#*twd s8 spoilers
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thewalkingdeadband · 2 years ago
"Sorry it took me so long. I'm here."
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enid-rhees · 1 year ago
i wanna talk about this story idea but- SPOILERS FOR S8 AND 9 OF TWD !!
i want to write a fic where early on the in apocalypse, Rick took reader in as his daughter. so now, she has her siblings Carl and Judith. after they arrive in Alexandria, her and Enid start to date. flash forward to s9, reader has barely recovered from Carl’s death, but she still pushes through to be there for her parents (Rick and Michonne) and Enid and Judith. but then she witnesses Rick blow up the bridge, and she starts to lose herself again. after finding out Michonne was pregnant, she yet again had to pull herself together to help her. and after Michonne leaves to find Rick, she’s now the one who has to take care of Judith and RJ. despite it being hard to take care of them when she’s struggling to take care of herself, she still does an amazing job, of course with the help of Enid. after years, she’s beginning to think she’ll never see her parents again, and she’ll never know how to break the news to her siblings.
one day after she and Enid took the kids to school, they’re resting at home. while they’re eating together, someone yells out “they’re back!” but reader assumes it’s the whisperers attempting to get a final kill. her and Enid run outside with their guns at the gate, and it opens, only to reveal Rick and Michonne.
reader drops her gun, and stares at Rick with a wide open mouth and tears pouring down her cheeks. she doesn’t even think he’s real at first. Rick is in disbelief, seeing his daughter for the first time in over a decade, seeing how she’s grown up so much, and she’s still with the girl she loves. Rick steps forward first, putting his hands on her shoulders to see if she was real, or only a figment of his imagination. with that single touch, reader breaks down and falls into his arms, sobbing almost maniacally. they both fall to the ground while holding each other as they both cry, meanwhile Enid and Michonne start reuniting.
after everything, Rick is now impatient to see Judith again, but Michonne tells him that there’s something he should also see. reader points over to the school building.
reader goes inside to pull out Judith and RJ, and Rick is almost confused to see the small boy. but his features are so… familiar. it then hits him, and he looks over at Michonne with teary eyes again. he breaks down when Michonne confirms that RJ is their son.
Rick picks up RJ, and hugs him as tight as he could. tighter than he’s ever hugged anyone.
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horrorakemi · 8 months ago
twd s8 spoilers
eugene you make me so mad. SO MAD. all it took was a cushier life and he betrays everyone. after he got so many people killed because of his lie and RAGHHH
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albiclalepsza · 10 months ago
Twd spoilers S8
The fact that Carl says 'You said this is my show' an episode before his death is insane. Especially if you know the background of his departure from the show it just seems so foul 😭
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wolfwhiteflowers · 7 years ago
twd thoughts and on 8x09. (carl fans, dont read this.)
“Make it real” /premise
-twd spoilers and twd comic spoilers.
me as a fan, im just like in the middle of being faithful of the show rn and being a passionate fan who quits. idk yet. but i will someday. that’s how being a fan of anything happens. 
i know it’s all unpopular opinion but the way the writers did it, Carl’s death does make sense storywise, and it’s like very moving in what writers were thinking.....with the future, Henry, and Carl. And Negan. 
ok, Carl’s ‘future’ dream I think is what comic-Rick had thought about during AOWar-rebuilding ASZ better than before, and why he didn’t kill Negan (because that’s uncivilized). I really liked that part and it’s interesting how the TV writers took that and made it really special like. Carl, wow a what young man and a hero.
And it was during AOW and making it some new premise for TWD/Rick to make Carl’s dream real and setting it up for “The New Beginning”. I think that’s a good premise or for me, imo.  I noticed Skybound ...were also thinking Carl took comic-Andrea’s death. I think so too and I also think TWD show did the’ comic-Andrea’s death’ better. Well because I feel there was meaning and something that forwards to the story. In the comics during whisperer war, comic-Andrea died but I felt like nothing special happened afterwards, storywise. But it’s probably too soon to say because it’s very recent in the comics and it’s not done. ( i just realized Carl died like tv Andrea and comic Andrea. He even mentioned prison time-s3 and how they went back to ‘living’ in s4)
So it’s like TWD show writers wanted that comic-Andrea death to happen, and Gimple thought it would fit with Carl and during AOW. Well Gimple said he wanted something to make (more?) sense to have Rick change his mind and not kill Negan and prisoned him (and then Negan’s redemption. I’m guessing because of Carl’s death). I liked that it’s during AOW because it’s after the war, it’s the “New Beginning” and we see a lot of changes, goodness, and success kind of thing.
I know that Carl is very important to the story and it was like he died for Negan to live (and Michonne?) kind of thing. Like that’s dumb writing, short term plan-writing...why do the writers want to do the comic-Andrea’s death anyway? Or why not have Father Gabe or any moral compass character to die in 8x09. But I think the show can still work, IMO and that it doesn’t seem to be like destroying the show completely or disrespecting the show and character. (like omg twd fandom is so lucky and stuff. I know I have unpopular opinion but fans that give up ..like u guys are lucky in a way that you’re not alone and the media agrees. k. As a Neal fan in OUAT ..it was so shitty on how they did it and the majority didnt care. I guess it depends on a fan and any situation. Like with Star Wars TLJ-that I feel mad on what they did. But I’m still faithful to TWD so far.) But, IMO, I also feel that TWD show still works for me because it had two premises but one premise-Rick’s show is that is more where we are at and he’s still the main character. In the comics, Carl isnt a leader yet. The show’s ending soon sorta so..it’s all Rick’s show. I think even if Carl still lives in the show, I think it’s still Rick’s show just because how long the show is and I think soon the show will end. (Cast leaving, BTS drama stuff).
However with the whole death is like why did happened? sigh. it’s also like why the tv writers care about comic-Andrea’s death ..to add it. Idk. But Gimple wanted a good reason to add in the story of Negan not dying but prisoned and perhaps anything that grieving sad comic-Rick will make sense and to adapt from comics be about tv-Carl for tv-Rick (instead of tv-Michonne?). Well I just like the TV version better it makes it the war and sadness, more deserved when we see the “The New Beginning.” Comic-Andrea’s death didn’t change ..much storywise. idk. 
Idk if it’s correct but Kirkman didn’t plan to do the time-jump at first. He wanted to show how ASZ and other communities rebuild and everyone being happy. But, Michonne is sad and that kind of story is like long and not dramatic ...so he just went for a timejump. (Michonne Telltale game). I guess I’m saying the tv show made the timejump mean something and more special like.
Another thing about how the show is like not ruined completely for me is because they respected Carl (hero of ASZ) and ..I think of the premise. I think it’s about Rick. It’s interesting so far imo that we see a plot of a father losing everything. (rare plot) I think the old premise works well with the new one. At first Rick wants to save his son, and now he’s making Carl’s dream real and be a better man for Carl. 
Yeah i know it’s still sucky. Like why does the show keep killing major characters? idk. So if the show keeps sucking and all, I would just think TWD ended in s7 finale. S9 is gonna crazy. Huge change again. Kang as showrunner & Gimple chief..maybe she changes things up for the better, same, or worse. Idk maybe we’ll have a small main cast and stick with them like most shows do. Better dialouge and more interactions from our faves/ladies. idk.
Anyways, I still think the writing is done well or s4-8- as usual. (They can always be improved.) I really like how Carl’s death was like uplifting..hopeful like. But, yeah I’m still like why Carl? He’s the future the heart of the show..but ok..it’s Rick’s show.
 sigh. I was confused why have the Kingdom group plot but OMG the ending. Wow idk what you call it. Parallels/contrasts between what Carl said about living and doing what’s right, with clips of Morgan going crazy to protect a/for a kid, to Henry doing what Carl was like in s3 in, killing Gavin. I’m wondering what will happen to Henry. Will he be featured more and have the ‘psycho killer’ comic-Carl parts or is he a character that pushes Morgan to be in FTWD(comic Michonne pirate arc, I think). Idk Henry got potential for future plots. If Henry becomes one of the recurring characters, he could be like “Carl 2.0″ but I mean he got that comic-Carl pyscho parts that I think tv-Carl doesn’t really have..he’s more like a better man ..more compassionate. idk. Ofc, we don’t care as much for Henry but, I think Carol and Henry might have some future plot later on.(like Michonne and Elodie?) idk. I miss Carick... Carol with Team family. 
interesting post and comments.  TNB arc may make the show interesting again for some fans. I am interested in after the timejump but who knows if different medium works well or not and how the writers do it. Plus other BTS changes too. so idk. I just wanna see everyone what they are like and they look like after the timejump.  Also, this reminds me how ..well some annoying parts of the show may still continue..because of what Kirkman wrote and stuff. Like I think there’s more main characters separated far apart. etc.
uh basically, I think we just want to know what’s the endgame and feel sure when the show ends. Right now I feel like it’s hard to be faithful and excited about the show when the show is old, cast going away, BTS drama, and we don’t know the ending .. or what kind of ending. Story ending naturally or when AMC ends it with Negan and Daryl show. sigh. 
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@featheredcritter I HEARD YOU MISSED MY TWD MEMES SO HERE *hands u these* ON THE HOUSE FAM
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letterstotheflre · 2 years ago
carol complaining that negan took too long in killing alpha?? girl he was doing YOUR dirty work. the dirty work you couldn't even get CLOSE to completing. the dirty work you almost got 6 people killed for
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fools-craft · 2 years ago
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Jadis in that white dress post-massacre was such a look, I had to draw her. (January 2023)
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feztheshep · 3 years ago
okay at this point in the apocalypse getting bitten by one (1) single zombie is one of the lamest ways to die. dying by sickness would be more understandable than this. carl pointed a gun at negan like multiple times and he gets bit by one (1) damn walker!? there are bullets all over the place like a damn hailstorm and he dies from a dang zombo bite?! I already knew this was coming and I'm still like annoyed.
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venturebroes · 3 years ago
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rotwhyler · 4 years ago
not me crying over the death of a fucking cgi tiger in a zombie show
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itsbadpoetry · 4 years ago
"Can you tell me about Carl?"
Michonne nearly drops the plate she's washing, glancing over to where RJ plays in the other room. Judith cocks her head a bit as she gauges her mom's reaction.
"Sure," Michonne says, albiet reluctantly. "What do you want to know?"
"What was he like when I was still a baby?"
She thinks back to the prison. It was so, so long ago, but Michonne can still remember how cold it would get at night and the way the air smelled very... prison-y as if they were there just yesterday.
"I can tell you he didn't trust me when we first met. I felt like if I looked at you he'd attack," Michonne chuckles to herself.
"He was always very excited to take care of you despite not knowing the first thing about it. He, Aunt Maggie's sister, Beth, and Carol would play with you and he even sang to you once or twice."
"Is it true he always wore this hat?" In every memory Judith has of her brother, he always wore that hat.
Judith has always wondered if he ever took it off, but never knew who or how or when to ask.
"He had a farming hat," Michonne cracks a smile. "And he looked ridiculous."
Michonne's smile drops as she thinks about how much time she missed with Carl in her attempts to find the Governor. With Rick. With everyone they'd lost. She thinks maybe if she'd tried harder to find the Governor before he found his way back-
No. She can't let herself think like that. She can't fix the past. All she can do is pave a better path for the future.
Of course, Judith notices her mom's change of demeanor.
"What's wrong, mommy?"
Michonne puts on a tight smile, finally passing Judith the plate to dry. "I'm okay. I just got stuck in the past."
Judith nods, glancing back at RJ, "Do you think Carl would be happy to have a little brother?"
Michonne looks at her son as he topples down a block tower before stacking it back up. Her eyes fill with tears that she has to blink away before they fall, "I think," she takes a deep breath, steadying her voice, "I think he would have loved him more than anything. As much as he loved you and your dad."
"And you," Judith says, almost shyly.
Michonne struggles to reply, a few tears running down her face.
"He chose you for a reason, mom," Judith tells her.
She takes a deep breath as she looks at her daughter, "He'd be so proud to see you today."
Judith blinks back tears before stepping down from her step stool and wrapping her arms tightly around Michonne's waist, sniffling.
She jumps when Michonne starts to hold her, a small grin breaking out on her face as she pulls away, "Mommy, your hands are wet!"
Both break into laughter that fills the house, RJ waddling in to see what was so funny. The kids end up being chased around by Michonne and her wet hands, thoroughly tiring all three parties out.
Things are good.
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darkness-dreams-love-life · 6 years ago
I can’t ... I just don’t have it I me .....
When the season is over if it’s all stay good then I’ll get excited but after so long and 2 shows just this years screwing over my otp (and yes I supported Carol and Ez*kiel for a while doesn’t mean I gave up on Caryl I was all about MM on my screen - and the way the played that is best ignored) I cant trust in TPTB these especially these ones!!
I wanna I so wanna but I my little battered shipper heart can not take it!!
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thaliasandy · 6 years ago
And can you imagine how defensive keke would get?! He'd be like "stay away from Connie, you already stole my other girlfriend!"
And Daryl would just shrug because that's none of his business and tell him "I'm not interested man, I got my Carol at home."
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thewalkingdeadgifs · 7 years ago
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Look what you did.
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wolfwhiteflowers · 7 years ago
speculating on the future of new TWD
I haven’t really thought of what’s next after Carl’s death ..or s9. I’m like in denial or actually I just want to see how s8B goes first, and then decide and wonder. (winter hiatus ugh so much to wonder and go crazy) I guess most people are doing that or they quit now. Well I did some thinking anyways, since I keep seeing people asking ‘what about comic-Carl’s arcs?’ and not what’s the premise now?-well maybe they are asking that. 
I also speculate on other characters and my ships. my head is going crazy.
*comic spoilers! *tv spoilers!
- check out my tag #*twd s8 spoilers or #*twd for more of my thoughts.
 Anyways, so I just think anyone can take (after the time-jump) comic-Carl’s multiple plots, and the show goes like as usual-adapting and some remixing from the comics. The show have done it already with comic-Andrea(one of the big characters). So, Daryl, Enid,Henry, Judith could take some comic-Carl’s plots??? 
There’s that premise of the show, ‘father and son’ thing and seeing ‘son becoming a leader’. If the show really wants to keep continuing that same premise of ‘father and son’, then it’s like Rick and Judith playing that way, and some other arcs. I kinda wonder about Henry(kingdomer) and Carol as the mother and son trope thing. It could be Rick as father and Henry as the son/future leader and they both be that way back and forth in the story. But, that seems confusing, outdated, and well he’s not Carl. 
So, I’m hoping ep 9, the writers will say what’s the new premise or something that would make sense of when looking back at TWD as a whole. Merging both premises. (I know people have different reasons for watching. Some don’t care of the premise or casual watchers, or don’t care to look at the big picture but just to keep going forward in the story.) Um, I’m hoping to see Carl telling his dad to thank him for raising him and ... Oh I’ve seen some quotes from Riggs saying that Rick will follow Carl’s lead, his hopes. I think Rick will honor Carl. So, then the premise is changed and explained. I hope it makes sense and done right ..to me in ep 9 and on. Also, it reinforce that TWD show is always about Rick and will always be. Not like the comics, where it will be about Carl’s story. If the writers didn’t explain the new premise well and not makes sense for me, maybe I would lose interest in the show or so. I probably lose more trust on the writers (which is bad thing to feel that way). Idk just my opinion and I liked that they showed Carl as a hero in ep 8. There’s no right answer to it. (ofc also want the show to end it on the writer’s terms and not unexpectedly cancelled etc.)
The death of Carl really changes the story and really diverted from the comic’s story. Like Idk even know what Carol, Daryl, Tara, and Morgan and others will do. Even Enid too. It’s harder to speculate now. These characters that are not from the comics or living longer than the comic counterpart. There’s now more options that one of those characters could take comic-Carl’s plot and stuff. This also give opportunities for the writers to do original stories too like before but now more than usual. (Grady hosp., the scavengers, oceanside?)
-Caryl. Thinking of the worst, I really hope Daryl doesn’t take comic-Carl’s part of meeting (adult) Lydia and starting that relationship. That’s would suck and it���s not the same in the comics as in that it’s comic-Carl’s first love. What about Enid, who is Carl’s first gf and adapting from comic-Sophia. It’s all confusing. So far, imo, Lydia isn’t that important in that plot. It’s the part of introducing the Whisperers and learning about them ..from Lydia. So TWD could not make her a love interest or just have someone who informs us and the team family. So, I hope they don’t pair Daryl with Lydia. I’m hoping for Caryl to happen soon or canon off screen after the time-jump. This Caryl thing is hard. I love this pairing, still feel that they’re still Caryl~. But I really don’t know what’s next based on the comics and we wait a long time and nothing more happens with their relationship. I want confirmation of what they are. idk maybe they be canon at the end of the series sigh.
-Speculating on Daryl, I can kinda see him being like comic-Dwight like what they did in s7. I kinda see some plots from comic-Carl (wanting to kill Negan), ..comic-Michonne ..in the way of leaving Rick/ASZ. I don’t know.
-I really don’t know what’s next for Carol. I do think the writers are foreshadowing Ezekiel’s death. So, if she starts a romance with him, it’s sad because he’s gonna die anyways and she’ll be sad again. Based on the foreshadowing, I think Ezekiel will die in s9. She’s been following comic-Michonne. But, oh boy since Carl died, I feel that changes Carol and Michonne’s arcs. Well, with speculating on the comics that the writers adapt and remix from. I know tv writers can change it up anytime. It kinda makes me think Michonne will go back to comic-Michonne’s plots.
-I’m kinda thinking of Richonne and I’m like OMG there’s so much heavy stories potential for Richonne. It’s not just Richonne but also just Rick and just Michonne. We already saw some glimpse of Michonne’s PTSD, losing two sons, moment when she slaughtered the savior guy.  So, I think Richonne will live till the end of the show. Richonne are like the leading characters of the show. “Rick’s show” But it’s like close to being “Richonne’s show” because they’re both are honoring Carl’s hopes. They’re Carl’s parents. This is so different from the comics. Comic-Rick and Andrea didn’t deal with this situation during AOW. So, whatever Richonne will do in s8B will be original. And in s9, I think will be still original or their dynamic really is different than comic-R&A.
 -I also think the writers thought ”to kill off Carl or Michonne die based on comic-Andrea”, and they chose Michonne to live. Or, other TV/business reasons. I think that is based on comic-Andrea.  I would really hate if Rick will lose Carl and Michonne after the Whisperer War.
 IF, the show lasts that long and writers thought Rick needed to have something in common with Negan-losing a wife(I think). I don’t like this idea. I read the comics and I still don’t know what’s the point of comic-Andrea’s death yet. Losing Carl already impacted Rick, so losing Michonne later on..just makes it’s so hard on Rick. Is comic-Andrea’s death is to kill off comic-Rick later on? But he’s not losing his mind and he still has comic-Carl and Mikey(kinda adopted son) right now. So, I think Carl is based on comic-Andrea’s death and that it also starts up Negan’s redemption and I think that the writers wanted to do that early in AOW and not WW. So, no need to kill Michonne, imo. The writers said they’re bridging the gap or hole for why Rick wants Negan to live in prison cell (Carl’s hope) and not be killed off. I guess I’m also saying that I think the writers are thinking that comic-Andrea’s death relates to Negan’s redemption. (in the comics, I think Negan’s redemption was done well, imo. I hope tv version can show it well too.*maggie) I guess I’m also saying that Negan is big character too in the story. He is in the comics and that’s how it is...so if anyone hates Negan..stop watching it then, I guess. Negan is like one of the main characters and impacts the story a lot during this time in the show and still is in the comics. Idk it depends on how long the show lasts and what the writers will do, but I think Negan is gonna be important in the story. So I guess writers thought killing Carl will start up the new premise of the show and set up the redemption arc for Negan, and Michonne lives on.
So there’s a lot of changes and it’s all up in the air. It just depends if I still trust the writers or still the show. I do think s8B and s9 & on is gonna be like a new show.  “Rick’s show” 
Here’s an article to read of the show and AL.
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