#-Intense Excersise
remturtle · 1 year
okay it’s a few hours after my therapy appointment and I gotta say I sure do love revisiting traumatic memories and analysing my responses and behaviours in the moment haha yep love having to relive that shit all over again hahaha everything is A okay :D
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tears-of-boredom · 1 year
decided to make a blueberry pie as quickly as i can because I had to heat up the oven for my pizza anyway. i havent really timed previous attemps, but I felt like this one genuinely was fast. and counting the time from a bit before i put my pizza in the oven, which was about 4 minutes over, maybe a bit later cuz it was a bit soft when i took it out tbh, and counting to somewhere 24 over, when i put the pie in the oven,, id say it took me a bit under 30 minutes this time! because i dont count the baking time into the like, time spent ya know. and 30 minutes is the baking time, so getting it under that feels really good! and now i have a nice pie in a bit when its done and it cools down!
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fun-k-board · 1 year
TMNT 2012 with an AFAB s/o on their period
Note(s): I wrote this with a ftm Reader in mind, but there are no gendered pronouns or gendered titles used.
Characters included: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, Michealangelo, April O'Neil, Casey Jones.
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Listen, as much of a leader and confident guy you may believe he is, he is still a mutant turtle who does not get periods and only knows because it was mentioned in a show once and he wanted to know more. He will not understand, beside the basics of 'bleeding down there, intense hormones, and sometimes unbearable pain depending on who you ask.'
If you're someone who goes through a lot of physical pain expect an overbearing mother figure now in your life, he will literally be there with all the advice he can find that'll help.
With the limited resources in the lair and the fact he can't exactly go shopping himself, he'll ask April or Casey to buy period products or pain relief tablets for you if you complain. Even if he's awkward and shy about asking, he doesn't want to burden you by making you wait for a reply over text or have to get up, the fact it helps you makes it worth it.
Soup is also good, he knows how to make traditional teas and soups for you, with great difficulty, and help from Splinter, that will lessen your stomach cramps. Though if you get cravings he may be a little less helpful, it's hard to get ingredients when you live in the sewers and are hated by most of the world.
If you like company he would stay off patrols once or twice, but he's fairly strict about his schedule and won't go too far off it, even if he wants to help you.
If you don't get much pain, he's still by you in his free time and asking questions, you're literally bleeding he's never going to stop worrying.
Whenever you talk to him he basically soaks in the words like a sponge and uses it to help you, a one off 'yeah, this food helps.' and he's on his knees begging for April to buy some.
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Raphael... I love him, but he needs help when it comes to this. I imagine most of the other turtles at least know the basics, Michaelangelo is the worst but he still knows what a period is, but Raph just never really cared enough to learn.
He knows that a period happens... But that's about it. So, if you're in intense or even a small amount of pain and or wake up with blood around you, he's freaking the hell out, he thinks you've been stabbed or something or maybe he accidentally hurt you with his sais as you slept.
If you explain he's sort of like 'yeah whatever, how do we stop it from hurting you?' and then he never leaves your side.
You run out of products? Step out the way Casey and April, he's sneaking in the shop and thieving- I mean, he's putting on a trenchcoat and hat to hide his turtleness, and buying the products like a good mutant ninja turtle should. But seriously, he doesn't trust the two to buy the right ones, he gets the exact brand right somehow, even if you never tell him what one you want.
He pushes the exercise side of it, even if it doesn't help much, exercise is something that helps him so when he hears it can help he doesn't research further. It takes you explaining that it not only depends on the person but the exercise for him to pout and let you lead.
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He'd probably panic for a while but then tries to look through a science lense, like, oh! You need to level your blood sugars in this week, these excersises will help you but these won't, make sure to keep your stomach warm so you can lessen the contractions and pain.
Gets a bit sad if you're the type to be more distant and want alone time on your period, especially if you don't like loud noises. Donatello usually has you watching him while he works on his science stuff, so when you aren't it's a demotivator.
Ends up completely abandoning his work just to follow you around like a sad puppy, tending to your every need or waiting outside your room for a text from you if you need something.
If you want him around he's a lot more easy going, if you don't mind sitting in the lab with him while he works then he's all for it, of course he's checking on you every once and a while, and will talk when he wants to, but it comes from him wanting to help you.
If you have health issues caused by your period or your period is made worse by your health issues he's helping you a lot, he knows a lot about human anatomy and how to help ease pain, especially since April and Casey started hanging out with the Turtles more often.
He has a whole section of a diary dedicated to you, and that includes your period, when you're due, what food you've told him helps you, what foods you've said make it worse, what pain you usually describe as, etc, etc.
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Michaelangelo is 100% the type of guy who just goes along with what you want because he wants to help, he probably knows that you bleed, you get mood swings, and you're in pain. And that's all he needs to know.
He's watching you for your entire cycle and just PRAYING nothing bad will happen, gives you all the food you want, no matter how unusual. This can sometimes make it worse, because cravings aren't always foods that will help you, and he feels really really bad if that happens.
He tries to hold himself back on just giving you whatever you want, but when you look up he just folds and starts treating you like royalty.
He can't make a lot of normal foods, he can make pizzas and maybe a decent sandwich, but besides that he's a bit useless, so he tends to buy you microwaved dinners. Unless you don't like them. And then he's just lost.
Mikey asks Donatello to help on the more science level, like no, chocolate will not help, that's a dumb myth, it will only make your sugar levels higher and increase pain, plus blood flow, and nobody wants that.
Cue Mikey closing the oven to hide his chocolate pizza he was making for you.
When buying or storing products, he tends to sort of forget how expensive they are, he'll go in with only a couple of dollars and fall to the floor in utter shock upon realising that is not nearly enough.
But he may or may not steal a few, he saves the city, he gets no money from it, this is completely justified in my opinion.
It's not like he tells anybody anyway.
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April O'Neil
She understands so much, whatever you need she'll get for you within minutes.
If your cycles match up April and you will have days where you just sit down and cuddle together, usually at her apartment or in the lair.
She's most likely the one who goes shopping for stuff since she's usually shopping for the turtles as well, though you can come along or even do it yourself if hers is painful and yours is bearable enough to go and vice versa.
If you don't get much pain or mood swings, she makes a few jokes on how she wishes she was you, but if you ask her to stop she will.
Understands the pain that might come mentally, if yours is really bad during the month she even ignores the Turtles to help you out. Unless you want to be left alone in which case she can do that as well, but she will text you every few hours, this is probably happening with or without your period given how dangerous being friends with her is.
If you have intense pain, she's extremely worried for you and will try to help in any way she can, especially if you have other issues that impact your period and or your period causes you other issues.
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Casey Jones
Once he gets it Casey doesn't care for the exact details, all he needs to know is when he needs to be involved. Then he's actually really helpful
Usually gets too embarrassed to buy pads for you so he asks April to do it for him, if she refuses he awkwardly makes his way over and will be red the entire time he buys them.
He will begrudgingly be mushy if it means you'll feel better, but also reluctantly leaves you alone if you prefer being alone, he's complicated when it comes to you.
Tends to try to make you laugh or smile if you get sad, but fails to realise that the flood gates of hell spill over with unholy blood whenever you do laugh too hard.
If you're someone with less blood and or pain he'll be asking once every few hours if you're okay, every month is the same, he never learns that you're going to be fine, or that you don't experience too much pain, but it shows he cares.
If you have intense pain he's next to you always helping and at your beck and call, he's fine with skipping out on time with April or the turtles because he doesn't want you in pain.
This has been in my drafts for a little over a year, I've only just got the strength to finish it (⁠。⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
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erisluna35ocblog · 6 months
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This week on my Reverse AU OC portrait series, I'm using Blake to study how to do leather. Leather is such a complicated material to work with, its supposed to be so reflective hence the more intense highlights in his jacket compared to how I did Shizuke's black shirt and Blair's romper. There's also the contrast in rendering black fur compared to Blair's white fur coat. Rendering black in general is a whole different thought excersise compared to the whites on Shizuke and Blair.
Introducing the black cat for my OC's reverse AU, Blake Crawford! Compared to Blair's ring, his silver ring has an orangey tint, a referrence to how he's the fox in the original timeline. The inspiration to tie his hair back is from Attack on Titan's Eren, for the depressing edgyness. Unlike Fiona who's design took some cues from Ladybugs (Marinette and Bridgette), Blake's inner clothes is based on Nathanael's akuma form, Evillustrator. It's cause his original design takes cues from Nathanael. The reason for the aversion to referrencing Adrien and/or Felix is, other than their outfits just aren't very edgy emo, it's to signal he isn't supposed to be seen as a love interest for his Ladybug partner. I wanted there to be something of a hint with his role despite being the black cat. Instead of paralleling Fiona, his outfit parallel's Blair's more. The black fur lining and an oversized black jacket, the white (light gray) shirt underneath, the way his hair is parted, the stripes, the round details... I picked him to be the black cat so he can be more active with his arc where he's looking for his sister.
Why are the twins separated?
Much like in the original, he and Blair lost their parents and got separated because of the foster system. Blair ended up with their abusive relatives while Blake ended up with the Liungs... except they never got Blair back. It's too late by the time they found out those relatives sold Blair off to the Supreme.
Blake tried everything he could to reach his sister but the Supreme blocked him every time - she's their newest little child soldier, they still had use for her. Eventually, there was an attempt on his and the Liungs' lives. The only reason they survived was because the Resistance saved them.
There, Blake learned everything. His parents and the Liungs were members of the Resistance. Mrs. Liung, the only one left alive, stayed in contact with the Resistance despite semi retiring to focus on helping him get Blair back - it's the least she could've done for her fallen friends and husband. Yet they can't reach her no matter how many strings they pulled, which is really saying something as Mrs. Liung was a former celebrity and her strongest string is the Resistance Leader, Lorelei, who is the mayor's sister-in-law. They suspect the Supreme had something to do with it.
So to tally, the Supreme has: killed his parents, killed Mr. Liung, abducted his sister, tried to get him and the Liungs killed... Blake has plenty to be mad about. This is why Blake joined the Resistance.
At first, Blake was obsessed with taking down the Supreme for taking everything from him. He fought them from the shadows. He takes out his anger on their goons for getting in his way. It doesn't matter what they throw at him, he will destroy them all... This went on for years.
But alas, Blake is still young. After years of fighting the Supreme, things are looking more and more futile. He grew tired, both emotionally and physically. He was always fighting, always hiding, making sure the Supreme doesn't catch wind of both Blake surviving or the new black cat on the prowl... the stalemate was taking its toll on him. Nothing seems to be changing.
That is until Keagan brought a girl to their base.
It was a mistake, the fallen prince said. But Lorelei saw something in the girl and declared her the new Ladybug, his partner. The time to fight in the light has come.
Not long after this, the Supreme called in reinforcements to crush the Resistance. First was the infamous Ox-wielding Miraculous hunter they've imported from Japan. Second was their shiny new-bee who's brimming with potential... Blake's sister.
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crumpl3d-c0mets · 7 months
"𝙂𝙤 𝙤𝙣, 𝙩𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙢𝙚 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙪𝙣."
hello there, welcome to my hsr rp blog!! i'll try my best to be as active as possible here and post whatever i think is cool !!
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this account has NO affiliations to hoyoverse, keep in mind that this is a fan account !!
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mod is a minor, oc isn't!! (still, please no NSFW) mod also goes by he/they. timezone is UTC +8 (philippine standard time), and sleep schedule depends on the day.
you can ask me anything! as long as it's not NSFW, you're good! ship rps are okay with me, as long as it doesn't go too far.
follow basic dni criteria, no racism, homophobia, pedophilia, etc.
i use "//" or "(_)" when i'm speaking out of character.
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moving on to my oc !!
name: castor
alias/job :
> paper star (alias)
> author/writer (job)
pronouns: he/they
sexuality and gender: bisexual and demiboy
location: penacony
personality: ambiverted, jumpy/gets startled easily, hyper, sleepy sometimes, very unhinged
⋆˙⟡ Appearance: ( icon made with https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1588687 )
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> making things out of paper as gifts
> playing word games
> teaching children how to do stuff
3 dislikes:
> getting less than 8h of sleep
> people being better than him at his job
> intense physical excersise
3 weaknesses
> when people talk to him like they're putting him to sleep (weak in the knees)
> having to admit he's wrong and that he isn't the best
> talking about the past
headcanons  !!
> gets more hyper the more he doesnt sleep
> enjoys when children or people ask him to read stories
> they walk really softly, they can't really be heard when they approach
> constantly has papercuts on his hands
> he has a cat named pollux
he was left outside in the rain after his parents were taken away from him by the IPC, and later on got adopted by two pepeshi who took care of him. his love for writing and paper craft has been there since forever. he was a prodigy, very proficient in the field of language. his professors highly encouraged him to start writing, and eventually it became his career.
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Tagged by @acidyellowlava. Finally got time to replyyyyyy (thank you for the the tag game! Ah! Alons-y!
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: Not in the 'family's members' way! My mother choosed it after a saint
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Few months ago? A month ago?
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: ooooh boy Here we go: around elementary school Rhythmic gymnastics, after that Archery (it was true love), after the middle of highschool I stopped. Right now I weight lift/do small excersise at home, or having zoomies in parks/woods . Whenever i'm nearby greater masses of water (sea, pools) i do lots and lots and loooots of swimming (i love swimming and diving with my own lungs hair aaaaa call me the black lagoon monster)
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: mmm not sure if what I use is sarcasm- I use jokes and dad joke around things or people, but not into a full clawing time job way more like in 'an intense problem accurred and collective mood must be cheered up so I need to switch into dark humor dad jokes mode' or I don't now how to release this unnerving feelings'. Also past errors made after wrongly balanced puns have me realize to have offended people, so I keep more or less into menageable clown territory rather than the witty court Jester's (except unnerving situations)
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: If their gaze is 'there' or 'fogged'. Or if they're neutral or weirded by my difficulty to sometimes meet eyes when trying to explain myself. If a stranger person might looking for a random wholesome interaction or if the same person might like to receive from me a random compliment over a accessory- to say- that struck my eye, that they wear probably because they really really like it. (accessory lover to accessory lover communication)
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: chestnut, warmer yellow chestnut
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: Aaah! I like both if they're interesting
ANY TALENTS?: Certified (by me) tree climber. Also there's a way to give a clean pure whistle from acorns' copules. And I know how to (might not be a talent I think, just wished to throw a random fact).
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Writing fanfictions (extremely slow hobbie😅), watching gameplays of indie games, doing earrings, sewing and DIY extravagant costumes for party themes (kind of experimenting more femme drag leaned styles)
HOW TALL ARE YOU?: Oh dear I don't remember. Average mediterranean AFAB/female creachure!
FAVOURITE SUBJECT IN SCHOOL?: Science, Art (huhuehuhuehu), Art History,Multimedia.
DREAM JOB?: Art, crafty and manual job (actually choosing in progress)
The tags! (as always don't feel obligated to join or reply!): @uhhsureisuppose @icarussmicarus @elwolfen @thetinyadventurer@ash-pirate25@middlecentered-inversy
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banana-breadses · 1 year
holy shit your object show as a whole sounds so interesting if you woulnd't mind i want to hear more
okie lets go! (long ramble ahead)
My show is called Roll Credits!
plot wise its just your standard object show with challenges eliminations and a huge plot thing later in the season! the characters is where it gets fun ;-)
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here are the first drawings of most of the characters. its not the best, but they're all here! lets go in order:
Water Bottle(she/her): Athletic! likes sports and excersise. complete opposite of Towel.
Towel(she/her): Lazy! likes television and sleeping. complete opposite of Water Bottle.
Textbook(he/him): Smart! is a green book! i have since updated his design, and added glasses and some blocks of text on his cover. also BAD AT TALKING
Rubik's Cube(he/him): Organized! basically my younger brother's self insert. dont know much about him but hey he seems cool.
Sugar Cookie(she/her): My girl! love her! first character of them all,an oc before i wanted to make a show. Ive talked all about her before, and I love her <3
Snowflake(he/him): honestly he's the one ive thought the least about. cool guy, really chill(pun intended)
Drum(they/them): Likes music i guess. I love them but all conversations end up in an argument because of the ~transphobic family~
Bowl(he/they/it): Cool guy. also a god. this was drawn before he was a god. doesn't talk i also have an original drawing for God Bowl that i dont really like anymore but if you wanna see it... (more lore to come!)
Bill(he/him): Rich! Bowl's best friend, and talks a lot. makes up for Bowl's silence.
Sunglasses(both he/him): the hosts! individually their names are Sun and Glass. Sun is excitable and energetic, and Glass is a cool guy.
Measuring Tape(she/they): Mom friend? i think? no matter what I am in love with their shape!!! she's so cute!!1
Glow Stick(she/her): rowdy teenager! likes to party and have fun. Her emotions do get really big(like me!) and she changes mood really intensely really quickly.
Flashlight(she/her): Cute girl! love her! she's the youngest of the group. kind to everyone, knows everyone, but doesn't have any real friends. Until now! with compassion she and Glow Stick become good friends :)
Speaker(he/him): didn't have a personality, but now he still doesn't! yknow how Rob in TAWOG forces his way from a background character to the villain? Speaker's kinda like that. doesn't have a personality, but hacks into the settings of the show to give himself one.
Pinecone(he/him):!!!!! the angry one!!!! used to be a criminal. he has been cloned!! and he doesn't really know it. as far as Pinecone knows, he got hit with a sciencey beam and thats it.
Marble(he/him):uuuuhh a last minute addition. dont know much about him. :/
Key(he/him): very calm. Kinda like Candle II. his eyes are always closed because when he opens them theyre so shiny it would blind everyone. why? you'l never know(unless you ask him(he polishes them(with bleach)))
Twig(she/her): TWIG!!!! Love her!!! very soft spoken and loves her leaf. doesn't understand people all the time, but she tries :o)
Mushroom(she/her): the mediator. Likes gardening, and tries to keep her alliance from falling apart.
those are all the main characters! there are a few side characters like the mafia, their parents, and the gods.
okie the mafia:
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Coney(he/any): Pinecone's clone. wants to distance themself from him a lot, so he became a criminal! leads a band of friends despicable objects.
Poinsettia(she/her): tries to stay calm. Tall. super cool
Butter Knife(they/them): anxious to all tomorrows. i have never seen them not anxious.
Tie(he/she): chaotic. has maybe killed someone for real......? she wont tell.
honestly the mafia is just Team Rocket level evil, but Coney honestly tries to be bad.
their parents are just a few things ive thought about. Sugar Cookie's parents are Chocolate Chip Cookie and Cake, Rubik's cube's parents are Puzzle and Paint Pallet, and Measuring Tapes parents are Ruler and Tape. Ive come up with more(not all of them).
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the gods are still a bit of a mystery to me. there are twelve of them, (all dishware) but the only ones that are really important and fleshed out are Bowl and Plate. Plate was Bowl's caretaker when it was young, and after Bowl ran away, she got really depressed and holed up in the gods' realm. they all have varying numbers of eyes and wings.
here's a picture of Plate and a ladle guy i might make a god.
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okie those are all the characters! (not even all of them I still havent mentioned Doll or any of the alliances ;))
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loss-weights-stuff · 2 years
10 tips for High intensity interval training excersise
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unisnake · 2 months
Diane, how will you be testing your limits during this training ?
Diane: Intense excersise and meditation, both body and soul must be trained to utilize chi in any compacity...
Is meditating with her legs crossed... On a spike bed, while lifting weights.
Wolf: 😨 Wow she really takes this seriously.
Rhonda: She is my student. 😌
Webs: That be so cool if it didn't look painful.
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confessions-official · 6 months
I'M SO FUCKING SICK OF LIVING WITH MY MOM!!!! I'm in university and I work from home 3-5 out of 5 days of the week (i'm called to the office pretty randomly) for 6 hours, 8 hours when I have days off from school. obviously I can't afford to move out otherwise I already would have. today i broke down crying. i struggle with time management so bad bc i'm always exhausted, i have hashimoto's disease and i can totally be functional but i have little energy and if i don't manage it well i can end up virtually useless by a certain time of the day. last year i pretty much neglected my health entirely while working and studying: i wasn't sleeping or eating well, i was sedentary, etc. the last few weeks i've been finally FINALLY getting into a routine of excersising at home that works for me. today I put time aside during my lunch break to do a short but intense cardio workout I promised myself I would try to do at least once a week to see my endurance level. My mom calls me as I'm just starting out to tell me she "forgot" she ordered a package and it should be home in 10 minutes. I almost broke down fucking crying. I had to cut everything short and shower to be ready when the package got here. Of fucking course it was delayed so I wasted my break waiting for her package. I can't take it anymore, she always does this and I always tell her i have ZERO ISSUE if she wants me to recieve a package she orders, but to PLEASE check in on me so I can schedule my day around that, or so I can let her know if I'm not available. I have no problem waiting for a package or the plumber or whoever if I'm home but I need to KNOW. she always tells me 10 minutes before "oh btw i called a painter for the kitchen" or "i called a plumber for the bathroom". there was one time when i was SO exhausted after finishing an assignment from school, i had literally not slept for days and I had taken a vacation day from work so when i got home from class i could nap (i was at the level of exhaustion where i knew even if i napped i'd be tired enough to sleep well at night). as im finishing some chores and laying down on the couch she calls me like "oh btw i know i said the painters weren't coming today but i told them yes they can. they're on their way". She NEVER checks to see if i'm available and NEVER checks in on what's going on with me in work and school and basically assumes i'm just in the house all day doing nothing. i can't even go out for a walk or to get coffee during my break bc if i miss something she gets pissed at me and says i'm unreliable. i decided i'm moving out with a friend by the end of the year even if it's a one room apartment, because she won't change. she's grown and she has clearly communicated she does not give a shit about my time (we have discussed this multiple times and she's like yea yea okay i'll let you know and she doesn't change). i don't know how the fuck i'm going to move my desktop computer to wherever the fuck i move to (i don't have a laptop, cannot afford one if i want to move out soon, and i 100% need a computer for work and school) but i don't care. i'll figure something out.
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liyemaaa · 8 months
Thoughts are quite jumbled again, I haven’t written anything in a long time so bear with me.
I remember the first time I was called selfish. I was probably about ten years old and I had refused to give a friend of mine the last bite of my cupcake. I remember how terrible I felt after being called that, how sick it made me that someone would dare imply that I lacked consideration of other people in any way. It felt horrible so I made sure to always share , to share more than I usually would , to make sure that nobody ever used that word to describe me every again.
Years of me practicing this lead to me feeling like nothing was ever really belonged to me and that I could not excersise ownership of anything despite it belonging to me. Somewhere along the way this translated into my emotions never really being mine. My love was not mine, it was my love for someone. My anger was not mine, it was my anger for something. My happiness was not mine, it didn’t belong to me. This is in no way me denying the nature of how emotions work nor me refusing to acknowledge that people/circumstances cause us to feel things. I am merely noting the fact that it wasn’t enough that those feelings were there, they had to be conveyed a certain way. A way that was palatable, with a controlled amount of intensity. Never too much. Nothing about that was me. There was nothing palatable about me, the intensity of how I felt things was enormous. There was no way I would be able to share that. At least not in a way that I think would be received well. So I didn’t and words like emotionless, cold hearted, unfeeling became words frequently used to describe me and these became very synonymous to the word the word selfish to me. And then I felt horrible again.
But as I continued to grow into myself and my emotions I realised two things. One, that I love to share , that I love being able to let people enjoy things with me and the feeling that comes with that and two , that sometimes I want things to belong to me only. That I do want that last bite, that I do want to feel my anger alone and not need to constantly express it to others, that I do want my happiness to belong to me , for my love to belong to me. Because nobody can take that away from me. Because sometimes we share with those who are greedy, those who take more than they can give and if I’ve given you everything because of my fear of that horrible feeling, as soon as that greed subsides and you find a new source, I’m left empty. I can’t have that. I refuse to. So yes, I will feel and I’ll be sure to share those as much as I can but in the same way I’d want the first and last bite of that cupcake, I want my emotions to start and end with me. So I’ve decided to let myself sit with them. Nurse them.Understand them. Own them as much as I can so that when they eventually are shared , they are shared from a place of love, a place of complete consideration and from a place of no fear. So this is me allowing myself to be a little more selfish. Wish me luck.
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punechelation1 · 9 months
Top 5 Best Exercises to Strengthen Your Heart
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The heart is the central organ of the circulatory system and life. But fast-paced life, reduced activity, and fast food consumption are summing up to cause heart diseases and complications. Therefore, doctors emphasize adopting a healthy lifestyle, eating habits, and heart-strengthening exercise to get rid of heart complications.
5 best exercises to strengthen your heart:
Walking: Walking may seem simple, but it is highly efficient. Speed walking is known to be efficient in conditioning the heart. Brisk walking helps maintain the pulse rate while putting less pressure on joints than other exercises. The adaptability of walking makes it more common in people than other cardio-related exercises. So, have your earphones on, put on your favorite music, and start walking, morning and evening.
Cycling: Cycling has several cardiovascular and physical benefits. Cycling helps reduce cholesterol and heart disease risks. Besides this, cycling also helps maintain a healthy BMI, improve leg strength, and increase lung capacity. 
Note: Researchers have reported that cycling regularly improves mental health also. 
Weight training: Training and working out with weights strengthens muscles and tissues. Specific muscle training exercises called cardio, for example- push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, and squats, strengthen cardiac muscles. Regular cardio exercise also increases the heart’s adaptability to survive severe conditions such as panic and palpitations.
Swimming: Swimming tones the full-body, acts upon muscles, and condition your cardiovascular system. The key to enjoying any sport is feeling natural movement while working your muscles, joints, and in-short full body. Swimming is an enjoyable fitness activity that is easy on joints, facilitates an active lifestyle, and is easy to learn.
Yoga: Yoga is extremely beneficial for individuals’ body, mind, soul, and heart health. The slow breathing exercise in concurrence with postural movements helps you strengthen bones, alter and tone muscles and circulate more oxygen to your system and thus improve BP levels, manage weight, and keep the heart-healthy. Yoga is accepted as a preventive measure of all major diseases and therefore  a pinnacle of a healthy and happy life.
Apart from these five must-do excersises, here are some other intense exercise forms that can improve your cardiovascular health.
Dance: Dancing involves full-body movement, makes a person happy and involved, and its regular practice is very good for heart health. Dancing is known for its health benefits and improving cardiovascular strength.
Interval Training: Interval training is splitting exercises between high-intensity periods to recover in a short time. For instance, exercising by running for a minute and letting your heart rate cool down for three minutes before repeating sets. It helps burn calories and improves the arteries and vein’s function.
Tai-chi: Tai chi is an old Chinese martial art that uses rhythmic movement and a focused state of mind and body at the same time. It also incorporates deep breathing with physical poses, which allows it to be called a “moving meditation.” Tai-chi is beneficial for the mind, heart, and full body.
These heart-strengthening exercises can certainly help people to stay fit and reduce the chances of cardiovascular complications. All exercises should be carried out with the consultation of your treating doctor. If you are experiencing any heart complication-related symptoms consult our experienced cardiologist in Pune, for early treatment. 
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mjdrivingschool · 2 years
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Practical Driving Test Pass in Leeds on 27th March 2023 Super early start today to pick up Stephen Littlewood at 6.40am for his practical driving test at 7.40am at the Leeds driving test centre following a course of driving lessons with Ben of MJ driving school Leeds. Stephen had a good drive into the test area taking in some Leeds town centre roads followed by York road and then into Harehills. Stephen then practiced his forward and reverse bay park excersises before finishing off with a recap on the show me tell me questions. After 45 minutes out on test Stephen got a great result of a first time pass and is our 112 success this year. Congratulations Stephen and Safe Driving. You could follow Stephen on the road to driving test success by booking driving lessons in Leeds with MJ driving school Leeds. Driving Lessons Leeds Driving Instructors Leeds Driving Schools Leeds Intensive Driving Courses Leeds Crash Courses Leeds Automatic Driving Lessons Leeds Best Driving Schools Leeds www.mjdrivingschool.co.uk #Mjdrivingschoolleeds https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSUxg-szDk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tardis--dreams · 3 years
getting my second shot tomorrow and i wanted to do some upper-body work today because i probably won't be able to use my arm much for a few days, but I'm STILL TOO SORE TO DO ANY HARD WORK aaaaaaaahhhhh
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lovelyladykate · 6 years
#had a call with the Emergency Nurse and turns out that when you go from extream binge starvation and a 6 year intense excersise hiatus#then you start eating suddenly and start going back to High Intensity Workouts#your body goes into a very traumatic stress mode where it legitimately thinks its about to die#so nearly fainting while at the mall with my friends was perfectly normal in that way#and the nausea all day ontop of the adrenaline and now exhaustion is very common#so i meed to watch my food intake#little meals through out the day -- not one big one all at once#and have some additional --less intesive-- training between work outs#its very common for ED recoveries to over due it#so im to be extra vigilant with my food intake#and also keep my mental health in check....#not to mention have someone spot me when ever im working out -- relaxing or training#the hard part is when i have to tell people about this#my parents dont even know im back at therapy because if let them know how hard i relapsed over the holidays i might have to go back to rehab#and im so genuinely grateful for my life right now....i want to make an effort to keep it this way#ive got amazing friends and i have a crush that keeps making my heart all giddy#(ive admitted to my self that this is a genuine interest and want to pursue this man)#((like this is more than a crush yall i wanna date him and my heart is so full))#anyway#recovery is getting there and jts .... improved significantly. i just gotta take it easy#I'm doing this for d&d and my friends .... and for that eventual boyfriend#GOD IM IN SO DEEP#i really like him anyway
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eraemx · 6 years
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