#-me but i gotta say it in a way that doesn't sound like I'm hysterical about it or cause ridges since I'm still working there
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niyana-the-ambiguous-mobian · 11 months ago
Why do certain coworkers have to get you so annoyed with them without even trying, and they don't realize how annoying/obnoxious they are?? Or worse, they KNOW how annoying they are but don't seem to care cause they find it funny?
It's like the silence and neutral expressions aren't enough of a hint that I don't think you're funny and you should just stop while you still have your dignity...
Longer rant in the tags cause it's a lot.
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a-small-batch-of-dragons · 1 month ago
Changing Seasons
A brief interlude of sorts before we get into the next big plot section! Sprinkles of some things here and there, thank you to @gigi-the-bear for the watering can :)
also! thank you so so so much to @shiphappen-s!!! you're an icon and i adore you
anyways let's watch ethan realize with horror that he's still crushing on chris >:)
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none
Pairings: winterfield (we're getting there)
Word Count: 4170
It takes a period of readjustment for Ethan to get used to the whole, y'know, having-a-body thing. Rose is more than happy to help.
It's not a cell, Chris had said gruffly when he brought Ethan to this tiny room, it's yours. You can—you know, decorate it and all that. If you want to.
Ethan had known that Chris isn't the most emotionally available of people, but having him shuffle awkwardly in the door sounding like an RA explaining the concept of a dorm room was just this side of borderline hysterical. He'd thanked Chris and asked about the bathroom, the laundry, all the normal things he'd ask if he was staying at someone's house, and when Chris had left, it had taken approximately three minutes for Rose to text him saying that yes, she knows the rooms here are bare as hell and yes, she was figuring out a way to drag him out to go shopping.
"I don't think you and I have the same going-off-base permissions, sweetie," he'd tried to say, but Rose had glared at him.
"I didn't have them either until Chris yelled at people. He'll yell at them some more."
No, he won't, Ethan had tried to say, but he'd just smiled and let Rose pepper him with questions about what he wanted his room to look like. Apparently there were things he hadn't even considered when it came to interior design—he'd never really had someone ask him what his color palette was before, aside from at his wedding, but that wasn't something he wanted to think about. Not after his conversation with Mia.
God, Mia…he loves her, he knows he'll always love her, but things were…he's not sure he'll ever be able to reconcile the two halves of Mia he thought he'd known. One of them had never been real, not entirely. He'd been part of her fantasy, hadn't he? That dream of a white picket fence, happy marriage, he'd been part of that. An accessory at worst, a willful fool at best. And learning the truth, diving into this world of bioterrorism and wretched creatures headfirst, just for the chance at having some of that back, then having something, anything, it was a rude awakening.
And, you know, dying. That'll put a damper on anything.
"You're drifting off again."
"Sorry, sweetie."
Rose huffs and leans against his side. He wraps an arm around her shoulders and holds her close. He can't say he's upset at how cuddly his daughter is, not when Chris had muttered something about Rose not having a lot of physical affection. Plus, he's missed out on sixteen years of cuddles. He's gotta start making up for those somehow.
"What were you thinking about?"
"Just…wondering how my life got here."
She shifts, putting her chin on his shoulder. "Yeah. I get that. Are you…do you regret any of it?"
Wow. Going hard with the big questions. "I don't know, Rosie. I'm…I wouldn't give you up for anything, you know that, right?"
"I know, Dad."
"And that's—that's kinda it for me." It's not, and they both know it, but Ethan will not make his daughter deal with his bullshit if she doesn't have to. She's his kid. That's not her job. "That's what's most important to me."
Rose squirms, wrapping her arms around his waist. The two of them sit there for a while, just enjoying each other's presences. Then she snorts.
"I just—sorry, it's stupid."
"I love stupid."
"I was thinking about how we're gonna decorate your room and how mushrooms are like, everywhere right now?"
"They are?"
"Yeah. It's like a—it's just a thing right now."
"Is it anything like that weird mustache thing that happened years ago?"
"A what? What weird mustache thing?"
"I don't even really know what it was, it was just—they were everywhere. Like the stereotypical mustache was on T-shirts and coffee mugs and keychains…it was bizarre."
"Wait—" Rose sits up— "like, just a mustache? Like the—oh, God, what's an old thing with a mustache—"
"Hey!" He shoves her lightly. "Who're you calling old?"
"You, you old man! Was it like—the Monopoly guy's mustache?"
"I can't tell whether I'm more upset or relieved that Monopoly was your go-to 'old' thing."
"Okay, Monopoly's not, like, that old but it's an old board game and almost no one plays the classic one anymore. There's so many of them now."
"How many of them are there now? It's gotta be in the thousands."
"Easily. But was I right? Is it that sort of mustache?"
"Basically." He shakes his head, holds his arm back out for her to nestle against his side. "But I interrupted you. Mushrooms?"
Rose settles back against him, her hand gripping the edge of his shirt. She probably doesn't realize she's doing it, but the feeling warms his chest all the same. "Yeah. And I thought it'd be funny if your stuff was all mushroom-themed."
Ethan chuckles. "I think we'd give Chris a heart attack."
She snorts. "Imagine his face."
"Does he still do that thing where he's trying to be sincere—"
"—and he just looks really constipated?"
It's Ethan's turn to snort, turning his face to cover his mouth as Rose cackles freely next to him. "Maybe one mushroom thing, then. Just for fun."
"You're gonna need, like, boring stuff too. Like clothes and sheets and stuff. Wait—" and suddenly she sits bolt upright, turning to face him— "what about a computer and that sort of thing? Chris was only able to get them to give me a laptop is 'cause my teachers said I'd need it for school—"
"Hey, hey, sweetie, settle down," he soothes, quickly bringing her back into his arms—God, he's never taking getting to hold his daughter for granted again— "we'll figure that out when we get there, okay? It's okay, calm down, I don't need a computer right now anyway."
"But then what're you gonna do? Just stare at the wall all day?"
She makes a good point. But he's got a sneaking suspicion that the BSAA is going to be way less inclined to do him any favors versus Rose.
A problem for another day.
"Maybe I'll start reading again. Had a few books on my list that I never got to check out."
"Like what?"
They talk about books for a while. It's nice. It's really nice. It almost feels like they haven't missed sixteen years in the worst way possible. They're just a father and daughter, sitting on his bed, talking about books.
He could get used to this.
Rose has a shit-eating grin on her face as she holds out the bag. It's the only thing that's been vaguely gift-wrapped. Ethan takes it, warily glancing at Chris over her shoulder. Chris offers the most exasperated I-Have-No-Idea shrug he's ever seen and well, looks like he's on his own.
He gives her a narrowed-eye look as he carries it over to his desk—they did give him a desk, a notebook, and some actual books, to his surprise, and Chris had mumbled something about getting him a laptop too. He peers through the tissue paper and muffles a snort.
"Okay, so you clearly understand why this is funny." Chris looks between him and a now cackling Rose as Ethan pinches the bridge of his nose. He quickly schools his expression into something approximating neutral.
"How much do you know about taking care of plants, Chris?"
"Uh—not that much."
Rose quickly catches on and makes herself stop laughing. "You know, how it's important to make sure they have enough sunlight? Nutrition?"
Chris looks back at him with a deadpan expression. Without breaking his gaze, Ethan slowly lifts the watering can from the bag, turning it so Chris can see the cartoony mushroom on one side. Chris's eyes dart to it.
He snorts.
He tries to cover it up with a cough but Rose calls out a triumphant ha! and swats his shoulder. And then, well, then Ethan can't stop himself from laughing at it too, proudly putting the watering can on one corner of his desk and holding out his arms to Rose. She lets him hug her, still giggling, as Chris shakes his head.
"I gotta water my dad, Chris."
"I was considering asking for a humidifier in here. It's really dry."
Chris is about to say something when there's another voice from down the hall. He turns and Leon appears next to him. "What're you laughing at?"
"Those two." Chris waves at them.
"Oh? What's the joke?" Rose, still giggling, picks up the watering can to show him. Leon looks at it for about two seconds before he's nodding sagely. "Nice new decor, Winters. Always thought you were a real fungi."
Ethan's grin widens. Rose groans and Chris just glares at Leon like he's done the worst thing in the world. "I was thinking of asking for a humidifier too."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yeah, but it's gonna have to be a small one. You know, considering there's not mushroom in here."
"Oh my God, shut up," Rose grumbles. "That was bad."
"C'mon, sweetie, don't be a spore loser." He chuckles when she punches his shoulder.
"Chris, make them stop."
"Rose, I'm gonna tell you this and you need to understand that it's the goddamn truth, okay?" Chris folds his arms. "I've seen a lot of impressive things done over the years, but nothing in this world or the next one is gonna be able to stop Leon from making stupid jokes. Nothing."
"You're making it sound like you don't appreciate my sense of humor, Redfield."
"Yeah, it really sounds like he wants you to button up." That one gets him blank looks. "The early part of a mushroom's life cycle is called a button."
"Dad!" Rose groans as Leon's eyes gleam.
"You and I are gonna be really good friends, Ethan."
"No cap?"
"No, no, no." Rose claps her hands over her ears. "You can't make a shitty mushroom pun out of not using slang correctly, stop it."
"I've missed out on sixteen years of embarrassing you, sweetie, I gotta start making up for that somehow."
Rose scowls at him without any real heat and makes a grab for the watering can. Ethan snatches her up around the waist, laughing as she squeals in surprise. It quickly turns into squeaky fits of laughter as he peppers kisses all over her face until she's batting weakly at him to make him stop.
"This is my fault for getting you the watering can, isn't it?"
He presses one last smacking kiss to her forehead. "Yep. Totally is, sweetie."
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Chris relax a little as he and Leon watch them. Leon leans over and mutters something too quiet for him to hear, but Chris huffs and turns away—wait.
There's no way that Chris Redfield is blushing right now, right?
But no sooner does he turn to look, Chris is already blustering something about training or going somewhere and hustling them down the hall and Ethan barely has time to glance at Leon, who just claps him on the shoulder and starts talking with Rose about…something.
It lingers in his head for the rest of the day. Chris couldn't have been blushing. Not only does that completely go against everything he knows about Chris Redfield, but why would Chris be blushing? Leon doesn't strike him as the type of person to say something crude or crass just to get a reaction out of someone, and Chris doesn't seem like the type of person to get flustered by that sort of thing anyway. Maybe it was something embarrassing Chris did? But then why remind him of it right then?
He shakes his head, resolving to not think about Chris Redfield blushing anymore. It probably didn't happen anyway.
It also is probably completely unrelated to the small humidifier that turns up outside his door a few days later. The one that fits right on the edge of his desk next to the watering can.
He feels Eveline shift slightly under his skin and it feel suspiciously like she's rolling her eyes at him.
Ethan tries not to pay attention to the files he can see over the doctors' shoulders when they run their tests on him, but sometimes he can't help it. Especially when said doctors are doing a really bad job of whispering about his similarities to someone they're only referring to as W.
Which, really, isn't all that clever. He can tell it's short for someone's name. Part of him wants to tell them that they need to pick another letter because his last name begins with a 'w' too, but that would probably just make them clam up and insist on running more tests. And with his laptop still under heavy negotiation, frankly, he's bored. He's not gonna blow his chances of learning something interesting.
He manages to sneak one decent glance at a screen as he's walked back to his room. There are two files open on the monitor, one with his face, one with another that looks…vaguely familiar. His eyes dart to the name at the top.
Albert Wesker.
He's pushed out of the door before he can see anymore—or let them know that he did see it—but the name rings a bell somewhere. He's pretty sure he's heard Chris mention the name once or twice, and it came up in some of the reports he'd managed to glimpse before Romania, but something…something else.
When he's in his room, he feels Eveline shift like she's trying to show him something. He closes his eyes, lying back on his bed, and feels her start to nudge different memories toward the forefront of his brain. He's back in the village, moving through the barren, snow-covered ground, across that cold bridge to Heisenberg's factory. He can't help the slight swoop in his gut as the images flash past, hands clenching and missing fingers throbbing with phantom pain. Eveline pauses, unsure, but he pushes onwards.
He settles on the memory of that giant wall with all the photos on it. His heart clenches at seeing the Lords again, Mother Miranda, God, even that picture of Mia with Rose…
Focus, he can almost hear Eveline hiss.
He feels his gaze drawn up to a corner, past a picture of Chris's face—had he even noticed that the first time around? Heisenberg had called Chris a boulder-punching asshole, so clearly he sort of knew him, but why was he there? He keeps going, looking at the photos connected to Chris, until he lands on a photo of a man with sunglasses.
His eyes fly open.
It had been a different photo, to be sure, taken way after the other one, but the same man.
Who was he? Someone related to Chris, obviously, though probably not family—then again, he hadn't even known Chris had a sister until recently, and no, they were very much not done with that conversation. If the doctors had his file…a bioweapon, then.
Eveline shifts again and this time he can feel her hesitance. He tries to reach back, reassure her somehow. This time the memory is far more visceral; Ethan winces when he catches sight of a giant Eveline looming over him in the sunlight of Louisiana. It's blurred with Eveline's memory of it too, of seeing him there on the ground, of being riddled with pain—this time it's his turn to get them to focus, we're not there, we're not there, it's over, it's okay.
His—their?—gaze lands on the weapon.
The Albert, he remembers someone calling it and—oh.
Oh, this was complicated complicated.
He figures that probably means it's a good idea not to try to talk to Chris about this right now, and definitely not to tell him about that picture on Heisenberg's wall.
At least not yet.
He's wrenched out of a deep sleep with the feeling that something is wrong. He sits up, scrabbling at his chest with blunt fingertips, trying to figure out what's going on, closing his eyes tight to try and see—
Oh. Oh, his baby's crying.
He squeezes his eyes shut and pushes, trying to focus on finding Rose in the network, letting her know that he's here, he's right here, he's gonna take care of her, and he can feel the responding twinge from her that she can see his words. Her voice sounds as it always does like this, as though she's speaking through bubbles.
hi sweetie, are you okay?
Instead of replying, she fumbles for something and a few seconds later, his phone rings. He scrabbles for it.
"Hey, Rose? Rose, sweetie, what's going on? Are you okay? Did you have a nightmare?"
She sniffles—oh, his poor baby—and he can hear fabric rustling. "Y-yeah."
"I'm sorry, sweetie. It's over now, you're okay. Everything's okay."
"I—I miss you."
His chest aches and he's up and out of bed in a second, going to the door before remembering that it's locked, they won't let him out without an escort, and he's overwhelmed with a wave of uselessness. The world narrows down to the cold metal under his hand and the sound of his daughter sobbing through the phone. "I'm right here, Rosie, I'm right—I'm here, okay? I can't—I can't come to you—I can't get out but I'm here, okay? I'm right here."
"C-can I—" she sobs— "can I come to you? Please?"
"Yes, yeah, of course you can, sweetie, come—come here—c'mere, I'll—how do you get to me?"
"Ask—ask the—is there still a guard outside your door?"
Yes, as a matter of fact, there was. A guard that was currently asking if he was alright. He thinks he manages something about Rose having a nightmare, wanting to come see him, please, let me see my daughter, and too many minutes later there's a muffled sob on the other side and he's going to break this door down if it means getting Rose in his arms—
The door flies open and there's a bundle of fabric and blonde hair throwing itself at his chest and he wraps his arms tightly around his baby girl and pulls her close, stumbling back to sit on his bed, his mouth pressed to her ear as he shushes her and rocks her back and forth.
"I've got you now, sweetie, I'm right here, see? You got me, I've got you, you're safe. No monsters can get you. I'm gonna protect you. I'll keep you safe."
Rose just sniffles and buries her head in the crook of his neck. He runs his hand through her hair, scratching the back of her scalp, kissing her temple. He pulls her into his lap and the two of them just breathe each other in for long moments. Eventually, she sags into his grip and wraps her arms around him too.
"Hey, Rosie," he mumbles, "you feel a little better?"
"Mhm." She sniffles. "I really, really missed you."
"I missed you too, sweetie."
"I wish—I wish we didn't have to do all of this."
"All of what?" Rose just flaps a hand at the door—ah. Right. The door that's still open with the guard looking in on them with a worried look. "Oh."
"You got Jack, though. He's nice."
"Yeah. Jack's nice." One of the few guards that actually seems to treat Ethan like a person. Like he doesn't agree that Ethan's basically locked in like a test mouse. "Thanks, Jack."
"I'm not gonna keep a kid from her dad," Jack says, smiling as Rose's little pink nose peeks out over the crook of Ethan's arm. "Are you guys alright?"
"Better now."
"Better now," Ethan agrees. "Are…can Rose stay here?"
Jack sighs. "I have to let the captain know that she's here, but I'm pretty sure he'll be fine with it."
Rose curls up a little more as Ethan starts moving them toward the middle of the bed, fussing with the covers until she's tucked in up to her chin with his arms around her. He can hear Jack talking quietly with Chris on the phone, glancing at them every so often until he's laughing at something.
"No, Captain, you don't need to come, they're alright." He raises his eyebrows. "You wanna talk to them yourself?"
Without waiting for a response, he walks over and holds out the phone. Ethan takes it, holding it close so Rose can hear too. "Chris?"
"Ethan." He can almost hear Chris sagging in relief. "Are you both okay? Is Rose alright?"
"She's okay. Just a nightmare."
"'M fine, Chris," Rose mumbles, snuggling into Ethan's side, "I'm okay now."
"Okay. Good. That's…that's good." There's the soft rustle of fabric over the phone. "Are…you should stay with Ethan tonight."
"Can I?"
"Shit, Rose, yeah, stay with your dad after you've had a nightmare. That's fine."
Rose slumps against him in relief and Ethan can't help but do that same. "Thanks, Chris."
Chris grumbles something that he can't quite make out before he's wishing them a good night's rest and asking him to hand the phone back to Jack. He tells Chris to sleep well too, handing the phone back to Jack, who winks and closes the door.
"Do you think you can go back to sleep?"
Rose shuffles. "Maybe."
"You wanna cuddle with me anyway?"
Rose doesn't reply—teenagers don't typically like to admit that they want to cuddle with their dads—but she snuggles right up to him anyway and he grins, kissing her forehead. "Dad?"
"Yeah, sweetie?"
"You're not gonna leave again, are you?"
Oh, his poor baby…
He shifts so he can take Rose's face in his hands, leaning down so he can kiss her cheek properly. "No, sweetie. I'm not going anywhere."
He thinks, as Rose finally starts to drift back to sleep, that he might've just threatened the universe.
Oh, well. It should know better by now.
He honestly thought he was over it.
He thought he'd burned and salted the earth. He thought he'd razed it so nothing could ever grow there again. He thought the world had done a pretty good job of beating it into his head that it was impossible, stupid, hopeless.
But then they were outside in one of those small courtyard things one afternoon. They'd been talking about nothing, not really, and Leon and Rose had started talking about this movie they'd seen. Something about assassins and dogs. Then onto something about tropes and story structure and character arcs, and then Leon had mentioned it.
Something called 'fridging.'
"Wait, what? What's that?"
"You know, how a male character's wife is always killed or something to further his man-pain story?" Rose had flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Sometimes it's his sister or his mother or something like that?"
"Basically the character dies for no other reason than to further the male character's storyline," Leon had added, "like…oh, God, like every action movie ever."
"It happens a lot in superhero movies? Or in, like, certain types of TV shows?"
"Give me an example."
"Uh…did you ever watch that old show about the drug lords?"
All three of them had groaned. "That show isn't old, Rose," Chris had said.
"It came out, like, more than ten years ago, that's old."
Leon had winced. "Yeah, though, uh, Jane in Breaking Bad, that's an example."
"Or like—most superhero movies? When the female character makes this, like, big sacrifice that's supposedly an arc for her but really it's just to get her out of the way so that the male characters can feel bad about it?"
"Huh." Ethan had stared at the ground for a few seconds. "Did I get fridged?"
"If our lives were a movie or whatever, did I—did I die to fuel Chris's man pain?"
Now, in the grand scheme of things, was this an appropriate thing to say? No, probably not. Was it kind of insensitive? Probably more than kind of. Did it make any sense once he said it out loud? Only a tiny bit.
But Chris had burst out laughing.
Fully bent over, gasping for air, tears in his eyes, laughing so hard it echoed off the buildings around them. Then Rose had started laughing too. Then Leon. Then all four of them were struggling to breathe as Ethan kept going— "you really had your own story line and everything! I broke your nose once and then practically died in your arms—"
"Stop," Chris wheezes, "stop, Ethan, you're gonna kill me."
"I don't think there's a fridge big enough for you, buddy."
And he's off again, head thrown back, and—and—
And Ethan can't help but stare.
Because Chris looks years younger. Sure, there are still wrinkles where there didn't use to be, but they're laugh lines. And his cheeks are bright red from exertion and he's grinning at Ethan like he still can't believe he can laugh this hard, and then it's softening slightly but he's still smiling like he's glad Ethan isn't dead, like he's glad he's back, like he's…he's…
He thought it was over.
He comes to the screeching conclusion that it isn't.
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frenchfrywrites · 1 year ago
Mammon's Morning Sickness
Dom(ish) top amab gender neutral reader, sub(ish) bottom pregnant trans man Mammon, pregnancy kink, emeto, piss, cunnilingus, mommy kink, daddy kink, demons having animalistic traits (purring, chirping, etc)
Terms used for Mammon: chest, tits, tdick, clit, pussy, cunt
Thank you to @arloheart for the commission!! Such a delight to write (haha. rhyme), thank u very much for the support <3
It's the second day in a row that you've awoken to the sound of Mammon throwing up in the bathroom. You pull yourself from the comfort of your bed, and join him where he is on the floor, hunched over the toilet.
He whimpers and groans when you wrap your arms around his waist, placing gentle touches on his upset stomach. You kiss his shoulder, holding him through it, until his body finally decides it's done.
"I dunno whats the matter with me," he pouts, slumping his full weight against your body. You rub comforting circles into his skin as you think.
"It's not something you ate?"
"'m not Beel," he huffs. You pinch him and he yelps, giving you an accusatory look. "Listen, I swear it's nothin' I ate! I've been eating all the stuff I normally do," he whines.
"No other symptoms?" you ask, feeling his forehead for a fever. Mammon shakes his head,
"Nope," he pauses to consider something, "I mean, shit there's been some kinda weird things." You hum, urging him to continue. Mammon makes himself more comfortable in your lap before continuing, "like okay, I had a really shitty headache a couple've days ago, n' I've been peeing a lot? Plus my periods late, and ugh," he folds his arms in front of his chest, "my tits have been killing me."
You consider this for a moment. None of these seem very strange on their own, but put together...
"No fuckin' way," he cuts you off. It seems like you've come to the same conclusion. "No fucking way," he repeats again, his eyes wide. You give him a sheepish look,
"I mean, it wouldn't hurt to do a test, right?" Mammon nods his head,
"Yeah, of course, we gotta-" he rises to his feet quickly, then lets out a little hysterical  breathless laugh, "right now, we gotta get one right now." He's grinning from ear to ear, quickly brushing his teeth to remove the taste of any remaining bile.
The two of you, giddy and filled with adrenaline, practically skip to the nearest drugstore. Mammon makes you pay for the pregnancy test, which is fine by you because you notice the way his hands shake as he picks it up.
"I can't wait til we get home," he tells you, yanking you towards the back of the store.
"Do you want me to come in with you?" you ask, and Mammon doesn't even answer, just drags you into the bathroom with him.
He shoves his pants down and sits on the toilet, hastily opening up the package. It takes him a while with his nerves (or excitement. Likely a mix of both), but he's finally able to pee on the pregnancy test.
The next three minutes that pass by feel like hours.
"Um, so," Mammon starts awkwardly, "if it's negative, that just means I'm sick huh?"
"Suppose so," you say, "do you... want it to be negative?"
Mammon chews the inside of his cheek, squirming from the question.
"No, I think. I think I want it t'be positive," he finally says. You smile, leaning down to kiss him sweetly,
"I do too," Mammon smiles, leaning in to kiss you again.
"'kay even if it's negative, we'll make sure it's positive soon," he laughs, a flush working its way to his cheeks. "Has it been long enough?"
You check your phone and nod. Mammon squeezes his eyes, taking a deep breath before looking down.
"Pos-" he laughs, looking up at you with wet eyes and the biggest smile, "positive!!" he squeals, thrusting the test into your hand.
You're able to catch a look at it for a moment, while he yanks up his pants, before Mammon crashes into you, wrapping you into a hug.
"Oh I love you, I love you," he cries, "I'm gonna have a baby, yer baby!"
You kiss him, all the while still holding his piss covered pregnancy stick.
There's a few minutes of tears; happy, excited, coming-off-adrenaline type tears. You hold and kiss one another until there's a knock at the bathroom door, and you're reminded of where you are.
There's a lot to do, a lot to say, but for now the two of you rush back, holding hands and giggling all the way back to the House of Lamentation.
Two weeks pass and you're still waking up to Mammon's morning sickness.
"Morning sweetheart," you greet him, joining him on the floor as you often do. Mammon groans, lifting his head from out of the toilet.
"Did I wake ya?" he asks sadly. You hum, rubbing his hip with one hand, and his little baby bump with the other.
"No," he breathes a sigh of relief, and then dry heaves, "how long have you been up?" you ask.
It takes Mammon a moment to answer, a wave of nausea causing him to hold his mouth open, drool dripping from his lips as he waits for something to come up. Nothing happens and he swallows, then says,
"Dunno, like half hour maybe?" your heart aches from how long he's been alone. "God I had these crazy dreams, ya wouldn't believe, 'm gonna have t'tell you about 'em," he gags, then heaves again. You figure he'll have to tell you about his dreams when he isn't being cut off by his nausea.
You're nearly certain it won't happen, but it does, suddenly. Mammon manages to throw up as you rub his clenching stomach, quietly savoring the soft feel of his skin under your fingers. Your cock has started to fill inside your sleep pants, but you pay it no mind in favor of comforting him.
"Ugh," he moans when he's done. "I think that was the last of it," he says, but the two of you stay in front of the toilet for a good couple of minutes to make sure.
"Oh no," Mammon says after a moment, and you think that means he's going to throw up again. It's only when you hear the sound of liquid hitting the tiled floor that you look down. He's wetting himself, unable to make it to the toilet even though it's right in front of him.
"Aw baby," you coo, rubbing his bladder gently. "There you go, let it all out, this is completely natural," which is true, because the new weight of the baby has been pressing against his bladder a lot these days.  
"'kay," he breathes, "feels good." You groan, letting your hand drift from his belly to his pussy. Mammon whimpers, leaning back into you.
Touching him through his wet— getting even more wet with each second— pajama pants, you press your thumb against his clit. Feeling his stream through the fabric, you listen to the way that Mammon's breath hitches. Your cock twitches as you rub circles around his hardening tdick.
Eventually he stops pissing, and the two of you are left sitting in a puddle on the bathroom floor while Mammon writhes, purrs, and moans from your touches.
"Wait, wait," he gasps. You stop your touches, "my knees hurt," he whines, and as soon as he says it, you feel a numbness in your legs.
"We can move this to the bed," you mummer seductively. Mammon whines,
"Yes, please," and with that the two of you rise to your feet. Mammon peels off his drenched pants, leaving them in the puddle to deal with later. You're both far too needy and desperate to be bothered with it now.
With sticky legs, Mammon scurries to your bed, lying himself down on his back, spreading his legs for you.
"You sure your stomach's alright?" you have half the mind to ask as you settle in the space he's made for you. Mammon huffs,
"Yeah 'm fine," he then gives you a smug look, "you'd like it even if I did get sick on yer bed anyways," and fuck, you can't argue with that.
Instead, you lean down to kiss his belly. Mammon lets out a noise similar to a squawk in surprise, like he hadn't expected you to kiss him there, like you haven't already kissed his growing belly a million times since he started to show.
Looking up you can see him staring down at you with anticipation and giddiness, his bottom lip trapped between his little fangs. You don't want to tease him much, but you can't resist the urge to lay at least twenty or so more kisses along his brown skin.
And of course, you have to give his tits a little attention too. They've been getting more full, and more sore with each passing day. You wrap your lips around his nipple and suck. Mammon cries out, because the sensation boarders perfectly on painful and relieving. You cannot wait for the day he starts leaking milk. He lets you suck and play with his tits for a while, getting so worked up over how sensitive they are.
"Ungh, please?" he whimpers eventually. You look up at him, cocking an eyebrow. Mammon flushes, then brings a hand to his mouth, and chews on the skin at the tip of his finger for a second. "Please, can ya eat me out already? Please?" he finally asks outright.
Smiling, you kiss your way from his chest, to his belly, down to his pussy. Mammon continues to chew on his finger, a clear sign that he's excited about what's to come. You kiss his inner thighs before giving his cunt any attention. His skin is sticky from his drying piss, and you're unable to stop yourself from licking the taste of it between kisses.
Above you, Mammon makes an assortment of noises, from chittering and chirping to little high pitched and breathy moans. When you eventually reach his cunt and lick between his lips, Mammon lets out a garbled pronunciation of your name.
"Yes, yeah, please, more?" he babbles, and fuck he's so wet you can't help but dive in. As you bury your face in his cunt, lapping at his hole and sucking on his clit, Mammon melts into the bed.
His legs wrap around you, his thighs clenching against the sides of your head.
"Feels good, you're so-oh good at this, it ain't fair," he whines. Instead of pulling your head away from his cunt to laugh at his comment, you purposefully scrape your teeth against his tdick.
Mammon hiccups, his legs squeezing tightly around your head, pushing your face further against his pussy.
"Yes, do that again, mommy please, gonna make me— ooh— cum, I'm gonna cu-uh!" you cut him off by again grazing your teeth lightly against him.
With a choked moan Mammon cums from your mouth. You happily lick up the slick that gushes from his pussy, practically devouring him.
Your lips find his clit again, and you suck on it, relentless even as overstimulated whimpers fall from his lips.
"Hurts," he moans, twitching in your mouth, "mama, I want yer cock."
His begging reminds you of how uncomfortably hard you are. Finally pulling away, you lick your lips, then pull back so you can get a good look at Mammon.
"Fuck, look at you," Mammon flusters under your gaze, "aw no need to get shy daddy," you coo, leaning down to kiss him. He kisses back wrapping his arms around your neck to keep you there.
"I really want ya," he pulls away from the kiss just enough to say. You groan and kiss him again before pulling back.
"Just have to get you opened up darling," you explain when he whines at the loss of your touch. He pouts as you strip your pants off and find the lube. That pout quickly dissipates when you lube your fingers and press them against his hole.
"Still feeling okay daddy?" you ask, pushing two fingers into his slick cunt. Mammon clenches around your fingers,
"Good," he breathes, "feelin' good."
You hum, smiling to yourself as you make quick work of stretching him open for your cock.
Mammon squirms a bit under your touch, but he's completely relaxed, opening up nicely for you.
"I'm ready," he whines, "c'mon n' fuck me mommy," he gasps. You curl your fingers and he chokes out a rushed, "please, please."
"That's better, daddy," you purr, and Mammon trills happily. You pull your fingers out of him slowly and gently, and then fumble for the lube.
Quickly slicking your cock with it, you hiss at the rush of pleasure that hits you as you touch yourself. In turn, Mammon whimpers, staring you down, unblinking, with his bright gold eyes.
He's already made it very clear that he's ready for you, so rather than ask him if he's feeling okay, you hold his thighs and align your cock with his pussy.
"Yes," he whispers softly when he feels your tip press into him, maybe speaking more to himself than he is to you.
Mammon squeezes and flutters around your cock as you slide into him, sighing contently, and purring up a storm.
"Oh," he gasps, when you're finally balls deep inside of him.
A question of whether or not he's okay is on the tip of your tongue, but you can't get it out before you feel a hot liquid splash against your skin.
"Oh," you muse, watching as Mammon wets himself on your cock. "Oh daddy, baby, Mammon," you moan, impulsively shallowly thrusting into him. "Was it too much? Too much in your belly, pushing against your bladder?"
He nods erratically, "yeah, ungh," you reach down to let your fingers be drenched in his piss, "fuck."
Mammon opens his mouth, inviting you to push your fingers into his mouth. He moans at the taste of his own piss, squeezing tightly around you.
You start fucking him in earnest, the two of you so worked up by him pissing all over your cock that neither one of you pay any mind to the puddle soaking into the sheets beneath you.
Mammon gurgles and drools around your fingers, clenching his soaked pussy tightly around you as you fuck him nice and deep.
Your arousal has clouded your brain, and all you can think about is how lucky you are to have Mammon under you like this. He looks so good, all wet and needy and belly swollen with your child. In the haze of your lust, the pace you've set is unrelenting, but Mammon takes it all and more, rolling his eyes back in ecstasy as you re-angle your hips and brush against his walls in a way that has him moaning and squealing around your fingers.
If you weren't chasing your own pleasure, or only thinking about how good you want to make him feel, you might have realized just how far into Mammon's mouth your fingers had sunk. You may have pulled back, and let him suck on your tongue if he wanted his mouth full.
Instead, your fingers slip, and suddenly Mammon's gagging, yanking your fingers from his mouth, and twisting so he can heave, then puke over the side of the bed.
You stare, in awe, faintly registering just how wet and tight Mammon got as he vomited.
"Fuck," you whisper as he pauses for a moment (making sure nothing else will come up), before laying back down on his back, sinking into the plush pillows under him.
"Are you okay?" you finally find the words that have been on the tip of your tongue. Mammon lets out a groan, shimmying his hips around at an attempt to feel you moving inside of him again. "Mammon, babe, I'm so sorry, are you—"
"Swear t'fuckin' christ, if you don't keep fuckin' me I'm gonna kill ya," he whines, his voice rough and scratchy. You wait a moment, checking for any little sign that he wouldn't be okay to continue. Upon finding none, you start moving your hips again.
He moans happily as your hips find the rhythm they'd set earlier, and before you know it, he's back to purring.
Your hands clutch at his thighs first, holding him open so you can look at your cock stretching and fucking his cunt. They wander, from his soft thighs, to his hips, and then finally you're rubbing his hard clit.
"Ungh-yes, yes thank you mommy," he gasps, twitching around your cock. "Close, close, gonna cum— please, can I?" you groan, feeling yourself getting close to climax as well.
"Yeah daddy," you lean down, kissing his collarbone affectionately, "hah, cum for me, baby," Mammon lets out a high keen, clinging to your skin, his nails digging into your skin, "make my cock even more messy."
And that's all it takes. With a squeal of your name, he cums, letting out hot, staccato breaths as you fuck him through it. You're close, but it's not until Mammon starts to wind down, nuzzling his face between your shoulder and neck and chirping happily, that your orgasm crashes over you.
"Mammon," you groan, fucking him full of your cum. Mammon kisses all over your skin as your climax wracks itself through your body, petting your skin and clinging to you tightly.
Once you come down from your high, you pull out slowly, and fall next to Mammon. He nuzzles himself into you, purring when you wrap your arms around him, and hold him close.
"Love ya," he murmurs softly.
"I love you too," you say, kissing the top of his head.
You lay there for a while, and you know Mammon could fall asleep like this— despite being absolutely covered in filth— so you're the one who's gotta take the lead here. You tap his hip gently,
"C'mon, let's go get you cleaned up."
His legs are wobbly and weak, but the two of you make it to the bathroom, where you plan to absolutely smother Mammon with care. As soon as you deal with the mess you left there earlier.
"When is this supposed to end?" Mammon whines, his head buried in the toilet as he makes his way through another bout of morning sickness.
"Somewhere between the 2nd and 3rd trimester," you answer. In response, Mammon groans. "Hey," you start, pinching his belly playfully, "y'know I'm gonna make you feel better after this, right daddy?" He lifts his head, giving you a wicked smile,
"I can't wait."
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twoidiotwriters1 · 6 months ago
Almighty (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'M SEEING FOB LIVE TODAY OMG 16yo me is sobbing hysterically rn -Danny Words: 2,152 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter // Next Chapter Listen to: 'Girl' -by Jukebox The Ghost
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XV: Maybe Consider This: Let's All Get Along
They get transported back to camp, where Apollo passes out instantly. Ara drops him at cabin seven and then continues her day, taking a brief nap on the porch before Lily comes to find her and asks for updates.
"An attack?" Lily says with concern. "Of what? Who's attacking?"
"I don't know, Rhea only said to get ready."
"We should mine every corner, then!" Sherman slams his hand on the table, they're all gathered around the ping pong table since Ara saw fit to have a meeting.
"You can mine every corner and still get attacked, Sherman," Malcolm scowls.
"We don't really know what's coming," Ara intervenes.
"It's coming from the forest," Malcolm points out. "Let's guard the limits."
Nyssa steps in. "Those men Rachel found live in the city, not the woods. Ara's right; the attack could come from anywhere."
"Like a virus," Will shivers.
"Let's think Roman," Ara suggests, leaning both hands on the table. "If these are old emperors, what are they most likely to do?"
"You forget these have been alive the whole time," Nico points out. "I don't think they've achieved that by sticking to the classics."
Lily glares at the map of the camp in the middle of the table. "We should first find out if they consider us a big or a small threat."
"Considering we've stumped two of their sponsored wars, I'd say they should at least consider a medium-size attack," Connor responds.
"That was before, when we had over a hundred campers in our frontlines, now we barely reach a dozen—And they know that. They... they have a spy here," Ara says, holding her breath and looking around the room to gauge their reactions.
The veterans quickly tense at her revelation. "A spy?" Nico asks sharply.
"Well, the beast mentioned having someone well-placed in camp." Lily scans the faces of the recent additions after Ara says that. "But let's not focus on that—"
"How can we not?" Malcolm demands. "It's useless to plan anything like this!"
"All I'm saying is, we don't need a plan. Stay alert, make sure we've got things ready just in case. Any questions?"
"Yeah—why are flowers sprouting out of your hair?" Connor points out.
Ara groans. "I meant questions about what I just told you."
Nico raises a hand. "Are you going back to the forest today?"
"We have to, Meg was taken, and from what the geyser god told us—we've got two tropical geysers in the woods, by the way," she tells Lily as a side comment. "We gotta map that out. Anyway, from what he said, we've got a day before she starts turning into jello."
"Is that what happened to the others?" Sherman asks trying to sound tough, but Ara senses his fear. Miranda was—is—his girlfriend.
"I don't know. The trees lure them, but they might be wandering the forest still, with any luck they've stayed away from the myrmekes."
Lily makes a face. "I hate those guys."
"Who doesn't?" Nyssa raises a brow. "They were a nightmare to deal with while building the Argo II."
"Strategus," Chiron calls. "What do you suggest we do while you're gone?"
Ara rubs her forehead. "I'm leaving Pollo, place him uphill, he's got a sharp vision and sharp ears, and he's fast so he can come running to warn us of an incoming threat. That's all I can come up with, we can't build a defense line that's half decent in our current state."
Everyone grumbles a response as if wanting to oppose but having nothing to say. "Is there any use to ask you to take some of us with you?" Malcolm crosses his arms sighing.
Ara shakes her head, openly sorry. "If I reach the missing demigods I'll have enough help, but I can't drag more of you into the woods. Even Apollo would agree on this."
"Very well," Chiron sighs. "Let's get ready."
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Ara runs into Apollo at the armery, screaming at the sky. "If you want to punish me, Father, be my guest, but have the courage to hurt me directly, not my mortal companion. BE A MAN!" He pushes arrows into a quiver aggressively.
"So you've reached the yelling phase of frustration, huh?" Ara leans against the doorframe. "Been there. Often."
Apollo looks up to reply, but his voice falters and he pales when he spots the flowers knitted over her hair, now braided so it stays out of her eyes. "Hyacinth."
Ara raises a brow. "That's what they are? They look so different when they're not packed in a bulb. Don't worry, they'll fall out after a day, or the next time I shower, hopefully." She frowns. "Though I already showered and let me tell you, those things are like, rooted. It freaked me out."
"Why would she put them on you?" Apollo asks weakly.
Ara scowls, not liking the way he says that. "Why wouldn't she? The flowers are pretty—"
"They're a reminder of death!" He exclaims in outrage. "An homage to my lover, and you call them pretty? They're a bad omen when placed upon the daughter of Olympus like a laurel wreath!"
"Maybe Rhea put them there as a warning to others. Danger, highly murderous demigod, do not approach. You know?"
"That's nonsensical," he huffs grumpily, walking past her and hanging the quiver over his shoulder. "They make you look too good."
Ara follows him out without saying anything, she examines his choice of weapons, this time she's got nothing but her sword and shield both in camouflage mode. They get no sappy farewell, the demigods are occupied with fortifying the camp and ensuring no corner is unwatched. Ara and Apollo stride side by side in silence at a faster speed than it's wise.
"So you've decided to double down on the oath-breaking?" She points at his quiver.
"Saving Meg overrules any concern I could possibly have over my well-being." Ara laughs, irritating Apollo. He stops and looks at her. "What's so funny?"
"You," she retorts smirking. "Saying that as if your well-being didn't depend on saving Meg."
"Well, yes, but I'm not saving her because I'm forced to! I care about her! If it had been you, I would've waited a whole week before coming to find you."
"You think that would insult me, but it checks out with the way gods work," she replies unbothered.
Apollo rolls his eyes and keeps going. "It was your choice to become a daughter of Olympus."
"Oh, please..."
"Sure, you had that curse and the prophecy, but it was up to you to weave your path through it, you know? Gods work with what we've got, we don't make things out of nothing when it comes to humans."
"Hephaestus said that once..." Ara mumbles as they keep walking, and hearing it now annoys her all the same. However, after a couple of minutes, she stops again. "Listen, man..."
"We have no time to—"
"Just let me say this," she insists, catching his arm to stop him. "We can't go into the Myrmekes nest not being a team, it won't help Meg. And if my campers are in there, I need to know you'll set them free."
"My children are there too—"
"So you agree?" She presses. "Truce? I'll hold back and play nice if you promise to be a team player. I promise to try and get your Styx vow solved."
"How?" Apollo squints.
"Hades is my main patron, perhaps there is something he can do if your soul is mortal now," she shrugs. "It's not like he's never been open to negotiation before, and overlooking a god's mistake isn't new to him. Besides, he's a reasonable god, play your cards right and he might try to get the fates to spare you."
"And in exchange you get...?"
Ara's gaze turns wistful. "Everything. My camp goes back to normal, and you get off my back. Perhaps I'll get a prophecy to bring Leo back. That's what I want more than anything."
Apollo's gaze softens, and his eyes go back to the flowers in her hair. "That's why she put Hyacinth on you." He steps forward and grabs her hand, patting it gently. "I'm not the only one who's lost love. I'm not alone."
Ara stares at him, once more feeling weird about his proximity. "Yeah, okay... can I have my hand back?"
He clears his throat. "Yes, of course... so truce?"
"Truce," Ara nods, shaking his hand. "Let's go kill some ants."
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"You've got the wind thingy Rhea gave you?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Have it at the ready," Ara whispers as they watch the entrance of the nest. "Any game plan here?"
"You should cover your ears once we enter."
Ara looks at him. "I don't hate your singing that much."
"Thanks! But having you jump off a cliff if you listen to my song it's probably not ideal."
She searches in her octopus bag and seizes silicone putty earplugs. She got the idea from Octavian, which is about the only useful thing he ever did.
Apollo stands up and walks up directly into the nest. "Don't make eye contact with any of them and walk straight into the pit."
"Fake it 'til you make it, love that." Ara retorts, following him with a steady step. They jump into the nest and Ara stuffs her ears while Apollo sings. She's walking behind him, so it's only when he stops and stares at a flower ahead that she realizes he's crying. 
"Meg," Ara can read the name on his lips easily. Apollo looks over her shoulder, his eyes widen, and pulls her behind him before grabbing an arrow and shooting point black at a myrmeke that had been close to getting her. He turns with a serious expression and walks past her, she hears his muffled voice. "We gotta find Meg."
Ara follows him, Apollo quickly going back to his song, though it seems to affect the ants less. Ara's hand is tightly wrapped around her compass, ready to start fighting. "Should I help you out with charmspeak?"
Apollo shakes his head and gestures at her to stay quiet. He glances at the flowers on her hair and determination sets. Even though she can't hear him, Ara senses the grief, the human guilt that creeps up and breathes down her neck, she tries to shrug it off, but after so many years swimming in this kind of sentiments, it's hard not to be swept by it.
Apollo stiffens and seizes Ara's hand, yanking her forward. They run into a food chamber that makes Ara gag: there are a bunch of animal corpses all over the place, but Meg has grown a bed of flowers around her to keep the ant goo from her body. Ara pulls out the plugs and kneels, getting Almighty into dagger mode and cutting through the cocoon.
"I'm so sorry." Meg sobs.
"Why, dear Meg? You did nothing wrong. I failed you." Apollo says ever so gently.
"You don't understand," Meg cries. "That song you were singing. Oh, gods... Apollo, if I'd known—"
"Hush, now." The boy's voice is rough and worn out, Ara worries he'll drop dead without warning. "You're just reacting to the grief in the music. Let's get you free..." They freeze hearing the muffled yet heavy steps behind them. "There are ants behind us, aren't there?"
Meg nods slowly. "You have one arrow left," Ara informs Lester. "So leave it to me. You free her." The general runs into battle with Almighty in bow mode, she shoots at two ants, then rolls and shoots again, glowing silver as she goes. 
When the rest of the ants close around her, Apollo screams. "GET BACK HERE!" Ara runs past while he distracts the ants enough for her to come back to Meg's side, waving Paolo's bandana. "BACK, FOUL ANTS! BRASIL!"
He grabs his last arrow and shoots at the ceiling. Ara grabs one of the bombs from her octopus and tosses it upwards. The moment it goes off, the debris buries all living ants, lifting a cloud of dust around them.
"Let's go!" Ara says, pulling Apollo closer and planting a kiss on his hairline. "Good job, ninny!"
"I'll be Styxed," he replies, holding the bandana with astonishment. "It does have magic power. I can never tell Paolo about this or he'll be insufferable."
"Over here!" Meg calls behind them. "My rings!"
Apollo tosses them at her and soon enough two scary scimitars materialize. The ant coming at her doesn't even know what hit it before Meg slips under and cuts its head with a pathetic plop.
"Good job, tiny!" Ara beams. "Aim low, you remembered!"
Meg is still crying when she turns to speak to them. "Guys, I..."
"It's all right, Meg," Apollo insists. "I should be apologizing to you. I got you into this mess."
"You don't understand. I—"
A blood-coiling squeal momentarily deafens them. "That's the queen ant," Apollo winces. "We need to leave."
"But the sound came from there. We'll be walking in her direction."
"Exactly. So perhaps we should hold off on making amends with each other, eh? We might still get each other killed."
"This is why you make peace before battle," Ara blows a thin lock of hair away from her face before walking forward. "Let's kill stuff!"
Meg cleans her nose and nods weakly. Apollo looks at Ara with an amused expression, shaking his head before moving forward. "Weird girl..."
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Next Chapter –>
@siriuslysirius1107 @ask-giggles1303 @im-planning-something-look @bandshirts-andbooks @coolninjapaper @thewaterlily @whenisthefall @1randomcomic @you-bloody-shank @sunflowergraves @owlalex44 @taylordaughter @typicalsolangelolover @writingmia @espressopatronum454 @slytherinnqueen @orbitingpolaris @obxstiles @ellipsisspelled @thepixiechicksh @ebony-reine-vibes
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sketchehm · 3 months ago
Omg I saw your master post, and it's beautiful. I didn't even realize you answered my red like roses ask from a bit ago. While I have opinions on rwby and rvb, I've loved the music sooooo much. Jeff Williams is an amazing musician, and he's always made boys. I think of a couple of songs from volumes 1-3 for the baby au, but I'll do that later if I feel like it. (I also made a rwby and rvb au so long ago with dsmp members, but that was long ago lol)
I'll definitely need to make a fun thing about shadoune and sapnap making traps together in the baby au. Sapnap would be the small baby devil on shadoune's shoulder. It wouldn't be killing anyone cause they don't got infinite souls, and baby sapnap has a little heart under there. I think they would just have honey at the bottom and people would get stuck for a bit, and shadoune letting out his deviousness with baby sapnap is funny to me. He tells sapnap not to do anything on his own to make sure that sapnap doesn't get hurt or waste a bunch of resources.
Sapnap then gets other mafia members to help him with these pranks, and there's a prank war in the midst of dedsafio. Truly, sapnap is a bad influence, but a very cute one, so he gets away with it lmao
Please do share songs (if ya wanna!!)
Man I think I got up to season 7 with rvb I can't even remember, but I loved both series (at least the beginnings/up to what I watched(I did hear rwby didn't have the best plot line at some points but I never got that far))
I can accredit those two shows being one of the reasons I pursued 3D in the first place :D!
Back to Baby Sapnap
It's just him on Shadoune's shoulders and screaming "FIESTA FIESTA" over and over again about the dumb dirt pit fall trap they created pfft. Nothing even remotely creative, the most simple thing Shadoune could've thought of that Sapnap could make (it hurts no one except maybe sylvee since she is also tiny and can't float instantaneously, she's gotta concentrate for that still me thinks cause she still a baby)
Like I'm imagining this thing barely like 5 blocks deep, enough to inconvenience someone cause they gotta build up/dig their way up. Just the *SMACK* "UGH." sounds that Baby Sapnap hears from people falling in makes him go hysterical. He's a truly the most devious there. He could probably defeat Reviil with his trap, he will tell Eon about it his next trip to the mountain yes yes.
Though babies get this thing where if someone gets really hurt/show sad emotion, they feel really empathetic and start feeling sad and start crying too...so Sapnap getting to trick Sylvee in one and she starts crying cause that Really hurt :'(((
Shadoune patching her up and Sapnap is standing there crying next to Sylvee saying he's sorry. Sylvee has already stopped crying by that point but Sapnap is so devastated, he just feels guilt and anxiety a lot he's just a baby orz Sylvee calls him dumb and says not to do it again >:'(
Sapnap will say okay.....
Anyways he begs Shadoune for more "Fiesta" the next day pft (they lure in Daarick since he was gonna reprimand them for getting Sylvee hurt yesterday.....Shadoune running away with sapnap after he falls in lmao)
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zapgraptrash · 1 year ago
42, 4 ocs of your choice :)
as in 42 (x4) times? i'll do that and do number 4 just in case i misread lol
42. Let them vent for a second, without the fear of being judged. What would they like to say?
slyger: WHY is it that OTHER ANIMALS can eat their own kind and it's accepted as part of NATURE, but when I do it, i'm A CANNIBAL and a MENACE TO SOCIETY? i'm not even fully human by the arbitrary standards! i'm sure PLENTY of other people would think this is STUPID if they too were to eat another human. it's not like i even do this ALL THE TIME either??? it's all STUPID, FUCK SOCIETY, HANNIBAL LECTER WAS RIGHT.
dom: why do Hot Dogs come in Package of 10 but the Buns come in Package of 8? for the People who don't have a Bun with their Hot Dog people might say. but a Hot Dog with no Bun is just a Sausage. if you want Sausage, why would you buy Hot Dogs? there is no Substance to a Hot Dog Sausage alone. the Bun and the other Filling is part of the Dog as a whole. if you want Sausage alone, that is when you get Bratwurst or something. it makes no Sense to Dom why Buns come in 8 and Hot Dogs come in 10.
jeffrey: it's sooooo hard to be surrounded by MORONS all the time! in fact i have dedicated a paragraph of crticism to each of these empty headed freaks i am forced to be surrounded by, day in day out-- thaddeus: nobody has time for that. jeffrey: babe no i need to-- thaddeus: send post.
4. What is the thing they like the most about their friends and what is the thing their friends like the most about them?
grappler can answer this since blah blah his colour is the Harmony colour in the pride flag
i mean what's not to like about me right. i'm a fuckin riot, i'm the coolest person they know.
do i gotta give a reason for all of em? well ok i guess. they're not listening right? this shit is so lame.
uhh granox. he's hilarious and he doesn't even try to be. just the way he says shit and when it takes like 3 seconds for his brain to catch up that's hysterical.
ricky now that she isn't like our boss anymore, she's actually cool as hell. ultimate wingman. wingwoman whatever. she'll literally big anyone up and make em believe they can do anything. everyone needs someone like that in their life y'know.
dom, if you like ever wanted a friend who will dish out the physical affection, she's the one. i know it sounds big cringe but her hugs rule. and she like hangs on to your every word, she like remembers the smallest of things
thaddeus i mean uh have you seen him? yeah he's hot as hell and oh my god he sure knows how to [REDACTED]. ok but like fucking aside, he like knows a ton of shit? once you get him talking he'll talk your ear off about something and it's like, so cool to listen to? always the quiet ones.
does masuyo like consider me a friend? well i hope she does i guess. she's badass. like in the effortless way. not many people can pull that off.
slyger sucks ass hahaha he's a big fuckin baby. (is he listening? no? ok well you know the animal people he draws? what the fuck that's awesome man.)
i'm not gonna talk about zapper fuck him haha. he like knows how annoying i think he is already.
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ihavetoomuchhomeworkforthis · 9 months ago
Okay so I have a small collection of out-of-context quotes that I decided I should share with you guys haha :)
(Most of them are from AP World History last year. There are like 4 different people for "J," but otherwise most of the same initials are the same person)
Alright, in chronological order and without further ado:
"Math's not even real. Like birds." ~Mr. M Things that aren't real -- * math * birds * wyoming (however, E states he can prove that wyoming is in fact real)
"don't get distracted by boobies" ~dad "THEY'RE BIRDS!!" ~dad "they're BIRDS, [sibling]. They're birds." ~dad
"...be in someone's shoes, but... they have no feet" ~J
"RING RING RING RING RING ...BANANA PHONE!!!" (repeated) ~G's ringtone in class
"I was the healthiest meal at McDonalds" ~J²
"I'm a reasonable ass" ~Mr. M "I am an ass, but I'm not THAT much of an ass. I'm a reasonable ass"
"The Middle/Dark Ages in Europe were the dumbest place on Earth." *southern country voice* "Oh, I have a headache, I'm gonna throw a leech on my arm! Oh look, my headache is gone!" ... "I don't know why I went all hillbilly there, you guys are probably smart. If you're a hillbilly, I'm sorry." ~Mr. M
"Wow it just got really silent in here, do you want me to play you guys songs from my childhood?" (YEs) "Okay, I'll play you guys songs from my childhood." *starts playing "Wheels on the bus" from his computer* "I didn't say WHEN in my childhood!" "I was going to do baby shark but that wouldn't have been in my childhood." ~Mr. M
"Oh my god, brownies come in the same way they go out" ~Mr. M "I think you should leave" ~S
"Greg! Greg! Greg! Greg!" ~Greg
Why are you drawing on his nose?" ~Mr. M "He took my glasses" ~S "Rudolph, give her back her glasses" ~Mr. M
"when I hit puberty my eyes were cured, I... looked into the sun and then I had perfect vision." ~G "I don't think that's how it works." ~S
"I think I'm blinder than you" "No, we're about the same level of blindness"
"She gave up everything, she doesn't kill herself like she was supposed to" ~Mr. M
*in a seductive voice??* "Jesus." ~G
"Jesus has faces on his shoes"
"I know more than the history teacher" ~G
"There's bird babies down here, this one's dabbing" ~Mr. M
"When you make Mary or any woman into a mountain region, they don't really like that." ~Mr M
"I only called my pregnant wife the Buddha ONCE." "Because she's ENLIGHTENED!" ~Mr. M
santa's killing everyone" ~Mr. M
*angrily speaks vaguely German-sounding gibberish* ~Mr. M
"...Hockey-- where everyone's going like 20 miles an hour on knife shoes" ~G²
"That's a pretty big suitcase" (random teacher in the hallway referring to my french horn) "Thank you" ~me, not knowing how to respond
"I gOtTa gO PEE PeE" ~Mr. M *sarcastically (mocking E)*
"As someone who doesn't have feet, I approve this message." ~Alexa (the device) (ask her "do you have a favorite artist" (not who's your favorite artist))
"Look at the theft! I'm a three biological dart!" ~[my sibling] ???
"Trumpets, hit me." ~Mr. T
"I want [J²], [J²]'s pretty" ~W
"I am Europe. I am- I am all of Europe. Every country." ~W
"We need more bottom" [band]
[emphatically] "Your boyfriend is awesome" ~G (to K)
[nonchalantly] "I had four lunches today." ~G like 2 minutes after he told K her boyfriend was awesome
"will there be, like ... two males" *struggling* "two... men together" ~G "all my friends are girls" ~G "yes, rooms will be based on sex. Like, gender, not-" ~Mr. M (many people were hysterically giggling at this point, Mr. M gave up)
"I don't have DNA" ~G "I am very... patriotic" ~G
"Is my butt tie-dye?" ~[G³]
"I do adore you, [J³]" ~F yes they're both guys, no I don't remember the context. I'm not sure there was any in the first place
"¿dónde está tu CABEZA?" ~T translation--"where is your head?"
"Next time, use the *potty* at a better moment." ~J³(?) "potty" being emphasized derisively
"Are you my pupil? Because you're the middle of my eye. ...Pretty good, right?" ~B [in calculus] ("the middle?") "it's 'the APPLE of my eye'" "you know what I mean" ~B "that's how you know it was a good pickup line, when you have to say 'you know what I mean' after it"
"I want the cake COOKED, and on a PLATE" ~mom I think it was a metaphor for, like, homework or something??
"if we take this [the seating arrangement] as a spectrum, with [K]'s peak femininity on one side and [M]'s peak masculinity..." ~J4 ("yeah that's... not bad, that's pretty accurate actually") "Does that make [T²] a femboy?" ~J4 (I forget about everyone else but I was trying really hard (and failing) not to laugh, and T² was embarrassed/laughing/ blushing kinda) "[K, his girlfriend] are you alright with that?" (yes) *whispering* "[J4] knows what a femboy is?" ~T² "apparently" ~K
"Eventually we'll learn taxes, and that's all that matters" ~J4
*all doing/teaching each other cursive* "No, before the t. Yeah. Faaaaart" ~J5
"the united states would become the great arse- -nal of democracy" ~history textbook (yes, the line cut off there)
"Nay! I am not Stephen Hawking, bro"~T
"I want to taste defeat!" ~B ("You want to taste the feet??" ~A)
0 notes
kisskiss-slashslash · 2 years ago
A Texas Hitchhiker Part 2
Nubbins Sawyer x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Smut, Dubcon, very light violence
Your first encounter with Nubbins had been interesting to say the least, and a few days later, as you drove down the long road back home, you couldn't help but occasionally glance left and right, hoping to find a lean figure with an eagerly raised thumb.
You had stuck the photo from your first trip to your rearview mirror with a paperclip and a bit of string, where it now swayed gently in tune with the rumbling of your car. A nice memento, indeed.
When you drove past the side-road that led up to Nubbins' home, you saw two things. One was, to your excitement, Nubbins, obviously on his way home. The second was an old, rusty truck that stopped a few yards behind him. A middle-aged man got out, with what looked like a broom in his hand.
Your car screeched to a halt when you saw the older man smack the broom's handle against Nubbins' shoulder with what looked like considerable force. You fumbled with your glove compartment before finally getting it open and pulling out a small revolver. It was an heirloom, positively ancient, and had never been that powerful to begin with. Plus you had never actually used a firearm before. But it would be enough to at least intimidate, you hoped.
You got out the car and pointed the revolver at the man swinging the broom.
"You there! Hands up!"
He looked up, went pale and did as he was told, dropping his weapon in the process. You approached carefully, one step at a time, until you were by Nubbins' side.
"Are you okay, Nubbins?", You asked with a quick sideways glance.
He got to his feet, dusted off his faded, bloodstained shirt and got behind you, grinning tauntingly at his assailant.
"Who're you?", the older man asked, his voice a mixture of anxiety and rage. 
"Doesn't matter", you told him, as calmly as you could. "What matters is that you just assaulted a friend of mine."
Nubbins giggled hysterically. "You tell him! You tell him!"
The other man scoffed at him. "So is that it? Got yourself a little toy, and now you think you can get mouthy towards your brother?"
"Brother?" You turned half to Nubbins again, and unfortunately, that was enough time for you to be disarmed. A fist hit you against the temple, harder than you imagined this scrawny old man would be capable of, and your world went black.
You awoke in a dark room, in a bed with old, threadbare sheets. The whole place reeked of sweat and dust, so badly that your eyes were burning.
A slim ray of daylight hit your face through the barely open door. Just outside of that door, you heard a squeal that almost didn't sound human. Nubbins' voice replied:"I've told you a million times already; they're not here for eatin'."
Another squeal, and a grunt.
"I don't *care* what he said. They're mine. I found 'em. I say what we do with 'em."
With what felt like a herculean effort, you sat up and tried to remember what happened.
Right… Nubbins and… his brother…
The door opened a little wider, and Nubbins slipped in.
"You're awake!"
"Who… who were you talking to?"
"Who… oh that was Leatherface. My little brother. Drayton told him to cut you up for dinner tonight but I told him 'No way, we got enough meat in the freezer', and besides, who does Drayton think he is, bossing us around like this?" He seemed entirely unconcerned with the bomb he just dropped on you.
"Cut me up… for dinner?"
"Don't worry, that ain't happening while I'm here." He let himself drop onto the bed and rolled around to face you with an excited grin. "This is the first time I've brought someone home without wanting to eat them. I mean I kinda wanna eat you but in the sexual way not the cannibalism way." He winked and giggled.
"Cannibalism…?" Your brain was still way too foggy to work through it all.
"I mean, we gotta eat SOMETHING, right? But we won't eat you. You're mine now, so you're family, and we don't eat family."
I don't remember agreeing to this, you thought to yourself, but decided not to argue with the cute but obviously extremely unstable cannibal who was currently… crawling… on top of you…? "And that means…" His grin became downright predatory. "I can touch you however I want, too. That's what couples do." 
"Hey, wait-", was all you could get out before his tongue in your mouth made that impossible. He hadn't been kidding when he spoke about eating you. He was *devouring* your lips like a starving man, while grinding against you, almost desperate for as much physical contact as possible. Only now were you lucid enough to realize two things:
He wasn't wearing a shirt.
And you weren't wearing one, either. In fact, while Nubbins still wore a pair of faded beige pants that were way too big for him, you weren't wearing much of anything. And the ancient, worn-out blanket you were covered with barely even counted as a barrier between you. His skin was almost feverishly hot against yours, and rough with scars.
You didn't really have a choice anyway, so you played along, wrapping one arm around his body while burying the other hand in his hair. 
He groaned against your mouth, thrown into a lustful frenzy just from having his affection reciprocated. Appearantly he wasn't used to that.
Once he parted from you, you suddenly found your head pressed into the pillow and your ass in the air, with your thighs resting on Nubbins' shoulders. You had no idea how he had done that so quickly, but he didn't leave you with much time to think about it. His arms had clamped down on your hips, keeping you firmly in place, while he dragged his tongue along your most intimate spot. You dug your fists into the bedsheets, trying to remind yourself that his younger brother was still in the house and would hear, and that you were in obvious danger here, and that you *really* shouldn't be enjoying this… but god, his tongue was nothing short of magical.
Nubbins seemed to have no such concerns. He groaned and grunted and slurped so loudly you were fairly sure anyone in the house would know by now.
You bit down on your lower lip to the point of drawing blood when the first orgasm washed over you, but Nubbins showed no signs of slowing down.
In between the moans and heavy breaths you tried to beg him to stop, to have mercy on your overstimulated body, but you couldn't even string together a coherent word at the moment, much less a sentence, even a short one. 
He was obviously determined to get his fill of you, no matter what you thought about it.
It felt like an eternity until he finally let go, licking the rest of your juices out of the corners of his mouth. "My turn now!" He lowered you again so you felt his stiff cock against your ass. You had no idea when he had even opened his pants Before you could say anything in protest, his mouth was on yours again, shoving his tongue in between your lips in a way that wasn’t directly violent, but definitely overexcited.
He pushed his way into your sore, raw hole while you were distracted, and immediately started up at a fast pace. You all but shrieked against his lips while lust and pain equally clouded your perception. You didn’t think you could take another orgasm, this was simply too much-
Nubbins’ thrusts became even harder and more erratic for a moment, until he let out a low groan and let himself drop on top of you. You breathed a sigh of relief.
He was grinning into your shoulder.
“That was good, wasn’t it? I’ll always take care of you like that if you stay. And you have to stay. Not that I wouldn’t let you go but my brothers would probably kill and eat you if you tried to leave.”
How could he even say such a thing, as if it was totally normal? To him, it probably was normal, if his brothers were anything to go by.
You hadn’t exactly planned to come out of this whole thing with a longterm relationship, but if it kept you from ending up on the family’s plates, then that was fine by you.
“I won’t leave”, you finally replied. Not that I have a choice in the matter, you added mentally.
Nubbins lit up like a Christmas tree. “I knew you’d say that! I knew you were special right from when you picked me up on the road!”
“Yeah”, you replied vaguely. “Special.”
You let Nubbins dose on top of you for a while, trying to somehow convince yourself that being kidnapped by a family of cannibals was a completely normal way to find yourself a boyfriend. Despite being so lost in your thoughts, you heard the front door downstairs open and shut, then a muffled voice asking someone, probably Leatherface, a question. Leatherface responded with a whimper, and then the first voice screamed:”He did WHAT with them?!”
Oh great. The big brother was home.
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fablesofkitkat · 4 years ago
pov: talking to Shigaraki should end with you dying and yet here you are
can the world cease to exist? pt.1
disclaimer: i do not glamorize depression nor suicidal thoughts. this story is written for fiction's sake. if you are contemplating suicide, please seek help.
I can't afford to love someone who isn't dying by mistake
- Billie Eilish
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How many stories are there that starts with you dying? You were holding on the railing with your hands at your side, hooking the beam with your elbows to keep yourself from falling.
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"Are you jumping?" a bored, gritty, and breathy voice asked.
You turn to the voice's direction: a slim man with pale skin, and wrinkled a great deal around his red eyes. His lips are chapped and uneven, a small mole on the right underneath, with visible scars on his right eye and under his lip. He has messy grayish-blue hair of varying lengths, the longest clumps reaching to about his shoulders, left hanging over his face in uneven waves.
You ignored him.
"I'm talking to you." His voice annoyed now; he scratches his neck with both hands, his eyes furious. Something about you rubs him the wrong way. Maybe he should just kill you. It's dark, and the bridge is reknowned for being a suicide spot so many steer clear from it.
You start giggling, softly at first and somehow transitioning into hysteric.
"Before you jump, you should tell me why." His voice switches into a bored tone.
You look at him again and then down at the water, you remember reading about drowning is one of the most painful ways to die. "Because I hate the world."
He barks a laugh, clutching his stomach like a child. His hood does not help in covering his eery face. "No one hates this world more than I do."
You wonder if this person is a sign not to do it, but you already made up your mind. You stare at the water, the sound soothing you, this should be a peaceful way to die. It's gotta be. Still, if this person hates this world more than you do, you had to ask, "Then how? How can you stand to live in a world you hate so much?"
"Because I plan to destroy it." Something in his voice sounded triumphant, like his words weren't just words.
"Hmm. Must be nice to hate the world just enough to destroy it."
"Just enough?" He sounds insulted.
You took a deep breath and exhaled. "I mean, hating the world so much to make yourself disappear is far greater than hating the world to commit genocide."
"It's not."
"It is. You have a drive. A goal. To destroy the world. I have nothing but the motivation to end myself." You close your eyes, unhooking your arms from the beam. "Doesn't that mean you still love the world? Because you have room for the future after you destroy it?"
That intrigued Shigaraki. He did not agree with the logic though, for he had no room for the future. What was the reason you were driven to this point?
"Why do you hate the world?"
You ignore him again and this time the villain realizes that you stopped rubbing him the wrong way. Everything, every breathing thing rubs him the wrong way and he has the penchant to destroy it. Now you were just a puzzle, he thinks, like a mystery detective game. And he could choose the option to unravel you.
"I could kill you if you want." He says, opening his arms wide for you like he's expecting for a hug. "My quirk: decay."
You turn to him again, hearing the former; you didn't hear the latter because the wind picked up and whistled in your ears. You looked so done. You looked like you wanna die and maybe, Shigaraki figures that's why you didn't rub him the wrong way. Every living, breathing thing is just so damn irritating while you looked like you were barely living. "No. I don't wanna be a coward."
He tilts his head at that. "But dying before you could even make the world pay is a tail between your legs."
You sigh, somehow this random dude couldn't take a hint and just leave you be. "You know I'm trying to jump here."
He shrugged. "Why don't you wait for it?"
"See if you like the world better after I destroy everything." He replies.
It did make you think. But you already made up your mind. You raise your eyes to meet his and sighed again. Well, it's not like you can jump now with this dude talking you out of it. You climbed over the rail and held out a hand and for some reason, you introduced yourself.
"What's yours?" You ask.
Shigaraki looks down at your hand. Oh it was so easy for him and make you disintegrate. It would be a fucking irony! To kill you when he was the one to talk you out of it. He stares into your eyes a little longer and noticed how dead-eyed they were. Pity. He didn't have the urge to kill you when you looked like that. Instantaneously, he had a brilliant idea. He's gonna bring back the light in your eyes and then, he'll kill you like you wanted! He'll make you want to live and when you do, his urge to kill surfaces! Genius! Like a game!
"Shigaraki Tomura." The villain shook hands with you; peculiar thing though, his thumb didn't touch your hand.
Afterwards, you take out the ointment from your pocket which you keep for cuts and bruises. You hand it to him and started walking away. "Night."
He nods, gaze never leaving until you were well out of sight. Shigaraki stares at the ointment on his palm far longer than he should have. There is a weight in his chest that never went away but for a moment, a damn fucking moment, his heart... soared.
This is a story of a boy who wanted everything to disappear, wished for the one person who wanted to disappear... to live.
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r0ck29 · 4 years ago
This is just a continuation of my last post but with the Dekusquad.
Includes: Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki, Tenya Iida, Ochaco Uraraka, and Tsuyu Asui
Warnings: fluff, kissing, suggestive stuff, and Todoroki being Todoroki
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MHA as Stoners
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Izuku Midoriya
Izuku doesn't usually smoke by himself, he will only do it in a large group of people if they are all doing it.
He is a big cougher
Will take the smallest hits
Not because he doesn't want to
But because that's all he can handle
(God he's so precious)☺️
Eventually, he will get up there, though it takes a while
He is usually shy and VERY awkward around girls that he likes
Especially you
But when he is he turns into a whole new person
He is SUPER confident and will make moves on you till the night's end
He is super grabby
Don't worry he's still a respectful gentleman so if you tell him to knock it off he will (as he should)😌
Likes to brag about how you are all his
He is also super goofy
He will also be super affectionate 💕
“Izuku if you don't stop right now, ” your sentence was cut off by your outburst of laughter. Your hand tried to muffle the giggles and snorts resigning from your mouth. Izuku continued in his goofy manner of wiggling his eyebrows at you. His face moved from side to side until it was in front of yours. He stopped and just stared at you.
“What are you doing?” you asked, lifting your brow at him. He then raised his eyebrows once more, squinted his eyes, and pulled his lower lip under his teeth. You covered your mouth again in an effort not to laugh. He eyed you up and down and released his lip.
“Damn baby girl, did you sit in sugar, cuz you got a pretty sweet ass, ” he smirked at you waiting for your response. You began to laugh again and put your hand on his chest.
“You're too much Izuku.”
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Shoto Todoroki
He really likes dab pens
He has one of his own (can you blame him?)
He doesn't share much as it is or show much emotion and is usually awkward in social encounters
And he still is even when high
He doesn't change much while smoking, except for maybe talking a bit more
He will have actual conversations with you
If you're alone with him he will talk to you about anything
He is a lot softer
Doesn't pick up on social cues until like ten minutes later
He is a lot slower though, in his smarts
Will say the most random shit like
“My dad is a piece if shit”💩
“We know Todoroki” 💁‍♀️
Or he will ask personal things that he shouldn't without realizing
Shoto hit his one and placed it down in his lap. It rested gently in his hand, as he let out the puff of smoke he stared down at it. A million thoughts crossed his mind in a second. Then out of the blue he remembered something he overheard Kaminari saying to Mineta earlier that he did not understand.
“Wath she hot?” mineta clenched his hands and practically shook while waiting for Kaminari’s answer.
“Dude she was a total MILF!” Kaminari said, almost a little too excited.
What the hell did that mean? And why do I care?
At the time Shoto shrugged his shoulders and forgot about it. But as of now, stoned to the bone, he was curious. And who better to ask than his closest friends.
“Hey guys, ” he looked up at his friends who were all now focusing their attention to him awaiting his question.
“What is a MILF?” he said oh so nonchalantly. The rest of the group all began to start laughing and clutching their stomachs in pain.
“I just heard Kaminari say it earlier and I wanted to know, ” he shrugged again and glanced around the now hysterically laughing teenagers.
“Uh, Todoroki it's not that appropriate to talk about, ” Midoryia scratched the back of his neck, his face entirely red from the situation.
“Oh,” he plainly replied.
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Tenya Iida
We all know he isn't one for breaking rules, let alone the law
(though he literally almost committed murder👀)
He doesn't smoke very often but when he does he gets very paranoid😒
He always thinks that he and his friends will get caught
Honestly it's kind of a buzz kill
No one likes someone freaking out the whole time you are trying to chill
Be tries to cover any smells with WAY to much cologne
(it smells good though)
And is always chewing gum so you can't smell it on his breath
Eventually he will relax but only to an extent
He will make sure you're okay every five minutes and offer to get you anything
Like you're sick
But honestly he just cares and he can't help it
He likes to go for walks though🚶‍♂️
“You guys Mr. Aizawa will smell it!” Iida's hand flew through the air as he addressed the smell now filling the room. Iida frantically picked up the cologne sitting on the desk next to the best and began sporadically spraying it around the room and on everything.
“Iida, calm down it's going to be okay just come sit down, ” Tsu said from her corner, her finger pressed up against her lip, as usual. He turned to look at her.
“But I don't want to disgrace our school and have our homeroom teacher discover that we are smoking drugs in here, ” he sat down unwillingly as everyone choked on the cologne he sprayed and sighed.
“Fine, ” he looked over to you to see how you were doing. You smiled at the boy who was now flushed.
“Hey Tenya, would a walk outside calm you down?” you suggested grabbing his hand and interlaced your fingers with his. He looked down at your now intertwined hands and back up to you the flush beginning to grow deeper.
“I would love too, ” he grinned back.
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Ochaco Uraraka
This girl can't afford her own 🌿 so she's gotta mooch off of her friends
Not that they mind
She's a giggly stoner
She really enjoys getting high, in fact she does whenever she can
She also loves to get stoned around you
Because she loves to see you smiling and can't help but laugh at everything you say
You could literally as the dumbest shit and she will laugh💀
She doesn't like other people cuddling you and will tell anyone off if they do
They should know that she likes you
She might make a move on you if she's feeling brave
“Stop y/n, you're killing me!” Ochaco wrapped her arms around her stomach as she continued to laugh until she almost threw up. Gosh, she's so queasy. All you did was make a joke about how deku always breaks his bones while he's using his quirk. This left her giggling uncontrollably and deku as red as ever.
“I can't help it, man, I'm just too funny, ” you shrugged and watched the girl laugh.
Eventually, when you got tired and wanted to go to bed Ochaco offered to walk you to your room, which you accepted. Once you reached your door you said good night and reached to open it.
“Wait, y/n, there is something I've been meaning to tell you, but I just havent had the courage to say it, ” she grabbed your hand and looked at the ground. She squeezed your fingers ever so slightly and returned her gaze to yours. Her face made her way to yours and she planted a ever so soft kiss on your lips and instantly pulled away.
“I like you, ” she said grabbing your other hand. You stood there in shock, and looked at her. Suddenly, you kissed an unexpecting Ochaco right back. You kicked open your door, lips still attached, and pulled her into your room sealing the exit behind her.
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Tsuyu Asui
This girl is hard to read but I know if she likes to smoke, she would like bongs
She likes the bubbling sound it makes
She is very blunt as is and even more so when stoned
However if you can get her to laugh, she will not stop
She is also very funny, and will try her darn hardest to get you to start laughing uncontrollably
This girl is also apart of the alphabet mafia🏳️‍🌈
Try and change my mind😤
Will have the biggest crush on you but won't do anything about it
Will wait for you to tell her
Bottom energy
Definitely loves to shotgun with you
May lead to more things later
Tsu took a hit off of the long and passed it onto the next person. She turned to you, still holding the smoke in her lungs. You simply nodded at her and slowly leaned in towards her. Her eyes fluttered closed and she parted her mouth every so slightly. Your lips just barely touched hers, sending shock waves through your body and hers. But as much as Tsu wanted to kiss you she couldn't. She then released the smoke out of her mouth, sending it straight into yours. You inhale as much as you could and open your eyes to look at the girl in front of you. The smoke then was exhaled as you both held eye contact, lips still touching.
“Uhhh, ” The moment ended once the other teens began to speak.
You both looked around at the confused teenagers, who were apparently staring at you both the whole time you were doing what you were doing.
“Sorry guys I don't know what happened, ” Tsu tried laughing it off but you knew better, and you continue to stare at her.
She continued to talk to her friends story and change the subject. And in that moment you never wanted to kiss her more than right now.
Let me know if you want more!!❤️ thank you for reading!!
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adrianasunderworld · 4 years ago
Drakes Keep
The townspeople live in fear of the dragon in the forest and have decided to make you the sacrifice to save them all. But perhaps the dragon isnt something to fear after all.
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      This was how it ends. You thought to yourself as night descended. The only sound was the occasional breeze rustling the branches or the distant howl of a dog. You tried once again in vain to wriggle from the rope that kept you tied to the tree. Letting the back of your head hit the trunk with a thump, you bit your lip and finally allowed yourself to cry. This really was the end. 
       A dragons supper, that was your fate. The creature that called the abandoned castle home had returned, and the fear of what it could do had sent the townspeople into hysterics. Turning to the old ways once more to keep it appeased. Unfortunately for you, that had meant you were the one tossed to the beast. The old stories spoke of fair maidens and kings sons bravely sacrificing themselves for the better of others. But of course no one wanted to send their beloved children to death. But you? Orphaned and thieving,___? No one opposed that. And now you stood, hands bound to a tree as close to the Drakes Keep as they dared to bring you, waiting for death. 
     Night had finally fallen. The sound of crickets and the skittish steps of a rabbit your only company. Then as suddenly as it started, the forest was quiet and still as a grave. Even the breeze that blew the branches seemed to stop. Then the snap was heard. Then another. The crunch of leaves as if something heavy was being dragged across the ground. Then you saw it, a pair of teal blue eyes peeking out from between the trees. Tears continued to stream down your face as you locked gazes with the creature that would end. 
     "Just make it quick," you managed to choke out, throat raw from your sobbing. Not even sure if the beast could even understand you. "Please, be fast, that's all I ask."
     The dragon finally moved. It slowly stepped out of the darkness and you could see it in it's full view. It's dark midnight scales almost blended into the night, in stark contrast to the golden scales that went up its stomach and throat. It tilted its triangular head curiously as it examined its food. Your eyes snapped shut as it got closer and closer, until you felt the hot breath of your face. The wet sound of its jaws opening was heard, and you could not help but scream.
      Then the ropes went slack.
      "Relax." said a deep voice. "I wont do anything." 
     Opening your eyes, the dragon looked down at you, spitting out a piece of rope. "I...I… I dont understand." You shuddered out, wiping you tear stained face. "You arent going to eat me?"
     The dragon rolled its eyes. "Honestly, what's with these villagers and thinking I want to eat people? Of course not." 
     You removed the last bits of rope around your wrist, glancing at the dragon all the while. It wasn't going to kill you. What did it want? "So…" you began cautiously. "What now? 
       "What do you mean what now?"
       "If I'm not a meal, then what was the point of sacrifices? What is it that you want from the village."
       "Nothing." The dragon replied as if it should have been plain as day. "I never wanted any sacrifices ever. I untie them and let them go. I don't want anything from your village." 
       "But… but…" you stammered. "The missing livestock. And all those old stories about a dragon that burned the town centuries ago!"
      "My grandpa," the dragon replied. "Dont remember much about him, other than he was an old grouch. But that was a couple decades before I was even bored. as for livestock, sorry to say I was hungry. Large game have been scarce. Not my first choice, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Now," the dragon leaned down and sniffed at you, its warm breath blowing at your hair. "Who are you?"
       "-_" you stammered. 
      "And why, ___… did they decide to pick you to feed it the beast?"
      You looked down, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. "No one wanted me." You answered honestly. "They were glad to have me gone."
        The dragon sniffed once more, like a hunting hound committing a scent to memory. There was the sound of thunder out in the distance. "Well, you're free of them now." Was his only reply. "Theres another town just south of here." He pointed a claw to his left. "I can only guess you wouldn't want to go back from where you came."
     You looked back between the direction the men who had tied up went,then the dragon, then to the direction he pointed. "So...so you'll let me go? Just like that?" 
     "Just like that." He assured.
It seemed too easy. The dragon letting you go and free to start a new life far far away.  The sound of thunder drew a little closer, and with it the wind returned to rustle the trees. You shivered. They had taken your cloak when you were arrested, and obviously did not bother to give it back when you had been left to die.
     The dragon seemed to take note of this, and tilted his head curiously. "What's the matter?"
      "Cold." You admitted. "Since I can leave, do you happen to know where I could sleep for the night?"
      The dragon eyed you once more and sniffed again as if looking for something of offense. When it seemed he did not find it, the dragon turned and nodded his head towards the direction he had come. "Follow me."
      "You know my name," you said as you followed the creature further into the forest. "What's yours?"
     "Raihan." He replied. "The Great Raihan."
    "Who calls you that?" You asked,trying hard not to snort.
    "Plenty of people." He said, twigs and leaves crunching under heavy feet. "I'll have you know, I have met many a knight and king that called me a great dragon."
     "What kings? Anyone I might have heard of?"
    "All sorts," he assured. "King Lance of Kanto. Queen Cynthia of Sinnoh. And most recently, your king Leon here in Galar."
     "So tell me then, great dragon Raihan, why are you out here in the back water forests outside of my nowhere village?"
    "Just as birds migrate, so do dragons." He explained. "We go from place to place, seeking spots of comfort to rest. Making a new home for ourselves or going to old ones."
    "I take it this is an old home then?"
   "Very old." He finally stopped and gestured to an ancient stone structure. With its half crumbled towers and vine covered parapets. "Very old indeed."
   "I've only ever heard of this place." You said in awe as you walked up the stone steps of the ancient castle. "My grandmother used to tell me about the dragons lair. She and all the other elders called it The Drakes Keep."
     "That's what you humans call it, yes." Raihan replied, pushing his large scaly body against the giant oak doors to open them. "But the true name of this place is Hammerlocke. Hammerlocke Castle."
     Walking into the grand entrance, Hammerlocke caslte was oddly well kept for not having a human inhabitant for centuries. Aside from the few cracks in the stone from age, the floor was clean of dirt and debris. There was even decorative tapestries that still adorned the walls. 
     Raihan pushed against the doors once more to shut them firmly, keeping the cold out. Then you realized something.
     "Um… not to sound rude or anything. But this doesn't look like a living space, and the doorways look far too small for you." 
     "Good observation. Sadly, castle life isn't very accommodating to this form."
     Instead of elaborating, Raihan showed you what he had meant. In a flash of light you saw the large creature shrink down and take the form of a very tall and very handsome young man. He stretched out and let out a sigh. "Yes form." He grinned at your shocked expression. "There are many things about dragons you don't know."  
      It turned out dragons were very hospitable. Raihan had kept the fire in the sitting room going with ease, making warmer than you had ever known. He had a sorts of finery stashed away, including good coats and blankets of the softest materials. He had explained it was in a dragons to hoard things of great interest or value. Despite that he may not have a need fancy furs to keep him warm or nice bottles of wine, they were still soft to lay on and tasty to drink, and so he kept them. 
      "I'm still surprised dragons can take human form." You commented, swaddled up nicely in the furs Raihan had loaned you, stomach full of the food he had gathered the other day.
      "Oh yes, we are creatures of magic. Dragons,unicorns, the various breeds of fae." He took a sip from the golden goblet he poured the wine into. Unlike you he seemed to not be feeling the effects of it. "We were created by magic, neither human nor animal. So we are free to choose whichever form we please."
       "Do you appear human often?" 
       He shrugged. "I'd say it's fairly even. There is a time and a place for my true form, and I do enjoy visiting cities and what not, and that only really can be done like this." He gestured to his human form. 
       "I was always told dragons would sit in caves on piles of gold. Seeking princesses and young knights to drag away. Never that they like to be tourists."
       "Everyone is different." He said. "Truth be told, all those stories are rather old fashioned. Me? I like humans. Well...some of you." He flashed you a grin, seeming to imply you were one of the likeable ones. "I suppose I've always been a rather curious one. When I was a hatchling, I would sneak off to town and play with local children."
        "Now that does not surprise me," you said playfully while returning his grin. "You strike me as the sort who was a little scamp when they were young."
      "Oh trust me, you are not far off." He chuckled. "My parents could do nothing to keep me away. Everywhere we went, I sought out people, and when I was grown I went all over. I learned to read in many of your human tongues. Learned histories of every land I could. Befriended as many as I could."
      "That sounds amazing," you said wistfully. The life he described sounded like it could have only existed in a novel. You had never been able to venture out past the borders of the village. "I envy you, Raihan. I've never known such freedom." 
      "Well now you can." He replied. "All those townspeople think you won't return. You can start somewhere else."
      Looking down at your own golden cup, your reflection stared back in the red wine. Never go back...that certainly was not the problem. They would not miss you, and you would not miss them. But what kind of life could you have out there? "I doubt wherever I go will be much better."
      "And why is that?"
      "...Once a thieving urchin, always a thieving urchin." You said with all the resentment in you. That brand had followed you over half your life, and odds are it would follow you to the grave.
       "I take it that's why they tied you up to be sacrificed." Looking up, Raihans face portrayed no emotion. Part of you wondered if now he was disgusted knowing he let a thief in here, or maybe he pitied you. Honestly you weren't sure which would feel worse.
        You nodded. "When I was ten, my parents died. My grandmother long gone years before. My father's shop had caught fire, you see. And suddenly I was an orphan. No money, no home, no family. No one wanted to help. I had nothing, and so to the townspeople I was nothing.I did the only thing I could do: I stole to keep myself alive. I was arrested now and then, but I always got out. But the more I did it, the better I was at not getting caught. Well, until recently. And I think you know how that went." 
         "I wish I could say this is the first I've heard something like this, but it does seem like a sad reality to humans."  Raihans face then turned to concern as he reached out to put a hand in your shoulder. It wasn't until the tears were welling in your eyes a moment later did you realize it was because you were on the verge of crying. The events of today finally sinking in. Then he added. "But that doesn't mean you cant move on from it. Trust me, I've lived long enough to know what I'm talking about. Some of the best people I've known have lead similar beginnings to yours. I know it must feel awful now, but it'll get better. I promise."
      "You can't promise anything." You said, wiping your eyes with the back of your hand. "What am I going to do in this new town? All I know is how to steal. I'll just end up back where I was."
      "I mean, you could add some flare." He said jokingly. "I'd say you'd make a handsome jewel thief that steals hearts along the way." 
      You couldn't help but snort. "That is absolutely ridiculous." 
      "It's merely a suggestion." He grinned. "All I'm saying is why not have some fun with your self fulfilling prophecy?" 
      You paused for a moment. "...What was it like? When you first left to travel?"
     "A bit frightful." He admitted. "But exciting. Often times lonely."
     Raihan nodded. "Yes, dragons, though we live long, are few and far between. Besides my family, it would be a few years before I saw another of my kind. Those stories you talked about of maidens in towers, I can assure you the reason was never malicious. Those drakes did it more for companionship than anything else."
      "You make it sound like you speak from experience."
      "Raihan, you didn't!"
      "Oh I assure you ___," he smirked like an absolute cad and winked. "All princesses under my protection were there willingly.  And treated very well, if I do say so myself." Your face flushed at what he was implying, and Raihan bursted out laughing.
      After a moment you began to laugh as well. It had been so long since you could sit like this and be friendly with anyone. Raihan was so good natured, it felt like it would be a challenge not to like him. "Are you going to stay in this castle long?" You asked. Wondering if it would be forward to ask if you could visit him from time to time after parting ways.
      "For a few weeks," he said, taking a long drink from his goblet. "Then off to Wyndon."
      "Wyndon? As in the capital city Wyndon?"
       "The one and only. Off to visit a friend for the spring."
      Part of you felt a bit disappointed for him to be leaving so soon. "I hope you enjoy it, " you said,meaning it. "I admit, I'll miss your company."
     "Then dont miss me."
     "Come with me, I could use a travel companion."
     "What would I possibly do in Wyndon?" Even as you said it, your mind raced with the possibilities. You had only heard in passing of the great city where King Leon held court. Of its beautiful building and the wealth of opportunities to be found there.
      "What couldn't you do?" He replied. "The better question is what do you have to lose? Be my travel buddy, ___. See lands beyond this forest. Hear languages you've never heard. Rub elbows with royalty. If you don't like it I can drop you off in that village south of here, how does that sound? Unless of course you're considering being a heartbreaking jewel thief. In which case I wholeheartedly endorse your decision."
        You thought it over and over. Be a dragons companion. Go to the capital and regions beyond. Or go to some other backwater town and possibly live in the mud once more. It wasn't a very hard decision. "I'll take you up on that offer."
       Raihan smiled, a small fang poking at his bottom lip. He tapped his golden cup against yours. "Cheers. We ride in two weeks time."
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sophialikesthings · 4 years ago
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Song-No Body,No Crime-Taylor Swift
Numb. the deprivation of feelings or emotions.
That's what I was standing in that field moments after I witnessed what happened.
"Come on, We should go." JJ rubbed my back.
"We don't have a car, dumbass." Kiara insulted him.
"We can hide out in the hanger." Pope pointed
We carefully scanned the room making sure nobody else was there.
I just went to a corner and curled myself up into a ball and sat there, questioning my sanity for still loving him.
"There goes the gold!" JJ looked up at the plane that just took off.
"Fuck!" Pope yelled, throwing something he found at the wall. He grabbed anything he could carry and threw it all, things were thrown all over, shattered glass carpeting the floor.
"I need to go see him." I got up.
"What? Demi are you insane?" JJ asked.
"I am because I still love him and I don't know how to stop." I broke down again.
"I'm scared that if I leave him, That will happen to me."
"Demi, I don't think it's a good time right now." Rose opened the door.
"Rose, I know what happened, and you and I both know he needs me right now. So please, let me see him."
"He is in the den." She let me inside.
"What are you doing here?" Ward asked as he vigorously washed his hands trying to get her blood off of them.
"I came to see Rafe, I- I know what happened Mr.Cameron, and I promise I won't tell a soul." I put on my fake face.
"So can I see him?"
"Yes, he is in the den." He pointed at the door.
I carefully opened the door and saw a distressed Rafe contemplating on the couch.
"D-Demi." he got up.
"I saw what happened, I wanted to say goodbye to Sarah and when I got there you shot her."
"I was protecting my father, I was protecting our future!" He paced.
"Calm down!" I pulled his arm towards me. "Rafe...you have done some of the most horrendous things to me and somehow I always go back to you, I don't know why? But I do."
"Don't say that. I do what I think will protect you." He hugged me.
"Mind if I come in?" Ward asked.
"I'll go." I was about to get up.
"No, no Demi stay," Rafe asked. "Is she alive?"
Ward shook his head causing Rafe to sink into me.
"What did you tell the cops? Are they coming here?"
"I told them John B did it." Ward walked over to his desk.
"Demi, I need you to take him up to his room, get him all cleaned up." He told me " take a shower change your clothes. If anybody asked you were working all day, doin' maintenance on the druthers."
"No, Rose knows I wasn't here."
"I will talk to Rose, okay?"
"Come on." I got up and took Rafes' hand.
"I was protecting him." Rafe continued to tell me.
"I know, can you take your shirt off, please you need to shower." I turned the water on.
"Will you join me?" He asked.
"Please, I just don't want to be left alone, because If I am, I'm scared I might do something."
"I'm gonna go check in on Wheezie, I'll be back in a minute." I got up
"Hey, wheeze."
"Hey, did you come to ignore me too?" She asked looking up from her phone
"No, but I did come to hang out with you." I got a text.
I am sorry for nagging you about staying
with Rafe, I understand you are just trying to
keep your loved ones safe
Yeah, I was trying to keep you safe.
"Who are you texting?" Wheezie asked piercing over my shoulder.
"Huh? Oh, just Topper."
"Well, I'm tired, you can stay if you'd like, or you can go bang my brother." She nonchalantly said lying down.
"Whoa! What?" She caught me off guard.
"You know what I mean, you and my brother bang, like constantly."
"You know wheeze, sometimes I wish we didn't." I lied down next to her. "I mean, I feel like it adds unneeded pressure to our relationship."
"For what it's worth, you have really nice glute muscles." She made me laugh.
"I love you wheeze." I tossed my arm over her, hugging her.
"I love you too, you are like another cool sibling."
We both drifted to sleep.
"Do you hear that?" I got woken up by Wheezie.
I heard Rafe in the other room muttering to himself. I got up and went to check on him, Wheezie behind me.
"Hey, What are you doin'?" I walked over to him, placing a kiss on his bicep where my face stood due to our height difference of almost afoot.
"Tossin' this crap." He threw a bunched-up pile of shirts into a worn-out backpack.
"Isn't this where John B was staying?" I questioned
"Yeah, well, I don't think he's gonna be by anytime soon to pick it up, so--"
"Why?" Wheezie interrogated.
"Did you say why?" He looked at her, confused.
"Didn't Dad tell you?"
"He doesn't tell me anything, so." She sighed, propping her head up on her hands.
"Um... so, John B... Killed Sheriff Peterkin." He acted sad.
"Yeah." He tried to get her to believe him.
"Are you smiling right now? I'm not joking. Like, this isn't a game. I don't--"
Wheezie looked away as if she was bored of the story Rafe was telling her.
He slapped the bedpost almost hitting her face, causing both of us to wince out of fear.
"Hey, calm down." I pulled him back slightly.
"I don't know why you're smiling, okay? Look at me. I saw it with my own two eyes." He lied.
It hurt me, to know that I would have to lie to Wheezie. It made me sick just how easy Rafe could lie to anyone, doubts now filling my mind with everything he's ever said to me.
"He shot her, and then you know what he did?"
I snapped back into the conversation.
"He tried to shoot dad, but you know what? I stepped in and I stopped him, I saved Dad."
"Why would John B want to kill dad?" She questioned his story.
"Because um... he thinks dad killed his father."
My eyes widened as if Rafe heard the conversation I had with John B.
"Rafe, do you want to come over to my house, Taylor, Kelce, and Top will be there?" I tried to stop the conversation.
"I can't right now, I have to help my dad with the police reports." He kissed me, walking out of the room.
"Okay, well I'm headed home Wheeze, give me a call if you need me." I hugged her goodbye.
That Night
"I hate it. I'm in a toxic cycle I can't break free from." I groaned, dumping all my life issues on Taylor as usual.
"Welcome to being a Kook, Your parents stick you into toxic relationships, ask you to make babies, then dump your ass at a mansion and the cycle repeats." She took a swig of rum.
"Taylor, I love-" I got interrupted by the boys running past my room. I heard the laundry room door shut and Topper and Kelce forcefully holding it closed.
"What's going on? Who's in there?" I walked out into the hallway.
"Please just--just let me out." I heard John B.
"Are you two insane! Let him out!" I demanded, trying to get past them.
"Word on the street bro, you are worth 25k, dead or alive." Kelce shouted.
"Kelce, stop." Taylor asked, pulling him back so I could go up to the door, next to Topper.
"I'm gonna go get the cops, don't let him out." Taylor and Kelce walked away.
"John B, It's Topper." He started.
"Hey Top, It's John B." I could hear him panic.
"You gonna try to talk your way out?" Topper chuckled.
"Let him go, He's innocent." I tried to push him out of my way.
"Just cut the bull shit. Alright?" He ignored me.
"I didn't shoot the Sheriff, All right? Rafe did. Sarah was there. She saw the whole thing, Demi saw it too."
"Oh! It was Rafe! My bad." He rolled his eyes.
"Look Man, I know you don't believe me and honestly, I probably wouldn't believe myself either, but... I-- I get it, you hate me because of Sarah." He tried to talk to him.
"You knew we were boyfriend and girlfriend, right?"
I could hear the sirens in the distance as the tension built up.
"Let him go! Please." I started crying.
"And, um, I -- I got another question." he leaned against the door that was being held shut by a chair. "Did you fuck her."
"Topper!" I hit the back of his head, my strength not enough to make him flinch.
"Yes or no John B."
"Ok-- Uh yes." He said. "We did it...once. Okay? But don't use the f-word. That's kind of gross." He spoke trying to get Topper to understand him.
Suddenly we heard the police sirens from outside.
"Alright John B! It's Sheriff Thornton out here. We got you surrounded. We don't need anymore blood shed." My dad yelled into his megaphone
"Topper, Topper please, I am begging you to let him go." At this point I was hysterical, my eyes burnt from the many tears streaming down my face.
The sound of heavy footsteps got closer as they ran up the porch stairs.
"We're back here dad!" Topper yelled.
"Please!" I whispered.
"No mercy Dad." He took me outside with him.
"Damn it!" He slipped through the vents!" I heard my dad yell, easing my worry.
"Do not put your hands on me!" I screamed as Topper held me in front of him, pushing me outside.
"Demi! He is dangerous! I am protecting you, you are my little sister and I don't want you to get hurt."
"The only thing I need protecting from is this family! You make them out to be the villains when really it's you, and everybody else on this side of the island.
As everyone was spreading out searching for him Sarah rode up to me on her bike.
"I'm having everyone meet at the church. Be there in an hour, I think the others have a plan." She quietly whispered.
The Church Bell went off 3 times before I ran in there.
"What are you doing!" I stopped him.
"Demi, Sarah, I warned you about these pogues!" Topper held his hands up in defence.
"He's innocent." Sarah sobbed.
"Then who did it?" Topper asked.
"Rafe! Rafe shot Sheriff Peterkin, I saw him." I finally spoke up. I could feel my eyes starting to water again.
"What are you talking about?" he didn't believe me
"Sarah, we gotta go!" John B noticed all the police starting to gather outside.
"Sarah, You realize I'm the one that loves you." Topper Repeated, telling Sarah this many times before.
"I'm sorry for what I did. I'm sorry," She apologized "But this isn't about you."
"Hey we've gotta go." John B broke up their conversation.
"You go, I'll take care of him." I took my helpless blubbering brother into my arms
"Let me make it up to you." Topper laid out his plan, Sarah and I swapped clothes. Quickly,
"Y'all smell smoke?" I asked.
"Holy shit, go." Sarah looked down the ladder to see the bright light from the fire.
Topper and I headed out of the church with our hands in the air acting as if we were John B and Sarah.
"GET DOWN." The cops were yelling at us.
"Hol-Hold shoot, those are my kids." My dad commanded the others to put the guns down.
"Demitria and Topper, What the hell were you two thinking!?" He snarled.
"I- I don't know what happened dad, I'm sorry for causing trouble." Topper apologized "They went that way." I pointed in the opposite direction.
"Are you alright? Do you need a medic?" Topper asked me.
"I'm ok, I just burned my calf, that's all." I hissed as the wind blew causing my leg to sting.
"Demi! Dem, I- I didn't mean for this to happen!" Rafe ran over to me.
"Of course you did this!" I started limping away.
"Demi, I never meant to hurt you."
"How's that turning out?"
=== Ahhhhh late post but... The final chapter of part one is tomorrow and I am actually almost done with part two!
Feedback is appreciated!
Messages are always open!
Thankful for you all
also I need someone to help me pick an ending... so If you want to help me out just message me 😊
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youmakemyhearthowl · 4 years ago
So here’s the thing
(can I get your opinions on this.. would you read this? should I keep going? It would be a slow burn Sterek fic!) read here —>> https://href.li/?https://archiveofourown.org/works/33344914/chapters/82811104
If you had told Stiles a year ago that he was going to be running around in the woods looking for a dead body, he probably would have shrugged and said “Yea that sounds about right.” And honestly you should have probably just told him not to do stuff like that, because if you had he wouldn't be laying in a pile of leaves next to half a girl's body clutching his side where some animal just tried to make him dinner. But alas, the only person who ever really could get Stiles to listen to advice anyways was his mother and she was long gone now. 
Sighing Stiles rolled over onto his side, using his free hand not currently trying to hold his organs in to push himself up onto his feet. Hesitating he strained his ears to listen to the silent woods around him, but the only noise he heard was a loud howl somewhere off in the distance that didn’t really make any sense because wolves hadn’t been in California in years, so its probably just  dog. (Stiles knew for a fact it was not dog, but let him live in blissful ignorance until he can’t anymore)
“This is what I get, really, honestly it’s not a surprise. Its Karma, for dragging Scott out here to look for a dead body then leaving him to lie to my dad.” Stiles groaned, his feet sluggish moving through the leaves around him, blood dripping slightly from between his fingers. 
“Who’s out there?” A sharp voice suddenly called, causing Stiles to hit the deck so fast, he’s pretty sure he ripped his bleeding wound open more. “This is private property.” The voice called again.
“Ah sorry Derek it’s just us.” Stiles heard his fathers voice then, and he instinctively pressed himself closer to the ground, hissing quietly at the pain it erupted. 
“Sherriff.” Came the voice, Derek, Stiles brain supplied. 
“We haven’t been able to find anything yet, but you really don’t need to be out here with us looking, we’ll make sure we find your sister.” Stiles could hear leaves shuffling and he held his breath, cringing at the realization that of course the body was a real person with a family that was mourning her, how could he be so insensitive. 
“Thank you for all you are doing Sheriff.” Stiles heard more leaves shuffling around and counted to 30 before gingerly pushing up off the wet ground to look around. He noted his fathers deputies and him were headed back towards the east, away from him and he let out an audible sigh.
“What part of private property don’t you understand.” A voice grumbled in his ear suddenly, causing Stiles to shriek and loose balance on his hand, face planting back into the wet earth.
“Jesus Christ, you can’t just do that to someone.” He snapped rolling onto his back and forcing himself to stand back up, tightly pressing his arm to his torso and gesturing wildly with the other to draw attention away from the blood he knew was soaking his blue shirt. 
“It’s my property so I’m pretty sure I can.” The man shot back, and Stiles recognized it as the same voice that was speaking with his father only moments ago. The soft glow of the moon illuminating his white teeth.
“Holy shit, you’re Derek Hale.” He breathed, ignoring the way his hairs were standing on end as if to indicate “run, predator, leave now” 
“What are you doing out here?” Derek growled, his eyes looking Stiles up an down making the younger boy squirm.
“Uhh. Helping my dad?” He offered, slowly lowering the arm around his waist trying not to draw attention that anything was wrong.
“Are you hurt?” Jesus this dude really knows how to hold a conversation  Stiles thought sarcastically, holding back an eye roll.
“Hmm? Oh yea, tripped and skinned my knee no biggie, but I probably should be heading home now, ya know, cause my dad… the Sheriff might wonder where I am If he beats me home.” Shifting from foot to foot Stiles pulled his hoodie closer around his body, hoping the guy in front of him couldn't hear the pain in his voice. Derek simply grunted nodding his head, before turning around and making his way towards where Stiles knew the Hale house remains were.
“Fucking Christ,”  The teenager groaned lifting up his shirt to take a look at the wound in his side, his blood trickling down his stomach. “I really gotta get to the jeep.” Groaning Stiles pulled his sweatshirt off and tied the arms around his waste to help put pressure on the wound willing his feet to pull him in the direction of his vehicle. 
“This is it, I’m just gonna die out here and then I’ll be the body my dads looking for” He muttered to himself trying to find a decent foothold to climb up the last remaining hill to his Jeep.
“How’d my son die? Oh sorry sir he was a dumb ass who listened to your police scanner and tried to find a dead body and then got his guts wrapped out by a wolf, even though wolves aren’t in California anymore, ya know typical stiles shenanigans.” Stiles was mumbling to himself when suddenly his foot slipped and he tumbled backwards landing with a groan, a sharp pain shooting through his foot. “Can’t a guy catch a break?” He cried willing himself to sit up, pushing through the agonizing burning around his stomach to look at his ankle. “Please dear god don’t be broken.” He sighed crawling until he was close enough to a tree to assist him in standing up, slowly he eased him self up and put his foot down only to hiss once he put pressure on it. 
“You deserve this you know.” He grumbled to himself, hobbling over to the least steep part of the hill he could find. “It really is karmic retribution.”
“Stiles? Stiles is that you?” Stiles head shot up wiping around to the side of him until his eyes landed on the form that spoke.
“Oh thank god, holy shit, I doubled back after sneaking away from your dad, and something like attacked me and I thought something had happened to y… holy shit Stiles you’re bleeding.” Scott ran over pulling Stiles arm around his neck and leading him around the hill he’d been trying to climb.
“Of course there's a fucking spot that's not even a hill” He grumbled under his breath, hissing every time he needed to use his leg to limp forward.
“Stiles why didn’t you call me? You look like you’ve been bleeding a lot.” 
“You’re shirt also states you’ve been bleeding.” Stiles noted out loud nodding his head towards Scotts bloody t shirt.
“Yea some kind of dog bite me.”
“Hey me too.” Stiles chuckled leaning his forehead against the cool door of his jeep when they finally made it.
“Looks like it got you a little worse then me huh?” Scott breathed, reaching into the backseat and pulling out stiles first aid kit. Stiles was never more glad then this very moment that Melissa insisted that he keep one with him at all times as soon as he got the vehicle.
“Scott I think I'm gonna throw up.” He groaned sliding down the side of the jeep until he was sitting on the ground
“Lay down man, lemme take a look at it.”
“I’m not a dog Scotty, how are you even going to be able to do anything.”
“Just cause I’m a vet’s assistant doesn't mean my mom hasn't taught me basic first aid.” Scott rolled his eyes at his best friend helping him lean back till he was laying flat on the ground.
“Shouldn't you be taking care of your injury, McCall.” He groaned, closing his eyes.
“Already did.. Jesus Stiles.” Scotts voice came out breathy as he lifted up the other boys shirt taking in the sight before him. “Did it knaw on you?” He whispered shuffling through the contents of the kit in front of him till he found the Alcohol.
“Sure feels like it.” Stiles laugh came out wet and airy. “Hey if I die out here, talk me up at my funeral, need Lydia to know how bad ass I was fighting off a real Wolf.” 
“Stiles don’t be so dramatic you’re not going to die.”
“They say that in movies all the time and you know what happens next? The guys dies.” 
“This isn’t a movie.”
“Should be, I'm hysterical, I’d be a great subject for a movie.” Scott huffed out a laugh moving from stiles now wrapped abdomen to his ankle.
“I think this is just a sprain, so that's good. We should probably go to the hospital though.”
“I’m sorry did you forget who our parents are? Tomorrows the first day of Junior year I am not starting out grounded.”
“Stiles you’re stomach looks really bad man.” Scott whispered helping Stiles stand back up.
“Pshh I’ll be fine, lets just go home, I already texted your mom saying you staying with me tonight.” Stiles laughed covering a grimace as he climbed behind the wheel.
“Stiles, you shouldn’t be driving.”
“Potato tomato”
“Just get in lets go home.”
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punkscowardschampions · 4 years ago
Ali & Tommy
Ali: [Let us assume he has gone back to school now and this was a weekend affair] Ali: You forgot your 🕯 Ali: expect it in the post, minus the disappointed note from Ro I've taken out Ali: ✈️ trips not guilt trips, welcome Tommy: leave it in, LOVE to hear what she's gotta say about why I'M the one being a holy show Ali: You aren't respecting the sanctity of her offering, is very much the point and gist Ali: she put more letters to it, as standard Tommy: 'course she did Ali: It does mean a lot to her Ali: but yeah, nice to have my 📅 to myself again, can't lie Tommy: meant so much she fucked off soon as the 🎂 candles were out Ali: You know she isn't the party 'til dawn sort Ali: anyway, they'd be coming in for morning service 😅 Tommy: I know it's her party & she can 😭 if she wants to Ali: If I'd known that was the theme, could've made party bags with 🧅 & 🧻 Ali: well, at least you were in your element 🕺 and you kept Meena and Carly entertained Ali: the hostess not being overly concerned herself, like Tommy: this family's hostess with the mostest has & always will be me, honey Tommy: what else do they teach me at this school, like? Ali: I had no idea you were at finishing school, my apologies Ali: how's things with keeping a man then, Holly Housewife? Tommy: Why stop at strutting with 📚 on our heads when we could do it in 🩰 perfectly en pointe, carrying a sulky ballerina all the while? Basically a Latin motto Tommy: & yet I still can't keep a man, cheers for the reminder Ali: Maybe now you're of age they introduce the final string to your bow Ali: quadruple threat = 🎤🕺🎭🍆 Tommy: 😂🤞🙏 Tommy: stole your girl regardless, tell her to call me when she's slept off the festivities Ali: No doubt she will when she's between the next couple of parties 😜 Ali: your girl is here actually, helping Ro 'organise' her presents Ali: dunno where she parked her 🎃 Tommy: I'll join Fraze in the red corner 😍💋💔🤬🎯👿🥤🤡🥵🛑💘 Tommy: those dolls do go walk abouts if you don't keep a 👀 but obviously she was 🤞🙏 I was still there Ali: He might misconstrue that and come to fight for her honour Ali: 🤞🙏 she's in LDN too, naturally Ali: lots of them are haunted, but that last part of your sentence there is the MOST 😱 ever Ali: it's weird when you approach anything fuck boy like Tommy: miscommunication is his thing™ no hard feels or feelings full stop, 'course 💪🚫😭🚫😍 Tommy: what can I say? being back DOES things to me Tommy: it's all the positive masculine role models this family has Ali: Guess it beats a total lack of @Joseph Ali: though he sent her some book about musical theory so he still manages to be the favourite somehow 🤷 Ali: and hey, dad is the best Tommy: v catty & then cuddly of you, Kit Tommy: he doesn't respond to MY efforts at being a daddy's girl exactly the same way somehow 🤷 Ali: we're both living up to what's expected then 😼 Ali: could just be I'm better at it than you though Ali: if your ego will allow it Tommy: can't let our sister fly that flag alone, like Tommy: as for who's better at kissing the arse of authority figures, don't need to dignify that with an answer 'cause my school report will Tommy: you ain't never been a pleasure to have in class Ali: I might genuinely have to shoot myself if anyone ever said anything so asinine about me so you're right Ali: that would be such a waste of potential, not until I've lead a more scandal-filled existence Tommy: you could respect the hustle Tommy: it's getting me 🩰 perks Tommy: disciplined is the head that wears the 👑 hoe Ali: I know all about discipline, trust me Tommy: we've all read 50 shades, you can't take it as gospel Tommy: Ro could write a better bdsm bibe when she's done at church Tommy: bible* Ali: It's all fun and games 'til I walk in on her flagellating herself Ali: how are we explaining that to the shrinks Tommy: that she misunderstood a more sexy f word? Ali: we don't want to look like we're trying to lock her up for that Ali: way too retro, bro Tommy: She wants to be catholic Tommy: I didn't make the rules Ali: No, then da really would hate you Ali: she's got worse Tommy: Yeah Tommy: I know, no amount of drama from the golden couple could detract Ali: not that I haven't heard enough about that though Ali: guess there's too much to put in a passive-aggressive note Tommy: 🙄🥱😴 Tommy: She wasn't even THAT late & tbh I wouldn't have blamed her for doing a Joe no show Ali: I would've understood if she was upset when she wasn't coming Ali: I am when Joe doesn't, whatever Ali: but I think she was actually MORE upset that she did come in the end, and not just because she was messy, but because Ro thought she wouldn't Ali: I don't get it, they're complicated, always have been but ??? Tommy: she can't hold being a good sister over her, like you can't me being the most fabulous brother in existence 🏆 Tommy: the fuck ups are more fun to bring to a 🥊 Ali: I guess that's more likely than them being all 💕💞 Ali: but fucking hell, does it hurt to hope Tommy: it's hurting you 😿 Tommy: she'll be too hangry to hope Ali: I have no hope or agenda for your 🏆 or 👑 dear brother Ali: but seriously Ali: what does she want Tommy: like you said ???? Tommy: there's every chance I'm bringing too much McKenna magic to the motives & she don't wanna bear a grudge til the end of her days Ali: because it doesn't sound like her at all Ali: if you can't be honest in the DMs where can you, eh, to quote that romcom Ali: fucked if I know what to do about it right now though Ali: maybe I need to sleep off the festivities, or get something to eat Tommy: long as you're not so hysterical you run into the path of an oncoming car, to recall another faithful role of hers Ali: have you adapted that for the stage? Ali: get 5 of you to be the 🚗 Tommy: dibs 'cause I can't do the accent Tommy: not that loads of 'em posh kids can either Ali: they'll have spent enough time gentrifying the east end to have it down, offensively so but all adds to the hysterics Tommy: I'll pitch it then 💡 Tommy: go down better than her 🎤🎵 Ali: better than her when she got hit by the car, like Ali: give me credit or I'll turn up and make a SCENE Tommy: like I wouldn't be LIVING for that Tommy: if we are being honest in the DMS Ali: I'll work on my RICKKAAAAAAAAAAAY Ali: maybe can convince Ro to be Sharon Tommy: hang around your ma in law & you'll ace it in no time Ali: Ha Ali: she'd accept Peggy, not Pat Tommy: fair, Laoise's ma's the one more likely to express herself with big earrings & animal prints Tommy: but I don't know if Sam Mitchell is a favourable role for Carls, what did she ever even do? Ali: Are you trying to tell me it's NOT a look? 🤔 Ali: or that you rate Laoise's mum? Ali: The character, nothing, the OG actress lost her nose so we're all agreed that's a no Tommy: I'd rate seeing her da on the doorstep in nothing but a bow tie for how mortified she'd be when I uploaded it Tommy: Grant's also no, he knocked Martine on her arse way before that car Tommy: but if she's Phil, you're Sharon so that's a yeah from me, like Ali: Don't, her dad always gave me those vibes Ali: and you ain't actually on the street still to have to witness that 🤮 Ali: I don't know how she'll feel about going bald, I'll float it gently before getting out the clippers Tommy: Do Rock's while you're there, he looks feral Tommy: even that nonce wouldn't have him Ali: You know his ears would get chapped Ali: hair is essential or he'll fly away on the breeze Ali: and we'd all be devastated, obvs Tommy: don't start me thinking about that scene in Dumbo, cheers very much Tommy: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Ali: Such a depressing film Ali: disney gives me bad vibes Tommy: the park is creepy & you won't catch me there Tommy: whether or not Walt was a Nazi it's still a nah from me Ali: Wee bit concerning that emotional manipulation and forced fun trumps facism/literal Nazis for you but we'll 🤐 Ali: ma is in enough of a mood and she'll only direct it at me so nah Tommy: well his racism is disputed depending whether you're in camp 😇 saint him 🙏 or camp cast him into the hellfire 👿 Tommy: the forced fun & emotional manipulation is just facts Ali: 👿 advocate Tommy: I'm gonna go to hell 🤞 he's an ally Ali: 😬 Ali: it's a punishment, not a holiday Tommy: it'll be a grand hol for my pores Tommy: love a sauna sesh Ali: that London smog is not it Ali: how black is your snot? Tommy: as Ro's soul 💀 Ali: Thomas Tommy: Alison Ali: 🛑 it Tommy: she'd 🖤 to hear it but FINE Ali: you're an enabler, it is known Ali: not the kind of encouragement I'm after tah Tommy: enabling you & your lady love to have a good time, yeah 🕺💃 Tommy: & I fully expected her to turn up with a pet raven is all I'm saying Ali: the best was made of it by all, despite it all Ali: even her, in her way Tommy: despite Kayne appearing 🤵🥀 & all in her case Ali: yeah Ali: ugh Ali: he's harmless enough, bless him Tommy: she'd beg to differ right now Tommy: you're gonna wanna hide the 🍄🍄💀 til she calms down Ali: You don't need to tell me Ali: I think he's just really oblivious Ali: like all lads Ali: it wasn't you know...assaulty Tommy: It's not his fault she's team true love's kiss & he AIN'T it Tommy: who could EVER measure up to the 💭💞 Ali: standards, cool Ali: unrealistic expectations, less so Ali: but I can't really advocate for reality at this point in the game Tommy: You don't need to tell me, sis Ali: you're team turn-a-stage-kiss-real, yeah Ali: it's more realistic than fairytales, anyway, look at strictly Tommy: I'm team when's my life been a shitty made for netflix flick never mind a 🐸🤴📖 Tommy: crushing realism ftw Ali: 💔 Ali: If you didn't have a tragic love-life to complain about, you'd be too insufferable 🤴💩 Tommy: comforting Tommy: I'd HATE to morph into Fraze of a few years back Ali: I'll let you know if you start getting freckles Tommy: I'd know if I woke up with those brows Tommy: nowhere to hide, like Ali: 👺 Tommy: 😂 Ali: What are you getting ma for her bday/have you got already (suckup) Tommy: I left it there if you wanna find & shake the 🎁 Ali: Wow, you really didn't wanna pay postage that bad huh Ali: I'll see if I can 🔮 Tommy: with what? I'm skint after buying hers & Ro's Tommy: & it'll be 🎅🎄🎁 before too long Ali: that's what people really mean when they say dance don't pay Ali: gifting an interpretive dance is nothing but pretentious and unwelcome Ali: I can bodge together however many crafts I need and save my dolla Tommy: been there, tried that one Tommy: so much for your so called genius Tommy: ain't even thought of earning any by busting out the 🎅🎄🎵 classics for a busking sesh, works with 🩰 too I'll have you know Ali: 'til you knock over an old lady and have to leg it, like Ali: and if you hadn't noticed, I've been a little busy making a replica Ro, tah Ali: my creative juices are juiced right now Tommy: I'll make it look like part of the show & have the punters eating out of my palm when I catch & twirl any 👵 before they touch ground Tommy: yeah well you've got time from now, fair game on all things yule from Nov 1st Ali: 👌👌 clearly the LDN ones are more receptive because they're vicious 'round here with their 👜s and I'm only trying to give them the tea they ordered Ali: if ANYONE should advocate for Christmas not dragging, like Tommy: it's Irish dancing or fuck all back there, 365 🌧 or ⛅ Tommy: little girls scam every bit of that trade Ali: ironic when it's catch these hands in every other aspect Ali: so you'll fit right in, eh Ali: feel traumatised yet? Tommy: I'll do my best, as ever Ali: 🤴 Ali: meanwhile ma will have to make do with whatever IOU present I can knock up Ali: maybe I'll babysit, that's never not gonna work Tommy: she was on about going out 🍽 wasn't she? Tommy: Carls will never not be down either Ali: get him to make her a cake Ali: sorted Ali: providing he washes his hands...a full hose down may be necessary actually Tommy: she's survived the 🧁 he brings back from school & we've all seen the state of him at day's end Ali: yeah, cheers for the immunity boost little 🦠 Ali: fair, I'm pretty sure we put some weird and wonderful things into our bakes at his age and no one died Ali: Laoise nearly but you know Tommy: close but no 🚬 Tommy: typical of that bitch Ali: sure a 🙏 was said to finish the job at mass Tommy: if you see her ma mascara running in an lbd, I demand to be the first to know Ali: I'll pap her in her time of distress, it's fine Ali: I can hide up trees for HOURS if needs must Tommy: I'm not above piggybacking on the 'tragedy' to get better grades or a hol Tommy: do your part, like Ali: she won't fall for 🍄 again Ali: her brother might if Ro puts 'em in her gob Tommy: 💞 Ali: more of a mood than without Ali: add a little danger Tommy: she'd appreciate the drama more than anything he could ever do Ali: 💔 Tommy: nah, we're not shipping that Tommy: not today Ali: You gotta make some bad decisions before you make the right ones Tommy: a bad decision was the colour of her 👗 Tommy: the last thing that girl needs is a boy right now Ali: Okay you can't come for anyone vis a vis colour, boy Ali: even if I still see it when I close my eyes after however many weeks sewing Ali: but you may have a point re. a boy Ali: just, some socialisation wouldn't hurt Ali: and as far as they go, he's harmless Tommy: 'Course I do, she can barely exist in front of us Tommy: if they went on a date, what's she gonna do, order a glass of water? Ali: like you haven't seen her fake eat a plate of food Ali: it's only noticeable to all us that she's not actually putting any in her mouth Tommy: 🔮✨ Tommy: if he's TRULY harmless he don't deserve to be harmed by her attitude Tommy: which anyone else not bound by family love & loyalty would call something loads harsher Ali: Don't Ali: I feel bad enough for Meena sometimes Tommy: @ Carly too & we all know it Ali: Yeah, Carly can handle it though, she's mostly unphased even if it is a total thing 🙄 Tommy: She's a 👸😇 I doubt Kayne is that pure of ❤️ or intentions tbh Tommy: & Meena can handle anything so Ali: he's deffo a virgin though Ali: which yes, makes for more desperation, but he can't be that forceful if he dunno what he wants, you know Ali: yeah but God knows why she wants to come 'round here and get more of it at times Tommy: No shit, Kit but everyone's seen a porno, it's not the 70s Tommy: dress for it all you like Tommy: maybe she wants to get out of her own 🏡 Ali: everyone also knows it's bullshit Ali: whatever else she's got that much about her Tommy: does he though? Tommy: all I'm saying Ali: either way, it isn't like she's going to have a miraculous change of heart Ali: we all saw how well it went Tommy: Yeah but what if it makes her heart set on finding someone else to play 🤴 Tommy: you'd know better than me what goes on in her head Ali: She's 15, I don't see how any of us can say or do anything to stop her if that's what she does want Tommy: 15 technically Tommy: 🤷 Ali: If we can't make her eat, you know Ali: what hope do we have for anything beyond that Tommy: 0 Tommy: & it's fucked Ali: Yep Ali: but it's not as if that bombshell has only just been dropped, I guess Ali: we'll carry on doing what we can Tommy: 🔮✨ Ali: ✌💚
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rndyounghowze · 5 years ago
At Least the Butler Didn't Do it in Little Egg Theatre Company's "And Then There Were None"
By Ricky and Dana Young-Howze
Little Egg Harbor, NJ
No one made it out alive at the Edward Thornton Community Center at Little Egg Theatre Company's production of "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. This three act play was directed by Tara Dixon and brought an all volunteer cast and crew together to give us the chills!
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Ten strangers are invited to a private island by a mysterious owner under false pretenses. It soon turns out that his reason for inviting them might have been quite sinister. Will they get off the island before they're all dead? How will it end? Well that dear audience is up to you! After the first act you get to choose from two endings that you will vote on. You're in control over how everything gets wrapped up in the end.
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It's kind of bad for review business when a play is so good that you are watching it more than you are writing the review. Direction by Tara Dixon took one of the two best tenants of a murder mystery to heart: direct our attention and stay ahead of us. I found myself unable to look away and just the moment I thought I had it figured out I found out I was dead wrong!
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I thought that Rogers (played by Ricky Franco) was holding out on me until he got alone with Mrs. Rogers and loosened up. Then I realized that he’s playing a character who’s also putting on airs. I love being pleasantly surprised by a good actor who’s letting things unfold for me.
I really think Mrs. Rogers (played by Adelle Conroy) shone in her hysterics. I don't know why but it's hard to play the help in a murder mystery. I admire her willingness to take on the challenge.
Jim Henry (played by Fred Narracott) was on for so short an amount of time I was just waiting for him to pop up with an axe and be the killer. Maybe it's good acting or just clever misdirection but I felt his presence even after he was gone.
I can tell really good actors by looking at their eyes. And looking at Christine Danelson I could see her trying to think Vera Claythorne’s thoughts and look just where she would look. If she’s not a RSC trained actress and she did this so well by accident she should keep that as her little secret. Dana really appreciated the laugh cry that gave her the chills in act two.
The very first show that I ever reviewed had Cormac Morrissey playing a small role. That was 48 reviews ago and I’ve missed him ever since. His take on Lombard was as smooth as a 12 year old Scotch. I’m so glad that he invited me to come down. I wish I saw him on some other South Jersey stages.
In his short time onstage I would have loved to see Marston (played by Richard Engebretsen) rein it in a bit and trust his character. He’s one of the only actors that I could see “acting" onstage. But still you gotta like someone trying hard enough they have some energy to rein in. It's a director's dream!
I don’t know if Blore (played by Rick Mellerup) is played by someone who has that natural boisterous energy or if he’s just that good putting that energy out there. Either way a very memorable performance.
General McKensie (played by Ken Shirak) played unhinged very very well. He really surprised me in a good way.
It’s really hard to act when you have to have such a stick up your butt right before you get onstage like Emily Brent (played by Janet Wolf) does. I like that she found parts of the script she could latch onto and really bit into them to take us for a ride.
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I loved Lawrence Wargrave's (played by A Grey Le Cuyer) take charge attitude and commanding demeanor onstage. He's one of the driving forces of the show and I'm glad that they put one of the strongest actors in the role. Dana liked how used his full range for such a demanding role. He should join Cormac and some other stellar co stars and take this talent on the road.
The only thing that I’d wish from Dr. Armstrong (played by Chuck Deeney) is a bit more volume otherwise I loved seeing the work he did with his callow demeanor and how he set himself apart from the other loud and boisterously actors.
The Voice (played by Kevin Berdini) had just the right balance of creepy and informative. Who doesn't love and ominous voice in a murder mystery?
I want to give a big shout out to the incredible set which is the most intricate and detailed we've seen in such a stark space! This is just a big empty community center during the day and they literally transform it into a stage. They were just loading this in just a week ago. As someone who's had to put some interesting sets in all manner of places I want to assure you that these people are either really good at what they do or are as crazy as a loon. I hope it's the first one.
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Scenic Artistry by Donna M. George The sky was actually very complex and depending how it was lit was either a clear blue sky or a dreary cloudy day.
A big shout-out to lighting and sound by Trish O’Niell, Al O’Niell, and Alexandre Lecuyer! Dana had a bit of a question about the choice to use the blue light in act two to suggest night time. She would have rather been able to see than be struggling to make things out. I also believe that investing in some down lighting in the future would be great down the line. It would create a more professional aesthetic and eliminate shadows. I'm only saying this because I think they're so ready to take it up another notch!
It’s very hard to get people to understand the need for dedicated playhouses in this country. Musicals are great but there’s something that just entrances me about a nice well made play. It’s great to see a group of people who come together to make these huge undertakings happen every show. You hear “It’s the teamwork that makes the dreamwork” but it’s not until you see one of these small theatre companies bringing their shows to life with their own blood sweat and tears that the saying really hits you.
You need to come see this play. At least twice so you have a chance to see both endings. It's well worth the schlep up Route 9 for us! And free coffee is a big plus!
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unsatisfied-dreamer · 4 years ago
Starlit Nights
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A scenario of going out to a theme park and you aren't a fan of height but you didn't tell him. This is a bit of a romance comedy and comfort type short story with my Bias Kim Byeongkwan. I hope you enjoy it and find good and supportive relationships. <3
Byeongkwan told you to wait by the entrance gate because he already bought the tickets for today. You hope he doesn't feel too bad because you actually arrived early and he doesn't like to make you wait. Smiling to yourself he was a thoughtful gentlemen through and through. While you waited your eyes drifted up to the sky even with the lights from the park entrance the stars were so bright and could be seen. A voice that always fills your chest with warmth butterflies calls out your name. There in front of you was someone who shined brighter than any star. Your face widen into a smile seeing his smiling face and eyes shimmer with life. "Hi Byeongi~" You held your arms out as he ran to you scooping you and spinning you. As you wrapped your arms around his neck and he held onto your waist. Laughing as you both kept spinning. "Okay Kwanie can you please put me down? We're going to be spinning enough later better save up our endurance." Byeongkwan looks up at you with his bottom lip stuck out in a pout. "Fine I guess I have to put you down... after one last spin." True to his word he spun you one last final time. When your feet final met the ground again he kept your waists together looking into your eyes. You reached up to cup his face in both your hand a pressed a soft kiss onto his lips. Which he returned and then kissed your forehead stepping away but not before he grabbed your hand. Reaching into his pocket with his free hand for the tickets. "Let's get it!" You rolled your eyes laughing. "Where did you learn that? You even have me saying it now." "Come on if we don't get in there we will miss out on park time." Walking side by side. He handed the tickets to the male park attendant. After a quick thank you it was time to carry out the strategy you both planned out over chat. The one thing you were nervous about was the one ride near the end of the night. Sure rollercoasters with death drops were fine and haunted houses. Heck, even bungee jumping was alright with you. However Byeongkwan was so excited to go on the massive Ferris wheel with you that you didn't have the heart to tell him that it terrified you. All the things you weren't afraid of didn't matter. You couldn't stand disappointing your lovely and thoughtful boyfriend. If he knew of course he'd take it off the list. There was a little tug on your hand that brought your thoughts back to the moment. First up was one of your picks since he insisted "Ladies first~". The excitement of the music and crowd got you as you practically dragged him behind you. All the while he eyes grew softer as he watched how happy and carefree you were here. Normally you were pretty playful but somedays you were really weighed down with things on your plate and he wanted nothing but to take it away but he knew there was a limit. So moments like this he could help you be bursting with happiness were everything. You had become his world. You were the person who held him tightly and dearly the first time you saw his resolute and cheerful exterior crumble. No judgement in your eyes. You he was still that cheerful bright person but you understood there was sadness and a lot of pressure that could make him sad and anxious. In that way you were similar. The next day after that you were waiting beside the bed with chin on the edge next to him as he woke up. "Hey beautiful boy. I love you. More than you know. I'm glad you felt safe enough to show me how you were feeling. Byeongi, you always try so hard to give to everyone else. It's okay to take a little more than you do." With that you leaned forward and kissed both his eye lids. Still swollen from where he had cried. "Now get on out here and eat. I made my secret French toast and a mountain of bacon and eggs." With that you walked out the door turning around to smile at him. In the corner of the room was the shirt you had worn last night he soaked with tears tossed into the laundry basket.
Those memoires made it feel like he owed you. Even if you always argued he did more for you. There you sat kicking your feet next to him having the time of your life. As you both comped away on a strawberry funnel cake. Small waves of heat weaving into the air as the night got cooler. Pieces of your hair sticking up here and there looking a mess. Byeongkwan reached out and smoothed what he could. You froze for a second looked up at him through your bangs. Pulling a piece of the funnel cake off he bopped it on your nose covering it powdered sugar. "Hey!" He couldn't stop laughing and his laugh was contagious that you couldn't stay annoyed at him and began laughing with him. While he was distracted you pulled off a piece too and bopped his mouth with it. Leaving his lips covered in powered sugar. While he was laughing and distracted you dove in kissed him. After pulling back you giggled at his startled expression. "There now we're even and how else could I get all the sugar off?" Looking at you he saw you'd gotten some sugar on the corner of your mouth and brushed it off for you with his thumb. Most guys weren't nearly this fun and could relax. You really were luck and blessed to have him. It was like God gave you exactly what you had hoped for and more when you found him. The night was growing deeper. The next ride was a haunted house. Both of you had a small hobby of watching Horror movies so this was going to be one of the highlights. It was a ride through one. The story of the ride was that during a great fire. Everyone else of the great estate escaped except for Mildred. The head of staff. Not noticing sweet Mildred hadn't made it out she burned along with the great mansion. Some years pass and on nights under the full moon the mansion appears. You have to avoid Mildred or she will catch you and make you be one of the staff for eternity. Her face is said to be so burned there is no skin left. It made Byeongkwan and yours skin crawl. The creepier the better. You made it through most the ride laughing and enjoying. Except for when it sounded like the floor was breaking the cart fell down onto a track underneath. Afterwards both your hair a mess. You laughed at each other for both screaming like babies. Reenacting how high pitched you were. Byeongkwan made fun of you for screaming "Did you hear yourself it was hysterical." "Big talk for someone who screeched like a banshee." It was well down to the last thing on the list. Byeongkwan pushed you along from behind bouncing on his feet. He was so excited eyes shinning. Ready to ride the Ferris wheel like many of the other couples in line. He had looked up this park on line and couples raved about how romantic and beautiful the view was. You did your best to not think about your fears and smile along with him. Hoping your boyfriend won't notice any change in your behavior. The thing is he's really good on picking up changes in moods. As you got closer the more nervous you felt. Eventually you decided the best thing to do was lean onto Byeongkwan and play it off as you wanting to cuddle. Which you did it was the only thing keeping you from running. It was unfortunately your turn now. "Let's go it's our turn come one Y/N~ I'm so excited." Forcing a smile you followed behind him into the open sided car. It wasn't so bad till the wheel started to move and the car swung slightly side to side. Your started to go rigid. Thankfully ByeongKwan was looking at the view. "Oh my gosh, you gotta look at the view it's amazing~ Y/N?"
It was then he realized that something was wrong. You were frozen stiff and your eyes were shaking. You were afraid. He'd rarely seen it but he knew. Why hadn't he picked up on it sooner. He began to feel terrible. Why didn't she say something, why didn't he notice. "Y/n you're scared aren't you?" He stopped to sigh and shake his head, "Why didn't you say so. It started in line didn't it? I took it as you being tired." Within in seconds your effort to not cry shook you. Tears in your eyes hating the fear you had because it was stupid. Slamming your eyes shut you started to speak in a wobbling voice. "I'm sorry I know it's stupid but this is the one thing here that scares me... and... and..." Byeongkwan slide closer to you and pulled your hands into his lap rubbing the back of them with his thumbs. "Hey, you shouldn't have to be ashamed you're scared. Even if you think it's stupid. Look at me." You pried your eyes open as the tears threatened to fall. "We're you trying to impress me or something? I don't think you weak or anything. So why? Talk to me please Y/n." He had his lip stuck out in a pout which he knew would normally always get you give up information. Your throat burned and as you opened you mouth tears started rolling down your cheeks. "Hey hey Y/n. Calm down and breathe first." Leading you through a few breaths. "Byeongi you were so excited to ride this together. It was the one thing you insisted on doing and I didn't want to... to... say no and make you disappointed." Now with you chin pointed down Byeongkwan had to lean down to peer into your eyes. He gently held your face tilting it up and brushing the tears away with his fingers. "Keep that up and your makeup is going to run." He said hoping to get a laugh out of you. All he got was a sad half laugh. As a few more stray tears rolled down. He looked sadly at you for a moment. His eyes were deep and dull as he felt his heart ache thinking how upset you must to be acting so unlike yourself. "Hey, please promise me this won't happen again. You'll tell me so you don't put yourself in distress for me. I only chose this because I was so happy about seeing you up here eyes all bright and smiling and we could be alone for a little here at the park. But that back fired huh? You wouldn't disappointed me by saying no. Okay." He looked you right in the eyes and you knew from how he whispered that last sentence he meant it. All you do was nod and he gave a small sad smile and kissed your cheek. You collapsed into his side shaking from how the ride swung slightly and the thought of how high it was. He kept shushing you and turned your face so it was hidden in his shirt as your arm snaked around his waist. Gripping hard onto him as you shook and his kissed the top of your head. As he hummed the tune of 5TAR. He felt a little helpless and the only thing he could think of was to put you on his lap and wrap his arm around you. Bad as this all was now he saw how much you trusted him. Never before had you shown this vulnerability and let your guard down. Your face now was tucked into his neck and your arms snaked around his neck. You were so focused on not looking that you hadn't noticed it was time to get off till Byeongkwan stood up and walked out of the car carrying you. Pulling your face away from his neck you spoke in a small voice. "I can walk Byeongi." "I know you can but you don't have to and plus you're still shaking like a kitten. It's alright close your eyes." There was no fighting him on it and you knew it. So you rested your face against his neck. This night had some great moments and some bad moments but in the end. Maybe it wasn't all so bad. You realized maybe you should tell him the truth more and be willing to trust him with your things you aren't so proud of. Maybe tonight isn't so bad. I don't think Y/N has ever shown this much of herself and spoken so openly about being upset to me. I trust her fully maybe now she'll know she can count on me too like that. With that he pressed a kiss to Y/N's head. The end.
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