mercifuil · 1 year
Her story begins tonight...💛
Visit the site here and leave her some advance birthday wishes.
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nina-skamfan-16 · 3 years
From the first day our eyes met on that beach, and the moment we were in that supermarket where you were walking around with the shopping cart and your smile was shining so brightly that the light of that place became small, I was looking at you as if there was no one around, even when we were talking the only thing I wanted was for that moment to stop and stay there but magic doesn't exist only in the movies, but you know the most beautiful thing about everything that happened and happened from the beginning, was the fact that now I not only have you, but I no longer have to cross my fingers to see you again, or try to conquer you because now I know that I don't need that because you are already with me.
I like you too, and you know I thank her every day for that moon that told me you were the one, I thank her every moment in this life, in this world that gave me the most beautiful moment of life that was when I met you.
- Sander Driesen
P.S. I have been thankful since the first day I joined the fandom that I was able to and continue to meet such unique and incredible people, thank you guys for making me feel so lucky and grateful.
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imaginatorically · 3 years
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We're back. Her time has come.
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needalittlelove · 5 years
The fact that Milan and Sander both agreed to play a game that neither of them knew how to play, just as an excuse to hang out with each other. That is so fucking cute!!!
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luluyaki · 5 years
Wtfock : *puts Milan in clip*
Me: that was a good clip very powerful nice job team
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barmademoiselle · 5 years
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FRIDAY !!!!!!!!
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addictiontoskam · 5 years
robbe @ sander
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dyscalculiagayghost · 5 years
I'm sO happy that Milan and Robbe ended that clip as friends and not with Milan storming out
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iam-an-archer · 5 years
Robbe needed that talk and I don't care whoever gave that talk. As long as Robbe got a nail hit on his head I don't care. I am just happy it wasn't Britt
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skamdepression · 5 years
The fact that we know nothing about WtFock's season 3 has me questioning life
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marsharold · 5 years
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here it is, just in case you were sad
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nina-skamfan-16 · 3 years
I was that boy who looked at you, who deep inside wanted to know who you were, I was so curious, even my eyes not only looked at you simply but they saw every part of your smile that was enlarged and shining like the sun, your eyes and expressions when you spoke, for me at that moment it was just you and no one else, you looked so far away from me, I wanted you to be close and talk to you non-stop not only for the fact of knowing you but for the fact of being somehow with you even for a second with you, and so look as many times as possible those green eyes that made me smile and besides I would have more than liked to have realized that this was more than an interest and that despite the doubts that I would have raised even so I know that it would have been more than worth it because now I do not need to wait to keep looking at you now I know that I have you in my eyes, in every look and by my side always.
- Robbe ijzermans
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sanderxxrobbe · 4 years
Jealously and frustration - Sander looking at Robbe & Noor making out..If looks could kill..Sander stares at them both kissing and licks his lips..He was hoping & wishing it was him Robbe was kissing and touching..😔😔 #wtfock #wtfam #skamwtfock #skamwtfockedit #wtfocktumblr #wtfockbelgium #wtfockseason3 #wtfockskam #wtfockrobbe #wtfocksander #sanderdriesen #robbexsander #robbeijzermans #wtfockedits #skambelgium #skamremakes https://www.instagram.com/p/B8IsI6OJway/?igshid=1ltkp6qadb5n9
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needalittlelove · 5 years
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The foreshadowing...!!!
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luluyaki · 5 years
“You are normal, you are. if you push down who you are you will fuck everything up”
Milan hitting not just Robbe but the whole fandom with the truth
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barmademoiselle · 4 years
roses are red
violets are blue
if you look at me like sander looks at robbe
i'll drop my croissants for you
Credit @softsander
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