#*Madara and Tobirama but like. I will not lie to you guys I don't really respect Tobirama so I did this instead 馃憤馃徑
kishimotomasashi 2 years
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I just hate the whole Vs thing because these fanboys will always annoy me because they forget that power isn't the only thing that matters. I love minato him, and kakashi are my favorites, but being honest, kakashi would beat minato. Yes, Minato was powerful, but he died young, so we don't know what could've been. Not to mention, kakashi made minato take him seriously when he was still kid now as an adult without the sharingan he would beat minato no questions asked. People who do vs battle will always downplay the other character to prop up their fav. I also feel that kishimoto sucks at keeping powers scaling consistent throughout naruto
In a world of Shinobi with varying skill I'm so sick of people only thinking about power scale. Ya, against literal gods characters like Naruto and Sasuke with their broken ass skills are needed
but in a world of normal humans, it's not just about power scales. Kakashi is a tactical genius. Minato is recognized as a genius, but like Orochimaru and Tobirama there's nothing stated about him being a TACTICAL genius.
Orochimaru is a genius in a scientific sense
Tobirama is a genius in a jutsu sense, creating countless new jutsu's.
Minato is also a prety big jutsu genius and i think had he survived he'd be a lot like Tobirama. I mean in his short 24 years he created the rasangan AND improved Tobirama's move. Clearly Jutsu's were his thing.
Kakashi's a tactical genius though. He's the guy who can change plans at the drop of a dime and adjust to the fight as he goes. we see this in action multipole times (living longer than he honestly should have against pein, his fight against Kakazu) and we even have it spoken of (Yamato mentioning how Kakashi would always change the mission last minute during their anbu days, likely because he realized things were not as he expected and changing the mission plan in the moment so they succeded)
In a fight, Kakashi trounces Minato.
He also managed to steal a bell from Minato and we KNOW Minato has no problems using his teleporting jutsu against his students (we see him teleport to Kakashi during one of their training sessions) so Kakashi was clearly catching on how to counteract his main skill. Minato is feared because he can telport to the enemy and take them out before they can blink and a lot of Kakashi's attacks counter this (purple lighting is PERFECT for it as are electric clones)
I think Minato could have adjusted and found a different way to come at Kakashi in a fight, but Kakashi would adjust to that too. That's his main skill.
And that's not even touching on Kakashi's overall skills. We don't know Minato's stats so i can't compare, but Kakashi has nothing below 'good' (3/5) in his stats. and only one of his stats is only at 3/5 (stamina which...fair considering the sharingan literally drains his stamina)
Kakashi is the perfect all around shinobi. I see a lot of people say 'Jack of all trades master of none' for Kakashi but that's a lie.
Hand seals, ninjitsu, and intelligence are all 5/5. He has mastered all of the elements including Yin and Yang (the sharingan definitely helped but it doesn't master the elements or Itachi would have all of them as well. he does not and neither does Madara, Obito, or Sasuke).
His taijutsu is 4.5/5 (largely because of his rivalry with Gai but still)
His speed is 4.5/5 (again probably largely due to his rivalry with Gai)
Genjutsu is 4/5 (let's compare to an Uchiha. Sasuke is a 4.5/5 even with his Mangekyo which obviously gives him an upper hand in genjutsu. Kakashi is .5 under Sasuke's genjutsu skills which is damn impressive for a non uchiha)
his lowest stats are stamina (3/5) and strength (3.5/5)
That's a really powerful skill set that can be adjusted to almost any fight. Not to mention Kakashi's stealth is top tier (in Kakashi retsuden he took out 7/8 sleeping shinobi and the only reason the eighth woke up is that Kakashi got distracted and, get this, allowed a bit of fabric to rub against something. tHESE JONIN level shinobi were asleep but ready to react to FABRIC brushing up against something and Kakahsi took out 7/8 of them without alerting any of them. If you don't consider retsuden canon we have all of his Anbu career and the fact that he constantly sneaks up on people in canon because he knows how to hide his chakra and move slow and quiet. Skills Naruto (for example) doesn't have.
Kakashi is far from being the strongest in a world of broken powers
but among regular ass shinobi he is top tier, and Minato is a regular ass shinobi just like Kakashi (we don't count the kyubi chakra cloak because that wasn't HIS power. He didn't bond with Kurama, he got extended the power thanks to Naruto's work with Kurama)
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thelizzzard 2 years
Neural Network and MadaTobi
I like playing with neural networks and recently the Balaboba (text neural network) has started working again, so I decided to test it on Madatobi. as the Balaboba writes about itself "it聽mimics texts found on聽the internet. Please don鈥檛 take the results seriously"
Bold here indicates initial phrase in "story" mode:
Madara and Tobirama are not gay. They just love each other. They have a little boy. He is a beautiful child.
Madara and Tobirama are not gay. They are just both really, REALLY gay.
Madara and Tobirama are not gay. They are just good friends who love each other and want to have a child together.
Madara and Tobirama are not gay, they are just two of those guys who are always trying to find a reason to get together.
Madara and Tobirama are not gay. They're just two men who have been in love for a very long time, and they want to spend their lives together.
Madara and Tobirama are not gay. They just like to fight with each other for a lot of reasons.
XD so not gay..
some lines sounds like plotbunnies:
Madara and Tobirama are the only two survivors of the Sannin-class submarine, which was sunk by the Japanese Navy due to the sabotage of the captain's son.
Madara and Tobirama are having a conversation about the future. "I will be the head of the Shinigami organization", Madara says, "and you will become the head of its branch in Japan".
Madara and Tobirama were good friends. They were always together, even in their dreams. One day Madara was dreaming about a giant tree. It was so big that it almost reached the moon. Tobirama was with him. He was helping Madara to cut the tree down. Tobiram's right hand was shaking so much that he couldn't hold the axe.
Madara and Tobirama are watching TV together. Madara is eating a pizza, Tobirama is drinking tea. Suddenly Madara starts screaming and throwing things. Tobirama asks: "What's wrong? It's just a pizza and a tea".
Madara and Tobirama are still playing with the children. They look like normal people, but they are not.
Madara and Tobirama are in the same room. They don't speak, they just lie next to each other. Madara, stop lying here!
sorry, it was a minute of idiotic giggles XD maybe I'll delete it later
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Who in naruto is all for cuddling, is okay with it, don't like it, and will "kill" you if you even try
Here is a very long list with short explanations. Hope you enjoy and sorry if I left any character out. Thank you for the request.Characters that loveCuddling
Naruto: He loves the affection. He was never really held asa child so it kind of satisfies a hidden need he has to be loved and accepted.
Sasuke: Secretly loves having his s/o hold him as well asholding his s/o. He doesn鈥檛 admit it openly, but if he鈥檚 truly devoted to hiss/o, he鈥檚 not going to want to let them go.
Sakura: Craves physical affection. She feels loved when she鈥檚 inher partner鈥檚 arms. She will often initiate the cuddling.
Iruka: Loves to cuddle his s/o and be wrapped in warmblankets. He likes his s/o snuggling up against his chest and sighing incontentment.
Genma: He鈥檚 a very physical guy, so he never minds holdingonto the one he loves. He has to have his hands on them and will be caressingthem during the cuddling session.
Karin: She only allows herself to be held by those she trulytrust. She likes tight embraces and closing her eyes to ignore the rest of theworld in her s/o鈥檚 embrace.
Itachi: He craves emotionally intimacy and once that hasbeen reached, his physical needs follow after. He鈥檒l want to hold his s/o inhis arms as long as possible, just to show them how much he cares for them.
Shisui: Welcomes cuddling with open arms. He鈥檚 not afraid tosnuggle into his s/o鈥檚 arms first and try to gain their attention. He likeshaving his arms around their waist.
Obito: Certainly, loves to cuddle and hold his s/o close tohis body. He doesn鈥檛 cuddle as often as he would like since his schedule israther busy being other personas.
Lee: He is big on hugging and usually initiates thecuddling. He鈥檒l snuggle into the back of his s/o in bed and tell them how absolutelyamazing they are.
Asuma: After the glow of sex, he likes to settle down andhold his s/o. He loves gazing into his s/o鈥檚 eyes with both of them lying therenaked and just marveling how lucky he is.
Ino: She needs cuddling and she craves the affection. Shewants to be wrapped in her lover鈥檚 arms and adored.
Choji: He is a big cuddly bear. He is often nervousexpressing that he likes to cuddle, so instead he subtly just tries to hold hiss/o for extended periods of time.
Kiba: He loves lazing around the house his s/o in his arms.He likes holding them and inhaling their wonderful scent. He鈥檚 usually veryplayful while cuddling too, such as butterfly kisses and tickling.
Shino: He likes to cuddle, although many find it hard tobelieve. He grew up distancing himself from others that when he finds someonethat fully accepts him for who he is, he can鈥檛 take his hands off them in private.
Gaara: He didn鈥檛 realize how much he likes to cuddle and beheld until his s/o initiated the action. Now it鈥檚 one of the many things helooks forward to after long days at the Kazekage tower.
Hashirama: He is not afraid to ask to cuddle with his s/o.He鈥檚 not even ashamed if he wants to cuddle more than his s/o at times. He onlygets distraught if his s/o playfully tells him no.
Characters that don鈥檛mind cuddling if their partner wants to
Sai: He is okay with whatever his partner wants. He鈥檚 verymellow about touch. He has no problem touching his s/o in any way they want, buthe鈥檚 not quite sure ever about what touches he prefers.
Yamato: He will cuddle his s/o if they want him to. He likescuddling with them and holding them, but these moments are few and far inbetween.
Kakashi: He鈥檚 also the type that will cuddle his s/o whenthey want him to. He doesn鈥檛 openly dislike it or likes it. Having to holdsomeone close during the night is a very intimate step for Kakashi and it鈥檚hard for him to get close to somebody like that.
Jugo: He鈥檚 not very open to cuddling at first. He鈥檚 alwaysafraid he鈥檚 going to snap and he鈥檚 going to hurt his s/o in his arms. Hesettles down slowly within his s/o鈥檚 arms but he鈥檚 never quite relaxed.
Kisame: He lets his s/o come to him if they want to cuddle.He鈥檒l settle down for a few, holding them and raking his hands down their back.He will only slightly admit its relaxing.
Pein: He will drop whatever he is doing if his s/o needs himto hold them. He loves to support his s/o鈥檚 needs in any way he can. He willhold and cuddle his s/o as long as he needs too.
Hidan: He doesn鈥檛 object to holding his s/o, but he thinks it鈥檚because his s/o will want more. He usually progresses with his touch andcuddling always turns into love making in his book.
Tenten: She is not big into cuddling but doesn鈥檛 mind it ifthe mood is right. 聽Such as if her s/oreturned from a long mission. After some love-making, she doesn鈥檛 mind curlingup beside her lover.
Gai: He always welcomes his s/o into his arms. He鈥檒l holdthem tight for as long as they want. He likes the moments him and his s/o shareduring cuddling but he鈥檚 not really big on cuddling itself.
Neji: His s/o will have to tell him directly that they wouldlike to cuddle, otherwise Neji tends to mistake his s/o鈥檚 gestures as just ahug. He tends to like lying on his back with his s/o curled up on his side whencuddling.
Shikamaru: He loves any excuse that allows him to stay inbed all day or simply be lazy. A partner on his arm or chest is a wonderfulexcuse. He is always up for cuddling if that鈥檚 all his s/o wants to do.
Kurenai: She likes being wrapped up in her lover鈥檚 embrace,but she doesn鈥檛 crave that form of affection. She鈥檚 more charmed with words andactions. She only finds it sweet that her lover wants to cuddle.
Hinata: She鈥檚 very complaint with any and all needs of herlover. She鈥檚 very manageable in that sense and doesn鈥檛 have high needs. Thefact her s/o wants to cuddle with her gives her butterflies.
Kankuro: He likes wrapping an arm around his s/o and likesthe feel of their body next to his, but he doesn鈥檛 necessarily call thatcuddling.
Temari: She likes resting against her s/o in the earlymorning and watching them before they wake up. She鈥檚 not huge on cuddling asshe feels it鈥檚 demeaning to her independence, so she will never admit that shedoes.
Darui: He鈥檚 definitely more of a lover than a fighter. Herather hold his s/o in his arms if that will make them happy, than leave themfeeling neglected.
Haku: He is very in tune with his lover鈥檚 needs. He wants tosatisfy all their needs in any way he sees fit, so he will not be opposed tocuddling if his s/o wants to.
Killer B: He has that intuition of knowing when his s/owants to cuddle. 聽He鈥檒l make a rap aboutit, telling them that he knows what they need most and that he can provide somesoothing verses for them.
Characters thatopenly dislike cuddling
Suigetsu: He鈥檚 not much for cuddling and will let his s/oknow immediately. He won鈥檛 bite their head off for trying, but he鈥檚 very vocalin his complaints on the matter.
Deidara: He doesn鈥檛 see the point of cuddling. He willbriefly hug his s/o, but he鈥檚 not into soft and longing touches. He rather bebusy with something else.
Sasori: Although he had once longed for a loving embrace, heno longer feels the need with his puppet body. To have his s/o cling to himonly drives his patience.
Zetsu: He鈥檚 curious about cuddling but once he experiencedit, he doesn鈥檛 feel like he has to do it again. He鈥檚 perfectly fine not receivingphysical affection in that form. 聽
Konan: She physically can鈥檛 get close to any one as her bodyfeels uncomfortable under anyone鈥檚 touch. She can lie with another, but it willliterally take her hours to relax.
Kakuzu: Sees no point in cuddling. He would rather dosomething more productive.
Madara: He gets annoyed with only holding his s/o. Heprefers his own side of the bed unless he鈥檚 making love to them.
Tobirama: He has a hard time settling down with his s/o to leisurelycuddle. He鈥檒l either want to go to sleep, read before bed, or advance theagenda.
Zabuza: He鈥檚 very restless and would rather not cuddle. Evenif it鈥檚 after sex, he rather turn over and go to sleep.
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tobiramainprofile 6 years
MadaTobi (uncommon) Reclist
So, you've read everything blackkat has ever written and you want more? You're in the right place. These babies aren't in the top tier for kudos but they're all really good.
Hatesex: Don't lie to yourself, it's why you're here. I'm a sucker so these tend to devolve into happy endings, but here lies complexity, antagonism, and angst.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8251432 - Bondage. Snark. Self-esteem issues. This is my catnip right here ladies.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/814935 - Oh my god. The hate to complexity to love to... This is the least healthy madatobi on this list and I love it like burning.
Incomplete: Mixed bag of incomplete fics that are worth your time.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/11770398 - Slow, realistic build of trust, baby!Kagami, and epic MadaTobi sasswars. My personal favorite on this list.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14033244 - NSFW comic, incredibly expressive art, slow, realistic relationship build (even after they actually have sex!). Also priceless Hashirama! Check out the inspired by works at the end.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14937335 - I'm weak for magical realism and this is magical realism done right. The poetic writing and sheer desire really make this one stand out.
Read at your own risk! These guys haven't updated in years:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8264273 - Contains both clingy gay Madara and magnificent badass Madara. Plot is mostly resolved but emotional arc is not.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/6821038 - WARNING: Will break your heart and is not complete. I have only read this fic one time because it ripped my heart out in the best possible way, but I can't do the trauma again. Their dynamic is fascinating and painful and some lines stick in my head until this day.
They haven't even talked in this fic but- no, wait stop running! Fascinating, well researched AU, with the hottest little bit of instinctive trust you will ever see.
AU: Because everyone needs a happy ending and we all know canon won't provide.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/8217830 - Technically incomplete, but a collection of soulmate one-shots. Read for epic snark, and definitely check out chapter 4.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/7290157 - They don't even kiss in this fic and it's still one of my favorite MadaTobis on this list. Epic plot, fascinating dynamic, and gets a lot of mileage out of very few touches.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/13887309 - Magical realism. Protective!Tobirama. Short and well worth your time.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14823921 - Not a lot of MadaTobi content, but more than made up for by mad scientist!Tobirama, team Tobirama bonding, and flaily!Madara.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/14766668 - Comics, crack, and lovely, lovely bickering.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/12456476 - Domestic! Flaily caretaker Madara! Modern magic! Obliviousness! What's not to love? Also check out the other MadaTobi work in the series for some top tier pining.
https://archiveofourown.org/series/982269 - Madara gets therapy. Mind the warnings!
https://archiveofourown.org/series/988254 - Tobirama!whump and excellent porn. Kind of ooc imo, but worth a look if you're craving hurt/comfort.
Authors: These guys don't really write to my taste, but enough people like them that it'd do a disservice to the fandom not to rec them. Check their stuff out!
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