dropoutsource · 7 months
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aurelion-solar · 1 year
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Zaun - Champion Illustration Summoner Icons
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d20outofcontext · 6 months
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carriemebags-art · 2 months
Do you like webcomics that play with the idea of the adminification of death and the afterlife and use that as a vehicle for humor and a storytelling device?
Then you'll probably enjoy the hot new webcomic by Me:
Zac: Death and Admin!
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Meet Zac, aka Blorbo from my Brain, as he encounters such blorbo adventures as:
He's already dead!
Why is he dead?
Is he meant to be dead?
Why is there paperwork?
Is the afterlife a job centre?
Why is the queue so long?
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With a whole cast of characters such as:
Stinky Bastard Man
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Has Never Done Anything Wrong In His (after)Life
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What's Her Deal?
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What's Their Deal?
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And Many More to be revealed!!!!
On a sincere note I'm so happy to be finally releasing this comic into the world and I'm absolutely thrilled with the response I've been getting so far. I hope you'll love this story and these characters as much as I do <3
Start reading Zac: Death and Admin Here!
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thenamelessdoll · 11 months
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What if Crysta shrunk Zac just a tad too much? [A still edit version]
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male-fictioner · 5 months
I Want You Back
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Pairing: Yandere ex-bf Zac Efron x male reader
Category: Yandere
Warnings: stalking, possessive behavior, spying, manipulation, that's it ig
Word Count: 1.1k +
A/n: I had this sitting in my drafts for the longest of times, I finally had to write it. I'm not very good at writing yandere content, as I never have written in before. But I hope you like it.
You had met Zac a long time ago through some mutual friend. At that time you didn't know how things would end up. You and Zac quickly became friends and very close and soon you realised that you might have found someone you love. 
When Zac asked you out you couldn't have been happier. You were over the moon and had a perfect date. This was 4 years ago and within a while, you had made it official with each other. 
The relationship had been great for all the while you two dated. You did not have any complaints and he treated you like a prince and showered you with all the love and gifts. This is why he was so surprised when you broke up with him almost six months ago. 
That decision came when you felt very restricted and tired in the relationship. Don't get me wrong Zac is amazing but you needed to just be alone for a while and he didn't understand that.
Over the last few months, you felt guilty about breaking up with Zac after how well he treated you and loved you. And also because it seemed like the universe wanted you to get back together too. 
Everywhere you would go, you would be forced to remember Zac. Like when you saw this cute teddy bear near the stairs of your apartment complex. It was exactly like the one Zac had won for you at the Arcade for one of your dates. The resemblance was uncanny and made you wonder if it was that very same one. At first you thought maybe it's the effect of breaking up a relationship that lasted 4 years but after a while rather than missing him less, you started missing him more.
Every now and then, you were made to revisit a sweet memory you shared with Zac. This made you reconsider your decision. Made you doubt yourself. Made you think whether breaking up with Zac was the right thing to do. Did you make a huge mistake? Will Zac take you back?
You still weren't sure if you wanted to get back with him. So you ended up deciding to find a quick and easy rebound. Maybe this would help you move on.
Finding a rebound was not difficult at all. Guys nowadays want a quick and NSA fuck mostly. So you hooked up with a good looking guy you found on Grindr. 
This guy was so nice and sex with him was also amazing. After Zac you really hadn't been much physically or emotionally available for anyone and this was a welcome change in your life.
After you guys hooked up, this man asked you if you wanted to go out sometime. You really liked him so you agreed for the date. 
You and him texted back and forth for a couple of days. After careful consideration for both your schedules, you decided on a date, which was a week later. 
Imagine your shock when you showed up to the venue that was discussed, after dressing up nice and sexy, the man did not show up. Not only that, he did not respond to any of your texts, or pick up your call. After waiting almost an hour, you concluded that you had been ghosted. 
Feeling sad due to you getting stood up, you started going back home dejected. And you were standing face to face with the last person you had expected to see. 
“Y/n, what are you doing here?” Zac asked, feigning surprise.
“I could ask you the same thing,” you quipped not wanting to admit you were almost on a date.
“Well I was just passing by. But you look really nice. Very handsome. So naturally I'm curious.” He raised his arms to show that he did not mean to grill me or something. 
“I had a date, but he stood me up.” You admitted rather sheepishly remembering how Zac never made you wait. 
“He must be a fool to miss out on a date with you. I would give anything for that opportunity.” He replied earnestly. 
Seeing him and listening to his words made you feel more guilty. “I missed you,” you whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. All your thoughts and strength went away after realising how much you had missed your ex boyfriend after the break up.
“I miss you all the time,” he confessed. This made your heart melt a little. “Did you have dinner?” 
You just shook your head to indicate ‘no’. 
“Would you like to have dinner with me?” Zac asked, hopeful that you would say yes.
You just replied, “It's a date,” and dragged him along to the closest restaurant.
Over dinner, you discussed everything, including your reason for leaving him. Zac promised to make an effort to better understand your feelings and wants. You promised to let him know if it got too much so he can dial down a little. And with the help of clear and truthful communication, you both got back together.
Well truthful communication on your side at least. Because Zac had been keeping a secret from you that he was sure he would take it to his grave.
The secret was regarding how he got you. All those coincidences that led to this serendipitous moment, were no work of fate at all. They were all in the plot of the mastermind Zac Efron. 
You finding the teddy bear that looked exactly like the one you had from the arcade was because Zac kept it there. He had to go all around the town to find that exact teddy. He had memorised your schedule and positioned the teddy bear exactly in a place where you would spot him right away at the perfect time when you would be coming home from work. He also knew that you wouldn't be able to abandon such a cute teddy bear, you just would take it home with you. And what you could never know is that this seemingly harmless teddy bear was fitted with a camera and microphone by which Zac had been able to keep an eye on his darling and make sure he is safe. And if he needed to beat anyone up if you brought them home with you (which you didn't, making Zac believe that you still love him). 
The fact that he could jerk off to your naked body was just an added benefit. He could see all your actions and he did not believe it to be wrong because he was just taking care of you. 
Every time you would see something related to Zac, it was because he had planned it that way. And he was glad he did because he finally got to have you back.
Now that he had you, he planned to never let you go away from him. No matter how far he had to go.
Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated. Also my requests are open!!
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myuniverseinabox · 4 months
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New reference for my specialist little rat boy
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butterpuffed · 7 days
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shimmy shimmy ya shimmy ya shimmy yay drank swalala
Pacs human design isn’t final since I’m not happy w the colors bu t tada
Also, family tree!
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( it’s a lot more gigantic in reality I just cannot draw allat )
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Yeah that’s all
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starroola · 1 month
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couple goalz
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errolluck · 11 months
MORE PMaTGA memes I did because I couldn't sleep AGAIN
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flowersforparamore · 1 year
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aurelion-solar · 6 months
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Durian Defender Rammus, Choo-Choo Ornn, Toy Terror Cho'gath, Cheddar Chief Twitch & Zesty Dip Zac!
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ell-arts · 11 months
PMATGA Headcanons: Surnames
This thing has been a headscratcher for as long as I have been a fan of the show. Or it might be just me-
But I've always struggled to imagine what some of the characters' surnames/last names could be. Especially the main trio. Mostly because it's tricky to come up with surnames that would fit them, and something in line with the show's running theme of naming things after geometry or character-specific quirks.
We know that Stratos' last name is Spheros (derived from stratosphere) and thus it's also Betrayus' surname. We know of Mr Strictler, who only revealed his surname and never his first name, so we can deduce that Sherry's last name is Strictler (she's his daughter). Then there's Mr Dome, Ms Globular, Sir Cumference, etc. But other than these characters, we never really heard of any other surnames mentioned in the show.
There is Spheria Suprema, and hey it could be probable that that is her surname, but I'm leaning a bit more towards the idea that it's her celebrity name/Pac-Pong champion title/nickname rather than her actual given surname. The chances of Spheria being given a name that rhymes with a descriptive title such as 'Suprema' at birth is a little slim if you ask me (this is just my rationalisation, don't come at me xD)
So that leaves us with the rest of the cast. I've seen some really creative attempts from the fandom to give the characters their surnames. So much so that I can't really come up with any good ones in comparison xD
But hey, these are the best I could come up with, along with some headcanons or reasons for why I chose them. Subject to change!
Pac Orbon (Yellow Orbs, duh...)
Cylindria Eden (based on the Garden of Eden, and sounds hippy-ish)
Spiral Logarith (based on the logarithmic spiral in math)
Elliptica Spheros (her mother kept her last name)
Sir Perimet Cumference (his first name is based on perimeter (of a circle), which can be shortened to 'Peri' but he still prefers 'Sir C')
Trayus Rotundin Spheros (he changed it to Betrayus Sneakerous Spheros as part of his rebellion-turned-revolt)
Zac Orbon (again, yellow orbs...)
Sunny Orbon (maiden name was Sunny Solari - a play on sol and solar, from the sun - which is also round and yellow)
Spheria Solari (tends to go by Spheria Suprema, her celebrity name, since that's what many people know her as)
Specter Eidolon (greek for 'idol' or 'phantom')
Blinky "Shadow" Scarlos (based on 'scarlet')
Inky "Bashful" Whimson (based on 'whimsical')
Pinky "Speedy" Chacier (Old French for "chase/hunt")
Clyde "Pokey" Oren (just based on orange, but can also have different meanings depending on the language)
[The Ghost Gang's names are a combination of lore that I've found relating to the original Pac-Man games. For example, Inky's original name in the retro games was Bashful, and his Japanese name is kimagure, which means 'whimsical', hence Whimson.]
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urlocalbowserfangirl · 5 months
PMATGA Headcanons: Sexualities
Pac (Pac-Man or Pacster): Bisexual
Spiral: Non-Binary
Cylindria: Lesbian
Sir Cumference: Straight
President Spheros: Gay Rotunda Spheros: Straight
Spheria Suprema: Straight
Skeebo: Aromantic
Sherri (Braces) Strictler: Genderfluid
Elliptica Spheros: Bisexual
Zac: Straight
Sunny: Straight
Sydney Lee Miller: Bisexual
Lord Betrayus: Bisexual
Blinky: Intersex
Inky: Non-Binary
Pinky: Pansexual
Clyde: Bigender
Dr. Buttocks: Transgender
Butt-ler: Gay
Specter: Gay
Apex: Gay
Professor Pointybrains: Straight
Tip: Straight ally
Mayumi (Sydney's older sister): Straight ally
Quinn (Sydney's younger sister) : Straight
Kenzo: (Sydney's baby brother): Straight
Pazma Miller (Sydney's mother): Straight
Radian Miller (Sydney's father): Straight
Grandma Miller (Sydney's grandmother): Straight
Grandpa Miller (Sydney’s Grandfather): Straight
Uncle Cubois (Sydney's uncle): Straight
Aunt Triangularina (Sydney's aunt): Straight
Haruki and Himari: Straight
Daniella Spheros (Sydney's future daughter and Nether Princess): Bisexual
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gays4guys · 6 months
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Michael via Snapchat 4-5-24
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myuniverseinabox · 7 months
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my bois but honse 💚💜
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