#*nervously kicks rock*
anouri · 1 year
“Rather quickly they realised that they could not mould me, so they broke me apart and moulded him instead.”
surprise! chapter 37 of l'éphémère has been posted
16 notes · View notes
gothgoblinbabe · 13 days
Drunken Words, Sober Thoughts
Logan Howlett x afab!reader
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Warnings:  ( MDNI 18+) neighbor!reader,afab reader, Logan’s kinda rude for a lil’ bit, neighbors to frenemies to lovers? Idk, alcohol consumption (nothing 18+ happens while anyone is intoxicated), swearing, i can’t write Wade’s witty dialogue for shit pls bear w me, implied age gap, unprotected sex (wrap it up I beg of you), poking fun at the Kardashians a little, swearing and I think that’s it, but pls lmk if I missed any!
Summary: You have a little too much to drink one night in Wade's living room, resulting in an indirect confession that Logan absolutely hears through the thin drywall of his bedroom. Wade then ditches your usual weekend plans in an attempt at playing cupid - and it may just be the best favor he's ever done for you.
Word Count: 8K (get comfy bitch)
divider credit here and here
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Being Wade Wilson’s best friend and neighbor included two main components:
Watching trash TV and getting drunk every other weekend - usually at the same time - and Wade wasn’t going to let his new roommate's attitude ruin it in the slightest.
“She’s gonna be here any minute and if you don’t pull the stick out of your ass and be nice, I'm going to lock you in your room like a sad, lonely dog.”
Logan only grunted in response, sipping his drink in the doorway and watching him run around the living room to make the place look livable.
He’d only moved in a couple weeks ago and Wade had been trying to introduce you both - inviting you over when he knew Logan had no plans - but every time, he was out the door before you were even opening yours across the hall. He’d try everything he could to avoid meeting new people, fearful that any type of real connection with someone would be ripped out from under him just like it had been many times before.
Wade huffed in satisfaction when he was done moving a few things around, standing in front of Logan with his hands on his hips.
“I mean it, kitty cat. She’s a sweet girl - keep the claws in.”
“Told you to stop callin’ me that.”
“Too bad, so sad, kitty.”
As Logan was considering puncturing three evenly spaced holes in both sides of Wade’s chest, they were both interrupted by a knock on the front door.
You were on the other side, of course, a twelve pack of beer under your arm. You rocked back and forth on your heels while you patiently waited for Wade to let you in. You did kind of hope you’d maybe get to meet his new roommate this time - it was a little odd that he was never there when you were.
He answered the door after a second, placing a hand over his heart dramatically when he saw the beer in your arms.
“For me? Aw, sugar, you shouldn't have,” he sighed as he took the box from your arms, ushering you inside.
“Did I have a choice?” you joked back, kicking off your shoes.
You followed him into the living room only to stop in your tracks.
Logan stood near the couch in his sweatpants, looking like he’d been dragged into the middle of the room to be put on display. He did reluctantly agree to stay for a second and finally let him introduce you so he could sulk back to his bedroom and nurse a bottle of whiskey till he fell asleep.
“Well, there he is,” Wade said in a lackluster tone, “now, he is house trained, but he does bite occasionally - “
“Fuck off.”
His deep voice surprised you a bit, unintentionally raising your eyebrows with your gaze still on him.
“ I'm Logan.”
You nodded politely and introduced yourself, shoving your hands in your pockets nervously. He was tall, definitely a good couple years older than you and incredibly handsome, all of which made your stomach erupt into butterflies.
And Logan did not like the way you were looking at him.
He’d seen it more times than he could count on the faces of every pretty young thing that tried to take him home from the bar, batting their eyelashes at him and laying hands on him like it would be persuasive in any way. It never worked, as his dismissive attitude sent a clear message. He couldn’t be bothered to take any of them up on their offers and wasn’t interested in fulfilling some fantasy they had about being with an older man. He didn’t think much about stuff like that anyway, avoiding any chance of vulnerability and attachment to someone he was sure he’d eventually lose.
And you still had that look on your face.
With that, Logan disappeared down the hallway to his room and shut the door.
“He’s not much of a talker,” Wade assured you, “probably for the best.”
From then on, you’d occasionally see Logan come out of his room while you were over - getting something from the kitchen, doing his laundry, coming and going - and each time you had to feign complete disinterest. Wade had quickly taken notice of how you tried to keep your head down every time Logan entered the room to hide your pink cheeks and - naturally - there was no way for him to be quiet about it.
When Logan came out of the bathroom one time with a towel around his waist and dripping wet hair as you and Wade sat at the kitchen island, your best friend was more than eager to run his mouth.
“Oh, c’mon, don’t do that to her!” he exclaimed, gesturing towards you, “you’re practically dangling meat in front of a starving dog - poor girl.”
You had your face buried in your hands with your elbows on the counter, wishing more than anything that you could sink into the chair and through the floor.
“God, shut up.”
Your voice was muffled by your hands but he still heard you.
“And put a stop to my job as cupid?”
Logan rolled his eyes and shook his head, turning towards his bedroom. He’d seen the way your eyes widened the second he’d opened the door, traveling all the way from his bare shoulders to the trail of hair that dipped under the towel. You’d turned pink almost immediately. It would have been something he’d found cute maybe a couple decades ago, before the very last bit of his naivety had faded away. Now, it was just infuriating to him. He could try to drop every hint on earth that he wasn't interested (which for him, just meant avoiding you completely) and you still looked at him like a lovesick schoolgirl.
This weekend came along like every other, texting Wade back and forth about snack options and finally getting up to shuffle across the hall with a bag of chips.
He answered the door as usual, ushering you in. You plopped yourself down on the couch and kicked your slippers off, clad in sweatpants and a tank top. He sat beside you and you propped your legs up on his lap, snatching the TV remote from the coffee table to flip through channels. You heard what you assumed was Logan’s bedroom door open down the hall, keeping your eyes glued to the TV. 
“Peanut! Care to join?” Wade exclaimed as he watched his roommate enter the open kitchen, digging around in the fridge.
You still didn’t tear your gaze from the screen.
“Hell no.”
That wasn’t much of a surprise.
“Your loss!” Wade reached for the pack of beer on the table, offering one that you gladly accepted, “but don’t bother us, keeping up with the kardashians is incredibly important.”
“Uh - huh.”
Logan disappeared again in seconds and Wade shook his head.
You focused back on the TV screen.
“So, how many minutes into the episode do you think one of them is going to start a fight?”
Hours and many beers later, you were on the floor with your knees to your chest between the couch and coffee table as you tried to stifle your giggling. Wade was laid on the couch, no better off than you.
“Hey - hey, I wanna ask you somethin’,” his voice became a little serious, but he still had a shit eating grin on his face, “what are you into Logan for anyway?”
You dreaded the question, groaning and closing your eyes.
“Seriously! I mean, I’ve been here the entire time - “
He looked at you expectantly, awaiting a response.
You contemplated your answer for a moment, your filter diminishing more and more with every sip of beer, “God, I don’t know, he’s - he’s jus’ big.”
You were snickering behind the beer bottle you drunkenly held in front of your face in an attempt to hide.
“I don’t think he’s that impressive. You know, he’s got small feet - tiny, like a child.”
That had you both doubled over, trying to muffle your laughs with your hands and the throw pillows strewn on the floor.
“Stop, stop - ” you choked out when you finally caught your breath, wacking him on the arm.
“Okay but really, what is it? I know you, you’re not into beefcakes,” he laughed and shook his head.
You sighed, not really thinking for even a second before you started speaking again.
“He’s older and he’s hot -”
“And completely cold and dismissive towards you.”
You rolled your eyes at his interruption but still nodded, “yeah - yes, but that’s not my point.”
Wade took another sip of his beer and motioned for you to continue talking.
“He, uh - ” you tried to bite down a giggle, your face turning pink, “I don’t know, I think he’d be good in bed.”
That made him sit forward on the couch, his mouth open in surprise, “I knew it! I knew you were a horny freak!”
“Am not!” you picked a pillow up from the floor and launched it at his face, “I’m allowed to be, anyway!”
“Whatever,” he caught the pillow in his hands, “I'm on operation ‘Cupid’ and I have never quit a mission, cupcake. So, what about him makes you think that? Is it because he's a hundred and eighty - something years older than you? He’s probably been passed around the block like a wh - “
“Okay,” you cut him off, cringing at the thought, “ I think I got the picture.”
Your mind began to wander again about Logan and you narrowed your eyes in thought, staring at nothing.
“What’cha thinkin’, honey bun?”
Wade's voice cut through your concentration and you shrugged, a smile creeping onto your face.
“Oh no,” he started, stretching the vowel, “you’re having a sex fantasy right now, I can see it on your face - disgusting. Tell me more.”
“What, you want details?” You laughed, giving up on trying to hide it if Wade could already read you like an open book. You were both terribly honest with each other - almost to a fault. 
“Not the full middle-aged-white-women erotica novel version,” he answered, “I can accept cliff notes.”
You thought for a moment, going down the mental list you’d made of all the assumptions you had about the older roommate that you rarely ever saw.
“He’s gotta have a huge dick. Like, massive.”
Wade nearly spit out his beer but nodded for you to continue.
“I’d let him, like - like,” you were giggling between words as you tried to form a sentence, “ fuckin’ rearrange my guts.”
That did make Wade spit his beer, which set off a train of uncontrollable laughter that you both tried to stifle. 
Still, throw pillows and hands over your mouths were not as effective as you believed. 
Logan’s eyes fluttered open, squinting in the dark. The digital clock on his nightstand read ‘2:24 am’ in red LEDs. He closed his eyes again and tried to drift back to sleep, only to be jolted up by the sound of the two of you laughing obnoxiously from the living room.
“For fuck’s sake,” he mumbled to himself, getting up to walk towards his door so he could tell you both to keep it quiet. As his hand touched the knob, he halted when he heard your voice.
“He’s probably good at eating pussy. He’d be like an animal - “
Logan was stuck in place, his eyes narrowed. Who the hell were you talking about? 
“Can we go back to the rearranging guts thing? ‘Cause I have to tell you, sister - he’s made of metal and he’ll really do it.”
That couldn’t be about him. He refused to believe you two were actually talking about him like that in the next room.
“I’d let him,” he could hear you snickering.
“Is this a daddy issues thing? The ‘I can fix him’ maneuver?” 
“I didn’t say I wanted to fix him, I said I wanted to fuck him.”
If this was about some guy, Logan should be relieved; thankful that you’d found a new target of infatuation. He should be relieved, but he was gripping the door knob like he was going to break it off.
Wade’s voice broke through his thoughts, “you’re lucky Logan’s not much into relationships, then.”
So you were talking about him. 
Your voice echoed in his head, your words cementing themselves into his brain. 
On the living room floor, you were chucking pieces of popcorn into Wade's direction, trying to land one in his open mouth. 
“Hey,” he started after catching a piece between his teeth and eating it, “if you do end up in Wolvies bed? Pics or it didn’t happen.”
You gasped and nearly chucked your empty bottle at his head, deciding against it when you remembered Logan was asleep in the other room. 
Logan was in the other room.
Just as you were about to panic to Wade about Logan overhearing your foul-mouthed and horny drunk rambling, you both heard the click of his door coming unlocked and the creak of the hinges. He appeared at the doorway in a beater and pajama pants, his hair sticking up in every direction. Truthfully, he looked cute.
“Shut the fuck up, both of you. It’s two in the morning.”
Adorable, even. 
“Oopsie! Sorry, Peanut. We had very important things to discuss,” Wade replied.
Without another word, Logan shut his door again and you and Wade sat in comfortable silence for a moment.
“Do you think he heard me?” you whispered, grimacing.
“We’ll find out.”
With that, you both decided to call it a night and you returned to the familiar comfort of your apartment.
The next morning, Wade was up far earlier than his roommate, as usual. He sat on the couch with his feet on the coffee table, turning his head when he heard Logan’s door open.
“Sleeping beauty! So kind of you to bless me with your presence. What’s the occasion?”
“Technically it would be lunch, peanut.”
Logan was facing the pantry in the kitchen and Wade could still feel the anger radiating off him. 
Ignoring his seething silence, Wade began to speak again, “you didn’t happen to overhear any conversations last night, did you?”
Logan was facing him again, pouring cereal into a bowl and speaking without looking away from it, “you mean the one where your little friend said she wanted to fuck me? Yeah, I heard enough of it to get the jist.”
Wade had a gleeful look plastered on his face as he turned in his seat, “so you’re gonna take her up on the offer, right?”
“That wasn’t an offer, and besides,” Logan was shoveling cereal into his mouth, “ ‘m not interested.”
“See, you say that, Peanut, and yet you just have to come out here at least once while she’s over.”
Logan was glaring daggers into his skull. 
“I live here.”
The younger of the two clicked his tongue, turning his attention to the TV screen, “All I'm saying is that she’s our neighbor, she's a sweetheart, she is single and has a job and an apartment all to herself, dude. Bone city.”
“Think about it.” “Don’t need to.”
As Logan scarfed down the rest of his breakfast and put the bowl in the sink, Wade was already typing furiously in his messages to create a plan. 
Another week rolled by, meaning it was time to get hammered and make fun of the Kardashians again. You held your breath waiting for Wade to answer the door, anxiously picking at your fingernails. 
He opened the door and ushered you in like any other time, except he was dressed to go out instead of the usual PJ attire.
“What, are you leaving me for a hot date?” you teased, dropping the snacks you brought onto the kitchen island.
You furrowed your eyebrows and frowned, awaiting his explanation.
“I’ve got a date with Vanessa, but - “
Logan emerged from his room, navigating his way to the kitchen as if neither of you were there.
“Peanut! So glad you decided to join us! Hey - “ Wade tapped the kitchen island, motioning for him to come over so he could talk to you both at the same time.
“Okay - I have a date with Vanessa tonight, so I need you,” he motioned between the two of you, “to get along.”
You were about to interrupt, insist that you can just reschedule, but it was as if he’d read your mind.
“You’re already here, cupcake, just stay and chill out. And you - “ he turned completely towards Logan, “you’re going to be nice like I asked you. Do you think you’ll survive?”
Logan was staring at him, unblinking with a scowl on his face.
“You, uh, you don’t have to sit with me,” you mumbled to him, forcing him to finally acknowledge your presence.
He’d half expected it to be your idea as much as it was Wade’s - some kind of ploy to get him alone - but you weren’t jumping at the chance, trying to be touchy-feely with him, begging him to stay. 
He almost wished you would.
He cleared his throat and looked back to Wade, “I'm not gonna babysit your friend.”
“Who said I needed a babysitter?” you chimed in.
 They both turned to you to watch you slam the top of a beer bottle on the edge of the countertop, sending the metal top flying somewhere into the living room. 
“We have a bottle opener in the drawer,” Wade sighed in defeat, ”anyway - you don’t need to babysit her, I'm just saying she doesn’t bite and It would be uncool to leave her all alone.”
“Aren’t you the one leaving?” you asked, taking a sip of your beer.
“Not the point,” he answered, grabbing his jacket from the coat stand as he walked towards the front door, “play nice, don’t eat anything in the fridge with my name on it and there’s condoms in my nightstand!”
He opened and shut the door, leaving the both of you in awkward silence. Logan’s face was actually red, a mix between rage and mild embarrassment. 
“He’s a dick,” you muttered, trying to make some kind of small talk, only to be met again with silence. You sighed, going to the couch and picking up the remote. You finally made yourself look Logan in the eyes, your cheeks burning uncontrollably when he never broke his stare.
“Listen - it’s fine, I get it, you’re like…the lone wolf,” you laughed a little to yourself, having to divert your eyes to the fabric of the couch, “I’m not gonna burst into tears if you don’t sit with me.”
He was a little taken back by your bluntness, though it was refreshing. He figured you’d be pink in the face - practically begging him to stay - but you weren’t. You pretended you couldn’t give less of a shit with your eyes now glued to the TV. You were as cool as you could act on the outside, but you nearly lost that cool when he spoke again.
“I can sit for a bit,” he shuffled over to the couch, settling himself down next to you. If you weren’t gonna be all over him like he thought you would, he could withstand a couple episodes of whatever the hell you and Wade had been watching. He didn’t dislike you, really - just terrified of the possibility of intimacy. You were pretty, and from what he’d overheard now and then, you were funny too. He liked the way the smell of your body wash and perfume flooded the apartment whenever you’d stop by and how you’d always bring some leftovers to be sure both of them had eaten - leftovers of which the roommates would always get into a spat over - usually because Logan ate it all before Wade could even see what was in the container. 
Unfortunately for Logan, he began to enjoy you being around.
You could feel your stomach tie itself in knots when he sat beside you but nodded in acknowledgment, flipping through TV channels. You settled on the Kardashians again, tossing the remote on the table.
“This is the shit you guys watch, huh?” he teased, grabbing a beer from the pack Wade left behind. 
You smiled a little to yourself, noticing how he was slowly getting more comfortable with you, “mhm, top tier - wait till you see one of them talk, it’s like watching an alien.”
You actually pulled a miniscule of a laugh out of him and your heart nearly skipped a beat at the sound.
As the show went on and you both made snarky commentary at just about everything, you felt more and more like you were just hanging out with Wade - comfortable and casual, except for the way your face burned up every time he stretched and his white beater rode up his stomach.
“So,” you began as the episode ended, “thoughts? Opinions?”
He was looking between you and the screen, thinking hard, “I don’t get it.”
You shrugged, “me neither, to be honest, but god is it funny to watch rich people lose their shit sometimes.”
He chuckled again at your response, placing his empty bottle on the table next to yours.
It was silent for a moment, the air tense with something you couldn’t quite pinpoint. 
“What do you usually watch on TV?” you asked, intending to flip the channel to whatever he may be interested in - if he had to sit through Keeping Up with The Kardashians, it was only fair.
“Nothin’, really,” he answered, his eyes moving from the screen to rest on you, like a heavy weight on your chest.
“Do you even watch TV?” you asked, the both of you having abandoned the idea of trying to find something else to watch and just letting it play in the background.
“Nah,” he shrugged, his arms crossed against his chest, “ I don’t do much of anything.’
You could tell his answer was earnest and you frowned a bit, swinging your legs up on the couch and turning to face him completely, “nothing? There has to be something.”
He was unsure about how close you were to him now, your knees to your chest as you looked at him expectantly. He thought he’d be met with that look - the one you kept giving him in passing that he hated so much - but your face was neutral, waiting patiently for him to respond. Truthfully, he didn’t hate the look itself - or you, for that matter - but hated how it made him feel.
As if there were some sliver of hope for a future worth living through.
He cleared his throat, turning his body towards you on the couch, “I work out, sometimes - “
‘’Yeah, clearly’’, you wanted to say.
“Other than that,” he continued, “I don’t know, the bar - sometimes I'll let Wade drag me out somewhere but I usually leave after half an hour.”
“Huh, so you really are by yourself a lot,” you realized aloud.
 Logan never thought it sad until he heard it from your mouth.
“I like it that way, most of the time,” he shrugged.
“I can tell - took you two weeks to finally say hello. I think this is the most I've ever heard your voice, actually.” 
He realized you were right and did feel a little bad, “I’m sorry about that, by the way. I just don’t like meeting new people.”
“Me neither.”
It was silent then - save for the TV - either one of you waiting for the other to explain just why that is. You figured it would be easier if you went first.
“I never really had a lot of friends growing up. I had a hard time in school and a lot of the other kids didn’t like me. It was just tough to make friends, especially because - “
You stopped, thinking over what details to include and what to leave out.
“Because?” Logan prompted and you sighed, biting back a giggle.
“Because I was goth. I don’t mean I just dressed in black - I mean I wore white face paint and huge boots and ate lunch in the art room.”
That actually pulled a real fucking laugh out of him and you couldn’t help but mirror his smile.
“I’m not laughing ‘cause you were goth, that's not weird” he clarified, “I'm laughing because I just can’t picture it.”
You didn’t embrace the style as much as you used to, trading Siouxsie Sioux makeup for reading glasses and teased hair for your natural texture.
“I’ll bring over my highschool yearbook sometime,” you chuckled, shaking your head.
Realizing it was now his turn to speak, he readjusted himself in his seat and cleared his throat, visibly becoming a little uncomfortable.
“You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, you know,” you reminded him gently, giving a soft smile. 
It only made it harder for Logan that you were so damn nice.
He tentatively explained the timelines, the different versions everyone has of themselves, how he’d gotten there. You hung on his every word, unintentionally giving him a sympathetic look when he had finished explaining. 
“So…you were just alone after all that?” your voice was soft, worry clear in your tone.
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck, “yeah, yeah.. ‘till I met Wade, obviously.”
You gave him a small smile, “you’ll never be alone again, you know.”
For some reason, the unfamiliar comfort made his stomach turn and he simply shook his head, “Yeah, I'm never gonna be able to get rid of him.”
That made you giggle, nodding in agreement.
“You can try, but he will always find you - like a determined cockroach.”
That got the both of you and you’d never seen Logan smile that way - though, to be fair, you never saw much of his face anyway.
The version of you that sat on the couch across from him was far from who he thought you were. He felt guilty now for assuming things just from looking at you, but it was a habit he had yet to shake. It was clear you were beautiful - that was never a question - but talking with you made him realize just how much he may have missed out by keeping himself so closed off. You laughed at almost every joke he had made, comforted him when he was nothing but rude and always checked up on him and Wade. You smelled so nice, your hair looked so soft and he almost found himself wanting to reach over and run his fingers through it. In his eyes, you seemed to be everything he was not; all of the best qualities he believed he didn't possess.
“Oh, hey - do you want some popcorn? I brought the microwave kind, I keep telling Wade to get it himself and he never does,” you snapped him out of his trance and stood from the couch, already walking to the kitchen.
“Uh, sure,” he found himself getting up to follow you, not wanting to pause a moment of conversation.
You tossed the bag in the microwave and hit the button, leaning yourself against the counter. Logan leaned himself besides you, significantly taller. You’d held your composure so far, but having him so close and realizing just how much bigger he was made your heart beat like a rabbit’s. 
“So, you never asked about the mutant thing,” He spoke over the popping, looking down at you and waiting for the twenty questions.
You only shrugged, “I figured If you wanted to tell me, you’d tell me. I wasn’t gonna interrogate you about it. Plus, Wade told me.”
“Of course he did,” Logan scoffed, “I’m afraid to know what exactly it was that he told you.”
“You’ve got adamantium instead of bones,” you replied matter of factly, “and you’ve got claws. I mean, I’ve never seen them, but that's what he told me.”
He thought for a minute, stepping in front of you a little. He was about arm-length away, putting enough distance between you both that he was sure he wouldn’t accidentally knick you.
In a second, the adamantium claws protruded from between his knuckles, glistening in the kitchen light. You flinched for only a second, leaning in to inspect them. 
“Woah,” you muttered, bringing a finger up to the very end of one of them and letting it poke you, “cool.”
He was a bit confused by your calm demeanor, but relieved by it anyway. It was never a good time when someone had a bad reaction to the claws. The microwave beeped and he retracted them, stepping out of your way. You opened it and held the scolding bag with two fingers, realizing you needed a bowl to put it in.
“Logan, can you grab a-”
You felt one hand on your hip and could see his other reach above you, opening a cabinet you couldn't and handing you a bowl. Your back was almost flush to his chest, making you feel warm all over. He reluctantly pulled away from you and you cleared your throat, shaking the popcorn into the bowl.
He watched you from where you stood, taking in the curve of your waist and hips and realizing he was in much more trouble than he’d originally thought. He’d heard your drunken giggling about him - heard you vulgarly talk about how good you think he’d be at giving head - but he was still thinking it over with his bottom lip between his teeth. He finally broke the silence that filled the room.
“You know, the claws aren’t the only thing abnormal about me.”
“Mm, no?” you laughed a little with your back still turned to him. You could feel that your face was hot.
“Heightened senses,” he said simply, “hearing and smell, mostly.”
“Yeah. Like right now, I can hear your heartbeat.”
Your eyes went wide and you practically froze in place.
“It’s fast.”
His voice was closer.
“Really fast,” his breath was in your ear, his hands coming to rest on your waist, “got even faster when I pointed it out.”
You swallowed hard, knowing very well there was no way to lie to him.
“Jus’ nervous sometimes. It doesn’t mean anything,” you exhaled, attempting to still your shaking hands. 
“Mhm,” he hummed, his deep voice reverberating through your chest because of his proximity, “what about the other night, though?”
You narrowed your eyes and turned to finally face him, nearly chest to chest.
“What are you talking about?” 
You knew exactly what he was talking about - you just hoped it wasn’t what you thought.
His hands were on the counter behind you, boxing you in.
“C’mon,” he looked at you expectantly with a shit eating smirk on his face, “what made you think I’d be good at eating pussy, anyway?”
You were red with embarrassment, pulling your hands up to cover your face, but Logan caught your wrists gently and clicked his tongue.
“Pretty girl, it’s alright - “
His gruff voice calling you such a sweet nickname nearly made your knees buckle.
“I can smell how wet you get, you know that?”
One of his hands moved to hold you by your throat, barely using any pressure.
“F-Fuck off,” you managed to mutter, stuttering when he pushed one of his thighs inbetween yours. This was nowhere near what you pictured happening when Wade dumped you in his living room with a guy who would barely even look at you.
He chuckled, his other hand pushing on the small of your back to pull you closer into him.
“Yeah? I don’t think you really want me to, sweetheart. Besides, you didn’t answer my question.”
You could barely think, nevermind answer whatever it was he had asked. You were almost nose to nose, Logan craning his neck down a bit to level his face with yours.
“I, um,” your breathing was shaky, “fuck, I don’t know - I jus’ think about it a lot.”
“Me too,” he admitted before crashing his lips to yours, tangling his fingers in the hair at the back of your head. It was truthful - he’d probably thought of you every day since the night he heard you talk about him like that. 
You couldn’t help moaning into his mouth when he kissed you, letting him slip his tongue past your lips. His hands roamed down your back and to your ass, using his grip to rock your hips over his thigh.
“So beautiful,” he whispered as he moved down your jaw and neck, kissing and biting at the soft skin, “drove me crazy, hearing you say those things.”
“How much - how much did you hear?” you tried to ask, overwhelmed by his teeth grazing your neck. Your hands rested against his chest - as if you were going to push him away - but you never did.
You felt his lips curve into a smile against your skin, “heard enough.”
“And what exactly was that?”
If he was going to tease, you might as well bite back.
He pulled away momentarily to look in your eyes, knowing damn well he already had you where he wanted you.
“You don’t want to fix me, you want to fuck me, right?”
Your own words sounded so much hotter coming out of his mouth.
“Mhm,” was all you could manage to get out, too focused on the feeling of him pushing and pulling your hips over his thigh.
“Huh? Use your words, sweetheart.”
There was something about the affectionate nicknames he was using in contrast to the filthy way he was trying to push you down even harder on his thigh that made you lightheaded.
“Yeah - yes, I want to,” you practically whined.
That was all the confirmation he needed to hoist you up onto the counter with his hands on your ass. He was kissing you hungrily, his fingers hooking around the straps of your tank top to let them fall down your shoulders. You didn’t waste any time in breaking the kiss momentarily to strip yourself of the garment, tossing it to the kitchen floor.
“Fuck, jesus christ,” He groaned at the sight of your bare chest and immediately brought his large hands up to massage your breasts. A chill went down your spine when he leaned down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking and swirling his tongue. Your hands were threaded through his hair, tugging every so slightly when he would pull his mouth off you with a popping sound. The majority of your chest was glistening with his spit when he finally brought his mouth to yours again, leaving a clear coating over the developing hickies that he left. You tugged at the hem of Logan's white beater to signal that you wanted it off. He did as you pleased, leaving plenty of skin for you to run your hands over. 
“Been thinking of you, all spread out of me,” he murmured in between kisses. He used his grip on your ass to grind you against him, his hard cock pressing against you. The pressure from it was enough for your pussy to start aching.
“I wanna know what you taste like,” he continued, holding your chin to tilt your head up, “can I find out?”
You nodded frantically and nearly choked on your own spit. You lifted your hips to let him strip you of your pants and underwear, leaving you completely bare on the counter in front of him.
You felt vulnerable, pressing your knees together only to have Logan use his hands to spread them apart.
“Uh-uh,” he clicked his tongue, “let me see your pretty pussy.”
He got on his knees on the kitchen floor, hooking his arms around your thighs and settling his face between them. He nipped at the hot skin of your inner thighs and you inadvertently tugged his hair every time he did so. He finally laid his tongue flat against you and you whined, the sound echoing through the kitchen. He was sloppy, practically drooling into your cunt and using it to lubricate his fingers so he could slip them into you. Your theory from before was proven right; he was kind of animalistic when he ate you out.
He was curling his fingers as he thrusted them in and out, sucking on your clit at the same time. You gasped when he spoke with his mouth still buried in your cunt.
“Tastes so fucking good.”
Your ankles were locked to keep his head between your thighs, leaning yourself back against the wall.
“Jesus christ, Logan - “ you whined, cut off when he growled into you.
“Mhm, ‘feels good, baby?”
You only nodded, unable to communicate with how deep he was curling his fingers into you. He continued to mumble praises against your cunt, amused by how much it clearly spurred you on.
“This is all mine, huh? Know you wanted it, could smell how bad you needed me every time you were over.”
You could feel the pressure in your lower stomach start to build.
“You’re so wet for me, such a good girl - makin’ such a fucking mess.”
It wasn’t long before you were pulling him back by his hair.
He reluctantly detached himself, looking up at you with concern. His mouth and chin were wet, his tongue peeking out to lick his lips.
“What’s wrong? You okay?”
“ ‘m fine, just - I was close -”
He groaned in a way that almost sounded annoyed, diving his tongue back into you, “C’mon, do it, then - come for me, pretty girl.”
His praise was enough to trigger your orgasm and you couldn’t help rocking your hips against his face as you rode it out. You were cursing, tears starting to form in your eyes when he didn’t let up. 
“L-Logan, fuck,” you cried. You could’ve pulled him off, told him it was too much, but he was so determined and skilled in the way he flicked his tongue that the discomfort of overstimulation dissipated into pleasure within seconds.
“One more for me, baby, one more. Think you can?”
You were moaning so loud at that point that you tried to bring a hand to your mouth to muffle the sound but Logan caught your wrist and brought it back to his hair, encouraging you to keep tugging and pulling.
Your second orgasms approached hard and fast, tears rolling down your cheek. Your legs shook uncontrollably as he finally sat back on his heels. 
When you caught your breath, he pulled himself up to slide his arms around your lower back and plant a kiss on your forehead, wiping your wet cheeks.
“Can I take you to the bed?”
You nodded and smiled wide, leaning up to kiss him.
He effortlessly carried you through the hallway and into his bedroom, your bare chest pressed against his. The second your back hit his mattress, his cellphone started to ring from his bedside table.
You watched Logan furrow his eyebrows and reach for the phone. He read the caller ID and bore an amused smile, switching it to silent.
“What’s so funny?” you asked, wrapping your arms around him when he came to hover above you.
“It’s Wade,” he chuckled to himself, “probably calling to see if everythings alright.”
That made you giggle, “yeah, we can tell him we’re doing just fine.”
“I’ll call him later.”
His lips were on yours again, the rough denim of his jeans rubbing against you as he pinned you to the bed with his hips. You slid your hands from his neck, down his back and around the front of his waist to rest on his belt buckle. Your fingers made quick work of the metal fastener and you tugged the leather from his jeans. He stood up off the bed for a moment to strip himself of the rest of his clothing. When his cock sprung up from his boxers and hit his stomach, you almost had to choke back a gasp. Again, you were proven right - he was huge. He crawled back between your legs and positioned himself on top of you. 
“You’re okay with this?”
If anyone told you maybe two hours earlier that you’d end up under Wade’s grumpy roommate, your chest heaving from the anticipation of finally having him slot into you, you would’ve called them crazy. Now, however, it was a reality - one you would’ve gladly spent the rest of your life in.
You realized he was holding back, gripping the sheets next to your head and waiting for a definite answer.
You nodded and scratched at the back of his neck affectionately. He guided himself into you and you groaned at the feeling of his tip alone.
“ ‘s okay?”
Logan was practically slurring his words with how hard he had to hold himself back. Your warm chest to his, your thighs locked around his waist, the way you smelled; it was all overwhelming in the best way possible.
“So good,” you whined, trying to push your hips up to encourage him to go even deeper, “want all of it, please, please.”
He was chewing on his lip when he finally let himself fill you completely in one thrust. You dug your fingernails into his back, leaving scratches that healed themselves within seconds. He let out a guttural moan with his face buried in your neck, concentrating on trying to build a steady rhythm without finishing things too fast. He propped himself up on his elbows on either side of you as he tentatively rocked in and out.
“So fucking pretty,” he huffed, a hand coming up to wipe the sweat dampened hair from your flushed face. It was so sweet, so intimate; nothing you’d ever really expected with or from him.
“You're handsome,” you managed to reply, amused by how taken back he seemed by the compliment, “perfect.”
He couldn’t remember the last time someone called him that - handsome, definitely never perfect - while actually looking at him like they meant it. Your eyes were trained on the features of his face, attempting to memorize every line and wrinkle; every bit of him that made him Logan. Your eyes felt to him like they could burn right through the wall he’d managed to construct.
Still, he instinctively scoffed as he hovered over you. He was never good at accepting compliments.
“I’m not the lying type, you know,” you assured him, whispering in his ear as he continued at a steady pace, “besides, do you think I'd be under you right now if that wasn’t true?”
“Mm - shut up”, he fought a smile and increased his pace in the hopes that it would render you speechless.
It did, of course.
You were a moaning mess atop his sheets with your back arched to accommodate Logan’s arm sneaking around you. His pace was enough to rock his headboard into the wall and he was thankful it was your apartment on the other side instead of a stranger’s. You were chest to chest as he whispered filthy things into your ear.
“Takin’ it well like I knew you would, baby doll - knew you’d like it when I fucked you like this.”
You were still at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the pressure in your lower stomach.
“You think you’ve got another one in you? C’mon, sweet girl, let me see it.”
His coaxing had your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head as he pounded into you. Besides the grunts and moans between you two, the only sound echoing in the room was the slap of skin against skin and the squelching of your pussy as he dragged himself out and back in again.
You were almost drooling from how deep he was able to fuck you. The familiar fire in your stomach had you feeling warm all over, building and building itself up. As if he could read your mind, Logan’s hand reached down between the both of you and he started to trace tight circles around your swollen clit.
“F-Fuck, my god, Logan - “
He hummed affirmatively, almost as if to acknowledge that was indeed his name that you were chanting.
You squeezed your eyes shut so hard that you almost saw stars when your third orgasm hit hard and fast. You were probably loud enough for the entire building to hear as he worked you through it.
“Good girl, good girl - c’mere,” he praised, flipping you over so that you were on your hands and knees. You laid your chest as flat as you could against the mattress and arched your back. He didn’t hesitate in fitting himself snuggly inside of you again, his hands kneading at and smacking your ass as he used his grip to push and pull you. It wasn’t long before his thrusts started to become sloppy. He leaned down and hooked an arm around you, lifting you up a little so that his chest was pressed to your back. He moved his hand to your throat to tilt back your head. The way you looked back at him, your beautiful eyes boring into his soul - that was all he needed to finally let go. You felt him flood you with his come, a mixture of yours and his soaking the sheets underneath you. He gently pulled out and almost immediately pulled you against him to cuddle, his eyes already fluttering close. You didn’t take him for the cuddly type but it was just another wholesome thing you’d learned about him.
“You should call Wade back,” you mumbled, already drifting to sleep with your head on Logan’s chest.
“ ‘m busy, I’ll do it tomorrow.”
You chuckled to yourself, letting exhaustion overtake you.
Wade practically sprinted up the steps to his apartment the next morning, keys already in hand. If Logan hadn’t answered - even if it was just to tell him to fuck off - something really bad must’ve happened. You hadn't answered any of his fifteen texts, either.
He unlocked his door and prepared himself to be met with a gorey scene, only to be surprised that there was no sign of a scuffle. There was untouched popcorn in the kitchen, clearly abandoned at some point right after making it. Did Logan upset you enough last night to make you leave early? 
Of course, he’d completely missed your clothing that had been tossed just out of sight from where he was standing.
Wade sighed in frustration, striding through the hallway and stopping outside Logan’s bedroom. He banged his fist on the door and rested his hands on his hips as he spoke through the wood.
“Hey! Peanut! Did you make our guest leave early last night? How’d it go? You didn’t answer your phone and neither did she.”
On the other side of the door, your heads both popped up at the sound of wade’s banging. You stifled a laugh, looking to Logan for him to say something.
“Uh, yeah…she had somethin’ to take care of.”
Now you had to bury your face in his comforter, uncontrollably snickering. 
Without warning, Wade groaned and swung the door open - one neither of you thought to lock because no one had been home.
“You better get your ass across the hall and apologize for whatever it is that -“
He was met with the sight of the both of you in Logan’s bed, covered by the bedding. It was obvious you were both undressed, Logan’s boxers somewhere near Wade’s feet.
He gasped, looking between the two of you in confusion before a giddy smile appeared on his face.
“Oh, I see, I see. Right, mhm - “
Logan was already trying to shoo him out but Wade wasn’t going to let him before he got the last word in.
“You're welcome, by the way!”
He shut the door and you laughed.
Logan laid back again, resting his arm around your shoulders so he could pull you back into his chest again.
In the comfortable silence, doubt settled itself in the form of a pit in your stomach. What if this was a one time thing? 
Almost instantly, you felt his hand comb through your hair.
“Hey, uh,” he started, looking down into your eyes, “listen, I know I was supposed to ask this before I got you in here, but - um..”
You could feel your stomach turn, borderline terrified of what he was going to say next.
“Would you want to go out for coffee sometime?”
A wide grin spread across your face and you nodded eagerly, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.
“I’d love that.”
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A/N: this ones long as hell but so is just about everything else I write! if you've made it to the end I loooove u and pls interact if you enjoyed; hearing feedback is what motivates me to keep writing! as always, my inbox is open as well <3
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flowersforjude · 2 months
𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem Cousin!Reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | You could not leave him. Not when your very breath was the only thing that kept him tethered to this world. 
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1,433
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𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | Arguing, Angry Jace, Desperate Jace, One curse word, Kind of hurt/comfort. 
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | This was requested by @intheheartoftheking. I had a million different ideas for this, but the inspiration wasn’t there for any of them. So, I hope this is to your liking! Also, Varaxs is the name I gave the reader’s dragon! 
masterlist | read on ao3
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Sea salt kisses your cheeks as the gentle roll of the tide rushes below you. The familiar scent of your dragon fluttered in the breeze as the Dragon Keepers brought your ivory mount out to you. Varaxs growled deeply, as if mimicking the waves that crashed against the inky cliffs of Dragonstone.
Chills danced up your spine as the cold seeped into your bones beneath your riding clothes. The weather wasn’t what had you so chilled, though.
Nervousness burns through your mind. Has your eyes darting from the dragon pit to the palace looming behind you. Every howl of the wind and every tumbling pebble falling from the rocks, kept you on high alert of discovery. There were more than enough troubles to keep your mind occupied, but should anyone catch you here before you could depart, your plan would be all for nothing. 
The Greens had sent an assassin to take Rhaenyra’s life in the dead of night. Ser Arryk was unsuccessful thanks to his brother’s valiant efforts, which cost him his life. But even if the Queen was unharmed, the usurper must still pay for the cowardly attempt on her life. 
Rhaenyra still hoped for peace, though, and such wishes had her stalling her hand. You, as her stepdaughter and loyal subject, could no longer rationalize doing nothing. 
And so, you were going to King’s Landing.  
You dare not give thought to what could befall you once you’re there. But if death or something worse awaited you, then it would have been worth it fighting for your queen. 
The wind seemed to pick up with his arrival. You didn’t notice until a loud cry of your name sounded over the currents. You spin around and see your betrothed, Jacaerys, dashing towards you. Trepidation and unease flowed through you as you caught sight of his vexed expression. You hadn’t told anyone of your plan, and you thought you had snuck away with no one noticing your absence. But of course, it was Jace who figured it out. 
He’s still in his princely attire, the Targaryen colors displayed proudly. The deep hues of black and red had always complimented him in the most alluring way. His boots kick up clouds of dust and sand as he comes to a stop in front of you. His lips pressed into a hard line, and his jaw clenched in irritation. His hand gripped the hilt of his sword like he always did, but the knuckles were white with the forceful hold he had on it. 
“Jacaerys.” You greet, meeting those serious, dark eyes you’ve lost yourself in more times than you could remember. 
“What are you doing?” He asks simply, but the sharpness of his voice made it clear this was no easy matter. His eyes burned into yours as he stood just inches from you. 
“What do you think I’m doing?” You questioned in return. Deciding to let him reveal what he knew before you told him the whole of your plan. 
He scoffs and swallows thickly. “I am not certain, but I am sure that it is something reckless and not something that my mother approved of.” 
Shifting your weight in the sand, you thought about how best to proceed. “I was anticipating no one finding out until I was already gone.”
“Did you think I would not notice your absence?” He asks incredulously, his brows rising in disbelief. 
You shrugged. “I hoped it would take you a little longer.” A leaden sigh leaves your lips while the restless waters below you rage on. The light reflecting off the water shines like a beacon around Jace, and you have to battle against the longing ache that spreads through your chest. 
“Someone needs to scout King’s Landing. Gather what information we can.” You explain praying to the seven that he’ll understand. 
His eyes widened as exasperation ignited in them. “Have you lost your mind?” He exclaims, shaking his head of dark curls. 
“No,” he insists. “You’re not going. You’re not going to fucking King’s Landing, where you very likely will be spotted.” His jaw is tight, and his eyes are just as troublesome as the waters crashing against the rocky shores of the island. 
“Someone has to do something!” You argue back, your raised voice causing Varaxs, waiting in the landing pit, to hiss with displeasure at your growing distress. 
“And if you are captured? Slain? What then?” He sneered, a sudden thickness lingering in his words. 
You lose yourself for a moment. Imagining all the horrors that could come upon you should anyone discover you even somewhat close to the capitol. Aemond held resentment towards you and your sisters for what occurred the night Luke took his eye. And Aegon was a mindless drunk, but no less cruel than his brother. But thinking of all their treachery just made you all the more determined to do everything in your power to see Rhaenyra on the throne. And Jace, good-hearted, compassionate Jace, as the heir.
“I have to do this, Jace. And if I meet my end, then it would be worth it to see Rhaenrya and you reclaim your birthright.”
Desperation colors his features, his sharp expression melting to one of concern and tenderness . Something that stokes the fires of your affection for him. 
“I forbid you.” He finally declares after a long moment of silence. 
“Forbid me?” Your own frustration at last rises to match his. “You are not my king yet. You’re not even my husband yet. So unless you intend to tie me up, I will be leaving now.” 
You turn on your heel to approach your mount. Fully planning on flying off to King’s Landing before his voice breaks. 
“You cannot leave me!” 
You halt in your place, your throat growing tight upon hearing the sheer panic coming from him. Your hands twitch at your sides as the wind dies down enough to allow you to hear the ragged breaths sounding from your betrothed. Hesitantly, not wanting to be met with his distraught expression, you turned back to face him. 
Raw desperation swam in his eyes. His lips, that had welcomed yours in so many devoting kisses, parted with pleading breaths. He closes the short distance between you; his hand captures yours before falling to rest against his heart. Heat flashes through you where your skin touches his. 
When he speaks, his words come out breathlessly. “It is no secret between us my devotion to you.” The strong fingers of his free hand, calloused from all his hours of training, fluttered over your cheek with a touch as light as goose down. “But even before our betrothal, you were my guiding light. In the wake of all the chaos, there was you.” His normally collected voice cracks. He clings to his hold on you as if terrified of you vanishing from his sight forever. “My entire heart craves only a fraction of yours. Even if only a piece of you loved me, that would be plenty, because that would mean at least a part of you was genuinely mine.”
His gaze flickers down to your lips before meeting your eyes again. “I cannot live in a world where you do not exist,” he professed. The air had been stolen from your lungs upon hearing his words. You were no fool to Jace’s affection; you returned it tenfold. But never had he confessed such adoration to you. 
“I cannot just do nothing.” You whispered, knowing he could hear you. 
He was nodding along with your words. “We will destroy them,” he vowed. “But we will do it together. You cannot not be so careless with your life, Issa jorrāelagon.” 
You do not wish to be labeled as rash or reckless, but the Greens must face retribution. For all the agony they’ve caused. You wish only to help your family win back the heritage that was stolen from them. One day, sit by Jace’s side as he rules with all the kindness and strength you know him to possess.
But he was right. 
You look down at his hand, holding yours to his heart. It beat as fiercely as dragon wings in the sky. Each pulse hammered in each nail of faith you had in him. “Together?” You coaxed meeting his eyes again and seeing determination mingling with his sheer devotion. 
“You and I will take back my mother’s throne.” He pledged, pressing a reverent kiss to your brow. “And one day I will take you as my queen, and we will rule together just as we are meant to.”
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This was shorter than I wanted it to be, but I'm just glad I was finally able to finish it!
Issa jorrāelagon; My love
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The Wayne boys most days without sleep before they finally crashed (two manage to beat out Batman)
Tim Drake - 12 days
Tim fidgets with his hands while staring at a wall.
Tim: All around the mulberry the monkey chased the weasel da da da da-
An alarm goes off a second later.
Kara, Kon and Bernard look on concerned.
Kara: Hey, Tim how long you been awake?
Tim, rocking back and forth: 288 hours.
Kara: 200 and what?
Kon: You've been awake for 12 days?!
Bernard: Again Tim?
Kara & Kon: Again?!
Bernard: I've seen it before.
Tim: Seen it before and I can go longer. The first record holder stayed up for 12 days. I can go longer. I can go longer. I can. Batman can't even do that!
Tim cackles rocking back and forth.
Tim: Coffee helps especially when you replace it with all other liquids.
Tim grabs a large cup of coffee as his hands shake vigorously.
Bernard, rubs his boyfriend's back.
Bernard: Timmy, let's take you home okay?
Tim: Home, no home. I fall sleep. Sleep for the weak... Did you know if you look at the walls long enough, new people appear.
Tim waves, laughing nervously then tenses horrified.
Tim: Their face is contorting again!
Bernard: Let's take you away from the scary... Invisible person and get you home to rest.
Bernard takes Tim's hand and takes him out of the Dunkin donuts.
Kara: I could not handle dating a batkid.
Kon nods.
Kon: I dated him for a while, I agree.
Dick Grayson - 18 days and 15 minutes
Kori and Beast Boy walk into the titans living room. Raven is meditating.
Kori: Where's Dick at?
Raven: Outside counting blades of grass.
Kori: Counting blades of grass?
Beast boy: Oh Jesus, has he been staying awake for days at a time again?
Raven nods with her eyes closed.
Raven: He'll crash at any second, but he thought being outside with the sun would 'revitalize' him.
Beast Boy: That's not- I'll be back.
Beast Boy goes outside where Grayson is actually counting blades of grass. BB walks over to him. He taps his foot. Grayson looks up, his eyes widen and one twitching.
Dick: Hey- Hey- Hey buddy. Did you know we have one hundred thousand blades of grass. I- Did you change colors?
BB: What color do you think I am?
Grayson squits his eyes.
Dick: Blue.
BB: All right we're on that color, how long you been awake for buddy?
Dick: I stopped sleeping last Wednesday... Then a week passed... Then another, that was 14, now it's Saturday of the second week.
Beast Boy arms crossed, sighs and walks off to re-enter the tower.
BB: 18 days this time.
Beast Boy walks away as Kori is shocked.
Raven: He's surpassing the world record holder. Also his brain might be dying.
Kori: Might be?!
Raven: He's a batkids, their brains are made of steel or something.
Kori: I have one trick that usually knocks him out-
Raven: I know it's sex.
Kori, giggles: Yes, but he falls asleep on top of me every time.
Raven sighs shaking her head while Beast Boy leaves the house with a water bottle.
Beast Boy: Right, I'm going to give him this sleep juice Alfred sent us. He says it knocks them out in a few seconds.
Raven: Smart choice.
Beast Boy: Thanks.
Jason Todd - 4 days
Jason: I can't sleep.
Roy: How long have you been awake?
Jason: About four days. Man I tried to go to sleep, but my body physically won't let me sleep!
Roy: Well you have been drinking Red Bulls every other hour. You're too focused on the mission. Just go to sleep.
Jason shakes his head while rocking back and forth.
Jason: Can't sleep... Won't sleep... No sleep.
Roy thinks about a way to get him to sleep then smiles.
Roy: You know you're becoming just like your dad. That's good, he can go six days without sleep, maybe you'll-
Jason stands up and goes to another room, closes his door and falls into his bed to sleep.
Roy: Works every time.
Damian - 1 day
Damian: I don't want to go to sleep! No!
Datmien kicks his feet as Bruce drags him to bed.
Bruce: Nope, you stayed awake for 24 hours. That's it. Go to bed!
Damian: You're so unfair!
Bruce: You're not depriving yourself of valuable sleep- Alfred shut up!
Alfred, who is reading a book about sleep disorders, smirks and then walks away.
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planetaryupscaled · 4 months
Disenchanted 2: Love Affair
Male Reader x Karina
Tags: 8k, anal, cheating, creampie, oral
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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The next couple of days were a bit of a blur as the final tweaks were done to our presentation preventing me from having a proper talk with Karina about what transpired in my office the other night. The Friday of the big presentation, dressed in a fitted cream dress, Karina strode into the board room with an air of sophistication about her.
The team had already laid out printout packs on all of the senior leader’s seats prior to today as they waited patiently outside. Karina and I were to lead the proceedings with myself giving the grittier details of our proposed launch with timelines all mapped out in the slides. Sitting at the head of the table, I was situated quite close to the right of her, driving the slides with my laptop. Karina greeted me good morning, shaking my hand and wishing me luck. Her smile was not as fully fledged as usual, maybe it was her nerves, but most likely it was due to our chance encounter the other night. I could feel the slight awkwardness in the air between us, The senior directors started entering the board room. Filled with a bunch of seasoned veterans, it was quite an intimidating environment. Nevertheless, it is what I had worked so hard for all these years, a chance to sit with the big boys as I took a deep breath and kicked things off.
“Good morning All, I am pleased to announce our plans to successfully launch our great new products into the market. In front of you all are the details regarding our target demographic, how we are going to capture their attention and hopefully break into new sectors.” I said, my voice steady as a rock, but heart beat rising fast as I took my seat, letting Karina takeover for the bigger picture view.
Karina could sense this, lightly squeezing my hand under the table giving me a nod of encouragement before standing up and powerfully delivering her piece. The remainder of the meeting went according to plan as we both gradually eased up, due to the positivity in the room regarding our pitch. At the half time break the senior directors sat around by themselves drinking coffee while Karina and I prepped the short fifteen-minute video that we planned with the team going over the different products.
“Hey, is everything cool?” I asked, in hushed tones as Karina enlarged the window on screen.
She smiled ever so slightly nodding her head.
“Off course we are, why do you ask?” She replied.
“No reason, I think it’s going well though.” I said.
“Totally, we are nailing it so hard.” Karina replied.
Hearing her say that got me all riled up, thinking about our steamy exchange the other night as she gave the thumbs up to the rest of the room, dimming the lights as the clip began to play. We both had our backs to the room as everybody went quiet watching the products presented on screen with interest. It was then I noticed Karina’s hand laying idle by her leg, her fingers nervously tapping away. I could hear the faint strikes of her fingers on the plastic seat, probably nervous about the uptake by the senior bosses as they had not seen any of the new products in this much detail before.
Grabbing her hand, I gently settled her fingers down to avoid causing a distraction for the rest of the room. Karina continued watching the video, smiling ever so slightly by the side of her mouth. This was more like it, the tension in the morning was now a distant memory as I played with her soft hands. She never pulled away, instead accepting my hand in hers as I gently stroked her wrist. Looking sideways I could see her swallow hard as my hand continued to dance on her wrist. This sudden sexual electricity between us spurred me to be bolder, even though both our integrities was on the line, I pushed forward.
“Open your legs.” I said, whispering in her ear.
There was a slight pause in her reaction as if to inwardly think if this was the right thing to do. Never the less, Karina complied lust taking over, parting her thighs just enough for me to slip my hands between her legs. Just like when she was on the phone to her husband, I started off slow, gliding my digits across her silky lingerie cupping her sex. A few gentle squeezes later had Karina creaming in my palms, her mouth parted slightly as she began to stifle her groans by sipping some water. Easing her underwear a side I could feel the warmth emanating from her cunt as I pierced her folds in one fluid motion, filling her pussy with two fingers as I began to stroke her from the inside with deep curls of my fingers. From this angle, her g-spot was not attainable, settling for clitoral stimulation instead, rubbing circles around her sensitive parts as I felt her buck slightly in her seat.
“Tell me when you’re close.” I whispered, as she nodded in agreement, gripping my hand between her legs as I finger fucked her cunt in a room full of senior directors.
The contractions from her walls were now so intense, it hurt my fingers at times as I fed her cunt more of my digits, filling her cunt with my hand as she leaked copious amounts of sex juice on to the seat. The video was coming to an end as the room began to clap, Karina now nodding, giving me the signal as I doubled my efforts fingering her tight married slit as hard and deep as I could, pinching her clit sharply as Karina climaxed in my grasp, biting down into her forearm to hide her pleasurable excitement. Slipping out from between her legs I wiped my face in her juices before dabbing myself dry with a tissue. Her scent was delectable as we both turned around slightly flushed.
“I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did.” She said beaming, her cheeks slightly red.
They all applauded with gusto, as we gave our closing speech and wrapped up the proceedings collapsing in our chairs as they left the room.
“Phew...that was intense.” I said with a smile.
“Really…was it? was it intense?” Karina said sarcastically punching me in the arm.
“I cannot believe you did that.” She said.
“Did you like it?” I asked smiling.
“That’s not the point...” She started.
“Yes, yes, you are married and such...” I chimed in.
“It’s NOT funny.” she said, holding back a smirk.
“Seriously.” She followed up, regaining some sort of composure.
“I have a favor to ask.” Karina said grinning.
“You have a favor to ask me?” I replied mockingly.
“Yes, Jaewook wants me to invite you over for dinner tomorrow night to celebrate the successful launch of our products.” She said.
“Sounds ominous.” I replied, scratching my head.
“Yeah, I don’t buy it either, he has always felt a little threatened with other guys.” Karina replied.
“Do you blame him?” I said raising my eyes and smelling my hand, still fresh from between her legs.
“That’s not fair...” Karina replied not finding my quip funny.
“Just behave...ok?” She said, her eyes pleading.
I nodded, taking down her address and walking out to tell the team of our success. Treating them to a lunch out, the three nattered endlessly about how it was the hardest they had ever worked and how proud they were. It was good team bonding, yet all I could think about was Karina and my up-and-coming visit to the residence.
That night of the dinner came around soon enough, fixing myself up last minute style in the office toilet.
“Hey man, heard you are off to the Boss’s house today?” Yeonjun said from behind me.
“Ehem.” I replied.
He had a major thing for Karina, but then again so did most red-blooded males. If only he knew what we had been up to, it would have blown his mind. I liked Yeonjun, very comical, a bit like Nayoung but with less sting in his tail. Smiling I nodded, running my fingers through my hair as I pondered tonight’s events.
“Hey boss...don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” Yeonjun called out as I left.
“I’m a Saint.” I called back, walking down the stairs and into the carpark.
Karina was already there, as she popped the passenger lock open and welcomed me with her trademark smile.
“You good?” She said, backing the car up and exiting onto the main road.
“I’m great, you?” I said with a slight chuckle.
“Don’t laugh...this is a big deal, we rarely have guests over.” Karina said.
“God, does he plan to kill me and get rid of the body?” I said sarcastically.
“It’s not him you should be worried about.” Karina hit back in jest.
“Ohh kinky.” I replied.
“Seriously Minho, you said you would behave.” Karina said pleading with me.
“Ok ok...best behavior...promise.” I said smiling.
To be honest, I had no idea what she was so worried about. Jaewook and I got on like a house on fire the moment I stepped in. It almost made me feel bad about my relationship with Karina...almost. After getting introduced to the kids during dinner we played a family friendly boardgames before the adults retired to the study and talked all things...well, adult.
Part of me wanted to carry on with the boardgames, teasing Karina under the table with my hands was a delight as I watched her hold her nerve in front of the family. It did not go without consequence however as after the games her warm demeanor was slightly icy towards me, breaking my promise so early into the evening. The couple sat on the couch all snuggled up with a bottle of wine while I sat in the armchair perusing the family album. Jaewook gave me the lowdown of how the two met and even showed me a few pictures form their recent family holiday. I tried my best to stay engage, nodding and smiling when required as we necked down yet another bottle of wine.
“Hey man, why don’t you stay the night?” Jaewook said, his words slightly slurred at this point.
I looked at Karina slightly taken aback, almost waiting for the green light.
“Why are you looking at her, I am the boss here.” He said laughing.
Karina punched his arm clearly not liking his derogatory statement.
“You guys do what you want, I’m going to put the kids to bed.” She said, without making eye contact with either of us.
“Ok...” I said chuckling.
“Eh she gets like that sometimes, I think work is stressing her out a bit.” Jaewook said.
“Yeah, it has been busy, she is really thorough.” I replied.
I could not help slipping in innuendos here and there as Jaewook showed me to the guest bedroom. It was bigger than my flat, literally.
“Hey, tomorrow, we can shoot some hoops out back, have a good evening.” He said closing the door behind him.
I did not see Karina again till around 12 midnight. I had just finished up in the bathroom when I heard light whisperings from the hallway. Feeling a little curious I turned off my bedroom light sneaking a peak outside. It was coming from the couple’s bedroom which was tantalizingly ajar. I felt a sudden jolt of jealousy as my over active imagination pictured what was going on in there.
“Jaewook...seriously not tonight.” I heard Karina say.
“Seriously you’re drunk.” She followed up.
“Babe c’mon, just a quickie, you promised.” Jaewook replied, his words barely coherent.
“C’mon Karina...” He said.
I peeked in seeing Karina reluctantly take off her nightgown to reveal a matching brown set of underwear. Part of me wanted to step in there and stop the whole thing as she clearly wasn’t interested.
“Bend over for me...” Jaewook slurred.
Karina scrunched her face up slightly, giving up in defeat as she bent over on all fours on the side of the bed. Despite my jealousy, the view from her was exquisite. I could perfectly make out the lips of her pussy surrounded by her tight tanned rear as she jutted it out and stared forward. At this angle I could see the expressionless look on Karina’s face as Jaewook unzipped his trousers and eased himself forward.
“Jaewook...be gentle.” Karina said.
Her face screwed up the moment Jaewook penetrated her folds, grunting awkwardly as he thrust himself deep inside her cunt. Jaewook gripped her by hips gently rocking back and forth as he impaled his wife on his length, gritting his teeth as he bottomed out. I could see Karina close her eyes, a slight groan escaping her lips as I felt my own cock grow in my trousers. Watching the elicit scene pan out in front of me gave me a wicked idea. My pangs of envy were over turned by how aroused I was in the moment watching Jaewook raise one of Karina’s legs up in his arms and fuck her long and deep with steady strokes, his balls slapping hard against her rear as she yelped in muffled moans. Sweat was now forming on my brow as I went for my phone, flipping the camera on and filming the whole ordeal. Karina’s breast now exposed as I stared at her tight frame in the mirror, swaying with each pump of her husband’s cock.
“Babe...I’m gonna cum...” Jaewook moaned, his voice now ragged and slurred as he slipped out of her entrance.
She was moist, her slit now glimmering in the moonlight as her husband motioned for her to suck his straining cock. Karina shook her head, instead pushing back on his length taking his cock back inside her slick womb.
“Jaewook we spoke about this...I don’t like that.” Karina frowned looking back.
It was at this point she saw me standing in the doorway, her mouth ready to say something before Jaewook moaned in protest at not getting what he wanted, shoving his spurting length deep inside her once more.
“Babe...ohh...” Jaewook moaned, releasing his pent up load inside his wife.
Karina stared at me in utter shock as I stayed a few moments more, watching Jaewook twitch his hips while releasing his load deep inside her cunt. I had seen enough, my arousal now turning back to jealousy as I walked back to my room. I could slight mumblings coming from the couple’s bedroom as I settled into bed, my mind racing at what I had just seen and done. It took a couple of moments to realize that someone was opening the door. The creak of the hinges giving it away as I sat up in the bed. It was Karina, a look of fury on her face.
“Did you have a good look?” She asked, clearly displeased with my actions.
“Looked like you were enjoying yourself.” I replied curtly.
“Are you actually mad at me?” Karina hit back, picking up on my tone.
I shrugged, flicking through my phone.
“You better delete that, delete it right now!” She said in anger, walking over to me and snatching my phone.
She was quick, managing to wrestle it from my grasp as she pressed delete on my phone.
“For god sake.” I said in frustration.
“I am the one who should be pissed...for filming me.” She said.
She was right, but I had too much envy to care, pushing her of me as I walked to the bathroom.
“Are you not going to talk to me now?” She asked.
“No, I just need a pee.” I replied.
“Ha ha...” Karina said sarcastically.
It was hard to be mad at her for too long, I knew she could not really say no in that moment. Shrugging my shoulders I looked at her.
“That was hard to watch.” I said, hanging my head.
“Look- he’s my husband...I can’t...” Karina started.
“No I mean, I got really hard watching all that.” I said smirking.
“Pff...you are such an ass.” Karina replied, a smile appearing before breaking into a laugh.
“I see you were telling the truth about not swallowing.” I said smiling longingly at her.
“I... can be quite selective.” She said, closing the gap.
Karina had changed into a purple nightie, her black lingerie visible underneath, hugging her pert breasts.
“You up for swallowing now?” I asked stroking her face.
She looked at me with the same seductive stare that she had on her face moments before taking me into her mouth in my office that fate full night.
“Is that a yes? I followed up, unclasping her nightie and letting it fall to the ground.
Karina shrugged her shoulders smirking at me as I massaged her soft breasts, rolling her nipples between my fingers as she shut her eyes, resting her head on my chest.
“What if I film it?” I said.
Her eyes shot open, her head about to shake before I cut her off with a kiss.
“You owe me a video.” I said, massaging her pussy through her laced underwear as I set up the camera to oversee the bed.
Karina wore a less then impressed look, staring at me with raised eyebrows as I took a seat on the edge of the bed.
“Dance for me...” I whispered.
Just on cue, her momentary hesitation was over ridden by her inner desires, swaying her hips as she stood in front of my face legs shoulder width apart. I watched in awe as she turned her tight frame around and bent over at the waist, slapping her hands across her pussy and ass for me as I watched in wonder.
“Fuck me Karina.” I said under my breath as she turned around to face me, straddling my lap as the camera continued rolling.
Gripping her hips I clawed at her underwear, ripping a hole in her panties, much to the pleasure of Karina, yelping at the forced intrusion of my fingers into her wanting snatch.
“Ughhh...” Karina moaned under her breath.
She rocked her hips on my hands as I fed her more of my fingers, taking her erect areola between my lips and suckling on her breasts. The smell of her perfume invaded my nostrils again as I threw her on the bed, easing open her smooth pale legs. We locked eyes, knowing full well what each other wanted as she reached forward, freeing my cock. Staring at my tip for a few seconds, Karina speared her pink tongue out, licking up my slit before sucking me deep into her moist mouth. The warmth of her oral cavity was mind blowing, feeling her breath flow across my sensitive cock while she slathered the underside of my shaft with her saliva. My dick glistened in the light as I slipped out from between her perfect lips.
“I’m gonna- fuck you so hard...” I said, whispering in her ear as I eased myself between her legs.
Karina responded by locking her thighs around my waist, pulling my ass into her as I penetrated her cunt in one fluid motion.
“Ughhh...” Karina moaned, her teeth digging into my shoulder as I began to thrust into her moist depths with hard pumps.
Karina was a sight to behold, watching her pert tits bounce up with each push of my hips. My cock spearing her wet folds as I bottomed out in her married cunt, my tip rubbing tantalizingly against her cervix smearing her pink walls with my pre cum. Gripping my back even harder, she pulled me in for a deep kiss, our tongues clashing as she sucked on my bottom lip, eyes rolling back into her head as we mated passionately on the brushed cotton covers. I could feel her pussy closing in on my shaft as I pumped my slick shaft inside her moist pussy, repeatedly slapping my balls against her inner thighs.
“Fuckk- Harder...Harder.” Karina screamed into my shoulder.
“Ughhh...Right...There...” She chanted in my ear.
Her screams now laced in desperation as we rolled over so she was on top, legs spread wide as the once an idol rode my straining cock like her life depended on it.
Sweat was streaming down her face as she gyrated her hips feeding her wanting pussy more of my meat as I gripped her supple hips and thrust myself upwards, stuffing her married cunt with as much meat as possible. Running her hands through her hair, Karina wailed in hushed ecstasy, desperate to get off as I felt her tremble on top of me. She was close, writhing in pleasure as she dipped her slick pussy deeper onto my length, swallowing me whole as her entire body convulsed, squeezing down on my shaft as I began to pulse.
As if perfectly timed, Karina held me tight, her hips still rolling in my lap as I spurt my load inside her marital cunt. Each spurt growing in strength as I painted her insides with my thick, sticky seed, my warmth spreading to every corner of her womb as my sperm dribbled out from the sides of her slit. Her lips tasted like sex as Karina rolled off me, immediately taking my semi spurting cock between her lips and sucking down my excess spunk. I could see her actively swallow down gulps of my seed, as she increased pressure around my crown with her mouth, hoovering me up with her perfectly full lips. We stayed like this for the next ten minutes as Karina continued giving me her expertly executed fellatio, making me grow in her mouth before popping me out and fisting my shaft with her soft hands.
“Have you ever taken it in the ass?” I asked, kissing her, slipping my tongue into her wanting mouth.
Karina smiled seductively, shaking her head as I eased her onto her front, running my hands down her back.
“Face down...ass up...” I said, whispering in her ear.
Karina complied, moaning into the covers as I speared her cunt with one long deep thrust, coating my shaft with enough of her pussy cream to lubricate my cock for her virgin ass hole. Hovering the tip just above her rosebud I pushed forward, my crown breaking through and into her tight ass. She felt sensational, the way her anal walls sucked at my shaft as I penetrated her asshole was almost as good as releasing my seed inside her married pussy. Grabbing a fistful of her hair, I gently pulled her up, fucking into her ass with hard thrusts. My balls were slapping up against her rear, now red raw as I stuffed my cock deep into her anal cavity while frigging her slippery sex. Karina joined my hands, attacking her sex with circular rubs of her clit while I fingered her slit with deep strokes, reaching her g-spot as I pumped her rump full of cock.
“Fuck... nghhh…unhhh...” She wailed.
I had to cover her mouth now smeared with her cream as I fucked her up her tender ass, stretching her anal cavity out with my meat as my sack began to churn. Karina was cumming, writhing and flexing around my shaft as her groans became more pronounced, wild, feral feeling me violate her tightest hole over and over again. It was getting too much for her as she buried her face down into the pillow screaming as her climax hit.
“Ughh...nghhh...Fuckk...” Karina wailed into the sheets.
I could not hold on much longer.
“Karina...I’m- I’m close...” I moaned.
“Ass...cum in my ass...” She replied breathlessly, grinding her rump against my hips as she felt me pulse inside her.
It was the point of no return as the tightness of her ass tipped me over the edge as a torrent of spunk exploded from my tip, peppering her anal cavity in my sticky salty mess. I continued to thrust my cock deep inside her bowls, pumping more of my sperm into her asshole as we collapsed on the bed exhausted. We lay like this for a while, our combined juices leaking out her spent crack, milking the last bits of my pearly seed from my cock as she tensed her anal cavity one last time.
“Fuck… me...” I replied, worn out.
Karina turned around, smiling, kissing me softly on the lips as she sunk back down into the bed and shut her eyes.
“Thats quite the director’s debut.” She said smiling, falling asleep beside me as my camera continued to roll.
There was a faint rustling sound the next morning emanating from the far corner of the room. Opening my eyes to adjust to the sunlight piercing through the window a tall man stood up with some fabric in his hands. I rubbed my face to get a clearer view, was it Jaewook coming in to take me out due to railing his wife in his own house. That idea seemed preposterous even by my standards as the figure came into focus.
“Hey man, sorry for barging in like this, I store some of my clothes in here, the missus has a lot if you catch my drift.” Jaewook said with a grin.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked.
“Yeah...it was- very nice, thanks...” I replied smiling.
I could still feel the faint stickiness on my crotch from last night’s events, probably a concoction of Karina’s pussy cream and my pent up load coalesced into one thick mess now smeared all over my inner thighs. Flashes of Karina writhing in my arms were on playback in my mind as Jaewook went on about some charity event of sorts.
“So, are you in?” He asked with a smile.
“Emm...” I replied, before Karina knocked on the door and entered.
“Breakfast is ready, if you guys want to come down.” She said smiling at both of us.
Our gaze knowingly connected for a split second, her eyes sending me subliminal messages of our passionate fuck fest a few hours ago. Hobbling out slightly she shut the door behind her leaving me alone with Jaewook.
“She’s a bit worn out.” He said.
“Got lucky last night if you know what I mean.” He followed up with a laugh.
I don’t know if it was just me, but Jaewook had seemed to take a liking to me, almost as if we were best buds. I mean I thought it was kind of strange, maybe he did not have many male friends, nevertheless it wouldn’t hurt to keep him close, especially with what Karina and I were up to. I feigned a laugh, good enough not to sound fake to appease Jaewook’s lack of comment.
“So, the Charity event today, you in? It would be good to have someone to chat to, these things Karina sponsors can get a little dry.” He said.
“I- well...it’s weekend...I was planning to...” I started.
“C'mon man, do me a favor and I will put in a good word for you with the missus, put you in good stead for work.” He said.
“Ok...ok...fine...just let me get fixed up and I will meet you guys there.” I replied, to a relieved Jaewook.
It boggled my mind as to why he was so desperate for me to come as I finished washing my face and descended the stairs into the kitchen.
“Breakfast?” Karina said, pouring me a cup of coffee as I took a seat.
“Sure, that would be good.” I replied eyeing her up in her flattering summer dress.
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Karina caught my stares, shooing me away playfully while the kids were watching TV. Our little moment disrupted the moment Jaewook walked in kissing Karina on the cheek, discretely squeezing her rear as he walked by. I caught the distaste in Karina’s face as she handed me a plate with some toast.
“Sorry.” she mouthed.
There was a distinct smell of freshly baked bread in the air, reminding me of my holiday in France the previous year. At which point I was engaged at the time. Not many people knew about this, in many respects, Karina and I were quite similar like that, guarded when it came to our personal lives. In the end it did not work out due to my work schedule taking more and more of my time away from her, in the end we went our separate ways, just a few months before landing this new job.
“So Jaewook tells me you are joining us today.” Karina said.
“Yeah...is that OK? I replied.
“Sure, the more the merrier, plus it will give Jaewook someone to talk to, he doesn’t really like these things.” Karina said.
It made it seem that Karina would be pretty busy at this event which was in support for a charity that her kids school led. I was assured it was not a big deal as my attempts to get changed at home into something more fitting was rebuffed by Karina, insisting we had no time. She kindly let me borrow an old tee she must have been given from SM Company all those years ago. It was a guy top so fitted fine, quite low key in black with a small insignia in the top left-hand side.
I sat up front with Jaewook as Karina and the kids were in the back. The aroma from Karina’s perfume wafted upstream in the car as I took in a deep hit of her scent. I could see her grinning at me in the back seat on occasion while her husband and I talked about real estate. It was one of those conversations that you have to burn time, a bit like talking about the weather.
“So guys, we will take the kids around the Carnival while you do your charity stuff, OK babe?” Jaewook said as he parked the SUV up front.
“Jaewook I told you I need you for the photo op.” Karina said slightly irritated.
“Can’t you take Minho over there spin it as some company thing?” He said.
“Well no, it’s meant to be a school led thing Jaewook.” Karina said frowning.
“Fine fine.” Jaewook replied getting out the car and walking with the kids to the entrance.
“Are you ok?” I asked, Sensing her irritation.
“Ahh he’s always like this, all he has to do is take a picture and be done with it.” She replied huffing.
“To be fair some people are camera shy.” I replied whipping out my phone and taking a quick selfie with her behind the car.
We kissed momentarily, like a teenage couple hiding their affections from their parents, sneaking in a quick squeeze of her ass under her flowing dress.
“Hey...hands...Mister...we might get caught.” Karina protested meekly.
I smiled kissing her and previewing the photo we just took.
“So... how did the video come out?” Karina asked, her voice laced in curiosity.
“Ahem...it came out well...maybe I can show you later?” I replied with a wink.
Karina smiled seductively, nodding her head as we joined the rest at the front. Jaewook had already splashed out on cotton candy waving us over as he fed Karina a hand full of the pink stuff. I milled around, letting the Lee family do their thing as they were descended upon immediately by important looking school officials and the like. Come to think of it I could see what Jaewook was talking about, neither he or the kids looked like they enjoyed the attention, Karina didn’t either but she was well versed by now in how to handle these things.
Watching on as they took their mandatory pictures while shaking important people’s hands in the process, I caught the gaze of Jaewook making his way through the crowd. He had left the kids with the family of one of their close friends to jump on some of the rides while me and him hit the bar for a quick drink.
“You ok to drink with driving us back and all?” I asked.
The previous night did not inspire me with confidence as he necked down a few bottles of wine a few hours ago. Shrugging it off we clinked glasses.
“Just one, it won’t hurt.” He said, taking a long sip from his cup.
“So, tell me about you, you seeing anyone? I have been to a few of Karina’s work do’s and that Nayoung girl is quite something.” Jaewook said.
“Yeah, she is in my team, she is nice.” I replied, making conversation.
“Too right.” Jaewook replied, his mind wondering off in the distance.
Downing the rest of the cup, he ordered another pint and took a sip.
“Mate I think, maybe we should slow down with the drinking.” I said, concerned about getting in the car with an intoxicated driver.
“God you sound like Karina.” He replied.
Something in his voice giving off a little bit of resentment.
“That doesn’t sound well...are you guys ok?” I asked.
It was obvious to me that everything was not great, given the fact that I was balls deep inside Karina the night before, how could they be? It was just interesting for lack of a better word to see his point of view.
“Well, we have hit a rocky patch for the past...I would say year and a half.” Jaewook said glumly.
I just nodded, giving him time to reflect as he continued his monologue.
“I dunno...over the past months or so Karina and I have drifted apart, almost like we are going through the motions. We have talked about it but she keeps saying she is fine, it almost makes me think if there is another guy.” He said.
I sighed, resting my hand on his shoulder, knowing full well I was that other guy. It was a dick move on my part but I had no other option but to try and ease his fears, even if I knew they were well warranted.
“You know, it’s probably the stresses of work, she has a demanding job.” I replied.
“Yeah I know, it’s just- maybe it’s me...maybe I need to spice things up a bit.” He said, looking at me for answers.
I shrugged my shoulders and gave that awkward half smile with mouth closed look.
“Maybe...or maybe you just need to give her more time to get through all these product launches and what not, I am sure it will work out in the end mate.” I said patting him on the back.
“Thanks Minho...for the chat, it means a lot.” Jaewook replied.
I did feel horrible in that moment as he downed the last bit of his pint only to catch the eye of Karina behind us, her expression less than impressed.
“Seriously Jaewook, beer, right now?” Her tone hushed but livid.
I gave the signal to tone it down a bit and drop the issue to no avail as the two argued by the stall ramping up to the point that Karina stormed off.
“For god sake.” She said, brushing past me in a hurry.
“Jaewook...is everything...I mean...” I started.
“Yeah...its fine, I will ask our friends to drop the kids back home later, do you want a lift with them too?” He asked.
“Its fine, I can take a cab...what about you two?” I asked.
“Ahh I will give her some time to cool off then we can drive back later.” He said.
“Listen, can you keep everything I said between us?” Jaewook followed up, his face quite sombre and downbeat.
“Yeah sure...and I mean if there is anything I can do, just give me a shout.” I said.
“I appreciate it, sorry again for this mess you have walked in on.” Jaewook said apologizing.
I waved my arm making no big deal of it before shaking his hand and giving my thanks for having me over. We parted ways a few moments after, me saying my goodbyes as I made my way to the cab ranks. Jaewook stayed at the bar for another pint before saying he was going to look for Karina. I had advised him not to have another but he just shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head, ordering another round.
The situation was a bit messy to be honest and it looked like I was the catalyst for this shit storm as walked past the carrousel. I saw Karina’s kids on it having fun, their faces not showing any care in the world, yet all the while their parents were at war, with me in the middle stoking the fire.
“Hey...” A familiar voice said.
It was Karina, she was watching the kids from one of the quieter stalls as they enjoyed themselves on the ride.
“Is everything...” I started, before she started sobbing in my arms.
“It’s a mess Minho.” She said, tears flowing onto my chest as I inadvertently took in another hit of her sweet perfume.
“Listen- I know...it’s complicated” I replied, taking her around back so her kids would not see their mother crying.
Karina dabbed at her cheeks with a tissue, smiling at me as she hit my arm.
“You have not helped the situation.” She said, half smiling.
“I am so sorry.” I replied, cupping her face.
“Gosh no- you’re not.” She said, her smile turning into a grin.
“Well- I mean...it really, really feels good to be with you.” I replied in jest.
“It has its perks.” Karina replied, coming in for another hug.
I held her in my arms stroking her hair as the kids moved onto another ride being chaperoned by the family friend. It felt great holding Karina in my arms as her breathing returned to normal, tears all dried up, pulling me in for a deep kiss.
“Thank you.” She said, holding my hand.
“No worries, besides tears don’t look good on you.” I said, making light of the matter.
“Is it not selfie material?” Karina said laughing.
“Speaking of which selfie?” I asked, snapping away as we stared at the camera.
I snuck in a few kisses while we took the picture, turning into a fully-fledged kiss.
“Wait- wait...the kids.” Karina said breathlessly.
We checked around the corner, seeing them on the bumper cars.
“Its fine they are having fun.” I said.
“But- we can’t...what if we get caught? Karina said.
It was funny as she said those words because her mouth was saying one thing but her body say another thing entirely as she rested her hands on my crotch.
“Why don’t we check out the video from last night?” I suggested, diverting her attention from our public make out session.
She raised her eyebrows, letting me have my way as she rested in my arms and pressed play. The first few minutes were of her dancing, grinding on my lap before escalating into a heated exchange. I noticed her breathing deepen as the video continued, a bead of sweat trickling down her neck as she began to perspire. The combination of her perfume and natural scent sending me into a primal mode as I drifted my hands down her waist and along the outside of her thighs. Karina, yelped at the intrusion but didn’t move away, instead staring at the screen intently as I penetrated the shit out of her ass on screen. The video Karina looking directly into the camera lens as she came hard on my cock buried deep in her rump.
Watching the sordid affair unfold on screen set something off within her as she leant back on me and guided my hand between her legs, sighing at my touch as my fingers gently rubbed at her sex.
She was wearing a cheeky thong as I eased the silky fabric aside, making a beeline for her now moist slit. She was still watching the video, moaning gently as her eyes stayed glued to my phone, watching herself suckle on my spurting cock as she drank down the last few drops of my essence.
Karina was now over the edge, dropping my phone in the grass as she rubbed her ass on my crotch. My shaft nestled nicely in between her cheeks as she reached back, unzipping my trousers and fishing out my cock. Her hands were cold to the touch, jacking my warm dick in her palms as I pierced her labia with my fingers. It was my go-to, slide as far as I could go inside her cunt to reach her sacred g-spot. I rubbed at it like there was no tomorrow, the sloshing noises Karina made from between her legs was such a turn on as I rubbed at her clit with my other hand.
“Fuck...Minho...” She moaned into my ear, shutting her eyes as I penetrated her sex with my fingers.
I dug my fingers in deeper, making her yelp as I continued to stretch her tight walls out with my hands, adding a third finger as I cupped her sex with long, hard penetrative strokes.
Her eyes were a haze now, gripping my cock with ferocity and pumping me hard behind her back, I wanted to be inside her so bad, but her climax was approaching. I could feel it in the way her body tensed up, her chest heaving, taking in the spring air as she began to hyper ventilate, bucking her hips as I fingered her pussy. It was a mess, her cream was all over my palm as I gave her one last deep fuck with my fingers, making her scream into my neck as her thighs shook, cunt convulsing around my digits her orgasm overwhelming her entire body.
“Ohhh...Shittt...” Karina screamed.
I basically gave her no time to rest as I flipped her around and bent her over at the waist as she assumed position.
“Where do you want me?” I asked her, rubbing my leaking tip along her slit, encircling her rosebud.
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Karina looked back, biting her lips, our eyes locking onto each other as she seductively whispered.
It was music to my ears as the mother of three bent forward, grasping a large metal pole in the ground. It was a sign that said, entry here which made me chuckle as I rammed my cock forward, spearing her tight cunt in one fluid motion. Her tightness was unparalleled as Karina flexed her pussy walls to engulf my cock with each thrust of my hips. She was creaming all over my shaft as my balls slapped up against the underside of her thighs, making her jump each time I made contact. Slipping my hands around her tight rear, I inserted my thumb into her delectable ass, feeling her anal cavity hug my finger as I gripped her ass and penetrated her married cunt.
“Ughhh- don’t stop...don’t- stop…give it to me.” Karina wailed, biting her arm to mask her screams.
I could feel her cervix rubbing up against my crown each time I pumped into her wanting pussy, stretching her out as I pounded her with my slick. She was close, clawing at the metal pole as I mercilessly rammed my dick inside her pink walls, her moans now cries as the public walked by unknowingly, the risk of it all making our heated fuck even more of a turn on.
“Cum- i’m...cumming...” Karina moaned, her back tensing as she braced her core, pushing back on me as I felt her spasm on my crotch.
It was like a wave of pleasure hit her, her hips twitching continuously as her pussy juice leaked profusely down her pale thighs. The smell of Karina’s perfume, now replaced with the scent of sex and sweat, hair now stuck to the front of her forehead as I doubled down, not letting her recover. Slipping out of her sopping wet pussy with a pop, I reached under her left leg lifting it up.
She knew what was coming, my cock now suitably lubricated in her natural juices I pressed my tip against her rosebud, pushing forward until all of my cock was buried in her tight ass hole.
“ohh- ughh...fuckk…” Karina moaned as the intrusion.
My cock nestled snugly in her asshole as I began to pump my hips. Each thrust allowing me to get deeper into her anal cavity as I held her leg high, hitting her nice and deep, filling her out. It felt better than last night, watching her rump now red raw as each slap of my pelvis against her rump caused shockwaves to travel across her body, so much so that her right breast popped out of her dress. Taking full advantage of this I reached forward, pinching her pert nipples while massaging her perfect breasts. We were fucking in unison, her rear accepting my cock with ease as I violated her anally. The mother of three rolling her head back to accept my tongue into her mouth, clenching her ass muscles each time I filled her.
“God Karina, you feel amazing... “ I moaned into her mouth.
“Do it- fucking...do…it- shove it in...harder- harder...” Karina chanted.
It was getting hard to keep the force of my thrusts up as I dropped her legs and gripped her hips, fucking my cock deep into her bowels as Karina went onto her tip toes. We were a mess of sweaty limbs as I felt my balls pulse, it was nearly time as I leant forward kissing her nape with my lips before licking the entirety of her nape.
“Where- where do you want it, Babe.” I asked.
“Babe...?” She replied smiling.
“I want it in my mouth- I want you in my mouth.” Karina said, underlining the fact.
I was in the thralls of euphoria, giving her ass one final pump, stuffing her ass with as much meat as she could take before withdrawing with a pop and easing the brunette to her knees. She wasted no time at all, pumping my cock with both hands while her lips encapsulated my tip. Her tongue ran up and down my slit taking in my pre cum before sucking my length down whole with her mouth, deep throating me as I brushed her tonsils. It was a seedy sightseeing Karina, a married woman with three kids, feed on my cock like her life depended on it. Her children must be a mere few feet away from us, but she didn’t stop, extending her tongue as she focused in on my balls, sucking at my sack with her tender lips, my shaft now coated in her sticky saliva. I was close, tipping over the edge the moment Karina sucked on both of my balls at the same time, filling her mouth with my sack as she pumped my cock.
“Karina...” I exclaimed.
The first spurt hit her in the forehead, dribbling down her cheek before she recovered and managed to slip me into her mouth. My cum flowing in full force, giving her what she wanted, what she needed as my seed showered her oral cavity in all its sticky and salty goodness. It was if as could not stop cumming, my cock kept spraying her warm mouth with my sperm as she looked up at me, my seed now covering her left eye as she swallowed everything I could give.
“Mmmm...Uhmm” Karina hummed on my shaft, sucking me bone dry before wiping the excess from her face and slurping that down too.
“Lush...” Was all she could say, getting up to her feet as she kissed me up my body.
“Feel better?” I asked, putting my dick back into my pants.
“Hundred times...” She replied, pulling me into a deep embrace.
The saltiness of my spunk was still present on her lips as I took in the sodium hit, biting her bottom lip as I grabbed a hand full of her ass.
“Mum...!” One of her kids shouted.
She gave me a knowing look, kissing my cheek as she emerged sneakily from behind the stall.
“Hey honey...Mama’s here, where’s daddy?” Karina said.
Daddy is right here, I thought, as I pictured the ravishing woman bent over on my wanting cock once more. Turning the corner, I made my way to the cab rank, a smile of satisfaction written all over my face. Until I see her again...
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╭════• ೋ•✧๑♡๑✧•ೋ •═══╮
— fuck his brains out
╰════• ೋ•✧๑♡๑✧•ೋ •═══╯
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In which you pretend not to know your boyfriend is Kick-Ass. maybe OOC characters, I got a little carried away, and maybe mixed timeline, I haven't watched the movies in a while... Also, Dave x Mean! reader because who doesn't love that?
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𓆩[main masterlist]𓆪 𓆩[request/ask me something!]𓆪
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“I think Kick-Ass is hotter,” you look over at Dave, licking your ice cream almost teasingly. “If I had the chance, I’d fuck his brains out.”
Dave blushed madly, rubbing his cheeks before you stand and tug on his arm. “Dave, I think we should start heading out. You’re walking me home, right?”
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Dave nodded quickly, as you thought that it was best because you had been taking care of him since his injury or said that because it had been a while. “Y-Yeah! I will, I’m coming.”
He waved at his friends as you tugged him out, throwing away the napkin that previously held your ice cream cone away. “I mean it,” you said abruptly, smiling over as you held his hand. “I would fuck him so hard he wouldn’t be able to talk.”
“W-Would you?” Dave finally speaks, looking over at you as you smiled.
“Hell yeah I would.”
Later that night, Mindy stared at him as he fixed his mask. “This isn’t a good idea, Dave."
In all seriousness, he really thought she would fight him to make him stay. What he was doing was stupid, but he was about to get laid. By you. The most beautiful girl in the world.
"This," he grinned back at her. "Is an amazing idea. I'm going to get laid so fucking hard."
"What if she wants to take off your mask?"
"She won't."
"What if she recognizes your voice?"
He paused, then smiled. "When I'm nervous, my voice gets higher. She won't recognize it. I'll see you later!"
He ran out, quickly going to your home. How was he going to get in? Would he sneak in through the window you always had unlocked that was right next to your dresser? Or would he throw rocks at your window, begging for you to let him up so you could fuck him?
He started to panic, how the hell would he sneak into your house?
In nervousness, he paced in the back alleyway behind your house before his phone buzzed, your name blaring on the screen.
Y/N 8:57PM come in through the window ;)
It made him pause before he looked at your window, gasping as you stared at him with your body lit in light of your bedside lamp. He could see your bright smile as you gave him a small wave, a gulp echoing through the alley as you opened up the window a bit and leave it open with a hairbrush.
He inhaled deeply as he slowly jumped over the fence, climbing up the tree that led up to the window, easily slipping through after pushing it up before carefully pushing it down. He gasped as he looked back, staring at his reflection through the mirror from where you sat in front of your vanity.
"It's slightly... perverted to sneak into a woman's house, right?" Your fingers rubbed moisturizer into your face like he had seen you do in the nights he slept over. "Dave knows that, but I'm assuming Kick-Ass doesn't."
Dave cleared his throat, pushing his hands to cover the front of his suit, specifically over his crotch. He loved it when you said his name. "I-I uhm... you know Dave as well? I know Dave too."
He watched as you giggled. "I do know Dave, very well. But something's telling me you know him a little better than I do."
He swallowed, humming before making his voice deeper. “I-I’ve known Dave a long time… Y/N.”
“Have you now?” You stood, slowly walking over and swaying your beautiful hips before you stood in front of him. “How long?”
“M-My whole life.”
You giggled as he slowly stepped forward to meet you in the middle, your fingers trailing down his chest as you pressed firm kisses wherever your fingers went and you slowly got down on your knees, your skimpy lingerie-like pajamas. "Did Dave ever tell you what I want to do to you, Kick-Ass? Hm?"
He whimpers, his false persona of confidence never even giving the chance to rise as you kissed over the bulge that he tried to hide. "H-He did... oh fuck, he did."
"Oh, well he didn't have to tell you, right? You knew it because you are Dave, right?" You licked over the material of his suit.
His head lulled back as he nodded, groaning. "R-Right, fucking hell, please! Please, please don't stop."
You scoffed as you stood, pressing your finger to his chest. "I knew it! I knew it, you bastard, why would you keep that from me?! Did you like me gushing over your alter ego?!"
He gasped as you shoved him, a groan falling from your lips. "What? No! No, of course not!"
"For fuck's sake, Dave! What, you're such a virgin that you loved the thought of some girl talking about her fantasies with your alter ego?! Fuck you!" You groaned as you sat on your bed, covering your face to hold back your smile. This had to work.
"No! No, of course not, of course not! I'm sorry, I am so sorry," he whined as he kneeled in front of you, holding your knees. "Please, you have to understand..." He takes off his mask, whimpering as he stared up at you. "I did it to keep you safe. I didn't... I don't want you to be a target."
You inhale deeply as you pulled your hands away from your face, glaring down at him. "You promise?"
"I promise."
He inhaled deeply as you squeezed his face, raising a brow. "Well then, what are you going to do to make it up to me?"
He paused, clearing his throat as you ran your fingers through his hair. "Wh-Whatever you want me to," he whispers, swallowing loudly. "Whatever you want me to do."
Oh, you knew it would work.
Maybe that's how Dave got here, laying on his back as he sobbed underneath your touch, the vibrating cock ring settled right at his base and your tongue licking at his tip, lapping and sucking teasingly. You giggled as he squirmed underneath your touch, your hand pumping him slowly. "I don't know if you've done enough to cum, Dave. I don't think... you've made it up to me."
He whined, shaking his head as he covered his mouth. "No, no please! I'll do anything you want, just please! I need- I need to cum inside of you."
You hummed teasingly, pursing your lips. "Inside of me? You want to ask that much of me? Do you think that you've done enough to get the pleasure of cumming inside of me?"
"Yes!" He whined loudly, groaning. "Yes! Yes, I'll make you feel good, I promise!"
You hummed, pumping him even harder. "No... I don't think you can. A virgin like you? Please."
"I promise! I promise I will, I promise." He whimpered, his hips bucking into the air.
He probably could, to be honest. His cock was bigger than you could ever imagine, his girth barely able to fit into your mouth without making your jaw ache and could barely go down your throat without choking. He had the prettiest dick you'd ever seen, definitely the biggest and girthiest too, just because the last few guys you saw were fucking assholes.
"Maybe I will let you cum inside of me," you mused, humming as you sucked on his tip to make loud popping sound echo across the room. "Maybe, if I'm feeling... nice."
He whined, nodding desperately. "Fuck, please! Please, I'll do anything!"
"Where do you want to cum inside of me, baby? Dave knows I'm on birth control, but does Kick-Ass?" You giggle, rubbing his thighs as you gagged on his cock.
"C-Can I cum i-in your... in your-?"
"You can't even say it, can you?" You giggled as you switched the ring into the highest power, humming. "You want to cum... inside of me, right? That narrows things down a little bit... you want to cum inside my mouth? Or... my ass, that's going to take a minute though. Maybe my pussy? Hm? It's already stretched out for you, Dave. Inside my pussy, inside of my cunt?"
"Y-Your cunt! I want... I want to cum inside of your cunt."
You giggled. "Just don't cum as soon as I take this ring off, alright?"
He let out a loud whimper, nodding as you slowly slip it off, putting it into your mouth to suck loudly, groaning as his taste filled your mouth. He groaned as you take it from your mouth, straddling his hips and holding his cock up. You could feel your eyes roll back, humming as he whimpered. "I-I'm close, I'm so close!"
You giggled as you sunk down onto him, yelling out as he screamed out, groaning with a strong buck of his hips to bottom out inside of you and his cum filling up your stomach. You gasped loudly, whimpering as you held onto his chest, your nails digging into his skin. "H-How are you still cumming?!"
"I-I can't stop," he groaned flipping you over to hold your thighs as he pressed his face into your neck, thrusting his hips. Your eyes rolled back, groaning loudly as the loud slaps of skin against skin filled your room. "Fuck, you feel so fucking good! Better than I could ever imagine, fuck!"
You whined as your nails dug into his back, Dave pulling away for just a second with a grin. "Who's fucking who's brains out now?"
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taglist: 𓆩[@lem0ns77]𓆪   𓆩[@cecepop15]𓆪   𓆩[@memeorydotcom]𓆪   𓆩[@your-favorite-god]𓆪   𓆩[@xyzstar]𓆪  𓆩[@just-my-shit]𓆪   𓆩[@your-mom21]𓆪   𓆩[@c78r]𓆪   𓆩[@dizscreams]𓆪   𓆩[@asrt5]𓆪 𓆩[@xoxomoonlightbabe]𓆪
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© asterias-record-shop
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chocosvt · 3 months
HER | teaser.
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✧✎ synopsis: wonwoo, a heartbroken and burnt out writer nearing the end of his math degree, wants nothing to do with the seemingly perfect, intimidating girl who has everyone under her thumb. you. unfortunately, his literary talent has got him shoved him between a rock and a hard place when you want to write a book and require his expertise. you two are the furthest from compatible. wonwoo can’t see this going well. at all.
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pairing: wonwoo x fem!reader teaser word count: 1.4k actual word count: 140k (yes, u read that correctly) genres/tropes: writer!wonwoo, university!au, plug!vernon + boyfriend!mingyu as prominent side characters, SLOWBURN (i am not fucking around this is my slowest burn yet), relationship drama, soul searching, strong angst/hurt (i’m coming for the jugular), comfort, romance, smut, a smoothie of every emotion on earth.
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(!) warnings for the full fic: drug use (weed, coke, ecstasy), wonwoo has anxiety + anxiety attacks + fairly dark thoughts, prescribed medication, gambling, intense language, infidelity, throwing up.
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✧✎ a/n: as i descend to one knee and cup my hands together at your mercy, i offer a tidbit to the wonwoo fic i have finally completed after two years (lol). i know i ALWAYS say this, but i truly wasn't expecting the fic to be THIS FUCKING LONG! thankfully, i planned it well and although i lost momentum countless times (nervously side eyes the approximate & several 5 month breaks i took in between), my dedication to seeing the characters through & "completing" their growth was smth that i could not leave behind!
not having posted a fic for two years is prob a little much :0 so hopefully the length of this makes up for it (?) usually my writing is just teehee silly little romance agonizing slowburn surface level dilemmas of the self BUT THIS ONE HAS A LITTLE KICK!
so read it if you want! don't read it if you don't want!
hearts & flowers, xoxoxo (me :*)
UPDATE: read the first part here!
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“I have a relatively big favour to ask of you.”
 No. Wonwoo didn’t want anything to do with favours.
The fact that Seokmin had actively picked out his presence in the coffee shop like he was some shiny contortion of plastic had actually offended Wonwoo. He came here for two things: to not be bothered, which his friend knew, and to work on the book he was halfway through typing and had been halfway through typing for the past six months. Call it writer’s block, or an inspiration drought, or an absolutely depressing lack of drive—it had been hanging over the writer with an annoying persistence and it seemed that no number of lemony scones or cold coffees were going to make it vanish.
“Uh, Wonwoo?”
“Sorry… what?” He forced his gaze to shift from the blank page on his laptop to Seokmin’s apologetic, softly expressional face, slightly flushed from his time outdoors in the chilled March weather.
“I was just wondering if you’d be up for a favour—a pretty big one—and I know this is your special creativity spot, but she’s been like, breathing down my neck about it and I can’t put it off again.”
“Whose been breathing down your neck?”
At first, Seokmin didn’t say a word, or even make a sound. His lips twitched for a moment, but then he pressed them together and his chest visibly sucked in with a breath. God, Wonwoo hated the suspense and he hated Seokmin for interrupting him when he had been so stupidly close to putting a sentence down that he probably would have back-spaced in frustration a minute later.  
“Y’know…” he trailed off, “Her.”
No, not her, you.
But most people—if not everyone—referred to you by an alias that had seemed to stick so well the majority believed it actually was your name. When people said her they meant Her, and so in a confusing mess of finger-pointing they really meant you. Come to think of it, Wonwoo had no idea where the nickname even came from or who gave it to you or what it even meant.
And he was perfectly fine with never knowing.
“What?” Wonwoo deadpanned. “What on earth could she want to do with me? She doesn’t even know me.” He slid down in his chair, fingers pulling at his circle-lensed glasses so they tilted uncomfortably across his nose bridge. “Or, is this a joke?”
“Oh—no! Absolutely not!” His friend was insistent on proclaiming, vigorously shaking his head. “I’m being serious.”
“Why don’t I believe you then?”
“Okay, well, if you let me explain everything, it’ll all make sense. I said I know someone who writes really well—”
“Meaning me?”
“Yes, meaning you. And the only reason that was even brought up is because she wants to write a book.”
Wonwoo couldn’t help it. He laughed—a very short, disbelieving laugh that flashed a transient smile to his face as he readjusted his crooked glasses. You were the last person he would ever envision wanting to write a book. He then navigated the trackpad on his laptop, deciding to close the document simply titled, 01, that harboured the fleet of pages to his own current work in progress.
“Yeah,” Wonwoo disregarded, “sounds like bullshit.”
“I’m telling you the truth!” Seokmin exclaimed, gripping onto the metal back of the café chair like he was squeezing someone’s taunt shoulders. “She won’t tell me about what, okay? Just that she’s been thinking the idea for a while now. It’s not like I didn’t try to get details. But she refused—said the only person who can know is whoever’s going to help her. Look, y’have to understand, she was pestering me about it nonstop. And you’re my only writer friend!”
“Well, you’re about to have none.” He answered, reaching for his coffee cup but stopping it just short of his lips. “How serious is she about this, anyway?” Wonwoo sighed. “Do you know how much fucking time you need to dedicate to writing a book?”
He stomached a slow, somewhat grimacing sip as he tasted the coffee’s coldness, meanwhile Seokmin swallowed heavily, and at last pulled out the chair he’d been white-knuckling to take a seat.
“Yes, I’m aware it takes time. I know that. And she is serious or else I wouldn’t be here, bothering you. She takes everything seriously.” The boy began unbuttoning his sleek black jacket. “Really, who knows what’ll happen? Maybe you’ll meet her once and she’ll decide she can’t stand you, and then you’re off the hook for life.”
“Yeah, well have you ever considered what might happen if I can’t stand her? Are my feelings even being considered? Minutely?”
“Minutely, they are being considered.”
It wasn’t that Wonwoo disliked you.
In actuality, you scared him more than anything. But to be associated with you was to be drawn into your life and caught like a firefly in a glass jelly jar. The proof was right in front of him—to Wonwoo’s eyes, Seokmin was basically your little mailman that scrambled around in hectic nature to do your bidding, because most tasks apparently weren’t worth the time or effort.
“I can’t believe you’re trying to rope me into this. You know I can hardly write my own shit, right?” Wonwoo said bitterly, wishing it was the opposite, “my mind is a desolate, blank canvas of fuck-all and if she thinks I’m writing it then she needs a reality check.”
“No, no—of course you won’t write it!” Seokmin reassured him with his big, opalescent smile. “Really, you’re just giving tips, maybe guiding her process, helping with the planning… you know, this could be facilitated so much easier if you spoke to Her yourself!”
“So, my nightmare?” Wonwoo huffed, shaking his leg.
In an instant, Seokmin had whipped out his phone, tapping around the screen quickly using his thin pointer finger.
“I’m just going to pull up her schedule. It’s always pretty packed, but more into the summer break, it thins out a little. “
Wonwoo exhaled, staring off into the warm, afternoon sunlight that hailed in through the windows, striking all the shimmering flecks and pieces of dust afloat in the café air. When he breathed in again, he could smell the luxurious coffees brewing in their rich and distinctive notes. It was such a beautiful day—still chilly as the snow outdoors began to thaw—but pleasant nonetheless.
“This is such a fucking waste.”
And Wonwoo spent it being miserable.
“No, it’ll be useful. Trust.” Seokmin chirped.
“You’re trying to dip me in your optimism gloss again.”
His friend smiled affectionately, tilting his head.
“This will be good. You’ve been a hermit since I’ve known you.”
“Yeah,” Wonwoo scoffed, “so you think it’s a good idea to shove me with the person I relate to least on the entire planet?”
“Really? The least? So, what you’re saying is, you relate more to serial killers? Or animal abusers? Or like, literal fasc—”
“You want to do this. I can see it in your eyes. I’ll set you up.”
A part of Wonwoo knew there might be no wriggling out of the situation, especially with Seokmin sitting across from him, characteristically eager and brightly pushy as always, like a goddamn salesman. For now, it could be easier to let himself get cuffed.
“Can I at least have some time to think it over?”
“Uh… well… the thing is… the thing with that is—”
“You’ve cornered me?”
“I wouldn’t word it like that.”
“… Okay.” Wonwoo removed his glasses, shoved his knuckles tender but deep into his eye sockets, massaging through flashes of white as he came to accept a fate he didn’t know even existed in his astrology. “Just, I don’t know—fuck—schedule me in wherever.”
“Ha! It doesn’t exactly work like that.”
“I really don’t give a damn how it works, Seokmin.”
“Right,” his friend laughed nervously, “I promise that I’ll get back to you pronto. Sorry for the disturbance. And, uh, good luck.”
 “With what part?” Wonwoo grumbled, fixing his spectacles back on to clarify Seokmin’s sympathetic face, the light bouncing off his head of brassy hair like a disco ball. “My incapability to write a goddamn thing or the fact I have to help your perfectionist friend who’s probably going to chew me up and spit me out?”
 “Both parts.” Seokmin grinned. “It can only go up from here.”
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✧✎ a/n: tada!
this is the introductory scene! i think i've read it so many times that i could probably recite it from memory at this point ;_; anyway! as i mentioned, i know that it's been a hot minute since i last uploaded any scenarios. but one way or another this monster is getting posted! i did NOT have this lurking on my poor tired macbook causing it to overheat and sputter and spew FOR NOTHING!!
i swear that i don't plan for my works to get this goddamn long. before i hardly planned at all. maybe now i plan too much? i guess i have yet to find a happy medium!! but again, i do hope the size of the fic makes up for all that missed time :_( life has been ruff. but this fic was there as a handy distraction mechanism (when i prob should have been facing reality fhwejfhwk) so i guess it's been a double-edged sword!
also just want to preface that the reader goes by an alias throughout the fic. i'm not sure if this is like... a very huge or popular concept nowadays? so if it hits your reading ear a bit weird at first i apologize! but i swear it has purpose!! *chekhovs rule* *winkwink*
ANYWAY! no more rambling!
i'm pondering the idea of adding a taglist for those who are interested, just as i did with honey boy :3 so if that tickles ur fancy then feel free to each out!
the fic in its entirety will be split across 6 parts
the word count of each part ranges from 22-24k!
i do not YET have a set posting schedule, simply bc i am unsure of how long it will take ppl to get through each part
(so that would be smth i'd have to gauge afterward)
i will not be flagging mature/nsfw/triggering scenes throughout the fic as the fic itself already has a heavy nature to it
so pls read the warnings!
if there's any additional questions i encourage u to swing by :3
*deep breath*
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g-hughes · 3 months
Happy Graduation! Can you do “i love that no one else has seen you like this, that no one else has felt you before, been inside you. they don't get to have you, but i do.” with “you taste like heaven” with Luke Hughes?
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For The First Time - L. Hughes
hockey masterlist || g's graduation celly
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synopsis: You and Luke have been together for a while, and decide to take the next step in your relationship.
word count: 3.9k
warnings: smut! oral sex (f receiving), piv, virgin reader, cursing, protected sex, small mention of blood after sex (it's normal!)
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When you first met Luke Hughes, you thought he was going to be like every other hockey player you had ever met. He was tall, lanky but muscular with unruly curls falling in front of his eyes. He stuck out like a sore thumb in the bar, constantly looking over his shoulder as if someone was going to kick him out. He was a New Jersey Devil, no one would even attempt to kick him out of the bar. Even before actually introducing yourself to him, you had already sized him up and came to a conclusion; he was a young hockey player, he only wanted one thing and you weren’t about to give him the time of day. But, he proved you wrong the moment your brother pulled him over to introduce him to you. 
“And this is Luke!” Nico said, a drunken smile on his face. You already knew you were going to be basically carrying him back to his room. But you weren’t going to stop his celebration, they had just clinched their spot in the play-offs, “This is my little sister!” 
“I know,” Luke nodded, “She’s the team photographer.” 
“So you met!” You shook your head. The word ‘met’ was one way to put it, you had said all of two sentences to him. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Luke,” You said, holding your hand out and shaking his. 
“You too.” 
“Nico!” Jack shouted, “I need you to be my beer pong partner.” 
“Coming!” Nico slurred and turned towards Luke, “She’s off limits and I know where you live, Hughes.” 
“God, Nico,” Heat was rising in your cheeks as you looked at him, “Go! Before Jack starts pouting.” 
Luke nervously chuckled as your brother walked away and over to Jack. You looked back towards your drink as Luke sat down next to you. There was an awkward tension in the air, as he sat close but far from you. The two of you sat in silence, you twirling your straw and Luke scanning the crowd. 
“So, you take pictures for the Devils,” Luke said, “That’s cool.” 
You looked at him, and couldn’t help but giggle. His face fell for a moment, before laughing as well. He had no idea what he was doing or why he was so nervous sitting here and talking to you. Maybe it’s because you were the captain’s younger sister, or maybe because he’s had a crush on you from the moment he saw you. 
“It is cool,” You smiled, “It’s really cool.” 
Ever since that night you and Luke had been inseparable. It was a shock to no one when the two of you announced you were together. Nico and Jack had a bet going on to see how long it would take for you two to tell everyone. Both the brothers approved of your relationship, Nico happy that you had found someone who looked at you like you hung the stars and the moon. And Jack was happy seeing his younger brother look happy, and that he had someone by his side during his rookie season. Jack knew first hand how tough being a rookie can be, and he was happy that Luke had someone he could confide in when it all got to be too much. 
You were currently laying on Luke’s bed, his lips against yours as you made out. He had just come back from spending the summer at the lake, and you in Switzerland. The two of you had only seen each other twice over the summer, you going to the lake for a week and him coming to visit you in Switzerland. But the phone calls, facetimes and texts weren’t enough. You had been wishing for this day all summer. 
“I missed you,” Luke mumbled, his lips on your jaw, “So, so much.” 
“Me too,” You sighed at the feeling, “It’s been too long.” 
Luke’s lips found yours again, as his hips rocked against yours. His hands roamed your body, moving up and down your sides, before one slipped under the hem of your shirt. A warmth grew in your body, a tingle in your core as his hardened cock rubbed against your clothed cunt. Soft moans fell from your lips as you lifted your hips to meet Luke’s. His hand trailed up higher, his thumb rubbing at the band of your bra. It was as if the lust had cleared from your mind, and you were suddenly all too aware of Luke’s body and his hands on you. 
“Stop,” You said, and Luke immediately sat back, looking you over. 
“I’m sorry,” He apologized, “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I’m sorry.” 
You nodded your head, “Y-yeah I’m fine it’s just. . . god,” You covered your face with your hands as an embarrassing blush coated your cheeks. Luke was still looking at you with concern as you pulled your hands away, “I’ve never been touched there. . . or anywhere.” 
Luke’s eyebrows furrowed at your words, and then it clicked in his brain, “Oh. . .” He said slowly, “You’re a virgin.” 
“Oh god!” You dramatically exclaimed, “It’s so embarrassing.” 
“No it’s not,” Luke said, laying down next to you on his bed, “It is not embarrassing at all.” 
“Yes,” You looked at him, “It is. I am twenty years old and a virgin.” 
“It’s better than being forty and a virgin,” Luke shrugged and you shot him a look, “Baby, it’s not embarrassing at all. I’m not with you just to get in your pants. It’s okay that you’re a virgin.” 
His words only made some of the unease lift from your belly. It wasn’t that you were waiting for marriage, you just never felt the need to jump into bed with the first man that showed you interest. Sure you had boyfriends before Luke, but you never felt the level of attraction and love as you did for Luke. The moment the other boys found out you were a virgin, they were already blocking your number and running for the hills. 
“You promise?” You asked, holding up your pinky for a pinky promise. 
“Yes, I promise,” Luke said, locking your pinkies together, “And you don’t have to ask me if I promise that it’s okay that you’re a virgin. It's your body. I’m not going to force you into having sex with me. You get to decide that when you’re ready.” 
You nodded your head, letting out a slow breath, “Well, I guess I completely killed the mood.” 
Luke chuckled, “Not totally,” You looked at him as he sat up from the bed, and climbed off of it. He walked over to your side and got down on one knee. 
You sat up quickly,“What are you-” 
“Y/N Hischier,” Luke started, grabbing your hands in his, “You know I love you with all my being. You are the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me. . .” He paused for a moment, “Well, second greatest,” You rolled your eyes, “But, till you please make me the happiest man alive and be my date to the season opening gala?” 
“You’re such a dork,” You gently pushed him, laughing, “Of course I’ll go to the season opening gala with you. Who else would you take?” 
“Well Dawson asked-” 
“Over my dead body.” 
— — — 
The season opening gala was one of the biggest events for the Devils. It was when the team got to meet with donors and executive members. It was one of the last moments to come together as a team before the craziness of the season ensued. Several of the wives and girlfriends get together and plan the gala all through the off season. It was almost like a competition on how they could outdo themselves from the year before. You had attended the event in the past with your brother Nico, but this year, you were by Luke’s side. 
“Nervous?” You asked him as you sat in the back of the blacked out BMW. 
“A bit,” Luke sighed, running his hands over his gray plaid dress pants. He looked handsome in his designer suit, Nico had dragged him out to go get his first designer suit and said something about “you’re in the league now, kid”, and his fresh haircut. You had never been a big fan of mullets, until Luke walked through your front door supporting one. 
“Don’t be,” You assured him, grabbing his hand, “They’re gonna love you.” 
Luke looked at you. He had been speechless when you opened the door to your apartment. You had picked out a dark red dress, with a deep v cut that showed off just enough cleavage and a thigh high slit that showed just enough thigh. You wore most of your gold jewelry including the dainty necklace with a gold “L” charm. Your makeup was simple, not wanting to over do it, but made sure to put on lipgloss that would drive Luke wild. 
“Easy for you to say,” Luke scoffed, “You’re the team’s little sister. Everyone loves you.” 
“And now you’re the team’s little brother. Everyone is gonna love you,” You smiled up at him. Luke shared your smile as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your glossy lips. 
The moment you walked into the ballroom, you gasped. The wives and girlfriends had outdone themselves again. The theme this year was “Old Hollywood”, and the room was decorated with various reds, golds and black items. You and Luke stood on the red carpet, your coworkers taking pictures of the players and their dates as they arrived. You felt bad not helping them, but they assured you that they would be okay without you for one night. 
The night went off without a hitch. You and Luke easily found your brother and his, who decided to be each other's dates instead of finding some girl to bring. You guys sat with them throughout the dinner and the speeches from the coach and the GM. Once the dancing portion of the night started, Nico and Jack disappeared, no doubt to find one of your female co-workers to dance with. 
You dragged Luke out to the middle of the dance floor, his hands on your hips while yours draped over his neck as the band played a cover of a pop song. You giggled as Luke twirled you around, your hands resting on his chest. His smile was so bright, it could’ve lit up the whole room. 
“I’m having fun,” Luke said in your ear. 
“Me too,” You said back. You weren’t sure if it was the bit of champagne in your system, or the excitement in the air, but you were feeling bold. You were very aware of Luke’s hands on your hips, and the way his hand had felt on your thigh earlier at the table. 
“Luke,” Your voice wavered a bit as he looked at you. You were about to say something when the band switched their tempo, to play a sensual slow song. The tension in the air seemed to grow, and you swallowed thickly as Luke’s eyes seemed to grow darker. His hands pulled you in closer to him, your chests nearly touching. 
“Luke,” You said again, and he hummed in response, “I. . . I want you.” 
“You have me, baby,” Luke answered, his eyebrows knitting in confusion. 
“No, I. . . I want you, Luke,” You said, putting emphasis on the word, “I’m ready.” 
It took Luke a moment, until the light bulb went off in his head, “A-are you sure? Cause there’s no rush. We don’t have-” 
You cut off his rambling with a soft kiss on his lips, “I want to,” You said again, “I promise I am sure.”
Your heart was pounding as Luke grabbed your face in his hands and brought his lips to yours for a passionate kiss. You both knew that this kiss was different as Luke’s hand wrapped around your waist, and pulled you close to him. Before things could escalate in the center of the ballroom, you pulled back, biting your lip and looking at Luke.
“Oh don’t do that,” Luke teased, pulling your lip away from your teeth, “Drives me fucking insane, I’d take you right here on the floor.” 
You whimpered at his words and rested your hands on his chest, “Take me to bed, Luke.” 
Luke pulled you quickly out of the ballroom, all but running for the elevator. You didn’t even stop and say goodbye to your brother or his, which you guess was a good thing. You didn’t really feel like explaining to them or telling them that you two were leaving early. There was a certain excitement as Luke put his arm around you, as you watched the floor numbers take them up to their room. The second the elevator doors opened, Luke grabbed your body and put you over his shoulder. 
“Luke Warren!” You exclaimed as he playfully smacked your ass. 
Luke opened the hotel room door and walked over to the bed, laying you down gently. He quickly climbed on top of you, putting his knee between your thighs as he leaned down to kiss you. Your hands tangled in his curls, tugging on them slightly. This part, you had done before, making out like teenagers. You felt comfortable doing this, but when you felt Luke’s hand skim up the slit in your dress, you froze a bit. 
“Wait,” You sucked in a breath, and Luke pushed off of you. It took everything in you not to frown at the loss of heat from his body. 
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t-” 
“I want to,” You assured him, placing a hand on his cheek, “It’s. . . you’re going to wrinkle my dress.” 
Luke chuckled, climbing completely off the bed and holding out his hand to you. He pulled you to your feet and you turned so your back was to him. Without even saying, Luke’s hands went to the zipper at your shoulders, carefully sliding it down your body. He leaned forward, placing soft kisses on the back of your neck and shoulders as he slid the straps down your arms. You leaned back into his embrace, letting the fabric of the dress fall to your feet. 
“Luke,” You whined, “It feels good.” 
“Does it?” You could feel his cocky grin against your skin, “If you feel this good from me kissing your neck, just you wait.” You looked over your shoulder at him, his green eyes a shade darker, “Lay down for me, baby.” 
You nodded, laying back on the center of the bed. Luke kicked off his shoes, making quick work of his dress shirt and pants, tossing them across the room. Luke hovered over you, taking in the sight of you under him. You tugged him down, until his lips were on yours. 
Luke’s hips grinded against yours, getting a moan to leave your lips as one of his hands pulled your leg over his hip and the other groped your breast. You had never been touched like this, and it made Luke’s cock stiffen even more, knowing that he was the first one. That you trusted him that much with your virginity. His other hand went around your back, and unclasped your bra. He leaned back on his heels as he gently pulled the bra off your body. Your hands went right away to cover yourself and Luke shook his head. 
“Don’t hide from me, sweetheart, don’t ever hide from me,” Luke said, “You are perfect. So fucking perfect,” Luke leaned down, his tongue swirling around your nipple before sucking it into his mouth. You gasped at the feeling, your hands going to the back of his head to hold him there. He looked up, seeing the blissed out look on your face. His fingers pinched and rolled the nipple of your other breast. 
“Luke, please,” You moaned, thrusting your hips up. You had felt this feeling before when you’d make out. The feeling of wetness and gentle ache between your thighs. You clenched your thighs together to try and relieve some of it but it wasn’t helping. You needed more. You needed Luke. 
“I got you, okay,” Luke assured you, “I’ll give it to you, but I gotta make sure you’re ready first,” You nodded as Luke began kissing down your body. The lower he got, the more you ached for him. His fingers tapped at the top of your black lace panties, and looked up at you. 
“Can I?” 
“Please,” You nodded your head. 
Luke pulled the garment slowly down your legs, before tossing them across the room. Your core was glistening and Luke let out a groan. It was hard for you to not try and cover yourself, especially with how Luke was looking at you. He ran a singular finger through your soaked folds, and you let out a moan. He circled your clit a couple of times in lazy circles, watching as your body withered from the pleasure. 
“Can I touch you here?” He tapped his finger at your opening and you nodded. Slowly, Luke pushed a finger inside of you, feeling you stretch around him. It felt foreign to you, and Luke didn’t start moving his finger until he felt you somewhat relax. He moved his finger in and out, slowly curling it against the spongy spot inside of you. 
The pleasure was nothing like you had felt before. It was beautiful and you were craving more. It felt like butterflies in your stomach, like when you’d go down a large drop on a rollercoaster. Luke watched you, and leaned in between your legs, his tongue licking your clit. 
“Oh!” You exclaimed, your hand going to his curls, “Fuck, yes, Luke.” 
“You taste like heaven,” Luke said from between your legs. His tongue lapped at you like he was a starved man, and you were the first meal he had in weeks. You felt the pleasure build, your legs beginning to tremble against his head. His large hands pushed your thighs down, keeping you open to him as he ate. 
“Luke!” You whined, “I- fuck!” Luke pulled away from your thighs, and you let out an exasperated whine. 
“Oh don’t start whining,” Luke chuckled, “Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna take care of you,” All you could do was nod and watch Luke as he climbed off the bed and over to the overnight bag he packed. He pulled out a condom, and discarded his boxers. Your eyes went straight to his dick, and you unabashedly licked your lips at the sight of it. He smirked, noticing your lust filled eyes on him as he opened the condom and rolled it on his shaft. 
Luke crawled back on top of you, placing one of his hands by your head. He grabbed himself in his hand, lining up with your entrance. You took in a deep breath, as you felt the tip of his cock nudging at your cunt. 
“If it hurts or becomes too much, tell me, and I’ll stop. If you don’t want to do this anymore, you tell me to stop.” 
Your hands skimmed up and down his muscular back, as you tilted your head back to look at him, “I want this, Luke.”
Luke placed a kiss on your lips as he slowly pushed himself into you. He let out a sharp breath at the feeling of your warmth and tight walls. You dug your nails into his back, tensing up at the feeling. Luke thrusted slowly, letting himself slip in little by little and then pulling back out. 
“Don’t pull back,” You whimpered, and Luke nodded. He pushed himself about halfway in, and you squeezed his bicep. 
He looked down at her in a panic, and could see the tears pricking in your eyes, "Baby, tell me how it feels. It hurts, doesn't it? I can stop."
"No," You sighed, "It just feels weird. Keep going please, and just. . .  wait for a moment."
Luke nodded and continued to push into your body, then becoming flush with your hips. You both let out gasps, and Luke caressed your cheek. He didn't even care about sex at this point, he was content with staying right here inside of you the whole night. You were keeping him warm and squeezing him just right. But then he felt you start to wiggle underneath him, moving your hips to try and get some friction.
"Move," You said softly, "Please."
"I'm going slow," Luke said, "I'll fuck you hard and fast another day. But I want to take my time."
You nodded and pressed your lips to his collarbone as he slowly drug his hips back, thrusting in and out of you. Your hands moved up his back and tangled in his hair. Grunts and moans left your mouths and mixed together in the air. Luke grabbed your thigh and hooked it over his hip, to reach a new angle. You closed your eyes as you felt the intense feeling in your lower body.
“Fuck,” Luke groaned, his hand gripping your thigh, “I love that no one else has seen you like this,” He was placing kissing on your neck, right below your ear, “That no one else has felt you before, been inside you.” 
“Luke,” You cried, feeling the pressure grow and grow. 
“They don’t get to have you, but I do,” Luke nipped at your neck. 
Everything felt so good from the way your body felt below his, to the way he seemed to hit all the right spots. The impending orgasms rose in your bodies and Luke smashed his lips to yours, swallowing your moans. Luke felt the rubber band in his stomach snap, and himself spilling into the condom. You could feel the warmth fill your body and Luke tried hard to not let his body collapse on top of you.
"Fuck," Luke moaned out, "I'm so sorry. I usually don't-" you cut him off with a kiss, and held his face in your hands.
"It was perfect," you said and Luke leaned his forehead against yours.
"Want to take a bath," Luke proposed and you nodded, "I'm going to pull out now, okay." Luke easily moved his hips back and you whined at the feeling, "Does it hurt?"
"Yeah," you answered, "It's okay."
Luke nodded and pulled back the blankets enough for him to slip out of bed. He could see the tiniest bit of blood on your thighs.
"Lay right there, I'll be back," Luke said, and went to the bathroom. He threw away the condom, and cleaned himself up. He slipped his boxers back on and grabbed a washcloth to clean you up. You were tapping your fingers on your tummy when Luke came back. You smiled up at him, as he kneeled between your thighs and cleaned you up. You hissed as the rough washcloth came in contact with your core.
"Sensitive?" Luke asked.
"Yes," You said, "D-Did I bleed?"
"A bit," Luke answered and kissed your cheek, "It's normal. Nothing to worry about, sweets. Do you want to get dressed?"
“No,” You shook your head, feeling comfortable laying naked on the soft sheets. 
"Get a snack and some water. I'll start the bath," Luke said, kissing your cheek. 
"I love you,” You said, placing a hand on his cheek before he could walk away. 
Luke smiled that half smile that made you weak in the knees, “I love you too.”
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a/n: what do you guys want to see more of? blurbs, one shots, series, interactive series, insta edits? let me know!! :) (I am planning on a series hopefully soon)
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endieinwonderland · 4 months
Let The Light In: Part 3
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Part 1 Part 2
Words: 4k pour la finale!
Pairing: Paige Bueckers/Media Manager! Reader
Warnings: Angst, Friends to enemies (but the reader doesn’t know why they’re enemies), reader is actually so incredibly in the wrong, mention of an injury, the girls are fighting
It's her—actually her—, standing right in front of you, and for a brief moment you almost wonder if your mind had conjured up a hallucination to retaliate against the sheer force of your yearning. 
You've spent more time than you’ll ever admit imagining this moment, playing it out in various scenarios in your mind, but the reality has a sharpness that no rehearsal could have prepared you for. Her presence is a tangible, overwhelming, a reminder of what you had, of what you had lost.
“Hey, you good?” She repeats, her voice cutting through your racing thoughts, pulling you back down to earth. 
Blinking away the tears that are, embarrassingly, still brimming in your eyes, you take a deep breath before allowing yourself to reply. "Yeah, I'm good," the words feel hollow, a betrayal of the whirlwind of the emotion inside you. 
Paige doesn't respond; instead, she stands in front of you, rocking back and forth on her heels. Her hands nervously fidget as an all too familiar silence envelops the two of you. Wordlessly still, she reaches for the chair in front of you and pulls it out, the both of you wincing at the loud screech it makes as it drags across the wooden floor.
You don’t bother to hide the shock on your face as the blonde sits down across from you, her knees briefly brushing against yours before she swiftly tucks her legs to the side, avoiding your touch.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," her tone unusually light—almost friendly, which would be confusing if you had the ability to take note of it. The only thing you can focus on is the familiar cadence of her voice, bringing back a flood of memories, each one sharp, sweet, and painful.
“I feel like I have.”
“I hope we’re still doing this when we’re 80.” You say, grabbing another spoonful of her strawberry ice cream and plopping the pink desert into your bowl of cherry, mixing the two together before putting the spoon back into your mouth, letting out a satisfied hum when you confirm you’ve finally gotten the perfect mix. Paige chooses to ignore how much you’ve taken out of her bowl, knowing that when you get full in a few minutes the remainder of yours will be scraped back into hers. 
“Doing what?” 
"Ice cream Thursdays, dummy," you clarify, abandoning your spoon just in time to catch a melting drop threatening to fall from her chin onto her shirt with the pad of your thumb before pressing the finger against your lips to lick it clean.
She watches you, gaze shifting to the table when your eyes dart up to look at her again. “When we’re 80 you’ll probably be taking pictures of your husband and grandkids playing in your garden or something all cutesy and shit, you won’t be thinking about me.”
You lightly kick her shin under the table, ignoring the confusing pang in your chest when you hear her dismissal, “Oh come on, we’ll still be best friends when we’re 80, if anything I’ll be taking pictures of the grandkids playing basketball and you’ll be trying to keep up with them in your walker.” 
This gets a chuckle out of her, “hopefully by then I’ll know better than to do anything but coach.”
You smile, pushing the now half empty dessert towards her for her to finish before leaning towards her, “okay then, I’ll be taking pictures of the grandkids with coach P.”
She digs into the remainder of your cherry strawberry mixture, bringing the spoon to her mouth before shaking her head and adding another spoonful of strawberry, “fine, but if we’re 80 and you still haven’t figured out how to get the right cherry to strawberry ratio I’m canceling ice cream Thursday’s.” 
Her smile fades a bit, replaced by a more cautious expression as she changes the subject, the friendly façade faltering a bit as she speaks. “You know, you’re still sharing your location with me.” 
“I wanted to find you and I realized you still share your location with me.”
"You wanted to find me?” you echo. The part of you that's been hoping for this moment at war with the part that's been dreading it.
"Yeah, I needed to see you.” You hear her sigh, debating whether to continue, “thought we could talk."
The sincerity in her tone is disarming, and despite the hurt, a part of you wants to lean into the familiarity of her presence, to the shared history you’re still desperately clinging too. 
She nods, swallowing hard. “About the pictures you took the other day…” She begins, her voice trailing off briefly as she looks away from you, her hands fidgeting slightly, “Charlie sent me copies of them.” 
“Oh, she’s not supposed to do that, you guys only get the final edits,” the words slipping out before you can think better of it. 
"I know, but I asked her too.”
Your breath catches in your throat.
Paige continues, “-I wanted to see the ones Leo told you to stop taking.” 
You sit there in stunned silence. And, after a moment that stretches on for longer than you would have liked, she exhales, shoulders sagging. “I don’t know why I reacted like that, with the first shots I mean. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you in trouble with Leo. I know how much his opinion means to you and I had been thinking that if you got me lectured by Geno I’d want an apology, so… yeah.” She finishes.
An un-familiar coldness washes over you as you digest her words. This isn't what you thought was happening, she was deviating from the script you had imagined, and essentially memorized by now with how often you replayed it in your head. “That’s what you want to apologize for?” You’re unable to keep the shock and anger from seeping into your tone. You lean back in your chair, arms crossing, subconsciously trying to protect yourself from the hurt you know she’s about to make you feel again.  
“That’s all I have to apologize for.”
The tension between you crackles, a palpable energy that draws an invisible wall, furthering the separation between the two of you. "You think that's it?" Disbelief coloring your tone. "After ghosting me and making Azzi come tell me not to talk to you anymore, that's what you think you need to apologize for? Getting me in trouble with Leo?"
She looks taken aback, perhaps not expecting your reaction to be so intense. For a moment, she is silent, her eyes darting away before meeting yours again, this time with a mixture of frustration and pain. 
"Come on, we were never even really friends.” She speaks softly, tone bordering on patronizing.
You can’t blink back the tears as they form in your eyes now, 'this isn't going to end well'.
“Don’t lie to me Bueckers.”
Paige recoils slightly at the sound of her last name leaving your mouth, as if your words are physical blows. For a moment, she seems to be struggling with something, then her posture stiffens, an accusing finger reaching out to point at you and she doubles down on her statement as everything seems to begin to escalate quicker than you're able to process it.
Paige’s words are muddled in your ears. “We both know that I was just your muse or whatever the hell you want to call it. You did not treat me like a friend, you used me to get praise from Leo and whoever the hell else you thought you needed approval from. You took me for your art when I was at my lowest, again and again, just because my face got your work attention.” 
The accusation stings, not just because of its intensity, but because part of you knows there's some truth in it. You've always known how compelling she was in front of the camera, how her expressions could turn simple photos into art, and you loved it. 
Before everything fell apart, the two of you had become something of a dynamic duo. Everywhere Paige went, often for basketball, you followed, and everywhere you went, a camera was almost always hanging around your neck. 
The passion Paige had for her sport and the passion you had for your art is what originally brought the two of you together, bonding over the drive each of you had to constantly be your at your best, for better or for worse. 
It was your freshman year. You had just been offered a coveted spot on the UConn sports media team after your photojournalism professor, Leo Howard, had apparently spent the entire semester showing your work to his collogues who had unanimously agreed, you were going to be something special.  Being the only freshman to ever have been allowed to serve as the lead photographer at the school’s games was a big deal. The pressure not fully weighing down on you until the night before the UConn, Notre Dame women’s basketball game. 
They had started you out small, tennis, water polo, even a soccer match as your superiors had gained more confidence in you. But this would be the first big event you’d shoot, your first chance to really prove yourself, to prove that Leo was right about you. 
The clock had just struck midnight when you made your way across campus, having given up on trying to get any sleep earlier in the night. Opting instead to head to the athletics department gym where they had allowed you to stash away your things in a small, abandoned office room. Assuming that'd be better than staying cooped up in your dorm all night. 
When you arrived, instead of being greeted by the silent gym you’d anticipated, a woman was stood at the half court line, a basketball bouncing up to meet her outstretched palm before being pushed down, again, again, again. 
“The gym’s closed.” Her voice calls out to you, finally noticing you as you made your way across the court, heading for the office door. 
You had lifted your UConn Staff lanyard up to show to her, “I could tell you the same thing.” 
She approached you, your height difference becoming more apparent the closer she gets until she’s fully towering over you, “I don’t remember seeing you around here.” 
“I’m the new photographer, I just started last month.”
This explanation apparently does little to clarify your sudden appearance in her court, “okay, but you’re not supposed to be here, it’s late.” She points out, her tone mixing curiosity with a hint of concern.
“I know but I’m shooting my first big event tomorrow and I couldn’t sleep so I figured I’d just come here and look at some old shots and stuff, prepare you know?” you rambled, hoping to justify your presence in the gym at such an unusual hour.
You’ve gotten her attention now, “Oh, I have a game tomorrow, is that what you’re here for?” 
You had of course, assumed she was on the basketball team when you saw her dribbling the ball earlier. But as when she had moved to stand in front of you, you immediately recognized her as the infamous Paige Bueckers, the star player you’d been specifically ordered to get good shots of during this game. 
"Yes, that's exactly it. I’ll be covering the game," you confirmed, feeling a slight relief as she seemed to recognize your role and accept the reason behind your late-night visit.
“Oh, cool, I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow then?” 
You nod in response, “yeah, I guess you will.” 
She gives you a small smile before beginning to walk back to her original position on the court, “I’m Paige by the way!” She calls out as you reach the door, you turn back, shouting your name out, already anticipating the next time you’d get to see her.
As it turns out, you don’t have to wait long. Barely 30 minutes have passed when you’re interrupted by a knock on your door, “hey,” she lets herself into the small office space, taking a seat on your desk. 
This girl has guts you can’t help but think. You’d just met and now she’s propping herself up on your furniture, uninvited. And you’d probably be a lot more bothered by her behavior if you weren’t so distracted by how pretty she looked, even under the glow of the notoriously unflattering florescent office lights.  
“I was thinking, you need to practice shooting basketball games, and I’m just practicing shooting so if you wanted you could take pictures of me, you know, to get the hang of it.” She offers. 
“Oh, yeah that actually sounds great!” You're unable to keep your excitement about getting to spend more time with her entirely out of your voice when you reply; grabbing your camera bag as she moves off your desk to stand back up, holding the door open before following you back out to the court. 
“Honestly I’m kinda tired so I’m only doing free throws but feel free to take whatever pictures you want.” 
You nod, taking her words to heart, the clicks of your camera mingling with the pounding of the ball on the floor as you take picture after picture after picture. 
It doesn’t take long for the two of you to fall into a steady rhythm, occasionally daring to interrupt the other’s focus with questions, jokes, or quick quips about the others work. 
The next day whenever she gets a basket, her eyes turn to you first, pointing at your camera for you to get a shot, and every time she does, you take it. 
You’ve never seen Leo smile so big as he does when he gets your contact sheet.
The “You did good, kid. I hope to keep seeing more stuff like this.” echoing in your mind when you leave his office, calling Paige, “when’s the next time you can shoot?”
She had left practice the second she heard your voice over the phone, “I can be free now.” 
You’re abruptly pulled from your memory by the chime of the café door. A group of girls enters, their laughter and chatter filling the air. One girl stands out, wearing a stark white jersey with the number 5 displayed prominently across her chest. The sight of it jolts you back to the present, a reminder of where you are and what’s at stake.
'Fuck this is bad.'
“Paige we can’t do this here” you say keeping your voice low, sensing that this may not end well, and as Paige had just mentioned, any pictures taken of her end up everywhere, and if captured, this probably wouldn’t end up being a pretty one. 
She exhales sharply, her lips parting to argue, but then she pauses, her gaze shifting to follow yours, brows raising when she sees her lucky number 5 on the chest of a brunette who is now whispering with her friends, looking Paige's way. With a reluctant nod, she chooses silence, perhaps unable to concede that you might be right.
The two of you don’t make it far, your new location being her parked car that had been right outside. You assume the two of you will drive somewhere more private but the second the doors lock she’s turned back to you, brows raised in anticipation of your still pending rebuttal. 
You take a deep breath, struggling to find the right words to express the mix of anger and hurt that's been simmering inside you since you first heard her pathetic attempt at an apology 10 minutes ago. “Let’s get one thing straight, if I wasn’t your best friend, you most certainly were not my ‘muse’.”
The sharp sound of her laughter interrupts you, “okay then, you were just using my face to further your career and you didn’t give a single fuck about me.” 
Your anger only pulses hotter at her laughter. If you had thought the silence between you two was bad, then this must be hell. Everything she says, every expression she makes sends you spiraling deeper and deeper down. You don’t even want to look at her anymore, scared that if you catch her gaze again, the once warm and loving looks you remember her by will be permanently tainted by the pure and utter distain that seems to be consuming her now.
You want to reach out, to say something that will mend the rift, but fear and doubt hold you back. In this moment, you realize just how fragile your connection has become, teetering on the edge of collapse.
"I wasn't using you," you assert firmly, struggling to keep your voice level. "Yes, you've helped my career—that's undeniable. But that was never the only thing you were for me. Our friendship, what I thought was our friendship, meant more to me than any photo ever could."
Paige's laughter fades, and she looks at you, her expression hardening as she processes your words. 
"It didn't feel that way to me," she shoots back, her voice tight. "Every time you needed something for your portfolio or an exhibit, who did you turn to, not any of your other friends, me. Don’t you think that’s a little strange.” 
The accusation stings, God she really knew nothing about you, did she? 
“I reached out to you because I thought you liked it. Every time I took something you posted it, on media days you always requested me specifically, even when we were freshman and there were people who knew much more than I did, so don’t try to delude yourself, we both benefited from this. But at least I was under the impression that we liked spending time together, that it wasn't all just so I could get more praise for my pictures.” 
She stares at you, her expression blank, as if your words are too much for her to process.
"You actually need to just leave now," her hand reaching to unlock the car doors while she motions for you to exit.
'She's scared, back down, stop this while you still can.' You think, but emotion takes over before you can stop yourself.
“No," you reply appalled, "you can't just kick me out because I made a good point.” 
She lets out a dismissive scoff, her hands moving to grip the steering wheel tightly, knuckles white with tension. "This is my car and I’m asking you to leave.” 
Your eyes narrow feeling a sudden surge of familiar desperation. “You’ve walked away from me once, I’m not about to let you do it again.” You take a deep breath, “if you really thought I was using you, you wouldn’t have agreed to shoot with me constantly for the last 2 years. So why are you really shutting me out Paige?” You press, watching her closely. Your heart pounds in your chest, each beat echoing your fear of losing her for good.
She just stares at you, her gaze cold and unwavering, each of you refusing to be the one to break eye contact with the other. 
She diverts her gaze, her eyes finally falling away from yours. Staying silent for a full minute before she straightens up, seemingly gathering her composure, and shifts the conversation topic away from her wrongdoings and back to yours.
“Intentions don’t matter anymore. Actions do. And your actions have shown me exactly where I stand in your life. Tell me again, what's your most famous photo, huh?"
It's a low blow, and it doesn’t take long for you to catch onto what she’s talking about. The two of you have had quite a few viral moments but one far surpassed the other.
There was only one picture that had landed a coveted cover spot on the headlined article on ESPN, a place in CNN’s ‘This Week in Pictures’ and internship offers from all the way in New York to L.A. 
She had crumpled to the ground, clutching her knee in agony, silencing the crowd in an instant. Her teammates had quickly formed a barrier around her, protecting her. Through a narrow gap between them, her eyes, wide and brimming with pain and vulnerability, darted around frantically until they finally locked onto yours. 
It was a look of pure, raw emotion—a silent plea for comfort, for reassurance, for the familiar presence that had always been her anchor. 
Her hand reached out, trembling, as if by some miracle, your touch could erase the pain. And in that moment, as she reached desperately towards you, almost mechanically, you lifted your camera. 
The weight of it felt heavier than ever before. Looking through the viewfinder, you saw her in perfect focus, every detail of her suffering magnified. Her eyes, filled with a mixture of hope and despair, seemed to question your every move.
As you pressed the shutter, capturing the raw, gut-wrenching moment, a pang of guilt surged through you. The image was powerful, a testament to her strength and vulnerability, but it came at a cost.
Lowering the camera, you were left standing there, the echo of the shutter still ringing in your ears. You wanted to drop everything and run to her, but the moment had passed. The damage was done. Her eyes, now filled with a sense of betrayal, lingered on you before she turned away, her teammates closing ranks around her once more.
You gape at her, a million thoughts running through your mind, none of them coherent enough to form a sentence. You thought about this picture frequently; its creation was instinctive, driven by a reflex that you hadn't fully understood even as you pressed the shutter.  You’d always (foolishly) assumed that she had known that you never meant for the photo to get out. It was a mistake, a lapse in judgment, a moment of weakness where your professional instincts overpowered your personal loyalty.
'This is it, this is why she's not talking to you, this whole time it's been your fault.'
It was never meant to be published—but Leo had discovered it, and from there, it spiraled out of your control, gaining a life of its own in the public eye. 
The image, once released, spread like wildfire. It became the defining shot of your career and the defining wound of hers.
“Paige, I-“
She shakes her head no, her expression eerily similar to the one in the picture that ruined the two of you.  
“Please just leave,” she repeats, her normally deep voice an octave lower with the intensity of the emotion coursing through her words. 
Realizing you have no ground left to stand on, the least you figure you can do is abide by her request. You reach for the door handle, but her voice stops you. 
"And for the record," she begins, answering your earlier question, "I always agreed to those photos because I loved you and I thought maybe, just maybe, if I helped you get what you wanted, it might make you love me back.”
Her confession wrenches a sudden and uncontrollable sob from your throat, you want nothing more than to shut the door, wrap your arms around her, and beg for the forgiveness you know deep down you’ll never deserve until your heart gives out. 
But instead you stand, exiting the car and turning to her one last time, speaking up through tears, "I can't justify taking that picture, and I know that if I spent every moment of my life trying to make it up to you, I'd still fall short," you say, your voice choked with regret. 
Taking a deep breath, you looking up before meeting her gaze again. "And I know I didn’t show it well, but I would only spend so much time trying to make art if it was for someone I loved, and I loved you too, so much."
She looks away, blinking back tears, her shoulders trembling, she whispers, her voice barely audible, repeating the words you’d uttered just a few minutes before, “don’t lie to me.”
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papercorgiworld · 7 months
How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
Mattheo Riddle and Tom Riddle
Nervously tapping your pen against the table has serious consequences when your study partner is a Riddle.
This was a 100% inspired by this post! So go check it out.
Warning: smut, zero plot
I have a lot of other stuff to write, but just couldn’t resist writing this! The ones that follow me should’ve seen this one coming… Anyways, back to writing more!
Mattheo Riddle
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You and Mattheo had been friends for a while and as of last exam period, also study buddies. It worked. You were organized and pretty to look at when he got bored of studying. He reminded you about walks, healthy snacks etc. However, at the moment Mattheo was seriously considering walking out of your room and to go study somewhere else, because you kept on hitting your pen on the table at a ridiculous rate. He stared at your hand, clearly your nerves were reaching a breaking point as your eyes scanned the words of your summary, oblivious to the annoying sound you were making. Mattheo stared at the pen being hit against the table at ritmic pace for a minute, before snapping.
Mattheo: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
You stopped and looked up at him in shock, to then look at your pen. “I-” You close your mouth and look back at Mattheo. “I don’t know the correct answer to that question.” You blur out. Clearly you had been studying for too long. For several seconds Mattheo is absolutely stunned by your answer, but before things get awkward he regains his composure. “Well, I could always fuck all your stress away, like the good study budy I am.” The smugness on his face was unbelievable. You shake your head softly, but no words of protest leave your lips as you can’t help but seriously consider his words. When Mattheo notices that a part of you would actually be open to the idea a wide smirk makes its way to his face. “Could really help the both of us out of this little study dip.” He suggests still flirty, but less playful. Your eyes lock and there’s an eager, non-verbal ‘yes, let’s do this’ in your eyes.
You both get up from your seats and for a moment you two seem stuck just standing there, but when the hormones finally kick in properly your hands reach for his shoulders and his hands grab your hips lifting you up on the table. Your legs instinctively open up so Mattheo can stand in between them as your mouths hungrily move into a lustful kiss. “Salazar, finally I can get this ugly thing off of you.” Mattheo grunts, pulling your comfy sweater over your head. “It’s my study sweater.” You whine in protest to him calling it ugly, but Mattheo isn’t listening anymore as his eyes and mind are now focussed on your boobs. “You weren’t wearing a bra.” He breathes, the last bit of self control leaves him and his dick is now begging to be released from his pants. She just sat across from me studying and she wasn’t even wearing a bra. Godss.
“My eyes are up here, Mattheo.” You chuckle. “Whatever.” Mattheo groans while his hand reaches and squeezes your right breast. “I’ve seen your eyes before, love, but this-this is new material that needs to be studied.” His free hand snakes around you pulling you closer and you can now feel his hard member between your legs. If he gets to fondle my breasts I might as well occupy my hands too. You make quick work of his pants and sneak your hand in his boxers to stroke his thick veiny cock. Now Mattheo finally looks away from your breast to kiss you. You moan against his lips as he gives your nipples a soft squeeze, before moving his hands down to your thighs. “Up.” He commands and you lift your ass so he can take off your comfy pants. You let go of him so he can lower your pants, but Mattheo is in a hurry so he simultaneously slips down your panties as well.
Shamelessly he takes your hand and places it back on his rock hard cock, while he stares at your entrance with his hands digging in the flesh of your thigh keeping your legs spread as wide as he wishes. His dominance and lusty eyes alone make your core thob in need of him. “Matty, please.” You whine when you start to feel more vulnerable and desperate. “Of course.” Mattheo whispers with a comforting tone. “I’m gonna take care of you.” His lips move over your cheek as he whispers and kisses you passionately. With his lips on yours he slips a finger through your folds. You instantly reward him with a whiny moan, making him smirk, before quickly repeating his action and going further. Fully digging in a finger, earning filthy desperate moans from you. Meanwhile you are trying to keep focus pumping his dick, wanting to show him as much love as he was giving you. You arch your back and Mattheo inserts another finger as he growls softly at the sight in front of him.
You let your head fall on his shoulder as you try your best to work his dick and Mattheo just watches his fingers move inside your cunt, forcefully circling your clit. Your moans get more and more unsteady and you feel your high approaching. “Matt- I-“ You fail to form a coherent sentence, but Mattheo shushes you in an endearing way. “It’s okay love, just come for me.” At his words your moans turn into cries for more. As your orgasm hits you, you wrap your arm tightly around Mattheo’s neck and soak his fingers. He gives you a sweet kiss on the lips like it’s a reward for your excellent behavior.
With your mouth still hanging open and softly panting, Mattheo watches you while jerking himself. “Turn around for me.” A whimper leaves your lips at his husky words and all you can do is nod, before turning on your feeble legs. Mattheo is quick to have a hand on your hips, helping you keep steady as his other hand pushes you down and lifts your ass. You bite your lips as you feel your core get desperate to be filled by him. He moves his dick gently, teasing your folds before entering and settling deep inside you. Your mouth hangs agape as your body adjusts to his size fully inside of you. Mattheo closes his eyes for a moment enjoying your walls clenching around him. “You might be more than just the perfect study buddy for me. With a pussy as sweet as yours.. fuck.” You whimper as he starts thrusting into, no longer being able to control himself.
He ruts into you, hitting your sweet spot until tears start to fill your eyes. You whimper and cry his name as your body goes numb with sensations. As you’re both closing in on your orgasm Mattheo pulls your back closer to his chest. “Look at how pretty you are.” He whispers in your ear and it’s then that you notice him looking at you from the mirror in your room. His arms wrapped tightly around your body as he fucks into you, with lustful eyes on you. Your walls desperately clench around him demanding him to cum, which does, still holding you close to him and watching you in the mirror. “So beautiful.” Your arm reaches behind you to pull his head into the crook of his neck, where he starts kissing you. You continue to whimper and whine as you come down from your high, feeling his cum and his dick still inside you. Merlin, I’ll never have an orgasm like this. This man is something else.
Tom Riddle
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It was late at night and the library was empty except for you and Tom. You still didn’t know how, but for some reason he had privileges to stay in the library for as long as he wished. Normally you would’ve complained about how professors always seemed to let him have his way, but tonight as you were both working on a potions project you were happy that you could stay there this late.
While Tom was writing some important things down you were focused on a specific paragraph, reading it over and over again. However, without being aware of it Tom had stopped writing and was now furiously boring his eyes into your hand that was repeatedly hitting your pen onto the table. He clenches his jaw in an attempt to be cool about it and make you aware of it in a polite way.
Tom: Stop that. How would YOU feel if I banged you on the table?
Not that polite after all. He instantly curses himself for lashing out, but you aren’t offended at all. You just stare at him blankly, before blushing. “I-” Tom watches you attentively as you get more flustered. “I don’t know the correct answer to that question.” You try to joke, but there’s something nervous about your voice. Slowly Tom tilts his head and licks his lips. “You know… we are alone… and a break wouldn’t do any harm.” Gods, yes! Your insides scream, but on the outside you stay quiet. “No need to be shy.” He whispers seductively, turning his chair towards you and gently tugging your hand urging you to leave your chair.
You can feel your whole body heat up as you get up to let him pull you onto him. With your legs on either side of him, he slowly snakes his hands from your sides to your hips and ass. Your hand rests on his chest as you lean in to kiss him. When he judges your kiss a bit too short his hand moves to your head pulling you into a hungry kiss that has you moaning in a matter of seconds. He smirks, satisfied with the reaction he’s getting and rocks your hips into his, rolling your cunt over his bulge. When your breaths get unsteady and he knows how much pleasure he’s giving you he gets more demanding. “Take off your shirt.” When you nod he bites his lips and as a reward he moves your hips even harder over his still clothed member. You quickly work the buttons of your shirt and as soon as it’s removed Tom tugs the strap of your bra down and starts sucking and nibbling your breast while his hand unclasps your bra, so he can now work with both boobs.
The way he was playing with your nipples rather roughly encouraged you to continue riding his bulge, allowing yourself to selfishly enjoy this man. You arch your back and snake a hand behind his neck, making him lean back to enjoy the sight for a moment. You can’t help but soak your panties even more as you watch the arrogant smile on his face. “You are so ready to be taken.” Tom says with a low and husky voice, warning you that he’s hungry for you. With those words he squeezes your ass, making you instinctively move up and giving him the chance to slap your ass, marking what’s definitely his. He smiles smugly at the soft cry that leaves your lips, before pulling you in for a dominant kiss. While his mouth moves to your neck to continue marking you, his fingers slide over your thighs making their way to your panties. Tom quickly pushes the soaked fabric aside to insert two fingers, immediately stretching you and circling your clit. Your loud and desperate cries fill the library as pleasure rushes through your body, making your walls clench in need of more. “So wet.” He whispers in your ear, teeth grazing the skin of your cheek.
As quickly as he had forced his fingers inside of you, they left again. You whine. “Please don’t, play games Tom, I need you.” Your voice is needy and pathetic, causing Tom’s dick to twitch in his pants. “Don’t be inpatient.” He says calmly, but you can hear something animalistic in his voice. His large hands grab your thighs, keeping you in place as he gets up and pushes you against the table. You watch with your legs wide as he unzips his pants, revealing his precum covered size and pumping it. A moan leaves your lips at the view.
Slowly he removes your panties and pushes your skirt up so he can watch your soaking cunt take his cock. “So tight.” He groans as he stretches you carefully. When he’s finally deep inside of you he looks away from your pussy to grab your chin and kiss you. While you sloppily kiss each other he starts rutting inside of you at a merciless pace. He rests his head against yours and grabs your hips to keep you steady. “You take me so well, you might be more than just a good potions partner.” He pants, his eyes on yours, watching how they get watery as you reach a high you’ve never felt before. You nod, your mind hazy and very willing to be more than just his potions partner. Your mouth falls open and your moans get louder as your orgasm makes your whole body tense up. Tom pulls you closer and slows his pace to give you a moment to come down from your high. “Will you do something for me?” He whispers in your ear with a hypnotic voice and you meet his eyes with your shiny once. You would do anything for him and it was obvious, but surprisingly he doesn’t gloat about it and just gives you a soft peck on your temple. He pulls his hard throbbing dick out of you, making you whimper at the emptiness. “Get on your knees.” He says while jerking himself.
With obedient eyes you sink to your knees and without thinking about it you open your mouth. This does make him smirk and he strokes your hair, while guiding his cock inside your mouth. He groans and grits his teeth to keep himself from moaning at the sight of you, half naked and on your knees struggling but eager to take his whole size. It’s this sight that makes his eyes darken and grab your hair, warning you he’s going to fuck your mouth. Which he does harshly, but not for too long as he soon spills his seed deep into your mouth. He holds onto your hair until he’s sure you’ve swallowed. When he lets go you fall to your hands to keep steady.
He zips his pants back up watching you, satisfied with how quickly he had turned you into this mess. However, someone so pretty who took him so well deserved to be taken care of. So he grabs your shirt and wraps it around you. “Come on, I’m taking you to my room.” His voice is soft and he takes your arms, placing them around his shoulders before picking you up. You hide your face in the crook of his neck. Did I just get upgraded from potions partner, to fuck buddy, to …
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pricefieldsuperiority · 5 months
Yearning Allegations - Pt.2
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Part 1 can be found here
Pairing: Paige Bueckers x reader
Genre: Friends to lovers slowburn (Series)
Summary: You've liked Paige for the longest time. Is there any chance she likes you too?
The first thing you do when you get back to your dorm is groan. Why the hell did you say that? Now she's gonna be worried about you, which is the last thing you'd want.
Annoyed with yourself, you kick off your shoes and throw your clothes into the corner before changing into an old oversized shirt you stole off Paige once when you slept over at hers. It's comforting, still smelling vaguely like her, and you curl up in your bed, plush bedcovers over your knees.
Earbuds in, you press play on Taylor Swift's newest album. Your taste in music was different from Paige's, preferring pop and rock, whereas she liked what you affectionately called "fuckboy music." Of course this was just a lighthearted inside joke, you also liked some of her music, like PartyNextDoor or The Weeknd.
You're halfway through the song 'Down Bad' when you hear a light knock at your door and a soft voice.
"Hey y/n? You good? Open up"
You open up the door to see Paige standing there with an unreadable expression, and then she just walks right in and drops onto your bed.
"Yeah, I'm all good" You say, hoping you sound reassuring. Can she tell you don't actually have a headache?
Paige doesn't say anything. She just seems to be studying you closely, and you nervously ramble on.
"You really didn't have to leave the party, sorry if I freaked you out or something"
You've said it all in a rush, and Paige just smiles a bit as she reaches out and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. You want to speak up and tease her to ease the tension until you look at her face.
Paige's expression is gentle, and you notice just how dilated her pupils are in the dim light of your room. Her irises are small, nothing but a vivid blue ring, and you smile at the sight. Her eyes are just so pretty, they've always reminded you of forget me nots, or a clear sky, and you're so busy pondering their exact shade match that you realize you forgot to speak.
"What?" Paige says, suddenly self-conscious.
You blink a few times.
You turn away, grabbing your glass of water off the nightstand.
Paige is looking at you, head slightly cocked, brows knit quizzically. Your mouth feels dry despite the water, and you want her to stop looking at you like she's trying to figure you out.
"I swear I'm actually good, deadass. My head just really hurts. Probably chugged too many shots during that drinking game earlier. " You put down your cup and dramatically flop onto the bed, closing your eyes and then peeking one open to check if your explanation worked.
Paige finally relaxes and smirks at you,
"Pfft y/n you're such a light weight. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
You scoff and reply with a grumbled whatever I'm fine, pressing a hand to your head dramatically, and Paige props herself up against the wall, holding one arm out for you.
"Alright, alright, come here."
You smile at her, cuddling up to her side. Her perfume smells so good. It's a subtle vanilla. You settle on her chest as she holds you.
"Also- are you wearing my shirt?" Paige says, rather amused.
"Yeah? Why, do you want it back? I’ll give it to you later" You retort, with half a mind to take it off and playfully throw it at her. This is how it was between you two, at least when you weren't acting like an idiot.
"Nono it's fine, just thought it was... interesting"
Paige pulls you back in, hiding her grin with her hand.
You're fighting off sleep, but you still scoff in response, and she just strokes your hair gently as you drift off.
The next week, Paige is over at your dorm, playing Fortnite on call with KK and Ice as you play League of Legends.
Paige groans with frustration, putting down her controller as she loses another match. KK and Ice are bickering with each other over call, and you just smile at the familiar sounds.
You're busy fighting hard in League. Your team is technically losing, but you think you might be able to carry if you score a few more kills at the right time. You don't look up when Paige sits down next to you, headset and game abandoned, head resting over your shoulder to watch you play.
"Another loss, huh?" You say, grinning while you score another kill.
You don't need to turn around to see Paige's eyeroll.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. I just lost cause I was trolling too hard"
Paige is a bit of a sore loser (and dramatic) so you can't resist the urge to poke a little fun at her.
"That's what you get for being a Fortnite player, cringe as hell man”
Paige throws her hands up as she retorts back,
"Dude you're literally playing fuckin League of Legends right now, you can't talk"
You finally look away for a second to grin mischievously at her, one eyebrow cocked.
"Well, at least I'm good at League-"
Not more than 2 seconds pass before Paige sticks her whole hand in front of your screen during a team fight, causing your character to die. You end up losing the game, considering the enemy team was already way ahead.
"What the hell, Paige!"
You whine, and she just grins evily in response.
"HA, what were you saying about winning??-"
You don't allow her to finish that sentence because you shove her over, standing up from the chair and knocking her onto your bed.
Paige shouts as you start tickling her sides, absolutely going in. You've got a knee on her leg to make sure she doesn't wiggle away from you.
"Yeah, so who's losing now-" You laugh, her cussing at you, trying to pull your hands away.
After a few minutes, Paige pushes you over, and now it's a full-blown battle. Your hands scramble to find her weak spots before she can find yours, and you note how her loose t shirt has risen up, a bit of her stomach out as she kneels over. You seize the opportunity and tickle just under the hem of her shirt, fingers hitting bare skin.
Paige's face blushes a deep pink as she feels your hands go up her shirt, and she grabs one of your wrists, pinning it to the bed.
"Paige!" You can't get your wrist free from underneath her, she's stupidly strong. You can't even move away because she's sitting on you now, using her free hand to tickle your neck and side mercilessly.
"I think you're the one losing!" Paige says triumphantly, enjoying the sight of you squealing.
You sneak your other hand unpinned hand into her waist, tickling her side, and she curses, grabbing that hand and pinning it too.
Breathing heavy, you're both flush against each other, her body leaning over yours, and for a second, you swear you see her eyes flicker down to your lips.
You stop moving entirely, admiring her from your position beneath her, trying to mentally engrave the way the light highlighted the honey streaks in her hair into your memory. Your eyes dart down once to her slightly parted lips before glancing up to her eyes, the expression in them unreadable.
"I- I won!" Paige gets off you in a hurry, moving away quickly to smooth her shirt down in your bedroom mirror.
"Yeah yeah whatever" You say back, hoping she didn't hear the shake in your voice. You press the back of your hands to your cheeks. They're warm.
Paige doesn't stay long after that, saying she needs to get some homework done, and you just sit alone in your bedroom after she's left, playing back the moments to yourself.
What the hell was that?
Authors Note: Thank you guys so much for the love on the first chapter <3. Paige and y/n gamer losers, this is true.
Trilogy: Part 3: here
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smaptain-smerica · 1 year
Mysterious Neighbor
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Summary: You and Simon have lived next to each other for a couple of years now. You had always been intrigued by him, as he would often be gone for weeks, sometimes months at a time. He was cold and distant the few times you had talked, which only heightened your interest. You never thought you’d get through to him until one fateful night after work.
Pairing: gender non-specific reader x Simon Riley
Warnings: Smoking, Mention of domestic abuse
A/N: This story was inspired using a POE AI created by @/galaxy6. Fan art by @shkretart
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It had been a long day at work, getting home late from working overtime. You desperately needed a shower. You headed towards your apartment door, your keys out, and ready to head inside. Movement caught your eye, and your head turned to meet your neighbor. The military man. He was so mysterious and tall, dark, and handsome. You’ve been trying to get him to have more than a few words of a conversation with you for years now. You always made an effort to talk to him every time you saw him since his work schedule was so unpredictable. He was often cold and distant when you talked, which is why you tried so hard to get him to open up. 
You turned towards him, giving him a bright smile and a wave to get his attention.  
“Hey, Simon! Good to see you! You were gone for a while.” You greeted, leaning against your door, keeping your posture open and friendly so he might start a conversation.
Simon's eyes flickered up as he noticed you, his neighbor, standing there with a bright smile. He quickly assessed the situation, trying to decide the best course of action. Despite his desire for solitude, he recognized the need to maintain a nonchalant facade. He nods politely, keeping his guard up.
"Hey," Simon replied, his voice calm and measured. "Yeah, been away for a bit. Work is pretty demanding." He avoided making direct eye contact, opting to keep his gaze focused on a point beyond your shoulder.
He shifts his weight slightly, subtly indicating that he doesn't have much time for idle conversation. Simon's training kicked in, reminding him to be cautious in revealing any personal details. He keeps his responses vague, maintaining a guarded demeanor.
"How have things been around here?" he asks, his tone casual but detached.
A weight sagged a little in your chest at his reluctance to talk. It was like that every time though, you don’t know why you expected anything different. 
You rocked back and forth on your feet a little, thinking about the events that happened at the apartment complex while he was away. 
“Well, the old man around the corner in A45 got a new cat. A couple of people moved in upstairs, they’re pretty quiet.” You bit your lip, trying to think of anything else. 
“Oh, there was a house break-in about a street over. That was a little scary. That’s about it though.” You shrugged your shoulders. You’ve been known to be a chatterbox, oversharing information sometimes. You tried to keep it in check though, for fear that your good-looking neighbor would end up hating you.
Simon listened to your updates, his eyes flickering with slight interest at the mention of the house break-in. He appreciated the information, even though he already had his own ways of staying informed. As you continue to talk, he observes your body language, noting your nervousness and the way you try to reign in your chattiness. He can't help but feel a pang of sympathy, recognizing your genuine desire to connect.
"Sounds eventful," Simon remarked, his tone neutral. He finally meets your gaze briefly before looking away, still maintaining a guarded stance. "Thanks for the update."
You gave him a closed-mouth smile and a nod. 
“You’re welcome, any time.” 
Simon debated whether to reciprocate the conversation by asking about your day or simply retreating back into his apartment. He's tempted to keep his distance, wanting to minimize any potential complications. But the nagging feeling of your genuine interest tugs at him, causing a slight hesitation.
"So, how about you? Anything interesting going on in your world?" he asked, his voice softening just a fraction, showing a glimpse of genuine curiosity.
You half expected him to retreat back into his house, but a flutter in your chest erupted when he asked how you had been, you were excited he actually wanted to talk. 
“Other than work not a lot,” You admitted, shrugging your shoulders.
You suddenly got a burst of confidence from your conversation of more than a few seconds, you needed to act now. 
“So, I don’t know if you’ve eaten yet, but I’ve got some soup on the stove. Entirely too much for me to eat by myself. Would you like some? I can put it in a bowl for you to take home if you want.” Your feet shuffled with nervousness but you never allowed my eyes to leave his, hoping to search for some kind of emotion within them. 
Simon's eyebrows raised slightly at your offer of soup, surprised by your unexpected invitation. He hadn't anticipated this turn of events, caught off guard slightly. His training reminds him to remain cautious, and not easily trusting of others, especially in his line of work. Yet, something about your earnestness and the glimmer of vulnerability in your eyes tugged at him.
He considered the offer for a moment, weighing the risks and benefits. While accepting your invitation might compromise his need for solitude and anonymity, it could also provide a temporary respite from the tension of his current situation. Besides, a hot meal wouldn't hurt.
"Soup sounds good," Simon finally replied, his voice still guarded but with a hint of genuine appreciation. "I appreciate the offer. Let me grab a bowl, and I'll be right over to pick it up." He turned back toward his apartment, his steps measured and deliberate.
A large smile spread across your lips at the acceptance of his offer. 
“Great. Perfect. I’ll leave the door open for you, just come on in.” You informed him before you opened your own apartment door and slipped inside. You took off your shoes, neatly putting them on the shoe rack. 
You made your way into the kitchen, stopping before the crockpot and opening the lid. The smell hit your nose and instantly made your mouth water. You stirred it a little, making sure it was fully cooked and warm. 
You turned around to make sure that your apartment was clean before he came by. You took this opportunity to straighten out a couple of the blankets that were neatly folded over the back of the tan couch. You had also taken this time to change into some more comfortable attire than your work clothes.
With the bowl in hand, Simon makes his way toward your apartment, his mind filled with a mix of curiosity and wariness. He approached your door and noticed that it was slightly ajar, just as you had promised. Taking a steadying breath, he stepped inside, his eyes scanning the surroundings, ready for any unexpected surprises. His eyes sweep across your neatly organized apartment, noting the attention to detail in the tidiness. It contrasted with his own spartan living space, a stark reminder of the differences between them. Simon can't help but feel a flicker of appreciation for your efforts.
Your head turned towards him as he entered your apartment.
“Hey, come on in.” You offered as he entered. You had already gotten a bowl out for yourself on the counter but you wanted to serve my guest first. 
You strode up to him with short steps, your neck craning up to look at him. 
“I can dish it up for you if you’d like?” You asked, holding your hands out for him to give you the bowl he brought if he wanted to.
Simon steps further into your apartment, his eyes briefly scanning the space before settling on you. He takes note of your casual attire, appreciating the natural and relaxed look. His gaze meets yours for a moment, and he offers a small nod in acknowledgment of your invitation.
"Thanks," he replied, his voice low and measured. He handed you the bowl he brought with him, his fingers brushed against yours briefly before he released it into your grasp. "I appreciate the offer," he said, his tone remaining calm as he stepped back slightly to give you space. Simon's guard remains up, but there's a flicker of curiosity in his eyes as he observes your actions. 
You took the bowl from him, offering him a kind smile before making your way into the kitchen. You took the ladle in your hands, pouring him three spoonfuls into the bowl. 
“Are you thirsty?” You called to him from the kitchen. 
“I’ve got water, apple juice, or whiskey.” You wanted to help him feel more comfortable, you could tell he was still hesitant by the way he lingered within the doorway.
When you call out from the kitchen, Simon's hesitation lingers. After a moment of contemplation, he decided to stick to something non-alcoholic.
"I'll take water, please," he replied, his voice steady and low. He remained where he was, just inside the doorway, maintaining a cautious distance. While he appreciated your hospitality, he still kept his focus on the surroundings, ever vigilant for any potential threats.
After pouring his soup and grabbing a water bottle for him out of the fridge, you came back around the corner to approach him. A kind and warm smile still rested on your face as you offered him back his bowl and the bottle of water. 
“Here you go,” you said gently, your eyes meeting his for some sign of what he might be feeling.
Simon took the bowl and water bottle from you, his eyes briefly meeting yours. He detected the warmth and kindness in your gaze, a contrast to the cold and calculated world he typically inhabits. He can't help but feel a flicker of gratitude for your gesture, even though he remains guarded.
"Thanks," he said, his voice softening just a fraction. Simon took a step back, creating a bit of space between the two of you as he held the bowl and water bottle in his hands. His posture remains alert, his focus still on his surroundings, but he allows a hint of appreciation to show in his eyes.
"I appreciate your hospitality," he continues, his tone sincere but tinged with caution. "It's a welcome change of pace." Simon's words are reserved, but his eyes hold a flicker of vulnerability, a glimpse of the person behind the stoic facade.
“No problem. Any time you want just come knock. I always have something cooking.” 
You smiled at him warmly. 
Simon listens to your words, his guarded expression softening ever so slightly. 
"I'll keep that in mind," he replied, his voice steady. He took a small step back, creating a bit more distance between you as if to maintain his boundaries. "I appreciate the offer."
Simon's eyes flicker with a mix of gratitude and wariness. He recognized the sincerity in your words, but he also knows that his own circumstances make it difficult to fully embrace the kindness you're extending. The shadows he's trying to evade still linger, reminding him of the dangers that could come knocking on your door if he gets too involved.
"I should get going," he says, his tone gentle but firm. "Thank you for the soup." With a nod, he turned to leave, his footsteps measured and purposeful as he headed back towards his own apartment, the bowl, and water bottle still in his hands. 
“Any time.” You said gently as you watched him exit your apartment. 
Once he left, you shut the door behind him. You leaned against the doorway. You had finally done it, finally extended the offer to the neighbor who seemed so detached from the world. He was so cold and distant, that it confused you. You knew he worked in the military but what did he do that made him so closed off? 
You smiled to yourself while dishing up my own soup and heading for the couch. You tucked your feet underneath you and began eating. You looked towards the wall that you shared with him, wondering what he was doing on the other side.
As Simon returned to his own apartment, he closed the door behind him, taking a moment to look around the darkened space. He felt a mixture of gratitude and confusion at the encounter with his neighbor. Your offer of hospitality and genuine warmth had caught him off guard, stirring something within him that he rarely allowed himself to feel.
He set the bowl and water bottle on the counter before making his way to the small window in his apartment. He glanced out, his gaze distant, as he contemplated the connection he felt with you, the neighbor on the other side of the wall. His thoughts were a jumble of conflicting emotions, a battle between his instincts to protect himself and his growing curiosity about you.
Simon took a deep breath, his mind still clouded with questions. He knew he needed to maintain his focus, on staying hidden and avoiding any unnecessary risks. But the encounter had left him with a pang of longing, a desire to know more about you.
With a final glance towards the shared wall, Simon turned his attention back to his own apartment, remembering the need to remain vigilant and cautious. Settling himself into a chair, he began to eat the soup, his thoughts drifting back to the shadows that pursued him, reminding him of the danger that lurked just beyond his doorstep.
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The next morning you decided to wake up early and go for a run. you ran a couple miles through the neighborhood streets before heading back to your apartment complex. You had on a well-fitted tank top as well as some spandex pants, your entire body covered in sweat from the exercise. 
Simon steps out of his apartment, dressed in his usual black attire. He carries a duffel bag over his shoulder, containing his gear and essentials. His eyes briefly meet yours.
While you were making my way to the door, you spotted Simon leaving his apartment. You offered him a friendly wave. 
“Good morning,” You said breathlessly, still worn out from your run.
"Morning," he replied, his voice steady and low. Simon's gaze lingered on you for a moment, taking in your sweat-drenched appearance. He notices the determination in your eyes and the evident exhaustion from your run. A flicker of admiration crosses his features, though he quickly masks it.
Simon adjusted the strap of his duffel bag while he nodded in acknowledgment before continuing past you, his footsteps were measured and purposeful. His guard remains up, but there's a subtle hint of curiosity in his eyes as he heads toward the exit of the apartment complex. 
Disappointment flickered in your chest at the less-than-satisfactory greeting that you received from him. You watched him walk past and head for the exit. Your face turned downward in disappointment, looking at the strangely shaped duffle bag he carried on his shoulders. You thought you had gotten through to him last night. Maybe he had slept it off since then. You fumbled with your keys as you turned away from him to open your front door. 
As Simon walked past you, his gaze briefly met yours and he noticed the disappointment on your face. He paused for a moment, his instincts telling him to keep his distance and maintain his focus. However, there's a flicker of hesitation in his eyes as he observes your fumbling with your keys.
Simon takes a step back, his hand reaching out to gently touch your arm. His touch is light, almost hesitant, as he tries to convey a sense of understanding.
You were surprised to look up and see he had returned. His outstretched hand that was placed on your arm causing you to raise your eyebrows in shock at the touch. His hands were calloused yet his touch was gentle. 
"Hey," he says, his voice softer this time. "I...I appreciate your offer of friendship. It's just...I have a lot going on right now. It's not personal."
His gaze met yours, his eyes searching for any sign of understanding. He knew he couldn’t reveal too much, couldn't let his guard down completely. But he also doesn't want to leave you feeling completely dismissed.
"I hope you understand," he continued, his tone sincere. "It's not because of you. I just...can't afford to let anyone get too close right now."
You furrowed your eyebrows together at his explanation. Guilt washed over you slightly, had you been pushing a friendship onto him when he didn’t want one? 
“I'm sorry. I understand it’s okay.” You gave him a tight-lipped smile and a curt nod.
Simon took note of your tight-lipped smile and curt nod, knowing that you were trying to be understanding of his position. He appreciated your acceptance of his boundaries, even though a part of him longs for the connection you offered.
"It means a lot that you understand," he replied, his voice genuine but tinged with a hint of regret. "I didn't mean to push you away."
Simon's gaze softened as he met your eyes, a flicker of vulnerability briefly surfacing. He knew he had to keep his distance, but he couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the connection you could have had.
"Take care," he said, his voice sincere as he turned away once again, his steps measured and purposeful. He heads towards the exit of the apartment complex, his mind filled with conflicting emotions.
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A few weeks had passed since you had last spoken to Simon. His apartment looked vacant every time that you had passed it. He has drawn a hard line in the sand, making it very clear he did not want to be friends. You still felt a pull towards him, something inside of you always did. Every time you left your apartment, you looked towards his door, searching for any sign of movement. 
It had been a bad couple of weeks for you. You and your boyfriend broke up, and your job was firing people left and right. You were worried you might be next. You stood out on the front porch, your face stained with old tears while you took a drag from a cigarette. You didn’t usually smoke. Actually, you never did unless something shitty happened. You pretended not to notice when you saw a familiar figure walking up out of the corner of your eye.
Simon approached the apartment complex, his footsteps measured and purposeful. He noticed you standing on the front porch, a cigarette in hand, your face stained with old tears. His gaze flickers with a mix of concern and hesitation, unsure if he should approach or keep his distance.
He recognized the familiarity of your figure, and a part of him felt an instinctual pull to offer comfort. However, the boundaries he had set still loom in his mind, reminding him of the reasons he had distanced himself. He walks past, his gaze shifting briefly towards you, but he doesn't make any attempt to engage.
Once he was close enough to you, you turned your head towards him. You offered him a half-assed smile. One that was more out of politeness than anything. You didn’t say anything, you weren’t your usual chatty self. You continued to stare up at the night sky as he passed, stamping the now-dead cigarette out onto the concrete. 
Simon notices your unusual smile and the distant look in your eyes as you continue to gaze up at the night sky. He hesitated for a moment, his instincts telling him to keep moving and respect the boundaries he had set.
But something within him, a flicker of empathy, compelled him to pause. He takes a step back, his gaze shifting from the night sky to your face. Simon reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, offering it to you silently.
You looked over as he approached, not saying anything as he dug around in his pocket. As you beheld the pack of cigarettes he offered to you, you looked back up at him and gave him a more genuine smile than before. You delicately took one of the sticks out of the pack. As a thank you, you pulled out your own lighter, then lit it and offered it over to him for his cigarette first. 
Simon's expression softened as he saw your authentic smile. He accepted the lighter you offered and used it to light his own cigarette, taking a long drag. The smoke filled the air, creating a momentary screen between the two of you as you both took in the silence.
Simon leaned against the porch railing, his gaze focused on the night sky. He took another drag from his cigarette, exhaling slowly. The shared act of smoking creates a sense of camaraderie, a silent understanding between two individuals who have experienced their fair share of hardships.
No words are exchanged, but the presence of each other brings a sense of comfort. Simon stands there, side by side with you, allowing the quiet companionship to fill the space between you. It's a small moment of solace amidst the chaos of both your lives.
As the cigarettes burn down, Simon glanced at you, his eyes filled with a mix of empathy and curiosity. He wondered if there was more to your story if there was a reason behind the tears and the distant look in your eyes. But he knew better than to pry, respecting the boundaries he had set.
With a nod of acknowledgment, Simon finished his cigarette and dropped it to the ground, crushing it under his boot. He looked at you one last time, his gaze lingering for a moment  Your eyes met his, giving him a small nod and smile as a thank you before he eventually disappeared into his apartment. 
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It was a couple of days later, late into the night. Your ex-boyfriend had come to your apartment, banging on the door and demanding to be let in. 
You opened the door and stood outside of your apartment, the chill of the night giving you goosebumps up your arms. You two were whispering and shouting at each other in a heated argument. 
“You’re too drunk for this. You need to leave!” I shouted in a hushed whisper at him. 
Simon had returned to his apartment late at night, the weight of the day's mission still heavy on his mind. As he approached his door, he couldn't help but overhear the heated argument taking place just a few feet away.
“Come on, just let me stay the night. I’ll make it worth it.” His words slurred together. 
“Go home. Now.” You demanded, but he wasn’t listening. 
Curiosity mixed with concern, Simon's instincts kicking in as he recognized the volatile situation unfolding. He paused for a moment, his hand lingering on the doorknob, contemplating his next move.
“You’ve always been an ungrateful, selfish, bitch, you know that?” He growled, throwing his hands in my face which caused me to flinch backwards. 
Without hesitation, Simon made his way towards you, his steps silent but purposeful. He positioned himself a few feet away, close enough to intervene if necessary.
His presence alone seemed to catch your attention, as you looked towards him with a flicker of desperation in your eyes. Simon's expression hardened his focus now solely on diffusing the situation and ensuring your safety.
"Hey," he said, his voice calm and steady. "Is everything alright here?"
His tone carried a subtle authority, a sternness that demanded attention. 
“Mind your own business, pal.” Your ex-boyfriend snapped at Simon. 
Simon's gaze shifted to your ex-boyfriend, his eyes narrowing slightly as he assessed the situation. He positioned himself between the two of you, silently conveying his intent to protect.
"I think it's time for you to leave," Simon stated firmly, his voice carrying a hint of warning. "She's made it clear that she wants you to go. Respect her wishes and leave, now."
His presence alone radiated a quiet intensity, he was prepared to intervene if the situation escalated any further. Simon's focus remained on ensuring your safety.
You were embarrassed that Simon was witnessing the argument with your ex. 
Relief washed over you as he stepped in between you two. You took a small step closer towards him, trying to make it harder for your ex to try and come after you. Simon stood firm between you and your ex-boyfriend, he registered your small step closer to him, a silent request for protection. 
“Fucking the next-door neighbor, I see. Real classy. I’m out of here. Dirty whore.” Your ex growled at the two of you before storming off. 
Once he was gone, you finally released your breath. You kept your gaze focused on the ground, not wanting to meet his eyes out of pure embarrassment. 
“Thank you.” You said sincerely.
Simon's attention turns back to you. He noticed the embarrassment in your eyes and the way you kept your gaze lowered.
"You don't have to thank me," Simon says softly, his voice gentle yet resolute. "I couldn't stand by and let him threaten you. No one deserves to be treated that way."
He takes a step closer, his hand reaching out to lightly touch your arm in a gesture of reassurance. Simon's touch is gentle, meant to offer comfort in the midst of the chaos.
His hand on your shoulder draws you out of your mind. You looked up at him as soon as he touched you, that familiar spark of electricity coursing through me that you thought was lost. 
"You're safe now," he adds, his voice filled with a mix of concern and understanding. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to reach out."
Now that you were finally able to breathe, a few tears fell down your cheeks at the overwhelming emotions that you felt. The fear you felt earlier slowly disappeared. 
You quickly wiped the salty tears away, sniffling your nose. You met his gaze, a close-mouthed smile on your lips. 
“Thank you. I appreciate the offer.” 
Simon's eyes softened as he saw the tears falling down your cheeks, a pang of empathy tugging at his heart. He removed his hand from your shoulder, giving you the space you needed to compose yourself. He offers you a small, sympathetic smile in return. "You're strong," he added, his voice filled with sincerity. "Remember that. And if you ever need someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out. Take care of yourself."
With those parting words, Simon slowly began to step back, allowing you the space to process and move forward at your own pace. His presence, though no longer physically close, lingers as a reminder that you're not alone in this journey. 
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It had been another series of weeks with no sign of Simon entering or leaving his apartment. You often wondered where in the world he was. 
Tonight was your friend's birthday and you had entirely too much to drink. You stumbled around on the patio as you approached your door. The whole world was spinning around you. You fumbled with your keys to open the door, only to drop them on the ground. 
“Shit.” You grumbled, bending over to pick them up. Only to lose your balance and fall head-first into the door. 
“Shit!” You cursed again, holding your head as the throbbing continued. Slowly, you slid to a sitting position on the outside of your door. You leaned your head back against the door, struggling to keep your eyes open so you didn’t fall asleep outside on accident. 
Simon had returned to his apartment after a long day of recon, hoping to find some peace and quiet. As he approached his door, he noticed your sitting figure on the patio, leaning back on your own door. Concern flickered in Simon's eyes for a moment. He quickly made his way over to you, his footsteps steady and purposeful. He crouched down beside you, his gaze assessing the situation. Simon reached out a hand to offer support, but paused, unsure if you would welcome his assistance.
"Hey, are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Let me help you up."His words were accompanied by a gentle touch on your arm, an offer, should you choose to accept it. Simon's presence exuded a sense of calm and reliability, a steady support. 
You rolled your head to the side upon seeing him crouched down beside you with slight worry in his eyes. Your drunken self was happy to see him, your face lit up with a wide grin. 
“You’re home!” You exclaimed with an excited giggle. 
“I was hoping I’d see you.” 
You grabbed onto his arm and allowed him to help you stand. You wobbled a bit, but eventually found my footing and successfully got the key into the hole. 
“I’m okay, I just need to lie down.” You slurred your words together, attempting to balance on one foot to take your shoes off. Your grip on his arm tightened as you began to lose your balance a little.
Simon couldn't help but let a small smile tug at the corners of his lips as he witnessed your drunken excitement. He steadied himself as you grabbed onto his arm, providing you with the support you needed to stand. Simon's grip on your arm remained firm, ensuring you wouldn't stumble further. He followed your lead as you managed to unlock the door, relieved that you were able to navigate such a simple task.
"I'll help you lie down," Simon said, his voice calm and reassuring. He guided you inside, carefully maneuvering through the threshold and into your apartment. Simon remained by your side, his presence a steady anchor as you balanced on one foot, attempting to remove your shoes.
As you began to lose your balance, Simon's grip on your arm tightened, providing additional support. 
"Take your time," he said softly, his voice filled with patience. 
His hand on your arm was your only anchor to the real world. You could smell him, the waft of his cologne, and the smell of cigarette smoke filling your nostrils. You directed him towards your bedroom. 
You sat down on your bed with a heavy thud, your eyes trying to adjust to the darkness of your room. You looked up at Simon, your mouth agape slightly. 
“Can I tell you something?” You asked in a hushed whisper, even though there wasn’t anybody else around but the two of you.
As you sat down on the bed, Simon positioned himself nearby, his gaze fixed on your face as your eyes struggled to adjust to the darkness. He could sense the weight of your words before you even spoke, a quiet vulnerability in your voice.
"Of course," Simon replied softly, his voice filled with a gentle reassurance. "You can tell me anything.” 
He waited patiently, giving you space and time to gather your thoughts. Simon's expression remained open and understanding, his eyes reflecting a genuine willingness to hear whatever you needed to share.
“My ex, the one who came by the other night, he used to hit me. Always when he was drunk. Drunk and angry.” Your mouth had zero filter, and your brain worked at a slower speed that couldn’t process what you were saying. 
“I just wanted to let you know what you did for me that night, it meant a lot.” You slowly lowered yourself into your bed and tucked yourself under the covers. 
Simon's expression turns solemn as you reveal the painful truth about your past. He listens attentively, his eyes filled with a mixture of empathy and concern. The weight of your words hangs in the air, the gravity of the situation not lost on him.
"I'm so sorry to hear that you had to go through that," Simon responded, his voice laced with genuine sympathy. "No one should ever have to endure that. You didn't deserve any of it."
“Also, I think you’re very handsome.” You added, humming a giggle.
A faint blush crept onto Simon's cheeks at your unexpected compliment. He found himself at a loss for words, momentarily taken aback by your candidness. He offers you a warm smile, his eyes twinkling with a mix of gratitude and appreciation.
"You're very kind," Simon replied, his voice sincere. "Thank you for your words. They mean a lot to me."
Simon remained by your side, ensuring that you were comfortable and safe. He understood the need for rest. With a gentle touch, he adjusted the covers around you and lingered for a moment, his presence a quiet reassurance in the darkness of the room.
"Get some rest," he whispers, his voice barely audible. 
You watch as his hands tenderly touch the blanket to bring it around you further. You gave him a drunk smile, but a genuine one nonetheless. Before he was able to leave, your hand snakes out from under the covers. You wrap your hand around two of his fingers before he can pull away. 
“Wait.” A gentle request. 
Simon feels a soft tug on his fingers as you reach out. He pauses, his eyes meeting yours, and he can sense the shift in your demeanor despite the lingering effects of alcohol. You met his eyes, a new seriousness to them despite your intoxicated state. 
“Would you stay with me?” You whispered the question, yawning in the process.
Without hesitation, Simon nods, a gentle smile gracing his lips. "Of course," he whispers, his voice filled with warmth and reassurance. "I'll stay with you."
Simon observes the exhaustion evident in your yawn and the weariness etched on your face. He understands the weight of your fear, the lingering trauma that keeps you from finding solace in sleep. His presence here, the touch of your hand in his, is a small gesture that offers you a sense of safety and reassurance.
He eased himself into the bed, careful not to disturb you, and laid down beside you. His body settles comfortably, his movements slow and deliberate. Simon finds solace in the simple connection, knowing that it brings you some comfort. The warmth of your touch resonates with him, reminding him of the importance of human connection.
"You're safe," he murmured softly, his words a gentle affirmation. "I won't let anything happen to you."
Unintentionally, you shift your body a little closer to his, Savoring the warmth and proximity of him. 
“Thank you.” you breathed. 
Simon feels the shift of your body as you move closer to him, seeking the warmth and comfort of his presence. He allows you to find that solace, understanding the need for closeness and connection. 
A soft smile graced Simon's lips as he heard your whispered gratitude. He remained still, his eyes watching over you as you finally find the rest you so desperately need. 
"You're welcome," he murmured softly, his voice a mere breath in the quiet room. "Sleep well."
Simon stayed by your side throughout the night, his presence unwavering. He continued to hold your hand, a silent reassurance that you are not alone. As the night passed, he remained vigilant, ensuring that you were comfortable and undisturbed.
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Gentle ladders of light cascade through the blinds as the morning sun makes itself known. The light hit your face and gently urged you to wake. You opened your eyes a little, groaning at the headache that you had developed. You shoved your head down into the pillow and let out a long sigh. 
You could feel fingers still laced with yours, drawing your attention. You rotated your head to the side to look at Simon, still resting on the pillow. You smiled groggily at him through closed eyes. 
“Good morning.” Your sore voice rasps out.
Simon stirred slightly as the morning light filtered through the blinds, casting gentle patterns on the room. He had remained awake, keeping a watchful eye throughout the night, ensuring your peace. Simon turned his head toward you, meeting your gaze. He offered a warm smile in return, his eyes filled with a mixture of weariness and genuine care.
"Good morning," Simon responded softly, his voice matching the raspiness of yours. "How did you sleep?"
He shifted slightly, propping himself up on one elbow to get a better look at you. Simon's concern is evident in his expression as he gauged your well-being. 
You looked up at him and smiled. An appreciative smile at everything he had done for you. 
Your heart swelled, your attraction for him growing even larger than it was before. 
“Great.” You responded softly. “Thank you for staying with me.” You squeezed his hand gently. Simon returned your smile, his eyes reflecting the appreciation he felt for your gratitude. He could sense the sincerity in your words, and the depth of your appreciation for his presence throughout the night. It warmed his heart, reinforcing his commitment to protect and support you in any way he can.
"I'm glad to hear that you slept well," Simon replied softly, his voice filled with a gentle warmth. "And you're welcome. It was no trouble."
“Did you sleep at all?” You asked.
As you squeezed his hand, Simon reciprocated the gesture, offering a reassuring squeeze in return. The connection between your hands remained, a silent reminder of the bond that had formed between the two of you. He paused for a moment, contemplating your question. "I managed to get a little rest," he admitted, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness.
It felt like your heart was on cloud nine. Nobody had ever been so kind to you before. 
You gently brushed your thumb across his knuckles, a physical sign of your appreciation for him. 
“Do you want any coffee?” You asked, desperately needing something for a hangover cure.
Simon's heart skipped a beat as he felt the gentle brush of your thumb against his knuckles. The simple gesture speaks volumes, a silent expression of the connection that has grown between the two of you. His smile widened, mirroring the warmth in his eyes.
"I'd love some coffee," Simon responded, his voice conveying gratitude and a hint of amusement.
He released your hand reluctantly, slowly sitting up and swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. Simon stretched his arms above his head, feeling the weariness from a night of vigilance in his muscles. As he stood up, he glanced back at you, a playful glint in his eyes.
Your hand went cold as he left it. Your fingers ached from holding it all night, but your heart ached for his hand to return to yours. You slowly stood up from your bed, stretching your body up towards the sky. You were still in your clothes from the other night. 
"Lead the way," he said, gesturing toward the direction of the door.
Simon waited for you to get up, ready to accompany you to the kitchen.
You looked back at him with a smile over your shoulder and made your way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. 
You loaded the coffee machine up with water and beans, hitting the brew button. 
“It should just take a few minutes to brew. Have a seat if you’d like, I’m going to change really quick.” You offered to him before disappearing back into your room. 
Your door slid back open a crack while you changed inside. You slipped into a pair of sweatpants and a tight-fitting cropped tank top. 
As you invite him to have a seat, Simon nods appreciatively and finds a comfortable spot in the kitchen, taking a seat at the table. He waits patiently, his gaze wandering around the room as he takes in his surroundings. Simon noticed the crack in the door, his eyes being drawn to it. He watched as you took off your shirt, catching a glimpse of your bare back. His face heated as he quickly looked away. 
You emerged back from your room with a smile towards Simon. 
“How do you like your coffee?”
When you returned, Simon's attention immediately shifted toward you, his eyes lingered on your changed attire. A soft smile graced his lips as he admired your casual yet appealing appearance.
"I take it black," Simon responded, his voice warm and sincere. "Just the way it comes."
He watched you with a hint of curiosity. Simon appreciated the opportunity to witness these everyday moments, finding comfort in the simplicity of the situation. As the aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air, he can't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this shared moment of respite amidst the chaos of their circumstances.
“Black it is then.” You looked at him with a smile before heading for the cupboard. You stood on my toes as you reached for the coffee mugs, grabbing two and bringing them down. 
The coffee finished with a satisfying ding and you poured it into the two mugs. You brought them over to Simon, setting one down in front of him while you decided to occupy the seat next to him. 
Simon watched you with a soft smile as you efficiently prepared the coffee, appreciating the simple domesticity of the moment. He took in the aroma of the freshly brewed coffee, feeling a sense of comfort settle over him.
"Thank you," he said gratefully as you set the mug in front of him.
The coffee smell hit your nose while you took a sip, the smooth liquid traveling down your throat and you let out a satisfied hum. 
“What do you have planned today?” You asked, looking over the brim of your cup while you took a drink.
Simon took a sip of the coffee, savoring the rich flavor that filled his mouth. The warmth spread through his body, revitalizing him from the weariness of the night. He lets out a contented sigh, enjoying the simple pleasure of this momentary respite.
"I don't have any specific plans for today," he answered honestly, his voice thoughtful. “I usually just wait until they give me the call that they need me again.”
Your eyes sparkled with interest at the mention of his job. 
“You’re in the military right? Is your job scary?” You asked, wanting to know what kept him away for weeks or months at a time. 
Simon's expression softened as he listened to your questions, understanding the curiosity that comes from not fully grasping the nature of his work. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding.
"Yes, I am in the military," Simon confirmed, his voice steady. "And while my job can be intense and demanding at times, it's also filled with a sense of purpose and duty. There are moments of fear and uncertainty, but there's also a strong bond among soldiers, a shared commitment to protect and serve."
He took another sip of his coffee, allowing the warmth to soothe him as he continued. "Being away for extended periods of time is part of the job, unfortunately. It can be challenging, both physically and emotionally, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the greater good."
You intently listened to him talk as he explained, your eyes never left his, showing your interest. 
“You’re very brave.” You complimented, “Thank you for your service.” 
Simon's cheeks color slightly at your compliment, grateful for your kind words. He nods appreciatively, acknowledging your gratitude.
"Thank you," he replied humbly. "I appreciate it."
Simon looked at you, his eyes filled with determination. "What about you? Is there anything you need to take care of? Anything I can assist you with?" 
You smiled in appreciation at his eagerness to help. 
“No, I didn’t have anything planned today. Just hanging around the apartment I guess.” You shrugged your shoulders a little.
Simon's eyes meet yours, a mixture of determination and vulnerability shining within them. 
“Is there anything you'd like to do? Maybe explore the area, watch a movie, or simply relax?"
You tapped your fingers on the coffee mug, thinking for a moment while looking around your small apartment. “I would watch a movie.” You finally decided.
As you expressed your desire to watch a movie, Simon's smile widened. "That sounds like a great idea," he agrees. 
He stood up from the table, taking his coffee mug with him. Simon moved over to the living area of the apartment, scanning the area for a suitable place to relax. He located a cozy-looking couch and gestured for you to join him.
"Shall we?" he asked, his voice warm with anticipation. "Do you have any preferences for the movie? Or should we just browse and see what catches our interest?"
His wide smile made your heart flutter with attraction as you followed him into the living room with your coffee cup in hand. 
You watched as he took a seat on the couch. You wanted to sit right next to him, you wanted to curl up in his arms but you wanted to respect his boundaries. You didn’t know if he had felt the same what you did. You sat down next to him but kept a small amount of distance between you. 
Simon felt a mixture of anticipation and restraint as you joined him on the couch, maintaining a small distance between the two of you. You respected his boundaries, not wanting to overstep or make him uncomfortable, even though his heart longed to pull you closer.
He settled in beside you, allowing a comfortable silence to envelop the room for a moment. The soft glow of the TV illuminates the space, casting flickering shadows along the walls.
“Um, we can just browse around. Are you in the mood for anything specific?” You asked, turning the TV on in the process.
Turning his attention to the screen, Simon contemplated your question. "I'm open to anything," he replies, his voice gentle. "Maybe something light-hearted or action-packed? Whatever you're in the mood for."
Simon reached for the remote control, preparing to browse through the available options. He glances at you, a warmth in his eyes. "Let me know if anything catches your eye."
You smiled, handing him the remote and moving both your hands to hold the coffee cup and take a drink. You sunk down onto the couch, propping your feet up on the coffee table.
Simon takes the remote from you, his fingers brushing against yours briefly, causing a subtle jolt of electricity to pass through him. He can't help but notice the way you sink into the couch and prop your feet up, a relaxed and inviting posture.
You watched the options fly by the screen, a movie catching your eyes. 
“Oh, I’ve been wanting to watch that one!” You pointed towards the TV at the romance movie that flashed on the screen. 
“Is that okay?”
As you point out the romance movie that caught your eye, Simon's gaze followed your gesture. He glanced at the screen, taking note of the title and plot.
A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he looked back at you. "Of course, that sounds great," he replies, his voice warm and sincere. "I'm always up for a good romance movie."
Simon pressed play on the remote, and the movie started to unfold on the screen. He settled back into the couch, finding a comfortable position next to you while keeping a respectful distance. The soft glow of the TV casts gentle shadows across his features as he steals glances at you throughout the movie, enjoying the shared experience of this quiet moment together.
Your eyes stayed trained on the TV intensely throughout the whole movie, your eyes wide with anticipation the entire time. 
You had finished your coffee, the cup discarded on the table now. At the end of the movie, it had turned sad. The love interest had gotten sick and died. 
Tears had started falling down your face before the credits even started rolling. 
Simon's attention is divided between the movie and stealing glances at you, observing your intense focus on the screen. He can't help but be drawn to the way your emotions play out on your face, reflecting the impact the movie has on you.
The screen went black and you looked over at Simon, your eyes wide with grief. 
“How are you not crying?” You asked, chuckling at yourself while wiping the tears from your face.
As the movie reaches its emotional conclusion, Simon notices the tears streaming down your face. He chuckled a little as he reached out instinctively, his thumb gently wiping away a stray tear from your cheek.
"I guess I have a knack for holding back tears," Simon responded, his voice gentle. 
Simon offered you a small, comforting smile. 
You appreciated the gentle touch of his thumb on your face, leaning into his touch slightly. You looked up at his eyes, an embarrassed smile on your face as you cleaned all the tears off. 
Simon's heart skipped a beat as you leaned into his touch, his thumb lingering on your cheek for a moment longer before he withdrew his hand. He can't help but feel a surge of warmth at the sight of your smile, finding solace in your vulnerability.
“I just love, love.” You admitted, settling back into the couch with a little shuffle, your body ever so slightly closer to Simons this time. He notices the subtle shift in your position, the proximity between the two of you inching closer. Simon's breath caught momentarily, his eyes locking with yours, a flicker of something deeper passing between you.
“What now?” You asked, looking up to meet his gaze.
"Now," he said, his voice gentle yet filled with a hint of anticipation, "we can simply enjoy each other's company. We can continue talking, share stories, or even sit in silence. Whatever you feel like doing."
You smiled at him, tucking your feet beneath you to face him better. Your knee brushed up against where his leg was. You propped your head up on your elbow on the back of the couch. 
You hummed in thought, thinking of a question to ask. 
“Do you have any siblings?” You asked, taking this opportunity to get to know him better.
Simon’s chest tightened a little bit. Family wasn’t an easy topic for him. In fact, he tried to avoid it at all costs. He remembered your vulnerability last night, that you were able to trust him. Even though his training was screaming at him not to, he decided to trust you with a vulnerable part of him. 
“I had a younger brother. We weren’t that close growing up.”
You felt your heartstrings tug in remorse for him. You didn’t need the full story to get the implication that his brother was no longer alive. You felt a little guilty for picking a loaded topic for him. You gently reached your hand across to his, taking the rough skin into yours. You laced your fingers together and squeezed gently. 
“I’m so sorry.” You offered sympathy. 
“It’s alright. It was a long time ago.” Simon replied. He looked down at his lap where your hands connected, feeling a lightness in his chest that he wasn’t quite used to. 
Your gaze returned to his.
“I really enjoy being around you, Simon.” You admitted, looking into his eyes with a soft seriousness. 
“Thank you for letting me in.” You spoke with sincerity.
Simon felt a rush of warmth surge through him as he felt your hand squeeze, a connection forming between the two of you. The blush on your face causes a gentle smile to appear on his own.
"I feel the same way," Simon responded, his voice filled with sincerity. "Being around you has brought me comfort and a sense of belonging. It's rare to find someone who understands and accepts the complexities of my life, and I'm grateful to have you in it."
He took a moment to gather his thoughts, his gaze unwavering as he continued to hold your hand. "Thank you for letting me in too. It means more to me than you know. The trust and openness we have, it's something I will cherish."
Simon leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a soft, intimate tone. "I'm here for you, to support you, and to share these moments together. Whatever may come, know that I'm by your side."
His eyes searched yours, filled with a mix of affection and vulnerability. In that moment, Simon realized just how much he has come to care for you, and the thought of being apart becomes increasingly unbearable.
Your heart pounded in your chest as you looked up at him, your eyes never leaving him. Never breaking the intense gaze. As he leaned in, the sweet smell of coffee lingered on your face. You smile at him slightly, your eyes darting back and forth between his. 
You reached your hand up, gently and tenderly resting it on the side of his face. You stroked your thumb gently against the stubble growing on his face. As you reach up to touch the side of Simon's face, a surge of electricity courses through him. His heart pounded in his chest, matching the rhythm of yours, as he felt the tender stroke of your thumb against his stubbled cheek. The air between you crackles with anticipation, and time seems to stand still.
You close the gap between your bodies, your legs now fully touching each other as you leaned forward to plant a gentle kiss on his lips.
Without hesitation, Simon reciprocates the closeness, his body leaning into yours as your lips meet in that soft, gentle kiss. The world faded away, replaced by the warmth and tenderness exchanged between you.
In that moment, everything feels right. The worries and dangers that surround you both momentarily fade into the background, leaving only the connection shared between your bodies and souls. Simon's hand finds its way to the small of your back, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss ever so slightly.
The kiss lingers, both a promise and a declaration of the feelings that have grown between you. Simon's heart swelled with a mixture of joy, vulnerability, and a newfound sense of hope. Your heart felt like it was thriving- like it finally received what it needed to live. His lips part from yours, but his eyes remain locked with yours, silently conveying a multitude of emotions.
"I... I didn't expect this," Simon confessed, his voice filled with a mixture of surprise and affection. "But I'm glad it happened. I feel a connection with you that I can't ignore."
He took a moment to gather his thoughts, his thumb gently caressing your cheek. "I don't know what the future holds, but I want to explore it with you. Whatever comes our way, I want to face it together." 
As he pulled away, Your eyes flickered open. you stared up at him, an affectionate smile on your features as you listened to the words he said, your heart swelling with adoration in the process. You leaned into the touch of his hand on your face, never wanting him to let go. Your hand that was on his face now rested on his shoulder, gently stroking my thumb on the base of his neck. 
You smiled widely at his words and nodded your head. 
“I like the sound of that.”
Simon's heart swelled with a mixture of happiness and relief at your response. The touch of your hand on his shoulder sent shivers down his spine, igniting a warmth that spread throughout his entire being. He couldn’t help but lean into your touch, savoring the connection that formed between you.
The affectionate smile on your face brought out a matching smile on Simon's lips, his eyes shimmering with a newfound sense of contentment. He takes a deep breath, his voice filled with tenderness.
"I'm glad you feel the same way," Simon said, his voice filled with sincerity. "There's something special between us, something worth exploring and nurturing."
He traced a finger along your jawline, his touch feather-light. "In this chaotic world, finding someone who understands and accepts you is a rare gift. I don't want to let that slip away."
Simon leaned in, his forehead gently resting against yours, his voice barely above a whisper. "I want to be there for you, to support you, and to build something beautiful together. Let's make the most of this connection, one step at a time."
His eyes searched yours, seeking confirmation and assurance. In this quiet moment, Simon realized that he had found something he never thought possible amidst the chaos of his life — a chance at love and a future worth fighting for.
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daryl-dixon-daydreams · 4 months
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"Do you ever—you know—think about the future?" you asked Daryl. The question was followed by the soft plunk of a pebble you tossed into the creek. "Or do you just focus on trying to make it through each day?"
He glanced sideways at you, electricity starting to prickle up his spine and cleared his throat. "Sometimes," he drawled softly. 'Think' maybe wasn't the right word. Daydream. Fantasize. Those were probably closer to the mark. He tossed a heavy rock into the creek and it made a loud, low splash that drew a soft laugh from you.
"What do you think about?" you questioned him, turning to catch his blue eyes. You thought his face flushed a little before he looked away again but maybe it was just the light.
He shrugged and bent to grab another rock, tossing it thoughtfully between his hands. "Oh, ya know... havin' a big screen TV and a hot rod. My new pair of kicks. World domination. Things like that," he joked.
You rolled your eyes. "Kicks? Really? You did not just say ' kicks'. Daryl! Come on!" you laughed. "I'm trying to be serious for five seconds..."
Daryl threw his stone and it skipped across the surface of the water and bounced up onto the bank on the other side.
Your eyebrows lifted. "Nice one." You nudged him with your elbow. "But really. What do you think about?"
He gulped and turned to look at you, licking his lips a little nervously and shrugging. His eyes flickered between yours. "I dunno," he said softly. But the way he was looking at you told you he did. Your heart jumped and started to race.
Prompt: "Do you ever think about the future?"
349 notes · View notes
fredwkong · 9 months
Dr. Li, Hypnotherapist
Austin couldn’t see any other solutions than booking a session with the hypnotherapist. He knew that he’d been moping for weeks, so when his friend finally snapped and told him to get some help, Austin had taken the referral and gotten on Dr. Li’s waiting list.
His thirtieth birthday a few years ago had been a bit of a wake-up call for Austin. Years of overwork and poor diet were slowly reversing as he took better care of his body, and for the first time, he felt proud of his looks. He knew he had a long way to go, but he was hoping to attain proper hunk status before he turned forty. He knew that he gave off the impression of being a clean-cut, intelligent guy with a pretty classic sense of style and, he hoped, a charming personality.
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And yet, well, that hadn’t been enough to save his relationship.
Thankfully, the referral from his friend fast-tracked Austin up the waiting list, and a week or so later he scheduled his first appointment with Dr. Li and showed up at the low-key office just outside the financial district.
Sitting in the waiting room, listening to the burble of the little rock fountain in the corner, Austin found himself suddenly overwhelmed with second thoughts. He didn’t have real problems, after all. He was just being a baby about the breakdown of a 4-year relationship. Surely someone else could use this time better than him. Plus, what if he couldn’t do it? What if the hypnotherapy didn’t work for him? Dr. Li’s reviews were fantastic, but everyone underreported their failed clients.
Just as Austin was about to stand up and leave, the door of Dr. Li’s office opened to let out a cute young man with a blissful smile on his face. The guy blinked owlishly at Austin for a moment, his eyelids fluttering slightly, then he licked his lips lasciviously and drifted out the door.
A smooth, resonant, eminently masculine voice came from inside the office. “Forgive Terry,” it said, “he prefers to remain in trance for a few hours after our sessions. Please come in, Austin.”
Nervously, Austin stepped through the door to find a well-built Chinese man in a suit lounging in a comfortable armchair. Across from him in the office sat a long couch. It looked perfect for lying down on. The man, Dr. Li, had a few grey streaks at his temples, but still filled out his suit like a much younger man might. As Austin came in, he stood up, putting aside a small notebook that he had been writing in.
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“Welcome to your first session, Austin,” said Dr. Li in that smooth, rich voice, giving him a firm handshake. “Please have a seat on the couch and make yourself comfortable. Would you like anything to drink?”
Once the two of them were settled—Austin took a glass of water, while Dr. Li refilled a thermos of herbal tea—the hypnotherapist continued, “My job is to help you achieve your full potential and free your deepest desires. To do that, I will most likely put you into a trance to unlock your unconscious wishes and help your brain make important changes. But first, let’s just have a conversation. Tell me about yourself, Austin. What brought you into my office today?”
With cues from Dr. Li, delivered in his calm, almost musical voice, Austin found the story spilled out easily. His attempts at self-improvement had been dismissed by his boyfriend, then actively sabotaged as his boyfriend worried that Austin improving might cause him to move on. Finally, Austin had kicked him out, and then gone into a spiral of self-hatred that resulted in his friend recommending Dr. Li’s unique methods for achieving goals and moving past trauma.
As the conversation continued, Austin found that he spoke less and less as Dr. Li spoke more, voicing gentle encouragement and affirmations that seemed to resonate inside Austin’s head, crowding out distractions and thoughts. Austin’s eyelids fluttered as a tingling feeling washed over his body. He just felt…so relaxed. He should just listen to Dr. Li’s voice and sink deeper into this sensation. He should lie down on the couch. He should…
Wake up.
Austin’s eyes blinked open. He felt calm, refreshed, alert. He felt better than he had in a long time. I looked over at Dr. Li, struggling to keep his eyes from falling closed.
“Very good, Austin,” said the hypnotist, his voice causing a tingle of pleasure through Austin’s body. “You’re a natural at this.”
“I…am?” Austin’s voice came out fuzzy, surprising him. He felt so awake, but he couldn’t seem to think through anything. He just had to trust Dr. Li.
“Yes, you’re a very good subject.” Austin felt another tingle of pleasure. It felt good to be praised. “You told me some of your unconscious desires, and I think you have a lot of potential for us to unlock together. But to do that, we have to get you into an even deeper trance.”
Austin drifted for a moment before he felt the response bubble to the top of his mind. “Okay.”
“Very good.” Another twinge. “In that case, it’s time to sleep.”
“Fully awake now.”
Austin came awake with a deep breath. He lay in the feeling for a moment, savouring the deep calm in his body. Looking at his watch, he could see that over an hour had passed, but his memories past the first few minutes were hazy. He knew that Dr. Li had taken good care of him and should always be trusted.
“How do you feel, Austin?” Dr. Li asked, writing in his notebook. Austin thought he could see a dark spot in the crotch of the hypnotist’s slacks, as if he had been precumming while Austin was under, but Dr. Li was trustworthy and would tell him what he needed to know.
“I feel good.” There was just one thing bothering him: he couldn’t seem to get comfortable in his polo shirt. He fidgeted, pulling at it, but then he realised: it felt good to show off. He unbuttoned the neck buttons to reveal the top of his hairy pecs and immediately felt better. “What did we talk about?”
“It was a wide-ranging conversation,” Dr. Li replied. “Of course, you know I will tell you anything important that happens while you are in trance.”
Austin nodded.
“We discussed some of your unconscious desires, and I began to implement a few triggers to help you unlock your true self. Would you like me to explain them to you?”
Austin thought about it. It didn’t seem too important to spend a long time talking about the specific triggers, since Dr. Li was so trustworthy. “Nah, I kind of want to be surprised,” he said.
“I thought you might be.” Dr. Li smiled, looking up from his notebook. “One of your unconscious desires is to be externally controlled while you’re along for the ride. I think that hypnotherapy will be a very good fit for you.”
Austin couldn’t help but agree. It felt good to have someone else at the wheel. There was something about listening to Dr. Li’s gentle, deep voice that made Austin certain that Dr. Li had his best interests at heart.
After scheduling weekly sessions with Dr. Li, Austin left the office and started driving home. But on the way, he had the sudden thought that he should go to the gym. Usually, he preferred morning workouts, but he figured that an afternoon session couldn’t hurt. However, he hadn’t thought to pack gym clothes when he headed out of the house earlier.
While Austin pondered what to do about his lack of gym clothes, he pulled into the parking lot of his gym. As he engaged the parking brake, he turned to see a set of neatly folded gym clothes, and a new pair of runners, sitting in the passenger seat. The instant he looked at them, he suddenly remembered Dr. Li handing him the clothes while he was entranced. He had carried them out to the car and placed them neatly in the passenger seat without even realising what he was doing.
He felt his cock starting to harden in his boxers. Being unaware of his actions was hot. Going to the gym was probably something Dr. Li had told him to do, as well. Austin grabbed the clothes and jumped out of his car, pumped to get into the gym.
In the locker room, though, he felt momentarily confused. Usually, he wore knee-length shorts and a loose T-shirt in the gym, but the clothes Dr. Li had given him were a pair of short-shorts and a tight-fitting tank top that stretched over his thick torso. He felt a bit self-conscious looking in the mirror, but then he remembered it felt good to show off. The judgment of the skinny bros at the gym didn’t matter, because he was going to show off just for him.
The workout felt incredibly good. Austin was totally focussed on lifting while he was in the weight room. No other thoughts entered his head except for setting up his next workout and getting his form perfect. He even jumped on the elliptical, because good cardio is just as important as a good pump. After a couple of hours went by in a blur, Austin found himself walking out the gym’s front door, pumped, sweaty, and full of a pleasurable thrilled sensation.
Later that night, Austin was maintaining his Animal Crossing island when he was overcome with a need to email Dr. Li. Putting the game aside, Austin grabbed his phone and composed an email:
Doctor, I had a great workout today. I got a good baseline knowledge of my strength and endurance for my future sessions. Thank you very much for the new clothes, it felt good to show off my body in more revealing clothes. Austin
Sending the email, Austin watched the screen for a minute without moving until he heard the ping of an incoming email with Dr. Li’s reply:
Good boy.
Austin’s eyes rolled back as he felt a wave of pleasure through his whole body. It felt good to be praised.
For the next week, Austin went to the gym almost every day before work. Without his conscious control, his body implemented a push/pull/legs split, and after three days in the gym, he would find himself without the urge to work out for a day. Instead, he went shopping for new gym clothes because it felt good to show off and his old clothes just didn’t show off his body as much as he wanted. While he was out, he also bought a few new button-up shirts that he thought would show off his chest.
Each night, Austin emailed Dr. Li in the same thread and received a short reply from the hypnotist. Usually, it was some variation of “Good boy,” which made Austin feel wonderful because of how good it felt to be praised. Austin remarked in one email that he had gone out with friends and had two portions at dessert before going out to drink, which he felt badly about. Dr. Li replied, “Do you want to talk about cravings and portion control at our next session?” Austin thought about it, but he trusted Dr. Li to have his best interests at heart, so he replied, “Yes.”
Dr Li’s answer to that was, “Good boy.”
Finally, Austin’s next hypnotherapy session arrived. As he sat down on the couch, he could already feel the urge to fall into a trance again. It would be so easy to follow Dr. Li’s commands and sleep.
Wake up.
This time, Austin had no memory of time passing while he was entranced. He was lying on the couch again, and Dr. Li smiled at him as he sat up. “That was a very good session, Austin,” he said, his smooth voice strangely rough. “You fell into trance almost before you sat down.”
Austin nodded. “I was really excited to be hypnotised again, Doctor,” he said. The word “doctor” felt strange on his tongue for some reason. It was Dr. Li’s title, but Dr. Li deserved Austin’s complete respect at all times, and “doctor” just wasn’t enough.
Dr. Li smiled, seemingly at Austin’s discomfort, but that couldn’t be true, because Dr. Li had Austin’s best interests at heart. “You noticed some significant lifestyle changes last week, and you will probably continue to find things changing this week.”
“Yeah, I’m really excited,” Austin paused, feeling a word on the tip of his tongue, and then said, “Sir.” That felt right. When he called Dr. Li “Sir,” Austin felt that tingle of pleasure in his body, the knowledge that he had done something correctly.
Dr. Li’s smile widened. “Good boy,” he said in a low voice.
Austin shuddered. It felt good to be praised. “Thank you, Sir.”
In the waiting room, Austin nodded to another one of Dr. Li’s clients, a sullen young guy in a tracksuit who slouched into the hypnotherapist’s office. As they passed each other, Austin watched the guy’s face slacken, falling into trance before he passed the threshold of the office.
Austin went to the workout he felt the need to complete, but when he sat back down in his car, winded, sweaty and red-faced in his compression gear from a hard sprint at the end of his run, he still felt the need to run another errand. After a moment, the thought came to him: he had to go get his food prep at the grocery store. Feeling pleased that Dr. Li had responded to his concerns about his eating habits, Austin pulled out of the parking lot.
Usually, Austin had trouble resisting the allure of buying a fresh muffin or some other sweets while he was grocery shopping, but today the thought of sugary food repelled him. Instead, he found himself drawn to the spice aisle, where he grabbed soy sauce and a selection of various spices he’d never tried before. His mouth watered at the thought of all the vegetables and lean meat he’d be seasoning for his meal prep.
While meal prepping that night, Austin slowly came to the realisation that Dr. Li had apparently replaced Austin’s sweet tooth with a craving for intense spices. The aroma of his cooking had him choking slightly, but he was excited to get used to his new diet. And instead of craving a beer after dinner, Austin found himself sitting down on the couch with Pornhub loaded and an insistent erection in his new yoga pants. Getting off was the best way to get over his breakup, he thought, and started to browse.
While he was watching a video of a jock getting dropped into trance by the school psychologist, Austin realised that he needed to email Dr. Li. Still jacking off with one hand, he grabbed his phone off the coffee table and typed one-handed:
Sir, My workout went well. I hit a new deadlift PR. I’m going to measure myself tomorrow to update you on the size of my muscles. Grocery shopping and meal prep went very well, and I appreciate my new substitute cravings. Austin
When Dr. Li replied, “Very good, you’re making great progress,” Austin came hard. It felt so good to be praised.
Over the next months, Austin’s life continued to get better and better with Dr. Li’s help. Every time he slept and woke up, Austin felt like he was becoming more and more the person he was always meant to be. He was making great progress at the gym and improving his body composition, he loved to show off, and he felt more able to have fun with his friends than ever before.
One night, about a month into working with Dr. Li, Austin was feeling really good about his body. Almost his whole wardrobe had been replaced, his old gym clothes with shorter cuts and compression fabrics, and his work clothes with tailored pieces that hugged his growing body. Halfway through his evening jerk, all Austin could think about was how much he wanted people to see his sexy body. He ripped open his shirt and took a picture looking up his furry abs to his big pecs. He was so happy he’d decided to stop shaving.
He included it in his email to Dr. Li. His body was at least half the result of Dr. Li’s incredible hypnotherapy, so he figured the Doctor deserved to see the fruits of his labour.
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It was only when Dr. Li replied, “Are you thinking of posting that online? I think it might be a good idea,” that Austin realised just how much he wanted people to see his sexy body. He stayed up a little late to set up several accounts on different sites where he could show off.
A few days later, Austin’s ex messaged him, but Austin blocked him. Before starting with Dr. Li, he would have been overjoyed to hear from the guy again, but he was too good to be the property of just one man. Most days that he worked out, Austin brought home a guy from the gym to help him satisfy his need to get off. On off days, he might have a few friends over, especially the guy who had referred him to Dr. Li.
Wake up.
Austin was a bit surprised when he woke up in a moving car. He was really good at going into trance these days. When he went for his sessions with Dr. Li, he would go into trance while sitting in the waiting room and not wake up until halfway through his workout afterward.
He was sitting in the middle aisle of a minivan. In the seat beside him was his friend, Dr. Li’s other client, while in the back seat sat Terry, the cute twink from Austin’s first session, the sullen guy who had his sessions after Austin’s, and some huge bodybuilder guy in a stringer tank, probably another client.
Dr. Li turned around from his seat in the front. Beside him in the driver’s seat was a big, muscular man. “Good afternoon, boys,” he said, his smooth voice washing over all of them like a wave. “Thank you for agreeing to accompany me today.”
That was right, Austin thought. He would do whatever Dr. Li requested. It didn’t matter if he didn’t remember, Dr. Li wouldn’t have done anything without confirming that Austin wanted to do it.
The van pulled up and parked somewhere. Looking out the window, Austin could see they were in a different city. A few men walked past the van, all in various states of undress, most of them wearing some kind of gear. Austin knew that he wanted people to see his sexy body, because it felt good to show off, but he wasn’t really much of a gearhead. Why should he cover up his body with something like leather when he could just undress and show off his hairy muscles?
Dr. Li looked around at all of them. The driver, too, seemed to be in a light trance now that he had stopped driving. The hypnotist smiled at them. “Well, are you ready, kinky boys?”
Leather Boy Austin shook his head, his last thoughts slipping away. They couldn’t have been very important. Stepping out of the van, he pawed at his fitted shirt. It was soft linen, not nice, solid, warm leather, and he couldn’t stand the feel of it against his skin. He efficiently stripped out of it, nodding to Dr. Li when the doctor passed him his pink leather chaps. It was too bad that a leather boy like him couldn’t wear it all the time. He just didn’t feel right when his furry muscle bod wasn’t coated in sexy leather gear.
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As he sternly put on his gear, getting more and more into the leather boy mindset, Austin watched his rubber boy friend and the sullen sneaker boy get into their gear. The twinky pup boy Terry was yapping at the bodybuilder poser boy. Next to the van, Dr. Li was helping the husky pain boy put on his nipple clamps.
When they were all properly undressed, Leather Boy Austin helped Dr. Li herd the other kinky boys out into the street for the festival. The rest dispersed quickly, but Austin kept close to the hypnotist.
“I’m very glad to have you, Austin,” Dr. Li said, his voice once again resonating through Austin’s mind as they walked. “You were desperately in need of freedom from your own inhibitions when you first came to me. It took many sessions before you started to really blossom into the powerful young man I see before me.”
Leather Boy Austin puffed up his chest with pride at how good it felt to be praised. He was too stoic to respond effusively, but he grunted, “Thank you, Sir.”
“Oh, no need for formality between us now, Austin.” Dr. Li grabbed Austin by the elbow and jerked him around. Austin followed, because Dr. Li always knew what was best for Austin. “In fact, I think it’s time that I properly set you free.” The doctor grabbed Austin’s chin and roughly kissed him.
The kiss triggered all of Austin’s latent memories. He suddenly recalled all the hours of trance with Dr. Li, the careful programming of all his fitness habits, the thought patterns to make him show off and trust his hypnotist. He remembered how Dr. Li had installed the trigger to make him a kinky Leather Boy, but he could also knew that he could be triggered to be a flirty Dumb Boy, and a musky Ass Boy, whenever Dr. Li called him a flirty boy or a musky boy. He could taste the flavour of Dr. Li’s asshole on his tongue, from all the times that he had eaten him out while his triggers were implanted.
Most of all, he remembered loving every second of working with his hypnotist. Like Dr. Li had said at their first session, Austin wanted someone else to be in charge of him. It felt so good to be unknowingly under Dr. Li’s complete control, because he knew Dr. Li would take good care of him.
The sensation of his memories flooding back was so intensely erotic that Austin came into his leather chaps. He bucked into the kiss, tensing his muscles as his body was wracked with pleasure. Dr. Li held firmly onto his jerking body, and a few onlookers whooped and clapped. It felt so good to show off. Austin couldn’t believe that that thought had been implanted so deeply by the hypnotist in their very first session. The thought almost made him cum again.
Dr. Li pulled back from the kiss, and Austin felt two paths open in front of him. He remembered this session, too. These triggers were his own to think, just for himself. He could choose to remember all of the sessions, and he would remain lucid while under hypnosis in the future. He and Dr. Li would be equals from now on. On the other hand, he could lock all the memories away and go back to being unaware of the extent of Dr. Li’s influence over his mind, how the doctor could completely change his personality with a few words.
It was an easy decision.
Leather Boy Austin wasn’t sure how he had cum from a simple kiss from Dr. Li. He could recall that the kiss had been mind-blowing, but what he had been thinking about while they had kissed was hazy. Hopefully, the orgasm wouldn’t affect his performance at the orgy later.
“Thank you, Sir,” Leather Boy Austin grunted, smoothing his mussed hair back into place.
Dr. Li grinned at him in that slightly unsettling way of his. “You are a very good subject, Austin,” he murmured.
It felt good to be praised, Austin thought, shuddering with pleasure.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 10 months
Hello, will you please consider writing a longer drabble where the reader teaches Freminet how to masturbate?
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Pairings: Freminet x male reader
Warnings: Male!reader, dom!reader, sub!Freminet, adult Freminet, guided masturbation, inexperienced Freminet
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“Never? You haven't even thought about it?” You questioned, surprised at the young man's revelation
He spoke shyly when he answered, averting his eyes from yours in fear of judgement. “N-no...I didn't even know you could do that...”
It took a second for you to process this information. Brows knitted together while you hummed amidst the otherwise silence of the room. You had a rather interesting idea, asking your partner, “Would you...like for me to teach you?”
“Wh-what?!?!” Freminet blurted out, nearly flying backwards off of the stool he was seated on. Teach... him?
“You can uh...watch me first, if you'd like?” You offered. Leaning forward just a bit and meeting Freminet's eyes with sincerity. His eyes were darting back and forth between your face and your groin, spluttering while he desperately searched for words. It's not that he didn't want this — this intimacy with you — but it was kinda scary...he was afraid of screwing up and you laughing at him...
“I, um...if you want to...” His voice was barely a whisper. A wisp of a whisper, even. As heavy breaths fell from his open mouth, Freminet caught the movement of your legs spreading a little in his peripherals
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“Alright. Then just watch me for a bit, yeah?” Freminet wordlessly nodded along, already falling into a daze as his eyes focused on your hands. Your fingers grasped the zipper and buttons on the front of your pants and undid them, standing up briefly to pull the clothing down to your ankles and then kicking them off. His own slender fingers dug into the cushion underneath him, watching as your fingers curled around the shaft of your dick and began slowly rubbing it. Moving up and down, then rubbing at the tip — an action that caused your breath to hitch slightly, he noticed
“Payin' attention over there?” Your voice pulled Freminet out of his daze for a second as he stuttered out a choked “Y-yeah...” before his blue eyes returned to staring at the cock resting in your hand. It looked a bit more stiff than it did earlier; the tip was also...wet? He noticed that there was some sort of clear fluid leaking out of the small slit on the tip. Which you promptly rubbed onto your fingers before spreading that wetness onto the rest of your dick, stroking yourself faster and rocking your hips just the tiniest bit
A breathy “Oh fuck–” slips from your lips and the blond sitting across from you notices a strange pulse somewhere between his legs. Warmth instantly spread throughout his core — it almost reminded him of having a fever, but...somehow nice. Pleasant, almost. Freminet's thighs tensed while you continued to stroke your cock; up and down, up and down, up and down. Nearly matching the rise and fall of your chest
Freminet's own hushed noises increased in frequency; captivated by your erotic demonstration. His thighs squeezed together some more, lost in this hazy state until your hand comes to a halt with one last slick sound
“Fuck– Get the jist of it?” You pant. Freminet nods, regaining his composure. “Good. Now it's your turn.”
“H-huh?!” The blond squeaks. “M-my-my turn?!” A wave of panic set in, quickly turning into nervousness and fidgeting as Freminet searched for an escape from this. Watching you was the easy part, now that it was time for him to do the embarrassing thing, well...how's he supposed to deal with this?
“Yeah? I was just showin' you the ropes, babe. Now you get to do the hands-on part.” You explained. It was quite obvious that your partner was nervous, so you offered up even more help. “D'you want to sit in my lap? I'll help guide you until you get the hang of it?”
This suggestion caused him to become flushed from head to toe, stuttering a rather clumsy answer that his mind didn't comprehend until after the words had left his lips. You smiled at the answer, nonetheless, standing up and walking around behind him. Finding your place on the stool with your legs on either side of Freminet and helping him remove his own clothing. Everything seemed so distant — like one long dream while his body went through the motions on its own. Kicking his boots and underwear off and then sitting in between your legs, allowing you to spread his thighs open with zero resistance
“Alright, ready?” Again, Freminet simply mumbled an ‘uh-huh’ to your prompt. Staring down while you guide his hand to wrap around his small cock, which earned an adorable breathy noise from him. Your own hand wrapped around his next. Your large, strong hand...much bigger than his. Firm and in control while you made his little hand slide up and down his length sloooowly–
At first, it felt strange; foreign. Obviously Freminet wasn't used to this feeling. This motion on an area as sensitive as his member. And sensitive it surely was... Every little drag of his smooth palm along the shaft had Freminet panting — eyes glued to the beads of precum building at the tip. You squeezed his hand a little, causing it to tighten around his cock, and your darling gasped
“Mm you liked that~” Thanks to Freminet's noises — and your earlier ministrations — you were only growing harder as this lesson dragged on. Surely he noticed this too...how could he not? Your dick was pressed up against his pale cheeks, smearing precum on the small of his back while you subtly tried to grind against him
“Think you can take full control?” You asked, breathing the question against the blond's ear. He gave a rather confident ‘yeah’ before assuming the lead, stroking himself a little faster now. “Ooh you're really getting into this, huh? Don't forget that you can experiment too. Try focusing on the tip or changing the pace, see how it all feels.”
Per your suggestion, Freminet tried rubbing at the leaking tip of his dick, wincing as a spark of pleasure shot through him. The wetness clung to his fingers as they glided along his length, making it easier to jerk himself off. Moans filled the room as his hips began to buck into his hand, chasing something — some tight, hot feeling building up inside of his stomach. A knot of some sort that grew tighter the longer he went on. Just a little more– yes, keep going...more, more, more—!!
“Oh fuck...aah, you're close aren't you? Here, lemme help~” You moaned against your lover's shoulder, reaching back around to massage his balls while he thrust wildly into his fist. The added pleasure finally caused that tight feeling to explode — throwing his head back against your shoulder as cum shot out. The milky white substance covered Freminet's thin fingers, some of it even dripping onto yours as you helped milk it all out
“O-oh...shit...” Freminet heaved, vision blurry from his intense first self-administered orgasm. “Haaaah...so much...”
Lifting his hand away from his softening dick, Freminet curiously inspected the cum sticking to his skin. It was quite a lot... translucent too. It's not like he hadn't seen cum before, but it was strange to think that he had been the one to wring so much out, by his own hands especially. The young man chuckled to himself, letting his hand fall into his lap while he reclined back onto your chest and relaxed as your hands wrapped around him
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goth-mami-writer · 3 months
Not sure if your request is still open, but if it is can I request where Leon and reader have a baby together? But because he’s away everytime for missions, his baby cries when he comes home one day because they don’t really remember Leon is their dad? Reader has to reassure him that it’s okay?
(I'm sorry if you thought I forgot about this. Work has been hell, but you deserved it sooner. Send me more asks anytime 🫠✌️)
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~(Au) Leon Kennedy × f!Reader fic
《 That morning, you were still bleeding from birth, and your head was ringing from sleep deprivation. But Leon was coming home soon, and he'd be here any minute to see the baby again. He'd held his newborn son once after he was born, but work immediately ripped him away out of the country. The visits at home were seldom and unfortunately they were brief due to Leon being stationed out of your city but any time at all that he was able to give to your newborn son, he gave without question.
When you heard the door open, you'd just woken up from trying your hand at sleeping when the baby slept, but unfortunately, it felt that you hadn't rested at all. Your head pounded, and every hour, you felt your body aching from your labor. The stress you had felt overpowering, but somehow, when he entered the nursery quietly, you felt it slowly melting away.
Leon smiled softly as he met eyes with you. His heart dropped to see you so exhausted but he approached the crib quietly as the baby began to stir with coos and grunts. He wanted to reach down to try and stop him from crying but you assured him it was only because he was hungry. You sat down quietly with your newborn in your arms, resting down to the rocking chair that soothed him through feedings. Once Leon's large duffle bag met the floor, he crossed over to the small table you used to make bottles but you mentioned over your shoulder that you had one in the warmer already.
“You're already good at this.” He said quietly, sitting on the ottoman seat in front of your rocking chair as he handed you the warm bottle he retrieved for you from the warmer. He watched you cuddle the baby close, but you noticed the longing look in his eye. You readjusted gently and said to Leon as you soothingly bounced your arms,
“You want to try? Since you've not gotten the chance?”
Leon's face lit up when you asked. It had been the only thing on his mind, ever since leaving base. He wanted more than anything for the chance to bond and he nodded quickly. His hands tried not to tremble nervously, as if one ill fated touch might break his small son being so small but he sat down in your chair, readying his arms for the tiny weight to rest there upon his lap.
He smiled and moved delicately, almost afraid to breathe as the baby became coddled close to his body. He watched his tiny fingers twine and fidget along with his kicking feet that nudged now into Leon's side, much to his enjoyment as he gently petted to soothe him.
You handed over the bottle, making sure that Leon knew to keep it tilted up and to watch for signs of him being full to prevent overfeeding. He nodded, being careful to begin and he could only smile to begin slipping the tip of the bottle into the baby's mouth that cooed in a fuss.
As his mouth curled around the nipple and a soft, muted rhythm of suckling began. Leon smiled to see him take to the bottle without another fuss and he looked to you, glowing in that proud fatherly beam of realizing he was feeding his son for the first time.
“You're a natural.” You praised him quietly, standing over his shoulder to supervise and Leon peered down quietly in the love that appeared in his face. You placed a burp cloth over his shoulder, knowing this feeding wouldn't take long and Leon said down to the baby who still suckled quietly,
“We got this. Don't we, dude? We're pals already, huh?”
No sooner than Leon said the words, he watched the baby's face turn red in a sudden, loud cry and he removed the bottle from his mouth in fear that he'd done something wrong. You turned your head from preparing the changing table across the room and then came close to see what the commotion could be.
Leon tried to sit the baby up to shush him against his shoulder but it seemed to make him only cry louder.
“Did I feed him wrong?” Leon asked on the verge of a heartbreak and you shook your head, saying delicately that he hadn't done anything wrong. You sat back to the small rocking chair and took the baby back into your arms. Once he rested across your bosom to re-begin his feeding, all of his uneasiness began to settle and you knew then that the truth of what happened would bother Leon.
So you approached it as carefully as you could.
“Sometimes…if they don't recognize your scent, they don't feel comforted.”
Leon's face immediately softened, feeling like a terrible father already and he sunk down in spirit to ask hollowly between you,
“So…he..doesn't really know me?”
You watched the guilt wash over his face as he slumped back into the chair. His heart sank as well when he watched the baby calm down almost immediately when he was joined back at your side. He pursed his lips to say defeatedly, angry at himself for letting this happen,
“I should've been here more. I begged them for a leave. I promise I did.”
“Le, you don't have to convince me. I know you tried to be here. They need you when they need you and I get that.” You said as you rocked the baby who was almost done now with his bottle.
He winced knowing you were trying to console him but the time he lost trying to bond with his newborn wasn't something he could try and get back. You took the bottle from the baby's mouth gently, and placed him on your shoulder carefully to begin softly petting his back before you said to Leon, in hopes to lighten his heavy heart over this,
“You think he just adored me right when he came out? Sure, he knew my voice and my scent. Probably knew he'd get a good meal out of me too. But I didn't magically know what I was doing because I'm his mom? We had to…get used to each other. Bond. It takes only a couple of tries.”
Leon smiled, feeling a little better hearing that and he heard as the baby softly burped, meaning he was probably ready to nap again after that bottle. You brought him back into your lap gently, letting his head rest in the bend of your arm and Leon had to watch.
He didn't want to risk making him feel uncomfortable again so he only stared down this time to watch as the baby's eyes sweetly searched the room. Leon smiled, already knowing a world of love for the son you'd given him after loving you for so long and he felt misty eyed. In order to stop himself from tearing up, he reached up to gently try and swaddle the boy back into his blanket but he was stopped by the baby gently taking his finger.
His small, gentle palm wrapped around Leon's pinky finger and the man smiled widely, wondering if that might be the first good sign that no matter if he was away, they'd bond like the father and son they were while he was here.
He looked down and wondered if he'd get a second chance at holding him and he held a breath as the baby was gently placed back into his arms once you saw that hopeful look in his eye. This time the cradle in his touch felt…closer to you, more fatherly and protective. You hoped that would help and the baby only looked up, studying his face with soft, sleepy glances.
After that moment that assured that he maybe the crying the was done, Leon said to the baby softly in a whisper with a facetious smile to begin tease you,
“You know bud…I've not seen your mom this tired since she had to deal with me on the daily.”
You laughed softly at his joke, nodding your head in agreement until he spoke again, gently swaying the baby in his arms lovingly,
“How about we give her a break for some shut eye? You think we can manage a few hours?”
Your eyes went wide and you began to promise in a stutter that you didn't need a few hours. You just wanted a shower and some semblance of sleep to catch you up. But Leon shook his head when he thought of what you'd said earlier about bonding not being something that happened automatically like a switch, and he assured you as he rocked his son gently,
“You're exhausted, sweetheart. I've got it. If he cries, I'll deal with it. Bonding takes time…you said it yourself. Go on.”
You smiled when you gave in and held your tender belly when you stood from the rocking chair. You kissed him soft and sweet, telling him with love in your eyes that he was a wonderful father already. Even if he didn't think so. 》
Loved doing this one! More Leon delusions to come!!
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