#... portals to try to find a way home and she manages to find herself in a relm in between all of them and well..
casually-salad · 2 years
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Is it cold outside? Is it cold out?
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bet-on-me-13 · 10 months
Danny was born as a Halfa
So! Jack and Maddie are a little More insane in this.
When studying Ghosts, they become convinced that the only way to defeat the Ghostly Threat is to make a Ghost of their own. One who will fight on their Side. And they do believe that a "Good Ghost" is Possible, but only if fused with a Human to balance out the "Inherent Evil".
So, when Maddie gets pregnant they take the opportunity to try and make one of these theoretical "Halfas" by testing on the Baby in the Womb.
Jazz if Born, and she is not a Halfa. She is merely an extremely Liminal Toddler, so Jack and Maddie consider the experiment a Failure. They raise Jazz as per usual, and then 2 years later Jack and Maddie try again.
They have Danny, and this time he is a True Halfa! They did it! Now all they have to do is turn the Baby into the perfect Weapon against Ghosts!
Danny is raised less like a Baby and more like a Weapon. His Parents still treat him well, and give him some amount of love, but there is never any doubt in his mind that his only purpose in Life is to be the perfect weapon against Ghosts.
The only person who really treats him like something more than a Weapon is Jazz, who likes to sneak into his Room and play with him when they parents are out of the House.
(Later addition: They also have Ellie as a Kid a few years later, but because they messed up the process she is not as Stable as Danny is. She is 4 years younger than he is)
Then, they day he had been preparing for his whole life comes. When he is 10, a Ghost manages to sneak through a Natural Portal into Amity Park, and the Fentons send him to go deal with it as his First Test Run.
But when he gets there, he doesn't find an Evil Ghost bent on killing everyone in town. He finds a Teenage Girl, with blue flaming Hair, crying to herself.
(Idk how long ago Ember died, so lets just assume she died around 6 years before Canon)
He doesn't attack immediately, and when the girl sees him she invites him to sit with her. Against his better judgement, he agrees and sits with her.
She talks to him for a bit, and eventually explained why she was crying. Apparently she only died a few weeks ago and had finally found her way back to the Living World, back home. But when she got there she found that nobody really cared about her Death.
She had died in a House Fire, and because she had spent her entire night waiting for her Boyfriend to show up for a Date, she was too tired to wake up in time to escape.
Her Parents had obviously mourned, but her supposed friends and her boyfriend had hardly cared. In fact, it turned out that her Boyfriend had stood her up because he was cheating on her. So she had run off into the Park and sat down to Cry about it, where Danny had found her.
And Danny is confused.
His entire life, he has heard that Ghosts are Non-Sentient Killing Machines. That they don't feel any emotion aside from Malice. That they aren't People.
But this Girl is as Human as anybody else he has ever known. Perhaps even More Human.
He decides to ignore The Fentons Orders, and lets her go back through the Portal she had come through.
When he gets Home, the Fentons are less than pleased. They are Livid in fact.
Their Perfect Weapon was a Failure after all! It's too much like a Ghost to ever side with the Humans! It's just another Spook!
And they know what to do with Spooks.
They lock him up in the Lab, and decide to cut him open Later to figure out what went wrong.
They'll be successful next time.
Thankfully, their jeers to Danny are heard by Jazz in the other Room, and she doesn't like this one bit. So that night, she takes Danny and Ellie with her and Runs away. They need to get out of Amity Park, out Illinois even. They run and run, sneaking onto Buses, hitchhiking, even jumping on Trains.
Eventually they end up in a place called Gotham City.
Ages at the end.
Jazz: 12
Danny: 10
Ellie: 6
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angel-eyes05 · 1 year
to leave the warmest bed i've ever known (part 2)
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pairing: spider-woman!reader x miguel o’hara 
summary: life on the run is not for the weak. you're reminded of this once you run into someone you haven't seen in a while
warnings: a lot of angst (there'll be fluff and smut soon i swear i just feel like writing angst right now lmao), HUGE ATSV SPOILERS DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THIS MOVIE, mentions and descriptions of blood and injuries, this is so against canon its insane
word count: 2.2k
notes: ok so i changed my mind, miguel and the reader arent gonna make up just yet🤭. trust me when they do it'll be worth it lmao. im gonna need everyone to suspend their belief for the next chapters cause im kind of just making up the plot to beyond the spider-verse at this point for this silly little fic so just go with it
God, this was very quickly turning out to be a very bad decision. The movies made being on the run seem a lot easier than this. What they had failed to include was how easily it was to get ambushed by Spider-Society members while hopping between the dimensions looking for Miles. Your little group basically had to hop through a bunch of different dimensions within a week and look for him there, then leave before HQ managed to track you guys down. You’re not sure how much time has passed since you left. Maybe a few weeks. Maybe a few months. The passage of time was pretty weird when you were constantly hopping through the fabric of space and time. All you knew is that your eyes had naturally dulled out the neon orange light that shined from the portals you were constantly jumping through. Luckily, none of your team had been caught yet. There had been a few close calls, but only two of those led to severe injuries, one of them being Gwen, and the other time being you.
You and your team had been ambushed due to a malfunction with the portal opening. Each of you were put with your own variant to fight. Just to your luck, you were confronted by Jess. She looked awful to be honest. Stressed. She was probably put on finding you and your team while Miguel endlessly searched for Miles. This little wild goose chase had tired her out. Part of you felt bad. But that was very quickly overcome by the feeling of betrayal growing in your chest. You had a feeling she felt a similar way. “Please don’t make me do this. Just let me take you home,” she said weakly. Home. That’s right. That's basically what HQ had been to you before. You hadn’t been back to your Earth in five years, ever since Miguel caught you on the top of that building. Jessica was your first friend there. She had shown you the ropes to everything, been there for you during your lowest moments, and guided you to your highest ones. And now you had to repay her by sending her back to Miguel in a bloody pulp. You hated that this is how things had to go. But such was life for someone like you. “I have no home anymore,” you said at her monotonically before charging at her with your fists first. She’s quick to react, using one of her webs to swing away. It’s clear she doesn’t want to hurt you, each of her movements swift to defend herself, but never going on the offensive side. She could easily take you down if she wanted to. She had been doing this longer than you had and was more skilled than you too. She was going easy on you, desperately trying to show you she didn’t want to fight. But you didn’t care. You had put too much on the line to start to give up now.
The others had taken down their foes long before you had finished with Jess. You could see Gwen running up to you out of the corner of your eye, Ben tied up in a web behind her. You webbed her to the floor before she could get closer to the struggle you and Jess were currently in. You gave Gwen a quick, reassuring nod that she returned before running off to find the others. Once Gwen was out of sight, you quickly attached a web to Jess’ face, and pulled it down into your knee, knocking her glasses off her face and shattering on the floor. With her off her balance, you took the opportunity to try to knock her out. You slammed your fists into her face, one after the other, releasing all of the stress that had accumulated in your body over the past couple of months into her cheeks. You couldn’t see the damage you were doing, blinded by rage and betrayal and your fists blocking out her face. The only thing you could see was the blood splattering off of her face onto yours. You felt a voice in the back of your head begging you to stop. You desperately wanted to, but you had lost control of your body. Jess wasn’t the real person you wanted to hurt here, you already knew who that was. But she was the closest thing you could get to him right now. And if you were being honest with yourself, she wasn’t completely innocent to you either.
In her last desperate attempt to save herself, Jess shoved her forearm in the way of your balled up knuckles, grabbed a piece of shattered glass from her broken frames, and shoved it deep into your chest. Your reign of fury on her face suddenly stopped as pain quickly snapped through your body. You quickly fell to your knees, partially out of shock, and looked down to see the blood spilling out of your chest. As Jess dropped to her knees as well, you could finally get a gauge of the damage you’ve done. You couldn’t tell if the blood loss was making you see things, but her nose looked almost crooked, a dark cut slicing through the middle of it and blood pouring out of both nostrils. Both of her eyes were swollen, not entirely shut but on their way there. You looked down at your hands, the skin on your knuckles broken off and bleeding through the fabric of your suit, blending in with its natural red. They were trembling with a mixture of faded anger and new guilt. I never wanted to hurt her, you kept repeating to yourself in your head, as if it was going to make any difference. Maybe if you thought it hard enough, it would erase your actions. You suddenly flinched when you felt Jessica’s hand cupping your face. You looked up at her, mouth agape. Her soft thumb brushed your face as she stared lovingly at your face. So she did know. That made you feel a little less stupid when you broke down in front of her then and there. You just felt awful. Jess was your friend. Your best friend probably. And look at what you’ve done to her. You couldn’t understand how she managed to still be so soft with you, despite how much you’ve just mutilated her face. 
It was ever harder for you to understand how quickly she enveloped you as soon as she saw the tears begin to streak her face. You didn’t deserve this. You should run away. You need to run away. You’re currently bleeding out, and you’re just sitting here, sobbing into the crook of her neck. She’s probably just stalling for time and holding you here until help comes for her. But the longer you sat here the longer you realized…this was just her. It was only Jess here. No help was coming. Jess just wanted to hold you again one last time before letting you run away again. Once you pulled away from her, she wiped away your tears. “Don’t let me catch you,” she whispered into your ear. It was a reminder to you that while she was still holding onto her beliefs, that didn’t mean she ever stopped caring for you. She helped to push you up off of the ground, her hands now covered in your blood. You began to walk away out of  the dark alley to look for the others. Before leaving entirely, you turned around to look at Jess, still laying there. “I’ll find you once this is all over. So don’t you dare die on me, okay?” you shouted at her. She gave a simple nod in return, watching as you stumbled out of alley way. While you made the ultimate decision to let her live that day, you still had anger boiling up in your body. Somebody had to pay for all of this. All of this chaos that was about to unleash itself onto the multiverse. And you know exactly who did. And you didn’t intend to show him the same mercy you showed Jess. No. This was a job you intended to finish. 
Thankfully, your chest laceration healed up quicker than expected, allowing you and your teammates to get back on track. Images of your encounter with Jess replayed through your mind for the next couple of weeks. The only other person you told about the details of your brutalization of Jess was Peter B., knowing he would understand with all the hard decisions he’s had to make himself. Gwen and Hobie had also noticed that you were acting a little bit off, but you avoided the subject every time they would bring it up. 
Suddenly though, it was happening. The moment you and your team had anticipated for the past couple of weeks. You were awoken by the bright glow of three orange portals opening up, three Spider-Men in each. Your team sprang awake and began to make a run for it. It was no use though, as one by one, each member of your team was separated by a different group of variants, until it was just you, Gwen, and Peter running. While you were running, you felt a hand yank at the hair on the back of your head. You quickly turned around and found Ben Reilly as the culprit. You didn’t hesitate to jump into the air and kick his face, pushing him off of you and onto the floor. As the three of you kept running, your attention was suddenly caught by something else. “Keep your hands off her! That one’s mine!” you heard the familiar voice call out to Ben. A chill went down your spine, as the three of you stopped dead in your tracks. You did it. You finally managed to lure the bat out of his cave. Before you could turn around and find the face that belonged to that deep, alluring voice, you were caught off guard as you felt a body dive into your stomach at full speed, knocking all of the air out of you lungs. The pure force of the dive pushed you and the figure into the brick wall of an abandoned building, crashing into the structure. 
Vision and hearing fuzzy from the impact, you heard Gwen scream out your name and begin to start running to you, before her and Peter B. get swept up by their own variants to take care of. Your head throbs in pain as you look around the building, feeling a huge weight on your chest. You look down at the rest of your body to find what’s weighing you down so much. And it’s him. Miguel’s massive body laying on top of you, his head dug into your stomach and arms wrapped around your waist from the dive. You were partially in shock. First of all, from the fact that your first interaction with him in months is him attempting to kill you (although it’d be a lie to say you weren’t thinking similar things). Second, you were still reeling from the blow. And third, the most shocking of all, was that this was arousing you in some way. Despite how much anger you were feeling towards him right now, you still managed to get butterflies in your stomach from how much of him was on top of you right now. He basically enveloped all of the lower half of your body. 
Shame and anger filled your body fast as you tried to push him off of you, any attempts in vain though due to how massive he was. He helped you though when he began to stand up, allowing you to get yourself up and dive through his legs as an escape. Just as you made your attempt to run out of the hole in the wall, away from a fight you know you couldn’t win, Miguel’s giant hand wrapped around your forearm. He pulled your body back to face him and slammed his massive fist into your face. Blood spurted out of your nose purely from the impact and you were nearly knocked onto the floor. You grabbed your nose in reaction and looked up at him towering over you, unable to make out his expression from his mask. “You must’ve been thinking about this encounter for a while. Have you been thinking about me, Miggy?” you quipped at him. Usually you spoke playfully with him whenever you were in a good mood with him, but this time it was your one desperate attempt to push down any feelings that would get in the way of you doing what needed to be done. “Don’t feel so flattered cariño. Whatever happens here isn’t personal,” he said in that deep, flirty tone you always found so sexy. But right now all it did was piss you off even more. “Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better,” you said, dropping the slight smirk you had on your face. Taking action right away, you charged right at him, ready to do it right this time. You just wished he had his mask off so you could look him dead straight in his crimson eyes as you killed him.
a/n: i had night shift by lucy dacus on loop while writing the fight with jessica....thats all ill say on the matter. also sorry miguel's barely in this chapter i need to set up plot and shit. ALSO I JUST WANNA PREFACE, MY FIC TAKES PLACE A COUPLE OF MONTHS AFTER ACROSS THE SPIDERVERSE SO JESS HAD ALREADY GIVEN BIRTH. I SWEAR Y/N DID NOT JUST BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF A PREGNANT LADY💀💀💀
taglist: @sunfairyy @ladespedidas @jenniferdixon05207 @chalametet @khaleesihavilliard @sparklyphantom @sweetanimebakery @azxulaa @daimiyu @vinkar345 @pinkninja200 @luvstich @rin-matsuoka345-blog @lillunna @trying-2bcool @deputy-videogamer @chatoicboy @cookielovesbook-akie @impettywhenyouare @unnamedgayperson @sin4tra @twentysomethingwereyote @cherrymanhuas @sagejin @isaidoop @hysteriaabsd @autismsupermusicalassassin @persimmoned-fig @dcsuperheros @amodernarrietty @konniebon @barbi-e7 @venus1224idkpleaze @almondlocust @babybella777 @urmomcomsiimiamour @96jnie @cryptidwlw69 @mirrorball-6 @whosace16 @wolfiepirate @gobblegluckgluckgod @keenzinemugstudent @bitchotine @leopandabearsblog @blumin8 @malynn @mearss @yu-rylee @myhomethesea @ashjbu @skcj24 @joanne-uwu @y2ksitgirl @inosukesweirdwife @a-simp-20 @shibble @euphoricfics @hwanunjin
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spacedace · 2 years
So I have an idea for a dp x dc fic and I'm going to throw it here since i need to get it out of my head and i'm not sure i'll ever actually write it (and as always if anyone finds my rambles interesting any/all of it us up for grabs to run with):
Elle ends up crashing into the DC universe while exploring, but despite all the dimension/multivariate nonsense that always goes down (or maybe because of it) she can't actually get back, and the levels of ectoplasm are a lot lower than most dimensions which weakens her quite a bit.
There's enough for her to survive, and use her powers a little bit, but using them too much makes her get really weak/maybe even causes serious harm depending on how much she uses.
She finds this out when she tries to open a portal home and both fails to open the portal & passes out as a result of trying. Cut to Elle waking up in Cadmus and realizing "ah, fucked up unethical science, I am familiar with this fuckery" and escapes.
In the process of escaping she comes across Kon, who isn't "finished" yet. He's alive and aged up to a teenager, but isn't quite done with his programming/whatever (this idea came to me based entirely off what I've gleaned through fandom so I don't know the canon of Kon's whole time with Cadmus). Elle immediately realizes "Oh clone baby, that's not good" and breaks him out and takes him with her.
Kon in this doesn't know he's a clone of Superman, he doesn't know a lot of things considering how early into the clone info-dumling process he was in when Elle broke him out. He barely knows language and how to read. What he does know for sure though is that Cadmus is Bad and Getting the Fuck Out is Good so he's down to go with Elle
Queue them becoming friends and being on the run together, learning about this world/dimension together and coming to see each other as family. Eventually they end up in Gotham because it's one of the places that naturally has a higher ectopalsm level and because if you're in the right area no one cares if you have no legal ID (in some circles it's a plus).
Kon gets a lot of odd jobs before eventually ending up working at a strip club or burlesque bar or something (my idea is that it's years after escaping so he's in his early 20s at this point and not just a fresh baby clone anymore and he gets into it because he likes it and it's good money) while Elle uses her ghostly knowledge/what powers she can to work as like a psychic or something like that.
Meanwhile Justice League (with alive again Superman) have found out about the escaped Superman clone and, along with Cadmus, are desperately trying to track him down. The info they have is a bit murky, so they think it's actually *two* clones, one that had Martian dnd also thrown in to the mix based off a short clip they managed to find of Elle phasing through walls.
My idea is that it'd all finally come to a head when Constantine pulls Tim (and maybe also Damian) in on a JL Dark case that involves the Lazerus Pit and for reasons ends up having to hire Elle to help. I'm thinking it's a thing that Elle is a pretty respected name in certain magic circles due to her expert knowledge on the Infinite Realms, though she refuses to work for most people who seek her out - even though the money would be good - because usually it's only evil assholes that want to hire her.
She makes a deal with Jon to help (in exchange for something that would let her get a message to Danny letting him know what happened or something like that) and Kon joins in because there's no way he's trusting a dude Elle calls the "drunk soul slut" with his baby sister unattended, he doesn't *care* if she could handle herself it's not happening.
Anyway, Tim/Kon (and maybe some Damian/Elle) shenanigans during a Lazerus Pit/demon hunting road trip where eventually everyone figures out who Kon & Elle are, Elle manages to get a stable portal setup so she can go home and come back whenever she wants (Kon getting adopted by Danny? Kon getting adopted by Danny) and Kon joining Young Justice and having a good relationship with Clark (who had a lot more time to deal with things before meeting Kon and learned about him as a person before learning he was Clark's clone).
Anyway there would be a scene at the end where Kon would be in his superhero suit for the first time and just:
Clark: Did you choose a hero name yet?
Kon: Yeah, I figured I'd go with Supernova.
Clark, feeling touched: Yeah? Any particular reason?
Kon: It's cool, it has 'Super' in the name, and really it just seemed the easiest option, I'm used to responding to Nova, so *shrugs*
Clark: Yeah? Why's that? Nickname?
Kon: I guess kinda? It's my stage name at the strip club I work at
Clark: what
Tim, brain shut down by this revelation: ...do you do private shows?
Clark: w h a t
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anki-of-beleriand · 3 months
A Heart Made Of Glass ch.14
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Summary: Ten years ago you left Wanda and the Avengers to heal your broken heart. You never stopped being a hero, just as you never stopped being in love with her. But life had to go on.
Now, after all that time, she is back and with her is a young woman needing help and an enemy that may not be as afraid as Wanda to lay a claim on you.
Pairings: Wanda Maximoff x Powered!F!Reader - Scarlet Witch x PoweredF!Reader - Past Wanda Maximoff x Vision - CarolxF!Reader
Warnings: Angst, drama, mentions of cheating, fluff, violence, smut, Switch!Reader, internalize homophobia, hurt, comfort, Wanda being a complete mess, anger management issues, jealousy, Requited/Unrequited love, idiots in love, swearing, mentions of alcohol. More tags as the story progess.
Author's Note: This story is a continuation of Dirty Little Secret I was really surprised at the response I got for the story, I did all the tags you guys ask for but if I forgot someone please do not hesitate to tell me. Thank you for the support.
This chapter is the concept of idiots in love.
Please, do remember English is no my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Epilogue
Chapter 14
The thing about love
The world was in complete turmoil.
Norway became the home to non-secret agencies trying to discover what had shaken the foundations of the city while taking its inhabitants into a virtual reality prison. SWORD had taken over the investigation overlooked by Monica Rambeau and the newest director of the reformed SHIELD, Tony Stark.
For some members of the SWORD team, it was Wanda Maximoff the obvious author of such disaster, but for some others the truth might be slightly more complicated. It was easier to blame the one that had been on the run before the Blip and then come back to enslave a group of people in a fantasy world.
Natasha Romanoff knew the situation was far more complicated that what everyone kept on spitting out in the conference room. She left after it was quite evident no one knew what to do, or what was really going on.
The cold breeze from the outside came rushing through the door, she shivered blinking away the blinding white from the snow covering the land. The houses in the distance had been repaired and people was going back their normal lives. The world didn't stop before the hex and it didn't stop now that it was over and two former Avengers, one powered teen and a witch disappeared.
“Still nothing?” Carol Danvers came walking down a makeshift road, she was wearing different clothing but the perpetual frown of inadequacy and concern was still there.
“Nothing useful.” Natasha stepped forward welcoming the crispy texture of the snow under her feet. “They kept on babbling about who to blame, while Tony, Bruce and Strange are trying to find a way to open a portal to the right universe.”
Carol huffed approaching the brunette, “the right universe? That may take centuries! This is something out of our scope,”
“And that's why we have to be patient.” But even as she said this, Natasha glanced with apprehension towards the bunker then back to the direction where Y/N house was located.
Time was passing slowly but surely and still there was not a single workable plan to bring you and the others back. Whatever magic or powers had acted during the attack from Scarlet and Agatha it had left no traces to be followed, it was as if you and the others had disappeared into existence. 
Carol dropped her head, her arms wrapping around herself trying to contain the frustration she had been experimenting for quite some time. Natasha looked at her out of the corner of her eye, the blond-haired woman was standing small with the sight of the mountains and the white of the snow behind her, those dark eyes had never stopped glancing back at your home while her power flickered restlessly around her. Natasha knew your relationship with Carol was complicated, it had been for quite some time. The other woman had reached out to you in the hopes to be with you, Natasha had seen the countless invitations to travel through the universe with Carol as well as seen those stares filled with longing that you usually missed.
The door behind her opened and closed, a couple of soldiers left the protective barrier of the bunker to share a smoke. Natasha cocked her head frowning, her thoughts going back to you and the recent complications in your life.
The return of Wanda had been a surprise, not only for you but for everyone. Natasha sighed lifting her eyes to the sky, when did their life's turn so complicated?
“You're thinking too hard,” Yelena approached her sister, the bags under her eyes the only evidence she hadn't had a good night's sleep since your disappearance.
“I am thinking enough.” Natasha replied, Yelena hummed standing beside her eying Carol before settling her eyes on Natasha.
“Why is it so difficult to have any leads?” Yelena grunted, kicking the snow under her feet.
“Apparently is not easy to find the right universe they went through,” it was Carol the one who answered, her voice dripping sarcasm, “I guess there is nothing we can do but…”
“Wait?” Yelena shook her head, “I'm tired of waiting.”
Natasha rolled her eyes, she opened her mouth ready to answer when the air and earth around her started to shake. She frowned positioning her feet on the ground, flexing her knees and lifting her arms to her chest height. Yelena took the same fighting position while Carol stood straightened up with her eyes focused on the spot where a small whirlpool of sand was moving fast on the ground. Electric waves projected blue and silver lights through the air, while the sound of a vacuum filled the silence of the plain.
The commotion brought everyone to the spot where the two widows and Captain Marvel were standing. Tony put on his metal glove with Strange lifting his hands ready to form a shield. With an explosion a portal in the form of a five-pointed star appeared out of thin air and three people came falling on their faces just before the portal closed.
Just as sudden as the event had come, it went away leaving everyone open-mouthed, shaking with eyes wide opened watching the three women now standing in front of them. 
You smiled sheepishly scratching the back of your head, your eyes going from Tony to Carol then falling on Yelena and Natasha. The tension was quite evident, and the silence that followed the explosion could be broken by the fall of a single needle.
Wanda came right in with America closed behind, the cold of Norway sneaked inside your clothes making you shivered but you did not move. You knew the moment you crossed the portal you would find everyone waiting, you never imagined Carol or even Tony would be there.
Before you could do or say anything Carol came right at you, her frown softening just as her eyes twinkled with emotion. 
“Y/N?” Her name on her lips made you smile, though a sudden grip of pure coldness grasped your heart and a heavy weight settled on your stomach.
“Hey, Marv.” 
Carol didn't even wait for a confirmation or more words, her arms wrapped around you holding you with the desperation Carol had felt in the last couple of days and all the love she had always felt for you.
The tension broke, and soon voices could be heard though you were too lost into the embrace to make out any meaning behind the conversations, or to even notice the saddened figure of Wanda who was standing just behind you with her arms around her and defeat written all over her face.
A part of you knew what was waiting at the other side.
You were really surprised to see Carol there, but what really caught you off of guard was the hostility with which many were treating Wanda and America. You knew some of the agents from SWORD were quite reluctant to accept any innocent claims coming from Wanda, they had been under the hex and had experimented firsthand the emotions and mental manipulation the witch had imposed upon them.
Their anger could be understood if not justified.
However, as soon as the three of you were free from the hugs and welcomes from everyone else, you were taken into custody to start the normal procedure of investigation. You had been lucky enough to have Natasha and Carol with you, their interrogation always going back to what had happened, where were you and how you came back.
It was a tiresome day, but by the time a new morning came you were happy to discover you were given a nice breakfast and a couple of explanations of what happened after you disappeared. You were tired of talking, too many memories, and too many thoughts invaded your head and it wasn’t until Yelena and Natasha put a violent stop to all the questioning that the agents from SWORD and SHIELD didn’t let go of you.
You rubbed your shoulders glancing at your reflection, the woman staring back at you was looking tired though she was also slightly sad. You sighed putting a strand of hair behind your ear while fixing the shirt you had put on, with a last glance to your reflection you left the bathroom only to stop startle at the woman waiting for you on the bed.
Carol Danvers had not changed too much.
The both of you had not seen one another for over six months. You had been tied to earth, while Carol was still trying to make of the universe a better place to live on. The both of you had clashed more than once, and passion had been the main rule in the relationship you two shared; but words of love and tenderness were scarce and sometimes whispered in the hidden shadows of the night.
Carol sighed lowering her gaze to the floor before lifting her chin to stare at you.
“How are you feeling?” She finally asked though this was not what she wanted to say.
“I’m better, I guess. Tired, and hungry.” You offered a smile approaching the other woman until you were standing right in front of her.
Your hand lifted to brush away her golden hair, Carol closed her eyes leaning into your touch while letting herself feel the closeness of your body. At some point she had been desperate to break into the hex to get to you, to save you from the clutches of an ex-lover you seemed to carry everywhere you went. Now that you were there in front of her, Carol felt you had gone to a place she could not follow.
It was at that moment, Carol realized she had fallen in love with you.
“Quite the adventure you have, eh?” Carol chuckled shaking her head, her hand grabbing yours. “I can’t hardly believe you were in another universe.”
You winced holding yourself from putting your hand away, “yeah, it was kind of crazy.”
“Which part?” Carol asked, and this time around she couldn’t hide the reproach on her voice nor the jealousy she had felt when she found out Wanda had been with you all this time.
“Everything, carol, everything was kind of crazy.” You hardened your tone, stepping back only to be stopped by the other woman.
“I’m sorry, I just…” Carol trailed off, and you let out a shaky sigh.
“Look, it was not easy, okay? First I got into a body that was not even mine, in a world I didn’t even recognize, to a live I never thought would be mine.” You lifted a hand to the back of your neck. “Then I come here to face an interrogation that took most of the day and night only for you guys to find out that yes, this is me. And yes, the multiverse does exist.”
“I was scared.” Carol finally stated. “As soon as I came here, you were gone then they started telling me all these stories about Wanda and the hex, and then how everything was just the same here, and…”
Both of you fell silent for a moment, your heart beating painfully inside your chest. You knew it wasn’t Carol’s fault, and you knew the one who was all defensive was you. You felt guilty because you had allowed your emotions to take over your reason and that might get the woman sitting in front of you hurt.
“I’m glad you’re back, and I’m glad you’re cleared of any wrongdoing, now that Wanda is under custody…”
“Wait, what?” You stopped Carol mid-sentence, Carol was left slightly confused just as she noticed the sudden hardening of your stare. “What do you mean that Wanda is under custody?”
This time around Carol couldn’t hide her annoyance, she stood up crossing her arms.
“It was quite obvious, wasn’t it? She had a history of creating these strange hexes, then she came here with a girl that can travel through the multiverse, whatever she was trying to achive…”
“It wasn’t Wanda’s fault.” You stated forcefully, Carol scowled rolling her eyes.
“Right, now you’re on her side?”
“I’m not…” You took a deep breath, “I’m not on her side, Carol, but didn’t you hear my story?”
“Quite frankly, I only heard the part in which you found out those twins of hers were actually yours and not Vision’s. In another Universe, not this one.”
The moment those words left her mouth, Carol knew she had said the wrong thing. Your whole body went completely rigid, and your eyes flashed a dangerous black twinkle that sent shivers down Carol’s back.
“I am not happy about the whole situation either, Carol. But I am not going to blame someone that had nothing to do with what happened here, or even Westview.” You straightened up walking past Carol to grab your jacket. “Now, I will go to straighten everything up, even if I have to break her out of jail and fight whoever I have to.”
“Don’t leave.” Carol wrapped her arms around your waist, she pressed her forehead against the back of your head. “I’m sorry.”
You were breathing hard, the anger boiling inside your veins while her words resounded inside your head. It wasn’t so much of what Carol had said, but actually the real meaning behind those words. Everything had happened so fast, everything had been so overwhelming that you hadn’t had the time to think, to process everything that had happened. You were trying to stop your spiralling world, but every time you got a chance to stand still something came rushing in to shake you again.
A part of you knew Carol was not to blame, not completely. You were looking for an excuse, for something to make you feel better and not as shitty as you were feeling at the moment because of the confusion you were experimenting. For the love you still held for Wanda, while your affection for Carol was not enough.
You turned around wrapping your arms around her, your lips found hers and soon the both of you were giving in the passion you always felt around one another. Carol held onto you with the need of a thirsty woman, and you held onto her with the desperation to quiet down your thoughts and doubts. The kiss turned into a full make-out session that led to Carol straddling your lap on the bed; your hand sneaked under her winter jumper her skin warm under your fingertips, twitching with every single caress.
“Y/N.” Your name left her lips in a needy whisper, and all it took for you was to hear your voice to know you had to stop.
You leaned back placing a single hand on her shoulder and the other one on her hips stopping the thrusting of her hips. She was slightly dizzy, her cheeks flustered with her pupils dilated, she had a silly smile on her lips nuzzling her nose on your neck. You tried to return the smile but couldn’t instead you brush her cheek with the back of your hand, leaning into place a single kiss on her forehead.
“What are you doing?” She finally realized you had stopped; you were trying to get away from her while being as gently as you could.
You opened your mouth to confess, to actually come clean and tell Carol how what you were doing with her was not fair. But the blond-haired woman put a single finger on your lips, her lips curling into a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.
“I just have to go back.” You said placing your hands on her hips, “if what you’re telling me is how things turned out to be I have to intervene, it wouldn’t be fair.”
Carol shifted standing up and moving away from you, she cocked her head shrugging.
“I guess is not, if Wanda did help you out and was not even involve in the whole fiasco it is not fair to pay for everything.” Carol didn’t leave out of her comment the partial fault that the other woman had, at least for what had happened back in Westview.
“Will you come with me?” The question left your lips before you could stop it, Carol shook her head placing her hands inside the pockets of her jeans.
“No, I think I will wait here for you.”
There was nothing else you could say, and if she were to be honest Carol didn’t want to hear any more explanations. The blond-haired woman leaned in pecking you on the lips before nodding towards the door of your room.
“Go on, be a hero.”
You chuckled nodding briefly before putting on your jacket and leaving the room.
Carol stood inside your room for a long time, she leaned back against the dresser while her eyes fell upon the picture of you with Natasha and Yelena resting on the bedside table. Carol had known from the moment she laid eyes on you that a relationship with you would be dangerous, you had always been quite reserved and kept yourself out of any emotional attachment. Carol had been stubborn, curious as to what really was behind your cold façade only to discover a smart and funny woman behind it. She had fallen in love with your smile, your wit, and the way you always seemed to find the bright side of things even though your perception of your own life was quite poor.
Natasha had warned Carol about your broken heart, she had told Carol how difficult it was for you to actually open up to love again. But at that point Carol would take whatever you were willing to offer; she never thought there would be a time in which she would need to give up her relationship with you.
With a last glance to the picture, she turned around and left the room.
Love was a complicated it deal.
Yelena could sense your anger even before she could see you approaching the bunker.
From the very beginning she had been opposed to the idea of keeping America and Wanda in holding cells like common criminals. What happened in Norway had not been their fault, they had come all the way to the city seeking protection and help, and that was exactly what Y/N, Natasha and Yelena had done. America was a teen just getting the ropes of her powers, while Wanda…well, with Wanda things were complicated it. But at the end of the day, she was not a bad person. She just had really bad luck.
Yelena cleared her throat glancing at Natasha who was on her feet as soon as she sensed your presence. You were coming with silent rage, your whole-body trembling stretching your powers to the shadows inside the room. Two agents came at you, ready to stop you but were unable to move their feet from the ground.
“Took you long enough.” Yelena said looking at her nails, you snorted stepping closer until she saw Wanda on a chair being held with some sort of necklace on her neck.
“Well, no one told me about this, so it was kind of hard to come before Carol let it slip.” Your fists clenched close, Natasha stood by your side pointing to the cameras and then to the two agents questioning Wanda.
“She is going to be charged.”
“With what?” You replied shaking your head, “where the hell is Tony? Why is he allowing this? I thought he has some jurisdiction in these situations…”
“He does.” Natahsa stated softening her stare, “that’s why he is not here.”
You scowled glancing at her then at Yelena, you opened and closed your mouth several times before pointing a finger at them.
“You allowed this to happen?” The rage you were feeling increased, but before you could say anything else Yelena came from behind you.
“Wanda did.” Yelena glanced at you then at the woman being held inside the room, the questions and the gestures of her jailers becoming increasingly demanding and aggressive.
“What?” This time around you were confused, Natasha softened her features knowing that you had been confused ever since Wanda came back into your life.
“You have to understand that whatever happened to you three, Wanda feels responsible for most of it. She took her responsibility since she was not allowed to do so before.”
Natasha could see how your processed her words, she grabbed your hand in hers squeezing lightly.
“But it wasn’t her fault, Agatha…”
“Agatha disappeared, remember?” Yelena continued, this time around you understood there was nothing else you could say, you could suddenly read there was more at play than just Wanda turning herself over.
Natasha and Yelena were not in the room by chance, you looked out of the corner of your eye the guards still struggling against the invisible ropes holding them on place. When you turned over to the room, your blood boiled in anger knowing that as always there was a hidden agenda trying to get a hold of powered individuals. This time around they had set their eyes on Wanda, who wouldn’t want to change the world around them? To get a hold of an individual that could take your through the multiverse, the power to shape the world to your licking.
“I hope Tony has pretty good lawyers.” You stated before moving past Natasha, your hand lifted pointing at the door of the interrogation room and pushing hard until the door crushed the wall at the other side of the room.
“Agent Schultz, I hope I am not interrupting anything important.”
Wanda wondered not for the first time how much hatred and revenge people could harbour in their hearts.
When she first broke the hex from Westview, she could see the fear in the eyes of the citizens as well as in the eyes of those agents she had captured at some point. She remembered the demands for her arrest, the harsh wording in which they were demanding for her to be imprisoned or at least held tightly unable to use her powers.
It had hurt, it was Lagos all over again.
The accusations never left, and the mistrust in some of the people’s eyes had always been there. It never went away, and Wanda had always been looked at with fear, resentment, and pity; she had tried her best, even with Steve by her side, it was impossible to get past such negative sentiments and thus she had decided to just keep to herself.
“What do you have to say, Maximoff.” The agent pointed to the file with his index finger, the agent to his side playing with a black gadget. “This would be, what? Your third time trying to break into the natural order of things and use your powers to…what exactly?”
The collar tightly wrapped around her neck sent jolts of electricity through her neck, shoulders and arms. It wasn’t the first time she was subject to such a gadget, and the memory was still burned deep inside her mind while the pain felt extremely familiar. Wanda held onto her emotions with as much dignity as she could muster, she could feel her power build up inside her ready to explode and let the men in the room why messing up with a witch like her was a mistake.
She was not about to show them she was the monster everyone believed her to be.
So even through the pain, and the questions that repeated themselves Wanda held herself proud and calm, hoping that Tony and Strange would keep their word and get her out of there without any physical fight.
“I think agent Cho asked you a question, Maximoff.” The black-haired man holding the switch of the collar asked leaning forward. “We need answers, what else can you give us?”
“Nothing else, agent Schultz, I already told your superiors everything they need to know.” Wanda clenched her jaw, her lips trembling lightly when another shot of electricity went through her neck and limbs.
“You are answering to us right now, Maximoff.”
“You were telling us about a different universe, tell us exactly what—” Agent Schultz stopped talking when the hinges from the door gave with a crashing sound and then the door exploded around them.
Wanda never entertained the idea of you coming in her aid.
In her mind, she had always thought you were happy with her gone, after all, that had been the deal when this whole ordeal started. She sat straightened up on the chair, her eyes to the door where you stood up with blackened eyes and silent anger all over your features.
“Agent Schultz, I hope I am not interrupting anything important.”
“Y/N! This is not going to be…” The man trailed of making gagging sounds at the black hand wrapping around his throat.
“I thought everything had been cleared out when I was taken into custody and given my testimony, I don’t understand why Wanda and America are being held under such deplorable conditions.” You pushed the agent back stepping closer to Cho who was trying to get the black switch while looking for his gun.
“I don’t think so, pal.” Yelena stepped on the wrist of the man smiling down on him. “I was waiting all day to do this.”
“Why didn’t you?” You replied crushing the device while approaching Wanda, your eyes locked with hers.
“And taking away from you the chance to save the damsel in distress? No way.” Yelena chuckled cuffing Agent Cho.
You snorted grabbing the collar while locking eyes with Wanda, the young witch didn’t say anything but her cheeks coloured red and her lips curled slightly. You winked t her, unable to help yourself before opening the device making a gesture of disgust.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Your voice was but a whisper, Wanda shifted on the chair letting go of the breath she had been holding ever since she had been incarcerated.
“What could I have said to them?” She replied watching as Natasha and Yelena started barking orders around the bunker.
“Perhaps, that you are one of the good guys?” You could see the flicker of doubt in those green eyes, Wanda lowered her gaze lifting her brows.
“Am I?” She dropped her shoulders, her lips trembling as she continued, “I made a lot of mistakes, Y/N, I’m just trying to pay for them.”
You pursed your lips, this was not the first time you heard such words coming from Wanda and while at first you thought it was the minimum she could do after all the pain she caused you; right now all you could think was to take away the pain and loneliness that seemed to be written into those green irises.
“You have paid for them, Wanda, you don’t need to punish yourself anymore.” Without thinking too much about your own actions, the back of your hand brushed tenderly on Wanda’s cheek just before your fingertips traced the marks left by the collar.
“I still think there is a lot I have to pay for, perhaps…once I have paid off my debt you…” Wanda trailed off unable to continue, you opened your mouth to ask Wanda what she meant, what she wanted to say but before you could do it another set of footsteps came rushing in and soon the both of you were engulfed by the arms of a teenager.
“Y/N! Wanda! You guys are okay!”
Wanda hugged America back, her eyes locking with yours for a moment. Your heart skipped a beat, your hand finding hers in a single touch that lasted long enough to leave you yearning for more; Wanda from her part got hope ignited inside her heart, and once more, wish she was brave enough to do what Scarlet asked of her. To fight for you, to not let go.
To let herself be loved by you.
America had never lived so much in so little time.
For a moment, when she could finally stop to take a breath, she felt as if years had passed and she had been thrown into a rollercoaster that took her from open danger to the next one without giving her the chance to assimilate everything that had happened.
That was until she had reached your universe.
Yours and Wanda’s.
America took a sip from the hot chocolate she had been offered, the room was filled with some agents and civilians, all of whom were just grateful that everything was over and life was going back to normal. Or as normal as it could be in a world filled with powered people and aliens running around the universe; America pursed her lips, knowing full well that after Y/N had come to pull her and Wanda out of the interrogation cells something of great importance happened for soon SWORD and SHIELD left.
No questions asked, no more attempts to capture and incarcerate Wanda or herself.
America let her eyes wandered around the room until she noticed Wanda on the far corner of the room. The young woman was alone, with her eyes gleaming with deep emotion she was trying to conceal behind the locks of hair and the glass she took to her mouth every five seconds. With a frown, America followed the stare from Wanda only to see you at the other side of the room.
Unlike the woman she had been back in the other universe, or whenever she had to fight, this Wanda was looking defeated. It was not hard to know why, you were laughing allowing an intimate caress and hold from Carol Danvers who was whispering something into your ear while Natasha rolled her eyes.
You looked happy, completely taken by the blond while Wanda remained in the shadows.
“They are complicated.” Yelena stood by America’s side, her accent dripping through every word.
America pursed her lips shaking her head, “I don’t understand why it is so complicated.”
Wanda’s attention was soon claimed by Tony, the man sat beside her talking slowly with gestures of his hands ensuring the young woman was really paying attention to him. At that moment, your attention drifted to her, your eyes softening slightly while your body turned completely ready to make your way towards her. A hand on yours stopped any movement, and while it looked as if your attention was claimed once more, you couldn’t help but look back to where Wanda was conversing with Tony.
“It is not so easy to forget and forgive,” Yelena shrugged following with her eyes the same scene America had been watching all afternoon. “They had been badly hurt, I don’t know much about Wanda, but Y/N was really hurt by the cheating. She felt as if no one could love her anymore.”
America winced for the very first time understanding where your anger came from, sometimes people ignored what others were experiencing and they forget that the pain and trauma was personal and not just something that could be turned on or off at will.
“But they are still in love with one another, isn’t it obvious to them?” America let out a heavy sigh, “it should be easier, after all this time…”
Yelena snorted this time around she turned to face America.
“You really think love is enough?” This time around Yelena’s eyes softened slightly, it was quite strange to find someone so innocent yet so hardened by the circumstances she had lived.
“It should be, right?” America hesitated chewing on her lower lip, “I mean, if love is not enough then, why are we doing what we do? Save people, save the world.”
It should be that easy, Yelena agreed. Yet she understood why it was so complicated, the former Widow could see your hesitation, the tension in your body for staying beside Carol while the longing in your eyes revealed your real intentions. You wanted to go to Wanda, just as Wanda wanted to go to you ever since you had rescued her from the interrogation room.
Love should be enough.
And now, all they had to proof this theory was time.
But time was not enough, and sooner or later, you and Wanda would need to decide what you really want and what you were ready to give and sacrifice.
“I heard you were saved by Y/N.” Tony sat beside Wanda following the stare of the young woman until his eyes found the form of Y/N. “She came in, broke the door and scare shitless those Agents before putting you out of harm’s way.”
Wanda blushed trying to hide away her expression, she couldn’t help but turn her attention back at you. It had been a moment she had treasured in her mind, the soft caress of your fingers while your words reached the deepest of her soul. She never imagined anyone would come to her rescue, much less the very same woman she had hurt so much in the past, yet here you were ready to break havoc as long as Wanda was fine.
“S-she did what any of you would have done.” Wanda glanced at Tony who merely snorted shaking his head.
“We left you with them, didn’t we?” Tony leaned back letting his eyes wandered to the window, his voice just above a whisper meant for Wanda only. “Everything has been straightened up, you have been cleared of any charges and if you want to, you can come back with me to the State or stay here…whatever you prefer.”
Wanda huffed shaking her head, “I am clear? Just like that?”
Tony shrugged, Wanda narrowed her eyes at the man pressing her lips together.
“What did you do?”
“What I should have done a long time ago, Wanda.” Tony leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. “You have suffered enough, I think after everything you went through in the past, and what happened recently with Westview and America, I think you deserve a rest.”
When Tony saw the hesitation in Wanda he placed a hand on top of hers, squeezing tenderly onto her hand.
“It is time for you to be happy, Wanda. There is nothing else to it, but a chance that this universe is giving you to be happy.” Tony offered a smile, his eyebrows wiggling playfully while his eyes were pointing to you. “I’m not saying is gonna be easy, and it probably won’t end where you want it to end, but it is worth a try.”
“She is already happy, and she is with someone else. I just…I’m happy for her, I don’t think I will be bothering her anymore.” Wanda whispered with her heart breaking inside her chest.
The woman tried to be strong, while also feeling a weight she didn’t know she had been carrying lifted when Tony finished his speech.
“I want to thank you for what you did, even though you did leave me on that interrogation room.”
“It was for a good cause, believe me.” Tony clasped his hands in front of him, furrowing his brows with his eyes following your every move.
Even if Wanda refused to see it, it was quite evident for everyone all you wanted to do was to go to where Wanda was sitting. Your eyes had barely left the young woman before her attention was claimed by Carol, though the Captain was not being successful in her mission. It seemed as if you had eyes only for Wanda.
“I think you should speak with her, Wanda. This time around without missions, or the past getting in the way.” Tony finally spoke, making sure Wanda could no pretend she wasn’t listening. “You two lived quite the adventure in this other universe, and believe when I tell you, whenever you get a chance to see the life you could have, the love you could share, the children you could have…well, your life changes completely. Talk to her.”
Wanda couldn’t help but glance at Tony with a new hint of respect behind her green eyes. She had known the playboy, as well as the businessman and the Avenger; she had seen many faces of Tony Stark but this parental one was the one she loved the most. Wanda wished she could be as optimistic as he was, that she could see what everyone was seeing; but she couldn’t and her heart was not ready to take in another wave of heartbreak.
“I will do it but, I need a favour.” Wanda said with her mind already deciding on her course of action.
“Whatever you want, little witch.”
Wanda smiled sadly at the nickname, she turned to you and with a last, longing stare she turned to Tony with a request that left the man highly surprised and confused; behind such a request, Tony could make himself an idea on how the conversation between Wanda and yourself would end up in.
He couldn’t help but feel sad.
Tony had always thought you and Wanda were meant to be together, that the love you hold for one another could work miracles.
Now, all he had was a hopeless hope that you would let go of the past, and that Wanda would not let go of the present.
Wanda woke up with a gasp.
She was breathing hard, cold sweat rolling down her face and back. Her breathing laboured, burning her lungs trying to regulate itself while the images invading her mind stumbled one after the other. 
There was not a single noise around her, the room was filled with darkness, to her left she could see the flash of a reflection in the window leading to the backyard. The white dots of snow falling, breaking the otherwise blackened night; even though she could tell it was a cold night, her room felt warm. Unbearable warmth.
She lifted a hand to her face, touching with her fingertips the tears wetting her cheeks. Wanda wrapped her arms around her legs, putting them towards her chest, placing her forehead on her knees. The dream had been so vivid, she could see every single scene playing inside her head, her last chance slipping away through her fingers and she was still unable to do anything at all.
Her dreams had been plagued with the memories of Westview and the Blip, she had seen as you slipped away only to come back filled with hatred turning your back on her while walking away with Carol by your side. Her dream had shifted at that moment, and she was back in The Raft tied to a wall with a collar that held her in place while sending electric shocks that made her feel a blinding pain. You were there, laughing with Tommy and Billy glaring at her while asking you to leave Wanda behind.
Wanda held back a sob trying to put the memories of the nightmare away from her head. She tried to get a hold of herself, taking deep breaths while putting together a set of memories that soothe her soul. Tommy and Billy were the first ones that came to mind, her children had been real; they had existed in the way Wanda had imagine them at first, with you by her side rasing them as your own. Wanda couldn’t help but smile when these memories came with a set of pictures she had seen back in the other universe, the both of you had really gone through a lot of hardships, but always together.
Wanda broke into a half-smile remembering the sweet smell of your perfume, the aroma that was unique yours when she woke up in the hospital. The conversation Wanda held with you, while the shared company and closeness gave Wanda hope that things would be different; Wanda lifted her face trying to hold onto the tears while she finally remembered how you came into the interrogation room and pulled her out of the shackles that had been trying to hold her while she was being interrogated.
Wanda remembered that moment, her heart had fluttered with hope when you stood up for her. She had almost melted away when you grabbed her hand leading her to the closest room before offering a half-smile. Wanda had dared to hope until Carol Danvers came right in and you were swept away almost right away.
With a heavy heart, and tired limbs Wanda stood from the bed. Her throat was dry, hurting just enough for her to look for some water hoping she would be protected by the dark of the night and the tiredness everyone in the house was feeling early into the evening.
The house was just as silent as her room, and the darkness was only broken by the strange appearance of a silver moon that came along with snow. Her naked feet made a tapping sound, leading her way into the kitchen, the cold of the night finally reaching out her heated skin making her shiver. She furrowed her brows wrapping her arms tightly around her body until she finally reached the kitchen.
Wanda stopped dead on her tracks when her eyes found those of yours sitting at the table. Her heart skipped a beat, while her lower abdomen filled with butterflies, but with all of this it also came the shadow of her reality. Her eyes dropped to a spot on the floor, her mind and soul pulsating trying to get her to say or do something. The part of her she had shut was stirring restlessly inside her.
She didn't expect to find anyone in the kitchen much less you wearing nothing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“Hey, couldn't sleep?” You placed your arms on the table, steam coming out of the mug you had in front of you.
Wanda was not looking so well, you noticed. Ever since you got back she had been all quiet, standing as an outsider while facing interrogation and examinations before joining the celebrations.  You couldn't help but notice how far away she looked, yet how close she wanted to be. She was looking just as confused and lonely as she had been the first day she got to your place, your heart shrank painfully thinking about her. 
 “I was thirsty, that's all.” She stated pointing with her finger at the counter, “I'll have some water and then…”
She wiggled her fingers trying to look everywhere but at you, her feet taking her hurriedly to the counter only to crash against one of the chairs. You were on her in a second, your arms holding her softly, smiling amusedly at her. Wanda looked mortified, her cheeks burning red and her hands trembling, unable to stay still while touching your arms.
“Sorry, I didn't see where I was going, I just…” you furrowed your brows, letting Wanda push you away while making her way to the counter.
“That's okay.” You went back to your previous position, frowning at the mug.
The silence that followed was broken only by the running water and the sound of glass being moved away. You grabbed your mug, taking a long sip from your tea, not moving a single muscle as you heard Wanda pouring the water and taking long sips from the glass. 
Wanda dropped her eyes to the sink, she didn't expect to find you in the kitchen but now that you were there she wanted to scream. She wanted to wrap her arms around you, she wanted to hold onto the memories she had of you two being young and in love, as well as to hold onto the life that could be hers if she hadn't messed up.
But she held herself, her knuckles going white for how hard she was holding onto the edge of the sink. She was too late, always too late.
No! You told me you will fight back, that you won't give up on her!
Scarlet's voice resounded inside Wanda’s mind but the young witch shook her head. She wanted you to be happy, and Wanda was not sure she was the person to make you happy. You had moved on whereas Wanda had tried to hold onto hope.
A hand on her shoulder made her jump startled. She turned around to see you standing there with your empty cup and concern flashing in your eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, just…” Wanda sighed offering a shaky smile, “I guess I'm still shaking after the interrogation. I never got to thank you for backing me up.”
You offered a tiny smile, shrugging as if it had been nothing when you knew it had been everything for you.
“It wasn't fair how they were treating you, Wands. You did nothing wrong and people should stop acting as if you did.” Your replied was directed to what had happened recently, though you could see the weight of the memories inside Wanda's eyes.
“Some things were my fault.” Her voice dropped, her heart was beating fast at your closeness, the hand you still had on her shoulder.
“Some things we cannot change, nor can we control. Stop beating yourself up for that.” You wanted to add something else, but just as Wanda, you were confused.
Everything that had happened was overwhelming, it forced you to face a past you couldn't forget, it put you and your feelings for Wanda on the spot. It made you question why you were never able to forge a real relationship with anybody, and why watching what could have been in another world hurt the deepest part of your soul and heart.
You were still in love with Wanda.
But things were complicated.
“I guess you're right.” Wanda offered a crooked smile, she stepped away from your touch looking away from you. “I still have nightmares.”
Her admission broke your stance, you lifted a hand to her face brushing away some locks of hair while looking directly into her green eyes.
“That's the reason why you are shaking right now?” You asked in a whisper, your hand warm against Wanda's cold skin. “That's why you woke up?”
Wanda closed her eyes, weak under your touch and tenderness. She tried to answer, but you stepped closer and all her thoughts and reasoning left her weak on the knees. You softened your features, leaning in until your warm breath brushed against the skin of her neck and ears.
“I'm sorry you still have nightmares about it.”
“It's not your fault.” Wanda finally answered, her voice shaking. She lifted her left hand wrapping it around your hand. “Y/N…”
It was the tone of voice that broke the spell, you frowned stepping back a little. Wanda seemed relieved, though also disappointed, her green eyes begging you to not play with her. 
“Have you ever thought about what would happen…” Wanda started but you cut her off with a gesture.
“All the time, when I'm alone and I cannot quiet down my thoughts.”
“Are we happy in your thoughts?” Wanda knew she was not being fair with her questioning, but she needed it to know.
She needed hope 
“We are.”
Wanda leaned back trying to smile but coming off like a grimace.
“That's good.”
“Have you ever thought…” You started but Wanda was even faster than you on her answer.
“Yes, every single day.”
You tilted your head furrowing your brows with squinted eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“There hasn't been a day I haven't thought about you, about what could be.” This time around it was her the one that stepped back, she couldn't take her eyes off of you. “I hoped at some point I could win you back and perhaps everything would be back to normal.”
“Things cannot go back to how they were, Wands.” You tried to soften the harshness of your voice with the nickname but it didn't work.
Wanda winced looking down at her feet, she grabbed the counter with her hands her back to the wall and a single rute of scape available to her. 
“I know.” Wanda whispered, her lips curling into a bitter smile. “That was the moment I thought of Westview, I just…”
In the last couple of days, you had learnt so much about her and yourself that a part of you understood why Wanda had done what she did. Now it was easy to understand why Vision and not you had shown into the picture, why Wanda needed to be weakened mentally and physically before Agatha could do as much damage as she was allowed to before taken over. 
For the first time, in a very long time, you took your time looking at Wanda. Your eyes went from her naked feet, wiggling fingers trying to get warm to her legs covered by a single pyjama pants and a sweater, her face was pale with bags under her eyes that had always shone with sadness in them. Her hair was long, a little unkept, as if she had woken up, a copper-like colour that had always suited her complexion. Wanda was beautiful, and our heart twisted pleasantly at the sight your hands twitching at your side wanting nothing more than to hug the woman in front of you.
“Things cannot go back to what they were, but they can be different, Wands.” This time around you said quietly, Wanda lifted her eyes but she could not read into your expression. 
“What do you mean?” She whispered hating the bubble of hope that grew in her heart.
“I mean that we…I mean, we can be friends.” You backed away not daring to say anything else, not daring to expose yourself once more.
The bubble of hope exploded in a spiral of cold nails that went through Wanda's heart. Friends. That was all they could be, right? Things coils be different this time around, a moment in which you were only a friend destined to just not be close enough.
“That…that sounds good.” Wanda tried to smile, her lips trembling under the weight of her emotions.
You offered a tentative smile, “you can…I mean, now that everything is ready, America was thinking on staying over, so if you want…”
“I'll leave tomorrow.” Wanda rushed the words one after the other, her right hand fixing her hair while the left one picked on invisible threads on her sweater. “I…I talk with Tony, and everything is ready, I just…”
You stood expressionless, frozen on the spot while processing Wanda's words. The woman was babbling, never looking at you while bouncing on her feet 
“I promise you I will be out of your way as soon as this is over and, I think it is time, I just thought you should know.” Wanda winced, stepping forward, walking past you without taking notice of the pain written all over your face.
“Friends would be good, I guess…we could try it.” Wanda turned around only to see you with your back to her. “Good night, Y/N, sleep well.”
Wanda left and the coldness of the night followed her all the way to her room. She never got a chance to see the broken stare in your eyes, or the same coldness taking refuge in your heart leaving you open to what you really wanted but didn't dare to have.
You didn’t say goodbye.
You were not ready to do so, thus you decided to just hide away and pretend Wanda hadn’t come into your life the moment winter began. It was easier than just face the fact that Wanda would leave you behind.
It wasn’t as if she owed you something, that had been the deal. You helped her and America and then, they needed to leave. You had been so full of grief and rage at that moment, you never imagine your emotions would change and that you would be faced with the situation you had been in.
Everything happened too fast for you to just think about it. And, when the moment came for you to do something, you just cowered away.
It was easier.
Running away was always easier.
By the time Wanda had arrived at your home, Winter had started. The days had been short, and the nights long and cold where the northern lights had been visible for most of the inhabitants in the North. 
You had been so busy with what was happening, that you had forgotten the magic hidden behind the green and golden lights that ignited the sky. Sometimes it changes into a pink colour, twirling above your home with a flicker of lightning just before fading away. 
You had chosen Norway due to its weather, and the quietness of the land. Not many tourists came to the fishing town, and the house you had bought was at the edge of a barely known road. It had been perfect for you to hide, and to run away; now it was looking like a prison, a place you could not escape from when everyone else seemed to walk away.
The wind was particularly strong that morning, it came with frozen bites on your uncovered skin. You turned around watching the mountains stretching through the horizon, the dark waters reflecting the darkened sky.  You had come to the lighthouse to think, and to forget.
But you were failing quite miserably.
The first time you walked away from Wanda, you had done so without even saying goodbye. This time around, you had run away before she could say goodbye to you.
You wished there was something you could do, something you could say to Wanda that would change the situation. But you weren't sure what exactly you could say, you and her had ended the relationship a long time ago, and right now whatever you two had was just a shaky friendship.
“Fuck!” Your scream could be heard through the sound of the blowing wind. 
“Why are you so frustrated?” Yelena was leaning against the wall, she was wearing a white, winter jacket with her brows knitted together.
You grabbed the railing shaking your head, your lips broke into a bitter smile. Of course, Yelena would be there watching your breakdown, Natasha had been like a mother to you offering her arms and shoulders for you to rest and let go of your pain. But Yelena had been the sister that made you face reality of what you were feeling, what you wanted and what you really needed.
“I don't know.” You turned around resting your weight on the railing, your eyes finding those of Yelena. “I've been thinking about everything that has happened, and I just…I don't know.”
Yelena nodded in understanding; she stepped closer to you crossing her arms. She was covering the fact she was freezing at the moment, her body shivering under the heavy weight of the jacket she was wearing. 
“You don't know or you just don't want to know.” Yelena glanced at you out of the corner of her eye, she wrapped her arms around herself pursuing her lips. “I think in the last couple of weeks you have to finally face a situation you had been evading for far too long.”
“I don’t know what I should do, ‘Lena.” You whispered frowning deeply, “everything had been clear a couple of months ago, I was happy until…”
“Until you received the videos?” Yelena set her eyes on the horizon, before tilting her head to turn her attention to you. “They were sent by someone inside SWORD, Agatha had more than one ally in the organization.”
“How do you know?”
“Natasha asked me to investigate while you were away, it wasn’t that difficult to find some of the records.” Yelena shifted the weight of her feet her hand sneaking inside her pocket. “I don’t think you travelling through the multiverse was part of her plan, though capturing you and getting Wanda, America and yourself in the same place was.”
“She wanted our powers, same old story.” You shook your head, “do they ever get original?”
“Don’t think so.” Yelena chuckled bumping against you, her face softening while she put from her pocket a single envelope.
“What is that?” You eyed the object with curiosity, Yelena pursed her lips before stretching her hand and presenting you with it.
“Before she left, she wanted to give you this.” Yelena frowned observing as your expression changed, you went from being slightly relaxed to a tormented soul in a second. “Whatever happened in the other universe, whatever happened in Westview, whatever happened when the both of you were young…I think, Y/N, you need to face the past and decide what to do with yourself and with her.”
You grabbed the envelope, taking care of the letter inside it.
“She left.”
“She did.”
“Yelena, I …” You couldn’t finish your sentence but Yelena was not expecting you to, she smirked shaking her head while rolling her eyes at you.
“The thing about love, Y/N, is that you can’t predict it, you can’t control it, and certainly, you can’t choose who you fall in love with.” Yelena said simply. “Now, it is up to you what will happen next, I think by now we all know what Wanda really wants, and who she really loves.”
“I thought you hate her.” You never took your eyes away from the letter, Yelena snorted shaking her head.
“No, I just didn’t like her that much, you were a mess when I met you.” Yelena stated turning her attention to the house. “She is not so bad, after all.”
You snorted shaking your head, with some reluctance you put the letter away wrapping your arms around Yelena, the young woman smiled allowing the comfort of your embrace while you two made your way back into the lighthouse.
The letter heavy on your pocket, your mind wanting nothing more than to know what Wanda had left behind. It wouldn’t be until latter that day that you would have a chance to read it and, by then, Wanda was too far away trying to hold back her tears while convincing herself she had made the right decision.
Wanda left thinking she would never see you again, and you read the letter knowing you needed to see Wanda again.
At the end of the day, it was about love, and what we did to get a little of it in our lives. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Next Chapter: You read the letter, Natasha reads the letter, Carol finds the letter, and Yelena and America are kinda desperated with you pinning for Wanda and not doing anything about it. Wanda is finally getting some peace, learning about herslef and her powers when, all of a sudden, she receives a surprised visit.
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wolfjackle-creates · 7 months
Answer My Call Chapter 2 Part 3
The second of the posts compiling all my snippets from the ask game. I'll try and get another out later today, but it might be tomorrow for the rest.
Story Summary: Jazz, Sam, and Tucker manage to help Danny escape the GIW, but they can't follow him and are under too much surveillance to communicate with each other. Sam snuck Danny a phone as he ran and Jazz sends him a text every day, hoping to hear he is all right. But he's not the one getting the texts.
Jason was away for several months on a mission with the Outlaws. When he finally returns home, he is surprised to find dozens of messages from an unknown number begging a Danny to tell her he's okay. Looks like there's not going to be a break between missions this time around.
Chapter 1: AO3, Tumblr
Chapter 2: First, Previous
Word Count: 1.3k
“Five months ago, he disappeared. I’d already started college, so I wasn’t home. But Sam and Tucker reached out and the three of us began searching. It… It took three weeks to find him. And another week to get him out. In that time… What we found… It wasn’t pretty. The guys in white—” Jazz cut herself off. That day would forever be branded into her memory and featured in far too many nightmares.
Todd made an encouraging noise, but didn’t interrupt.
Jazz took a steadying breath and forced herself to continue. “It wasn’t easy breaking in. And even harder breaking out. Danny was hurt and the agents were chasing us. We had on masks, but they knew who we were. We managed to cause some chaos, though. Released all the ghosts they had prisoner to mess up their scanners. Send them running in every direction.
“It was almost enough. We all got out of the building. But they’d figured out our path and were waiting for us. Sam, Tucker, and I managed to hold them back. Sending Danny ahead alone with the go bag we’d prepared him. He was supposed to either get back to Amity and cross the portal into the Infinite Realms or run north to meet up with the other Dani.”
“But he didn’t make it,” said Todd. A statement rather than a question.
“We don’t know. He never made it to Dani. And due to the breakout, the guys in white placed the town on high alert. There’s checks for everyone entering or leaving the town. If you’re suspected of pro-ghost sentiment, you’ll be brought in for questioning. Ghost shields are everywhere. Sam’s parents withdrew her from school because they didn’t trust her to follow the new rules.” She gave a watery laugh. “They were probably right. Then Tucker was offered a scholarship for a tech school in California. I was escorted back to Boston. Only time I went back was for his funeral.”
Todd nodded. “And they’re in your phones and computers so you can’t talk to each other.”
Jazz smiled wryly. “Yep. Tucker could’ve, probably has, developed something. A messaging program or whatever. But without being able to meet up with us to download it to our devices—” she shrugged “—we’ve no way to get it.”
“Okay, so we’ll start there. Restoring contact should be fairly easy if you all want it—”
“We do!”
“But I’m also worried about your safety. What will happen to you after you ditched your guard today?”
Jazz shrugged. “They’ll bring me in for questioning. Probably make me miss a quiz or something important for school to make it extra inconvenient.”
“What will the questioning entail?”
Jazz bit her lip and shrugged. “Before? Sitting me in an uncomfortable metal chair in an interrogation room like you might see on TV and keeping me there for… oh, up to twenty-four hours? Whenever my parents would find out and barge in yelling at them about how ‘No Fenton would support a ghost!’ or whatever. Now? I don’t know.”
“Do you think they’ll hurt you?” asked Todd. He was frowning. “After your brother, it sounds like they are capable of it.”
Jazz held out her hands. “Depends on if they know I’m liminal or not. I’m not as bad as you are. And especially no where near Danny’s level. I don’t think they’ve been able to detect it yet. But if they have their instruments that close and me captive for that long? I… I don’t know.”
Todd nodded. “That’s what I was afraid of. Look, they don’t know where we are right now and don’t have the means to find us at the moment. I can get you out of here. To a safe house in Gotham or Metropolis or, hell, anywhere you want. And we can reach out to Red Robin, see how things are going with your friend Tucker. Maybe extract him as well.”
Jazz’s mouth fell open. They could… get away? For good? To a Justice League level safe house? She burst into tears.
She might be able to see her friends again soon.
Todd moved so he was sitting next to her. Hesitantly, he put a hand on her shoulder. “So I take it you want to do that?”
Jazz nodded, then shook her head. “I don’t—I don’t know.”
“What don’t you know?”
Jazz sniffed. “I just—It’ll make it easier to find Danny. If we’re together. If we have to go somewhere.” She shook her head. “God, I’m going to sound like such a bitch. I love Danny. If it’s what we have to do to get him back, yes. Absolutely. But… It’s just… My degree. If I disappear halfway through the year for who-knows-how-long? I’ve been working to get into Harvard since I was ten years old. Since long before Danny had his accident.” She scrubbed at her eyes. “God, I’m such a bitch. My brother needs me. And if I go back, I’ll probably be detained long enough it’ll impact my grades anyway. And that’s if the Guys in White don’t just lock me up indefinitely.”
“You’re not a bitch,” said Todd, voice filled with some emotion she couldn’t put a name to. “Like you said, this has been your dream for practically half your life. But I think we can help you with that.”
She looked up at him in surprise. “How?”
Todd grinned. “I doubt your school would be able to complain or hold it against you if I had Kori—Starfire—tell them that you were needed for an urgent Titans mission. That you helped save the lives of countless people. Way I see it, they’d have to forgive your abandoned classes and allow you to retake them.” He hummed and looked up. “In fact, I’m pretty sure we could find a Justice League fund to pay for at least one semester of classes for you. Probably more. To make up for the money lost on this one.”
Jazz’s mouth fell open. “You’d do that? For me?”
“And your brother and sister and friends. It’s kinda what we do.”
Jazz nodded. “Yes, please. If you can do that, I’ll go with zero hesitation. I’d have given it all up for Danny, of course. But we’d both… not regret it. But he’d feel guilty he forced me to give up my degree and I’d always be a little resentful I had to. Not towards him, never towards him, but the Guys in White and Vlad and my parents.”
“Great. I’m going to call Arsenal and Starfire. I need one of them to get my car anyway. Left it parked back near our meeting place and I don’t think we should be going back anywhere near there if we can avoid it.”
“Then what?”
“Then I’ll reach out to Red Robin, see what happened when he went to meet up with your friend Tucker out in San Francisco. See if they’re up for an extraction as well. If I gave you a phone, would you be able to reach out to Dani-with-an-I?” He grimaced. “Do you have any other way to differentiate them?”
Jazz chuckled wetly. “Nope. Dani-with-an-I refuses to change her name. Says it’s her name and she’s not going to change it just because someone else had it first. And Danny-with-a-y hates going by Daniel or Dan. When they’re together, they drive us crazy with it.”
Todd grumbled something under his breath. “Fine, whatever. Just, do you have a way to contact her?”
Jazz nodded. “We’ve been too scared to, but if you can get me something with an internet connection, I can contact her and have her meet us somewhere.”
“Easy. I’ll have Arsenal bring us something that you can have to yourself rather than relying on borrowing our phones or computers.”
“Thank you. You didn’t have to do this, but thanks.”
Todd shrugged and stood. “I wasn’t going to just ignore you after seeing those messages. Now, try and get some sleep. It’ll be a few hours before my friends can get here.”
And that brings us to the end of Chapter 2!
Hope you enjoy. We've got the beginnings of a plan set up.
Check out the subscription post if you want notifications when I update!
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jahayla-parker · 6 months
🎆 Hey J!! Congrats on your 1.5 followers I'm so proud of you girl!! So for my request I was wondering if it could be a Peter Parker one where y/n is somehow transported into Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Far From Home, or Spider-Man No Way Home you pick and chaos ensues 💜
Multiverse : Peter Parker x Real-world!Reader
Descr: short fic in which y/n finds herself in her favorite movie and has to decide how to proceed.
Warnings: I’m not really great at these kind of AUs but other than that, I can’t think of any but let me know!
This sucks; I'm sorry, nothing was coming to me
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Y/n bounced her right leg nervously as she looked around. She didn’t understand what was going on. One second she had been rewatching the latest Spider-Man movie, No Way Home from the comfort of her apartment. The next, she was standing in front of a glowing circle, identical to the ones that were portals in the movie she’d been watching. She hesitated briefly but nevertheless let her courage guide her into the multi-dimensional opening.
Y/n squinted as her eyes adjusted to her new surroundings. She quickly realized she’d somehow seemingly entered into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. How that was possible, she wasn’t certain. Had it not been for her literally pinching herself several times, she’d have thought she was simply dreaming. But she wasn’t. This was real.
Y/n slowly made her way across the bridge, stopping the moment she heard the fighting begin. She was actually in No Way Home.. or… in the universe that held the No Way Home events..? She wasn’t sure how to phrase it, it was all so bizarre. Either way, she knew from having seen the movie countless times already, that she ought to run and hide unless she wanted Dr. Octavius or Green Goblin to harm her.
Y/n let her feet guide her away from the immediate threat, only looking up when her legs came to a halt. She blinked rapidly as she found herself standing in front of Doctor Strange’s Sanctum. Of course she’d managed to make it here. Perhaps she should just go with the flow and try to help. After all, she knew how things would go, maybe she could prevent Tom Holland’s char Peter from getting hurt and May from dying.
That idea turned out too optimistic as Peter understandably was weary of y/n. It was one thing to bring people who knew him/Spider-Man from other universes. But a universe in which he was actually just a character and not real, that was another thing to digest. Nevertheless, Peter didn’t want to take any chances so he let her help him, Ned, and MJ.
It was a bit difficult at first to get Peter to trust her. As in his eyes, she seemed to be able to tell the future and was offering to stop the bad things before they happened. Luckily, having seen Far From Home, y/n understood why he was so weary of such a thing being too good to be true. So even when Peter trapped her in a sheet of webs as he demanded answers he could understand, she remained calm.
Once he had heard her out and understood that she meant no harm, Peter let y/n guide him on what to do and what not to do. There were some moments of chaos nonetheless as they were trying new things that y/n knew Peter hadn’t done in the movie before. But, she figured it was worth all the danger and chaos because she was helping her favorite superhero.
Only that too was much more intense than y/n had anticipated. Yet, she was simultaneously thrilled to be playing an active part in the movie she loved so much. Especially since they were now near the ending and May hadn’t died!
The only issue is y/n now had to return to her own universe. As much as she wanted to stay and make a place for herself in this one, she refused to risk ruining the MCU by accident. So, with a sigh, y/n closed her eyes as she said goodbye to this universe before stepping back into hers.
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Taglist: @justapurrcat @natswife-marvelicious @directioner5life @ell0ra-br3kk3r @galaxyholland @bigbirdstwins @mcushvft @fishingirl12 @raajali3 @theslayerofthevampires @wonderland2425
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anuncalledbridge · 1 year
Leap of faith
Summary: you didn't expect you'd be pulled into a verse where there is no Avenger, no Peter, and no Ned.
Pairing: Miles Morales x (half filo) Stark!reader
Warning: knife, cursing, cursing in tagalog, violence, mention of death.
Previous part
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It has been two days since you've been pulled by that strange portal. By some mysterious matter, Gwen and you somehow got into visions academy, an academy which you heard are only for the rich and intelligent kids. Vision Academy wasn't hard and it wasn't easy either but you could manage same goes for Gwen, she was rather exceptional herself.
When night falls you always find yourself feeling alone, sure Gwen was there but she is either sleeping or completely ignoring you. You miss home, you missed your dad, that's the only thing you and Gwen had in common, missing home.
You grabbed your suit deciding to sneak out, you looked at Gwen "wanna go for a swing?" You asked, she was burying her nose in a book "No, I feel tired" she lazily replied.
"Suit yourself, pinkie" You jump from your two-story building and shot a web on a building. You were too deep in your thoughts as you swing. Yesterday you went to visit Manhattan and found absolutely nothing. Manhattan looked so empty without the avenger tower.
There was a spider person like you in this verse but to your surprise, it was a guy, there was no explanation as to how any of this happened but since you got here you made it upon yourself to make some sort of device to get yourself home but it was quite complicated than you thought. The multiverse was somehow in shambles, you hoped that Dr. Strange finds a way to fix this while you were trying to go home.
You sat on a tower watching the city lights; you sat there for a while, thinking of something, anything other than this madness.
You got bored eventually and just decided to look around, your line of sight traveled to each civilian until it landed on a lady being mugged by someone.
"Okay! Need to get these pent-up feelings out!" You stretched your limp arms then you started to shoot your web to the next building.
"Woo! " You shouted, dodging a huge truck as you made your way to the crime "Help-- help me please!" The lady sounded so defeated her broken sobs were heard a mile away making you pick up your pace.
"Ain't it a bit rude, interrupting her well-deserved walk?" You spoke out of nowhere, making the culprit look up from his current position "Who are you!?" He shouted, quite terrified seeing a new sight other than their local hero.
"That's what they always say" You jump from a small building then you started to walk over to him "Never, 'oh! How are you amazing spider-woman?' you know what I mean? No?" You taunted.
"Stay where you are! Or else this bitch dies" he gruffly grabbed the woman's arm as he pointed the knife at her neck.
You gasp "Calling a woman 'bitch'? How would your mother feel if he saw you right now? Pushing you out of her vajayjay must've been a huge disappointment" You clicked your tongue in feigned disappointment.
"Oh well! There's nothing we could do about that" You shrugged. You swiftly shoot your web at the girl, successfully pulling her to you as she yelps at the process.
The culprit backed away dropping his knife and sprinting for his dear like "Hey! Where are your manners!" You shouted.
You were about to go after him but then a silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him catching him off guard, before he knew it he was already stuck on a wall, webs all over his body.
You saw Spiderman right there in front of you, he was talking to the culprit about something then his sight averted to you.
"Saw your little stunt, who are you?" He asked as he inch his way towards you "Ha? no no English." You tried to salvage this situation with your god-awful accent only to receive a laugh "No need to hide, heard you talking about pushing someone out of there-- you know how it goes" he winced.
The lady from earlier had already left after thanking you, so it was just the both of you plus the culprit who was on the wall "Who are you?" He asked again "tangina, papatayin ako ni Gwen nito" (fuck, Gwen is gonna kill me) you muttered. It didn't bother you much but Gwen, Oh dear.
Peter didn't understand a thing you just said, the only thing he caught was the name 'Gwen' "Whose Gwen?" He asked
"No one! It's nice doing business with you Mr. Daddy long legs!" Before you got time to swing your ass to Gwen he said something and you froze.
"I'm Peter, Peter Parker." The deafening silence made Peter uncomfortable a bit. In your verse Peter wasn't the Spiderman, instead, he had lived a pretty normal nerdy life and was your best friend who was obsessed with the star wars lore and Legos.
This Peter was much older than you, you can tell. Peter took off his mask and it completely left your mouth hanging open. Instead of luscious dark brown curly hair, he was blonde, and as you guess he was much much older than you.
"Is this what old age does to you!? Turn you blonde?!" You gestured your hands around him in exaggeration "Time has not been good to you, babes" Peter was offended for all he knows, he was perfect.
"She can talk.." he muttered. "No this isn't fair" he shook his head with a furrowed brow. "I don't know your name and your Identity" he sighs, looking at you expectedly "Oh! Right. Wait a minute, barbie"
"I'm pretty gorgeous so be warned" It feels like you were revealing yourself in a Roblox group chat with a bunch of kids that you and your Peter tried to prank. you pushed the nanotechnology spider logo on your suit and there reveals your face.
You didn't expect this...Peter, not your Peter, engulfed you in a tight hug, making you stumble back "O-okay.." you awkwardly said not knowing where to put your hands.
For what felt like minutes he started to sob "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" his breath was ragged if mistaken he'd have a panic attack "Dude, hey...what happened?" You finally asked.
Peter pulled away from you, as he wiped off his tears "I thought you...d-died" he had a hard time looking at you, guilt pooled in his eyes "whaaatt?" You dragged your word, still not processing his statement.
He chuckled softly but the pain is evidently still there "You're mistaken, Peter. I'm not from here, I just happen to stumble here"
"What?" He asked finally discarding his previous feeling "I was pulled by something close to a black hole, which terrified the hell out of me by the way" Peter paced around, still not meeting your gaze, afraid that if he did, he might cry again.
"Kingpin.." he muttered, he was thinking for a while then he finally looked up at you "Wait, how come you're here early? He didn't activate the machine yet" his voice was painted with confusion and a tinge bit of solemnity.
"Beats me, but that is a horrible name" You made a face of disgust while Peter smiled fondly, seemingly remembering something that includes you "You're still the same y/n, well except for the part where you spoke in a different language" that made you smile, although you have no idea what you're getting yourself into or who this exact copy of you is.
"Wanna grab a coffee or something?" You asked, as you ready yourself to swing "at this hour? Sure, why not" he put on his mask and with a last nod he took off swinging, you following behind him.
"You married Mj?!" You gaped at him, shaking his head as he took a bite of his burger "Yeah I did, she helped me a lot since... you know" he looked down at the city, he was trying to say something but he was having a hard getting it out; finally he let out a long sigh then he looked at you. "Y-you were too young when you died, Y/n. I couldn't forgive myself"
"Hey, it's not your fault. Even if it's not me I know she won't blame you either." You rub comfort on his back, you don't know a single thing about comforting.
Peter's usual demeanor came back after a few words of horrible comforting and encouragement, and you think he finally has the closure he deserves.
You told him everything about the verse you live in, from the Avengers to your Peter and your father.
"Wait, so this Captain America guy, is always on your 'ass' because you're being too unnecessarily loud?" He questioned "Yes! Good thing I can curse in my own language so he's got nothing on my ass... although he found out one day, didn't hear the end of it. My dad was a snitch" you muttered the last part.
Peter laughed "Your suit is awesome by the way," He asked "I made it!" You smugly said. Peter let out a huff in amusement. "You? You made it?" He said as if he didn't believe your statement but he knew full well that you were capable of making something like that.
You scoffed "Of course I did, I mean how couldn't I?" Peter rolled his eyes at you, he then averted his gaze back to the city. Hanging out with Peter made you miss your Peter more; Sure they were different in so many ways but they somehow share the same traits.
"I've got to go Peter" You sat up from your position, as Peter did the same following your action "See you around?" He asked, "Of course!" You outstretched your hand for a fistbump and he gladly reciprocated.
You both went your separate ways, as you continued to swing back to your dorm. The whole way there you were thinking about how you're gonna tell Gwen this but that didn't really register when you arrived back at your dorm.
Will you're not inside your dorm, more like outside banging the hell out of the window "Gwen! Open this window right now!" You shouted but not too loud, careful to not wake up your dorm neighbor "Hoy Gwen! Anak nang- open this right now Gwen!" (Hey Gwen! Son of a-- open this right now Gwen) You groaned.
Gwen wasn't asleep, you can clearly see the light from your shared bedroom. To no avail, you just decided to give up "tangina, mandaan moto Gwen!" (son of a bitch, mark this day Gwen!) You spoke lastly as you tried to find a window that can access the hall, you just hoped the security guard was asleep.
You found one "Take that Gwen!" You muttered. You already took off your mask and covered your suit with a jacket. You gently closed the window as carefully as you could to not cause some attention. You smiled to yourself "'Another night another slay and I served--" and you spoke too soon.
You felt someone crash into you but you didn't fall it just surprised you, but the person who bummed you did. Miles groaned as he tried to focus his vision, he swore a huge guy must've bummed into him but then he looked up.
"Are you okay, wait-- are you sneaking out?" You asked as you help him up "N-no" he stuttered. He regained his balance then he finally got a good look at you.
Your hair was disheveled and you got a bag forming under your eye but you still look good, at least that's what you think about yourself.
You hummed looking at him suspiciously "Right..." He looked anywhere, avoiding your observant eyes "I-- uh, I was trying to--" he rubbed his neck with his dominant hand while his other hand was gesturing around.
You laughed "Dude relax, I'm not gonna snitch on you-- unless you're trying to snitch on me" You feigned seriousness "No! I-I swear I will not!" He replied almost immediately.
"I'm just playing with you, but if you don't want to get caught, don't go this hall if you're trying to sneak out"
"Then why are you here?"
You pursed your lips and clicked your tongue "I- you-" Miles knitted his brow together, awaiting your reply. You let out a sigh.
"you know what? I think I'm gonna snitch on you" You narrowed your eyes at him. Miles laughed, his previous nervous demeanor decapitated and instead, he tried to cover it up with faux confidence.
"you can't do that now, can you? I'm Miles Morales." he smiled. He had that kind smile that can make you melt.
"You're new, right? I-- I'm actually new too" You noticed he was growing nervous. You nodded "I guess...I saw what your dad did earlier" you smirked, as he groaned in embarrassment.
"Please don't make me remember that," he said with an exaggerated sigh. The scene between Miles and his Dad brought a frown across your face, it awfully reminded you of your dad.
"Oh, I doubt that. That's gonna stick with you as long as I'm near" You started to walk as he followed after you.
"I never caught your name--"
"Probably because, I didn't throw it, Morales" you blatantly said. Miles rolled his eyes a growing smile made its way to his lips.
"I didn't mean it like that, and just call me by my first name, it's weird" You chuckled "Sure, Morales" Miles threw his head back laughing.
The pair of you blindly walked through the hall, forgetting about the curfew entirely "Aren't you going to sneak out?" You asked Miles.
Miles chuckled nervously "I was gonna, but I'm just too tired, you know?" Miles wanted to sneak out and talk to his uncle but he didn't want to miss this opportunity into making friends.
"Am I really that good to hang out with for you to miss your daily sneak-out sesh?" You smirked as you leaned in closer to him. Miles was tense he couldn't say a word, your breath was fanning onto him and he can basically smell your perfume.
Suddenly a whistle echoed at the end of the hall making both of you turn your head to the source "Isn't it a bit too early to shag your classmate!" The guard shouted. "you'll both face deep consequences about this!"
"Run." You whispered into his ears, and Miles swore he could feel goosebumps. Before he even got time to process his dilemma, you grabbed his arms without warning, and god you were strong.
"Isn't it a bit too early to listen to the exclusive spider man Christmas song?!" You shouted with a laugh. Miles who heard your statement snorted and let out a bark of laughter.
"I didn't know you had such great taste in music!" Miles counter back and laughed. He peeked from his shoulder to see the guard who was running after the both of you; the way the guard ran made Miles laugh even harder his stomach hurting.
You looked back seeing the same thing and just like Miles it had you crackling. To say the guard wasn't flustered was an understatement, that enough made him determined to catch you both. Both of your laughter was so loud some of the students came out of their dorms and that alone distracted the guard from chasing after the both of you.
It took you a while to find a safe place to finally get peace. Mile was out of breath, he was panting like a dog; with laughter mixed with a full lap run, who wouldn't?
"you look dehydrated," you said out of amusement.
"Really? I didn't think it was that obvious" he remarked between ragged breath.
You sat down, him sitting down next to you, he was still out of breath "Why are you so unaffected-- I mean like, you basically ran through the whole school" You side glance at him "Mama mo blue." (Your mom is blue) that was so out of pocket even for Miles. Honestly, you didn't feel like talking, you loved Mile's company but you were just too tired, everything was just so overwhelming.
"No she's not, bet yours is" That made you chuckle, Miles understanding parts of your Filipino jokes brought you smiling wider.
"My mom is dead." You laughed seeing Mile's color drained from his face "I'm so sorry--" he was genuinely trying to apologize but he burst out laughing making you laugh harder.
"I'm serious though-- I'm sorry" his laughter subsided, replacing it with a sympathetic look "No need, Miles. It was a long time ago" You smiled reassuringly at him.
Miles grinned, looking mischievously at you "What?" You asked "You called me by my first name" he wiggled his brows "Oh fuck off, dude" You punched his shoulder gently but he still made a sound.
You felt your phone buzz, averting your attention to your phone. Miles watched your smile turn into an annoyed frown as you saw the text on your phone.
"where are you?" you mocked in a high-toned voice. Miles let out a huff of amusement watching you "Now she's worried when she was the one who locked me out!" You complained.
"Roommate?" Miles asked feeling quite the same as you. You hummed.
"my roommate is always on his computer 24/7 sometimes I can hardly sleep at all," he said still looking your way. "Will, let's just say my roommate likes to play pranks with me" you muttered.
"Didn't it cross your mind that maybe she does that because...you always start it"
You scoffed "Strong accusation, but fair point-- and I need to go, she's spamming me" You stand up from your position as Miles frowned.
"You still didn't tell me your name," he said while standing up. You narrowed your eyes, surely you won't tell him your name but you thought of a cool nickname to piss Gwen off.
"Gwendolyn Garcia" you held back a laugh, pursing your lips to conceal it. "Will see you around, Gwendolyn" he enthusiastically said.
"Copy that" Hearing that made Miles groaned loudly and you throw your head back laughing. You both went your separate ways with the previous event still in mind. Miles for sure will cherish the night. You in the other hand still can't sleep.
Tag list: @itstooearly-its3am
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Opening for BTSV thought…
Ok so, we know how Gwen opened up ATSV, she had like the first 20 minutes that set up the movie. Now hear me out, what if Pavitr opens up BTSV (I may be biased but let me live lol), but imagine if you will…
Pavitr was left behind when the rest of the Spider Band left for Nueva York, so Pav is there wondering what’s going on. He swings down to the other Spider people where they are trying to contain the black hole that appeared. He starts asking them questions, but all of the answers aren’t very helpful. “We’re trying to contain the anomaly.” “The canon was broken.” This doesn’t really clear anything up, but he knows whatever is happening is not good.
He swings back up to the bridge, he makes sure everyone is clear of the damage. He heads home to Maya Auntie, he finds her asleep on the couch. She left the tv on, it was the news. They were reporting on the black hole that appeared in the middle of city. Pav feels weary, he finds a blanket and places it over Maya and turns the tv off. He goes to bed and tries to sleep, but he can’t.
Quietly, he puts his suit on and grabs his watch from Miguel and swings into the night. His plan was to travel to Nueva York to get answers from Miguel as to what was happening to his city. But as he swings, he ends up swinging by Gayatri’s home. He sees her on the balcony and lands on a near by rooftop. Normally, he wouldn’t interact with her as Spider-Man, but in this case, he felt it justified to check up on her since he did rescue her earlier.
He swings and lands on top of her rooftop. He attaches is web to their chimney and hangs upside down in front of her. She’s startled at first but recollects herself once she realizes who it is. He apologizes for scaring her and says he recognized her as the girl from the bus. He asks her if she’s alright, she giggles and says she’s fine and that she’s lucky that he was there to save her. He’s relieved and tells her he needs to go, but she tells him to wait. She asks him if there’s a way she can repay him for saving her life, perhaps a kiss.
Pav is taken a back, he’s stammering, he wants to say yes because of course he wants a kiss from her. But he’s not Pavitr right now, he’s Spider-Man, he can’t accept. But he still form a coherent sentence, finding it hard to say no. Gayatri laughs “What’s wrong, you don’t want a kiss from your girlfriend, Pav?”
He goes silent, trying hard to process what she just said. “W-what?” is all he could manage. “It’s okay Pavitr, I know it’s you.” At this point, he flipped himself right-side up, standing in front of her now. Slowly, he reaches up to his mask and pulls it off, he stares at the ground.
“How did you know?” He asks softly, he hasn’t lifted his head to look at her yet. “Well, the hug you gave today kind of sealed it for me. But your hair is very recognizable, Pav.” He laughed a little, finally meeting her gaze. He apologizes for not telling her, saying he wanted to keep her safe. She’s understanding and give him a small peck on the cheek, it’s hard for him to hide the blush on his face.
He tells her that he’s worried about the black hole that appeared in the city today and that he’s going to to find answers. All of a sudden, there’s a shaking in her room. A few things start to levitate slowly off the ground, they look at each other confused. A portal opens, suddenly Gwen appears. Pavitr is relieved, Gayatri is still confused but relaxes when she sees her boyfriend is calm, he tells her not to worry and that she’s a friend.
“Miles is in trouble, Pav. We need your help. Please.” Gwen says. Behind her appears Hobie and Peter B with Mayday. Pavitr nods and turns to Gayatri. “I have to go. I’ll be back soon, I promise,” he says. He leans down and gives her a tight hug. “Be safe,” she whispers in his ear. He pulls back and smiles, “I always am.” He plants a small kiss on her forehead and heads towards Gwen and the portal.
Hobie, Peter B., and Gwen all walk through the portal. Pavitr turns around one last time before stepping through. “I love you,” he says, and disappears along with the portal.
Listen, this isn’t the prettiest writing or set up, but I would love something like this as it feels like a parallel to ATSV and Gwen’s story and I wanted to self indulge 😭
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froggoon · 1 year
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˚₊‧꒰ა Under Her Spell Pt. 1 ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
A powerful Witch lands herself in the middle of the Spider Society and Miguel is completely smitten.
★ pairing: Miguel x witch! reader
★ ratings: slow burn, eventual smut
★ wc: 1.33k
At Spider Society Headquarters. . .
It’s not that Miguel didn’t want to find love. Everyone wants to find their happiness, someone to go home to sleep with at night, hear their troubles, share their feelings, and find comfort in. Miguel just didn’t have the time. Between managing the multiverse, catching anomalies, and battling the trauma of losing his daughter Gabby, he couldn’t even look at a Woman never mind being able to keep a relationship. That was until a blue portal opened up above the main entrance at headquarters. It was a light blue that swirled around leaving a trail of stars in its path. The spiders around were mesmerized by it, no one had ever seen anything like that, it gave a completely different aurora than the portals they create with their watches. A woman shot out of it with a beaming light and landed with a loud thud.
She was dressed in a skin-tight black suit that had a deep V and a corset around the waist. Her dark hair fell into a halo around her head. Jewelry decorated her wrists and hands and glistened in the light. Her long lashes flattened against her cheeks and her lips parted with each breath. The portal subsided with a quick whoosh leaving the stranger stranded.
“Outa my way everyone move, clear back. I SAID BACK.” Miguel demanded as he pushed his body forward. The woman’s eyes fluttered open meeting Miguel’s. A small heat bloomed in them as she whispered “Help me.” Before falling unconscious. “Get her to the infirmary. Lyla, update me on her condition and when she wakes up.” Miguel didn’t have time to stare at her, he had a multiverse to take care of.
The beeping of the machines and the blinding lights of the room were all you could notice. Still feeling groggy after waking up, your memories slowly started connecting one after another. The last thing you remembered was attempting a new spell you learned from an older book in your Master's Library. It was supposed to be a simple transportation spell, you meant for it to send you to another room, not another dimension. Ripping out the wires attached to your body you stumbled your way to the door only to be met with another door. Rubbing your nose slightly you looked up only to realize it was not a door behind a door but a sexy hot man in a blue and red suit.
“You awake,” Miguel commented. “Yes… where…where exactly am I? And who are you” you questioned while backing up away from the handsome figure. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that? You did make a scene crashing in the middle of my headquarters.” His face could only be described as a permanent glare with eyebrows furrowed and lips pursed. Readjusting your posture in an attempt to seem confident you state “ I am (y/n), I come from Earth-94721, I was practicing a new transportation spell and accidentally landed myself here.” As you looked at his stoic face you felt nervous as you continued “I won’t be here too long, I just need to recreate the spell and I shall be out of your hair.” Miguel looked away slightly, you were cute, he hadn’t found any other women interesting but here you were standing in front of him, making him feel things in his body that he shouldn’t. “Good. I got enough things to worry about here. I don’t need another thing distracting me.” He never even introduced himself.
Little did Miguel know you were about to be the biggest distraction he had in a long time.
Nothing worked. You tried to recreate the spell but couldn’t get it just right. Was it another phrase you had to say? Had you said it too slowly? Did you need to be sitting? Standing? Even trying Miguel’s machine to send it home didn’t work. After stepping into the pod all the machine did was malfunction and frazzled out. It was almost as if your Earth didn’t exist. But nether the less you kept trying.
You’ve been at the spider society headquarters for about 5 days. You’ve met Gwen, Hobie, and Miles they were an interesting bunch. A little younger than you but you couldn’t help but feel energized when they came around. Gwen reminded you of your little sister Grace who was also a bit shy but had a big heart. Miles and Hobie’s antics remixed you of your friends at home who always were outgoing and fun. You had met Peter B Parker and Mayday in the cafeteria when you both reached for the last donut. Mayday was a sweet girl and so cute, you had loved kids since you raised your sister. Looking after Mayday felt like second nature. You met Jessica after giving her advice on yoga poses and stretches to do to help her before giving birth. You seem to be getting along with everyone, everyone except Miguel. That guy was always holed up in his office on the stupid platform in his stupid costume with his stupid hair. You thought he was annoyed with you, annoyed you couldn’t find your way home.
In reality, he wasn’t annoyed but consumed with you. He would watch you from the security cameras, inhale your scent every time you passed, and think about all the way he would take you on every surface of the headquarters. Miguel wasn’t just infatuated with you because of your looks, but over the course of the few days, he learned a lot about you. Although he seems like a hardass, Miguel cared about people. He knew what flavor of ice cream Peter B Parker liked, he knew that Gwen’s favorite Barbie movie was Swan Lake, and he knew that Miles loved to draw and make art. What about you? He knew that you liked your coffee with 3 sugars and 2 creams, that your favorite color was green, you had 1 sister Grace, and that you admired people with dreams.
In your eyes Miguel was a protector. You saw him as someone with high guards around his heart but ultimate did what he thought was best. His attitude didn’t stop you from making small interactions with him. Every morning you had greeted him with a friendly smile and a simple hello. You offered help with missions and fixing his equipment. You healed his wounds with magic and talked about your home.
Days passed and you two seemed to fall into a comfortable pattern. The other spiders began to notice that Miguel was less irritable and it was all because of you. Even the trio and Peter had an ongoing bet to see when you guys would make a move.
You were in a small workspace Miguel gave you to practice your magic and find a way back home. You were sweating, it was taking all your energy conjoining spells, taking notes, and gathering ingredients. Layer by layer your clothes came off until you were left in a simple sports bra and biking shorts. Miguel had just finished his mission catching a Green Goblin variant when he swiftly dismissed his team and made his way over to your lab.
He swore he was going to burst. The sight of your sweltering form in little to no clothing running all over the room was enough to make his suit feel tight. Hearing the door open you turned to look at him with a big smile. “Miggy! Your back! I missed you!”
I missed you.
Such a small sentence but it swelled his heart. It made him feel needed and wanted, and there was nothing more than you that he wanted right now. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he replied “I missed you too, I see you're working hard. Meet me in my office in 10 to discuss your process.” And with that, he closed the door walking away quickly to take care of his problem.
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So I'll just tell myself all of the things I can't say to you yet (Fic)
Pairing: Ghostflower (Miles x Gwen.)
Chapter: 1/4.
Summary: On a scale from interested to desperate, where do you rank buying a plushie of your crush?
...Could she even still call this a crush?
As Gwen closed the portal behind her, she couldn't believe she has gotten away with it. When Miles invited her and the rest of their friends to Festival, she has been thinking about what type of music she would hear, what difference she could catch from her dimension- not this.
It has been kind of an impulse purchase, she has honestly been lucky that the money from her dimension seemed to be close enough to the bills in Miles’ universe; hopefully the seller wouldn’t have trouble depositing a glitching bill. It couldn't count as scamming someone, right?
“This was stupid,” She thought to herself, yet still hugging the brown bag against her chest, almost a bit too protective, not wanting anyone to see its contents.
She doesn’t know how she managed to hide it from Miles (or Pavitr, who was very curious about it- Gwen almost wonders if Hobie knew since he helped to move the conversation around,) or even get it without anyone else noticing. Gwen didn’t think she could come up with an excuse if any of them saw this.
But she was in her own dimension again, her dad wasn’t at home right now, which meant there was no one but her, and even in the safety of her own room, she didn’t want to look at it, as if getting it out of the bag would somehow be more incriminating than having it.
Still feeling a bit silly, she sits in her bed and finally, opens the bag and finally gets her precious cargo she has been so mindful of. On her left hand, there is a medium-sized, Miles' plushie.
It was spiderman themed, of course; she wasn’t sure how it worked, but multiple companies have started selling merchandise with his name and colours in it, even if he technically hasn’t signed anything. The quality wasn’t that good, a big head with a very fluffy body and limbs, it was kind of ridiculous.
Insanely cute though, almost as cute as him.
Groaning, she let herself fall in the bed “What’s wrong with me?” she whispered to herself as she put a hand on her forehead. Looking back, she glares at the plushie, almost as if it came home with her by itself rather than being her own idea. Sighing, she lies on her side and hugs the plushie.
She already bought the damn thing; she may as well embrace it.
Miles and she had been working on rebuilding their friendship. After months of silence, the secrets about canon and Miles’ Spiderman situation; they needed to take a step back and get a chance to breathe, especially for Gwen who was not just trying to rebuild her relationship with her dad, but catch on all the classes she missed on the meantime. Considering how things ended in HQ, she was honestly grateful Miles wanted to keep in contact after that fiasco.
There was just a small problem, her crush.
“Well, can I call it that anymore?” She thought bitterly to herself, as she looks back at the plushie that she was clutching against her chest. The little Spiderman just looked back at her; unlike the real one, there wasn’t a way to take that mask and look at his face. If she had more artistic abilities, she may have tried to find a way to give a face to the plushie.
God knows the only reason her notebook has half-made songs instead of drawings like Miles, is because she couldn’t draw like him.
Gwen wasn’t always upfront with what she was feeling, not even to herself. Part of her thought if she could pretend to be okay, those emotions would eventually leave her and she could continue her normal life. Except that it doesn’t; not with the guilt of losing Peter, not with the gaping hole that felt those months when she thought her dad hated her, and not with her feelings for Miles.
Everyone knows about his crush on her, or at least the feelings he used to harbour for her; ever since the whole situation with Miguel, Miles hasn’t been the same to her. He was still kind, and warm, but it didn’t feel like it used to be, even now.
What she has for him? It was still there, as strong as ever, and she was drowning in the feeling.
Part of Gwen wonders if the people around her had pretended not to know, or at least make it easier for her because she was in such denial she would try to shut down the topic otherwise. But Jess knew exactly what Gwen must have meant by "getting too close to someone," Miguel thinking Gwen was a liability thanks to her feelings for Miles (which was sorta right,) and Hobie- the guy probably figured out the tenth time she mentioned his name.
She has been insisting they were just friends, that it wasn’t that big of a deal; but she knows it wasn’t exactly Ham the one she has been missing all those months before finding the organization, and she wasn’t going to forget about monitoring a bad guy to spend an afternoon with Peter B.
It was kind of dumb, but she has been so glad that no one has pointed out that on a mission that would have been easy with the Spot literally out of ways to travel to other dimensions, she opened the portal right where Miles was as she ignored the bad guy until her watch screamed at her. While hugging the plushie even harder, she knows you don’t risk the multiverse just to catch on with someone, and you don’t sneak out to get a plushie of someone while obsessively making sure no one notices.
As she looked at the oversized head that mimicked Miles’s mask, she thought to herself when she was going to give up acting as if those feelings weren’t there, or it was as simple as a crush.
“I love you” She whispers for the first time, and somehow the phrase feels like it almost echoes in her mind. It feels right in her mouth, the truth she has been battling for so long.
Groaning, she looks to the roof “I’m so stupid.”
Because only someone like her would get into a mess like this. Loving someone from afar while not being sure if they could actually make it work, but wanting so badly to do it.
And yet still too scared to do anything that whispers the truth to a plushie.
Perhaps even after all this time, Gwen Stacy still only knew how to run.
Oh my g-d I am typing lines and dots as separation like this fanfiction net in 2011, jeez I am old.
So! I normally just upload my fics in ao3; however, as all we know (or so I assume because multiple communities are in shambles right now.) AO3 is down, and the best way to help is to not try to get in.
And it just so happens this fic that was supposed to be a one-shot became a short fic because the comments ended up inspiring me to do more.
The second chapter will be posted in a few moments, and the link to it will appear in this post and vice versa. The third chapter will be published on tumblr depending on how the ao3 situation goes and my mood.
Hope you like it! Leave a comment if you did, is the only reason this went past the first chapter.
Second Chapter here!
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unknowndrone · 2 years
A Lost Memory
Lena Luthor X Reader
Prompt: Lena finds out that you knew about Kara’s other identity this whole time which caused the two of you to break it off. But when crisis occurs, she is surprised to find herself awake right beside you.
WC: 1.4k
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“You knew,” she tells you.
Yes, you knew. You’ve known Kara for forever, of course you would know. She had told you the moment she saved Alex from that plane. Now. here you were, facing the consequences of your actions as you stare at Lena, unsure of what to tell her. Slowly your relationship begins to crumble into smaller and smaller pieces exponentially. You felt as if you were being suffocated with every second. 
“Answer me, Y/N L/N!” She scolds as her voice raises ever so slightly. 
“Yes,” you say, barely managing to find your words. 
Her eyes begin to soak with tears and you begin to feel the pain inside of her, too. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“It wasn’t my secret to tell,” you defend. “If I could, you know I would’ve told you right away.”
“Don’t give me that, Y/N. I trusted you with all of my heart. I trusted you with the world. I did not hold back about my mother, I did not hold back on Lex, and I certainly never held back about any of my projects that I would be working on. I made it clear how I felt about Supergirl and this is what you do to me?”
“I know, I know.”
“I killed my brother for you and everyone else! I killed the one other person that showed me compassion.” She clenched her fists as her knuckles go white staring you down. “He was evil, Y/N, but somehow he didn’t have enough strength to even lie to me with his dying breath.”
“Leave. Get out of here. You do not deserve my love let alone a place in this house,” she says. You try to approach her, trying to mend at least something, but her voice only raises in volume. “Go, Y/N!”
Biting your lip, you make your way towards the door. Your composure fails you as tears begin streaming down your eyes and your fists clench in an effort to stop yourself. “I’m sorry, Lena. I’m sorry for everything.” 
That was the last time you would ever see or hear from her. Her voice screaming at you to leave wasn’t a loving goodbye or a dire farewell. Instead of bullets whizzing past each other’s heads, you got gunshots to your heart. The chapter with you and Lena ends abruptly as the happy ending burns into ashes behind you. You pray that one day she would forgive you and she would love you again, but even then you knew that prayer was never going to be answered.
Months Later
She wakes up one morning with no recollection of how she had gotten there. She doesn’t remember going to bed that night nor does she ever remember the drive back home from work. The only thing she recalls is helping Alex and Kara evacuate people by creating a portal somewhere, Somewhere. Was it successful? She thinks it was. It was rare for Lena to forget anything, to begin with.
Slowly, she rises from the bed. Strangely, she notices that there was more room than she had expected, and she noticed that there was a heaviness to the bed that she had noticed right away. When she looks over, she notices a strange lump on the bed, and immediately, she pulls the blanket up. A burst of adrenaline runs up her body when she sees you, fast asleep, dangerously close to where she had been laying before. 
Unable to conceal her emotions, she falls off the bed, landing on the ground with a thud. “Lena?” she hears. Instantly, you had risen from your sleep to rush to her side, “Are you okay?”
“What are you doing here?” she asks, her voice colder than you had expected.
“What do you mean? We live here,” you tell her with a confused look on your face. “You chose the house location and I designed the room.”
She blinks heavily before pushing you away, “that’s not right. What do you mean by-” 
Her words are cut off as she sees a picture by her bedside. Two people, smiling as happy as they could be. One of them was her. She’s never even seen herself smile like that before. That happy, why do the two of them look so happy? Upon closer inspection, she notices a small glistening piece of gold on their ring fingers. No.
“Lena-” you say now, increasingly worried. 
“You and I hated each other. The last time I saw you, you lied about knowing Supergirl and-”
“Woah, slow down,” you start. Grabbing both her shoulders you try to make sense of her words, though they made little sense at all. “Lena, start from the beginning. What the hell are you talking about?”
She searches your eyes for a moment, trying to see if you had a facade against her. Nothing, not even the typical hindrance your eyes had when you knew you were guilty of hiding a secret. You really had no clue. She takes one deep breath to compose herself. 
“I killed Lex and he told me you knew about Supergirl’s identity along with James and the others. I confronted you and we broke up then and there.” She watches as your eyes widen in horror. You let go of her, trying to absorb that small piece of information. “Months later, Kara and Alex ask me to help them create a portal to get the people to safety, and the next thing I know I’m awake in bed beside you. The first time I have ever seen you in months.”
She waits for your response as you recoil back. Now you were hesitant as to whether or not she would even love you the same again. Over a memory that you don’t even recall ever happening. Just like the snap of your fingers, the Lena that loved you fell apart the moment you had woken up the next day. 
“Y/N?” she asks.
Shaking your head and absorbing all the emotions, you turn away to reach for a phone. “I’m calling Alex. I think you and I need to take a trip to the DEO today,” you tell her.
“You really don’t know anything about what I had just said?” she asks.
You hesitate to dial the number on your phone, “Lena, I have no clue what you’re talking about. One moment I’m sleeping peacefully beside the love of my life and the next thing I know she doesn’t even recognize me.”
She ponders for a moment while you call Alex on the phone. The past reality must’ve been erased. She knows she can’t blame this version of you for lying to you since you don’t even know what she was referring to, but that alone was too difficult not to do. Even then in the back of her heart, she knows she still loved you, and watching you break down completely confused killed her slightly. 
You manage to put the phone down after an ‘all go’ by Alex whomst, to your surprise, was well aware of the world that had seemingly shifted around you. It was apparent that whatever Lena had been talking about was true and it killed you inside knowing that you had caused Lena a severe amount of pain. 
“They’ll be expecting us soon. I’ll have Lex run the office for the day,” you tell her.
“Lex?” she asks, “he’s alive?”
“Yeah. Alive and kicking,” you retort with a half smile. “We can go see him later, too. But right now, we should go and get ready. I’ll make breakfast and you can go and get ready.”
“Are you okay?” she asks you.
Fighting the growing lump in your throat, you muster through your words, “Me? Yeah, I’ll be fine. If you need me, I’ll be in the kitchen.”
“That was a different Y/N who betrayed me, I know. I didn’t mean any harm by accusing you.”
“I know. You were just shocked,” you reassure. “I’m not going to hold that against you. Just go and get ready. Breakfast should be ready when you come out.” 
You would’ve added ‘I love you,’ but you fight the urge. She wasn’t your Lena, yet and it was clear as day that she didn’t see you as her Y/N. But you pray the trip to the DEO would get your Lena back in some way and maybe Jon would erase your memory of Lena ever telling you that another reality had once existed before this earth. 
Who knew your prayers were never going to be answered.
Starting to upload the DC universe now :) Honestly, I haven’t watched a single supergirl episode in a hot minute so i gotta do that shiz at some point. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading this. Have a great day/night, and may you always stay safe!
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fangirlwriting-stories · 10 months
Downward Spiral Part 2
Chapter One
Chapter Two:
Things, Danny decides as he gets slammed into the third solid object of the night (this one being a bus stop), are not going to be more bearable tomorrow.
These ghosts are ridiculously slippery, and the fact that he’s running on not enough sleep isn’t helping.  Maybe he can convince Mom to let him have some of her coffee tomorrow, though past experience doesn’t bode well for that.
The ghost goes intangible and slips through his fingers again as Danny grabs for it, which also isn’t boding well for having time to get his algebra done.
“Danny, do you need me to come down and help you?” Jazz asks over his Fenton Phone earpiece.
“Nah, I got it,” Danny says, leaping for the ghost again and grabbing it tight, then anticipating enough to turn intangible as it does so he doesn’t lose his grip.  “Just have the thermos ready.”
“You got it,” Jazz says.  “Lead it around the corner and I’ll be there.”
Danny grips the tail of the ghost tightly and swings it around to build as much momentum as he can.  He manages to keep it out of the reach of any of the buildings, then launches it around the corner to where Jazz said she’d be.  Sure enough, he hears the sound of a thermos starting up, sees the ghost’s tail vanish from sight, and a second later Jazz calls “I got it!” over the earpiece.
Danny lets out a groan and slumps over in midair.  Jazz appears a second later looking frazzled and wiped herself, but holding up the thermos triumphantly.
“I think that’s the last of them,” she says with a grin.
“Thank fuck,” Danny says, rubbing at his back where it had been shoved into the glass and plastic of the bus station.
“Are you alright?” Jazz asks, walking over as he floats lower towards the ground.
“Just bruised,” Danny says.  “I’ll live.  Or, well, you know.”
“Ha ha.  Can we go home now?”
“Yep,” Danny says.  He grabs Jazz underneath her arms and hoists her up onto his back, since it’ll be faster to fly them both home.
He pauses right before flying out, then looks back to the damaged bus stop with a wince.  So much for avoiding property damage.
“Danny?  You okay?” Jazz asks.
“Yep,” Danny says, and flies off without explaining.
When they get back home, Danny takes Jazz to her room first, to avoid having another repeat of that morning— or yesterday morning, at this point.  Then, to also avoid having to do it tomorrow, he heads down to the lab and flushes all the ghosts from the thermos back into the portal.
He’s almost falling asleep standing up on the way back to his own room, but he goes for his backpack when he gets there anyway, pulling out the math homework he spent most of the day trying and failing to get done.  He turns on the lamp at his desk and blinks harshly several times, then tries to force his eyes to focus on the problem he left off on.  He has about twenty problems left to do, but even if he gets some of them wrong, the late incorrect answers will be better than the zero he currently has.
Saturday comes tomorrow and he can sleep until 2PM, he just needs to get this done first.
He can totally do this.  His gaze isn’t blurry at all.  Just twenty problems and then he can—
Danny jerks away with a muffled gasp, whirling around in search of a ghost, because he woke up too quickly for anything else to be going on.
Instead of a ghost, however, he finds Mom standing over his shoulder, looking down at him with a worried gaze.
“Sweetie, I called you five times,” she says.  “Did you fall asleep at your desk?”
Danny glances down and finds his algebra packet with no additions made to it other than drool.  He groans and leans back in his chair, rubbing at his eyes to try and force himself to wake up.
“You’re really struggling with getting that one done, aren’t you?” Mom says.
“You don’t know the half of it,” Danny mutters.
Mom pats him on the shoulder.  “Tell you what, hon,” she says.  “Get yourself ready to go in fifteen minutes and I’ll ask your dad to drop you at school.  That’ll give you at least half an hour to work on your assignment.”
Danny laughs a little, because she’s probably right, even though school starts in forty five minutes.
“Thanks Mom,” he says, and he forces himself into a standing position as she walks out of the room.
He manages to get changed and gather all his stuff together (almost forgetting the algebra packet itself, but managing to get ahold of it at the last second), in sixteen minutes, and makes it out the door as Dad is starting the car.  He almost leaps into the front seat, then puts his seatbelt on as Dad pulls out of the driveway.
He gets out at school less than two minutes later, calls a thanks to his Dad, and pulls out his algebra packet as he walks in the front doors.  He stops by his homeroom and explains that he’ll be in the library doing homework, and his teacher gives him a pass.  Then he passes Sam on his way to the library, and gives her a short wave with a quick nod at his homework in explanation, before grabbing an empty table and forcing his gaze down onto the packet again.
Thankfully, he doesn’t feel quite as dead on his feet (Jazz is totally wrong, those jokes are hilarious) as he did last night, and he manages to get half of the problems done by the time homeroom starts.  He’s feeling pretty good about his chances, when the door opens again.  Danny doesn’t bother looking up, but he doesn’t actually have to, because half a second later a hand slams down on the table in front of him and he looks up to see Sam standing there, Tucker in tow with her this time.
“Danny, you are not going to believe the bullshit that happened this morning,” Sam says.
“Yeah that’s great Sam, sorry, now isn’t really a good time—” Danny says, starting to turn back to his algebra.
“No, just listen,” Sam says, slamming her hand right down on top of his homework.  “My bus had to be rerouted because Invis-o-bill destroyed like, five bus stations last night.”
“Sam, I really need to finish that math homework,” Danny says, trying to gently pull it out from under her hand.
“What’s the big deal, can’t you do it while you’re stuck at home all day?” Sam asks, raising an eyebrow.
“It was due yesterday,” Danny says, managing to pull the packet back and look at the next problem.  “Look, just let me get this done and then we can talk, alright?”
Sam rolls her eyes.  “How do you still manage to not do any homework while you’re sitting at home with nothing to do?” she asks.
“It’s a talent,” Danny says, and starts writing down answers for the next one.  “Please, Sam, just give me a minute.”
“Fine,” Sam says.  But her giving him a minute doesn’t actually turn out to be helpful, because instead of talking to him she instead turns to Tucker and starts ranting about the bus reroute, and how it stopped the buses a block from school and they had to walk the rest of the way.  Danny does his best to tune it out, but it’s a little difficult when her talking just makes him think of all the heavy objects he was slammed against last night, and how much his back still aches from all of it.
It also doesn’t help that they’re still having the conversation right above him.
The bell for the end of homeroom rings when he has two problems left, and Danny groans and rubs at his eyes, but picks up his homework anyway.  Late homework with two problems without answers will still be way better than not turning it in at all.
“Sorry Sam,” he says, turning to her as he picks up the rest of his stuff to head to algebra.  “We’ll talk at lunch, okay?”
Sam doesn’t look happy about it, but she nods, and Danny slips out of the library and heads off towards algebra.
Tucker reaches the classroom at the same time he does, but before Danny can walk in, Tucker grabs the algebra packet from him.  A protest is on the tip of Danny’s tongue, but then Tucker pushes the paper up against the open door and writes down the work and answers to the last two problems, then shoves the packet back at Danny’s chest without looking at him.
Danny blinks at him for a couple seconds.  “Uh, thanks,” he says.
“I don’t know if they’re right, but… whatever,” Tucker says, ducking around the door and inside the classroom.  Danny steps around the door after him, then watches him move quickly to a seat with no openings around it for Danny to sit in.  His head’s lowered and he isn’t meeting anyone’s eyes.
Danny narrows his eyes in concern, but then the warning bell rings and he shakes himself back into focus.  He walks up and hands the homework to the teacher, along with an acknowledgement that he knows it late and that no, he won’t be late with Monday’s homework.
God, he really hopes he won’t.
Sam apparently takes the comment Danny made while rushing out the door as much more fact than Danny meant it at the time, because when lunch rolls around she takes up her rant from that morning again.  Danny manages to sit through about two minutes of it before he absolutely needs to change the subject.
“Hey, did you guys see the stars last night?” he asks during a pause, thinking of the beginning of patrol, when he hadn’t seen any ghosts yet and could look up to just enjoy the clearness of the night and all the stars that were visible as a result.  “I didn’t get a chance to use the telescope, but you could still see a lot.”
“Oh, I didn’t look,” Tucker says, looking up from his tray for the first time since lunch started.  “Your parents still let you use the telescope?  I thought that would be forbidden due to the grounding.”
“It’s still at home,” Danny says.  “Just on the roof.  It’s not like I’m banned from any and all fun.  Hey, speaking of which, how’s your guys schedule look tomorrow?  Maybe I can’t leave the house, but we could meet online and play Doomed at some point.”
“Sorry, we’ve got plans,” Sam says.  “We’ll be at the park again.”
“The whole day?” Danny asks, shoving down the pinch of hurt in his chest.
“Yeah, probably,” Sam says.  “Geez, Danny, we’ve got things going on.”
Danny sighs.  “Yeah, alright,” he says.  “Sunday, maybe?”
“I don’t know, we’ll have to see,” Sam says.  “We’ll still see you on Monday at the latest.”
Danny nods but doesn’t say anything.  At least the rest of lunch doesn’t focus on Phantom and all of his mistakes from last night, which Danny is definitely grateful for.  The more Sam goes over all the things he could have done better, the stupider he feels for not noticing them in the moment.
The rest of the day, at least, passes fairly easily, and Danny even manages to get some of his homework for Monday done so he has less to do over the weekend.
He’s feeling decent enough when he meets up with Jazz after school.  She’s giving him rides to and from school pretty consistently now, both to make ghost fighting easier to and from school and to have a chance to talk when they can be sure no one else is around.
Danny isn’t exactly planning on bringing up Sam and how masterfully he’s failing at this whole ‘get Sam to like Phantom’ plan, but then Jazz asks how much homework he has to get done over the weekend, and the library incident from the morning comes up.
“Wait, she did what?” Jazz asks.  She doesn’t look over at Danny because she’s a responsible driver, but Danny can see her eyebrows narrow in concern.
“It’s nothing I haven’t heard lately,” Danny says, waving it off with a sigh.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t usually come with her blatantly ignoring you trying to do homework and asking her not to bother you,” Jazz says.
Danny shrugs.  “She still got captured not too long ago, I think with everything that’s happened with her and ghosts it just freaked her out.  I’m trying to give her a little time to get it out of her system.”
Jazz doesn’t say anything, but he can feel a tenseness to her silence, and eventually he looks over at her, even though she keeps her gaze on the road.  “What?”
“Nothing,” Jazz says.  “Just… how much does all the stuff she says about Phantom bother you?”
“Uh, not much,” Danny lies, turning to look out the window.  “I mean, she has good reason to be wary.  That’s where the proving it to her part comes in.”
That part is true at least, and it’s why Danny tries not to be bothered.
“It’s okay if it does,” Jazz says.  “She’s Sam.”
“Look, I don’t really want to talk about it, okay?” Danny says, keeping his gaze firmly out the window.
Jazz is quiet for a minute, then says “Okay,” and keeps driving.
Chapter Three
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aprocessionofthoughts · 11 months
To sink or swim
whumptober2023 day 10- stranded fandom- Danny phantom x dc TW- panic summary- After a portal spits Danielle out onto an abandoned island she has to try everything she can to get back home.
ao3 masterlist
Danielle had been exploring Europe when a natural portal opened up in front of her. She was flying too fast to stop or turn and so tumbled through it, landing roughly on the ground on the other side.
She groaned and rolled over onto her back. The sky was clear overhead and she didn’t hear the sounds of people nearby. All she could hear were birds and ocean waves. She grunted as she sat up and looked around. It looked like she was on a beach.
“Well, I guess I’ll have to visit Stonehenge another day.” She huffed, brushing sand off her before freezing for a moment and then going intangible. Sheesh, forgetting powers was supposed to be Danny’s thing, not hers.
“Okay, a quick trip around the island to find out where I am and then I can head out.” 
The island has a small mountain at its center which she avoids. It has bad vibes. But the rest of the island is your typical deserted tropical island. This of course gives her no clue which direction she should fly in.
She glances around but there isn’t any other land visible. Flying up and looking at everything from a higher perspective doesn’t change that. Though she thinks she spots a coral reef circling the island.
The sun is still pretty high up so she figures she can just pick a direction to fly and eventually she’ll come across some land.
But as she gets farther from the island she starts to feel tired and her limbs start to tremble. She almost falls into the water before she decides to head back. 
She collapses onto the beach, panting. “What in the world?” She waits for a few hours till she feels back to normal before picking a different direction to fly. 
The same thing happens.
“Uggh.” She collapses back into the sand. Whatever. She’d just explore the mountain.  She flew in that direction ignoring the apprehension she felt as she drew nearer. 
A cave was easier enough to spot. Maybe too easy. But whatever. She started to notice a glow up ahead. Sunlight? No. It looked wrong. Even as Ellie grew more apprehensive she kept approaching. It felt like she was being tugged towards the center of the mountain.
And then she was at the opening of a giant chamber, illuminated by a glowing green pool that was large enough that Ellie could hardly see the other side.
It looked like ectoplasm but felt wrong. It felt rotten. It prickled at her skin, yet at the same time seemed to draw her nearer. 
She stumbled back struggling to look away. Finally, she turned and flew out, collapsing back on the beach.
What was that?
She shivered. 
She had to get out of here. She flew up. If she was high enough she could probably get out of range of whatever was keeping her from flying too far.
Then she slammed into something solid and barely managed to keep herself from falling from the sky. She looked up and noticed a strange shimmer in the sky.
A ghost shield? But that didn’t make sense? Why would there be a ghost shield way out here? And yet, no matter where she tried, whatever it was kept her from flying too high.
Fine then. She dove into the ground, and immediately she had to pull herself back up. She gagged and shook, her skin covered in a thin sheen of the rank ectoplasm.
What was this place? 
She pulled herself into the cover of the trees and huddled by the base of a trunk. It was getting dark. She’d keep trying in the morning.
Before she could fall asleep, she looked out over the ocean and noticed a faint green glow coming from where she thought the coral reefs were. 
A familiar green glow.
She started to shake, glancing around widely. And now that she looked everything felt wrong. The birds had too many eyes, the monkeys hadn’t even made a sound and their fur shone slightly purple, the plants were weird colors too and moved in a nonexistent breeze.
Oh, Ancients.
Where was she?
What hellscape had she landed in?
She was trapped.
Stranded on an island that pulsed with rank ectoplasm, surrounded by ectoranium.
She wanted to go home.
She wanted to go home!
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cat-o-loaf · 11 months
Ok. Warning you all this is. A handful. But this is concept from my Half n Half AU. I call it half n half cause Simon is half human half ice person in this. Lol.
Half & Half AU
Created by Cat.o.loaf
AU Premise:
What if GolBetty never sent Simon’s mind through time & space, in which he spent his time in Shermys body. What if— Simon managed to put on the Crown the moment Betty zapped him? What if Fionna & Cake jumped out of the portal at the same time?
Hi. My name is Cat.o.loaf and welcome to my Ted Talk.
“…You were…Everything…”
Dazed & confused, Fionna, Cake and Simon lay there on the tetris cube as GolBetty’s eyes swirled madly. Clearly upset at what had just occurred. Coming to, Simon notices he’s starting to change. His hair getting longer and whiter, his skin changing to a bluish hue. His nose started to grow to a point!
Startled, he realizes he had put on the Crown! With a startled gasp and a quick “oh no”, he turned to GolBetty who was fuming! Her eyes glowed and started to zap Simon—-Miraculously he dodges the bolts of fury. Causing the crown to fall off, ceasing the transformation process.
This occurs at the same time Fionna & Cake start to gain awareness of their surroundings. So when they see GolBetty they are clearly shocked by her. Yelling at Simon who the heck that was. Simon explained that—That thing is betty!
Obviously Fionna & Cake are stunned upon hearing this—- but they didn't have much time to process much as Simon jumped into them after dodging an attack. Causing them to fly off the Tetris cube and into the unknown.
Leaving GolBetty in her fury and dismay and the Crown behind.
Casper and Nova
Aimlessly flying off into space Fionna & Cake and Simon are separated from each other. Going their separate ways in space itself. Leaving nothing but silence and the unknown to themselves.
After what seemed like an eternity, Simon finds himself talking to himself as if he was another person. Wondering what would've happened if he didnt of put on the Crown—-or how he shouldn't have done the ritual in the first place. He starts to self criticize himself to full blown saying he isn't worth all of this and it'd be better if he had just given up. (ref to suicide)
But then, two cosmic entities float over to Simon and listen to his self pity. Feeling bad for this human they introduce themselves as Casper n Nova telepathically. They then go into deep conversation about Simon's own self to which involves the whole Mind going through time and space journey.
Properly explaining both Simon’s and Bettys sides. After figuring out the answer a flash in Simon’s mind happens and he is awakened in Ooo along with Fionna & Cake.
Top 3 Fantasies
Now back in Ooo, the gang quickly realizes they have no place to go. Simon can't go back to the Human City–what would people think! What if someone saw him and word gets out that the Ice King is back? What if Marcy finds out……
Fionna feels back and starts to blame everything on herself, saying it's her fault that they are in this predicament. Simon disagrees and says it's his fault. They both eventually agree it's both their faults and there's nothing to do about it now. It’s what they do in the present that makes the difference.
Fionna then makes a comment saying that Simon actually looks pretty cool like this. Cake even mentions that the weird portal thing is still there and she can stick her hand through it!
Cake: How cool is that!
Simon: …erm… I’d rather not have a portal coming out of my head…
Fionna: heh but it is kinda cool.
They then wonder if they can still get back home. Cake is the first to try using her stretchy abilities. So she sticks her hand through the portal and is able to grab something from FionnaWorld. Taking the chance Cake then sticks her head into Simon's head and peaks in to see that……Everything was still the same! Nothing has changed except it was a bit colder than usual.
Excited to hear this, things started to look a bit brighter for them. Until the crushing reality sets in.
Simon is …technically a weird half version of Ice king. What
happens now?
Fionna & Cake still keep in contact with Gary & Marshal.
Simon keeps Fionna’s phone
Fionna mentions her top 3 fantasy again
During this Fionna gives Simon a makeover
Fionna, Cake & Simon hide in the Human City under the sewers for a while. Stealing food and clothes from other humans. Simon even breaks into his own home so the trio have a place to clean up and sleep in a place with a bed for once.
Only to flee the next morning. Leaving the place a mess; which causes alarm when they left since the walls automatically opened up. Revealing the crime scene that is Simons home to everyone. Police were called and they started to inspect the place.
Word eventually gets out and well… Finn, PB & Marceline hear about it. Don’t get your hopes up they’re not a main part of this AU [maybe Finn is cause I'm shipping his mom so….]
Prismo & Scarab
I don't have much on this yet. But basically Prismo breaks out of the cube. Scarab gets sent to Ooo and faces Fionna, Cake n Simon for a final battle.
Prismo sends the Multidimensional Phone to them so they can stay in contact, Even though he can get into serious trouble with this. He’s already in trouble so he’s taking a chance.
This also helps them escape the Scarab a few times too.
Prismo sends them pickles
Second Chances
…“Made me realize my life is worthwhile……i'm afraid i'll forget that”…
Minerva & Simon meet.
Fionna, Cake & Icemon fight the Scarab
“I finally have a purpose now”
Simon becomes a Helper Bot.
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swordofsuns · 3 months
to be honest I was still on tumblr a lot of the time so it wasnt really gone. but. I now have time to present to you:
ARC 4!
CONTINUED!!!! (explosion sfx in the background) (guitar riff) (bald eagle screech) (in case you cant tell I have been waiting for this all week)
small recap for where we left off: Ira and Braxton left to get to Axum to try and kill the Flesh Baron and kidnap some of our NPC friends who got kidnapped. We all jumped into the feywild to follow them. not sure if I mentioned this but we met up with a half fey shapeshifting druid (Actaeon killed his parents on accident)(it was a whole thing), and he joined up with our party. Turns out Red's crazy ex girlfriend has gone on a slight murder spree. We met up with some old friends. we learned some lore about the immenent end of days. we accidentaly gave another one of our friends a magical mind connection with an evil appocalyptic eldritch god (oopsies). Red's magical protection amulet broke in her sleep.
(oh also for context everything that is about to go down happened in the course of a single, increadibly hectic session)
Red doesnt know her amulet is broken, only suddenly feels her conciousness pulled from the blissful dreamlessness shes had for only a month, back into the all to familiar almost-reality of dreams. this time, however, she does not find herself in a forest of black pines and snow, or in the blood and fire of her past, but instead in a very different corner of the feywild. and this time she isnt even in her own body, or even her own mind. Currently she has her mind mixed with that of Manti, as her vision doubles between her bed in the walking castle and of a slaughtered chapel, with its last resident begging for mercy. Manti, pauses, right before delivering the killing blow, as it seems the connection between the two of them goes both ways. suddenly, without a word, she turns, and gives chase.
Back in the castle, Max has realized what is happened and is quickly casting as many protections as he can around Red, eventualy managing to block out the power of a LITERAL GOD, though by then Manti has figured out where we are, and is on her way. We try to come up with a plan, and realize that despite practicaly everything Manti is interested in being in the material world, shes spent practicaly her entire time in the feywild, even though she has interdimentional portals at her fingertips. we come to the conclusion that because of her fey ancestry, she probably either straight up cant get into the material plane, or at least would be extremely weak after doing so. We also realize through a tracking spell that our other two party members have already made it through to Axum.
Our plan is pretty simple: step 1, leave the castle. step 2, remove protections on Red so Manti is able to follow us, and doesnt go after castle. step 3, make it to the portal to Axum before she does. step 4, meet up with Ira and Braxton, and if she can come through we fight her on home turf and if she cant then were all safe.
we hop out of the castle and make run as fast as we can for the portal to Axum (though it is several miles away so its more of a "hike quickly" than a run). We manage to make it to the portal in time, but right before we pass through, Manti appears out of nowhere and closes it, though in the process Ira and Braxton get swept through the portal and we all reunite.
At this point Manti barely resembles anything even vaguely human. she is approxamitely 15 feet tall, with a chitinous and segmented body, twisted features, and two twisted unnatural portaling sickles melded into her hands. She offers the party the option to give her Red, and in return they all live, but we say no and a fight breaks out. Absolute chaos breaks out as portals are opened everywhere, reality itself begining to crumble at all of the wholes in it, as well as having several extremely powerful adventurers, some of whom have literal gods as pets, effectively warping the fabric of reality like a black hole.
We manage to do some good damage, but Manti is also the vessel of a god so the fight is long and painful. Around halfway through the fight, with a single swipe from a sickle, Manti cuts Iras broom in two, sending her plummeting to her death.
Manti lets out a horrifying shriek, though whether from victory or from horror we cannot tell, and Red, uninjured, falls to the ground unconsious. Actaeon rushes to her aid, but he she is already somewhere else.
(this right here is my favorite scene in the entire campain)
Red wakes up in an all too familiar forest. the pines are black and the snow is thick underfood. this time, she finds herself in a clearing in the trees, without a cloak, and with only a rusty iron sword as a weapon. the snow in sprinkled in drops of blood, and, all around the clearing, she can sense the Leech circling around her. she cant see him, aside from the occasional insectoid leg, a glint on one of his many, many teeth, and his seven gleaming red eyes. his true form is massive, easily 100 feet long, easily encircling her and bringing his circles slowly closer and closer. and then he begins to speak. (Now listen brief side not but I dont think that I have properly communicated to you just how much Red and The Leech absolutely fucking despise eachother. their first interaction had Red threaten to kill herself just to ruin his day, and it has only gone downhill from there. basicaly any time one of them mentions the other it is followed by a series of insults and curses. its made even funnier by the fact that everybody else is great freinds with their godly patrons, while Red is continously willing to do whatever she possibly can just to spite him. but I digress). The Leech just begins absolutely ripping red to shreads (metaphoricaly), pointing out how all of her acheivments and victories were because he was rigging it to give her a confidence boost. how she claims to fight to avenge the people she lost, and yet, cannot even remember her parents faces. how in the end, every adventure she has gone on has only lead to more death. after all, she released the Lost Brother, she made a deal with Benny for her own sake, she gave Manti everything she needed to free him, She shot Kraka, she led Manti to them, and in doing so got Ira killed. how even after everything, all her supposed growth and change, the reason that every time she finds herself in the forest she appears as a child is because a scared child was all she has ever been. In fact, he offers, why not embrace it. She has always wanted power, and now, he can offer it to her. She and Manti can be his two knives, breaking this world she has always hated in two, and creating her own world, a new world all of her own. (Red cant quite tell how far away he is still, but he has certainly grown closer) Red takes a breath. She calms herself, and prepares to deliver her elequant and informed rebuttal: "FUCK YOU YOU BLOODSUCKING COWARD! IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!". The Leech snarls in anger, and simply responds "you are free to die trying", before he closes in, fully encircling her. Only 10 feet away. then 5. Hes fully encircled her now, and she has nowhere to run. She swings her sword down at his side, but it simply brakes against his chitin. she tries to punch him but only gets a few broken fingers in return. He lowers his titanic almost-face down to hers, showing her his thousands of clistening, sharp teeth, and his 7 glowing red eyes level with hers. "do you have any last words". Red doesnt respond, but reaches out in anger and panic, grabbing hold of one of his eyes. with all of her strength (and a nat 20) she tears out his largest eyeball. The Leech SCREAMS IN AGONY, and back in the fight with Manti, she suddenly collapses on the floor in pain. With the last of The Leech's power, he lunges at her, attempts to devour her very essence for daring to defile him, but, (with another nat 20)(the dice were insane that day) she survives the assault of a god through shear stubbornness and spite.
Back in the real world, the fight with Manti has taken a bit of a chaotic turn, as, right in the middle of the battle, she collapsed onto the floor, and then, suddenly, all of the transformation on her body begins to dissolve into a black ichor. Red suddenly wakes up, and finds that Manti has returned to her origional form, though her hands are still portal sickles. she considers just killing her right there, but decides that even if she doesnt forgive her for what she did she still was being manipulated by the literal god of manipulation, and was later sorta fully mind controlled, so decides to let her live.
We also remember the fact that oh right Ira died, and decide to try to kill two birds with one stone (or I suppose save 2 birds with 1 castle) by taking both of them back to the castle to try and heal Manti (she is practicaly mortaly injured now that all of her magical protections are gone) as well as trying to see if they have the ability to revive Ira, who is now been dead for too long for us to revivify. We go back to the walking castle of Cisero and King, and beg them to pretty please help us again. they agree the heal up Manti and deliver her to our little village for Diana and Brandon to take care of her.
However, they tell us that they have no way of reviving Ira, as they just aren't powerful enough for that. Thing is though, Kings old teacher, The Duke of Thorns and Fruit (I mentioned him briefly in my recap of the second arc), does have the ability to do that and is located nearby, though King warns us that he will probably just kill us on sight. In the end she sends us off with a signed note from her telling him that we are freinds and to pretty please help us and not kill us. We make it to his corner of the feywild, which is a giant thornbush maze, though the thorns sometimes grow these juicy red fruits, that kit decides to snack on as we travel, though nobody else does. Finaly, we make it to the center of the maze, where we meet the Duke himself. hes this weird regal deer man, who does try to kill us on sight, until we prove were friends of King, to which he decides that hes not going to kill us instantly, but, because one of us stole one of his fruit, he will still kill us unless we do him a favor.
Each of us must tell him our greatest regret, or we will be killed. he also promises that he will revive Ira, but that will come with its own price. Braxton goes first, and admits that his greatest regret was finding The Bear for the first time, but, instead of the words leaving his mouth, the world around us shifts, as Braxton is forced to relive finding The Bear as a child, chained up in cold iron. how he took pity on the animal and chose to free it. how his body changed and was morfed into something unfamiliar. how his parents through him out after they saw what he had become.
second is Kit, who admits that their greatest regret is stepping through the portal he found when they were a child, and relives them and their best friend finding the portal, stepping inside, and seeing it close behind them as they became trapped in a dimmention of infinite everchanging light, blinding and maddening.
Red is next, revealing her greatest regret to be that she is still alive, though everything she survives always kills everyone around her. she sees herself surrounded by every person who has ever died from her actions, or who she has been unable to save, which at this point includes her entire extended family, 2 small towns, an adventuring caravan, Kraka, Ira, a major city and a good portion of the feywild. The worst part is, she cant even remember any of their faces. she simply curls up into a ball on the floor and cries.
Actaeon goes next, hesitentaly admiting that his greatest regret is that Red had him as a father, and how he was only able to fill her head with imposible dreams and fail her in the end. he also reveals that he is getting old and is probably going to die in about a year.
Acris (that one druid who was with us that I mentioned) says that his biggest regret was leaving home to travel the world, seeing as the second he left home Actaeon immediately showed up and accidentaly murdered his parents in cold blood (im not going to explain this its a whole thing)
Val admits that his biggest regret was running away from home, but leaving his sibling behind with his parent who was doing human/demon expirementation on them.
The Duke of Thorns and Fruit accepts this as payment for trespassing and stealing, but says that in payment for him reviving Ira, one of us must give up our Happy-Ever-After. whoever does this will permanantly lose the ability to have a happy ending to their story and their life will be endless heartbreak and tragedy.
Everybody goes dead silent and refuses to accept, until Red steps foward, claiming that at this point she has nothing to lose, and shakes the Dukes hand. The image of Red living a comfortable life, in peace, with no paranoia, no threat of violence or death around every corner appears, before crumbling and being consumed by the Duke.
with that he takes a fruit and squeezes some of the juice on Ira, instantly reviving her. he opens a portal for us to Axum, and cheerfuly bids us good luck. As we all step through the portal, however, he pull Val aside and reveals to them that he knows that they're part demon, and that if they meet again he can help Val "reach his true potential".
Actaeon also tells Red that with the eye that she gouged from The Leech, she could use it as a sacrifice to the Huntsman, who would almost certainly reward her by turning her into an Ent-Jaren, or that she could use it as a powersource for her Bloodhide Cloak, which would unlock its magical potential. at this point shes extremely depresed and has given up on all of her dreams, and uses it to complete the cloak, giving her a bunch of nifty power ups and blood magic.
wow this is long. this was probably the most insane and chaotic session of the campain, but also definitely my favorite. I cant properly convey it to you but Red and The Leech have a absolutely perfect dynamic so any session that allows them to bicker with each other is always great. plus we get to give Red turbo deppression. hooray. I love hurting my characters.
to be honest I am very tired and Im not sure any of this even makes sense to anybody who is not me. I wrote this in a state of pure manic energy (really not sure what came over me) and it is all gone now.
Red no.
Red no
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