#... sometimes tresspass but
goatsorcery · 2 months
dirrevas lavellan is of course heartbroken after solas disappears, but she’s cheered up when her old friend merrill shows up to help with eluvian research. its not long before dirrevas finds herself falling for another soft-spoken elf with endless interest in elvhen knowledge. she constantly debates with herself whether its old feelings resurfacing, or if she’s projecting because she can’t get over solas
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evviejo · 9 months
if you want to get a step-by-step manual how to get me to block you, here it is: 1. comment in the tags of one of my gifsets criticising the source material (e.g. the chibnall era of dw); 2. in those comments, say that you haven't even seen the entirety of the thing you're criticising (while criticising the whole of it); 3. express an absolutely ridiculous wish, which belittles the source material even further (e.g. that jodie whittaker come back in an rtd-created special)
congrats, you're blocked
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deciding to have my Lavellan drink from the Well of Sorrows not for what it means for future plot or the lore or for any in game-reason but because there is nothing more on brand that i, the player, can do than to drink from an ill-advised body of water i find outside
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thematchstickever · 3 months
Do you like traveling? You seem like the type of person (object?) to travel a lot.
Omg, like, really? ?? Well, like, i dunno if it counts.. but like, i used to like, explorre litrally every thing !! it was like a while ago, i like, dunno why i stoped.. it was so fun! maybe like a little illegal at times but xxxx but basic traveling?? OOH LIKE ROAD TRIPS?! I like loved those!!!
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cy-cyborg · 3 months
I'm begging dragonage fans to do a tiny bit of research about arm amputees before loudly shouting their opinions on the inquisitor returning in the next game Please lol.
Apparently, it was confirmed that the inquisitor, your chatacter from the last game (who looses their arm in the final cutscene of the DLC), will return in Veilguard as a customisable character, similar to Hawke, and they will play an active roll in the story. This has caused a lot of people to start speculating on how they'll handle the inquisitor's missing hand, with most people agreeing they'll have to have a prosthetic to be an active part of the story. Which, while I do think this is the rought bioware will take, isn't true, and a part of me really hopes they leave the inquisitor without a prosthetic arm like in the end of Tresspasser
Partially because we already have a companion with a prosthetic (neve) and it would be nice to see some diversity in how amputation is depicted in such a mainstream game, but also because you dont need a prosthetic to fight as any of the main 3 classes from inquisition.
mages just need a staff, the game shows them as 2 handed weapons but it's totally beleiveable that it would be usable 1-handed (Neve also uses a dagger-like weapon in the trailer, you can make a "staff" in inquisition that functions more like an energy sword, and the Mage in the chargers uses a staff resembling a bow, so I think it's more that they just need a focus, the shape doesn't matter as much). A knight enchanter may struggle more 1 handed, but I wouldn't write it off as an option with some modifications made to their main staff.
the easiest to justify, because there are several cases of arm amputees fighting with a sword and sheild in history, and while many did have prosthetics, most weren't functional (meaning they were mainly for aesthetic purposes and didn't actually aid the fighter in any way. There were exceptions, like Götz of the iron hand, who's prosthetic was functional, but most were not). The inquisitor looses their arm just above the wrist*, so they still have most of their forearm. Most sheilds strap to the forearm, so it wouldn't take much adjustment to make that work, and you can use the other hand for the weapon. Obviously, two-handed weapons will probably be off the table, though, lol.
*edit to say, as several people pointed out, i got that wrong, my bad 😅. The inquisitors arm is actually amputated through the elbow, the screenshots i was looking at just weren't very clear and it has been a while since i got to trespasser lol. It would still entirely possible to strap a shield to the upper arm though, with some pretty minor adjustments to the existing straps on standard (as in, those used by non-disabled warriors) tall shields, so the point still stands.
this is the one people tend to be the loudest about and the one I understand the most. Obviously duel-weilding daggers won't work (unless you give them something like the hidden blades in assassin's creed on their stump side, I guess) but using a single dagger still would, and is a perfectly reasonable approach, given that's how most irl people used daggers. Archery, though, absolutely can work without a prosthetic, despite what people think. Dragonage has crossbows, not something like Bianca (rip) but a small, single-handed crossbow is an option. Even ignoring that though, amputee archery is a thing irl, and not every arm amputee uses prosthetics for it. The bows are modified to be held in one hand and drawn with the mouth using a kind of pully-system built into the bow that I could very easily see being modified into some dwarven-style contraption in game (some double arm amputees use their feet to draw regular bows, but I don't think that would be pheasable in combat).
Like I said, I think bioware will probably go with a prosthetic, but i hope that they don't. Or at the very least, show them with it sometimes and without it other times (the same goes for Neve, no one wears their prosthetic 24/7, I'd love to see them both take them off around the home base, even just occasionally). A lot of arm amputees in particular prefer to go without one, and arm prosthetics in media are some of the worst offenders of the "perfect prosthetic"/"miracle cure prosthetic" tropes. It doesn't count as "diversity" or disability representation if it doesn't actually change anything other than the look of the chatacter, and im really, really desperate for some actually decent amputee representation in games.
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noirscript · 1 month
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call avoidance.
Yandere Hotline: 3/?
featuring: implied drugging. implied tresspassing. lots of male masturbation. unsolicited phone sex (?). implied kidnapping. AFAB!Reader (yan calling reader mommy)
note: this is written while half-asleep. not edited. brain go brrr. i'll add the src some time.
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Dealing with mad people can drive anyone insane. But if you're given a hefty sum to keep the insane ones company, you'll take. Life is tough, but you can choose your own hell.
"Got you some drink. Your favorite flavor," Heidi, your 'neighbor' in cubicle, said cheerfully as she placed the drink and sandwich on your spot.
"Well, who are we kidding." You shook your head before placing the plastic cup in your trash bin along with the tasty sandwich that came with it. "They're really persistent, you know?"
You smiled sheepishly as you arrange your cubicle to start a new day. Unlike your workmates, your place is quite neat and devoid of anything that would identify that spot as yours.
No personal images pinned on the corkboard. Not even a framed picture of whoever inspires you to get up and work hard without becoming insane yourself.
Upon accepting the job offer, you made sure to draw the most visible line to keep your personal life to yourself. You've heard some stories—some myths—about some agents disappearing without any trace overnight. Like they never existed in the first place.
"I hope they fuck off, you know?" You sighed before putting on your noise-cancelling headphones. "May we survive this shift," you grumbled as you wait for the first call with baited breath.
You have frequent customers. Most of them were pleasant to talk to. Let's just say that they're not exactly the dangerous type of callers. Those type clients were, most likely, drawn to the idea of being a 'yandere' as a fantasy. Sometimes, there's a hint of sexualization.
Almost every person on the floor are taking calls. Including you. However, your gut's been telling you to ignore the call. Maybe it's one of those unhinged callers who believes that you're theirs. Like they own you and all of your time.
You still have some available credits for call avoidance since you rarely used your credits. Surely, this one call will not affect your performance rating.
While waiting for the phone to stop ringing, you decided to clean up your work email. Being bombarded with useless newsletters about food and books on sale is the worse. Not only does it make your inbox crowded, it's also spammy.
You were fightung the urge to just select all and delete everything at once when you suddenly heard a notification. One after another.
One from your email, another one from your messaging app, and lastly—from the internal chatroom.
You opened the email with an attachment. It was a blank email but as soon as the preview for the attachment appeared, you almost gagged.
It was an image of a man's cock. There were translucent liquid splattered everywhere while the tip of his dick is on a cup—filled to the brim with iced coffee with foamy top. Your favorite.
Your hands were shaking as you exit the window of the website. You clicked the messaging app first. 'Perhaps it was just a promotional message from one of those companies.'
But no.
It was a message from a private number. You don't have any idea how they did it, but they kept sending you images. Most of them were blurry, but the ones with better quality almost made you vomit.
It was taken in a small room. At first, the room was dark, but eventually the image light up. His face was blurred, but you could clearly see what he was doing.
He was fucking your pillow. The one you've been using since you've moved in a better place with better security.
You were confused. And scared.
How could he easily enter your place? Your keys are with you and only the management has access to other duplicates.
"No way..." you whispered as you close the messaging app's window.
One bomb was dropped after another. And you knew something's off.
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Due to multiple reports of call avoidance and drop calls, the management has decided to relieve you from your position as an agent effective immediately.
As we value your well-being, rest assured that you will be receiving your full payment for the next three months along with the other benefits that the company has sworn to provide you.
We sincerely appreciate your efforts for the last three years. We wish you all the best from this day forward.
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You were devastated, yet relieved upon reading the letter. You've been wanting to receive this for months. It was the only way out of this place and this industry. You've also managed to save up a lot that you can start fresh somewhere. Far from this place.
Another phone call managed to bypass the automatic system of the place. You took a deep breath before accepting the call.
"I can't... wait... haah..." the man on the line was clearly doing himself. By the eay he sounds, he's probably close. "We'll move to a big house... haah... hngg... a baby, a babyyy... nhnn... come home..."
Your eyes widened upon hearing your name. Not the screen name you gave them, but your legal full name.
"Let me... hngg... make you a mommy... d'you want that, huh?" You could a wet sloppy noises in the background. "Tiny baby... sucking on your tits... while I make a mess out of you?"
"No need for... apologies..." he was breathing heavily. "I'll see you soon, okay?
He chuckled. "That's me, my princess... took you long enough to say my name."
"How did you get into my house?" you asked while gritting your teeth.
"Patience, my love. We could talk all about it once you're home. Should I get you something to eat? Chicken? Cake? Sandwich? Coffee?"
"I'm done with you."
You immediately pressed the end call button before gathering your things and left. Not even a farewell to your friends.
But there's something you should probably know.
Heidi can't wait to be an aunt and to be your sister-in-law!
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drdemonprince · 11 days
Could you reshare your shoplifting tips
I can't find it so here's a new list for you:
Identify appropriate targets. The ideal store to shoplift from will generally be a large, understaffed, moderately failing business. Walgreens right now is experiencing a huge uptick in shoplifting because its prices are too high and it doesn't have enough staff. Most of the time when I walk into my local Walgreens they don't even have enough staff to have anybody at the registers, let alone to keep an eye on the door. Usually I'm more subtle than this, but at some moments you can literally just walk out the door. Other good shoplifting targets are places like Dollar Tree, Dollar General, CVS, Aldi, non-fancy grocery stores, Meijer, places like that. Be more careful with small businesses. Be more careful with Target, or anywhere with security at the front. Neighborhoods matter too. Wealthy white neighborhoods are more heavily policed and if you stand out as visibly poor in an area where most aren't, you'll have more eyes on you.
Stake out the place. Visit the shoplifting target a variety of times, under a variety of conditions. Notice the ebb and flow of the space -- when does it get busy, when are there are a lot of staff on the floor, when are the lines really long. Check out the exits and the flow of human traffic. Pay some attention to security cameras, but don't assume that they're all even real, or being watched by an actual human. Many stores have fake cameras or only check the footage after there's been an Event. With experience, you will get better at sensing when is a good time to lift, and when not.
Steal at busy times. It's easiest to slip in and out unnoticed, especially without having bought anything, if you go at a time when there's a large traffic flow. You generally don't have to worry about customers ratting you out, unless you're in a very Karen-y neighborhood.
Carry or wear something you can subtly slip items into. I prefer using a tote bag that I act like I'm shopping into. It's very easy and casual to just place items in the bag, readjust the bag so that nothing can be seen poking out of the top, and then stroll out. (Sometimes after buying a few items, sometimes not). I have also used the side pockets on a backpack, or just my pockets. The key is to put items away in a relaxed manner, and to not obviously overstuff yourself. Don't bring TOO big of a bag, don't fill up your pockets TOO much. Keep it very light and subtle.
Avoid being sus. Don't spend a full hour in the grocery store. Don't circle the same two aisles over and over again visibly holding an item you're looking to take. Don't look around suspiciously at the cameras or the staff.
Act bored. This is my NUMBER ONE TIP to avoid being told you're not supposed to do something, whether it's tresspassing on a property, shoplifting, vandalizing, or just using the restroom you wanna use as a trans person. ACT BORED. Act tired and vaguely annoyed and like this is your last errand at the end of a long day and that you've been to this shop a million times before. People are far more likely to ignore you if you seem both relaxed and like you're too weary and over it to be even worth looking at. You can move at a decent pace, still, so long as you treat it like an errand you're just trying to Get Over With so you can get home and chill out.
have fun!!
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petew21-blog · 4 months
Teen wolf - Alpha needs his pack Part 2.
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Hey, y'all already know who we are right? We're like two of the most popular guys at school. Or maybe the coolest. Or... ok forget I said that. We are just bestfriends, by day we do normal shirt together by some nights Scott is doing his wolf stuff and I try to help out as much as I can.
But recently sometihng has changed. Scott started to act more dominant. We spoke less and less. He is so focused on the pack and the dangers that might come, but that's not how Scott usually is. Also, what happened to Theo? He is always ten steps behind Scott like some sort of a servant and he even keeps looking at me. But not with his self-centered I AM BETTER THAN YOU look, but now he looks like he wants to tell me sometihng, like he is being punished. I'll try to talk to him, since Scott is distancing himself from me now. HE EVEN GOT A TATTOO. Without me! We were talking getting one and he didn't wait for me. Ok, maybe my dad would be against it, but I would resist. Maybe, for a while. Ok, I wouldn't dare, but you know. He could have said something.
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I think I was getting really desperate. My best friend is not talking to me, everyone else would think the way that I do. I knew If I were in his pack he couldn't ignore me. But if my dad found out I was bitten someday, he would flip. Or maybe I would too. The first transformation must be horrible. Which is why I contacted one witch. She is not evil, but doesn't work for free. And I still didn't have an idea how to get Scott to talk to me, but she would know what to do. Wouldn't she?
We met up in the forest. She brough a box with her with all sorts of potions and equipment. She was a middle aged, very beautiful woman, nice hair, leather jacket.
"Hey. You're not the witch from Snow White I was expecting."
"Money" she said annoyed after my joke
I handed her the money. And started nervously: "Haha, sorry about that. I just get nervous handling illegal stuff in the dark with strangers. Not like I would do that, like ever. Not like drugs or anything. I don't do drugs..."
"You talk too much." She handed me a small vial of liquid. As I observed the vial, she touched my hand. "Do you even know, there's some magic in you? Are you so blind to everything around you, you don't even see whats in you?"
"I am a wizard?"
"No. You have some magic, but you're weak." she started packing her things and getting ready to leave.
"Wait, you didn't tell me what to do."
"Drink it to get close to who you want." she said mysteriously.
What does that even mean? I drank the whole vial and she just smiled at me. I hope that's a good sign. A smile from a witch. Sure
Suddenly a noise echoed through the forrest. That sounded like a howl. The witch was already running away from me.
In a minute Derek appeared behind me. "What the hell are you doing here?"
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I was really surprised to see him, but also not. The wolves always protect the Beacon Hills so if there was a creature tresspassing, they would know. I tried to sound confident. "Well I could be asking you the same thing"
"Do you even know that the Dread doctors are in Beacon Hills?! Has no one told you they pose a threat, Stiles?!? They want to get to Scott and you are parading in a forrest doing god knows what."
"I was just... on a midnight walk. It's very healthy actually. You should try sometimes. But I guess you run a lot around the town during the night. Right. Anyway..."
"Stiles, shut the fuck up and let's go."
He touched my arm and then my whole world flipped. It must have happened really fast, but for us it felt like ages. I even think I saw Derek's aura? soul? I don't know. But those things switched places in our bodies. They positioned themself and after that I opened my eyes again.
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I saw myself. Myself from Derek's eyes. As I looked down I saw Derek's muscles. Oh man, he's gonna kill me now.
"Stiles?!?" the expression of my face changed from my usual friendly approach to the one I might have had maybe the last time playing a video game. I didn't even know my face could do this.
"Yesss?" whoa. Did that vibrating manly voice just come out of me? That's so hot. I have to calm down before Derek notices I am not that mad about the situation as he is.
"What exactly have you been doing here? And I need you to tell me everything." haha. My body looks so funny when he's trying to look angry.
I told him how I felt about Scott, how the witch took the money and gave me the vial and how I drank it.
He laughed of frustration. "You fuckin' idiot. Don't you get it?"
"Get what?"
"The Dread Doctors were planning to swap you and Scott. You were suppose to go meet him after this, right?"
"Well of course. Our little stiles feels intimidated by Scott new ball drop and wants to be close, just to endanger the whole town in doing so. What would you do if you swapped with him? Would you manage being the Alpha? HUH? No, right. Didn't think so."
"Sorry, this wasn't the plan."
"Oh I know it wasn't. And it sure wasn't my plan to spend the evening fucking myself."
"WHAT?! WHAT do you mean?! Why should I.... YOU...WHAT?"
"Every magical thing has a twist. And maybe from every cheesy freaky friday movie you watch, you might understand, that the people that swap have to get close somehow, make up. They always have to 'learn a lesson', 'try to walk in each others shoes', but they all take the long way. The fastest way to swap is to know how the other one FEELS."
"Derek, I... I don't know if I want this."
"Well I sure as don't want this kid, but we don't have a choice now, do we? Now, get on your knees. I got places to be."
He came close to me and started unzipping my jeans.
"Hey that's my dick!"
"No, it's mine now. And if you don't want it to be like this forever, which I really don't, then SUCK IT!"
I have to say, that seeing my own body being so dominant was in some ways really hot. I lowered myself.
"I have never seen it from this angle. It looks really nice."
"Stiles. SUCK IT!"
I didn't want to bee yelled at anymore, but Derek's body seemed to react to it slightly. I liked the shaft first, grabbing the lower part of my dick and positioned my mouth over it. My beard over my lips slightly scratching the head of my dick seemed to cause sensation to him. I pushed the dick more and more. Damn, almost no gag reflex. Convenient. My dick is real nice I gotta say. Striaght, slightly hairy, nice balls. It's not one of the biggest out there, but it's not bad in the mouth.
I accelerated. He started moaning. I used my right hand to jerk the lower half and blow the top. I think I'm getting good at this. Maybe cause Derek now put his hand in my hair to hold onto something.
"So you like it huh?"
I got back to it, accelerating even more until streams of cum released into my mouth. I swallowed.
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"So? When do you think we're gonna swap?" I asked him
He hyperventilated from the orgasm. "I... I thought this would work actually."
"Well maybe we gotta fuck for real. Let's go to my place. My dad's on duty now.
We entered my room. I could see the post nut clarity in his eyes. Post nut clarity and desperation. Nothing I haven't seen before on my own face.
"Ok, Derek. The lube is in the drawers. There is a completely new one. I haven't had a chance to use it. Guess I still won't be the first one using it. Hahah."
"What do you mean?"
"You just came. My body isn't used to cum two times a in an hour, So if you can't do the math, I'll do it for you."
"We'll wait until your body's dick gets hard." he said indifferently
A wave of anger swept over me
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"Listen here, Derek. You suggested this and I followed. Now it's your turn to obey and do what I tell you. You don't want to be stuck like this and these are your methods. So we're gonna fuck. And I will be on top. Understand?"
He just nodded. I could see the fear in his eyes. But also excitement. And what I really didn't expect a tent formed in his jeans. That little fucker likes to be dominated. He's just hiding it behind this facade.
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I was horny, hell yeah I was. And I also wanted to enjoy being this buff for just a few minutes. I did some pull ups. It went so easily. His body is so amazing. Maybe I should hit the gym after we go back.
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Derek just sat shirtless on the bed, watching me lift myself up and down.
I got near him. The sweat drops rolling over my muscles. I took his hand and positioned it on my belt. He unbuckled it. SHIIIT this dick is huge. No wonder when Derek is such a masculine man.
"SUCK IT!" I said just as he said before. Only now, my voice was more manlier than his. He obeyed me, he wanted me to feel good and ge was doing such a great job. I thrusted my hips into his mouth as he was sucking. He choked many time. My body's gag reflex made it worse for him. Take that, that's for before
I took off my pants and he took off his. He turned around and got in position for me to enter him. I took the lube, put some on my hand, then his ass. Then on my new dick. Fuck, it's my first time jerking his dick. And it feels so good. I don't think I want to swap. But if I get my hands on the vial, I could swap with anyone. It would be cool to know what it's like to be Theo. He has a beautiful body.
My mind got back from daydreaming to fucking again. My hard pulsating dick in my hand ready over my hairy ass. I pushed, slowly, gently. I waited for him to get used to it. He moaned like a little bitch. While I waited for him to enjoy the pain I grabbed his dick. He was just as hard as I was. I took my other hand and grabbed him under his neck and took him close to me. My other hand still on his dick, jerking him, my own dick thrusting into him. He moaned. I kissed his neck and bit him a bit. I could feel my wolf teeth come out. But no, not the time
I accelerated. Thrusting more into him and jerking him twice as before. He wasn't moaninf, he was screaming out of pleasure now. And then it hit. Both of us. Be came at the same time. I came into him and ha came all over my bed. We panted, my dick still inside of him slowly getting flacid.
I pulled out. Laying myself down and he did so next to me on the bed.
"Well, that didn't work."
We just looked at each other, both wondering what we were gonna do.
But hey, atleast I get to be part of the pack with Scott now.
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A story from inbox that skipped a few others: Maybe a second part of the new alpha where stiles hires some witch to make him and derek swap bodies in order to improve the pack. Maybe even derek had a kink with being smaller and loves the new reality.
Sorry for taking so long, but don't worry. Your story is coming
Part 1:
Part 3:
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starrypawz · 8 months
I'm aware I'm not the only person to do this but here's a post that was just meant to be me tracking up the description of Gerry's hair to see what is actually going on on that front but this also turned into a few other things that are quite interesting to think about. And I started
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I will put this under a cut as it's long, also spoilers
So we first meet Gerry in 004
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And he's described as having 'artificially black' hair and he's unshaven, this statement is set in Winter 2012 and is from the period where Mary is haunting Gerry post her death, this also occurs after the events of 012 as the incident in 012 is dated as happening on December 23rd 2011
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Then in 012
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Yet again, dyed hair, this time he's clean shaven which implies either Gerry tends to shave or he probably at least shaved for the sake of blending in for this incident
(This is also when Gerry had all his tattoos)
, this is also in 2011 and it's when Mary is still around but I'm not sure if she like actually somehow appeared at the hospital since it's never really said like how far Mary could like project herself as a ghost but either way somehow they signed him off to her.
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Also to note from 012
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Gerry has an expired passport with him, he's traveled a lot this lines up with what Gerry himself says in 111 that he and Mary traveled a lot (Also I personally feel he likely had a feeling he wasn't coming back from this and had that on him for... reasons)
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Then in 035 we encounter teenage Gerry in 2002
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He's described as thin, his hair is apparently obviously dyed, it's also described as 'greasy'
Also to note, this is where the statement giver implies Gerry is somehow stronger than he looks
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Gerry then shows up in 048
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He's described as scrawny here, and also described as having 'long black hair' this episode is set in September 2009 which would likely be about a year after Mary's death which is said to have happened in 2008 and in 111 Gerry does say the following
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Also in 004 it's stated that Gerry seemingly disappeared after being acquitted
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Also apparently someone moved into Pinhole Books in 2014
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Also to note 062 where Mary talks to Gertrude and gives her Eric's page is set on the 3rd July 2008 meaning that Mary's death was somewhere after this point (I am going to assume likely not that long after this)
Mary speaks to Eric in 154 which is dated to the 21st July 2008 and also this is where Eric does ask her to track down Gerry and Gertrude has been aware of Gerry's existence for a good while by this point.
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Also it's implied that Eric and Gertrude know what Mary was going to do
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Another side note 080 is where we have Jurgen's encounter with Gerry which probably would've happened in 2014
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And Gerry thinks this was in fact not Leitner
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So now we come to 102
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This statement was taken in June 2014 and is the source of the 'poorly dyed' description of Gerry's hair, this is the only time where the condition of his hair is really remarked upon other than in 035 where it's described as greasy (Which I personally feel was just as a result of Gerry being a teenager at a time as having greasy hair as a teenager happens to most people) so that was likely a one off moment.
Other references to Gerry's hair being dyed imply it's obviously dyed and an artificial looking black so I have another feeling that his hair looking the way it apparently does here is probably a one off since Gerry has been.... going through it to put it mildly.
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And its stated that Gerry passes away a few months after this and in 111 Gerry states and since he says Mary haunted him for five years Gertrude seemingly was the one to seek Gerry out This was likely some point in 2013 (Going off what was calculated by people writing the tma wiki)
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Allegedly The Catalogue was burned, or at least Mary's pages were Gertrude however seems to have The Catalogue in 2015 when she is arrested for tresspassing
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Gerry was also unaware he was ill until it was too late
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In 012 we find out Gerry's death was sometime in late 2015
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And Jon finds the following out in 107
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From what we have in 107 it's likely Gerry and Gertrude were heading to The Usher Foundation from Chicago but only got as far as Pittsburgh, this is where Gerry passes, Gertrude narrowly avoids arrest for being caught when binding Gerry to the Catalogue of the Trapped Dead and Gertrude travels back to England.
And then The Catalogue falls into Julia and Trevor's hands about a year late 109
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(And yes can confirm the Greyhound route referenced by Jon does exist)
So that's the post
Things to Summarise
Gerry is apparently stronger than he looks, he is also canonically pale and thin/scrawny
He's described as having stubble in 004 but not 012 I have a feeling he tends to stay clean shaven but in 004 it's implied he looks like hes not slept for a few days (Likely due to Mary) 004 happened post 012
Gerry has an expired passport with him in 012 likely for identification reasons (I personally feel he had a feeling he might not be coming back)
Gerry was released into Mary's care after the events of 012 but it's not clear if Mary was physically there or not
His hair is obviously dyed, and always described as long. His hair is described as Greasy in 035 when he's a teenager, and Poorly Dyed in 102, 102 is set not long before Gerry died so I have a feeling that's probably part of the reason his hair is like that he's been going through it (tm)
Gertrude very likely knew about Gerry's existence pre 2008, she was asked to find him in July 2008 by Eric, She also spoke to Eric a few weeks after Mary approached her in July 2008 but didn't intervene until 2013
Mary's death was likely some point in Summer 2008, probably in July
Someone moved into Pinhole Books in 2014
Gerry also beat up Jurgen Leitner in 2014
Mary's pages were burned in 2013 but it seems The Catalogue was still usable since Gerry was put into it
Gertrude and Gerry most likely heading to The Usher Foundation before his death They'd been in Chicago and were traveling via Pittsburgh, which is as far as they got before Gerry died, Gertrude never did show up at The Usher Foundation.
Gerry died some point in late 2015, the Catalogue of the Trapped Dead was left behind and eventually vanished from the evidence locker and somehow ended up with Julia and Trevor just under a year later
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jzargo · 2 months
"Dragon Age: Inquisition is a game about lack of agency" and "Dragon Age: Inquisition is an rpg and it should have had more player choice" are not two opposing statements, btw.
RPGs are games that are, inherently, about choice. Creating a game where you examine what happens when you are robbed of choice is a ballsy move, and one that I think Inquisition does succeed at...in some parts. Ultimately, I don't think it committed hard enough to the concept, and the parts where it's weakest are when it can't decide between the horror of being made a symbol and the power fantasy of being the leader of the inquisition. You should have elements of the power fantasy, of course. especially for characters who buy into the Inquisition. But it's the distinction that matters. This needed to be contrasted more with the moments of horror, moments of the cage closing around the Inquisitor. (I think the Dawn Will Come sequence is actually a good example of this: search up the scene on YouTube and you'll see plenty of comments from people who genuinely thought the moment was awe-inspiring or empowering, vs the people who play non-Andrastian characters who find the moment awkward at best and horrifying at worst)
While there are many dialogue points where people remind you repeatedly and sometimes cruelly that your own beliefs don't matter in the scale of the Inquisition, these moments usually end with the Inquisitor being shut down and being forced to go along with things silently. What we should have been given were moments after the fact. Moments scattered throughout the game where we got to see the Inquisitor increasingly chafe against their role or, conversely, buy into it. Moments in private, either with love interests or companions of high approval where the Inquisitor would be able to express either their increasing frustration or increasing awe at their role.
If you're going to make a game where the main character is robbed of their agency, I need it to break them or I need to see them slowly and happily accept their place as figurehead. We kind of get this symbolically in Tresspasser: the Inquisition is at a turning point, and the Anchor - the thing that made the Inquisitor, the symbol of their power and the thing that made them a symbol, is finally poisoning them and killing them. But although the metaphor is lovely, I do think it needed to be backed up by interpersonal moments where we got to see how being the Herald sits with the Inquisitor.
tl;dr i needed to see being made into a symbol Consume the Inquisitor more. I need to see them breaking under the weight of their personhood being ripped from them or I needed to see everyone around them watch with increasing horror as they fully give themselves over to being The Herald.
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sunshine reader x L oneshot
NOT THE SMUT...but that's coming soon.
Yalllll this L smut is taking me wayyyy too long to finish, I've been hit with inspiration in the WRONG department (katsuki series), and now that's all I can think about. Until I'm able to crank out the actual L smut, have this little oneshot about joining the kira task force!
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"I'm here," you announce cheerily, bursting in through the door with a big smile and a briefcase in your hands.
"Uh, sorry, who are you," Mogi asks, stopping you at the door. He had a stern look on his face, like he thought you were tresspassing.
"She is a consultant on this case," L says calmly, not turning from his place before his computer, his thumb pressed to his lips in thought, his knees to his chest.
"everyone, this is (Y/n). Make yourselves acquainted."
"A consultant?" "What do you need consulting on?" "I thought you said you didn't need anymore detectives."
L sighed, a frown appearing on his lips as he glanced back toward where the group would be. "I thought I told you to acquaint yourselves," he said tiredly. What a lovely first day.
over the next week, they did in fact acquaint themselves. You got to know everyone, especially because you lived in HQ. There was Misa, Aizawa, Chief Yagami, Matsuda, Mogi, and, of course...Light Yagami. You knew him well. Through L's retellings, anyway. Why did he tell you? Because you were dating. Plain and simple.
L hadn't told anyone on the team, for good reason...at least, it was probably good reason. Either that, or he didn't tell because no one asked. He was like that, only speaking as he pleased. It amused you, it was something that drew you to him.
Even so, they noticed when he gave you special treatment. Once, during a presumed all-nighter for the detectives, you stood from your seat next to L, Stretching and yawning.
"I'm going to head to bed." It was only 10, far earlier than any of the others dared ask to go, not wanting to seem like slackers. L looked up at you questioningly, tilting his head. "You never go to bed this early."
You shrug. "I'm tired, and if I'm too tired tomorrow, I won't be able to work as efficiently."
L sighed, looking back to his computer. "I won't stop you," he said indifferently.
You smile and thank him, standing and making your way to bed. Everyone else was flabbergasted. Matsuda stood from his desk, leaning on it with his hands as he stared at the back of L's head. "Why does she get to leave early? If any of us asked to go at a time like this, No way you'd let us!"
"Have you asked," L responded, gently spinning his chair around to face him.
"well I-...no..."
L gave him an expectant look, scratching the top of his foot with his toes.
"...can I go to bed?" everyone was watching with intrigue. Was that really all it took???
Matsuda looked shocked. Everyone else simply went back to work, the already dingy mood dampened even further.
"It's cause she's pretty, isn't it?"
L looked up in thought, his thumb rubbing at his lips.
"Mmnnn....I suppose it is," he mused.
All matsuda could do was sit down in disbelief. "can you believe this," he asked Aizawa in a whisper. "Of course I can. That's L for you."
As another piece of evidence, he simply likes you more. He lets you talk and talk all day long about anything on your mind, when you go on food runs he actually asks you for things (He never asks the other detectives, no matter where they're going), and he shares any of his treats with you.
"I recall you saying you enjoy strawberry flavoring. Is that still accurate?" he's already cut you a sizable slice of strawberry cake, so your answer doesn't matter.
"have you ever had carambola? It's not very remarkable on it's own." Because of him, your first and only experiences with the fruit are in tanghulu form.
Anything he eats, you at minimum try.
Lastly, and most importantly, he shamelessly stares at your body. It is unbearably obvious that you distract him sometimes, when you're talking like nothing and he's watching the subtle movement of your tits, caused by your excessive gesticulations, his thumb tracing his lower lip in thought as he analyzes the exact weight they must have to move in such a way. Many of the others assume L is simply a creep, a creepy weirdo staring at the new pretty woman in HQ.
Light knows better. He knows, he can see it, there is more. It's not just lust, L is better than that, more complex. Either this is some way to trick Light, or he's doing this to benefit himself and this case in some way. There is more, and he will find out what it is.
Of course, you know better than all of them. There is more, the more is that you are together, and beyond that, there is nothing. He just finds your chest rather captivating. You can't blame him. The end.
Long story short, everyone knows he has a bias towards you, for one reason or another, and he doesn't do much to hide it. There were so many theories spread between them, and as a surprise to no one, it was filtered through misa. She knew best about this social stuff, after all.
"Do you see the way she smiles at him? They have to be dating," Matsuda whispers.
"What? No way, Girls smile at guys for more reasons than being with them," Misa scoffs.
"What if this is a test? Maybe he's testing us," Mogi puts forward.
"On what," Misa asks incredulously.
"I don't know, I'm not the genius...What do you think, Light? You're the closest to him."
"Me...? I don't know, why don't you just ask him."
ask him? To his face? No.
"Fine," Misa nods, standing from the mini huddle. Everyone watched with disbelief as she faced the two of you, working side-by-side before the CCTV footage. She pointed an accusatory finger at the two of you, her voice and expression full of pride, like she cracked some code. "Are you two dating?!"
You look at L. He doesn't look at you.
"Yes," he responds calmly.
"What? Why would you bring her here then? Don't you think Light is kira? Aren't you putting her in danger," Aizawa asks.
"You 6 are the only ones that know...excluding Watari. If She dies, please assume Light Yagami is the culprit."
"Now, return to work," he orders, strain and annoyance in his voice from the situation. "I truly hate gossip," he grumbled to you.
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taglist: @cheekyweekymouse
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the-gospel-glow · 2 months
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Dear God,
I don’t know why I do the things I do. I don’t know why I keep choosing sin over You so many times. I sometimes see sin as a giant bubble bath. I would jump into the water and splash around in what looks like clean water. Yet, it’s just the devil’s illusion. Instead of clean water and bubbles, I am actually splashing around in mud. Dirty, goey, smelly mud. I know I hurt You each and every time I sin. I know I am playing with my eternal life each choice I make that goes against You and Your will. But…Father…I ask from every fiber in my body that You forgive me for my sins and tresspasses against You and Your kingdom. I want to change. Sometimes I think I do, until I fall back into that same cycle all over again. Thing is, I am trying in my own strength. I am fully aware now that only You can break this cycle. However, this is the part that gets confusing. I want the cycle to end, but my flesh doesn’t. My flesh has a mind of its own and wants to do the very things You command us not to do. I am sinful. I am broken. I am lost. But, I can be made holy, I can be fixed, and I can be found. Only in You, Jesus. I am aware You are coming soon. My heart skips a beat at the thought of not being ready for Your return. However, I know I am in my own way. I am the only one stopping my growth by relying on my own strength and understanding. I am hurting myself by relying on my own expectations. I expect You to leave me, I expect You to give up on me. Yet, You remain faithful each and every time. You just want to heal me. Deliver me Lord, please. I am growing weary.
ྀི𓎢𓎟𓎡 ྀི Love, Gigi 7/24
We can all relate to this letter. We all may feel stuck in our walk with God. We all may choose sin over Him. But I need someone out there to know that He loves you. Forgiveness is found in Him. The time to turn from your wicked ways and repent is now. Accept His love and mercy. Let's do it together, friend.
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analviel · 2 years
That Arkham psychiatrist Jazz and guard Danny, but with Corpse AU, Eldritch!Ghost King, and Ghost!Gotham.
So Danny heard Jazz got a job she really wanted, visited the city she moved to, but suddenly felt someone or something call for him. Gotham asked his help to wake her from Slumber and Danny had to stay to help her so he applied as a guard. Cue Danny being the best guard Arkham has ever had.
But it just so happens that when he moved to Gotham Joker was already inside Arkham and when the clown broke out Danny was just getting settled and when Joker performed his latest crime, he's being dragged back to Arkham with a relatively established Danny who now patrols deeper in the building.
So first time Danny sees the clown he stops cold while everyone watches.
Joker is a tresspasser, unwelcomed in Gotham's city-state. Wait, no, Danny realize that Joker must've belonged once, but he was rejected by Gotham along the way. He doesn't really know and can't care about the specifics of what went down there but this thing isn't human and it must be contributing to poor Gotham's state. So Danny beelines to the Joker, and Danny is pretty harmless in his human guise, but then he starts shedding it.
"I am Phantom, invited here by Gotham herself, I belong here for as long as she will allow but you have outstayed your welcome and in my right as the Ghost King, you will be removed." And proceeds to devour it whole.
The rest of the rogues are silent.
Then Danny is back to his usual guise and the Rogues are relatively well behaved and Jazz is loving her job and making so much progress with the other psychiatrists without the Rogues repeatedly breaking out and coming back worse and rinse and repeat.
So, Corpse AU enters along the time the buzz of the new guard reaches the Bats. They interact with Danny as their vigilante persona, sometimes they cross paths as civilians, Gotham adores them. But Joker's disappearance is suspicious and everyone wants to look into it if nothing else because they need peace of mind and closure.
They pick up pieces here and there from the Rogues. So they now inch towards the supernatural genre and about this Ghost King. With their resources and their investigative might, they get the idea of its existence from the scientific community (which is its lack of mention except from a line or two here from two Dr. Fentons interesting that), the records from the Al Ghuls, and the interactions from the magic/supernatural community. I don't know how the realization goes down but Danny profess to his reason for staying, that he's heard the same voice they had to, and is just here to help Gotham. The Bats didn't think it was Gotham's voice or that it (her) even had a voice so that's a thing.
Danny confess to eating Joker. Bruce bristle at the blatant nonchalance at killing and says something about the idea of death may be different for them. Danny answers that he didn't kill the Joker, because killing the Joker wouldn't work because it'll just posses another suitable host, which probably had already happened multiple times, the malicious wraith one of the largest parasites on Gotham's own ectoplasm. Gotham probably voluntarily gave it a part of herself once upon a time and then it started taking and taking and Gotham realized too late. Or something like that.
Anyways, the kids and the Fentons get along swimmingly, Jason particularly pleased by their presence maybe for more than one reasons.
Then someone, probably Tim, I'm putting my bet on my nosy boy, realizes Danny is a ghost and Jazz is his sister and just one of those 'ghosts were alive once and he's definitely the alive before type so what happened' and looks to Amity records and it doesn't take much digging before he finds the case of Phantom. Or Phantom's ghost and his body.
And the ensuing investigation. And Phantom's own hand in the progress of the investigation, or rather his hand in stopping the progress.
It's up to you what the official records say, but one of my fave fics (that one with the relic and written from Maddie's perspective) os that Danny (or his body) was officially killed by Vlad.
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oathwilled · 1 day
bg3 was kind of guilty of this too to some degree, at least with people's responses, but LMAO oh my god bioware's dialogue wheels still stress me
between mass effect and dragon age, like. sometimes you make a choice and your character is just wildly all ' WELL YOU SUCK LMAO ' and i'm left going ' wat D: '
this brought to you by me going into tresspasser and finding blackwall throwing daggers into a target and me choosing the option ' can i try that? ' and my character literally ' GOD YOU SUCK AT THAT LOL MAKER LET ME DO IT '
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thecluelessdoctor · 10 months
more All seeing Eyes AU refs
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Jax, the cult's hunter.
Despite his thin body and snarky nature, he is dangerous, often times being the one to slaughter tresspassers.
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Ragatha, the cult's butcher.
Normally being the one to prepare sacrifices and food. She gets them mixed up sometimes, so be careful. Shes a sweet soul, but she's hiding her fear.
(hey uhm. I'm sorry if I didn't represent her well. I'm not used to making people of normal colors, so might have done it wrong and I'm sorry.)
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I used to be a bit of a Solas hater and I still don't vibe with the way Solavellan plays out (no hate to any Solavellan shippers or Solas lovers out there, just any measure of manipulation in a romantic context unsettles me, for personal reasons).
However, last year I've done a playthrough with a nerdish/bookish Cadash who really bonded with Solas over their shared love of history (and frilly little cakes), and that honestly turned me into more of a Solas sympathiser.
The way the deep and completely platonic friendship between Solas and Inquisitor is written (especially with a dwarven Inquisitor, somewhat mirroring his relationship with Varric) made the final reveal in Tresspasser all the more heartbreaking for me, in a way that friendship breakups with people who you consider your truest friends can sometimes hurt more than romantic ones.
I do have one Solavellan worldstate in my saves just to see what happens with that ship in DA:D but I'm so much more invested in seeing how the Solas & Inquisitor friendship might unfold in Dreadwolf now.
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