#*cece the bard
sbeep · 1 year
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I was drawing characters during enemy turns in the final battles of my 2nd run of the game, and one thing led to another. I've fallen in love with the whole cast. 🫶 Ft. my paladin Dark Urge and bard Tav.
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lovey-dovey-dulcie · 13 days
Official-ish introduction!
Waaah hellooooo. This is @dulciedeleche's selfship blog! This blog may or may not be more active than my main lol we'll see
I don't have a lot of things to say so I shall list off my f/os. Iiiii don't really have a way to use emojis and I can't really think of any unique tag names so these f/o tags aren't gonna be too fancy oops
Also unless stated otherwise, I am 100% okay with sharing them! If you aren't, though, feel free to block. I won't hold it against you ^^ /gen
Also once again proshit/comshit DNI
f/os under the cut
Main f/os:
P.izze.lle (S.uga.ry S.pire)
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My. darling. wife. And my bi awakening lol. She's my newest f/o but currently at the top bc I'm fixated on her the most and I'm incredibly head over heels. She's gone through a lot, which makes sense considering her source material isn't finished yet, but I still love her all the same and I can't wait for her game to be finished! I will be so normal (I will not be normal)
O.cta.vo (C.aden.ce of H.yru.le)
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Bard hubby bard hubby. A fucking moron but he's my fucking moron. What makes him so much better is that he shares his VA with an M.L.P character. I honestly love this smug purple bitch so much
A.sto.r (Ag.e of C.alami.ty)
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I hate this man. I'm kissing him on his stupid pasty-ass lips. I'm throwing him in a ditch. I love him. It's WEIRDDDD he has quite the lack of a developed character arc and he is far from someone who fits my cutesy aesthetic/tastes or whatever but I just. think he's hot, alright? Have you HEARD his voice?? Duuuuude. I also think it's funny to selfship with him bc of goth bf and girly girl gf. We ARE personifications of a Hot Topic next to Claire's
Sub f/os (is that the right term to use for f/os I don't think about as much?? Eh whatever):
P.epp.ino (P.izz.a T.owe.r)
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Yep, I'm part of the crowd that saw him upon release and wanted his hand in marriage. I too wish to love, cherish and comfort this man. I also have a unique sona for him named Cece. I'll probably show her off at some point soon lol
V.ikto.r (A.rcan.e)
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A friend of mine got me into this show a couple years back. I haven't actually. watched it yet, ahaha, but this guy is her favorite character and he's mine now too. He's a cutie, what can I say?
Mr. O.rang.e (P.izz.a T.owe.r) (rightmost image)
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I'm not sure how or why I have the hots for him, but something about him is very adorable to me and he is MERELY just a concept character
The N.ois.e (P.izz.a T.owe.r)
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Yeah not NEARLY to the extent of everyone else here, partly bc he already has his canon gf, but. he's smoochable to me okay. And also just a silly guy. I love his campaign. I might just have a thing for the gremlins tbh ajfhgajfhghjfskaf
BONUS: Queerplatonic partner:
R.ose.tte (S.uga.ry S.pire)
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P.izz.y has two hands. We're both in a qpr with her and we love her :>
Friends and family:
P.unc.hy (A.nim.al C.rossi.ng) (son)
D.obie (A.nim.al C.rossi.ng) (grandpa)
C.aden.ce (C.ryp.t of the N.ecro.Danc.er) (friend/sister figure)
P.inki.e P.ie (M.L.P) (best friend)
F.lutte.rsh.y (M.L.P) (best friend)
S.tarl.ight G.limm.er (M.L.P) (best friend)
And so there you have it :P
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rhetoricandlogic · 2 months
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Review by Kelly Jarvis: A Rose By Any Other Name by Mary McMyne
Mary McMyne’s phenomenal new release, A Rose By Any Other Name, tells the story of Rose Rushe, the mysterious “Dark Lady” of William Shakespeare’s sonnets. In the prologue to Rose’s narrative, she describes herself as the “daughter of an ill-starred astrologer and a witch who refused to hide her Catholicism,” and casts the bard’s famous sonnets as “the bitter spew of a jealous lover.” By the end of the first page, I was prepared for a tumultuous journey through the dazzling world of Elizabethan England, and A Rose By Any Other Name did not disappoint!
McMyne’s book begins with Rose dreaming of a life beyond the confines of her country home. She has learned much from the crafts of her parents, but she also sings and plays music, and her deepest desire is to travel to London with her childhood friend Cecely and secure a position as a musician in Queen Elizabeth’s court. When her father passes away, Rose’s unconventional plans are thwarted by her need to protect her mother and her little brother. Chased out of town by accusations of witchcraft, Cecely, Rose, and her family flee to the London home of her father’s good friend, an alchemist seeking to turn base metals into gold. Although Rose is trapped into marrying to secure her family’s welfare, she never stops reaching for her independence, using both ingenuity and duplicity to locate her mother’s estranged relatives and to earn money by singing in brothels, composing music for the theatre, and dabbling in astrology for powerful and wealthy clients who pay handsomely for her discretion.
Rose’s complex relationship with her mother, Katarina, is on full display throughout the narrative. Katarina has spells and potions at her disposal, using them indiscriminately to further the security of her family, sometimes at the cost of her own daughter’s freedom. Rose has inherited much of her mother’s shrewdness, and although she has spent her youth dallying with boys’ affections and enjoys a physical relationship with Will Shakespeare, she is a woman who knows what she wants out of life, and she will stop at nothing to get it. Like Rose and her mother, Shakespeare himself is presented as a complex character, both brilliant and insecure, both intimate and distant. Will’s wit draws Rose into his world of ink and paper, but when he brings her into contact with Henry, the Earl of Southampton, whose mother has hired the poet to write sonnets convincing him to marry, Rose is able to peer beneath the surfaces of the men’s desires because she is so clear in knowing her own.
McMyne’s greatest strength as a writer comes from her ability to create engaging narrators who are not as fully in control of their stories as they seem. Like Haelewise, the narrator of McMyne’s “Rapunzel” retelling The Book of Gothel, Rose is a multidimensional character whose writing reveals more than the story she reports. Rose writes, in part, to vilify Will Shakespeare, claiming that after their ordeal, she took little interest in his work though he filled his plays and poems with references to her and their romance. Careful readers of Rose’s narrative, however, will spot nods to the bard’s work in her chosen language, revealing that while her relationship with Shakespeare may have been a small part of her life, it had a lasting impact on her and the way that she understands the world. McMyne skillfully gives the dark lady a powerful new voice while simultaneously binding her to the poet who first immortalized her in verse, and the effect is breathtaking.
“Sometimes the music just comes,” Rose says to Will upon reading his beautiful sonnet which compares the Earl of Southampton to a summer’s day, and in A Rose By Any Other Name, the music has come to Mary McMyne. Passionate, mysterious, and achingly beautiful, this book offers readers a new take one of the world’s greatest literary mysteries. It is a must read for all those interested in complex family dynamics, sapphic romances, and the pull between societal duty and individual desire. McMyne’s stunning combination of scholarly research and engaging fiction will transform the way audiences understand women, witches, and William Shakespeare. I loved it!
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tseaghosts · 4 years
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working on quick messy designs which are HOEPFULLY now finalized for an upcoming project
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jupitismstoo · 4 years
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I rarely post wips and sketches anymore so I thought I’d do a little sketch dump, some of these are old progress shots, others are currently in the works some are just self indulgent doodles bc I’m w e a k. Either way! Enjoy!
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emotinalypinkwriter · 2 years
Don’t Cry Venti The Bard (Barbatos)
I decided to write this story because I had a hyperfixation on the song ‘Big Girls Don’t Cry’ by Fergi. So I hope you enjoy the story, it’s not proofread so I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar issues. Also, there isn’t an ending because I couldn’t decide how I wanted it to end. I’ve come up with two endings, a fluffy happy ending or an angsty depressing ending. I’ll let you guys decide. If you want a Happy ending put a Green Leaf emoji, for the Angsty ending put a Tornado. Thank you for reading and supporting me. -Naly
The first meeting
The wind blew softly on the peak of Starsnatch Cliff, the sun's rays casting a beautiful glow across the water. A young girl sat on the grass picking Cecilia, a soft humming could be heard from her lips. Her song being carried by the wind catches the attention of a wandering bard. His shining teal eyes look around the open field, spotting the girl he hides behind one of the few trees to try to secretly listen to her soft humming.
He sits down leaning against the tree bark, a sympathetic smile on his face, it soon falls when the humming suddenly stops. His eyes open only to widen when he meets eyes with the young lady, her eyes holding a spark of curiosity for the slightly flustered male. A smile graces her features as she hands the man a flower, “Would you like a flower mister?” 
Her voice was a little rough but still soft like the sand of the beaches around Mondstadt. Her dark brown hair ended a little past her shoulders, his eyes slowly scanned up from her shoulders to her face. Her cheeks an almost unnoticeable pink, a small beauty mark on her right cheek stands out to him. Her smile was small, her plush lips parted only enough to get a peak at her front teeth that somewhat reminds him of a fragile rabbit. He smiles back at the girl as he stands back up, his right hand goes to scratch the back of his neck in slight embarrassment. 
“Oh! Um, thank you. Sorry for disturbing you, I happened to be walking by and heard your song.” The young girl blushes and a gentle giggle leaves her lips at his words. “Oh, well my name is Cece. My mama named me after this pretty flower.” Her small hands hold up a tiny bouquet of freshly picked Cecelia flowers. The bard smiles, “I’m Venti the Bard, the most famous bard in Mondstadt.” His left hand lands on his chest and he does a small bow after his introduction.
Cece curtsies back and looks back towards the edge of the large cliff seeing as the sun was slowly going down, the sky turning into beautiful pinks and oranges. “Oh no, it’s getting dark. Mama is gonna scold me if I don’t get home soon.” The girl starts to quickly make her way down the hill of the cliff, “Hey, wait!” The bard yells after her, she turns her head back towards him, a smile much larger on her face as she yells back. “I hope to see you again, mister Bard. May Lord Barbatos bless you!” 
The bard stood silently, very against his usually bubbly personality as he watched her disappear. A tender smile lay upon his lips as he whispers into the blowing wind. “May he bless you as well.”  
Unbeknownst to both of them this would be the first meeting out of many more upon that cliff.
A new Duet 
The years went by, the now teen girl could always be seen picking flowers at Starsnach Cliff. A soft humming of an unknown song can always be heard coming from her lips as she watches the sun's rays against the ocean. After a certain time of day you can see another figure joining her, a Lyre adorned in Cecelias in his hands as he plays a tune to accompany her muted song. 
The wind blew a little harsher this day, the girl waited for her friend to join her at the edge of the cliff, as she waited faint words could be heard coming from her lips. “Da da da daaa, the smell of your skin lingers on me now.” Her eyes closed as she began to sing, the sound of the wind being her only audience.  “You’re probably on your way back to your hometown. I need some shelter of my own protection, baby be with myself and center clarity, peace, serenity.” 
The sound of feet approaching her caught her attention, her head turned to look behind her and a smile spread across her lips as she saw the man clad in a teal cape and burrett. She quickly stumbles to her bare feet and runs towards the figure, her arms open as she jumps into the bard's arms. She nuzzles her face into his shoulder taking in his scent, he smelt of freshly cut apples and the spring wind, a content sigh leaves her lips as she separates from the embrace.
The bard replicats her smile and returns it, his hands resting on her hips as he speaks. “Was that you singing just now? Did you finally come up with words for your song?” The girl blushes and covers her face with her hands, not expecting him to be within earshot of her singing. “Y-you heard that? I’m still not confident enough to sing in front of you yet, Ven.” The subtle nickname, though now commonly used by the female, makes the teal clad male smile. 
He had let her call him that after the fifth meeting when she had come to the cliff crying into his chest. She told him a short story of how the last of her family had passed away, the grip on his cap so tight that her knuckles started to turn white. He removed his hat, setting it upon her head and wrapped his cap around her, a low shushing could be heard coming from him as he tenderly lulled her to calm down. “Don’t cry, big girls don’t cry. Ok?”  He wipes her eyes dry, his eyes looking at her with adortion and comfort as he gently caresses her back to calm her. 
“That’s alright, I can play a tune for you again today if you’d like?” the bard replied, the girl smiled and agreed to his offer. The evening passed slowly, the sun emitting a beautiful light against the figures casting their shadows. The shadow had beautiful angelic wings that matched that of the Anemo Archons statues wings. “Hey Ven, do you think the Anemo Archon can hear my song?” She turns her head to him, “Do you think he enjoys my song?” The bard smiles.
“He thinks it’s the most beautiful song in the world.” He replied quietly.   
Parting Ways 
More years passed by, Venti now laid upon the soft grass of the cliff, his hat and cape set aside as he relished in the wind blowing calmly, making him smile. The sound of leaves crunching under a pair of shoes could be heard from beside the bard only stopping once next to his head. Opening his eyes he sees a girl looking back down at him, a calming smile on her face, her hands behind her back as if hiding something from the musical male.  
She sits on the edge of the cliff and waits for him to join her before she speaks. After making himself comfortable on the edge, both of their legs dangling off the side, the gentle voice of the girl sounds. “Venti, I have to tell you something. And I hope you’ll understand what I’m trying to say.” He looks at her with a solemn look on his face as he listens to her. She sadly smiles and looks out to the setting sun, “I hope… I hope you know that this has nothing to do with you. It’s personal, myself and I. We've got some straightening out to do.” 
Venti felt confused, why was she saying this? Did something happen, did someone hurt her? He wanted to speak but stayed quiet continuing to listen to the girl speak in hopes of finding out the reason for her words. Still not looking at him the girl continues, her voice cracking lightly as she speaks. “But I’m gonna miss you, like a child misses their blanket, but I’ve got to get a move on with my life. It’s time to be a big girl now..” Her voice cracks as she turns her head towards the bard, tears streaming down her face, “and big girls don’t cry.” The smile on her lips drops as she stands the wind blowing harsh enough to tossle her hair and dress. 
Though he wishes to admire her beauty, the need to keep her from leaving overcomes him, he stands grabbing her wrist, the girl's back facing him. His words deafening to her ears, “My muse, what's wrong? To whom is the person making you say such things?” His face contorted in pain as she answered him softly. “The path that I’m walking, I must go alone” She moves her hand to intertwine with his, turning to face him once more, the tear stains prominent on her cheeks. “I must take the baby steps till I’m full grown.” 
“Full grown?” She smiles sadly as she holds both of his hands to her cheeks, her gaze far off as she stares at the ground. “Fairytales don’t always have a happy ending, do they?” Her question confused him, he had told her many stories in the past for she had proclaimed to him that she loved to hear his stories of old. From before he had met her on this cliff outside of Mondstadt. 
Her next words she spoke as she let go of his hands and began to walk back down the cliff, “And I foresee the dark ahead if I stay.” The girls’ figure soon disappeared into the trees, the only thing left behind to remind the male of her presence was a small bouquet of Cecelia flowers.  
The cliff wasn’t the only place you could find the duo, if you listened you could hear them running around Mondstadt together. They could often be found running around the square playing a game of chase, or at Good Hunter playing cards, or even at Angels’ Share singing along with the local drunks. They made it clear that they were the closest of friends and sometimes more than that as they have seen the bard give the girl flowers every Windbloom Festivel along with a kiss on the cheek that would never fail to make the girls cheeks flare. 
Though Venti was mostly the one to show outward affection it wasn’t uncommon to see the girl do the same. One instance was when the two were sitting on the hands of the Barbatos statue, the girls head resting on his shoulder and her right arm wrapped around his left in a side hug. The area was quiet except for a few voices from below praying to the statue. Venti cranes his head to look at the girl and quietly asks if he could hold her hand whilst they continued to rest claiming it helped him relax when they did. The girl lifts her head, a blush on her cheeks caused by the sudden question, but her face didn’t match her actions as she shouts loudly at him.
“Yes, you can hold my hand if you want too!” She yells as she wraps her hand in his, her head resting her head back on his shoulder she whispers in his ear, “‘Cause I wanna hold yours too~” After that loud confession from the girl the bard had practically fainted, steam left out of his ears as his face turned the shade of his favorite fruit. After that day the two could always be seen holding hands. 
As the sky began to shift into the night hours the world falling silent besides the gentle breeze that blew, the two were stood at the gate of Mondstadt holding eachothers hands as they faced one another. The girls back facing the outside of the city towards the woods, whilst the bards was facing the city, the lanterns at the gate casting a romantic glow around the two as they began to say their goodbyes. “My cecilia must you leave now, might you spend the night with me instead?” She smiled sadly at him as she responded, “I would, but it’s time for me to go home. It’s getting late and dark outside.” 
He hangs his head low knowing what she would say next, her hands leaving his and cupping his face lovingly. She places a small kiss against his lips, his arms wrap around her waist while they share this fleeting moment. Separating from the kiss the girl continues to speak, though to him she was always singing a song only he could hear. “I must be with myself and center. Clarity, peace, serenity.” 
A single kiss lingered on his lips as she disappeared from sight and from memory as he slowly opened his eyes to find himself sitting at the tavern, bottles of wine surrounding his being. “Ugh..”
How should this story end? Let me know in the comments!! 
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about the roger x reader requests, maybe a scenarios where roger and reader are in a relationship but reader’s mom doesn’t approve and he tries bard to make himself liked (and also something like the cece and schmidt scene where he dances in new girl) and in the end it works.. or maybe a scenarios where roger is in his 30s and reader is almost 20 and he took her to meet the boys and they have mixed reactions.
I absolutely love New Girl but I can't remember that scene omg
I don't know if I'd be able to write the mom thing but damn I love a good 80's Roger fic!!! maybe I could include the mom thing in it 🤔🤔🤔 I don't know
I'll think about it and do my best!!
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The Three Women Of Durin - The Morning (41)
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(not my gif)
After Rosie had shared the positive news with her friends she had returned to her chambers for a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow was a big day, tomorrow they would let Bard have a share of the gold and, let him and his people stay in the mountain. And if they were lucky, they might even get Thranduil to stay as well, but for now, they were going to just concentrate on Bard.
Rosie slept like a log, as did the others, for the night was peaceful, no birds sang, no wind howled. The only sound that could be heard was the breath of each other. But there was one person not asleep, one person, whose dreams in real life were bigger than those in their head.
Kili stood on the gate, the cool air of the mountain brushing through his dark mop of hair. The world around him was quiet, yet the thoughts in his head were loud. So loud, that he did not realize the figure standing behind him.
“I thought I’d find you here,” Came a smooth voice. Turning around he gazed upon the image of Frankie, she was wearing something that wasn’t hers, something white and wispy that he could have sworn Cece had been dancing with Fili in a few days ago.
“That is not your dress,” He simply smiled up at her as she made her way over to him, a figure in the moonlight.
“Correct,” She smiled back as she climbed the barrier and resting on the cool stone, her legs slipping out from her dress and dangling over the edge. Kili tried to look away.
“It feels like the calm before the storm,” Kili said softly after a moment, looking out at where Dale sat, now a dim glow in the night, “Something’s about to happen,”
“No shit Sherlock,” Frankie chuckled.
“What does that mean?” Kili asked, turning to her.
“Well, Sherlock’s like a really big famous detective- “
“Oh god,” Franke said, tipping her head back slightly, “If you don’t know what a detective is then there’s no point in me even trying,” She said playfully, Kili simply smiled to himself as he turned back to the view.
“Detective,” He said once more, familiarizing his tongue with the mysterious word, “You are full of mystery milady,” He then smiled.
“Thank you,” Frankie said softly turning her head slightly away, not before Kili caught a red glow on her cheeks, illuminated by moonlight. “One could only dream to be as mysterious as me,”
“Ah, of course, of course,” Kili smiled back before a comforting silence fell on the scene, “Speaking of dreams,” Kili continued, “What’s your dream?”
“What’s my what?” Frankie asked stretching out her legs.
“You know, your dream,” Kili said as if it were obvious.
“Well...do you mean that in any particular way? Or...,”
“Well," Kili began turning his head to the sky, "For my kin, it's just this thing where every dwarf has a dream. I'm sure there's some religious history to the idea but...I never listened to that part. I grew up being told, by my mother, that we all eventually conjure one ultimate dream. Like the Arkenstone of dreams,” Kili started and was interrupted by Frankie’s chuckle.
“You should put that on a t-shirt,” She smiled and Kili smiled too, for a t-shirt was, in fact, something he knew.
“Anyways, my mother’s dream was to see her sons grow old,” Frankie felt something hit her in her heart, “Uncle’s was to reclaim the mountain and give his people what they wanted, and I’m pretty sure Fili recently told me that his dream was to tie two elves in a physical knot...but he could have been joking,”
“You think?” Frankie spluttered as she grinned.
“But what’s your dream?” Kili then said, turning to her, she thought for a moment.
“I don’t know…um…I guess, in my old world...my dream was to do something meaningful,” She eventually said.
“What do you mean?” Kili asked raising an eyebrow.
“Well, you see, in my world we don’t have battles with life or death situations, no, we have politics and lawyers and businesses,” Frankie sighed swinging her feet, “We don’t get to have these true moments of going to war with a dragon to reclaim a mountain filled with gold…that just doesn’t happen. We read about it in books, see it in movies, dream about it! But that will simply never happen to us.
"We don’t even have elves or hobbits…trolls, orcs, magic! None of that! But, it’s okay, we get presidential debates between Hillary and Trump so it’s all good!”," Frankie was lost deep in thought, and whatever was coming up in her brain, was coming out of her mouth. “You know, back home, I always thought it would be cool to face problems that weren’t just about math, or science, or anything like that. But, true problems that test the natures of everything you believe, problems which take courage and bravery to solve, not test scores. And now I’m here. And I’ve actually been in battle, killed bad guys, done justice, saved lives! I’ve faced dragons and orcs and elves! I’ve ran from death! And now I’ve done all that…how can I possibly return to my old life? How can I possibly go back and go to university, take tests for a job that…I don’t even want…” Frankie trailed off.
“What do you want?” Kili asked softly, "What's your new dream?"
“I don’t know…” Frankie eventually answered, “Defeat Sauron? Get drunk with Galadriel? Throw a house party like the ones back home in Mirkwood? I don’t know…” She looked back at the view, “But whatever it is…it’s going to be incredible,”
The next day Cece found herself being jostled awake by a rather irate Fili.
"What? What?" Cece spluttered groggily had she stumbled to her feet.
"They're here," Fili said seriously giving her a certain look which pierced through Cece.
"Okay," She replied before taking one of her daggers and slipping it into her belt before turning back to Fili, "What's wrong?" She asked once she realized Fili wasn't moving towards the door.
"I'm worried," He said as if it were funny. "I'm actually worried,"
"Hey, hey," Cece said softly as she moved towards him and placed a hand on each of his arms, "It's okay to be worried,"
"That's not what I was taught growing up," He said with a smile although his eyes were sad.
"Fili...everything's going to be okay, I can reassure you that because I know this story, it's plot, it's characters. And I now know you guys better than ever, and if I say it's going to be okay, then god damn it, it's going to be okay," Cece said sternly. Fili looked up at her and gave a curt nod, the confidence growing within, "Besides, we're going to work things out today...with or without Thorin's help,"
Rosie awoke with a sharp dwarven boot in her ribs, which wasn't surprising considering she had fallen asleep on the floor. Groggily she looked up and found an icy pair of eyes staring back at her.
"You know, you're like my own personal alarm clock," Rosie said happily, still in a good mood after the events of the previous night.
"Get dressed and come to the overlook," Thorin simply replied back, his voice low and haunting.
"What, why?" Rosie asked, her happy mood dissolving in the air. Thorin had already moved across the room and was about to disappear when he turned back around.
"They're here,"
Before they knew what was going on, Rosie, Frankie and Cece were standing atop the stone gate, each of them wearing a minor layer of armour for the time being. The stood with the rest of the company watching as two figures made their way through a sea of golden-armed elves. One was atop a rather large stag and the other, a horse. Both sat straight as the elves twisted and turned out of their way, forming a path which led straight to the stone gate.
Soon they came so close and you could identify both Thranduil and Bard, stony-faced. No later, they eventually emerged out of the sea of gold metal and stood, clear and strong before them. Then, in a blink of an eye, Thorin drew an arrow and placed it in his bow before shooting it, inches before Thranduil’s stag.
“I will put the next one in-between your eyes,” Thorin declared which earned a few cheers from some members of the company, most stayed quiet. Thranduil stared down at where the arrow had hit the icy covered stone and then back up at the gate where he made eye contact with Rosie. Rosie responded by widening her eyes slightly as if to egg him on.
“We’ve come to tell you,” Thranduil said clearly, his voice echoing out over the stony scene, “Payment for your debt has been offered, and accepted,” Rosie reached a hand down to the shoulder of Bilbo who stood before her, squeezing it tightly.
“What payment?” Thorin spat, “I gave you nothing, you have nothing,” Rosie felt Bilbo tremble slightly under her fingertips. Thranduil simply turned to Bard who looked away, then, slowly, he reached his hand into his coat and pulled out the thrumming Arkenstone.
“We have this,” He said, raising the stone high in the air for all to see. The shock of seeing the Arkenstone rippled through many of the company, for others, it was not such a shock. Cece turned her head, however, to Thorin, who was caught in a trance as he stared at the stone, his face unreadable.
“The Arkenstone,” One of the dwarves breathed.
“Thieves!” Another called.
“How come you by the heir of our home?” Someone else hollered at the elf and man.
“That stone belongs to the king!” Someone a little way off to the right called, Bard brought his hand down and stared at the glowing gem.
“And the king may have it,” He said, tossing it in the air slightly before tucking it safely back into his coat, “With our good will,” Then Bard looked up, eyes piercing into those of Thorin’s, “But first, he must honour his word,” He said lowly. Thorin paused, staring down at the bowman, his eyes bright and alert.
“They’re taking us for fools,” He said under his breath, “It is a rouse, a filthy lie,” He said only loud enough for the company to hear. The girls watched as the others stared at their leader with shock and anger. “The Arkenstone is in this mountain! It is a trick!”
“It’s no trick,” Bilbo lurched forward and out of Rosie’s grasp before she could do or say anything. “The stone is real,” Bilbo said, with some confidence, moving forward and towards the sick king, “I gave it to them,”
The tension lay thick, like a fog that no one could see clearly through. As Thorin slowly turned away from the elf and man and towards the hobbit, almost everyone on the scene held their breath. Rosie glanced down at Bilbo before staring over the gate and at Thranduil and Bard who both nodded in response. Members of the company stared at Bilbo, everyone lost for words in their own way, some of them angry and some of them proud, all of them worried for the safety of the hobbit.
“You…” Thorin said, his hurt of Bilbo’s actions so clear in his face.
“I took it as my fourteenth share,” Bilbo said simply as Fili and Kili slowly moved closer to the hobbit, there to protect him if need be.
“You’d steal from me?” Thorin asked his voice low, a growl from his chest.
“Steal from you? No,” Bilbo said, “I may be a burglar, but I like to think I’m an honest one,” He said, not realizing the anger that was swelling inside Thorin’s features.
“Thorin,” Rosie started but Bilbo spoke up again.
“I’m willing for it to stand against my claim,” Bilbo said, his voice getting louder.
“Against your claim?” Thorin said as if it were a joke, a trick.
“Thorin,” Rosie said firmer.
“Your claim,” Thorin growled, “You have no claim over me you miserable rat!” He spat as he threw down his bow and arrow and moved closer to Bilbo.
“Thorin!” Rosie now cried moving closer and placing a hand on his arm, stopping him slightly. Bilbo simply looked up at Thorin, no fear in his eyes, only pity.
“I was going to give it you, many times I wanted to,” Bilbo said sadly. “But…”
“But what? Theif,” Thorin growled.
“You have changed Thorin,” Bilbo said accusingly, “The dwarf I met in Bag-End would never have gone back on his word! Would have never doubted the loyalty of his kin!” There was a pause as everyone awaited Thorin’s response, Bilbo had just shown a new side to him, a side to him that was daring the sick king.
“Do not speak to me, of loyalty,” Thorin growled as he moved closer, but Rosie’s hand on his arm was pulling him back. “Throw him from the rampart!” He cried and the shock of what he just said echoed throughout the whole company and not only that, but it travelled through Thranduil and Bard as well. Rosie, however, had had enough.
“Thorin!” She yelled, her voice the loudest yet. It drew all attention of the scene to her.
“What!” He cried back turning around to face her, Rosie paused for a moment before answers.
“He’s right!” She yelled so loudly it echoed at least thrice throughout the kingdom that was Erebor. "Can you not see it? The man you have become? Do you not wake up each god damn day and feel different. Because I'm telling you right here right now...you are! Almost everyone from here to god damn Mirkwood will agree with me...scrap that...here to fucking England!"
"And what place are you in to say such things?" He spat back, with equally as much anger, "What are you to me?" Rosie recoiled, taken aback.
"I'm your friend," She breathed, the words barely audible.
"Friend?" Thorin spat almost as if it were funny, "Friend?" He cried again, "We are not friends,"
"Thorin!" Bilbo joined in again, "Listen to what you are saying right now. Hear the words on your tongue!"
"No!" Thorin cried back, "There is nothing to hear! I don't have time for two traitors in my company...throw them off the rampart!"
"Thorin," Rosie breathed, her eyes turning glassy, "What did I do?"  But no one was listening to Rosie anymore.
"How dare you!" Cece moved forward, standing in front of her friend, "How dare you?" She repeated. Thorin simply looked down at Cece with a menacing glare.
"Get out of my way," He growled but Cece stayed put.
"You think you’re so big and tough now that you wear that crown on your head?" She cried, fearless, "Well...you look pretty god damn stupid if you ask me," These words took Thorin aback, and it was obvious his anger was wearing thin. Almost in slow motion, he raised his arm almost as if he was going to hit Cece and began to bring it down. Cece did not turn, she did not run, for she would stand there and take any blow that he would give, for there was nothing that Thorin could do physically, that could hurt her anymore. But Thorin's hand never met its mark, it never landed on Cece, no. For another one had caught it in the air and Thorin swivelled around to find his own, eldest nephew glaring back at him.
"Don't, even, think about it," Fili growled in a way that was similar to Thorins. Thorin stood in shock for a moment as he stared back at his nephew and for a few seconds, the old Thorin was visible, but as soon as he came, he left.
"Not you too!" He cried turning on Fili, "My own kin, heir to the throne!"
"I don't want the throne if this is what it does to you!" Fili retorted, going against everything he had ever said to Thorin.
"Me neither!" Kili joined in, running forward to meet his brother, "I would rather marry an orc than letting the gold sickness take me!" Thorin stood aghast as he looked down at his two nephews, his kin, the closest thing he ever had to sons.
"They're right," Came an old familiar voice from behind him, "They're all right," Thorin turned to stare up at Balin, the dwarf who had raised him and followed him to the ends of middle earth, now standing there, staring at him with sorrow and pity, "You're grandfather fell like old stone to the gold sickness, you were young a mere 20 years or so when the dragon attacked. But you were old enough to see the pain in his eyes, how the sickness tore apart every relationship he had, the one with you, your father...your grandmother," Thorin moved back, his heart-breaking at what he was hearing, "You saw what it did to him and yet you stand here, fallen into the same trap,"
"Thorin," A softer voice said and he turned to Frankie who had not yet spoken, "We're your friends, and we want to help, but we can only help...if you let us,"
Thorin stumbled backwards and into a stone pillar where he looked around at all the friendly faces, ones he had known for years and others only a few months. He looked around at this group of people who he had let down and disappointed in just the last few days. He looked at his family, the ones who he raised telling them of the dangers of the gold sickness, to the family's from the blue mountains who were not even of royal blood but yet, wanted to go on a life-risking adventure to reclaim what they once had. To all of the family's that had come along, dropping everything and leaving behind their loved ones to risk their lives for a journey. The Hobbit that they met in Bag-End who made their days more merry and brighter, who cooked and cleaned, hummed and sang, who was the bravest out of them all. To the three women, who had fallen from the skies above from a different universe to join them on his quest. Who sang weird and wonderful songs, who pierced the hearts of many with hope, who saved their lives more than once, who stuck together, no matter what. He stared at this group of people, his friends...his family, and he let out a choked sob.
"I'm sorry."
TAG LIST: @britney8793
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dnd-adventure · 4 years
Sup everyone! Meet the heirs of Ash, a team taught by the legends themselves. But when those legends suddenly go missing, they have to rescue them, before evil forces hit them at their weakest point.
Mike (Bard)
Mika (Artificer)
Ann and Andy (Wizard twins)
Adithi (Undeclared)
Izzy (Sorcerer)
Shadow (Rouge)
Cece (Ranger)
Most names are undecided so leave me some suggestions! In the mean time, official art!
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sbeep · 1 year
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plldetectives-blog · 8 years
Things I picked up on from 6B onwards
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This was the car Alison and Elliot drive home in after the funeral. Notice how both passenger seat windows are about 1/3 open. Quite unusual isn’t it? If you rewatch the scene you’ll see this as well as Alison getting into the car first, followed by Elliot.
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The car drives off to the left.
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We see this scene just a few minutes later of somebody (assuming A.D. because who else would it be?) watching the liars in a car similar to the one Alison and Elliot drove off in. Interestingly, they close their passenger window which was open to about the same length as the one in which Ali/Elliot drove off. I know people can say that it was Elliot watching but if you look closely at the picture above you can tell the person was seated by the left window of the passenger seat. Alison would have been sitting there since she got into the car first.
Since Ali/Elliot’s vehicle drove off to the left, it would have enabled the angle view you see in the second last picture above. I believe they showed us the window open as a clue because when we see Sara drive off, all her car windows are completely closed. Why would Ali’s car have windows be open like that? And why would they show us the view of that vehicle in at least 3 different angles that I’ve shown above?
This dialogue stood out to be when the girls are talking about the mysterious text sent to them.
Spencer: “Who the hell sent that?” Hanna: Someone who has our new number. Aria: Like Ali? We all know i am at the top of her suspect list.
Aside from the four girls, only Alison could have had the girls new number.
The writers often use songs as clues on the show and the lyrics of one of them caught my attention. The song Breathe you out by Kaneholler started playing over a Spaleb scene and carried on to the scene in which Aria is seen working on the book in the brew and Ezra comes in (he left rosewood for days I think? and then returns).
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If you look up the lyrics, you’ll notice that the song is about deception and betrayal. The lines in bold are played over this scene.
I should have known about you
And now I can see
Knowing that you got to me
It’s just a losing game
You played me like a fool
You played me like a fool
This scene could have been foreshadowing an EzrA betrayal, the same way songs such as Fresh pair of eyes (lyrics like: I want to be seen with a fresh pair of eyes..The single white tree in a black hood of disguise) and Every breath you take have done as they have been played over Ezria scenes in the show.
A Black SUV chases Emily near Two Cross Diner and Emily finds the broken handle form Melissa’s suitcase, which is thought to be the murder weapon used to kill Charlotte. This scene made me feel that the person driving the SUV led Emily to the murder weapon. They wanted her to find it so that they could get her prints on it, which they did, and then took the handle with them before Emily saw who the person was. I think this person was Charlotte’s killer. They wanted Emily’s prints on the weapon so they could frame Emily if the handle was ever found.
So we find out that it was Mona who called Charlotte from Two Cross Diner and she claimed that Charlotte never showed up. But who was the witness? Was it Sara? They would have had to be at the Diner when Mona was.
The roses with which the A note was, at the hospital where Ali was admitted were the same as the ones Charlotte was holding and ones seen at Alison’s dining table in 6x11. There is clearly a connection there, I think.
I found Alison checking herself into Welby quite suspicious. I understand she was scared as she thought she was having hallucinations of her dead mother and Wilden, but if I was her, I would have spoke to my husband (who is a DOCTOR by the way) before I made such a big decision. I couldn’t help but think it may have been used as her alibi for the night. Something else has been bugging me. Why did it take A.D. until the text sent after Hanna’s kidnapping, to sign their messages as A.D.? Why were the messages not signed as A.D. from the beginning?
A.D. gives the liars 24 hours to find Charlotte’s real killer and the group worry about how they can solve this in such a short time. Mona: This is the first time we’ve been working together. That’s what makes it different. Spencer: Mona is right. It’s just like Ali told Hanna. All of us working together knew what happened to her, so all of us working together can figure out Charlotte’s killer. Spencer’s line here is very interesting because she is referring to when Alison visited Hanna in the hospital saying to her “The four of you combined. You remember more about that night than you think you do.” In 4x25, the only thing Alison mentioned that one of the liars didn’t recall (from that night) was the scene between her and Spencer when she dropped her pills.There was no other scene involving the liars that she mentioned which we already don’t know about. This line is making me think that maybe there is more to that night (and what Alison said), than she has revealed. I also find it interesting that aside from Spencer, Mona and Emily, everyone voted Alison as Charlotte’s killer. Toby also says something interesting: “She’s been on her best behaviour since she got back, but we can’t pretend the Alison that blinded Jenna never existed”. Even after all this time, they think she can do something like this, as if she never changed.
I think I found something that was deliberately put to catch our eyes (and I think someone has spotted it before). I can’t put a picture of it here but if you get the chance go to this episode and pause at 10:34 and then at 10:42. At 10:34, you see the things for Ezria wedding plans on a table but if you look closely at the bottom left of your screen, you will see a sheet on a folder that says “Patient sign-in sheet” and you see the folder again in front of Aria at 10:42.
Patient sign in sheets remain at reception to keep a record of those who come in and go and so the fact that Ezra has one in his apartment (that is filled out) raises alarm bells.
A scene stands out in which Alison is discussing The Winter’s tale by Shakespeare, in her class.
Alison:  What happens to someone’s character when they are wrongfully accused?.. Queen Hermione…suffered for a sin she didn’t commit. So why would her husband or for anyone else for that matter put her through that? What did Shakespeare observe in human nature that rings true today?
Student: That some people like to troll other people.
Alison: I’d like to think that the Bard had something deeper in mind.
Student: But that’s what’s going on in the story isn’t it?
Alison: No, not really.
Student: The king’s ragging on his wife because she slept around him.
Alison: But she didn’t, that’s the point.
Student: Whatever, If you’re the king or the queen and people look up to you, you can say or do whatever you want, and get away with it.
Alison: Until your lies catch up to you.
I couldn’t help but feel that this scene was supposed to parallel Uber A’s story, that this game that they are playing goes a lot deeper than that. Maybe it is reminiscent of her own suffering considering her husband tortured her for thinking that she killed Charlotte.
Winter’s tale might be worth checking out for more clues and parallels.
The last scene in which Hanna hits Noels reminded me so much of how Charlotte died. The thing Hanna used to hit Noel with looked a lot like the handle Emily found in Melissa’s suitcase and she hit him at about the same place Charlotte was hit in. Did Hanna really kill Charlotte like she confessed (and so convincingly, may I add)?? She did leave the hotel room and she panicked about getting an alibi as soon as it was uncovered that Charlotte didn’t commit suicide. She also impulsively deleted the security footage of the hotel from that night even though leaving the hotel room at the time of murder does not make the person a killer.
Sara was initially staying in room 214 at the Radley hotel. Episode 2x14,  Through many dangers, toils and snares, has some key events. The main one that stands out is that Aria’s parents learn about Ezra and Aria’s relationship. The girls also find A’s phone in that episode. In reverse, if we look at 4x12, Now you see me, now you don’t, there are so many stand out reveals. The girls go to Ravenswood and find that there are two red coats (cece being one of them), Grunwald tells them she pulled Ali out from the ground, they find a lair that is being used to track their every move, Ezra is shown to be in Ravenwood and using the lair the girls found. Both episodes have Ezra in common.
Alison was admitted in room 204 in the hospital after her accident. If we look at 2x04, Blind dates, it was the episode in which the girls found Ian’s body (shot) with a suicide note and confession to killing Alison. In 4x02, Turn of the shoe, we are introduced to tippy the parrot that hummed the phone number that becomes the girl’s next lead in finding out about Alison’s murder, Mrs Dilaurentis reveals Alison could hold her breath for a while, and Toby reveals that A gave him information about his mother’s death in exchange for moving the RV.
Jenna and Sara were staying in room 418, and Sara Harvey was killed in that room. 4x18 is titled Hot for teacher and it has EzrA vibes all over it, and it could be a clue that Ezra killed Sara.
I noticed something by accident as I was looking for a particular A message sent in 7A. All messages sent by A.D. (in 7A) to Alison (or the ones she opens) are written in Capital letters and the ones sent to the other liars are in normal lower case. I think this is a clue that makes Alison the odd one out for a reason. http://pretty-little-liars.wikia.com/wiki/A%27s_Messages_in_Season_7
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larryland · 7 years
Bard College at Simon's Rock Presents Reading of "SEVEN" to Benefit Elizabeth Freeman Center
Bard College at Simon’s Rock Presents Reading of “SEVEN” to Benefit Elizabeth Freeman Center
The Bard College at Simon’s Rock Council for Equity and Inclusion and CeCe Sloan Presents invite you to a reading of SEVEN, A Documentary Play Saturday, August 26 from 7-9:30 pm at The Daniel Arts Center Bard College at Simon’s Rock 84 Alford Road Great Barrington, MA A riveting piece of documentary theatre, SEVEN tells the true stories of seven women who bravely fought for the well-being of…
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tyriantales · 8 years
Rules: Tag 20 followers you want to know better rip Tagged by: @for-great-justice Name: Teresa, but pretty much everybody calls me Tess or Tessa. Nickname: Close friends have been calling me Tipsy/Tipsqueak for close to 13+ years now, and my mom calls me Cece even to this day, which is the Italian word for chickpeas :P.  My oldest nephew (same age as me) has been calling me Cecemon for years. Apparently I’m a chickpea pokemon! Gender: Female Height: 5’ with shoes. That counts, right? Star sign: Taurus Sexuality: Bi Hogwarts House: Slytherin Favorite color: Teal, Turquoise, blues, greens, and silvers. Favorite animal: Peacocks, the all mighty platypus, and all variety of snakes. I even have a derpy 6ft python named Kaa, who thinks she’s a lap dog and likes chin rubs. Time right now: 12:17am, Cat or Dog Person: Dogs, but I also appreciate cats! Favorite Fictional Characters: Jericho Barrons, Alistair, Cullen, Garrus, Thor, and Woo Yong-Sul (Blue Ahjussi)  D;! Number of Blankets: 4, even though I live in the middle of the real world drytop (Arizona). I’m always cold! Favorite Singer/Band: David Bowie, Foo Fighters, and too many to name. Dream Trip: Scotland, Korea, and Japan. I want to travel all over really. Dream Job: Game graphic/character designer. Specifically for Bioware or Bathesda. However, I also love my current job (Nursing). When blog was created: This is a sideblog that became a main blog September 7th 2015. Current number of followers: 1224 followers, and I have no idea how D; but I <3 you all. Why did you pick your URL: I’ve been playing guild wars since the beta of Guild Wars 1, and one of my favorite characters I have made has been a mute bard, who travels around tyria playing her instruments and writing down stories from her travels. I thought it would be nice to pay a homage to her and went with the name TyrianTales. The blog itself is called “Once Upon a Time in Tyria”.
tag: @not-enough-salad-babies , @krizzakrizza , @censere, @shuuzaar , @ghostyreader-of-tyria, @asurashinies, @thecharmingcharr - and anybody else who would like to do this. Have to stop tagging as raid reset is starting soon! 
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 7 years
The Six Lovers Of Erebor
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nYtr8y
by MANG0
Rosie, Frankie and Cece have successfully helped reclaim Erebor, and with the quest to Mordor 60 years away, it's safe to say that they have some time to kill. They're staying in the lonely mountain, helping the Durins as they once more bring life to it's cool walls, they're enjoying a life in middle earth that is stationary, calm and without threat, but as the people from the Blue Mountains arrive, the three women of Durin realise that they are far from safety as ever.
Maybe the greatest threat isn't that of a dragon or a pale orc, but that of people changing and relationships ending.
Words: 1847, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Three Women Of Durin
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Fíli, Kíli, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Óin, Dwalin, Balin, Glóin, Ori - Character, Dori, Nori, Thranduil, Legolas, Tauriel, Bard, Sigrid, Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel | Artanis, Modern Girl in Middle Earth - Character
Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Original Female Character(s), Thorin/OFC, Kili/OFC, Fili/OFC
Additional Tags: Thorin Is an Idiot, Uncle Thorin, Protective Thorin, Thorin is a Softie, Thorin Feels, Emotionally Constipated Thorin, King Thorin, Thorin's A+ Parenting, Possessive Thorin, Thorin Has No Sense Of Direction, Durin Family, Durin Family Feels
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2nYtr8y
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Reread, Rewrite, or Burn Book Tag
Saw this on Booktube, but I have a face made for text, so I decided to try this out here with all of the 57 books I read during 2017.
For those not in the know, this tag requires you to draw the names of 3 books you’ve read (doesn’t have to be from the same year) and from those three you determine which of them you would like to reread, rewrite, or burn.
Here goes the first trio!
1. Everything I Never Told You by Celeste Ng
2. Picking Bones from Ash by Marie Mutsuki Mockett
3. Sisters One, Two, Three by Nancy Star
Hmm. Well, from this group I would have to say Sisters One, Two, Three was the biggest surprise, so I would reread it. The other 2 were both mild disappointments, though I did like the writing style more in Everything I Never Told You, so I will choose to rewrite that (and change some of the actions of those annoying family members), and burn (no pun intended) Picking Bones from Ash
4. The Book of the Unnamed Midwife by Meg Elison
5. The Giver by Lois Lowry
6. The Golden Acorn by Catherine Cooper
While I enjoyed aspects of all three of these, I think The Golden Acorn was my least favorite, so I would burn it. I don’t know what I would change about The Giver, so I suppose I would reread it. There were some repetitive incidents of violence against women in The Book of the Unnamed Midwife, so I suppose I would rewrite that and make their world a little less harsh.
7. An Untamed State by Roxane Gay
8. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
9. Sing, Unburied, Sing by Jesmyn Ward
Wow. This one is really unfair. An Untamed State was a 5-star read for me, and while it was one of the most brutal reading experiences I’ve ever had, I think it will stay with me the longest of any of these, and I don’t think I could do anything with it other than reread. The others were both 4-star reads. If I’m completely honest with myself, though both stories deal with disenfranchised and underrepresented groups of people in literature, I’ve read other books similar to Between Shades of Gray, so I would have to burn it. I would rewrite Sing, Unburied, Sing by making the plot move along a little faster. Ward tells a good story, but she sure takes her time doing it.
10. Icy Sparks by Gwyn Hyman Rubio
11. Palm Trees in the Snow by Luz Gabás
12. Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire
Easy. Hated Icy Sparks with a passion. Burn, baby, burn. I would rewrite Palm Trees in the Snow and cut out some of the grumbling between the brothers, and the unnecessary romance. Would reread Down Among the Sticks and Bones.
13. When I Found You by Catherine Ryan Hyde
14. Soy Sauce for Beginners by Kirstin Chen
15. Kindred by Octavia Butler
I would reread Kindred in a heartbeat. I think the story in When I Found You could use some fleshing out during some of those missing years. Soy Sauce for Beginners would be burned.
16. Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice
17. Sunbaked by Junie Coffey
18. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Burn Jane Eyre. Kill it with fire! Reread Interview with the Vampire. I would rewrite Sunbaked, as I think it has a lot of unrealized potential.
19. Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant
20. The Smell of Other People’s Houses by Bonnie-Sue Hitchcock
21. A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab
I would reread A Conjuring of Light. Loved this series (except the end of book 2)! I would rewrite Come, Thou Tortoise. Only minor things. There were a few blurry moments leading up to the end. And The Smell of Other People’s Houses would go up in flames.
22. A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K. Le Guin
23. The Girl Who Fell from the Sky by Heidi W. Durrow
24 Insurgent by Veronica Roth
I don’t even know what I was thinking when I gave Insurgent 2 stars. Burn it. I would reread The Girl Who Fell from the Sky. It wasn’t perfect, but was good. And I would rewrite and speed up the plot in A Wizard of Earthsea.
25. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen
26. Allegiant by Veronica Roth
27. Full Bodied Murder by Christine E. Blum
Fairly easy. I would reread Water for Elephants, burn Allegiant (with glee!), and rewrite Full Bodied Murder, which could have been so much better.
28. Anthem by Ayn Rand
29. Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward
30. The Inheritance Trilogy by N. K. Jemisin
Even though I thought the beginning of the first novel was a bit of an info dump, I would reread The Inheritance Trilogy. Salvage the Bones would be rewritten so the hurricane isn’t quite so anticlimactic, and Anthem would be burned.
31. Fierce Kingdom by Gin Phillips
32. A Gathering of Shadows by V. E. Schwab
33. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel
Hmm. Well, the last book threw a kink in my plans. I would have to reread Station Eleven, rewrite the ending of A Gathering of Shadows, and burn Fierce Kingdom (which is really deserving of a rewrite, but not in this company).
34. The Abandoned by Amanda Stevens
35. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
36. Breath, Eyes, Memory by Edwidge Danticat
The Abandoned was one of the worst things I read all year, and I would burn it. I would probably rewrite The Handmaid’s Tale, making the ending a little more clear, and reread Breath, Eyes, Memory.
37. Divergent by Veronica Roth
38. Legend by Marie Lu
39. Before the Rain Falls by Camille Di Maio
Divergent would burn. I had a few issues with both the other books, but I think the insta-love trope was slightly more palatable in Legend, so I’ll reread that one, and rewrite Before the Rain Falls to cut out all those meaningful glances.
40. Thin Places by M. L. McIntosh
41. Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier
42. The Boy in the Suitcase by Lene Kaaberbøl
I would burn Thin Places. In the dark. So I didn’t have to see it again. I was surprised by how much I liked Rebecca, so that would be a reread. The version I read of The Boy in the Suitcase had some formatting issues, so I would rewrite and fix those.
43. The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
44. Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
45. El Deafo by Cece Bell
This one pains me a little as these were all 4- or 5-star books for me. I would have to reread Every Heart a Doorway. The Thirteenth Tale would get a rewrite to speed up the pace a bit, and El Deafo would have to burn, primarily since being a graphic novel, rewriting it would also mean redoing the artwork, and I can’t draw bunnies, so no.
46. The List by Patricia Forde
47. Going Bovine by Libba Bray
48. A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab
Ugh. I would have to reread A Darker Shade of Magic, ‘cause Lila Bard. I really liked Going Bovine, but I knew where the plot was going all along, whereas The List threw a weird twist at the end that made no sense, but could definitely benefit from a rewrite. Still, I would have to burn The List. Going Bovine was too outrageously funny to get rid of forever.
49. Beachbound by Junie Coffey
50. The Book of Etta by Meg Elison
51. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou
I would have to reread I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. While I rated Beachbound more highly than The Book of Etta, I think the latter would benefit most from a rewrite, so I would choose to burn Beachbound.
52. The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis
53. The Secret Mother by Shalini Boland
54. William’s Winter Nap by Linda Ashman
Even though the illustrations and story were cute, my life would not be diminished if William’s Winter Nap ended in flames. I would reread The Female of the Species, and The Secret Mother would get a rewrite to fix that attic scene that bugged me.
And for the final trio!
55. Calling Me Home by Julie Kibler
56. Leave Me Alone with the Recipes: The Life, Art, and Cookbook of Cipe Pineles by Cipe Pineles and a host of other contributors.
57. The Tombs of Atuan by Ursula K. Le Guin
I would have to burn Leave Me Alone with the Recipes. Interesting biographical sections, but the recipes just aren’t for me. I would have to go with rereading Calling Me Home, and I would rewrite the first few chapters of The Tombs of Atuan to make the story easier to get into.
And if you made it all the way to the end of this exercise in self-indulgence, thank you for sticking with me! Feel free to discuss any decisions you would have made differently.
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hillcountrytimes · 7 years
CECO Environmental Corp. (CECE) Reaches $5.25 After 8.00% Down Move; 5 Analysts Are Bullish Euronav NV (EURN) Last Week
Among 10 analysts covering Euronav NV (NYSE:EURN), 5 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 5 Hold. Therefore 50% are positive. Euronav NV had 17 analyst reports since August 21, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The firm has “Buy” rating given on Friday, August 21 by UBS. The firm has “Hold” rating by Deutsche Bank given on Friday, February 26. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Friday, October 27 by Stifel Nicolaus. On Thursday, August 25 the stock rating was downgraded by Morgan Stanley to “Equal-Weight”. JP Morgan downgraded Euronav NV (NYSE:EURN) on Tuesday, January 12 to “Neutral” rating. Euro Pacific Capital initiated it with “Buy” rating and $17.50 target in Tuesday, September 29 report. The stock of Euronav NV (NYSE:EURN) earned “Buy” rating by Seaport Global on Wednesday, May 4. As per Thursday, April 7, the company rating was maintained by JP Morgan. Citigroup maintained the shares of EURN in report on Thursday, October 6 with “Buy” rating. On Monday, September 21 the stock rating was downgraded by Vetr to “Hold”. See Euronav NV (NYSE:EURN) latest ratings:
27/10/2017 Broker: Stifel Nicolaus Rating: Hold New Target: $8.0 Maintain 10/08/2017 Broker: Stifel Nicolaus Rating: Hold New Target: $8.0000 Maintain 07/07/2017 Broker: Stifel Nicolaus Rating: Hold New Target: $8.0000 Maintain
The stock of CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) is a huge mover today! The stock decreased 3.05% or $0.165 during the last trading session, reaching $5.245. About 150,952 shares traded. CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) has risen 22.53% since December 1, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 5.83% the S&P500.The move comes after 5 months negative chart setup for the $182.04M company. It was reported on Dec, 1 by Barchart.com. We have $4.83 PT which if reached, will make NASDAQ:CECE worth $14.56M less.
Analysts await CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) to report earnings on March, 8. They expect $0.07 earnings per share, down 80.00% or $0.28 from last year’s $0.35 per share. CECE’s profit will be $2.43 million for 18.73 P/E if the $0.07 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.03 actual earnings per share reported by CECO Environmental Corp. for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 133.33% EPS growth.
Investors sentiment decreased to 1.31 in Q2 2017. Its down 0.83, from 2.14 in 2017Q1. It dropped, as 20 investors sold CECO Environmental Corp. shares while 28 reduced holdings. 18 funds opened positions while 45 raised stakes. 22.62 million shares or 0.24% less from 22.67 million shares in 2017Q1 were reported. Boston Prtn invested in 0.01% or 878,353 shares. Jpmorgan Chase & accumulated 1.24 million shares or 0% of the stock. Gsa Prtn Limited Liability Partnership holds 0.02% or 38,906 shares. Moreover, Globeflex Capital Limited Partnership has 0.03% invested in CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE). Tudor Invest Corporation Et Al reported 11,019 shares stake. Moreover, Campbell Adviser Lc has 0.09% invested in CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) for 10,130 shares. Finemark Savings Bank And owns 11,957 shares. Bard Assocs Inc has invested 0.04% of its portfolio in CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE). Morgan Stanley invested in 0% or 518,798 shares. Bowling Management Lc reported 119,335 shares. Fmr Limited Liability Company stated it has 50,400 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Cornerstone Capital Management Ltd Llc holds 0.01% of its portfolio in CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) for 178,805 shares. Foundry Partners accumulated 0.24% or 648,050 shares. Janney Montgomery Scott Ltd Liability has 0% invested in CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE). Guyasuta Advsrs has 114,155 shares.
Among 7 analysts covering CECO Environ. (NASDAQ:CECE), 3 have Buy rating, 0 Sell and 4 Hold. Therefore 43% are positive. CECO Environ. has $16 highest and $7.0 lowest target. $11.67’s average target is 122.50% above currents $5.245 stock price. CECO Environ. had 14 analyst reports since August 7, 2015 according to SRatingsIntel. The company was upgraded on Thursday, July 6 by Needham. Roth Capital maintained CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) on Friday, March 11 with “Buy” rating. William Blair downgraded CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) on Friday, August 11 to “Market Perform” rating. The firm earned “Buy” rating on Friday, March 11 by Drexel Hamilton. The firm has “Hold” rating given on Friday, August 4 by Jefferies. Needham downgraded the shares of CECE in report on Thursday, November 9 to “Buy” rating. The firm earned “Hold” rating on Thursday, November 9 by Roth Capital. The firm has “Neutral” rating by Seaport Global given on Thursday, November 17. The stock of CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) has “Hold” rating given on Wednesday, August 12 by Zacks. The stock of CECO Environmental Corp. (NASDAQ:CECE) earned “Buy” rating by Drexel Hamilton on Friday, August 7.
CECO Environmental Corp. provides critical solutions to the environmental, energy, and fluid handling and filtration industries worldwide. The company has market cap of $182.04 million. The firm operates through three divisions: Energy, Environmental, and Fluid Handling and Filtration. It currently has negative earnings. The Energy segment offers gas turbine exhaust systems, dampers and diverters, gas and liquid separation and filtration equipment, selective catalytic reduction and selective non-catalytic reduction systems, acoustical components and silencers, secondary separators, and expansion joints for the power and petrochemical industries.
The stock increased 2.05% or $0.175 during the last trading session, reaching $8.725. About 266,231 shares traded. Euronav NV (NYSE:EURN) has declined 18.81% since December 1, 2016 and is downtrending. It has underperformed by 35.51% the S&P500.
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from Stock Market News | HillCountryTimes | Get it Today https://www.hillcountrytimes.com/2017/12/01/ceco-environmental-corp-cece-reaches-5-25-after-8-00-down-move-5-analysts-are-bullish-euronav-nv-eurn-last-week/
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