#*looks at the full inbox outta corner her eye*
wolfavens · 1 year
rules: tag 9 people you would like to get to know/catch up with. tagged by @thegloomiestwhim & @simsdada - ty guys! 🤗
last song : give up by the pack a.d.
last show : 1899
currently watching : rewatching gravity falls 🏞
currently reading : catch-22
current obsession : well... not over my x100t yet tbh 😅 also packing for my ireland trip on sunday and my husnabd did point out it has gotten to a point of obsession heheh (the packing i mean, the packing did) 😅
i tag (without checking who has done this before so no pressure hehe) : @eslanes @streetlites @stillgotme @rebouks @wannabecatwriter @mysticmoon-s @mireuja @goodnightlittlewing @capptrash
33 notes · View notes
Steel City - 6
Pairing: Billy Russo x Reader (...)
Word Count: 6687
Rating: M (language, talk of major character death)
Summary: As Billy continues to share his past with you, what do you think of it - and of him? What happens the next day, when you’re confronted with the reality of your situation - and who you’re up againt?
Author’s Note: Sorry this is up so late tonight, I got very sidetracked all day. I swear this is going to be more than them talking at some point, but it didn’t seem fair to gloss over a past that has so much impact on this story. Thank you for your feedback so far, it means the world to me. 
The first six parts of this are on my masterlist, under the “Billy Russo” link if you need to catch up.
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(Images edited by @gollyderek​, banner by me)
I hope we can be friends. 
 He said the words - but you barely heard them, focused on the way you were touching him - and the way he was touching you. The hand that guided yours up was resting against your knee, but he wasn’t gripping it. He’s so self conscious of these scars and his face and what he did, and he wanted me to...  “I do too, Billy.” You took a deep breath, allowing yourself to follow the movement as you arced your thumb over his cheek once more before you smiled at him, clearing your throat. “Thank you for telling me all of that.” 
 You pulled your hand away, dropping it to where his rested, squeezing, and then settled back against the cushions of the couch, watching him. God, he... “What…” He looked confused for a second, sitting up straight and running both hands through his hair. “You just…” Just what? “You didn’t even try to -” To what? 
 “Try to what, Billy?” You sat up again, not understanding. “What are you -” Billy turned his head away from you and drew his lower lip into his mouth, teeth biting down against it. “Please tell me.” 
 “Before.” He sniffed, shaking his head back and forth. “No, you know what? Let me show you.” Billy reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone. You watched the screen light up, his thumb moving over it as he typed in his password, and then a few seconds later, he handed the device to you. “This is what I used to look like.” You took the phone from him, not sure of what you were going to see, but the images weren’t what you expected. He looks… 
 Many of the pictures were of Billy, grinning at the camera. The smile was the same, the look in his eyes one of satisfaction more often than not. There were pictures of him in tailored suits, his fatigues, casual clothes similar to the ones that he currently wore. You saw his life, told in pictures as you swiped through them, Billy silent in front of you. There were pictures of him with women, each of them clinging to him in some way; arms around him, gripping his hand, leaning in to plant kisses on his cheeks, one dark haired woman with her arm hooked in his, both of them dressed to the nines. “These women are gorgeous, Billy.” You glanced up, seeing that he was staring at you. “And you look great in a suit.” You got that tiny smirk from him again at that, but it was brief. “But -” What does he want me to see?
 “I didn’t have much growin’ up, except my face.” He sighed, reaching for his phone, which you handed back to him without saying anything. “So I got used to usin’ it.” Of course you did, you’re attractive. “I was the most popular kid in the group home, especially right before I joined the Marines, because I looked older. I didn’t need a fake ID, so I was everyone’s best friend.” He shrugged. “An’ then I enlisted, and it was like all these women couldn’t …” He ran his hand over the lower half of his face. “I always had my pick.” You’d figured as much, from the way he spoke to you in the few previous interactions you’d had, but hearing him say it was another story. “The uniform, it made ‘em crazy.” He grinned again - a real one. “The goddamn suits were the same way.” Billy rolled his eyes, but it wasn’t in frustration. He likes thinking about this at the same time that he hates it. “And then I fucked up.” 
 “N-” He cut you off, setting his phone down. 
 “I did. I chose wrong, and it got me this.” He gestured to his face. “It took me six months after gettin’ out of the hospital to even think about tryin’ to take a woman to bed, but I was always recoverin’ from one surgery or another, so I hid out a lot. And now I don’t know why people are lookin’ at me, or what they want, or if it’s real, because they don’t know, and they’re just seein’ me.” They don’t. “Maybe it’s what I deserve.” 
 “Billy, look at me.” You waited until his eyes were on you to continue. “What did I tell you the other day?” It’s nearly six AM, I haven’t… “I don’t know what good it is to say this again, but I think that you - right now - you’re a good looking guy.” Really good looking. You pointed to his phone. “I may not be a New York City socialite, but…” You shrugged your shoulders. “You got used to relying on your looks because it’s what drew people in and it was what you could fall back on. Now… you just have to do things a little differently.” 
 “You pulled away from me, just now.” He wrinkled his nose. “I basically asked you to touch me, an’ you -” That’s what this is about? Because I didn’t...
 “Billy.” It was your turn to sigh, the sound deep and loud in the empty, open space around you. “You just finished telling me about some really terrible things that happened to you and the people you love.” You met his eyes, surprised to see that he was surprised at your words. “That is not the time to kiss someone. You know it and I know it.” He said touch, not kiss. Shit. He swallowed hard, but didn’t answer you. “It has nothing to do with the way you look, or what I want or…” You leaned forward, setting your hand on his knee. “Not pulling my hand back? That would have been taking advantage of you, Billy Russo.” You shook your head. “And friends don’t do that to each other.” 
 His eyes widened in shock, and his mouth opened, but Billy didn’t speak right away. “You mean that?” Giving him a single nod and hoping that he could see that you were telling him the truth, you waited. You felt the mood shift and saw Billy’s posture change, the man drawing himself up to his full height and cocking his head to the side as he stared at you. “What kinda friend am I, hmm?” What?  “The sun’s about to start comin’ up, and you have to -” Shit. It is. “I’m sorry.” 
 “Don’t be.” You let out a long breath, fighting back a yawn. “What you told me was important, Billy. And I’m thankful that you trust me enough to… want me to know.” Pointing over your shoulder at the kitchen, you continued. “And Frank and Lieberman and probably Karen, too… they’ll all hear it, right?” He told you yes. “This is a big deal. And I know that you told me to help me understand, but… it’s more than that, because it’s about you. To me, at least.” Your eyes moved past him and to the balcony door, but they quickly returned to Billy’s face. “So Billy? For the time you’re here? While you do what you need to do?” There was resolve in his eyes. “I’m behind you. And Frank.” But mostly you. You yawned, covering your mouth and Billy groaned, standing. 
 “I’m gonna go. I’m off today, but you’re not, and -”
 “You know my schedule?” He bit down on the corner of his lip and grimaced, but there was a playfulness in his eyes that didn’t surprise you. Of course you do. “Well, Mr. Russo.” You gestured to your bedroom. “I’m going to check my email and see if anyone contacted me about that meeting Rawlins and I had today, and then I’m going to call off and sleep til noon.” He laughed, the sound warm and genuine. “So I’m kicking you out now.” 
 “Usually it’s me kickin’ women outta my place in the early morning hours.” One of Billy’s eyebrows was raised, but he followed you as you walked toward your bedroom door, keeping a few steps behind you. He said your name quietly, all traces of humor gone. “Will you tell me when you hear from -”
 “Of course.” You turned to face Billy, speaking without thinking. “Do you want to come with me while I check now?” His eyes went to your bedroom door and he nodded without hesitation, following you into the room and standing behind you as you turned the light and then your computer on, waiting for it to boot. You watched him in the mirror as he looked around the space, eyes lingering on the window and closet door before moving to the bed and then back to you. 
 “Nothing.” You scrolled through your inbox. “Nothing yet. It’ll probably come through later today, he sounded urgent.” 
 “He’s gonna try to get what he wants as fast as possible, but he doesn’t really want the company, I don’t think. He just needs willing people, ones that can be bought. Like me.” You felt sadness at his words, but Billy didn’t seem to dwell on them. “We still think the Taylor Christmas party is the actual target - the company one, not your dad’s.” Oh, you know about that? “Just keep … let me or Frank know when you get an email. Lieberman will be able to look into it, and we’ll have an idea of who and how and what.” Alright then, I guess this Lieberman’s good at what he does. “But now,” Billy continued, leaning down behind you and speaking into your ear, one hand flat on your desk’s top, right next to your hand. You turned your head slightly, able to see his face up close, his cheek nearly pressed to yours. “Since you’ve already kicked me out of your living room, I’m not gonna wait til you kick me out of your bedroom on the same night, too.” He took a deep breath. “Follow me and relock the door after I leave.” 
 You moved through the living room, the light from your bedroom spilling out into it and helping you see the doorway clearly. Wait a minute. “Billy.” He stopped with his hand on the doorknob, halfway turning to look back at you. “You told me that you’re more confident when you…” Choose your words carefully. “When you’re interacting with women that understand what you’ve been through.” He watched you, waiting. “But by my count?” You held up three fingers. “You hit on me three times tonight without trouble.” 
 “Did I?” You heard the change in his voice, Billy’s eyes darkening and his lips quirking up into a grin. “Huh.” He stared at you, almost like he wanted to say something else but then decided against it. “G’night.” The door opened and closed behind him, and then Billy was gone, the apartment silent again. You turned the deadbolt, realizing how little good it would do if Rawlins really wanted someone as trained and capable as Frank or Billy to get to you, but it was a small comfort - and surprisingly, so was the electronic device hiding beneath your counter’s edge. Who would have thought? 
 You brushed your teeth and made your way into your bedroom, sitting back down and typing out an email to your team, letting them know you wouldn’t be in that day and to push meetings out whenever possible. That done, you closed your laptop standing and stretching before you closed the blinds. Need to otherwise the sun’s gonna wake me up in an hour. The room darkened, you got undressed, only bothering to put a new, clean t shirt on before you climbed back into bed. You sighed as you got comfortable, cheek pressed against the pillow, but you couldn’t sleep again, because Billy’s words were repeating over in your mind. Not what he’d told you about him and Frank and Rawlins, but instead what he’d said after. “I basically asked you to touch me...you pulled away from me just now.” 
 You hadn’t wanted to, and when you’d heard how hurt he sounded, you felt worse. Once he’d given you the go-ahead to put your hand on his face, you hadn’t wanted to stop touching him, and you knew how dangerous that was for you. But I can’t help it. Scars or no scars, you were attracted to Billy Russo, and even though you knew the things he’d done, it didn’t change that feeling. The pictures he’d shown you from before his injuries didn’t phase you, and you thought your lack of response had surprised him. I didn’t know him then, how can I compare the two? He was good looking then - and still good looking, in your opinion. You knew that a lot of the way he regarded himself was due to how he felt about what had happened and not based on his actual appearance, but it saddened you that he put so much worth on his appearance over his actions. It’s a reminder and he lets it...You closed your eyes. He just needs time. Needs people to show him he’s wrong about it. 
 You had a hunch that much of the rejection and staring that Billy felt from women was in his mind, and it was his way of punishing himself for what he’d done - and what he’d failed to do. “That’ll change, too,” you murmured to yourself, yawning again.  “Anyone that….” But your thoughts trailed off as you fell asleep, the look in Billy’s eyes right before he’d walked out of your apartment the last thing you saw as you drifted off. 
 You’d lied to Billy unintentionally. When you opened your eyes and grabbed for your phone to check the time, you saw that it was almost 2 PM, meaning you’d gotten eight hours of uninterrupted sleep. I haven’t done that in months. There was a text from Kasey, asking you to meet her and some friends later in the week for dinner, along with a missed called from your father from a few hours earlier. Probably wondering why I’m not in. You sighed, sitting up, and as you looked over at the window, you saw brightness around the edges of the blinds, which meant that it wasn’t a gray day. Get something to eat and then call him. 
 You did that, not bothering to put pants on before you moved through your kitchen, cooking lunch. Rather than sitting on the couch, you climbed onto the counter again, staring at the TV on low volume while you ate, contemplating what you’d say to your father. You knew that you couldn’t say much - if it was possible for Billy to monitor your apartment, and Lieberman to do the same from New York, you knew it was also possible that Rawlins had found a way to do the same with your father. I hope he realizes this, too. You dialed his number after rinsing your plate off, pacing in your living room. He answered on the third ring, greeting you by name. “Hey, Dad.” You sighed. “You called?”
 “Yeah, I saw that you were out today, I went to your office this morning, and -”
 “I think I’m coming down with something, and since it’s going to be so busy for the next couple of weeks, I took today off.” You paused, one lie after another rolling off of your tongue. “Didn’t want to risk being sicker later, so…”
 “Are you alright?” He sounded concerned and you knew that he was asking about more than your phantom illness. Am I? 
 “I will be. Just tired. I just woke up a little while ago. I couldn’t sleep last night, but I think I’ll be OK. I should be back in tomorrow.” 
 “We should have lunch.” You heard the worry behind the words, and used your free hand to cover your eyes, stopping your steps. I don’t know that I… “You can pick the place.” He’s trying. Taking a deep breath, you lowered your hand, thinking. I’ll have to forgive him sometime, and if this is going to get as bad as Billy thinks it will… 
 “Yeah.” You looked out the window, and though it was partly sunny, the rays breaking through the clouds and reflecting off of the river, you saw that the horizon was dark, large clouds stretched as far as you could see. “We’ll have to see what happens with the weather though.” You took a breath. “I’m not walking anywhere in the snow.” You hung up after that, your father telling you that he hoped you felt better and to get some more sleep, and then when that conversation was over, you dropped your phone onto the couch, heading back into your bedroom. Shower. Shower and then I’ll lay on the couch and watch Netflix until it’s time for dinner. 
 The water - as hot as you could stand it - made you feel better, but it also allowed you to focus again on Billy’s words from the night before. He’d seemed sincere, wanting to tell you what his past was so that you understood the position that you were potentially in - as well as the one that he and Frank were in. Rawlins asked what it would take to get me to leave and work for him… does that mean… You thought of Billy telling you that Rawlins had made him promises, had offered him the world, Billy taking him up on the offer because it would give him a chance to be someone. He was already someone. You rinsed your hair, eyes on the tile in front of you. Rawlins took everything from them - from both of them. And he… they don’t want it to happen again. 
 You wouldn’t take the bait - you had no reason to - but you knew that there were others that Taylor Focus employed that would be more than willing to take on different responsibilities for more money, no matter what it meant. We try to keep them… but we can’t… Rawlins can give them… “He’s not doing that to anyone else.” You turned the water off, squeezing your hair out. “Not to our employees. Not to my dad.” You didn’t think that Rawlins had anything on your father. He would have made a move sooner if that had been the case - and wouldn’t have bothered trying to meet with you. He wants me to give them the in, and then when things go south… I’m implicated. It’ll be my fault.
 Wrapping yourself in a towel to dry off and then switching it out for a robe after a few minutes, you continued thinking. Rawlins staying in the shadows - in Kandahar, with Schoonover, even now, with your company would never put anything on him. It would always be other people taking the fall, getting caught for whatever was done - dying for whatever he’d had them do. You knew Billy couldn’t blame Rawlins for everything that had happened, because he’d been the one to make the decision to take the money, and he’d admitted that to you. But he didn’t… he didn’t kill the Castles. He didn’t…he tried to make it right. 
 As you sat back down in front of your computer, you continued to think of Billy. It was clear that Frank didn’t blame him wholly either, otherwise you knew that Billy would have been just as dead as Bennett and Schoonover and Wolf, as well as the countless other men that Frank had killed. But he blames himself. He… You opened your email, scrolling through replies from your team, and near the bottom of your new messages, you saw one from an unfamiliar address. I wonder. Clicking on it, you skimmed the text of the email, feeling your stomach twisting with each new word. This is it. But the full name at the bottom outright made you gasp. I need to get… I need to… You stood, stripping the robe off and walking into your closet, grabbing the first things that you found and pulling them on without stopping. 
 Once dressed, you closed your laptop without shutting it down and tucked it beneath your arm, grabbing your keys and jamming your feet into shoes. One of them has to be home, right? You locked the door behind you, striding to the elevator, and by the time you were in front of Frank, Karen and Billy’s apartment, your breaths were shallow, but it didn’t keep you from knocking. Answer. Answer. Answer. Billy opened the door after only a few seconds, and though you were there for a purpose, you paused to look at him before you spoke. “Billy, I got an email.” 
 You heard him inhale, watching as he stepped away from the door and gestured for you to come in. “You coulda called, it -”
 “And done what? Forwarded it to you? If you said there was a security breach, then they must be monitoring…” He swore, his long fingers moving through his hair and pulling it away from his face - though like when you’d caught him after the gym, it was unstyled, hanging over his forehead and hiding the scarring there. “No, I wanted to show it to you, because I didn’t know if I was hearing things, or…” You set your laptop down, opening it and typing in your password before you turned the screen toward Billy, giving him a chance to read through it. 
 You studied his face as his eyes moved over the page, but it wasn’t until he got to the end that he spoke. “Shit.” He closed his eyes and you saw him grit his teeth. “Shit.” Without saying anything else to you, Billy walked over to the refrigerator, reaching on top of it and grabbing a phone. He pressed a button, holding it up to his ear. “Lieberman.” He paused. “She got the email.” Even though he was dressed casually, Billy’s posture was rigid, the man focused and at full attention, his eyes on you. “This is a little more complicated than we… shit.” He sniffed, stepping back over to where you stood. “I’m gonna log her onto our network, and then you can… yeah. She made a good point; we can’t just forward the information because… right.” He typed as he spoke, and only a few seconds later, Billy’d navigated to a website and was clicking a link. “Got it.” There was a pop up on your screen, and then Billy stepped away. “You do what you need to do with this, try to figure out where… yeah. Yep. Get it and then send it to me. I’ll show Frank and Karen when they get home.” 
 Your eyes left Billy and went back to your computer, watching as the cursor moved. He’s on my computer? He…  You heard him hang up and then Billy was bent over again, his elbows resting on the counter and his palms flat against it, eyes on your screen. “Billy, what… who…” He didn’t answer right away, and you continued. “I thought you said -”
 “I did.” He licked his lips, standing up and turning to face you. “You heard me right.” He smiled at you, and you were struck at how young the expression made him look in the light of his kitchen. “I can’t believe you picked up on…” Billy chuckled. “It looks like a lot has changed in the last couple years, but…” He brought a hand up, using it to grip his left shoulder. “It looks like … looks like Dinah Madani is workin’ with Rawlins instead of Homeland now.” There was a look in his eyes that you couldn’t quite read, and though he was still looking at you, his gaze was unfocused. “Didn’t see that comin’.” 
 “Is she -” You tried to find the right word. “Dangerous? Like he is?” He sucked in a breath. “Why -”
 “I don’t know why she’s workin’ for him now. She was happy with Homeland the last time I saw her, she’d just gotten a promotion, actually.” Billy looked away and then back at you. “But… dangerous? Yes. She’s smart. She’s determined. And she tries to tell you that she wants to do what’s right but it all depends on what she thinks is right.” I don’t… “If Dinah Madani left Homeland and is now tryin’ to help Rawlins set up this new Anvil, to keep bringin’ people in? She’s got a reason, and she’s probably got a plan, too.” He knows her well. He…  “Ask me.” You blinked, shaking your head. “I see you tryin’ to put it together.” He was smiling again, waiting. I can’t ask you that, it’s none of my…
 “How do you know her? Dinah?” Shocked at the fact that the words came out of your mouth, it was your turn to laugh, though Billy didn’t, instead gesturing to the couch. Oh, this is a sitdown conversation. 
 “I was runnin’ Anvil.” He spoke when you were both sitting, Billy leaning back against the arm of the couch, long legs stretched out in front of him. “We had more overseas and small time stuff goin’ - one or two guys at a time on private security detail, couple missions that required travel. Most of it was personal stuff, but we... I wanted government contracts. I wanted to grow, and I wanted to…” He scratched his head again. “She brought a team in for trainin’, and we started talking after her session.” He shrugged. “She’d been over in the same place as me, active duty, so we had a lot in common and it wasn’t… it wasn’t like it was with a random person, you know? We had shit to talk about, and it wasn’t just feedin’ someone bullshit and drinking cheep beer.” 
 “You dated her?” You were curious, but at the same time, you knew that if the answer was yes, Billy would have to deal with going against someone that he’d once been close to. 
 “I… yeah, you could say that.” He shifted on the couch, leaning in closer to you. “We started seein’ each other - goin’ out some nights, she came to an Anvil thing with me once, an’ I… it wasn’t serious, but I guess… I spent more time with her than with anyone else for a while.” You watched as his jaw tightened. “She was tryin’ to figure out more about the video she’d been sent, and thought that I could help her, but I…” He stared at you, unblinking. “Frankie was in that video, and it wasn’t… if she found out who it was, it would have led to more… woulda led to what we did overseas and what I was doin’ at home. I’d never give him up like that, not to her. Not to anyone.”
 “So you were keeping tabs on her? Using her?” He nodded. “The whole time?” 
 “Yes.” He raised an eyebrow. “Well, not the whole time.” You had to laugh at that, one hand rising to cover your mouth. “Bein’ honest here.” I appreciate that. “Lasted a couple months, and then we just… donno. I got bored. She was gettin’ frustrated because she wasn’t gettin’ anywhere with the video or who sent it or who was in it.” He ran a hand over his thigh, averting his eyes. “An’ then I took someone else to an event I got invited to to look for leads and contracts, and she got pissed.” You widened your eyes. Of course she did. “Had a big fight about it, an’ I told her that she needed to understand that we weren’t together, that we were just havin’ fun, and she didn’t like that. Called me an asshole, said I led her on, and then she just...we stopped seein’ each other and that was it.” 
 “No it’s not.” Boldly, you decided to call him out. “I don’t think that’s the truth, Billy.” He seemed unsurprised that you were questioning him. “That might have been it then, but…”
 “D’you know why I was so good at what I did? So good with the women I…” He ran the tips of his fingers over his lips, staring at you. “No one questioned me. I mean the guys did sometimes, but I expected that.” He lowered his hand to his lap, rocking his head from side to side, his neck cracking. “No one dared to do it, because no one wanted to piss me off.” You could understand that - while handsome, there was a severity about the set of Billy’s jaw, the way he carried himself, how he switched from one mood to the other, even so far removed from the service. He would have been terrifying. “But you… I tell you all that shit I did, and you still call me out…” 
 “I’m not scared of you. I have no reason to be.” You leaned in. “I don’t work for you. I haven’t lied to you. I’m not using you. I just want to know exactly what -”
 “I saw her after, too.” He gestured to his face, interrupting you. “When I was healin’? This was before I killed Bennett, so everything was still… worse than it is now. She came to Anvil, when I was back in the office, and she was fishin’ for more information. Frankie was already… in the middle of shit, and I know she was looking for him, but I wouldn’t tell her anything.” Of course you wouldn’t. You’d protect Frank until the end. “She called me an asshole again, said I got what I deserved, and that being alone was exactly what I should get used to.” 
 “She was hurt.” It was your turn to shift, turning to face him completely with your whole body. “People hold grudges, Billy, and if she thought you were together, and you… of course she’d be upset.” 
 “She couldn’t even look me in the eye.” He sounded bitter. “Took one look at my fuckin’ face and that’s all she needed to see. She didn’t want me anymore, why wo-”
 “Did you want her to?” Your curiosity got the better of you. “You said you weren’t with her, that you were bored -”
 “I wanted someone to look at me with somethin’ that wasn’t pity or disgust.” He looked down. “It had been months, I just… all the doctors and the nurses and the therapy and the …” He groaned. “But she was just mad, and she didn’t hold back.” Bitch. “Maybe it’s what I needed to hear.’ 
 “Maybe you did. But there’s a time and a place for it, and you were still healing from losing your goddamn family.” You were angry for him, knowing how much his changed looks bothered him, knowing what the whole story was, knowing what he lived with every day. “And that wasn’t the time.” Reaching up, you went to touch your hair and realized that it was still soaked.Oh my God, I didn’t even… I must look like a mess. “But I need to… I need to know what I’m going to do, Billy. With Madani. When she comes here to sign the contract, or when she calls, or…”
 “You’re gonna have to treat her like you would any other potential client. Work with her, set everything up, but be very aware that she’s… she’s fishin’ too.” Billy eyed you carefully. “Madani’s got a temper. If she had any idea that Rawlins was involved in that video? In Kandahar? She wouldn’t let it go this far or be willing to work with him. I might not have been that close to her, but I know that for sure.” That was useful information for you - and it made perfect sense. Everyone’s got a limit. If she was that mad at Billy… 
 “Do you think your guy’s done?” You pointed to your computer. “I should go back home. I just wanted to…” He pulled the phone out of this pocket and flipped it open, nodding. 
 “He’s done. He’s got everything.” Billy looked back at you. “He can remote in whenever, now. He won’t unless it’s necessary, but that link that he used? It’s the same one that people use to have their computers fixed, so even if… even if someone is monitoring your computer somehow? It doesn’t look out of place.” 
 “Alright.” Standing, you turned to walk back to the counter and grab your laptop, but Billy’s fingers closed around your wrist, stopping you. “Billy, what -”
 “Thank you for trustin’ me.” You looked down at him, Billy eyeing you cautiously. “Thank you for not judgin’ me for… how I was. How I am. Thank you for lettin’ me vent to you, even though -”
 “How else do you get to know someone?” He was still holding your wrist, thumb pressed against the inside of it. “You’re only here for a couple weeks, right?” He nodded slowly, still watching you. “It seems to me, Billy, that you’ve had a lack of meaningful conversations recently, and I bet it gets pretty old only talking to Frank and Karen all the time.” 
 “Karen’s always tryin’ to get me to talk about my feelings.” He grinned, squeezing your wrist once more and then sliding his hand down, thumb traveling the entire length of your palm and fingers before it was gone. “And Frankie’s always talkin’ about Karen, so…” Figured. You laughed out loud, rolling your eyes. “Nah, they’re both… they help. A lot. Especially since I haven’t gone to therapy in a while, it’s… Frankie feels responsible for me, and she… well, I’ve never seen someone as... “ Billy stopped, thinking. “He lost Maria. He lost the kids. And I think he thought he’d…” Billy shrugged. “But he found her. Or maybe… I donno, maybe she found him, but he…” Billy stared up at you, and you saw something in his eyes - just for a second, but it was there. He wants what they have, even if he doesn’t realize it. “He has an after, even though he…” 
 “You could have that, too, Billy.” You took a deep breath. “I don’t… I don’t think you’ve forgiven yourself yet, even though Frank has. And when you do?” You felt yourself grinning, a hopefully feeling filling your chest. “Everything’s going to change.” 
 “Yeah?” He look was gone, replaced with an expression that you’d come to expect on his face - a smirk, his eyes full of amusement. He’s going to brush it off, he’s going to change the subject. “With this face? You were staring at him - you had been for almost the entire time you’d been in the apartment. Yes. With that face. “You’re crazy.” 
 “I’m not.” Your lips twitched, and you figured that if he was joking, you could too. “Maybe if you stopped cancelling dates to -”
 “It wasn’t a date.” He stood, stepping closer to you. “Just a drink, just -” You laughed at that, the sound loud, and you watched as Billy tried - and failed - to keep the smile off of his face, his cheeks rounding again, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he laughed with you. “What?”
 “Billy, I would be willing to bet everything in my bank account right now that if you had your guy check her phone?” You coughed, catching your breath. “Her text messages? She’d be telling all of her friends that she had a date with the hot new -”
 “Hot?” He took another step closer, tongue darting out over his lower lip, the spark in his eyes warming them up. “You think I-” You moved before you could stop yourself, reaching out with one hand to shove him backwards, head tilting back as you rolled your eyes. Way to keep that thought to yourself. 
 “Jesus, Billy, you’re such an …” His hand shot out, fingers closing back around your wrist and pulling you closer to him. “Wh-”
 “I’m just kiddin’ with you.” He squeezed, the pressure of his hand on your arm firm. “Feels good to know that even after what I’ve told you since last night, you’re still… you aren’t….” You swallowed hard, staring up at him. What is he… “You found out Frank was the… and you seemed scared that you’d been around ‘im, but I’ve done much worse shit, and you’re…” I have so many things I want to ask you. But… Oh, Billy. “You’re alone with me. You… you came to me, and -”
 “Is it so hard to believe that I… that people might understand?” He looked shocked at the question, staying quiet. “Knowing more than tiny little pieces of information?” Your hand was still on his chest, Billy holding it in place. You glanced down at it, noticing that your fingers were slightly curled, the tips pushed into the material of the shirt he wore. I didn’t even realize…  “They would.” I do. Not completely, but enough. “But Billy, I need to…” You steadied yourself, pulling your hand backwards, but he didn’t let go right away; in fact, you felt his grip tighten just for a moment before your hand was freed. “My hair’s soaked, and I…” You glanced down, taking in your outfit; a faded sweatshirt and a pair of torn jeans. “I’m a mess.” 
 “You aren’t.” His tone had changed again. He means it? “You’re -” He stopped himself, closing his eyes. I’m what? “You gonna be at work tomorrow?” The speed that Billy changed the topic of conversation at nearly made you dizzy, but you recovered quickly, giving him a single nod. 
 “Yeah, I can’t miss another day. I’m probably going to go back upstairs and answer Madani’s email, just so I can get going on that, but I’ll… I’ll be in the office tomorrow. If it’s not snowing, I’ll meet my dad for lunch, and -”
 “Don’t talk with him about any of this in the building.” Focused Billy was back, the man staring at you without blinking. “Nowhere. Rawlins wasn’t in his office yesterday, and it’s clean, but we don’t… we don’t know. Not on his phone, or at his house, either. If you need to talk about anything, it’s gotta be…” He gestured around. “Somewhere neutral. A restaurant, on the sidewalk, somewhere it’d be impossible for anyone to listen in. And… if you text me or Frankie? Don’t use our names, just in case. Karen should be fine, but...” You nodded, using the extra time to drink Billy’s profile in, realizing with shock that speaking to him so much in such a short time was making you very aware of him in a way that you couldn’t keep up with. “Your place is clean, too, because we’re not gettin’ interference when we’re listening, but… be careful. Especially after you meet with her when it happens.” 
 “I know. I’ll be careful. I…” You brought your hand up, touching the space beneath your eye where the largest scar on his face was. “I see what can happen, and I don’t…” 
 “He’s not gonna touch you.” Billy drew himself up, squaring his shoulders and looking at you. “No way.” The two of you stood silently in his living room and then you stepped back, finally tearing your gaze from his. It’s time to go. Billy said your name quietly, his eyebrows rising. “We’re gonna take care of this.” And then you’re going to go. You gave him a tight smile, turning and closing your laptop, patting the pocket of your hoodie to make sure you had your keys. 
 He stayed quiet as you stepped toward the door, but your heart was thundering in your chest. This is too much. Too much, too fast. “Hey, Billy?” You paused with your hand on the doorknob, not daring to turn back and look at him. “I’m glad it was you that was here today and not Frank or Karen.” You pulled the door open, not waiting to hear his response. “I’ll see you at work.” The door shut behind you, and after you took a deep breath, you walked quickly toward the elevator. 
 Once you’d pressed the button and were waiting for the car to reach your floor, you risked a glance over your shoulder, back down the hallway. Instead of the empty hallway you were expecting, you caught a movement - Billy’s shoulder disappearing back into his apartment. 
 Way too fast. 
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northcarolinanative · 4 years
𝐍𝐨 𝐏𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐋𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐁𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝
Requested by @whats-goingon22: Good morning :)! I have a request where John B has a younger sister who works at the wreck and doesn’t always get to go on the missions because she’s working. Well, one day DCS shows up for her, with a cop on standby. And it’s a kicking and screaming match but they manage to get her in the police car. DCS woman and cop go to talk to Kiara’s dad, and she’s left in the car, freaking out, but she doesn’t know is that John b and the pogues saw the whole thing and are trying to get her out the car?
Description: Y/N is John B’s sister, and hasn’t been kept in the loop because he is worried about her getting hurt along with their treasure hunt. He fails to tell her that DCS is back to sniffing around and sticking their noses where it doesn’t belong. Y/N gets taken by Cheryl, but she can’t break herself out alone. 
A/N: I have zero ideas on how DCS works so I just pulled from the show and how they portrayed it. This one was a little different than what I am used to, but I really liked writing it. I am sorry it took me so long I just saw it at the bottom of my inbox:( I hope you like it:) As always my requests/asks/messages are open. Thank you all so much for reading my work:) 
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Being a Pogue meant having a job as soon as you were able to work because that’s what it takes to stay above water. I was no exception to this, especially when my father disappeared and Uncle Teddy decided that his gambling took precedence over me and my brother, John B. The Routledge kids were what we had been called growing up, never really seeing one without the other. Though in recent weeks that has not been true. John B had lost his job working for Ward Cameron after he stole scuba tanks. We found a shipwreck on the marsh maze and John B wanted to see what contraband was on the ship. John B and our best friend JJ had come up with the idea that it was a smuggling ship. I mean they could have been right, who willingly goes out, in an open boat, in a hurricane if they are doing something legal? 
The ‘scuba mission,’ as Kie and I had coined it,  was the last one that I had been told about. The guys, especially John B, made sure that I was safe by going on missions while I was at work. After the groupers had shot at us in the marsh JB wasn’t having it. Not one bit. He said I needed to stay as far out of it as possible. The only reason that I had found out about the compass or that all of this had related back to our dad was because of Peterkin. She was trying to keep JB and me afloat and on the island. When I found out that John B had given her the compass I was pissed, to say the least. That was the last thing that we had left of our father and he handed it off the Peterkin for what? Protection? We didn’t need protection, we had been just fine for months now. 
Because of our fight, JB and I had been avoiding each other for a couple of days, not exactly speaking. I wanted John B to know that he messed up giving our father’s compass to the cops, but because of my own stubbornness, I had no idea what the group had been up to. They seemed to always been leaving early in the morning or coming in late, making it easier to avoid John B, but still left me completely in the dark. I tossed my keys in a basket, rounding the corner to the main area of the house. 
I jumped as I saw a large man to my right, he moved to stand blocking the hallway I had just moved from. I looked in front of me and there she was, Cheryl. The dreaded DCS lady. I rolled my eyes and huffed as she stood up crossing her arms across her chest.
“Cheryl look, I told you that Uncle T would be back tonight, so it’s a bad time for check-in as it’s only like what?” I look down at my wrist, pretending to read a watch. “Like 11 am.” I took a step away from the large man standing only feet from me.
“We’re here to take you, Y/N.” She stayed standing up. I scoffed and moved further into the house and toward the kitchen. “We know teddy hasn’t been here for months.” 
“What? You and Mr.Bighead here stalking me now?” I asked. I met eyes with the officer, before trying to move through the kitchen to get outta the house. 
“That was a mistake, kid.” He said before barreling into me and grabbing my arms behind my back. “You’re not getting outta here.” I heard the clink of metal and felt the cool handcuffs slide around my wrists. 
“Seriously Cheryl?” I asked, my eyes growing wide. I tried my best to move my arms trying to get myself away from the officer. “Isn’t this a little bit excessive?” She eyed the officer behind me as if to ask the same question. I pulled myself away from him as he began to answer 
“Already lost of Routledge today, we’re not gonna make it two.”
Then it sank in, they tried to get John B too. I had to get out of this. I began walking toward Cheryl. “Really? See Uncle Teddy just went to the mainland for the day to get some supplies and stuff. Ya know, we did just have Hurricane!” I exclaimed. She just shook her head. She didn’t believe me.
That’s when I decided to bolt. I ran past Cheryl bumping her shoulder hard enough to make her fall into the couch behind me. I pushed myself against the swinging door. And into the back yard. My hands being held behind my back by the cuffs proving to make it much more difficult. I heard yelling behind me as I tried to hurry down the stairs without face planting. I made it into the yard realizing I had nowhere to go through the back. My hesitation cost me my escape though. Before I knew it the officer was on my tail and lunged forward stopping me from moving ahead. I got a face full of dry dirt and dead grass.
“Seriously, kid just get in the car and things will be a lot easier for the two of us.” The officer started to pull my arms in the direction of his cop car. I, of course, was not getting in the car of my own accord. So I stood my ground, making my weight hard, trying not to move. 
Before I could realize what was happening the officer huffed and lifted me by my middle. I started kicking my legs back and forth trying to pull myself from his grip. It seemed effective. I glanced at the car seeing Cheryl standing by the open SUV door with her arms crossed. “Why are you doing this? I’m literally doing just fine here!” The cop turned and I was able to see into the woods. 
What caught my eye made me want to smile, or cry. I couldn’t tell at the moment. I saw a mop of golden hair first and then my brother standing beside him, both hunched over hiding behind a tree. JJ put his finger to his lips telling me not to say anything. Then I looked beside him, John B’s face held nothing but fear. He nodded at me, and I nodded back, silently agreeing that we would get out of this. The officer put me in the car and walked to the driver’s side. I had to think fast and quick. The Wreck, no doubts that Kie was there, and it was close enough that the boys could follow us there. 
“Cheryl this is great and all really, but Um? Now I’m all dirty and gross.” She scoffed and turned to look at me. “So this is supposed to be better? Sending me to the mainland with nothing but the dirty clothes on my back.” She looked at the officer who just rolled his eyes and shook his head. 
“Is there anyone that we can stop and talk to? Get your clothes while we do your paperwork?” She questioned. 
“You mean besides Uncle Teddy?” I scoffed, causing Cheryl to roll her eyes this time. “Yes, the Carreras, they’ve been helping me and John B a lot,” I stated. 
Cheryl looked at the officer and nodded. I guess they never need to speak. They must pull kids from their happiness often, they have it down to a science. I pulled on the metal cuffs, each minute that passed making them more uncomfortable. 
As the car rolled over the gravel of the parking lot to the Wreck. “Can you take these damn things off please?” I said shaking the metal so they could hear. “They're too tight and they hurt.” 
“Not a chance. You’ve already decided to be a flight risk.” He said. 
Before Cheryl got out of the car she asked the officer to lay off a bit. I appreciated her sliver of humanity she seemed to have left. I huffed leaning back onto my arms in the hot cop car. “So officer,” I started, my tone coming off mocking,” What’s your name?” He stayed quiet, just looking at me through the rearview mirror. “Ight. Good talk.” 
I looked out the window to see Kie. Flailing her arms in the direction of the police car. Her hair was all messed up. “Officer you need to help me. There- there was someone over there they yelled at me and they ran that way! They were super scary.” She pointed to the woods behind her. “Please!” She begged as she came closer to the car. The officer opened the door before pressing the lock button and pulling his keys from the ignition. He slowly moved out of the car and toward Kie. She kept pointing him in the direction away from the car. I looked around frantically trying to figure out how to get out of the car. A knock to the window to my right scared me causing me to jump. 
John B was hunched down just below the window. “Unlock the Door!” He whispered through the glass, the urgency clear in his voice. I reached around trying to use my hands from behind me to pull the lock pin up and unlock the door. I saw the deputy getting upset with Kie, obviously learning that she did not have anything actually wrong with her. 
Then the pin clicked up and the door was unlocked. Everything after happened so fast. I almost fell out of the car as John B pulled it open the second the lock was up. I fell into JJ, who hurried me to the side of the Wreck and into Kie’s SUV. I pulled myself into the back corner ducking my head down as the rest of the pogues followed suit. Pope taking the driver's seat. We pulled out as Cheryl came out to see the back door to the SUV open and the cop cursing himself. Both looked dumbfounded, enough to cause me to chuckle a little bit. 
Once we were safely away from the others I sat up. “So who knows how to pick a lock so I can get out of these cuffs?” I posed as Kie and Pope turned to look and see that I was in fact still in handcuffs. Kie reached up and pulled a bobby pin from her hair. 
“Turn around.” She laughed and began to work on getting the cuffs undone” 
“That was pretty badass back there Y/N,” JJ spoke from the passenger seat. 
“Maybe, but you're lucky we saved you.” John B chuckled. 
“Don’t be so cocky. I heard they got you too.” I said as Kie got the handcuffs unlocked. Holding them up victoriously. 
“Thanks for saving me though guys,” I said with a smile. 
“No pogue’s left behind,” John B said reaching around Kie to squeeze my shoulder. 
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conceptstage · 4 years
Why Is your inbox full of people who want beau angst?. Prompt: “ you’re gonna be just fine, i promise ” for beau please
I love it, Beau angst is always welcome here.
“Where am I?”
The older halfling woman squeaked in surprise at the sound of her voice and turned around quickly. “Oh, Gods, you’re awake. You scared the bejeezus outta me.” She hurried over and reached for Beau’s arm but Beau frowned at her and shifted away.
“Where. Am. I,” Beau asked again. The harsh tone of her voice made the woman freeze and Beau took a second to look around. The room she was in was small and sterile, with no decoration and little furniture except for the bed she was laying on and a small table at her side covered in medical equipment she didn’t recognize. “A clinic? What happened?”
The woman cleared her throat and Beau recognized the symbol of the Everlight around her neck. “You’re in the All Hands Free Clinic in Zadash. My name is Marelda.” She paused and was clearly waiting for Beau to reciprocate with her own name but then shifted awkwardly when Beau just stared at her. “You were, um, apparently in some kind of bar fight.”
And when she said it, Beau kind of remembered it. Zeenoth was being an asshat so she’d run off for the evening. She remembered paying for drinks with money she swiped off another patron, she remembered drinking them all, and she remembered the guy she’d stolen from coming at her with a knife. She reached up to her neck and felt a raised scar right at the junction where the side of the neck met her shoulder. “Oh. Right.” She cleared her throat. “Well… thanks, I guess.”
Marelda grinned. “You’re gonna be just fine, sweetie, I promise. It was a close one, the knife very nearly cut your artery and if it had we would not have made it in time. You’re a very lucky young lady. Oh, we couldn’t find any information on you so we weren’t able to call anyone but if you give me a name and address I can send a messenger to let them know and have them pick you up. I’m sure someone is very worried about you, you’ve been here for fifteen hours.”
Beau thought about the Reserve first then frowned. Would they have cared? If Beau actually had died last night and they never knew what happened to her would they have wondered? Would anyone at the Reserve have worried about her? Missed her even? She imagined her father getting the letter informing him of her death. Would he feel sad at all? Would his eyes get misty, would he cry outright? Probably not. He’d probably read the letter, resolve to never trouble her mother with it, and lock it in his bottom drawer with the rest of his secrets.
“There’s no one to message,” she said, still running her fingers over the wound on her neck. “Where’s my necklace?”
“Oh, don’t worry. All your things are right outside, I’ll go get them.”
When she was alone, Beau pulled her legs up to her chest and rested her forehead on her knees. She let out a shaky breath and squeezed her eyes shut to will away the burning of tears in the corners. She licked her lips and looked up from her knees to the blank wall in front of her.
“I have to get out of here,” she said to the empty room. Saying the words out loud were like lifting a weight off her shoulders. She could just leave. Leave Zadash. She could go anywhere.
Marleda came back with her clothes and tried to pull her into a conversation, tried to get her name, maybe get something out of her, but Beau didn’t answer any of her probing questions. Finally, the older woman seemed to take the hint and started to leave.
“Well, alright. I wish you the best. You’re free to leave whenever you wish.”
“Oh, hey,” Beau started, then she paused to clear her throat when the woman turned back to her with a soft smile. “Thanks, I guess. For helping me. You didn’t have to do that.”
“Well, it’s my job.”
“Right. Yeah. Thanks anyway.”
Marelda smiled softly and watched her get dressed from the doorway. “You’re gonna be just fine,” she said again. “I promise.” Then she left Beau alone.
Beau sighed and pulled on the last of her vestiages, tying the sash loosely around her waist. She stepped outside into the fresh air and took in her surroundings. She knew where she was, the Reserve was to the north of her. But…
She paused and looked south instead. There was a gate just south of here and there was an entire world waiting right outside of it. She could be anything out there. Maybe even someday she could be something important to somebody else. She shoved the medical kit they gave her into her rucksack and turned south.
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descendantshh2 · 7 years
Neverland Pt.2 - Harry Hook x Reader
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A/N I’ve been pushing off doing Pt.2 to Neverland because of the lack of ideas that I have for Harry and the reader but my inbox is flooded with “Do a part 2 to Neverland” Or “Part 2 to Maybe We Can Be Friends” which is super amazing since I was never planning to make a part 2. But I’ll do for all of you (: However I’m using a different song for a different kind of setting. I don’t know if I’ll make a part 2 of ‘Maybe We Can Be Friends’ but drop a message if you think I should write it. Also if you haven’t read Neverland then I suggest you got check that out. Enjoy xoxo. 
Song (x)  - Love Me Again by Katelyn Tarver
I woke up wondering  Questioning How'd this begin?  How'd things get so out of place?  Feels like we're keeping score  Everyday's like before  But we both losing this game 
You turned over to look at the clock. 2:45am You quietly got outta bed. You slipped on your shoes and grabbed a spare blanket from your bed. You reached towards the locked window carefully unlatching it and sneaking out onto the roof top. 
You remember those sleepless nights when climbing on top the roof only meant to mourn in piece where can physically hear your heart shattering. You spend most of your time up there late at night wishing on star. Now for once that star responded back and brought the person you need the most. 
You see a figure in the dark sitting down with it’s back turned to you. The only light that is shinning are the moon and the stars. You walk quietly not wanting to wake anyone and get caught in your secret place. The figure turned to revile his face. 
Harry Hook 
Yes, It’s been almost a month since Ben brought Harry to Auradon. At first the adjustment was hard for Harry but he got the hang of it. You and Harry spend alot of time apart from each other which lead the Gang to confusion. Yes Harry and you had some history together speaking the fact that you two opened up to each other by the shore but for some reason there was no public relationship there. You always blamed it on the fact that Harry wasn’t ready for one. After all he said he didn’t know how to love. You weren’t going to give up. On the Isle you know he felt something. In the conference room when Ben reunited the two of you, you knew he loved you. 
“Hey.” you said walking towards Harry. Harry smiled standing up walking over to you holding a telescope in his hand. You walked over to Harry spreading out the blanket for the two of you to relax while star gazing. You felt two arms wrapped around you waist. “Harry if you wanna watch the stars let me finish spreading the blanket for us.” You giggled turned around to wrap your arms around his neck. “I cant help it lass.” Harry whispered planning tiny kisses on your neck. You gasp as his lips touch your sensitive spot.  You pushed him back not wanting his actions to lead to something else. Especially not on the roof of Auradon Prep. 
Once things were finished you and Harry both sat on the blanket. “Harry do you love me?” you spoke almost regretting the words that came outta your mouth. There was silence between you two. “I told you that I can’t love.” Harry took a deep breath, “please don’t get too attached to me.” 
There'll be times we fight  There'll be tears we cry  But it's just you and I on this road    
You were in Algebra class now thinking about what Harry said to you at the top the roof. What did he mean by ‘don’t get too attached.’ The bell rang and you walked down the halls. You headed towards your locker and opened it placing your books in. 
You see Jay coming towards you with a concerned look on his face. “Jay what’s wrong?” you asked when he fully stood in front of you. 
“Y/N are you and Harry dating?” Jay asks ignoring your question. 
You stayed quiet for a minute. How do you answer that question? You cant just say ‘No we’re not dating but we kiss a lot.’ You shook your head at Jay, “No. Well I don’t know, why?”
“Follow me now.” Jay demanded as you closed your locker and walked with him to wherever he was leading you. You guys reached the library Jay still leading the way. 
“Jay what are yo-” 
“Shh Y/N we don’t anyone to hear us.”Jay whispered. 
“You have to promise me that what I’m about the show you is for the sake of me protecting you.” Jay said leading you to the back of the library. Jay pointed towards the corner as you slowly walked turning the corner. 
You saw Harry and Audrey touching foreheads. You see Harry’s arms around her waist pulling her closer. You hear a soft moan from Harry when you notice where Audrey's hand was. 
You stop breathing for a while at the sight. Your eyes start to tear up as you turned around and walked past Jay no stopping when he calls out your name. You ran to your dorm ignoring all the stares people gave you. You stepped in the dorm and almost immediately started panicking. ‘How could he do this to you’ you thought as you slid down against the wall and started sobbing.
So will you know when to hold me And not let me be lonely When I won't let you in And sometimes when I'm angry Will you know how to face me Put me together again
  You were at the lunch table quietly eating your lunch. You’ve been avoiding Harry all day which is more harder than it seems. When you heard him call your name you would turn and walk away. You hated him for how he made you feel. After all you did for him after Ben brought him to Auradon. 
“Are you okay Y/N?” Evie said rubbing your shoulder. You shook her head letting a tear fall down your cheek. How were you suppose to be okay when the boy you believed in broke your heart to pieces. “I gotta go.” You chocked out not wanting to cry in front of your friends. You quickly got up and sped off to your room. 
On your way you bumped into someone causing you to fall back and land on you side. “I’m so sorry.” you spoke looking up with teary eyes even though you were the one that fell. You see Harry looking down at you concerned. You quickly got up and attempted to walk away.
“Lass you’ve been avoiding me all day-” Harry speaks grabbing your hand pulling you back. He stares at your eyes, “What’s wrong? Who hurt you love?” Harry's face full of concerned as he asks you questions. 
“You wanna know who hurt me,” you spoke coldly. Harry look at you confused at your sudden tone. “You did Harry Hook and I never wanna speak to you ever again.” With that you pulled your arm outta his grip. 
And even when I need space  And don't mean the words that I say  Please don't go too far away 
You sped towards you room hearing Harry’s foot steps behind you. This only made you walk faster. You opened the door to your room closing behind when you realized it was stuck. Harry’s foot stopped the door from closing and pushed it wide open. 
“Harry get out.” you said as you stepped back. 
“No Y/N not until you tell me what is wrong!” Harry yelled back shutting the door. 
“You are a disgusting pig!” You lunged at him punching his toned chest crying. Harry held your hand together forcing you to stop. Now your hand where above your head in Harry’s grip. 
You looked down crying. "How long?" You asked calming down just enough to talk. 
"What?" Harry asked confused. 
"Audrey...How long..." you cried. 
"Y/N it was just one time." Harry said looking at you. You were a very even if it was only one time. 
“How could you! After everything I did for you! You were with Audrey Why! Why!” You yelled pulling your hands outta his grip almost falling back in the process. You backed away from him as Harry tried coming forward. 
“Y/N... I told you I couldn't love. I told you not to get attached to me Y/N It’s your fau-” you cut Harry of by slapping him across the face. You were so angry you weren’t going to let him tell you this was your fault. 
Harry’s jaw clenched hard making his jaw line visible. His cheek was bright red as he turned towards you slowly not angry but sad. 
“You just grasp at whatever you can to push me away! You’re scared because you’re in love like you’ve never loved anyone else before. You’re scared because someone like me can break your heart. And that terrifying, I know that.... because right now, you’re breaking mine.” You spoke tears falling. 
“Out Harry! I never wanna see you ever again!! It was mistake meeting you! It was all a mistake you coming to Aruadon!! I wish you'd get outta my life and never come back!! I hate you!!" You cried. "Get out!" You pointed towards the door.
Harry looked at you like he's been stabbed in the heart multiple times. He slowly turns and walks outta the room leaving the door open. You slam the door and hold you mouth to stop yourself from screaming. You could feel your legs give out and you collapse on the floor. You felt numb. You felt like your whole world was falling apart because of Harry Hook.
I know there's a part of me That handles things so stubbornly When you don't see it my way  But you know we're both to blame 
These couple of days you been receiving notes in your locker from Harry. Cute messages sometimes apology cards. Part of you wanted to forgive him but how could you? 
After the whole slapping him in the face and basically chewing him out you couldn't face him. You threw away all his notes plus letters and whenever you would see him you'd make sure you wouldn't make eye contact with his beautiful blue orbs. 
You walked into your dorm to see Mal and Ben. "Ben what are you doing here?" 
Ben looked up, "I'm here to talk to you." 
"He just wanted to see if you were okay you know with the whole Harry thing." Mal smiled patting the spot on her bed. You walked and sat down next to her. 
"I'm not okay," you said honestly, "but I'll get through it." You smiled a bit. 
"We know your sad so I’m gonna take you out." Ben smiled. 
You raised a brow at Mal. Mal smiled "He's just gonna take you out to the enchanted river." 
"Why?" You said. 
"Because we don't hang out anymore come on your gonna be missing out." You looked at Ben and Mal. Ben gave you the puppy dog eyes "Fine." You say finally giving in.
So when it feels like we're breaking Will you know how to hate me And love me again
You and Ben both walked over the enchanted river. “When are you finally going to stop avoiding Harry?” Ben ask looking your way. 
You sighed, “I don’t know Ben. I know I shouldn’t have reacted that way but Harry should’ve told me how he felt instead of using that stupid ‘I don’t or can’t love’ excuse. He basically used me. He ended up treating me like something he owned instead of something he earned. ” 
“I know what he did was wrong but at least hear him out you know everyone deserves second chances.” Ben suggested.
“I know Ben I just don’t know when I’ll be ready to face him.” 
You two continued to walk as you spotted a candle lit dinner. This is a little to much if it was just gonna be you and Ben as friends eating. 
“Uh Ben” you questioned while walking over to the dinner, “This beautiful but won’t Mal be mad plus your like my brother and this is kinda we-”
“Y/N calm down I didn’t do this,” stated Ben now standing across from you. 
“Okay then who did?” you questioned Ben confused. 
“I did” you see Harry come from behind Ben with a perfectly wrapped tiny box. Harry looked handsome he was dressed very preppy. It looked like he was borrowing Ben’s clothes. His eyeliner was still there and so was his hook. You can take Harry outta the Isle but you can’t take the Isle outta Harry.
“What are you doing here.” You said gently looking at Harry. You looked over at Ben, “You were behind all this?” 
Ben nodded, “I’m sorry Y/N but you and Harry need to work things out you guys can’t end like this.” Ben walked over to you. “If you need anything just call and I’ll be here okay.” You nodded as you hugged Ben. You couldn’t be mad he was only trying to do the right thing. Typical Ben always so loving and caring. 
Ben walked away leaving you and Harry awkwardly standing. 
Harry walked over to the chair and pulled it out, “Take a seat Y/N.” What a gentleman Harry was being. You smiled a little at him, “Thank you.” You sat down. Harry took the seat next to you. 
There was a silence between you two until Harry pushed the tiny box towards you. You took it in your hands, “Whats this?” You quietly asked. “I know this doesn’t fix anything but I got this for you a while back.” 
You carefully opened the box while Harry spoke. “It was my mother’s before she passed away. She gave it to my oldest sister but she wanted me to have it since I didn’t have much to remember my mother.” It was golden ring with a red jewel sparkling real pretty. “It means a lot to me like how you mean to me.” 
You looked at Harry and gave him the ring, “I can’t Harry it’s beautiful but I can’t accept this not until we figure all this out.” 
Harry set it to the side along with his hook. He held your hand and looked at you. “I wanna start off by saying I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused you. And I know I can’t take it back, but I wanna try to make it up to you. Even if it takes me the rest of my life.” Harry kisses your knuckles. 
He looked sincere with his apology. You looked down. You needed more from him. You were still aching inside, the pain was still lingering. “I wanna say I’m sorry for slapping you and hurting you. I don’t know what came over me.” You apologized to Harry. “But Harry we can’t be anything...” 
Harry looked at you with sadness in his eyes. “I can’t stand the thought of you with anyone else love.” He held you hand tighter.
“Harry if two people are meant to be together eventually they’ll find their way back.” You reassured him, “you just don’t give up on the people you love. You hurt me so much that we’re holding onto the pain because it’s all we have left. All this time I’ve blamed you. For pulling me into the dark. But I was wrong. It was me who brought out your dark side. ” 
“You never pulled me into the dark side. You were the lightest thing that ever came into my life. I only turned dark and desperate because I was afraid of losing you. Your love kept me alive.” Harry stood up from his chair taking the ring in his hand. He walked over to you and got one knee.
“Harry wh-” 
“Don’t Y/N. I’m ready to pour my heart out because I can’t lose you,” he took a deep breath, “There’s a difference between a great love and the right love. What I feel for you is the right love. You were right I was scared to love you because I thought I wasn’t good enough for you. I thought if I’d get with all these girls I would forget about you but I couldn’t stop thinking of you.” Harry took an unsteady breath as tears began to well up in his blue eyes, “I’m sorry I acted like a jerk. I’m sorry I led you on without telling how I really feel. I’m sorry I broke your heart in a million pieces. I’m sorry for treating you like property. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I loved you when I knew I did......but most of all I’m sorry I gave up on us when you didn’t.” 
At this point Harry was a teary mess. You stood there shocked with tears running down your face at everything he said. Harry searched your face for an answer but the only thing you could do was lock your lips with his. Harry pulled himself to his feet and wrapped his arms around you deepening the kiss.
You and Harry pulled away breathless. You held onto his face eyes closed. In that moment you loved Harry all over again. You opened your eyes, “ What we have is a great love. It’s complicated. Intense. All-consuming. No matter what we do and how much we fight, it’ll always pull us in,” you admitted. 
“Three words. Eight letters. Say it and I’m yours.”
“I love you.” Harry said looking into your eyes slipping the golden ring on to your left ring finger. 
A/N I took FOREVER writing this. If you guys watch Gossip Girl I hope you guys caught all the Blair and Chuck references. I hope you guys enjoyed this (: much love xoxo. 
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iloveurlight · 7 years
Hi! Couldya maybe write an imagine about Curtchie finding out the reader is sick while they wre out selling one day, and then taking care of her at the lodging house? Thanks!
(absolutely! always happy to see requests in my inbox, keep em coming
Any job’s got its downs, and a newsie learns to deal with the downs like nobody’s business. Working outdoors leaves you exposed to the weather, so you layer, selling something different each day means you gotta keep on your toes, think with the people; and making sure you got enough coin to eat for the night means taking the day off isn’t quite an option. So sometimes, you’ve gotta ignore the gnawing stomach, tightened-chest, light-headed kinda stumbling behavior and perk yourself up. So you lean against a lamppost, hide the slump and lidded eyes, and try to quicken the passing of time. Sick days never last long if you ignore it.
“Extra, extra…catch the latest–” Shit, your voice is trailing off into a hoarse growl. Nobody’s turning a head! “From the–” Your second attempt is cut off by a ruthless coughing fit, which causes a passer-by to flip you a coin. Huh. This could turn into an angle. Dying orphan trying to provide for siblings she’s leavin’ behind? They’d buy that for sure.
Then, your neck snaps up, head heavy, throbbing. How long–? “Hey, (Name), the hell’re you pullin’ here?” Oh, God, it’s Crutchie. Don’t wanna worry him, the sweetheart. His face is already doe-eyed with concern.
“Nah, nah, I’m okay, I’m aight–” You blink a few times. The street looks awful foggy today. “Just snoozin’. Resting my eyes.” And losing your balance, and heating up. Crutchie puts his hand to your forehead, and your hand flies up to catch it. “Yeesh, that’s awful cold!”
He shakes his head, already full-on set in his worry. “An’ you’re awful hot.” At this point, there was no stopping him- without a word, he hefted your arm onto his better shoulder, and began to pull your weight away from the post. “C’mon, hey, can you walk with me?” Suddenly, your throat feels raspier than ever, and all you can do is nod. It feels like there’s a horseshoe on your forehead, bobbing your chin downwards. “God, we’re gettin’ you outta here. Just take it slow.”
You try to shrug his support off, forcing energy into your voice. “I ain’t leanin’ on you, Crutchie, don’t want you to tumble. ‘Sides, I gotta s–”
“You’s leanin’ on me. You got no choice, (Name), no sellin’ today. Skittery’ll take your papers,” He raised his voice, projecting to a nearby corner. “Won’t he?” Crutchie pulls you along all the more forcefully, free hand gripping your shoulder, and there’s a jump in your chest with a flush in your cheeks you’re sure doesn’t come from the cold. You lean into each other, time passing like molasses until your head hits the pillow. The cotton’s cold on the back of your head, and you tense, curling into yourself with a small cough. Crutchie’s pulled up a small stool, crouching by the side of the cot, hunched over you with fluttering concern. You could look into those hazel eyes, always brimming with fondness, forever…
Another cough, lifting your chest a bit, creaking the springs underneath you. “Hey, hey, you don’t gotta sacrifice your selling hours for me.” Your eyesight is finding it harder and harder to focus, and Crutchie squeezes your hand, his thumb rubbing your palm with a tenderness you’ve only seen from him.
“S’worth it.” He gives you one of those honey-filled smiles, and reassurance washes over you. “Gotta take care of each other, (Name). It’s what we do.”
You don’t quite know when you finally drifted off to sleep, but as tense as your body was, you know you felt a cooling rag on your forehead and you know that the sound of Crutchie’s voice floated off with you, and you know he’ll stay. That alone’s enough to give you peace that at least one sick day could be handled. “Mmm…Crutchie, you’re golden,” you mumble in your sleep, and he blinks slowly, swimming in those words. “You didn’t ha–”
“Sure I did. You mean the world,” He trails off, and you squeeze his hand, falling into knockout sleep again, content to repeat those words over and over until you’re back on your feet. He means the world to you, too.
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