#-couldn’t. he just gets ultimately destroyed or whatever
ectoplasmer · 1 year
guess who is being clinically unwell over yb and technically tkb again haha it’s meeee *SOBBING*
#i ran into the drawing refs for baby tkb. i cried#HE WAS SO SMALL :( IT’S SO UPSETTING :((#i know it’s like a Needed that he is traumatized because he is a ygo character but#man. he was just a kid. he watched everything happen :(#and i just can’t get over how after three millennia he still isn’t able to avenge them. he spends his whole life trying to and he still-#-couldn’t. he just gets ultimately destroyed or whatever#makes a pact with the literal darkness just to try and avenge his village even when it would shroud the whole earth in darkness or whatever#still couldn’t. still couldn’t make up for the loss of his family. still couldn’t get back at the pharaoh.#still couldn’t live up to what they wanted for him#just. loses himself to his vengeance and never comes back from it#don’t get me started on how the spirits of kul elna tried to protect him and literally shield him from harm i will start Crying#not that i am not already close to that >_>#everything about anything he’s been through just makes me so sad :(#i hate how much it is just dismissed in canon#i wanna hold him and make him know how much i care about it#how much i think about all he’s been through#how i probably get more visibly upset over it than he does… /hj#i would say i want to protect him but i don’t think he needs protecting#he’s strong and he’s made it this far and i’m proud of him for that but also sob crying IT’S STILL BECAUSE OF HOW MUCH HE’S BEEN THROUGH…#agajshdkxn holding him kissing him etc etc i’m an absolute fool over this man#he makes me so sad and so happy at the same time :( i love him so much…..#sorry brain worms are strong today#a thief after my own heart#four of spades
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sweet-as-an-angel · 5 months
Things Simon Loves About You
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Warnings: Fluff <3, Cosy Headcanons, Simon Being a Hypothetical Animal Crossing Enthusiast, Jealous! Simon :3, Simon Being the Best Boyfriend, Spoilers for Simon’s Backstory, No Pronouns Used For Reader Except ‘You’.
He’s secretly enamoured with the way you’ll gently pluck a fallen eyelash from his face and tell him to make a wish on it. The first time it happened, you had to explain to him what this odd ritual meant, what it entailed. You shushed him before he tried to make his wish out loud, telling him with haste that it won’t come true if he told you what it was. When he blew the eyelash from your fingertip, all he could do was look at you and think: ‘but it already came true’.
Though it initially worried him, he loves that you go to sleep late — especially when he finds you zonked out on the sofa, TV on, remnants of your midnight snack escapade scattered across the coffee table. It means he has an excuse to pick you up and bring you to bed, holding you close to him all the while. Most nights, he just stares at you, watching you, wondering how he got so lucky to even have someone exist in the same house with, never mind you.
Nobody likes arguments — especially Simon. Having grown up in an abusive household, they were commonplace in some form or another. But, when he argues with you, he knows that it can easily be fixed. Especially if it’s over something minimal like laundry or cleaning — it gives him the excuse to seek you out and utilise his ultimate love languages: gift-giving and physical touch. Sure, he’ll give you a quiet, verbal apology, too, but his efforts shine through in the way he opens himself up to you, pulling you into a warm hug and not letting you go for as long as you’ll let him.
He loves the nicknames you give him: especially the funny ones. You’ve called him Semen Demon before now — completely unprompted. He couldn’t help but give a deep chuckle, saying “What are you like,” before turning back to what he was doing. This worked a competition between the two of you to see who could create the most cursed nickname for the other.
It’s still going on ‘til this day.
He lives for the inside jokes the two of you have, like a dialect only you know. It makes him feel like he’s truly part of something… normal. Sure, he has the 141, by they are bound in the blood of their profession, not by the sanctity of love. Not the kind of love you two have. He loves it even more when everyone else looks confused when you mark a reference onto you two understand; it makes him feel like you’re talking to him and only him. For the first time, he feels like someone sees him.
He loves when you listen to his music suggestions. It makes him feel like his opinion matters — like what he says matters.
He loves the music you listen to, too. Not even because he likes the songs themselves, but because he knows, somewhere between their instruments and vocals, you have found enjoyment, like a coveted treasure. And that's what brings him enjoyment when listening to them.
Simon’s always been a light sleeper. A trick he learned in childhood. So when you prod him awake to spill your thoughts to him, he’s immediately all ears. And he loves everything you say, no matter how banal or nonsensical. Even when you tell him your worries, his heart swells with the fact that you trust him enough with your perils. That you think, even for a second, that maybe he can fix them.
And he would. Before time can catch him, he’ll do whatever it takes to ease your worries, to destroy them.
He loves that he gets to show you off to the 141 — like a child with an arts and crafts project. He’s a secretive man, but he won’t hesitate to make light of the fact that his partner is absolutely stunning, intelligent, hilarious, loyal, understanding—
You see where this is going.
He even loves how jealous they all look when they see you wearing one of his shirts in all your unfiltered glory, wishing them a good night while you bid Simon his own – a special one. A kiss. Just on the forehead. But a kiss all the same.
He’s dazed for the rest of the evening, trying to hurry his friends uut the door so he can come to bed and see you.
Lazy morning cuddles !!!!!
He’s recently gotten into video games because of you, too.
Secretly a big fan of Animal Crossing. He absolutely would have been one of those people to try and buy Raymond from anyone willing to sell him back in 2020 .
Likes any games that are life simulators. Simple ones — free of life’s stresses.
Loves Harvest Moon. And the Sims (Sims 2 is his favourite).
Although, when he found out you can romance other characters, he felt a bit bad because he felt like it would be cheating on you. Until he found out that you were already leading many a double life on those same games. The moment he found out you’d been romancing a collection of pixels and shapes, he picked you up, slung you over his shoulder and dragged you to the bedroom to “Teach you a lesson.”
All in all, domestic life with you is better than anything Simon could have hoped for. So long as you’re with him, he’s living a life he’s only ever dreamt of. And so help the person who tries to wake him.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
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misguidedasgardian · 9 months
Storm's End (End 2)
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Strong!Reader
Summary: your mother sends you to Storm’s End to rally Lord Borros Baratheon for your side, but your uncle arrived there before you
Warnings: Cursing, use of the word bastard, angst, heavy, canon level incest, thoughts about dying, fear of commiting s*icide, mentions of bedding, and more, dark fic, Aemond is unhinged, rape, non-con, minors engaging in sexual activities, blood, violence, war and death, Kinslaying, death in childbirth, dark things related to childbearing, and other very dark things. mIght miss some warnings
Wordcount: 4,2 k
Notes: Alright people, this is it! the END, no more, please I beg of you, this was supposed to be a two shot! No more…
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It's been two weeks since he cuddled you to sleep that night 
Since you confessed to him that you didn’t hate him, that the only thing you wanted was to get back in time and spare you all that hate as well
He acted more kindly to you, gentler, he still had you everytime he could, but at least he made sure to prepare you, to even make sure you don’t hurt while he was bedding you 
But it was too late
It was too late, he had hurt you in an irreparable way
You barely spoke, you barely looked at him, no matter how he tried to coax words out of you
it was true, you did not hate him, but you were destroyed, physically, mentally
You didn’t understood it, what was happening to you
You always thought of yourself as this calm, reserved person, you made sure never to harm or annoy someone, to make sure to present yourself as best as you could, as nicer as you could… people around you cared for you, respected you, you could tell, your family adored you… you were a good person
You didn’t understand why you were being punished with so much hurt and hate
Your own body… felt so foreign to you…
Before, you felt like you were in control, like you were one in all aspects of yourself, now… you barely wanted to move… you felt every breath you took, and even moving posed a challenge, like you had to command every movement of your body… like it didn't belonged to you anymore, you yourself were just floating inside this unknown vessel, who belonged to…
And you didn’t even wanted to move in the first place
You often laid on the bed, not being able to move, sitting so still, you believed that if you did so, stood so still, Aemond wouldn’t see you, wouldn’t hurt you anymore, would forget you exist.
You felt like by only moving, you were going to make him hurt you
You offended him by only existing, by breathing, so when he entered the room, you barely did so…
He would see it, the state you were in, he chose to ignore it, and only spend time in the chambers like they were his own, he would read by the fire, he would sip wine and eat with you as well…
He couldn’t tell, but you would throw up everything you ate
Maybe that is why it was so hard for you to move…
Because you had no energy
One afternoon he came in the room, unannounced, like always, he stopped by the bed, looking down at you
“Are you with child?”, he asked severely, you looked up at im
You also knew he did not liked it when you didn’t answer
“I don’t know”, you answered truthfully
How would you know? you did felt “different”, but it was such a difficult and different circumstances, you couldn’t be sure if the “changes” you were feeling was because your uncle’s seed had taken root in your womb… or because of the estres
He sighed, loudly
“I’ll fetch a maester”
This wasn’t the first time the old man examined you in such an intimate way it made your eye spilled silent tears, but again, you felt so out of your body, you were starting to become indifferent to whatever was happening to you
“He is not with child my prince”, the old man breathed finally, and you didn't know how to feel
If you were with child perhaps Aemond would be satisfied, and would leave you alone, his purpose of humiliate you in the ultimate way would be fulfilled
On the other hand, having a child terrified you to your core
Having a baby… growing it in your belly….
Birthing it… you were there with your mom the day she lost your baby sister, and you were so horrified… maybe you’d die in labor, and the thought, of your child, being raised by the greens, frighten even more
If they even decided to raise them, knowing them, they would throw your babe into the depths of Flea Bottom with the rest of Aegon’s bastards…
That “silly” imaginary scenario made you cry, real tears, all the possibilities were terrifying, now even more so because Aemond was going to keep bedding you until he got what he wanted
You didn’t even know what he wanted anymore
“What is wrong with her?”, he asked coldly, the old made made a weird face, and Aemond grabbed him and took him out of the room, so they could speak without you hearing them
Speaking of your body, out of your earshot
Yet another proof, that your body didn’t belonged to you anymore 
“She is dehydrated, stressed, and she hasn't been eating my prince…”, you heard the old man say, “women are delicate, they need optimal conditions so they can breed…”, you felt like… something else 
“Get out, don’t tell anyone”
Aemond didn’t know the maester’s loyalties lay somewhere else.
He returned to you, and he communicated to you he was going to be send away to Harrenhal, to sort some political matters, and you should do well in using this time to rest, eat, and drink whatever you liked
Of course there was a hidden threat, so he bed you one last… long time, and when the sun broke the next morning, he was gone
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Alicent had become frightened by her own son
She thought she knew his heart, but oh how wrong she was
She saw a side of him that scared her more than the drunk side of Aegon
A possessive side, dark side… 
A side that was capable of killing, raping
That poor girl
Rhaenyra’s daughter, she involuntarily whimpered every time she thought about the only daughter of her childhood companion
Alicent was scared of her own son
And this was going to get out of hand if she didn't do something 
The summit was barely a few weeks from now, and she had no idea how to remove his son’s claws from you
And she knew that if it came between getting back his father or keeping you, his father was going to be lost forever, especially since the maester had come to her the day before and told her that you were with child, and as instructed, he had lied to the Prince.
He couldn’t find out…
So gathering the last of her bravery and strength, and with the help of Larys, she… had you taken, in the middle of the night when she knew Aemond was away in Harrenhal, securing the castle before the summit 
She exchanged correspondence with Rhaenyra before hand of course
And exchanged you both, before the summit
It was a dark night without moon when you were dragged out of bed and walked amongst the secret passageways of the Red Keep to the docks of King’s Landing 
You should have been relieved, but you weren’t, you were frightened, because clearly Aemond hadn't agreed to this, you knew his anger and his rage, and you were scared of what he might be capable of, especially after he had told you that might just someday appear in Dragonstone and burn the castle  to the ground and everyone on it…
But like you yourself said, it was better one week back in your family’s arms, than years with him.
“Aemond…”, you started, “It’s going to be angry”, you whined
“Let me handle my son”, snapped Alicent, as she herself grabbed you and dragged you through the moldy passageways of inside the Keep 
“I must try again and beg you to convince your mother to see reason, that is why I’m releasing you”, Alicent said as you were about to jump on the small boat that was going to get you to the ship
“Please see that Aemond…”, she nodded shortly, but you and her knew very well than there was nothing she could do
The control over dragons was an illusion, they were savage beats, unpredictable and destructive.
As you were sailing back to your home, passing by another vessel, you couldn’t find it in your broken heart to be relieved, you felt like this was making things worse
Much more worse
You were the last chain containing the wrath of the biggest and most powerful dragon in the world
And it just snapped 
And it couldn’t be that easy, just slipping away, going back home…
But as you saw the black castle in the distance, that is when you felt it, the relief, the happiness 
You were home
For a week, a moon or years, it did not matter, you were home
Before you knew it, you were walking slowly up the huge stone bridge connecting the castle with the rest of the island, and then… there they were
Your entire family was waiting for you a bit unfitting for a Queen, a King consort, and princes and princesses, but they clearly did not care as you mother ran towards you, embracing you tightly as soon as she had you within her grasp
“MAMA”, you sobbed into her neck
Her touch, her smell… it brought you back to life, it brought your soul back into your body
“My baby girl, my sweet, my love, my heart, you are home”, you could tell she was also crying as she held you in her arms
You could no longer stand, your legs failed you, but she had you, she was a strong woman, so so strong.
You couldn’t remember much after that
You just collapsed 
You woke up feeling… uncomfortable, a sharp pain between your legs
You whined and tried to get rid of said intrusion, that is when you came back to your senses, the maester, the dragonstone maester, released you with with a concerned face
“She is with child your grace”, you felt your mother’s crying, and dark promises from your Stepfather to… “kill the one-eyed bastard”
You pushed the maester away, and he only nodded
Your mother’s attention was back to you, smiling
“My love”
“I’m sorry, I don’t want anyone touching me”, you whispered, she nodded
“You don’t have to be sorry”, she said simply, she sat by your side, a single tear fell from her eye
“I’m fine”, you assured her, “just a little broken, but aside from it all, I’m home”, she barely smiled and nodded 
“Your brothers want to see you”, she said softly, Daemon stood there, looking down at you in pity, didn’t say anything, didn’t approached you, but you preferred it that way
“I’d like to see them too”, you said, standing from the bed, you had noticed they dressed you in a simple dress 
Your brothers entered the room, but you were nervous, they could see it, and didn’t push you with the physical contact.
Nervous or not, scared to death or not, nightmares or not, you were home, for the next two weeks, you were safe and sound in your home with your family, your whole family, they had all expressed their love for you unborn child. 
If you only knew then, you were going to look back to those days as the happiest of your life…
The summit went terribly wrong… awfully, terribly wrong
Aemond was enraged, for the simple reason you were taken from him, his own family had mocked him, deceived him, betrayed him, you were his, not theirs to trade like they saw fit, he had claimed you, he belonged to you
As expected, not even Aegon could control Aemond, who demanded you to be brought back to him, now he seeked a marriage, and again, demanded that the pact of the division of the Kingdoms was sealed under a marriage pact, but not only Rhaenyra refused, but Aegon and Alicent did also…
It was a breaking point
The first one to suffer his wrath… was your baby brother
Plucked front he skies as he was returning front the Eyrie a few weeks after the summit
Your mother, nor you, not anyone really, was the same
The pact of no aggression went to shit after that
And the seven Kingdoms submerged in a gruesome war
Your brother Jacaerys was next, he perished in the narrow sea, he and his dragon, fighting against the triarchy, your baby brothers were lost too, Aegon and Viserys, you were numb by then, but the wails of your mother would hunt you forever
By that time, you were almost about to give birth
You had terrible nightmares everyday and you were certain you were going to perish in childbirth, only to punish your mother further
It was a terribly stormy night you gave birth
Terrible shapes were drawn in the walls because of the winds that sneaked through the windows threatening to make the flames of the torches perish. You felt like you were hunted by demons of the seven hells, waiting in the corner of your eyes and the room, ready to collect you
But the wail of your baby scared them away
Against all odds, you recuperated, your baby brought a glimpse of hope into the castle
Your mother was never going to smile again, but you felt her relief, and she seemed to draw a small smile only for your newborn son when she held him in her arms
Aemond’s son
You had heard terrible things about him in the last months 
That he married Floris Barahteon
that she died trying to bring forth a deformed child
That it was because a witch from Harrenhal, Alys Rivers had poisoned her because she tried to take away her lover
Yes, Aemond had taken a Strong bastard as a lover 
You could say he had a type
Things took a turn when your mother took King’s Landing
You assured her you were better here, in Dragonstone, “holding the fort”, as it were, you did not want to go back to that palace, even though, staying here alone would probably tell Aemond that you were here…
He had taken wives and mistresses, so maybe, only maybe, he had forgotten about you 
Oh how wrong you were
Your baby boy was about to have his first name day when you heard the terrible news
King’s Landing had fallen
Because your stepfather, Daemon, has challenged Aemond, who remained the biggest threat, to a single combat with their dragons above the God’s eye, and he had perished
And Aemond survived it…
He and an injured Aegon took back the capital, slayed your mother, your remaining baby brother Joffrey had perished as well
And you stood in Dragonstone, alone
Dragonless, powerless
The houses loyal to your mother’s cause were in disarray, and even though her cause was still alive and well, it was hard to find something to fight for, your baby brother Aegon the III had been captured by The Usurper, and nobody looked at you, the known disgraced daughter of Rhaenyra 
You didn’t have time to ponder, or to grief
7 days after the death of your mother, sails and wings were seen upon the horizon
Ships dressed in black, gold and Green, and the monstrous Vhagar guarding them
Your people fought valiantly, knowing they were going to perish, they did not have enough strength to repel the force and defend the castle… and yet… they fought to die, for your mother’s cause, for you
But it wasn’t long… until you heard rushed step running down the stone hallway and towards your room, armor and sword clashing, screams and wails of agony
You shushed your baby, who was whimpering, ready to start crying
You sat in a chair in the corner furthest from the door, you had a vial of Tears of Lys, the maester had concocted for you
“For its preferable death than what they do to women on a siege”, He had said, it was enough for you... and for….
You looked down at your son, who was looking up at you with his big beautiful eyes.
His dragon, barely a hatchling, wailed and cried in the corner, flapping his silvery wings, he knew his bonded human was in danger, of his own mother, your thought, he filed shortly to stand in the armchair by your side, protecting your baby
You couldn’t do it
You couldn’t take the life of your own child, and not even your own
If you perished, who was going to care for your child? bastard prince?
The doors opened suddenly and soldier wearing the golden dragon on their chest threw themselves at you
You threw the vial on one of the soldiers face, making him cry out when the liquid got in his eyes
But they were vicious
You only started crying and screaming when one of them ripped your son from your arms, as another grabbed your limbs to tear from him
You kicked and screamed profanities as you son wailed when he was parted from you.
His dragon was caught by the neck but screeched and threw little flames that made the soldier curse
But he knew better than to harm him
“Let me go! traitors! usurper cunts!”, you were lashing out, scared for your son, your child
They dragged you through the hallways and corridors, trough halls and rooms
You knew exactly where you were going
Anywhere you looked you saw people killed, soldiers, servants, you looked at each of them, knowing their names and their faces, it was a sign of respect, a last thanks for their loyalty and sacrifice
The double doors of the throne room opened, and there he was
Sitting on the Dragonstone throne
Aemond Targaryen
Aemond’s face was one of complete satisfaction, but completely changed when he saw him
Your son, in the arms of another soldier, entered behind you
He paled, he was shocked… He knew you were in this castle, that is why he came so quickly, he had to take it, and retrieve you… But he never expected this… he knew you had been with child, but his spies never managed to confirm the birth of the baby… so he thought of the worse
The child… he had white hair, big eyes just like him… his head filled with silver curls
He didn’t even had to think about it
This was his son
You were pregnant, you had his child in your belly when you escaped his grasp
“Everyone, leave”, everyone left except for the soldiers who were holding you tightly
Aemond walked slowly towards you
He was the same as he was the last time you saw him
Maybe more… adult… he seemed tired, older, crueler….
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for two years”, he started, “to see you again… tu punish you for betraying me” 
“I didn’t…”, only with his look he got you to stay quiet
“You ran away from me… took my son with you”
“I didn’t know…”, you muttered defensively
Your son, Aerion, got strangely quiet, looking at his father with curiosity, and Aemond turned to him, and he drew a smile on his face
“This was going to be a lot different…”, he said as a threat, he dared to touch his cheek with his finger. Aerion playfully turned with a smile on his face and wiggled in the soldier’s embrace 
He planned on dragging you by the hairs, humiliating you in front of the Lords of the Crownlands, making you kneel and crawl, or worse…
But he never expected this
His son
He didn’t even have to ask, or do the math, he… this was his son, his flesh and blood.
“What’s his name?”, he asked softly, taking the babe from the soldier’s embrace, accommodated him in his arms
“Aerion”, you said simply, “Aerion…”
“Aerion Waters”, he completed, you frowned
“My stepfather named him a Targaryen, my mother legitimize him, he is a Targaryen”, you defended, then his dragonling roared, making himself known
Aemond smiled widely
“He hatched a dragon…”, he said, pride in his voice
Angry tears fell from your eyes
Aemond had killed your baby brother, your stepfather… And now he was happily holding his son, your son
“He is mine”, you whined, he looked at you, as you cried, “he is my son, and mine alone!”, you whined, at the sound of your voice, Aerion reached for you with his chubby hands, waggling frantically in his father’s arms 
“He is my son too”, he said, trying to pull him away. The soldiers grabbed you tightly 
“How do you know?”, you asked, and he laughed 
“I knew what happened that night when you left me, I tortured that wretched old man, and he confessed to me, that you were with child”
“That’s why you killed my baby brother?”, you asked, it’s been almost two years,
“They took you from me”, he said simply, “they took my son…”, he kept reaching for you, you tried to go to him but they grabbed you even tighter, “he is the sole reason… the mere thought of his existence, is what led me to win against my vicious uncle, is what gave me the strength…”
Your son was your reason to live, everyone else was gone, only he remained, you had to fight for him, you couldn’t leave him alone, you couldn’t leave him at Aemond’s mercy…. More tears fell from your eyes as you whimpered in fear
“Please… don’t harm him”, you whined, Aemond was so unpredictable, and his temper was feeble, you could never guess what he was going to do
“HARM HIM?”, he asked, enraged, “he is my son and heir… how could I ever harm him?”, he said, “I’ve killed for him…”
“What are you going to do?”, you asked then
He looked back at you, his gaze changed, fargone was the cruel and mean, his eye softened, his mouth untightened 
You hated him now
You did
And he could see it
“He is my son and heir, and I will say that publicly”, he said calmly, “I will take him with me abc to King’s Landing”
“NO!”, you fought to release yourself from their grasp, you did, “he is mine! he is mine!”, you screamed, Aerion began mumbling and whining, wanting to reach you again
“If you want to come with him, with me…”, he then smiled as yous tilled, “beg me for it”
“What?”, you whined
“Beg me to take you with me, beg for my forgiveness for abandoning me, and beg me to let you see my son”
“HE IS MINE!”, you cried, “he is mine you can’t take him!”
“Beg”, he demanded, you weep as the soldiers released you
You couldn't lose him, not your baby, you son
He could take him, he could command his soldiers to slice your neck right then and there, and your son would be alone
So with trembling legs, you fell to the ground, you heard your son whimper, threatening to start crying
And you kneeled in front of the man that raped you, that killed your brother and your stepfather
“Please”, you begged, “don’t take him from me… he is the only thing I have…”, you weeped, Aemond smiled widely 
“And what would you have me do?”, he asked
“Please I beg of you, take me with him”, you cried, “take me with you”, you continued, wiping your tears, “please, I’ll do whatever you want please, don’t take him away from me”
When Aerion realized that his “father” was not going to release him, he started crying loudly, wiggling and reaching even more strongly for you
“You'll do as commanded”, he said, his patience short, “or I will lock you up in the black cells and you will never see your son again”
“Please”, you begged, “not him”
“Very well”, he said, pleased 
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Aemond got what he always wanted, he got you, and a son, and even though he reveled in the thought that he had tainted you with a bastard… he thought enough is enough
You kept your word, receiving Aemond in your bed, back in your life, you did everything he wanted
He kept his in turn, he married you through a Valyrian ceremony
Aegon died of his wounds, he left no children behind him, so Aemond was named King of the Seven Kingdoms, and your son was Prince of Dragonstone, and you, became Queen of the Seven Kingdoms
Nobody complained about the fact that you were not married when he was born
Your life wasn’t happy… but Aemond was pleased with you, so he didn't harm you… much, and you were allowed to see your son everyday
You were never going to forgive him for killing your family, but you had no choice, but stand at his side
Once you were married, you got pregnant again, you gave birth to a little girl you named Aerea, an egg was placed in her crib, an old egg, that was of Aegon’s delusion, and against all odds, it hatched for her
Aemond was thrilled
he sat on the throne with his son perched on his leg, and his daughter in his arms
You actually helped him settle as King
You gave him two more children, a boy, Rhaegar, and three years later, another boy you named Maekar
You found consolation in your babies, and the fact that after you and Aemond are gone, your mother’s blood was going to sit the Iron Throne 
Aemond kept visiting Alys Rivers, his mistress, that relieved you, until her and her bastard's death at a fire in Harrenhal, nobody ever find the culprit, even though all eyes turned to Corlys Velaryon
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nevadancitizen · 20 days
synopsis: kamski reveals the one thing you know to be true as a lie: your humanity. connor can’t rightly sit idly by as you struggle to re-find yourself.
word count: 4.2k
ships: connor x reader, hank anderson & reader
notes: i’m skipping from fandom to fandom like i’m fucking window shopping huh. anyway connor the pinerrrr. connor the ultimate denier of feelingssssss
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You had been against the idea from the beginning. In your head, you traced the different ways Kamski would turn you, Hank, and Connor down – “I’m too busy to answer some stupid questions,” or “Go away, I’m trying to enjoy being a retired billionaire,” or “I’m Elijah fucking Kamski, and who the fuck are you supposed to be?”
But his android, Chloe, had welcomed all of you. And you couldn’t ignore how Kamski’s face brightened ever-so-slightly when he saw Connor. But it confused you even more when his eyes flitted to you and his expression brightened even more.
He started talking after he got out of his red-granite-lined pool, which didn’t really interest you. Your eyes turn to one of the Chloes that’s standing off to the side, her eyelids fluttering a little as she presumably scans you. When she’s done, her lips tilt upward in a smile and her head cocks to the side a little. It’s like… she knows you, or something. Like she was smiling because she saw an old friend.
Kamski’s voice cuts through your thoughts. “Chloe?”
Chloe immediately walks over to Kamski, her bare feet making soft sounds against the tile, then muffled by the carpet. She sinks to her knees when he puts a hand on her shoulder and pushes slightly. 
“What interests me…” Kamski moves so he’s standing next to where Chloe’s kneeling. “… is whether machines are capable of empathy.”
He moves so his back is turned on all three of you, and opens a drawer of a side table near the window. “I call it the “Kamski Test.” It’s very simple, you’ll see.”
Kamski turns with his hands raised. One of them is holding a pistol by the barrel, in a way that it would be impossible to fire. Once he’s established that he’s not a threat, he moves forward and places the grip in Connor’s hand. Connor curls his fingers around it on instinct, his index on the trigger.
“What are you doing?” You interject.
Kamski looks over at you and smiles. It’s like you’re proving something to him. What you’re proving, you don’t know. 
He moves Connor’s arm so that the sights of the gun are trained on Chloe’s head. “It’s up to you to answer that fascinating question, Connor. Destroy this machine, and I’ll tell you all I know. Or…”
Kamski makes a half-circle and stands beside Connor. “Spare it, if you feel it’s alive. But you’ll leave without having learnt anything from me.”
Hank scoffs and rolls his eyes, gently hitting your arm with an air of can you believe this fucking prick? “Okay, I think we’re done here. C’mon, let’s go, both of you. Sorry to get you outta your pool.”
You put your hand on Hank’s arm to still him and stare at Connor. His LED flickers between yellow and red, circling in on itself quickly as he stares down at Chloe. His eyelids flutter slightly as he tries to process everything around him, calculating and sorting every possibility into neat percentages.
“Connor?” You say softly, trying to break him from his trance. “Connor, come on. This is a waste of time – you don’t need to do this. It could mess with your…” you gesture at your forehead vaguely. “… microprocessors or whatever.”
Kamski exhales slightly and smiles. He takes the pistol by the barrel, gently taking it from Connor’s hand. Connor looks at Kamski, then back down at Chloe.
“Amazing,” Kamski breathes out.
“Yeah, amazing, I care about Connor.” You roll your eyes. “Let’s go.”
Connor catches your eye and nods. “I would’ve been okay. Shooting the android wouldn’t have impacted my microprocessors or any of my other biocomponents.”
“The kid’s just worried,” Hank cuts in. “Now, c’mon. We’re leaving.”
“Wait – one last thing.” Kamski brushes past, walking to the far wall. He presses his hand to a biometric scanner on the wall, causing it to let out a sound akin to a hiss as it opens. It creases vertically, then folds back. 
You let out a small sound of disbelief as you take in what Kamski revealed. Lining the walls of the hidden compartment is… information, yes, but not information about deviants. It’s information about you. 
Photos of you as a child, teenager, adult, and projections of what you’d look like as you aged. Reports on how you’ve been performing as a detective. Maps of interrelationships, circles labeled with names and a web of color-coded lines connecting them.
And, on the back wall, are blueprints. You’ve seen these types of schematics before – they’re for androids. 
Kamski turns and smiles when he sees your shocked face. “So it worked. You firmly believed you were human. Am I wrong, Detective?”
You feel a hand on the top of your back, and only barely register Hank shuffling you towards the exit as you stumble. “This is fucked. I don’t know what the hell you’re trying to pull, Kamski, but we’re out.”
“N-no, Hank, wait –” You dig your heels in, never once looking away from the hidden compartment. “Wait, Kamski, what is this?”
“Just an experiment.” Kamski follows your eyes and looks inside. “A personal pet project.”
“They’re not your goddamn passion project!” Hank snaps, ushering you along with a bit more force. “Now leave the kid alone.”
“Hank, please, I want to see –” You crane your neck, still trying to look. 
“This is damaging to your psyche,” Connor says, taking your arm and helping Hank herd you. “I – we need you operating at full capacity, for the sake of the case.”
“There it is, again!” Kamski laughs. “That beautiful thing, empathy.”
He walks into the room leisurely, like it’s a parlor instead of… whatever it is. “I don’t blame you for being curious. You’re a violent and irrepressible miracle, Detective.”
You struggle against Connor and Hank’s holds as you try to see more of the secret room. “Wh-what do you mean? Hank, let me see! I need to know what’s going on!”
You grab Hank’s arm with your free hand, tugging on his coat. “Hank, I promise I’ll be okay – just five minutes. All I need is five minutes! Please, let me do this. I just need to figure out what this is, then we can go. Just five minutes.”
Hank’s mouth curls into a scowl when he hears the emotion and pleading in your voice, his eyebrows furrowing as he thinks. His eyes fall to the floor, then flick to Connor.
“I highly advise against that,” Connor says evenly, but his worry is betrayed by the way his jaw clenches. His fingers tighten around your upper arm. “Not only will this definitely cause irreversible psychological damage, it could possibly lead to a mental break.”
“Five minutes, Connor.” You look into his eyes. “How much damage can five minutes do?”
“A lot!” Connor says. But after a moment of eye contact, his eyes soften and he relents. He lets go of your arm and takes a step back, his shoes clicking against the tile.
Hank does the same, removing his hand from your back. He sighs and crosses his arms. “Five minutes, kid. That’s all you get.”
You immediately turn on your heel and rush into the room because, knowing Connor, he’d probably set an internal timer already. You hear both Hank and Connor follow you, standing at the edge of the doorway.
You scan the room, then pick out what to look at and what to question Kamski about. 
“This.” You point at a small tablet, showing a muted video of you dancing drunkenly at a crowded party. You’re wearing a hideous necktie like a headband and you get your face right in the camera as soon as you spot it. You can make out the words you’re saying – or, rather, yelling – “What’re you waiting for, man? Let’s party with Miss Page-Three all the way to Disco Ze-e-e-ero-o-o-o!”
You turn to Kamski. “What is this? Why do you have it?”
“Every person moves in a unique way,” Kamski says, shrugging slightly. “Androids already have a specific set of movements. I analyzed the way you moved – the way a human moved.”
“Moved?” You echo back. “What do you mean, moved? Don’t you mean move? Like, the present continuous verb?”
“I didn’t misspeak.” Kamski turns to a paper organizer on a desk and starts to flip through it. 
You exchange a glance with Hank, then Connor. Hank is more obvious with his unease, but you can tell Connor is fretting, too. He just keeps it in his mind, still silently calculating.
Kamski pulls out a manila folder and hands it to you. You turn it over and read what’s on the front. Typed out in neat Courier New is your name, your birth date, and a random date from a few years back – Feb. 21, 2034.
You undo the clasp and dump out the documents on a nearby desk. What’s inside only causes further confusion – there’s a photocopy of a will, a death certificate, an incident report, and photos of a car crash. The death certificate is… it’s yours, but it can’t be. Can it?
You pick up one of the pictures and hold it close to your face. The car is a mangled mess of metal, lit by red and blue police lights. Peeking out from underneath the rubble, limp on the concrete, is a hand. Your hand. And it’s stained with fresh, wet blood.
“Connor.” Your voice comes out weak and strained. You can’t lift your eyes from the photo. “Connor, get over here.”
Connor’s footsteps sound, quick and almost rushed. “Yes, Detective?”
“Scan this.” Your hand shakes as you hold the photo out to Connor. “I-is this…?”
Is this real? You want to ask. Please tell me it’s not, Connor. Connor, please-please-please tell me this is some stupid joke. I’m not afraid of dying, but what if I already have?
Connor leans down a little, his eyelids and LED flickering as he scans it. His face falls as soon as his LED resumes circling normally. “It’s… yes. I found a document containing that picture, but I… I’m not permitted to access it.”
“Okay, but that’s just s-some random wreck, right?” You laugh nervously, trying to ignore the lump growing in your throat. Can androids even cry? “It – it’s not me.”
Connor reaches down and sorts through the documents. When he comes across the death certificate, he freezes. His eyelids flutter as he scans it. He looks over at you, slowly. 
“No,” you whisper. “Connor, it… it can’t be real.”
“It is,” Connor says softly. “Detective, I… I’m so sorry.”
And, just like that, you’re disconnected. You’re outside of your body, stuck in the passenger seat and controlling a video game. There’s a lag to every movement you make. You recall some term you heard in a college psychology course you were required to take – disassociation. You vaguely register that this is what you’re feeling. 
With more effort than it should take, you turn to look at Hank. His expression, shocked and appalled, causes the dam to burst. Your shoulders shake as you cry, hot with misplaced shame. 
Connor wraps an arm around your shoulder, gently pushing you out of the room and towards the exit. Hank pats his shoulder, telling him to “Get them to the car – I’ve got a few choice words I need to exchange with our friend here.”
The car ride was tense, and that atmosphere transferred into Hank’s home. He had asked on the way back if you were okay being by yourself, and you were honest and told him that no, you’re not. He had sat you down and assured you that he wasn’t mad, he didn’t feel betrayed – he just needed time to think and adjust to this new change. 
He had turned in an hour ago, just a little past three in the morning. You know you couldn’t sleep if you tried. That left you and Connor in Hank’s living room. 
You’re laying on the floor with Sumo, his head on your chest and drool staining your shirt. One of your arms is propped behind your head, your other hand absentmindedly combing through Sumo’s fur. 
The silence is only broken by the ceiling fan clicking with every rotation and your breathing – artificial breathing, you suppose.
“Did you go into standby?” You ask softly. 
“No,” Connor answers from his seat on the couch. “Would you like to talk?”
“Maybe.” You trace the pattern of Sumo’s fur, then look over at Connor. “It’s just… I don’t feel like an android. And I have lots of memories. I remember going to Chicken Feed with Hank for the first time. He got me the best goddamn burger in Detroit. I remember finding a Lucky Star bottlecap when I was a kid – the, uh… the ones from that one sarsaparilla? With the blue star on the bottom. Androids don’t have memories like that. Memories from their childhood. Memories that make them feel things.”
Connor stands from the couch, then sits by your side. He puts his hand on Sumo’s head, gently tracing the white streak that cuts through brown fur. The fan continues to click as Connor thinks for a few moments, LED swirling as he does.
“I feel things, sometimes,” he says softly. “But not like how a deviant feels. I have a built-in reward system meant to keep me motivated. But sometimes I’m rewarded even when I do something unrelated to the case.”
“Like what?” You smile up at him. “Petting Sumo?”
Connor smiles softly, glancing away, then back to you. “Yes.”
You laugh softly, your eyes staying on Connor’s face, tracing this new expression. He doesn’t smile a lot, but you’re grateful for every second that he does. 
His brow creases a little, his smile disappearing. “Are you feeling alright? I want to know if you’re… I know this revelation has affected you negatively, but I just want to know of your general mental state.”
You sigh quietly, looking up and following one blade of the fan as it rotates. “I mean, I thought I had it all figured out, y’know? There’s a giant ball, and there’s evil apes. And the evil apes are just… dukin’ it out on the ball. And I’m one of them. It’s basically all just evil apes dukin’ it out on this giant ball.”
Connor tilts his head to the side. “And in this scenario… what are androids?”
“Androids don’t exist in this scenario,” you say. “Androids are too perfect. Like fine porcelain china. They’re for the future. I figured this out when I was young, before androids were everywhere. When there was just a giant ball and evil apes.”
“Hm.” Connor shifts slightly, so that his thigh is just barely pressed against your side. “And what do you feel now?”
“I… I don’t know.” You sigh. “I feel… kinda guilty, I think? Because, yeah, it’s bad. This doesn’t have any upside to it. But it’s not bad for anyone else aside from me, and Hank, to a lesser degree. It’s not death, or war, or – god forbid, pedophilia. It’s just me.”
You go quiet as you watch the fan rotate. Your fingers find the tags on Sumo’s collar, the tag with his name and Hank’s address and number clinking against his rabies vaccination tag.
“Humans are complicated,” Connor eventually says. 
You snort. “Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I…” he sighs. “I know you didn’t mean to deceive me. But I can’t believe I didn’t know – or at least have an inkling.”
“Shit, I deceived myself.” You laugh humorlessly. “You’re okay, Connor. You don’t need to change to accommodate me.”
“Adaptability to unpredictable human behavior is one of my core features,” he says.
“Am I really unpredictable?” You ask. Your eyebrows furrow as you fidget with Sumo’s tags. “Or, actually – am I really even human?”
Connor’s LED flashes yellow as he looks down at you, his eyelids fluttering as he scans you. He blinks a few times and his LED returns to a calm blue. 
“You’ve fooled my sensors,” Connor says. “And, if I may…”
His hand hovers over yours, which is still fidgeting with Sumo’s tags. You nod as you feel your heart skip a beat. He grabs your hand and lifts it to his solar plexus, right in the middle of his chest. 
“Do you feel that?” Connor asks. “It’s my thirium pump. Biocomponent #8456w.”
Sure enough, you feel a soft thrumming beneath your fingers. It’s not quite like a heartbeat, but a steady hum that fluctuates. Strong, then a steady decline to weak, then back to its strongest. 
You nod again, not trusting your voice at the moment. 
Connor moves your hand so that it’s resting on your own chest, right over your heart. You don’t really make an effort to check your heartbeat but, just like the last time you remember checking, there’s a steady beat. 
“You have a heart,” he says. 
“An artificial one,” you chime.
“Yes,” Connor relents. “But it proves that you’re not like me. Not a full android.”
“For all I know, Kamski cobbled me together in his creepy basement,” you try to joke. “Do you think he has one? Or is he too rich?”
“Detroit is located alongside a river,” Connor says. “The soil contains too much water for basement construction to be feasible.”
You roll your head a little, looking up at him. “You’re too literal. Don’t you have a humor microchip or something?”
Connor smiles slightly. “Unfortunately, no.” 
“Yes, you do!” You laugh and turn your hand over, grabbing his and shaking it gently. “You’re smiling. And you made a joke. A kind-of joke.”
Connor’s smile falters when he looks down at your connected hands. It’s not like you’ve laced fingers with him or anything, but it was still kind of intimate.
You clear your throat and let his hand go, instead carding your fingers through Sumo’s fur again. You can feel a blush creeping across your face. Once more, the room is only filled with the clicking of the fan with every rotation and your breathing. 
“I don’t know what to do,” you eventually sigh out. “I wish I could just wake up and start the day over. But then I open my eyes and the time has still passed and I’m still here. I still have to go through… whatever this is.”
“You don’t have to go through it alone,” Connor says. “Hank would never abandon you, and…” His LED flickers yellow. “Neither would I.”
“You’re weird,” you say softly. “You’re weird for that.”
Connor nods, slowly. “Maybe. But you’re vital to this case, whether you believe it or not.”
“I do,” you say. “Kinda. I just need time. I can see the end, which is whole acceptance, or just not caring. I mean, all the pieces aren’t here, I still need to find them, but still. I get all the pieces, somehow, something else, walla-walla-bing-bang – my android-ness doesn’t bother me anymore.”
“Walla-walla-bing-bang?” Connor echoes, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.
“I don’t know what it means.” Your eyes flicker to his and you smile at his confusion. “I think I heard it somewhere once. It just felt like the most appropriate thing to say.”
Connor’s face softens and he mirrors your smile. “That does seem like an appropriate thing to say, yes.”
You keep looking up at him for a moment, just looking into his brown doe eyes. You swallow thickly as your thoughts race. There’s a sudden lump in your throat that you try your best to ignore and clear away.
“Connor, I…” You reach for his hand. He meets you halfway, gently holding your hand and resting his thumb on your knuckles. 
“Am I a deviant?”
Are you going to turn me in? You want to ask. Please don’t. Please, Connor. I need you to trust me, just like you’ve trusted me before. I’ll be vigilant. I’ll figure this out. I promise. Please.
“No.” There’s no hesitation or doubt in his voice. “As far as I’ve figured out, you’re designed to act like a human. You’re meant to fool others into thinking you’re really human – because that’s what you were, before. Deviants are androids with mutations in their code. Your code is meant to mimic human emotions and rationale. So you’re just following your instructions.”
“Instructions.” You look down at your joined hands. You shake them a little as your lips draw into a thin line. “That’s what we both come down to, right? Instructions.”
“You…” Connor thinks for a moment. “Yes. But the instructions in you are nuanced, and sometimes contradictory. I’m not calling your code faulty – in fact, it rather reflects human behavior to a tee.”
“So I’m… at least a little human.” You close your eyes, resting your head on your arm that’s propped behind your head. “Human enough.”
“Human enough?” Connor echoes.
“Yeah. My lungs burn when I hold my breath too long. It hurts when I stub my toe and I feel electric when I hit my funny bone. I cry and my tears taste salty instead of tasting like… I don’t know, cleaning fluid.” You open your eyes and look up at Connor, as if asking him to confirm.
“Androids do have optic cleaning fluids, yes,” he says.
You smile and laugh lightly, your gaze returning to the fan blade. “Optic fuckin’ cleaning fluids…”
You sigh softly. “God, Hank was right. This is fucked. An android investigating androids and some… cheap copy of whoever I used to be. And, of course, a Lieutenant who’s slowly killing himself day-by-day.”
“You’re not a cheap copy,” he says. “Typical CyberLife androids cost nine thousand dollars, but custom models could cost more. Personally, my development and production costs total to just over four million, and every new RK800 model costs eight thousand.”
Connor soothes his thumb over your knuckles. “You must’ve cost Kamski a fortune.”
His words immediately go to your heart like you’ve been pierced by a scorpion’s tail. But instead of venom, it’s an injection of sweet feelings and erratic butterflies. If you didn’t know better, you’d say that his whispered words and damn-near reverent tone was intentional. 
“That’s… that sounds kinda romantic,” you say, then remember yourself. “I – I mean, romantic as in, like, the Romantic era? Like, it’s a romantic idea. That Kamski loves his work so much that he couldn’t bear to stop and continued to push the envelope… even if he pushed it a bit too far, with an android replacing a real-life, actually-dead human and whatnot.”
Connor’s LED blinks as he thinks. He stays silent for a while, just looking down at his hand that’s holding yours and thinking.
“You’re starting to act like me, y’know?” You squeeze his hand. “A synthetic human instead of a true android.”
His LED stops flickering and he meets your eyes. “I am not a deviant. I have a rigorous self-testing system to make sure any signs of deviancy don’t go undetected.”
“Okay, okay,” you relent. You glance down to your conjoined hands, then back up into those doe eyes. 
“Did you mean it?” You ask softly. “Earlier. When you said that you’d stay.”
“Of course,” Connor answers quickly. 
“Really?” Your eyebrows crease. “Because it’ll take years. It’ll be depressing. And it’ll be boring. I’ll be worse than Hank. I don’t expect you to reward me or to applaud my every move, because I know that’s how normal people are all the time.”
“But you’re not normal,” Connor says with a smile. “Even before your entire identity was uprooted.”
“Connor!” You laugh and let go of his hand to swat at him, then grasp his hand again. “Alright, alright. I’ll get a bit of the Normal in me. A touch of the Regular. Exactly four grams of Johnny Normalcop.”
“Don’t.” He squeezes your hand. “It would be detrimental to the case if you were to focus on restructuring yourself in a different way. You don’t need to sanitize your personality.”
You smile up at Connor. “So you like me.”
His LED flickers yellow, then returns to blue. “Yes. I enjoy working alongside you as you are. You don’t need to be any amount of Johnny Normalcop.”
You shake your joined hands gently, your smile growing so wide you’re sure you looked a bit stupid. “You’re sweet. You know that?”
“I am somewhat aware.” Connor brings his free hand up to rest on top of your connected hands. 
And, just like that, you know everything would be alright. Nothing would ever be the same, yes, but it would be alright. It won’t be easy, but you just need to move on. Uncertainty is a core tenet of detective work.
When life closes a door, it opens a window. And if the fall is too steep, use the fire exit. Run to the roof, because Connor will be there when you jump to break your fall. The most important thing is to keep moving. Keep dreaming. CyberLife can’t reclaim their lost property if you keep running – very, very fast, from one Earth-shattering revelation to the next. 
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tyxoxo · 1 year
hello!! i just read your nomin smut, and if we still can, i wanna request #7 and #13 for the nsfw dialogue prompts with them
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[“Can you guys just fuck already?” +“Did I just say that out loud?”]
warnings: haechan is a perv, implied blackmail, fruity nomin, throuple, oral, facefucking, exhibitionism/voyeurism
a/n: since i didn’t want this to be a copy of my last one, i added haechan in the mix. i hope that’s okay 😭
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“I don’t know why I agreed to this.” Jeno spoke into the palms of his hands, followed by a heavy sigh. Would he end up regretting this decision? Maybe.
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun. You won’t even know I’m here.” Haechan said with a smirk. He was awfully smug, eager to watch his two friends absolutely destroy their shared girlfriend, and ultimately cash in on the show of a lifetime. 
You, Jeno, and Jaemin all gave a “bullshit” expression, eyes darting over to the boy sitting on your reading couch in the corner of the bedroom. 
Neither one of you believed his jest, and judging by the laugh he tried to hold in, it only brought more truth to his mischief. 
Somehow, through blackmail as you would like to call it, he found out about your combined throuple after walking in on Jeno and Jaemin unloading on your face just a week prior.
It was bound to happen, not only from the three of them rooming together (not including Renjun), but because Haechan was a perv. 
You almost wished it was sweet little Renjun that stumbled upon it, because maybe then you wouldn’t be here like this.
Of course you were mortified when it happened—a cup's worth of jizz on your face right as he “walked in”, blinding you from all aspects of degeneracy. Jeno and Jaemin’s heavy groans masking the sound of the door being opened, and the only indication of a disturbance was Jeno’s sixth sense; being able to feel a fourth presence behind him. You couldn’t even open your eyes and stand up properly when you heard him yell, relying solely on Jaemin to guide you to the bathroom while Jeno remained in the room ripping Haechan apart. 
No amount of “sorry’s” would have calmed down their anger, especially Jeno’s. And for your sake, Jaemin diffused the situation while you took refuge in the kitchen, binging on dry cereal to calm your nerves. 
Hoping to put the horrid event behind you, all of you tried to carry on like nothing happened, with Jeno threatening once to kill Haechan if Renjun found out. 
So far, so good.
But somehow the bastard made a proposition later that night: either let him watch a second time or he’ll not only tell Renjun, but the rest of his “buddies” that we didn’t even know about. 
Jaemin tried to call his bluff, saying that there was no way he had other “friends” out there, and if he did, they were just as stupid as him.
Of course, he had proof. With a list of contacts just waiting to be informed. 
Discussing such a topic was not how Jeno and Jaemin wanted to spend their night: dealing with an awful case of post-nut dysphoria. 
And such a “deal” almost made the three of you wonder if there was a recording hidden behind his scheme. 
Now here you were, having already tried to drag out the inevitable for a week now. But you honestly wanted this over with; whatever to secure your modesty that should’ve been kept within the comfort of your two partners. 
“You know I could still kill you right?”
Jeno spat passed his palms as he sat slouched on the edge of the bed. The only noble thing you could provide was a pat and rub of his back, occasionally scratching across his spine because you knew deep down that he loved it. 
Surprisingly, it helped him ease up, but you still had Jaemin on your other side, trying his hardest to be the pacifist.
You looked over to the left at his incredulous expression, using your other hand to rub along his thigh for assurance. He met your eyes, slightly smiling as if he wasn’t the tiniest bit annoyed.
“Let’s just do this. I’m sure it’ll relieve some stress once we get started.” Jaemin huffed out, leaning forward to look at Jeno to formally initiate the evening.
“Wait before we start, give us your phone!” 
“Good idea…fucking christ.” 
Somehow Jaemin chuckled at Jeno’s pained exclamation, only adding more fuel to the fire.   
You thanked your last minute effort to keep this in the walls of this room only, successfully confiscating his means of extortion.
Haechan seemed to get comfortable after you placed it far away on the nightstand. And the three of you had no choice but to carry on.
As soon as you sat back down on the bed in between them, they got to work on your flimsy pajama shirt, raising it above your head to expose your chest.
Because of the additional body in the room, you almost covered your breasts out of instinct, but none of it mattered once Jaemin’s kisses lingered in that direction.
Meanwhile, Jeno got to the usual work of devouring your lips and grasping your cheek, sucking just as passionately as Jaemin did to your nipples.
Your hands matched the same energy, inching down towards their respective packages, where your eyes blew wide through Jeno’s kisses at the fact that they weren’t as flaccid as you thought they would be.
“What’s that look for sweetheart?” 
Haechan spoke quietly, but with just as much weight. You didn’t dare look in his direction, nor acknowledge his question. 
But Jeno helped speak your mind, way better than you would have been able to.
“Shut the fuck up Haechan…” Jeno’s words went from biting, to becoming lost in translation as he held in a groan. You began to stroke both of them through their basketball shorts, giving the perfect amount of friction against the nylon material.
You multi-tasked well, being able to keep a steady pace considering Jaemin swirled his tongue so skillfully across your raised nipples. Even tugging harder than he normally would, most likely to distract you from the sore thumb sitting in the corner.
But you spoke too soon, as your peacemaker boyfriend left his hand in place of his warm tongue to get a taste of both of you.
There was no hesitation, not even from Jeno as all three of you conjoined your tongues as best as you could—licking, sucking, smacking, all of the above to overpower the sounds of Haechan working to undo his zipper. 
You never got tired of their unique flavors, whether it was from their mouths or their cocks. And to be able to claim them as yours, brought so much fun into your life; an entire glass full of excitement and scorching hot thrills.
You felt Jeno’s unoccupied hand, all the way down to the contours of his palm lines as he cupped your clothed core. His prominent middle finger poked along your warm slit, tickling up your spine and back down into your pelvis like a surge of electricity.
“Are you gonna let me taste you? Hmm?” Jeno broke the mile long kiss of a lifetime, to whisper against your now-swollen lips. You seemed to have fallen drunk to their charisma, but with the help of Jaemin, he brought you back down to a measly level of sobriety with a harsh squish of your cheeks to elicit a response.
“Yes…please, I love when you eat my pussy….” 
“Good girl…” Jaemin cooed against your neck before forming a line with his saliva, from your racing pulse all the way up the back of your ear. You shuddered from the warmth, to which he smiled for the first time.
The weight of the bed felt lighter for a split second, as Jeno positioned himself in between your thighs. Jaemin fell back with you against the mattress right as you missed the death glare Jeno gave Haechan as they locked eyes.
Of course, the perv had already freed his dick from his boxers, sitting in the most splayed out position on the small cushion.
Jeno told himself he would try his best not to acknowledge his roommate's presence, but he just thought of the most wonderful idea…
His lean frame still blocked most of Haechan’s view as he pulled down your velvet pajama shorts in a flash, but one way or another, Jeno was going to make sure Haechan got to hear just how good he made you feel. 
You yelped from the cold air that immediately hit your core, but the sudden change in temperature didn’t last long. He pried your legs far apart, inhaling deeply as he licked a stripe from the crevice of your ass all the way to your pulsing clit.
Jaemin swallowed the sigh of relief that bloomed from your heavenly chords, and continued to eat up every whimper as Jeno began to devour you.
Haechan’s mouth hung open, completely overwhelmed by the sound of Jeno slurping up your juices. He just knew you tasted as good as you looked. 
Deep down, he envied Jeno’s animalistic desire and the rewards that came with it. Why couldn’t it have been him that got to grip the soft flesh of your thighs, lick in between your folds with however much desperation he wanted. 
Nonetheless, Haechan stroked his leaking cock, even faster now that he saw Jaemin doing the same as he continued to kiss you. 
But he managed to dart his eyes everywhere, from Jaemin’s hard length, to your wiggling body, and from what he could see of your dripping pussy. 
“You taste so good…so perfect.” 
Jeno’s words were muffled at best, but that was okay, he knew Haechan heard every word.
“Did you hear that baby? You taste amazing, like always…” 
Jaemin spoke in between his sloppy kisses, making sure you soaked in all of the praise before it was his turn to claim you. And eventually, he kept his eyes locked onto Jeno, the two of them sharing a telepathic high-five at their own game of bragging. You unknowingly backed up their tactics as you raked your fingers through Jeno’s hair, ushering him further in between your thighs. 
You gave what Jaemin liked to call, a “cutesy nod” as you caught your breath, something you always did when the pleasure became too much. But who could blame you, when the high built up like a drug—like your very own narcotic that you could seize whenever you wanted.
“I deserve a taste too…” Jaemin called for the switch, despite your orgasm approaching. You whined from the emptiness as Jeno rose up, slapping your thigh before he left you. The sting managed to surge all the way to your clit, causing your exposed body to jerk in front of Haechan. 
Finally, he was able to see all of you. Even if it was for a few blinks, you were everything he fantasized about and more.
Absolute perfection—completely drenched, chest glistening with a thin sheet of sweat.
But even Haechan was getting impatient, he was still waiting on you to be fucked. And if it didn’t happen soon, his own impending orgasm would be ruined.
He paused on his own pleasure, choosing to catch his breath while his two roommates undressed and got in their respective positions. Jeno remained to the left of you on the bed, giving Haechan a clear view of when he would fill your mouth from the side. Although Jeno towered over you, he still offered some assistance as you propped yourself up on your elbows. One hand rested behind you to support your head and neck, and the other gripped his rock-hard length, just waiting to slip past your lips.
Jaemin was down below like you expected, peckering small kisses along the inside of your thighs. You could feel his smile as he gave another kiss, this time on your clit. It felt just like Jaemin; even if you were blinded, you would immediately be able to tell it was him: being the mascot for all of the edgers and teasers, while Jeno reigned over the savages and deviants with pride. 
And you were always in the middle of it, ready and willing to be sucked into the wild ride.
The night's events started up again, with Haechan being able to see a whole lot more now. He watched as you welcomed Jeno into your mouth, letting him hit the back of your throat like an absolute doll.
You pushed through the edging that Jaemin unleashed upon you, bobbing your head up and down on Jeno’s length instantly. 
His abs tensed with every connection of your nose to his groin, causing Haechan to forge a death grip around his cock as he eye’s trailed up to Jeno’s furrowed brow from your luscious enthusiasm.
Despite being obstructed from the amount of dick in your mouth, you let a series of whimpers slip past Jeno’s accompaniment while Jaemin sucked along your folds like candy. 
It was your duty to let him know he was doing so well, and how you grinded against his mouth told him so. 
His tongue formed so many different shapes as he indulged; flattening like a board when he made contact with your wet lips, and perking up to tap along your sensitive nub to feel it twitch.
“Don’t fucking stop. Keep taking me all the way in…” Jeno’s demands from up above were a sign that you were losing focus. Your release was so close, and too powerful to let go of.
And if Jaemin backed off of you like he was known to do, you could honestly cry.
“I can tell you’re close love. Try and beg for me.” Jaemin cooed against your wet mound, offering a challenge that would make or break your orgasm.
Jaemin commanded one thing, while Jeno commanded another: either let up and beg, or risk a brutal reprimand if you didn’t keep your mouth where it belonged. 
You were ready to make your final decision when—
“Can you guys just fuck already?”
“Fuck…did I just say that out loud?” 
The nuisance that you almost forgot about, made his presence known again. 
Although it was a whisper, it was heard clearly, being enough to make you whine in disappointment from yet another denied orgasm as Jaemin backed away from your core. Your mouth left Jeno, much to his dismay as he left out a pained groan. All you could do was fall backwards on the bed, fighting back the urge to scream. 
“You better be glad I’m too far gone to do anything right now.” Jeno spat as he raked his hands through his locks that were beginning to stick to his forehead, ultimately searching for a “happy place” in the process.
You didn’t let Jaemin finish the rest of his possible rant, instead choosing to voice your distress.
“Please! I was so close!”
You screamed into the palms of your hands, fanning your butterflied legs back and forth to take your mind off your aching pussy. 
Jeno and Jaemin hated to admit it, but your desperation was hot. Their pervert roommate indirectly attributed to your edging, and seeing you become a crumbled mess on the sheets only fueled their sadistic tendencies even more. Though, they would rather burn in hell before ever crediting the dead weight in the corner.
All three boys formed a look of intrigue, with Jaemin initiating your well-deserved ending with a simple nod and cheeky grin.
With your head still in your hands, and a moment of silence, it was too late for you to catch their plan. And before you knew it, Jaemin stood in front of your sprawled figure, lifting one leg on his shoulder as he pistoned inside you.
You didn’t expect it at all. In fact, you thought the night was over. But here you were, raising your upper body to watch Jaemin stuff you to the hilt. Unbelievable.
“Fuck!!” Your cries of pleasure matched your reaction; with all of this liberation being long overdue. 
Jaemin’s own sigh of relief looped through your brain, creating your very own broken record from his satisfaction. 
For the first time, you decided to let your eyes drift past your hard working boyfriend and over to the boy in the corner. 
He was in heaven.  
Disheveled hair from countless times of sweeping his bangs out of his face to get a proper view. Bottom lip puffed red from incessant chewing. And skin flushed golden from the speed at which he stroked his cock.
Your witness to his own undoing caused a shift within you, and you felt so fucked up from not wanting to look away. 
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” 
Jaemin teased as if he wasn’t pounding you into oblivion, but you felt too flustered to admit it. Especially now that Jeno was going to prevent any flattering remarks with a simple, yet effective facefuck.
He had always been the jealous type after all.
Soon after Jaemin entered you, Jeno did a makeshift 69 position, choosing to arch his upper body as high as it would go. His clenched fists rested on both sides of your body, relying solely on familiarity to direct his length inside your mouth. 
To him, this was the best way to dissolve the anger that manifested over the course of a week.
You tried your best to prepare your throat, but the pressure from this angle caused you to heave around him. Jeno could care less if you couldn’t take it like this, practice makes perfect. 
He wasted no time, practically laying into your face with no intention of going easy. 
“Look who’s enjoying it now?” 
Jeno had reached borderline-feral, and he had every right to back up his degrading with how well he used your throat.
Not only were your ears ringing, but your entire neck felt like it was burning, and it didn’t help that the echoes of skin slapping had magnified. At this rate of filth, you weren’t going to last. And Jaemin could feel you getting closer with every contraction around his cock, but he reassured that he would be right there with you soon, 
“So happy I get to fill this pussy…” 
Only a few more shaky breaths remained as Jaemin emptied everything he had to offer inside your walls, forming a white ring of your combined juices along his shaft with every thrust.  
The entire atmosphere felt light as you attempted to voice your orgasm through the cock stabbing at the back of your throat, but all you could do was reach up and grip Jeno’s wrists for support as the familiar band snapped along every inch of your body. You gripped his wrists even tighter, digging your nails into the veins that decorated his arms.
Jeno intermixed his shaming in between his groans effortlessly, reminding you that he wasn’t going anywhere. 
“Nope. I’m staying right here. Right where I…belong.”  
His last word signaled the explosion, forcing so much of his cum that it bubbled past your abused hole in thickened spurts. 
You massed together the last remaining strength you could to smack Jeno’s arms as you floated away into near unconsciousness. Fortunately for you, he backed out just as quickly as he entered, unleashing a series of smacks to your cheeks to bring you back down to earth.
You didn’t even notice or feel that his cum had splashed out onto your eyes once he gave you the freedom to breathe. Regardless of the déjà vu, this was the most euphoric you had ever felt in a while, and you knew they felt the same too. 
Jaemin had just experienced the effects of the comedown as Jeno laid next to you, and he would have remained inside you for a little while longer had it not been for his mental reminder of his roommate. 
Because of your intuition, you knew Haechan probably looked completely stunned after his own release. You couldn’t see anything with the cum painted on your face, but you could hear those unfamiliar breaths coming from him in the corner. 
But now that you all followed through with the deal, it was time for a well-deserved aftercare session without him. And if he had to leave the house entirely for the sake of some privacy, so be it.
Jeno must’ve read your mind, as you heard him reach over for Haechan’s phone on the nightstand.
“Alright, time to go. And we mean go go.”
You let the two of them continue with their bickering as Jaemin leaned over to pick you up within his broad fame while still inside you.
“Here, let me help you…and then how about a movie after?” 
His endearing tone soothed you beyond comprehension, and you clung onto him like a koala as he began walking, presumably towards the drawer to grab one of his t-shirts for you to wear after being cleaned up.
You nodded before turning your direction to the sound of Jeno escorting Haechan out, followed by a loud crash.
“What the fuck dude?!” 
You heard Haechan shout, followed by running steps towards his phone that had been chucked down the hall.
The last thing to end the night was the loud slam of the bedroom door and Jeno’s dark humor, 
“If you see me on the news later, it’s because I’m wanted for murder.”
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why have majority of my requests been crack i-
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karmavongrim · 1 year
Love Spell fanfic idea
DP x DC fanfiction idea named "Love Spell" that I have been mulling over the past couple of weeks.
Klarion x Danny shipping (Chaotic Spirits) story, because why not and it would be fun to write about the chaos these two could cause.
Took some inspiration from this, this, bit of this and this.
Danny really didn’t know whatever he should laugh, cry or flip the nearest table he could get his hands on. He never really thought highly of the Justice League to begin with, hell, you would be hard-pressed to find anybody in Amity Park who did nowadays.
But this… this could just as well take the metaphorical cake of bullshit that has been piling up over the past three years.
He took a deep, measured breath before focusing back on his boyfriend. His sweet, lovable, very-much-chaotic-immortal-man-child of a boyfriend.
“...They think I’m what now?”
On the other side of this conversation sat Klarion, the witch boy extraordinaire, who was combing his slender fingers delicately through his precious familiar’s fur as he watches his beloved having a hard time grasping at the situation. And since he thought of himself to be a rather fantastic boyfriend, he repeated what he said.
“The League of Simpletons have somehow gotten in their heads that I must have enthralled you in one way or another in order to get my hands on some ultimate power, as part of my apparently evil master plan.”
Danny took another breath, this was just getting ridiculous. But then again what else was new, these people really knew how to make a mountains out of a molehills. Even Wes didn’t have this severe of an apophenia, he at least ended up being right more often than not.
“So they think you’ve put me under a love spell or something?”
Klarion merely shrugged in mock-helplessness. “Apparently you wouldn’t be dating me otherwise.” In all honesty he probably shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as he currently is, but he couldn’t help himself.
His ever present smirk widened when his beloved Starlight’s face twitched in irritation. “For Ancient’s sake… seriously?” A simple nod was enough for Danny to want to throw the next Justice Idiot who was stupid enough to come close to Amity Park’s boarders through the nearest window!
Calm down Danny, calm down. Just remember Jazz’s breathing exercise. One… two… three…
Wait a minute… would that mean- no way in hell way they’ve been…
“Wait a minute- Is that the fucking reason why they’ve constantly been ruining our dates these past few months!?”
Another nod.
Yeah, fuck being calm and shit, ya boy is absolutely livid! All this time they were doing it on fucking purpose!! He so is going to burn all of their ugly ass capes and dye all their ugly ass costumes pink! Better yet, he’ll paint their entire HQ with the most obnoxious and clashing colours possible.
Klarion let the halfa rage about for a good moment before interjecting. It wouldn’t do to have the lounge destroyed, especially when that energy could be used on something else he has in mind.
“We could have fun with this you know, at their expense.”
Danny stopped in his track and turned his inquiry gaze towards Klarion. He knows that smile and it could only mean trouble, trouble which he was more than willing to partake in. A smirk of his own began to grace his lips. “What do you have in mind exactly?”
Once again Klarion was reminded why he’s dating this gorgeous creature in the first place. Trust him to be able to match his chaotic nature despite his hero persona.
“Oh you are going to love it, my dear.”
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retnym · 1 year
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"Get a room!"
(just a little heads up you might be upset with this chapter but like I said this is a slow burn! There's gonna be some obstacles.)
The first official day of the tour, meaning it had been two weeks since we announced our news in the interview. It’s also been two weeks since I punched Tom in the jaw. We really haven’t talked to each other since then, with no flash outbursts of arguments or really acknowledging each other unless it was a quick dirty look or snarky comments under our breaths. 
It had been getting to the others. They were used to us messing with each other but now it’s just pure anger. Pure hatred. We couldn’t stand each other before, but now we couldn’t fathom one another. 
Touring is going to be… something.
Speaking of which our first day is in Cologne Germany. Since it’s the first night we’re going all out. Of course, we’re going to go all out for the other nights but this one is special. This is what shoots off our tour together. As a family. Even if this family is a little screwed we’d have each other’s backs at the end of the day.
I’d hope Tom isn’t too childish to screw anything up for us. 
Right now, I had just finished dressing into a red tank top and black baggy ripped jeans that underneath have fishnets to show underneath. Our makeup artist just finished everyone else's makeup so now it was on to me. She has to make sure we don’t look washed out on stage then we can add whatever we like.
Which is exactly what we’re doing, Bill is doing his little details for me. “Alright, Bill you can come in.” She sighs, looking back at her work before leaving for the singer to barge in and mess it up. He had just finished doing his hair and makeup himself when he was waiting for me to finish up myself.
As he did my makeup he looked extremely focused, wouldn’t let me talk, and wouldn’t talk himself and if I did talk he’d shush me along with smacking my hand pretty hard. 
“[Name]?” A voice calls, my head snapping in their direction. Ultimately destroying Bill’s work, once again earning another slap on the hand like I was a toddler. “[Name]!” He cries, going to my vanity and grabbing a makeup rag. I place m hands up in defense, immediately apologizing.
It ended up being Gustav who called for me so he apologized as well. “What’s up?” I ask the blond, turning my head back for Bill to clean up and then redo what I had messed up.
Gustav ends up standing behind Bill, watching the face beating I was currently getting from an eyeshadow brush. “I want to tell you now but I’m scared you’re going to mess up his look again.” He laughs, and Bill just flips him off. Continuing to not speak like he was doing beforehand. 
“What’s wrong with him?” He jokes, I just press my lips together basically saying I don’t want to say or else I’m going to get hit again. My hand is probably going to bruise from the aggressive hits. 
As we waited for him to finish up Gustav was humming tunes, pretending to drum behind Bill. Unfortunately making me laugh and of course, getting hit! 
“Okay, I’m done. What do you want to tell her?” He puts a hand on his hip, standing up. Now the attention goes to the drummer who took a deep breath.
“Someone’s here for you.” 
“Who?” I motion for him to carry on, getting up from my seat myself.
“Jace Comdonian.” Bill and I gasp, grabbing onto each other in shock. “No fucking way.”
“Where!?” I scream, Bill laughs as Gustav points down the hall, both of us booking it. Going to make a left but Gustav shouts; “Wrong way!” We push over each other, going in the correct direction now. We see the familiar curly-headed boy from behind who was talking to a security guard. “Jace!!” We shout, he slowly turns our way, his face lighting up he waves at us. 
I couldn’t believe it!
I run straight into his arms and he lifts me up, he kisses my cheek before letting me down. “I can’t believe you’re here!” I hold onto his face, forgetting about everyone around us.
Jace was my first official boyfriend when I was 15. It’s been two years since we ended our relationship. Due to me having to leave for the United States a lot for my acting roles, we called it quits. He couldn’t handle the long distance and it was just better off being really good friends. Now I won’t say my feelings have completely gone away (because they haven’t) but we talk every now and then. The last time we talked was five months ago and he was dating a girl. 
Happy for him (No I wasn’t).
“Well, Johanna was supposed to be here too.” He awkwardly says, scratching the back of his head. Right. Johanna was supposed to come to take photos for tonight but she got really sick last minute. Food poisoning I think. 
“She will be missed.” I kiss my fingers, lifting them into the air dramatically. Bill shoves me out of the way and bro hugs Jace. They were pretty close too while we dated. Jace got along with pretty much everyone.
Except for Tom but that didn’t really matter to me. 
“How have you been?” Bill asks him, now stealing him from me so I stand back with Gustav who just caught up. “Doesn’t Tom hate him?” 
“Yeah, who cares though.” I roll my eyes, leaning onto him as he threw an arm over my shoulder, snickering at what I said. I don’t know how they are friends with us. Our nonstop arguing or comments about each other. I wonder if they’ve ever thought about dropping one of us. Probably me if anything since Tom is Bill’s twin and everything. I wouldn’t blame them either if we’re being honest. 
I’m getting side track though. Jace, Jace is wonderful. He was always supportive of me in our relationship. He always wanted me to sing or play the guitar for him. Or show him my auditions for the movies or shows I was getting into. He would fly in sometimes and watch on set. 
I’d do the same for him but he doesn’t want the spotlight of fame. He wants to be a teacher, something I respect even though I never really went to school growing up. He wants to teach elementary kids, mainly he wants to get into art. 
Something I personally fell in love with after him telling me. He is perfect in my eyes. His tan skin, curly brown locks, hazel eyes, and just the perfect dimples that indented every time he smiled. 
“[Name]” It’s almost time!” Georg calls, I push away from Gustav. “Already?” I widen my eyes, I feel like we just did mic checks only thirty minutes ago but looking at the time it’s been two hours. I go up to Jace and kiss his cheek. “We’ll talk after the show?” 
“Of course.” He smiles, nodding for me to go on.
“Make sure he gets to the front alright, please.” I plead with one of the security guards who just nods. I take a deep breath and hurry down the hall with the three boys. I’m guessing Tom is already where he needs to be. 
A lady hands me a mic, and I go on before the others. Just to start the show and then the next song they come in. 
“Hello, Cologne Germany!” I scream (obviously this is in German but I am not embarrassing myself by translating off Google.)
The crowd goes wild as I enter the stage, I wave to everyone. The song was already starting. During it, I’d check to the side to see the guys getting ready, they all cheer me on as I performed. 
The feeling was euphoric as I felt the vibration of my own voice not only in my throat but around the room. The electricity of attention these people had on me made me want to do it all night. 
As the song ended the lights dimmed to only me. “I wanted to thank everyone who came out tonight.” I smiled as everyone cheered once again. 
“Tonight will be a tremendous show, not only from me but my boys in Tokio Hotel.” Taking a deep breath, I continue on. “This will be the first step into many different countries and areas all over. Your love has brought me to go on, to live this wonderful life I live so I give you just a fraction of my appreciation. The rest will be later on.” As they cheered, the boys get into their places, since the lights weren’t on over there no one saw them. 
Then all of a sudden instruments begin and the lights flash on.
The night was filled with laughter, slight mess-ups, and just so much fun. Tom and I competed with our guitars, obviously wasn’t meant to show but everyone noticed. Bill and I dramatically danced with each other as we sang. I went over to Gustav’s platform during the night at one point and showed off my little drum skills. Georg and I threw water at people together as well. 
I want my shows to not only show off my voice but show who we are as people. Make us seem more human than just celebrities. 
Of course, it had to come to an end. It even made me a little emotional to have to get off stage. It was our first night of a huge adventure, something I feel like I’ve repeated over and over but it’s true. This isn’t going to be some little thing that ends in months. It won’t end for a year. A year stuck with these boys who I grew up with as children. Been on magazines with. Endless sleepovers. Everything.
“You did amazing!” I brought Georg and Gustav into a hug, all of us wet from the rain part of Monsoon that Bill made us do. “You’re one to talk, you had the crowd going crazy.” Georg hugs me back. I just wave him off, pretending to blush. Tom was behind us with Bill, they were silently talking about something so I turned around, letting go of the two. “Nice job, Tom.” I politely smile, he raises a brow at first but quietly thanks me. “You too.”
“You guys did fucking awesome!” 
All of us turn to see Jace and I smile, heading over to him and hugging him. Purposely getting him wet. He tries pushing me away but just gives up in the end. “You liked it?” I asked after everyone thanked him. Tom had stopped in front of us, he was giving his guitar to a stage manager. 
“Like it? I loved it.” He squeezes me into the hug more. 
“Move it, you’re in the middle of the hall.” Tom shoves through us, I went to say something back but Jace stops me. “I see he hasn’t changed.”
I sigh, shaking my head. But I push myself back remembering he does have a girl. Even if we’re good friends I need to know my place with this.
“What?” He tilts his head.
“Your girlfriend.” I laughed mainly to myself.
“Girlfriend?” He almost looks offended, not even remembering his own girlfriend? “Oh! Last time we- right. We broke up like a week after that phone call.” He chuckles, pulling me back to him. We started walking to my dressing room this time though.
“Oh! I mean oh… Sorry to hear that.” 
He shakes his head, laughing at me. “No you’re not.” 
“You caught me.” I bite my lip, picking at the dead skin. He lifts my chin up by a finger.
“I want to try again.” He whispers, I harshly blink at him a few times. He caught me offguard okay? 
Because.. What? 
I step back from him, and my nose was slightly scrunched. “Ouch. not the reaction I expected.” He says, I put my hands up trying to go back. “No, no, you just um you kind of said that out of nowhere. I just got off stage there’s just uh a lot going on in my head.” I look around, the tension in the air was building up and I was just making it more awkward.
“Right, I’m sorry.” He says, scoffing at himself. “Hey, it’s okay. Give me some time to think.” I smile, taking his face in my hands to have him look at me. His eyes go straight to my lips and then back to my eyes.
“Can I kiss you, atleast?” 
I don’t even reply I just go on my tip toes and place a kiss on his lips. Not even giving me a chance to get used to it he pulls me closer by my hips.
What we didn’t see were the four boys staring at the scene in shock.
“Get a room!” Georg shouts, Bill and Gustav, roar into laughter as Tom just looked disgusted. I flipped them off, pulling back from Jace.
“I hate you guys.” I lay my head on his chest and they just make kissy noises and walk by. 
So, I just want to add another thing. This will not be a love triangle. Like I said there's going to be some obstacles before you and Tom even get to mentioning your feelings. Maybe... I'm still figuring some things out. Like if I want this to have a sad or happy ending lol. Also, I don't know if I should add smut obviously later on so if you guys want to see anything let me know. It might not happen but I always want some feedback this story is for you guys but it's everything is all in my hands. ;) Sorry for not posting sooner I had work and I was just too tired to post this. I did make it on Wattpad so if you don't want to deal with how it comes out on Tumblr you can go on there. :)
Sorry this is a lot but just wanted to feed some things into here before I go. ALSO, be prepared there might be multiple chapters that will come out by and on Sunday. I'm hoping to have chapter four tomorrow night. Chapter Five on Friday, Chapter Six and maybe seven on Saturday, and then Eight, Nine, and maybe Ten on Sunday. But this is up in the air it might change if I'm too tired from work lol.
Until next time:3
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eddies-house · 1 year
Whatever She Wants; I Will Do Anything - E.M.
Eddie x fem reader
2.9K Words
Inspired by the song Graceland Too by Phoebe Bridgers. Or where you’re very good at keeping your guard up and not letting others in only to crumble under the pressure. And Eddie is there to help you put the pieces back together.
Warnings - angsty, depictions of mental illness, dark thoughts
A/N - This shit is emotional and this song has been stuck in my head for days so I had to do something with it. Any feedback is appreciated 🥹
— I would do anything you want me to
I would do anything for you
I would do anything, I would do anything
Whatever you want me to do, I will do
If you could pick the scenery to describe your own brain, it wouldn’t be a field of daisies, fresh and heavenly, or rainbows after a light summer rain, sticky but romanticized.  It wouldn’t be angelic beach views with sunsets marbling the sky or even the starry night with the moon soaking the earth in its celestial light.   No, these things were magnificent, pleasing to look at, easy to take in.  Very unlike your brain.  
Your idea would be more of a tsunami ripping everything apart, having no mercy on anything in its wake—destroying everything it touches.  Emotions receding into the sea quietly before ultimately coming back in a massive wave and disrupting the quaint living of those around.  Murky skies and shattered hope.  People running, and running far just to avoid the disaster—the impending doom that was you.  That is exactly how you’d describe your brain. 
Sometimes if you were lucky there were a select few weeks in between the storms of your mind where you’d feel a sliver of relief, a drought in the ever flowing thoughts that dismantled your life.  Times where there would be a glimmer of ambition and an inkling of motivation.  It never lasted long, fleeing as soon as you were starting to get better.  A colossal wave consuming you once again, and people would go running as they always did—the commotion of the storm too turbulent for them to brave.  
And the agonizing thoughts would begin to stew at the very core of your brain.  Simmering until they boiled over at random.  
Too hard to love.
Barely a person, a walking corpse devoid of emotion due to the burnout.
Not worthy of love.
Not worthy of anything.
I should have never even made it this far, sixteen years was my limit.
I don’t want to do this anymore, please don’t make me do this anymore.
It was all so daunting, so intimidating and heavy.  It truly felt like you did not belong on this earth and there was absolutely no way to combat it other than merely surviving.  Days passed and you were trapped in the endless cycle that was existing without purpose.  
Your boyfriend, Eddie, sweet Eddie had a life to live and you couldn’t bear to burden him with the sorrows of your aching soul.  Eventually he’d realize what a nuisance you were, how crippling your state of mind could be.  He didn’t deserve to be detained by the relationship you so thought was out of pity.  Ever so generous, kind, enamoring, handsome, loving, gentle, loud, assertive—everything Eddie was made of, was something you believed you never once deserved.  You dreaded the day he would glance at you and come to his senses.  She is too broken for me, I can’t love her.
The convincing mask you were able to automatically put on was all too familiar.  Being able to physically front that you were happy when the reality of it all was that demons swam through your bloodstream and never left, only lying dormant every once in a blue moon only to come back at full force.  It felt like poison, the way you would be okay one moment and suddenly in seconds you were grasping onto your sanity, clinging onto any bits of reality—of your mortal self only to be swallowed up by harsh accusations toward yourself that would have you sinking back into your bed for as long as it required.  And that’s how you got so good with the mask, forcing yourself to conform to the world around you when you absolutely couldn’t rot in bed, other obligations taking priority despite the poison coursing through your body.  A smile on your face, a compliment here, a joke there, sprinkled with some stupid story from the other day that always seemed to appease your audience.  It was all fake and no one could sniff it out.
Until Eddie came along and he was able to detect even the slightest shift in your demeanor.  Though you could throw the mask on, it didn’t always work with him and he would encourage you to take it off.  You never did.  Insisting I’m fine, just a little tired.  Lying through your teeth.  You couldn’t help it, you’d never let your guard down with anyone ever.  How were you supposed to when it didn’t even feel like an option?  A people pleaser to your core, you’d take your feelings with you to the grave.  
The first time Eddie stumbled upon you crying, he was at a loss, not knowing how to approach the situation.  Do I hug her?  No, what if she doesn’t want me to?  Do I hold her hand?  Does she want me to leave?  Did I do something?  What if I made her cry?  Does she want to break up?  Every thought flew at him at lightning speed, practically slapping him in the face.  Before any decision could be made, you sucked back the tears and used your sleeves to aggressively clear your under eyes.  I’m fine, I just watched an emotional movie.  Lies.  Not wanting to push you further, he nodded and held you close.  But he knew.  You were suffering, drowning in your own fucked up world and he had no idea how to pull you out.  When his own mind started suffocating him he could at least voice that he wasn’t having the best day, also being the type to never burden others with his invading thoughts.  He’d leave it at that and sulk in his room but you would always sit with him, if he allowed.  If not, that was okay too and he was eternally grateful.  
The more he studied your behavior when you just felt off, the more he gathered the way you would often go blank during a conversation, eyes becoming void of a human and turning into a shell of yourself as you picked yourself apart internally.  Anxiety looming in your eyes and hands the slightest bit shaky, he would touch his fingertips to yours in the smallest touch hoping to lure you back, praying that he didn’t overstep because god he was so scared.  And when you did return, you still weren’t fully there although you claimed you were just tired.  Again.  He just wanted you to be happy.  And you wanted to be happy.  
It took almost a year into the relationship for you to even be able to ask him to come over when you wanted to just be with him.  Before that it just felt like you were pestering him for attention even though that was far from the truth.  You could call him just to complain about how your lunch tasted and he would savor every moment.  Even still, you had your doubts about calling him or texting him, the nasty demons lurking within you telling you he didn’t care.  Eddie picked up on your patterns from the very beginning and learned that the way you worded things really indicated your mood, if you were genuinely doing well or if things were bad again.  A simple phrase popping up on his phone and he would bolt to you if he had the slightest inclination that you were in a pool of your own self deprecating thoughts.  
Are you home?  Really meant, I need you, I need you and I’m too afraid to outright say it.
Are you busy?  Either meant that you wanted to go on a gas station run with him or that you wanted to vent about your family.  
Want to come over?  Generally translated to I’m in a good space right now and would love to spend time with you.
I love you.  Told him I’m thinking about you.
Love you.  Was an indicator that you were on edge, it could be because of him depending on the nature of the situation or it could just be a bad day. 
Food?  Was the phrase used to tell him I’m hangry and we better be getting Mexican food otherwise you better suggest something that sounds yummier.
I’m fine.  Was as clear as day.  I’m the opposite of fine.
So when it’s ten o’ clock at night and the cicadas are chirping outside his trailer, his fingers dancing along the neck of his guitar to a new riff he recently learned and he sees his phone light up with your name, he eagerly reaches over to pick it up and read.  His eyes scan over three key words.
Are you home?
Immediately he’s setting his guitar on top of his mattress, calling you as he scrambles around his room searching for his car keys, finally locating them underneath his copy of Lord of the Rings he had been rereading earlier, tossing the book aside.  The dial tone rings through his ears a few times, heart beating fast.  On the other end, a meek little hey is heard along with a sniffle that you swore you would hide.  
“Baby, what’s wrong?”  His voice is laced with concern while he makes his way out to the living room to collect his leather jacket.  
“I-I-nothing.  I just—wanted to hear your voice.”  Part of it is a lie.  Everything is wrong and your world is crumbling as you stare out the window lifelessly.  Panic is taking over while you endure thoughts about your past, present, and future.  Why did I say that one thing that one time?  I’m such a bad person.  I should have never been born, that way I could save everyone the embarrassment.  You’re instigating yourself and there’s no sign of stopping.  Eddie would be happier without you, he’s too good for you, good things don’t happen to you without a price.  Bullet after bullet hits your soul.  
“I’m coming over.”  He tells you without giving you the option to say no, the line going silent as he hangs up.  This only coaxes more humiliating things out from the depths of your brain.  See what you did?  You ruined his night, now he’s on his way over and he’s probably so mad.  He has so many better things to be doing than sitting with a cry baby.  
The sobs rack your body, chest heaving and vision completely blurred with hot tears traveling down your face.  You’re shaking, the words assaulting you over and over.  Even if you wanted to stop crying you couldn’t, the dam was flooded.  It was an oversight on your part, you didn’t need to text Eddie but you did it out of impulse.  Everything suddenly becomes so overstimulating, so gross and uncomfortable.  The way your clothes hug your body makes you wince, rubbing your arms to somewhat soothe yourself but it only does so much.  The clutter on your bedside table aggravates you all of the sudden but there’s not any energy to straighten it up, leaving you sitting on the bed in full on breakdown mode.  You’re now way too aware of your own body, yearning to immediately cease existing.  A blanket once thrown over your legs is now tossed across the room, the material now disgusting you.  Everything becomes unbearable.
So unbearable that you don’t even hear Eddie using his key in your front door, the hinges squeaking as he enters, or the click of the lock as he locks it again before rushing upstairs, his boots stomping on every other step.  You don’t hear the bedroom door creak open as he carefully approaches, toeing off his boots near the door and then speaking to you.  
“Sweetheart, what’s goin’ on?”  His tone is gentle enough to soothe a baby.  Shrugging his jacket off and tossing it on a nearby chair, he slowly strides closer to the bed but still keeps his distance.  
All you can do is cover your face in your pathetic palms, attempting to hide away the misery you have become.  A wet and whimpered I don’t know is made out from you muffling the words into your hands.  His heart shatters.  All he wants to do is hold you but only if you’ll allow him to.  The last thing he wants to do is make it worse.  The last time he saw you cry was also the first time and you’d sucked it up and brushed it off like it never happened.  This was drastically different, you were a puddle of tears and snot, sobbing uncontrollably and unable to hold back any longer.
“Baby.  Look at me.  Just for a minute, okay?”  He’s trying to convince you but you shake your head, palms still gathering tears.  “Please?  Please?”  He begs, voice hoarse as he tries to map out a gameplan in his head.  It still falls upon deaf ears.  “I need you to look at me.  If I’m going to help you, you need to look at me.”  He leans over the bed attempting to catch your eyes.  “I need you.”  He speaks desperately, his own eyes becoming wet.  For some reason, the phrase makes you stop for a second, makes you freeze.  If he needed you, then you were going to give him anything he wanted, anything he needed.  It was some type of reverse psychology that he hadn’t even realized he performed.  You were falling apart but the moment he begged for help you stopped everything to be by his side.
Shock written in his features, he looks at you while you look at him, big doe eyes full of anxiety and worry.  The atmosphere was stagnant at that moment.  Hiccups erupted out of you but your full undivided attention was on him.  He pondered his next moves carefully, not wanting to scare you off or chase you back into your corner.  His next words were spoken with the utmost care.
“Tell me what you need me to do.”  His voice was shaky and his eyes blinked rapidly.  “I—I’ve never done this before.  Please tell me what you need.”  His voice wobbled on the last few words as you tried to process everything.  “Whatever you want me to do, I will do.”  The way his tone wavered broke you, choking out a sob before stopping yourself.  You did this to him.  So you force yourself to provide an answer, it’s the least you could do.  
Voice cracking, you reply “Hold me.”  The dam continues flooding, sending a river down your cheeks.  He’s quick to crawl across the bed and gather you in his arms like the most fragile thing he’s ever held.  Arms wrap around your middle to pull you in between his legs, pulling your back flush against his chest as you then maneuver your body to curl into him like he’s your bunker, face buried in his chest and trembling hands fisting his shirt.  
“I’m right here, I’ve got you.  I’m here.”  Whispered reassurances against the top of your head as you soak his shirt in a mixture of tears and snot.  He lets you cry for as long as you need, as long as you want.  
“I’m always here for you.  Okay?  I would do anything for you.”  He promises, stroking your back soothingly, placing a kiss to your temple.  Everything about you is so ugly in the moment and yet, he’s so patient and warm.  So attentive and loving.  His gestures begin to chip at the walls you built around yourself so long ago.  It would take time but he’s made the first cracks in those sturdy walls and he would spend forever helping you tear them down.  
The sobs and hiccups begin to settle down, not completely but enough that you have some composure.  Your wide eyes stare into his kind ones.  You’re forced to recognize the unconditional love swimming in his eyes.  The genuine concern for your well being and his necessity for your comfort and happiness.  
“I love you.”  An offer through your tears of that same love on a silver platter that he would gladly indulge in.  Hand brushing against the bottom of your chin, tilting it ever so slightly while the other rests on the small of your back, he delivers a nudge of his nose against yours, a piece of his heart.  
“I love you.  I will always love you.”  His words have a greater meaning, an oath that even through the bad times, the times where you were isolated and hated yourself, kicking yourself to the curb,  he would be right there to help you back up.  A brush of his thumb against a rogue tear on your cheek has you hanging onto his every action.  The way he continues to use his thumbs to clean up any remnants  of sadness that had been acquired over the last hour or so.  How his lips curl up in fondness when you brush your fingertips along his stubbly cheek.  A whispered thank you against his skin.  When he lays back and pulls you onto his chest, his breathing lulling you into a post cry sleep that you very well needed, one hand running up and down your back and the other tracing shapes into your arm—calloused fingers providing every bit of comfort needed.  How his lips press a kiss to your forehead.  The scary thoughts were at bay for now and Eddie would without a doubt help you to battle them the next time they invaded your mind, whether it be tomorrow or next week.  His words have you melting, insides gooey and sticky when he thinks you’re fast asleep but you’re really still clinging onto these last waking moments as you mold into each other.   
“You’re everything I could ever ask for.  I would do anything for you.”
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originalaccountname · 9 months
Do you have any thoughts or insights about tanizaki? We’ve known him for so long but I feel like I still know little to nothing about him 😭
That was the truth. He had made it this far in life because he was easily swayed by others. He went along with Kunikida’s scheme because he was asked to, and he was going to play the bomber because that was the role shoved onto him. Despite having a slightly bizarre skill, he wasn’t great in combat like the other agents, nor was he especially cunning. Tanizaki didn’t have any mortal enemies, nor did he have a dark past or any trauma. He was an ordinary guy. The only thing he really even wished for was his little sister’s happiness. - A Day at the Detective Agency (from The Untold Origins of the Detective Agency light novel)
Tanizaki sees himself as a pretty average guy, as someone without a notable past or fancy skills... and as a pushover. He doesn't really have convictions besides "Naomi" and goes along just about anything. But...
Tanizaki is the person who comes the closest to “evil” among all the Detective Agency employees. This is what I always tell everyone involved in this work. [...] [...] Tanizaki hit the enemy with the truck of a civilian who happened to pass by. By doing that, the truck would be completely destroyed and the driver would not be able to come out intact. But Tanizaki couldn’t care less about such things. Because for him, justice, morality or peace for the people, all come after his “sister”. - Asagiri, for the bsd expo (source and complete translation)
Tanizaki is canonically leaning on the "evil" side of bsd's grey morality. Since he has no bigger motivation than keeping Naomi safe, he'd do just about anything for her, no matter the price. He is in a good place, being at the Agency, where he is surrounded by people who do want to uphold great ideals and help others. However, he was also very quick to offer himself up as tribute to be transferred to the Port Mafia in Yosano's place. Again, he's a pushover at heart and lets himself drift around as the people around him see fit.
Naomi being his "sister" is probably a cover of some sort, since the book she's based on had exactly that (a scandalous marriage hidden behind a false, more familial relationship). Even our Naomi points out that she and Tanizaki look nothing alike (while groping him) and seems to make a show of their supposed relationship. There's no way they are actual blood siblings, and there definitely is a story behind that. There's also that book Naomi was making her husband, who was obsessed with her, do whatever she pleased. It matches our Tanizaki's pushover nature and our Naomi's assertiveness, at least as inspiration.
That's about as much of an input we have of him at this time, but Kenji's backstory was just revealed, so surely Tanizaki's turn will come... his ability came from somewhere, he met Naomi somewhere, he got into the ADA someway/somehow... and even if it's ultimately not that eventful... well... characters can get their trauma during the story, instead of before...
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hopelessromantic5 · 4 days
SydCarmy clip
Artist Carmy
Sydney is his long lost muse.
TBC at a later date 💀
Carmen is a chef, that much is apparent.
But before that, he was an artist.
The notebooks that he kept hidden from the prying eyes of his disastrous family had been his only solace through a…turbulent childhood.
He would sketch whatever caught his eye. A specific bird with a pretty song. A wildflower on the playground that was shining extra bright in the sun.
As he grew, so did his art. Wobbly formations transformed into confident lines and lifelike shading. What was once inanimate became alive.
He drew what he knew. Sugar, Mikey, booths at The Beef, and most importantly, food.
It seemed that food was center of his existence. His mother, his brother, and then eventually, he himself was sucked into the love of food.
Maybe it started because no matter how many awful things they’d said to each other, dinner in the Berzatto house was never missed. They all sat, sometimes (most times) uncomfortably quiet. But still, they were together. A mess, but a mess that belonged to each other.
Maybe it was the way flavors on his tongue seemed to revive Carmy from the dead on days he didn’t think he wanted to be alive; bright mornings after a dreadful night of his mother screaming at him that he was useless, that he could never do anything right. All while she sobbed and shattered her wine glass against the wall.
But something about a breakfast sandwich from the Beef, perfectly curated by his brother, made him forget his life for long enough that he could ride to school in peace, sketching the layers to the egg and glazed bacon, the different cheeses, the perfectly toasted bun.
There was one awful attempt to draw this girl, Claire.
Carmen noticed her when she began hanging out with Mikey, which was already kind of a red flag. But for some reason, the sketches kept ending up distorted and, quite frankly, disturbing to look at. Carmen wound up ripping the pages out and burning them.
Of course, his notebooks and shading pencils began to form dust after Carmy gave his life over to cooking. Becoming a chef was exhausting, and maintaining life as a chef, a Michelin star retaining chef, was soul destroying.
Maybe it was just Carmen’s luck. Maybe he attracted assholes and bullies, people that liked to spit insults down his neck as he stood there and took it. Vomiting it back up, hours later in the alley.
Eleven Madison Park was the worst and best experience of his life. He wouldn’t be as good as he was without it, but he also wouldn’t be as fucked up, as mentally torn apart.
He didn’t think it couldn’t get any worse.
That is, until he got the call.
He should’ve known. Things can always get worse.
Yet, the ultimate dichotomy of the best and worst time of Carmy’s life was yet to come.
As he stood in the back of his dead brother’s collapsing, grease infested, death trap, an angel came to him.
Appearing in the form of a beautiful woman. Skin dark and rich, glowing with a shine all its own. Big, curious brown eyes nervously taking him in, announcing herself.
“Hi, hello. I-I’m Sydney, I called about the sous position? I’m staging today? I think you said I could stage today-“
Carmen’s head was completely fucked. He forgot about the lovely voice on the other end of the phone, after a long day of sarcastic, apathetic dickwads.
“Right! Shit, sorry. Yes, yeah. Carmy.” He gestured to himself.
He took her resume, and was blown away. Not only was she beautiful, she was also capable. Stacked by the CIA and extremely respected restaurants of Chicago.
He thought for a second that he may have been dreaming. The gods had answered his silent prayer of a reprieve in the form of this human goddess who was trained the same way Carmen was trained; knows the ins and outs of a kitchen the way he does. A true partner, in that way.
Nearly a year went by. Arguments were had and healed, copious amounts of cash was found amongst tomato sauce cans, and The Bear finally got off the ground running…after a few minor snags.
Carmy had resigned that night, in the walk-in, to call Claire one more time and end the entire thing, on top of apologizing vehemently. Apologize for ruining yet another good thing, another good person and then let her go on about her perfectly healthy life.
Carmen was ashamed to admit to himself, that he barely even liked her. Nothing was natural, everything felt like a show he was putting on for someone else. Maybe for Mikey, maybe for himself, who knows.
One thing Carmen did know, for sure; it was not good for him. Or the restaurant. Or her. His partner.
She took the worst of it, and Carmen will never forgive himself for that. She did everything, kept his dream alive, while he fucked off and pretended to be something he wasn’t.
Somehow, gratefully and graciously, he’d earned his way back into Syndey’s trust over these last few months. Carmy put his full focus into The Bear, as it should’ve been from the beginning. And he never let her forget that he was there for her, that they were partners. Even when shit got too overwhelming, too much, they would always be there.
They stood by that.
Things were…better than they’d ever been.
The kitchen worked seamlessly, every once in a while there was a small mishap. But that’s what a good kitchen is; one that can run even when the unpredictable happens.
And for The Bear, regular unpredictable is a cake walk compared to their original amount of unpredictable.
He and Sydney moved through the kitchen like two halves of one mind. Wordlessly knowing what the other will need before they have the chance to ask, small gestures of reassurance when they need it. His hand on the small of her back in passing, I’m here, it says.
Her soft smile directed his way when he quietly corrected a new hire on their technique, instead of flying off the handle.
Carmen hadn’t raised his voice that way in a while. While he went to Al-Non and saw Dick (his therapist [that’s his actual name, don’t blame Carmen]), he could credit his better sleep schedule and improved outlook on life to one individual particularly.
The more he saw Sydney, the more she came into his space, the longer she stayed, the more Carmen calmed. For the first time in his life, he was still, tranquil, happy.
It, whatever it was, that special drug, that magic, seemed to just radiate off her skin in waves of pure ethereal light.
She stood in his modest kitchen, throwing her head back laughing at something stupid he said. And Carmen knew peace.
Maybe that’s why the shading pencils that had been shoved into a carboard box in the back of his closet finally made a reappearance.
He was at the market on a random Monday, their one and only day off, when he saw a display of sketchbooks, at the end of an aisle.
Instinct made him throw one in his basket. Black with a singular word embossed on the front in gold.
Carmen’s immediate thought was: that’s cheesy.
At home, sitting on the couch tapping his leg in impatience , he narrowed his eyes at the sketchbook in the center of his kitchen table. He thought maybe it wasn’t such a bad cover.
The word was like an alarm, a reminder that he could always be doing something, creating something new.
As afternoon turned to evening, Carm didn’t notice. He hadn’t looked up.
For the last four hours, he had been practically dead to the world.
All that existed was the image in his mind and the empty pages sitting before him.
The sound of his phone ringing startled him out of his daze. Realizing all of once that he was starving, and he had to pee, and his phone was still ringing.
Fuck, the phone!
He caught it before it went to voicemail.
“Yo!” He was out of breath, for no reason.
“Yo, you good?” Sydney chuckled, poking at him. “Am I still coming over to cook or are you like…training for the marathon?”
“I could run.” He huffed. “You don’t know.”
The smile that he refused to acknowledge was difficult to keep out of his voice, but he managed.
“Ha! I don’t think any Berzatto even knows the definition of the word ‘run’. Except maybe Pete, but he doesn’t count.”
That made a laugh bubble up out of him.
“He does run. Nat complains about his early morning jogs sometimes.”
“Of course he jogs!” She bellowed, cackling on the other end. “Nothing worse than a jogger.” Followed quickly by. “Don’t tell Nat or Pete I said that.”
Carmen sucked his teeth and tilted his head as if weighing his options, though she couldn’t see him.
“I don’t know…”
“Carmen!” He loved this. He loved her.
“I’m fucking with you, Syd. I won’t tell Nat you think her husband is awful because he jogs.”
“Good. Thank you.” She sighed. “Nat loves me more, anyway. She would take my side.”
“Over her husband?” He asked incredulously.
“No, jackass, over you.” She laughed.
“Ouch. A jackass that got his sister stolen by his CDC. Might as well just end it then. Here I was, taking the jeans out of the oven, just for you.”
“Well, now I’ve caught you in a lie. You forget, I see your oven as often as you do, and I haven’t seen a single sighting of denim.”
“I wait til you leave, obviously.”
“Just shut up and buzz me in, weirdo.” He can hear her smile through the phone knowing that he was the one to put it there warmed his blood.
He was floating on a cloud as he made his way to the front door. Leaving it ajar after buzzing her into the building.
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al9ayf · 1 year
ᥫ᭡ 𝐰𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧 | carlos oliveira x f!reader
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✧ chapter 3 :: snake
。˚ word count: 6.32k
。˚ a/n: i need to give all y’all awards for waiting 6 months for the third chapter 😭 i am so sorry for the long wait i literally lost the motivation to write for monthsss until june hit and the gayness came out of me. i got a wake up call party people. i hope u enjoyyyy and i will be giving u more carlos content i promise
。˚ content warning(s) :: smut, p in v
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he was gone for what felt like forever.
you only realized that time was passing because of the different sounds jill would make. other than that, you sat still looking at the iv bag drip in a continuous pattern. but then you heard it. the sound of somebody running. you didn’t freak out or even bother moving. you were too tired, and you already knew who it was anyway. his footsteps were familiar.
carlos stopped running right as he opened the double doors. you were seated next to jill on a rolling chair with no back support. you turned your head to face him, eyes dropping to his belt where you spotted the vaccine dangling from it. you then looked up at him and noticed the smallest expression of anger.
“was he there?” you asked, standing up.
“oh, he was there,” carlos said, coming right up to you. “—sitting there dead.” your facial expression didn’t change. instead, you only rolled your eyes and turned around to face jill.
“were there any more?” you asked.
“none,” he said. “he left a video on the computer explaining everything, which i assume you alre—“
“yes, i already know.” you snapped, turning your head to face him. you were angered at the fact that nicholai killed your only coworker left to help you. the only other coworker besides yourself who knew how and where to make another fucking vaccine. you couldn’t do this alone, but you had to now.
you kicked the chair beside you and walked across the room to get the supplies needed. it was only a bandage, alcohol wipes, and some gloves. you didn’t want to infect her even more with whatever you had. you slipped the gloves on and went to work. carlos handed you the vaccine after you had wiped the area you were going to inject it in. you stuck the needle into her arm gently, hearing her wince at the pinching pain as you injected the vaccine into her. after that, you placed the empty cartridge on the stand beside you.
“she’ll still have a fever,” you said as you grabbed the bandage.
“for how long?” asked carlos.
you glanced up at him, then back down at jill’s arm so you could start wrapping the bandage. “don’t know,” you said. “it depends on how well she handles it.”
once you finished, you backed away from her and walked away. carlos came up next to her and eyed her face. she seemed to look somewhat better. he turned around to look back at you, seeing that you were removing the blue latex gloves from your hands and dumping them in the trash. you glanced at him to see that he was looking at you, and you felt somewhat of an easy feeling wash over you.
“we need to leave as soon as your friend arrives,” you said. “we need to create another vaccine before anything else happens.”
“where can we even find another one? umbrella has so many labs,” said carlos.
“only one of them has the materials to make the vaccine, and it’s right under this hospital.” you looked at the double doors, remembering how you visited this hospital so many times just to create and work on things that ultimately destroyed this city, and now possibly the world. you looked back at carlos.
“the horrors down there…” you muttered. “it’s a suicide mission.”
“there’s four of us, y/n. there’s no such thing as a suicide mission if we all work together,” he said.
“you don’t understand… i want that vaccine as much as you do, but there are more than just bio-weapons down there. it’s not the only thing that’s scaring me…”
“then… what is it?”
you glanced at jill who was resting peacefully, then sighed. “not in here, she needs to rest,” you turned your gaze back to him. you beckoned him to follow you out of the room. carlos opened up the door for the two of you, only to be met with tyrell running up to the door. he quickly stopped and started panting a bit, but had a relieved look on his face.
“i got here as soon as i could,” he said, still panting. “the vaccine?”
“i already gave it to jill,” you said. “she’s recovering and resting now.”
“oh, thank god,” he let out a deep sigh of relief. “and you two?”
you both stood there silently, not knowing how to answer. but you quickly cleared your throat and laughed awkwardly, “there are a few things we need to talk about privately. in the meantime, i want you to watch over jill for a bit—make sure nothing is wrong while we’re gone. but if anything happens, let us know immediately.”
“yeah, yeah of course,” said tyrell.
he entered the room which left the two of you all alone in the lobby. you walked over by the desk to get some distance away from the door so you wouldn’t disturb jill and tyrell with your voices. you played with your hands, unsure of what to say first. there was so much to go over, and your fingers kept sliding your wedding band up and down your ring finger.
“umbrella… they don’t want any of this getting out, y’know?” you asked, turning to face him. you moved your hands away from each other to stop your fidgeting. “it’s either them or some fucking spy or government group that wants it. whether it be the vaccine or the virus itself.”
you felt your heart rate kick up. “just the thought of it kills me on the inside. jesus… we’re doomed if one of those fuckers gets it.”
you started breathing heavily, almost as if you were about to go into full panic mode. you fanned yourself with your hands as you paced around the lobby worriedly. “we’re nothing compared to them. nothing, carlos!”
he walked over to you and stopped you in your tracks by placing both of his hands on your shoulders. you looked at him, still in a frenzied state. “you don’t know that,” he said. “you don’t know if there’s anybody down there anyway! you need to calm down.”
“there are rats in this company,” you said, grabbing his bulletproof vest. “one of the labs has already been infiltrated before the outbreak, and one of my coworkers is being stalked by this woman who wants the virus!”
you leaned in close to his face. “and nicholai is somewhere around the area, trying to find another way to get into this lab underneath our feet. he wants the vaccine so he can fucking sell it.”
carlos moved his hands to grab yours, moving them away from his chest so he can hold them. “listen,” he said in a commanding voice. “in a day or so, this city is going to be a goner whether we get the vaccine or not. but either way, we can still have the upper hand here if we secure the only escape route from the lab.”
you gulped down the built-up saliva in your throat, “and if we don’t?”
“we will. it’s the four of us against whoever or whatever is in our way.”
he saw you start to calm down and relax in his close embrace. you were still anxious, but you felt somewhat reassured. you were a scientist. the smartest out of the bunch here in raccoon city. fuck, you could outsmart all the bio-weapons and the undead—even the people after the virus. you were smarter than all of them combined. you looked away from him and down at the floor, cracking a smirk at yourself.
“maybe you’re right… i’ll try not to think about it in the meantime,” you gently grabbed your bitten hand. “i don’t want to stress myself out more…”
you moved away from him and walked over to one of the couches, sighing as you sat down. “i uh…”
you looked at him, locking eyes. “… i never had the chance to tell you the truth… about umbrella, about me, about all of this shit.”
carlos sat down next to you and placed his hand by yours. “if there is more to tell about your whole situation, then let’s talk about it after this whole shit show.”
“and once jill wakes up,” you added.
you looked down, avoiding his gaze. “thank you.”
“for what?”
you looked back up at him and locked eyes. for the first time—you smiled. a gentle, soft, genuine smile appeared on your surprisingly still moisturized lips. he was almost taken aback by it, shocked at how much your smile became a rare sight to see now. it has been way too long. your smile lasted only a second longer before you looked away from his face and at his body. you reached your right hand out to grab the strap of his bulletproof vest. you played with the flashlight with your thumb, as if you were a little child with a toy.
“how heavy is it?” you asked.
“not that heavy,” he said.
you knew he was smirking, and you couldn’t help but laugh at how stupid this was. you looked at his face and raised an eyebrow. “i can see you breaking a sweat though,” you said, leaning in closer. you were just joking, of course, and it was an invitation to just be at ease and not at each other’s throats.
a lighthearted mood settled in between the two of you. “it’s not ‘cause of the vest, but because of you,” said carlos.
“… i always hated your pickup lines,” you said, smiling again.
“at least they get you to smile.”
“yeah, right.”
you suddenly tugged on the vest, bringing him down to your height while almost pressing him up against you. he placed both hands on either side of you to not fall on top of you and crush you.
you let go of the vest by slowly sliding your hand down the front of it, all the while looking up at him through your lashes. although you were tired, dirty, and smelled a bit bad due to the zombie guts and running around, he still thought you were gorgeous. carlos swallowed the built-up saliva in his mouth, only to quickly bend over the other way and start coughing into his fist. you sat there a bit shocked but with an amused expression on your face.
“am i that vile to you that you choked on your spit?” you laughed.
you placed a hand on his shoulder, only to move it down to his back to start hitting it gently to stop the coughing session. he let out a deep breath once he was finally finished, and turned his head to look at you. carlos saw the tiniest look of concern dancing in your eyes.
“you alright?” you asked.
he smiled at you as he leaned back on the couch. “as long as my vile wife is with me, i’m fine,” he flirted but joked at the same time.
you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at what he said, only to laugh a little right after. carlos felt at ease hearing you laugh, which helped boost his ego up a bit when he went to move his arm behind you and place his hand on your hip. you didn’t say anything as he pulled you closer to him. it felt weird to be close to him like this again. after months of being away without any communication, and the tension between the two of you the past few days—it was going to be weird. but you felt safe and comfortable. you looked up at him and into those dark eyes. he always cracked underneath your gaze. he couldn’t stare at you for too long before having to look somewhere else. you were the only woman to have this effect on him. to play better at his own game; his own flirtatious game. but it only helped his confidence to know that you were letting on. he was coming back into your life as your husband again.
he looked back at you quickly, fearing that if he strayed his gaze away for too long that you wouldn’t be there anymore. but there you were, smiling softly. he cracked again. you were just so beautiful.
“carlos…” you spoke his name as if it was the first time you heard it. he moved his head down to yours and you stayed. you didn’t move away. this was the perfect moment. he grabbed your cheek and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. you kissed back eagerly. your lips were still so soft and so moisturized. it felt amazing. when he pulled away, he couldn’t help but move back in for more.
he peppered kisses from your mouth to your chin, then down to your neck and the place behind your ear which always made you gasp and moan. his kisses only grew more eager and lust-driven. but you couldn’t do it here, not now! you moved your head so your lips could connect one more time before you grabbed his arm and stopped him. he rested his forehead against yours and stayed looking at your lips.
“baby—“ you said but got cut off.
“shut up.” carlos said and went back to work. he laid you on the couch and feverishly kissed you again. he moved his hands down to your shirt and rode it up, exposing your stomach and bra. you bit your lip to suppress a moan and placed your arm over your mouth to make sure it didn’t split out. carlos only moved your arm away and you gave him a serious look.
“we can’t,” you whispered. “it’s too risky.”
“i don’t care,” he said, kissing you. “i have to scratch fucking my wife in a apocalypse off my bucket list.” you cursed him as you laughed.
carlos moved you off the couch and bent you over it as he came up from behind you. you looked over your shoulder and frowned. “on the floor? really?” you asked.
he shrugged his shoulders. “you were going to fall off eventually. you know me,” you muttered a “shut up”. you couldn’t take him seriously at times, especially now. he hooked his fingers on your pants and underwear, making sure to slide both of them down at the same time. you were glad he couldn’t see your red face. you became embarrassed when you suddenly heard him laugh.
“a thong? really?” he asked. you rolled your eyes. “were you expecting this to happen?” carlos only continued. you wanted to hit him. when you didn’t give him a reaction, he only retaliated by spreading your legs a little wider and slipping a finger easily inside of your already dripping cunt. you laid your head on your hands and let out a shaky sigh. he smiled to himself. he pumped his finger in and out of you slowly. you could feel the roughness of his fingerless gloves against your thighs. it only made this feeling better.
you turned your head and pouted. “please, carlos…” you sighed. “just fuck me already.”
he pulled his finger out and ran it along the inner part of your thigh, making you shiver. “well since you asked so nicely…” he said, moving his finger away. you heard him unzipping his pants and some shuffling. you felt the tip of his cock enter you, but he didn’t move.
you rolled your eyes. “carlos if you don’t fucking—“ he shut you up by thrusting into you, and you gasped. he covered your mouth immediately and brought you up to his chest.
“we don’t want tyrell to hear you now,” he said, fucking you even harder. “it’ll be embarrassing for the both of us.” you couldn’t help it though. as he let go of your mouth, the first thing you did was moan even louder than your gasp. he felt so good you couldn’t even shut up about it.
you leaned your chest back against the couch to get into a more comfortable position, but every time carlos thrust into you, harder and harder, you kept being pushed back against him. he was going to fuck you dumb at this point. and even though he told you to shut up, he was also moaning and grunting, but in a much quieter voice. carlos suddenly stopped and slipped his dick out of you. you were going to turn and face him but he only moved you off of the couch and onto the floor.
your back was now on the floor with your legs spread just a little. carlos grabbed your pants and underwear again and moved them down to your ankles just to take them off, not bothering to do the same with your shoes. he just wanted the clothes out of his way. you brought your finger up to your lips as he brought you right to him, and slid right back in even more. you bit hard and moaned. carlos’ grip around your hips tightened as he fucked even harder and faster. his hair stuck to his face and his mouth couldn’t and wouldn’t stay shut.
“carlos—“ you moaned, reaching your hands up to his face. you cupped his cheeks and brought his head down to yours, immediately kissing him to shut the both of you up. your saliva mixed with his as your tongues clashed against each other. you moaned at how good everything felt. how good he was at making every part of your body sweat and shake. your cunt clenched around his dick and that is when he bit on your bottom lip in response.
your hand snaked around the back of his neck and you dug your nails into it in response, but it wasn’t hard enough to hurt him. carlos kissed you one more time and then pulled away from your lips. your bottom lip throbbed just like your cunt and you only felt more pleasure from it. carlos started to go faster, and your body twisted from it. fuck, fuck, fuck you were close and you know he knew too. carlos’ breathing became heavier and your moans only became louder.
he bucked his hips into yours and groaned. “you really love being loud,” he moaned. you hummed and went to grab your tits, massaging them as he continued fucking you.
“mmm—you make me feel so good, how am i supposed to keep my mouth shut?” you managed to say, only to moan right after. carlos laughed and shook his head. within the next minute, you felt yourself become more sensitive to any touch or movement carlos made. you felt yourself. you were going to cum any minute.
you put your arm over your mouth and cried. “yes—yes! right there! oh fuck!” you moaned as he kept his pace fast and steady. “yes!” you cried as you moaned. carlos needed to hold himself together. he couldn’t cum in you but at the same time, he wanted to so bad. ugh, fuck it. with a few more hip thrusts, carlos came inside of you, becoming still as a rock as he finally had his orgasm. you followed too, and you grabbed his face to kiss him again just to conceal your moans. you were loud when you came but this time you had to keep quiet (even though you already failed at that).
when you finally stopped, you leaned your head down on the floor again and started to breathe heavily. carlos slipped out of you and fell back on his butt. he needed a breather from that fuck. it was so good, so passionate, so raw. it took him out more than killing fucking zombies did. but it has been too long and you two needed to head back inside again. carlos pulled his pants back up and zipped them. he looked at you only to see you were still laying there with your legs wide open. you were too exhausted to do anything.
he moved over to you and grabbed your knees, closing your legs together and placing his head on top of them. he smirked at you and you looked away. you were too flushed and a bit embarrassed right now.
“round two?” he teased. you only moved your legs as you lay on your side, flashing him a playful look. carlos only grabbed your arms and pulled you up. you placed your head on your legs now and smiled. “thanks,” you said, looking up at him.
carlos became confused. “for what?”
“for reminding me of how much i missed your cock,” you joked, standing up now. you heard carlos laugh at both your joke and how you wobbled over to your pants and underwear. you sat down on the couch and slid them back on with your shoes still on you. you made sure the both of you look presentable enough before walking back inside the room jill and tyrell were in. he greeted the both of you with a smile and a “hey” before going back to work on his computer.
carlos took a seat next to him as you took yours next to jill. you were monitoring her, and as you started to unhook her from the iv bag that she no longer needed, tyrell leaned in close to carlos with a small smirk on his face. “she that good?” he asked. carlos looked at him and scoffed before lightly punching his shoulder.
“shut up, man…” he muttered. you stopped what you were doing and turned to look at them. tyrell was snickering to himself while carlos gave you a quick wink. you only blushed and turned back to jill. motherfucker.
waiting around hoping for something to happen isn’t ideal, especially since the government was going to bomb raccoon city soon. you and carlos left tyrell in charge to look after jill since she was recovering well, and the two of you headed off into the lab to start looking for another vaccine. you weren’t sure if there were any left, truthfully, but if you had to make it from scratch then so be it.
everything was going smoothly up until the two of you got ambushed by the undead. you were forced to split up, and ever since then, you’ve been wandering around the halls alone. you knew where you were going, but you feared that carlos would be lost. if only you kept the radio. you decided that you needed to stop waiting around for carlos, and instead start going after the vaccine. you needed to get it before anybody else—if there even is another person lingering down here…
you finally arrived at the storage room in front of the lab and you quickly headed towards the lift. you didn’t see anybody on your way here so you thought to yourself that you were the only one. that is until the lift reached the monitor room and there stood nicholai with his hands behind his back looking right at you. “there’s the woman of the hour,” he said, walking towards you. you quickly got off the lift and headed to him as well, glaring straight into his eyes.
“what’re you doing here?” you asked. “there’s no business for you here.”
he looked you up and down before walking past you. “last night i saw you get bit,” nicholai turned around to see your confused and shocked expression.
“how?” you snapped, coming up to him. “i was alone. carlos wasn’t even there—“
“you forget that i’m a monitor. i watch,” he said, fully turning around to meet your eyes. “and you were stupid enough to forget that i could see you wrapping that bite up in that train.”
you bit the inside of your lip harshly and it almost bled. nicholai laughed at your shaken appearance. and to add it all on top, he placed a hand on your shoulder and smirked at you. “umbrella already knows of this. your body is a natural resistor to the virus. they would be so glad to hear from you—“
he got cut off when the power suddenly went out. you could still feel his hand on your shoulder, so you slapped it away and gave him a hard punch in the face. you surprised yourself by managing to land the blow. nicholai groaned in pain as he fell to the floor. it was still dark so you could barely see him. but then you felt him grab your leg and forcibly trip you. you yelled as you fell and landed on your bitten arm. you felt blood squeeze out at the pressure which only made you hiss at the pain.
“stupid bitch,” he muttered under his breath. he got on top of you and grabbed your neck, squeezing it. you reacted quickly, and as he struggled to strangle you, your hands felt around his waist area and grabbed the knife he had in his pocket. you grabbed it and stabbed him in the leg. nicholai screamed in pain and you then scooted away from him. you backed into the wall, breathing heavily and gasping for air. fuck it burned. you still had the knife in your hands, and you gripped tightly onto it as you stood up and made your way toward him. he was visible now in the dark. you finally managed to get a grip on your surroundings.
nicholai got up from the floor right as you tried getting a swing at his neck. he grabbed your wrist harshly and under his grip slowly started to crush it. you screamed in pain and fear as he brought the knife closer to you instead. but then the lights turned on, and he suddenly pushed you away. he ran to the sliding door and you quickly followed after him. you were going to kill that son of a bitch. as you slipped through the doors, jill came up on the platform, managing to catch a glimpse of your labcoat and hair.
“y/n!” she yelled, but you didn’t hear her. the doors shut and locked behind you and it was just you and nicholai. but in a twisted turn of events, he suddenly pressed a button he had in his hand, and down came the doors. you rushed to it and banged hard on it.
“i’ll get you, you bastard!” you yelled. “you fucking hear me?!” but he didn’t answer. you knew the lab like the back of your hand, so you turned around and ran down another big white hallway. you ran into a black door and you slammed it open. all you had with you was this fucking knife and a bitten hand. you were screwed. this place was crawling with the undead. but you were here, so you had to do something. you walked into the supply room at the end of the hall to find some bandages. yours was dirty and bloody again. when you took them off, you saw how bad your hand had got. your fingers were way too skinny and your hand seemed to have shrunk a little. what the fuck?
you quickly found some bandages and wrapped up your hand again. you left the room holding it as if you had broken it. you realized after all the adrenaline that there wasn’t much feeling to it anymore. you walked up the stairs in pain and fear. the vaccine synthesis room was only down the hall. you saw no infected around, but right as you got up to the door, you suddenly heard the sound of a few behind you. you didn’t bother turning your head to look at them. you only busted into the room with fear and shut the door behind you. you walked straight towards the machine and looked around the table. there were no materials. your breathing became heavier as you looked around the room for any materials. nothing. fucking nothing.
you fell to the floor crying and you slammed your okay hand on the ground. “fuck!” you yelled. you knew there were some in badly infected areas, but you couldn’t go there like this. you were dying, you knew it. suddenly the door busted open and jill came in with her gun aimed. you looked up at her in awe as she came down to you.
“fuck, are you hurt?” she asked, bringing you to your feet. you shook your head as she brought you to the chair nearby to sit on.
“the vaccine…” you started. “the materials aren’t in here.”
“that’s alright,” she said, placing her gun back in its holster. “i’ll go get it.”
“you don’t understand—“
“y/n, i’ve gone through worse shit. just tell me where to fucking get it and what the fuck it is,” she cut you off.
you stared at her in shock for a second only to let out a small laugh at her attitude. you enjoyed how brave she was. you sat there explaining to her where and what to get. you needed an antigen and adjuvant for it to work, but they were far from each other in deeply overrun areas. but jill didn’t care though. she only thanked you and walked out the door, only to come running back in to grab a usb drive by the computer. you laughed again at her.
an hour later jill came back with what you needed. she only had a few scratches on her but that didn’t matter. you told jill you would meet up with her and carlos later while you worked on this vaccine now that she had gotten rid of the infected around the area. but before she left, you told jill that there was a weapon in the lab that could destroy nemesis once and for all.
“if you can’t shake it off of you, head to that room. you will finally get rid of it there,”
and then she left. you spent the next few minutes finishing the vaccine. and as you held that bright pink tube up to your face a thought came to your mind—maybe it could help you. raccoon city was going to be a goner either way. you were still alive. everything else was gone. you needed it more, right? you looked around for a needle and managed to find one. but as you held it up, you felt like you couldn’t do it. you finally got jill’s trust and carlos back in your life. you couldn’t do it.
you threw the syringe on the floor and left the room. there was a helicopter up on the roof you could hijack and prepare for the three of you to leave. you knew a shortcut—an elevator that took you straight up there. you walked into the hallways and went through a door at the end of one of them. there was an elevator that took you up to the roof. you arrived in a minute, and there was the helicopter. you ran up to it only to be caught off guard by a gunshot. nicholai came charging at you, and you took out the knife again. he knocked you down to the ground but without getting sliced across the arm for it.
“you’re strong for somebody who is infected!” he said, sitting on top of you again. this time he grabbed the knife from your hand and threw it away, breaking your wrist in the process. you screamed and tried rolling away from him, but it hurt so bad. you started to cry and push him away with your other hand, but that one was already weak and “decayed”. nicholai grabbed your throat and raised your head from the ground, banging it onto the floor below. you screamed even more, but before he could do it again, he suddenly got shoved off of you.
you kept your eyes shut in fear and pain. your head hurts so bad. your arms were on fire. you wanted to die than continue living in this painful hell. you opened up your eyes to see carlos beating the living shit out of nicholai. but they kept turning and fighting each other it all became a blur to you. your head felt like it was about to explode. and eventually, you passed out for a few seconds only to wake up again to feel somebody searching your body. you opened your eyes to expect carlos, only to come face to face with nicholai. he grabbed the vaccine from your pocket, but at that moment it wasn’t the thing concerning you. you rolled to see where carlos was, only to find his body not moving on the ground.
“carlos!” you yelled. you could see the faint moving of his chest, so you remained calm. at least he was still alive. behind you, you heard jill run-up to the three of you. she yelled incoherent words since you kept slipping in and out of consciousness. the only thing you managed to make out was a gunshot and the sound of some glass breaking. there was so much going on as you heard some more struggling and another gunshot. then everything went quiet. carlos suddenly appeared above you and he bent down to pick you up.
“everything’s going to be okay now,” he said, lifting you. he helped you inside of the helicopter and you laid your head down on jill’s lap. you couldn’t bring yourself to move much.
“the vaccine?” you managed to ask.
“gone,” said jill in an angry voice.
you didn’t reply to her. that’s what the glass was, huh? you shut your eyes and let silent tears spill down your cheeks. your hand, your legacy, your life… all gone.
a week passed after you returned home. the government was still forcing you to go through some regulations, but you didn’t mind since you and carlos were back in your home. he questioned your hand a few times but you told him that it was still healing after getting it caught in a fence while running through raccoon city. you didn’t have the heart still to tell him that you had gotten bit and were still living. you added to the lie saying after you went to the government hospital, they bandaged and sewed your hand back up. he believed you—of course, he believed you.
at the end of the week, in the middle of the night, you received a phone call. it was your house phone, not your phone. you knew who it was already. you got up from bed slowly and walked to the dresser by the window. it was an unknown number, but you still picked it up.
“hello?” you asked while walking out of the room. carlos was a heavy sleeper so he wouldn’t notice you gone for a few minutes. you walked out into the hall and into an empty room filled with boxes. you sat in the rocking chair by the window and looked out into the street. nobody was out there.
“you made it out, bitten and still alive,” the man on the other side of the phone exclaimed. “how?”
you leaned into the rocking chair and smiled. “don’t know, don’t care,” you said.
“has it spread?”
“a little. the blackness reached my wrist and my fingers are stiff.”
“and your other hand?”
“the wrist is broken but it should heal in a few weeks. nothing to worry about.”
“and the vaccine?”
“destroyed by nicholai.”
“good. we can fix that hand of yours too and take a sample for some experimenting.”
you shut your eyes and relaxed into the seat. the man on the other side muttered a few things and you could hear the tip-tapping of his keys. after a few seconds of silence he spoke up again. “we’re expecting you back at work soon,” he said.
“umbrella is gone. i cannot continue my work there anymore,” you said. “everything perished from that fucking bomb.”
“you won’t be working with them anymore, you’ll be working with me.”
“and what will i gain from working with you?”
“the power you never had from umbrella.”
you suddenly heard your bedroom door creaking open. you heard as carlos’ footsteps started coming towards the door. you panicked. “one second,” you said as carlos opened up the door a bit wider to the room you were in. you looked at him with a small smile on your lips. he looked exhausted.
“you’re up,” he said, leaning against the doorframe. “whose calling you so late?”
you brought the phone down to your lap and sighed. “one of the government workers,” you groaned. “they need our passports tomorrow.”
“couldn’t they have waited in the morning?” you rolled your eyes at him and laughed. he came up next to you and leaned down to kiss your forehead. you felt so bad. “i’ll be waiting in bed then.”
you nodded your head and watched as he left the room. you listened closely to the sound of his footsteps as they disappeared and you brought the phone back up to your ear. “so?” the man asked.
“alright,” you said, getting up from the chair. “next time don’t call my house phone in the middle of the night.”
he didn’t say anything and hung up the phone. you hated blonde men. you went through the phone and deleted the number from the call history just in case. you walked back into your bedroom and placed the phone on its stand. carlos had his eyes shut but you know he was still awake. you crawled back into bed and into his embrace, placing your head on his chest. he wrapped his arms around you tightly and pressed another kiss on the top of your head.
“hey, y/n,” he started, looking down at you. you hummed in response.
“why are you lying to me again?”
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ch. 1 and 2
bonus chapter party people?
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Compromised - Platonic Yandere! Voltron x Reader
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This was a lot longer than what I intended it to be but whatever🔥
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The rapid sound of footsteps echoed through the hallways, a sense of urgency present with each step taken. As the door came into view, the one door that held the most important thing in the universe, a sigh of relief was heard in the now quiet hall. He tried listening through the door for any signs of life, in which he received none, causing him to abruptly open the door.
There you laid on a bed, eyes tracing the ceiling blankly, ignoring the intruding figure at the entrance of your room. “Why didn’t you respond to the communicator Y/N?”
Turning your head, you stared at Shiro for a few seconds before ultimately deciding to stand up. “Sorry Shiro, I was just having so much fun. In this empty room. Doing absolutely nothing. Dying from absolute excitement.” The sarcasm seeped out like venom with each word, causing the man to wince.
Sighing, he responded, “I know staying in here isn’t an exactly ideal situation, but it’s the best way in keeping you safe.” Hopefully you would understand this time.
“Keeping me safe from what? The Galra? Space? You guys aren’t protecting me from anything, you’re only scared of what could happen to me.”
“Y/N.” Shiro just couldn’t understand how you didn’t see all the dangers that lay beyond the castle walls. How they’ve faced death on so many occasions just so they could continue saving the universe.
“No! It isn’t fair that I’m stuck locked in this stupid room with you saying you’re protecting me when you guys willingly throw yourselves in the face of danger! I can defend myself, I’m a paladin of Voltron too!”
“No you cannot Y/N. Remember how Keith had to save you from that Galra soldier who tried slicing you in half? Or how you lost your bayard because you were too busy trying to escape one of the sentrys’ shooting at you? Everything we do is for you, whether you choose to see that is on you.”
In frustration, you grabbed the nearest item (aka a pillow) and threw it against the wall, watching the feathers explode from its case. This wasn’t fair.
“I got my bayard in the end though! And if I lose my bayard again I can always try to summon it back like you did! I’m more than just some item to be kept away forever. I am a part of this team as much as anyone else!”
Dragging his metal hand across his face, Shiro had to take a deep breath before walking fully into the room, sitting on your bed after locking the door behind him. He patted the spot next to him, urging you to sit with him, which you reluctantly did.
“I was only able to get the black lions’ bayard by chance Y/N. In a real situation, if your bayard was taken from you, the chances of you successfully summoning your bayard is extremely low.” This caused you to deflate a bit.
“We know how bad you want to join us during missions, but putting you out in the field is too much of a risk we don’t want to take. Y/n, please, you have to see how important you are to all of us. The thought of you getting hurt physically pains me.”
This caused you to hang your head low, making Shiro think he finally knocked some sense into you. “But you guys get hurt too. Why am I the only exception? If you just give me the opportunity to show you all I can be helpful then I wouldn’t constantly fight against you.”
“You don’t even have a lion Y/N. You know yours was destroyed during the creation of the lions, so even if we were to allow you on missions you wouldn’t be able to do much. It’s better to have you away from battle.
Finally getting fed up, you sprang from the bed onto your feet which surprised Shiro. You didn’t care if they didn’t allow you into battle. You didn’t care if you had to stay with Coran watching and aiding from the sidelines, you just wanted to be out of this room.
Suddenly Allura’s voice rang throughout the castle and in your room from the speakers. “Shiro we need you in the bridge immediately.”
You watched with intense eyes as the man got up from your bed, heading towards the door of the room. “Shiro if you leave without me right now, I promise you I will do everything in my power to leave by myself.”
Shiro hesitated for a moment, hearing how bitter the words were. Looking back, all he could see was the anger in your eyes, as if you already knew what he was going to say.
“I’m sorry Y/N, we’ll continue talking about this when I come back.” This caused you to flop on your bed staring straight up at the ceiling once again, just like how he had originally found you.
Opening the door, he looked back once more, departing with his final words, “Please make sure you respond to the communicator on time.”
Receiving no reply, Shiro walked out, locked the door, and began heading to the control room, completely unaware of your quiet plans.
Sitting up, you listened as Shiro’s footsteps became quieter the further he walked away from your room until there was nothing but silence. Closing your eyes, you began focusing on the one thing you’ve been training yourself for after all this time. Shiro was able to summon the black lions bayard from a vast distance, who’s to say you couldn’t do it either.
Despite Shiro’s past words echoing in your mind, you brushed it off, almost feeling like this will finally be the attempt that will succeed. Having your bayard would mean being able to get out of the suffocating room, and a chance at freedom. You were taking a huge risk in attempting this but at this point, nothing else really mattered. Only the thought of freedom was keeping your fire burning.
Concentrating hard, you began slowing your heartbeat, taking deep breaths, and trying to connect yourself to your bayard. Searching, it took a while before you found the resembling energy of your bayard. It was faint, very faint actually, showing the distance between you and your beacon of hope.
Opening your hand slightly, you began imagining the feeling of the bayard, remembering how it weighed in your hand and remembering the energy it had given you in the short moments you had it.
It was yours, it’s energy finally connecting with your own. The feeling was uncomfortable at first, it was almost like something was being shoved into your body, making you feel a whole new energy present.
A bright light flashed causing your heartbeat to accelerate, praying that the light was really what you thought it was. Slowly opening your eyes, the heavy weight in your hand confirmed your prayers. The bayard was clutched in your hand, gleaming under the light of your room.
“YES! YESYESYESYES YEEESSS!” Jumping on the bed with joy, your eyes slightly filled with tears. You knew you could do it! Everything they’ve said about you was wrong!
“Oh my gosh I actually did it! Haha suck on that Shiro!” Your bayard transformed into your weapon, the feeling of your dagger familiar and comforting as you ran to the door. Forcing the dagger between the wall and the door, you grunted from the force you applied as you tried opening it.
Slowly but surely, it slowly began to slide open, the small opening being forced wide enough for your whole body to fit through.
You needed to get to an escape pod immediately before any of them noticed you were running around the castle freely. You’ll figure out step two once you’re out of the castle.
Sprinting through the corridors, you realized you were on the opposite side of where you needed to be. You could only hope you made it far enough before one of them took notice.
While the others spoke of their next move against the Galra, Coran was busy loading up information onto the system, when he got a small pop up of a small dot traveling quickly through the halls.
“Uh guys? I think we may have a problem.” Quickly tapping around, he pulled up a camera to your room first, eyes widening as he saw the forced opening of your door.
“What’s going on Coran?” Hunk moved next to the shocked man, his own eyes opening wide while the rest of the group gathered around quickly. Keith was the first one to dash out of the room not wanting to waste another second as you ran through the halls of the castle.
“How did they even do that?!” Lance quickly grabbed his bayard, anxiously waiting for instructions. The group watched as Coran replayed the video, seeing you struggling while trying to open the door with your dagger, the one thing their eyes focused on immediately.
“Alright team let’s move out! Coran do you have any idea where Y/N could be heading?” Hunk and Pidge went to retrieve their own bayards while Allura stared at the screen with a blank face.
“Uuummm from what I’m seeing, they’re trying to get to the opposite side of the castle!”
“Y/N is trying to get to the escape pods.” Allura was awoken from her trance like state, running towards the doors of the control room, everyone following after her.
“Here you go paladins! Y/N is a bit ahead of you all but it seems Keith is near them.” A map popped up in the group’s helmets, the red dot a stark contrast against the six blue dots that moved across a map of the castle.
“Alright listen up! Our best bet is to try and cut Y/N off from their path. We need to lead them back to the control room, there we’ll have the upper hand in a more enclosed space!” Shiro’s voice was strong and powerful as he spoke, the others grunting in agreement as they all continued running down the corridors.
“Found them!” Keith yelled out as the group followed to where his and Y/N’s dot were shown on the map.
Quickly turning the corner, Pidge was abruptly shoved into a wall as Allura saved her from the flying knife heading her way.
“WHY CAN’T YOU GUYS JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” You yelled out in frustration, blocking Keith’s attacks with your much smaller blade. Kicking him back, Keith stumbled onto Lance, causing both of them to tumble onto the ground.
Running around the next corner, the rest of the team followed after you.
“Remember the plan guys! Left!” In confusion, you looked back only to see a blast coming straight for you on your right. Quickly jumping to the left, you turned the left corner in order to avoid Lance and Hunks’ nonstop firing.
Running down the hall, you were about to make a right until Shiro yelled out, “Left!”
You watched with wide and shocked eyes as Keith’s sword flew straight past your head and into the wall in front of you. This caused you to stumble a little into the wall, running towards the left once again.
“WHAT THE HELL KEITH! ARE YOU ACTUALLY TRYING TO KILL ME?!” After running down multiple hallways, it didn’t take you long to figure out they were trying to lead you somewhere as you began recognizing some of the rooms you ran by.
Were they trying to herd you into one of the rooms?! Looking back once again, you noticed how concentrated all of them looked as they followed you down each turn. Deciding to take the ultimate risk, you headed in the opposite direction Shiro yelled out. “Left!”
Taking a breath in, you ducked past Allura’s whip as she threw it rather aggressively, instead heading towards the right. You needed to get to a pod asap, you were beginning to grow tired.
You used your advantage to put as much space between you and the paladins as they stumbled confused into a wall after you didn’t turn into the direction they were leading you to.
“Uh guys! I think Y/N found out what we’re trying to do!” Hunk yelled out as he quickly pushed himself off the wall, huffing a bit as exhaustion began seeping through his bones.
“No kidding! What do we do now?!” Lance could only run so fast before he began falling behind with Hunk.
“Run!” Keith could feel his heart thumping against his chest, watching as you turned the final corner before disappearing from their sight. Pushing harder, he, Allura, and Shiro swiftly followed after you with Pidge close behind.
You finally had made it to one of the escape pods, quickly trying to open it before hearing a loud shout.
“I’m sorry Y/N!” Next thing you knew, a wire was wrapped around your leg and you were yanked off the pod. Grunting out in pain from the harsh landing, you quickly in return yanked Pidge’s cord with all your strength causing her to lose her balance.
“Y/N please! What has gotten into you?!” Allura was huffing a bit yet she was filled with enough energy to fight if needed.
“What has gotten into ME?! I absolutely refuse to be locked up again!” At this, Lance and Hunk busted through and into the room where all of you stood tensely, waiting for someone to make a move.
You stood your ground, clutching onto your dagger tightly, watching silently before noticing Keith eyeing your weapon.
“How did you get that?”
“Doesn’t matter how I got it. Let me go.”
Furrowing his eyebrows, Keith began to run towards you before he felt a hand clamping over his shoulder. You stood in a more defensive position after the abrupt movement. Keith’s angry eyes made contact with Shiro’s narrowed ones.
“You can’t leave Y/N. Even if you get into the pod you won’t be able to get out of the castle.”
You wouldn’t let them see how your hands shook, you won’t let them know that you knew Shiro was right. Not after you came this far. Not when you were so close to freedom.
That’s when an idea came into your head.
Quickly, you pointed the dagger straight over your heart, now knowing you had the upper hand as you heard the gasps coming from all of them. You were only bluffing but with the state you were in, they didn’t know that.
“Y/N!” Hunk gasped in shock, hands suddenly trembling with fear. Allura gulped audibly, her hands now tightly clutching her weapon, hoping that’ll lower her nerves.
“Y/N please. Please take that away from you.” Keith’s voice strained in anxiety, eyes wide as he watched you take a few steps back. Lance lowered his gun, hoping that that might calm you down.
“There’s a better way this could end.” Shiro looked at the group, fear present in all of their eyes. Pidge was the first one to drop her bayard, almost sensing that was the only way to pacify you.
“Thanks Pidge. Now the rest of you, drop your weapons.” They all hesitated until you threateningly moved the dagger closer to your chest. Quickly, Lance dropped his weapon with Hunk following after him. After intensely staring at you, Allura threw down her bayard, hearing it clank loudly against the floor.
Being the last one, Keith looked over to Shiro, seeing the man nod, he dropped his sword, watching it turn back to its original form. You had completely forgotten about his knife, seeing as you soon began to relax a bit.
“We’re willing to work with you Y/N. But not if you’re openly threatening your own life.” Allura’s voice was sharp, yet you could hear the slight tremble in her voice.
Glancing at all of them one last time, you slowly lowered you weapon, letting your arms fall to your side. Walking over to the spacecraft, you leaned against it and had to hold back a chuckle as you saw all of them flinch the closer you got to the ship.
“I don’t want to be locked up anymore.” Was the first thing you said after a few moments of silence. Shiro clenched his jaw, already knowing where this was heading.
“You all say this was for the better but I was slowly going insane trapped in there. You all seem to know me well. You know under normal circumstances, I would never go against you guys.”
You slowly walked up to the group, glancing around to find a camera pointed directly at you all, knowing Coran was watching how this all went down. Like a predator stalking its prey, you circled around them, kicking their bayards further away from them, one by one.
Now standing in front of them, at a distance, you looked at them each in the eyes.
“Now let’s talk.”
164 notes · View notes
mewmaru · 19 days
Masters of All Time Breakdown
I wrote all this in my notes, I’m gonna do two parts: this, then a rewrite which is gonna take a bit.
So I decided to watch Masters of All Time. My thoughts will be below. First, I noted everything I liked, and everything I didn’t. I did this as I watched the episode to try to get details as accurately as possible. So now here are the notes I took during the episode, and my thoughts afterwards.
Also before I get started, I want to make this clear: no hate if you like this episode. I’m glad you’re able to enjoy something that was legitimately painful for me. It has a really neat concept, and that’s part of where my disappointment comes from. This isn’t a personal attack on people who enjoy the episode, just me explaining why I hate it. Let’s get into it!
Everything of note that either makes no sense, or points out a writing flaw in other points of the series
Why would clockwork even let Danny do this? Yes, he’s hesitant but Clockwork has been shown to only interfere if absolutely necessary, and seems to think most things happen for a reason. This is one of the things you could excuse though because erasing Vlad’s powers I guess seems like a good idea? But Clockwork should know that something big will happen in result, that fuck Danny himself could not be a ghost or stop existing at all, like yeah Sam and Tucker won’t be infected but they may not even know him at all? At least Clockwork is like yeah you’re gonna learn thing the hard way but eh. Idk you could excuse this one but still doesn’t make sense to me.
How the fuck didn’t Danny realize how big of a difference one small change was gonna make. Like, his parents being ghost hunters and like, still together? Did he not realize that Vlad not having ecno acne was going to change a lot? The incident separated him from Jack and Maddie so him actually still being in their life could change a lot???? Like idk I get Danny’s just a teen but did he learn nothing from The Ultimate Enemy
Twenty years later Jack still has the ecno acne; we don’t have an exact say on why Vlad’s went into remission but it likely had to do with ghost powers and years of hospitalization, was Jack not hospitalized? Wouldn’t he be dead from it?
Okay this one is a big gripe for me. WHY DOES JACK PLASMIUS LOOK LIKE VLAD PLASMIUS? Was that specific strain of ecno acne the vampire inspired strain or something because Vlad’s design is very intentional with his specific character, its personal to him. Jack would most definitely not have made himself look like that, especially with how he tried to do good at first. Like????
Jack hating ghosts makes sense in this world, honestly I wish Vlad shared more of a hatred for ghosts in our current timeline cause that would make a ton of sense “if it wasn’t for ghosts I wouldve never lost the love of my life” where’s that anger with Vlad?
VLAD BEING A FARMER DOESN’T FUCKING MAKE SENSE. Okay so like, you take from Bitter Reunions how he says “I didn’t have any old moves, all those years in the hospital robbed me of that” after being tackled holding a football implies he may have wanted to play football. That’s a stretch? Well his entire house is decked head to toe in packers memorabilia, and in the college photo we see HE’S WEARING PACKERS COLORS!!!! He couldn’t do an active career like football after being hospitalized, but if that never happened, why fucking. FARMING? DAIRY FARMING? HUUHHHH. WHERE DOES THIS COME FROM?
“I didn’t destroy the past, I destroyed the present!” YOU FUCKING THINK? WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GONNA HAPPEN that like nothing else would change except Vlad not having ecno acne? Okay this one’s just a nitpick and I’m aware of that lol, Danny’s just a teen I know he wasn’t thinking about the consequences
WHHYYYYY does Vlad still live in the same castle? I know he’s the new dairy king whatever he owns that castle in the present cause he’s rich as sin, how did he become the dairy king? Maybe its explained? I’m writing this as I watch
Why does Vlad have grey hair? It became grey because of the incident. Speaking of, why does Jack have black hair? Make it make sense
Yeah this is a complaint because you’ll see. Vlad is clearly in love with Maddie, truly. He seems to genuinely care for her. I know later they just make him controlling for no reason which I’ll get into but like, it’s nice to see him actually care for her and her care for him too.
Why is Vlad super anti ghost? One of my “compliments” is how I think Jack hating ghosts makes sense. And tbh in the true current, Vlad having a hatred for ghosts for the same reason would make sense, he was disfigured, hospitalized, and he never got to confess to the girl he loved the most. In this world, Vlad has no good reason to hate ghosts unless he for some reason knows Jack is a ghost? We see that before any changed to the timeline are made, Vlad was a bit annoyed with how Jack and Maddie got along, maybe it has something to do with that? I dunno. I feel like this choice was made just so they gave Vlad a reason to be controlling. But Vlad is only the way he is because of the incident bitter and resentful of a life he never got to have, so why the fuck is he just controlling and mean? Why when he has everything he wants, is he still a dick? Because he’s just like that no matter what because the writers didn’t want to add anything thought provoking about how Maddie and Vlad could’ve actually been good for each other. No, Vlad’s evil no matter what blah blah blah
AND ANOTHER THING. Maddie is shown to have other personality traits then liking ghost hunting, like, Jack is the one super obsessed. She’s the one that gets annoyed that Jack makes it his everything. Who knows, if she had a life without Jack, would she have continued her thing for ghosts? Thought provoking questions this episode won’t answer. This was again just a choice made so Vlad could be controlling.
Vlad immediately forgives Maddie because he doesn’t wanna doubt her oh gee maybe its cause he actually loves her. Nahhh we can’t have that.
How did Maddie build an entire underground ghost Lab that Vlad didn’t notice. Also how does she still have the suit
Whyyyyy would Vlad slander Jack to Maddie? Is the personality they wanna give that Vlad was always jealous of Jack and Maddie’s relationship? I mean, I guess so? I guess this one could make sense but it makes me wish we knew more about their trio’s relationship in college besides what we see and how Jack describes it; Vlad did always seem like a third wheel, I guess this one could happen but as I said, just makes me wish we had more context as a whole, could make this action make more sense
Why is Vlad in his suit all of a sudden. Did they forget what episode they were doing. Did they just straight up forget. Also it’s the middle of the night why isn’t he in pajamas or something. Huh.
I just hate the narrative Danny Phantom has as a whole with how some characters are just meant to be together so other pairings have to not work or be bad in some way. How about thought provoking stuff about how the relationships that seem destined to be actually good have some solid rivalry? No? All other parings don’t work just because even if it means mischaracterizing? Kay.
I had a thought here about Vlad’s anger at Danny not making sense but I don’t remember what it was. Maybe relates again to the ghost hating thing making no sense. Idk my brain cells are dying.
“None of this should be happening” “I like it this way” what this way? Being with Maddie? I mean yeah? I mean did the writers forget that Vlad doesn’t have the knowledge of his baseline current self here?
Because I hate it so much just another point to say I hate Vlad’s behavior here. He’s just evil and manipulative no matter what? Why? Just because? Because that’s Vlad Masters? Are we forgetting that his usual behavior is very much a product of his rage and bitterness about a life that was robbed of him? Or am I just giving the “evil villain” too much credit. This is pissing me off
Things I liked about the episode:
I think the bit at the beginning with Danny’s parents embarrassing him was silly, entertaining
I like Vlad’s attitude of like “oh you’re giving me chills” just his sassiness lmao
I like getting to see more insight into the day of the incident, Vlad trying to confess but being stopped by Maddie, that was neat
Seeing exactly what caused the incident was neat, too, that it truly was Jack’s fault
It’s kinda funny that we can tell Jack didn’t name Danny cause he thinks the name is dumb
I do like we get to see Jack chose the name Jasmine, as he mentions having a cat named Jasmine
I liked seeing Vlad say like oh Danny I knew you could do it, neat to see him acknowledge that Danny can be pretty smart, even if he kinda forced his hand here
I’m too tired to go into detail, so I’ll do it later but Jesus Christ this episode sucked. It had good things about it but so much shit just didn’t make sense and was just a blatant mischaracterization of Vlad
Alright I’m finally back to this after a couple of weeks, the episode seriously drains me that much, wish I was kidding. As stated in a previous post this episode makes me so angry that it has the power to make me dissociate and feel physically ill. Some of my comments are nitpicks, and I’m aware of that. I hate the episode so I’m just angry about even little things, I know that’s weird, lol. But, I thought I’d share these nitpicks anyway.
The notion that Vlad would be evil no matter what just doesn’t make a single lick of sense considering how Bitter Reunions builds him up to show that his anger and well, bitterness stems from being robbed of the life he never got, and his desperation to have that life now. Maybe I’m just biased but Jesus. Some people will try to claim that Vlad would still be evil therefore deserves no sympathy on like, posts and videos about him and if someone starts their comment with “but in masters of all time”, the rest of the comment is immediately static to me.
I do want to make it clear the things Vlad does due to his anger is not acceptable (I’ve even got an analysis of his character in the works that addresses this further), I just see so much potential for him to be better, and Masters of All Time could’ve been that episode. To show that he’s truly a victim of circumstance that is overwhelmed by his anger and jealousy, that these events truly shaped him into the not so great person we see in the show, but that he didn’t /have/ to be evil, that if given the life he wanted, the one he felt he deserved, that he could’ve been better.
I also think this episode missed the mark to be more creative design wise. Jack could’ve had his own ghost form! That would’ve been so cool! I also would’ve LOVED to see more of the college trio’s dynamic. Were Vlad and Jack truly best friends, or was that just Jack’s rose tinted glasses? I know it’s a kids show from 20 years ago but damn they could’ve done more here. I think this episode could’ve benefited from being another 40 minute special, although I know that’s unrealistic. Just a sorta, how I’d do things thing.
That’s basically it from me in terms of the episode. But, only for now. I plan to rewrite the episode, soon! Including some of my own HCs about the college trio, and who Vlad could’ve been if the incident didn’t happen, and how Jack and Maddie could’ve been! How this could’ve been a more thought provoking episode as a whole. I may even do some drawings :3 I’m excited to share my thoughts on what we could’ve had. But, keep in mind they will simply be my ideas, and not a definitive “the writers should’ve done this instead”, just my hcs and such. This is my first sorta DP writing post, but hopefully not my last. I enjoy sharing my thoughts like this, and I know some of my YTTD ones have reached a good bit of people, so I’m curious as to how this’ll be received.
Again, yeah, I’m biased, I hate this episode, I nitpicked. This is not at all a defense of every single bad thing Vlad has done, just my opinions on why the choices made here don’t make sense.
15 notes · View notes
underforeversgrace · 1 year
memory of what may have been and never will be
DannyMay2023 Day 25: Blame
title: memory of what may have been and never will be
words: 3962
Summary: Valerie Gray from ten years in the future falls through a natural portal, landing in the past. Unable to get home, she decides to do the best thing she can - kill Danny Phantom. (TUE Timeline Valerie)
Idea from this post by @danphanwritingprompts: Valerie travels to the past to prevent the future of The Ultimate Enemy by killing Danny Phantom.
Warnings: None!
Beta: probably-dead
Also on AO3
Valerie groaned, holding one hand to her nauseous stomach and covering her eyes with the other, irritated by the brightness, as she lay on what felt like cracked concrete.
What the hell just happened? She wondered, pushing herself up, mentally taking catalog of any aches or injuries on her body, relieved when she found none, other than the headache and nausea. She settled into a sitting position, keeping her eyes firmly closed until the spinning in her mind settled and took several deep breaths to collect herself.
When she decided she was no longer at risk from hurling up her lunch, she opened her eyes.
Only to be greeted by a confusing sight, one she hadn’t seen in nearly a decade. She was in Amity Park, but… it looked like it did when she was in high school, before Phantom had shown his true colors. And his true strength. She called her hoverboard to her, raising up into the sky, trying to remember the past several minutes.
She’d been flying when her board had just… disappeared, short circuited or something, something it’d never done before. And she’d fallen.
She vaguely remembered a swirling green circle beneath her and the sensation of jumping into a pool in winter. A natural portal? Had she fallen through one? She’d read through the Fentons research so many times in the years since their deaths, she knew it had been a theory they never got around to testing - that the Ghost Zone didn’t follow the same linear timeline as Earth did.
Had she fallen through a natural time portal? When was she? 
She rose higher, scanning the area for notable features. She saw the Nasty Burger and breathed a sigh of relief. Phantom hadn’t gone on his killing spree until over a year after the restaurant explosion. Her eyes finally settled on a nearby billboard - Amity Park, Most Haunted Town in America! it proclaimed. They hadn’t had that title until after the ghosts had started coming, there to fight Phantom - though he was still known as Invisobill back in those days.
Okay, so she was somewhere in her freshman year of high school. That’s a fun thought. She wondered if it was before or after the Axiom incident - if her current self was the airhead or the hero.
Confident she now had a rough approximation of where - and when - she was, she frowned. Now what? Whatever portal she’d fallen through had disappeared. She had no idea how to go home.
She paused for a moment, returning her gaze to the billboard. Did she even want to go home? To the apocalypse happening beyond the shield?
Or she could stop it. She could stop the future ahead of her, of the world.
Phantom couldn’t destroy the world if she destroyed him. Sure, she’d tried to do that when she was still a new hunter, but she had nearly a decade of experience under her belt now. She was older, stronger, wiser.
The Phantom of this era had held back his attacks against her, she had learned that a long time ago, when he’d stopped doing so, when he’d started going for blood, for her life. All she had to do was find him and she could wipe away that future, wipe away all that pain and suffering. She’d probably wipe herself away, too - this version of herself, at least - but she didn’t mind that.
The new future she’d create would be better for her, even if this her faded into never-existence. She’d never stop fighting, whatever the future held, she knew that. But she could stop fighting the end of the world, come to them in the form of a ghost in a too-tight HAZMAT.
Phantom of this era had been good, though. She’d realized it the same time she realized how much he held back against her. This version of Phantom could be manipulated.
She’d always wondered what happened, to be honest. One day Phantom was playing up being a superhero and then he murdered the newly orphaned Danny Fenton in his new home in Wisconsin. He’d come here after and slaughtered some of her other classmates.
Valerie would never forget how Dash screamed up until Phantom had finally ripped his throat out. He’d grabbed Paulina and dropped her from even higher than the skyscrapers. Star he’d grabbed and phased into the ground, killing her the second he made her tangible again.
And Valerie had been stuck there, beaten within an inch of her life. Even now, she didn’t know why he’d spared her. Why he’d targeted the A-List that day.
He hadn’t targeted anyone specific after that, despite basically running kamikaze strikes nearly every day after, demolishing buildings and causing mass casualty and panic. She suspected the panic was his goal, up until they’d gotten the shield up and his reign of terror over Amity had ended. The rest of the world hadn’t been so lucky.
He could have killed all of them in a day, she’d realized. That first day was forever imprinted into her brain, the violence and fear. The knowledge that Phantom knew her secret identity.
But… where to start? She had never known how Phantom managed to disappear and reappear from her ghost tracking tech, that still was an unknown. Should she just fly around until something happened? Should she try to find herself from this time, if she was the Huntress yet?
A blip alerted on her tracking equipment, pulling her from her thoughts. She hesitated. She didn’t know which ghost this was - her equipment had never been that detailed, she just knew it was a ghost. Could she make the future worse if she did something wrong?
An old memory pushed itself to the forefront. Phantom, on the other side of the shield, head tilted to the side and a grin on his face that made her feel like prey.
No. She couldn’t make it worse. She could only make it better. It was Phantom’s fault her life was like this - from the ghost hunting to living within a domed city like a dystopian novel.
Decision made, she shot off, following the tracker on her arm.
She pushed the hoverboard faster when Phantom came into view, not far in front of her, and she saw where Phantom was most likely going. An apartment complex on the border between Elmerton and Amity Park - where the people with just barely enough to stay out of Elmerton lived - was engulfed in flames.
“Phantom! Huntress!” Someone called from the ground. Wow, it was weird being called Huntress again, everyone had called her Valerie since Phantom outed her all those years ago. Still, she angled her board down to the call, Phantom at her side.
It was… odd, seeing him like this. Young, a teenager probably no older than herself in this time. No malice or sadism danced in his eyes as he landed, feet on solid ground in front of the person who’d been calling them - a fireman, the fire trucks roaring behind him as it attempted to put out the inferno the complex was rapidly turning into. There was something distinctly different in that - Phantom actually touching down to the ground, not floating in place.
Phantom glanced at her cautiously, keeping his distance as they both stood in front of the man.
“Thank God you two are here,” he said. “We can’t reach the top four levels, only the bottom two, can you two sweep those floors and get out anyone who needs it?”
“On it.” Phantom said, eyeing the building then turning to Valerie, apparently not realizing the difference in her stature in the form fitting suit. “It looks like the fire is worse the lower down it is. Can you get the top two floors and I’ll get the two beneath?”
Valerie nodded, summoning her board back to her feet and speeding off, not wanting to talk in front of him but also unwilling to not answer the call for help. Phantom was right behind her, veering off and plunging through the walls on the third floor as she headed for the top and entered through a shattered window.
Immediately, she felt like the very air was burning her, smoke trying to choke her through her suit’s filter. She triggered the infrared on her suit, moving from room to room as quickly as she could.
Was this building always this big? She mumbled internally. She vaguely remembered an apartment complex near her burning down and needing to be rebuilt, so maybe this was that building?
Valerie had swept through half the top floor before she saw two figures in her infrared - human shaped and colder than the fire slowly surrounding them.
“Hello?” She yelled, running towards the figures - it looked like a parent and a child, based on their sizes.
“Help!” A woman’s voice shrieked.
“I’m coming!” She called back, blasting through the door in her way.
“Huntress!” The woman called in relief as soon as she saw Valerie, picking a child up - presumably her son - as Valerie got closer. As soon as Valerie was close enough, the woman hefted her son up higher, relief in her eyes.
“I can carry both of you, get on!” Valerie shouted, throwing her arm up protectively over her face when a sudden lick of fire lashed out towards her.
The woman didn’t protest, jumping on and sitting down, straddling the board in front of Valerie’s legs and clutching her son to her for dear life.
Valerie triggered a weapon at her shoulder and blasted clear through the wall, speeding away from the fire even as it tried to reach for her with the new oxygen source she’d fed it.
She slowed when it was safe to do so, to allow the other two to better keep their balance. She dropped them off by the fireman from earlier, several ambulances having arrived in the short time she was in the building. At least a dozen people were now out here, covered in soot, being checked over by the various EMTs. Had Phantom really already gotten that many people out?
Valerie was helping the woman and her son off the board when Phantom came flying out, two more people clutched to him. He dropped them off in front of the EMTs. “I’ve got the fifth floor, Red, the fire’s spreading! Stay out!” He shouted, almost immediately gone from sight again.
He… hadn’t looked good. Burns had dotted his jumpsuit, even oozing green in some places where she’d been able to see skin. Regardless, she listened to him, helping the firefighters when they handed her a hose and asked her to see if she could get some of the higher levels.
Several tense minutes passed as they fought to force the inferno into submission, Phantom appearing twice more with people in his arms.
“I’ve got everyone.” She heard him say to the firefighter. She dropped down beside him, handing the hose back to the firefighters as she did so, the fire contained even as the building continued to smoke.
Phantom really didn’t look good. His hair looked black with soot, every white part of his jumpsuit likewise changed.
Something looked… familiar. She couldn’t place it but it was like a forgotten memory, tugging at her heart. Also, had Phantom always breathed? She wondered, watching the rapid rise and fall of his chest as he coughed, doubling over where he stood. She just stood there, silently, trying to figure out her next move. This Phantom still had fans, people who liked him, who would hate the Red Huntress for killing him.
No, she couldn’t do it here, surrounded by all these people they’d just saved. Looking at his soot-blackened hair and watching him wheeze for air, though… suddenly her resolve started to slip. She hesitated. How could this be the same Phantom who’d set a building on fire, a daycare, and laughed at the screams?
He looked at her when he finally stopped coughing, curiosity on his face.
“You good, Phantom? Do you need to see the EMTs? Er, I mean…” The fireman started.
Phantom laughed, which quickly turned into another wheeze and a quick cough. “Forget I was a ghost again, Chief Hemlin?” He asked after.
The man, Hemlin apparently, smiled and shrugged. “Maybe? Anyway, thanks for your help. Again. Eventually I’m going to have to pay you or something!”
Phantom just rolled his eyes, Valerie watching the entire interaction in bafflement. She just… she couldn’t see the Phantom she knew in this Phantom.
“Thanks to you as well, Huntress.” Hemlin added, reaching out to her and shaking her hand. She just shrugged.
“Well, as fun as this has been, I probably should get out of here before Red decides to shoot me in the ass.” Phantom said, turning to her and smirking. “If she can catch up with me!” With that he was up and off, flying across the sky.
Valerie was after him in an instant, easily keeping pace with him. He turned slightly to glance at her, as though confirming she was behind him. He turned sharply and Valerie adjusted, unable to deny the thrill of chasing a ghost at high speeds again, especially as she began to catch up to him quite easily - had she gotten faster in the past eight years? - even when he dive bombed the ground.
Sh just barely managed to keep from slamming into the ground as he phased into it, but she couldn’t keep her balance, the board catching on the pavement and sending her rolling.
Ow. She grumbled mentally. Before she had the chance to do much, Phantom was in front of her, ectoblast growing in his hand and pointed towards her. Ah. This was a familiar look.
“You’re not Red. Who are you? Have you hurt her?” He asked, scowling.
That… was not a familiar statement. He sounded concerned for the Valerie he knew.
“I will ask you one more time. Did you hurt her?” He said, the ectoplasm crackling in his hand.
“How did you know?” She finally asked, still not removing her mask.
He tilted his head to the side. Again, so familiar a gesture, but so unfamiliar. He lacked the cruelty she knew, the uncontrolled sadism. He just looked confused. “You didn’t try to immediately kill me and/or didn’t blame me for setting the building on fire?” He answered.
Had she really been that gung ho to kill this kid back then? She held her hands up in surrender. “I can explain.”
“Is Valerie safe?”
“Yes.” She answered. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, he visibly relaxed, allowing the blast in his hand to dissipate. She was thoroughly and entirely confused. He knew her secret identity, knew her well enough to know she wasn’t herself, and had only been concerned with her safety. It just didn’t add up.
“Then who are you?”
Well, here goes nothing. Keeping one hand still, she slowly reached for her mask with the other, pulling it off. “Valerie Gray.”
“Huh?” He responded elegantly, the confusion nearly comical on his young face. “You… do look like her. Like you could be her older sister.”
Again holding both hands up, she slowly stood. Phantom eyed her cautiously, warily, but didn’t move to stop her. He looked almost afraid of her. Why? He could decimate her in seconds.
Oh. He was afraid of fighting her because he could kill her easily and he didn’t want to do that.
“I’m from 2014.” She answered honestly. “I feel through a natural portal. It’s what? ‘04, ‘05 now?”
“February 2005.” Phantom informed. “You’re… from the future? Do we finally call a truce or something? You’re not trying to kill me.”
“It’s a long story.” Valerie answered, starting to lower her hands. Phantom nodded, indicating she was fine. He trusted her in an instant. Why?
What the hell had happened to him?
“You’re still fighting ghosts.” Phantom said, gesturing to her red suit.
“It’s just what I do, you know what I mean. You hunt them too.”
Sadness creeped into Phantom’s green eyes. “Honestly? I… ten years and the fighting hasn’t stopped? I’d hoped they would eventually let me rest in peace. This isn’t what I want. I don’t want to fight forever.” He looked so old, so weary, in that moment, surprising Valerie. This past version of Phantom was so, so different and continued to shock her. She’d been planning to manipulate him, but… maybe the truth would suffice. This Phantom was good and pure - she routinely shot him and he refused to fight back in anything more than self defense. He wouldn’t want people to die.
“You’re the one causing the fights.” Valerie admitted.
“What? No. I hate fighting.”
“Phantom, you’ve killed people.”
“No. No, I wouldn’t!” Phantom insisted, eyes going wide in shock and fear and he backed away from her.
“I have proof.” She said, pressing at the communicator on her wrist. “Look.” She tapped at the screen on it a few times, bringing up archived footage her suit had recorded.
Phantom timidly walked over to her, glancing at her - wow he was short - then turning his attention to the screen. It had been recorded on the wrist cuff she wore, so the angle was weird.
“Okay, class,” Mr. Lancer’s replacement, Ms. Graham, said. “Today we’re starting on Of Mice and Men, so-“
She would never finish her sentence, the ceiling above her collapsing and burying her in rubble, a sickening crunch barely hidden by the sound of the concrete falling, a pool of red beginning to run from under the pile, the students screaming.
Phantom made a squeak of disgust beside her and she looked at him, his eyes wide and horrified at the scene.
“Am I late for class?” Phantom asked cruelly, dropping in from the hole he’d caused, grinning with too sharp teeth.
“Phantom!” A much younger Valerie shouted, shooting to her feet.
Valerie’s stomach turned and she looked away, unwilling to watch the nightmare she’d already lived through. She heard the screams from the recording, the sadism in Phantom’s laugh as he trapped them, as he easily took Valerie down and outed her as the Huntress before torturing Dash. She couldn’t help the shudder that went down her spine as a certain scene played.
“You always were my favorite,” Phantom cooed, pinning her by her neck with one hand while the other gently stroked her hair. “I’ll save you for last.”
“Stop. Please.” The current Phantom said, tears streaking down his face. Valerie conceded, she’d heard enough again. “What happened to me? To make me do that?”
“Honestly? I’ve been wondering that for years. No one knows. You murdered Danny Fenton in Wisconsin and then did this a month later, in April 2005.”
“I do that… in two months?” He practically whispered.
Valerie nodded. What the hell happened - uh, happens - to him in the next month?
“Wait. You said I killed Danny Fenton. I can’t have killed Danny Fenton.” Phantom said.
“He was the first person you killed, actually. Pretty violently, too. The funeral was closed casket, but I saw the damage before we buried him next to his sister.”
“Wait. Wait. No. Sister? Jazz is dead too? I would never hurt her!”
“No, you didn’t. The other three Fentons died in an accident - an explosion at the Nasty Burger.”
Phantom’s normally tan face seemed to pale, clear even under the soot still on him. “Tell me about that. Please.”
Valerie looked at him curiously. Why would he care about what happened to the Fentons? Still, she answered.
“The sauce at the Nasty Burger can explode if it gets too hot. Next month something happens and the sauce explodes, with six casualties. Only Danny survives and I don’t know how.”
“Six? Who else?” Panic was beginning to show in his tone, a ferocity and fear in his eyes she’d never seen before.
“The three Fentons, Sam Manson, Tucker Foley, and William Lancer.”
“Oh.” He said, tears sliding down his face as he crumpled, falling to his knees.
When he offered no further explanation, Valerie just continued with the story. “There wasn’t enough of any of them to really bury but they all got headstones. Danny went to live with a godfather in Wisconsin. You killed him within a month of the accident.” Valerie pushed down the anger that tried to raise in her. Despite the break up, she had really had feelings for the youngest Fenton and she’d blamed herself for his death for years, her failure to stop Phantom leading to Danny’s death.
Phantom just curled up into a ball and was slightly rocking back and forth, odd sniffles coming from him. It took Valerie a moment to realize that sound was him crying. She’d never heard the ghost cry before.
“Shoot me.” He finally said, his head tucked between his knees.
“What?” She asked. As hard as he’d fought her, this was all it took to make him give up.
“I’m sure the accident that kills them is my fault, too.” He said, self deprecation dripping from his tone like venom. “Shoot me.”
Valerie pulled a blaster from her belt, moving to stand behind him and pressing the barrel against the back of the ghost’s head, against white hair dyed black in spots from soot.
He didn’t fight back.
Something in the back of her mind kept whispering that this was wrong, that Phantom had always fought too hard to give up this easily.
“Why?” She asked, suddenly unsure if she could kill someone who was still innocent. She’d long since realized the dog that had destroyed her life wasn’t his and this version of Phantom was innocent. “Why do you become that?”
He was silent for several moments and she began to doubt he was going to answer before taking a deep breath. “I’m Danny Fenton’s ghost. He had a bad accident at the beginning of freshman year.”
“I remember. I also remember him surviving it.”
“He managed to come back, but he died long enough to create me. Danny Fenton is my humanity. Losing all of them… his humanity would’ve shattered. And mine along with it.”
“Does he know?”
“Yeah. How do you think I get all the Fenton tech?”
Again, hesitation stopped Valerie as she stared at the white hair, a soot-stained black beneath her gun. Suddenly she could see the resemblance and she recoiled, the weapon falling from her hand. “Danny?”
“His ghost.” Phantom corrected but something told Valerie he was lying, still keeping something secret. Regardless, she believed him, whatever other secrets he held. His mannerisms, his voice, the way he looked. Danny Phantom was Danny Fenton’s ghost.
…that sounds obvious, in hindsight.
“The Nasty Burger explosion causes this.” Valerie mumbled. “What if… we just save them?”
“Can we?” Phantom asked, his voice so small and young and so very clearly Danny beneath the echo that her heart ached. “Can we save them?”
“We can sure as hell try.”
He looked up at her, unshed tears in his eyes. “Okay.”
A month later, after laying low and spending a lot of time in Phantom’s lair in the Ghost Zone, after preventing the Nasty Burger from exploding, she felt her body beginning to waver.
“Valerie!” Phantom called, panicked, grabbing at her hand, only for it to dissolve into nothingness. “What’s happening?”
“We did it. That future doesn’t exist anymore. And neither do I.” She smiled, a sense of peace settling within her. She’d stopped the end of the world, she’d saved people, and she’d saved Phantom’s humanity. “Goodbye.”
And then she felt her body collapse in on itself and she was no more than dust, a memory of what may have been and never will be.
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zalrb · 5 months
why do you think the writers chose to make the steroline proposal so similar to the stelena one?
If I were a Steroline shipper, I would say that the purpose is to show that SE was a long-ago fantasy but SC is what's real and immediate and in front of him and that's what the parallels are meant to indicate. The "healthy" Steroline equivalent of Delena's "We're messy and we're complicated but we're real".
As a Stelena shipper, and taking in the fact that season 8 has a lot of loaded Stelena moments (not even accounting for season 7)
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In season 8 Stefan could’ve spoken about how he told Caroline at the festival that things would be OK again, that they’ll make it through, he chose to speak about Elena
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Caroline is the one who brings them up
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Bonnie tells him to find hope,
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the first thing we see him do is write in his diary to Elena:
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The show even continues the narrative of Stefan being unable to leave town because Elena keeps him in MF:
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which is a pattern Katherine brought up in season 5:
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that we saw in season 1:
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And season 3:
In 3x04 Klaus returns with him to Mystic Falls because Stefan couldn’t adequately lie to Rebekah about maybe loving someone else the way he loved Elena.
In 3x21, 3x22 he says he’ll leave town if she chooses Damon but she chooses him instead and more than that becomes a vampire so he stays.
Even Cade who is manipulated by Katherine, the way Katherine tortures Stefan has nothing to do with Caroline directly, she’s a casualty of her plan yes, but her plan is focused on making Stefan destroy his relationship with Elena once and for all, to poison their relationship:
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taking in the fact that Elena is the last person he sees before he dies
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taking in the fact that in season 6, Julie said this
Julie Plec: They [Stefan and Caroline] are sharing an experience of having to say goodbye to someone they care about [who] ultimately is Stefan’s true love. (source)
in season 8 KW said this
He pauses, then continues, “If there was any other conversations, we ended on this one. This show was always about Stefan being the hero, and if Stefan could not have Elena, Stefan could do this very nice thing of giving his brother the chance to live with Elena.”
I think the parallel is what I said in my "Just Be Happy" gifset
When I spoke to the anon about 8x05 and the kitchen scene, there was something about it that felt off to me that I couldn’t articulate until now. Making breakfast and getting coffee/tea whatever in the morning with your partner is innocuous enough, thousands of couples do that all the time, but within the context of other scenes in the season it feels as if Stefan is trying to recreate the Stelena fantasy life with Caroline in an effort to do what Elena told him to do in 6x22: be happy.
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When push comes to shove, Elena is still the person Stefan draws hope, strength and inspiration from as seen in 8x01 and in 8x05 and there’s just something mechanical about his life with Caroline.
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iwanttofuckereh69 · 10 months
now reading 2ha vol2
ch 46 - 55
(sorry its a bit long, i wanted to be... coherent... this time lol)
btw tell me how much suffering i should expect from vol 2. on the scale from papercut to getting my heart ripped out 😭
Ok so… That lake thing was wild. Or so i thought, before Chu Wanning TURNED INTO A FUCKING KID. Like what the hell? He is either adorable or absurdly scary, no in between. I'm loving this so far.
I looked at that illustration in the book when I first got it  and I was more than confused because I couldn’t tell who was who. And for a moment I legit was like Is Chu Wanning a child? But then I was like NAAAAH CAN’T BE. Welp. Here we are :)))))) 
1. TL;DR: Chu Wanning is a horny lonely loser (affectionate)
Chu Wanning and his dreams. I have a hunch it's somehow a glimpse into their previous life. No idea how it would occur but that scene seems like something that might have happened?
It seems rather interesting to me that THIS would be Chu Wanning's fantasy. I couldn’t help but wonder if it isn’t because that’s the only way he would allow himself the pleasure. Because ultimately he doesn’t get to have a choice in that scenario. It takes away the guilt of lusting over his disciple. So maybe that’s where it came from. And, moreover, this is Mo Ran who wants CWN. Wants him so badly he can’t contain himself. I just found it really interesting that of all scenarios, CWN dreams of that one. I don’t know why I kept thinking about it but here we are ig lol
Also, Mo Ran destroyed his golden core in his past life? Did I miss that in vol 1? Because ohh :c. Or it wasn't Mo Ran???  
2. TL;DR: I’m gonna get hurt so so so bad
Mo Ran smiled. “Yep. Cause I’m closest with you, and I know you’d never lie to me.” Shi Mei was still hesitant. “That’s true, but…”
Welp. Based on community’s reactions that’s gonna hurt like motherfucker. I fucking know that line is there for a reason. I fucking know it. The reason is to break my heart. And isn’t it like a second time Shi Mei says something about not lying to Mo Ran? I WONDER WHY. (i might have remembered it wrong tbh but this part is there and is tormenting me)
3. TL;DR: Mo Ran’s emotional intelligence is at most equal to emotional intelligence of a lettuce (one that’s been sitting in the back of your fridge for weeks because you forgot about it); Also, Shi Mei is sweet and kind and i don’t believe any of you anymore. He can’t hurt a soul. 
Mo Ran is very adamant on hating Chu Wanning. He wants to hate him. He needs to hate him. As if he was scared of the feelings that might be left if he does not hate him. That part is specifically in relation to his conversation with Shi Mei and how uncomfortable he’s gotten when Shi Mei started going on and on about how Chu Wanning isn’t really all that bad. 
And then that part with the umbrella happened and I really wish it was from Mo Ran’s perspective, because for the love of god I have no idea what his intentions are. It seemed like a really bad and failed flirting attempt. Like me when I asked this guy that was in a band in school to tune my guitar but it was in fact in tune and it was just embarrassing tbh But it could be just him trying to be nice for whatever reason  and CWN overreacting because he is strong and independent and he doesn't need (no man) anyone. 
I’m really puzzled at Mo Ran tho. And, like, that’s not a bad thing. There is this part of him that hates Chu Wanning with every fiber in his body. But he also admires him deeply as a teacher and maaaybe tiny bit as a person. There is both disdain and interest. Hatred and kindness. His whole (other) life it seems like he had this image of Chu Wanning that was coldblooded and ruthless. And i feel like it’s shattering now that he starts to notice how it wasn’t really the case. But still it’s hard for him to put those two pieces together so he really tries to choose one. It’s really telling when he can’t answer Shi Mei’s question ab if he dislikes Shizun.
4. I’m just wondering why the thing that happened at the lake (i don’t remember how it’s spelled so it’s going to be THE LAKE) was so different to how it went the first time MR was there. Basically the one major change he’s purposefully made was that he stole money from Rong Jiu and didn’t fall for his trap. Could it be somehow connected? Because otherwise the events should be the same unless something was changed. And the only thing i can think of right now that he influenced in major way, is that whole deal with Rong Jiu. The ghost marriage "arc" ended more or less the same, didn't it? I might be mixing shit up but oh well.
Also, I saw a post the other day in which op was talking how Mo Ran’s love for Chu Wanning was clear to them from the very beginning. Op said they don’t understand how others might not get it and since i’m the one that wasn’t that keen on the idea at first, i decided to elaborate a bit on points i made after first 20 chapters or so, this time trying not to be as much of a clown (hopefully).
Well, I’ve seen the title of the book and I know they're gonna end up together one way or another. But its complicated and messy and I would even go as far as to say that’s the point? And, ironically it's also in the title. A dog and a cat. At first glance they are so different it seems almost impossible for them to get along. At first glance Chu Wanning and Mo Ran felt too different to be able to get along as well. There was too much resentment and too much things left unsaid (and unnoticed). After reading only first 20 chapters i was told that 1. Chu Wanning is ruthless and cruel 2. Mo Ran hates him. 3. Mo Ran is horny for him. Only with time as I was reading further, it turned out that they both care for each other in ways they themselves have a hard time explaining. 
I also don’t think sexual attraction equals everlasting love. And like, the fact that Mo Ran doesn’t get hard at the sight of Shi Mei isn’t telling me anything about his feelings. Does he really love him too much to have a single impure thought about him? Or does he not realize he doesn’t like him that way? Does he love him platonically? I don’t know. I’m for sure lacking context in this situation. That’s the point. I want to read it with my mouth open agape as I get to know those characters more and as slowly my first impression changes. Right now, based on what i’ve been presented by the book I adore Mo Ran’s puppy love for Shi Mei. But as i’m on chapter 50, I see it as just that, a puppy love.  
I don’t want to argue who to ship, because that’s not the point im trying to make xD I just think my hesitation to picture CWN and MR together after first 20 chapters was not that weird. I know it will happen and i’m curious to see how long it will take those idiots to realize their feelings for eachother and express them. I know they are meant to be. But they themselves don’t know that yet. And it feels like they try their best to ruin every chance they get lol I’m also curious where those feelings come from. Why Mo Ran became so obsessed with CWN.
There is foreshadowing, there are those little and not so little things scattered across that slowly become more meaningful the more context you add on top of them. But those alone, in my opinion aren’t enough to be convinced with utmost certainty from page one that the main characters are in fact in love. It’s more complicated than that and that’s why I enjoy it a lot and i enjoy when the books makes me believe one thing to then make me realize it wasn't ever that simple. Am I making sense? Idk it's 1AM i want to go to sleep njkinrjgkn
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