barmademoiselle · 5 years
I dont want to start something but yeah im going to do it ...
THEY ALMOST GOING TO FILM SEASON 4 !!!! The month january is almost over... and they starting in february :D BECAUSE MARCH IS THE MONTH WE GET OUR QUEEN ALL HAILL QUEEN YASMINA and ofcours all the others
Sobbe !!!!!!!!
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d-isconnect · 7 years
kinda sad that we only got one season of the balloon squad
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gleamof1ove · 3 years
i want to see my girl Yasmina @wtfock it’s time to move!
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ginlay · 7 years
The balloon squad 😍😍😍😍 🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈
I love those boys actors and characters alike
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navrelblogs · 7 years
Crazy Theory
So there’s something that’s been bothering me since the entire Yousef and Sana basketball scene, in which Yousef reveals Evens past. 
Yousef says that Even attempted to kiss Mikael and due to Mikaels strong religious faith he reacted badly. And yet what we’ve seen of Mikael so far in this season and in fact in the clip from season 3 doesn’t point to him being at all homophobic or even strongly muslim. There’s a scene in episode 1 of this season where Mikael seems to be drinking alcohol,
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in two separate Hei Briskeby videos he seems to be wearing nailpolish, and his reaction towards Evens gay characters in the video from season 3 isn’t at all noticeable or uncomfortable. I’m not saying these things mean Mikaels a bad muslim or not homophobic, but they don’t seem like things the Mikael from Yousefs story would do.  
When Even is brought up Mikael doesn’t seem as uncomfortable as Yousef, and still has his number saved in his phone.
Yousef is the one with the strong emotional reactions to Even, seeming hurt from just the mention of his name in the Hei Briskeby video, the boys also reach out to Yousef and not Mikael at the mention of Even. We also know that despite not beleiving in Allah, Elias praises Yousef for acting like a better Muslim than people who claim to believe in Allah are. So based on that we can assume that back when he was Muslim, he probably had a stronger connection to his religion. Possibly stronger then Mikaels. 
And so my theory, as impossible as it seems even to me. Is that Even didn't try to kiss Mikael, but Even tried to kiss Yousef.
Mikael wasn’t the one with the strong emotional reaction- Yousef was. The same way Sana has things in the current season testing her faith in Allah and her connection to her religion, could it not be possible that Yousef was tested by his close friend attempting to kiss him, having a bad reaction and then doubting everything as he sees his friend go through tough times due to his reaction. Having Even cut him out of his life having been the final straw, when he decided he didn’t want to believe in a God that would bring all this pain to his friend and guilt to him.  
Yousef told Sana it was Mikael and not him because he felt guilty for his reaction, and he didn't want Sana seeing that side of him.
Or at least maybe, that’s what I’m claiming with this crazy theory.
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There is something that is on my mind since yesterday's last skam clip. Remember when the balloon squad uploaded a video with Even? And they started with "unfortunately this is our last video" and then "psyche! this is NOT our last one". Sooooo since then there wasn't ANY new video. And Skam is over so... WHAT DOES IT MEAN? What do you think? I don't know what to think about it and I'm wondering if someone also thought about it.
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peachyzee · 7 years
I get so uncomfortable watching a couple kiss be it in front of me or on the tv. I feel like I'm invading
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mayb0mbay-blog · 7 years
Me watching the skam clip
Yes eskild
Aww even
Yes the balloon squad has turned up this is gonna be lit
Aww Isak
Yaaas The boy squad being their for each other
Cute sing along
Chris and Sana bonding yes
Aww mamma bakkoush
Noora just delete Wilhelm from your life
Sana wanted to tell you god
Your out here being extra for fucks sake noora
Oh no not Elias
What the fuck Elias
Yh Mandi fuck him up
Yh go get help
If I know Julie Elias wouldn't do this for know reason yet I bet there's gonna be racist shit going down in the fandom
Oh theirs more?
Yh wash that blood off girl
Girls leave can’t u understand Sanas having a moment i don’t care if you can't see her
The fuck you mean
Uno I fucking tired of you Vilde how fucking dare you call Sana a slave how dare you stab her in the back when she's done nothing but support you and help you grow and was there for you when you thought you were pregnant all the while you've been an islamaphobic bitch
It gonna be alright girl there isn't much left of this clip it gonna be alright
Wtf noora get someone else
Sana calm yourself down don’t slap the shit out of the bitch you dont need either of them anyway they ain’t shit
Me looking at the credits : how did it go so wrong 😥😭
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sangieslisp · 7 years
like this post if you are interested
Im doing a canon skam rp group chat on kik where you can play as the characters from skam. right now we have isak, even, eskild, magnus, noora, and eva. like this and i will message you. you must have a kik. tusen takk!!
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doctor-w0t · 7 years
there was a “thing” between mikael and even
a “thing” that must have been pretty bad, if yousef’s reaction to the mention of even is any indication
there’s obviously bad blood between even and the balloonsquad
which could mean a possible fight between the bro squad and the balloonsquad if things aren’t resloved??
bc let’s face it this is skam and everyone has to take the hard way around lmao
but anyways
imagine if sana, ignorant of whatever beef is going on, enters a relationship with yousef (!!!!) and then find out about the hostility between all the boys in her life???
and then there’s this complication between being there for someone she has deep feelings for and comforting even and the boys aka the only people she really feels like she can be herself and cheerful around?? 
i am emotional but also Ready For Drama™
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tvaddict03 · 7 years
I love how Mutta, the other guys, and Sana are all wearing traditional types of clothing! I am Muslim myself and when I'm home i usually wear clothes that are from my country (so does my family) so to see that they are displaying it on this show is just so awesome and makes me feel great!
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barmademoiselle · 5 years
Baboon or balloon whats the def 🤷🏼‍♀️ i promote the balloon squad to baboon ... just because i can 🤡😬
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amajesticduck · 7 years
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d-isconnect · 7 years
Okay so all we've been asking for is a conversation between her en the girls or/and her and yousef but we get a weird conversation with eskild. eskild is great, but the guy only talks about himself and did nothing to help sana in her situation
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butchlassidy · 7 years
K so theory. This is prob really obvious but my predictions for future episodes is that Sana will try to create a plan to fix all of her problems. We already know from the whole Russ bus fiasco that she is willing and capable of handling matters herself. So far this season, all of her plans have completely backfired. Her plan to help Noora get over William ends up w Noora being mad and her and inadvertently kissing Sana's crush. Her plan to achieve the girl squad's dream of being on a Russ buss together ends up with her being isolated from her friends and excluded. Her plan to end the tension between Even and the Balloon Squad ends in a fight and Isak getting hurt. I think that episode 5 is meant to be the turning point in the season. Some people have complained that this season seems slow, but I think that it is meant to seem slow. It's supposed to be a slow build until things end up crashing together in episode 5. It's similar to sana's personality. She calculates her moves. She takes her time until she is sure she can't lose. I think that now everything is screwed up, she's finally going to strike. My prediction is that after the hiatus, Sana is going to implement some kind of plan that's going to try to fix all he broken bridges. Whether that works out, I'm not sure. Woah that was long. I have a lot of feels. Peace out
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gleamof1ove · 4 years
listen,i’d die for Moyo’s season,but just for a second imagine if bel!ballooonsquad are dancers(and imagine iconic scene,where Yasmina’s watching bel!Yousef out of corner while he’s dancing to The Weeknd’s song👀)
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