#*doesnt make sense
duskwoodgirl4life · 3 months
I've been playing this game on and off and I still don't have a fucking clue what the hell is going on it doesn't make any sense!!
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dumbass-404 · 3 months
Rereading the What if we kissed at anime expo zine and gotta say when Onihat says her stuff is Fanon Not Canon, she is so right. These boys are too damn clean to be canon
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vio-starzz · 2 months
Little bit of AU ranting ideas me thinks…
Rune split their body into four once again, the pain was too much…!
So they were four again.
Rune being the Link after Fallen…. The first appearance of the ‘Hero’s Shadow’
….The colors went different paths on loss. Vio refused to accept, and found a way to bring Shadow back…
The hero’s spirit is what was being reincarnated, as that of Link. It was taking the whole spirit along.
Rune was, after pulling the sword; Four parts of the spirit… Four parts to be dragged along…
Vio gave the hero spirit they held to Shadow, to give xem life again. To let xe live past the mirror, being a more even form of light/dark was a stable enough being… Though still more dark, they then had enough light…
The hero’s shadow started being pulled along in the timeline because of this.. Because it was now a part of the spirit, Shadow and Link, Combined to reincarnate the shadow, and the hero…
The balance of light/dark/other energy in life is what separates each being. That energy is what consists in their soul…
(blank / blank = Between these ranges)
A complete 100% of light or dark in a being, is what a god/goddess or deity is. They can be corrupted, they can switch between light/dark and corrupt one and another… BUT the thing is.. it DOES NOT affect their soul into they have been corrupted fully by a side.
A light deity will go from 100 light, and even if it takes years of corroding and corruption, their soul will change to only darkness when they are past the point of return. It is instant, even when they’ve done wrong before fully changed.
A part of the LIGHT reincarnation (Zelda & Link) should have a higher amount of light 80/90 light, 20/10 dark…. It can vary on how much dark to light they have off morals. But still, higher than average.
A more balanced, and normal being will contain 70/60 light, 30/40 darkness… Hylians, Gorons, Zoras, Gerudo, Rito, Sheikah; is what fits into this group(?)
There is only ONE perfect balanced soul of 50/50 light/dark. (Willow; after the shrine of resurrection due to the deity and goddess)
Beings of darkness will have 70/80 darkness and 30/20 light.. This includes the Hero’s Shadow, monsters— Ect… More dark-essence beings find it harder to stay in the sun/around light sources (Hero’s Shadow especially)
The DARK part of reincarnation (Ganon) will have 90 dark / 10 light. That amount will vary in the 90’s for darkness depending on conflicts in morals. (Morals of ganon, NOT the part of Demise that corrupts and ruins their mind overtime)
Things like Twili, Zonai, Koroks/Kokiri will have 80 of their own magic/being in their soul with the rest being light/dark
Fairies are their own beings of magic 100% The types (different colors) vary on environments formed in.
(If a LINK is among one of these groups their soul may be more stronger… ie: Fenn’s 100 between light/dark, AND the 80 extra from the twili-realm, Leaf is light/dark AND 100% fairy)
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jonnyconstantine · 5 months
I hurt so bad, my baby boy. Watching Him die. We grew up together. I don't know how people can accept death, I love the image of a gentle, soft Death. But real death, not fictionalized, death. Death. Is uncomprehendable to me, I don't think I'll ever understand it. I don't care if it's childish, death shouldn't exist. Life should be softer. I'm tired of consequences. To be alive shouldn't mean pain, i don't want the reason for humanity, to be considered human, is because we die. I want our goodness and love to be because of life.
Death should only be a fictional concept. Life should be simpler. More vague. I get the adam and eve story now, heaven is to not know the horrors.
I hate the: to live is to die, its impossible to have life w/out death. That can't be true, that never felt true to me.
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critterz-bugz · 7 months
One thing I love about our system is the mix of diversity and similarity. We are all similar and all different at the same time. It's just so odd but somehow it makes sense. To us at least.
Like I'm very different from the host, zim, we both are different but we both are similar. I like different things, I speak differently and I act differently. But we're both aliens, we both love ranting about ourselves and our system.
Another example of this is our two main NPD symptom holders, Achilles and blue screen / navy. They both look extremely different, but they both act similar. They both wish for praise and attention but go about it in different ways. Achilles demands it, blue screen tries to coax it out by being kind and expecting kindness in return. Achilles van love anyone if they give him the right attention ((hes pan)), blue screen wouldn't love anyone, even if they gave him the attention he wanted ((its aroace)). Both use any / all pronouns, both have the same role, but navy declares herself as the host and Achilles decides to stick to being the “special” NPD holder.
It's so interesting to me.
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imaginaryf1shots · 4 months
Why is it the things I post and expect to do the worst(people wouldn't like) do the best, and the other way around. Does it have to do with drivers? The time i post? Or is it the things I put least effort in are what people like? 🤔
Food for thought, I guess
Also I was so busy today, I wanted to write but couldn't, tomorrow I have a driving lesson so maybe after or before.
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shirayuki7 · 1 year
I have a feeling that Kassandra is going to go into a symposium soon to figure out where Mommy Dearest is. And it'll probably be the symposium that Plato wrote about
So if Aristophanes isn't there being best buds (or more) with Euripides, I will be upsettispaggetti!!
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nananarc · 5 months
The world is burning and I'm so fucking lonely but I still have to be a good citizen contributing to society
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lauratheghost · 5 months
Me: I'm gonna really plan out the plot for my story this time
Also me: *writes the middle of the story before the beginning* /// *I'll make it connect later*
Make it make sense. 😂😭
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ambrose-d · 1 year
my ass does NOT trust queen theres something wrong with them
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oneshortlove · 10 months
eugh boy...
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russolaw · 1 year
why ask for asks if you dont answr them
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kakushino · 1 year
Blake threatened to revoke my Itto r34 privileges 😞
How is he gonna do that? Cut your cable?
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cryptilli · 2 years
how are artists meant to get notes here without doing fanart. like shockingly enough i dont like making fanart and would rather post ocs. but i get 0 reception. so weird
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jenismentallyill · 6 days
why is it that you hurt me
but i’m the one that is blocked
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pigswithwings · 6 months
above all else a trans woman is a person. above all else a trans women is a woman who goes to the same grocery store as you and buys fruits in the same grocery cart as you and goes home and eats her dinner the same as you. above all else a trans woman is a woman who dresses like you do and talks the same way you do. above all else a trans woman is a woman who wants to be cared about the same way you want to be cared about and a trans woman is a woman who makes friends the same way you make friends. above all else you should care about trans women because they are people. treat her as such.
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