#*my mom leaves the room* her: god i don't know a single person who liked that movie
dykrophone · 1 year
I love that however much fanfiction i read i will always be wayyy too aro for certain situations 😭
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juanarc-thethird · 7 months
If interested please DM him
Nora: How was your Valentine's Day?
Jaune: Um... Normal.
Nora: You didn't ask a girl out?
Jaune: No...
Nora: Why not?
Jaune: Because no one is interested in me?
Nora: What?! How is that possible?!
Jaune: Trust me, it is possible.
Nora: Not on my watch! *Leaves*
Jaune: Hey! Where are you going?! *Sighs* Whatever, it's not my problem.
The next day....
Jaune: *Reading a book*
Jaune: Huh? *Checks his phone* An unknown message?
*Ting!* *Ting!* *Ting!*
Jaune: More?
Jaune: What the?
Momentas later
JNPR's Room
Nora: *Playing games on her phone while lying in bed*
Jaune: *Shows up* *Angry* What did you do?!
Nora: Do what?
Jaune: You know very well what I mean. What did you do?!
Nora: I seriously don't know what you're talking about.
Jaune: I'm talking about this!
Jaune shows his phone, still being bombarded by messages from unknown numbers.
Jaune: Why do I have a bunch of strangers asking me on a date?!
Nora: *Excited* Really?! That means that my post worked!
Jaune: *Confuse* What post?
Nora: This one!
She selects something on her phone and shows it to Jaune.
"Do you want a Man that has abs? Do you want a man that can cook? Do you want a man that is literally the dream house husband?! Well look no further.
Jaune Arc, the only son of the Arc Family.
Let's talk about features: - Power: No - Money: No - A car: No - Great confidence: Nope... but he has a humongous dick that makes up for everything else.
Let me tell you a story. One day I entered the bathroom without checking to see if anyone was there using it. And when I did it, he poked my eye. "With what?" you might ask. I think we both already know answer to that.
You can present him to your parents, to your sibling who never stops bothering you that you are single and alone, to your weird creepy uncles, to your gossiping fat aunts, to your racist grandmother who no one dares to tell her to stop saying rude things, because for some reason everyone is afraid of her. And I can assure you that all of them will change their ways when they see what a good boy this man is. God damn it! Everyone will want to protect this golden retriever of a person!
Good boy Approved!!
Things this man is old enough to do: - Vote: Yes - Consent to Sex: Yes - Becoming Huntsmen: HE IS ALREADY A HUNTSMEN!
This man has history. He's seen some shit. He has done "things" for his friends. He has killed for his friends. He will not judge you like other people.
Interesting facts: - He is a good boy on the outside, but he is a beast on the inside~ *Wink* *Wink* - He is an Arc, so he is designed for breeding. - He holds the record for most boxes of cereal consumed in one day!
What more can you ask for?!
Let's face the facts. He may not be the most beautiful person in the world, but you aren't either (I mean that's why you're still single). So stop lying to yourself and stop lying to your mom about that "guy" you met at the supermarket. (We both know that's a lie). He may be too good for you, but he's really desperate. So send him a message and try your luck.
Jaune Arc 206-XXX-XXXX"
Nora: What do you think? Very cool, right?
Jaune: Am I a joke to you?
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takumifujiwaraswfe · 3 months
HIIII :)) i saw that request were open! is it possible that i can request boyfriend headcannons for miyata from hajime no ippo !! , thank youu ^_^
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(This boy does not have a single normal pic of his eyes I swear-)
Ichiro Miyata romantic headcanons
| PLAYLIST |(the first song is literally made for him)
(my fav Hajime No Ippo boy I waited for it. Sit comfortably it will be a long list)
You and Ichiro were classmates in high school. That's basically how you met, but you didn't talk to each other much before one... accident.
You always liked boxer boys. Who doesn't, duh? And well, your female friends found out and started shipping you with Miyata, as everyone knew that he is a boxer. Very hot one If I may add.
He found out about it and god it was awkward. He just stared at you.
But somehow you got yourself together to apologize him about your friends and that's how it all start.
You were walking from school together as you live near his boxing club. Except he ran few meters in front of you...
After few months you became really good friends. You were taking pictures of him sometimes as you were learning how to use your new polaroid. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
One day it was raining really hard and after his practice he went straight to your house. Your parents were shocked at the least but let him in.
You gave him a towel and started drying his hair off as he was changing his bandages on his knuckles as it were all wet. He said that you're paying off a debt of having polaroids of him lmao.
You were soooo ashamed.
And he just kissed you.
Pure shock.
After that you stood in silence. He was laying on your bed, reading a magazine and you were trying to do your homework to keep your mind away.
Your mom went to your room to ask you both if you want something to eat and oh god how hard it was for Ichiro to explain his diet to her so she wouldn't think that someone is starving him or something.
After that you just sighed and went over to lay next to her. You never said those words, but you are together. He calls you his girlfriend next to his friends in class after all.
He's the type of guy that won't fight for you when needed. He'll teach you how to fight for yourself and then help you.
The high school it couple hellooooooo
You started running with him after school. Holding hands.
Comes over to you after his trainings and then his dad picks him up after.
Now you can take pictures that show a little more of his daily work if you know what I mean.
Takes you to his matches when he can.
You're learning things on each other and how the fuck he makes out with you so good at first try?????
Literally you hid in your room to try and he's randomly a pro????
Will braid your hair.
If he goes out with his friends. He takes you. Always. No exceptions.
You'll be just walking through some weird places (yk teen meetup spots) in the middle of the night with his friends? He's holding your hand. Non stop.
Will take you to urbex. In the night. Without his friends.
Will also make out with you in random abandoned buildings cus why not
holds your hand in school so there's not really any boy hitting on you, but if there were one trust me it wouldn't be good.
Not really jealous type of guy but a 'I don't like someone touching what's mine' type.
Will talk shit on other people with you. I think he's a type of guy that would gossip, but only with his girlfriend because he thinks that friends can always leave.
trust issues but in other people not you. You're the only person he trusts.
Takes you to his family dinners.
The type of relationship that even your teachers know about.
He says that he will marry you and even if you won't want to he'll make you cause it's you or no one.
Let's you pick his outfits because he knows how much you love his body.
He loves it too, yours as well. That's why he won't even let you stand near other teens that try out smoking or alcohol. No exception.
You fight sometimes obviously. It's not rare and it's not oten.
Typically either cause he want's you to be healthy and you don't do stuff to be healthy or over some teenage drama. The second one is rare though as he's a little bit more mature than rest of people your age.
10/10 boyfriend. Would recommend. Want one myself.
These one wasn't that cute but I really love teens will be teens trope and doing kind of south park/wladcy moch kind of vibes so soz I ain't quitting that.
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Twice now I have tried to make a reblog reply about Walter and twice now Tumblr has eaten it. So let's try it this way @chaos-bringer-13
Allow me to take you back to the ✨QUARANTINE DAYS✨ and tell you the tale of a pumpkin that may or may not have housed a god
So back in good old 2020/21 we are in the thrall of the COVID-19 pandemic. My state in particular had super heavy quarantine restrictions, and as someone with lung issues, my mom and myself were not taking any chances. I haven't left my house in maybe 5 months. Nor have I seen any of my friends outside of video calls. Senior year of High School so far has sucked.
I'm talking to my friend, we'll call her Marie, and I mention off hand "Yeah I'm starting to feel a bit lonely." Now Marie has known me for a solid 8 years at this point. She knows my type of humor and attachment to what we would now and days call "skrungly" objects. She decides "hmm. I can fix this!"
Marie's mom (who was... certainly a human being) for some god forsaken reason decided to buy a white pumpkin and give it to Marie with the idea that she would harvest the seeds from it and plant them in the garden (why she did this instead of just buying pumpkin seeds I will never know). Instead of doing this, Marie takes this pumpkin and draws a realistic face on it that can only be described as similar to the handsome squidward meme. She drives to my house, sets the pumpkin on my doorstep with a note, and then FUCKING BOOKS IT.
I open the door to see this pumpkin with a note that reads "Hello Momther, I am Walter."
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(Not the best photo but this is in fact Walter sitting in the dark in my front yard while Marie (not pictured) stands on my driveway holding a single candle and chanting).
Anyway immediately I take him inside completely smitten and unknowing as to what this pumpkin will create.
At this point of quarantine, we have gone back to classes but they are completely online. I decide that the best thing I could possibly do with Walter is set him on a stack of notebooks behind me so that when I turn my camera on he would be there... watching. Notably, one guy who never unmuted himself did so just long enough to ask "Void... what the fuck is that."
Needless to say I got endless entertainment from the reactions, but all good things have to come to an end. Unfortunately, I live in a desert and pumpkins simply don't survive. They typically would rot within a few days where I was living at the time, so my Mom told me to move it outside at least. I decide to put him by the front door. This front door has a little half wall that leads up to it. I put him on top of it facing the walkway so whenever a package is delivered the mailman would be faced with Walter and have to make eye contact before leaving the mail. I figure I'll probably get a couple more days out of him before he rots.
This is where it starts to get weird
Another week passes. Two. Unlike every single pumpkin I've ever had for Halloween, Walter shows no signs of rotting despite being exposed to the elements. The pumpkin is at this point about a month and a half old and still perfectly fine. Marie, our friends, and I all kind of laugh it off as a random one time thing and expect it to rot within another week.
4 months into having Walter and he is still as good as new. Around this time the vaccines for covid started rolling out, so my friends and I get to see each other again. They are just as baffled as me about Walter. Of course, us being us, we have been referring to Walter like an actual person this whole time because that's just our humor. We give him little head pats and forehead rubs as we enter or leave my house and say hello/goodbye to him.
Also around this time, my mom and myself are beginning to prep for moving to another state. We have also started doing some in person classes again. I had been cleaning out my room one morning, and just so happened to leave a piece of sea glass in front of Walter as I left for school. I had a strangely good day. Managed to get an A on a test if I remember right. I come home, see the glass in front of the pumpkin, and start thinking. The next day I leave him something else. Another good luck day! I try this again and every single time I leave him an offering something good happens! I tell my friends about it and they start doing it too and experiencing the same results. We decide that he must be some god of luck inhabiting this pumpkin vessel and rewinding time on it to keep it from rotting.
At some point someone gave him an orange and I swear to god the pumpkin started getting orange marks on its forehead. He still wasn't rotting though! We decided that he obviously has been absorbing the power from the offerings.
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Around this time I realise the I have somehow created a partially serious cult and decide I might as well lean into it. I actually enlisted the help of the neighbor kids to take this photo.
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Time passes. Walter is about 10 months old now and still going strong. We have graduated highschool and I'm going to be moving in a week. I can't take Walter with me, so Marie decides she will take him. But first, she is going to help us move. It's a 6 hour drive. We put Walter in the passenger seat window so that all the cars passing us can see him.
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After she helps us, Marie and Walter continue on to yet another state where Marie will be attending university. Walter is almost if not a year old when he finally starts to rot. Marie, in her dorm room mind you, makes a plaster cast of his head and redraws his face on it. To this day Walter hangs in his new, more durable vessel, guarding her spice cabinet.
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By the end of Walter's reign, he had reached his 1st birthday, scared who knows how many mailmen, met 3 of my teachers in person, visited 3 USA states, and briefly had an instagram account.
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songs and quotes for the muse ☆ ( under the cut )
tagged by: stole from @spiritdreamt tagging: youuuuu
five SONGS for my muse:
scrawny by wallows: Still wear the same shoes I did back then / I'd switch it up but I don't like change / Scrawny motherfucker with a cool hairstyle / I say the wrong shit at the right times, If I'm offending them I don't mind / You don't like my clothes but you still like my smile / They might think they're cooler than me by a mile / I can still have wisdom and look like a child.
i don't smoke by mitski: I don't smoke except for when I'm missing you / So if you need to be mean be mean to me, I can take it and put it inside of me / if your hands need to break more than trinkets in your room, you can lean on my arm as you break my heart / just don't leave me alone, wondering where you are / I am stronger than you give me credit for
look who's inside again by bo burnham: trying to be funny and stuck in a room / try making faces, try telling jokes, making little sounds / I was a kid who was stuck in his room. there isn't much more to say about it / when you're a kid and you're stuck in your room you'll do any old shit to get out of it / Well, well look who's inside again / went out to look for a reason to hide again / well, well buddy, you found it / now, come out with your hands up. we've got you surrounded
seventeen going under by sam fender: I remember the sickness was forever / That's the thing, it lingers and claws you when you're down / I was far too scared to hit him but I would hit him in a heartbeat now / see I spent my teens enraged, spiralin' in silence / and I armed myself with a grin 'cause I was always the fuckin' joker, buried in their humor / God, the kid looks so sad / I see my mother
sloppy seconds by watsky: I don't care where you've been, how many miles, I still love you / show me someone who says they got no baggage, I'll show you somebody whose got no story / my favorite sweater was a present that I got a couple presidents ago and I promised that I would rock it till it's thread bare / every single person gotta couple skeletons / and there is not a single place that I would rather be / I'm fucked up just like you are, and you're fucked up just like me
five QUOTES for my muse:
“I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.” - Robin Williams
“When Mom scolded you freely, you more frequently called her Mom. The word ‘Mom’ is familiar and it hides a plea: Please look after me. Please stop yelling at me and stroke my head; please be on my side, whether I’m right or wrong. You never stopped calling her Mom.” — Kyung-sook Shin, Please Look After Mom
"I want you to know that it is okay not to love me. [ … ] You are not the first person. I want you to know that you are not the first who found it a little too tough, who took two steps back when my jaws started snapping."
"Oh, I could call you names now. List a hundred reasons for why you were awful. But what would that do? Where would it leave me? I still loved you. I still have to live with that."
“in a dream I saw my mother with the love of her life and no children; it was the happiest i'd ever seen her" ―  Rupi Kaur, The sun and her flowers
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gennyanydots · 11 months
This is love I just can’t live without Ch. 11
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Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x f!kazansky!reader (affectionately often called “Baby Ice”)
This is love I just can’t live without masterlist
Top Gun biker!au
Chapter summary: You can't believe you ever left her behind
Chapter trigger warnings: none I don't think?
Ch. 11 “It’s worse when I’m alone” 
The next day and a half was spent wrapped up in the safety of Carole Bradshaw. She didn’t want to let you out of her sight in case you left without notice again. 
Neither of you spoke about what had happened between you and her son either before or now. It was just simply not brought up in any way shape or form. In fact Bradley didn’t spend much time at his childhood home after he dropped you off, Carole shooed him out of the house while you were crying on her shoulder and told him to make himself scarce. He didn’t put up a fight, knowing not to go against his mother’s request. You didn’t see him again until that evening. In the afternoon while helping her prepare dinner, Carole informed you that Bradley and your father were coming over soon to have a proper family dinner. When you were kids weekly family dinners happened once a week either at your house or Bradley’s, depending on who’s week it was. Oftentimes your uncles were also in attendance when you were younger but that wasn’t the case for your first family dinner in five years. 
To say the evening was awkward would have been an understatement. Carole tried to get everyone to talk together while your father just grunted responses. Bradley answering his mother was hit or miss and a couple times when she was waiting for an answer from him you had to kick him to get his attention for her. 
Family dinner didn’t last too long after the actual dinner was done. Your father refused to let Carole or you do the dishes since you both cooked so he made Bradley help him while you sat in the living room with Carole. After the dishes were clean your father said he needed to be up early to open the shop so with a kiss to your forehead on his way out the door he informed Bradley he would also be opening the shop so he’d better be there on time. Bradley had never been a morning person so he wanted to get to bed as soon as possible and tried to walk to his bedroom but Carole was having none of that. 
“But mom, it's MY room!” 
Carole rolled her eyes, “And you have another place to stay so march it, kiddo!"
Bradley huffed, “It’s not like we couldn’t share a bed. Wouldn’t be the first time. She slept in my bed last night..."
“Bradley, I love you now leave,” Carole said with a sigh as she pointed at the door. 
Bradley grumbled as he bent down to kiss his mother on the cheek then walked to you and did the same on his way out the door. 
The rest of the evening was spent watching terrible reality tv shows with Carole, as those were her favorite, eating so many snacks with her that when Carole finally let you go to bed, your stomach hurt a little bit.
Sleeping in Bradley’s bed for the second night in a row had been a little surreal to you. You don't even know how many times you've slept in this exact spot before. That's without mentioning all the other times you've been in this bed. With Carole being a single mother and working long hours, Bradley and you had a lot more freedom at his house than at yours. Not that you didn't think your mother was oblivious to what was going on at the Bradshaw household when Carole wasn't home. Your mother always seemed to have an answer for every time your father questioned what you were doing over there without Carole being home.
"Tom, they have a math test tomorrow. Leave them alone."
"Thomas, how could you forget that they have a science project due on Friday?"
"If you don't leave the children alone, I swear to God, Thomas. It's like you don't remember being their age."
Bradley's smell surrounded you as you laid in the bed, especially since you grabbed one of his shirts out of the closet to sleep in. Sure you could have ran home and grabbed something but it was easier to just borrow something of Bradley's. It definitely wasn't because wearing his shirt made you feel calmer, safer even. Definitely not because of that. You'd also definitely never admit that once again sleeping in Bradley's bed ended up being the second best night of sleep you've gotten in quite some time.
The following morning Carole dragged both you and Natasha out to brunch then a nail appointment informing the two of you that it was necessary for all of your mental health. The three of you knew what the next day was bringing and nobody wanted to mention it, almost like speaking it out loud would ruin the bubble you had surrounded yourself in because maybe, just maybe, if you didn't talk about your mother's funeral it wouldn't happen at all.
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adell032 · 1 year
Toxic- Spencer
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader (I don't like y/n so I use random names) Warnings: angst (?) violence Prompt: Spencer knows she loves him, even if those feelings weren't reciprocated, he didn't think she would leave him (we all know Spencer wouldn't act like this) ---------------------------- Allie had been in love with Spencer since the moment she stepped into the BAU, it was a known fact around the office, one that Spencer only noticed 5 years later. Spencer seemed to take advantage of Allie's love for him, something that Allie didn't mind, trips to get coffee, trips to get paperwork, doing a task on a case that he didn't want to do, she always agreed.
Derek and Emily would often tease her for how fast she'd say yes to Spencer, none of the team taking notice to how Spencer's requests grew bigger and bigger as time went on. Simple trips for coffee whilst on a case turned into shopping for him after work, grabbing some paperwork turned into doing some paperwork, cleaning a spilt drink turned into cleaning his whole apartment, yet Allie still didn't mind, instead she just waited for the day that Spencer realised he loved her too.
That day didn't come around, when Maeve and Spencer started dating, Allie noticed that Spencer was sneaking around, making sneaky calls on cases and making Allie wait outside his room all night until he came back. When Maeve died, Allie used her key to check on Spencer every day, though that stopped when he threw a book at her, just missing her cheek by a second.
When Spencer was arrested in Mexico, Allie was the first person to turn up at the jail, and the last person to visit the prison before his release. Allie was the one checking on his mom, keeping his apartment tidy, visiting him weekly, and figuring a way to get him out of jail. Yet she was the last person Spencer spoke to.
It was even worse when he started dating Max, the only time he would talk to the girl was when he was asking her to do something for him. Allie realised she was too attached when Cat Adams used her as an example of why Spencer is a bad person, yet she still waited.
After Cat was arrested for the last time, Spence and Allie didn't talk for a week until he apologised, promising to be a better friend. He stayed true to his word, but Allie felt herself falling for him more and more.
After a bad run-in with an ex boyfriend that left her bloody and bruised, Allie turned up at Spencer's apartment, Spencer cleaned her up and Allie agreed to stay there for the rest of the week. By day 4, she had heard Spencer fuck another girl every single day and night, and she had had enough.
"Hey, Allie." Cassie smiled happily as she walked into the kitchen, wearing only Spencer's shirt. Allie was sat on the kitchen counter, eating a bowl of pasta, "hey Cassie." She responded quietly, looking away from the girl.
Cassie busied herself with making food, whilst Allie cleaned up her dishes, "why are you making food?" Spencer asked as he joined the girls in the kitchen, Cassie shrugged, "got hungry."
Spencer glanced to Allie, "didn't you just make some food?" Allie nodded, pointing towards the dishes she had just cleaned, "did you not make us any?" Cassie awkwardly sighed, walking up to Spencer and whispering something to him before kissing his cheek and heading back to the bedroom.
Allie's heart ached, wondering what Cassie had that she didn't. Why couldn't Spencer see that she was right there.
"I think you should go home, Allie." There was no emotion in Spencer's words, but the look he gave her was pure hatred.
"What? You were the one who said to stay for the week, Spence, what if-"
"Don't fucking call me that, just grab your shit and go."
"What is your problem? I've always called you Spence."
"My problem is that you're so obsessed with me and its annoying! You're nothing but a stupid, selfish stalker!"
Allie felt her heart drop, "stalker? God, Spencer, we're friends, we've been friends for over ten years and I'm all of a sudden a stalker? You invited me to stay here for the week so that I don't possibly get killed by my stalker ex boyfriend!"
"He'd be doing me a favour, now please leave, Alison."
Allie took a step back from Spencer, in their time of being friends he had never called her Alison. The only people who called her Alison were Hotch and Strauss, "he'd be doing you a favour?" She whispered, those words only just processing.
"Yes, Alison, I hope he kills you so you can finally leave me alone."
"You want me to leave you alone, fine. But never, ever, wish that shit on someone." Allie walked into the living room, picking up her to-go bag, tears freely dropping from her eyes.
"Do you ever stop crying?" Spencer asked as he followed her, "do you ever stop being a cunt?" Allie swore she saw Spencer flinch at her words, insulting someone was something she never did, but she no longer cared.
After a quick check that she had everything, Allie walked towards the front door, "it was nice knowing you, Dr Reid." The door slammed behind her as she practically ran towards her car, tears clouding her vision as she hurriedly messaged Emily.
The drive to the BAU was about half an hour, but Allie knew it was her only option, she'd had enough of being a pawn for Spencer Reid, and she'd had enough of seeing his face everyday.
Grabbing her badge and gun, Allie sped walked into the building, hoping that Emily had read her text message and was still in the building. "Allie! What are you- oh, oh! Allie!" Penelope called after Allie as she rushed into Emily's office, thankfully seeing her still there.
"What's the problem?" Emily looked up from her paperwork, dropping them once she saw Allie, "tell her no, tell her she can't go." Penelope whispered in the doorway as Allie presented her badge and gun to Prentiss.
"I'm resigning from my position of SSA Allison Woods, nothing you say can change my mind."
"You have to give us two weeks warning if you're resigning."
"Then I quit, effective immediately."
Allie didn't go home that night.
Allie spent the night in her car in the FBI parking lot, her box of stuff shoved on the floor. Pictures of the team, drawings from the kids, her mug, the mug Penelope gifted her, and her box full of 'lucky charms.' She watched as Rossi pulled into the parking lot first, parking a few spots away from her, then Emily pulled in 20 minutes later, then Matt, and slowly, Allie watched as the team went on with their normal days.
Allie pulled out of the parking lot for the last time at around 11am, leaving the building she had been in for the past 13 years. Her house was dark when she arrived, lights off, doors shut, windows shut, no signs of any break in, but she still kept her hand on her personal gun.
Walking in slowly, she flicked the lights on, checking no one was in the entre way before closing the front door, her box and bag dropped to the floor as she was slammed into the door. Her gun slid across the floor and her elbow quickly connected with a face.
Her ex flung back as Allie opened the front door again, one foot out of the door when he grabbed her arm, throwing her to the floor. "Alex what the fuck!"
Alex locked the front door as Allie dove for her gun, grabbing it and sprinting for the back door, a gunshot sounded, and she felt wind pass her as the bullet skimmed her shoulder. She didn't stop running as she clicked the safety off her own gun, shooting blindly at the guy behind her as she ran to the bedroom.
Allie locked the bedroom door, running to her ensuite and locking herself in there too, the sound of banging was loud, and the sound of the door breaking was louder. Allie grabbed her now smashed phone from her pocket, clicking on the first contact she saw, before her finger could click the call button Allie fell back as a bullet hit her skin, her phone and gun falling out of her hand as she hit her head off the floor.
The bathroom door broke, and Alex threw himself in the room, gun pointed at Allie, "I told you he wouldn't love you like I did."
The team gathered in the meeting room, finding both Emily and Penelope blankly staring at the badge and gun in the centre of the table. "Who's leaving?" Rossi looked at everyone in the room, but everyone shook their heads.
"Where's Reid and Woods?"
"I'm right here." Reid walked into the room, and Penelope glared at him, barging past him as she left. Emily cleared her throat, "Alison quit last night, effective immediately. She no longer works for the BAU."
"What?" Tara whispered, "but, she loves this job, she wouldn't just leave."
"Well, she did. There's no case for today, so paperwork. That will be all." Emily left first, heading towards Garcia's office, leaving the rest of the team.
"She's really gone? She just.. left?" Spencer spoke first, picking up Allison's badge, confirming it was hers. "No, she wouldn't."
"It doesn't make any sense, she wouldn't just leave without saying goodbye." Luke sat down, picking up his phone, "what are you doing?"
"I'm giving her a call, might go and stop by her place." Luke rang her number, the call immediately going to voicemail, "I'm going to her place, her phone never goes to voicemail." He stood up quickly, but Rossi held a hand up, "wasn't she staying with you, Reid?"
The five of them looked at Reid, who stayed silent, "Alex is out of jail right? Didn't you say she could stay with you for the week until the restraining order is in place?" JJ asked, and Reid nodded his head.
"Well then, where is she?" Luke asked, taking a step towards Reid.
"She left."
"To where?" Matt demanded, staring at Reid from across the table, "I'm not sure."
"Why'd you let her leave without knowing where she's going! Alex promised he'd kill her when he got out, and you just let her go?"
"We got into an argument, I told her to leave."
"You told her to leave?" Rossi asked calmly, "Are you fucking stupid, Reid?" Matt shouted, grabbing his gun and badge, "if she's hurt in anyway, it's on you."
The door slammed open as Penelope and Emily ran in, "we have a problem."
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resi4skz · 3 months
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Pairing: Christopher Bahng x Aubrey Williams (OC)
Warnings: none for this chapter
This is purely fiction! MDNI
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The next morning, I wake up in a bed that's not mine. It smells like vanilla and I just want to stay here forever.  I look around the room as I sit up and notice a study desk in the corner. Walking over, I also notice a lot of polaroid pictures hanging above the wall of the desk. They were of Chris posing with what looked like his friends. Then I glance over his desk and surprisingly, it's very clean and tidy. Typical Chris.
My eyes catch a photo frame sitting on the corner of the table. "Is that..." I pick it up and smile. "He still kept it all these years." It's a picture of us both, back in high school before I left. He was so tiny back then. But now he's taller than me.
"You're awake."
I gasp and turn around. He's wearing black sweats and looking very good in it. "Yeah, just woke up."
"Breakfast will be ready in 15. Why don't you freshen up? I left a spare toothbrush in the bathroom for you." He closes the room door, leaving me to myself. I let out a breathe that I didn't even realize I was holding. What is with him? Does he have this affect on everyone? Or just me?
When I walk into the kitchen, the aroma in the air is enough for me salivate. I glance around and spot a cup of hot coffee and steaming omelette with 3 kinds of jams, marmalade and jelly. There was also a basket of croissants and bread in the middle of the table. "Take a seat."
I sit and he comes with a plate of crisp bacon, just the way I like it. "Do you want cream or milk for your cofffee?"
"Cream, please."
He adds the cream in my cup and stirs it before handing it to me. "Thank you."
He smiles. "Eat."
And eat, I do. I finish my plate and manage to eat 2 croissants and 3 pieces of bread. The whole time, I noticed Chris didn't say a single thing. And I was very thankful for it. And by the end, I was satisfied with a full tummy. If it was Troy, he would've taken my plate after my third bite. "I've never eaten a meal which ended in a full tummy," I confess.
I watch Chris tense, his hand turning into a fist. "Aubrey."
"Are you happy?"
I tilt my head, confused at his question. "Yes."
"With Troy?"
I wanted to say yes but with all that went down last night, he will see right through my lies. "No."
"So why are you still married to him?"
"I don't....," I sigh. "Chris. You don't know what his mom is like. She will ruin my reputation and make sure to tell everyone what kind of a person I really am who couldn't give her son one thing: a child."
As he's about to say something, his phone rings. Scowling, he puts it to his ear. "Yeah?" He gets up and goes to the patio. I watch him close the patio door and turn around, saying something on the phone.
I gasp. My phone! I sprint to the room and scan till I spot my phone on the bed side table. Quickly, I unlock it and tons of notifications start popping up. My eyes widen at Troy's 30 missed calls and 20 texts. I click on the texts and instantly regret it.
T: where are you?
T: so you're not even going to pick up my calls?
T: aubrey, pick up your damn phone
T: where the fuck are you?!
T: i swear to god if you're screwing around behind my back
I scoff at his last text. Screwing around is your job Troy. I send a quick text to Leanna.
A: hey i need a favor. Pls, if troy calls and ask about me, tell him im sleeping at your place
L: already did that since i knew from the way he was asking about you. He kept pestering to talk to you but i hung up on him.
A: you're a life saver. Thank you <3
L: no problem. Btw, where are you?
A: long story. Talk later.
I sigh and lay down with my arms wide. If only my life was with a guy like Chris, my life would've been much better. I prop my head on a pillow and scroll on my phone. Next thing I know is I'm being tucked in bed. "Whoa, what's going on?" I say groggily.
"Sleep," Chris says, as he sits on the bed. "I'm working from home for a few days so I'll wake you."
"Okay," I close my eyes and sleep takes over me for the next few hours. Because I wake up to my phone ringing and I groan, my hand blindly reaching for my phone. Cracking one eye open, I groan at the name on the screen. Do I take it? And listen to him scold me? And then be miserable again? Do I want to go through it again? It stops ringing only to start ringing again, making me jump.
The room door creaks and I whip my head up. It's Chris, looking very cozy in his sweats and a sweater. I'm not going to lie but he looked very kissable with his hair down like that. "Hey, I was about to come and....what's wrong?" He walks towards me and glances at my phone. Sighing, he snatches my phone from my hand and before I can protest, he presses on the screen and puts it on his ear. "Hello?"
I watch in awe and fear. "This is Chris." I wanna crawl in a hole. "Why am I answering her phone?" He looks at me and smirks. "Because she left it at my place and now you're going to ask why she was at my place?"
Oh my god. This is brilliant. I try to keep myself from laughing. "Well, Mr. Parker. That's for me to know, and for you to find out. Nice talking to you." He hangs up and shuts down my phone off before handing it back to me.
"Oh my god, that was awesome!" I exclaim.
"He whines a lot," he says.
"He's very vanilla," I say. I was starting to see where I went wrong when I married him. "Very low on stamina."
Chris looks at me with a look I can't quite describe and then his eyes travel down. As I look down, I gasp at my shirt lifted up, showing some skin. This is embarrassing. I fix my shirt and nervously chuckle.
"Yeah?" He asks, still looking at me. His eyes a bit cloudy.
"Yeah," I replied. I squirm on the bed from his stare.
"So you've never been satisfied?"
What even is that question? And why on earth does he want to know? "You could say that." I mentally slap myself for saying that. What the fuck, Aubrey? "But...."
"He was my first but it never felt like that," I confess. "He never iniated anything, it was always me. Until his mom started demanding for a baby. And now..."
"And now? What?" He asks.
"I think last night was the last straw. I don't think I can take it anymore, Chris."
"Hmm," he continues. "So you want out is what you're saying?"
I can't believe what I'm about to say. But I nod instead.
"I need you to say it, Bri."
"I want out," I reply and let out a breath of relief. "Okay, that felt good saying it."
"Good," he says, scratching his chin and pulls his phone out. "I know a good lawyer."
"Wait!" I cry out, making him stop his fingers typing on his phone. "He won't sign it. Ever. His mom has brainswahsed hum so bad that he gets suspicious of things like that."
I watch as he paces in the room a few times before he turns to me with a smile on his face. "I have a plan."
After I drop Aubrey off at her work, I drive back home but as I walk towards the house enterance, I'm greeted by my cousin. "You mind telling me why I just got a complaint about you from one of the employees?" He asks.
"Well, good morning to you too, Felix." I say as I walk inside with him right on my ass. I walk into the kitchen and see the table still the same as it was an hour ago. I was already missing her presence. She looked very cute when she was sleeping. The image makes me smile as I reach for a glass of water on the table.
"What's gotten you so smiley this morning?"
Taking a gulp of water, I look at Felix. He's dressed rather casual today. His hair still blonde as ever. "Hey, would you mind doing something for me?"
"What?" He asks.
My phone vibrates. I take out it out my pocket and instantly smile at the text. "Do a background check on Troy Parker."
A: thank you for last night and this morning
C: you're welcome
"Why?" Felix asks.
"Just find out what he does and any other information that might be useful, yeah?"
He sighs. "Fine. But whatever it is you're planning, I want in."
I grin widely. "Of course, cousin. That's why we're partners."
His phone suddenly starts ringing. "Well, that's my cue to leave. You'll be fine for the next few days at home?" I nod and he leaves.
My phone vibrates again.
A: am i doing the right thing?
This girl. I press on her name and press call. She picks up mid first ring. "Hello?"
"Aubrey," I say. "Do you remember the time I told you that I envied you for your family?"
"I do, yeah. Why?"
"And then you invited me that night with dinner with your family? I couldn't stop smiling the entire night," I continue. It was also the time where I discovered that I had feelings for her. But I couldn't say that to her.
"Well, I didn't want you to feel left out."
I chuckle. "It made feel assured that I wasn't alone."
"I'm so confused right now," she replies.
"Sweetheart, what I'm saying is that you're not alone in this," I reply, smiling. "You have me."
"If you could only see that you have a lot of people that will be there for you, no matter what."
"Thanks, Christopher," she says.
Fuck. She said my name. I hang my head low, trying to compose myself. "No need to thank me yet."
She giggles. "Okay. I have to go now. Talk later?"
"Yeah. Talk later," I reply, smiling. God, she makes me crazy.
When I saw her crying on the sidewalk, my heart broke in half. The anger I felt at that moment but seeing her in that state, all I wanted to do was get her to a safe place. And warm clothes. I wanted to give Troy a piece of my mind, rhat's for sure. Once I got her to calm down and in warm clothes, she broke down again and told me everything about Troy and his mom. After I had tucked her in my bed, I watched her sleeping for a few minutes. I wanted to kiss her worries away. I wanted to hold her hand and tell her it's okay.
My phone vibrates snapping me out of my thoughts. An email from Felix. That was fast.
F: here's everything about Troy Parker, thank me later
I click on the document and I'm immediately hit with his face on his job application form. I gotta admit, he's got the qualifications for it. As I scroll down, I see that he owns the house that him and Aubrey live in. And then I see that he works in the accounts department in the company. "Sheesh, what did she see in this guy?"
A name pops on my screen and put my phone on my ear. "Leanna."
"Chris! Darling, it's been a while. How are you?"
"I'm well. You're taking care of yourself?"
"I am. I had been meaning to ask if you're going to my nightclub's opening this weekend?"
"You know I wouldn't miss it," I reply.
"Oh good! My best friend just said she'll come with her husband. I can finally introduce you to her!"
"Should I be scared or thankful?" I joke.
"Aubrey is just the kindest girl you will ever meet. Can't say about her douche of a canoe husband though."
Why did I get the feeling that I knew her best friend? "What's her last name?"
My lips curve upwards into a smile. Perfect.
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A/N: ayo troy be giving major red flags
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roseonne · 10 months
shifted roles
Shift tries to perform his portrait, one more time.
for everyone's favorite little brother, shift ! ( ao3 link )
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"I've always wanted an older brother."
Shift pauses. He takes in a quick breath, the quiet air of the empty theater greeting his lungs. The vacant seats and balconies patiently wait for his next act in anticipation. A single spotlight hovers steadily above his head.
Training, rehearsals, and special private lessons exclusively intended for whoever holds the honorable title of 'top actor' had concluded hours ago. Staff members from almost every department begin taking their respective leaves, one after another. Last time he asked, even Reni and his two favorite seniors were already on their way homes, too.
Despite all that, however, Shift decides he still is miles away from calling it a day. (Talk about a hard worker; he claims to have inherited this trait from a certain someone.)
Hence, after clearing his throat one more time, GOD-za's top actor tries reciting his lines again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I've always wanted an older brother.
I thought it was cool... Having someone big and strong that I'd want to look up to while growing up. Maybe someone who could protect me when bad people decide to pick on me, one day. Someone I can talk to and rely on about literally anything and everything in the whole wide world.
Hearing a voice call out to me from outside the comforts of my small room, I poke my head through the door I just opened to catch the rest of the message. It's a little disappointing to have my favorite train of thoughts interrupted, but I do have responsibilities I must attend to. (They're quite big too, actually.)
"I'm about to go now. Take good care of your brother while I'm out, alright?"
Ah... It's a weekend today, so no classes for me. (Thank goodness!) But of course, mom has a job. She works really hard every day to provide for us, her family; to send meーher eldest childーto a decent school; and most importantly, to afford buying my baby brother's medicine.
The rusty old handles of the house gates shut and lock with a distinct clang. Mom is officially off to another day, another strive.
"...Okay, mom."
It's the exact same routine since... forever. But it's not like I have any right nor the luxury to complain, though.
With a sigh, I gather up all the energy I could muster to jump off of my bed and head out, as well. One, last glance filled with longing and a hint of regret is the parting gift I offer my room in the meantime.
"Until tonight," I bid my imaginary indestructible fortress of stacked pillows and tied blankets a semi-bitter farewell.
When I said I have quite the big shoes to fill, this is what I meant.
Arakawa Shift is not a typical school kid.
I don't only have to worry about homework and assessment tests. I can't stay out too late after class playing with my friends (well, I don't have plenty of them in the first place, anyway). What I do have though are personal duties at home that I cannot and must not set aside even for a millisecond.
Every desperate thought and possible attempt of prioritizing acts of self-centeredness in any form ought to be ignored, forgotten, and never be given into. I learned this by watching mom.
When she gets home every night, it looks to me as though she barely has any time left to spare for herself. Immediately fixing her attention onto my little brother, I volunteer to do the rest of the chores to help. Cooking simple meals for supper, washing used dishes, cleaning the houseーname it! I love my mom a whole lot, so if I could help her, I'd willingly do so in a heartbeat.
While on my way to my brother's room, my eyes get caught by the big window in the kitchen.
"Hm. That's odd."
Something tells me I should just look away and move on; but that just made me want to know what exactly is going on out there more badly. And sure enough, within mere moments did my curiosity indeed outweigh my instincts, prompting me to grab the nearest chair to climb onto and take a quick peek at the world spinning beyond my life as a dedicated homebody.
From the parted curtains of the kitchen window, kids around my age and range are running in circles, throwing all sorts of toys at each other and playing every kind of game I could think of (some of which, I have never seen nor heard).
A conflicted smile suddenly appears on my face, surprising even myself; but it didn't do so much as only make me resemble a sad young, dumb, and broke loner.
Wait a minute.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not sad though! And I'm certainly not a loner. Heh, why would I be? I mean, I have a cute, little baby brother who I love so much. I could just play with him, and we'd have a lot of fun together! Just the two of us, today. Tomorrow. And always.
Shaking my head at the mess outside, I finally ease myself down from the kitchen counter and move on; all the while defying the tiny sting in my chest by pretending as though I feel absolutely nothing about kids making the most out of their childhood years.
"It's alright, we all have our own timelines. I'll have mine some day..." I try my best to console myself. 
Speaking of timelines though, just a little more about my brother, the doctor said he's a little sickly at his current age but his body and condition will improve gradually as he grows. So until he can stand tall on his own two feet, I should act strong on his behalf. I have to. For aside from mom, I'm the only person my baby brother has.
I may not have a biologically-related big brother, but at least I can be that personーa reliable, older siblingーfor somebody else. And if I ever had a chance to go back and choose a life for myself? Nah. I really couldn't ask for a better familial circumstance to be in. Honestly.
"So... I'll do my best!"
That's the promise I made that day. How could I forget? It's the promise I'm more than ever ready to uphold and fulfill for as long as I live. It's... the sole, and same promise I failed to keep.
Starting the day off in a good mood is completely shattered, once inside the quarters of my baby brother. He seems fine, sleeping soundly at first glance; but the horrors of the worst scenario occurring right before my very eyes immediately dominated my entire sense of reason.
While holding my pinky finger close to his nostrils, time freezes.
He's not breathing.
In a state of panic, I frantically lean my ear onto his chest for a signーany signーof hope. Still.
I can't feel a pulse.
And all of a sudden, an ear-splitting scream. I'm not sure where it's coming from, considering I'm the only conscious person in the house.
Oh, wait.
I am screaming.
In that instant, I couldn't see, I couldn't hear, I couldn't feel. Everything else is spinning in a blur, and the only thing I can recall afterwards is sitting alone by the nearest hospital bench; knees weak, fingers trembling, breaths heavily shaky and unsteady.
"This can't be happening. No. I won't forgive myself if anything bad happens to Oruto...!"
Mom had to excuse herself early from work (she had no choice but), immediately rushing home once the neighbors heard my inhumane cries and decided to phone her.
She walks out of the ward that my brother's confined in, together with his doctor, and upon seeing me, they both take a seat on either side of me.
"Don't worry. He's okay. He's okay," the doctor tells me, giving my head gentle pats every couple of seconds.
"It's not your fault, Shift," mom whispers straight into my ear, as she wraps me tightly in her embrace; each of her words carrying a different weight of assurance I badly need to believe... But somehow can't. "I'm just glad you both are safe..."
The tears can't and won't seem to be stopping any time soon.
It's a memoryーa living nightmareーthat'll haunt me in my dreams for the rest of my life; no matter how many days, weeks, months, or even years pass. The image of my brother's face, pale and limp, will forever be engraved at the back of my mind.
I don't think I'll ever fully recover from that. Even if my brother himself is all healed and grown.
But... I have to make it. We have to make it through together, one way or another.
"I'll always protect you, Oruto."
My little brother smiles. When he does that, all the scarring wounds in my heart feel a little lighter; a little better, even.
"Hehe... Nii-san, you can choose you now."
Five words. And after all those years of loving anybody first over me, it takes just five, simple words coming from his mouth to make me begin asking questions I never would have dared construct into actual sentences in the first place.
"Does my brother not need me anymore? Was there even any point in my own selflessness? What is my purpose now that I've been instructed to choose myself by the very person I sworn lifelong protection to?"
I'm lost. Confused. Unsure about where to go, from here. Unsure about a lot of other things. And unsure about the only new door that opened for me.
Direct Invitation for the position of: TOP ACTOR Regards, GOD-za
I had no actual background in theater nor acting; save for the limited knowledge I've gathered from reading plays and reciting lines in scripts I luckily manage to get my hands on at the local library. I'd borrow them, and immerse myself in the tiny universes created by a variety of multiple authors as a way to escape the cruelty life occasionally throws my way.
And although skeptic, initially crestfallen at having been casted aside when no longer needed, it's only upon my brother's very suggestion that I accepted the offer; as the most fabulous theater company in Veludo Way officially scouts me as their reigning top actor.
I couldn't believe it, at first. Receiving a paycheck, people's acknowledgements, and one-on-one special training to prepare me for an upcoming act off. My first show! Ever! With me as the lead! Yay!
The brief phase of adjustment is neither easy nor troublesome, if I say so myself. It's okay for the most part; save for things getting quite tough on some days. One thing's for sure thoughーthis whole, life-changing experience has seemingly helped me grow a new pair of wings to fly with.
I've also met a lot of cool people I now look up to, at GOD-za. Haruto-san, the top actor right after me. Madoka, our new playwright.
"Don't hold me back, newbie," Haruto-san often says.
"If... If there's anything you want to change in the script, you can tell me," Madoka often reminds.
Haruto-san's a little loud, but he's amazing in way more ways than one. Madoka too; extreme talent hiding underneath that soft spoken nature. I can't lose!
Such a tough challenge we had to take on; especially with all the controversies revolving it. And an equally harder acceptance of defeat, fair and square; but there is room for all three of us to grow, individually and collectively. So we did.
But for the first time in my life, I felt okay being myself. I may not have been able to be a child during my earlier years alive and kicking on this planet, but it's never too late to unleash the youthful charm of being unapologetically 'Shift Arakawa'.
"Hehe, I have my two favorite seniors to be grateful for too, of course!"
Hence, it's in GOD-za that my long-standing wish has finally been granted. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"I'm... just not sure if they know this, but Haruto-san and Madoka are the closest to my heart than I ever was myself."
Shift relives every memory he has of the three of them togetherーcreating plays, performing etudes, and hanging out after a long day's worth of hard work in Haruto's apartment. He wouldn't have gotten thus far, if not for the both of them.
"I'm aware that I could be a mouthful sometimes... But, they never asked me to change," he stammers, voice wavering from the amount of emotions he's facing and pouring forth into the world. "They never made me feel that I was weird; and that I did not belong here."
The top actor breathes deeply. Feeling content and satisfaction not only for a successful attempt of doing his portrait, but at the particular shifting of his own roles throughout his fifteen years existing, thriving, and living.
"I've always wanted an older brother," Shift beams, the sparkle in his eyes barely visible now that his wide, signature smile has taken full effect all over his face, "but GOD-za gave me two." 
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luckystarite · 4 months
Long Obnoxious Vent Post: Please Ignore
Everything has gone to hell again. I'm really not doing well. I know, big shocker.
I haven't been able to get my doctor to fill my prescription for my antidepressants. It's been over 2 weeks. I'm completely out. I found some on my floor I've been taking to get me through. Still not a single word.
I've been in and out of the emergency room multiple times in the past week and nobody can figure out what's wrong with me. The doctors clearly think I'm faking and are sick of me coming in. But they think it's seizures so I'm not allowed to drive until I get a test done. I can't get the people who schedule the tests to call me back.
I tried really hard to have a good day anyway. I got dressed up and went to my cousin's graduation. Really proud of him. My mom showed up like 2 hours late so drugged out of her mind that she can't string words together. She doesn't think anything's wrong and is getting combative when people try to tell her she doesn't make any sense... but she keeps interrupting people while they're talking to interject with things that are literal gibberish. I have to take care of her when she gets home. By myself. Despite not being qualified. I can't leave because I'm not allowed to drive.
I told people I was in the ER after I had a seizure, they don't believe me. "No I think it's probably this nerve thing. I have it, too! It's just an inflammation thing, you'll be fine." Don't worry buddy, the doctors don't believe me either so at least someone in this story is on the same page.
I feel like I can't connect with people. My brain is being so mean to me. I'm convinced people are secretly just tolerating me and don't actually like me. I offer absolutely nothing to relationships. My jokes keep falling flat. All of this is stuff that happened after I lost my last friend group upon finding out they didn't actually like me. Very concerned that none of my friends actually like me and I'm just too autistic to get the subtle hints.
I haven't felt well enough to exist, let alone to clean. My room is a mess and we have an inspection coming up. If I don't clean it, no one will.
I'm trying to get in with a new doctor because of all this shit going on with my current one.
I'm just an absolute mess... and now my grandma is telling me that if I want things to get better that I have to rely on a god I don't believe in. Because apparently this all-knowing benevolent deity loves me even tho nobody else seems to. But I can't just deny it because it's a nice gesture and she's literally the only person irl who cares enough to even ask me why I left the party.
I don't know how much longer I can keep doing this. I really want to keep up this whole sunshine and rainbows thing, but I'm falling apart in every direction.
And to top it all off, I'm sunburned.
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ghost-proofbaby · 2 years
Hailey!!! Bestie! Most glorious of writers of the fics!
First off! Wow congratulations! Look at what you have accomplished. How do you feel?
Shire is over and what an ending/epilogue/whatever. Oh my gourd. It was great. I am so excited to see what Mordor brings because just from that ending, it looks like you're taking it in a new direction and I *chefs kiss* CANNOT WAIT for this rollercoaster ride. (Even if it is not, I don't care. Because I know it's gonna be the drama.)
Some of my favorite things, which (since I was a late finding your fit itself) I have never mentioned before: - Dennys. Oh my god, the inclusion of Denny's. It isn't a local diner, it isn't Bennys, it is the cursed restaurant that most of us in the states love and rely on in the most beautiful or desperate of times. I love it. I love you. - Robin and Willow just being BFFLs. Because it felt so real. All of it. Like I could transpose myself and my irl best friend and yeah, it all checked out. And just...the further development of Robin's character as a best friend, because in the show we really sort of get crumbs too. I loved it. - Willow's familial relationships/trauma/guilt and then healing, specifically within herself but also in relation with her mom. I don't think I need to elaborate, but it gets my butt clenching in the most emotional way ok? (I am like a puppy who gets the wiggles) -And then of course the Eddie of it all. Not once did he feel out of character, he was perfect, I fell in love with his character even more while reading how you wrote him. I think we all have "our Eddie" who we are writing, but yours is so fleshed out and gorgeous. UGH.
Anyway, sorry for the long ask, I'm just so happy and excited. Congrats again boo! <3<3<3
jo!! bestie!! fellow glorious fic writer!! hello!!! <3
my emotions are definitely all over the place right now. i'm feeling a lil nervous, a lot of excitement, and, dare i say... a lil proud? like, hey, look at me. i did it!! i said i was gonna do it and i did it!!
it'll definitely be a rollercoaster ride for sure! i've got a lot of fun stuff planned, and i can't wait to see how this story gets to evolve similarly to how shire did!! right now i'm just hoping it lives up to everyone's expectations and my own <3 time will tell
those are definitely some of my favorite things too oh my gosh (if i was on my phone you'd be getting the simpy emoji i overuse). i started writing/brainstorming this fic in denny's, and once i realized that benny's was one letter off? c'moooon. i couldn't help myself. gotta pay homage to our roots some how (i will forever miss the crew who used to let me and audrey sit around until 2 am and allowed us to claim a booth as our own as we consumed more coffee than any human beings ever should. i hope they're doing well </3). and speaking of audrey, i based a lot of robin and willow's friendship on ours, so i'm giving her so much credit. for those of you who don't know who i'm referencing, i'm talking about my irl best friend. she listened to me rant about this fic like a maniac until i put pen to paper technically fingers to keyboard, and was my og reader for this story. she saw every version, every deleted chapter and every stupid idea i randomly had at 3 am. she's my own personal robin, and i love her so damn much. even more than i love our canon robin buckley, which is a fuck ton. she was the og comfort character before eddie. gotta put some respect on her name.
i love, love, love the fact that there is so many versions of eddie out there, and every time people tell me how i wrote him is in fact very in character, my heart swells three sizes bigger. i know i've fallen in love with that boy 200 times over with the incredibly talented writers on here, with versions of him as a mechanic, as a single dad, as a record store worker, as a swinger, as a rockstar - you get the point. the fact that y'all still find room to love 'my' eddie leaves me in awe and just. gosh. thank you. cheers to our eddies and the way we all love every version of this boy, in every universe! the story and background may shift, but the core boy who stole our hearts in season 4 remains, and i think there's something poetic to be said about that (not by me, but i know it's there.)
as always, don't ever apologize for long asks. i'm forever honored that you guys like my story enough to share your thoughts, with me and with each other. could make a grown man cry. or a 23 year old woman, in this case. i love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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just-my-type-x · 3 years
Fixing you - Asher Adams (Cody Christian imagine)
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I walked towards the entrence of the high school and greeted Olivia with a hug.
"Hey kiddo, where were you last night?", she asked and i handed her the bottle of juice she told me to buy her on my way to school
"I slept at Sarah's, i told mom and dad yesterday. I guess they didn't inform you and Jordan", i laughed and i grabbed her arm, walking down the hallway, greeting some of our friends. I was one year younger than Jordan and Olivia, thing that didn't make much difference in our circle of friends.
"They pretty much leave everything behind", she laughed and i followed her action. "Are you ready to spend your day working out with the football team?"
I rolled my eyes, remembering that my dad told me specifically that i have to help him with paperwork regarding every player, get them measured and all that jazz, sorting out their equipment to see what's gonna be replaced and so on. On the bright side, i don't attend boring classes and i also get to keep an eye out on my best friend. Asher is a pain in the ass sometimes, but i always find myself needing to be around him, so i can feel protected and tolerated. Even tho i have Jordan, he mocks me all the time and he never sees me as an independent person or good enough to reach an important level in my life. Asher does that, and that's actually how we got to be such good friends. He found me in the locker room after one of their matches, moment when i was crying pretty badly. In that day, i had to replace a cheerleader who broke her leg 5 hours before the match, so i didn't remember every single thing i had to do because i was nervous. So when our high school team won, i forgot to do some stepping and jumping, which was, apparently, very important for him. Ash stood there with me and put a smile on my face with the silliest jokes he had and i promised myself i would help him with everything he ever needed.
"Well, at least I'm not working out and my job will be done pretty soon since it's about to rain", i smile and i throw my backpack in my locker. I check for my dad's office keys, i put my phone in the pocket of my jeans and slide my fingers through my hair to give it a shake.
"It can snow outside and be negative 50 degrees, you're doing your job", Olivia laughed and hugged ne sideways before leaving to her chemistry class. I close the locker door and see Asher on the other side of the hallway. He's looking at the ground, walking mostly with the help of muscle memory than with his own memory. I slightly run towards him and he smashes into me. I'm surprised because of the impact, i thought i stopped further from him.
"I'm sorry, y/nickname. I wasn't looking.", he apologies and massages his forehead with his fingers.
"It's ok, love. What's wrong with you?", i analyse his face and body worried that something bad happened. I take his hand off his forehead and it helps him make eye contact with me for the first time. I also know he likes it when i call him love, just because it started as a joke and now it's my go to nickname for him. After his and Leyla's breakup, i felt more relaxed talking to him comparing to when they were dating.
"It's nothing, I'm late for practice.", he wants to leave, but i stop him, which makes him bump into me again.
"Ok, we're not on the field and I'm pretty much on your team as i recall", i laugh and grab the part of my stomach that hurt.
"Oh my God I'm so stupid, I'm sorry. Again. I'm gonna make it up to you, ok? Tonight, we're getting ice cream", he kisses my cheek and leaves while talking.
I shake my head and head the same direction as him, but slower. I stop by the bathroom to check my make up in the mirror. I mean, 50 guys get to see me the whole day, i have to be presentable.
I smile to myself when i notice my flushed cheeks, the result of Asher's small kiss. I never thought of me having feelings for him, but i also never accepted how beautiful and intelligent he is. But i also shouldn't do that because that would mean i would get a crush on him, Jordan would go crazy, it would be weird for Olivia and so on.
I shake my head again and scoff loudly as i leave the bathroom. I enter my dad's office and grab all the papers i need for the players and make my way to the high school gym, where the guys were doing exercises.
I sat down next to my dad and he explained that i needed to write the bank accounts in the high school system again, as the new season just began, and they get refreshed every year. I completed the papers first, calling every player to me to sign them.
I grabbed the laptop and the list of bank accounts and beneficiaries, glancing now and then at Asher, who was pretty much showing of at that moment. I smiled and moved my eyes back on the screen.
"Adams, put a shirt on", my dad says and i laugh.
"Yes coach" he obeys awkwardly
"I was enjoying the view", i laughed and he smiled at me
"I'm also enjoying free afternoons, don't you?", he kissed my forehead and i started typing Asher's bank account number, as he's the first one in alphabetical order. When I submitted it, an error occurred.
"Was that supposed to happen?", i show my dad after i checked the numbers and names again.
"Well, it shouldn't. Try it one more time, i have to get them on the field before the rain starts. If it doesn't work, get to the next one. It's probably a bug", he says as he gets up and gatheres the team to go outside. Asher looks one more time at me before leaving the room, and i can see in his eyes that he's somehow lost. I thought that maybe he started to get high again, which i would hate him for. But in the same time he swore he would never do that again.
I typed again and again until i was fed up with Asher's informations, so i finished the rest of the list.
When i finished, i scrolled through Instagram to see what's been posted in the past hours. At some point, Jordan's post with him, Spencer and Asher popped on my feed. I liked it and realised that Asher was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. That thing never happened before. I also realised that's what was wrong with him when i firstly saw him today.
I felt sick in my stomach thinking that the worst would've happened and i looked back on the list of the bank accounts, seeing everyone's name on my laptop, but not his. The one that never worked.
I searched for the Beverly Hills Bank phone number and got up the chair, walking anxiously through the room, and finally stopping by the door where i could see the guys attacking each other on the field. I Exhale loudly when asher is thrown to the ground by Spencer and hear my dad yelling at him to be focused. I'm awaken by the lady on the phone and i remind myself what I'm doing.
"Oh yeah, hi, I'm sorry. My name is y/n Baker, my dad is Billy Baker, we have an open account for our high school football team?"
"Yes, I know, i started looking for it in the system while you were telling me the names. How may i help you?"
"Can you check a current account for me? I need to put it on a list and it keeps getting rejected. It's Asher Adam's", i say and i bite my lip, tasting some blood because of how hard i was biting it
"Well, this is too bad, the account is empty.", the lady says and i sit back on my chair, putting my palm on my forehead, closing my eyes
"Are you sure? He's loaded", i try to make her look again, but the same thing appears. I hang up and hardly get up and go outside. It started to get windy and my t-shirt wasn't making me any favours.
I walked to my dad and told him that i was done, and that i talked to an IT guy to help me with the list, because some more names were not submitted, but it was a lie.
I watched the guy play, feeling bad for the whole situation, also understanding the lack of focus from Asher today, as i see how he's hit every time he tries to catch the ball.
The rain starts pouring like crazy, out of nowhere. I help the guys get their equipment and watch as they rush inside, but Asher is just taking his time.
"what are you doing? You're crazy", i say as i walk up to him and get some of his stuff off the banch.
"I'm just not in the mood to rush, I'm tired."
I bite my lip as i see him take of his football t-shirt and his tank top from underneath gets lifted enough for me to see his v-line and a bit of his abs.
"Love, we need to talk"
He laughs and i look at him through the drops of rain
"Are you breaking up with me? It would be the fastest break up after a break up"
I ignore his remark, feeling a bit jealous inside.
"Your name is rejected from the seasonal list"
He lifts his head to look at me and my heart breaks into a million pieces, seeing his tired and sad eyes.
"You showed up in the same clothes as yesterday, Jordan told dad today he saw your car at 3 am in the supermarket's parking lot, what's going on?", i ask as i drag him under a small metal thing where rain doesn't come through. "Please talk to me, I'm your best friend, you shouldn't keep secret from me" i grab his cheek with my hand and wipe a small tear that escaped from his beautiful eyes.
"What do you want me to say y/n? You already figured it out. My dad kicked me out, my mom doesn't want me, we're broke because my dad lost every single dollar, i can't finance my place in the team this season and to be honest, i don't even know why i let coach sign me up again" he says and other tears fall down his cheeks. I try to hold back mine, thinking of an answer. "Leyla left me, she's dating my friend, i screwed up with Olivia and our friendship is gone, i almost lost Jordan, now it's you, because you won't be here for me!"
"How can you say that?", i yell at him, pushing him. "I came to talk to you because i care and because i wanna help you"
"You can't do that! What would you do? Take me into your house? Like you did with Spencer? I'm sorry but i don't want to live there", he scoffs and leaves
"Where are you going?", i yell, not wanting to get in the cold rain
"In my car, i gotta take a nap", he replies ironically and i start running after him. I stop right in front of him and i cup his face in my hands, kissing him hard. He's surprised, but kisses me back immediately, grabbing me by the waist, hoping to feel me closer than i already am. I pull back for a second to readjust because of the rain and he grabs me by the back of my neck to pull me eagerly onto his lips again. He pulls my hair slightly and a soft moan escapes my lips, his tongue slipping in without hesitation, action that took me by surprise.
"I'm sorry i shouldn't have done-", Asher apologises and steps back from me
"I kiseed you", i say and look at his face for any sign of expression
"And it was the best thing that happened to me", he steps in front of me and kisses me again, more passionately and hard, like i was gonna disappear too.
"I'm not going anywhere, you know that right, Ash?", i look deeply into his eyes, hoping he will notice the sincerity i speak to him with.
"You don't know how long you'll stay with me for. You have a huge mansion, a pool, a huge closet of clothes and shoes, i have a trunk and the cafeteria lunch that's free for the team players. You won't raise me. I'm not your kid, I'm not your responsibility. It's only a matter of time. ", with pain in his voice, Ash erases some mascara from under my eye.
"I'm gonna help you out. I know i can and i will. But you have to talk to my dad. He can help you.", i take his hand motion him towards the high school. He gets the message and we start running until we get inside.
"You're everything i have right now", Ash hugs me and i place a soft kiss on his neck, the only body part i can reach in that position
"And with me, you're gonna have much more, ok? I'm not leaving you.", i kiss him and i smile when his hand travels to my ass to squeeze it.
"Too soon?", he asks amused
"Jordan's looking at us", i laugh and i laugh even more when i see his shocked expression when he sees Jordan only 2 meters away from us
"You better marry her", Jordan says and leaves us kissing more
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Gifs not mine, i hope you enjoyed it ❤️
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
I Got A Feeling Pt. 2
They ran into the hospital and rushed Glenda to the ER. The doctors took over from there, leaving the rest of the Rays there. Chucky and Tiffany were anxious and Glen was a wreck. That was his twin in there. They had a bond like no other and even though they may piss each other off they got each other's backs no matter what. The rage had built up inside of Chucky and he needed to go blow off some steam. He went hunting. He killed anything in his sight and tracked down the person who did this to his daughter. The guy took her cellphone and Chucky turned on the find my iPhone app and tracked his ass down. It took a while but anything to distract him from what had happened to his daughter. He wouldn't know how he would react if he lost her. No, he wouldn't. That wasn't an option. He wouldn't lose another kid. God that felt like ages ago. When he was young and stupid. Poor kid didn't even get a chance to be born. His eyes widen. He wouldn't let himself remember. Then the phone buzzed.
Chucky saw the man he had a large cut across his cheek. It was fresh barely starting to form scabbing.
".......I'm sorry. Do I know you?"
Chucky tackled him to the ground directly all his anger at the man. Strangling him looking him dead in the eyes.
"Take a closer look. I'll give you a hint. Look at the eyes."
Chucky leaned in and tightening his grip.
"N--No I--It can B---Be. You're her F---Father!"
"Ya damn straight. Now I'm gonna make you regret laying a hand on my daughter."
Chucky beat the living shit out of him. Letting the blood fly everywhere and ended up leaving him disfigured. He took a moment to take a breath and took Glenda's phone back.
Suddenly he felt his phone buzz.
"Chucky, get your ass over here! We can see Glenda. She's stable"
Chucky sighed in relief and sprinted back to the hospital. The three of them went to her room and sat next to her. They saw Glenda turning her head and went silent.
"D---Dad? M--Mom? G----Glen?"
"OH SWEETFACE!! We're here!! We're right here!"
"Yeah! We're right here! I'm so glad you're ok"
Chucky stayed silent and sat next to his daughter nd left out a single tear.
"Don't scare me like that ever again. I thought I almost lost you."
He gave her a kiss on the forehead and let their heads touch.
"Aw come on it'll take a little more than that to get rid of me. After all, I'm the daughter of you and mom. The king and queen of cheating death!"
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fratboykate · 2 years
Oh God, do we get split personality frat boy Kate where she's immediately a responsible adult around her younger siblings????? Like "our parents are divorced and busy trying to one up each other professionally all the damn time so I guess I'll fucking raise you with the babysitters. 😒" GIVE ME THE DYNAMICS!!! PLEASE!!!
Kate meets Melina and Alexei almost immediately. Not because Yelena wants to but they show up unannounced at Yelena's place one day and Kate is there and it just...happens. Couldn't help it. She wouldn't change it (I mean, maybe just to reduce the amount of fucking mayhem) because she loves that they get along.
Yelena doesn't meet the Bishops for A WHILE. And she starts to take that shit personally. Like..."Damn is this bitch embarrased of me? They live in the city too. There's no reason I shouldn't have met them yet." Holidays happen and Kate spends time with Yelena's family but she NEVER even invites Yelena over to hers. Never comes up. It's like "We gotta go to my mom's in the morning and will be there until lunch then go to my dad's for dinner for a bit and then I can come to your parent's."
Kate leaves the room when she takes calls from her parents. Yelena knows there's WEIRD tension with Kate's seventeen year old brother. She's heard them arguing on the phone a couple times. But but BUT she does know Kate has a ten year old little sister who is basically the light of Kate's life. She's seen Kate talking to her on facetime and has seen her in the stands at some of Kate's matches. But if her little sister is there Kate will like...become distant. She'll take her sister to ice cream or dinner after games and just be like "See you at home later?" and bail on Yelena. And Yelena is like "?????????????"
Kate's dad is getting married again for the billionth time. Kate doesn't mention it but Yelena finds the invitation and it's like a week away. She finally blows up and she's like...
"BROOOOO...am I like not good enough for your fancy family or something? The fuck?"
"Leave it alone."
"Nah, what's up? You know my family but I don't know jack about yours. Wtf my dude?"
Yelena keeps pushing and Kate finally blows up.
"My parents are raging Republican homophobes who are in denial about me being bi and are still convinced that I will end up with a guy. The one time I openly dated a girl they cut me off from my little sister. She's the only good, normal thing in that clusterfuck we call a "family" and I can't leave her alone with them. She has no one to look out for her. My mom is more concerned with what the world thinks of how she lives her life than actually living her life. My father spends his time either too busy running the company or too busy having sex with anything that has a pulse to care about any of us. And that is how my brother ended up with a massive coke and pill problem that no one has seemed to notice but me. But I can't do anything about it because he's never listened to a single fucking thing I say. So yeah, you didn't know a thing about them and that was intentional."
Kate storms out of the apartment and doesn't come back for like a day and a half. Shuts off her phone. Goes full ghost mode.
When she comes back she's like: "They're the ones who are not good enough for you. I can't bring you into that fucking mess. I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. I would bail out of it if I could but I can't because they're my family. I won't do that to you."
And basically Yelena is like: "YOU DUMB STUPID SILLY LITTLE BITCHHHHHH...I should have a choice in the matter...no????????"
"You don't get it..."
"YOU don't get it. I'm all in. For the crazy and the messy and the bad. I've held your hair back while you throw up chunks of mysterious, undetermined things after RIDICULOUS UNSUPERVISED spring break bets. You should know this by now. A bit of family drama sounds like nothing by comparison."
Then Kate basically spends the entire night filling Yelena in on AAAAAAAAALL of the bullshit.
"Still sure you don't want to run for the hills?"
"Feet planted firmly on the ground. No running."
So Kate is like..."You wanna come to a wedding then?" And Yelena is like 😳😳😳 "Let's meet the Gazillionaire And Ultra Fucked Up Bishops I guess."
AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN...come wedding day...Kate has to go get ready with her family to avoid drama that morning because she's about to DROP A NUKE when she walks into the event with her fucking secret girlfriend in tow so Yelena doesn't see her until she's already glammed up.
Yelena has met College Mess Frat Boy Kate Bishop but she's never met Family Heiress Katherine Bishop and especially not Formal Event Family Heiress Katherine Bishop. So when...THIS
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walks out to greet her outside of the venue Yelena literally almost drops to the ground in free fall. This bitch is like "DID I JUST GET REVERSE CATFISHED?!" Jfjajfjakfjkakdka
As they're walking inside Yelena whispers into Kate's ear: "After whatever THIS is...if I ever see you leave the house in a wife beater again we're going to have issues."
Kate just laughs and keeps walking. She was back to walking around in them again like three days later lol.
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Go Go Let's Go! Let's Go! Dateko! (Pt.1)
Warnings: Swearing
Word count: 7000+
"You're looking at the face of the new captain of Date Techs iron wall" your son Futakuchi Kenji shouted as he burst through the front door of your humble abode.
"So they really went with you huh" you snicker "good maybe now you'll finally learn some respect for Moniwa and those other nice third years"
Kenji huffed as he set his bag down taking off his school tie and jacket.
 "You know mom, most parents would be like 'oh my god Kenji I'm so proud of you we can order your favorite tonight I love you so much you sweet sweet child'" he mocks as you stare at him trying not to laugh.
"Since when has that been our relationship Kenji" you smile as you proceed over to your son.
You grab him forcing him into a tight squeeze "Oh I love my boy so much you are so precious I can't wait to go cheer for Date Tech every single game now" you gush as he tries to force his way from your grasp.
"Eww mom please stop" he says as he gags "I didn't mean that supportive. Please don't show up at our games."
"I don’t know Kenji those team mates of yours really do like me" you snicker as you turn around "I wouldn't ever want anyone to think I don't support my precious baby boy."
Kenji rolled his eyes as you laughed. You had always had a really good relationship with your son. You had him at the age of 20 while you were in a relationship with his father. Unfortunately the relationship didn't work out and his father left the area. You didn't see him much and neither did Kenji. You struggled as a single mom, finding your main support in your parents. You had a great relationship with them and the 4 of you together made up a tiny happy family.
Your parents helped you finish school while your mother watched Kenji. You graduated and getting the job you had worked years for. Now that you were established, things were going well. Kenji was doing well in school, playing volleyball for one of the top schools in the Miyagi prefecture and you were working long hours at a job you loved. No matter what you always made time for your son. He didn't really want you to attend his games so you would occasionally sneak into one watching from the nosebleeds. You loved seeing your son doing what he loved and you always encouraged him.
"So what does a team captain do" you ask as you place the order for your son's favorite take out.
"I mean I run pratices, lead drills and encourage the team" he says nonchalantly as he looks over his school work.
"Not a strong suit of yours Kenj" you smile as he shots a death glare at you.
"Well it's alot easier now that we have a manager to help too" he says.
"Oh you found one then?" You smile
"Yeah Nametsu Mai, she's a second year. She will be doing a lot of the note taking and helping with set ups. Also it's nice to have someone making bentos for the team" he says.
You look up from the bills on your counter "wait she's doing all that alone? That poor girl why does she have to do all that?"
"It's her job mom chill" Kenji says as he laughs at your outburst.
"And your job Kenji is to make sure your team runs efficiently so I expect you to be helping you" you turn as you raise your eyebrows at him.
"Mom ser-" Kenji starts as he sees the glare in your eyes.
"I'm 100% serious Kenji. If you don't help that girl I swear to God that I will be front and center at every single match. Every single tournament with a giant sign in the shape of your face and a shirt that says 'I'm Futakuchi Kenji's number one fan'" you glare as his eyes widen.
"Ok mom ok ill invite her over to help her my god you're mean" he says as you smile.
"I'm off Friday so I can help you make bentos too. You really suck Kenji at doing anything domestic" you smile as you walk to the door to get the takeout you ordered.
Kenji shakes his head as he groans.
Thank God I'm only captain for 1 year he thinks as he signs going to help you get the food.
Friday approaches quickly as the team gears up for their first round of tournaments
"Mai" Kenji calls as he motions for her to come over
"Yes Kenji?" Mai says with a bright smile
"So I want to help you prepare meals for the team for the tournament" he says.
The team stops. Mai looks at him in shock. Middle blocker Aone Takanobu just stares. Fellow outside hitter Obara Yutaka smiles as Libero Sakunami Kōsuke looks on in complete shock.
"Stop looking at me like that! I'm a helpful person!" He screams as they all go back to their activities.
"Ahh it's ok Kenji I really don't need he-" Mai waves shaking her hands.
"Just come to my place tonight ok" Kenji says as the gym doors suddenly burst open.
Coach Oiwake Takurō just shakes his head as he witnesses to former 3rd year volleyball players parade into the gym.
"Well hello our precious underclassmen" Former Middle blocker Kamasaki Yasushi shouts as he walks over to the team.
Kenji just shakes his head "you guys really must lead boring lives if you always have to come bother us during practice. Haven't you found a job yet Kamasaki?" Kenji smirks as he sees the third year began to get heated.
"And here I thought you changed Futakuchi" he says as he goes to grab the captain by the collar. 
 Suddenly someone yells "Aone" and Aone goes to break up the fighting duo.
"Still no respect for your upperclassmen I see" Former captain Moniwa Kaname says with a laugh.
"Well since you're here you might as well make yourselves useful" Kenji says as he stares at Kamasaki "go block for me."
Kamasaki loosens his tie as former wing spiker Sasaya Takehito says as he shakes his head "not again."
Practice ends as the team clears the gym. Mai and Kenji walk to the Futakuchi residence. 
 As they approach, Mai looks at Kenji.
"You really don't need to help me" Mai says "it's my job as manager."
"I know Mai but you see- umm well my mom kinda insisted I help you" Kenji says "she's a bit- much."
They walk to the front door as Kenji opens it. Y/N comes running from the kitchen to greet her son and hopefully their team manager.
"KENJI I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DIDNT BRING-" you stop as Kenji just stares at you.
"Oh hello! You must be Mai!" You say extending your hand to the young girl.
"Hello Ms. Futakuchi! It's so nice to meet you" Mai says as she bows, saying Y/Ns hand.
"You as well! Kenji you didn't tell me how cute she was! You must get attention for all the boys" you smile as Mai blushes.
"Mom seriously" Kenji says as his face turns read and he walks away putting his and Mai's bags on the floor.
"What? It's true! But take it from me honey, boys are nothing but trouble! Look at Kenji" you say as you smirk to your son, Mai trying to hide her giggling.
"Ok mom did you just invite her over to ridicule me?" Kenji says to you completely unimpressed
"Nope I can do that without inviting her over! Now let's go to the kitchen Mai" you say as you lead the young girl to the kitchen.
You and Mai work to prepare bentos as you put Kenji to work where you need him.
"Honestly Kenji just stay out of the way" you shout.
"Mom why did you even ask me to invite her over?! I'm literally doing nothing" he says as he sits at the table
"Yes and you're terrible at it" you roll your eyes.
Mai finds your relationship with Kenji amusing and lighthearted. She can tell you have a great relationship with your son and you both feel comfortable picking on each other.
"Ok that's the last of it Mai. You did such a great job! The boys are so lucky to have you. And if they ever say anything rude to you, you let me know and I'll take care of it" you nudge Mai as she giggles.
"Oh don't worry Ms Futakuchi, Coach Oiwake makes sure they appreciate me" she smiles.
"Coach Oiwaka? I don't think I've met him" you turn slowly looking at Kenji
"Why would you need to mom? You always tell me you're happy to get rid of me to whomever will take me off your hands" he says to you in a mocking tone.
"Still! Is he cute?" You say as Mai laughs out loud
"Mom we are not having this discussion " Kenji says as he places his hands over his ears and walks out of the kitchen.
"Well is he?" you say smiling at Mai.
"For an older man, yes" she says giggling "he's been divorced for a few years now. No kids to speak of. He's pretty dedicated to being the coach"
You smile. It's been forever since you've been out with a man. After Kenji's father left, you were top focused on your career and school to even consider dating, let alone be intimate. It had been at least 5 years since you last had sex. Honestly you weren't even sure that was accurate.
"Ms. Futakuchi" Mai says to you as you stare off into space "umm Ms. Futakuchi?"
"Oh gosh I'm sorry Mai! Just thinking. How about we keep the bentos here and I'll bring them tomorrow morning before you leave?" You smile as Mai nods.
"Heck maybe I'll even get to chance to see this gorgeous coach of yours" she winks
"LA LA LA MOM I CANT HEAR YOU" Futakuchi sings from the other room as you both laugh.
Saturday morning approaches as Kenji leaves early to help load the bus. You leave the house at 7:30 in your leggings and old date tech t shirt, figuring it would just be a quick stop to drop off the bentos and back home to enjoy a day free from Kenji and responsibilities as an adult.
You arrive at the school and see the bus outside. It seems like the team is in the gym so you quickly grab the box making your way to the gym. You start to press the door open as you enter slowly.
Coach Oiwake looks up from his notes to see a beautiful young women standing holding an entire box of bentos.
Who are you? And how in the world are you so attractive?
"Kenji you jerk get over here and help your poor mother" you say sarcastically as the team snickers.
"More like 'poor me having to deal with my MOM showing up to my volleyball gym’" kenji rolls his eyes as he quickly walks away from you.
"Love you too sweetheart" you blurt out as every laughs and Coach Oiwake smiles.
"Futakuchi is this really your mother?" Coach says as he watches Kenji out the bentos on the floor.
"Unfortunately yes" Kenji says as he rolls his eyes rejoining his team.
You turn to walk out as Coach Oiwake stops you.
"Mrs. Futakuchi, hello I'm Coach Oiwake Takurō" he says as he extends his hand to yours.
"Oh no 'Mrs' please. Just Y/N" you say as you blush.
The team is observing your interactions.
"Awe that's so cute" Mai gushes as Obara places a hand on Kenji's shoulder.
"Man I don't blame coach at all. Your mom is hot" Obara laughed as Futakuchi glared at him.
"Can we please load the bus and stop talking about my mother? Kenji says.
"Well Y/N we very much appreciate you helping Mai with the Bentos" Coach Oiwake says to you as you smile.
"Don’t mention it Coach Oiwake! Kenji should be doing it anyways AS THE CAPTAIN" you sarcastically shout to him as he walks by you.
Coach Oiwake laughs "I can see where Futakuchi gets his whit Y/N and please call me Takurō."
You smile.
"I hope you'll be able to make it out to the tournament this weekend. I know the boys would appreciate the support" Takurō says as Kenji snaps his neck around.
"Oh no coach my mom is busy this weekend right MOM" Kenji says as he bores holes into your face.
"Actually I don't work this weekend Kenj! Hey that's a great idea! I'll come to support our boys" you shout as you go to hug your son.
Takurō laughs as he watches how cute you interact with your son.
"I look forward to seeing you there Y/N" Takuro says as he turns around winking at you.
Is the coach really flirting with me? you think as you giggle to yourself.
"Oh my god" Kenji shouts as he walks away "Oh don't worry sweetie I promise I won't cheer too loud for my precious angel" you tease as you bid the team and Kenji a farewell.
Damn I need to get to know her Takurō thinks as he smiles as you walk away.
taglist: @axoxtxhxh​
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skullstarz · 3 years
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sweet summer days
-> husband!iida tenya x gn!reader
read before continuing!!: although reader is labeled as gender neutral, the kids sharing both your features and tenya’s implies female anatomy or the ability to bear a child. this can be twisted to be gender neutral friendly though, like a relative of yours being a surrogate. you have tohru (7), toshiro (6), and tomoe (5).
ack this isnt as good as i wanted it to be ㅠㅅㅠ it just sounded so much better in my head aaaaa. i just wanted sweet n soft cuteness. i also fell in love with the children omg i want. kids. now ...
warnings: none.
word count: 1.4k words
check out my masterlist for more of my works!!
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laughter and the sound of tiny feet running across the hardwood floor filled your spacious home. what was meant to be a lazy day off for your husband has turned into a chaotic day of cheeky grins, sticky fingers, and rough splashes of pool water. your husband tenya, however, couldn’t be any more happier than he is right now.
the clinking of ice cubes against glass and the mattress dipping underneath you gently woke you up. you look up to see tenya opening a new book he bought recently, quickly becoming submerged in it’s contents. groaning ever so softly, you contemplated whether you should wake up or stay in your comfortable position. unfortunately you didn’t have much of a chance to decide, as your youngest, tomoe, woke you up with a soft grunt, kicking her feet in the air as she desperately tried making her way up onto your bed.
“tomoe? what are you doing up so early?” your husband asks, reaching over you to pick up the girl with ease. tomoe was the sleepiest of your three children; she was shy, silent, and soft in nature, much different than her two older siblings. it was rare to see her this active in the mornings, much less awake, as she had a tendency to nap whenever she saw the chance to.
“tohru and toshiro are fighting again” she whines, a lazy hand reaching up to rub her eye as you sit up, patting down the stray hairs sticking up from her head. she had shoulder length blue hair, with your eyes and smile, along with tenya’s quirk. he swore up and down that he’d train her the best he could so she could continue his legacy. while he promised he had no favorites, you could tell tenya was excited to have tomoe as his successor.
“ahh,” tenya shakes his head “those two tend to bicker quite a lot. did they wake you?” your daughter only responded with a soft nod, already falling back asleep, soothed by her father’s embrace and your gentle hand stroking her head. “i guess i’ll have to scold them a bit for making a commotion, then” tomoe let out a soft ‘mhm’ in agreement, her head finally resting against tenya’s chest as he stood whilst carrying her in his arms.
ever since graduating, becoming an adult, and starting a family with you, tenya’s become a much calmer man. it was a bit hard at first, but after learning from you and tohru that his stiffness and sudden movements aren’t exactly the most relaxing, he tried to become more loose. despite this, he’s still the awkward, nerdy, and strict boy you fell in love with at heart.
“you’re so mean tohru!” your son toshiro’s voice could be heard loudly as soon as you opened the door of your room. your two other kids were in the living room, minecraft sounds playing loudly over their argument.
“i'm not being mean, i'm being fair toshiro! papa made times for us to be on the game so we wouldn’t get into fights!” you sighed, thinking to yourself ‘so much for that schedule tenya put all that effort into’. “you shouldn’t have started a game when you knew your time was almost up!” tohru continued to holler at toshiro, who looked like he was about to cry.
tohru took mostly after tenya, his strict way of being mixing with your louder, more carefree side. she was a stickler for rules but enjoyed picking on her brother and had a tendency to be loud and over-the-top. she had your hair color but tenya’s sharp eyes. she had long hair and lighter skin than the other two from staying inside and reading more than being outside.
“tohru, sometimes, we can just choose to be nice. when you’re nice, most of the time your kindness will be returned. either way, seeing your kindness make someone happy will always be the best part of being nice. if you see that your brother is having a fun time, why don't you let him keep playing?” you take your eldest into your arms, pulling her close to you as you sat down. you weren’t afraid to talk to her about more complex/harder to grasp topics as she was extremely intelligent like her father.
“i guess you’re right…” she hung her head and sighed.
“yeah, tohru!” toshiro angrily huffed, chopping her head tenya style. tomoe continued to sleep as her siblings ran after each other around the house, chaos ensuing wherever they went.
“dad!” toshiro climbed tenya’s back and flashed you a toothy smile. toshiro was the most hyper out of the three, but also a complete cry baby. he was a proud older brother to tomoe yet relied on tohru to protect him, and was an all around happy, cute kid. he had short messy hair that was the same color as yours, with a single streak of blue. he was generally the most balanced combination of you and tenya and had much darker skin than the others, constantly playing around in the sun with todoroki’s kid.
he continued to poke his fathers cheek as he spoke “can we get in the pool today? can we? can we?” he repeated, only stopping and climbing down when your husband caved and said yes to toshi’s whining. “dad! (mom/dad/parent)! you should come in too!” was the last thing the little boy said before disappearing to quickly change and get his towel, which tohru did as well.
“what do you say? wanna go into the pool?” you asked tenya, getting up to change before toshi started whining again. tenya shook his head softly.
“i'm going to cut up some watermelon for the kids and then sit by the pool. i’d rather read for today.” he contentedly sighs as he moves toward the kitchen island, pulling out a watermelon from god knows where and starting to cut it. allowing him to enjoy his day however he’d like to, you went on ahead without him.
“how are you not burning up, ten?” you asked once he joined you all outside, just the mere sight of him in the blazing sun making you sweat. he just smiled and shrugged, continuing his book with the sounds of his children playing together in the background. you held tomoe cautiously as she half heartedly splashed the other kids. honestly, how she came out with a personality more like todoroki’s is beyond both you and tenya, though todoroki jokes that tomoe is really just his child that you guys stole from him.
the first to leave the pool was tohru, then curious toshi, and then you after tomoe whined that she wanted to go with the other two. they all went back inside, towels covering them before pouncing on the plate of watermelon like it was the last in the world. luckily tenya preplanned and saved a couple small slices for the two of you, otherwise you would’ve missed out.
laying next to your husband on the beach chair, he let out a soft groan when your cold, wet hair and hands met his warm skin. “did you not bring out a towel? you’re really cold, love.” you let out a whine which tenya knew meant ‘no and i regret not bringing one’. he adjusted himself to put his arm around you, in attempts to warm you up.
it wasn't long before the sound of children running came close, tohru chasing toshiro angrily and tomoe slowly trailing behind them. you chuckled as tomoe climbed onto you and tenya, a watermelon seed stuck to her cheek and another in her hair. as you removed the seeds, tohru and toshiro kept running after one another.
“toshiro you took the last piece of watermelon so don’t cry when you get what you deserve!” she shrieked, and you decided you probably should no longer let her go over to bakugo’s house, because as much as his youngest boy liked to read with tohru, the rest of his kids took after him, which was probably where she learned her more aggressive behaviors.
holding tomoe in your arms, your children became background noise that lulled you to sleep. the last words you heard were “papa can we go to sanrio puroland tomorrow!?” from tohru. with tenya being puddy at the hands of his children, it was safe to say the summer fun wasn’t done just yet.
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