#- even hungry yet
maranull · 5 months
anyway, Elden Ring is about love and hope
Marika burns everything she has build out of sorrow
Ranni banishes the Outer Gods and also fucks off the Lands, giving agency back to the normal beings of the Lands
Fortissax endlessly fights Death for his friend/lover
Melina burns herself and Erdtree in hopes of a better world in the hands of the Tarnished
Blaidd fights against the very reason he was created out of love for his sister
Ranni and Rykard always keep an eye on their mother, protecting her
Radahn evokes so much love from his troops that they organise a whole festival to give him a honorable death even in his madness
Radahn learns an entire new school of magic in order to still ride his favourite horse
Boc's love for his mother, his mother's love for him
How all but two endings are build on the hope that this new era (whatever it might be) will be good
Miquella attempting to create an whole new world-tree to host the forsaken and the damned
Miquella turning on the faith he was raised and even believed in to an extent, when it was unable to cure his sister's curse
The Cleanrot's loyalty to Malenia and their endurance of the Rot, only to stay in her service
Malenia marching through the entire continent in search of her brother
Finlay traveling all the way back on her own, carrying the incapacitated demigod on her back
Tanith's love for Rya
Dialos' entire questline
Edgar being driven mad after his daughter dies
Vyke embracing, to a point, the Frenzied Flame in order to save his finger maiden
or you know, that's just how I see it
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mujinzzzzz · 5 months
okay so patch 6 is now live and I was reading through what it changes and whatnot and i see THIS???? HELLO?2!;_(28&)3-"(28_
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larian is tempting me fr
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angelpuns · 5 months
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Would you like a dumpling? I promise they’re safe to eat and not at all the nastiest thing you’ve ever tasted!
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knightingale-errant · 10 months
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my dark urge oc and astarion have truly been the most chaotic of duos
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moonmanatee · 5 days
Belly-Down in Spun Cotton
a tiny drarry fic (2.8k, rated E for sex) for my dearest @saintgarbanzo on his birthday. but very early, cause he’s impatient and so am I. so, a birthday-month gift!
many thanks to @cavendishbutterfly and @nv-md for the betas, @basicallyahedgehog for the cheering, and @shealynn88 for the garden/compost consult!! what a team, thank you all so much.
selected tags: animagus harry, devoted boyfriend draco, horny tboy harry, handsy draco, domestic fluff, harry in the garden, steam showers, enthusiastic blowjobs, cock means tcock henceforth, draco makes harry snack, harry eats with his hands
All Harry wants is to dive skin-first, belly-first, heart-first, into what he loves.
It's too far a journey from the kitchen door to the vegetable patch, so Harry leaves his clothes on the wooden slats of a chair he's pushed against the raised bed, perches his whole self, naked, on the seat, and transforms there. This is his best system so far – the first time he barely made it down the three steps to the pathway before he entirely ran out of patience, and the time he tried to transform in the garden already, he squashed the pea tendrils, new and tender as they were. From here, small in his shell, Harry can slowly ooze from the back of the chair to the edge of the garden bed, and then lower himself directly into the soil, into the soft, peppery overwhelm of the tomato patch. There's so much sensation down here. It's a good day for this. Last night there was thunder, and the morning brought a high ceiling of pale grey sky. Harry's been waiting for the right weather, the right day, when he has as much time as he needs to soak everything in. Mmm, the humus is so nice after a rain, Harry thinks, and then laughs to himself. It sounds ridiculous, this version of his inner monologue. What matters to him from this perspective. Humus-lover. Hummus-lover. He's both, he supposes.
read the rest on ao3
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If you made a Werewolf Peppino, What would Pep look like as a Werewolf?
(What a weird dog!!!
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waketoearth · 4 months
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orange blood .. the qr code works!
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therealslimsanji · 6 months
Taz: "If someone is hungry, I want them to be fed"
Some random clown: "Sanji wouldn't care if any of the Celestial Dragons were hungry, clearly you don't understand his character at all"
Me, an intellectual: "Sanji would have gladly fed Donquixote Homing and his family (all born as Celestial Dragons) during their time of crisis if he had the chance"
Fr I thought Sanji's whole thing was no food wasted and feed those that are hungry?? Like, I know I'm super new to this Fandom but that's one thing I've read over and over about his character.
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invinciblerodent · 4 months
yknow, no, i'm not done thinking/posting/being deeply angry about the whole "bbuuuhhh Astarion is gay and was made playersexual as a game mechanic bbbuuuhhhhhhh" garbage some people still spout.
like this type of sentiment is always annoying and wrong, but it's specifically this character for whom it's especially annoying to me, just because on top of all the regular host of issues, it also deeply contradicts what I believe is the central theme of his whole goddamn story.
(excuse the rant please.)
Like, my skin already crawls at that term, "playersexual". I hate it, and find its use either vaguely ignorant at best, or blatantly pan/biphobic at worst. but even just besides that....
This character is a man whose narrative intentionally shows his presentation of himself, and of his masculinity, as being contradictory with convention. This character is one whose entire arc is about discovering who he is beyond the boxes he was assigned: a spawn, a monster, a seducer, a tool, a predator, a plaything, a victim, a sexual object... these are all identities that were forced onto him. And if he's given space to discover them, turns out, none of them are things that he actually wants to be. if you give him space, and affection (romantic or otherwise), and acceptance, and help him attain closure and catharsis, he expresses desire to be... an adventurer, a lover, a friend, a protector, so many things, but all of them in his own way. That's the point of his story, control vs. autonomy.
How.... myopic does one have to be to see that story, to play that story, to play an active, participatory role in that subversion, that search for the self beneath the masks, and declare that actually, they made him this other box for him to fit into, so... it's fine, i guess, to ignore what he says?????? it's fine if they pick and choose among his expressed traits which ones to use and which to disregard, because they decided (based on frankly homophobic and rather misogynistic stereotypes) that he cannot be different from their perception, despite him literally saying otherwise????????
Astarion's entire figure is a succession of trope-subversions. I could write essays about all the ways in which, in the romanced spawn game, the narrative sets up tropes (primarily in act 1), only to then purposefully knock them down and contradict them as the game progresses.
Like..... He was to take revenge by taking power for himself (like he thought he wanted, like Cazador did to Vellioth): ended up taking his revenge and rejecting the power that could have come with it, and despite that having a price, being content and grateful for it (and realizing that the alternative would have had an even greater price he would have paid unknowingly). He starts out using sex and sexuality as a weapon, and a tool of manipulation, like he did for many decades: ends up expressing discomfort with being seen as a sex object, resuming his sex life by saying "I love you" before his partner would have, and proposing sex with them as a beautiful metaphor for his own rebirth.
His whole story starts out with him thinking he requires protection from the player and that the only way to get that is through using his body and looks as a bargaining chip: later he discovers in himself a desire to be the protector himself, which he talks about more than once, and expresses varying degrees of discomfort at the thoughts of both using his body to gain something, and needing a protector.
There's the "this is what I'm good for" type of attitude towards sex morphing into "I am so much more than a thing to be used". There's the whole thing about how important his looks were to both him and his "usefulness" back then, despite him not being able to even fucking see them, (which also kind of includes that silly lovely gremlin-face he sometimes makes), but those are just the ones off the top of my head.
The story, and the romance plot, is about... it's about him regaining ownership of himself, it's about autonomy, his whole recurring "what do you want" line is about respecting his choices and letting him find his way to them, it's about letting him show you who he is, believing him, and loving the man behind the facade.
how absolutely fucking short-sighted does one have to be to then take that incredibly reductive stereotype of "femme-leaning man with theatrical mannerisms who cares about his looks; must be exclusively homosexual and any attraction he shows to women is just a mechanic/fanservice/flattery" (which, that's so fucking insulting to gay men, and bi/pan men, an any man who might express masculinity in a less than conventional way, and to the women who may love them [eta: and of course nonbinary people, and the people to whom masculinity means something wholly different]), and assign it to this character on their own accord, despite him literally telling the player otherwise? despite him verbally expressing attraction to multiple women, and contradicting that stereotypical interpretation wholly and out of pocket??????
like, hello??????? did we play the same game????????? did we play the same fucking game??????????
like don't think for one second that it isn't the pan/biphobia that annoys me more, it absolutely is, but this character is such a particularly egregious example, it's almost fucking poetic.
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magical-girl-coral · 11 days
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lovedazai-archived · 5 months
dazai would be so proud of how brave im being rn
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easyaesthetics · 1 year
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Sprite edits for Even the Mountains Crumble, a fic by @whoalookingcooljoker !
Chapter 2 vs Chapter 13
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bad convincing pomme to eat her cookies
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anormalkidingotham · 9 months
i'm currently stuck at school and will most likely have to spend the night here because someone filled all of the hallways with toxic goo and there is no other way out until someone can come and clean it up
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guinevereslancelot · 3 months
most fucked up thing about the body's response to not eating is when you're so hungry you feel like you're gonna throw up. this does not make it easier to eat food actually
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lisaneedstherapy · 1 year
I get so deranged when I'm ovulating like look at my adorable little boyfriend looking at his adorable little linear algebra homework and writting his arodable little facial recognition programme he's so stressed like his adorable little eyebrows are so scrunched up like what he needs is me pinning him against the wall in some secluded section of the library and kissing him until his lips are swollen and he looks all messed up and he pulls me closer and I press him harder against the wall and neither of us can breathe and there are no thoughts in his head other than me me me me me
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