#*ended up not being concise
knightforflowers · 3 months
If you’ve been in my art tag for more than two minutes you’ve probably guessed that the Coriolis crew and their dynamic are insanely important to me and I just. I think what makes me the most insane abt them is that despite everything that goes on between them (especially regarding Devo and Amber’s fight) they all still care about each other to a tremendous degree, and it’s something none of them can deny.
There are examples all throughout the earlier arcs that I’d love to make seperate posts about but for this one I think what stands out the most is in Benefactor’s Folly specifically, when tensions are the most high.
Devo is desperate to protect Amber and Zoox from who he knows all to well is an extremely powerful man, and is willing to go so far as to possibly make them hate him to achieve this. He wants to face Orlean alone, to protect them.
But it doesn’t work and they go after him!! Because they don’t want him to do this self-sacrificial thing for them; they’re going to face Orlean and they’re going to do it together.
When Orlean controls Zoox and spurns his consciousness from his body, Devo learns from trying to wrest that control away from Orlean that Zoox is somehow just utterly gone, almost unequivocally with how Griffin describes it. But that doesn’t matter to Devo, because almost without thinking he uses everything he has to will up a new form for Zoox to inhabit, because to him there’s no way that Zoox is gone. If Orlean could shape his will to make a huge dragon, by god Devo is going to use his will to bring the friend Orlean took from him back to him.
And then when Zoox is that limbo place with Finneas, Finneas says to him that he’s fully awakened, and can do literally anything he wants like this, and he asks Zoox what he wants to do. And Zoox’s first response is that he wants to do what he’s always done; help his friends.
Zoox finally achieves a state of being and assurance of his identity that he’d previously only dreamed about, but in that moment all the specifics of that don’t really matter to him— what matters is that he’s going to use this new power to save his friends, first and foremost.
And the fact that his manta ray persisted even after his ejection from his body!! Devo was hurt and he needed to amend that in any small way that he could. Even after being torn apart from his physical form his will continued to act, and was part of the reason Devo didn’t lose hope that he was gone completely, because if Zoox was really gone, why would the manta ray still be there, healing him?
And even when they first arrived at the dome, Zoox needed to make sure everyone got in there safely, and nearly killed himself in the process, purposely detaching himself from the bathysphere’s arm because he knew they’d try to pull him back to safety, but couldn’t allow it, because he needed to do this for them.
And then when they got through Devo was distraught and furious enough at Zoox’s lack of self preservation to immediately burn a level three spell slot to heal him, because what Zoox just did was terrifying to Devo. He’s angry because Zoox could’ve died trying to open the way for them, and that would something he wouldn’t be able to fathom.
And for Amber when Koda lays out his plan to her, that if she doesn’t give herself up to him as her new vessel he’ll destroy the tower and everyone in it, Amber resigns herself to what she thinks in the moment is the only reasonable outcome in order to ensure the safety of her friends; she agrees to Koda’s terms, and says ‘Before anything happens, I want to see them both get on that ship and leave.’
She was willing to go against her very nature as an independent individual who loathes the term ‘servant’ and submit to Koda’s control just so that Devo and Zoox could escape his wrath. And even though that outcome doesn’t come to pass, she still sacrifices herself to save them by leaping through the portal. On the beach in the next world she asks Kodira if she did the right thing, and Kodira says ‘you were just trying to save your friends, right?’
Amber pauses, and says ‘I guess I was trying to save a lot of people’ but the sentiment is the same regardless. No matter what was going to happen, she wanted to protect her friends from Koda, no matter what path she had to take to achieve it.
And then when everything is said and done, and Founder’s Wake starts to undergo all its changes, Devo and Zoox are not swayed from their desire to find a way to open the portal and rescue Amber. It is something that they both dedicate themselves together, working in tandem with their individual associations to do, and even going out on voyages in the Coriolis together to do it. They remain at each other’s side, and aren’t content to rest until Amber is back with them.
Before forming their crew Devo and Zoox didn’t have much of anything as far as positive connections go, and this weird fucked up little group they formed together with Amber has unexpectedly defined the rest of their lives. The three of them found something on that ship together, and none of them are about to forget that.
There’s still so much for them all to work out, especially with Amber and Devo, but that’s just part of the reason why they want her back. They’re far too important to each other to be content with ignoring their conflict. In order to resolve that last argument that marred some of the last words they spoke to each other, Devo needs to bring Amber back, because even after everything she is still their friend, she still sacrificed herself for the two of them, she is still the person who travelled and fought by their side for so long. They all want to be together again, to finally get the time and peace they need to talk and address everything that needs to be addressed, because that’s what friends do.
I just. I love this trio so bad, if it wasn’t obvious. They’re the most compelling dysfunctional but devoted found family group in the entire world to me rn.
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mcybree · 6 months
Could you tell the class about secret life Scott please. Because obviously limited life Scott is my muse and double life Scott is everything I seek to destroy in the world, but secret life Scott continues to illude me and you seem like the kind of guy who could understand his actions. Why did he break scar and Jimmy up? What was that about? Why is he such a little freak all the time? I simply must know
ok whatever this ask is too enticing.
Why did he break Scar and Jimmy up? Even though he initially makes stopping this team up about Scar and Jimmy both dying way too quickly to allow for it, he later elaborates on it as “I’m just making sure this doesn’t have lasting bonds, because last time I bumped into Jimmy in the wilderness, I ended up flower husbands, so..!” Which. He’s framing flower husbands as something that needs to be avoided, like being “flower husbands” is some inherently negative thing that he is advising Scar against. Which is a huge insight into his character because it makes total sense why he’d see flower husbands as something Bad when he got so fucked up over Jimmy dying that he placed the lowest he ever had that season… Scott is someone who takes a lot of pride in his emotional control otherwise so flower husbands was a huge blow to that feeling of security. It gets interesting though when you pair this with how Scott puts flower husbands on a pedestal and waves it about as if it were this perfect love that Jimmy’s still obsessed with. It’s something along the lines of: “I need to warn people against pairing with Jimmy because when I did that, Flower Husbands happened to me, BUT it was a good thing when it happened to me specifically, because we were in love. I just think it shouldn’t happen again.” It’s a contradiction between how he thinks about it versus how he feels about it.
As for the whole “this can’t be a pairing because you’ll both die” part of it: Scott sometimes feels like Jimmy is his responsibility to take care of, even beyond 3L (see: limlife FH), so he sees Jimmy about to make what he thinks is a bad decision and outright tells him he can’t do that. Because he thinks Jimmy is uniquely unreasonable and can’t make good judgements on his own.
Why is he such a little freak all the time? The lab is still trying to figure that one out. Results inconclusive but we think maybe exposure to an active volcano would help
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girl help the content about palestine on tiktok is turning from actual journalism content and educational resources and organized ways to help to "boycott everything or you're a bad person and if you don't use a game filter that generates 0.00001 cent you're personally the problem"
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bumblingbabooshka · 11 months
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At least you can walk away. Introducing: T'Rahni'hk's ex-fiance!
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the-pea-and-the-sun · 2 months
my post got eaten or something but i thought of a much more concise and less personally revealing way to make the point i was making in that post anyway: whenever ppl talk abt shit like being "socialized female" or any "universal afab/transmasc experience" i am just going to block them and the reason why is probably p obvious when u stop thinking of intersex ppl as fringe hypotheticals to either use as an illustrative example or completely ignore the existence of depending on what point ur trying to make.
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arctic-hands · 2 years
Right so this post was getting annoyingly long with constant reblogging of updates, so I'm compiling it all here. My eighteen-year-old cat Nerys has intestinal and liver cancer. She sees an oncologist an hour away on Monday the seventeenth, but she's so old and the cancer is most likely so advanced that chemo or radiation would do just as much harm as the cancer itself, and her regular vet estimates she has about six months until we need to make the call to put her down, and I'll need money for palliative care. The oncology visit alone is two hundred and fifty dollars alone, plus gas money and we'll have to drive on a toll road.
On top of that I just got back from the vet today (October fifteenth) who confirmed that the facial swelling my eleven-year-old cat Everest has is an aggressive face tumor. I left a message with Nerys's oncologist asking if we can take Everest to the Monday appointment too because time is of the essence, but they haven't called back yet. I'm expecting the visit to also cost two hundred and fifty dollars.
I don't know how much palliative care will be, and none of the charities I've found will do end of life care, euthanasia, or cremation. Everest might have a shot at a charity grant, but the largest I found (assuming he gets it) only covers two thousand dollars, and our regular vet said radiation treatment, which is most likely what the oncologist will recommend, will be eight thousand dollars (the rest of the charities only offer a few hundred dollars, and I'm not sure if you can apply to more than one).
Our vet told me to brace for Nerys's death, but Everest still has a fighting chance if I can afford whatever the oncologist recommends. I'll make a proper GoFundMe once I know what their respective prognoses are and how much it will cost to keep Nerys comfortable and how much with more certainty it will cost to get Everest treatment. Right now I just need to get them to the oncologist appointment.
I'm on maximum disabilty SSI, and that's only eight hundred and forty-one dollars a month. (Come January it will go up to nine hundred and something, but that's still not enough). I wiped out my ABLE savings just to get Nerys her cancer diagnosis (it was previously suspected to be feline inflammatory bowel disease, in checking for that they found the cancer), and I'm in desperate need of help for both of them. My friends raised a few hundred dollars which I think is just barely enough to get them to the oncologist, after weeks of constant vet appointments, having to pick up boxes of cerenia for Nerys (we decided against the human drug zofran) and now gabapentin for Everest.
The money is being collected by my friend and roommate, who has been a big help during all this but he isn't rich. His PayPal is [email protected], and his Venmo is etybolik.
Anticipating some concerns here:
Did you vaccinate your cats against feline leukemia? Yes, they are both vaccinated against feline leukemia and FIV, and up to date on annual vaccinations and well. Plus they're both indoor cats and even when I take Everest out on a harness I keep him away from other cats, so I don't know how it would have been transmitted to them anyway.
Why do you have two cats if you can't afford them? I've had Nerys since I was twelve and Everest since I was eighteen, at both times I was obviously being supported by my parents. After I moved out I was being helped by the above friend and roommate, and once I was granted SSI I was still able to afford to care for them, even getting them Science Diet to eat, and I had a tidy little ABLE savings for vet emergencies. But this is too big for most everyone to handle unless you're rich, and the savings has been wiped out.
How much money do you have already? After today's visit, I'm not sure. I'd guess somewhere in the three hundred range, but friend and roommate is not here at the moment to ask. I myself have three hundred something in my bank account now that must last me until the end of the month, most of which is dedicated to taking lyfts to the vet when my friend is at work and picking up cat medication, or to my own doctors' offices and sometimes the hospital, as I myself am very sick.
Why is the money going to your friend? The SSA is very strict about how much money SSI recipients have in their bank account. A penny over the two thousand dollar asset limit means they could cancel my benefits all together, and that could mean my life-saving Medicaid disappears with it. Friend/roommate has pretty much been coparent to my cats for seven years now and is in fact listed as co-parent on vet records, so I think it's alright.
Didn't you notice any warning signs before it got this far? Nerys has always had a sensitive tummy, on top of that she has always had pica and would eat any non-food she could get her mouth around (plastic, dirt, fuzz, things like that) and would immediately throw it up, which would happen about once a day. The vet was never concerned about this because some cats are just puke monsters, and we'd all rather she throw up whatever inedible thing she just ate instead of choking on it. I first noticed her throwing up more almost immediately after I had briefly switched to a cheaper food, and Everest was throwing it up too, so I just assumed they didn't like the change so I switched back to Science Diet. Everest stopped throwing up but Nerys was throwing up more than her usual self so that's when I got her in with the vet over summer and that's when they started testing for IBD. Also they had their regular annual vet visit in February and everything seemed normal. Nerys had dropped a few ounces but the vet didn't think to be concerned. On the Everest front, we first noticed scabbing on the left side of his face about four weeks ago, and as they spread (around that time we got Nerys's cancer diagnosis), we took him to the vet two weeks ago (with Nerys). It wasn't until that vet visit that we noticed the right side of his face was swollen, it was so fast we didn't even notice it the day before. The vet was hoping it was a tooth infection and gave him an antibiotic that would last two weeks that would have reduced the swelling by now but it hasn't, in fact that swelling has increased significantly, leaving the remaining answer a tumor. (We don't know what was causing the scabbing. He may have been clawing on his face in discomfort, but we were confused why it was on the opposite side. The scabbing has somewhat cleared up since I put them on a just-in-case prescription flea med about a week and a half ago, so it may have been fleas or an allergic reaction to fleas.)
How do you know Everest's tumor is cancerous? We don't at this point, that's why he needs an oncology consult and we'll go from there. That said, given how fast it's growing, my regular vet is almost certain it's cancerous.
Why are you going an oncologist an hour away? Our vet gave us a list of vet oncologists in Maryland, and I literally exhausted every one of them, starting with the ones closest to Baltimore. Either their oncologists left the facility, were on vacation, couldn't see Nerys until November (at which point regular vet said there wasn't much point in going to a specialist), or flat out never called us back. Luckily one of the offices I called had their own list of other oncologists, and literally the last one on the list was the only one who could see Nerys soon, within two weeks from calling. If that hadn't worked I would have had to call out of state.
Eighteen and eleven are pretty old for cats. Are you sure the cost of care is worth it? I think the oldest living cat in record is thirty-seven, and I was hoping to get the two of them to at least thirty. I've had them both since they were kittens (Nerys was adopted from a shelter at about six months, and Everest was a tragic saga of a feral cat giving birth in my grandmother's garage and then abandoning the litter at four weeks old. Everest was the only one to survive after I took them in, and that was with the support of my parents and quality care from my then-vet in Indiana). Despite some minor health issues (Nerys has had a small heart murmur for about seven years now and developed asthma around the same time, but the murmur never bothered her and she hasn't had an asthma attack since we moved out of our moldy apartment nearly three years ago. Everest has had a neurological illness called feline hyperesthesia since he was a kitten, and they found he had a small heart murmur at his visit two weeks ago, something he didn't have at his February checkup), they (even Nerys) are still very active, playful, and happy, so I'm not giving up on them yet.
Everest looks pretty fat, are you sure this isn't weight related? Everest isn't so much fat as much as just. Big. He was by far the biggest of his litter, which is most likely why he survived whatever illness/failure to thrive it was that killed his siblings. His father (another member of the semi-feral clowder in my grandmother's backyard) was also very large, tho I think Everest now is bigger than Diamond was when he was killed by a car at age three (this is why you should keep cats indoors). It's actually really funny he's so big, because his mother couldn't have been more than seven pounds. At any rate, none of our vets over the years have ever been concerned about his weight, he's actually rather healthily proportional to his height and length. Also he's dropped like a pound and a half since February, which his vet is very concerned about
Do you have any proof of your claims? I have some vet receipts, especially from today, tho think my roommate threw most of them away in a cleaning spell. I'll probably get paperwork detailing what's to be done on Monday, at least for receipts. I could show you photos of Nerys's weight loss and Everest's face swelling, but I'd much rather pay the cat tax with these photos in their prime:
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[Image Description: first image: a small tabby cat on her back and upside down on a bed with black and white striped sheets. Second image: a large black cat with his eyes nearly closed as he gets both ears scritched at the same time. He is sticking his tongue out slightly in what is called a "blep". End I.D.]
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ef-1 · 2 years
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legs & lessons in perseverance | march '23
#so.#i fell into the fireplace lol#- thats the concise summary. but ive just been unwell health wise recently. i think ms is just harrowing to deal with#because you can go for so long symptom free and then one day you wake up and everything is wrong#your body feels wrong.#i remember being constantly angry at my body as though its a separate entity. especially when i was like 17/18.#because everytime i had a bad ms relapse i would literally breakdown in angry tears like- at my body. i was good to you. im meditating#im eating healthy. im exercising. ive been good to you.#but then suddenly you cant see or youre shaking uncontrollably or your limbs are numb#or my new favourite one: a couple of weeks ago i woke up at 4 am in a cold sweat. the inside of my thigh was burning#i dont mean like. exercise burning. i mean like struck a hot iron rod burning. it was obv nerve pain but that didnt stave off the panic#so i messaged my neurologist and hes like 'yeah its fine. wanna inject yourself?'#anyway. so recently i was helping my friend get his place houseparty ready and we were cleaning out the fire place#and my legs just gave out 😍#and i got so angry and humiliated i kind of just wanted to go to bed and not wake up tbh#which is what i usually do but like. i was angry. angry. scorpio angry as lidya would say. so i had a nap in his bed#and when i woke up i felt slightly better and for once i thought 'im not going to let my body ruin this day for me'#and i just dragged him to the markets with me. and i still had the tremors but we bought more greens than either of us needed#and we laughed and walked and he carried me to the car at the end of the trip and it was one of the best days ive had in a long while tbh#and it feels impossible but sometimes all u need is to brush the ash from ur knees and hide the scruffs with stockings &maybe youll be ok#💚#tw chronic illness#/ multiple sclerosis
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upsidedowngrass · 1 year
will say it is SO challenging to capture liams voice. when i was rewatching it on my bday w my friend i was STILL noticing things . character dialogue is so complex and i NEED to perfect it or ill collapse into the ground
#like i noticed that like. his 'optimism' is USUALLY rephrased pessimism almost?#most notablel example being when amelia asks if hes ok wearing the cast and he says 'its fine ill get used to it'#which like. i think ppl overplay him not verbalizing his emotions#which i think he TECHNICALLY does but not in the way people depict it?#hes not trying to Spare people the Concern#it comes across more like. frustration that hes TRYING to be optimistic about .but its poorly executed#as the series goes on it only gets more complex#also when hes talking to bryce in ep 6 he talks slower than usual? which i Tried to capture in that earlier aart from today#he also kinda does it in ep 10? but i think he gets indignant enough that it like. the frustration overpowers any despair#and he ends up talking FASTER actually.#also i will say that liam talks like. surprisingly Detailed ? but still concise#always think about his decription of the waiting room#and also him saying that bryce being 'complicit ticks [him] off'#its such a Specific way to describe it ?? if that makes sense??#like he REALLY often phrases things Well and it comes across kinda odd#but also. thatperson has said hed name a cat 'smth practical. like fluffy'#which i mention a LOT but look. i think it so well captures the way he Goes About Things#so even when hes frustrated he STILL details things like. practically#anyway yea . yea.#a few years back i saw someone make like. a character writing guide for another series i like#and sometimes i think itd be SO fun to make smth like that for liam. maybe even other one characters
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yoylechess · 9 months
i love writing unreasonably long posts about music
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#im going to preface this by saying this is all really vague and personal and not funny#but its a gigantic step for me in terms of recovery and my bestie is busy#and im filled with anxiety so my thoughts have to go somewhere so it goes on my blog#which is i think how blogs are kind of supposed to work?#anyway#a year and a half ago some shit happened that kicked off about eight months of steadily building relationship traumas#that i felt stuck in because i was doing dnd with the people actively making my life miserable#and theres so much god damn nuance that it makes it impossible to concisely explain what happened#but the end result is that i lost all of my friends and it really truly wasnt my fault at all#and anyway now ive been diagnosed with pstd over the whole fiasco#and tonight i sent a message to the person who started it all#basically like 'hey i wasnt able to defend myself before but i can now you abused the hell out of me'#but they were never of the notion that they were ever wrong#and theyre friends with people im still friends with#i know that i blew up the evening for their discord server#and based on what ive been told it doesnt seem to be going exceptionally well#but when i apologized i was told twice in no uncertain terms that its okay#so i am attempting to will my heartbeat back into my control#sorry for being all personal but also this is my blog so i guess im not really#i had to cask of amontillado the part of me thats a nosy bitch though so i didnt unblock them to see if they responded#ill get her out in the morning shes fine in there
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supervisormeero · 1 year
Me, coming up with the general concept for the Marriage Fic: hahaha what if Syril and Dedra got married because she was manipulating him and it made them both worse
Me, 8,000 words later: BUT WHAT IF THEY DID LOVE EACH OTHER? What if the relentless crashing of Syril's waves was enough to erode Dedra's walls? WHAT IF THEY LOVED EACH OTHER IN EVERY HORRIBLE, HONEST WAY. What if they loved each other like nightmares, and thunderstorms, and earthquakes—a love as natural as it is destructive and inherently, inescapably damaging. What if—
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flappyhappystim · 2 years
i know you said you run the social media. is there a social media platform you like the best and like the least? i'm thinking about starting my own business and feeling so lost at it
Hi anon!
Honestly, Tumblr is my favourite. This is where we've got the most of our sales and interaction. I find people have also been the most supportive on here! (I really love interacting with all of you so much!)
I'd have to say that I don't dislike any of them so much, but I find Twitter and TikTok to be the most draining to figure out. (Twitter in terms of using the right tags, and TikTok just because it takes a lot of spoons to do videos for both of us.)
I've struggled also to get followers on Facebook and Instagram. But I find them less draining because I can set my Instagram posts to share to the Facebook page automatically which helps a lot.
If I'm being honest, I don't think I can give much advice because our success with Tumblr is why I got followers on the others in the first place (though I think the TikTok is starting to bring its own in now), and I was able to direct followers here from my trauma positivity blog which has a lot of followers.
I haven't done it personally, but I have heard there are sites that you can use to create posts for all your social media at once and schedule them? That sounds like it might be good for some! For me, the energy it would take it figure out and plan out sounds like too much so for now, I'm doing what I do.
(The ADHD definitely makes me get sidetracked and lose track of time and stuff though so sometimes I forget to post for awhile. Scheduling would be good for me to figure out.)
Good luck if you go on your business endeavor! I wish you lots of sales, and a lack of chargebacks. If you have any specific questions, I'd be happy to offer advice. I ran the marketing and main part of my parent's business for almost ten years. I also got a marketing diploma, specialized in social media, and also did some business courses in general but dang... I feel like I don't use most of my schooling!
For example, all my classes focused on being "professional" and using proper language and stuff in emails and social media. Which I get, but it depends on your target audience. I really love that I can be myself and be casual in my interactions with this business. And it seems to be something our customers prefer honestly! (I think it also makes it super easy for me and it takes less spoons for me to make posts.)
So, don't believe everything you read. It's definitely a learning curve, and there's no real marketing suggestion that works for every single business.
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ahalliance · 2 years
bro why art history gotta be taught in the most convoluted ways possible at my uni . one teacher wants 6-8 pages for my written report, the other wants 6 pages, the official guide says ur supposed to write between 3 and 6 pages for it? 😭 godamn man
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taetaespeaches · 1 year
hi liv<3 hope your day is going well.I recently just listened to svt's new album and I'm in love. I kinda wanna get to know them and their songs more. any recommendations?👀
Aaahhhh hi!! I love when you guys fall for svt <3 I am the most indecisive person and also I gravitate toward hip hop unit over vocal unit (which is kind of a crime with svt bc their vocal line is one of the best in the entirety of kpop) so I'm not the BEST person to ask for recs lol. Like I feel a lot of fans would think I'm missing some crucial ballads in my favorite songs but! you asked me so these are some of my favs that I would recommend to anyone (below the cut bc there's lots bc like I said, I'm indecisive and I think you should experience the variety svt offers)
Oh also all the songs below, plus more, are in my svt playlist on spotify so you can check that out if you want <3
Ult favs (in no particular order):
24h  Heaven’s cloud To you Don’t wanna cry What’s good Ready to love Bittersweet (subunit song with Mingyu and Wonwoo) Anyone Crazy in love Left & right Very nice (probably the most crucial song to know, it’s THE svt song- have you heard of never ending aju nice?)  Back it up Snap shoot Hey buddy  Light a flame Ah! Love Clap Call call call! Holiday (this song makes me so happy idk) Crush Rock with you Don Quixote  March Domino _World Fallin’ flower HIT Trauma
Other favs:
Swimming fool Oh my! Good to me Home Getting closer Mansae I can’t run away 2 minus 1 All my love If I  Beautiful  Happy ending  Run to you Come to me  247 Hot  Shadow ‘Bout you If you leave me Change up (leaders subunit) Cheers (leaders subunit) Just do it (BSS subunit) Fighting  (BSS subunit) Kidult BOOMBOOM
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anadiilua · 1 year
I just saw someone say that Dream always brings up his family being harassed and doxxed and that he has ro call the authorities whenever there's a big controversy, and that he's trying to gerner sympathy and manipulate people.. I haven't been in the fandom for long and have only lived through 2 nuclear doomsdays so far, so idk how accurate that is... but even if it is true, how the fuck is informing people that your family is being HARASSED AND DOXXED and you're in so much danger you have to call the police manipulation??? Like do these people have even a shred of sympathy?
Antis have confirmation bias so they look at everything Dream says and does with a hate tinted glasses. They interact with it expecting him to have ill intent so that's what they see. Dream just showed emotions like any normal human, they are just choosing to see it as manipulation because if they don't, they'd have to admit that he is someone worthy of empathy and compassion.
You could also say that it is cognitive dissonance at this point because they will actively ignore any evidence that goes against their beliefs that's Dream is this horrible monster of a human being. And distort everything to make him look bad.
Just like they somehow convinced themselves that ignoring a situation between you and a friend (or former friend) is more mature than talking it out and resolving the conflict, no matter how small it may be. Healthy communication is apparently manipulative now and ghosting/running away from your problems is "being the bigger person"
I've been in the fandom since 2021 and the only time I can recall his family being mentioned was when people were spreading doxxed information about drista (a minor) and I don't really recall if it was Dream who said it or just the normal "guys, report this # because there's doxxed info of Dream's family". We didn't even know the FBI got involved in the past until Dream talked about it on his face reveal video!!
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rodrickheffley · 2 years
have an assignment due tonight in 11 hours i have 4 sentences
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