#*thomas Jefferson voice* so what did i miss?
knowltonsrangers · 10 months
back to the wall
1776!Thomas Jefferson x reader
[a/n: after a rewatch of 1776 last night, I cannot help myself.]
The echo of the front door shutting over rouses you slightly, but not enough to pull you to complete consciousness. There wasn't enough urgency to yank you from your warm prison, bundling deeper into the sheets when you hear someone begin to ascend the stairs.
Feeling yourself visibly pale, your eyes blink open, scrambling so quickly to get out of bed that you fall out of it with an agonizing thump.
Your bedroom door swings open, the voice in question laced with concern as you struggle to unwind yourself from the blankets on the floor, curiously peaking over the edge of your bed to catch a glimpse of the intruder.
You whisper, surprised at first, your heartbeat finally quelling when you meet his worried gaze.
"Why on earth are you on the floor?"
"I-uh, hang on,"
Silently cursing yourself for twisting yourself so deep into the blankets to seek warmth, you finally break free as Thomas rounds the bed, staring down at you, amused.
"I was cold, can you blame me?"
Almost a whine, you stand off the floor, running past the discarded sheets to give the redhead a hug.
"y/n, I-oof!"
Your arms come around his waist, pressing greedily to his chest to try and reclaim some of the warmth you've been missing.
"Missed me that much, did you?"
"Mhm, that would be correct."
"I was trying to get inside without waking you, but I guess instead I scared you,"
His hand runs up and down your back, dead tired and ready to crawl into bed and never leave it. But he knew better, he had to be back to work in the morning, yet escaping his responsibilities for just a few hours wouldn't be any harm.
"That's alright. I'm sure you're tired,"
Pulling away slightly, your hands rest on his chest, peering up at him as he nods his head.
"As much as I'd love to sit and talk with you, my y/n, I do not think I will be good company. I can hardly keep my eyes open as we speak."
You pause, just for a brief moment, when a smile finds its way to your lips.
You instruct, motioning to the edge of the bed as Thomas wastes no time in obliging, beginning to take off his boots as you gather the blankets from the floor.
"I assume you’ll be back to it in the morning?" You ask, but already know the answer.
"Yes. And believe me, I have a very long list of things i'd rather be doing."
He lays back, flat on the bed, feet on the ground, looking over at you curious, as to what you were doing.
"Get in bed properly,"
You laugh, noticing the exhaustion in the mans entire body. He relents, standing on achy joints to his side of the bed, hand reaching for yours to pull you to him.
"I'll miss you,"
A whisper captures your voice once more, back pressed to Thomas' front, his arm around your stomach as the clock ticks onwards into the night.
"I will be here,"
"Same time, tomorrow?"
You blink, a beat passes, and with how still he laid, you thought he had finally succumbed to sleep.
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syn4k · 7 months
[thomas jefferson voice] so what did i miss~
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pardonmydelays · 1 year
*thomas jefferson voice* so what did i miss?
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thatbeluga · 11 months
Wet Sock 2x05: Containment Breach
Season One / 2x01 / 2x02 / 2x03 / 2x04
Time did not move linearly, because it never does in Wet Sock. Yes the last episode was the Ides of March. Shut up. It's November 1st, and you know what happens on November--
"Author!Beluga can you shut up?!" Rad shouted, stabbing a femboy catgirl in a maid outfit. "Misp and I are trying to fight our way through UWU Enterprises right now, as we have been for the last SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS cause you can't write this story without a damn HIATUS."
"What was even happening last time Author!Beluga posted?" Misp asked, tripping the physical embodiment of the sound "nya."
C!Misp and C!Rad could not remember, but it had been an Ides of March episode where they killed Hatsune Mik--
A terrible crack echoed through the tower. Alarms blared out, piercing the air. The employuwuees ahead of them screamed in fear and ran past them, scrambling for the exit. Cold mist flowed down the hallway, chips of ice falling from higher floors.
A frantic Thomas Jefferson ran around the corner, shards of ice poking out of his chest. He grabbed Misp, sliding to the floor.
"We did everything we could uwu." He cried limpid tears. "I'm-I'm sorry. She... she breached containment. I... I should've... I should've been stronger... she's coming..."
"Who? Who is it?" Misp cried, grabbing Thomas Jefferson's face, the light dying from his eyes. She smacked it. No response.
A lilting voice echoed down the hall.
"I~I~I... don't want uhhhh LOT Fooorooor cHRIsmaàss."
Candy canes sprouted from the ground, the pastel walls became red, green, and wintry blue. Misp gasped, "No. Halloween was yesterday."
"Theeeeere is just one Thing, aIIaii Ne-eed."
"Nope." Rad threw her hands up, and turned her back. "Nope. Nope. Not today. Absolutely the fuck not."
"I DOn'T Care abOOUT The PRE-SeNTS. uuuUAUUnderneeth the Chri smas tre eee."
A light glowed at the end of the hallway, ice and snow billowing from its shine.
"I juuust want you for maiy Oh-own. moooOOAOOOAR than you could Eveur Know-ow."
She came into view, her red and white outfit even more terrifying than in pictures.
"Make my wish COOAMMe TRUUuuuuUUEUUEUEUUuuu. UWU."
Rad turned back around, slugging a rocket launcher over her shoulder. "Lemme take care of this."
Mariah Carey floated before mother and daughter, holiday cheer coursing through her veins and shining through her skin.
"AAAAAAAlLLL I wuaAANt, FO-or chuRismAAAaaAAaas... IiiIIIIiiiss....
The rocket launcher fired.
Nothing remained, except a single shard of candy cane. The force of the blast had vaporized Mariah, breaking the bonds between the molecules making her up until she was nothing more than a cloud of indeterminate particles. The force and energy of the entire sun had been directed at at the elder god, her physical form utterly destroyed. Rad tossed aside the rocket launcher. "I hate that fucking song."
Mariah Carey breaching containment had cleared the halls, so reaching Y/N's throne room was pretty easy. Misp almost missed stabbing Hatsune Mikus, but seeing Rad reduce Mariah Carey to mere atoms was pretty fun to watch. Like any elder god she would reform eventually, but at least they had until next November 1st to worry about her.
Rad kicked the door in at Y/N's throne room.
"H-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-hey," Y/N said, tucking her messy glossy brown hair that went down past her feet behind her ears. "Whowu are youwu? :3"
"We're here to post bail for Beluga and Fuck," Rad said. "We're willing to pay almost any price under $63."
"And 17 cents," Misp added.
"You have slain the demon Mariah Carey, and for that, your friends crimes shall be forgiven," Y/N said, looking up at the bird cages. "W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-wait? Wh-wh-wh-wh-where are they?"
One bird cage hung intact, while the other looked like it had been chewed open. Jackie Kennedy had locked her jaw on one of the bars, furiously snacking.
"They must have--oh no, I'm such a ditz! I left the Jacky Kennedy's in here for one second and-- Y/N began to cry from her orbalescent orbs. She grabbed her iPod touch with a teal case and spoke into it, activating the loudspeaker system.
"Uwu! I know I'm not like other girls, and I know Jason hasn't noticed me yet, but the multiversal criminals Beluga and Fuck have breached containment and must be hunted down and eliminated from existence. PS Jason I'm a better singer than Becky."
"Ohhhh, the episode title was one of those double meaning things," Misp said, nodding. "Love it when they do that."
The author was thankful that c!Misp appreciated his title.
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bennygotmilk · 9 months
daveed diggs as thomas jefferson voice: so what did i miss?
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astralaffairs · 1 year
freedom of the press 08 TEASER | thomas jefferson
title: freedom of the press 08 TEASER
pairing: thomas jefferson x reader
words: 10k
warnings: a lot of angst sorry. 09 will be happier if i can publish it in less than 2.5 years this time. addiction/substance abuse mentions, STI mentions
desc: the 2020 republican presidential frontrunner is an obnoxious, morally bankrupt people-pleaser, but what happens when you become the person he’s most eager to please?
tags: @stargazelaurens @ivory-haired-queens@exoticxchicken8@assbuttstyles777@distinguishedpotsticker @fukaaaaaaaa@hereforthepsyche-assessment @ivetoldamillionlies@fangirl570 @thealaddinkid@lasciviouspeach@snazzydoesthings @shy-and-awkward-daveed@rachelhermionerose @soft-weeb-s @gryffinclxw@anamrnk@daveeddiggsit @ayayayayana@marinovakovich@cryinghazelnutt @thefandomgirl03 @a-hopeless-fan @cloudynblw @tinywhim @lolidunnoaboutnow @siriusorionblackiii @fanfic-addict-98 @checkurwindow@nyxie75 @i-know-i-can @yxseminx @yavin4andor@sugacita @sstrawberry-fanta @youtxbemusic @queenwilty— hope i didnt miss anyone; lmk if you want to be added!!
"YOU SENT ASHLEY my fucking article?"
"Woah, honey, slow down," Angelica said, voice staticky through the phone, but Y/N was fuming. She was sure that everyone in the diner below her apartment could hear her yelling. "Yes, I sent it. You asked me to, last night."
Y/N furrowed her brow. "...What the hell are you talking about?"
"Seriously?" she asked. "Don't tell me you've forgotten. You promised you only had two drinks."
Y/N's stomach turned. She distinctly remembered downing half the open bar at the campaign fundraiser the night prior after the way her conversation with Thomas had ended. She less-distinctly remembered Angelica driving her home -- she'd been in North Carolina on a different assignment, but it turned out the CEO she was reporting on happened to be one of Thomas's biggest donors. "Okay, so maybe I stretched the truth a little, but what does that have to do with anything?"
"It has everything to do with everything," Angelica said flatly. "You told me to send that article to Ashley in the middle of your soliloquy about how Jefferson was ruining your life. You were rambling, but you were coherent; I wouldn't have expected you'd wake up having forgotten all of it."
The more she spoke, the more was coming back to Y/N, though. Flashes of Angelica checking her out of her hotel, driving her several hours back north to DC.
"Fuck," she finally said, palming her forehead as though it'd restore her memory. "Wait, why would I have you send it to her instead of just doing it myself?"
"I don't know," Angelica said mildly. "Maybe you were too far gone to write the email."
"You said I was coherent," Y/N replied, raising an eyebrow. "So which is it? Was I drunk beyond belief, or did I just seem a little tipsy?"
"Honey, I don't know; you were just a little out of it. And you did just tell me you’d lied to me about how much you’d had to drink." Angelica sounded exasperated, but Y/N wasn't done.
"Forward me the email you sent Ashley. I need to see when you sent it and what you said."
"Why? I—"
"Because I don't believe that I asked you to do that," she snapped, and Angelica paused for a long moment, taken aback.
"...Why don't you believe me?"
"Because I'd already decided that I wasn't going to send it," Y/N huffed, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"And so you think I did it behind your back?"
“That’s exactly what I think.”
There was a long pause; all Y/N could hear from the other end of the line was static.
“Either forward me the email you sent Ashley, or own up to it,” she cut her off, having no desire to hear Angelica push another excuse. “Prove me wrong.”
“I can’t.” Angelica’s tone was biting, and Y/N’s scowl deepened. “I did send it, but you know what? I’m trying to save you from yourself.”
“What the hell do you mean, ‘save me from myself’?” she asked incredulously. “You were the one who told me that only I could decide what I wanted to publish.”
“You spent an hour on the trip home talking about how Jefferson was ruining your life,” Angelica reminded her. “So why don’t you want that article published? Why are you trying to protect him?”
“Because even he doesn’t deserve this.”
“Why not?” she asked. “Why doesn’t he? He’s been ruining your career, antagonizing you on Twitter; do you even remember how worked up you were yesterday? Talk about your integrity all you want, but that doesn’t mean you have to protect him.”
“It’s not about protecting him,” Y/N defended. “It’s just what I think is right.”
“And why don’t you think this is right? That’s what I don’t get.” Angelica’s huff sent a rush of static through the phone that made Y/N wince. “Honey, this would fix all the damage he’s done to your career; isn’t it only fair that you publish? You've been drowning in bills, and I know it's taking a toll on you. You deserve the money you'll get from this. Besides, you don’t owe him anything.”
You don’t owe him anything.
Y/N couldn’t reply; Angelica’s words reverberated in her mind like an echo — they were true. She didn’t owe him anything. That was what she’d been telling herself, it was what she’d been telling everyone else, and it was what she'd spent the past night arguing with him about.
And he’d agreed. She didn’t owe him anything.
“I… I can’t have this conversation right now, Ang,” she sighed. “I know you meant well, but this wasn’t your place to get involved. Now I need to figure out what my next move is.”
“It’s too late to stop the article. Ashley already has it.” Y/N winced at her words, and Angelica continued, “If you refused to give her the sources, she’d fire you. I know this job means too much for you to just throw it away when things get hard.”
"This isn't 'things getting hard'; it's me losing the reason I wanted to be a journalist in the first place."
"And if you want to stay a journalist, you'll send Ashley the tape of your interview with Adams," Angelica said. "She can't publish without it."
“Don't act like somehow you know what's best for me, Angelica."
"It seems like I know better than you. Your finances have been the worst part of your life for years, and those are your exact words," she said, and Y/N scoffed. However, there was truth to it. "If you just waited it out and let Ashley transfer you to another department, would you even be able to pay your bills? Or would you lose your electricity? Your running water? What would you do the next time a student debt payment rolled around?"
"Well, thanks to you, now Ashley's threatening to fire me altogether.” Y/N scowled. "If I lose my income, I sure as hell won't be able to pay off my debt."
"Then follow through with the article," she urged. "You know it's what you need to do. You have to do this for yourself, Y/N. You think Jefferson's never broken his code of ethics to get ahead? Do you even think he has one?"
“Of course—” Y/N had to cut herself off. Her first instinct was to defend him, but she didn’t see any way she could convince Angelica of anything without her believing she’d been indoctrinated. “It isn’t about him. It’s about me, and it’s about my integrity. It doesn’t matter what he’s done.”
“Ashley already has the article. Don’t forget that.”
"You shouldn't have sent it in the first place,” Y/N said. “This is my job, and it's my career; you aren't allowed to make decisions like this on my behalf. At least the tape will buy me time.”
“That buys you two weeks, tops.”
“Then I’ll make the most of it.”
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umi-teardrop · 6 months
Dolley don’t you think James had a bit of a point? I mean why would you raise your child to think James abandoned you for Thomas whenever he didn’t want you to be in an almost loveless relationship? Also how would he have know that you were pregnant, you never hinted to him or anything not even reaching out! you never told the child the truth you lied to your pride and joy since the beginning of their life! Shouldn’t you feel even a bit bad?
Dolley sighed with annoyance:
-I never once lied to Josephine about me and James. You see the day James left me is the day I found out I was pregnant. Just as I about to tell James about my pregnancy he told me he loved someone else that someone else being his current husband Thomas (Note the annoyance in her voice) and James was so happy that I couldn’t tell him the truth. I knew our relationship had its ups and downs but as Miss Martha Jefferson used to say when she was alive “I’m too stubborn and prideful to let the things I love go” and I tried so hard to fix things I really did but when James told me he was leaving me i couldn’t hold it anymore at first I blamed Thomas for stealing James from me so i showed my anger by letters I send him (What Post Dolley speaking of) but than James found the letters I sent to Thomas that’s when I realized Thomas wasn’t the one to blame it’s was non other than James itself and when it come to the so called “lies” I told my daughter were not lies. Whenever Josephine asked about James I just told her about our fights and how I found out I was pregnant the same day James left me I didn’t say anything more than that she was the one who believed what she heard.
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
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The Young Person’s Guide to History: “The Duel” | April 1, 2008 - 1:00AM | S00E01
The Young Person’s Guide to History was a spin-off of Saul of the Mole Men. Why there should be a spin-off of Saul of the Mole Men is beyond me. Originally the idea was that it was going to be four 11-minute episodes, and in fact it was produced in that format. This is one of those four episodes. When the series turned up later in 2008, they cut the length in half to TWO 11-minute episodes, each episode consisting of what was originally meant to be two episodes, edited down to half the running time. Saul of the Mole Men always came off as over-long, and when I criticized them I usually observed that they could be cut down drastically. I guess when those versions debut, we’ll actually have something to base that theory on (spoilers; I remember it still being bad). 
Okay, so this is the intended series finale of the original four-episode run. At least, one would assume that it is. The plot: it’s 1804 and a bunch of guys are called to a haunted mansion to stay the night. There’s a disembodied voice on a little desktop speaker, like the kind you’d page a secretary with in the later half of the 20th Century. That’s a running thing in the series: very casual use of anachronisms. It’s not super-jokey Mel Brooks style, more like “kids making a movie and not having the resources to replicate the past accurately so they just use a car instead of a carriage” kind of thing. I like that. It’s one of the few things I truly like about this. 
Okay, haunted mansion with guys. They all get killed except Thomas Jefferson who runs out in anguish, as though he were a man possessed while committing this brutal bout of deadly violence. It turns out the house in question is the White House, and Jefferson is now the president. He asks Benjamin Franklin to help him make a vice president, so they create Aaron Burr in a boiling vat, using “science”. Aaron Burr is, uh, neurodivergent. We see a single scene of him doing vice president stuff: being asked about universal healthcare on the senate floor. He makes an imbecilic re-re noise and pees into his own open mouth. The floor cheers. 
Later, while having pizza, Jefferson gets fed up with Burr’s buffoonery and shoots him. He then puts the gun in Burr’s dead hand and uses it to shoot Alexander Hamilton, in order to frame them for each other’s death in a supposed duel, a historical event burned into the minds of a certain generation whose “Got Milk” advertisement got a nation of history buffs rolling in the aisles. Jefferson has transformed into a tyrant, like a guy in a freaking rated-R movie.
Jefferson finally shoots Ben Franklin, but not before cruelly taunting him for his legendary weakness. The voice on the little speaker congratulates Jefferson for being so mean. The voice is in the middle of calling him “Caleb Hilttrop?” or something like that? before being cut off. The significance of this completely eludes me, and I’m not sure if this is set-up in one of the other three episodes that would have aired along with this one, or if I just missed something in the opening sequence. We may never know, because I recall this bit being completely cut out of the version that did air. Jefferson switches the speaker to some rock song and screams “I’m the president!”
I do like that ending, I just wish anything that came before it was compelling enough to call it “earned”. I’d be hard-pressed to come up with much else in this episode that makes it worth watching. This is one of the unfunniest things to air on Adult Swim. It’s barely connected to Saul of the Mole Men, which isn’t a bad thing, honestly. 
There is a scene where Seth Green (who is cut from the shortened version entirely) talks about how he and Jefferson co-authored several sci-fi books about Nathaniel Baltimore’s adventures fighting various sci-fi beasts, and we see a little scene featuring Nathaniel Baltimore shooting a creature that is just them reusing the doctor costume from Saul. This seems to imply that either Saul of the Mole Men is a work of fiction featuring Nathaniel Baltimore in this world, which would explain why there’s no real continuity between this show and Saul. I believe the Jefferson episode of Saul has events in it that would contradict the existence of this series, but I”m not feeling curious enough to even re-read my own write-up to confirm this. I will link to it though, in case you are a sicko who actually is curious. 
Later in the year the truncated version of the show would air. The full-length versions were put up on Adult Swim for a short period of time. The one guy I knew of who knew how to rip from Adult Swim actually had these at one point, but deleted them because he “didn’t think anyone would want them”. Fucker. Again, if anyone knows how to get a hold of those uncut other episodes, please get in touch. 
Oh, I put the whole thing on YouTube, if you want to watch it.
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emberphantom · 4 years
The self-care demon (in a very sinister and intimidating way) would like to remind you to use a good facial wash/scrub and pat your face dry before moisturising. The self-care demon would also like to emphasise that if a facial scrub causes irritation to the skin, you can wash your face in milk to soothe it (and possibly take ibuprofen for inflammation.) The self-care demon wishes you well. 🌹
I'm telling you, my Self Care Demon's face claim is Dennis Reynolds. Him thinking he's intimidating, giving me skin care routine advice is so on brand for him.
Also this is a thing I should be listening to. My skin care routine is non-existent. TY Self Care Demon.
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lorelaigilmoure · 6 years
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sillyteecup · 3 years
Right in the centre of my mind: We'll never be those kids again
Thomas Jefferson x Black!Original!Character
Toxic relationship
Mentions of sex
A.N: With the end of my weird relationship with Kat, must come the end of Right in the centre of my mind. This series was very personal to me and one of my favourite. There will be an epilogue though to properly close it off...in the meantime...enjoy❤
End of summer break.
As teens, Thomas and Iman would simply bike around the neighborhood, eat ice cream, watch movies, play video games, hang out at the shack, play some basketball, and of course: occasionally get wasted.
Now that they had grown up, they still did all that stuff. Only this time they were madly in love with each other. They held hands, they cuddled, they kissed and they had sex.
A shitload of sex.
But those weren't the most intimate moments of their summer. No, Iman preferred the nights when Thomas would wash her hair then style it before she slept and when she'd do the same for him. She also loved the nights when Thomas tried to give her pedicures, did little spa treatments with her, and stargazed with her. She loved all those little moments.
During the school year they'd facetime, spend hours on end on the phone with each other. At first it was all sunshine and rainbows. Telling each other to hang up so they could hear each other's voices for the last time before the end of the calls. Texting each other "Good morning", "Good afternoon", and "Goodnight" everyday. Always making sure the other ate at least twice. Basically doing a bunch of cliché long distance couple things.
But unfortunately all good things must come to an end.
They started fighting during the calls. Fighting about late answered texts, likes on the wrong pictures on Instagram, being out too late and a bunch of other dumb things. They should've seen it coming though. They both knew how insecure the other was before getting into this, but they thought they could handle it.
They didn't break up though.
Instead they pulled through till the next summer in the New York where they biked around the neighborhood, ate ice cream, watched movies, played video games, hung out at the shack, played basketball and occasionally got wasted.
None of that without having to get used to each other again.
Summer's over and she's sitting next to Thomas in her garden, playing with his hair as they watch their last sunset for their summer, starting to realize that maybe they didn't think this through. Why? Because...well, distance. Iman has to go back to Oxford and Thomas has to head back to Yale. Meaning they have to repeat the cycle. She's realizing that them being together was a recipe for disaster anyway.
"Babe, are you listening to me?" he asks her in concern. She looks up at him and all the different feelings come rushing in. All the love, the hatred, the anger, the happiness, every memory, sweet and haunting. All of it.
All. At. Once.
But she smiles. "I'm sorry, I just zoned out a little." Just as she expects, he laughs softly. He always does. "So uhm, summer's almost over," she whispers. "Yeah and?" She chews on her lip nervously. "I have to head back to Oxford," she sighs. Thomas shakes his head, still wearing his signature warm smile. "I know." "And you have to go to Yale." He hums in acknowledgement. He turns to gaze at Iman. "So what's the plan," she asks him.
He seems confident in what he's about to say. Like he's got it all planned out in his head. "Long distance of course. Like last year," he shrugs. "Mmm, like last year," she mumbles. He turns to her with a raised eyebrow. "S'there a problem?" Yes. Iman has a problem. It's the part about going back to how things were last year.
"Thomas, we fought a lot last year." "Yeah but we've grown since then," he counters.
Iman is positive that her next thought is well...a thought.
"Have we though?" she mutters unconsciously. Thomas sat up to face her. "Am I missing something?" he asks her. Having realized that she said it too loud and now has to deal with it, Iman shrugs. "Thomas, us spending a lot of time together is not the same as taking the time to grow as a couple. That shit requires us to acknowledge and try to fix our mistakes. All we've done is pretend we never made any," she explains to him. She tries her level best not to raise her voice or come off as brash and insensitive. The last thing she needs on their last night together is a fight. "I just wanted us to enjoy our summer together," he sighs in exasperation.
It's a mechanism for Thomas Jefferson. Try to cover the negative with a shitload of positivity and hope the negative stuff goes away.
Unfortunately, life isn't a Disney movie. It is gonna be a moonless night though. Something Iman notes.
They needed to talk things out, no matter how uncomfortable the subject matter was. "I'm pretty sure we still could've done that after fixing the cracks in our relationship," she argues.
Again she doesn't yell, but now she sounds condescending. And she knows it. It's not intentional, but she knows it's gonna trigger Thomas and she knows that Thomas being Thomas is gonna say something that's gonna trigger her instead of being a grown up and saying "Hey, I don't like your tone. It's disrespectful and it's pissing me off. Stop."
"Well I'm sorry for caring about trying to make the most of the little time we have together," he says in an equally condescending tone.
Iman rolls her eyes. Of course Thomas is gonna take this route.
"I'm not saying that you're a bad guy for wanting us to spend together for the summer-" "Then what are you saying?"
And just like that Thomas has pulled the trigger by interrupting her.
"First of all, don't interrupt me, I'm talking. And second of all, I'm saying that ironing out the kinks in our relationship wouldn't have hurt," Iman reasons.
Thomas scoffs, still not seeing Iman's point of reasoning. "Exactly what kinks are you referring to?" Iman stared at Thomas incredulously, trying to find the words to describe how fucking dysfunctional-never mind that was enough. That's not the only thing she found though.
"Why must everything be a fight with you?" she asks him defeatedly. 2 minutes pass with Thomas seemingly having no answer to the question.
As the darkness finally settles, Iman gets up and walks away from Thomas, unwillingly breaking every promise she made to him at the end of last summer.
Tagging: @ramp-it-up @summerofsnowflakes @sebastianabucknettastan @delaber @daveeddiggsit
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filmsmakkari · 3 years
Take A Break
Wordcount- 1.1k
Hamilton!Tom Holland x Angelica!Reader
Tom Holland x Princess!Reader
I would recommend listening to the song here!
Full Series Masterlist
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As time passed, you stayed in regular correspondence with Thomas. It pained you deeply for there to be such a large distance between the two of you. But, it perhaps hurt less than to be near him, but not have him completely. You were stuck in a loveless marriage in a foreign country, Thomas’s letters were your lifeline. You craved his words. He was incredibly witty and eloquent, with every letter, you felt yourself falling deeper and deeper.
You were sitting in your chambers, which you didn’t share with your husband, reading a tragedy by your favorite writer when a servant entered with a letter in her hand.
“It’s from the Duke of Saataun, your majesty,” she said with a curtsy.
“Evangeline, how many times must I ask you not to bow to me?” you asked with a smile, taking the letter from her hand, trying to hide your eagerness for Thomas’s words.
“As many more times as I have to ask you to call me Eva, your majesty.” She smiled at you, curtsying again and leaving the room.
You eagerly opened the letter, your eyes quickly running over his words.
The letter read;
My Dearest, (Y/N),
“Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow creeps in this petty pace from day to day”. I trust you’ll understand the reference to another Scottish tragedy without my having to name the play. They think me Macbeth. Ambition is my folly, I’m a polymath, a pain in the ass- a massive pain. Madison is Banquo, Jefferson is MacDuff, and Birnin Wood is parliament on its way to Dunsinane.
And there you are an ocean away. Must you be an ocean away? Thoughts of you subside, then I receive another letter from you, and I cannot put the notion away.
Adieu ma chere,
Thomas, Duke of Saataun
Your heart clenched and it felt like you had butterflies in your stomach as you read his words. “My Dearest, (Y/N)” he had written. Normally you wouldn’t have batted an eyelash at the phrase, but the comma after “dearest” changed the meaning. You had to know if it was intentional. You immediately rose, took a seat at your desk, dipped your quill in a bottle of ink, and got to writing.
My Dearest, Thomas,
You must get through to Jefferson. Simply sit down with him and compromise- don’t stop until you agree. Your favorite older sister, (Y/N), reminds you, there’s someone in your corner all the way across the sea.
In the letter I received from you today I noticed a comma in the middle of a   phrase. It changed the meaning. Did you intend this? One stroke and you’ve consumed my waking days. It says  “My dearest, (Y/N)” with a comma after”dearest”. You’ve written, “the person dearest to me, (Y/N)”.
Anyway, all this to say, I’m coming home this summer at my sister’s invitation. I’ll be there with your family should you make your way upstate. I know you are very busy, I know your work is important, but I’m crossing the ocean and I just can’t wait.
Then you won’t be an ocean away. You’ll only be a moment away.
Adieu, my dear friend,
Princess (Y/N) of Larione
Months later, you were on a ship Saataun bound. Saataun was the city Thomas and Eliza had been made Duke and Duchess of after their marriage. You would meet them in Saataun, and you would altogether go to Hasnaa and visit your father at the Fadar da Hasnaa where he was staying for the summer.
When you arrived at the Duke and Duchess’s home, you saw them all waiting outside for you, along with their lovely children. You laughed loudly, forgetting all the rules of being a princess, and ran towards them, wrapping your arms around your sister.
“(Y/N)!” Eliza exclaimed.
“Eliza!” you exclaimed back.
“Larione’s Princesses,” Thomas said, smiling at you both.
“Thomas,” you said, the longing clear in your voice.
“Hi,” he said bashfully.
You enveloped him in a tight hug. “It’s good to see your face.”
You released him from the hug and looked into those eyes you’d fantasized about at night for so long. They shone with the same ambition and intelligence you’d seen when you first looked into them in what felt like years ago. But something was different, they were slightly darkened by loss. You had heard that his dear friend Lieutenant Colonel Osterfield had been killed during a skirmish with Zarian forces. Still, they sparkled with cleverness and adoration. For you, for Eliza, and for his children.
Your eyes still lingered on him as Eliza began to speak. “(Y/N/N), tell this man Edmund Adams spends the summer with his family.”
You only tore your gaze from him as you all began to walk back into the manor, smiling at your nephew who had turned nine the previous day.
“(Y/N), tell my wife Edmund Adams doesn’t have a real job anyway,” Thomas snarkily replied back.
You stopped walking. “Wait, Thomas, you’re not joining us?”
“I’m afraid I cannot join you upstate,” he replied grimly.
“But Thomas, I came all this way!” you exclaimed sadly.
“She came all this way,” Eliza said, standing by your side. “Please, my love, take a break. Run away with us for the summer, we’ll all go stay with our father. There’s a lake I know in a nearby park where you and I can go when the night falls!”
You and Eliza grabbed his hands.
You nodded at your sister’s words before speaking. “And I know I’ll miss your face. ‘Screw your courage to the sticking place,” you quoted Lady Macbeth at him, knowing he’d understand the reference to your shared favorite Scottish Tragedy.
He did. He threw a gentle, knowing smile in your direction.
“My dear brother, if you take your time you will make your mark. Just close your eyes and dream. Take a break,” you said.
Thomas wiped the smile off his face, freeing his hands from your and Eliza’s grip.
“I have to get my plan through parliament. I can’t stop until I get this plan through parliament.” And with that, he was back up the stairs and into his office.
Eliza started to go after him, but you grabbed a hold of her, wrapped your arms around her, and ushered her into the common room where the children were.
You and your sister were unable to convince Thomas to join you upstate, so you left him in Saataun while you went to stay with your father, leaving him to make the first of a series of mistakes that would destroy the legacy he cared so much about.
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Operation: Reconnection
*Thomas Jefferson x Reader
*Request from @lula132: “Could I request an imagine where reader and Thomas Jefferson break up, but the hamilsquad see that they're are both super sad, so they try to get them back together even in they hate him?”
*Warnings: Language, alcohol, fighting on birthday (love to see it), like two sex jokes
*A/N: School’s starting up again soon and after that disaster that was last semester I’m ready to simply ~perish~ uwu 
Tip Jar
Knowing that your friends and boyfriend hated each other was frustrating, to say the least. You knew that every hangout that you brought him along was bound to end up in some kind of argument. Not only was there bad blood from college between your friends (except for Lafayette) and your boyfriend, but Alexander working at the same office as Thomas didn’t help the situation at all. It always got worse when Alexander brought up things that happened at work, their professional and personal lives intersecting way too often. 
The breaking point was your birthday dinner. You’d invited your friends and boyfriend, and one rule was supposed to be agreed on: no fighting during dinner. Things had been a little tense at first, but they had managed to be civil for the most part. It wasn’t until you asked Alex how he’d been doing that he brought up work, and soon enough, the issues he had with Thomas were the forefront of the evening. The two of you left soon after, not wanting things to escalate into a screaming match in public as they often did when Thomas and Alexander argued. As soon as the two of you were safe in your apartment, you turned to Thomas, slightly fuming. 
“It’s my birthday, Thomas!”
“I know that!”
“You guys couldn’t stop arguing for one night!”
“How is it my fault that Alexander brought up work?”
“It’s not, but it’s so damn tiring! I’d like to have one night where my friends and my boyfriend don’t fight, and I couldn’t even get that!”
“I tried, Sugar.”
“Well, maybe you should stop trying.”
Thomas paused for a second. “What are you trying to say?”
“Maybe this wasn’t meant to work out.”
“Don’t do this.”
“Then what am I supposed to do, Thomas? It’s obvious you guys don’t like each other, and I just can’t keep playing mediator here. It’s not fair to you to try to make you get along with people you don’t like at all. I think we should break up.”
“Sugar, you don’t mean that. I don’t want to lose you.”
“I don’t want you to be stuck in a situation you hate,” you said, looking down. You knew if you looked at him, you wouldn’t be able to go through with it. You didn’t want to go through with it, but maybe it was the best option for the both of you. You were tired of trying to get people who wanted nothing to do with each other to act civil, and you knew Thomas would rather not interact with your friends if he didn’t have to. “Maybe…”
“Sugar, don’t do this.” Thomas stepped forward, cupping your face in his hands. You refused to meet his eyes, your resolve already wavering. “Please.”
“I don’t know, Thomas. I think this is what needs to happen.”
“We can talk about this tomorrow, after we’ve cooled off a bit. I don’t want to leave you alone on your birthday, but I can tell you don’t want me here right now,” he said, keeping his voice steady. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, and you let your eyes close at the soft show of affection. You were going to miss this. “I wish your birthday would have gone better. I love you, please don’t forget that.”
“I love you too,” you nearly whispered, voice cracking. Thomas brushed his thumb over your cheek before dropping his hands. You didn’t open your eyes until you heard the door to your apartment close, and when you finally did open them, you could feel the tears threatening to spill over. You loved him, but sometimes love alone wasn’t enough to make things work.
It was now going on a month after your birthday and the conversation which came on the day after, and you could safely say you weren’t doing fantastic. It was a really difficult conversation, but you were set on your decision. The look on Thomas’s face when you told him there was no changing your mind broke your heart, but when you were thinking about it alone in your apartment, there was no other way. You refused to put Thomas in a position where he would be getting into constant arguments and have to be around people he didn’t like, and you refused to put yourself in the middle of those arguments.
You tried to pull yourself together to get through work and your social life, but it was more draining than before. You’d hang out for maybe an hour before heading back to your apartment to wallow in self pity. Even though it was your decision, it still hurt like hell. You should’ve known you wouldn’t be able to hide it from your friends, within days they were able to figure out what was going on with minimal confirmation from you. They assumed it was just the fresh wounds of the breakup, but when you simply weren’t getting better, they knew they had to do something. The reality of the situation didn’t really hit until Alexander was at work, though.
Alexander knocked on the door to Thomas’s office, already prepared to argue. Though he would deny it, he enjoyed his arguments with Thomas, especially when he won. If he didn’t, then he hated them and Thomas. Thomas called for him to come in, not even asking who was there. Alexander opened the door, already on edge. “Jefferson, Washington wants your decision on my proposal by the end of the week. I’ll tell you, I know my-”
“I’ll look it over and sign it in the morning. Is that all?”
“You always dismi- wait, did you say you’ll sign it?” There was no fight, and for once Alexander was rendered speechless. “That’s it? You’re just going to sign it?”
“I’m still going to look over it, but most likely, yes.” Alexander just stared at him, making Thomas finally look up from his computer. Alexander was surprised to see the difference in his rival. While Thomas didn’t look torn apart, there was something off about the man, just enough that Alexander could see it. “Is there something wrong, Hamilton? Do you need anything else?”
“No… Just make sure you look over that proposal.” Alexander turned to leave, confused at the entire thing.
“Will do. Thank you.” That made Alexander stop dead in his tracks.
“Dude, what’s wrong with you?”
“You know what? Nevermind.” Alexander needed to get out of there before he just ended up even more confused. The second he was back in his office, he sent out an SOS message to a new group chat without you in it. Eliza had made it, figuring you wouldn’t want to hear complaints about your ex when it was obvious you still weren’t over him.
From: Alex Now
I think Jefferson was just nice to me?
From: Peggy Now
Shouldn’t you be working?
From: Alex Now
No, seriously I went to go remind him to sign my proposal and he just said thank you??? And that he’d sign it???
From: John Now
Maybe (y/n)’s not the only one doing bad
From: Laf Now
I wasn’t going to bring it up, but Thomas has been off. James said he’s mainly been staying at the office
From: Eliza Now
:( That can’t be healthy
From: Angelica Now
I really hate to say it, but maybe we should talk to James and Aaron
From: Herc Now
So, uh, why?
From: Laf Now
From: Angelica Now
We’ll fill you in when we meet with the others
Alexander was tasked with getting James and Aaron to agree to meeting with them, which was surprisingly easy. It only took a couple days for the two friend groups to meet up at a bar after work. Everyone settled in with small talk, but once they had drinks in front of them, it was time to get to business.
“Okay, Hamilton, what’s this about?” James asked, taking a drink.
“Listen, (y/n) and Thomas both obviously aren’t doing great. They’ve just been wallowing and we need to get them back together,” Alexander explained.
“Didn’t they break up because of your argument on her birthday?” Aaron asked.
“We’re not pointing fingers here-” Alexander tried starting before getting cut off by John.
“Yeah, he picked a fight and then the next day they broke up. (Y/n)’s like my little sister, it sucks seeing her like this. I know you guys are pretty close to Thomas, so I guess it’s not great for you guys either.” Alexander looked at John, offended. “What, dude? It was going fine until you started talking.”
“Alright, we’ve established it’s Hamilton’s fault. But how are we going to get them back together? Thomas is always at the office, it’s not like he’s going anywhere,” James said.
“And we can’t trick (y/n) into just going to the office. She’ll recognize where we’re going immediately,” Hercules chimed in. “Laf, you’re in both these friend groups. What do you think’ll work?”
“I don’t know, they’re both tricky people. I know it won’t be good if we let this last any longer, though.”
“It’s been hard even trying to get (y/n) out of her apartment, but she’s still been hanging out with us every once in a while. It might be a bit easier to work with her,” Peggy jumped in. “Do you guys think you could manage to drag Thomas out?”
“Laf might be better suited to do that,” James admitted. “Thomas always has been more agreeable when the two of them hang out.”
“We might have to do this with all of us present, just so they can’t try to run away when they see each other,” Eliza commented, resting her chin on her hand. “Who knows, maybe they don’t try to run.”
“Wounds might be too fresh for them to just buddy up to each other, though,” Aaron interjected. “They’ll probably try to avoid each other at least.”
“Guys, come on! We have at least five of the most strategic people I know here, we can think of something,” Angelica said. “It doesn’t have to be right now, but we can get them back together.”
“Well, I think-”
“You don’t get an opinion, Alexander,” Angelica cut him off.
You didn’t know why Peggy and Eliza were dragging you out to this new cafe, but you didn’t mind it. You’d talked to Thomas about going once it opened, but now that the two of you weren’t together anymore, you were pretty much avoiding it. You didn’t want to go alone or bother any of your friends to go with you, but since they brought it up, you weren’t going to deny them. When you walked in and saw all the Instagram couples doing their thing, however, you started having second thoughts. 
“So, how are you doing?” Peggy asked as you sat down with your coffees. You took a sip as you wondered how to answer. There was always the option to pretend you didn’t know what she was trying to hint at, but that just meant prolonging the inevitable. You took another sip just to put off answering for a second longer as the sisters looked at you.
“I mean, not really great. Like, I know you guys might not want to hear this, but I honestly miss Thomas,” you explained. “It’s already been a while and I’m not over him yet, and it’s taken longer to get over than my other relationships too, and I don’t know if that means anything.”
“Well, would you want to get back together with him?” Eliza asked, intently watching you.
“I don’t know. I really miss him, but I just got tired with playing mediator between him and Alexander, no offense to your boyfriend,” you explained. “Actually, full offense to your boyfriend, no offense to you.”
“None taken,” Eliza waved you off. “So, you broke up because him and Alexander couldn’t get along?”
“When you put it like that, I guess? I mean, with how much time I spend with you and Alexander, I guess-” 
“Screw Alexander!”
“You already do that,” Peggy couldn’t help but quip. 
“What I mean is screw what Alexander thinks. I’ll be honest with you, it’s obvious that you’re miserable without him. Don’t think I didn’t hear you crying in the bathroom at work,” Eliza said, turning to focus solely on you.
“Okay but keep in mind our clients are idiots, it could’ve been because of them,” you tried arguing.
“Honey, I know they don’t get you that bad,” Peggy said. “If Thomas is who makes you happy, then you should be with him. And if Alexander can’t learn to behave, then we’ll just have to train him.”
“What, like a dog?”
“I would say to muzzle him but that’s considered kinky now.” You couldn’t help but laugh at Peggy’s deadpan delivery. “Seriously, all of us just want to see you happy. Even Alexander. Even if it’s with Thomas.”
“But how would I even go about it? I broke up with him, we haven’t talked in like a month now…” You trailed off, not knowing where you were going with that. Eliza took one of your hands in hers, giving it a soft pat.
“Don’t worry about it, we’ll figure that part out.”
“Wait, what do you mean by that?”
“That’s for you to find out.”
Thomas didn’t know why Lafayette was currently sitting behind his desk, refusing to budge from the spot, but he had work to do and his friend was stopping him from doing that. If he stopped working for too long, his mind began to drift back to you and the ache in his chest started all over again. He didn’t want to think about the way you laughed at his corny jokes, the way you  looked at him with pure adoration, the way you fit perfectly in his arms when he held you at night. He didn’t want to think about the hurt look you had the night of your birthday, the way you didn’t even want to look him in the eyes when you ended things the next day. He didn’t want to think about any of it, so he needed his friend to leave right at that moment.
“Laf, could you please go? I have to get back to work,” Thomas said, groaning in annoyance.
“What work could you possibly have, mon ami? James said you’ve been working nonstop,” Laf replied, spinning in the chair. 
“Don’t you have your own job?”
“I have the day off and thought I’d visit a friend,” Lafayette shot back. “We’re not here to talk about me! Why are you acting like Alexander?”
“Pardon?” Thomas asked, genuinely offended. He had no idea where this comparison was coming from, but he sincerely didn’t want to be compared to the sleep deprived idiot that had the office down the hall. Alexander was normally a sore spot for him, but with everything that happened after your birthday dinner, Thomas was a second away from genuinely resenting the other man.
“Two little birdies told me that someone’s just been working. First into the office, last to leave, almost like someone doesn’t want to be left alone with their own thoughts,” Lafayette explained, now picking up a pen from Thomas’s desk and bouncing it between his fingers.
“It’s weird when you do that?”
“What? Read you to filth?”
“I wasn’t going to phrase it like that but I guess.”
“But you admit it. What’s on your mind?”
“How’s (y/n) doing?”
“Ah, okay that clears everything right up,” Lafayette said with a nod. “She’s not doing great, perhaps just as miserable as you are.”
Thomas didn’t want the little hope that came with Lafayette’s words. If anything, he was a little disgusted with himself for being happy that you were upset - miserable, as Laf had put it. After all, he always said he wanted nothing but your happiness; it was what he told you after you had officially ended things. “What do you mean?”
“I felt that was pretty obvious, non?” Lafayette asked. “It’s not like she’s been a little social butterfly lately. We can barely even get her to come out with us. Kind of like how James and Aaron can’t get you out of the office.”
“Do you think I could-”
“Does she even want to-”
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”
“Trust me, I do.” With that, Lafayette finally stood from Thomas’s chair. “Come on, let’s get lunch.”
“I can’t, I still have work I need to do.” Thomas was going to sit in his chair, but he stopped dead in his tracks at the look Lafayette was giving him.
“What work? I doubt you have that much work,” Lafayette told him, rolling his eyes. Thomas huffed, straightening back up.
“Fine, let me grab my coat.”
You didn’t know it, but the time for the plan to really go into action was coming up quick. You were now spending your time trying to figure how out you could fix things, but you didn’t know how to take that first step. Would he even be willing to talk to you? Should you try calling him? Texting? Just showing up at his apartment? No, that last one would be a little weird. You still didn’t know what Eliza and Peggy meant by the whole they’d figure it out thing, but you wanted to make it right.
You didn’t think anything of it when John came by on your lunch break to take you out. Your friends had started taking shifts to force you out of your apartment, so it wasn’t anything new. When John mentioned getting drinks once you were done for the day you internally groaned. You wanted to just go home and binge watch the show you’d started watching on Netflix, but knowing John, he wasn’t going to let you do that. You started getting suspicious when he said you should dress up a bit, though.
Even though you didn’t know what he was up to, you followed his directions. Eliza dropped you off at your apartment, telling you John would be there to get you in about an hour. You thought it would be just you and John, but apparently the entire group was in on it. You rolled your eyes, going to quickly shower to freshen up. You didn’t know what exactly John meant by dress up, so you just threw on a knitted sweater and a pair of jeans. The knitted sweater helped hide Thomas’s college t-shirt he left at your apartment.
“So, are you gonna tell me why you’re acting so weird?” you asked John as he drove you wherever you were meeting with the rest of the group.
“I’m not acting weird,” he tried arguing. Even though he couldn’t turn to look at you, he could feel your withering stare. “What?! Is it weird that I wanted you to come out with us?”
“Nah, but it’s weird you told me to dress up.” You rolled your eyes at his obvious deflection. “What’re you guys up to?”
“Oh hey we’re here!” John ignored you as he pulled into the parking lot. You vaguely recognized the area, but couldn’t exactly place it. As soon as you were in the door of the bar, John directed you to get drinks for the both of you while he found your friends. You were about to complain, but when John said drinks would be on him, you really couldn’t.
While you were at the bar, John rushed over to the corner table your friends had gotten. “Alright, she’s here. When’re James and them gonna show up?”
“Aaron said they’re coming in soon,” Angelica reported, looking at her phone. Immediately everyone turned to watch the door. When the three men walked in, they saw James saying something to Thomas, and then Thomas left in the direction of the bar. James and Aaron quickly reached the group.
“Alright, if coincidence isn’t enough to bring them back together, we’ll have to force them,” John said, trying to find you at the bar. Sure enough, you were within a foot of Jefferson.
“Isn’t this us already trying to force them?” Aaron asked.
“Shut up, we’re letting them think it’s coincidence,” Hercules said, taking a drink.
While your friends were scheming, you were just standing at the bar, waiting for your drinks. You were looking at your phone, debating just sending Thomas a text message and asking if he’d be willing to meet you. A few drinks in, and you’d probably send that text message if your friends didn’t stop you. You locked your phone before you could be further tempted, looking around the bar for a decent distraction. You stopped in shock, practically short circuiting as you saw who was two people down from you. Of course.
You tried just looking ahead, hoping he wouldn’t notice you, but your luck really just ran out completely. “(Y/n)?”
You turned, acting like you hadn’t seen him before. “Oh, uh, hey Thomas.”
“What’re you doing here? I mean, not that you’re not allowed to be out or something, I’m just kind of surprised to see you,” he quickly went to correct himself.
“John dragged me out for drinks with everyone. How about you?”
“James and Aaron. They’re actually over… there.” Thomas frowned when he spotted Aaron and James sitting with your friends. You looked over, confused at his tone. When you saw what he did, however, you put the pieces together. “I see they’re with your friends.”
“Yeah, I see that. Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” The bartender placed your and John’s drinks on the counter behind you, letting the clank of the glasses on the counter alert you.
“I have a feeling this wasn’t a coincidence,” Thomas confirmed.
“God, they really staged this whole thing.” Thomas was next to get the drinks for him and his friends. “You know, I was actually going to text you right before I saw you.”
“Really?” Thomas asked, a shy little smile on his face that he tried to hide by looking down.
“Yeah. Listen, I’m really sorry. Honestly, I regret ending things, and I know this really isn’t the place to talk about it but you need to know,” you admitted, taking a sip of one of the drinks. You didn’t really care if it was yours or John’s. He could deal with it.
“Sugar, I really don’t know what to say. I’ve missed you so much.” You looked up at Thomas, surprised to see him looking at you the same way he did throughout your relationship - like you were his world. “If your friends went through all this trouble, I’m guessing that won’t be as big of an issue.”
“Yeah, maybe. Do you want to… I dunno?” You honestly didn’t know where you were trying to go with that.
“Let’s get something and go back to mine. You probably haven’t eaten since your break, right?”
“Yeah. We should probably go tell them something,” you said, looking back at the group intently watching the two of you. “I kinda feel like we should mess with them.”
“Oh, definitely,” Thomas agreed. “I’ll let you take the lead on that one, Sugar.”
You nodded, picking up the two drinks you had and making your way back to the table, glaring directly at John. He probably wasn’t the mastermind behind this whole thing, but he was the one to bring you here. You placed his glass down harder than necessary, scanning everyone. “You guys definitely planned this.”
“Well, yeah. It’s not like you guys were gonna make the first move,” Alex chimed in. “By the way, I give you my blessing now.”
“Who the hell said I needed your blessing, Alexander?” You demanded. It was supposed to all be a show, but Alexander saying that really bugged you. “You guys are unbelievable.”
With that, you took the few seconds to down your drink before putting the glass down. You turned on your heel and began walking towards the door, smiling slightly at your friends’ panicked calls of your name. Sure, John was your ride here, but Thomas was going to be your ride home.
Even as they watched you leave, no one made a move to follow you. Though they’d hoped the two of you would make up, there was no keeping you here if you didn’t want to be here. Hercules looked to Thomas. “What’d you say to her?”
“Nothing really. I’m going to leave too. Feel free to have my drink,” Thomas said, putting the glasses down on the table. Though his approach was a lot more subtle than yours, he had to admire your flare for the dramatics. He exited the bar soon after, looking for you. He found you standing a few feet from the door, waiting for him. “Shall we?”
“We shall,” you said, holding your hand out for him to take. As soon as your hand was in his, you couldn’t deny the warmth it sent through you. Oh yeah, this definitely beats just getting drinks with the group.
Once you got to Thomas’s apartment, you had to admit you were getting a little warm. When you took off your sweater, you heard Thomas’s sharp inhale. You turned to look at him. “What’s up?”
“Is… is that my shirt?” he asked, looking you up and down. You looked down at yourself, forgetting what you’d thrown on under your sweater.
“Oh, yeah. Do you have a problem with it? Like, not in a mean way, I’m genuinely asking.”
Thomas opened his arms, silently telling you to take your place in them. Once his arms were wrapped around you, he pressed a kiss to your lips. “Never, Sugar. You look amazing in my clothes.”
You could feel yourself getting flustered, hiding your face in your hands. “Shut up and just start the movie.”
“Not gonna shut up, but okay.” Thomas reached forward to grab the remote, jostling you slightly as he did so. As you heard the sound of the movie start up, you stopped hiding your face, resting your head against his chest. For the first time since your birthday, you felt whole again. You would thank your friends, but they deserved to sweat it for a while.
Permanent Tag List: @treatallwithkindness, @laic2299
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monoxidecahedron · 4 years
home is where the heart is- jamilmads
I have, in fact, been writing! Have some Jamilmads. I’m working on Wings Of Privilege, I promise, but in the meantime here’s this. TW for alcohol/drunkenness
Thomas sighed. He’d gone to the bar to relax, not to deal with his very inebriated coworker, but here he was, standing outside with a drunk Alexander Hamilton leaning on him. “Come on,” he said, “let’s get you home.” 
“Home is where the heart is,” Alexander muttered. Thomas just shook his head. 
“Well, where do you sleep at night, then?” Alexander just turned away, ignoring him. “You’re my home,” he said, barely audible. Thomas froze. 
“You’re drunk,” he said, more to himself than to Alex. No. Alex didn’t mean it that way. Besides, James was waiting for him at home, loyal like he’d always been, steady and unyielding and always there. And yet here Thomas was, hoping Alex did mean it that way. 
After some prodding and a lot of nonsense on Alex’s part, it became clear that he was not going to tell Thomas where he lived. So he hauled Alex into the backseat of his car and set the route to his and James’ flat, the monotone “route set for Home” ringing in the quiet. As blurred lights flashed by the windows, beacons among the general darkness of the night, Alex was silent, seemingly thinking. Thomas took this time to get his thoughts in order.
He did love James, he really did. Truly. But- Alex. Alex with his fiery passion, his never-ending energy, the way something inside him seemed to spark when he fought, the way his words flowed, powerful and moving, even though the power was often directed against him. It was a dilemma he never seemed to be able to solve. On the one hand, there was James, cool and collected, a steady presence always near him, quiet but strong in its own way. On the other hand, there was Alexander, whirlwind of fire and fury, always moving, always climbing towards something, leaving everyone in the dust. Except Thomas. Thomas could keep up. Thomas was the one who was challenging him constantly, pushing his limits, one foot on the ground next to James and the other chasing Alex. 
The light turned red and Thomas braked. It had started raining, and the windows were blurred with water, a soft pattering sound indicating raindrops landing on the car. “You’re in love,” Alex said.
“Well of course, I’ve always been in love with James,” he responded, although his chest tightened as he shoved aside his feelings for Alex. The man in the backseat scrunched up his face.
 “No, with me,” he said. Thomas twisted in his seat to face him. 
“Yeah,” Alex said, in his own world already. “Yeah, you love me. I mean, I wish.” 
“Never mind,” he huffed, crossing his arms. Thomas would have rolled his eyes at the childish behaviour, but he was still stuck on “I wish”. What did he mean? He wished Thomas loved him? That was silly, he thought, because I do love him. Alex gave him a strange look, almost like he was scrutinizing him. “What?” Thomas asked. 
“The light’s turned.” Thomas turned back to see that the light was, indeed, green. 
“Fuck!” The car started moving again.
“Mmmm, yes please,” Alex muttered, eyes closed sleepily. Thomas tried to ignore him and the mental images forming in his head, gripping the wheel tighter and staring determinedly at the road. The harsh swish-swish of the windshield wipers seemed to pierce the silence. Neither of them spoke. 
When they finally arrived at the flat, five minutes later, Thomas pulled an umbrella out of the car’s internal storage (silently thanking James for his constant refrain of ‘you never know’) and opened the door, going around to do the same for Alex. When it clicked open, Alex didn’t move, just sat there, quiet. Thomas sighed, climbing into the backseat and unbuckling Alex, prodding him a little bit. When he still didn’t move, he sighed again and picked him up, pulling him out and closing the door with his foot. Silently he worried about how easy it was to hold the small man in his arms, but he didn’t say anything, carrying him inside instead.
James, who had been sitting at the table inside, looked up immediately as the door swung open. “Thomas, who’s- is that Hamilton?” 
“Iss’ me,” Alex slurred, waving a floppy hand from Thomas’s bridal-style hold. Thomas moved, shutting the door behind him and dropping Alex on the couch. “James!” Alex said, smiling and attempting to get up at the sight of him. “Hi! Hello! It’s been a while since we’ve talked. I miss you!” James winced. 
“You do know it was you who screamed at me and ended our friendship, right?” Alexander’s face fell. 
“Oh. Yeah.” Then he waved a dismissive hand, brightening up again. “Ah well, doesn’t really matter anymore, does it?” James, unimpressed, turned to Thomas. “Why is Hamilton here?” Thomas gave him a guilty smile. “I mean… I went to the bar but he was drunk out of his mind and I couldn’t exactly leave him there?” James sighed, rubbing his forehead. “You absolutely could have left him there! You could have- I don’t know, called a taxi! Call Laurens, if you have to!” Thomas sat down next to him. “Look, I know I probably could have, but-” There was no “but”. He had no idea why he’d brought Alex home. Well, actually. Scratch that. He knew exactly why he’d brought him home. He just didn’t want to admit it, and certainly not to James, his actual partner whom he was committed to, who loved him. James just shook his head. “Well, okay, Tom,” he said, “what do you propose we do?” 
“Me!” Alexander piped up from the couch. 
James blushed. “What?” 
Thomas winced, about to warn him not to engage, but oh well. Alex was already propping himself up, grinning. 
“Fuck me!” he said brightly. 
Thomas put his head in his hands. “Alex, just-”
“What?” Alex said, looking from Thomas to James. “You love me! You said so!” James looked stricken. 
“Thomas- I didn’t- I-” Thomas cut across him. 
“Alexander. Stop. Now,” he said tersely, every muscle tense. 
“Whaaaaaaat?” Alex sang. “I’m drunk! You said so!” James shook his head. 
“We have a guest room. You can stay there. Good night, Thomas.” Thomas watched him walk towards their room. He sighed, looking at Alex and wondering if he was worth James’ disappointment. Alex smiled, blissfully unaware as Thomas scooped him up and dumped him in the guest room. 
The room is filled with pleasant natural light when Alexander wakes up, streaming in through the curtains and highlighting him where he lies on the bed. His hair is a mess, and he feels terrible, he notices, taking stock of the rest of his body. He blinks his eyes open slowly. He looks up and there stands Thomas, leaning against the doorframe in nothing but a tank top. “Er. Hi,” he says, voice a little broken from sleep. Thomas starts, as if he was caught doing something wrong. “Hey.” Alex blinks again, trying to chase away the fog that seems to weigh down his mind. “So, uh, what happened?” Thomas shifts uncomfortably. Something about his movement triggers a memory, snippets of lights and rain and the scent of Thomas flashing through his mind.
You’re my home.
You love me! You said so!
I mean, I wish.
Fuck. How much damage did he do? 
The answer is evident in Thomas’s uncomfortable expression. “Al- Hamilton, look, I-” He starts to say something, but seems to stop himself, deciding instead to tell him, “James made breakfast for all of us, so…” Alex nods, tells him he’ll be out in a minute, watches him go. Wonders what the hell he can do to fix this. He knows. He knows and he doesn’t like him. Stupid, stupid Alex. All those times his mind wandered, all the times he thought he saw something, all those times James gave him a tiny scrap of attention that he clung to, twisting it in his mind into something more…
“I’m done!” Alex shouts. “I’m done dealing with your shit! Go- go fuck around with Jefferson for all I care!” James gives him a hurt look, but turns away silently and walks off. He was never one for direct confrontation.
Alex watches him go, wondering what he just did.
James walks into the room, following Jefferson in his gaudy magenta suit to a seat across the table, right across from him. It’s like they’re trying to distract him; James with his small smiles and kind eyes, Jefferson with his bright laugh and disarmingly handsome features. 
The meeting starts. Washington is talking about something; he knows it’s important, but he can’t tear his mind away from how Thomas’s arms would feel cradling him, James’ soft lips against his, the two of them cherishing him-
He manages to keep himself together for two weeks, until he rounds a corner and finds James pressed against Thomas, kissing like there’s no tomorrow. So that’s it. This is how it ends, he thinks, sinking down onto his knees in his office, head in his hands, sobbing. That’s it. He doesn’t stand a chance anymore. His competition is Thomas and his competition is James. How could he possibly expect one of them to choose him over the other, when they’re both so obviously perfect?
James pokes his head around the doorway. “Alex? You coming?” Alexander nods numbly, dragging himself up stumbling towards the door. James catches him, and Alex resists the urge to wrap his arms around him and slot himself against James’ warm body. Instead, he pushes him away, leaning on the doorframe and waving James off, insisting he’ll be fine. He won’t be fine, not when he’s just revealed his hand and James will never look at him the way he desperately wishes he would, but he can be alive, at least.
When he enters the main room, he finds Thomas and James sitting at the table, laughing at something he didn’t catch. It’s such a domestic scene and he feels his chest tighten at their familiarity. He and James had that once. Before he can sneak out the door, Thomas notices him and waves him over. “Alex! Glad you finally decided to join us.” Alex draws a chair and sits, staring determinedly down at his scrambled eggs. Maybe if he pretends this didn’t happen, if he ignores them-
“Alexander Hamilton, you are not ignoring us like a child,” James chides. Alex huffs. 
“What. What is it,” he snaps childishly. 
“Well, you said some things yesterday,” James starts, choosing to ignore that, his tone stiff and professional. “We’d rather like it if they were true.” 
“M-hm,” Alex mutters sarcastically. Then his head snaps up as he seems to process the words. “Wait, what?” 
“What he means,” Thomas cuts in, “is that James has been pining hopelessly for you for a while and he dragged me into it too and he wants you to like him back.” James shoots him a look, muttering something that sounds suspiciously like “I literally admitted I liked him last night”. Alex just stares at the two of them. “Wait. So. You- you want- me?” 
“Well, yes, that’s the general idea,” Thomas says dryly. Alex nods slowly. 
“Okay. And. Uh. What about- you guys’s relationship?” His eloquence seems to have lost him, Thomas notices, making a mental note to tease him about “you guys’s” later. 
“We were thinking, if you’d like, you could join our pre-existing relationship,” James says. Unlike Alexander, he seems to gain eloquence in awkward or new situations, making him sound awfully like a lawyer. Alex seems to be thinking it over in his chair. 
“I- well, okay, I guess? It’s just, like, a lot? I don’t really- I didn’t expect this,” he says, quickly adding, “it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just that it’s all a lot to take in, I do like you guys, I really do, it’s just it’s a bit much a bit too suddenly.” 
“That’s okay,” Thomas says. “We can take it slower. Start with a date or something.” Now in more comfortable territory, Alex smirks. “Better be something good, prettyboy, or I’m dumping your ass.” 
He wasn’t sure what he was expecting. In hindsight, he probably should have recognized that Thomas would have absolutely taken that as a challenge, he thinks, staring openmouthed at the honest-to-god Ferrari that Thomas pulled up in. Said man just grins at him. “C’mon, Hamilton,” he says. “Get in.” 
As Alex pulls the door shut, James glances worriedly at him from the passenger seat. “Are you alright? I told Thomas it was too much but he wouldn’t listen-” 
“I’m fine,” Alex says. “Just- wow.” Thomas smirks, that devastatingly handsome, arrogant expression that Alex goes crazy for. “This fit your definition of  ‘something good?’” 
“I dunno,” he says fake-casually. “I don’t even know where we’re going.” 
“Well, you won’t for a while,” James interjects. “We’ve got a long drive, about forty-five minutes, so buckle up.” 
Forty-five minutes and one date at the pier later, Alexander stands back on his doorsteps, thoroughly tired and happy. Thomas and James insist on walking him to his door, and so there he stands, leaning against Thomas, whose fingers are running through his hair. “Goodnight, Alex,” James says, though he makes no move to go. Alex makes a muffled sound of protest against Thomas’s chest. Thomas laughs. “You have to get to bed, Lex, it’s late,” he says, and Alex can feel the vibrations in his chest. He makes another muffled sound. 
“M’ tired,” he mumbles, pressing his key into James’ hand. “You guys can put me to bed.”
“Alright then,” Thomas says, picking him up as James unlocks the door. It’s dark, and the crickets are chirping, audible even after they enter and shut the door behind them. Alex directs Thomas to his bedroom, and Thomas sets him down gently on the bed. “‘Night,” Alex mutters sleepily. James smiles. “Goodnight, Alexander,” he says. “Goodnight,” Thomas adds. Alexander is already fast asleep.
Yay! 2k of happy Jamilmads! Pleeeease leave a comment I’ll love you forever if you do and reblogs are greatly appreciated! This is your friendly reminder from your local frustrated Tumblr writer that likes do nothing!
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deja-you · 4 years
times new roman | episode nine
t. jefferson x reader
summary: Y/n needs a date. Thomas would be more than happy to oblige.
word count: 2.4k
A/N: this chapter contains smut! if you’re not comfortable with that feel free to skip this chapter, it not technically necessary to the next part. 
also this is my first smut,, so read at your own discretion. wrote this all in one sitting idk what to think. but at least it was a fast update or something??
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Y/n ended up picking out a sparkly, blue minidress. Peggy had insisted she buy it months ago, and now she finally had an occasion to wear it. Now that it was on, Y/n wondered why she had never worn it before. It fit her snuggly, accentuating all her best features. And when paired with heels? She felt like some kind of runway model. 
If the smile on her face when she looked in the mirror wasn’t enough to boost her ego, the look on Thomas’s face would have sent her over the edge. When she opened the door, he was wearing a confident smirk, but it dropped from his face when he saw what she was wearing. 
“Wow. I just... wow.” He stared at her with his mouth open. 
Y/n stepped out into the hallway and turned to close the door so he didn’t see the proud smile she has on. “Hm? Have I finally brought Thomas Jefferson to a loss for words?”
Thomas blinked a few times, shook his head, and attempted to recover. “I’m always at a loss for words when it comes to you, angel.”
“Annnndddd he’s back,” she laughed. “Let’s get to that speakeasy now, yeah?”
This time there was no awkward silence this time like there had been before their first official date. Thomas had asked Y/n out a few times since then, sometimes it was just for lunch or coffee, sometimes it was front row orchestra tickets. Despite all the dates, Y/n nor Thomas tried to define the relationship, both seemingly happy to have a casual thing between the two of them.
That didn’t change the fact that every time Y/n’s phone buzzed, her serotonin levels raised, and if the text did happen to be from Thomas, she wouldn’t even try to hide her smile. She had attempted to hide her smile before, but discovered it was too tiring an ordeal. 
It was true that they had grown quite close over the span of a few weeks, but they still insisted on keeping whatever their relationship was a secret from their friends, co-workers, and family. 
“Are we really making a detour to a bookstore?” Y/n asked as Thomas tugged her into a rundown shop. 
Thomas raised an eyebrow and glanced back at her. “Angel, what do you think a speakeasy is?”
She narrowed her eyes, wondering if he was trying to insult her or set up a trap. “It’s a secret bar.”
“Yes,” he nodded, “and it wouldn’t be much of a secret if the entrance was in an obvious place.”
Her mouth formed a small ‘o’ when the realization struck her. In the back of the store, Thomas approached a bookstore employee and tapped them on the shoulder. Thomas exchanged a few lines of a Shakespeare sonnet with the employee (a pretentious fact that Y/n made a note to make fun of him for later), and the employee was sliding open a bookcase a few seconds later. 
Thomas turned back to smile at Y/n, easily slipping his hand through her’s, and tugging her inside. The bookcase slid shut behind them. Y/n was shocked that a moment ago she had been standing in a quiet bookshop, and now she was standing in a lavish speakeasy. 
In one corner of the room, there was an arrangement of opulent lounge chairs. There was a bar in the back of the room where a bartender was mixing up elaborate cocktails, and a small crowd was gathered around him. Jazzy music filled the air, and occupants found any room in the small space to dance wildly with each other. 
Y/n wrapped her hand around Thomas’s arm, pulling him closer in case she lost him in the sea of dancing bodies. 
“I don’t know if I was expecting it to be so lively,” she spoke loudly in Thomas’s ear.
He shrugged. “It’s the grand opening, I doubt it’s always like this. Want to grab a drink?”
Y/n wanted to say something about the last time she had gotten drunk around him, but the truth is, she did want a drink, so she just nodded. Thomas gripped her hand and they journeyed through the sea of drunken dancers to the bar. After a few minutes, they were able to place their orders for drinks that sounded good in theory, but were more intimidating when the bartender lit the drink on fire. 
“So what do you think?” Thomas leaned against the bar, his eyes watching her carefully. 
Y/n grinned widely. “I love it here. Glad I didn’t decline your answer to go out tonight.”
“Did you really consider declining?” He laughed, feigning an offended expression. 
“The point is, I didn’t,” Y/n said, leaning forward and gripping his arm. “C’mon, let’s go dance.”
Thomas was in no position to deny her, and he happily allowed Y/n to pull him away from the bar and into the lively crowd. Y/n wasn’t an expert dancer, but Thomas made her look good, spinning and swaying in time with the music. She had her arms thrown around his shoulder, her fingertips lightly tapping a rhythm into the fabric of his back as she hummed along to the song playing. 
This close to him, Y/n could distinctly smell the scents of cedar and amber on him with a faint trace of cherry blossoms. It was like he had just walked out of the Library of Congress, and she would have believed him if he said he had. Thomas’s hands dug firmly into her skin, pulling her hips so they were flush against his. 
They continued dancing like this for a few songs, but by the time the third song came to an end, both of them were nearly out of breath.
“I think I need some water,” Y/n laughed, as their bodies parted slightly.
“I think you’re right,” he grinned. Something caught Thomas’s eye beyond Y/n’s shoulder, and he tapped her hip lightly. “I think I see my client over there, angel. I should go say hi. Would you mind getting me a glass of water as well?”
She stood on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, “don’t take too long.”
Y/n released him and sauntered over to the bar, making sure to swing her hips with every step, knowing exactly the effect she had on Thomas. He cursed quietly under his breath and shook his head. 
Thomas wasn’t planning on spending too much time thanking his client for inviting him to the speakeasy, but now he had even more reason to make the conversation short. He couldn’t have been parted from Y/n for more than five minutes when he found her once more at the bar. 
The sight that greeted him wasn’t a pleasant one. A young blonde guy had found his way to her side, and he was leaning in a little too close. Y/n didn’t pay much mind to him, occasionally rolling her eyes at some cheesy pick-up line he was attempting. She felt Thomas’s gaze on her before she turned to see him staring at her a few feet away. 
One glance was all she needed to see how worked up he was just having another man talk to her. Y/n sent Thomas a coy smirk and turned to the blonde beside her with a newfound interest. 
“What was that you were saying, handsome?” She asked the blonde in a soft tone, her hand reaching up to lightly trace over his tie. Y/n glanced at Thomas, her grin widening a little when she saw his eyes narrowing and his fists clenched at his sides. 
“I was wondering if you wanted to come home with me tonight,” the blonde said, stunned at her change in attitude toward him.
“Hm, that’s an interesting off--”
Y/n felt a hand tightly grip the wrist of the hand she had absentmindedly playing with the blonde’s tie. She looked up to see a seething Thomas glaring at her. 
“Sorry, she’s already got plans for this evening.” Thomas didn’t waste anymore breath on the blonde, placing his hand on her lower back and leading her away from the bar. 
“I can’t leave you alone for a minute, can I?” He growled softly when they were out of earshot. 
Thomas brought her back into the crowd of dancers, but the mood had changed immensely since the last time they had been dancing. His hands were holding her body tightly as if he was afraid she might slip away. Y/n could feel the heat of his breath while he slid his hands up and down her body.
“I’m an adult, you don’t have to babysit me,” she shut her eyes momentarily, enjoying the feeling of his body against her’s. 
“I wouldn’t have to if you didn’t act like a child.”
Her eyes snapped open and she glared at him. “Bite me.”
Thomas didn’t miss a beat. “Where?”
Y/n gasped softly, her eyes going wide. Thomas didn’t wait long for a reply, pulling her body closer, if that was even possible, and placing his lips on the exposed skin on her neck. He lightly nipped at her skin, and Y/n refrained from letting out a deep moan, swallowing roughly instead. Her hand found the back of his neck and she pulled him closer to her. 
“Don’t talk to other guys like that,” Thomas’s voice was raspy as his lips pressed kisses against her skin. 
Framing his face with her hands, Y/n brought him up to look her in the eye, an eyebrow raised. Realizing his mistake, Thomas quickly rephrased. “Wait, no. I’m aware I can’t tell you what to do. I just... please don’t talk to anyone else like that. Not in front of me.”
“I don’t want to talk to anyone but you. You’re an idiot,” she smiled, “now kiss me.”
Thomas didn’t need to be asked twice. He held Y/n’s face in one hand, the other hand resting on her lower back. Thomas pressed his lips against her’s like her kiss was the oxygen he needed to breathe. His knee slid between her thighs, and she grinded against his leg on instinct. He groaned into the kiss, and the next thing Y/n knew, he had pulled away from her completely.
“We need to get out of here,” Thomas panted.
Y/n nodded. “Your place?”
“My place,” he agreed.
They exited the speakeasy in record time, and the cool air outside seemed to momentarily sober them up. Thomas was sure the Uber driver didn’t appreciate how handsy they were being in the backseat, so he made sure he tipped generously. 
When Thomas had closed his apartment door behind him, Y/n nearly jumped on him, your lips latching onto his. His hands slid up her legs, the electric blue dress she had been wearing began to bunch up around her waist. Thomas’s fingers slipped expertly into her panties, sliding them down her legs and to her ankles.
Thomas got down on his knees in front of her, tearing down a wall Y/n had tried so hard to keep up with every kiss he placed on the inside of her thighs. Y/n could feel her heart racing a hundred beats per minute in her chest as her head hit the the wall behind her. She reached a hand down to thread through Thomas’s hair, gently guiding him to where she needed him the most. 
He took the hint, his tongue sliding against Y/n’s pussy lips, once, then twice. Thomas successfully elicited an unrestrained moan from your mouth. Enjoying the sound, his tongue darted into her folds once more, his fingers digging bruises into her hips.
Thomas brought her close to the edge, then in some kind of telepathic way, he pulled away just as she was about to reach her climax. He continued this pattern a few more times until she couldn’t take it anymore and tugged at his hair.
“Thomas, please,” his name sounded like a prayer on her lips. “I need you to stop teasing me. I want you. All of you.”
He nodded in understanding, standing up and pulling her into his bedroom. Thomas’s hands found the hem of Y/n’s dress in the dark and pulled it over her head. Y/n began undoing Thomas’s belt buckle while he unclasped her bra and flung the garment into some forgotten corner of the room. His hands traced her body, memorizing every curve and indent and Y/n tugged down his pants. 
Thomas picked her up and threw her onto the bed. He tugged off his shirt before climbing onto the bed after her. Thomas pressed his lips to hers firmly, and Y/n willing returned the kiss. She ran her hand down his back, and Thomas’s hips bucked forward at the feeling. Y/n’s eyes widened slightly at the feeling of his large erection through his boxers. 
“You have protection?” She asked with a hoarse voice. 
“Yeah,” he murmured, climbing off of her to retrieve a condom from his nightstand. 
Y/n heard the crinkling of foil, then a few moments later she felt the bed dip under his weight and he was once more above her. He lined himself up at her entrance then paused, thumbing tracing the outline of her lips and eyes staring into her’s in a moment of raw intimacy. 
“You’re sure about this?” He said softly. “I’ll stop right now if you say the word.”
Y/n admired the way he searched her features for any trace of hesitance or doubt. She shook her head. “Don’t stop. Please, I need you--”
She was cut off with her own moan when he pushed his length inside her. Y/n gasped as she struggled to accommodate his large size. Her nails dug into his blood, and she wouldn’t have been surprised if she drew blood. 
“Oh, angel, you feel so good around me,” Thomas panted as he pumped in and out of her. 
Y/n didn’t even try to restrain her scream of his name when he began to pick up his pace, gaining speed and working through her body skillfully. His neighbors would not be happy with Y/n tomorrow, but she couldn’t care what they thought. She was in bliss.
“Thomas... oh god, Thomas...” Y/n struggled getting any coherent words out as she neared her climax, and Thomas wasn’t having any more luck. 
Thomas kept up at his rapid pace, and a few minutes later he was riding her through her orgasm. Y/n screamed out his name once more, and that seemed to push Thomas over the edge as he reached his climax as well. 
Y/n and Thomas stood still for a moment, panting. Finally, Thomas pulled out and got up long enough to throw the used condom in the trash before collapsing down at Y/n’s side where he belonged. 
“You’re perfect, angel. You’re perfect.”
tag list:
@dovesgrangers @lovelymrvl  @wiffle-snuffles @thisistrashperson @comingupwithacoolnameishard @wordvomit-foryourmind @newtonslawoffuck @isharemydeathdaywithfeanor @i-know-i-can @imperial-martian @fangirling-central @dannighost @ateliefloresdaprimavera @justahappylilblog @fanfic-addict-98 @a-hopeless-fan @and-claudia @nicolemelton @youtxbemusic @reidcult @eirenism @fantasy-of-fiction @iamsuperconfusedallthetime-dead @a-midwinter-night-dream-86 @rycbar-221b @bethanymccauley @fanworrior @gggamingz @nemesis729 @ibeaesthethicc  @yodas-padawan @sabbrriiinnaa @micaiahmoonheart @beautifulfound @moondustmemories @ct-salad @teenwaywardasgardian @bj-is-a-graduateof-julliard @ruebx @katierpblogg @speedypartyducksuitcase @fangirling-central @idkkbaleighh @ballerinafairyprincess @spn-pogues @gryffin-claw @elegantbutedgy @1elysium @sierraisnotreal @ssanjuniperoo @collectivefandom @lilbabyhoneypot @lunariasilver @justcallmemama @atleastidontdotiktoks @mistrose23 @checkurwindow @fluffydmonkey @pettyjayy @rosesinmars @cubedtriangle @itsjube @zeelmol @ems-alexandra @yavin4andor @daveeds-whore @someinsanefangirl @theatrenerd86 @poetnstuff @ohsoverykeri-blog @im-sidney @omgyouburtmyeggos @astralaffairs @nyxie75 @mydearestlaurens @janessawonderwall @the-middle-oldest-child @emtinuviel​ @elizard-hamilton​
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moosoobi · 4 years
In the night: Chapter 1
T.Jeffy- Hamilton: the musical
Thomas’s interest in Y/N pulls him into a position he was previously blind to. They say every girl’s another mystery, but definitely not like this. Buckle your seatbelt Tommy, you’re in for a ride
Finally finished the first part of ITN (which is ironic since the moment I wrote this message I still haven’t finished it). I really hope I’m able to bring this story to life the way I want to and I hope y’all enjoy 😔💕. Here’s some stuff to expect:
Told from Thomas’s POV
Modern Au
College talk even though I’m literally in my second year of high school (so please bear with me) 
Ruh roh moments
Sorta weird POV/storytelling (I’m new to writing fics and stuff so this is definitely a learning opportunity) Also excuse my English errors: Though this is my only language, my school system seemed to fail in teaching me how to write
Word count: 6.7k (including separators) 
TW: itty bitty angst, themes of injury/blood, etc. 
I’m not the best story writer, so after reading this chapter you may have many questions. Please keep in mind that this is one chapter out of (about) 10. Things that you may not understand in this chapter will most likely be explained in future chapters.
-Now Playing: In The Night by The Weeknd-
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My God, she’s perfect 
     The way the sunlight reflects off of her glass skin. The sincerity in every word, every letter that she writes with her only pencil. To be that flawless, it’s a mystery to me. She takes a glance at me. Did she feel me staring? I duck down my head in embarrassment. 
“Jefferson, you oughta put that scholarship to good use”
     Professor Washington boomed to the entire class. I hear a fragment of her giggle. Her laugh is soft and naïve. I couldn't help but smile at the sound of her happiness.
     Washington is right, though. It's my first semester after I came back from my student exchange program over in France and I can already feel my sanity slipping. France was a beauty to visit, so many customs and cultures I wish I could be flourished in right now. 
     But there was one thing great about going to school in New York: I get to sit in a classroom with Y/N L/N. 
     I’ve never talked to her formally, at least not yet. She’s always sitting alone, never answers any questions, but Professor Washington makes the class acknowledge her perfect test scores and fascinating interpretations 
     As the bell rings I watch her stand swiftly. Is she in a rush? I can't help but watch as her hair is flung over her shoulder. She stuffs her notebooks and singular pencil into her burgundy-magenta backpack. Hey, at least she has good taste in color. 
I don’t think you understand
     She sits alone everyday during lunch, yet she never looks bothered. Her energy is so compelling to me. A feeling about her that I cannot comprehend, something that feels greater than my existence. I just got to know. 
“Thomas, you gotta work on staring at people less noticeable” James catches my attention by pointing his fork a little too close to my face. 
      I was staring? Again?
     I shake my head to snap back to reality
“The great Thomas Jefferson is interested in someone for longer than 30 seconds. I gonna be honest with you Thom, that’s impressing”
     I hear James laugh as he violently stabs a few pieces of pasta onto his fork. 
     James has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. We went to the same middle and high school down in Virginia, and just coincidentally ended up going to the same college in New York. 
     We’re always there for each other. I remember cheering for him at a high school assembly after he won a story writing challenge, he’s such a nerd. Then again, he had to drive me home a couple of times after I failed multiple driving tests.
     Back in high school, James was the Chess Club Champion, a title he always shoved down my throat. It’s no secret why, though. He’s really good at thinking things through, While I on the other hand tend to dive headfirst into the abyss.
“Shut it James” I sarcastically retort, taking a sip of the expensive chocolate milk which my scholarship supposedly pays for 
Hey, can I sit here?
     I talked to her during class. Her voice is angelic: Now, I’m not one to be religious and all, but that voice could get me on my knees praying for forgiveness. My ego couldn’t get me anywhere at all, as if she already knew my tactics, she knew my flirts, and how? I guess it just adds to her mystery.
“C'mon! that one works every time!” I whine
“Don't be so full of yourself Jefferson, I’ve heard them all before” A smile danced across her face
     She did, however, laugh at some of my remarks. It's good to know that she has a sense of humor. My jokes of Professor Washington’s shiny, bald head. The jokes of Professor Washington’s assistant, John Adams, who’s suspiciously absent considering he signed up for this job.
     Heck, I would even make fun of myself if it meant I got to hear that graceful laugh one more time- actually, that might be a little too far.
     Many days of giggling in class came after that day. I can see her starting to open up to my friends and I, like she’s spreading her wings and showing us the greatness that lies behind the social wall that she put up years ago. Even when we got in trouble for a little too much giggling in the back of the class, I sacrificed my own pride so she didn’t have to. Yes, I, Thee Thomas Jefferson, did that. 
     Even though I could see the social wall she put up, I knew one day Y/n would fall for my charming pick up lines, or maybe I just happened to have a lucky day:
“Y/N I need some a some help with my math homework” 
     Y/N glances over to me in concern. I fake a scared expression.
“Quick!” I swiftly grab her shoulder and shake her “What’s your phone number?”
     She playfully smacks my arm
     Obtaining her number felt like a rite of passage, like I’m important to her, like she wants me in her life. I couldn’t stop smiling that day, and of course James just had to make a comment on it. 
“Thomas, if you keep smiling like that I’m going to start thinking that your sick or something”
      James said as he shut my laptop, tired of waiting for me to pack my things.
“Now that's REAL ironic coming from you, James” 
      I raised an eyebrow as my laugh begins to come up my throat. I take my closed laptop and shove it somewhere into my backpack.
“Okay, leaving for a month in sophomore year just because of a little fever doesn’t make ‘being sick’ as part of my trade mark” 
     James playfully smacked the back of my head. Thankfully, my curls serve as protection, not just to make me sinfully handsome. James and I walk out of the freezing lecture hall and were hit with the crisp-coldness of New York.
     To the right of me I catch a glimpse of that eye catching burgundy-magenta backpack as it’s thrown into the trunk of a shiny, expensive car. My feet keep its motion as my head turns to see Y/N standing at the door of the car. 
“Yo, is that Y/N?” I hear James whisper behind me “and who’s that?” 
     My attention is suddenly drawn to the tall man walking around the car to open her door. His curly hair is pulled into a small bun and the smile he had on his face broke apart the stubble on his jaw. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. 
“I’m just as clueless as you are”
     Keeping my glance on Y/N and the man, I watch as the man opens the door for her. My stomach turns as I watch Y/N smile back at him as she sits in the car. 
     For a split second, I swear I saw her shoot a soft glance at me. My feet almost stop in their tracks before I feel James’ hand yank me onto another pathway. 
“I’m all for you being head over heels, but we’re gonna be late to our study session with Angie” 
     Reality starts to set back into my head. 
“Right, lets dip.” 
“So little Tommy is Infatuated with this woman?”
     Angie’s eyes are piercing, and her luscious hair frames her face in a saintly manner. She slips off her baby pink coat to ease into her library seat. Her eyebrow raises as she takes a sip of her steaming coffee
     Of course James wouldn’t shut his mouth, especially around the notorious Angelica Schuyler.
     Angie’s pretty popular here, I find myself wondering why she has so many connections, yet it’s not just any reason(s) why she seems to be in the spotlight.
     1: She’s the oldest Schuyler. Her last name definitely got her places, not like I’m one to talk. Everyone seems to know her, not just at school, but all around New York City, and with her 5,000 Instagram followers, her first name’s starting to catch up with her last name in popularity
     2: Angie’s Daddy has money money. And that’s no secret when she decides to walk around campus with her designer handbags and shoes. I tend to think she always gets what she wants, but I know deep down, she’s never gonna be satisfied. Maybe it’s just a side effect of growing up with a silver spoon in your mouth
     And finally,
     3: Miss Schuyler here is Bold. She’s never afraid to put both me and James in our place. It’s almost as if she can’t be touched by anyone’s thoughts of her, then again the gossip in NYC is terribly insidious. With such grace and respect, Angelica is not afraid to throw your opinion into the ground.
“Yeah I swear, Jefferson would’ve gotten run over if I didn’t pull him onto the pathway” James attempted to tone down his laugh so the librarian wouldn’t stab him with those old, sharp eyes
For the first time, I didn’t know how to recoil
 “..Just caught me off guard.”. In an attempt to change the topic, I flipped through the pages of his textbook. 
Angelica and James shared an astonished glance at Thomas before looking at each other. I could hear James shrug and flipping open his textbook. I lift my head as I hear Angelica dig through her bag
“Alright let’s get started” Angie claps her hands together with determination
     It’s been 2 hours of studying in the ghostly library. Unfortunately, I can’t avoid the talk forever.
“Hey Thomas, why don’t you invite her to our next study session?”
     Angelica smirked as she rudely shut my laptop. I desperately imagine the day where both James and Angelica leave me alone. I angrily glare up at her, but she has a good idea
“Actually, that’s not to bad of an idea” I ponder for a moment before retrieving my phone from my pocket
Thomas: Hey Y/N, u free this week?
     Hmm. Is this okay? Nah it’s too straight forward. I sigh as I deleted and retyped the message
Thomas: Greetings Ms. L/N, this is Mr. Jefferson from class. Would you delight me by partaking in a study session? 
What the heck Jefferson? I began to get frustrated from this nonsense. It’s just a text, why am I getting so anal over it?
Thomas: Hey Y/N, ds@insdas/19z7dnesdc-
     Angelica, who was watching me the entire time, snatched the phone from my hands. I attempted to protest, yet Angelica Schuyler knows how to hold her ground.
“Angie wh-” 
“I’ll do you a favor, Jefferson.” She said sternly. There was no way I was getting that phone back, heck, I would be lucky if I got it back in one piece
“Aaaaand sent!” I heard her squeal 
     Angelica suddenly tossed the phone to me and I fumbled it between my hands before I held it stably. I check to see the text that Angelica sent from my phone
Thomas: Hey this is Thomas from class, wanna come study with us at the library sometime?
Oh. It was that easy.
“Thanks Angie”
I shove my phone back in my pocket. Part of me was excited to have an excuse to text Y/N, yet I do wonder how awkward it would be if she rejected the offer. I mean, she already has the perfect grades, why would she need the extra help?
I start to rethink my decision.
     It wasn’t until 11 pm at night until I got a reply from Y/N. Beforehand, I arrived at my apartment around 8 pm. As soon as my door shut, the room was filled with growls indicating my current problem: hunger. That could only be solved with one solution: microwavable mac and cheese. 
     My phone dinged while I was laying motionless on my bed. My apartment was right next to the street, and all I could hear was the busy streets of New York City.
     My eyes opened as I turned to my charging phone. 
Y/N: yeah I’m down :) just send a time and place and I’ll be on my way
     I was filled with joy, so much that I couldn’t wait another second to reply. 
Thomas: Alright, we meet at the library after our class. Can you make it? 
     Seeing the three dots jump melodically made my stomach feel as if two fairies were dancing throughout my body. Any second now, any second. ding!
Y/N: sounds good!
     I guess it’s settled, I get to hang out with the puzzling Y/N L/N, and maybe I’ll get to learn a bit more about her. But just because it’s a study session doesn’t mean I can’t show her what a southern gentleman looks like, and for the first time, I’m so excited to study
     James, Y/N, and I walk out of professor Washington’s class, laughing our asses off over some stupid joke. Everyone around us appears to be annoyed, especially with having to sit through almost two hours of my friends and I laughing in the back of the class, but it’s not like I care.
     Once we’re hit by the bitter cold of New York, my eyes are immediately drawn to that expensive car. So familiar and so faint in head, the memory of Y/N smiling as she hopped into his car replays in my brain.
“I’ll be back guys”
     Y/N excuses herself from the group before lightly jogging to the car. Her hair was graceful in the wind, and her burgundy-magenta backpack didn’t seem to weigh her down at all. For a split second, my brain acknowledges that mysterious man in the driver’s seat. There was a moment of awkward eye contact with him, his cold eyes pierced through me before my attention was drawn back to Y/N. She fixes her hair and jacket.
That was cute.
     James and I watch Y/N before turning to each other. I suggest to James that we wait for her, show a little southern hospitality. Even though Y/N seems to be fond of this man, he gives off a mysterious vibe similar to Y/N’s, but I do not want to unravel that mystery at all.
     Seeing him throw a smirk at Y/N causes discomfort in my stomach. 
     Y/N comes prancing back to us, an embarrassed smile on her face. Behind her, that shiny, expensive car begins to drive away.
“My bad, I forgot to tell my roommate that I would be out late”
“That’s your roommate?” James asks, attempting to hide his curiosity and shock
“and he takes you home after class?” I interrupt briefly
Y/N nervously laughs before nodding “something like that, he just..”
     That pause was a little too long
“..doesn’t like me out of the house too late so he volunteers to drive me home all the time”
     I shrug it off before jumping at the feeling of James’ warm hands pulling Y/N and I to the direction of the library. Y/N and I look at him with confusion
“What? Angie doesn’t like when we’re late, remember?” James says, practically dragging us to the Library
“Nice to meet you”
     Angelica and Y/N got along pretty well. I can tell Angie was happy to finally have a girl to hangout with rather than having to deal with me and James only. She’s already starting to resemble a sisterly figure to Y/N, then again, growing up with two sisters must’ve prepared Angie for this moment.
     I don’t hear much about the other Schuylers, but I am familiar with them. Angelica is the oldest, as we know. Her first sister, Eliza Sch- I’m pretty sure she got married, is the nicest person you’ll meet. Whoever won her surely must be worthy, because we all know people like me wouldn’t get anywhere near Eliza thanks to her older sister. Her youngest sister, Margarita Peggy Schuyler, is just like Angelica.
     Stubborn. As. Fuck.
     I’m confident that Angelica has taught her that philosophy since she was born. Anyway, Peggy is currently living her dreams in Southern California. Not sure what she does, but I’m sure she’s financially stable, she is a Schuyler after all.
     All of us struggle to not annoy the librarian, let alone the entire library. I watch as Y/N opens up, just a little more, to Angelica, James, and I.
     Hours pass as we clown around in the library. From actually completing class work to a small drawing competition between James and I, I was certainly having a good time, and so was everyone else.
     It was pleasing to see Y/N more laid back rather than how she acts in class. In front of Professor Washington she’s so ‘put together’ and organized, but surrounded by her friends she’s such an amazing person, her range in professionalism and humor is astounding.
     I can’t seem to ignore the fact that Angelica notices the way I look at Y/N. It’s definitely not in my strong suit to be ‘low key’, I’m known for dramatic entrances and stealing the spotlight. She smiles when I make eye contact with her, and I’m pretty sure it’s just her way of annoying me, but I can’t help the way I look at Y/N. She really is an angel sent down from heaven, disguised as a college student, and I’m just lucky enough to be her friend.
     I’m blind to her flaws. When I see her, I feel like a tourist glancing at the Mona Lisa, memorizing every curve of her face, the way her hair falls around her shoulders, and the way the library lighting reflects off of her glowing skin.
     What felt like a sledgehammer breaking a slab of fragile glass, I see Y/N’s phone light up. Even across the table I can read the word “Lafayette” off of her phone. I can’t lie, it surely sounds familiar.
     When she finally noticed her phone flash on, I feel her ease turn into worry, and it definitely didn’t go unnoticed by James, Angie, and I. She starts to pack away her books
“My bad guys, I really gotta go”
     Y/N said notably panicking. Her phone flashes once again, yet the only thing that seems to catch my eyes is the bold “7:30” spread across the top of her phone.
“Are you okay by yourself?” I asked, trying my best not to pry into her business
“Yeah, my roommates here to pick me up, I don’t want to make him wait” she tried to play it off, but I’m learning to see right through her
“Alright, see you next time Y/N” I shrug it off
     She sends my friends and I a quick smile before replying
“for sure”
     Angelica and James got back to work without saying a word, and I could tell they were waiting until she was gone to start teasing me. I eased back into my chair before flipping the pages of my notebook
     I watched as she shoved open the library door and disappeared into the darkness. She’s such a mystery, when I feel like she’s opening up, she just shuts the door and we’re back at square one. Though I do claim to love a good challenge, Y/N L/N, I will never understand you.
     And that’s when it started. It wasn’t just one time where 7:30 was Y/N magic number, oh no, it was oddly consistent. I’m convinced that Y/N is some variation of Cinderella; her polite attitude and the beautiful little things she does without acknowledging it all vanish when the clock strikes 8:00, but that’s just one of many theories made by James.
     Another study session with James and Angelica, and Y/N’s flashing screen still compelled Y/N to leave the library without a trace. On some occasions we don’t even notice her escape, we just turn to see her seat empty and feel the faint wind from outside as the library door slowly closes.
     One day Angie bought us all tickets to see the preview to the newest, scariest movie I’ve ever watched. I was accompanied by Y/N, James, and Angie, yet their presences made it worse. Halfway through the bucket of popcorn and the movie, Y/N suddenly stood up and left after saying those 5 words. Before she left, I felt the warmth of her hands leave the place on my arm.
I never knew how addicting her warmth would be until it was already gone.
“Sorry guys, I gotta go” The weak smile on her face instantly resonated feelings of sympathy and understanding.
     From then on, Y/N and I grew closer as friends. We’d fool around at a local park before heading to campus, obviously sparking a few observations and remarks from James. I’d invite her to fancy dinners, or maybe even a small festival down the road from my apartment, yet her response would always be proven false at the moment she’d leave me and my thoughts at 7:30.
     But that hasn’t stopped me from attempting to hang out with her. Even on the days I wouldn’t have class with her we’d go out and get ice cream, study at the park, I guess you can say we’ve gone on a few ‘dates’ since our initial study session.
     Whenever we’re apart, I can feel every second expanding to its maximum capacity of time. I wouldn’t see her for a day and it will already feel like years since I’ve seen her. The days I do see her, time seems to maneuver a little too fast. When I recall hanging out with Y/N, all I can imagine is the feeling of floating above the clouds every time she and I made physical contact. Like a rock being dropped into still water, ever touch ripples throughout my body, sending shivers down my spine.
Truly incredible.
     She doesn’t like to talk about her personal life, and I find that quite odd. I’m usually one to continue rambling every detail of every trait of mine, yet I find myself yearning to learn more about her. 
     We text every now and then when we’re outside of class, a little more to be considered ‘just friends’. There’s always a story which unravels just a little more of Y/N’s past, and she’s left me on my own to connect the dots. I must say, she’s definitely an interesting gal, but I know there’s more to discover. 
     She’s a native New Yorker, born and raised, surviving by splitting an intense rent with her mysterious room mate. Y/N doesn’t talk much of her family, other than faint memories of her mother single handedly raising her and her little brother, who I’m fairly unaware of.
     Going into college undecided, Y/N describes her want to learn more about herself before she’s able to make any life determining choices. I’ve noticed that her schedule seems like a labyrinth avoiding life problems and obstacles, so perhaps being placed in the same class coincidentally was just fate playing its part.
     Y/N loves to explain her dream for workless weekends, moments in the week where she just gets to sit back, close her eyes, and breathe a little. With finals starting to appear from thin air, I can’t blame her for a dream so far from reality.
     Even with the knowledge I hold of her, something never seems to change: her disappearances at 7:30.
It’s always that damn 7:30.
     7:30--the cliffhanger your favorite show leaves you desiring for more
     the end of a fun night of laughter and glee, wishing it lasted just a little longer 
     the off-set energy in a room when those around you know something you don’t. 
     As days, weeks, and months pass since my first text proposal to hang out at the library, Y/N and I become a little closer than just friends. It’s been obvious, especially to James and Angie, that Y/N is more than capable of holding my attention.
     Though James is worried that Y/N will just become ‘another girl’ to me, concerning my tomcat nature in the past, he can see the potential I see in her. I find myself wishing I did spend more time with her, maybe I just need to make a better effort.
     I’ll prove James and Angie wrong. 
     Filled with determination and confidence, in the midst of my silent room, I whip out my phone and direct my attention towards forming a text message for Y/N
Thomas: let’s get coffee sometime?
     Jefferson charm, don’t fail me now.
     Before I knew it, Y/N and I were feasting on exotic cheeses and aged wine in my New York apartment. I hit play on a random romcom which helps to fill the emptiness in my apartment and ironically the thin space between Y/N and I. 
     I have no idea how to make my move. Though I’m not aware of my competition, I imagine if Y/N could attract someone of My caliber, I should be well aware of the things she’s capable of. Originally I planned to court her-- I know, I know, I’m a man of tradition--yet after James caught on to my recognizable frustration, He suggested I go for it. 
     This is surprising on multiple occasions, especially since James possesses the ‘brains’ between the both of us. Being the chess club champion, ‘talk’ won’t aid you when you're struggling in a chess match. Just like how he meticulously plays chess, he examines my situation and provides his Virginian insight, or so he prefers to call it, and they always proceed the way his scheme describes. 
     I’ve adhered his advice to my life ever since we were kids, and when I didn’t, he’d simply reply with: 
“I told you so” 
     His smug smirk accompanied with a finger pointing to his temple would soon transform from clever to annoying. 
     I feel a vibration come from my pocket. Well, of course it’s not Y/N texting so must I really answer it? I pull out my phone despite my doubts and I can’t help but roll my eyes.
James: 👍
Speak of the Devil.
     But enough about James. I understand that both Y/N and I are mature college students, yet I still fear the disruption in our friendship I can provoke just by making my move. I’ve gotten this far; If she wasn’t interesting I’m sure she would’ve rejected me sooner. 
     She’s different, she’s unique, something about her that I just can’t place, but also something missing. Anyway, this is probably my best chance at shooting my shot at Y/N, and it’s too late now to back down. 
     As my lips part in an attempt to speak and make a move, Y/N’s motionless phone (currently laying undisturbed on my coffee table) suddenly brightens with the most obnoxious ringtone I’ve ever heard. The words “It’s 7:30!” flash on her screen, almost as if it was warning her rather than reminding her. 
“Y/N—” my eyes follow her body as she swiftly stands up
“I gotta g—” I watch as she attempts to grab her purse, yet her body is limited when I firmly grab her arm. She looks back to me with tiredness in her eyes.
     Part of me thought maybe, just maybe, Cinderella here wouldn’t have a curfew. That I somehow would be the exemption to this consistent confusion . But you can only daydream so far into the day until you’re pulled back into your reality
     Her entire demeanor seems like it was reconstructed after her alarm went off. Moments ago she was just enjoying tasty cheese and cheesy movies, and the worst part is, I have no idea why.
“Let me speak, darlin’”
     I stand up to avoid the way her eyes look down on me. I can’t stand that pitiful glare; she looks at me as if I’m a child incapable of understanding her situation, but she’s too stubborn to let me know. I’d be wise to use this time to make a move on different circumstances.
“Now, you’re always leaving at seven thirty..”
     Her sigh is almost enough to interrupt me
“..why’s that? Talk to me.”
     I maintain my eye contact before it’s abruptly broken. She looks everywhere but my eyes, and I wonder where in my apartment she would find an excuse, yet still manages to dodge the question.
“..you wouldn’t understand..” she scoffs almost intentionally, honestly scratching a part of my ego. I hate to admit she’s right, I really don’t understand what’s going on.
     I cock my head to the side. Where’s this coming from?
“Darlin’, I’m sure I’m a very understanding person—”
“—I need to leave”
     I could tell by the look of her face that she wasn’t trying to argue, but it’s inevitable.
“Why can’t you just tell me?..” I put my hands up as a sign of defeat, but I’m not giving up yet. “We’ve been friends for a while and you’re always leavin’ at seven—”
“I know! I know..” she removes my hand from her arm, clearly refusing to look up at me.
“Let’s just say..I got a job..?”
     Oh. That’s what this is all about? A job? She couldn’t spare at least an explanation for a part time gig?
“See? That wasn’t so hard”
“It’s..really embarrassing..” The glance she takes around the room makes me wonder if she’s really telling the truth. it’s not really my place to speculate, there’s no going back from this.
“It’s alright, it’s just a job after all” I claim, trying to get this conversation back on track
“This is exactly what I meant but ‘you wouldn’t understand’”
“You don’t know what it feels like to have your life rely on minimum wage—” she sounds like she’s holding something back.
“Y/N wher—”
“A-and here you are makin’ me late for work” her eyes appear on the verge of crying.
“darlin’ look..”
“God, you’ve never had to work for anything in your life!”
     Both of us refuse to speak. Y/N phone, still on the table, chimes again. “7:35” it said on its bright screen.
“Is that really how you feel?..” I take a step back to give her space. She still refuses to look at me.
     There’s no way she’d cause all this chaos just because of a job. And even if she believes I’ve piggy backed off of my name for my entire life, why would it matter to her?
“I..I should leave” before I could process what just happened, she swiftly tosses her phone into her bag and heads for the door.
“Y’know, I had a nice time..” was all I heard before the harsh shutting of my apartment door.
     And that was the end of it.
     My first thought after the door shut wasn’t to whip out my phone and attempt to text her, it certainly wasn’t to call James and inform him of his miscalculation, but instead to attend to the matter at hand. This cheese and wine won’t clean itself.
     And the night continued normally, as if nothing had ever taken place. I couldn’t help but microwave another cup of Mac and cheese to cope with what Y/N said. Nothin’ like a good meal to divert your attention away from your problems. But even a good cup of cheese and pasta can’t stop me from thinking’: 
Is that all I am to her?
A southern snob incapable of functioning without their father’s last name?
     After an introspective shower, and a few episodes of a random Netflix show, I’m finally alone with my thoughts and feelings. I lie in darkness, tussling and turning at every occasion, unable to extract her words from my mind. 
     If there’s someone whose opinion I care about the most, it’s Y/N L/N. I consider texting her at this very moment, yet I’m sure that I’m the last person she wants to talk to. The weight of my actions falls heavily onto my shoulders every minute, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
Give her space, Jefferson, and maybe you’ll be able to fix this tragedy. 
Knock! Knock! Knock!
     The knocks on my apartment door were enough to jerk my body back to consciousness. Sadly pulled from the warmth of my dreams, I’m hit with the cold, noisy reality of an average night here in New York.
Can my day get any worse?
     Coming straight from the depths of slumber, I take a few minutes to process reality. Maybe the knocks were in my head. Did I dream about someone knocking on my door? Perhaps it’s
The sun’s still not up yet, why am I?
     Groggily sitting up, I decide to check the time, yet it takes me multiple attempts to grab my phone in the dark before I catch a sight of the time.
2 am?!
     Who is so out of their minds so show up to my apartment at this time? Who do I know that would show up at this time?
James is too sensible for that,
Angie would never waste her time on me, for whatever reason,
And Y/N—
I don’t know our circumstances right now.
     I debate whether or not I should answer the door. Perhaps it’s just rock that happened to hit the door of my apartment, and even if it is a person, I’m not aware of anyone so mad to show up in the middle of the night. it’s not worth my time.  
Knock! Knock! Knock!
     So much for ‘Not worth my time’. A groan is all my body can respond with while I gradually stand from the comfort of my bed. I grab the nearest shirt, which was draped over my desk chair, and scramble to put it on. Passing my cramped kitchen, my hands subconsciously flip on the nearest light switches, while my eyes struggle to comprehend the sudden light. 
     Before I reach the door, I couldn’t help but attempt to fix my hair. Just because someone happens to show up outside unannounced doesn’t mean I can’t present my best rendition of a southern gentleman. 
     And finally, through my fatigue and irritation, I’m finally urged to grab the doorknob and twist it open in one motion. 
“Uh, it’s two a.m. so I hope--” 
     I nervously scratch the back of my head, attempting to add spice to this awkward encounter. It wasn’t until my eyes caught sight of the blood dripping down her glass skin and the meeting of our eyes did I have any words
     Her cold, pale, and hurt body would’ve hit the concrete floor if I had answered the door any later.
     And there she layed half colorless on my bed. Her smile was full of embarrassment and gratitude as I sat beside her, tending to the evident cuts and Injured areas of her body. “I hope I’m being a great house guest” she joked, causing her to laugh, yet hurting herself in the process. 
“Hey, Hey, Take it easy..” Y/N’s presence usually fills me with carefreeness, or perhaps stability, but for the first time I can’t help but react seriously. Her demeanor changed as she saw my retaliation to her joke. 
“I guess…” she looked down to her fragile body, a sigh released, seeming to be an attempt to calm down. “...I owe you an explanation for earlier. And especially for showing up at your place at 2 in the damn morning. ” 
     Thomas’ hands, full of wipes and hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton balls, froze in their tracks before he looked up at her, eager to listen and visibly confused. Y/N visibly winced as the cotton balls stuck to her cuts for longer than they should’ve, yet with Thomas’ reflexes at their all-time-max, he pulled them away with a worried expression.
“Explanation? You said you got a job, and I’m sorry for not respecting it..” I continued to clean her up, consensually of course, how could I call myself a gentleman if I were to act upon improper motives? 
“Again..” I utter quietly “..I didn’t know you felt that way, and I’m ashamed you feel that way” 
     I attach an ivory-colored band aid to her glass skin, careful not to damage it any further. I look up to her watching, pitiful eyes. “You were saying?” I reciprocate the attention to her, awaiting a so-called answer to come out of her mouth 
“I didn’t know where else to run to..” she attempted to sit up, lifting her weight off of my satin-covered sheets, yet quickly stopped when being hit with a wave of pain from her right shoulder 
     Though my first thought would’ve been ‘Damn it, my darn sheets are ruined’, it was quickly drawn to Y/N and her current problem 
“Y’know, I think an apology and explanation can wait, Y/N. you need a little sleep, it’s already three in the mornin’ for god’s sake” a small laugh erupts from her
    I sent her an assuring smile, trying to remind her that everything is always going to be okay in a Jefferson household. And surprisingly I received a smile in return, a smile of trust and security that I’ve never felt so glad to see. Of course, I wish I could’ve seen that smile under different circumstances, but I’ll work with what I got. 
     I stood from my beautiful satin sheets and reached for a hoodie on my swivel chair. (everything but your closet is a closet, change my mind) I braced for a cold night on my apartment couch while Y/N enjoys the warmth of my bed, but Y/N had other plans. 
“Wait- Thomas.” She said firmly 
     I turned tiredly to her direction, my arm already extended for the door, yet frozen in place as I awaited a response 
“Can you just..” she scoot herself over, as much as possible with her frail body “..hold me?” She watches me anxiously 
“I mean— you don’t have to b—” I didn’t hesitate at all to gently slide under the sheets of the bed. As soon as I turn to her direction, I can’t help but feel scared to touch her in fear of hurting her; my hands don’t know where to reside. “Where do I..” I’m truly perplexed 
     She giggled at my confusion and shyly grabbed my hand “I’m not so fragile you know” 
     She brought my hand up to the side of her head, and all I could process was the texture of the bandages under my fingertips. I don’t know what's going on, but I couldn’t just leave her out there. 
“..Right..” I wait for her eyes to close before I can even think about closing mine, and soon the texture of the bandages seem to melt onto my fingertips as I’m finally able to return to my slumber. 
“See you in the mornin’..” 
     I didn’t wake up until I felt the sun rays kissing my back through my so-called ‘blackout curtains’. Such a scam. The room seemed a little too quiet; I gently turned onto my other side just to find an empty bed. I consider the possibility of last night’s encounter with Y/N was all just some messed up dream, but when I saw the faint stains of blood on my sheets, I knew I was far from dreaming. 
     My body doesn’t want to move, and I’m stuck sitting up in my bed for another ten minutes. What the heck is going on? One minute she yells at me, then next thing I know she’s outside my apartment at 2 am. 
And that explanation. 
     I guess I was such a fool to think she wouldn’t continue to run away from this matter. My thoughts are interrupted by my buzzing phone. I know for sure that it’s not Y/N hittin up my phone right about now. 
James: Let’s try that new coffee place a few blocks from your apartment? 
     He really read my mind, or maybe it’s a response made from calculating my failure yesterday. But a distraction sounds tremendous. 
Thomas: bet. 
     I throw on a cleaner, more professional jacket, if such a thing exists, and swiftly get my feet out the door. Everything seems the same, as if nothing had taken place last night. The world still spins and I’m expected to spin with it. 
I don’t think I’m anywhere near capable of unraveling your mystery. 
Y/N L/N, I will never understand you.
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