#*writerblr getting called out
cowboybrunch · 7 months
writerblr intro
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hi! i'm sav (she/her). i'm a twenty-something poet turned novelist.
i mostly write character-driven stories with unreliable narrators and complex villains. if that sounds like your kind of thing, hop in!
i love tag games (please tag me please please) but it might take me a while to get to them
feel free to say hi! let me know what you're reading! tell me about your WIPs! and my final demand: have a great day!
Poems/Journal Dumps
WIP Intros:
Burden of the Reluctant Death (revising)
“Energy,” he says finally, so quiet that I strain to hear him. “The universe is saturated with it. It’s how I can read your thoughts, how I can travel through shadows. When someone dies, their soul is… recycled. Turned into sparks that Mortae can use for various purposes.” “That’s a comforting thought.” He turns his attention towards me, letting the coin fall. “Is it?” I nod, biting my lip as I try to find the words. “Nobody is ever really gone, then. Just returned, like water evaporating from the ocean and coming back down as raindrops.”
Character Introductions
Judas Wept (finished)
A prequel to Burden of the Reluctant Death that follows Elias as he tries to balance loyalty, love, and duty.
He does not remember his first thought after he dies, likely something so inane that even white-knuckle sifting through his wretched brain leaves him with nothing but a resounding headache. He does, however, remember his second thought: Christ alive, that sucked, and his third: Why is there a beautiful woman straddling me?
Posted here
Dust to Dust (first draft in progress)
A murder mystery with necromancy, ghosts, politics, and an absolutely non-sentient skeleton.
The rattling of bones warned her approach. She kept the skeleton with her when she was nervous, and she was nervous more often than not, try as she might to deny it. Nobody else would’ve been able to tell; her anxiety manifested as bursts of irritation, often lashing out at whoever (or whatever) was nearest. Robbie had known her for far too long and was not fooled. Most thought her immature and youthfully rebellious, a phase she’d grow out of— or not. It was of no consequence. She was not the heir, only the younger sister. Her fits did not matter. She also had greater necromantic ability than the crown prince. This did not matter either.
Posted here
You Were Warned About the Forest
You were warned about the forest. Mama told you that the trees speak when the sun goes down. Mama told you not to speak back, even if they’re calling your name. Especially if they’re calling your name. You’re young though, so when the moon comes out, you think, Mama would tell me not to breathe if she thought the air would tickle my lungs. That’s how you end up here, half-blind and dead tired and not lost.
A twine game! Play it here!
Untitled Vampire Story (first draft in progress)
“You are exactly how he described you.” She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a neatly folded paper, extending it towards me. “The prodigy. Nicolai’s assassin.” “In the flesh.” I take the paper from her, unfolding it and skimming over the names. Seven, and none that I recognize. “Any special requests? Parting remarks, items you’d like me to leave, messages you’d like me to relay?” She grins, fangs glinting in the dim moonlight. “You’re not one for small talk, are you?” I don’t reply, proving her point. “Start at the top and go down the line. I want them to know you’re coming. I want them afraid. Your dagger in their heart will be enough of a message, don’t you think?”
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drchenquill · 2 months
✨ Writerblr intro ✨
[Because my old one was crusty and in dire need of a revamp]
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Hello lovely person who stumbled upon this blog! I'm glad to have you and I welcome you to my writeblr! Let's start with a little writer introduction, shall we?
About me~
✨ 21+
✨ she/her
✨ You can call me anything you want! I don't have preferences in names!
✨ Animal lover! (proud owner of four dogs and four cats!)
✨ English is NOT my first language. Motherlanguages are Italian-German.
✨ I only write in German so everything you see here got translated.
✨ You can go check out my Pinterest where you can find boards of some of my OCs!
About my writing~
My favorite genres to write in are fantasy and romance (I dabble in other genres, but those are my main ones). I just love the fluff, the angst, the magic, everything to do with those genres.
I have a lot of WIPs, and I won't bore you by listing them all (because, let's be honest, the number can change at any moment.) But I do have some stories I've finished and translated that I can list!
Who's to judge?
"Humans, vampires. They always existed, they always fought for a place in this vast world. Some succeed, some lose themself in the journey to freedom. Thana was different. She never fought, she never stepped out of line. Thana gave up. She had nothing to fight for, nothing to hold onto.
But what would happen if one accident forces her out of her comfort zone? What would happen if she had to fight for something she had long forgotten? Fight for people she thought meant nothing to her?"
The Monster's Pearl
"There was once a castle. It was huge and dark, not a soul dared to go near it. It was called "The Gate of the Underworld" because a lonely man lived there. Rumor had it that he was a demon who had crawled out of hell.
There was once a simple family. They had a healthy boy. He had black curls. They were so dark that even the night was afraid to get lost in them. His eyes were so bright that even the sun had to look away to avoid being blinded. His voice silenced the birds so that they could listen to him.
The little boy grew up healthy, unaware of the background to his birth. On his eighteenth birthday, he received two suitcases and a letter that would change his whole life.
Will he be able to adjust to his new life, or will he throw it all away?"
The Shadow of Her Dreams
[currently being translated]
"Molly Potts is an ordinary young woman who lives with her family in a small village in the middle of nowhere. Despite her peaceful life, she feels a great need to leave, to go somewhere where she can experience something instead of dying of boredom. But her monotonous life is quickly thrown off course when she and her brother discover something that will shake up their entire lives. And who is this woman who keeps appearing in her dreams?"
Fantasy/Adventure/Romance/Greek Mythology insipired
Short Stories
"As the title already explains, this is a collection of short stories that are too short to become a book, but still wanted to be told."
a lot of different genres
There are some WIPs I mentioned here and there, so I will make a little introduction for those~
Him and Me - Bound by Fate
"Leon Martens. A young art teacher ready to start a new life. He has a new job, a new apartment and maybe a change for peace. Sure, he struggles with human interactions and he'd rather not meet any humans in general, but he's happy with what he has. But since fate was something Leon couldn't prevent, he was thrown into a whirlwind of situations that made him question reality and, more than once, his own mental stability."
"Daisy ran, she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She fled from a fate that was being forced upon her. She fled from her pack, or rather, from her alpha. The young Daisy was an omega. Ever since she was born, she knew that being born an omega was a curse. Her alpha believed that she belonged to him, that he could mark her, but Daisy wouldn't let that happen. Daisy wanted freedom, but what if her freedom led her into another pack? Will they be the same? And who is this nameless alpha that is considered as monster but manages to make her forget her fear?"
The Memories of The Future
"Sophie is an easily excitable, cheerful young girl. She lives with her aunt after her parents tragically passed away. Unfortunately, she doesn't remember much about them since she was just a baby. Her aunt and her border collie, Pepper, are the only ones Sophie has in her heart, and she'll spend the rest of her life with them. The only problem with her idyllic life is that little old Sophie has the attention span of a squirrel and it's hyperactivity. She misplaces, forgets, runs around, misplaces again, and those silly dreams and sudden flashes don't help. Also, who is this tall man who suddenly appears and claims that Sophie has visions? No, those are not visions, she just has a very vivid imagination, right?"
"Adelaide Blackmore, the gossip of all Povington. Growing up as the youngest of four children, with three full-grown and well-behaved sons, she was the worst thing that could have happened to her parents. Wild red hair that the maid had to style every day in vain. Her chemise dresses always had to be dark in color, as she didn't feel the need to avoid puddles or stay out of mud. The look in her dark eyes was penetrating, never receding. She grew up with three brothers, her whole childhood was spent fighting with the boys, so her noble mother couldn't expect her to grow up as a lady, not when she had to assert herself on a daily basis.
But Adelaide must be married, or her poor mother may never rest in peace. Enter Mr. Duncan Gilingham. A young man in his early 30s, he has just moved to Povington with his dear mother to find peace in the country. How nice, he was not married yet! But… oh dear, no wonder he is not married, the poor man was blind. How will Adelaide deal with this? Will she have pity on him, or is not even his blindness safe from her sharp tongue? How will she react when she finds in him a match for her rude nature, a man she thought incapable of taking care of himself?"
You can read it directly here!
Chapter 1 - The Beginning
I am not a big rambler because I don't want to annoy anyone but I'm always open to questions or any sort of interactions. Also, i'm very tag game friendly!
Thank you for reading this far, I appreciate it! You are an amazing human being, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
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authorcoledipalo · 1 month
- Writerblr Interview -
Thank you for tagging me @the-golden-comet
Wow, I've got a lot of tags to respond to!
Short stories, novels, or poems?
Novels, I have thought about writing short stories, but my stories aren't usually short enough.
What genre do you prefer reading?
Fantasy, gotta read what you write! But I do dabble in reading a few other genres just to see what styles I could be missing out on.
Are you a planner or a write as I go kind of person?
Definitely a planner. I can't pants my work, I overthink too much and jump around a lot.
What music do you listen to while writing?
The playlist I listen to is mostly punk rock i think. It started out as my "mowing the lawn" playlist and I started having a lot of really good ideas while listening so now I also listen to it while writing, sometimes.
Favorite books/movies?
I very much dislike choosing because there are so many good ones but I also can't remember whenever asked.
Any current WIPs?
The Daughter of Magic! It's the one I'm writing right now.
There is also a few others that I cannot wait to get started on!
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you what would your standard outfit be?
T-shirt and cargo shorts. Call me vest-less Dipper Pines but it's usually too hot in Florida to wear anything else and I'm not great with fashion but I try when it's cold enough to wear anything more.
Create a character description of yourself:
I've always gone with athletic and maybe almost average height for now. Also, I know way more about my characters descriptors than I should know myself haha.
Do you like incorporating actual people you know into your writing?
Sometimes I'll use similar names in WIP or use their personality for a character.
Are you kill happy with your characters?
When I first started planning the original version of this series I wanted it to be edgy and kill happy. Now I understand that you HAVE TO GROW YOUR CHARACTERS so that when they do eventually die, it has way more impact.
But yes I am still a bit kill happy.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
I don't usually eat or drink while writing but if I had to choose it would 100% be tea.
Slow or fast writer?
I am once again very bad with scaling so I want to say slow but I've also created the entire outline / draft ish thing in only a few months.
Where/who/what do you draw inspiration from?
I always say my mom, she's a self published Author and I've always wanted to write because of her.
If you were in a fantasy world, what would you be?
I would be really happy because there would be actual problems that I could fight. So, I'd probably be an adventurer.
Most fav book cliche:
When the main characters or antagonists are much more complex than anticipated and then the story expands exponentially after the plot twist.
Least favorite cliche:
stealing this from @the-golden-comet but definitely characters that exist for no reason other than to check off a box.
Favorite scene to write?
Fight scenes. Just action is really cool.
Reason for writing?
It's fun, something to do, I really like it.
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theink-stainedfolk · 2 months
Writerblr Interview
Thank you for the tag @drchenquill ♡♡♡
Short stories, novels or poems?
I like reading and writing both Short stories and Novels. Poems are hard for me to write and even harder to understand 😭😭😭😭 all my friends that i made in school/college are great poetess and i always try my best to support them though their poetry is often confusing my braincells.
What genre do you prefer reading?
I prefer reading Crime Thriller, Psychological Thriller, Suspense, Political Intrigue,YA Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Enemies to Lovers and Magical Realism. Lately I've been scooting towards Adult fantasy or what most people would call "Dark Academia ". Also, i don't really mind if the characters are queer or not. To me, sexuality doesn't define a good story or characters, though it adds a bit of more charm to them.
What genre do you prefer writing?
Same as the above, but with romance.
Are you a planner or a write-as-i-go kind of person?
When i plan things for my wips, they don't go as i plan. So i am the 2nd type. Because i came to believe that in order to write the story, the story must also progress itself.
What music do you listen to while writing the story?
I usually don't but i have this playlist of my favourite songs that i can listen in any situation. Sometimes i try to listen the songs based of the situation happening in my wip but the songs sometimes are super boring.
Fav books/movies
There are so many I'd rather not write it here. I'll just say some of my favourite books are Sorcery of Thorns, The Caraval Series, A Good Girl's Guide To Murder series, Babel, Piranesi and The Will of The Many. Etc..
Any Current WIPs?
Yes... so many... too many...😭😭😭😭 Thorn-Kissed ,
Legacy of Creation , Shades of Erudition, The Masque of Murder, Whispers of Shadow and love, The Veil of Allegiance etc..
If someone were to make a cartoon out of you, what would your standard outfit be?
Very nice question. It would be abaya obviously but beneath it, I imagine my standard outfit would be a stylish yet practical ensemble. I'd likely wear a well-fitted jacket or blazer with a subtle pattern, paired with a comfortable, versatile top underneath. My pants would be sleek, maybe dark jeans or tailored trousers, allowing me to move freely. I'd have a pair of sturdy but fashionable shoes, perhaps ankle boots but i also love me some knee-length boots because it's hot. Accessories would include a distinctive watch and maybe a scarf or a book bag, reflecting my love for stories and creativity. Overall, my outfit would balance sophistication with comfort.😁
Create a character description of yourself
Meet me, a confident writer with a secret: I'm actually a self-conscious mess when it comes to my looks (don't mind my frazzled hair and questionable fashion choices). My brain is a storytelling factory, bursting with ideas and characters begging to be set free. But honestly, I just want to escape my stressful home life and find a peaceful cave where I can write in peace. As an ambivert, I can charm you (or not, depends on my mood) and engage in witty banter, but don't be fooled – I need my alone time to recharge. My sharp tongue and sarcasm might come across as rude, but deep down, I'm a squishy emotional marshmallow. When I'm not writing, you can find me binge-reading, K-pop/J-pop dancing, or obsessing over K/C/J/T dramas (don't judge me). Just be warned: I can talk for hours about my passions, but also respect my need for solo time – it's like refueling my creative tank! Friendships are my jam, but apparently, my friends don't prioritize them as much (ouch, harsh reality check!). Despite that, I remain a loyal and caring friend, always ready to lend a listening ear or a sarcastic quip. In conclusion, I'm a lovable, quirky writer with a heart of gold (i hope so), a dash of sass, and a whole lot of creativity. Just don't mind my insecurities, and we'll get along fabulously!
Do you like incorporating people you actually know into your writing?
No, not really. But i think i did it once or twice.
Are you kill-happy with the characters?
Sometimes i do it for the story and atmosphere (bye Hiram,sorry but Gentian didn't deserve you) i kill antagonists but i don't know honestly. But i do kill if necessary.
Coffee or Tea while writing?
Neither. Just my tears 🥲👍🏻
Slow or Fast writer?
I'm in the middle. Sometimes when the idea strikes, i write in a hour or so. But sometimes I'm just staring at the ceiling.
Where/who/what do you find inspiration from?
Anything anywhere anyone.
If you were put into a fantasy world, what would you be?
A very lethargic peraon with no motivations or anything. I hope it remains that way, but since this is a fantasy world, my peaceful life will come to an end due to some traguc events and someone will provoke me and my sole motivation will ignite.
Most fave book cliche?
👀 [redacted] just kidding. Enemies to lovers, fist/daggers talk instead of pillow talk. Enemies, one sided enemies, rivals. And they were roomates, one bed, fake dating to escape the situation, hidden heir, fake stranger, mysterious stranger,etc.
Least fave book cliche?
Brother's friend.... teacher student romance... insta love, mary sue protagonist, rich guy poor woman, love interest with no personal goals, stereotypical villains, stereotypical diverse characters, unrealistic relationships, cliched character archetypes, rushed endings, etc.
Fave scenes to write?
Anything with heavy feels. Like angst, romantic scene, character death, plot twist reveals, distressing situations etc.
Most productive time of day for writing?
When the inspiration is there, any time is fine but mostly at night.
Reason for writing?
Because i love writing stories and love sharing it to others in hope that they'll also enjoy as much as i do. My reason is simple.
I'll tag @finickyfelix @willtheweaver @leahnardo-da-veggie @illarian-rambling @winglesswriter @paeliae-occasionally @the-golden-comet @graveyardshift111 @thecomfywriter @roarintheheavens
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?" for every WIP you have :)
oh boy okay let's buckle in and try to answer this:
originally, volume 1 and volume 2 of tov was one singular book because i was delusional and forgot formatting made my 657 page book over 1000 pages
anyways, the ogog draft of tov was born (i'm assuming) because of my obsession of my dragons? i genuinely don't know i was 6 years old. the rewrite was because i was bored at a pre-wedding ceremony (i'm indian so there are like... 20 different rituals and this one was slow to start because things were getting delayed) and decided to go wandering in the mountains/hills, which reminded me of the volcano in soilaila, which reminded me this book existed. so i decided to spend the wedding writing the first 3 chapters of tov on my mom's iphone's notes app. i proceeded to get obsessed, and the rest is history.
i've mentioned this in a previous post but a poem i read during my dark academia dasam granth studies (i define dark academia by the person i become when i study the dasam granth lol) is what inspired the personality for lotf's main character, evan. i'll share a fun (and embarrassing) fact tho...
evan's name is based off the one and only crush i had in middle school. i HATEDDDD the fact that i had a crush on this person (i just don't like crushes in general, and it was my first time having a proper crush, so needly to say i was distrESSED) so in order to sort my feelings out, i took the guy's name and gave it to my character. surprisingly, it worked, and now i lowkey can't call the original guy by his real name, because in my head, his name doesn't belong to him anymore LMAOO
but yeah. poem + crush + what if scenario for a post-tov world resulted in the lotf series
my imaginary friends and roleplay games! i used to play these games with my sister where i would "transform" into the superhero character, Neha, and my sister would "transform" into her twin sister, "Serina". And we'd go on these superhero adventures in this abstract world in order to defeat the big bad villain. Imagine "the floor is lava" x "punching the sofa and wrestling the air" x "figure skating on hardwood floors in socks" x "spinning around in dizzying circles" x "rolling down hills" x "climbing walls, roofs, and trees", but on steroids and with a consistent, continuous plot.
the doll games i played with my barbies, monster high dolls, and bratz! it was so detailed and for WHAT.
honestly, it wasn't that serious until my sister got mad at me one day and beheaded my favourite doll. that is the ONLY reason why the TIS series became so dark-sided and transformed into a high fantasy political murder mystery whose plot kickstarts with the assassination of the doll she killed.
yeah. you heard that right.
rather than 5 year old me deciding, oh this doll is gone? let me just move on and play games without her, I decide to make her death A PLOT POINT.
deadass, what was wrong with me?
alrighty. i condensed the explanations a bit. forgive me, friend. if you have follow up questions though, don't hesitate to ask! asks, dms, and discord chat is always open!
here's a link to the writerblr discord, where writers can chat, share their wips, collaborate with other writers to create unique projects, and promote their work!
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lilianafoster · 7 months
Someone made a fantastic point that I saw wanting to get into Writerblr, more so giving bullet points to their story and what they are working on. So I figured I would write a few bullet points of my process and what my story is about.
- Set in a medieval fantasy world called Lyvania
- There's magic, mystery, shape-shifters, and a long history that dates far back even before a great war that set the world into place where the story takes place now.
- An arranged marriage, my inspiration from Beauty and the Beast. Both are seen as monsters to most of those around them, yet eventually, they don't see each other as the monsters people claim them to be.
The story is centered around my main character, Rosalie, who is thrusted into an arranged marriage to the Duke of Elysium. She's heard many tales of how much of a horrible man he is from others, including her brother. She hates the idea of marrying someone just out of political achievement, but there's not much she can do against the will of her father. No one for years wanted to marry her because of who she is, a horrible beast lot would say.
But here came this man who looked at her with indifference, not even a single speck of fear in his eyes.
Past that day, they married and her only thought was... at least if she was going to die, it wasn't going to be by the hands of her father anymore.
It's all still very early on in writing. Currently, I've been working on my first draft and ideas. But I wanted to continue to share with everyone.
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Writerblr Intro
About me:
Y'all can call me Cat or Wanderer.
I'm 18 years and several months.
I jump from project to project, so you can expect a lot of different content. Hopefully, it will be all writing stuff, but with a brain like mine, you can never know what will happen.
I am more than happy to be included in tag/ask games. I'll do my best to respond to them but again, I can't make any promises.
The most recent ones... as I said... I jump around a lot...
A Bloody Anti-hero
An illegal weapon dealer, Vasily, gets picked up off the streets to be sacrificed to a nearby nation's gods in an attempt to avoid war. He avoids this fate only to end up serving his country's prince. He quickly figures out that something is off about the royal family and learns the dark history behind the prince's birth. But is the prince really the monster or is there someone else behind the witchcraft? Vasily must find the truth before he becomes the villain's next victim.
Robbery and Rebellion
A sci-fi story about a bunch of aliens (and one human) who must restore the government from the chaos that was caused by a rebellion. To do this, they must: Rob the most powerful slaver market in the galaxy; find a kid they didn't know was lost; crown a king who doesn't want to rule; and avoid loosing more limbs than necessary.
Creepstake Tony
The main character finds herself caught in the mess that is the life of Tony, a strange boy with a even stranger history. Unfortunately, Tony likes her, a lot. And the people that Tony likes have a bad habit of dying. So, Tony treats her like trash in an attempt to avoid this. And she tries to befriend him so that he'll stop treating her badly. And in the end...
That's all about me for the moment. I'm happy to be a part of the community!
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abalonetea · 9 months
Okay so my writerblr won't let me send asks for some reason, so I'm sending this via my main and signing it with my writerblr name lol, sorry
My question is how do you write so many words all the time? I'm genuinely impressed!
Okay, so this absolutely isn’t going to be the answer you’re looking for, but I used to do speed challenges? Like, with the sheer intention of writing faster. I’m a freelance writer by trade, and I don’t get paid until my work is completed, sent in, and approved. That means that how much I make each week is based purely around how quickly I can type.
So, back when I first started writing for a living, I could do 10k words every three days. And that just was so not helpful! Keep in mind back then, I only made about $50 per every 10k (my rates have since raised by a lot but this was at the very start, when I was seventeen). Eventually, freelance writing became my only job and not just a side job.
That means I had to up my word count per day by a LOT! $50 every three days? That wasn’t going to pay the bills or feed the family! So I started timing myself. How much did I write every fifteen minutes? How much did I write every hour? Did sitting up or laying down help me write faster? Did I write faster with or without looking at the keyboard? What rewards could I give myself for reaching new speed milestones?
Eventually, I could do 10k words in an eight hour time span! That was better! But my work days were still so long. So I decided that I wanted a goal of 2k words every hour. And I just kept practicing at what I call speed typing until I could reach that. I will say, it’s hard on the hands and the computer. The faster you type, the harder you slam your fingers down on the keys. That means the keyboard goes up quickly, and your fingers (at least for me, with fibromyalgia) will start hurting by the end of a five or six hour typing session.
It’s also all about figuring out what’s a distraction. I can’t speed-type if there’s a movie on or a playlist that I haven’t heard a lot (so no new songs) or in complete silence.
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minutiaewriter · 2 years
Nothing makes me happier/helps me out more than a reblog of my writerblr intro or my “What is Hera: To Catch a Star About?” post. Please help spread the word/support Hera’s debut novel guys <3
Check it out and see what you think! I get more excited for TCAS’s release by the day!
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deltascript · 6 months
In a stunning turn of events, I have some writing advice.
I've noticed in the writerblr (writrblr? Writblr? I have no idea) tag that people often have difficulties when it comes to worldbuilding. I understand that! Building an unfamiliar--or just barely familiar--world can seem like a daunting task. There are many things to consider when doing so, but during my long history of writing stories for various (required and ridiculous) reasons I've found that one method in particular works very well when it comes to making things easier:
Think like a child.
What I mean by this is sit there and think about what things would be cool or messed up to throw into a pot. What sorts of aesthetics do you like? What kind of music? Do you find a particular point in history interesting? What are different fictional properties that have elements that you are a fan of, but admire on their own? Turn off "serious writer" brain and turn on the part that was once saying stuff like "dude what if Final Fantasy X mixed with the world of Pokemon--wait, wait, wait--and there was also Labyrinth. So like, Labyrinth is in there too. And there are these boy bands, and they're important, so singing is really important... and... and..."
I call this method "wouldn't it be rad if" because you're... basically just saying "wouldn't it be rad if" or "wouldn't it be messed up if". This is how I do things--I take ideas that I get from a myriad of things and mash them together. These ideas become so divorced from their inspiration through the process of making things fit together in a cool way that in the end there's a fully realized world made up of things I'm excited to explore.
I mean it makes the whole thing super fun to me lmao I just thought it would be cool to share and stuff haha It's like cheating except you're not cheating also you're not plagiarizing. don't get it twisted. I mean you could do that accidentally if you don't change something enough, you gotta make things your own my dude. Stuff has to fit your own personal world you get? Don't just crib stuff wholesale that's messed up. also lazy wtf have some respect and pride in your work
Or do, IDK. I'm not the boss of yuo but it's not a cool move... unless it's history then knock yourself out just be careful lmao
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animezinglife · 3 years
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How mercs react to you gently reminding them about how much they love you. I got this idea from a person called @denofdreams-writerblr You should go check them out! :) Sorry this is abit like the compliment post I did so yeah enjoy.
Before you both went to battle you reminded him about how much you love him. ''Scout, Just wanna let you know that I care about you.'' He shocked. (did s/o just?...!)
*Sniff*Thanks babe. Are you crying, scout? (teasing) No, I am not! Aww, scout. He will brag about this too. Guess what guys s/o just- Ugh, what now scout... (←The whole team except pyro lol) He will also remind you about how much he loves you. Both in private and public! :))
THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS CUPCAKE! He will brag about it just like scout. He just loves you so much, he just needs to expres his butterfly feeling about it with other. MY CUPCAKE IS THE BEST! ...Has the soldier gotten more insane? (←medic) Everbody is shocked by how he can actually can melt by your simple yet kind words. Its just...soldier is always so mean to them but not to you. What made him into such a madly in love sweetheart? It is probably because of your kindness and understanding towards him :). You are such a wonderful person s/o!
Pyro is very very happy. They will hug you, cuddle with you, kiss you, head pat, everything! You are such a sweetheart! Your words are so beautiful it makes pyro flutter just like the butterflies in spring. They love hearing you saying such kind words, it makes pyro feel like they heart is on fire!
He is....melting. Help. Your gentle words are the ultimate bang in his heart. BANG! oof, my heart... He is...blushing so madly. If you tease about it he will explode or maybe faint. Pls don`t. Oh engi~ Why is your face so hot? Both visually and physically? W-What did you just!? Help. Send help. There is a bright red Texan man at the base, pls send help.
He may not react but oh boy he is a happy big boy. He is very very happy. He might even blush a little! T-Thank you s/o. Heavy loves s/o too very very much. He will treat you with a treat you like. :)) Heavy made pie for s/o. I hope they like it :) Ohhh~ Can I have a slice? (←scout) *Death glare* NO.
Oh~I love ye too, love. Your word are so kind :) He is an happy drunk boy for the next few days. Which makes him look crazy during battle, he would randomly grin/smile at that memory. Why are you smiling demoman? Oh~It`s nothing~*hick* After that memory, he gives you reminders that he loves you more often. Too often. Nothing bad with that!
This boy...is having a breakdown in his head *sniff* Why are you so...NICE! He will definitely give you a flower crown. You deserve it. You are his queen/king/love. :)) *Floof*...! *you look up and there is a flower crown hmm?* What? *you find a paper tied to it* Your words are gentle just like these flowers. Ohh Sniper you little cheeky shy sniper. *Sniper from like behind a wall watching s/o`s reaction.* (I think they like it :). ) Hell yeah, flower crowns there are awesome.
I think I am lovesick again. Lol. He blushes red. Medic used flirty doctor. But, it failed. (does anybody get this reference idk) Anyway, he is blushing red. If you tease about it instead, he gonna faint. Oh~Medic you look lovesick, do you want the treatment~? I-I *You surprise kiss him* You okay now love? (s/o`s smug face) *nosebleed* Oh no! Are you okay!? Medic! You know why does he get to be a flirty boy every time! sometimes you wanna tease him too you know?
This fancy man is going to cry. You reminding him how you love him is like the whole world. You are just the sweetest. He is gonna cry about this, he is just really happy. He gonna silently hug you/ pat your head when you reminded him. He just can`t describe how happy he is. You are truly the light in his life that can actually make him really loved. He loves you dearly, but the more you remind him the more he will fall in love and be able to express himself better.
Woo! That was fun, lol. Medic boy cant flirt oh no :<. Hehe its okay he will get you next time~! Flirty medic oof. Anyway bye bye!
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Start Here! Updated 03.17.24
Hello Writerblr, we finally meet! I realize I’ve had this blog for what feels like a century and I haven’t introduced myself.
You can call me KT! Here’s a bit about me:
pronouns she/they
A current undergrad studying systems engineering - I’m going into my sophomore year - I’ve always like programming and the programming languages that I know are Java, C++, and JavaScript
Likes: Dark chocolate, chapter titles, science of all kinds, the color purple
Writing experience:
8+ years writing; I wrote some novella length projects, but recently I’ve been writing more short stories to improve how I structure plot and characterization
Genres I typically write: I’ve been branching out into sci fi and contemporary, but I’ve mostly written fantasy (various types) in the past
Favorite tropes to write: Ballroom anything, witches, and best friends that feel like siblings
What You Can Expect From random-writing-run-ons:
Reblogs of writing prompts, supporting other writeblrs
Excerpts of current projects, insight into what inspires me 
My goals: Be more open about my creative projects, gain insight from others about their writing, and eventually publish something!
I’m looking forward to getting to know you all!
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seven-oomen · 3 years
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Writerblr Introduction
Writing, it's one of those things that everyone can learn. For some of us it's just in our blood because no matter what we do, we will always end up here. Writing our little hearts away. I am no different. I write because something in me calls out, something in me has to tell these stories. And for some reason I can't stop doing it.
I'm currently trying to get the funding for a service dog, if you have a few bucks to spare, or want to help me out, please share this post:
Now you're probably thinking; that's great but who are you?
Well, let me introduce myself and my blog:
Ben. 33 years old. Dutch. Gemini. Transmasc, He/Him. ADHD, Autistic. Self proclaimed disaster Bi & aroace (It’s complicated). INFP. Cat parent. Movie & Video game enthousiast. Dinosaur & Bird of prey obsessed.
Genres that I write:
LGBTQ Romance. Fantasy. Paranormal. Contemporary. Adult.
Favorite tropes:
Found Family. Enemies (to friends) to lovers. Second chance at love. Unlikely Friendships. Big strong burly dude is a softie around kids. All the weaknesses, none of the strengths. Anti-hero. Everyone is morally grey. Satan is the good guy. Angels are dicks. The asshole becomes one of the good guys. Everybody heals from trauma. Angst with happy ending. Whump. Reluctant monster.
Please check out my statement on transformative works below! I have different thoughts on different types of fanworks, so check the section for the fanwork you are interested in creating:
Podfics: Please check in with me before creating podfic based off my fanworks. You can reach out to me via Tumblr; seven-oomen.tumblr.com or email me at [email protected]
Translations: Please check in with me before creating translations based off my fanworks. You can reach out to me via Tumblr; seven-oomen.tumblr.com or email me at [email protected]
Fanart: I welcome fanart based off of my fanworks! If you create fanart based on my fanwork, there’s no need to notify or credit me beyond using the “Inspired by” link on AO3.
Recursive Works (eg Prequels/Sequels): Please check in with me before creating recursive works based off my fanworks. You can reach out to me via Tumblr; seven-oomen.tumblr.com or email me at [email protected]
Remixes: Please check in with me before creating remixes based off my fanworks. You can reach out to me via Tumblr; seven-oomen.tumblr.com or email me at [email protected]
Fanbinding: I welcome fanbinding based off of my fanworks! Please only share non-editable typeset files (such as PDFs) with other fans. Please only handbind my fanworks (no printing service). If you create fanbinding based on my fanwork, there’s no need to notify or credit me beyond using the “Inspired by” link on AO3.
Other Transformative Works: Please check in with me before creating other types of fanworks based off my fanworks. You can reach out to me via Tumblr; seven-oomen.tumblr.com or email me at [email protected]
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lunawritten · 4 years
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hi there! this’ll be my very first post for the studyblr / writerblr / writeblr communities! so exciting! i wanted to go ahead and write up an introduction for everyone new to my blog ♡
- ̗ ̀ about me  ̖ ́-
i just changed my major this week (astrophysics -> IT)
i'm a third year astrophysics student with minors in creative writing, IT for game dev, and mathematics now i'm an IT major  i waited till the spring semester of my third year to change my major :// don’t be like me kids
i'm 21!!
i go by he/him and she/her but have a strong preference for he/him when online
call me luna / eric / lunawritten, whichever you prefer!
i'm bi, and you could also say i'm ace and aro too
friends describe me as creative, nice, and a little bit looney 
- ̗ ̀ interests  ̖ ́-
writing, of course! 
reading, although who has time for that nonsense in college?
going to coffee shops
forcing my friends to come to coffee shops with me
video games 
learning to code / beginner game development
authortube on youtube
dnd / critical role
forcing my friends to play weird board games with me
- ̗ ̀ writerly things  ̖ ́-
i have many book ideas, but there’s one lovely project that i call my ‘main series’ that owns my heart and soul, and i’ve been working on it for 8 years now ♡♡
word count goals
here we go! so, let me just say that i’ve only been seriously writing since august 2020, which was about 7 months ago i'm currently working on the first draft of Book 2 in my main series, which i’ve been slowly but surely writing since august when an academic semester is going, i try to write at least twice per week, averaging 2k per session for other months of the year, i try to write 600 words each day my monthly goal is always 18k
drafting goals
my plan is to finish draft 1 of Book 2 by May 2021 the drafting of Book 3 will hopefully commence by August 2021, which gives me a few months to brainstorm and do diligent research beforehand the hope for writing Book 3 will be around the same timeframe as Book 2, so 8ish months then draft 1 of Book 4 will start near the summer of 2022  and who knows when i’ll get to the next book?
publishing goals
well, no true goals at the moment! my only aspiration i'm aiming for is to traditionally publish Book 1 before i'm 30
- ̗ ̀ studyblr  ̖ ́-
i am ever so fond of the studyblr / writerblr / writeblr / nanowrimo communities! i’ve always wanted to be apart of them and make my own content
productivity! this’ll push me to post what i’ve done, or haven’t done, throughout the day and keep me on track
i want to be much more productive in hobbies other than writing, such as
making my first rpg video game (with udemy’s help) learning digital art figuring out the divinity engine 2 reading nonfiction books about emotions and such taking longer walks
i'm planning on posing weekly at first, and amping it up when camp nano hits in april
- ̗ ̀ nanowrimo  ̖ ́-
i love nanowrimo
i'm seriously such a sucker for nano; the atmosphere of writers coming together and writing is just so inspiring for me
i frequent the forums a lot
my dream is to attend an actual in-person write-in someday
my camp project this april 2021 is finishing up Book 2!
♡ feel free to message about anything, really ♡
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keerkeh · 3 years
Spare beta readers please?
Is writerblr around? Idk how to find it!! I'm looking for beta readers or an accountability partner for this project I've been working on since October last year. It's still untitled so I just call it 'the story' lmao. I definitely need help with the title too....anyway, here are some details:
It's an original btw
Two kids discover an alternate version of their city and claim it as their new kingdom. With no plans of returning home, they are declared missing and a trio from back home venture out to find them. The rescue party is split up on the way between the worlds and they are faced with a calamity that threatens to wipe out their old world from existence.
fantasy with a tiny hint of time and space travel
themes of pride, creating change, and rejection of the mundane
the main cast can be trivialized to: selfish forest warlock and her more comptenent but lazier best friend, walmart rory gilmore and his time travelling mother, an actual star that pretends to be a person, and The Only One Who Gets Any Real Work Done
Current word count: 38,000/80,000
Yes this is a 3 Act Novel and it's barely halfway through
Likewise, I am also offering to beta read! We can trade. We will get along well if you enjoy the works of Diana Wynne Jones, Neil Gaiman, and Madeline Miller. I'm not a very niche reader. I'm also influenced by Ghibli films and Bee and Puppycat in terms of the energy I try to go for.
I write and illustrate childrens' books that are unpublished but free to read online, so I do go into storywriting with YA or younger in mind.
I'm excited to connect with more people! I've been keeping quiet about this project for so long that I'm afraid I will burst. Please reblog 🥺
My DMs are open ♡
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