient. Something was up.
Tommy caught up with the rest of the group who were sitting around on the ground outside the throne room. “Hey guys! I think I figured out, well, the other me figured out where the bots might be.”
Grian jumped up. “Really! Where?”
“Uh, it’s not exactly the best place.”
“Really? What could be worse than here?” Grian asked, and he saw Tommy look over at those from the SMP. “Oh… Then we need to get there as soon as possible.”
“But first we need to see Evil X so we can get back to Hermitcraft.” Mumbo piped up, but Grian shut him down.
“Nope, We’re going my way.” And Grian started using his Watcher powers. “Next stop, the SMP.”
“Wait Grian! I don’t think that’s going to-” The magic swirled around them and then dropped them in a new universe. “Work…”
There was a putrid smell and everyone covered their noses, Tommy pulling his handkerchief over his nose to help block the smell. “Ugh, what is that?!”
Phil was the one to respond. It was something he was unfortunately familiar with from his long lifespan. “To put it simply. Death. This looks like the SMP, but way more destroyed.”
“That’s what I was trying to say.” Mumbo spoke up, gagging slightly as he could taste the smell on his mouth. “If we try without going back to Hermitcraft, it will probably just take us to the hels version.”
“Ugh… and looks like you’re right.” Grian groaned, quickly taking them back. “Fine, let’s go find Xannes.”
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hy5ter1cal · 3 years
A/N: Hi hello guys, I finished it like I promised, not really sure if I like the ending but you know it is the way it is. I would really appreciate some feedback on this because I dont really have any idea if you like this or not :)
Summary: What would’ve happened if the others didn’t get to Tommy and Tubbo in time? 
Warnings:  Swearing, violence, major character death, manipulation, lore spoilers
Word count: 2.4k 
“Alright, now I can take you to the real discs.” Dream said as Tubbo walked towards him. “What- and why now?” His questions were ignored by Dream who simply said to follow him. 
Dream took the lead as Tubbo and Tommy slacked behind. The taller of the two carefully leaned down and whispered for the other to stay close. Tubbo nodded and looked back at Dream who was standing on the very edge of the tall mountain. The wind was howling and the only source of light was the moon and for a moment Tommy wondered if Dream would fall off, and considered giving him a nudge in the right direction. He didn’t have time to decide as Dream spoke again. “Be careful when you walk down.” As he said it, he stepped on a pressure plate neither of them had seen. The Redstone flared to life and started to move part of the ground out of the way to reveal a narrow staircase that had been carved out of the mountain wall. 
“So- do we go down first?” Tubbo looked at Dream who gave him a curt nod. Tubbo let out a breathy okay as a confirmation that he had understood and gestured for Tommy to follow him. Tommy carefully made his way down as to not fall off, he could hear how Dream had followed close behind them.
The previous silence was broken by Dream who now seemed much closer. “You two think you can just show up and fight me to try and take back your discs.” They were quickly reaching the end of the staircase. “As if I don’t have a plan. You think that I’m a fool but that’s not how it works, Dream chuckled as they all reached the end. They were back on the ground again, no moonlight reaching them with the mountain towering above.
Dream brought out a torch and lit it, “you know, I’ve always been one step ahead of you guys-” Tommy huffed, he just couldn’t keep quiet anymore. “You’re just pure fucking evil man-” 
“You know, Tubbo thought I was his friend, Tommy.” Dream took off his mask, showing off his smirk as he walked closer to Tommy, torch in hand. “What an idiot, right? You also thought I was your friend,” Dream’s dark eyes met Tommy’s before he continued, “I made sure no one showed up to your stupid party so your only friend would be me.”
Tommy was quickly looking over the beach decorations one last time, covering a creeper hole and setting up parasols. He was buzzing with excitement, he might get to see Tubbo today. Tommy looked at his clock and noticed how the guests should arrive in about five minutes. He decided to have one last look around to see if there was anything else to fix up.
When he found nothing to fix he decided to wait. 
And he waited,
and waited,
and when nobody came he decided to check his nether portal to see if anything had gone wrong. When he found nobody outside the nether he went in. After the sickening teleportation to the nether, he looked around. Everything looked normal. The bridge was still there, no ghast explosions preventing someone from entering. “Why- No one’s here..” He whispered to himself. Tommy decided to look around and followed the bridge back to the main portal which led to the Greater SMP. Nothing. He found no one. 
He begrudgingly made his way back to his portal, hoping that maybe they had taken another route or perhaps a detour. 
Tommy returned to the overworld and only found one person. Dream. He was sitting in one of the beach chairs, drinking one of the drinks Tommy had prepared. 
“Hello!” Dream greeted Tommy with a smile, no mask in sight. “Hi..” Tommy mumbled as he slowly walked towards him. “Where’s everyone else? I thought this was a party?” Dream asked, sounding innocent. “Uh- well, I don’t know..” Tommy sighed as he sat down next to Dream who turned to look at him, sympathy in his eyes. “Well, I was running a little late so I was surprised when no one was he-” 
Tommy suddenly stood up. A sinking feeling reaching him. He was wearing armor that he wasn’t supposed to have. He immediately took it off and gave it to Dream, ready for him to blow it up or burn it. “I’m sorry- I forgot.” Tommy stuttered and hoped Dream wouldn’t be mad. Dream raised his eyebrows in surprise, “no, no Tommy it’s fine.” He turned to look at Dream, “really?” He smiled kindly once more. “Of course, Tommy. This is a party after all.”
“Uh- well where is everyone?” Tommy asked as he made his way to the beach chair next to the one Dream sat in. “I don’t know,” Dream responded, dragging out the ‘I.’ “Wilbur sent out the invites, didn’t he?” Tommy continued to ask Dream questions, thinking of a way that something could’ve happened with the invites. But when Dream answered, letting him know that he had personally made sure that everyone knew, Tommy was speechless.
“So where is everyone then!?” Tommy could feel anger building. A slow-burning in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to break something, hurt someone. 
“Maybe they just don’t want to see you.”
“What- You did that-?” Tommy breathed, desperately trying to look anywhere but at Dream who was right next to him. He wheezed out a laugh, “yeah, and you trusted me like an idiot! The person who had been against you in every war until that point. But you were just so desperate for a friend, that even I was enough.” Tommy swallowed as he realized Dream was right, he shouldn’t have trusted him. It was so obvious now. 
“So yeah, I’ve been one step ahead of you since the beginning.” Dream declared one final time, making it clear that he was right. “And- Tubbo. The reason I have the disc is because I blew up the community house and framed Tommy.”
“You blew up-” Tubbo whispered. “-and you were dumb enough to give me the disc.” Dream mocked as he turned around towards the mountain wall.
“L’manburg is gone, I have the discs and you two at my mercy-” Dream grins maniacally as he placed the torch next to him. “Do you have any armor left?” Tommy whispered to Tubbo who replied with a frightened ‘no.’
“-Now, follow me.” Dream exclaimed as a hole in the wall emerged, leading them into a mostly empty room. The walls were covered in torches that prevented any hostile mob from entering, and on the ground, built-in Blackstone and Obsidian was a platform. “Is this a trap-” Tubbo whispered to Tommy who turned to Dream. “How do we know we’re not just going to die here?” He asked, followed by Dream chuckling. “You know I could just kill you right here, I suggest you do as I say.” 
Tubbo quickly followed Dream’s directions and stepped onto the platform. “Hey- man why the fuck are you doing as he says!?” Tommy shouted angrily as he turned to look at his friend. “I mean- we’re pretty much dead either way.” Tubbo exhaled, anyone with a brain could tell he was scared, incredibly so. 
Tommy eventually decided to step onto the platform with Tubbo. Dream swiftly followed and flipped a lever, making the platform descend. “Whoa-” Tubbo stumbled forward and grabbed onto Tommy as not to fall. “What the fuck is happening-” Tommy mumbled as the platform continued to go down and shake.
“Listen, Tommy,” Dream started, “ever since you came here you’ve been a headache. You’ve brought war, terrorism-” What Tommy figured was an elevator finally reached a giant room. The walls were built from Blackstone and small Redstone lights covered the walls. The air inside the room was almost musty, this room must’ve been built a good while ago.
Opposite of the elevator they were currently riding Tommy noticed a big nether portal and- their discs. Their discs were there. “-you’ve made everything bad! But- the cause of all the war, of everything, is attachment.” Dream looked at Tommy. “Right? Your attachment to the discs, your attachment to Henry, to pets and friends. To land and countries. To items” 
The elevator finally stopped and Tommy made a move to step off but was stopped by Dream. “That- that’s the one good thing that you’ve done. The one good thing you’ve done is bringing attachment,” Dream walked off the elevator and into the room. 
“So, it took me a long time to realize how important attachment was. But when I did I became more powerful, and I realized how important you were.” Dream continued to walk, “Tubbo, Tommy, come look.” He permitted them to step off the elevator and they did. “Come- come see your discs,” Dream said as he led them to the big podiums where they were. “They’re right here.”
Tommy cautiously made his way to Dream with Tubbo following close behind. “There’s an ender chest there..” Tommy pointed out cautiously. “Yeah, Dream began, “you could take the disc if you wanted to but it doesn’t matter. I mean- I wouldn’t do it if I were you because then Tubbo will die-” Tommy’s mouth opened in shock, what was happening? 
Dream led them to the other disc which waited on the other podium. “They’re just laying there…” Tubbo pointed out, sadness in his voice. 
“You know ever since attachment became important, I cut my attachments.” Dream said. “ I blew up my house, I lost my friends.” Dream started to corner Tommy against the cold wall. “I lost my items, my crossbow, my- you know- everything that was important to me. I cut everything off because I realized attachments give people power over each other.” 
Tommy tried to find anything to say, but couldn’t. “I mean- the reason you’re here right now is because I have these dumb little discs.” Tommy looked to Tubbo and then back at Dream, “how- how did that not hurt you?” He managed to ask. “Because I lost everything to gain everything.” Tommy scoffed and pushed Dream away from him. “You didn’t gain shit you’re a sick bastard!” he shouted, Tubbo soon joining him. “Yeah, you don’t seem to have a lot right now.” Tubbo scoffed as Dream started to raise his voice. 
“If I can control the things people are attached to, I can control the server again!” He shouted and made a move to point at the other two, “because this isn’t Tommy SMP or Tubbo SMP it’s Dream SMP, right!?” 
Dream started to walk towards the duo, making them back up into the middle of the room. “I’ve constructed.. a prison. It’s inescapable. You can’t get out.” Dream locked eyes with Tommy. “There are hundreds of thousands of stacks of Obsidian, there are elder guardians, there are guards.” Tommy gulped, “What… how..?” 
Dream smiled and turned to Tubbo, “You know, Tubbo’s a pawn. He’s a follower and I’ve used him as much as I can-” Tommy butted in again. “Tubbo’s not a follower! He was the last president of L’manburg- he’s not a fucking follower!” 
“And where is L’manburg now?” Dream snarkily replied as he continued. “I’ve already gone over this, Tubbo’s a follower-” Yet again Tommy objected. “Stop! Tubbo’s not a fucking follower! You need him as much as you need me!” Tommy shouted in Dream’s face. He scoffed, “I don’t need Tubbo at all.” Tommy pushed Dream away, “Yeah you do because without Tubbo, what am I?” Tommy hollered angrily. “Dickhead,” he added at the end. 
Dream sighed, “Tommy, you want to be a hero. You want to be the hero of the SMP. Do you know what a hero needs?” Dream asked, “An origin story. You have Tubbo.” 
Tommy was stunned, he had always read a lot with Techno as a child, and he knew what Dream meant. The person that matters most to the hero always-
“No! Absolutely fucking not!” Tommy retorted as he shoved Tubbo behind him. “No, no you- I won’t let you.” Dream smiled once more and grabbed Tommy. “Look, I want to give you a chance to say goodbye.”
Tommy tried to squirm out of his grasp, “No! We’ll get out of here like we always do, it always works out in the end, right Tubbo?” Tommy looked at Tubbo who remained silent. “You’ll get out of here Tommy, but Tubbo won’t.” 
“You know…” Tubbo finally spoke up, looking into Tommy’s eyes. “It’s fine.” 
“No.. no, no Tubbo don’t!” Tommy shouted, still trying to break free. 
“It’s about time I guess,” Tubbo sighed and looked at the ground once more. “No! No, don’t just accept it Tubbo!” Tommy hollered as tears started to gather in his eyes. 
“Goodbye, Tommy,” Tubbo whispered as he walked towards them. Dream finally pushed Tommy away and brought out his axe. “No! No Tubbo don’t!” Tommy sobbed as he stood up and started sprinting towards them. 
Before Tommy even saw it he heard the sickening sound of metal slicing skin, then came the blood. There was so much of it, coating the axe and dripping onto the floor. Tubbo soon lost his balance and fell, and Tommy was there-
“No- no Tommy, you have to jump!” Tubbo laughed as they stood on the tall structure. Tommy gulped, water bucket in hand. He was about to say something when Tubbo decided to push him off. Tommy’s scream rang out over the SMP as he fell, and right before he fell, he placed the water that would save him from the fall. Tommy shouted in triumph as he survived, but then he saw Tubbo jump. Tommy knew he didn’t have a water bucket but knew what to do when he heard Tubbo yell: “Catch me!” 
-to catch him once again. Tommy gently held him as he tried to compress the wound, as if that would help now. “Tubbo, please don’t die.. not now!” Tommy sobbed as he searched Tubbo’s face for anything other than signs of pain. Tubbo’s breathing was labored as he reached his hand to lay atop of Tommy’s. “Tubbo.. please. I can’t say goodbye.. not now!” Tommy cried as Tubbo tried to move his hand. “It- it will be okay.” he tried to reassure Tommy, he always hated to see him cry. “But.. Who- who am I without you?” Tommy stuttered as their eyes met one last time. “Yourself.”Tubbo said as the message rang out in chat.
<Tubbo was slain by Dream using The axe of peace>
Tommy let out a cry akin to that of a wounded animal as he buried his face in Tubbo’s chest and sobbed. He could feel Tubbo turn to dust in his arms. Every second that passed he lost more of his friend. But suddenly the silence had been broken by the swooshing noise of the nether portal.
“I’m sorry Dream, but you should’ve paid me more.”
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cilldaracailin · 3 years
These Are The Days Of Our Lives
Hello my Tumblr Lovelys,
Happy Tuesday!
Here is the next part of this story for everyone and I am giving you some you tube links for some of the songs Robyn loves at the concert, if anyone is interested. 
Ludovico Einaudi
Le Onde
I Giorni      
Nuvole Bianche
Just wanted to add some music to this add because for me, for some chapters in the story, music helps me write and for this one, these songs helped a lot.
Hope you all enjoy!
Suze xxx
Tumblr media
“But they say if you dream a thing more than once, it's sure to come true.”
Taron turned his head to follow her as she left the box and then sank into his chair. Every instinct inside him told him to follow her, to not let go her go alone but their evening was so very different to the last one they had together and with his privacy a bit more in secret at the Royal Albert Hall compared to his own movie premier, he knew Robyn would be fine, mingling in the with crowd. He pulled his phone from his pocket, wanting to give his mam a quick text and as he was typing up a quick few words, his phone vibrated in his hands as a message came through. His face turned to a smile when he saw a text from Robyn, a picture in their WhatsApp conversation.
“No line, here is the cubicle door. All locked.”
His worries lifted as did his lips and he was still typing in his reply when another picture came through.
“All done, just topping up the lippy.”
The photo of her reflection in the mirror, pouting his way made him chuckle and he finished his reply, sending it onto her. He finally sent the quick text to him mam, a second to Richard and then got to his feet, making his way to the table where the waiter greeted him with a smile.
“Two glasses of champagne please.”
“Of course sir.”
With pristine, well-rehearsed and steady movements, the waiter popped a bottle of champagne and poured two crystal clear glasses with the bubbly alcohol and handed them to Taron.
“Thank you.” He said as he took them and made his way back to his seats and just as he sat down, he felt that calming hand on his shoulder and Robyn slipped in past him.
“See? Safe and sound.”
“For you.” Taron handed her the glass. “And thanks for the bathroom commentary.”
“You are welcome. Thought you would like it.”
“Might have to borrow that shade of lipstick from you.” He took a sip from his glass.
“Anytime you want.” She replied after taking a little drink from her own glass. As Robyn took another sip her eyes looked up the ceiling and slowly she brought her glass back down to her lap, while her gaze continued to stare above her. Round white discs decorated the ceiling, hanging down in no particular neat order but making a statement all the same, a light red hue glowing behind them.
“They are sound discs. Helps the even distribution of sound throughout the whole theatre so no matter where you are sitting you have the most perfect audio. Any type of event. A concert, movie or theatrical performance, every seat has the same experience of sound.” Taron explained.
“Pretty cool.”
“Yep.” Taron drained the last of his drink. “I am going to get some water. Would you like anything?”
“Water would be great.” Robyn drank down her champagne in one go and handed him the glass after he had gotten to his feet.
While Taron went to get them something else to drink, Robyn took her phone from her bag and wasn’t surprised to see a text from Claire. Opening the message, she rolled her eyes and quickly replied with a vague answer, knowing her friend was going to hate the reply. Taron came back to his seat as Claire replied with a swear word and angry emoji and Robyn chuckled to herself as she felt Taron settle beside her.
“Claire?” He asked, so glad to see her face in genuine smile, handing over a cold bottle of water to her. Taron was happy to stop after one alcoholic drink knowing he had to go back to a demanding script on Monday and a lingering hangover from drinking too much bubbly would not help his already overwhelming pressure on set.
“Yup. Giving her as little information as possible.” Robyn took her water from him and placed it on the floor beside her bag.
“You are terrible.” Taron opened his bottle of water and took a long drink. “How are her and Nick getting on?” He asked as he screwed the lid back on the top.
“Like a house on fire. Claire has been asking for your number to thank you for talking to him, helping Nick to make the first move.”
“I do believe it was your little dare that helped him make the first move.”
Robyn chuckled. “Yeah, I suppose.”
“They wouldn’t have kissed if you hadn’t of kissed me.” He said, his voice a little quiet. “Get your forfeit from her yet?”
Hearing his quick change of subject from their kiss, Robyn followed his lead. “Nope not yet. I am still trying to come up with a good one. I fully intend to make it a good one.”
“Can I be around when you do?”
“I am sure that can definitely be arranged.” Robyn agreed. “Maybe you can help me think of something.” She could see his right arm resting on the arm rest between them and lay her left arm around his, linking their fingers, his hand warm and comforting in hers. “Thank you for not getting mad at me for breaking my promise of asking you for help.” She whispered very quietly to him, her voice cracking a little. “I am trying to be better.”
Feeling his heart ache, a shiver run through him, Taron squeezed her hand. “You have nothing to thank me for. It’s what I told you I would do for you and as I have said before, I don’t want you to change.” He leaned his head closer to her so their temples touched. “Just lean on me a bit more.” He moved to kiss her temple and after a second kiss gave her hand another squeeze. “Now no more sadness, I know you are beyond excited for this concert and I want you to enjoy every bit of it.”
“You will enjoy it too?” Robyn asked him. “Not going to fall asleep on me?” She felt so much lighter after Taron was so gentle with her, his words kind.
“I do enjoy all genres of music Robyn and I am looking forward to the concert as much as you are.” He smiled as she turned her head to look at him. “Though I am looking forward to watching you watching him but I have a feeling I am going to be ignored for the next two hours.”
Robyn fully grinned. “And I will apologise now for zoning out on you or trying to get over the balcony, maybe playing out the melodies on the arm rest.” She took her hand from his and tapped her fingers lightly across the back of hand as an example. “I owe you one long cuddle and deep head massage after all of this.”
Taron shook his head. “Not at all. This your birthday present.” His head turned a little as he heard voices behind him, more guests of their shared box making their way to their seats. “But maybe we can share a cuddle later?”
Robyn nodded. “Deal.” She slipped her hand back into his.
“You want my jacket?” He asked her over the hum of the few people moving to sit behind them. “As usual you are a little cold.”
“I have my shawl, thank you.”
He watched as Robyn swung her shawl over her shoulders, pulling it around herself. “Are you always cold?” He asked. “I am genuinely interested.”
“My hands are normally cold but lately I just seem to have an all over chill at times.”
“You are not getting sick are you?”
Robyn shook her head. “Nope.”
“Sitting with your aircon on full blast?”
“Nope. Hands normally cold, rest of me not so much. I was roasting last night.”
“You wore the pyjamas meant for winter. It was a given that you were going to roast.”
“True. You don’t have to be worried Taron. I am in perfect health; I have always had cold hands. A little tired but who isn’t.” She tapped his nose. “Turn that frown upside down.”
Taron couldn’t help but smile at the return of her playful mood. “I call for a lie in tomorrow.”
Robyn nodded. “I am very much in favour of that idea.”
“You are looking after yourself, right?” He asked seeing the lights of the dome starting to dim.
“Are you?” She returned quickly.
“Yes.” He saw her quick turn of her head towards him. “I will go to Matthew to talk to him on Monday.”
“I will call you if a bad dream wakes me.”
With a silent nod as the remainder of the house lights went down, Robyn’s head turned towards the stage and immediately leaned forward as Ludovico Einaudi walked on stage, dressed impeccably in a black suit and white shirt. She got to her feet along with everyone else, clapping loudly, the composer taking a bow twice before he took a seat at the piano. Robyn sat on the edge of her red seat, waiting with baited breath for his hands to touch the keys, to hear the first sound of a note and as simple broken chord was played, her eyes closed and her whole body relaxed to the sound of the music.
Taron watched fascinated as Robyn’s shawl fell from her shoulders as she leaned closer to the balcony her eyes closed, her whole body taken in by the music after only a few notes. He knew he had his favourite artists but for Robyn it was as if she was completely lost in the music within seconds and he smiled as she moved even closer to the balcony so she could fold her arms over the red felted barrier and leaned her chin on her hands, completely captivated by the piano sounds. A part of him could feel her pull away from him but he inwardly scolded himself for suddenly feeling jealous of a man playing piano. Taron had seen her Spotify playlist, scrolled through her music on her phone and knew it was more than just music to her. It was an escape from a reality she had a hard time dealing with and seeing the way she became so engrossed in the music as she played it, understood the importance of something as simple as the piano music he could hear. Instead, he leaned forward to place a hand on her back, letting her knew he was there and she turned her head to give him a smile before taking up her previous position of leaning on the barrier mesmerised by the composer on stage.
As the soothing sounds of Le Onde played through the theatre, Robyn’s face broke into a smile, her right hand automatically playing the notes on the balcony in time with the ones she heard. One of her favourites and first composition of his she had learnt to play, it was beautiful and stunning live. Her view was terrific and only as the man sat at the piano could see really appreciate the expensive box she sat in. The piano was positioned more sideways than she had first thought and Robyn could not only see the keys but also his hands as he played and she was fascinated by the smoothness and faultlessness of his playing, not one mistake or hesitation to be heard. She knew she had moved away from Taron but she couldn’t help herself and needed to get as close as she could, to fully watch and take in the beautiful music and playing in front of her.
Clapping hard, along with the rest of the audience, after a fourth solo piece, the orchestra walked on stage and took their places with her instruments and they accompanied the piano for a number of wonderfully composed pieces, Robyn finding herself moving her right hand as if she was conducting them, playing air piano, just out of habit as it would be her norm when listening to the music on her couch. Even though she was enjoying every moment, after half an hour of sitting as she was, she could feel a twinge in her lower back and had to move into her seat, feeling the nudge from Taron as she got comfortable in her chair and realised that the view from sitting in her seat was just as spectacular as leaning forward. She nudged him back and settled beside him, their arms side by side on the arm rest.
Robyn sat in her chair perfectly still, except for her hands tapping out notes along to the beat and Taron chuckled as she almost launched herself at the barrier again nearly an hour later as what he presumed was another of Robyn’s favourite songs was played and she was using the top of the balcony once more as an invisible piano, playing along, her eyes closed at one point for a long time, her whole body lost in the music. As the tune filtered to his ears, he recognised it as one Robyn had played a little bit of for him but judging by her hand movements, she had learnt how to play the whole song and getting caught up in her love for the music being played and her beautiful joy, leaned forward to join her, slipping his left arm around her waist.
Robyn felt the warmth on her right side and knew it was Taron but she was so caught up in the music, she didn’t really acknowledge him not wanting to miss a note or moment of bliss from the stage. Watching the Italian composer play live was such a different experience to watching videos on the internet and it was such an incredible feeling getting to see him play the pieces she loved to play and practiced constantly to learn.
As the music changed and he ran into his next solo piece, she took a long breathe as her most loved piece filtered to her ear and she felt Taron move a little closer to her. Closing her eyes, she was only aware of the music all around her, her hands copying every note perfectly in time with that played live in front of her and not even realising it, Taron had moved his right arm closer to her and she was taping notes out on his arm and even less so the two tears that trailed down her cheeks as she became entranced by the music. It had taken her weeks to learn this song, hours of sitting and playing but it was the most wonderful distraction from the mess her life had become and helped to heal a shattered heart as she concentrated on loving something other than a piece of shit of a man.
Taron knew he should have been concentrating on the actual composer but he was so taken aback by how quick Robyn’s fingers played out the beat of the notes on his arm, by how she hit each note perfectly and as he looked to her face, became concerned with how emotional she had become, how tears were on her cheeks, her eyes still closed, her focus once again on the music and he was yet again seeing a new side to her, that vulnerability she was slowly letting him see coming through. As the song slowed down and the crowd erupted, jumping to their feet in applause for the set of solo songs, he kept his arm around Robyn’s waist and hugged her sideways as they stood, watching as she wiped the tears from her cheeks. He dropped his hand from her waist and bent down to pick up her bag and routing through found a pack of tissues and pulled one out handing it to her.
“Means a lot to you.”
“So much.” Robyn dried her cheeks. “Got me through some shit times.”
Taking her hand, Taron sat back in his seat, Robyn back in hers and he wrapped his left arm around her shoulders, not caring who was behind them and as Robyn lightly leaned against him, he was very happy to give her a little comfort as the orchestra picked up again and a more lively song played.
Robyn kept the tissue in her left hand, worried she was going to get overly emotional again and let Taron keep her right hand in his, both on his lap as they sat close together for the last twenty minutes of the concert. If she could have clapped harder, she would have and on their feet at the end, the standing ovation lasted a long time and Robyn stood and watched every musician leave the stage, a little bit of hope inside that there would be an encore but as the house lights came back on, her heart dropped a little but she was smiling and unbelievably happy.
Turning to Taron who had sat back down in his seat she sighed. “Thank you.”
“You are more than welcome.” He watched as Robyn sat back in her seat, another happy sigh filling her whole body. “Better than a Welshman with a Care Bear?” He asked her.
“Better than a Care Bear.” She answered. “Nowhere near as special as a Welshman.” She said firmly. “Thanks for the tissue.”
“No worries. You ok?”
Robyn nodded. “Sometimes it gets to me. He is my go-to calm down music so it brings up some memories.”
“I get that chicken. Happens to me when I listen to Bowie sometimes.”
“Remember when we said how Tiny Dancer has nice memories for us? And doesn’t remind us so much now of when you were in the ambulance?” She saw Taron give her a little nod. “I will listen to Ludovico Einaudi and play his music and remember this night. It only has good memories now.”
Taron stood up and reached for her hands and once she took them, helped her to her feet and drew her close to him for a hug, knowing she needed one and him too because once again he was getting a glimpse into a past he did not like and needed a distraction and hugging Robyn always distracted him.
She didn’t even hesitate to snuggle into him, her face resting on his shoulder as his dipped into her neck and as she brought her right hand to the tight hair at the back of his neck, she felt his smile on her skin and laughed as he lifted her off her feet for a moment before setting her back down. “You are setting the bar very high for the presents Taron.”
“And baking too.” He added, laughing hard as she lightly slapped the back of his head.
Robyn happily would have hugged him all night and the next day too, breathing in his familiar scent, just holding him and being held back in a loving embrace. Whatever damage Keith had done to her heart was mended in the last few seconds of that hug and as Taron kissed her cheek when he let her go, Robyn didn’t see Taron standing in front of her any more but a man who she knew she could turn to for anything no matter how small and if she did happen to call him in the middle of the night because of a bad dream, knew he would happily take the call without question.
“Robyn?” He asked watching as she stared at him, his eyes opening as she moved her face a little closer to his and placed the lightest of kisses to the side of his lips, moving to kiss his forehead in that loving way she always did.
“Thank you for everything you have done for me today.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” He winked.
“Oh dear, what else do you have planned?”
“Well, nothing but you never know what could happen.” He looked to the exit of the box and saw the stewards waiting patiently for them to leave. “Want to take a trip to gift shop on the way out?”
“Best birthday ever!” Robyn exclaimed, picking her shawl up from her chair. She had been so caught up in the concert, she couldn’t even remember when it fell from her shoulders.
“Let me.” Taron took the blue shawl and carefully wrapped it around her. “Don’t need you getting cold.”
Once Robyn had her bag, they walked out of their box, thanking the staff and Taron guided her back to the lifts and to the gift shop which was a little busy but he stood close by her side paying for the programme she picked up. He had called Anthony as Robyn browsed the items for sale in the shop and when they reached the place where the black car had dropped them off, Anthony was there waiting for them.
“Good evening Robyn, Taron. Have a nice night?”
“It was wonderful.” Robyn said, smiling as the driver used her name.
“Yeah Anthony. We had a great time.”
Taron didn’t even get a chance to make the first move to get Robyn to nestle into his side because before the car even moved, she had lifted his left arm over her shoulder and cuddled into him, her left leg crossing over her right, her left arm draped lazily over his stomach. His eyes closed a soft smile on his lips as she initiated the cuddle and he gave her left shoulder a light rub, feeling a long breath fill her body, so similar to the one had taken too. They didn’t talk to each other and once again it was Anthony interrupting the comfortable silence in the car to let them know they are at Taron’s apartment.
Robyn had her shawl pulled tight around her as she walked alongside Taron to his door, stepping into his dark home as he let her in first. She used the light of the door to find her way to the couch and sat down on the soft material, blinking a little as bright light flooded the apartment when Taron turned on the lights. She watched him empty his pockets, putting his phone, wallet and the programme onto his coffee table and dropped onto the couch right beside her.
“You lost your words?” He asked.
“A little.” She answered him.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Not at the moment. You have done so much already.”
“Always willing to do more.”
“As well as stealing my words.” She joked, leaning her head onto his shoulder.
“Want your care bear horse?” He asked.
“Want some cake?”
“No thanks.”
“Want to change into your pj’s?”
“Nope. Wearing the fancy dress for as long as possible.”
Taron smiled. “Want a cuddle?”
“If there is one going.”
Robyn kicked her heels off and curled up onto her right side, leaning into Taron’s left, her knees resting on his legs, her head under his chin. She re-thought her position for a second and sat up before Taron could even get his arms around her and carefully took the hair comb from her hair and stretched forward to place it on the coffee table, moving back to Taron, tucking her body into his.
“Just in case.” She said into his shirt. “Thank you Taron.” She prayed he felt the squeeze she gave his side, the light kiss to his chest, hoping he properly understood how much the whole day never mind the evening meant to her.
Taron didn’t answer her but held her close, letting her snuggle right into him, very much enjoying the affection he could feel from her. He had never known her to be so quiet, always having something to say or needing to make sure he was ok but the tables had very much turned and he found himself perhaps for the very first time, because even when Robyn was having an off day, he was still her main priority, willingly letting him take care of her properly for once, letting him in, being a girl for want of a better word. There was no doubt in his mind that his wonderfully strong willed and stubborn Robyn was still there but as he placed a very light kiss on her hair, he very much liked the other side she was showing him, giving him the perfect opportunity to build her trust and be the man she deserved to have in her life.
Robyn lay with her eyes closed in a haze of happiness and love, adoring the beat of his heart under her ear and his stomach moving under her hand every time he breathed and it was always something that calmed her, knowing he was alive and well. She burrowed a little further down his chest and could feel sleep calling her.
“You plan on sleeping here all evening.” Taron whispered to her, feeling her body move a little after being so still against his.
Robyn laughed a little. “Maybe.”
“Would you not prefer a soft comfy bed?”
“You are soft and comfy.” Robyn answered, her eyes opening at she realised the words she had said to him.
Naturally Taron’s heart jumped as her response but he tried to hide it with a laugh. “And sleep in your dress?”
“It’s comfortable.”
“So, it seems.” Taron mused.
“What do you mean.”
“Robyn you’ve been asleep for the near part of the last two hours.”
His words made her sit up fast, surprise written all over her face. She reached for his left arm and her eyes opened when she read the hands on his watch. “Jesus Taron. Sorry! I didn’t even realise I had fallen asleep.”
He only smiled at her. “It’s ok. You seem to need the sleep. You did say you were a little tired earlier.”
“A little tired. Not in the need for a nap again tired.”
“Guess I was too comfy and warm.” He teased “You sure you are feeling ok? You are cold and tired, normally the sign of a cold and being the expert on hiding a cold, I should know.”
“I am normally cold and I guess just too much excitement today. I am sorry I fell asleep on you again.”
“Don’t be sorry. I did it to you last night.”
Robyn looked down as she heard Taron’s stomach rumble, a smile on her face. “I really do believe that you have not eaten all week and it is catching up on you now.” A look of guilt filled Taron’s features and Robyn didn’t miss it. “I know it is quite late but shall we get you something to eat?”
“Well, I had planned on having our little cakes but someone gave them away.”
“You have a large cake in your fridge but surely something more than cake would be better.”
“Chicken it’s after midnight.”
“Has the time ever stopped you eating before?”
“I doubt there is anything in my fridge that can make a meal.”
“Well let’s go and see.” Robyn went to get up from the couch but stopped and sat back down beside him and gave him a firm hug. “I don’t have the proper words to explain to you what today has meant to me and thank you just doesn’t cover it all but thank you.” She took her arms from around him and stood up from the couch, walking into the kitchen. “You want to help me?”
Taron nodded and swallowed the lump in his throat before he got up, praying for his racing heart to slow down, his hands to stop shaking. Just like that his protective Robyn was back and he wished she could just stop for more than two hours and let someone else really take care of her but he would take those two hours over nothing at all and he got to his feet, taking his jacket off as he walked to join her in the kitchen. He threw his jacket back onto the couch and stood beside her as she stared into his fridge.
“So, we got some peppers, mushrooms and milk that has been out of date for five days.”
“And birthday cake.”
“And birthday cake, two slices of left-over pizza and some tomatoes that probably have seen better days but are useable. You are really not eating at home are you.”
“My days are long and there is catering on set. I get home around eleven every night and crash on either the couch or my bed.”
“Breakfast?” Robyn asked him.
“Coffee.” He could feel the disapproving looks rolling his way as she closed the fridge. “I eat, I do.”
“You got any pasta?”
“Somewhere.”  He moved past her and routed through his presses, finally pulling out an unopened packet of penne pasta. “What you thinking?”
“I know it is late but you feel like some pasta bake? Can be put together and made in about half an hour.”
“Sounds perfect.”
Taron followed Robyn’s directions as she asked for different kitchen utensils and as she got the pasta boiling, he was chopping up the peppers. He moved to the mushrooms and Robyn found some garlic and an onion as she looked for a baking dish for their dinner. She chuckled at him as he squinted while cutting the onion, the fumes from the vegetable immediately making him cry.
“Taron no!” Robyn called but her warning was too late and he already rubbed his eyes with his hands and she saw his flinch as his eyes stung more.
“Oh, ow fuck. Ow ow shit!” Taron dug the heel of his hands into his eyes as they reacted to the raw onion on his hands.
Robyn rushed to wet a clean tea towel and ring it out, moving back to Taron. “Here.” She took his hands away, using a little force as he protested. “Let me help you.” She placed her left hand on his right cheek and very lightly rubbed the wet towel over his closed eyes, hearing him groan. “It will take a few wipes.” She swiped his eyes again. “I am going to wet the towel again. Don’t touch your eyes.” Making a second trip to the sink, Robyn quickly wet the tea towel and didn’t ring it out as tight so it still held some water. She moved back to Taron who stood very patiently, his whole face a little pained with his eyes still closed. She used a little bit more pressure this time when cleaning out his eyes, but still being careful. “Ok open for me.” There was some hesitation in his movements and very slowly he opened his eyes, blinking a lot as he tested to see if they still hurt. “Any better?” She asked him.
“Much.” He blinked hard again and felt Robyn take his hands when he went to rub his eyes.
“Let’s not do that again.” His lower lash line was red and she could see he was still feeling a little the irritation from the onions he was cutting. “You have sensitive eyes.” Robyn said still holding the tea towel in her hands in case he needed it.
“Apparently so.”
“Me too.”
“Is that why you asked me to cut the onion?” He took the tea towel from her and wiped both his eyes again, the coldness from the cloth really helping to ease the tingle. “So you wouldn’t cry and do this?”
“Not at all. Just needed some help to cut the vegetables. I didn’t think you were going to rub your eyes with your hands like that. I will finish the onion if you would like.”
“Would you mind?”
“Not at all but let me see you before I give you a different job. I need to make sure you can see properly in case you cut yourself.” Placing her two hands on his cheeks, she ran her thumbs under his eyes. “You will live but I will get you to grate some cheese for me instead and I will finish the onion. Give your hands a really good wash first though.”
“I will.” Feeling a little stupid at what he did, Taron made sure to wash his hands thoroughly twice with soap and the moved the grate the cheese Robyn had set out for him. His eyes were still a little tender but he finished the cheese easily. “What next?”
“Frying pan with a little bit of oil.”
Taron got the heat on his hob going and added the garlic and chopped onion when Robyn gave it to him, giving the start of their base for the sauce a stir. Once it was soft, he took the vegetables from Robyn and added them to the pan and kept an eye on them as behind him Robyn chopped up the tomatoes and then using a potato masher she found, squished them down into a chunky sauce.
“Veg is done.” Taron told her as he gave the nicely browned vegetables in his pan another stir.
“Perfect.” She brought her tomato sauce over and poured it into his pan. “Keep stirring.”
“Yes chef!” Taron called with a light chuckle as he mixed everything together. “I miss this.”
“Miss what?” Robyn asked as she shook in some salt and pepper to the frying pan.
“This. Cooking with you.”
Robyn grinned. “Cooking with me or getting a fresh home cooked meal?”
“Both.” He replied as she threw in a pinch of some herbs, Taron not even knowing he had herbs in his kitchen. “I liked getting to do this in your home every night. It is not something I get to do when I am working so it’s nice to get the chance too.”
“Well, when you have catering and are working, I can understand why you wouldn’t.” Robyn checked the pasta. “But it is nice to cook something yourself.” She lifted the saucepan from the hob and moved to the sink, using the lid the drain the water from the pasta. “A home cooked meal is always enjoyable.”
“Yep. This is bubbling.”
“That’s ok. You can turn the heat off and come over to me with the pan.” Robyn now stood at the island with the drained saucepan of pasta. “Just pour it in here unless you want a smooth sauce. We will have to blitz it.”
“Nope I am ok with the chunks of vegetables.”  He carefully spooned the sauce into the pasta and as he put the frying pan into the sink, Robyn mixed their pasta bake together. He came to stand next to Robyn and then had a second thought and walked to the coffee table to get his phone, turning his camera on as he walked back to his island. “Smile.” Robyn looked to him and smiled after he had taken his first photo.
“What are you doing?”
“I never got the photos last time of us making sandwiches in the fancy fancy clothes. I am not making that mistake again.”
Robyn grinned as she looked to her dress. “It is what we do in your London home now isn’t it.”
“Seems to be.”
Robyn transferred the pasta and sauce into the pyrex baking dish. “You want to sprinkle the cheese on top?”
“Please.” Taron added more cheese then was probably necessary to the top of the pasta. “Oven?” He asked once done.
“Yep.” Robyn opened the oven for him and he carefully placed the dish on the middle shelf and closed the oven door. “And in fifteen minutes or so we shall have some pasta bake.”
“That gives me enough time to change.” Taron said. “And if you want to take the dress off, you can too though I know you are becoming partial to a fancy dress.”
“I think it might be nice to put something slightly more comfortable on.” She ran her hands down the side of her dress. “And you know, in case I use you a pillow again, may as well be appropriately dressed for that.”
Taron nodded and they walked to the bedroom, pulling his shirt from his trousers and opening the buttons as he walked. “Fifteen minutes enough time for you?” He asked as he sat on the bed to take his shoes off.
“Loads. Won’t take me long.” Robyn took her toiletry bag from her case and some clothes to change into. “I will take the bathroom.”
Robyn closed the bathroom door behind her, dropping all of her belongings on the ground. She looked in the mirror and once again was taken back by the woman who stared back at her. A flush on her cheeks, a glint in her eye and with her whole posture straight and tall, Robyn smiled to herself. It had been a long time since she felt so comfortable in a man’s presence and the fact that twice in the last twelve hours, she had fallen asleep in Taron’s arms, just said so much to her. Not to mention that her emotional reaction in the theatre hadn’t made him run away either. She sighed and knew she had passed that point of no return where she would do anything for Taron and although that had been her way since she had met him, now it was because she loved him and loved him dearly. She quickly took off her make-up and unpinned her hair, tying it up out of the way, slipping into a pair of black running shorts and blue long-sleeved t-shirt, a sports bra on underneath. She left her toiletry bag in the bathroom, knowing she would need it in the morning and carried her dress out, giving the bedroom door a knock before she walked in.
“Come on in Robyn. You don’t have to knock.”
“Just in case you are in your nudey nudes.” Robyn chuckled as she walked into his room, Taron in his own pair of shorts and a t-shirt, hanging his suit back up in his wardrobe.
“No such luck chicken.”
Robyn laughed a little and put her dress on his bed, taking her garment bag from her case so she could keep her dress neat and tidy by placing it inside it. Once zipped up, she placed it laying across her case, Taron coming to stand beside her.
“Something smells cooked in the kitchen.”
“Probably our very late-night dinner. We should have stuck with the cake and some tea.”
“Really?” Taron asked as they walked back to the kitchen.
“Yep. It is so late. You are not going to sleep.”
“Robyn, do you even know me at all? Sleeping is my favourite thing to do and sleeping on a full stomach? My second favourite thing to do.” He stopped in front of the oven and carefully opened the door. “And that is done.” The cheese was a golden yellow colour and bubbling in the heat of the oven. “And looks delicious.”
Robyn watched Taron lifted the hot dish of dinner from the oven and placed it carefully on a heat resistant coaster so it wouldn’t burn his countertop. She grabbed two plates and put them in the oven before he closed the door and then turned the oven off. “The heat will warm up the plates for us so the pasta doesn’t go on a cold plate.”
Less than a minute later, Robyn took the hot plates out and Taron happily dished their home cooked meal out, Robyn stopping him from filling her plate too much.
“This smells amazing.” He said as he took a seat on a stool at his island. “Thanks for cooking this.”
“We did it together.” As Taron tucked into his food, Robyn filled two glasses of water for them, placing one in front of him. “Thank you. So good.” He said through a mouth of food.
Robyn smiled and sat beside him, picking up her own fork and tasting their pasta bake, agreeing with his comments. Their last meal, if you could call it a meal, was their afternoon tea which was over ten hours ago and the tasty pasta was filling and perfect even if they were eating dinner near one in the morning. Taron went for another scoop while Robyn filled her glass with some more water. She sat back on her stool, smiling as Taron polished off all of the food on his plate.
“I have a question.” He said to her as he picked up his glass of water.
“You admit to being cold but yet insist on wearing shorts to sleep in.”
Robyn smiled into her glass. “Well because you insist that we have to share a bed and we both know you just ooze heat from your core, I have to comprise by wearing shorts.”
“You don’t wear them at home?”
Robyn shook her head. “Pyjama bottoms.”
“So, the shorts are just for me?” He grinned, laughing when Robyn rolled her eyes and slapped his arm lightly. “Anything to be cosy right?”
“Yep.” She said through a yawn. “Oh sorry. No idea where that came from.”
“It has been a busy day.”
“It’s been a most perfect day.” She corrected.
“Let’s tidy this up and hit the hay. We can turn a movie on. You can choose.”
Robyn smiled at him. “Any movie?”
Taron went to speak but stopped realising what he had agreed too. He sighed. “Your choice.” He waited for her to pick one of his movies, waiting for her to say Rocketman but she surprised him when she told him he could choose. “Wait what?”
“I will watch anything and you know that.”
“Except anything scary.”
“Except anything scary.” She agreed. “Going by my sleep pattern today, I will probably be asleep before you, so you can pick.”
They tidied up the kitchen, putting their used plates in the dishwasher and once they had wiped the counters and sink and put the left-over pasta in the fridge too, Taron turned off all the lights and followed Robyn towards the bedroom.
“Give me two minutes.” She had stopped at the bathroom.
After she used the toilet and brushed her teeth, she turned off the light and walked into the bedroom. Taron was still in his bathroom but she climbed up onto his bed, taking her side and slipping her legs under his duvet, shuffled down and laid her head back on the pillow. Her eyes automatically closed and she felt another yawn coming through, her hands covering her mouth as she stretched happily. She settled comfortably on his soft bed but her eyes opened when she remembered that she left her phone in her clutch bag on his couch. She kicked her legs to get the duvet off so she could get up to go and get it.
“What did my duvet do to you?” Taron asked as he wandered out of his bathroom.
“I left my phone on the couch. I was going to get it.”
“You stay there. I will get it. Mine is in the kitchen too.”
It took Taron less than a minute to grab their phones and he closed his bedroom door when he came back into his room. He handed Robyn her phone and crawled over the bottom of the bed to get to his side but crawled back when he remembered he hadn’t turned off the main light. They were plunged into darkness for about five seconds as Taron made his way across the bed again and was able to turn his bedside light. He slid his legs under his duvet too and laid back against his pillows. Picking up the TV remote, he turned his flatscreen on and went straight to Netflix, doing a quick scroll before settling on a random adventure type movie. Although Robyn said she would probably fall asleep pretty quickly, now that he was cosy in his bed, he felt the same and wasn’t too concerned with the movie he chose. He turned to lay on his left side, his arm under his head, looking to Robyn who was on her back, her hands on her stomach, fingers linked together. She was never one to sleep on her back and her still position made him smile a little.
“So that’s the end of the birthday cuddles then?” He chuckled, her head turning so she could look at him.
“I am just wating for you.”
“Sure.” Taron moved over to her a little and turned over onto his back, so their shoulders were touching. “I think you are just tired.”
“Happily so.” She assured him. “Best birthday ever.” Robyn turned onto her right side, slipping down the pillow so her chin was on his shoulder.
“Now you are ready for a cuddle.” Taron lifted his arm and Robyn moved so her cheek rested fully on his shoulder, her left hand moving to rest over his heart.
“Thanks Taron.”
“Anytime Robyn.”
Taron pulled the duvet up so it covered Robyn to her chin and reaching for the TV remote, he turned off the movie playing in the background and then his bed side light. He had no interest in it and happily closed his eyes enjoying the warmth from Robyn and the way as always, she just fitted right into him. He cherished these moments with her and before, where it was a need that pushed them together in the same bed and possibly convenience, now it was his own selfish need that almost pinned for her feminine curves against his side. Robyn was asleep within minutes of snuggling into him and his mind worried for a moment at her tiredness but with the excitement of the day and the emotional journey she went on, he just figured she was a little jaded. Telling his mind to shut up, to go to sleep, Taron turned his face so his nose was buried into Robyn’s hair and moved to place his right hand over her left which was still placed over his heart.
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Bishop’s Niece
@woahitslucyylu @gemini0410 @starrynite7114 @claytoncardenasbabymama @angelreyesgirl @phoenixhalliwell @angelreyesgirl89 @dazzledamazon @cind-in-real-life @whyisgmora @mheart27 @ifoundmyhappythought @choppedgalaxynerd-blog-blog
She was Bishop’s niece, hanging out with a couple girls from high school at the local nightclub when Angel Reyes, Coco Cruz, and Gilly Lopez come walking in with smug grins as their eyes land on their favorite subject matters.
Her curly hair falling over her shoulder, a glass in her hand of a bright green liquor. Her electric blue freshly manicured nails against the green liquor.
“Oh shit! Look at you, all pretty and angry.” Angel calls as the group saunters towards them. The chuckling of the three stooges resonates behind her. The two girls she’s with start to cackle as they bikers get to them. Rolling her eyes, she turns on her barstool to face the bar. The three jocks all chuckle, finding seats at the bar and ordering drinks. The lights dance off their body glitter and Angel can’t help but notice that her body glitter was smoothed along her collarbone and neck, the light refracting off it.
“You’re not old enough to be drinking, querida.” He hushes into her ear. Scoffing, she gives him a side glance.
“Right, and you are.” She rolls her eyes and averts her eyes back to the drink she swirls in front of her.
“No, but this is coke. What’s that?” He asks, pointing with a pinky to the drink her hand.
“Green apple martini, no tequila.” She nips, her eyes never leaving the sparkling drink.
“Aw c’mon baby. You didn’t come in here dressed like that to sit here.” He murmurs with a sexy smirk on his lips. She all but groans and turns slightly away from him. “If you don’t dance with me, I’m gonna make a scene.” He husks into her ear before he stands and offers her his hand.
“Angel Reyes, dance with one of them, they’d literally die to dance with you.” She groans, shoving his hand away. Looking over her shoulder a moment later, she finds that he’s disappeared and she smugly grins to herself. Finally. She chuckles, taking a drink. Of course she thought Angel Reyes was the hottest guy in school, everyone did. But him hitting on her and making a spectacle of her was something she hated. He always chose her to dote on, to torture.
“Miel!” Angel’s voice calls from the dance floor. With a shiver of embarrassment, her face heating. “Miiieeell!” He sing songs, his hands cupped around his mouth like a megaphone. “It’s my birthday!” He shouts.
“No it’s not!” She replies without ever turning around.
“But I still look good though!” He cheers, watching her shoulders shake a little as she chuckles.
“Yeah, hot tamale!” She rolls her eyes and spins on her barstool to face him.
“I bet you wanna dance with me!” He calls, beckoning her towards him with a smug look on his face.
“I bet I don’t!”
“I bet you won’t come out here!”
“I bet I won’t!”
“Aw come on I love you!” He yells, laughing.
“No you don’t!” She cackles, slapping her knee.
“You never know, I might!” He calls, watching as she doubles over from laughing.
“What? Can’t dance? Don’t have rhythm?” He comes dancing towards her, shimmying his shoulders. Rolling her eyes, she bites her bottom lip to hide the smile when a stranger steps up to her.
“You wanna dance?”
“No thanks.” She chuckles, waving him off as Angel continues his antics.
“You got a man? I don’t see him.” The stranger barks, trying to sound cool when she grabs her phone and spins around on the barstool to avoid the weirdo.
“Babygirl, put that phone down let’s go.” Angel laughs, putting her phone into his pocket and dragging her to the dance floor. Bishop walks into the nightclub to find the younger crew and his eyes land on Reyes and his niece, Miel. They’d been going to a dance class together, as Bishop had insisted he pay for a dance class and made Angel go because he trusted him. Angel runs up to the DJ who nods to Angel’s hushed words. As he runs back, he grabs her arm and gives her that smile.
“You ready, baby?” He murmurs, calling her by her pet name. He loved to dote on her, make her feel loved and put on a pedestal. Giving him her sweetest smile, he places a knee between her own as their song starts. Rolling her eyes, she giggles and Angel just grins. They were about to show the whole club a Hispanic dance and he was a little nervous.
“Angel, what if I mess up?” She mutters against his neck, her fingers curled around the nape.
“You won’t.” He promises, nodding to her. His I hand pressed into the small of her back, they start to move, swaying back and forth, their hips rolling together and apart like waves in the ocean. He swings her out, twirling her back against him. Twirling her back out, she taps her toes and sways her hips, her eyes never leaving her partner. As Angel spins her back against him, her back to his front. They swing their hips together in a few low circles, Angel’s hand flat against her tummy as they roll. Once fully straightened, he swings her out, her arm swinging open and then he twirls her fast back against him. Her hand once again on the back of his neck as they roll their bodies together.
Bishop watches on, mad and mesmerized. He never thought Reyes would actually do the dance class, he figured he’d skip out.
Angel swings her once more, her toes tapping, her hips swinging, as he slides across the open space between them. One big hand covers her abdomen and the other runs along the curve of her body starting at her thigh and moving upward. Tingles chase his butterfly touch as she raises an arm to extend his path. Intertwining their fingers, Bishop watches as they somehow magically twirl into their beginning stance, his knee between her thighs, their hips rolling together sensually as the song comes to an end Angel gives her a dip and her curls flow behind her. Bishop can’t help but clap slowly. He didn’t really know how to feel. On one hand, the dance was beautiful. On the other hand, his niece was getting handsy with Angel Reyes. And he was the last person he wanted his little preciosa with.
Stalking forward, he grabs her hand and starts out of the club.
“Wait, Uncle Obi, what’s wrong?” She cries, pulling her hand from his tight grip.
“You and Reyes been practicing that dance a lot, pequeno?” He hisses, dragging her completely out of the club. She didn’t dare disrespect him in a public place but she was outraged.
“You made me go, and you made him go with me!” She groans, waving a hand to the sweet boy who had followed them outside.
“Okay, well. It’s over now. No more dance. No more Reyes. Go get on the bike.” He jabs a finger to the motorcycle at once.
“Hey, baby! Your phone!” He shouts, running to her. Gripping her in a quick hug he hands her the cell phone before Bishop grabs Angel’s kutte and tosses him away.
“Baby? Want to tell me what’s up with that?” Bishop nips, glaring at her.
“It’s just a nickname, Bish—“ The grown older man swings on his prospect, his fist connecting with his cheekbone with a sick crack and blood pulls to the surface.
“Jesus Uncle Obi! He didn’t do anything!”
”He spoke without being asked!”
“He was just explaining to you!”
“I asked you.” His voice was low and threatening, chewed through clenched jaw.
“I’m sorry. Angel, are you okay?” She whispers to him. He only nods as he gets up, wobbling inside. She climbs on the bike without another word.
Once they get to Bishop’s, she storms through the door and slams it in his face.
“Miel!” He yells, grabbing her door handle before she slams that too.
“What!” She screams back.
“Where did the nickname come from?” He asks calmly.
“Angel calls me that at school. Some guys were picking on me and Angel came up and called me baby to get ‘em away from me.” She snips, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I see, so it’s just a nickname then?” He asks, sitting on the end of her bed and spinning a ring around his finger.
“Yep. Angel could’ve told you that though. If you hadn’t fucking decked him.” She snarls, glaring at him sideways as she flops on the disc chair in the corner of the room. “You didn’t direct the question, by the way. He had every right to answer.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry I suck at this uncle-dad thing.”
“It’s okay, uncle Obi. I know you’re trying. But you sent Angel with me, and we’re actually good friends. So what if we date? Would it be so bad? He got into a fist fight because a guy at school grabbed my butt.” She snorts, getting up and sitting next to her defeated and now quizzical uncle.
“He did?”
“Yep. He also hung some kid by his underwear on the flagpole when he snapped my thong.” She smiles, glancing at her uncle to find him smiling a little proudly.
“Really.” He shakes his head as he chuckles. “Reyes really do that for you?” He asks, looking up from twisting his ring.
“Si, he likes me, tio. And I like him. I just don’t want to tell him, ya know?” She asks as he pulls her into his side.
“Yeah, your dad would be so much better at this stuff. He could match make and give the best advice.” He smiles, ruffling her curls.
“Nah, you give the best advice, tio.” She giggles, hugging him and leaning them back to look at the painting Bishop paid Taza to do. He painted a beautiful sunset on her ceiling when she was a baby and she’d loved sunsets ever since.
“Thank you, Miel.” He chuckles, resting his arms behind his head.
“Do you think my dad would like Angel?” She asks as she mimics him, bumping his elbow with hers. He side eyes her as he raises a brow at her before looking back to the ceiling and taking a deep breath.
“Si.” He nods, sitting up and heading for the door. “Miel? Te amo, pequena.” He nods, shutting the door and heading to the living room for a beer and a moment to himself.
The next morning, Saturday morning, she heads to the yard early. Around seven-thirty to be exact. She had breakfast for Angel and Ez, ready to see Angel. Nerves suddenly wash over her as she hears Angel’s bike pull into the yard and shut off.
“Angel!” She cheers, rushing to greet him. His eyes scan the yard for Bishop before he greets her with a warm hug.
“He didn’t ream you too hard I hope.” He chuckles, sitting on the bench on the porch and snagging the bag from her hands and digging their sandwiches out. Her fingers dance over the bruise on his cheek. “It’s okay, baby.” He murmurs, patting her knee and handing her the warm sandwich.
“I’m sorry Angel.” She whispers, leaning on his shoulder.
“It’s okay. You okay?” He asks, patting her knee. Bishop creeps up, watching the two on the front porch. He watches on as Angel wraps one arm around her shoulders and hugs her before eating his sandwich. Every other second or so his eyes would flick to her and he’d smile so very slightly.
“Hey Angel?” Bishop calls and Angel looks up. Fear fills him, but he stays put right next to her, hip to hip. His hand reaches across her lap and rests on her knee and he gives Bishop a dark look. “Be gentle, yeah?” He asks with a chuckle before disappearing.
“You talked to him.” He chuckles, turning to face her and grabbing her face in his hands. Chuckling at the butter at the corner of her lips, he swipes it away with his thumb and leans close.
“I love you, baby.” She whispers, letting him kiss her.
“I love you too, thanks for talking to Bishop.” He smiles, gripping her in a warm hug against his chest.
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kimmie113080 · 4 years
Refusing to Yield Chapter 39
This is based on real life. Just names have been changed to protect the person identity. There is mention of all types abuse. If trig, please don’t read it. Reader get into a relationship with Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi but all BTS is in this series. There are other people mentioned in this series.  
You can ask me a question Bryan. You told all of us that you woke up not from pain but everything replaying over in my head that happened yesterday. Yes, Bryan that is correct. Was it more like one of you flash backs, nightmare or was your brain turning back on. Bryan yes, Ann I would not say it was a flash back or a nightmare. It was more like brain turned back on. I get like this sometimes specially when I need to figure out different things when I am sleeping. Okay Ann has long as it was not a flash back or nightmare but with everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hour. We are just going to watch to make sure you do not have a flash back because of everything going on. That is okay with me that everyone is going to make sure I have no flash backs.  
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Fred yes, Ann is everyone waiting for me at the back door? Yes, Ann everyone is waiting there for you. Okay before we go in maybe everyone should come over so we all can talk. Ann are you sure can tell everyone. I should be okay but if not, Fred would you please tell everyone what ideas and theories that I bounce off all of you. I can do that for you Ann. Bryan yes, Ann would you please bring everyone else over here for me. I can do that for you Ann. Bryan what is going on? Ann would like everyone to come, so she tells your ideas and theories she came up with.
After Ann talks to everyone, she will be ready to back inside or the rest of the night. Ann is okay with us watching to make sure she does not take a flash back in her sleep. I want to make everyone aware right now Ann needs help sitting down with her left side. Sam believes the therapy Ann is going to go through will help her. Ann left side is weak right now, but hopefully once therapy done the left side will be strong again. Bryan is there any thing else we should know. I told Ann about Tom’s idea about how we can get more security, and she thinks it is a great idea Tom. Okay everyone let’s go to talk with Ann. Tom yes, Ann thank you for coming up on how to add more security with this up coming tour. Ann yes, Tom I look at you like a sister I never had.
I will be here for you with anything you ever need. Thank you, so much Tom. Ann yes, papa m you came up with some ideas and theories. Yes, I have come up with some ideas and theories. There is one that I keep popping up in my head. Okay Ann tells us of the one that keeps popping up in your head. Melissa had to call someone back home after she learn how the back surgery what. That is the person who entered the contest might be someone who hurt me in the past and is hoping we pick there to have one of your concerts. I just wish there were a way to know who the person is that submitted the entry. Greg told me we could check their social media page to see if they are true army fans.
I told him that is a good idea because I did not think of that. I ask Greg if he would investigate for me because I do not know much about social media. He said yes, I can do that for you Ann. Another theory is it is someone who does not even know me, but they are true fans of BTS. Tim told me that can be a possibility also. We will not know until more digging is done. I then said what if there are true fans want to see BTS. We go there to have a concert. When we arrive to my home area that there are still people there who hurt me. That is when Bryan told me about Tom’s idea.
Ann yes papa m are you okay with everything going on? Yes, papa m I am okay everything going on. Uncle Bill yes, Ann do we know who was on the property? Yes, we know who was on the property, but I would rather not tell you. Why do you not want to tell me who was on the property. Ann are having an okay day and I would like to keep it that way. That is the only reason why I will not tell you who was on the property. Okay Uncle Bill I can understand your thinking on that part. Ann are you ready to go back inside? Yes, I am ready to go back inside for the rest of the night.
The next time I woke up it was to Jin and Yoongi rubbing my arms to wake me up. Jin and Yoongi what time is it. Ann it is 9:00 o’clock we decided to let you sleep a little longer than the rest of us. Ann yes Jin how are for feeling this morning? I feel like there is pulling going on at my incision. Okay Ann let’s get you sitting up so Bryan and Dr. Storm can look at it. Okay let’s sit me up. Yoongi yes, Jin you stay with Ann while I go get Bryan and Dr. Storm. If Bryan and Dr. Storm are busy, they can look at it later. I just wanted to let someone know what I am feel there.
Ann honey you did the right thing by tell us. I do not think Bryan and Dr. Storm are busy where they can’t look at your incision to make sure there is no problems going on. Okay I just want to bother them if they are looking at my medical records. Ann yes, Jin even if they are looking at your medical records, they will stop to check on you. Bryan asked us to wake up and find out how you are feeling. Jin yes, Ann I am hungry also. Okay let’s get Bryan and Dr. Storm to look at your incision. Then we will make you something to eat okay. Yes, Jin that sound like a plan to me. Ann yes, Dr. Storm, and Bryan Jin said you feel like there is pulling going on at your incision.
That is correct Dr. Storm, and it feels a little tender also. Okay let’s look to see what is going on with the incision. Bryan or Dr. Storm would you please explain what you are doing has you are doing it. Ann why do what us to talk to you? I feel if you explain what you are doing and what you see. I feel less nervous about what is going on. Yes, Ann we can explain what we are doing if it helps you feel less nervous and it help you understand what is going on also. Thank you both for your understanding. Ann yes, Bryan it is not a problem for us to explain what is going on. Ann yes, Dr. Storm the incision looks like it is healing the way it should be that is why you feel the pulling and tender around the incision.
I am glad it is healing the way it is supposed to be. Yes, especially with you little walking you did earlier this morning. I am sorry Dr. Storm about getting out of bed and moving around with no help. Ann, yes Bryan I explain to Dr. Storm why you did it and he is not mad at you. Ann yes, Dr. Storm I was concerned when Bryan told me what you did. I do understand when the brain turns on with different events that have happened with the 24 hours’ time. Please just do not try walking too much on you know especially since you do just have major back surgery. Bryan told me no more walking without someone with me. He is corrected about what would have happened if you fell earlier this morning. Everyone would have been alerted to my fall and told right where I was at.
What do you mean Ann. When I first found out about my legs not working. I was in the tub waiting for Jin and Yoongi to come back in to finish helping me. I wanted to see if I could at least get out of the tub by myself without help. Well, I fell and instead of yelling for Jin and Yoongi waited for one of them to come into the bathroom. After that happen, I hook up a safety measure for here and at the office. Where if I were to fall out of the chair or fall trying to do something on my own it would let everyone know whose phone has our security system programmed in it. I wanted to be independent. I only wanted to rely on someone when it was necessary where I could not do it on my own. I felt like a burdened to everyone around me when I first got in the chair.
It took many people to telling me I was not a burden to them for me to realize that they were telling the truth. I still do not like to rely on people to help me out. I was on the run for over two years before I met papa m, Namjoon, Jimin and Fred. While I was on the run for those two years. I barely accepted help from anyone while I was on the run. I did not want people to say I owed them anything for helping me out. The day I met papa m, Namjoon, Jimin and Fred I was desperately trying to get back to the homeless shelter here. I asked a lot people that day, but no one wanted to help me. That was until I met papa m, Namjoon, Jimin and Fred. I explained to them if I did not get back in time would not be able to eat or sleep there for the night.
That is when papa m asked Fred, Jimin, and Namjoon to take me to the shelter. Plus, Fred to make sure she gets a good meal in her. Jimin and Namjoon walked in with me to make sure I could stay the night. When the shelter asked if I had an emergency contact person. I said no. Namjoon goes use us. They give the shelter their info. Then gave me their address so I could go to hang out with them during the day. Because during the day I had to leave the shelter. When the others found out I was in the shelter the next day they wanted me to move in with them.
I told them I was okay staying in the shelter, but the night I was rushed to the hospital the night we learned about the L4-L5 disc. The next day they got their wish. Yoongi decided that night know matter what was wrong with me. I would move in with them, so they could take care of me. They have been taking care of me for over 8 months now. I was already dating Jin and Yoongi. The second night in Philadelphia is when I learned Namjoon, Hobi, Jimin, Tae, and Kookie loved me the same way Jin and Yoongi does. In the public eyes I am Jin and Yoongi girlfriend. Plus, the groups manager but I private they all love me. I would not trade a thing that has happened to me.
Ann yes, Dr. Storm why would you not trade a thing that has happened to you. Because I would never have met my real dad and 7 guys who love me unconditionally. Plus, they have given me the strengthen to stand up for myself. Like Bryan told you in the hospital everyone around me would do anything for my happiness, safety, and for me to feel loved. I have felt love before when I was in school from my classmates who are here with me now. Then I felt it again the four years I lived with little w and another 5 five guys here. I felt lost for those two years on the run because I had no real support. Every time I met the people here it has felt like I found a missing family member. I have to say that even includes you Dr. Storm. Ann yes, Dr. Storm why does that include me.
It is kind of hard to explain but I will try my best. The first time I met you when I could not voice or explain my concern. You had no problem with Bryan talking for me. Then the night before the surgery you called Bryan because a couple of things were not sitting right with you. When Bryan explained everything, he knew to you. You went above and beyond to make I was comfortable the day of my surgery. Then when everything happened at the hospital with Miss Potts you kind of went against your better judgement with me staying in the hospital. After Bryan explain to you about our family. Uncle Carl confirmed that Bryan was telling you the truth. You decided the best option for me was to release me to come home.
I were I could relax, be comfortable in my surrounding. Plus, I would be safe. By you doing all that for me. You earned your way into my family. Ann yes, Dr. Storm I am honored to be part of your family. Plus, before you got here you went back over my images to see if there were things you missed or the pain management doctor. When you got here you explain pain management doctor missed some keep parts of my three spine conditions are wanted my permission to go after him. It tells me you are willing to do anything to make sure I am well taken care of now and in the future. Ann I will always do what is right for my patients. Plus, you case is a little different then most of my patients.
I will promise you I will always have your best interest in mind. Thank you, Dr. Storm, for that gives me more peace at mind. Am I able to get out of bed to go eat something or do I need to stay in bed. Ann since everything looks good from the incision to drainage tube. We can get you out of bed to go eat something, but you need to take it easy with walking around. I would like to lay back down every two hours just to make sure there is not a lot of pressure on that area of your back. I can do that for you Dr. Storm. Bryan yes, Ann you have been quiet are you okay? Yes, Ann I am okay. I was just listening to everything you said to Dr. Storm.
Bryan yes, Ann I hope you know you are part of my family also. Ann yes, Bryan I did not think I was part of your family until now. Bryan you became part of my family I put together the night you protected me from David. Then when you saw me two years later see me in the wheelchair you decided to come on tour with the group. Since I am the manager and was going on tour with them. Plus, when David came back to the hospital the next day looking for me. You called Greg and little w letting them know what was going on. Then when Greg called you to say David was here looking for me. You came every other weekend to look for me and you called little w to inform him of where I might be at. By you doing that the day I need little w again.
He was able to get to me quick within ten minutes of my call to him. Plus, explain certain things to the guys when he got to me, so they how to stop me from collapsing. He taught them how to give me my treat when I forgot about it. It was until the day when I saw you at the office you asked about my treats. I remember about it. Ann the day saw you in the broad room I was relieved that you were safe. When I saw you in the chair my heart went into my throat because I knew lower back had to have gotten worse for you to be in the chair. When you explain about the L4-L5 bulging, disc getting smaller and herniated at the same time. I need to know if they check the rest of your spine also. When you explain they did.
Plus, the rest of your spine was looking the same way has lower back. I decided right then I would to over being your nurse. That is why I asked about if they had a nurse for you. I knew you did not trust females to be around you. The first you were brought into the hospital back home. I saw the look in your eyes when a female walked until your room. When I went to leave with being in there you asked me to stay. I knew you do not trust any female to be around there by themselves. That is why every time you came into the E.R. back home I made sure to be your nurse. I am glad you did that for me, or I am not have been able to make escape their hold on me.
Greg would come home from school talking about you. He would be telling me everything he saw on you like the bruises. He told me everyone parents who are here was with us now were also trying to get you way from them. I was already a nurse when he told me everything. I could not do anything about unless I saw it firsthand. When I walked in on David beating you, I was finally able to step in to protect you from him.  Bryan yes, Ann I really want to thank you for everything did and are doing for me now. Ann it is not a problem. Let’s get you into the dining room, so you can eat something light for breakfast. Then Sam will assess your walking and see how your legs feel after walking a little.
I am okay with that Bryan. I glad to hear you are okay with the plan to get you up and moving around. I would like you to still you the chair if there is going to be a lot of walking done for right now. Why do you want me to still use the chair Bryan? I only want you to use when there is more than 500 feet to walk, plus until we know your legs are strong enough to hold you up. I want to play it safe until I know the surgery did help you the way I hope it did. Can you understand my view with the chair now. Yes, Bryan I can understand why you still want me to use the chair. I can agree with your reasoning. I am glad Ann you understand why I want you to use the chair.
You just want to play it safe instead of me not using and something happens to me. Yes, Ann you are correct about that. I know you do what use the chair as a crutch. You would rather be being walking around. Your safety and wellbeing will always be my top priority to me. I have this question to both of you. Dr. Storm and Bryan. Ann what is your question? What happens if the surgery does not do what we hope it is supposed to do. Ann yes, Dr. Storm we will cross that bridge if we must okay.
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corpsentry · 4 years
ao3 mirror
fandom: haikyuu!! pairing: kageyama/hinata rating: T notes: spoilers up to chapter 387, getting together, character study, kageyama tobio experiences Desire warnings: death mentions (it is 387 after all), second person pov, philosophy
Kageyama Tobio, re-examined.
i. A month before Kitagawa Daiichi loses at the junior high qualifiers, your grandfather passes away. You had been sitting on the hard-backed chair in the hospital with your volleyball recordings and your volleyball recordings and listening to him breathe all week. You had not played volleyball in a while.
The month before that had been better. Sometimes he would agree to watch a match with you. You would slot the disc into the disc player they set up in rooms for dying people and point out your favorite maneuvers, the service aces you wanted to mimic. He would nod along, speak a few words or none.
The month before that had been the worst. Your sister informed you diplomatically that your grandfather was dying. Your legs went still under the dining table. You had seen the news making its way towards you on the horizon, and missed its arrival all the same.
You don’t remember much of the funeral. Only that there are white lilies and black suits and some far-off relative tells you about the symbolism of flowers. Good-bye and be-at-peace and whatever. He’s your second cousin from your father’s side and you’ve never seen him in your life. You’re given flowers to hold; you hold them. You’re given words to say; you say them.
A month before Kitagawa Daiichi loses at the junior high qualifiers your grandfather dies and the world reshapes itself around this fact but volleyball, strangely enough, does not. Something has left with him. It is the same thing your sister took with her when she glimpsed a different version of Miyagi through the window. One full of bright girls with lovely, flowing hair and powdered laughter.
“I’m quitting volleyball,” she said, fifteen and angry and in love.
You contemplate this alongside the flowers in your hands. You superimpose. You’ve always been bad with words but you know what it feels like to set a ball from the furthest corner of the court and have it fall perfectly into the spiker’s palm. You’re not soulless.
“I’m quitting volleyball,” you imagine your grandfather saying. Afterwards, you scrub at your skin in the shower until it turns red, and begins to flake away into the drain.
ii. See the problem is a ball lands where you ask it to, while a word spins out of control and eats your face. A ball will listen; a word will not. The world has done you a disservice and, reeling from the impact, you are only trying to stay on your feet.
A month later you step onto the court again with bubble wrap for skin. Everything is too-sharp and too-bright and the air in the gymnasium smells wrong. This smell is supposed to reassure you, you said so once. You are supposed to be in love with something. The question is: what?
Volleyball is a sport where you are always looking up. One must keep not only their eyes open but also their ears, and by extension, their hands. Process the data around you and re-purpose it into ammunition. Keep the blood in your veins burning. Ask for the ball.
Ask for the ball, that is to say: open your mouth. Say something or you will be left behind. You will yourself to do this as your teammates get slower and angrier and meaner. Your fingers begin to yearn for more contact with the ball. Somewhere in the back of your mind a voice informs you that you are losing and it sends a sliver of anxiety sliding across your cheek like a switchblade. You are panicking now.
Before this, there had been a boy with orange hair and so much hope in his bones, it made you jealous. In a desperate bid to remove this feeling, you tried to hurt him.
Your grandfather would not approve of your actions on the court today, tomorrow, or on Friday. Next week you are benched and the sensation tears at your skin like a free-fall. They give you the name King of the Court, then kick your knees into the concrete.
iii. You ask the boy with the orange hair what he’s been doing for the last three years. The other question, the one you’re actually supposed to ask yourself, is this: what have you been doing for the last three weeks? And the week before that, too, while your sister spent the daylight hours at her boyfriend’s and you stared at the houseplant in the corner of the living room. It has been wilting, slowly and steadily, for over a month now. You consider watering it every time you walk past. You never do.
iv. You don’t learn of Karasuno’s old histories until you get there but they seem fitting. This is nice, you decide, holding the fabric up to the light. This is where I will bury my crown.
But Hinata Shouyou—
v. Hinata Shouyou is a disaster. He’s so bad at volleyball it makes you mad. It makes you mad that he makes you mad. You had resigned yourself to a lifetime of apathy. Whatever sacred thing you had formed with volleyball had gone up like a plume of dust when your grandfather passed away. You think you will never be over anything. You are a suitcase packed for a business trip, mostly empty.
“I’ll set to whoever will help us win,” you say.
His hands curl into fists and his face crumples. It has been a while since anyone has cared enough about you to be upset instead of disappointed.
“Hah?” He’s seething. He knows you’re right and can’t do anything about it.
You pick up the ball, feel its surface singe your palms. If volleyball is over then what is this? What do you call this feeling? You look up.
“I don’t think you’re necessary to win right now,” you say.
“Hah?” he repeats. It’s one instance in a lifetime of honesty. He doesn’t know how to hide. He’s probably never needed to. Bitterness rises like bile in the back of your throat; you swallow around it.
Later, you stay to clean up the gymnasium. There is a moment in which he jumps off the stage and the setting sun splinters across his form. He is all skin and muscle, barely fifteen. He is not at all like the gods you grew up worshiping or the bleak faces you recall from junior high. This is, you observe distantly, different.
“What?” he asks, defensive. He has noticed you staring and begun seething again. Everything you do pisses him off. That’s new. Is that bad? You peer into yourself, ask the question again. Is that so bad?
“Nothing,” you tell him. You wheel the ball cart back into the storage room. The sound of shoes, rainfall, then he is there beside you. He does not pursue the matter of your eyes and therefore you do not pursue the matter of the strange way he refracts light. Physics cannot explain this. Nothing you know can explain the conundrum of Hinata Shouyou. For better or worse, you have all the time in the world to find an answer.
vi. Several months after quitting volleyball, your sister got into a fight with her boyfriend. He was an honor roll student that took triple sciences with history as an elective because he liked it more than the sciences, and had convinced his parents it would make his resume look good. This left sparingly little time for your sister, who had, in a spur of the moment decision, quit volleyball to share her own time with him. She only wanted to walk home together a few times a week, eat lunch at the same table, go on dates sometimes; she told you these things as she did her nails and cried. You listened and tried to fit her words into the dollhouse of your universe. Spending time with someone sounded painful. It involved sacrifice, you surmised, the act of carving things out of yourself. You decided it was a pity that your sister’s boyfriend was in love with history and she had been in love with volleyball. It was hard to love two things at once, or separately.
Later she broke up with this boyfriend and you watched as she acquired a string of subsequent boyfriends who were all unwilling to give up their version of elective history for her. You wondered what exactly she was trying so hard for but were unsure how to ask. Was it companionship? Was it devotion? Was it that abstract notion of love that made your face burn with exertion, even when you had done nothing at all? She had stopped looking for boyfriends altogether by the time you entered high school, and decided eventually to pursue hairdressing in Tokyo.
vii. Volleyball is a sport where you are always looking up. After junior high you refused to stare at anything but the ground before you, having resigned yourself to the fact that no one would want to hit a ball you had set. It seemed fair to anticipate the ball’s descent instead of its ascent. The ascent, after all, was dependent on factors outside of your control. The descent could be slowed down or at least cushioned with your hands.
“Give me the ball,” Hinata demands. He opens his mouth and the words cut right through you. Mesmerized by the sound, you toss to him and he slams the ball into the opposite court. There’s that age-old silence, the sharp intake of breath. Hinata and Kageyama’s freak quick does it again.
As long as you’re here, you think, he’s invincible.
Or is it the other way around?
viii. Karasuno goes to the Spring High. Still it doesn’t quite sink in until you’re walking onto the orange court and the announcer with his shiny annoying microphone is reading your name off a placard. ‘Kageyama Tobio’ goes up in the air like a firework. You feel your heart scrabble for purchase on your ribcage.
You play on all three days. You inhale the stark geometry of movement and the court teaches you physics and sorcery. You have sunk your feet into the hardwood floor and you will not go anywhere until Hinata Shouyou who refracts light like a miracle falls from the sky. Until he becomes Icarus.
When he finally does, you tell him, "I'm going on ahead."
What you really mean is: I want you to chase me.
ix. “What’s volleyball to you?” Hoshiumi asks once after practice. The question comes from nowhere and arrives nowhere. You simply happen to be present.
“Volleyball is volleyball,” you say perfunctorily.
Hoshiumi tilts his head back like a Yakuza. “That’s a stupid answer. Think harder.”
You slide your notebook into the front pocket of your bag. You picture rows of plastic bottles placed at equal intervals along a court. You hear the ball falling. The smear of shoes.
“Think harder,” Hoshiumi repeats. You think maybe he’s psychic, though he’s probably just bored. You think you would be nothing without volleyball. And Hinata, if he had not pulled you out of the sky and tied you to a kinder religion.
You consider Hinata Shouyou and the ball. Which matters more, which is the elective history class you cannot give up? Hoshiumi taps his feet against the floor impatiently.
“Volleyball just is,” you decide. Something has come upon you. You know what it looks like but not how to describe it. Hoshiumi can take his weird questions and shove it.
“Hah?” Hoshiumi tilts his head so far back you worry that his neck will snap. You zip your bag and sling it over your shoulder, nod in his direction without meeting his eyes.
“Kageyama, you’re full of bullshit.”
x. He calls you one night from Brazil, drunk off his ass, and you burn like Alexandria with the urge to put your hands on his throat.
xi. “Is that so bad?”
“No, but the Black Jackals are annoying. Atsumu still holds a grudge against me for the Olympics. Sakusa’s going to make everyone use his hand sanitizer and then he’s going to run out and he’s going to make one of us buy him refills.”
“And Hinata Shouyou.”
“Yeah. And Hinata Shouyou.”
xii. Maybe passion is frustration. Maybe love is consumption. Maybe Hinata comes back from Brazil and the first thing you think when you see him in the hallway outside the toilet is that you want to lick the smile right off his face. It has taken you several years to reach the place where the shadow of junior high and the family you left behind does not cast itself across your shoulders, but merely the tips of your toes. Your feet are planted firmly in the dirt.
Your grandfather used to say that no one understood what was and wasn’t important to you better than yourself. At eight you felt that he was being evil and deliberately cryptic. At twenty-two, you think you understand. Volleyball is Hinata is volleyball. You cannot have one without the other and you cannot have neither, so you want to have both.
The Black Jackals win. As the crowd surges out of the bleachers, calling your names like promises, you duck under the net to the other side of the court. The sound of shoes, rainfall; then he is there beside you.
“It’s my win,” Hinata says, smiling so hard you think he’s going to crack right open. He's sweaty and gross and you've never seen anything quite as spectacular.
“Yeah” you say, and then you kiss him.
xiii. Everyone knows Kageyama Tobio fucked up at the junior high qualifiers, but most people don’t know he borrowed his father’s suit for his grandfather’s funeral. He didn’t want to go in the first place. He was scared of the faceless casket he would be forced to confront.
By the time he emerged onto the court again he had retreated so far inside of himself, there was little left on the outside but a motorized shell which remembered, vaguely, how to play volleyball. They called him King of the Court for months afterwards, but they didn’t see the way the court had swallowed him up and spat out his bones. His teammates had been watching him with curious resentment for months. His coach had little sympathy for the sullen genius with the brackish words. No one saw that he was carrying a wound for a heart. They saw only the court and the ball and the way the spiker’s hand fell short of its golden trajectory.
Look at that, they said in wonderment. Isn’t that terrible.
Everyone knows Hinata Shouyou sucked at volleyball at the start, but they don’t know that Kageyama Tobio looked at him for the first time that day and hoped immediately, from some strange and selfish part of his chest, that Hinata would be the one to wake him from his solitary dream. That he saw in him the face of a sleeping god.
They don’t know that Kageyama spent six years watching for the shadow of the sun through the clouds, and then was there to greet it at first light.
0. By the grace of God and with this crown, I name you king of everything.
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bmichael · 4 years
Pain and Gain
1 mile, 10:45 pace
::Sets down beige folding chair, turns hat backward, sits down chairback against chest, like a teacher about to get real with you::
Pain is a funny thing.
Mine is the most important thing in the world. Yours might cause mine to increase. Or mine causes yours. In my personal experience, this seems to be the case, at least.
How do people share pain? When they experience the same hurt, right?
Perhaps that’s why I love reading and watching books and movies that depict striving and athletic-type achievement. From your classics like Once a Runner to only tangentially related sports media like Uncut Gems. When you feel the same hurt of the athlete (or athlete-proxy gambler, say), you share the experience of pain. Which can be cathartic. Or at least it externalizes a deeply hidden part of yourself that, perhaps in my case who’s to say, you almost never feel or access unless it boils over like an overfilled pot of noodles, spilling scalding water all over your nerves.
It’s such a broad cliche to say that pain makes you feel alive, but it really does, doesn’t it?
Physical pain, I felt some of the worst recently when I got stung on the foot. Wearing sandals at the playground, I saw many bees or wasps buzzing around but this one came out of nowhere as I walked from the swings to the slides. The next thing I knew, my foot was a ball of pain. The pain didn’t go away for two days. During that first day, it was such an intense and constant companion that I didn’t think about cutting my foot off, but I thought about how if it went on for very long I would definitely start thinking about it.
The other big physical pain I had recently was from a skateboarding accident (lol) trying to get back into things, during the peak of the onset of quarantine on a chilly May night. Luckily I put on a bright orange fleece, literally the only smart thing I did. I was just zipping along, getting a feel for a new Pennyboard I’d just got, when I hit something. Like a patched piece of asphalt or something, and you can tell I’m getting quite old, the next thing I know I’m on the ground. I can’t move my legs. I’m paralyzed.
What had happened was, I had many years ago hurt my neck doing something really stupid (this is a life theme of mine) and now this evening I landed back-of-neck-first somehow right on the spot I had apparently injured. I bruised my spinal cord and shifted some discs. Then, an all-night stay in the ER (during the peak of the onset of quarantine, mind you) getting first an MRI then a CAT scan wearing a neck brace, unable to sleep. After a few hours, I wasn’t really scared anymore. I had a good idea I wasn’t going to be paralyzed, at least. But it was emotionally a lot.
Cut to, the next day. We used to do mid-week family trips to the grocery store. This accident of mine happened on a Tuesday, so the next morning I drove us to Wegmans. My whole upper body ached so much, but it was really hard to tell what was making what hurt. See, a few weeks before THIS, I had not-quite but sort of dislocated my shoulder, or at least really fucked up a shoulder that had been previously dislocated many times but had been pretty well healed up for 7+ years at this point... jumping rope. So that shoulder hurt. My neck hurt. My back hurt. From the waist up, I hurt all over. 
Time passed, and the acute pain basically went away, but I’d get awful nerve-y pain and feelings on runs. I went for a relatively fast run like a couple days after this accident (at the time, I had a plan to run 1,000 miles in 2020 and had already taken a few week-long stretches off). Well, running now presented some new problems.
Because of the previous neck-type injury I mentioned above, I’d sometimes get a juddering not-quite-pain but very unpleasant feeling in my neck if I tilted my head up the wrong way while running, say. Now, I got a similar pain if I turned my head to the left. And often, I’d get a heart-throbbing pain-type feeling, like a psychedelic nervey type of pain in the middle of my chest (the MRI only went down to the nape of my neck, and I think I may have fucked up myself a bit further down, too, but who knows), radiating outward. 
It felt like rainbow knives running against the grain of the inside of my back and chest muscles.
Well, this really sucked. I’m happy to say that by like the end of summer all of this pretty much went away, knock on wood. Either the nerve endings died or my discs started returning where they belong, or I’m one wrong step away from dying or being paralyzed. Who knows! My way is to not question it until it’s way too late.
Fun side note: After I fell down and couldn’t move really, I was of course in the road. Not the very middle, but like way more in the road than you’d want to be at like 9pm on a dark night. The first car I saw crested the hill I had been going down, and I start waving my arms and screaming bloody murder. Luckily, they see me and kind of pull over. I ask the woman who rolls down her window to call 911, which she does. And then I ask her to come out and stand next to me so I don’t get run over, which she does not. She says she has an autistic child in the car and they’re having a hard time. Someone else also stops at this point, and he also won’t stand like next to next to me, but he kind does. Perhaps it was the covid or just the utter bizarreness of the scene. A grown man, lying in the road, unable to move, in the middle of the night during a very strange time in everyone’s life.
I haven’t really reflected on this too much, other than to occasionally get mad at myself or at “life” or whatever. I do try to stay grateful for my ability to do things right now that certainly seemed up in the air just a few months ago.
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mikami · 5 years
Death Note Audio Drama 08
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Disc 8: Live Transmission  - a summary / partial translation
Prior translations / an explanation as to what the fuck this is.
Despite the cover image, Near only shows up on the next disc, tragically.
In this disc, fundamentally nothing of interest happens. It entirely focuses on the span between the start of the Higuchi chase and Rem deciding to kill L, with very few additions that are at all intriguing.
Next disc though, major stuff is back in play, so look forward to that.
MISA: Save the world. Love the world.
OMINOUS VOICE: Cosmé.... Misa....
MISA: Love the world, live yourself.
MAN: For the modern girl. Hypoallergenic cosmetics. Good for you and good for our planet.  
MISA: Let’s turn the world into a better place together.
MAN: Cosmé Misa is without pollutants or preservatives. With sustainable ingredients from free nature.
MISA: Everyone should be free, right?
MAN: Newly released and only by Yotsuba.
We’re welcome back to Sakura TV’s special and reminded to stay tuned in for the shocking finale.
L and Light wonder about the person Higuchi is talking about in his car. They try to think of ways someone could sit on the backseat, but Wendy confirms there definitely is nobody there.
Higuchi begs Rem to kills Matsuda or to give him his name. She refuses.
L makes Misa call Higuchi.
Rem suggests to Higuchi to give up the notebook, but then Misa calls and confronts him on the ‘start running, whore’. He tries to call her baby and sweetie and begs her to kill her manager. She’s like “uhhh, he’s not a bad person so, no.”
But then she gives the name out and the fake real name they give is...... Tsugumi Ohba.
Higuchi stops the car to write that name and the task force speculate what he’s doing, but they can’t figure it out. They do see him using a pen though.
Higuchi counts down, but Matsuda obviously doesn’t die. Higuchi calls Misa again but Light tells her not to pick up.
Higuchi decides to shoot Matsuda again, but when Rem suggests the eye deal this time, he agrees to it.
L decides this mention of a contract is too suspicious and decides they want to make the arrest now.
Higuchi kills that traffic cop, like in the manga. Higuchi’s attitude here is super jovial, he’s totally overjoyed that the eyes are working.
L and Light figure out that Higuchi now only needs a face. They want Higuchi arrested immediately.
The TV show goes on commercial break, since they want to evacuate the studio now. 
Kitamura is watching his daughter’s Swan Lake ballet. L calls him for support. (Kitamura: “What do you want? And hurry up, I think the swan’s dying now.”) 
The police are instructed to keep distance and let Higuchi come into Sakura TV.
Higuchi is yammering to Rem about his wishes to kill, not only at the TV studio, but also to kill Misa. Rem reminds him that more victims mean more evidence against him. 
L figures out that Higuchi has a shinigami with him. L locks Misa to a chair, while he and Light take the helicopter to go to the TV studio. For this occasion, L ties Light to his hand with handcuffs. (Misa: “Hey L, don’t just leave me here. You’ve got two hands, why can’t I be chained to the other one?!”)
The TV transmission continues, slowly zeroing in on a Japanese company as main suspect. Demegawa wants to remain at the studio in order to film Higuchi’s entry, Soichiro tells him to come along and evacuate but Demegawa refuses.
A short snippet of Light being shocked Watari is a sniper, but no interesting info gets dropped.
Wendy tries to hand Soichiro a gun, but Soichiro refuses, like in the manga.
Higuchi arrives at the studio. Demegawa determinedly lets it all be filmed. We hear the whole scene from film crew perspective. Higuchi arrives and sees the dummies, he understands its a trap.
He is circled by Soichiro, Wendy, Ivor and someone from the task force. They start shooting. Soichiro gets nonfatally shot and Higuchi runs and drives away in his car again. Ivor and Mogi follow in their own car, Wendy steals the Sakura TV transmission car to also chase. The whole car chase scene unfolds without interesting detail.
Higuchi gets surrounded and arrested eventually. Soichiro takes the notebook, sees Rem, then Mogi sees Rem, too..... You know the deal.
Light insists on taking the book, regains his memories. Hurray.
TV report about Higuchi’s arrest. Demegawa’s broadcast was apparently completely cut off, just like all other media. But Demegawa is on the new report anyway and stating that the person arrested is Kira. He repeats his ‘not for awards, not for viewer numbers’ catchphrase.
They also let us know Higuchi is arrested alive.
Kitamura is fucking furious with L and Soichiro. He hates how they did this and how many crimes they committed along the way. He wants to sue them all.
They argue about who gets to keep Higuchi. Soichiro eventually brings up that he could publicize that the police has been blackmailed, thus he strongarms Kitamura into keeping the investigation.
We also hear that Light collapsed upon regaining his memories and is currently in the hospital. L casually remarks that maybe Kitamura should at least send him a fruits basket.
Ryuk eating apple noises. 
RYUK: I missed this.
LIGHT (weakly): Ryuk...
RYUK: How are you, boy?
LIGHT: I have a pounding headache...
RYUK: Well, it ought to hurt to get all those memories back into your head.
LIGHT: Wait... stop....
RYUK: Relax, boy. There are no bugs in this room. They’re too busy cleaning up after all this excitement. 
LIGHT: Well, then, do as you like. [in reference to Ryuk’s apple chewing]
RYUK: And even if so, you shouldn’t mind.
LIGHT: Who even sent me a fruits basket...?
RYUK: Wait, there’s a card.... Oh, you won’t believe this.
The task force examine the notebook and read its rules. L concludes there is more than one Death Note. They try talking to Rem, same-ish as the manga.
The 13-day-rule clears Light and Misa.
Light explains the fake rules to Ryuk, so apparently he literally just wrote them himself. Why Light even keeps his memories here despite Higuchi still being alive is a fucking mystery, but the writers just didn’t think it through, I guess.
Light now does kill Higuchi with his watch.
Soichiro then comes to visit and asks how Light is, expressing confusion that only Light reacted this badly to the book, but quickly forgetting about.
Phone ringing. L picks up.
L: What now? ... Uh-huh.... Oh really? .... Really, just like that? [starts yelling] Amazing! No, really! Amazing! Thanks for nothing!!
He hangs up. The call had informed him that Higuchi had a heart attack.
Misa digs up the Death Note. Misa gives Ryuk an apple for Light. (Ryuk: “That’s my man.”) She’s also... starting to regain her memories already? Despite not having touched the buried notebook yet?? Who knows what’s up.
She then reads Light’s letter, but she doesn’t remember L’s name anymore. Ryuk here is the one who actively talks her into making the deal again, rather than Misa deciding for herself.
L is still asking Rem questions, taken from the manga. Misa drops by HQ, L won’t let her in anymore. Light tries to convince L to say goodbye to her at least, but L refuses. He then tries to guilt trip L like “you just drop people when you stop needing them” but to no avail.
Rem confronts Misa about the new eye deal while Misa renews her lipstick in the lady’s room. She is upset. 
MISA: You didn’t care about that when we made the trade.
REM: That was before... before you meant something to me.
MISA: Oooh, that’s sweet, really, Rem. But Light needs me.
Rem still tries to convince Misa that she made a mistake, since L is never going to let her see him again.
TV report about all Yotsuba executives dying. It’s quick. More reports about how Kira is back and a lot of new murders are occurring. Higuchi’s name is explicitly mentioned and people wonder how he could die while in police custody.
Most of the reported murders are suicides? Because the audio drama just quietly changes this to a common MO for Kira, apparently.
L is really pissed Kira is back in the game, hurray. Light is pretty calm about it, as L points out. This immediately directs L’s attention back to the idea of an original Kira (hence, Light). He immediately doubts the 13 day rule.
LIGHT: Ah, I see. You’re completely in the dark, so you declare me the suspect. Aren’t you getting bored of that?
Rem is on the roof in the rain, talking to Ryuk. She’s mad at him for what he did with giving Misa the eyes again. Ryuk says that this looks like ‘plan B’, though he doesn’t know what that even means. Rem then figures it out.... that the plan is for Rem to kill L. “If I love Misa, I have to sacrifice myself.”
Thus she vows to kill L for Misa. And she flies off, with Ryuk calling after her to think it over once more.
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a-shadows-tear · 4 years
The Boy Far from Home
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The young boy woke up to the sound of a fight between his father with someone over the phone. He was only two turning three in two months and it was expected that this memory in future was never to remember this. He was too young. He came down from the not so comfortable couch, clutching a light blanket which was royal blue in his tiny grip of one hand, the other hand was a little fist rubbing his tired eyes. His tiny footsteps were inaudible as he walked into the kitchen where his father was. 
“Daddy?” the young boy questioned, looking up at him with his eyes half open due to the kitchens light being too bright to adjust to at the moment. His father stopped his harsh words and turned, a soft smile on his lips. “just a moment buster” his father spoke in his soft, deep tone. The young boy nodded and waddled back into the sitting room and got back onto the couch. He looked about in curiosity at what to do but he soon stopped being bored, he became scared.
A loud smash came from the kitchen and he hopped down from the couch yet again, clinging onto his blanket. “Dad-” He couldn’t finish his sentence as his father had sprinted out, taking the young boy into his strong arms. The young boy clinging onto his father’s shirt, eyes tightly shut. His father grabbed two bags that had already been packed in advance for whatever reason that the young boy didn’t even bother questioning, as well as Quinn’s jacket and shoes. 
Gunshots and yells of his father’s name were the only things the young boy heard. he was now crying, the fear of the harsh sounds and now the sound of a ship engine. The boy was sat down in a chair far too big for him and the seatbelt put on him. He opened his eyes to see his father with that generous smile of his on his face, it made the crying boy stop, especially when the man said, ”you’re going to be fine buster”. If he was any older, he would have known that this was an ok scenario. 
They were upon the Ranger, a ship that was aided by the a.i Alanzo. With the call of the a.i’s name, a voice greeted them. “hello captain and Quinn”, he spoke. The little boy in his innocence replied with an adorable, “hi Alanzo”. The ship shook and things weren’t so happy anymore. “get us to Mars Alanzo, this is a code 21″, the captain spoke and the ship soon took off to the location issued by the captain.
The young boy was Quinn Zephyr. His father was Charlie Zephyr, better know by the galaxy as Captain Pleasant. The captain though wasn’t pleasant like his name was… In this current moment in time, Quinn knew nothing about why he was being brought to mars and he certainly didn’t know what a code 21 was either. He didn’t speak, all he did was look out the window at the planet he was born on fade into the dark sky filled with dancing stars. He held onto his blanket, sometimes tearing up but wouldn’t cry in the fears of distracting his father in his work. 
At some stage, young Quinn had fallen asleep due to the long, boring journey and woke up when they had arrived on Mars. His father had woken him up and picked him up. he brought him over and got a small box down from the shelf. he opened it and took out a small disc-like piece. He crouched to one knee and stuck the metallic piece behind the boy’s ear. “I got this made for you. Its a mask. go on, press the little button”, he said to Quinn, watching the young boy press the button and a mask came over his face. He was now looking through two blue lenses at his father who put in a similar mask. “These masks are oxygenated which means that we can go onto Mars and breath till we are in the safe zone. the mask will change in size naturally as you grow older”, he said. Quinn’s eyes lit up, “that’s so cool! I’m like a hero!” he cheered. The captain laughed softly and got one of the two bags, took his son’s hand, “yeah, just like a hero” he replied to the excited Quinn. The door opened for them to get off onto the bridge, Alanzo spoke before departing, “goodbye young Quinn…”. If only he knew why Alanzo only said goodbye to him and his father.
The city had an oxygenated field but to get in you must travel on a bridge with no oxygen is present. A guard stood there at the gateway in and his father gave him two cards. Fake I.D. The guard nodded and they walked through the gate. His father took off his mask but Quinn was too busy thinking he was a superhero with his blanket now as a cape. There was a long walk down a road till the city came into sight, Quinn ran ahead but his father called his name. They weren’t going to the city. The trail now was filled with the red sand of mars, small huts coming into view. Quinn reached up and took his father’s hand as they walked past some of these huts. People came out or were out already. they all stared and some mad nasty comments. “ah, look at the lil’ one. he will be scraps to the dogs if he ain’t careful”. Quinn winced and quickly moved closer to his father. This place was a place of the poor, people were thrown out of the city. This land was called Salvatoria, the land of the poor and the junk lands.
The reached a hut which had many types of things outside like bikes that were made from scratch, scraps of metal and a little toy robot. His father knocked on the door and it opened. A man slightly older than Charlie came out with a smile on his face as he wiped the oil off his hands with a dirty rag. his smile was loving and generous but that soon faded. The man looked down at Quinn who still had his mask on then back to the captain. “I wasn’t expecting you both so early… come in,” he said, movie aside for them to come in. The man looked about the outside of the hut and quickly closed the door.
“who was that honey?”, came the voice of a woman. She soon came into view for Quinn to see. She looked as shocked and scared as the man did when he laid eyes upon Quinn and his father. Charlie put a hand behind his son’s ear to take deactivate the mask. Quinn’s teary eyes and terrified face came into view, he then broke into tears with a sad sob and cry, reaching out for his father to take him into his arms. His father picked him up and hushed him, kissing the top of his head. “no need to cry, buddy. You’re safe” he started. His father sat down as did the man and woman who seemed to have expected them both. His father began to sing a lullaby while rocking his son in his arms. A lullaby the young boy was not familiar nor anyone else.  
“When you feel scared and all alone, I will always be with you little one. Don’t waste those tears, just close your eyes and you will see me. if you can’t sleep at night, look up at the stars and smile because that’s where I will be, son. Hush your confused little mind, close your eyes and listen to me young boy… you are my son and I am your father… my love for you will burn like the sun. So don’t cry and feel scared in this world, for you are the captain’s son”
Quinn listened to the words and closed his eyes, hearing his father hum on with the same trying tune. He soon fell asleep in the warm, safe arms of his father. He awoke several hours later on a soft mattress with multiple blankets surrounding him, he was no longer in his father’s arms. he sat up and clumsily got away from all the blankets but kept his loyal blanket with him. He slowly walked into the room beside her he lay to see no one. “Daddy?” he called, hugging his blanket. He hurried to the next room, no one. “D-daddy?”. The next room and then the room after that he found the man and woman from the night before working on something he didn’t care about. “Where’s my Daddy?” he asked in a small shaky voice. “he just left kiddo… but he will be back soon,” the man said in a soft tone. As nice as the man was, as kind the woman was, Quinn didn’t want them. He shook his head and began to cry. “no… I want my daddy to come back now! I want my daddy!” He cried. He did calm down after a while, the man and woman cheered him up by making pancakes. He learned their names, Astrid and Tyrone. He learned some of the robots names they made or help fixed that went around the house or helped them with the amazing things they made, making friend with a small drone who got kicked out of the city named Rocky. They sat on the doorstep together gazing up at the stars, waiting for his dad to return. he did that the next night, the night after that, and many more nights after that too.
They say that you may regret saying or doing something in the past as you believe if you changed what you said or did would get a better result. Quinn regretted this. He regretted falling asleep. He could never sleep the same again. If he didn’t fall asleep, he could have at least said goodbye to his father. As he grew older, he forgot his real father as he was too young to remember and too sad to ever want to remember that his father had left him for a reason he was yet to learn. 
all he can remember is the silly little lullaby. 
end of part 1
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hollands-poppet · 6 years
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Summary: Big Brother is a reality TV show that allows a number of contestants to live in isolation that try to avoid eviction by their houseguest, and last man standing wins half a million dollars.
Word count: 6.6K 💛
A/N: Yay, first part is out.. I still don’t know if this series is working out the way I thought it was so I would LOVE feedback your guy’s feedback, it would help me tremendously. Predictions, theories are also welcomed. 
Warnings: A TON of cussing tbh, sort of proofread not really, hella drama even tho its only part 1 hahaha
Julie is outside of the Big Brother house as the houseguests are in the backyard of the house, they’re all holding onto a rope that is attached to a small disc, all of their feet barely able to fit on the disk. She comes up on the speaker as they all hang on to the rope, “This Head of Household competition is called “Hang on There.” This competition will require you to hold on to this rope while standing on this small disk, sound easy? Well as soon as the timer starts, the ropes will start revolving and you all will begin to rotate around in a circle while still having to hold onto the rope. Are you ready houseguest?”
The houseguest all give Julie a cheer or a thumbs up, “Alright houseguest, goodluck and goodnight.” Her voice disappears from the backyard, and her shift is over for the night.
The timer starts, and the ropes begin to rotate around the backyard, “Oh fuck this shit feels nasty.” Hayley says as closes her eyes while holding tightly onto the rope.
Tana starts to obnoxiously laugh as the ropes begin to spin her around, “Y’all this feels like the first time I smoked weed.”
Tana’s DR: I want to win this HoH because it’ll make me seem like I’m serious-
Tana loses her grip and ends up falling off the disk first, it hasn’t even been a minute into the competition.
Tana’s DR: Are you kidding me? It hasn’t even been a minute and I fell off, I lost my grip.
About five minutes after Tana falls both Hayley and Joe fall off at the same time, Hayley quickly runs off the mat that they fell on and throws up on the grass.
Hayley’s DR: I was so nauseous, spinning in circles is torture, this wasn’t my comp for sure.
The competition in total has been going on for about an hour and a half, the last houseguest holding on are Madelaine, Y/N, Tom and Shawn.
Shawn’s legs have been shaking and his arms are aching from holding on so tight, and finally his legs give out and he falls on the matt beneath him. He immediately turns around to face the ground and pukes, he vomits underneath everyone so if anyone falls there is a chance they will fall into his vomit.
Shawn’s DR: I couldn’t make it off the mat, I just puked all over. I can’t believe I was able to hang on for that long and not win BUT it’s also good that I didn’t want because I can’t have a huge target on my back yet.
Tom is holding on for dear life, his hands are burning from holding onto the rope, “Girls, if I jump off will you keep me safe?” Madelaine hasn’t even flinched or even gotten out of her zen mode, her eyes are closed as she spins in circles, “I promise, you’re safe with me.” He looks behind him and watches you hold on for dear life, “Y/N? What about you?”
You nod your head with your eyes closed, “Yes, Tom.”
Y/N’s DR: Are you serious, Tom? I’m literally just telling him what he wants to hear.
And once he hears that yes, Tom lets go of the rope that he’s been holding onto for the past hour and a half. He lies stiff on the floor from his hands forming blisters and his calves aching from holding him up on the rope.
Madelaine’s DR: It’s down between me and Y/N, and I can hold on to this rope forever..so I decide to offer a deal.
“Y/N, I see you shaking...let’s strike a deal, I promise I’ll keep you safe.” Her eyes open and she makes eye contact with Madelaine, “Please, let me win.. I promise I’ll keep you safe too.”
Y/N’s DR: I counter offer her deal because I want to win too, but I don’t think I can hold anymore.
“I can hold onto this all day Y/N, please I promise you’re safe.” Your legs are aching, and your muscles are tensing up, you can’t hold on anymore. Before letting go you ask again for re-assurance, “You promise I’m safe?” She looks back at you, “I swear, I won’t put you up this week.” And with that, Y/N lets go and lands on the mat underneath her.
Madelaine’s DR: *holds up the HoH key* I am the first HOH of the summer and I could not be more excited. *claps hands* These houseguest better know I’m not just here to play, I'm here to win.
Madelaine jumps off the punching bag she was holding on to, and lands on her back as she lays stiff on the ground due to her muscles aching. Y/N wipes her face with the towel that Shawn brought to her, she is getting a bit emotional but is doing her best to hide her disappointment.
Y/N’S DR: I made a deal with Madelaine because she was going to outlast me so I just thought I would throw the comp.. anyway it gives me a chance to play in the HOH next week. *she moves her hair from her face* It just sucks to lose.
As Y/N wipes her face with the towel, she is approached by Harrison whose arms are open for hug, “You did amazing, mate.” She lets out a crooked smile as she accepts his hug, “Thank you, it’s Harrison right?” He pulls away, “Yeah but you can call me Haz.”
Haz’s DR: Y/N is a beast, she killed that comp. I just think she’s awesome. *stares into camera and winks*
The houseguests are walking in back into the house from the backyard, the sliding doors lead into the kitchen which everyone stands around in for a bit.
Tana stands on the kitchen counter, “I just want to congratulate everyone on the first competition, you guys all killed it.”
Zendaya scoffs and after taking a drink of her water can’t stay silent, “Dude, you fell first.” It’s like everyone’s head shot in the direction of Tana and Zendaya, was this the first fight of the season?
Tom and Shawn make Ooooo sounds as they watch from the kitchen table a couple of feet away. Y/N, Haz, Hayley and Madelaine watch from the sink and fridge as they still dry up from the competition, they’re not sure what is happening.
Tana claps her hands in sassiness, “So I see someone is bitter about not winning.” Zendaya crosses her arms, “Ain’t nobody bitter, now get your dirty ass feet off the table.”
Zendaya’s DR: Now who does this girl think she is? *taps her head* She’s just being so rude, and having her dirty shoes on the kitchen counter isn’t okay.
Tana slowly gets off the kitchen counter, “Look, I didn’t insult anybody.. if anything you’re being rude by telling me I fell first.”
Z almost chokes while sipping her water due to a sudden chuckle, “I’m not upset about that Tana.. just out of respect for everyone keep your feet off the kitchen counter that’s it.”
Tana’s DR: Is this bitch serious?
“I’m not trying to fight Tana, I’m just saying you know what I mean?” Zendaya scratches her arm as the blonde comes up to her with open arms, “I know my bad, I just got carried away.” They both hug but as they embrace Tana looks dead into one of the house cameras and rolls her eyes.
Tana’s DR: Obviously I’m not sorry BUT *flips hair* Madelaine is watching and she’s the new HOH, if she sees that I’m starting shit she can easily nominate me for eviction so I just decide to squash whatever happened between me and the flight attendant.
*Next Day*
Madelaine is hanging out in the HoH room which is a secluded room upstairs in the house that the head of household gets to have for the week. She is doing her makeup on her bed when she hears a knock on the door, “Come in,” she yells as she looks at herself in her palette mirror.
It’s Hayley and Tom who waltz in after being let in by Madelaine, Hayley lays on the bed as Tom takes a seat on the 3 seat couch in the room. He clears his throat, “We just wanted to congratulate you on being the first HoH of the summer, that’s awesome.”
The redhead puts her palette down, “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”
Hayley picks up for Tom, “No yeah, we’re genuinely happy for you. We just wanted to come see where your head is at.”
She gets up from her chair where she’s doing her makeup and picks up a snickers from the table, “You guys aren’t my targets for sure. I really don’t know what I’m gonna do.” She takes a bite from her Snickers, and sits across from Tom on the couch.
Tom’s DR: If I can plant some seeds in Madelaine’s head about who to put up, I can possibly have her wrapped around my finger this whole summer.
“Honestly, if I were you..I would put up Tana because she’s been rubbing people off the wrong way in the house.. Just like yesterday with that whole thing with Zendaya.” Maddie’s eyes widen, and she slaps her hand on her knee, “Dude, the first thing she asked me when she met me was if I had no soul because I had red hair, like what the fuck is that about?”
Tom’s DR: Uh, Madelaine do you hear yourself right now? Your first nominee is practically slipping out of your mouth.
Hayley’s jaw drops slightly, “That’s not cool! Especially for a first impression... So there is your first nominee dude, nobody is really vibing with her anyway so nobody would be mad.” The redhead nods in agreement as she takes another bite from her Snickers bar, “And who would go up with her?” Tom takes a sip from his cup of water, “Who haven’t you talked to?”
She swallows her chocolate, “Honestly, Keiynan..  he hasn’t talked to me at all since I’ve won.”
Tom’s DR: *rubs hands together* I think she just found her second nominee, now hopefully she goes through with it, as long as my face doesn’t appear on the memory wall… everything is peachy.
Y/N is hanging out with Zendaya in the rooms as they are getting to know each other a bit better.
“How did you end up becoming a flight attendant?” The dark beauty wraps her hair into a bun, “I was going to school and I just wasn’t feeling it so I decided to just dropped out started going to flight attendant school and I really figured out I want to study fashion now.”
You sit up on your knees, “DUDE! When we get out of this house, I can feature you at the radio station I work at and we can promote you on there.”
Z smiles, “Stop, no way.”
Y/N claps, “Yes! It’ll be so awesome.”
Zendaya’s DR: Y/N is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and I really want to work with her, so since we’re alone I decide to bring up a final two deal.
Z moves from her bed to Y/N’s and sits criss cross style, “Look, ever since we moved in I feel like I could really trust you and we both killed today’s competition.” Y/N nods her head and scratches her upper lip, “No, fucking same dude.”
“Let’s make a final two deal, we taking each other to the end.” She puts out her pinky out and you intertwine yours with hers, “it’s us to the end girl, I swear.”
Y/N’s DR: Z is so chill and she seems loyal and I’ve been vibing with her so I can see myself taking her to end with me.
As soon as you both pull your pinkies away, Harrison walks in the room “What are you ladies talking about?” He makes his voice a bit sassy as he sits next you.
“We were just talking about who Madelaine is going to nominate today.. who do you think?” Harrison bites into the apple he has in his hand, “Um, I’m not sure to be honest with you. I’m hoping it’s Tana.” You slap your hands together and yell in a whisper, “Me too! She’s so fucking rude.”
Zendaya rolls her eyes, “You already know how I feel about that girl.”
Zendaya’s DR: Honestly, I hope Tana’s ass ends up on the block. She’s rude, insensitive and is just loud. She’s just an annoying person.
“Hey guys, we’re gonna do some yoga outside wanna join?” Shawn shoots into the room with a bandana in his hair. Z gets off the bed, “I’m sort of down.”
Shawn fists pumps Z, “Sweet. Tom, Keiynan and Tana will be in the backyard waiting.” He begins to walk away when Zendaya responds, “On second thought, I’m gonna shower.”
Zendaya’s DR: I’d rather rot than do yoga with Tana.. *motions index finger* no thank you.
Zendaya moves past Shawn to the restroom, he shrugs his shoulders, “You guys in?” Y/N lays back down on her bed, “I’m good, I think I’m gonna nap.”
“What about you Harrison?” Harrison rubs his eyes, “Nah mate, I think I’m gonna nap as well.” Shawn rolls his eyes, “Alright, suit yourselves then.”
Y/N’s DR: Does it look like I do yoga?
“So I take it yoga isn’t your thing?” Harrison says as he sits on the edge of Y/N’s bed. Her head pops out of her sheets and looks at the blonde, “Definitely not. I don’t do much physical activity.” You both laugh, and she sits back up on the bed’s headboard.
“You could have had me fooled, you killed that competition.” He lays down on the edge of her bed as the two keep eye contact, “I really wish I had won, but I made sure she wasn’t going to nominate me- I just thought it would be better to throw it and be able to play for the next HoH.”
He nods, “Yeah, that’s a smart move and if I win I swear you won’t go up.” Y/N blushes, “That’s cool thanks, likewise here. You seem like a great asset to me.” He pops up from his spot, “Asset? Don’t you mean friends?”
She laughs, “Well of course, I just don’t want people to get the wrong idea.” He is taken aback, “What do you mean?” She runs her fingers through her hair, “You’re super cool, I just don’t want people to think we’re in an alliance-”
“Or showmance?” He cuts her off and smiles, she brings her lips in between her teeth and chuckles “I came here to win, Harrison.”
He gets up from the bed, “So did I.”
Harrison’s DR: I get where Y/N is coming from, being with somebody in this house usually doesn’t end well. Showmances are number one targets but that still doesn’t stop me from wanting her.
Y/N’s DR: Why does he have to be so hot?! *rolls eyes*
*Later that day*
Everyone is seated at the kitchen table as Madeleine walks in with the two nomination keys. She sets down the box on the table and steps back in front of the memory wall.
“This is the nomination ceremony, it is my responsibility as the head of household to put up two houseguest for eviction. I will turn two keys to lock in my nomination and they’re faces will appear on the memory wall. The first houseguest I nominate is…”
She takes a step forward and turns the first key and the first photo on the memory wall that appears is Tana.
Tana let’s out an obnoxious laugh. Madeleine continues her nominations, “The second houseguest I have nominated is…” she turns the second key and a photo of Keiynan appears on the memory wall.
“I have nominated you, Tana, and you, Keiynan, for eviction.” She turns her attention to the blonde, “Tana, you have rubbed people the wrong way, including myself. I’m pretty sure nobody has a problem that you’re on the block right now.” Then she shifts her body towards Keiynan, “Keiynan, we haven’t really talked at all in this house which shows me that you don’t have my back in here.”
“This is fucked up, I haven’t done anything to you!” Tana yells as Madeleine steps back in front of the memory wall, “Tana, if you would like to talk after like adults then we can. You both still have a chance to fight for the veto. With that being said, this nomination ceremony is adjourned.”
Tana’s DR: Who the fuck does this bitch think she is? I haven’t done jack shit to her and I’ve been nothing but nice to everyone in this house. *flips off camera*
Keiynan’s DR: Are you kidding me? I have to win this veto and pull myself off the block.
Madeleine’s DR: Tana is one of the most disrespectful people I have ever met and she deserves to be up there.
Tom’s DR: Holy shit, my plan just worked. Madeleine actually put up two people I brought up, now all I have to do is to make sure I get picked to play the veto so that nominations stay the same. *rubs hands with a devilish smile*
“You bet your fucking ass that I’m gonna win that veto!” Tana yells from the kitchen to Madeleine as she walks up the stairs, “Okay sweetie, make it happen.” The blonde continues to yell, “YES SWEETIE! I AM GOING TO WIN.”
Tana’s DR: Fuck that bitch, she’s so fucking ugly anyway.
*Next Day - Veto Competition*
The Veto Competition was being held the next morning after nominations, and to say that tensions were high was an understatement. Madeleine had chosen Shawn to host the Veto competition.
All players beside the nominees and the head of household were picked from random draw. The players that were picked were Jo, Y/N and Tom.
Tom’s DR: This is perfect, I got picked to play in the veto now I just have to make sure I win it.
Shawn starts to read from the cue cards, “This competition is called ‘Hide & Go, Veto! Each of you will be separated, unable to speak or communicate with each other. One at a time you’ll go ahead and enter the house and have three minutes to hide your veto card. Once all the cards have been hidden, one at a time you must search to find your opponents veto card but keep in mind all of the veto cards look exactly the same so you don’t know which houseguest Veto card is being brought back out here. You will need to search quickly because your turn will only last two minutes.”
He continues, “Once the veto card is found, it will be placed on the board. The houseguest who hides their veto card the best will win the Power of Veto! Are you guys ready to play Hide & Go, Veto!”
The six contestants all cheer while the other housemates clap from the sidelines. “Alright, Madeleine you’re first.” The redhead takes one of the veto cards and runs into the house.
Madelaine’s DR: In this competition the goal is to find the best hiding spot and have nobody find your card. My strategy with hiding this veto card is to hide it where nobody would really think about looking.
The first place she runs to is the kitchen freezer and finds an open pizza box and slips it in there. She turns to a camera and puts a thumbs up while running back outside, Tom follows soon after. He runs straight to one of the hangout rooms and grabs a pillow and unzips it and staches his veto card in there.
Tom’s DR: I know that the houseguests are going to be looking through the couches but they wouldn’t actually look in the pillow? Would they?
As he runs back out to the backyard, Jo runs into the house.
Joe’s DR: I feel like people here really underestimate me here because I’m sort of quiet but I need these houseguest to know that I’m serious about this game.
Y/N’s DR: This competition is all strategy, you really don’t know who is gonna come out with your card or if you’re veto card is hidden well.
As the Y/N runs out of the house, Tana enters jogging in “Where to hide this shit, let’s go!”
Tana’s DR: I HAVE TO WIN THIS. If I don’t win this, my ass is going home and I have to throw this back into Madeleine’s face.
As Tana goes out, Keiynan goes in and hides his veto in the storage room garage.
Keiynan’s DR: Madeleine’s excuse about me going up is seriously dumb. I don’t have to talk to you boo, straight and simple. I have to win this, and that’s the tea.
The competition in total lasts about an hour and half until all the veto cards are found, Tom found 2, Y/N found 1, Keiynan found 1, and the last one was found by Madelaine.
Shawn waits for the veto players to line up before he speaks, “Players, all the veto cards have been found except for one. It is now time for the big reveal.. Tom you have found the first veto card and the name inside is…”
“Keiynan...Sorry Keiynan..you have not won the power of veto.”
Keiynan’s DR: Well..so much for winning. My only hope now is that Madelaine wins the veto so that I can convince her to pull me off the block.
“Y/N, you have found the second power of veto card, and the name inside is…”
“Madelaine..” Shawn clicks his tongue, “Sorry Madelaine..you did not win the power of veto.”
Madelaine’s DR: Great, now all I can do is hope Tana doesn’t win that veto!
Shawn continues, his palms growing sweaty from being so anxious, “Tom, you found the third golden power of veto and the name on that is...Y/N.”
Y/N’s DR: So I’ve been eliminated and I’m not too happy about it, it seems like I can’t win a competition here.
“Better luck next time, Y/N. Keiynan, you found the fourth power of veto card and the name on that is... Tom. Sorry, man. You did not win the power of veto.”
Tom shakes his head in disappointment and whispers to himself, “This is rubbish.”
Tom’s DR: You’re kidding me right? The whole plan was for Tana NOT to win, and she’s so close right now. Come on Jo, pull through with that veto!
Madelaine’s DR: My hands are shaking so bad right now, Tana CAN’T win that veto. *holds cheeks* My anxiety is through the roof.
Shawn holds up the last veto card, “And the last veto card to be found was by Madelaine..and the name on the card was...Tana. Congratulations Joe, you have won the golden power of Veto!” He goes up to Joe and lays the gold chain around his neck.
Joe’s DR: BOOM! *holds up the Veto necklace* Ya boy just won the power of Veto, now Tana can’t come up the block.
Tana’s DR: *crying hysterically* I was sooo close, I *claps* was *claps* so *claps* fucking *claps* close! *claps* Now my only hope is to see if I can convince Joe to use the power of Veto.
A couple of hours after the veto ceremony, Tana pulls Joe aside into the storage room “Hey Joe, I just want to congratulate you.. I honestly mean it.” He pulls away and walks to the basket of fruit on the counter, “Thanks Tana. You did great too, it was so close.” She wipes the tears that start to go down the apples of her cheeks, “I know this is forward but can you please use the veto on me, please.”
He bites into the apple and nods his head in a no motion, “I don’t know Tana, I have to do what she wants to do.” They both know that he is referring to the redhead in the HoH room, “Please, Joe..There are bigger targets than me in this house.” Joe runs his fingers through his hair, he is intrigued by Tana’s plea for safety.
“There are beasts in this house like Tom, Harrison even Y/N. If we can convince her to put one of them up, there isn’t blood on your hands because we’re getting a strong player out.” He nods and thinks for a bit, “I’ll talk to her, I like what you’re thinking.” She smiles and gives him a wave as she walks out of the storage room, “Thanks Joe.”
Joe’s DR: I mean, Tana has a good point. If we can take a shot at a player who is stronger than her or Keiynan than why not do it now?
After the veto competition, Y/N is alone on her bed in her sobs when she hears footsteps come into the room “Are you alright?” As she peeps her head out of the cover, she notices Harrison coming in shirtless, “Yeah, I’m fine.” She turns back around to face the wall when she feels a hand land on her shoulder, “Do you want to talk?”
It’s only been a couple of days being away from her family but she feels alone without her family right now, so she decides to confide in Harrison, “It’s just- I lost the HoH competition..and then the veto. I don’t know, it’s just a bit disappointing.” He lays next to her, his elbow supporting his weight “It’s only the first week, you have the rest of the summer to win a bunch of comps.”
You nod your head, “Yeah, I know..Thanks Harrison.” He chuckles, “Hey, call me Haz.”
Y/N’s DR: Besides Zendaya, I feel like Haz has been the only other person I could truly confide in. He seems like he has my back more than I have his, and that screams loyalty to me.
Haz’s DR: It seems like Y/N is opening up to me a bit more, she really does kick ass and I just want to make sure she knows her.
Before he can get out of bed, Y/N reaches for his hand “Wait..um do you think you can just hang out with me here? Zendaya is out in the pool and I don’t really want to be alone.”  He lets out a small smile, “Yeah, I’d love to.” As he lays down next to you, his hand lays on your thigh as your hold onto his hand, this feels nice..it feels nice to be close to someone like this again.
Joe walks out one of the bedrooms and notices you both lying in bed, he doesn’t say anything and continues to walk towards the kitchen. Y/N and Haz don’t make or think much about it but continue to talk.
Joe’s DR: So I walk out of my bedroom to see Harrison and Y/N laying all cozy, and that doesn’t sit well with me. That means this is a possible showmance forming and that is a big no-no in this house, time to tell Madelaine about this plan.
Madelaine hears a knock on her room door, “Come in.” She’s hanging out with Zendaya as she paints her nails. Joe comes in and takes a seat on the couch, “Hey, can we talk?”
Z stops and looks at Joe, “Do you want me to leave so you guys can talk?” He sets his feet up on table in front of him and crosses his arms, “No I want you to hear this too.”
Zendaya nods her head and continues to paint the redheads nails. Joe sighs and then kicks off his opposition, “So, Tana came to talk to me about the veto and she actually made a few smart observations..so she isn’t a threat.” The redhead next to Zendaya blows her fingers that have polish, “Don’t tell me you’re considering taking Tana off the block?” He clears his throat, “Yes only because I think they are bigger threats in this house.”
“It’s only the first week Joe, we can’t just go targeting big people. Tana is an easy target.” Madelaine stands from the couch and sits across from him on the couch, and tries to understand his logic. He throws on his shades and looks at the redhead, “Okay, you’re right but I came to play Big Brother and there are way bigger targets than Tana. She sucks at competitions so far, and she’s just annoying. And I think there is a showmance forming..”
Zendaya’s head shoots over from the chair she is sitting on and starts to pay attention, “Whose forming a showmance?” she asks as she tries to keep up with the conversation.
“Y/N and Harrison.” Madeleine’s mouth drops as she looks at Zendaya who is sort of skeptical of Joe’s accusation.
Zendaya’s DR: Does Joe not know that Y/N is one of my close allies in the house? Keep talking Joe, please spill the beans.
“There are much bigger targets in this house than Tana, and if we can start knocking them out now..why not then? What if I take Tana off the block and throw up Y/N?” Madelaine scratches her forearm and purses her lips, “I’m understanding where you’re coming from and if you do decide to use the veto, we just need to make sure we have the votes to get her out because if she stays, all hell is breaking loose.”
Zendaya’s DR: *stares into the camera with a dumbfounded look* Are they idiots? Why are they trying to make big ass moves during week one?
Madelaine intertwines her fingers together, “Please, just think about it. And let me know what you decide to do because I need to know.”
Madelaine’s DR: I get where he is coming from but bro its WEEK ONE. He needs to chill out.
*Next Day - Veto Ceremony*
Tana and Keiynan sit on the nomination chairs in the living room while everyone is gathered around on the couches, and Joe standing at the front of the room with the veto hanging from his neck.
Joe begins his speech, “This is the veto meeting, Keiynan and Tana have been nominated for eviction but I have the power to veto one of the nominations. I want to give the two nominees a chance for you to tell me why I should save you.. Keiynan, you first.”
“Okay, I just want to say congratulations to your first veto win. If you use the veto on me, I can be your greatest ally in this house..if not then I respect your decision.” He takes a seat back on the nomination chair and Joe chimes in “Thank you, Tana your turn.”
Tana stands up and claps her hands, “Okay, I’m not going to beg you to use the veto on me but I do have a piece of information that everyone should know..” She smiles devilishly at Joe as she looks at the houseguest surrounding her, “I went up to Joe yesterday asking him to use the veto on me and I suggested that there are much bigger targets in this house and he agreed. So, I doubt he is going to use the veto now but you guys need to know that he is a snake, and is willing to take out whoever he needs to.. Thanks y’all. Tanacon 2018!”
She takes her seat and crosses her legs with her hands landing on her knees. Joe laughs as the houseguest sitting on the couch look at him confused.
“I have decided..NOT to use the power of veto.” He takes the necklace off his chest and puts it on the veto box, “This veto meeting is adjourned.”
Zendaya’s DR: Joe is a smart cookie for not using the veto..only problem is is that everyone now knows that he wanted to take Tana off the block and put someone with a bigger target on there. This plan just blew up in your face Joe, sorry.
Madelaine’s DR: Ugh Joe… why did he even trust Tana with that information? I can’t.
Joe’s DR: I decided not to use the veto because I knew Tana couldn’t be trusted. Even though she outed me in front of everyone, all I have to do now is sit back and deny, deny, deny. Boom.
Tana’s DR: I wasn’t sure if Joe was going to use the Veto or not, so I decided to throw him under the bus as my last idea to try to get these houseguests to save me this week. 
After the meeting, Zendaya pulls Harrison and Y/N to the BeeHive room “I need to talk to you both but when I tell you both..you guys can’t freak out.” You and Harrison both have concerned faces as Z drinks from her mug.
“Are you guys in a showmance?” Your head literally pops back from her question, “Z are you kidding? We’ve only known each other for a week.” He turns to Y/N and winks at her, “I mean I’d like to be.”
She pushes Harrison and turns back to Zendaya, “No, we’re not.”
Z rolls her eyes, “So I was painting Madelaine’s nails in her room yesterday and Joe came in saying that we should pull Tana off and put one of you up because you’re in a showmance.”
Y/N stands up, “Oh fuck no, I have to talk to him.” Z grabs you and sits you back down, “No, No, listen we can’t vote Tana out.” Harrison chimes in, “Are you fucking kidding?”
“No, I’m not. If we keep her she’ll always be causing drama and we can just have her be a distraction. She’s not as big of a liability as we think, even though she is disrespectful and annoying… we can’t vote her out. We keep her and she’s a number for us.”
Y/N’s DR: I hate that Joe threw Harrison and I under the bus but Zendaya is right, if we pull out an HoH, we can send his ass home. We’re coming for you Joe.
*The next day*
The voice of Big Brother: “Y/N, please go to the Diary Room.”
Y/N gets up from the living room couch and heads into the room that is only a couple of feet away, and when she walks in she notices a book and an envelope resting on the couch.
She picks up the book and envelope and sits on the couch, she rips the paper out and begins to read, “Congratulations Y/N, America has chosen to tempt you with the Halting Hex. Shut up, shut up, shut up! Holy shit this is insane!” She puts her hand on her chest to feel her heart rate picking up, she continues to read from the card, “Accept this temptation and this the Halting Hex will allow you to halt any one of the next 4 evictions. If you or any ally is in danger of going home, you have the power to stop the live eviction by unleashing the Halting Hex before the eviction process begins..Holy shit.”
“It may only be used once, and once used it will be gone forever. Remember.. Every temptation comes with a consequence and while the Halting Hex can change the course of your game, it can also change the course of the entire Big Brother game..”
Your hands cover your mouth as you look happily into the camera, “America...I gladly accept this temptation, I’m not sure what I did to make you guys like me so much but I gladly accept.” You pick the book that reads the following description, “Read this Spell and the Halting Hex will be in motion. Halting Hex rise, Eviction Night dies. Repeat it three times….Halting Hex rise, Eviction Night dies..Halting Hex rise, Eviction Night dies..Halting Hex rise, Eviction Night dies.”
You close the book and look into the Diary Room camera once more, “Thank you, America. I’m sure this is going to come in handy at some point in this game.” She winks as she leaves the items behind and keeps the secret to herself as she continues on her day.
*Eviction Night a couple of days later*
Julie Chen appears on the screen in the living room “Houseguests, the time has come to cast your votes to evict. Madelaine as current Head of Household, you will not be to cast a vote. You will only cast a vote in an event of a tie. Y/N, you’re first, please had to the diary room.”
Y/N heads into the diary room and sits in the DR couch, “I vote to evict Keiynan.” Julie thanks her as she exits and next Shawn enters the room.
“Hi Shawn, please cast your vote to evict.” He waves, “Hey Julie, I cast my vote to evict Tana.”
The rest of the houseguest continue to vote while everyone sits in silence til Julie returns on the screen.
“Houseguests, all the votes are in. Just a reminder, once the evicted houseguest is revealed, he or she will only have a few moments to say goodbye to their houseguests and walk out the front door. With a vote of 4-3… Keiynan, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.”
Madelaine and Joe’s jaws drop, they’re both in shock from the turn out of the votes. Keiynan doesn’t even hug his houseguest, he instead grabs his bag and walks out the front door of house into the audience with Julie.
The redhead gets up from her seat and starts yelling, “How the fuck did Tana not get evicted? Someone start explaining.” Y/N gets up from her seat, “Sit down dude, it isn’t a big deal.”
“I bet you voted to evict Keiynan, didn’t you?” She follows Y/N and rest of the houseguest who go to the memory to watch Keiynan’s photo turn grey. “Answer me, Y/N. I didn’t put you on the block, you owe me.”
Y/N turns around and approaches Madelaine, “I don’t owe you shit, you and Joe talked about putting me on the block up in that room, do you think I’m stupid?” Harrison comes up behind her and grabs her by her waist, “Stop Y/N, you’re making a scene.” You turn to him and back to her “I don’t care, our names were brought up and she better hope I don’t win HoH because I’m throwing her ass up there.”
Madelaine laughs, “Oh, I’m shaking. And by the way Zendaya, I know where your loyalty lands.”
All Z does is walk away and go up to Haz and Y/N who are now in the beehive room, “We got to pull out a win in this HoH.” Y/N shuts the door behind her, “I have to tell you guys something before the HoH comp..I got the first temptation of the summer.”
A/N: I WOULD LOVE SOME FEEDBACK GUYS, PLEASE PLEASE! I want to know what you guys think of this series, I don’t even know how I feel so knowing how you feel will definitely help me a TON! Theories, predictions, or whatever you want to say is welcome. Love you all-Amy 💛
Taglist: @ladybirduris​ @princesssparklesxo @imjakeharrison @spidey-pal @thedaydreamingwriter​
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fangzeronos · 6 years
A Luthor and A Super Ch. 3
Ch. 1 Ch. 2
That afternoon, after leaving early and heading home, Kara looked through her closet and groaned, realizing she didn’t have anything nice to wear for dinner with Lena. She paced back and forth, biting her lip and rifling through her closet. She sighed and took off out of the window, heading for Alex’s apartment. She walked in and rushed up to Alex’s floor, knocking on the door.
 Alex opened the door, looking at her sister in surprise. “Kara? What…are you doing here?” she asked, her voice turning worried. “Everything ok?”
 “No!” Kara said. “I’m meeting Lena in less then an hour and I have nothing nice to wear. My usual stuff does not count. I’m…I’m honestly freaking out.”
 Alex smiled softly, stepping back and letting Kara in. “Okay. First of all, calm down,” she said. “Second, what kind of look are you going for?”
 “Nice,” Kara said. “I don’t…know exactly. Something that’s…going to just help me get through tonight. It’s a bigger conversation about why I didn’t tell her about Supergirl, and I want to look nice.”
 Alex nodded, leading Kara to her room. “Okay. Let’s see what I’ve got.” She opened the closet and looked through the dresses, holding up a blue one against Kara. “What do you think?”
 Kara looked in the mirror and nodded. “It’s perfect,” she said. She took the dress from Alex, heading for the bathroom. She heard Alex’s phone ring, knowing the tone on the call as the one for the DEO. She looked through the door with her X-Ray vision, cocking an eyebrow and listening.
 “Alright, Brainy. I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Alex said. “Yeah. Thanks.” She hung up and sighed, walking over to the bathroom door. “Kara, I’ve got to go. Brainy needs me down at the DEO for something important. Can you lock up on the way out?”
 “Yeah, I can,” Kara said, opening the bathroom door. “What do you think?” She spun around softly, showing off the dress. “Think Lena will like it?”
 Alex smiled. “Honey, if it’s on you, she’ll love it,” she said, hugging Kara. “I’ll see you later. I’ll call if we need you.”
 Kara smiled and nodded, watching Alex walk out. She heard the door close and she sighed softly, walking out and looking at her reflection in the mirror. “Do something with my hair,” she mumbled. Ten minutes later, Kara walked up to Noonan’s, seeing Lena inside. She walked in and over to the table, smiling. “Hey, Lena.”
“Hi!” Lena said with a smile, getting up and hugging Kara. “Wow, you look beautiful. I didn’t think you had anything like this dress. It looks great on you, sweetie.”
 Kara felt her face redden, sitting down. “It’s Alex’s. I went over freaking out because I didn’t have anything that would have worked,” she said.
 Lena smiled and nodded. “Well, I think you look great,” she said. “So…tell me everything. From Krypton to Supergirl.”
 “Oh, Rao,” Kara snickered. “I was thirteen when Krypton exploded. My parents sent me to look after my cousin, Superman. At the time we were launched, Reign was launched as well.” “Sam,” Lena said.
 “Right,” Kara said. “Something happened to my pod and I got knocked off course, ending up in the Phantom Zone, a place where basically time does not move. When I came out of the Phantom Zone, my cousin had already grown up. So, I think I spent at least twenty-four years in there. He took me to the Danvers, Eliza and Jerimiah, and they took me in. Fourteen years I hid who I was because if I didn’t, people could have gotten hurt.”
 Lena nodded, hanging on Kara’s every word as Kara told her more about her family and her powers, including thinking she was older then she really was. She held her hands up, fork between her fingers. “Wait. You’re how old?” she asked.
 “I think I’m really in my fifties,” Kara said. “I was thirteen when Krypton was destroyed, roughly twenty-four years in the Phantom Zone, and then twelve years on Earth hiding my powers and just being Kara Danvers. I moved to National City when I was twenty-seven, physically twenty-seven, and I’ve been Supergirl for a little over four years. I think, if the math’s right, I’m fifty-two.”
 Lena, having grabbed a pen and a notebook from her purse, wrote down the numbers as Kara rattled them off, blinking and looking at her best friend. “Jesus Christ,” she said with a smile. “You’re right. So, you’d have been born in 1966 on Earth.”
 Kara smiled. “And I’ll age slower than humans too,” she said. “When everyone I love is gone, I’ll be over a hundred, and I’ll look like I’m forty.” Her smile faltered, looking down and sighing. “I’m going to outlive everyone I love…I’ve already lost one family. I don’t think my heart could take losing a second.” She felt the tears fall down her cheeks, reaching up and wiping them away softly. “Damn…”
 Lena frowned, getting up and wrapping her arms around Kara’s shoulders, rubbing her arm. “Hey…it just means we have to have fun with the years we’ve got left, you know?” she asked. “Do the things we want to do. Have the fun we want to have. Live for the moments and don’t regret anything in the future.”
 Kara nodded softly, leaning back against Lena. “I know,” she said. She heard her phone ring and she groaned. She reached down and grabbed it, seeing it was Alex. She felt Lena pull away, watching her sit back down and feeling cold after she did. “Alex?”
 “I know you’re having dinner with Lena, but the President wants you in DC in an hour.”
 Kara sighed. “Alright. I’ll be there soon as I can.” She hung up the phone and set it down, looking at Lena with sadness in her eyes. “Lena—”
 Lena smiled and shook her head. “It’s ok, Kara,” she said. “I know that you’ll get called away when you’re needed. I’m not mad. Long as you come to the penthouse tonight when you’re done so we can finish talking. Because, as much as I wanted to know your history, I really wanted to know why you didn’t tell me about Supergirl in the first place.”
 Kara bit her lip softly and nodded. “Promise,” she said, getting up and hugging Lena. She kissed Lena’s cheek and smiled softly. “Love you, Lee.”
 Nodding and hugging Kara back, Lena smiled. “Love you,” she said, squeezing Kara’s hand. “Go. Go be a Supergirl.”
 “Too easy,” Kara said with a smile, grabbing her purse and walking out of the restaurant, heading for her apartment.
 Lena asked for boxes for the food, packing them up and taking them back to the Penthouse, setting them in the fridge before she sat on the couch, rubbing her hands together. She tried to process everything Kara told her, especially with how old she really is, and she shook her head. “That girl,” she muttered.
 The next afternoon at L-Corp, Lena waited to hear from Kara, clad in a green dress she hoped her best friend would like. She looked down as her office phone rang, seeing the number for Alex’s phone and feeling her heart stop. “Lena Luthor?”
 “Lena, it’s Alex. We’ve got a problem, and I need your help.”
“What’s wrong, Alex?” Lena asked, a pit forming in her stomach. “Is everything alright? Is Kara alright?”
“No, and that’s the problem. The air’s been laced with Kryptonite, and we’ve had security breaches in the DEO. The lead dispersal device was taken, and I think Mercy Graves is behind this to try and kill Kara. We’ve got her on life support, but Brainy and J’onn aren’t sure if it’ll last. We need to get her contained or clear the air somehow, or she’s going to die.”
Lena’s heart sank. She felt her hands shake, and she looked over at her monitor. “I, uh…I might have something,” she said. “After the Daxamite invasion, I…I started working on something for Kara. Something to keep her safe, and…I can—I can bring it down. Give me fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you, Lena. I’ll have an Agent waiting in the garage for you.” The line went dead, and Lena got up and all but ran for the elevator, heading to the underground labs.
Quickly sorting through a box and finding what she was looking for, Lena rushed to the DEO, being ushered in by the agent in waiting. “Where is she?” she asked, looking at Alex.
“This way,” Alex said, leading Lena towards the medical wing. “I know you two didn’t see eye to eye on a lot of things last year with Sam and Reign, but with you being here now, Lena, it means a lot to us. Means a lot to me.”
Lena smiled sadly. “People underestimate me, Alex, but I care about Kara. I really do,” she said. She followed Alex, digging into her purse and grabbing the device she’d nicked from her R&D lab.
Brainiac, or Brainy to the DEO, took the box from Lena. ”Oh, my. A radiation-controlled proto-environment housed in a vacuum-sealed, mechanical exoskeleton contained in a spring-loaded two-millimeter disc.”
“Kara’s going to have to stay in this until the atmosphere’s clean,” Lena said. “However long that takes.”
 J’onn sighed. “So it’s indefinite confinement,” he said. “She won’t like that.”
“I will not lose her,” Lena said. “It’s the only way, J’onn.” She put the box on Kara’s chest and tapped the top, watching it open and the liquid ooze-type substance spread out, covering Kara from head to toe. She sighed and put her hand on Kara’s softly, squeezing lightly. “Now we wait.”
“I’ll start working on finding out how to clear the atmosphere,” Brainy said, walking out.
Alex put her hand on Lena’s shoulder. “She’ll fight. She’s strong.”
“Strongest woman I know,” Lena whispered, pulling a chair over and sitting down, her eyes never leaving Kara’s face, or where her face was under the helmet of the new environment suit. “Wake up, sweetie. I’m right here…”
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sheppardsmckay · 6 years
The Sun Will Shine Again
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Warnings: Strong Violence, Torture, Mentions of Torture, Major Characters Death
Summary: Loki faces his biggest challenge yet as he is forced to decide between death and his brother in a story with two endings
Word Count: 9.4k+
A/N: This is my first posted fanfic so I’m pretty nervous. I started writing on this since I saw Infinity War (April 27) so this has been a definite work in progress but it is my baby. This is also a story with two endings, one good one not-so-much. Apologies for the length. Critiques are welcome.
….on his burning funeral ship while the Gods weep on the strand - The Death of Baldur,  Norse Mythology
And perhaps (because gods are not as others, and death is not always permanent for them) for a god’s eventual return. -  Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology
“If you were here, I might even hug you,” Thor said, tossing the mirror at his brother.
Loki snatched it out of the air with a smile. “I’m here.”
A look of surprise mingling with joy came over Thor’s face. He walked over to his brother and, for the first time in what seemed eons, he wrapped his arms around him.
Not to stop him from doing something wrong or to try and reason with his madness, but just to hold onto him. A hug among brothers born and fashioned from anger, pain, and revenge. They had suffered much, done much to each other, but there was still love there and a redemption to be found in it.
Loki hugged him back, which shocked Thor. It was even more a surprise when Loki buried his face in his older brother’s shoulder. They remained there for a time. Worlds upon worlds of sorrow and grief passed from one brother to the next before whispering away into the darkness.
Thor tightened his hold on his brother he believed twice lost. And it was then that the god promised to protect Loki and keep him safe. Even if, and most likely when, he made a mistake, Loki would not be cast out or abandoned again.
For deep down he knew all he wanted, all they both ever wanted, was to belong.
Thor pulled away, grasping his brother’s arms.
“You know,” Loki said, “for trying to sell you out in Sakaar—”
“Bygones, brother.” He patted his arm and released him. “All is forgiven. You saved our people.”
“Your people,” Loki was always quick to remind.
“Even though you were not born of Asgard, still you are Asgardian. And my brother.” He beamed.
Loki bowed his head in a nod, a smile crinkling his face. Thor patted his shoulder again before walking out of the room. The god of mischief stared at the mirror for a moment, his face caught in its reflection. He looked so much older, and yet better somehow. Not worn and scarred, but happy in a way...content. He bounced the disc in his hands a time or two and followed his brother.
He watched Thor walk through the crowd, bowing to him as he passed. A chair was presented to him, a poor throne, but it looked far more royal with his brother sitting in it. Thor was born to be king, they both were, but Loki knew he would never rule. There seemed, for the first time, no resentment of that fact. Maybe they weren’t just two sons of the crown set adrift, maybe they were something more. At the very least, Thor could be.
Loki walked up the stairs to stand beside him. He nearly cringed outwardly as he moved past the looming figure of the Hulk, but since he wasn't immediately thrown into the nearest floor, maybe they had resolved things? Or reached some sort of impasse for the Revengers sake?
Nevertheless, he didn’t look his way, keeping his eyes fixed upon his brother.
“So,” Heimdall spoke, standing on the opposite side of Loki, “king of Asgard.”
Thor turned in his seat. He smiled and waved at his people, before turning back to the darkness of space looming out the window.
“Where to?” Heimdall asked.
“I’m not sure,” Thor said. “Any suggestions?” he asked to either side of him, although he seemed to pause for a moment longer to look at Loki.
Loki looked back in surprise. Did he truly want his opinion? Did someone really care what he thought for once?
“Meek,” Thor asked of the tiny creature beneath Korg’s arm. “Where are you from?”
“Oh, Meek’s dead,” Korg replied, pointing at the thing.
“Yeah, no I accidentally stomped on him on the bridge. I’ve just felt-felt so guilty I’ve been carrying him around all day.” As if in cue, the creature sprang back to life (or far more reasonably, just woke up) with a growl. “Oh, Meek you’re alive!” Korg exclaimed, “He’s alive guys! What was your question again, bro?”
Thor sighed. He looked back at the window. “Earth it is.”
Loki wondered how the mortals would react to his presence. Then again, they had all but ignored him the last time he was there. Thor looked out proudly at the darkness of space as if he could conquer it all to save his people. He truly was a far better kingly figure than Odin could ever be.
Loki was proud, not of himself or his deeds but of his brother. And, for the first time, he was only that. No envy blossomed in his chest, nor bitterness or anger swelled in his heart. Only pride and love remained in the once most hollow and empty parts of him.
Soon after, the people dispersed to different parts of the ship and Thor stood alone watching space. Loki stared at him for a moment before walking closer. He would face the abyss with him whatever devils it held and fight them together.
“I’m surprised you returned,” Thor said, without looking at him. “Thought you were staying on Sakaar and it was best we never speak again.”
“Yes, well, I’m not sure the Grandmaster would welcome me back after all.” He glanced at Thor, then back at the window. “Besides, I think I do want to have that talk you wanted. I’m curious what you had to say.”
Thor smiled at him for a moment. “I am sorry about all this.”
Loki furrowed his brow.
“I mean you wanted to be king but you’re not and now Asgard is gone...and who knows about Jotunheim.”
Asgard was gone. It was a terrible thought, one Loki never believed could happen. And yet it had, it had ended with fire and destruction. There was no whimpering when their world ended.
But their people still lived and that really was all that mattered.
“It’s alright.” Loki replied. “When I said, all those years ago, that I was looking forward to this moment, I wasn’t lying.”
“Even though you stopped it from happening with the Jotunheim assault?” Thor half-teased.
“I was envious. But I told you to never doubt my love. So I did what I did but it didn’t mean I didn’t want you to never rule. Just until you learned not to be an idiot.” He said making Thor chuckle. “Besides, I did offer you the throne. Not my fault you turned it down.”
“So that was you and not father?”
Loki shrugged.
Thor sighed. “I appreciate your words, brother. Thank you. I wish we weren’t always on opposite sides.”
“We aren’t now,” Loki enunciated each word.
“No we aren’t.” He grinned,  clasping his brother’s shoulder. “I am glad you’re here. Somehow, space doesn’t seem as lonely now.”
“No,” Loki said as Thor dropped his hand.
“Do you still wish for it?” Thor asked.
“To be king.”
“I always wanted...to be your equal. I meant it. I never did want the throne, not truly. But I’m not sure being equals is possible. Seems like a waste of time to hope for it.” he glanced at his brother. “I’ve accepted that. If I could be your brother, though, and by your side, I’d be happy enough with that.”
Thor smiled once more. “Of course.” He bowed his head ever slightly. “I accept. Besides, you were always my equal, even though you never saw it.”
Loki pursed his lips, swallowing back the odd lump in his throat. He cleared it. “Do you think it’s a good idea to go back to Earth?”
“Of course,” Thor grinned. “Everybody loves me. I’m very popular.”
“Let me rephrase that. Do you think it’s a good idea to bring me back to Earth?”
Thor paused. “Probably not to be honest.”
Loki breathed a laugh as Thor smiled. Of course, Thor was right. He would never be wanted anywhere. Did he expect that to change? Was he even wanted here really? Or would his next mistake send him into the void again? Did Thor really want him there?
As if on cue from a stage, Thor grinned alleviating his every fear. “I wouldn’t worry, brother. I have a feeling that everything’s going to work out.”
Loki sighed. An air of contentment, as much as he could find at that moment, filled him, a quiet peace at long last.
Until the unthinkable happened.
A ship appeared out of nowhere, hovering in front of theirs. Loki recognized it, the familiarity of it plunging an ice-cold knife into his heart.
After all this time Thanos had found him. Fear locked chains around Loki’s body. His eyes filled with memories of his words and his warning.
Make you wish for something as sweet as pain. Loki took a step back. “We need to leave now. Right now!”
Thor turned to his brother, opening his mouth to ask what happened.
“Sir.” A soldier ran up to them.
“Our ship. It’s being pulled in towards that one.” He pointed out the window towards Thanos’ ship.
“Then get the escape pods and tell everyone to evacuate!” Loki demanded.
“But there’s not enough for everyone!”
“How many can fit?” Thor interjected.
The man blinked at Loki and the  incredulity of his words. “A little over half, sir.”
Without warning, the ship rocked with a blast.
“Then get the women and children on board first and then as many men as see fit to go.”
The man nodded, before rushing off.
Loki began to silently sneak away.
“Loki!” Thor called, pausing Loki in his steps.“Where are you going?”
“I can’t stay here,” He said simply.
“Why not?”
“It’s Thanos. That ship,” he pointed, “belongs to him.”
Recognition dawned on Thor’s face. “Why would he come here?”
Loki froze. The Tesseract. He had stolen it from the vaults before bringing Surtur back to life. He had it on him, hidden. Thanos must have sensed it, somehow, must have known….
But how could Loki tell Thor that? How could he betray him once more?
What if he left and hid the thing far from the Asgardians or Thor? He would be safe. He could save everyone. And yet the warnings still rang in his ears like so many hideous bells.
“He’s after me,” Loki decided to say, still being honest in his way. “He-he warned me.”
“Warned you? Warned you when?”
“He said he would find me and he has.” Loki turned to go. “No realm, no barren
moon, no crevice,” he whispered, the words spilling out of him like so many rivers.
Thor grabbed his arm. “Explain to me what this is. Now, brother.”
“When I fell from Asgard, I died,” Loki explained as quickly as he could. “Thanos brought me back.”
“So you were dead?” Sadness creased Thor’s face.
“Yes. And I didn’t want to come back. But Thanos thought me useful. So he forced me back, burdened me with knowledge and purpose and put the scepter in my hands. But all that knowledge,” Loki cringed under the weight of the memories. How he had once thought it glorious…. “It was hard to bear. It was like I was being remade, over and over until I could bear it.” his voice sounded shaky and tears clung traitorously to the corners of his eyes. “Do you know what that’s like? To be reborn?”
“Calm, Loki.” Thor grasped the side of his neck with his hands. “You are safe.”
“No.” He shook his head. “He said if I did not bring him the Tesseract, there was nowhere I could hide.” he was barely speaking now, his throat clogging with fear. “I am not safe. And neither is anyone else.”
Thor pointed at a man rushing by. “Send out a distress signal. Tell them we have families and few soldiers and that we need the nearest ship. Go!”
The man rushed back in the other direction.
Loki pulled out of Thor’s grasp. “I’m leaving.”
Sadness passed over Thor’s face. He nodded. “Very well.”
“What about you?”
“I’m staying to fight.”
“You-you can’t. You can’t fight! You’ll die!”
“Then I die with my people. I won’t leave them, Loki.”
“Thor….” he began to try to reason with him.
Thor smiled at Loki. “Farvell, brother. I wish you would stay but I don't blame you that you are leaving.”
“Brother, please—”
“It is better for you to leave than for me to see you dead. So go. I hope to see you again. If not here then in Valhalla.”
But only the brave went there. Had Thor called him brave? When he was running away? Who was his brother to forgive so much and remember so little? Thor smiled and walked away, leaving Loki alone once more.
He stood there, watching his brother. He wanted to help, but how could he? He was so afraid. So very afraid. Yet he had made Thor a promise and had said only moments ago that he would fight beside him.
“Are you coming?” Korg asked.
Loki glanced up at the pile of rocks, Meek still tucked under his arm. Loki paused. He needed to hide the Tesseract anyway.
So that’s your excuse.
A dull thud sounded ahead. The ship screeched and groaned. The front window crashed in and the Black Order stepped through the window, not so much human as something born of the inky abyss of space.
Loki froze, his feet on the steps of freedom, as he watched his brother attack. His people could not fight. He knew that. They weren’t soldiers. Hela had killed most of them. These people were just....people. Families, parents, husbands, wives. Children not of war but of peace.
Thor and what few fighters there actually was, with the aid of the Hulk,  attacked the Order. And the Order razed them down.
And then Thor, too, went down. Loki’s hand shot out as if he could reach him all this way.
“Are you coming?” someone shouted.
Loki’s foot stepped off the platform. He couldn’t leave, not now. Loki would stay true to his word. As he had sworn so would he keep. He moved back. “Go,” he whispered.
“Go! Get out of here!” And with that Loki ran towards his brother.
Monsters surrounded him, things purely out of darkness. But he was a monster himself and knew how to handle them. With a wave of his hands, his daggers appeared and he cut down all that stood between him and his brother. He found him lying still on the ground.
“On your feet, brother,” he said, using all his strength to try to lift him.
“Loki?” Thor gasped for air, turning on his back. “This is Valhalla?”
“No. We can go there later.” He smiled, helping Thor to his feet.
“Thank you,” Thor said.
“Side by side?” Loki cocked his head, giving that smile born from a thousand emotions and few of them good.
Thor nodded. Together, they turned to the horde. And together they fought and yet still, as Loki knew would happen, they lost. But at least they were together, at least they were not alone as their people were hewn down, like so many trees, until only bodies of friends and foes lay at their feet. Until only the Order  and the two sons of Asgard remained.
Lightning crackled between Thor’s fingers. He hadn’t used his power yet, probably because he would tear the ship in half if he did, but most everyone was dead now. The ship rocked with another resounding boom.  Thor gripped his hands tight, power ready to be set loose upon whoever came near. Were the escape pods gone? Loki couldn't be sure. If not, they needed to hold the Order off as long as possible and if Thor used his power, would there even be enough of a ship to let the pods leave?
So, with great hesitation, Loki placed a hand on Thor’s arm. Thor looked at him, his eye full of light and rage. Loki shook his head and Thor seemed to understand him. The power died from his eye and fingers. And so Thor and Loki stood, ready to face death together.
Loki wasn’t surprised when he felt only great joy at the thought of dying and dying not alone, but the word “Wait!” was yelled out and all the fighting stopped. Multiple weapons were pointed at them.
Silence echoed through the ship. The ship drenched in darkness save for a few flickering lights shooting out embers of electricity, and fires kindling in small places, mixing smoke and death into a hideous perfume. The ship was as torn apart as the Asgardians were, and as broken as Loki felt. Somewhere below, Loki could feel more than hear the desperate plea for help, being repeated over and over, sent out to the dark of space where no one could hear their screams of desperation.
“Our crew is made of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a war craft, repeat this is not….”
Loki stopped listening when a member of the Black Order grabbed Thor and threw him across the room. He collided head first into a wall. As Thor tried to get to his feet to fight back, they picked him up and threw him once more. Loki stepped towards him and the spears fenced around him. Thor lay in a crumpled heap near his feet, but too far away for him to help. He was powerless and he hated that.
Suppose I always break my promises, Loki thought.
“Hear me,” a man said behind him. “And rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No.” Loki heard groans of people he knew. Pleas for mercy which the Black Order did not fulfill. “It is salvation. Universal scales tipped forward balance because of your sacrifice.”
Sacrifice. All this sacrifice. Loki saw out of the corner of his eyes people he had known and grown up with, people he had loved but had not loved him. What sacrifice was this? What balance could be found in death?
And Loki realized then he wasn’t like he was when he came to Earth, willing to kill whatever to do what it took to rule. Whatever it took to be free from the grip of Thanos. No. This wasn’t balance or sacrifice, it was just death and blood, fire and rage. and Loki hated it as much as himself.
“Smile,” The man walked around him, grey and aged, not deeming to look Loki’s way as he passed him. He would regret that. “For even in death you have become children of Thanos.”
Loki clenched his jaw and looked ahead. He saw the figure of Thanos, silent as a stone angel from below, backlit against less than holy lights. He was just standing there, observing his people killing Loki’s.
Thanos turned towards him. Fear clung to Loki’s soul, grasping words not forgotten and pain not easily put away. Scars were not to be found on his skin, but inside...inside he was laced with them.
“I know what it’s like to lose,” Thanos boomed. “To feel so desperately that you’re right, yet to fail nonetheless.” He grasped Thor’s armour near his neck and, with a groan from his brother, lifted him, as he helplessly struggled closer to Loki.
So near now. So very near.
In the shadows, something large stirred.
“As lightning turns the legs to jelly,” Thanos went on,“I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it...destiny arrives all the same.” He set Thor on the ground and held him by his head now. “And now it’s here. Or should I say...I am.”
Thanos lifted his fist. On it, rested a golden gauntlet that resembled all too much the work of the Nidavellir Dwarves. And there was a stone on it...an Infinity Stone. More fear crippled Loki’s heart as the Power stone lit his face.
“You talk too much,” Thor groaned.
Loki looked at Thor, eyes pleading for silence as the gripped Thor’s head tighter.
“The Tesseract.” Thanos stared at Loki. “Or your brother’s head.”
Loki stared at Thor. He couldn’t give the stone to Thanos. More would die. Besides, Thor wouldn’t want him to sacrifice everything to save him. And yet he knew what keeping it meant. Could he watch his brother die? For Thanos did not toy with idle threats.
Was this worse than pain? Sweeter than the feeling of not breathing, not living?
“I assume you have a preference?” Thanos sneered.
“Oh, I do,” Loki said. And with hate in his heart at the very words he spoke, he held back all fear and pain as he said, “Kill away.”
Even Thanos was surprised at this. Thor’s eye flashed open in confusion before Thanos squeezed. As he squeezed, he pressed his gauntlet at his face. Loki remembered all too well that feeling, of a stone similar, the pain and agony of it. The horror. A scream echoed out of Thor resounding and piercing so many daggers in Loki’s heart. It truly would be better to die.
Loki froze his smile in place. He remembered when they were young, willing to fight monsters and opting instead to fight snakes created by their mother. And he looked at his brother. His kind brother who had done no wrong. Who had smiled in the face of pain and death. Who was so good unlike himself.
He remembered Thor grabbing hold of his scepter, trying to keep hold of him before he fell. Or pleading with him to come home.
And his smile started to fall.
He thought of when Thor said he thought the world of him or told him he loved him.
And his smile fell more.
You’re the god of mischief, Thor had told him the zapper barely affecting him, but you could be so much more.
We could be, he had seen in Thor’s eyes before he had left.
And his smile was nearly gone as Thor screamed even louder. If only Loki could take his eyes off him, look away from the agony, he might be able to survive. But he couldn’t stop staring. Tears replaced the fake joy in his eyes, fear loosening his armour he had built so well.
And as Loki remembered sitting by his brother’s side watching the sunset a thousand years ago and Thor opened his mouth to speak, Loki yelled, half-pleading, half-screaming “Alright, stop!”
He would have run to his brother if he could. Held onto him and not let go, but he didn’t. He just watched as Thanos loosened his grip and his brother stopped screaming.
And something grew closer in the shadows.
Loki closed his eyes, breathing deep, trying to contain his emotions. Thanos had seen his weakness and now Loki would have to do all he could to stop him from destroying it.
“We don’t have the Tesseract,” Thor gasped. “It was destroyed on Asgard.”
Loki looked at his brother, pain tearing his heart in two.
Oh, I’m sorry, he thought. I’ve betrayed us all.
He glanced up at Thanos. Exchanged glances with his brother and the Titan. Hoping, somehow, Thor would forgive him once more, he held his hand out. The Tesseract appeared in his fingers as if conjured from air.
Thanos smiled as Thor gasped.
“You really are the worst, brother,” Thor whispered, sending a far more fatal blow to his soul than death ever could.
Loki stepped forward, hand outstretched. He stared at Thor, still in Thanos’ grasp. There was so much he wanted to say, so many words, but he would keep them for later. Keep them when all was safe again, even if it was only in death. So, instead, he said, “I assure you, brother,” and with this his eyes met his, “the sun will shine on us again.” It was his promise, his oath and he would die for it now as he would die for him.
Thanos chuckled. “Your optimism is misplaced, Asgardian.”
The shadow flashed green eyes at Loki. A slight smile curved Loki’s face.
“Well, for one thing,” he said with an almost sneer, some of his cockiness returning, not so much proud of his status, but glad that he was something else, something Thanos could not understand. “I’m not Asgardian. And for another…,” he remembered the words of that human so long ago who also grinned in the face of danger but was more than human alone. He smiled. “We have the Hulk.”
A roar sounded behind Thanos. As Thanos looked behind him at the looming threat, Loki jumped towards Thor. The Tesseract bounced out of his hands as he wrapped his arms around his brother, shielding his body from the pounding steps of the Hulk.
Loki glanced over his brother. Nothing permanent.
He held him against the storm of sounds. With his life, he would protect his family, protect all he had left. With his arms, he would never let his brother go.
Ending 1: No More Resurections
Loki held onto Thor, unwilling to let go. He felt deep inside, that this was the end. The end of everything. And as soon as he let go, that end would begin quickly, far too quickly.
Thor tried to pull away, struggling. But Loki held fast. Just stay down, he pleaded. Please don't. Not now. Not yet.
But he was Thor after all. If he didn’t fight, who was he? A coward like himself? Even if it was a lost cause, he would feel wrong if he didn’t try. So Loki loosened his grip. Thor looked at his brother for one moment before charging forward.
Loki watched helplessly as Thor lifted his sword and threw it at Thanos. It bounced off his armor and clanged to the ground. Still, Thor persisted, going in for a blow to the side. Thanos merely kicked him, sending Thor flying across the room. He landed on the ground with a yell.
Loki stood in the shadows as a member of the Order, the one who proudly spoke of sacrifice threw an armored prison of sorts at Thor. It locked around his body, holding him down.
On the ground, amidst several bodies, Heimdall called for the Allfathers. “Let the dark magic flow through me one last time.”
The Bifrost opened. The Hulk was lifted into it and blasted away, out of the ship and into space. Loki wished Heimdall had sent Thor away, but would he even survive it? He was weak now, it could kill him. Of course, him being here might also kill him. Unless….
“That was a mistake,” Thanos said, looming over the guardian of the Bifrost, before plunging a spear into him.
Loki gasped as Thor yelled. A god, so much power, destroyed so easily. So simply.
“You’re going to die for that,” Thor cried.
The order member waved his hand and a piece of steel wrapped around Thor’s mouth. “Shh,” he said, putting a finger on his lips. He picked up the Tesseract. “My humble personage,” he kneeled, “bows before your grandeur. No other being has ever had the might, nay, the nobility to wield not one but two infinity stones.”
Thanos picked up the Tesseract, holding it in his hands.
“The universe lies within your grasp.” As he said this, Thanos gripped the stone tight, breaking it to pieces. What a hideously beautiful thought of what to do to the mighty, empty, perfect universe. Thanos placed the stone in his glove and the world was filled with blue light before settling down.
All the while, Loki watched, looking at Thanos and Thor, trying to think of a way to get him out. To free him and let him live. He had half a kingdom to rule still. And then the word “half” stuck in his head, encircling all his thoughts. And he knew finally what needed to be done.
For Thanos was all about equality, only taking half of everything.
A terrible and dark idea bloomed inside Loki. No tricks this time, no mischief. He had one path before him now and he must take it. Some solutions are not simple and at least this one might save his brother.
For he had sworn an oath to fight beside his brother and to die beside him too. Besides, all this was his fault anyway and he had much to atone for.
Will I go to Valhalla?, he wondered, I must die courageously in battle and with my weapon .
And if he went to Hel, he knew plenty of people that wanted to hurt him; at least he wouldn't be bored there.
“There are two more stones on earth,” Thanos said. “Find them, my children, and bring them to me.”
“Father we will not fail you,” a woman said.
Finding all the courage, all the resolve and armour he had built over himself for centuries, Loki swallowed back the terror and found his Trickster self again.
He stepped from the shadows. “If I might interject. If you’re going to Earth,” he outstretched his arms and laughed. “You might want a guide.” He shrugged, moving forward, ignoring the members on either side of him. “I do have a bit of experience in that arena.”
“Well, if you consider failure experience,” Thanos replied.
“I consider experience, experience. “ Loki faced Thanos, no Hulk, no soldiers standing between him. If he could just trick him long enough.
“Hmph,” Thanos muttered.
Loki stepped forward. “Almighty, Thanos...I, Loki, Prince of Asgard.” He walked closer. And paused. Breathed a smile. “Odinson….” he thought of his father, of his last words, saying he loved him, loved his sons. And Loki loved him too, through it all, despite it all.
Loki looked at Thor. I’m sorry,  he wanted to say. Never doubt my love.  But these were things he could no longer say. He wondered if Thor could read them in his eyes. He hoped he heard the word “brother” when he claimed heritage to Odin. Loki hoped his brother knew all that hid behind his words.
Loki turned back to Thanos, tearing his eyes away from his brother, sure he had looked upon him for the last time. “The rightful king of Jotunheim. God of Mischief.” He produced a dagger at his side. “Do hereby pledge to you...my undying fidelity.” He bowed his head.
Did Thor know he spoke to him? How even in death in as many lives to come he was now and forever Thor’s? Did his brother understand this was not an act of betrayal but of love? He supposed he would never know, but he hoped.
Tears touched his eyes. He breathed, once, twice, fear lacing his bones and trying to stay his hand but he was Odin’s son and Thor’s brother and he had the courage to defeat his terror.
So he flung his hand out. His dagger came inches from Thano’s throat. But it was too late. He was frozen in place, blue light surrounding his arm. He knew somehow, of course, he did. This was a fool’s errand or perhaps just a sacrificial one.
Ahh, yes, sacrifice. Dying for someone else. So that’s what that word meant.
“Undying,” Thanos sneered.
Loki steeled himself, trying to show only rage and not fear. Only defiance and not pain.
Thanos grasped Loki’s hand, holding tight and squeezing. Pain coursed up his arm, forcing him to drop his knife, his sure ticket to the gates of Valhalla. His heart dropped. How would he enter now? Could he die bravely? This was no battle, but still, maybe he could.
“You should choose your words more carefully,” Thanos said, before wrapping his gauntleted hand around his throat.
Air few out of his lungs. He struggled for breath as Thanos lifted him in the air. Loki vainly tried to pull away, but he knew the power of Thanos.
This was his end. The end, finally. He wished it didn’t have it be this, but it was his fate after all. If only fame had let him and Thor be brothers for a moment more.
Loki choked and struggled, helplessly. The worst part was knowing Thor watched. Knowing that he’d regret his last words. They were true, but Thor would still hate himself for it. Thanos smiled.  
“You…” Loki forced out, determined to be resolute in his last, determined to leave this world better than when he came in. “will never be...a god.” His eyes were filling with tears now. His face felt thick and disconnected, his eyes strained.
Oh, my brother, forgive me. Farvell.
Thanos cocked his head. Squeezed tighter. Loki thought he heard a crack from somewhere far away. He was sinking now, sinking lower and lower into the dark. He thought he heard Thanos say, “No more resurrections.”
Well good. He hadn’t wanted the first one. He fell deeper and deeper until he found himself in that last memory from a thousand years ago.
Two brothers, as children, watching an Asgardian sunset.
Thor opened his mouth to speak. And this time, unlike before when he had been interrupted by Loki’s screams, he did speak. “I’m glad you’re with me, brother.”
“I’m glad too,” Loki remembered saying and said at the same time. “Where do I go now?” A new part of the memory was added, making a new part of the story. This was no longer a memory, more a dream now.
“To Valhalla, of course.” Thor beamed.
“But I lost my weapon. And I didn’t die in battle, or bravely.”
“You did. This was the greatest battle, the battle of saving yourself or someone else. The battle of sacrifice. And as for your weapon...you died for me, using my courage. I was your weapon, then and always. As I am your brother.”
Loki smiled as the dream faded. He closed his eyes and drifted away, never to feel pain nor fear, guilt nor sorrow ever again.
I will see you again, brother, he thought, when the sun shines once more.
Thor watched helplessly as his brother made that attempt. He watched as Thanos choked the life out of him. And he heard Loki’s last words.
“No!” Thor cried, his voice muffled by the metal on his mouth.
Not Loki. Not his brother. He was all he had left in the world, all he had to hold onto. And now he was….
Thanos looked at him. Carried his body over to him. And tossed him down on the ground inches away.
Loki was a prince, a god, a king, he did not deserve to be treated this way.
Anger mixed with rage kindling with grief to make a blazing fire in his soul. Oh, Thanos would pay for that as well. He would suffer surely.
“No resurrections this time,” Thanos swore.
Thor stared down at the lifeless body of his brother. They had just found each other again, made oaths once more, fought together. And Thor had said he was the worst. That was the last thing he had said.
What monster was he to put that on his brother?
Thanos and the others formed a loose circle. Thanos raised his hand in the air. A vibration hummed through the world and bright flames encircled them.
And they were gone.
The chains collapsed off of Thor. Before any of them were fully off, Thor was on the ground, aching towards Loki. He crawled to him, pain filling each movement. Not that anything as simple as pain mattered now.
He reached out and grabbed Loki’s body, clenching it tightly. “No...Loki,” he cried. His brother, his poor brother who deserved all the world, who deserved to be loved, but saw and felt none of it.
He just wanted to be brothers again, but Fate was so cruel. Did it want to destroy him? Well, it had. Something had beat him finally. Beat him so that he would never try to win again.
Thor knew Loki was not betraying him, he knew what Loki said and who he had pledged himself to. He saw the words in his green eyes that would never flash with anger or joy again. He hoped Loki knew he understood.
He buried his face in his brother’s chest and sobbed. He took his hand in his, his cold hand devoid of any warmth or life. He squeezed as tightly as he could as if by his doing so he could force life back into him, force only a little fire back into his veins once more.
All his pain and sorrow and grief, he let out into half-screams and choking sobs. Who did he have to hold it back for anymore?
The ship rumbled beneath him. He knew it would explode any moment. Let the dead be set to space; they could not burn, could not have a warrior’s burial and so neither would the Odinsons.
Thor would stay holding onto his brother until death took him too. He could meet him again in death. There would be no need for a resurrection if he was dead too.
The ship began to break. As it broke, Thor prayed to the Allfathers to send Loki to Valhalla.
Loki, I bid you to take your place in the halls of Valhalla
The crackling of fire sounded nearby.
Where thine enemies have been vanquished
Metal groaned and fell.
Where the brave shall live forever. Nor shall we mourn but rejoice for those that have died the glorious death.
The world around him broke apart. He clung tighter to his brother.
Lo, There do I see my Father, and  Lo, there do I see my Mother, and  Lo, There do I see my Brother.
This was the end. His end. The finality of everything, weighed little on him. And he was okay with it. For there was more that could be found in death now than could be sought after in life.
He calls me, he thought as something hit him. Darkness took over and still, he clung. The world turned dark and he fell deep.
Thor smiled. He would see his family again. See his brother once more.
So bring me to him.
Ending 2: Undying            
Loki held onto Thor, unwilling to let go. He felt deep inside, that this...was the end. The end of everything. And as soon as he let go, that end would begin quickly, far too quickly.
But...it couldn’t be. Loki had to be stronger than that. For Thor. For Asgard. For himself. He was a god after all.
Thor tried to pull away from Loki. Loki watched the Hulk attack Thanos and lose just as quickly. A moment more, he thought, keeping his grip on his brother, just a little longer. He needed as much time as he could get.
Thor looked at his brother for one moment as Loki released him. Quickly, Loki jumped into the shadows. He conjured a fake Tesseract, switching it with the real one, currently unnoticed. He only needed the power for a brief moment.
Closing his eyes, he breathed deep and slow. His eyes opened and the power of the Space stone surged through him. Enough power to protect himself from whatever Thanos did. He needed more than just his usual tricks. His last death was believable enough to Thor but he needed to fool Thanos this time.
He felt magic pour through him, pure and unequal to anything. Magic that he had not felt since he had been under Thanos’ rule. Loki’s eyes flashed open and he was sure the light of the stone flamed in them before resuming their green glow.
His skin had become that of the Jotunheim frost giants, blue and cold and dead, before morphing slowly back to the skin of his people.
The member of the Order who spoke of sacrifice stepped to the stone. In a flash, Loki switched them, too fast for even the strongest eyes to catch. The fake stone vanished in Loki’s hands.
He was interrupted by seeing the Bifrost opening and the Hulk blasted away into space. Loki looked over at Thor, locked in some sort of metal prison.
“That was a mistake,” Thanos said, looming over Heimdall, before plunging a spear through him.
Loki gasped as Thor yelled. A god, so much power, destroyed so easily. So simply.
“You’re going to die for that,” Thor cried.
The Order Member waved his hand and a piece of steel wrapped around his brother’s mouth. “Shh,” he said, putting a finger to his mouth.
Loki breathed deeply as the member picked up the stone and offered it to Thanos. Loki went back to concentrating. A plan had formed in his mind, a simple one, one Thanos would think foolish and ignorant.
“The universe lies within your grasp,” he heard before also hearing the Tesseract being crushed. What a hideously beautiful thought of what to do to the mighty, empty, perfect universe.
The world turned bright blue for a moment. Loki kneeled in the shadows, hoping his plan would direct attention off of Thor and free him. This plan must free him or what was the point? His brother still had half a kingdom to rule. Loki just hoped he’d be there to see it one day.
Besides, Thanos was all about equality and taking only half of things. So, if his plan worked, Thor would be safe.
“There are two more stones on Earth,” Thanos said. “Find them, my children, and bring them to me.”
Now was his time to work.
“Father, we will not fail you,” a woman said.
Finding all the courage, all the resolve and armour he had built for himself for centuries, Loki swallowed the terror and found his Trickster self again.
He stepped from the shadows. “If I might interject. If you’re going to Earth,” He stretched his arms and laughed. “You might want a guide.” He shrugged, moving forward. “I do have a bit of experience in that arenas.”
“Well if you consider failure experience,” Thanos replied.
“I consider experience.” Loki faced Thanos, no Hulk, no soldiers standing between him.
“Hmph,” Thanos muttered.
Loki stepped forward. “Almight Thanos….I, Loki, Prince of Asgard.” He walked closer. And paused. Breathed a smile. “Odinson.” He thought of his father, his last words saying he loved him, love his sons. And Loki loved him too, through it all, despite it all. He looked at his brother.
I’m sorry, he wanted to say, never doubt my love. None of this is real. Save only my pledge to you.
But these were things he could not say, not now at least. Maybe not forever. This deed would break Thor. Might be best to let him think him gone, instead of showing how he had betrayed him once more.
Yet, he hoped the word “brother”, when he claimed heritage to Odin, could be seen in those words.
Loki turned back to Thanos, tearing his eyes away from his brother, for perhaps the final time. “The rightful king of Jotunheim. God of Mischief.” He produced a dagger at his side. “Do hereby pledge to you...my undying fidelity.” He bowed his head.
Did Thor know he spoke to him? How, whether he lived or died, he was now and forever Thor’s? Did his brother understand this was not a betrayal but was an act of love? He supposed not, believed he’d never know that, but still, he dared to hope.
Tears touched his eyes. He steeled himself, fear lacing every nerve and nearly destroying his plan. But he must continue. He was a son of Odin, and a brother of Thor, and he had the courage to defeat his terror. He breathed, once, twice, before flinging his dagger out. It came inches from Thanos’ throat.
But it was too late. He was frozen into place, blue light surrounding his arm.
So far, so good.
 “Undying,” Thanos sneered. He grasped Loki’s arm, holding tight and squeezing. Pain coursed up his arm, forcing him to drop the knife. Why did he still feel pain? Doubt lingered in him. Had he done enough? Would he still be able to protect himself?
“You should choose your words more carefully,” Thanos said, before wrapping his gauntleted hand around his throat. Air flew out of his lungs, replaced just as quickly by more air.
It was almost torture, this back and forth, this pain and freedom, just like last time. He had felt death and life at the same time, but now it was amplified to a thousand degrees. Loki vainly tried to pull away, even though he knew that that wish being granted would ruin his plans.
Yet he trusted in the power and unchanging mind of Thanos. And Loki choked and struggled, knowing the worst part was that Thor watched. That he would regret perhaps his final words to him. He was right, but still, Thor would hate himself for it.
“You….” Loki forced out, “will never be...a god.” His eyes were filling with tears now. His face felt thick and disconnected, his eyes strained.
Oh, my brother, forgive me.
Thanos cocked his head. Squeezed tighter. Loki thought he heard a crack somewhere but perhaps it was just his armour.
He heard Thor’s yells and instantly wanted to assure him all was well. He felt himself being moved and wanted to jump down and free his brother. He felt himself tossed on the ground and wished to sit up with a smile. Loki heard Thanos say, “No more resurrections,” and wanted more than anything to jump up and say with a laugh, “Are you quite sure?”
But he could do none of that. He just had to lay there, unmoving, unseeing.
The world began to vibrate and pulse with life. Loki heard chains clank on the ground and then, a moment later, he felt Thor grab his chest.
“No...Loki,” he heard him cry.
Loki felt all the world pushed and prodded him forward to hold his brother and tell him all would be alright. But he couldn't. If Thanos found out, who was to say Thor would survive? Who was to say Thanos wouldn’t decide to punish Loki with life after his brother’s death? And who could be certain any of his people would last another encounter.
The ship rocked and he heard fire explode nearby.
Get out, Thor, go. Leave me while there’s still time.
But Thor didn’t hear nor would he listen if he did. Instead, Loki felt him bury his face in his chest and sob. This was not the first time Loki had heard his brother cry, but it was the worst by far. The last time he had at least fallen asleep before he could hear them. But now...now he was crying for the world, crying for the cruelty of fate and the hideous things that his smile could prevent no longer.
And then he felt Thor grip his hand, squeezing tight. He knew his body would feel cold, half because of his magic, half because of his true self, but this hurt more than anything ever could.
So this was what wishing for something as sweet as pain was like? Unable to move and comfort, while feeling unending agony like the dripping of venom course through him with each cry of his brother.
How he wished to be dead at this moment. It would be easier. Finally, he could stand it no longer, Loki doubled himself, an invisible self now and walked towards Thor.
The ship was breaking. Thor had to escape. Loki knelt beside him, his hand hovering over his head. Would Thor see his tricks and know? Best not to risk it, no matter how much he wanted to.
“Leave, brother,” he whispered. “Now is not the time to die.”
And then the ship exploded and Thor flew back, passing through Loki and into space.
His eyes, his real eyes, flashed open. Thor had been knocked unconscious and would not wake for a while. So Loki wrapped his arms around his brother and shielded him from the debris and fire and death flying around them.
He watched his people float in space, never to be given the burials they deserved. Thanos didn’t just kill, he destroyed and tore apart all that was sacred and good.  He watched Thanos’ ship vanish and all was silent in the abyss of space.
“You’re safe, brother,” Loki said. “You’re safe now.”
A ship appeared out of nowhere, old but in good condition. Had they responded to their distress signal? Loki was rather shocked that anyone had listened. Maybe there was some good left after all.
Loki grinned. “Get help.” And with that, he tossed his brother against the window of the ship. Thor landed against it, unmoving. The ship drew him in and Loki followed, morphing into an invisible form.
He watched strange-looking people lie him on a table. Loki wasn’t paying much attention to them, hearing only a few comments about how strong his arms were or that he was born from a pirate and an angel (they weren’t entirely wrong). Loki was focusing on Thor. He didn’t seem too injured, given the circumstances. Too weak to go through the Bifrost, although Loki still hoped Heimdall had sent him there anyway.
Loki rested a palm on his brother's head.
His hand shot back as a woman with antennae placed her hands on either side of Thor’s temples. “He is anxious,” she said softly. “Angry. He feels tremendous loss and guilt.”
A shot of pain echoed through his heart. No guilt compared to his own.  He could remedy all those feelings, but he couldn’t. He had to wait and protect his brother. Sometimes the hardest things were the better. Loki was starting to realize this now after so long.
“I am sorry, so very sorry,” he said, trying to hold in his emotions like so much broken glass.
The woman woke him up. He sprang up, flinging himself near a wall. Loki dashed to him. He saw the pain and memory filling Thor’s eye, sending more venom into Loki’s already broken heart. Thor turned around and met the odd group.
After a while, Thor, a blanket wrapped loosely around his shoulders, that Loki wanted to tighten, ate slowly, and barely. Loki sat beside him, listening to a woman talk about Thanos. When she revealed that she was the daughter of Thanos, shock creased Loki’s face. Then again, he knew little about Thanos himself save for his desires and power.
“Your father killed my brother.” Thor jumped up from the table. Loki sat there, unmoving. He knew this path of revenge Thor would surely take was his fault. If only he could just be king. But surrender was not in his nature as much as satisfaction was not in his own. And then Thor consoled the woman, saying family can be tough and explaining what happened with Hela.
How could his brother still be so kind after all that happened? He was too good for this tired, broken world and deserved far better.
Loki’s attention focused on the group when he heard Thor saying he needed to go to Knowhere to get the Reality stone from the Collector. Ahh, yes, he remembered doing that. It had seemed wise at the time, certainly, it seemed far wiser when he explained it to Tivan’s brother, the Grandmaster. Now, that Thanos had seemed to have figured out a way to find them, he couldn't be sure of the wisdom in the plan. Would the Grandmaster have hidden it well? He wouldn’t sell it, although it might have been better if he had.
“Only an idiot would give that man a stone,” someone said.
“Or a genius,” Thor defended Loki even after everything, even after knowing all he knew. Loki smiled for the first time in a long time.
Loki would sneak off the ship that went to Knowhere and find a ship of his own. Perfect timing, for Loki, was growing weary of staying in this invisible form, helpless and alone.
He watched Thor get on a ship with the tree and raccoon.
“Farewell, morons,” Thor smiled.
Loki smiled back, half-believing he was included him in that group. His smile fell as the ship pulled away. Loki stared into the eye of his brother, not sure if Fate would ever let them meet again.
Farvell, brother. I will see you again when the sun shines once more.
And so the God of Mischief hid in the shadows until the ship reached Knowhere and then found a small ship heading far away, with a crew small enough and bored enough to bribe. He wasn’t sure where he would go. Maybe Sakaar? If he would be accepted back. Maybe if the Grandmaster found out what happened to the Hulk and how his brother was in trouble.
A bit of forgotten pride swelled up inside Loki as he flew away from the world and all its troubles. It was soon, however, followed by a dagger of pain to his heart as he knew he flew from his people and his brother. He hated himself for it, but what could he do? He couldn’t be there, he couldn’t help. No one would want him around anyway. If he stayed out of the way or tried to enlist the help of the Grandmaster, maybe he would be doing something good.
He had Thor’s courage and he had to save him now, just not beside him.
Days passed, one fading into the next in the icy blackness of space. Nothing happened at all out here in the dark and the cold and Loki found his thoughts dwelling only on Thor and where he was and what had happened.
And then the crew turned to ash in front of him. And the ship began to fall into the dark.
Shock turned to determination. He had to do everything himself. It wasn’t hard to take back control of the ship; Loki realized he had paid too much for the incompetence he had found. As he floated in space, alone and confused, he wondered if this was Thanos’ doing. Had he found all the stones and accomplished his plan? And had half of all life been destroyed?
Were his people in that mix? Was Thor? Was Loki the only Asgardian left in all the world?
Loki knew he had to find out. No time to try to scheme or devise plans to enlist help. He needed to find Thor now and...then he could get help.
For he had to keep his pledge. He had given his life to Thor, given his heart and soul, and all of him undying as it was. He would need to hold fast to that oath now and defend it all costs. All the world might be gone, but not Loki and not his brother. He knew, deep inside somewhere, that Thor still lived and he would find him again, no matter how long it took.
The sun would shine again, and maybe it would shine sooner than Loki expected. For what could Thanos’ truly do if the sons of Odin fought together?
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