#*・゚★ ( sonic. ) —  ❝ ᵉᶰʳᶤᶜʰᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ❞
ncvabcrn · 2 years
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   good grief, how much trauma can fit into your 3 feet tall bodies?
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
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   “i still don’t understand how no one here    doesn’t get MOTION SICKNESS from all those loops.”
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
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    @leggosmanymuses​ : ❝ hey. do you need some help with that ﹖❞ // from sonic !! first meeting starter prompts.
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   SLIGHTLY STARTLED, but that’s just normal. where did this guy even come from..? there’s a weird sense of familiarity, but that lingering feeling can be thought of later. currently, they had been stuck between some badniks & a hard place (AKA, backed up against the wall.), & while ally could easily rid of the problem surrounding them, they were.. conflicted.
   such machines had clear effort put into them, & they’d feel oddly guilty about destroying someone’s hard work, regardless if they were being instigated. at least, they THINK this is instigating, it could be a huge misunderstanding for all they knew.
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   “uh.. yes? i don’t know what’s going on, i just― i just got here.”
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
   @earthsalted​ !
   “you ever tried grape juice?” the question comes off as a bit random, but they heard that the echidna was a huge fan of grapes. it was the only real way they knew how to start a conversation without feeling TOO awkward about it. last thing they’d need is getting on anyone’s bad side here, so ally is going with the safest route in regards to getting to know the residence in green hills.
   just sticking with what they know, and winging it from there.
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   “or really.. a- any juice at all? good way to get some vitamin C.”
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
   @tricored​ !
   “y- you’re staring at me as if you’ve never seen a hybrid before.”
   they’re still getting used to being taller than the majority of the populous in this strange universe. it’s usually them who’s the short stack- ( even if 5′7″ was an average height in their world, everyone else around them tended to be giants in comparison. ) of course people tend to stare or gawk at their appearance, but this was nothing new. nearly anywhere they went between dimensions, they stood out like a sore thumb.
   some days they wish they didn’t.
   ally leans back from their seat, staring at the doctor with a deadpan expression for a moment, eye flicking up & down to get some kind of idea of who this platypus could be. fancy looking for one, & fancy looking folk tend to have strange intentions when it came to them.
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   “i can see it in your face, ‘oh, i’d love to study you’, right?”
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
   @m-wachowski​ !
   “ignore the humanoid-shaped being in the tree,     there’s nothing worth worrying about here!”
   it’s not that they’re stuck, they just don’t want to be perceived by anyone at the moment. dimension travelling takes a lot of energy out of a person if you do it too much in one setting, so.. ally’s been resting in the safest location they could think of. but given the weird vibes they had been getting since they got here, it wouldn’t be easy to lay low. it’s never that easy.
   there’s silence for a few moments, before their head tilts down again at maddie.
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   “...go on, then? get outta here, skedaddle.”
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ncvabcrn · 3 years
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   “okay but you can’t look at shadow & think he’s FAKE emo, he INVENTED that genre.”
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ncvabcrn · 3 years
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   how about a SONIC VERSE starter call for my sonic mutuals?
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
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   sleeping in 5′7″.
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
   if ally ever owned a chao, i think they’d own a dark fly/normal one,    a little creature.. they named it “bitey”.
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ncvabcrn · 3 years
@kronosknight​​ !
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   they’re watching quietly with only the purest of curiosity- the energy around this hedgehog in particular felt familiar, finding themselves in a weird state of nostalgia. oh, how they miss those old memories, but they couldn’t go back now. ears flick when they gain the courage to say something, mostly just thinking out loud on ally’s end, but it could be a good ice-breaker?
   “i- i knew a couple of people back home who had telekinesis.”    a pause, letting their legs cross to feel more comfortable in their    spot. “is, uh.. that what it’s called here? the thing where you can move    stuff with your mind, that’s what i’m referring to. s- sorry.”
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
   @solandiis​ !
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   “i’m usually the shortest one around other people.” ally was 5′7″, and the average civilian in this world seems to be around 3 feet. the tables were turned, it felt... jarring; so they’ve been pretty careful navigating around. bumping their head on doorframes did happen from time to time, but it’s no big deal.
   “i wouldn’t be intimidated, if i were you. m’not really much of a threat.”
   even if amy wasn’t, they still felt the need to clarify.
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
   “tiny teenager alien, plus car keys & car.”
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   “this will go swell.”
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
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   @ambrostikal​ :  ''Hello! Are you here to see the Chao as well?''
   A SLIGHT JOLT, where did she even come from-? ally takes a second to regain their composure, hands awkwardly shuffling into hoodie pockets. totally didn’t get startled or anything, nope, not them!
   “uh.. y- yeah, is that what they’re called?”
   this entire place had a strange energy to it- the magical floating gems around the altar (most notably the GIANT one right in the middle), the fresh air, and how even the water seems to ripple as if it was alive. it reminds them of something, but it probably wasn’t super important right now.
   it’s almost like they forgot they were doing something completely    different before arriving here somehow. just be in the moment    as is, question it later.
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   “i’m guessing you take care of them, right? they’re awfully cute.”
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
   @dadiocre​ !
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   currently just.. running in circles with ozzy- it seems that the canine found the hybrid first, & they’re having a blast just doing whatever this was. they like dogs, dogs like them. it’s perfect.
   ... & then they trip, but it’s fine, because now the dog is just laying on top of them. still, they’ve yet to notice tom who was watching this whole event take place. ally’s too busy having a dopamine rush.
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ncvabcrn · 2 years
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   @earthsalted​ :  “i don’t like that look, what happened?”
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   “i got sand in my shoes, there’s sand in my ears & i don’t know how much more sand i can take in one lifetime.” ALLY’S CRANKY, all because of sand. one may say they dislike it, it’s coarse, rough & gets everywhere. this is usually why they don’t like going to beaches or anything with this much sand. it’s agonizing to their senses.
   they shake their head, attempting to get the sand out of their ears, it.. sort of works, but now they just feel lightheaded. “can we just GO HOME? my skin’s cooking like it’s a steak dinner.”
   to be honest they don’t even know why they agreed going here in the first place.
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