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alrightbuckaroo · 3 months ago
me personally, i love that tommy calls buck "evan" because you can't convince me that hearing "you have nothing to apologize for, evan." didn't heal something inside of him.
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borgialucrezia · 2 months ago
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"Now, be gone, while you yet have a tongue to speak with." THE BORGIAS — 2.02
"I would have cut his heart out of his body. But I stayed my hand for the good of the family." THE BORGIAS — 3.04
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five-and-dimes · 2 months ago
Making some decent headway on this fic today! This is from a little earlier than the last snippets, when they first meet:
Dream hadn’t been confident in his ability to go home with Hob once, let alone become something more. Hob was unfairly, effortlessly attractive. But he was also so charismatic, magnetic, bright. He was the kind of person who didn’t need to be attractive. Dream hovered just outside his circle just to hear him laugh, to hear him tell stories of his life, to see the way he embraced his friends so warmly and earnestly. Hob holds the door open for strangers and pats his friends on the back, and Dream didn’t particularly like the idea of those hands being rough with him, but he would take it to be touched by him at all. But Hob was so gentle. He’s still not sure how he managed it- surely there was someone better for Hob to turn to. But he catches Hob’s eye and bites his lip, and he manages to chat casually with him long enough to get a proposition, and Hob holds his hand as he ushers him up the stairs to his apartment, and Dream feels something like peace at the thought of at least being useful to someone so good.  Hob makes it hard to be useful. He lays Dream out, keeps kissing him, keeps petting him, keeps pausing to ask “Is this okay? Does this feel good? Tell me what you want?” and Dream is breathless with it. He keeps waiting for Hob to snap, to turn mean, but even when he finally gets his cock inside Dream, he’s languid and soft. Dream finds himself, for the first time he can remember, struggling to keep his composure. Hob has him on his back, so he has to keep reminding himself not to scrunch his face in pleasure, not to moan too loud, or grunt inelegantly. He keeps his back arched until it aches, keeps his eyes attractively half-lidded, restrains his panting to soft sighs. It’s exhausting. It’s always exhausting. It is so fucking worth it. When Hob comes, it takes all of Dream’s self-control not to start sobbing. When Hob pulls out only to lean down and take Dream’s cock into his mouth he has to clamp a hand over his mouth to keep from wailing. When they have both finished, the sex over and their bodies cooling in the afterglow, Hob shifts next to him and keeps kissing him. Dream wants to stay here forever. Eventually though, he knows his time is up. He dresses smoothly, feeling the weight of Hob’s eyes on him. When he turns to say his farewell, Hob leans up on his elbow, grinning bashfully. “Listen, I know you’re wildly out of my league,” he laughs self-deprecatingly, “but I’d kick myself if I didn’t at least ask… Any chance I could get your number? Maybe… we could go out sometime?” Dream is used to people telling him “let’s do this again sometime”. People invite him back to their beds. They don’t invite him out. He’s certain he must look ridiculous with how quickly he nods in agreement. But Hob doesn’t take the offer back. He just smiles wider.
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minhtblue · 2 days ago
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when i realized they had the same japanese va, i knew i had to draw this some day. why? great question. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯!!
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nam-on-jo · 2 months ago
“you’re lucky I’m the one that hit you. if it was sae-bom you would be dead”
man LOVES his marriage of convenience wife SOOOOOO bad
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maulthots · 2 months ago
House dellamorte. Stream cain by jose saramago.
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paper--moons · 2 years ago
Me engaging with any media: Remember, we don't have to assign agere dynamics to any of the characters this time! Regression doesn't apply to every character in existence, because that would be silly, wouldn't it? Yes, I can be so normal about this new thing and not act like the silly creature that I am.
Me 0.3 seconds after being introduced to the characters: And I will be taking care of you my precious little darling, forever and always,,,
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undead-potatoes · 8 months ago
So glad I don't have to function at a job while my brain is sorting itself out with these SSRIs, not only would I not get anything done but I'd probably start shit with half of my coworkers for no fucking reason
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doom-dreaming · 11 months ago
do you think Ash gets full-named when someone gets upset with him? because you know NO ONE calls him Ashley unless he's done something to deserve it
do you think he ever gets comfortable enough to pull the same stunt with fred (however jokingly) in retaliation?
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digitalcactusblog · 2 years ago
oh man finally gotten to bed after packing hell so IT'S TIME FOR OPAL
opal. is my most MOST dnd pc. by a massive margin. my god. i love them to bits, but they are so much in every possible direction at all times
to summarize them in one quick phrase, you can think of opal as a barbie sephiroth powerpuff girl winter soldier. none of these words belong in one phrase together, yet we've gotten it there anyway!!!!
under the cut bc i expect this to get quite long 😂
god, where do i even start with opal. imagine the platonic ideal of a manic pixie dream girl, add in a touch of airheadedness, then give the entire creation the attention span of a magpie on crack.
that's what opal is like.
opal is also the clone of the princess of the enemy country to the country the party is currently traveling through.
opal is a top secret government project created as a gift to the royals of that country, a tribute to wizard hubris, and a proof of concept for a devastating military weapon that will win this country the war.
because opal isn't just a clone of the princess (her name is vasya). opal is a marble statue of the princess, carved into shape, then engraved with the magical principles and equations to bring that statue to life. opal wasn't just made to be a genetic clone of vasya. opal was made to be vasya. a complete clone, down to the skills and memories of the original vasya.
imagine, if you will, an army. there are people in it. and people die. people have families they'll never return to, loved ones who'll miss them, and, quite frankly, they're pretty freaking expensive to keep as functional soldiers!
now, i must copy paste the description block for the spell True Polymorph.
"Choose one creature with at least 1 hit point or nonmagical object that you can see within range. You transform the creature into a different creature, the creature into an object, or the object into a creature (the object must be neither worn nor carried by another creature). The transformation lasts for the duration, or until the target drops to 0 hit points or dies. If you concentrate on this spell for the full duration, the transformation becomes permanent."
imagine, if you will. a quick, easy, and cheap way to mass produce True Polymorph, without the need for a high leveled wizard to cast a level 9 spell every time. all you need are a handful of pebbles, and boom, you have sentient, sapient, competent soldiers.
this is what opal was a proof of concept for.
SO, to summarize so far:
peppy, sunny attitude! that's the barbie part
devastating military superweapon person: sephiroth
entirely artificial being, yet extremely cheerful about it: powerpuff girl
devastating SECRET military superweapon. is also from a russian empire-inspired fantasy country: winter soldier
also we named opal's creator after rasputin. yeah, that rasputin. yeah, like ra ra, russia's greatest love machine? yeah, we thought it'd be funny. her name is grigori and she has a lot of problems (opal is the cause of most of them 😊)
anyways, so opal gets created, and is, for all intents and purposes, a carbon copy of vasya. but as a prototype for this weapon, there are still some kinks to work out, one of being that, to maintain the same memories and whatnot as vasya, they need to essentially get regular software updates. but otherwise, perfect vasya clone!
except grigori starts noticing little discrepancies. little anomalies. the clone isn't a perfect vasya clone. the clone is developing a nascent personality—a nascent personality that keeps getting overwritten with every download.
the clone isn't a hollow clone.
the clone is alive.
"my god," grigori says, horrified, "what have i done? i have created life; not in the mundane, mortal way. i once posited myself on par with the gods, and now i have created life, just like they do.
"...i am so fucked."
and so, with that religious and moral crisis in her pocket, grigori decides to steal the clone and scram.
it's time to be fugitives!!!!!
grigori is a genius, if, at this point, a genius with extreme anxiety. and so, grigori has several contingencies ready, on the off chance she needs to bail. the one she goes with now is a classic wizard tower, hidden from prying eyes by magic and a beautiful grotto where no one goes. think tangled, the tower in the grotto that rapunzel lived for most of her life
and during this entire fugitive road trip, without regular downloads from the og vasya herself, the clone's vasya memories start to fade, but their new mannerisms start to stick. and now we have opal, who could not be more different from vasya in demeanour if they fuckin tried
also now, after much work on grigori's part, opal has been true polymorphed (even more) to look like someone entirely different! vasya is a magenta-y purple-y tiefling with tall horns, whereas opal is now a lanky purple drow around the height of vasya's horns. they got to customize their Look heavily (perks of having a high level wizard who can cast ninth level spells regularly).
oh also, chronologically, opal is only 6 years old 😊 when they were 'born,' they were created as the then-teenaged vasya, and while the memories of being vasya has mostly faded (not everything), the rough mental age and whatnot remained the same, so technically opal is like 22? but chronologically 6, so you bet your ass i'm so ready for the day i get to drop that bombshell 😂
OH YEAH and most recently, much to grigori's distress, opal has broken out of the secret wizard tower to go explore the world. it'll be fine grigori i'll be so careful!!!!!!!!!!
(they were not, in fact, careful)
mechanics-wise, opal is an echo knight, and while i'm not yet privy to all the deets (there are discoveries to discover and i can't wait :3) their echoes are like, something something potential versions of opal? mechanically, this just means that every time i summon an echo, i roll on a random table to see what form the echo takes, with some dnd species having higher probabilities to show up. and yes, if i roll tiefling, i then roll a d4 to see if vasya herself shows up. EXTREMELY NERVEWRACKING AND WONDERFUL!!!
also the first time i described how opal looked to the entire party, and that they were wearing a long, black coat with silver buckles all up the front, everyone was like "..............hey olive? is this sephiroth?"
and that was the first time i realized that opal dresses like pirate sephiroth. they even have a scarlet macaw familiar. shoulda named it genesis, methinks. (her name is actually ariadnoula)
opal is so freaking much i love them. last session they gave the other pc (vae) a minor religious crisis by asking too many questions about the logistics behind death rites. they tried to ambush-slam a flower crown on vae's head and ate shit when he dodged. they impulse-held a woman's hands as she went nuclear and died because they didn't want her to die alone and afraid. one of their life dreams is to swing on a chandelier.
oh also opal may have just started ww2. maybe.
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lyledebeast · 2 years ago
Jason Isaacs’ accent in Black Hawk Down is sending me.
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le-pokerus · 2 years ago
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gamblingluck · 2 years ago
♦ (p l s)
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❝ Exciting. ❞
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sunlight-shunlight · 8 days ago
pondering that falon'din is associated with an owl, and those are also messengers of andruil. and he's referred to as "winged death" which is also mentioned to be something that elgar'nan deploys against enemies. and both falon'din and andruil are referred to as venturing into dark places, where no one else can survive/wanted to go.
and ghilan'nain was not initially an evanuris, but was antagonistic towards them and making a bunch of weird creatures. she was given the offer to join them in return for getting rid of the creatures, and accepted. but with "pride stopping her hand" from destroying a few. and when asked about trusting people to share power, solas says "I know that mistake well enough to carve the angles of her face from memory."
solas also has nothing good at all to say about falon'din, mostly calling him a bloodthirsty tyrant who went so far in encroaching onto other evanuris territory that mythal had to besiege his temple and beat him up to stop him.
but he says nothing about dirthamen at all.
dirthamen is described as having gone missing unexpectedly, scaring all his followers, because they were now unprotected. and caught between their own high priest wanting to lock them into the temple forever like a cask of amontillado, and other forces outside that wanted to take their secrets by force. there is one note that a dirthamen follower defied the evanuris and took on a forbidden (probably a dragon) type of form, and was judged by elgar'nan harshly. he apparently also invented the varterral to protect his town from a high dragon? wack, but also could indicate that he had worked with ghilan'nain on making it, since she's the only one who's otherwise mentioned to be bioengineering stuff.
dirthamen has very very few surviving statues or depictions, and is more associated with falon'din than as his own independent figure in the dalish myths. even his own temple includes mosaics of falon'din. there's a few statues that are probably dirthamen, but the most striking is in mythal's section of the fade behind the eluvian, which is a statue of a hooded figure, doubled over with a giant sword sticking out of his back.
#dragon age#txt#i love the idea of ghilan'nain initially being friends with solas but then betraying the rebellion in favour of becoming an evanuris#ALSO it makes the ''he was a wolf and she was a halla 🥺'' Heterosexual Motif very funny if the halla was an absolute menace to society.#halla (threatening). the halla is committing atrocities like you would not Believe.#solas wandering up to a dalish clan and locking eyes with this mild looking white deer thing and just hearing kill bill sirens#andruil/ghil could even be like a somewhat cursed celene/briala parallel if briala had actually agreed to sell out her people#in favour of being's celene's lover/right hand instead.#so she narced on dirthamen who then gets killed/partially absorbed by falon'din#with most of his followers scattered/killed/forcibly converted to his service as falon'din goes on a rampage#until mythal steps in to make him knock it off#which then makes the others nervous that she was capable of stopping him + might start actively doing her job as Justice again#so they get together and set up an ides of march type of event that takes her out#and then are like ''yay! we can finally roll around in the blight even more like we wanted to :)''#so solas decides to just wall them off entirely#who knows what sylaise or june are up to in this theory#i assume they were just playing minecraft creative mode or the sims and didn't notice anything. just vibing.#anyway i wish this had come up bc i was deeply curious about my boy dirthamen....#he's the god of secrets! this dude should still be kicking around in some form. get back in there.#at the very least he should have a weird little cult or something remaining#personally i'm declaring that dirthamen was a spirit like cole.#who had the capability to remove memories#and that's a) how mythal managed to force andruil to ''forget'' how to access the void#and b) why the others killed him - perhaps to get it back? and why his followers were terrified without his protection#bc they had way too much classified information about all this world-endingly bad stuff
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yourflame · 28 days ago
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~Silver the second he sees Eggman
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impossible-rat-babies · 1 year ago
if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of the stack in p9 and got to be one of the only few people living I would have two nickels
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