#*stans the side characters*
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linnaealyn · 2 months ago
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Bit of a hair and face study. I'm still dealing with heavy artblock.
Been over 3 years since I last drew him. And every time its bc of the awesome hair
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qiu-yan · 8 months ago
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also wasn't sure what to do with the lan simp brothers so i guess they can sit on the side
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nowimjustastranger · 2 months ago
just a fun little angsty idea: STMCO Ford trying to intervene for a Stanley whose Stanford got there too late to stop a critical injury but soon enough to hold his wounded brother while he fades, who won't let Ford near if he can help it - clinging to his bleeding twin and wary of the stranger approaching them
You can't give me a scenario like that and expect me not to take off running with it, lol.
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“Put it down.” Ford barked, throwing his quantum destabilizer aside.
The gun landed in some nearby brush with a rustle, barrel still smoking from its recent use. The mutilated body of an unnaturally large grizzly bear laid still a few feet away, its neck nothing but a bloodied stump. There was red everywhere, splattered on the surrounding vegetation and collecting into puddles on the ground.
“Stay away from him.” Stanford snarled, adjusting his grip on his unconscious brother –who was half sprawled across Stanford’s lap– the triangular gun in his other hand unwavering in its aim even as the rest of him trembled. Shock was setting in, understandable considering that his brother had just been mauled by a mutated bear during what was supposed to be a routine creature hunt. Luckily, Stan seemed more or less intact, no chunks or limbs torn off.
Ford hadn’t made it in time to do more than damage control, squeezing the trigger before he could even process what he was seeing. His ears still rang with Stan’s shouting, demanding that his brother run even as the bear sunk its teeth into Stan’s arm, the bite force fracturing the bone. The cry that escaped through Stan’s grit teeth had Ford firing three more shots with precision into the neck of the beast, his counterpart shooting in tandem.
“He’s going to die! Just please–” Ford bit out, slowly sinking to his knees. The barrel of the gun followed his movement even as the man holding it could hardly tear his gaze away from the prone figure in his arms for longer than a second. Ford risked inching closer, pausing when those wild eyes darted to him every so often before snapping back to Stan.
Ford made a grave mistake when he stepped on a small twig, which snapped under his weight and drew his counterpart's attention back to him. Stanford’s glazed eyes struggle to comprehend that the distance between them has closed for several moments, but when it inevitably clicks and his finger tightens on the trigger, Ford presses himself closer to the ground to make himself look as harmless as possible.
“Not another step!” Stanford shouted, panic making his voice two octaves higher than usual. Ford obeyed for the moment, staying perfectly still.
“I can save him.” Ford insisted, all but begging. His helmet scanned Stan obsessively, the hud blaring red as Stan’s vitals nosedived into critical condition. Ford had to do something now or Stan would die. So, his hands left the ground to unclip the strap under his jaw, pulling his helmet off and setting it aside. He hoped that a familiar face would be enough for his counterpart to let him close. It had to be enough.
“What–” Stanford spluttered, the gun finally wavering. Ford took advantage of his counterpart’s confusion and edged closer, fingers twitching with the urge to get his hands on Stan now that he no longer had the security that the helmet gave him with the constant scans of Stan’s person. 
“Shoot me if you want, but I’m not letting him die.” Ford grunted, ultimately deciding that getting shot paled in comparison to Stan dying while Ford uselessly watched from the sidelines. Ford wasn’t going to let Stanford’s paranoia and trust issues stop him from saving Stan, he’d sooner take the gun from Stanford’s hands and shoot himself in the head.
“You– you’re me? How is this possible?” Stanford demanded, the cogs in his head turning as he watched Ford with a perplexed stare that seemed a little muted due to the shock. Stanford’s arm was still extended, gun pointed at nothing but trees. Meanwhile, Ford carefully tugged Stan away from Stanford’s lap to gently lay him on the ground before setting to work on his wounds. “The portal. You’re from another dimension.”
“Yes, definitely what you should be focusing on right now.” Ford said dryly, stitching the jagged gashes on Stan’s chest closed with sutures that would dissolve on their own in two weeks. The healing itself was sped up with the penlight, its output cranked as high as it could go so the bleeding would stop as the damaged skin rapidly repaired itself.
As the last gash sealed into a fresh scar, Ford realized that Stan was no longer breathing.
Ford glanced at Stanford and immediately wished he hadn’t; witnessing the exact moment that Stanford noticed his brother’s state, his eyes welling with tears as his expression crumpled with overwhelming grief and self-loathing. Ford’s heart ached with pained sympathy at the sight. Stanford’s grip tightened on Stan before he dragged his brother closer, head bowing as his back heaved with sobs.
“No… no Stanley please. Please wake up.” Stanford choked out, pathetically nudging Stan’s pale and slack face with his nose. “I’m sorry. We never should’ve left the boat. I should've listened to you when you said you had a bad feeling about this island. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Stanley–”
Stanford was cut off with an alarmed yelp when Ford seized a fistful of his bloody turtleneck sweater to practically throw him away from Stan. Ford didn’t have time to coddle his counterpart and explain what he was doing. Stanford needed to be out of the way so Ford could rectify this horrible tragedy, so manhandling was the best option.
Stanford made an entirely animal sound of pure rage when he landed on the ground with a meaty thud, scrambling to all fours with his teeth bared. Ford ignored him, injecting Stan with a serum of his own design before retrieving two rectangular metal plates from a pouch. He rubbed the plates together before pressing them to Stan’s chest, making sure they were in position.
The paddles glowed blue when Ford hit the button on each handle, crackling with a surge of electricity that made Stan’s body lock up. The buttons popped back up and glow dulled, Stan going limp. Ford checked his pulse, forcing down the immediate swell of panic when he found nothing. He simply put the plates back and administered another controlled shock, begging the universe to let this work.
By the third round, Ford found a pulse.
He felt like he could suddenly breathe again, watching Stan’s chest rise and fall with shallow breaths as he set Stan’s arm. But he was breathing, he was alive. Ford startled when a body slammed into his back, tensing on instinct. The fight drained out of him just as quickly as it had surfaced when he realized that he wasn’t being attacked, but hugged.
“Thank you! Thank you! He’s alive, you saved him, thank you!” Stanford sobbed, clinging to Ford as he buried his face between Ford’s shoulder blades. Ford awkwardly patted Stanford’s hands, which were gripping the front of his trench coat, before he went about stabilizing Stan. Ford would have to walk Stan back to the boat, unwilling to risk putting Stan’s body under duress by using teleportation.
“We need to bring him to your boat so he can rest. He’ll be unconscious for a few days.” Ford relayed to his counterpart, turning his head to look over his shoulder. All he saw was fluffy hair, Stanford still hiding his face against Ford’s back. Ford heard a loud sniffle before the man slowly leaned back, releasing Ford’s trench coat to scrub a hand over his face.
Stanford simply nodded, climbing to his unsteady feet to lead the way back to the Stan o’ War II as Ford scooped Stan up. Ford trailed after his counterpart, who kept looking back at them every three or so steps, clearly worried about his brother. Ford did his best to look calm and reassuring even though his heart had yet to slow down and he felt shaky, the adrenaline lingering.
After Stan woke up and was given a clean bill of health, Ford would go home to Lee and try to cope with his near failure. Granted, seeing Lee safe and happily keeping himself busy with some task or another would help him calm down, his body and mind finally releasing him from his hypervigilant state as Lee’s presence imbued him with a sense of safety and comfort.
But first, he had a mission to complete.
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daeneryscel · 9 months ago
jace is not ‘pushing for war’ in the same way aegon and aemond are, and to insinuate so is ridiculous 😭
aemond specifically started a war because of his butthurt ego and inability to control his dragon, aegon celebrates this fact with a party. jace just doesn’t want his brothers death to be in vain and knows that his and his families lives are forfeit if they don’t fight back. he’s one of the only male characters in fire and blood that has to deal with the repercussions of misogynistic attacks; his mother is usurped (on account of her gender), loyalists at court (that he surely knew) were put to death for supporting his mother, she loses his baby sister in a traumatic stillbirth because of the usurpation, his brother is murdered in cold blood (he most likely blames himself for the plan that sent him to storm’s end), he’s going to die thinking he failed to save yet another brother. why would he not push for war? and why are violent misogynist one and two (who STARTED the war in the first place) allowed to react, to want revenge, to want to hurt others in response to their losses, but jace isn’t?
we can complain about the way the show frames women as the pacifist pushovers to the men being violent warmongers all day long but jace of all the male characters on screen is *not* included in that, come ON people 😒
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sketch-twentytwo · 1 year ago
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This man has a PhD.
I honestly love how unhinged this man is in the movie. He casually strolls into Jerome Horwitz Elementary, gets a job, immediately clocks Melvin as a suck up teacher's pet, then reveals his evil motive to a classroom of children. He carries around a portable cage in his pocket. He refused the Nobel prize because he was slighted (fair tbh). His first thought when seeing a man-shaped hole in the principle's office was that he'd found the right batshit insane place to use as cover.
What an iconic little maniac. He deserves a spin-off.
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localcanadiancreature62 · 5 months ago
Billford Foils
@misteria247 Here's some more brain juice. Also @aria-greenhoodie i think you would like radioactive yaoi analysis.
So i got to thinking about Ford and Bill being similar due to fanfic reasons (i was brainstorming ideas about them fucking in the middle of thinking about this),and i realized that,the parallels are fucking wild. Both of them have something holding them back from becoming truly far gone in their ambitions. With Bill's being his self hatred and horrid loneliness,and Ford's being his unwavering value for his family. Bill would've fully went through with Weirdmaggedon and his desire to conquer the universe immediately,if he wasn't so fucking desperate to have Ford at his side,showing that he wanted someone REAL to witness his success rather than the fake puppets that he calls his friends aka the Henchmaniacs. Point being,Bill wanted to be on top,but as they all say,it's lonely at the top,so he decided to make himself less lonely by trying to coerce Ford into joining him which obviously backfired due to the man hating his guts. Ford would've joined Bill and or outright stayed in the multiverse rather than going back to his home dimension as he basks in the glory of FINALLY being worshipped and given the recognition he believed he deserved (despite likely being more infamous than famous in both cases),but he didn't,because he knew that he had his brother and later the twins to worry about. Ford was horrible and egotistical and too selfishly focused on his flimsy desires to think straight,but he had his family to back him up and make him realize that what he was doing was wrong. But Bill?,he had no one to help him realize his faults. He killed his parents,and his so called "friends" are only around because of being promised a party as well as safety from their decaying dimension (i.e book of bill Henchmaniacs segment). Bill was horribly alone and had NO ONE to help him deal with his problems in a more constructive less world-ending way,Ford had his family right in front of him yet he ignored them until things went to shit and he realized that he needed them. Bill and Ford are eerily similar with their shared interest in chasing lofty goals in order to make up for the aching feeling of loneliness and being misunderstood they have had their whole lives,yet one was able to overcome this feeling and discovered that he didn't need to feel seen by the whole world but just by his family whereas the other outright held onto that feeling to motivate himself as he didn't have anything else. Meaning,Ford would have easily turned out like Bill if Stan and his niblings didn't have his back. Alex hirsch you wonderful,wonderful man. This family is beautifully written and i am in tears over that fact. Also Bill and Ford are fucking husbands and the resemblances in their arcs are uncanny.
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tackletofset · 5 months ago
YES, the Lady bred her bloodline with the intention that they would die as sacrificial lambs and be a meatsuit for her undead Criston Cole Champion.
I said those things on twt a year ago
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But instead a bunch of freaks (all katherine haters) called me a "miS0gYniSt🤪" for simply stating a fact
You know what's misogynistic? Hating on Katherine because she's a soft femme girl.
I dislike the Lady because of her hypocrisy. In fact, the Lady were a man I'd hate her a billion times more, and if Sarcean were a woman (Femcean supremacy!!! I hc him as genderqueer tbh) I'd stan him a zillion times more.
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bartholomew-junior · 6 months ago
gravity falls au concept: in stan’s mindscape at the end of weirdmageddon, bill gets a glimpse of his future and sees the theraprism and decides that he should just curse the pines family instead of resurrection. the curse goes wrong because he’s dying, and he ends up accidentally bestowing (or cursing) near godlike power (or a fourth of it) on dipper, mabel, stan and ford.
the au is called pines pantheon.
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mxtxfanatic · 11 days ago
What do you think of the fan perception that hua cheng falls right within the themes that is criticized in tgcf which mean he’s amoral but gets away with the “heinous” tings he does because he’s the love interest, the idea is he had no right to get revenge for xei lian and killing the ghost in that mountain was wrong
1) Idk this discourse, so idk what theme Hua Cheng supposedly falls into that tgcf criticizes because 2) the most “amoral” thing about Hua Cheng is that he runs that gambling den, and it’s not like he tricks people into it or forces them to participate. Following up on 2, idk what “heinous” thing(s) he’s done that he “gets away with” seeing as the worst he is is just not being nice to the other gods, in which Xie Lian also joins in when the mood strikes him lmao. Hua Cheng getting revenge for Xie Lian is absolutely within his right because Xie Lian is his god to defend the honor of, and his “revenge” was challenging those gods to… a fair round of debates and spars that they agreed to then shamefully tried to back out of the consequences once they lost. As for the ghost in the mountain bit, I need a refresher on that cause idk what you’re talking about.
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shisogelee · 1 year ago
not to be a hater but certain medias should simply never be found by the actor x reader crowd and saltburn is a perfect example
because with that array of fascinating characters and insane displays of queer psychosexual depravity? imagine being like yeah actually the most interesting part is the math nerd with 5 minutes of screentime
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qiu-yan · 8 months ago
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nowimjustastranger · 4 months ago
how many times does stcmo!ford beat up filbrick across the multiverses
Surprisingly, only a handful.
Ford deliberately keeps his distance for Filbrick's own safety because it is on sight otherwise.
Back when Ford first started his mission, he had actually killed a Filbrick for beating Stan to death after it was revealed that Stan broke Ford's project. Ford had let the sight of his childhood home distract him and those few seconds had cost Stan's life. After knocking Stan to the ground, Filbrick had brought his foot down on his head.
It was the raw, animal screaming that wrenched Ford out of his useless staring. Ford kicked the door in and stormed into the living room, his foot slipping in blood. Ford didn't even register what he was seeing at first. Stanford was folded over Stan's unmoving chest and keening like a dying animal. Caryn was clearly in shock, her hands covering her mouth as she stared at her boys.
Filbrick stood off to the side, watching Ford with furrowed brows. He had blood all over him, dripping off his fists and pooling beneath his right shoe. Ford's mind was blank as he went straight for Filbrick's wrists to break them, but that was only the beginning.
Ford had been dragged off of Filbrick's mutilated corpse by the police.
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vincent-stims · 5 months ago
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“Sincerely yours, Stan, PS: We should be together too”
Stan Mitchell stimboard :3
📝 🪦 📺 | ❤️ 💌 💔 | 🌧️ 🚙 🌉
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jasontoddsno1simp · 2 months ago
It's infinitely humorous to me how, in 2025, we're still having conversations and discussions - discoursing, as the children say - about why Jason's on screen death matters more than any of the other on screen deaths within the Bat comics.
A Death in the Family was the end of the road for Jason. He was meant to die and stay dead. This is rare for comic book characters because the medium is serialization taken to its (il)logical extreme. Removing a character from the chess board is a waste. There's always something Deeper^TM.
Not with Jason.
That bitch was dead and he was supposed to stay dead.
The only other Robin who died and was meant to stay dead was Stephanie. And let's be fucking real here - most of you do not care about that girl. You're not thinking about her, you're thinking of your favorite Batboy. And that's fine!! But let's not kid ourselves here.
There's a million reasons why Jason's death is a cut above most other deaths in the Batfam that we can discourse endlessly about but the main one - the one that truly matters, imo - is that he died was supposed to stay that way.
A Death in the Family was supposed to be his curtain call. It is not cruel or callous to say that that was not the case for your Blorbo.
I can imagine that some JT stans are being cruel and callous when they say that, but then again, a lot of Batstans are being cruel and callous when they say Jason's death wasn't that big a deal and he needs to get over it. They're being cruel and callous when they compare their faves' on screen death to his, as if they werent gonna get their fave character back within six months to a year, tops. That their fave wasn't gonna slot their way back into their spot in the narrative, as if they never left.
And, if I may,.it's honestly fucked up to high heavens that some of y'all are okay with the writers killing off your fave for cheap character drama just so you can lord it over JT stans. I know most of y'all don't think of it that way, but how else am I supposed to see that?! You talk about a potentially traumatizing event as if it's just some kind of Gotcha you can use to shut up people you don't like.
Friend, that's fucked.
Anyway, I've said what I needed to say. I don't expect y'all to care for my Blorbo the way I do cause that's not how that works. But can we exercise the baring hints of critical thinking?!
I'm begging.
#Jason Todd#Batsalt#Today's rant brought to you by someone typing an essay about how cruel it is for JT stans to minimize the impact of the other Bats...#...on screen deaths for their specialest goodest boy#Not realizing that they themselves are being a apecial kind of cruel and callous by acting as is a character being dead for less than a...#...a yeah is the same as one being dead for almost twenty#Y'all hate to admit it but 90% of on screen deaths are done with the intent of being reversed#It's as I said in the post - cheap character drama#Jason dying was not cheap character drama#He was not meant to leave that grave#DC spent almost 20 years making sure we knew that he deserved to be there#Shit#Tim Fucking Drake as a character was created to double down on Jason's death being permanent#Is it any fucking wonder that a wtiter got the genius - gag - idea to have them do the vigilante/super hero version of...#...a Denny's parking lot fight to the death?!#Idk#Once again I am preaching to the choir#I only expect my fellow JT kinnies to get this#Cause the other side of this is that DC turned Jason into a character that easy to hate#They greenlit stories of being callous and cruel to not only the Bats#But to other heroes within the community#Post UtRH they literally went I can make him worse#AND PROCEEDED TO DO JUST THAT#Is it any wonder that other Batstans don't hold any empathy for him?!#The narrative spent 20 years victim blaming him for his death#And then spent another 5 to 10 post res doubling down on it#It's fucking diabolical when you think about it#So like#I'm gonna stop now#Jace says
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mixxdpunch · 1 year ago
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Kaldo is so weird and useless I can't help but love him, everyone read the Mashle manga so you can obsess over him too he's like if Jouno and Tecchou had a child I'm so obsessed
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eloquentsisyphianturmoil · 5 months ago
Dear silm fandom, concerning Fandom meta. Might be provocative for some.
‘The silm fandom is misogynistic’ ‘Feanorian fans are misunderstanding the characters’ ‘Silm fans hate Elwing’ And so on.
Can we stop? Your opinions are not better if you like feanorians. Your opinions are not better if you like peredhil. This is not black and white. I won’t argue ‘not all silm fans’, because I recognise that we have problems. But condescension will not fix them. Thank you.
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