#*cough* sampo koski *cough*
bvnga-aprikot · 1 year
honestly i think most m/f ships with stelle in it has so much crackship energy, like here is some random guy falling for a fucking personified raccoon and they just. go on the most wild adventures.
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traumxrei-archive · 1 year
i wanted to say thank you to the barbie movie for brining kafka home <3
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finally wife (1) is home rahhh !! i have no dot dmg dealers built but whatever !! i’ll build characters just so i can use her, idc, all that matters is that she’s hereeee >:DD
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△ . smiles . △
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synopsis: You're a dashing citizen of the Xianzhou, and a frequent customer at Jiaoqiu's noodle stall. Although you're used to spice, you aren't prepared for how heated things get when a certain blue-haired con man enters the scene. Alternatively: Jiaoqiu and Sampo fight over you. tags: fem!reader, jiaoqiu/reader, sampo/reader, jing yuan/reader but he comes at the very end, no smut, 2k words a/n: teehee, they have such similar smiles. dangerous men with disarming smiles. comments and reblogs are appreciated!
ao3 link here!
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You watch as the pink-haired Foxian in front of you stirs his ramen pot, his movements graceful and practiced. Jiaoqiu ladles the broth into a deep bowl, then collects some cold rice noodles from another bowl to the side. He stirs the noodles into the bowl gently, letting the broth heat up and cook the noodles, then slides the bowl of noodles across the counter to you.
 "Just as you usually enjoy it, m'lady." He bows, smiling charmingly at you as he does.
"Thank you, Jiao," you say, pulling the bowl towards yourself. The steam of the broth wafts up to you, hot and heavy, giving you a taste of what’s to come. Just as you raise a clump of noodles to your lips with your chopsticks, someone slides into the seat besides yours. Someone dangerously familiar.
"Well, well, well. Look who we have here!"
"If it isn't Sampo Koski," you say, lowering your chopsticks.
 "The one and only! You know it, baby." Sampo grins. "And don't you look absolutely ravishing today, miss." He picks your hand up and kisses the back of it, earning himself a giggle from you. "How has this beautiful lady been?"
You shrug, giving him the usual answer. Fine, good, nothing much has happened in your life. And Sampo isn't the type you'd share juicy gossip with anyway. He’s prone to selling that kind of information off if it suits him.
"I didn't expect to see you here in the Xianzhou," you say.
"My business takes me places. You know how it is." He winks.
Just as you’re about to mention how thick he’s laying it on, a loud crack startles you both. Jiaoqiu has slapped his hand fan on the counter.
 "And will you be ordering, sir?"
 "Oh, yes, of course. You wouldn't catch old Sampo Koski loitering around, bringing bad business."
The two men grin at each other, charming smiles all around, although you can feel a charge in the air. Their smiles are a little colder than you've seen them before.
 "I'll have what she's having," Sampo says, pointing to you.
 "Oh, be careful Sampo," you say, "his noodles are really spicy."
"Oh don't you worry your pretty little head," Sampo chuckles. "I'm a man, I can handle a little spice."
"And besides," he continues, leaning in and whispering, "this guy doesn't scare me one bit. He might be all bark but I doubt he's got a lot of bite, even in his food."
The two of you chuckle, but you watch Jiaoqiu's ears flick in annoyance. Sampo’s digging himself a deep hole.
In fact, one could call it a grave.
"Here you go, sir," Jiaoqiu says, passing a bowl of noodles to Sampo. "Please enjoy as much as you can."
 "We'll take a bite together then," Sampo says to you, as the two of you raise your noodles from your bowls. "Three, two, one."
You slurp up your noodles, and let out a small moan. Heavenly. You expected nothing less from Jiaoqiu, of course, but the taste of his noodles never got boring. It’s rich, sweet, and deep, with a tingle of spice, as you always prefer. Jiaoqiu only kept his noodle stall open for a few hours a day but you made sure to mark the times and get yourself a helping whenever you felt like it. You smile up at him.
"Amazing as always, Jiao."
"You flatter me too much," Jiaoqiu says, fanning himself.
You hear sudden coughing at your side, and you turn to find Sampo hacking away, his face red.
"Sampo! Are you okay?" you ask.
 "I-I'm fine, miss," he wheezes. "It's just a little...spicy is all."
"Oh—" you turn to look at Jiaoqiu, who’s hiding the lower half of his face behind his handfan, watching Sampo flounder with slitted pupils. You look back at Sampo, making no remark.
"This—" Sampo coughs again, "—this is a lot of spice."
"Only as much as hers," Jiaoqiu says, gesturing to your own bowl. "You asked for what she had and I gave it to you."
You slurp up your own noodles, and Sampo watches as you swallow with no reaction.
"If you're as much of a man as you claim to be, I think you should be able to handle what she's eating with no problem," Jiaoqiu continues.
 "I can, yeah. This is nothing." Sampo grins at you, although you can see his eyebrows furrowing together. You only nod at him, then glance at Jiaoqiu as if to say how could you? Jiaoqiu only winks at you as Sampo musters up the courage to take another bite.
The rest of lunch you enjoy in silence, as Sampo is too busy wrestling with the spice he was given to make any further conversation, and Jiaoqiu isn't one for small talk. To Sampo's credit, he manages to finish the bowl, and by the end of it he looks as though he’s been through war. The two of you leave the stall together as Jiaoqiu closes up, and you notice Sampo giving the Foxian a dirty look.
△ △ △
It was only a few days later you found yourself in Aurum Alley, perusing the wares. A flash of soft pink catches your eye, and you turn to find Jiaoqiu wandering towards you, fan in hand.
"Fancy seeing you here," he purrs.
"Jiaoqiu? I thought you'd be managing your stall," you say. It isn’t yet the time for him to close.
"I would be, yes." Jiaoqiu flaps his handfan rapidly in front of his face, a sign of irritation.
 "Apparently my supplier for the peppers I use in my cooking ran into a bit of an issue. They made a… ‘bad trade.’ All of their peppers are inedible. Therefore, I have nothing to make my noodles with."
"I see," you muse. The situation he described rings a bell, yet you can’t place your finger on it. "That's unfortunate."
"They'll have a new shipment by the next week. I trust they won't make the same mistake again." Jiaoqiu stares off into the distance, anger bubbling under his lidded gaze. But the show of annoyance is shrugged off almost as fast as it came, and he turns to you with his trademark smile.
"Anyway, I won't bother you with unpleasant details." He offers his elbow to you. "Shall we take a stroll?"
You hook your arm in it, smiling at him.
 "Where are you going?" A voice comes from behind you, and both of you turn to find Sampo standing as though he'd been there the whole time, hands behind his back. 
"Sampo!" you exclaim. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Jiaoqiu flatten his ears.
"Sorry if I scared you," Sampo smiles apologetically. "I was just too excited to see you."
"And look!" He brandishes a bouquet of flowers from behind his back, handing them to you. "I got these for you~"
"Oh, you shouldn't have," you say, taking them. Behind you, Jiaoqiu's tail thrashes from side to side.
"Oh, but who could resist giving such a lovely lady as yourself equally lovely flowers?" Sampo bows, then straightens.
"I see your companion has yet to give you anything.” Sampo turns towards Jiaoqiu. "Not very thoughtful of you, I must say.”
"I was about to take her on a stroll when you so rudely interrupted us." Jiaoqiu glares—glares—at Sampo.
"Really? That reminds me, aren't you supposed to be managing your stall right about now? Run into any... mishaps?" Sampo leans in, a challenging look in his eyes that is at odds with his placid expression.
"It's none of your business." The way Jiaoqiu waves his fan makes you worried he might break his wrist.
Sampo puts his arms up in mock surrender, then turns to you.
“Well, since I got you the flowers, you wanna go out on a walk with me?”
“I asked her first! And she accepted,” Jiaoqiu protests.
“But clearly I have more merit behind my offer,” Sampo argues.
“How about the two of you go out on a walk with me,” you say, getting in between them.
The two men look slightly miserable as they walk you down Aurum Alley. Of course, they don’t want to both be walking you but they can’t say no to your face, so here you all are. Being sandwiched between two attractive men, however, you can’t complain.
“Oh!” you gasp, breaking away from them to look at a food stall. “I’m really craving some skewers right now.”
“Consider them bought,” Jiaoqiu smiles. As he moves forward, Sampo stands in his way.
“I’ll buy you two,” Sampo offers you.
“I’ll buy you as much as you want, m’lady,” Jiaoqiu says, but it feels like he isn’t talking to you directly. The two of them are locked in a death stare with each other.
“Err… you can buy them for me Jiaoqiu,” you say. “I’ll make good on your offer later, Sampo.”
Jiaoqiu smirks at Sampo as he moves past him, but thankfully Sampo seems placated enough by your words to let him pass. You keep a laugh to yourself. Out of all the things, you didn’t think you’d ever have to stop Sampo from spending money on you.
Jiaoqiu comes back with the skewers, and you eat them quietly, savoring their sweet taste. The three of you keep walking down Aurum Alley, with you trying to keep the peace between the two men at your sides. They’re proving to be a lot more trouble than you had bargained for.
As the three of you come to the end of Aurum Alley, Jiaoqiu produces a small box from his pocket.
“You know, I don’t want us to continue on bad terms, Mr. Sampo. Accept this as a peace offering from me.”
Sampo raises an eyebrow at him, scrutinizing the box in his hands. Carefully, he decides to open it.
“You don’t trust me? I’m heartbroken,” Jiaoqiu puts a hand over his heart in mock shock.
“I’m sure you can forgive me for my suspicion,” Sampo says, pulling a small bottle out of the box.
“It’s only perfume. A gentleman of your caliber must be interested in such things.”
“Of course,” Sampo says, pocketing the bottle. “I appreciate your act of goodwill. Consider our slate cleaned.”
They smile at each other, and you’re certain that they’re now amicable.
△ △ △
The next day, however, you hear a knock on your door. You open it to find Sampo. You aren’t sure how he knows where you live, but your immediate concern is less on what he knows and more on how his eyes are red and tearing, and the expression on his face of deep anger.
“Where is that fox?” he asks.
You shake your head, letting him through. He splashes water on his face, and on his neck.
“What happened to you?” you ask.
“It’s that damn ‘perfume’ he gave me. Or rather, pepper spray.” He splashes water on his face again. “Peace offering, my ass.”
You move your hand up to your face in shock. After a lot of washing and rubbing, he removes enough of the spray, and stands up. You hand him a towel to dry off with.
“Now, darling, if you’d be so kind to tell me where he lives.”
“I honestly have no clue,” you say, and you’re speaking the truth. You only ever see Jiaoqiu either at his stall, or throughout the Xianzhou. With him being unable to sell ramen for the next few days, you don’t know of a place where you’d be able to find him reliably.
“That’s okay, I’ll find him myself. You wouldn’t want to watch us anyway. It’s going to get real nasty.”
Sampo smiles at you, and then walks out of the house, the door clicking shut behind him. You groan, putting a palm on your forehead.
△ △ △
For the next few days, neither man interacts with you. Whenever one gets close enough, the other would immediately sabotage him, leaving you to witness a fight out of the corner of your eye. For two non-confrontational men, it surprises you. You didn’t expect them to behave this way.
Regardless, you go on about your day, ignoring them. You aren’t one for ungentlemanly behavior.
One day, you receive a knock at your door. You open it to find both Sampo and Jiaoqiu standing behind it.
“Miss, we need you to decide,” Sampo says.
“Which one of us would you go out with?” Jiaoqiu finishes.
You look between them.
“Well, you see—” you start.
“The young lady is already spoken for tonight,” a deep voice rumbles behind them.
Sampo and Jiaoqiu turn around to find Jing Yuan. Immediately they straighten.
“Oh, I see.” Jiaoqiu says, fixing a peaceful smile on his face and bowing. “My apologies, general.” Sampo, not to be outdone, bows as well.
When the two stand back up, the general nods to each of them, smiling politely.
You observe all three men with deceptively gentle smiles on their faces, and realize that you have a very strong type. With a sigh, you step out the door and take the general’s hand, and the two of you walk into the night.
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dividers by @cafekitsune !
images by daily sampo, daily jiaoqiu, and daily jing yuan
comments are appreciated! <3
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anantaru · 1 year
— their favorite form of pda (public display of affection)
including dan heng, blade, jing yuan, luocha, sampo, gepard, welt x gn! reader
꒰ genre ꒱ — fluff, crack, very sweet n cute
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when it comes to dan heng, he, for one part, enjoys less than more— you can catch him quietly patting your back whenever you‘re doing something, or on any occasion you'd meet up with your boyfriend, he'd make himself visible by kissing your cheek. it's rarely your lips when people were close by, yet if it was someone he considered a friend as well, dan heng did not mind smooching your lips for a short while. by all odds, he was observant of the current setting he found himself in and he waits long enough to relocate the vibes and go with them. it's also worth to note that dan heng would never attempt to do something to make you uncomfortable, he was a patient man, marking time and pausing to identify any discomfort.
notably enough, blade thinks it‘s cute, no scrap that, doubtlessly ambrosial when he notices how you're waiting for it to happen— howbeit, you‘re sneakily inching a square near his body so he can as a matter of course swathe his broad arm around your shoulders and leave it there to be tumbling around you. all the same example was blade expecting you to do the same and encircle him back. briefly, you will remain in a flowing setting and be fond of the exchanged heaves of air when you‘re slowing yourself into his chest— because fundamentally speaking, there has been nothing that had a more tranquil stifling on you then listening to blade's heart-beats.
as one clearly might’ve made an estimate thus far, jing yuan needs you to be as sheltered as possible against his immersing cradle. your boyfriend evidently does not want to unintentionally overstep any boundaries with you and makes it his own personal responsibility to be an eager listener while also hugely monitoring when he senses it‘s okay to approach you a tad closer. as a general rule, the subdued signaling will wind up with jing yuan listlessly planting his palm on your lower back whenever you walk into, well, really anywhere; a fine scented flower shop was only one of such. greater yet— the man was a gentleman, opening the door for you and silently swaying his large hand up and down your back to voicelessly tell you that, yes indeed, he was present and there's nothing for you to worry about.
the fetching and enticing luocha who, in his immediate brilliance, had a charming practice of turning relatively flustered, cheeks swelled up whenever he thought about it— all in all, what in the eyes of his significant other was too much or too little, all your boyfriend wanted to proudly achieve was to hit that spotless middle and make you doubtlessly happy in the process. he coughs, managing to get his hand towards your lower arm before exhaling softly, it's done now, he realizes, lips twitching in the process when you're amusedly watching him fold, "this is awkward, don't you think?" you giggle, pointing towards the comical picture of luocha holding onto you— significantly resembling a child holding onto their parent in a grocery store. "lets try this instead." above you, you see a man with a blush on his handsome features, leaning into whatever you say as you effortlessly slip your fingers and tangle them into his own.
how would you, individualistically, describe your boyfriend sampo koski? by fair means, it was impossible, unthinkably out of the question. you often find yourself quite surprised and baffled on how fickle and unpredictable he appeared to be. wether it had been sampo suddenly grabbing a stern hold of your hand to twirl you around in front of everyone or him swiftly cutting you off mid speech to place a kiss on your parted lips. 'i felt like it', he says proudly, with that damned smirk caked around the sharp edges of his mouth, but 'i needs more' sampo will add on, only then he'll shut up in a satisfied bliss and let you carry on with the topic you had been rambling about to him.
you sometimes wonder if the general and your personal protector gepard could turn even cuter— the hint of a full shaded blush on his cheeks as he averts his gaze and nervously coughs into his hand. but do not get fooled, he cannot possibly help himself, it's not like he will ever get used to you agreeing to the silent, little flushed request of gepard longing to hold your hand. be it known throughout entire spaces, he certainly does not stop here, what held gepard's mind locked behind heart shaped clouds, was when you'd visit him at work sometimes— undeniably when he wasn't busy for once; the unwavering courage, as he referred to it, for you to smirkingly place a subtle kiss on his burning lips after encountering him was indescribable for the man, and this craving he went through now had become like an infinite road— forever, he hopes, you'd show him more of that flickering kindness, the one that had lifted any burdens off his soul.
upwardly subtle and efficiently sophisticated— the very two turns of phrases that would adequately describe welt‘s usual approach on you. if he had to speak out more clear to a subject such as pda, which he does more than you'd sometimes like to admit, he was personally not all too bothered nor interested on it. distinctly, it's not like he found any particular distaste in it, he simply has not spent any time going over it alone more sufficiently. in a clearer way did he not view it as something holding a significant importance in your relationship. but, from time to time, he too catches himself fall into it, especially when you‘re inviting him with open arms surrounded by precious friends and colleagues, awaiting a passion infused hug welt always did justice to.
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©2023 anantaru do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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bioblsm · 1 year
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✮ ꒰warnings꒱. N/A
✮ characters. kafka, serval, gepard, sampo, dan heng (il), jing yuan, blade, luka
☆彡 notes. im having hsr brainrot (╹◡╹)i got himeko on 33 pity..my kafka finally has her gf <3 thank you imbibitor lunae ur my fave lesbian protector d(^_^o) (it’s why i also pulled for him teehee)
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KAFKA ⛧ 卡芙卡
“yes, darlin’?”
“can i have a kiss, please?” you gaze at her with a sickeningly sweet smile which makes her chuckle and ruffle your hair lovingly.
“hmm, why do you want one?” kafka lifts your chin up with her forefinger and leans in teasingly close to your face, tilting it slightly to the left. your lips part expectantly at the same time she does and for a moment there’s nothing, no sound but your breathing. she pulls back a fraction more and rests a hand on your cheek, brushing her thumb gently over your soft skin.
you can feel your heart thumping against your chest and your hands begin to shake slightly. you think you could die, right here, right now, but instead you bite your tongue and try not to give into temptation. you cough awkwardly and avert your gaze to everywhere but her eyes, “uhm…just… because?”
kafka can’t help but chuckle and grin, leaning in to gently kiss you. she smells like leather and mint and yet ironically tastes sweet like berries. “you’re going to have to work for another one, alright~?”
SERVAL ⛧ 希露瓦
serval had asked you to come help her with the workshop, apparently she works better when she has you with her (despite her getting much less work done because she keeps staring at you). she’s cleaning some sort of mechanism before you trot your away over to tap on her shoulder.
“hm?” she turns her head to look at you, “what’s wrong, hun?”
“can i have a kiss?” you tilt your head and smile which just makes her heart skip a beat as she straightens up.
“of course!” serval brushes her hand over your cheek and pulls you in close, you can nearly make out the sweet taste of her chapstick as her lips mould with yours.
serval breaks the kiss after a while with a soft hum, “you never have to ask for a kiss, just come give me one.” she chuckles and ruffled your hair playfully before returning to her work.
GEPARD ⛧ 杰帕德
“geparddd, i want a kiss.” you whine as you lean onto him with a pout. patrolling belobog clearly doesn’t entail “ignoring your partner” now does it!
gepard sighs in some sort of defeat to gaze at you for a brief moment, “my love, please, i’m on duty…” he pinches your cheek in frustration at his own work, as much as he wants to kiss you, there’s just that nagging voice in his head telling him to not get distracted.
and well, that voice can’t be blamed since when gepard does give into your childish pleas he tends to…lose himself? it’s like he suddenly switches off and malfunctions for a good moment and ends up indulging you perhaps more than a good solider should.
“pleaseee, just a kiss on the cheek will do…” you pout teasingly and he can’t help but let out another deep sigh as he leans in to kiss your cheek. perfect. before his lips manage to touch your cheek you tilt your head so they incidentally land onto your lips instead.
gepard pulls back swiftly and looks at you with a stern but playful expression, “you…are such a little troublemaker.”
curse this man’s silver tongue and that wink of his. with just a few smooth words and actions he managed to embarrass you in front of the entire astral express. luckily, none of them noticed just how much that man’s words affect you as you had your back turned to them but still…
now you’re just standing there in front of a kneeling sampo who’s pleading for your forgiveness in the most shameful way possible. how is he still managing to stir up all these butterflies in your tummy while looking so pathetic…?
“pleaseee honey~ i’ll do anything to apologise!” anything? you repeat in your head before smiling subtly and glaring at him, which just makes him shiver as he stares at you with a clueless toothy smile. you lean in close to his ear with a frustrated expression, one which betrays the words that escape your lips, “give me a kiss and i’ll forgive you.”
you swear you’ve never seen him jump up and hold you so quickly. his hands immediately found hold of your waist to pull you in for a sweet yet rather sloppy kiss. god he’s such a loser for you.
DAN HENG (IL) ⛧ 丹恒 「饮月君」
“hey, dan heng, can i have a kiss? (^_^)” you whisper to him.
dan heng appreciates that no matter if he’s himself or imbibitor lunae, you treat him all the same; not out of some sort of disrespect but because you truly just view him as someone who you love and cherish, but, he couldn’t help but laugh at your slight obliviousness to the situation.
he was having a rather serious discussion with the astral express crew about his circumstances, it was lighthearted sure, given the fact no-one viewed him as anything more or less than himself so the topic wasn’t as hard to chew, but it was still a rather awkward conversation to have. he glances over at you for a brief moment and lands a gentle peck on your lips before continuing the somewhat amusing interrogation with march 7th.
no matter what, your needs will be his top priority, especially if they’re as cute as this one (╹◡╹).
“you don’t have to ask.” jing yuan’s voice echoes in your ears as you stand there confused, tilting your head at him with a slight pout.
“what do you mean?” you continue to stare at him which just makes him chuckle at your harmless obliviousness.
“i see you gazing at my lips frequently, you want a kiss don’t you?” such small details don’t ever go unnoticed by your beloved. you awkwardly nod your head and avert your gaze.
he laughs and looks at you, placing his fingers under your chin to tilt your head upwards so that you’re looking right into his eyes. you can feel your breath hitch as jing yuan’s lips touch your own before you slowly relax in his gentle touch. it was a warm and sweet sensation of lips pressed against yours, he didn’t push for more than what is comfortable. this made your heart flutter as jing yuan pulled away, leaving only his thumb on the side of your face, stroking gently, making your eyes flutter open in bliss.
you stare at him with bashful eyes, his hand still caressing your cheek. you laugh at his eagerness when his thumb brushes across your bottom lip before he leans forward again for another kiss. this time his other hand rests securely at the curve of your waist, his grip loose enough that if you wanted to escape you could easily do so. but instead, you let out a soft hum of contentment as his lips press against your own.
“can i have a kiss?”
“because i want one..?”
blade remains quiet as his eyes scan you up and down almost eerily. watching blade examine you like this just makes you wonder what goes on in his head. blade wouldn’t say he flinches at your affections, your sweet and gentle touches or caresses do make his heart jump in his ribcage, but it never shows on his face.
to be quite frank, you couldn’t tell if he was internally ridiculing you or waiting for you to take the initiative.
“sorry, i thought you were going to...it doesn’t matter. come here.” well that answered your question. you can’t help but quietly giggle at his, ironically, wholesome dumbassery. wrapping your arms around his neck lovingly to pull him down towards you, you finally get the smooch you asked for~
LUKA ⛧ 卢卡
“can i kiss you?”
“can you give me—“
luka’s eyes widen before he begins laughing till his stomach hurts, both from the humorous aspect of the situation and the butterflies invading his tummy. you laugh along with him, shaking your head and rolling your eyes.
“am i going to get my kiss or are you going to laugh yourself to the next week?” he calms down slightly and captures you in a hug, swinging you gently from side to side affectionately.
“sorry! it’s just…quite cute how in sync we are. c’mere.” holding your face with his hands he began planting kisses across your cheeks before his lips finally settled on yours. you could feel yourself grin through the kiss before luka pulled alway and pecked your cheek quickly. “as much as i wanna stay here and keep kissing you, i have a match at the robot settlement so byebye love you!” he ushers away just as fast as he kissed you.
robot settlement?
well, that was definitely a “kiss goodbye” alright…better get natasha on speed dial.
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© BIOBLSM ✮ do not copy steal or repost
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almondest · 1 year
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—When you're mad
⨾ Blade , Jing Yuan , Dan Heng , Sampo , Gepard
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Blade isn't the type to know how to express himself well, so maybe he'll be the type to try and start idle chit chat before getting on the main topic.
You were sitting comfortably at your shared bed with blade, reading a book until you hear the door creak open.
You looked up, only to see the face you didn't want to see right now.
"Hey." He whispers as he leans on the door frame.
"Hey.." You reply unenthusiastically, directing your focus back to what you were doing.
Suddenly, bandaged arms slowly wrapped around you, feeling his warm breath make contact with your skin.
"Forgive me." He whispers, slowly leaving you with little kisses.
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Jing Yuan will use mimi to get you to ease your anger at him, thinking that aside from his warm embrace and whispers of apologies, using a big, warm and cuddly creature will woo you back to normal.
You suddenly looked at the approaching creature towards you, your eyes instantly brightened up. "Mimi! Oh, how I miss you!" You say, opening your arms to welcome it to your embrace.
Mimi makes their way towards you, resting itself to your lap as you play with its fur.
As you put your attention to your lover's pet, you suddenly felt warmth enter your body, tensing up all of a sudden with the sudden presence. "what does the general want?"
"This general wants to be forgiven by his beautiful, gorgeous, and pretty little dove." He says, stuffing his face on your neck as he embraces you affectionately.
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Dan Heng would certainly buy you a simple gift as a sign of sincerity in winning you back, along with a soft-spoken explanation.
Dan Heng returned home after a day's work in the astral express, holding a paper bag seemingly from Jarilo VI.
"I'm home, darling..." he lightly knocks at your shared bedroom, making you turn your attention to him.
Slowly, your eyes trailed down at the paper bag he was holding and a small bouquet of ball peonies.
"Ah, I...I've got these for you." He fake-coughs, handing you the bouquet with a tint of blush on his face.
You accepted them, but still kept a blank face to make you look like you hadn't forgiven him yet.
"And...I got you this." Handing you the paper bag, containing a book named, 'Tale of the Winterlands'.
"Now, am I deserving to be forgiven now?"
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Sampo at first wouldn't take your anger seriously at first and would most likely approach you as if nothing ever happened, but once he finally sees that you are really, really mad at him...
Dealing with Sampo was just as hard as trying to bathe a cat who's afraid of water, and last night was your very limit.
Waking up with the other side of the bed unusually cold, you sat up and observed your surroundings— only to end up not seeing the familiar neck length blue-haired lover of yours.
Thinking that he must've gone out or something, you dragged open the curtains of your window to observe the falling droplets of rain, your eyes trailing up from the sky and down to the ground until you spotted the man you've been looking for...drenched, Totally drenched.
"Sampo Koski, what in the world are you doing outside right now?!" You shouted in panic, as you stared at him who was looking up at you.
"What? I punished myself by standing in the rain, staring at the window as I waited for you to open the curtains." He explained, his face suddenly going serious.
"Will you forgive me now?"
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Gepard thinks that giving your significant other some space to calm their anger would suffice, so he did so. By avoiding you for a week and taking his focus on his work.
It's been a week ever since your heated argument with Serval's brother, technically the man you've been together with for quite some time and truthfully told, your anger towards him had already subsided after about a day or two.
But now, the only thing you've been feeling now is fear and sadness. Probably because he hasn't even bothered speaking to you, or apologizing, making you overthink.
With this issue at hand, you thought that maybe you should be the one apologizing instead... Since clearly, you can say that you were also at fault.
Waiting for him to return back home at 12 in the midnight, you were sitting by the couch with the light dimly turned on.
Soon, the door opened revealing a tired Gepard but you ignored it, having your mind clouded with your very objective for the night.
"Gepard Landau, please be honest with me." You say, walking towards him as you trap him against the wall.
"Are you still mad at me? Is that why you've been ignoring me for the past week?" You ask, biting your lip in the process but what you expected didn't turn out to be the reality.
Gepard Landau, was staring at you with wide eyes and a flustered face.
"Why would I be? Rather, I've been avoiding you because I thought you needed some space..."
'Ah, misunderstandings..'
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feroluce · 4 months
For some weird reason, I've always been fascinated by how wildly different Sampo operates in the Underground vs the Overworld.
Sampo is present in both places and even in official sources, he's not really counted as one side or the other- now that the theory has been confirmed in-game, he's generally just lumped in with the Masked Fools.
But there really is a big difference!
Probably the most obvious and well known instance of Sampo's...business practices *cough burglary and fraud COUGH* in the Overworld is from the Belobog Museum event. In it, you don't find out Sampo is the main culprit until near the end, because Pela has to set up a sting just to catch him in the act. And that sting is necessary all because the initial suspect they arrested, Norbert, had pretty much no idea of his partner's identity. Sampo wouldn't even speak to him face-to-face.
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And whereas Sampo is normally very pleasant and friendly with the trailblazer...when he thinks he's talking to Norbert here, he straight up says that they are NOT friends. Like he really shuts that shit DOWN.
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There's also an Overworld NPC, Chavez, who heads the "Dark Blue Scam Support Group." And he. Really really really does not like Sampo fjkdasjklfdj
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Chavez clearly wants Sampo caught, and has literally no positive feelings about him. So. Why call it the Dark Blue Scam? Why not just out him by name? Chavez obviously doesn't give a single shit about Sampo's dignity or privacy. But he never once refers to him as "Sampo," and even the pamphlets he passes out make no mention of it. No one in the entire support group seems to know how to identify him or how to refer to him except by his hair color. If the trailblazer says his name, Chavez reacts as though he's never heard it before.
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(I've seen people say this means Sampo Koski is an alias and not his real name? But Ray pointed this out, and honestly I agree; even the Fools call him Sampo, after all. I think it's just that Chavez never knew Sampo's name in the first place, and given his immense distrust, immediately assumes it's an alias.)
And then there's his characters stories, where he proceeds to pull off a heist in the Overworld while in disguise as Brughel Poisson the entire time. Literally his own stories don't mention Sampo's name even once.
So anyway, all this shows that when he's up in the Overworld working cons, Sampo is incredibly slippery and secretive about his identity. The only people who seem to know him are Pela, Serval, and Gepard. He doesn't get close to anyone else, and is even surprisingly unfriendly. Nobody knows his name. No one knows his face. He has zero qualms about backstabbing or double-crossing, and even plans for it in some cases.
Meanwhile, down in the Underground, I'm pretty sure literally the worst thing we hear of him doing is scalping tickets in front of the Fight Club. Which isn't even illegal in a lot of places (although it's certainly a dick move).
In Hook's companion quest, a vagrant miner steals Fersman's equipment and tries to sell it to Sampo. Even before the trailblazer and Hook jump in and out the vagrant as a thief, Sampo hesitates to buy it because it sounds like stolen goods, which he doesn't want any part of.
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Even knowing that a geomarrow detector is rare and incredibly valuable in the mines, Sampo makes no attempt to double-cross Hook or profit off of her loss, and even tells her who to go to to get it fixed.
And my favorite example of Sampo in the Underground is the Survival Wisdom adventure mission. In it, Sampo starts up a business with Peak, another miner. And like. In wild contrast to all the cons he pulls above ground, Sampo is actually super nice and helpful here.
Just the same as with Hook's quest, Sampo talks to Peak face-to-face, with no disguises or barriers. When the trailblazer finds them, they're just in the Great Mine, no secretive meeting places. Peak knows Sampo, is familiar with him, and calls him by name. It's not even a con! There's nothing illegal going on; it really is just a business partnership. Peak is more than happy with their deal, he's even pretty enthusiastic about it, because thanks to Sampo he can now make enough money to get by while also accommodating his chronic fatigue.
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The only person Sampo lies to in this whole ordeal is the trailblazer, who he manipulates into getting Peak's mining equipment back from the vagrants that stole it in the first place. And when it's done, he rewards them with a legit treasure map.
So when he's working in the Underground, Sampo is MUCH more upright and lawful. Part of this is probably to do with his "business" model- Sampo only takes advantage of the wealthy, and poverty runs rampant in the Underground. When he charges Peak an extra 30% (the same percentage he charges Norbert as a consultation fee in the museum heists- Sampo seems to go by percentage instead of a flat rate, which means his prices are more fair for lower incomes) for carelessly losing their supply, Peak literally starts counting out pocket change.
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Dude's working for pennies and good will down there dknsmdmd
And you can twist this into a Robin Hood thing if you want- Sampo IS technically working to feed orphans and heal the sick. He says himself he's more than happy to make up the shortfall between the greedy and the marginalized- I mean he says it in the shadiest way possible, but I doubt the people benefiting from his work really care that he's a slimeball if it means they can survive another day. Even the two heists he pulls in his character stories are literally just him stealing absurd amounts of food.
Personally though I think it is solely because of Natasha, and Sampo is hilariously well-behaved specifically for her, because she keeps him on a short leash JSKZJMSMSKS
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eterskieshsr · 3 months
a lot of eye practice: hsr version
10 sets of 20 character's eyes. I'm obsessed with this game yall. I tried to match some characters up (cough cough acheswan and aventio) Closeups + notes under the cut!
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my good boys sampo koski and sparkle the wingman
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The xianxhou healers lmao. also huohuo i'm sorry for making you cry
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If its cool, may I request a fic with Caelus, Dang Heng, March and Gepard all hanging out and Sampo starts to flirt with intoverted!reader after they take off their usually oversized jacket to reveal themselves wearing a formfitting turtlekneck. After a bit, reader sighs and looks at them, amused and exasperated, and says "listen, I have the sex appeal of a croissant. If your looking cake, your better off going to the bakery over there" reffering a bakery just across the street from where the group is standing in Belabog. I'd think their reactions would be funny.
Thank you!
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I'm so bad at writing flirting so hopefully this isn't too bad; it is a bit short but I hope you like the fanfic!
Fandom: Honkai Star Rail
Characters: Caelus, Dan Heng, March 7th, Gepard Landau, Sampo Koski x introvert! gn! Reader (platonic)
Word Count: 0.4k (467 words)
Upon taking off your oversized jacket, revealing a fitting turtleneck, Sampo can't resist flirting with you. But you’ve got a few choice words to throw back at him.
“Woah…looking good there.”
You paused in folding up your jacket as you turned to face Sampo. “Sorry?”
You were hanging out with Sampo, Gepard, and the three from the Astral Express; Caelus, Den Heng, and March. It was a warm day in Belabog and it was too hot to be wearing your usual oversized jacket. You had removed it in favour of your fitting turtleneck which would be much cooler. Apparently that had garnered the attention of one of your companions.
Sampo leaned forward from where he was sitting on the edge of the fountain. A sly smile stretched across his lips. “I said, you’re looking good. Not often one gets a glimpse of someone so beautiful.”
Gepard rolled his eyes. “Really, Sampo? It’s not like you haven’t seen your fair share of people you’d deem attractive.”
“Yeah but that turtleneck?” Sampo gestured to your form fitting top, “Pretty hot if you ask me.”
You turned away, unsure of how to react.
“Aw, come on. Don’t hide your beauty.” Sampo was insistent.
“Don’t make them uncomfortable.” You looked up at Caelus gratefully. Out of everyone there, he seemed to be the one who best understood your introverted tendencies.
“Certainly not my intent.” You looked across at Sampo who was leaning back with his hands raised. When he saw you looking at him, he smirked. “Looks like I’m not the only one who can’t help but stare.”
You sighed. Enough was enough. “Sampo, listen. I have the sex appeal of a croissant. If you’re looking for cake, you’re better off going to the bakery-” You waved a hand in the direction of the bakery, “-over there.”
Immediately, chaos erupted around you. The milkshake March had been drinking sprayed across the ground in front of her as she choked on however much of it had gone down the wrong pipe. Caelus was laughing, tears in his eyes as he rubbed March’s back. Gepard was attempting to smother a laugh. Even Dan Heng was fighting back a smile and he attempted to pass off his amusement as exasperation.
Perhaps the best expression was Sampo who was looking back at you with an expression halfway between dumbfounded and abashed.
March had recovered from her coughing fit. “That was amazing! Oh my goodness.”
“I certainly wasn’t expecting that.” Caelus was wiping the tears from his eyes, trying to compose himself.
Dan Heng was still trying to smother his smile but every time his eyes met yours, his efforts would fail and he would be forced to quickly compose his face again.
Gepard leant across to place a shoulder on Sampo’s shoulder. “She got you there.”
Sampo was still staring at you. Then, suddenly, he smiled, teasing mirth glimmering behind his eyes. “And just when I thought I couldn’t like you any more…”
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Important Note: Please only donate if you are financially able to. If you are currently in a position where you can't donate, a like, comment, or reblog will mean just as much.
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
I know you must be pretty busy right now considering that you probably have a lot of requests but do you mind writing hanahaki disease au with Gepard and Sampo (separately)? Mb Natasha too if you write for her but that's completely optional! I'm just a sucker for pining 😞 They know reader for a long time but for some reason never made a move (well maybe Sampo did but reader thought he was just being his usual flirty self) but then reader got closer to someone else and they misunderstood and got jealous and the whole hanahaki thing happened
Thank you!
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ blooming regrets
⊹ character(s) - gepard landau, sampo koski ⊹ word count - 1.6k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, hanahaki disease (character is diseased, not reader)/mentioned gore, angst just angst I'm sorry, a bit open-ended
hi anon! thanks for the req!! unfortunately I do not write for natasha but I'm happy to do the req for sampo and gepard (=^・ω・^=) I debated between ending this with angst or hurt/comfort but since you didn't specify I went for pure (but a Little open-ended?) angst hoohoo.. sorry it's kinda short ;w; ty again!!
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⊹ Gepard Landau
His cough really wasn't a big deal.
He assured his fellow Silvermane Guards, his sister, even the newly-appointed Supreme Guardian Bronya Rand near-daily.
It was a cold. Just got something stuck in his throat. Ah, he just had a drink of water, and it went down the wrong pipe.
The Captain of the Silvermane Guards cannot afford to be unwell, not for a second. If he had a fever, he'd push past it. If he got a headache, he'd keep his focus on the job at hand and ignore his pain. No matter what it was, it wouldn't put him down, and this cough, while persistent, was no exception.
The excuses worked at first, but not for long.
And they certainly didn't work on you.
"I might not know the Supreme Guardian, but surely she's going to listen if I beg for you to be given a break. Ever since the Astral Express crew left, the Fragmentum has receded more than before. Surely you can—"
"Y/N, I told you, it's just a minor cold. I'm fine. Just fine."
You raised a brow.
"This cough has only gotten worse since you first had it, Gepard! That's no simple cold. If you really want me to stop bothering you, at least go to the doctor and get yourself checked out."
In an attempt to appease you, the man had agreed, finding himself trudging to the one place he wanted to avoid.
If the doctor diagnosed him, then it became real that he had some sort of illness, and that would only be a hindrance. Not only to his duties, but to you...
Still, if going to be examined would make you happy... he'd do it.
The man would do anything for you.
And it seems that this was the problem all along.
"M-Mr. Landau..." the physician reentered the room after a short moment to look over his tests, anxiously fiddling with the paperwork. Well, that wasn't a good sign.
"It's okay, I can take it," Gepard answered confidently, folding his hands as he stifled another cough. "Any treatment is fine, as long as I can get back to work as soon as possible."
The physician's face crumbled, and the Captain felt his pulse run cold.
Was it... worse than he thought?
"I'm... I'm terribly sorry, sir. I'm afraid this is not something you may want treated."
What does that even mean?
"Of course I do! Just..." Gepard calmed himself, slumping onto the examination bed again. "Just let me know what it is."
"Sir... you have contracted an incredibly rare disease. With the onset of the Eternal Freeze and the extinction of many botanical-related illnesses and plants, many medical experts considered it impossible for this disease to return, and many wrote it off as gone for good. But..."
He turned a paper containing an x-ray of the Captain's chest.
A small root dug its way up inside his lung, and the blonde froze.
"It's called Hanahaki... and it originates from love. Unrequited love. And the only cure, I fear, is... to have your love for the one that afflicted this removed for good."
Against all odds, Gepard had taken the time off that he desperately needed.
Though Supreme Guardian Bronya was shocked at first by his submission to the advice of everyone around him, she could not bring herself to question the man when he coughed again—seeing that crimson red sprout up that he desperately tried to hide.
Knowledge that hanahaki was still in existence would bring panic to the masses. Gepard knew this. He kept himself hidden, out of sight. Not even to see you did he leave his home.
After all, even that simple action alone would hasten his disease.
He still had a duty. He told himself that over and over, slamming it into his mind. The surgery to remove the roots was all but essential.
Gazing out of the Landau home's window, seeing you walking down the street with a smile on his face... his heart panged, though.
He couldn't do it.
Loving you was painful, but the thought of losing that emotion towards you wrought even further pain upon him.
It was then that he saw a stranger at your side. Well, not quite—he'd seen them around with you before, talking to you, laughing with you, taking your hand as they led you around town.
Just as they did in that moment.
An uncomfortable feeling rose in Gepard's throat, and he began hacking into his hand once again, collapsing as he clutched the windowsill for stability.
A small, blood-soaked periwinkle fell right into his waiting hand.
Yet somehow, it felt as though his chest hurt for reasons far deeper than the flowers taking hold of his lungs with each passing moment.
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⊹ Sampo Koski
Sampo wasn't one to instill concern in anyone.
Even for those who genuinely cared for him, though they were few and far between, it was always the same thought.
"It's Sampo. What could possibly happen to him?"
Of course, there's always the joking thought that one day, all his disgruntled customers and scammed victims will come back to wreak vengeance. But really, this happened every other week.
And Sampo was always fine.
So, when he sat in front of a very distraught Natasha, something felt terribly, horribly wrong.
"H-Heyyy, Nat! Come on, now, you can tell Sampo all the details of this little cough!" he chuckled, though it was punctuated by said hacking. "It can't be too bad, eh?"
Usually, his joking would elicit even just a small chuckle from the woman. But she nearly trembled when picking up her notes, rereading them over and over as though to confirm the information she already knew.
"Sampo..." she murmured. "Is there... someone you love?"
Though he could crack another jest, ask if Miss Natasha of all people was coming onto him, he saw the look in her eye, and swallowed another choke.
Of course, in spite of his hesitation in speech, his mind had none at all.
Your face came to mind at once, bright, smiling, overjoyed. The way your brow would pull when he got into a scuffle and came to you all banged up, or the way you'd laugh at his latest scheme to trick some no-good vagrants into a 'package deal' scam.
Your energy, your voice, your touch. Everything flooded into his senses, and he smiled despite himself, despite the situation.
"If you're thinking of lying, save it," Natasha managed a strained laugh. "I think we both know from that silly grin that you have someone in mind. And I know... I think I know exactly who it is."
"But what've they got to do with my 'lil cold? Don't tell me... My only cure is to have my beloved Y/N nurse me back to health?!" Sampo clasped his hands together, making goo-goo eyes at Natasha.
He had assumed the mood to be lightened, but her eyes only darkened again.
"Sampo... this disease... it's—"
Her prognosis was punctuated by another cough from the conman—this time wet, uncomfortable, as blood trickled down the corner of his mouth. He was about to continue her sentence for her to throw in a joke, to reassure him that he was used to such minor amounts of blood, when something rose up his throat and into his mouth, cutting off his words.
Loosening his jaw, a purple and pink hyacinth landed right in his palm. Natasha was so pale, she might as well have been a ghost.
For once in his life, even the Sampo Koski was stumped.
"Hanahaki..." Natasha whispered, covering her mouth.
"What?!" Sampo's head snapped up, flicking between the doctor and the flower. "That's... That's a myth that kids get told so they confess their feelings quicker, so they don't chicken out. C-Come on, Miss Nat, that's not—"
She shook her head, and Sampo paused, staring at the flower.
"I've gotta clear my head."
The conman was to his feet in an instant, speed-walking out of the clinic faster than he ever thought his legs could take him. He didn't really know where he needed to go, but he knew he had to see you.
Seeing your face would put that warm, fuzzy, butterfly-like feeling right back in his chest. It would replace all this pain crawling into his lungs, his throat, not worsen it.
But when he saw you approach with your friend in tow, it felt like his chest had been stabbed straight through.
"Sampo! I heard you saw Nat today. You okay?"
"Y-Yeah!" Sampo was quick on the uptake, hiding the flower and swiping a hand over his mouth swiftly in case of any leftover blood. "You know me, just'a coupl'a bangs and scrapes from the latest 'customer'. You know how it is for ol' Sampo!"
You chuckled lightly.
"Well, that's good. Just don't go scamming any good people now, huh?" Your friend tugged your arm, giving Sampo an apologetic smile—something that dug up an even more foreign emotion within him. "Ah, right. I'm sorry, Sampo, we have plans today. But let's spend some time at the Great Mine some other time, huh?"
"No problemo! Sampo never skimps out on plans, and he never leaves a friend hanging! I'll see you then, Y/N."
You left with one last laugh and a smile.
Sampo's own smile slowly fell the moment you vanished from view... and he stared at the pink-and-purple hyacinth in his hand.
He recalled what they meant when Natasha had told him once, explaining all the intricacies of flower language if he were to ever give a 'special someone' a bouquet one day...
Joy, fresh starts, new love... But the purple?
That could only mean regret.
The conman threw the flower to the ground and stalked away, but not before trampling the bud.
As if he could ever regret something like loving you.
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worriedvision · 1 year
Emotional constipation (Part 2) - Gepard
Gender neutral reader, part 1 here. More of a round off of the previous part, life keeps getting in when I'm about to write oops. Still no happy ending oops, Sampo gets karma in the form of Gepard for his contribution to part 1
Serval was surprised to see you coming along with your set of Gepards house keys, clearly struggling to keep it together. She wants to ask you what happened, but she knows better than to ruin her friendship with you by prying in too soon. Instead, she spends some time just the two of you, making sure you don't forget you'll always have a premium seat to her concerts. You, of course, tell her you'll still keep in touch with her.
Gepard, on the other hand, was a different case. You decided to block him after your conversation with Serval, you saw he opened your message, and it had been enough time for him to reply or show up at Servals place in the duration of the time. It hurt to realise it, but you couldn't bear to be tempted to send him a message telling him you're happy with being his, even if you weren't happy with the lack of touch and he was happy with holding someone else.
It wasn't until a few days later that Gepard was able to get back from work, and he was only then able to act.
Sampo had been chasing up this customer of his, who had yet to cough up their shields for payment. As much as he was a businessman, the idea of ruining a relationship he could tell was being built healthily weighed on him. The fact he didn't get the shields from his anonymous requester revealed to him that, perhaps, he was wrong to show you the sight of Gepard with someone else. He didn't even ask for the purchasers motive, but that was usually not a problem on him.
After he realises this person wasn't going to cough up the shields he needed for his services, he decides to tell Gepard about his actions.
"I was as surprised as you were, Geppy." Serval protests, Gepard gawking at her as she hands him your copy of his keys. "I didn't want to pry, and they looked like they were holding back their emotions."
"Why couldn't you have stalled for long enough for me to come? You know how my work is." Gepard Huff's, Serval frowning in disapproval at how long that would take.
"Look, they were fragile at the time. I haven't been told anything, and I'm waiting for them to tell me what happened in their own time." Serval states, Gepard shaking his head.
"Nothing was going wrong, I was hoping you'd have some clues." Gepard pouts, crossing his arms.
"...What did they send you?" Serval asks, Gepard handing the phone over. When she gets scolded for giggling at the cute nicknames, Serval apologises. "From what I'm seeing...perhaps they misinterpreted something."
"I'm going home, I need some time alone." Gepard sighs, leaving his sisters shop.
Upon returning home, he spots Sampo waiting at his front door. That was never a good thing, and unfortunately this was no exception.
"Hey, the man of the hour! Boy do I have the best offer for you. Sampo Koski can enlighten...you." Sampo trails off, Gepard failing to hold back his frustration.
"You might as well tell me this 'enlightenment'." Gepard yawns, Sampo clearing his throat.
"Well, a dear customer who is anonymous requested for me to lead _ to you when you were receiving affection from-" Sampo begins, only to get caught off-guard by Gepard punching him in the face.
"Leave." Gepard grumbles. "Maybe you'll think twice before meddling in people's love life."
The door clicks shut, and Gepard sends Serval a message informing her that Sampo was paid to break you two up, along with the explanation Sampo gave.
Serval had to tell Gepard that, after some soil searching, you informed Serval that you couldn't bear to be in a relationship and not get the physical affection you wanted to desperately. She explained that Gepard really does love you, yet that only made you feel even more guilty for trying to push him - only for him to love you even now.
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the0ldmann · 1 year
The Lengths a Relic Hunter Goes Through
Writing under the cut. While this isn't necessarily NSFW, no promise anything else I may or may not write for this won't be. So minors and ageless blogs DNI on my writing. I will block on sight.
Those green eyes.
Something about those damnable green eyes caught your attention.
You should have ignored it- should have ignored him.
But you didn’t, and now those same green eyes were watching you.
Hunting you, more accurately. You shivered as you swore you felt someone’s gaze on you, but looking over your shoulder showed nothing but an empty street behind you. The rooftops were clear as well as you looked up.
Not many people in the Underworld were kind to the self-made businessman that Sampo Koski proclaimed himself to be. Which is why when you offered him half your food after rejecting his sales pitch, it caught him off guard. Rarely was he ever caught off guard- one needed to be on guard all the time in his line of business. Sampo wasn’t about to reject anything being offered for the low price of a little conversation though, so he sat down and shared the meal with you. The small talk came easy, and while the two of you weren’t friends by the end of it, he found himself intrigued. He wanted to get to know you more.
So started him coming by to meet with you daily. He’d offer a sales pitch, you’d reject it, and then the two of you would split a meal while slowly getting to know each other. These little dates excited him, and were a welcome change of pace from getting yelled at by angry customers.
People tried to stop you.
“You’d be better off staying away from that conman!”
You didn’t listen though. He didn’t seem so bad. A little silly and desperate maybe, but not a bad guy.
Maybe you should have heeded their warnings. They seemed so extreme to you at the time. This man was such a jovial goof, you couldn’t even imagine him hurting a fly.
How wrong you were.
As you tried to pick up the pace, you felt incredibly uneasy. There was no one there that you could see, and yet you still had the feeling of being watched. Ducking down a different alleyway, you decided to try and lose this phantom following you. While it was all probably down to anxiety and your imagination, if there was someone there you didn’t want them knowing where you lived. If they had good intentions they wouldn’t be hiding and if it was just your anxiety acting up, you’d go to see Natasha in the morning about it.
Too bad you wouldn’t get the chance.
Without thinking you ducked down a dead end, almost hitting the wall because you weren’t paying close enough attention to where you were going. You stopped and closed your eyes, taking in a deep breath. There weren’t any scuffling sounds or footsteps from behind you. Nothing was there to scare you, surely. All you needed to do was pull yourself together, and turn around-
*clink clink*
Your eyes shot open as you looked down to see two bombs with hearts on them at your feet. There was no time to react as they blew up, releasing a bunch of smoke that you promptly inhaled. As you covered your face with your arm and coughed, you started to fall to your knees. Whatever gas was in those bombs was quickly putting you to sleep.
As your vision grew hazy, the last thing you saw was a tall male figure step forward as the gas was beginning to clear. Unfortunately for you, you couldn’t make any of the details out before passing out.
Hours had passed and you were still unconscious. Still breathing at least. He had to admit, perhaps he went a little overboard on the sedatives. Sitting down in a chair by your side of the bed, he proceeded to pull out the money he had on hand and count it. Softly whistling to himself as he counted, he glanced over at your sleeping face. So serene…
“Sampo Koski, you have bagged yourself the treasure of a lifetime.” Giggling quietly under his breath, he put his money away. He wasn’t sure when exactly it had happened, but you had captured his heart with a steel grip money never had- and he thought money had had an iron grip! One day he was trying to win over a brand new customer, the next he’d realized that you had won him over instead.
Reaching a hand out, he couldn’t help himself as he leaned over, holding your face steady as he planted a gentle kiss on your cheek. Oh what he wouldn’t give to kiss those soft lips of yours-
Quickly he withdrew as your brow started to furrow. You were waking up. Excitement bubbled up inside of him at the thought of him being the first thing you’d see. He was going to have to play it cool though, lest he make the truth of the situation too obvious. You wouldn’t understand if he tried to explain everything to you right away. Before you could open your eyes, he spoke up first.
“Hey hey, you’re okay. Please don’t panic and hurt yourself. How are you feeling?”
You didn’t have the energy to so much as tense your muscles as you opened your bleary eyes. Moving your head took too much energy, but you turned it towards the sound of the voice anyway. As your vision started to focus, you recognized the figure sitting beside you.
“S-Sampo?” You managed to croak out something. A smile spread across his face. Something about it made you uneasy, but you weren’t going to jump to conclusions just yet.
“Ah, so you remember me! I’m glad! If you had somehow forgotten me, that might have broken my heart.”
“Why would I…” Memories of what happened last were starting to come back to you. “Sampo, where am I?”
“You’re somewhere safe, thankfully. Luck was on your side when I found you.”
“Found me?”
“Mhmm! I found you.” Something about the all-too-casual tone of his voice seemed off to you, putting you ever so slightly on edge. “I don’t know who it was that was following you- he took off after he gassed you- but I think I must have scared him off before he could do anything else. Why if something would have happened to you, I never would have forgiven myself for letting you get hurt!”
Slowly, you tried to sit up in bed. Sampo grabbed a glass of water off the nearby nightstand to offer it to you. It hurt to move so once you were sitting up he brought it to your lips. You took a sip, and he withdrew the glass to set it back down.
Looking around, you noticed the room you were in didn’t look like any of the rooms at the clinic. It looked like a normal bedroom, albeit it was missing windows. You eyed the man next to you wearily as he looked back at you quite intently.
Something in those bright green eyes of his seemed panicked and pleading. You couldn’t tell if you should reassure him or confront him.
“Where are we?”
“Oh, ah, we’re somewhere safe- a little hideout of mine. Don’t worry, nobody knows where this place is except for me!”
“That’s… Not the most reassuring.”
“What do you mean? Do you not trust your ol’ pal Sampo?”
“Well first of all, why would you bring me to your hideout and not Natasha’s clinic? Secondly, how did you even know there was someone else following me?”
The forced happy expression on his face seemed to slip for a second as he looked away, but he sighed and looked back, clasping his hands in an almost begging motion.
“Okay so I didn’t actually know the guy was following you until I saw it was you out cold on the ground. I had been following him because he actually stole some of my experimental sedative bombs and I wanted to get them back. Which since I know what is in them, is why I didn’t take you to the clinic. I knew you’d be fine, and that the hustle and bustle of the clinic might make you wake up in a panic before some of the effects had worn off. What kind of a friend would I be if I put you in that uncomfortable situation?”
You supposed that made sense. Something about his demeanor made it seem like that wasn’t the whole truth, but he didn’t give you a reason to doubt him either.
“It still hurts a bit to move… How long will it take for that to go away?”
He had to sit and think about it before answering. The silence felt more awkward than anything. Was he blaming himself for the condition you were in? Sure he may not have intended the smoke bombs to be used on you, but he had been the maker of them. He could be shouldering part of the blame just from the fact he’s the reason they-
“Well it should only be a couple hours, but it’s possible it could take longer…” His voice interrupted your thoughts. It sounded almost giddy at the implication of you being bedridden for a while. “You wouldn’t mind staying here for a few days though, would you? I’m still missing a few bombs and I still don’t know who I’m actually looking for to find them. Last thing I want is my good friend being targeted again. Little hard to keep an eye out on where you’re at if I’m having to go meet up with clients.”
“Wouldn’t they have needed to get the bombs from one of your hideouts?”
Sampo quickly shook his head and looked away sheepishly.
“I uh, was planning to deal with two clients in one day. The second one I might have needed a quick getaway for, so I stashed my suitcase in a hiding spot so as to not potentially upset my first client. Go to retrieve the suitcase and bam, empty! I couldn’t believe it. Had to come back just to restock my case and almost missed meeting with my second client. Thankfully that deal went through without any issues so I’ve been focused on trying to find the guy since. Never thought anyone would be targeting you though…”
He went silent for a bit, before taking your hand in his and looking you in the eye, visibly pleading this time.
“I’m so sorry this happened to you. Trying to hide my case with such valuables was a stupid decision. Will you forgive me? I promise I’ll do my best to make it up to you! I’ll even help take care of you while you’re here! Doesn’t that sound nice? Having your best pal Sampo Koski taking care of things for you?”
Your stomach churned.
Something about all this wasn’t right. Though his story was airtight, something was off about the whole thing. His eyes had been giving him away the whole conversation. However with no evidence to go off of or prior experience to make you doubt him, you didn’t have much of a choice. It was entirely possible that much like the pain you were feeling when you moved, your paranoia was also a side effect of the sedative. His eyes seemed to beg you more and more for forgiveness the longer you took to answer.
Closing your eyes, you nodded. Sampo didn’t hesitate to throw his arms around you in a bone crushing hug. It seemed odd, and what he said next was even odder, but you were stuck for now.
“Oh thank you so much! I promise you won’t regret putting your trust in me. Just give me a minute and I’ll go get you some food. Ah ah, as long as you can do the chewing, I can feed you so you can save your energy.”
And with that he was off.
You couldn’t tell if Sampo was completely silent as he moved, or if you were just that out of it still. He was gone in the blink of an eye, too. It was amazing how quickly and silently he could move. If not for the hug he just crushed you in, you’d question if he was actually a phantom.
Squinting your eyes, you could barely make out the handle on the door he left through. The door that was the only exit. It almost looked like it required a key to unlock from this side…
Maybe you really should just rest for now. You were still somewhat disoriented by everything and Sampo said he’d be back soon. No way the door would need a key to open from this side, you had to be imagining that. Also no point in worrying yourself sick just yet.
You just hoped you wouldn’t come to regret being so lax with the man who’d so willingly taken on a newfound caretaker role. Especially when the rumors surrounding him called him selfish. Surely he was doing this out of the kindness of his heart, and not because he actually wanted something from you…
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nyunyunyunyunyuks · 1 year
What do you think Hanabi did for Sampo Koski of all people to have beef with her? 👀
Do you think she clowned him a little too hard? 😭
Imagine her just pulling her silly little pranks and actually really hurting Sampo's feelings in the process, that'd be some angst I'd live for
Hhmmmhm about this,,, I'm really haven't see the whole light since we're like got very minimum crumbs on her :'OOO and that's interesting to digs in!!
but!!! Some leaks tells little bit of what she could do (and wow her mask has an ability? Wonder if other Masked Fool also able to do this since they got blessing/? from Aha themselves coughs could explain why Sampo is /magical and comically strong?/ at the first place coughs)
And in my own HCs, Sampo were pretty dramatical slash jester-type of a person himself, but in the whole leaks he literally talked about on how he dislikes people who doesn't able read the room for their jokes/funzies + how a joke that's too forced could be not funny anymore... Maybe at some point Hanabi does do shit troll on him and got the some Masked Fool /mockingly/ laughed with her at him?
Or imagine the Masked Fool might be play like 'circles/insider groups' and Sampo just hates Hanabi's in particular (cuz look at how deranged Zhongshan is in the whole Bestial Ferocity quest) and that drive Sampo to dislike Hanabi in particular since she's took jokes/trolls way too far and makes it hella unfunny 😭😭😭
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pompomexpress · 1 year
favorite weather, color? animal? How did he get that fake bomb trap to the xianzhou luofu?
>as a proud belogian (cough cough), his favorite weather is a slow falling snow with a hit of sun. no wind.
>depends who asks him, if it's gepard? probably blue :) (it's red)
>birds. he likes every and any birds. he admires their freedom and their beauty. kind of wishes he could be one. do they even know about birds on jarilo-VI?
>trade's secret, he can't unveil all of the sampo koski's mysteries even for you ;)
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drfirefly08 · 1 year
hi lemme do an intro rq hi i go by many names, i used to go by D.R. or Hotaru on discord and uh cough wattpad but i mostly go by Firefly or Tofu nowadays, feel free to call me the first two tho, i dont mind! my pronouns are uh they/he/she and dont mind any terms but i do like masc terms a lot. Im afab and uh im genderqueer, and i dunno my sexual orientation, i just like ppl. oh and im filipino!!
im interested in asssassination classroom, danganronpa and some fanganronpas, genshin impact, honkai star rail, honkai impact, analogue/digital horror, miraculous ladybug and uh just dance lore but lets not get into that
my favorite characters are ragbros, alhaitham, kaveh, wanderer, yuuma isogai, gakushuu asano, sampo koski, welt yang, dan heng, bronya zaychik, nathanial kurtzberg, luka couffaine, marinette dupain-cheng, felix graham de vanily (i like the fanon felix more tho,,,) and uh some others i cant recall atm i do art sometimes, writing as well (my ao3), but i mostly spend my time on ao3 reading plenty of things, even things i havent played or watched (for example: omori, spy x family, project sekai, etc, always gotta have an extra tab open to know who tf is who)
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