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Who could have imagined that the ship that seemed dead in space was actually belonged to a bounty hunter... I didn't to be honest. Her name is Hope, we relate to a lot of things and she promises to help us wanted pirates out... I know she doesn't really like us but... I feel it may be difficult to say goodbye after the journeys together... she has a head with a working brain... I want to stay because I have a less chance of dying with a bunch of idiots. but they are my idiots and i hope to not choose at the end of this promise... but who knows where we will end up at the end of this.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
quinn has most likely hugged all of the members, what are their hugs individually like?
you're right about that! Quinn has gotten a hug off everyone at least twice. He just is a hug lover, despite not seeming that way.
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Hope’s hugs make him feel safe and loved. her hugs are warm, soft as if she is careful not to hurt him and warm him up in a cosy way. when he is feeling down and just not himself, when he feels her arms wrap around him for a hug, he feels back to normal in no time. he first got a hug off her after she seemed worried about him, and it was a moment not to forget.
Enzo has that big brother hug. a firm but not too firm embrace that tells you just by the hug that he will protect him. Enzo was the first to hug Quinn when he broke down crying after a few days of being with the crew. the tears were of happiness as he had told the captain personally that he has never felt like he belonged somewhere as much as he does with the crew. Enzo always gives that type of hug, no matter the occasion of the embrace.
Dawn and Quinn hug the most. Often when he plays video games, she would cuddle him. they are both each other hug buddy. they will hug each other when they know the other needs it or just when they’re in a mood for a hug. her hugs are warm and sweet, he nearly can't go a day without one.
like Hope, Vivi’s hugs are ones to make Quinn feel safe and loved, just like an older sister hug. he doesn’t get a hug off her often, but when he does it is truly treasured. She is a delicate hugger from his experience, a hug that makes you feel cared for. 
A big brother hug that is filled with a lot of love and warmth. he loves the occasional hug off Dom, he finds them refreshing. Often in the hug, he can smell Dom’s perfume which is really relaxing. Quinn has a soft spot for affection off Dom.
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
Facts #3
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1. His zodiac is Capricorn
2. His father left him on mars with Astrid and Tyrone. They were his new family until he ran away with a reason to find his father. They cared for him so much and he regrets leaving without a goodbye, but there was a reason why he left so quickly; find his father.
3. he doesn't style his hair for casual occasions, he just lets it stay the way it is after a brush.
4. He often says idiot either it's to someone or mainly himself. He says dammit often too.
5. He still to this day refuses to drink, he thinks its nasty
6. Bubble baths are his favourite.
7. Winter is his favourite season
8. He loves Impulse, a DC superhero who is the grandson of the flash. finds him rather hilarious in the comics.
9. Quinn can sing, really well in fact. He would often sing with his 'parents' as they worked together. It's rare you would hear him sing now though, he would only sing when he knows he is alone.
10. Hair ruffles and pats make him blush and shy.
11. He hasn't encountered love yet.
12. His list of insecurities is endless. He doesn't like his body or looks to the point he doesn't care at this point, but if someone compliments him, he will feel insecure.
13. If he was to swap bodies with someone on the crew, it would surprisingly be Dom. He would want to see what it likes to be him for a day and what's it like to be so good looking.
14. His ideal first date would be arcade gaming or staying at home playing video games. Junk food and cuddles, hella ideal.
15. Someone's smile attracts him and their vibe. He knows when he can be comfortable around someone dye ti all the people he has met. If they attract him, he would do nothing though. Too afraid to.
16. He gets angry silently, often going quiet and glaring. He would do this when some pisses him of generally and if someone hurts his friends. He gets sad a lot, crying sometimes when he is alone. He regrets a lot of things in life. Often when tales of a family is shared, he would get sad and excuse himself.
17. He finds killing overrated and will torture someone. He will only do this for the family he truly belongs to.
18.  three non-sexual turn-ons :
- a really good sense of fashion.
- if you smell good like the aftershave or the perfume that isn't too strong or too weak, very natural like.
- a deep voice or someone with a nice accent.
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
The Boy Far from Home
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The young boy woke up to the sound of a fight between his father with someone over the phone. He was only two turning three in two months and it was expected that this memory in future was never to remember this. He was too young. He came down from the not so comfortable couch, clutching a light blanket which was royal blue in his tiny grip of one hand, the other hand was a little fist rubbing his tired eyes. His tiny footsteps were inaudible as he walked into the kitchen where his father was. 
“Daddy?” the young boy questioned, looking up at him with his eyes half open due to the kitchens light being too bright to adjust to at the moment. His father stopped his harsh words and turned, a soft smile on his lips. “just a moment buster” his father spoke in his soft, deep tone. The young boy nodded and waddled back into the sitting room and got back onto the couch. He looked about in curiosity at what to do but he soon stopped being bored, he became scared.
A loud smash came from the kitchen and he hopped down from the couch yet again, clinging onto his blanket. “Dad-�� He couldn’t finish his sentence as his father had sprinted out, taking the young boy into his strong arms. The young boy clinging onto his father’s shirt, eyes tightly shut. His father grabbed two bags that had already been packed in advance for whatever reason that the young boy didn’t even bother questioning, as well as Quinn’s jacket and shoes. 
Gunshots and yells of his father’s name were the only things the young boy heard. he was now crying, the fear of the harsh sounds and now the sound of a ship engine. The boy was sat down in a chair far too big for him and the seatbelt put on him. He opened his eyes to see his father with that generous smile of his on his face, it made the crying boy stop, especially when the man said, ”you’re going to be fine buster”. If he was any older, he would have known that this was an ok scenario. 
They were upon the Ranger, a ship that was aided by the a.i Alanzo. With the call of the a.i’s name, a voice greeted them. “hello captain and Quinn”, he spoke. The little boy in his innocence replied with an adorable, “hi Alanzo”. The ship shook and things weren’t so happy anymore. “get us to Mars Alanzo, this is a code 21″, the captain spoke and the ship soon took off to the location issued by the captain.
The young boy was Quinn Zephyr. His father was Charlie Zephyr, better know by the galaxy as Captain Pleasant. The captain though wasn’t pleasant like his name was… In this current moment in time, Quinn knew nothing about why he was being brought to mars and he certainly didn’t know what a code 21 was either. He didn’t speak, all he did was look out the window at the planet he was born on fade into the dark sky filled with dancing stars. He held onto his blanket, sometimes tearing up but wouldn’t cry in the fears of distracting his father in his work. 
At some stage, young Quinn had fallen asleep due to the long, boring journey and woke up when they had arrived on Mars. His father had woken him up and picked him up. he brought him over and got a small box down from the shelf. he opened it and took out a small disc-like piece. He crouched to one knee and stuck the metallic piece behind the boy’s ear. “I got this made for you. Its a mask. go on, press the little button”, he said to Quinn, watching the young boy press the button and a mask came over his face. He was now looking through two blue lenses at his father who put in a similar mask. “These masks are oxygenated which means that we can go onto Mars and breath till we are in the safe zone. the mask will change in size naturally as you grow older”, he said. Quinn’s eyes lit up, “that’s so cool! I’m like a hero!” he cheered. The captain laughed softly and got one of the two bags, took his son’s hand, “yeah, just like a hero” he replied to the excited Quinn. The door opened for them to get off onto the bridge, Alanzo spoke before departing, “goodbye young Quinn…”. If only he knew why Alanzo only said goodbye to him and his father.
The city had an oxygenated field but to get in you must travel on a bridge with no oxygen is present. A guard stood there at the gateway in and his father gave him two cards. Fake I.D. The guard nodded and they walked through the gate. His father took off his mask but Quinn was too busy thinking he was a superhero with his blanket now as a cape. There was a long walk down a road till the city came into sight, Quinn ran ahead but his father called his name. They weren’t going to the city. The trail now was filled with the red sand of mars, small huts coming into view. Quinn reached up and took his father’s hand as they walked past some of these huts. People came out or were out already. they all stared and some mad nasty comments. “ah, look at the lil’ one. he will be scraps to the dogs if he ain’t careful”. Quinn winced and quickly moved closer to his father. This place was a place of the poor, people were thrown out of the city. This land was called Salvatoria, the land of the poor and the junk lands.
The reached a hut which had many types of things outside like bikes that were made from scratch, scraps of metal and a little toy robot. His father knocked on the door and it opened. A man slightly older than Charlie came out with a smile on his face as he wiped the oil off his hands with a dirty rag. his smile was loving and generous but that soon faded. The man looked down at Quinn who still had his mask on then back to the captain. “I wasn’t expecting you both so early… come in,” he said, movie aside for them to come in. The man looked about the outside of the hut and quickly closed the door.
“who was that honey?”, came the voice of a woman. She soon came into view for Quinn to see. She looked as shocked and scared as the man did when he laid eyes upon Quinn and his father. Charlie put a hand behind his son’s ear to take deactivate the mask. Quinn’s teary eyes and terrified face came into view, he then broke into tears with a sad sob and cry, reaching out for his father to take him into his arms. His father picked him up and hushed him, kissing the top of his head. “no need to cry, buddy. You’re safe” he started. His father sat down as did the man and woman who seemed to have expected them both. His father began to sing a lullaby while rocking his son in his arms. A lullaby the young boy was not familiar nor anyone else.  
“When you feel scared and all alone, I will always be with you little one. Don’t waste those tears, just close your eyes and you will see me. if you can’t sleep at night, look up at the stars and smile because that’s where I will be, son. Hush your confused little mind, close your eyes and listen to me young boy… you are my son and I am your father… my love for you will burn like the sun. So don’t cry and feel scared in this world, for you are the captain’s son”
Quinn listened to the words and closed his eyes, hearing his father hum on with the same trying tune. He soon fell asleep in the warm, safe arms of his father. He awoke several hours later on a soft mattress with multiple blankets surrounding him, he was no longer in his father’s arms. he sat up and clumsily got away from all the blankets but kept his loyal blanket with him. He slowly walked into the room beside her he lay to see no one. “Daddy?” he called, hugging his blanket. He hurried to the next room, no one. “D-daddy?”. The next room and then the room after that he found the man and woman from the night before working on something he didn’t care about. “Where’s my Daddy?” he asked in a small shaky voice. “he just left kiddo… but he will be back soon,” the man said in a soft tone. As nice as the man was, as kind the woman was, Quinn didn’t want them. He shook his head and began to cry. “no… I want my daddy to come back now! I want my daddy!” He cried. He did calm down after a while, the man and woman cheered him up by making pancakes. He learned their names, Astrid and Tyrone. He learned some of the robots names they made or help fixed that went around the house or helped them with the amazing things they made, making friend with a small drone who got kicked out of the city named Rocky. They sat on the doorstep together gazing up at the stars, waiting for his dad to return. he did that the next night, the night after that, and many more nights after that too.
They say that you may regret saying or doing something in the past as you believe if you changed what you said or did would get a better result. Quinn regretted this. He regretted falling asleep. He could never sleep the same again. If he didn’t fall asleep, he could have at least said goodbye to his father. As he grew older, he forgot his real father as he was too young to remember and too sad to ever want to remember that his father had left him for a reason he was yet to learn. 
all he can remember is the silly little lullaby. 
end of part 1
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
Facts #2 - Who is everyone to him? (Crew Edition)
this is just a little information about how he feels about his crew members, there will be more information soon!
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Hope may be new in his life but the woman is considered as an older sister in his eyes. She and him have gaming competitions as well talk to one another about silly things. she makes him feel safe, secure and that he has someone else to talk to. Her hugs, although rare, make him feel like he is loved.
the guy who allowed him to be part of the crew and his family. Enzo may be loud and annoying some times, but he is a kind and caring guy that Quinn looks up to. Enzo is probably the guy he feels closer to and not afraid to talk to about things. Enzo often encourages Quinn, not to mention his hugs are soft and caring despite being muscular like he is. Enzo and him may bicker from time and time, but it's very rare to ever see them actually mad at one another.
she is one of the sweetest people he knows. Her happiness and smile alone can make him feel like smiling. she is soft and he wants to protect her and make her laugh. if she is even down or upset, he would try to cheer her as best as he can. he has a soft spot for her.
She is his older sister, even though she is the same age as him, who is quite protective but he doesn’t complain. She is one to always make sure he has eaten and if he has slept. She is a woman of wise words and actions, sometimes the only one with a brain keeping the crew sane. He also looks up to here live everyone else, she is family to him.
as scary and rude he may be sometimes, Quinn likes him. Quinn sees him as a brother. He may not agree with some words and things Dominic says but it doesn't mean he isn't liked by the quiet boy. He and Dominic often have laughed about silly things and do get along from time to time.
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
how does quinn feel about the whole crew?
Now this is interesting...
Quinn likes everyone in the crew, they make him feel like he belongs somewhere, that he is part of a family and not alone anymore. Everyone in the crew mean so much to him, even if he doesn’t show it much. He wouldn't be where he is now without them. His life was once dull and now they light it up, even if they are loud and annoying sometimes, he loves them. If anything was to happen to one of them, he would seek revenge for their pain and or try cheer them up, depending on the circumstances. 
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
➤ Quinn is currently listening to...
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
Quinn’s POV #1 : Hope
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Being a guy who grew up on a different planet from his birth planet and growing up in a poor environment, you are lost with everything sewn as natural by many who assume that you re just like the. Quinn grew up on Mars with a poor family. He learned they weren't his family when he turned eighteen, that his father was a famous space pirate captain who was on the run. So what did he do? He ran away and became a space pirate to finally meet his father... but he didn't know the truth like everyone else did as no one dared to tell him the truth. His adventures amongst the stars were far from boring and filled him with excitement that he will see so many things he dreamed of. He knew he belonged amongst the stars and he hoped to find his father soon.
His adventures that have only been over the past two years and a few months has led him on this very ship. He was uneasy of the idea of taking the seemingly abandoned ship, it got more tense when there was an owner aboard and angry of her unexpected guests. Hope. She came across as someone who likes things the way she likes it, quite like him. He found that they were quiet alike and don't like loud people much. She was once a stranger to him, someone to be weary about with trust and conversing with. But times change.
"Dammit! How do you keep winning?! You get some many kills, it's insane! Do you have a cheat code or something?!" Quinn whined, his head hanging low and his controller now resting in his lap. His hands ruffled his hair with a grumble through the slight laughter from the young woman who sat beside him. "One thing I'm not is a cheater Quinn" she stated and put her controller down to take a sip of an energy drink straight from the can. "Don't get so down Quinn, you haven't got the amount of practise that I have had over the past few years. I'm surprised you didn't die too much and got a few kills under your belt" She stated to him, standing up and getting ready to leave. This was Hope. The Hope Quinn looked up to and now could even see himself referring to her as an older sister that he never had.
Quinn turned his head to look at her, his eyes twinkling, taking the fact he didn't die that much and got a few kills in Star Wars : Battlefront as Hope thought. He smiled. He very rarely smiles but her aura just made him feel some kind of way. It made him feel warm and safe, a feeling he first felt joining Enzo's crew. But it was different, like the safety was some what real and the interest was soft and caring. He cared for her, even though they had only met. He feels like he can talk to her about anything. This was Hope.
"One more round, please!" Quinn asked her with his eyes like puppies with the plead of another kill match of the game. "I know good snipping spots now and most of the spots Enemies spawn! I could definitely get more kills this time" he said, trying to give a reason for another game. Hope sighed, looking about in thought, at the time on her watch and let out a soft chuckle,"fine. Try beat me one more time and that's it. I have work to do" she said and Quinn grinned, "I will beat you this time, I have a good feeling for this round!"
Hope maybe seem to be cold and reserved, but this is the side of Hope Quinn got to see. She was a caring person with a heart of gold.
She made the lost boy feel safe and smile more.
Post end.
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
- quinn can't write or read pretty well, he did grow up in a poor family. He also cant click his fingers.
- he likes chicken wings, any spicy or smokey sauce with it. But he likes a lot of different foods, often one to try new things. Just nothing with cheese, he hates cheese.
- he isn't focused on love, he is too busy hoping to find his father for that. But maybe in the future, he is hoping for a guy or girl who is respectful, likes video games and doesn't annoy him about his habits
- he once shaved a know criminals beard and eyebrows for extra money when he was 7. Another secret is that he has a huge fear of cats.
- he, when you get to know him, is a soft guy who is sweet, caring and will ask if you wan tto play video games he would be a good best friend, making sure you're ok before him. He would show you his latest gadgets he made and tell you silly little stories from his past. But he is a shy guy, a big introvert. So it might be hard at times to speak to him, even if he is your best friend
- royal blue is his favourite colour
- no feature of himself his loved by him. He doesn't really like anything about himself, even if he is told he is stop dead gorgeous.
- in one word, he is determined.
- he normally wears colours of black mainly and some blue. Normally wears ripped jeans, a old rock band top and not to forgets big hoodie or jumper. Top it off with a pair of doc's, the guy has many pairs of them.
- sleep is non existent to him. He often naps at random times during the day then stays up all night doing something like looking at maps or trying to read about his father or making something.
- it is VERY rare to see him smile. But he has an angelic, soft smile. A smile that would make anyone calm and peaceful.
- when he lies he sometimes stutters or what gives it away more is the way he plays with his sleeves or fidgets with something near by, looking away and mumbling.
- his footsteps are rather light, he is quite sneaky
- quinn often stands up straight but his head hung low. He crosses his arms or hides his hands in his pockets.
- when his is love, he is speechless and red in the face. He may even tear up a little. His heart beats fast, he wouldn't listen to a word said around him and would just stare in aw at his interest of love. Now this could be a can of red bull, literally. But you never know, he might do this when he finds real love
- he is bby despite being grumpy and or quiet
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
➤ Quinn is currently listening to...
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a-shadows-tear · 5 years ago
L O A D I N G F I L E …
Name : Quinn Zephyr
Age : 21
Occupation : mechanic
Birthday : December 23rd
Background : Quinn was born and raised by a poor family that wasn’t his own. They were mechanics, and engineers and would often go to the junk yard to get spare parts to create mind blowing gadgets. His biological father left him when he was a baby with his family for his own safety as he was one of the biggest space pirates known to man and the galaxy. He was only told this when he turned 18 and he decided to run away. 
Personality : he is a cold individual and one to be very secretive, quiet and commentless. He is pretty chill and has no reaction to things like women and so on. He is very smart, talented in crafting things from the silliest of scraps and has a good music taste. He is grumpy and a big introvert. But he is soft, but only around those of his crew. Protective and keeps the chaos of the crew in check... well most of the time.
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Warnings : he is quite scary when mad, he is very strong and his words can become venomous.
Faceclaim : xiao dejun of nct/wayv
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